horizons foundation 2007 grantmaking
horizons foundation 2007 grantmaking
horizons foundation annual report 2007 breaking new ground table of contents 3 LETTER FROM THE BOARD CO-CHAIRS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 5 PROGRAMS 9 2007 GRANTMAKING 26 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS AND SUPPORTERS 29 INDIVIDUAL DONORS 41 FINANCIALS 44 STAFF, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, COMMITTEE MEMBERS, AND ADVISORY BOARD THEATER’S TIES WITH THE LGBT COMMUNITY, PARTICULARLY LGBT AFRICAN-AMERICANS. L COMMUNITY ISSUES GRANTEE LORRAINE HANSBERRY THEATRE LAUNCHED LGBT@LHT TO STRENGTHEN THE ANNUAL REPORT 2007 letter from the board co-chairs and executive director From the beginning, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community has crossed boundaries and broken new ground. Societal expectations. Edgy and political artwork. Models of how to care for partners, friends, and children. Each time, we’ve dared mainstream culture—and each other—to stretch beyond the “known” and look towards what could be. Such vision made Horizons Foundation’s very existence possible nearly three decades ago. It’s still what drives us today. In 2007, Horizons crossed a major threshold in our work—for the first time, we gave out more than $2 million in grants in a single year. And this wasn’t just a slight step up. Across our full grantmaking portfolio—and thanks particularly to our rapidly growing donor-advised fund program—we distributed over $2.8 million in grants. That’s about $1 million more than the year before. John Bare Margarita Gandia Roger Doughty 2007 Board Co-chair 2007 Board Co-chair Executive Director If you look below the surface, our grantmaking had even more going on than this remarkable headline alone might suggest. We concluded an in-depth review of all our grantmaking, looking at everything from the types of organizations we fund to the role of community members in recommending grantees. Out of this work came a set of priorities that will guide a sizeable portion of our grantmaking over the coming years so that each Horizons dollar makes as big an impact as possible. And the grantmaking review isn’t the end of the story. Horizons also undertook a thorough examination of our progress against the milestones in our strategic plan, which we started implementing in 2004. Its goals to increase LGBT giving and build permanent resources are, by their nature, long term. That’s why, at the midpoint of this five-year plan, we wanted to hold ourselves accountable to the LGBT community, whose resources Horizons holds in trust—especially because this plan once again pushed the boundaries of what had been done before. We’re excited to report that the news about our strategic plan is excellent. Whether you look at the number of Legacy Circle members, the size of the LGBT Community Endowment Fund, or the impact of our philanthropic education programs, we’re on target to reach all the major goals. Equally important, every critical assumption we made about our community’s readiness to take on this long-term challenge is proving true. In short, the plan is working. Of course, all of this played out against the broad backdrop of our other programs as well—helping LGBT donors strategize about their giving, supporting LGBT leaders in their efforts, and opening vital conversations on LGBT issues with mainstream foundations and the media. L Each time you peel back a layer of Horizons’ work, you’ll find another way we’re strengthening the LGBT community. Thanks to your support and dedication, Horizons Foundation will continue to cross new thresholds and break new ground. THE LESBIAN HEALTH AND RESEARCH CENTER AT UCSF, A COMMUNITY ISSUES AND DONOR-ADVISED FUND GRANTEE, PLAYS A UNIQUE ROLE ADVOCATING FOR THE HEALTH OF LBT WOMEN. 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 horizons programs Horizons Foundation strengthens LGBT organizations and builds LGBT philanthropy through a diverse range of programs, services, and initiatives. Taken together, these activities help realize the full potential of LGBT giving and power the LGBT movement. We’re also proud to have such a diverse grantmaking portfolio, from an array of significant regranting partnerships (including The California Wellness Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, National AIDS Fund/Elton John AIDS Foundation, and San Francisco AIDS Foundation) to grant programs that rely on panels of volunteers to recommend grantees. Strengthening LGBT Organizations Donor-advised and other named funds housed at Horizons also reached a new milestone in 2007, distributing more than $1.6 million in grants. These funds are valuable to our community not just for the grants they make to LGBT nonprofits, but also for the “lavender stamp” they put on donations to mainstream organizations. GRANTMAKING Since our inception in 1980, Horizons Foundation has broken new ground by funding cutting-edge LGBT community organizations and causes in the Bay Area. Guided by decades of expertise and deeply informed by direct community participation, Horizons’ grants support LGBT organizations across the spectrum of issues, populations, and geography. We also support LGBT nonprofits at multiple points in their development, from emerging organizations (such as Radar Productions, Rainbow Community Center, and Sistahs Steppin’ in Pride) to community institutions (such as Community United Against Violence, Native American AIDS Project, and Our Family Coalition). L In 2007, Horizons’ grantmaking crossed an exciting threshold: for the first time, we made more than $2 million in grants in a single year. In fact, our grantmaking topped $2.8 million, nearly $1 million more than any other LGBT community foundation in the country. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Executive directors of LGBT nonprofits, whether small or large, bear enormous responsibility for their organizations’ well-being. The demands on their time and energy are nearly endless, and too often, isolation and burnout lead them to take their talent and experience elsewhere. Horizons Foundation’s Strategic Partnership Program (SPP) was created to help LGBT executive directors address these challenges through peerto-peer support, executive coaching, and trainings. An evaluation of SPP in 2007 found that 100% of the participants reported some personal and/or professional benefit from the program, including 87% who said they were better able to manage the stress and challenges of their job THE GAY ADAM BERMAN FUND PUTS A “LAVENDER STAMP” ON EVERY GRANT ADAM RECOMMENDS FROM HIS DONOR-ADVISED FUND, BUILDING VISIBILITY FOR LGBT GIVING AMONG LGBT AND MAINSTREAM NONPROFITS. 5 6 HORIZONS FOUNDATION thanks to their participation in SPP. The program has also had a measurably positive effect on their organizations—46% of the participants felt SPP was a factor in achieving an increased or more stable organizational budget, and 50% reported positive changes in staffing as a result of participating in SPP. Horizons was privileged to support the executive directors of these organizations in 2007: Ally Action Black Coalition on AIDS Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) Community United Against Violence (CUAV) Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center GLBT Historical Society of Northern California Gay-Straight Alliance Network Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (LYRIC) Lighthouse Community Center Lyon-Martin Health Services New Leaf: Services For Our Community openhouse Our Family Coalition Pacific Center for Human Growth Purple Moon Dance Project Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County San Francisco LGBT Community Center Spectrum Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns Transgender Law Center Building LGBT Philanthropy By giving to causes they care about, LGBT donors have a powerful effect on LGBT nonprofits. By bringing LGBT donors together, Horizons Foundation focuses that impact on the LGBT movement. DONOR EDUCATION Our 2007 Philanthropy Series once again drew nearly 400 participants and tremendous acclaim: 99% of the feedback rated the seminars as excellent or good. In addition to sessions on fundamentals such as evaluating nonprofits and planned giving, Horizons broadened the scope of the series to include such topics as socially responsive investing, and the role of giving in a variety of spiritual traditions. All of the sessions kept donors connected and involved, increased the giving capacity of the LGBT community, and enhanced the impact of individual donors. DONOR SERVICES In 2007, Horizons Foundation opened a record 16 new donor-advised funds to help donors reach their philanthropic goals. In addition, our field of interest funds continue to bring together scores of donors drawn to particular issues, including the new Civil Marriage Collaborative Donor Circle (see page 18). We also held a special briefing for our donor advisors, previewing the “Let California Ring” ad that is about to appear on television state-wide. Horizons is currently home to more than 70 donoradvised and other named funds. We continued to work closely with professional advisors to help serve our donors better. A series of educational events aimed at advisors helped keep them up-to-date on topics affecting their LGBT clients, such as the implications of new tax laws for registered domestic partners in California. We also published our annual Directory of Professional Advisors for the ANNUAL REPORT 2007 LGBT Community, a free booklet with over 100 attorneys, financial advisors, tax preparers, and others who integrate the needs of LGBT clients into their professional services. Horizons serves as a vital resource for donors and professional advisors as they create giving portfolios that reflect the donor’s interests as well as the needs of the community. PHILANTHROPIC ADVOCACY Horizons plays a unique role as an advocate and link between the LGBT community and the larger world of philanthropy by educating mainstream philanthropic institutions and individuals about LGBT needs. We also link non-LGBT foundations with LGBT organizations and partner with larger foundations to grant funds in the LGBT community. In 2007, Horizons Foundation was one of the few—and sometimes the only—organization representing the LGBT community at strategic discussions among major national funders. As part of a formal advisory group on “diversity funds” (a term that also includes funders that focus on women, people of color, and other marginalized communities), Horizons makes sure that LGBT concerns are included in how foundations look at questions of diversity. In the 30-member Community Foundation Leadership Task Force—where Horizons is the only diversity fund—our perspective and experience help enrich the group’s work in creating new leadership models for community foundations in the 21st century. 2007 PHILANTHROPY SERIES EVENTS Trends in Philanthropy Briefing on Marriage: Preview of “Let California Ring” Ad Campaign Leave Your Story in Trust: Writing an Ethical Will Caring for Community and Self: Giving as Spiritual Practice Socially Responsive Investing for the LGBT Community Recent Trends in Charitable Gift Planning Life Income and Testamentary Giving – Charitable Trusts How to Evaluate Nonprofit Organizations: How Does Horizons Foundation Give Away Money? 2007 Legislative, Electoral, and Judicial Update Our sincerest thanks to Wells Fargo Private Client Services for hosting the 2007 Philanthropy Series. 2007 PROFESSIONAL ADVISOR EVENTS How Will the Pension Protection Act Benefit Your Clients? Collaborative Law: A Team Approach to Resolving Family, Business, and Other Disputes in the LGBT Community 2007 Tax Filing for Registered Domestic Partners How to Talk to Your Clients about Charitable Gift Planning Horizons Foundation is grateful to all of the presenters who made these events such a success: Rabbi Camille Shira Angel, Rev. H. Ry mon Gutiérrez Baldoquín, Jack Bird, Patricia Cain, John Darby, Edward Dean, Julie Dorf, Jeanne M. Fahey, Urusa Fahim (Spirit Rock Meditation Center), Peggy Flynn (Good Death Institute), Michael Fontanello (Fontanello, Duffield & Otake), Tim Freundlich (Calvert Social Investment Foundation), Jewelle Gomez, Jacob Harold (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation), Pan Haskins, Lisa Hoffman, Linda Jacobs (Cambridge Investment Group), Kate Kendell (National Center for Lesbian Rights), Alice Kessler (Equality California), Seth Kilbourn, Deb Kinney (DLK Law Group), Rick Mordesovich, Jeff Nguyen (Steefel, Levitt, and Weiss), Rev. David Norgard, Glenn Perry (Merrill Lynch), John D. Raskin, Linda Scaparotti, Maryann Simpson (RBC Dain Rauscher), Karen Stogdill, Barry Taylor (Bingham, Osborn & Scarborough), and Deborah Wald (Wald Law Group). 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 horizons foundation 2007 grantmaking Horizons Foundation is uniquely positioned to help a wide variety of LGBT organizations move forward in their work by providing them with direct financial support. In 2007, we did so through 517 grants totaling $2,869,499—the first time we’ve crossed the $2 million mark in a single year. Congratulations to everyone—individual donors, community organizations, and collaborating foundations and corporations—who made this milestone possible! Horizons has a wide-ranging portfolio of grants that strengthen the LGBT community. Many grantees were selected using community-led grantmaking processes, while others came from donor-advised and special funds. Together, they represent funding for advocacy, services, and programs that will move the entire LGBT community to the next level. 2007 Community Issues Grants The cornerstone of Horizons’ grantmaking portfolio, Community Issues grants are awarded to LGBT organizations and projects throughout the nine Bay Area counties. Applicants sought funding in one of four issue areas: Arts and Culture; Awareness and Civil Rights; Community Building; and Human Services and Health. To ensure that these grants reflect evolving community needs, Horizons actively engages a diverse panel of volunteers to review proposals and recommend grants. In 2007, Horizons awarded 39 Community Issues grants totaling $243,607. Community Issues grants are made possible in large part by the generosity of hundreds of Horizons donors, including those whose bequests and planned gifts have supported Horizons Foundation’s LGBT Community Endowment Fund. These grants are also funded in part by support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. AIDS Legal Referral Panel, San Francisco – $7,250 For the Immigrant HIV Assistance Program, part of ALRP’s free and low-cost legal assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS Alternative Theater Ensemble, San Rafael – $6,000 For the development and production of a new play by Brian Thorstenson, as part of the theater company’s ensemble-based performances Asian and Pacific Islander Family Pride, Fremont – $2,000 For Project BASIC MESSAGE, part of API Family Pride’s work to end the isolation of API families with LGBT members Bay Area Bisexual Network, San Francisco – $2,000 For activities to build community among bisexuals and promote better understanding of bisexual lives within the larger LGBTQ community and the public L THE BAY AREA BISEXUAL NETWORK HAD PLENTY OF REASON TO CELEBRATE IN 2007: THE YEAR MARKED THE ORGANIZATION’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY AND ITS FIRST COMMUNITY ISSUES GRANT. 9 10 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry, Berkeley – $8,000 For the Asian Pacific Islander Roundtable Project, part of CLGS’s education, research, community building, and advocacy efforts to shape a new public discourse on religion and sexuality Children’s Book Press, San Francisco – $8,000 For reproduction of Antonio’s Card/La Tarjeta de Antonio, part of CBP's multicultural and bilingual literature for children Community United Against Violence (CUAV), San Francisco – $7,250 For work preventing and responding to violence against and within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQQ) communities Deaf Lesbian Festival, Oakland – $4,000 For the bi-annual festival where deaf lesbians gather to network with, learn from, and support each other Family Builders by Adoption, Oakland – $9,500 For the No Place Like Home project, which helps find permanent families for LGBTQ youth currently in foster care Fresh Meat Productions, San Francisco – $8,000 For artistic programs that support the creation, development, and staging of multidisciplinary work that reflects the transgender experience and builds community Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA), San Francisco – $8,000 For programs and events supporting gay/bisexual Asian/Pacific Islander men Gay-Straight Alliance Network, San Francisco – $10,000 For the Campaign for LGBTQ-Inclusive Sexual Health Education, part of GSAN’s work to empower youth leaders and counteract anti-LGBTQ bias Gente Latina de Ambiente (GELAAM), Burlingame – $5,000 For education, advocacy, health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and emotional support programs for Latino LGBT people in San Mateo County. This is the second part of a two-year grant. Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (LYRIC), San Francisco – $7,250 For health, education, community building, and leadership programs for LGBTQQ youth Lesbian Health and Research Center at UCSF, San Francisco – $5,607 For a comprehensive program of activities to enhance clinical practice and inform policy about the health needs of LBT women Lyon-Martin Health Services, San Francisco – $6,500 For healthcare and support services for women and transgender people. This is the second part of a two-year grant. Marea Media, San Francisco – $8,000 For the feature-length film Tomboys and Ladies: The Gender Outlaws and the Women who Love Them Mexican Heritage Corporation/Mariachi Youth Program, San Jose – $6,000 For the Lesbian Mariachi Band, part of MHC’s programs that celebrate and preserve the cultural heritage of the Mexican community Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana, San Jose – $9,000 For a series of performances by leading contemporary LGBT Latino/a artists, part of MACLA’s efforts to showcase new work by Latino/a artists Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, San Francisco Bay Area Affiliate, Mill Valley – $2,000 For programs that provide old lesbians a safe, supportive network and foster creative ways to live well as old women openhouse, San Francisco – $8,000 For housing and support services that are sensitive to the needs of LGBT seniors of all income levels. This is the first part of a renewable grant. Our Family Coalition, San Francisco – $8,000 For social, educational, and advocacy programs for LGBT parents and prospective parents Outlet Program, Mountain View – $8,000 For programs that support the well-being of LGBTQQ youth living on the mid-Peninsula OutLook Theater Project, San Francisco – $6,000 For ensemble-based performances of original material that inspires personal and social change Positive Resource Center, San Francisco – $7,250 For employment services and benefits counseling for people with HIV/AIDS ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Purple Moon Dance Project, San Francisco – $8,000 For dance programs for lesbians and women of color. This is the first part of a renewable grant. Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project, San Francisco – $10,000 For programs promoting the creation and exhibition of films/videos that reflect the experiences and stories of queer women of color. This is the second part of a two-year grant. QueLACo (Queer Latino/a Artists Coalition), San Francisco – $2,000 For the development, production, and presentation of multidisciplinary arts by and for queer Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area That All May Freely Serve, Rochester, NY/San Jose – $4,000 For local organizing around the Rainbow Witness of Faith Campaign at the June 2008 Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, part of TAMFS’s work to create an inclusive and affirming faith community Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex Justice Project, Oakland – $5,000 For efforts to end human and civil rights abuses against transgender, gender variant, and intersex (TGI) prisoners in California and beyond Transgender Law Center, San Francisco – $10,000 For legal services, education, advocacy, and community organizing to address the discrimination faced by transgender people and their families. This is the first part of a renewable grant. Radar Productions/Sorry You’re Poor Productions, San Francisco – $7,000 For From the Margins, a series of free literature programs exploring how demographic change has impacted San Francisco’s cultural productions Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa, Concord – $7,000 For social, health, and educational programs for LGBTQ people in central and eastern Contra Costa County Rainbow Women’s Chorus, San Jose – $5,000 For concerts and festival workshops that entertain, educate, and culturally enrich audiences “Regarding Susan Sontag” Documentary Film Project, Berkeley – $7,000 For additional research on the Sontag papers, in preparation for production of a film about author Susan Sontag SEW Productions/Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, San Francisco – $7,000 For the theater and outreach series LGBT@LHT, part of LHT’s productions that explore, celebrate, and reflect the lives of African-Americans Sistahs Steppin’ in Pride, Oakland – $2,000 For a festival illuminating the creativity, strength, and accomplishments of East Bay lesbian and bisexual women Song That Radio, San Jose – $3,000 For social events and anti-homophobia educational programs for the VietnameseAmerican community 2007 HIV/AIDS Community Grants The HIV/AIDS Community Grants are made to organizations working to ensure access to AIDS treatments, stop the spread of HIV, and offer critically needed housing assistance and other services to people living with HIV/AIDS. In 2007, this program supported 42 organizations with $770,000 in grants. Since 1999, Horizons Foundation has collaborated on the HIV/AIDS Community Grants with the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, whose fundraising efforts through the AIDS Walk, San Francisco Marathon, and general unrestricted contributions have supported the majority of the grants. In 2007, Horizons was honored to partner with the National AIDS Fund/Elton John AIDS Foundation as well, which provided significant additional funding. 360: Positive Care Center, San Francisco – $15,000 For healthcare targeted toward African-American men who have sex with men AGUILAS, San Francisco – $15,000 For El Ambiente, an HIV prevention and risk reduction program, part of AGUILAS’ mission to provide a supportive and culturally sensitive environment for gay/bisexual Latinos AIDS Community Research Consortium (ACRC), Redwood City – $20,000 For the Living Now series, part of ACRC’s culturally appropriate programs for people with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C 11 12 HORIZONS FOUNDATION AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF), San Francisco – $15,000 For direct and emergency financial assistance to people living with disabling HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP), San Francisco – $15,000 For free and low-cost legal assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS AIDS Prevention Action Network, Redwood City – $7,500 For needle exchange and referral services in San Mateo and northern Santa Clara Counties AIDS Project East Bay (APEB), Oakland – $15,000 For prevention and care-related services for marginalized people with HIV/AIDS Asian Americans for Community Involvement, San Jose – $15,000 For HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs for API immigrants, particularly men who have sex with men Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center, San Francisco – $16,000 For care and prevention services for API people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS Bay Area Young (BAY) Positives, San Francisco – $15,000 For peer-based support and outreach services for youth living with HIV/AIDS Black Coalition on AIDS, San Francisco – $10,000 For education, services, and advocacy to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and eliminate health disparities in the black community Community Health Empowerment/Exchange Works, Richmond – $20,000 For HIV education and risk reduction activities for injection drug users in Contra Costa County Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center, San Jose – $20,000 For HIV education, counseling, and referral programs, part of the multi-service community center’s programming East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC), Berkeley – $12,000 For the HIV/AIDS Law Project, which offers legal services to people with HIV/AIDS, as part of EBCLC’s work providing hands-on training to law students and legal services to the low-income community East Oakland Community Project, Oakland – $10,000 For emergency shelter, case management, referrals, and counseling for people living with HIV HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC), Oakland – $10,000 For needle exchange and food programs for people with HIV and hepatitis B or C Huckleberry Youth Program, San Francisco – $15,000 For HYPE (HIV/AIDS Youth Prevention and Education), a peer-led prevention education workshop, as part of the organization’s programs for underserved youth Immune Enhancement Project, San Francisco – $10,000 For the Community Acupuncture and Massage Program for low/no-income people with HIV/AIDS, part of the clinic’s low-cost complementary healthcare services Larkin Street Youth Services, San Francisco – $15,000 For comprehensive housing and supportive services for high-risk and HIV-positive homeless youth Lyon-Martin Health Services, San Francisco – $15,000 For healthcare and HIV risk assessment for low-income uninsured women and transgender people, part of Lyon-Martin’s community healthcare services for women Marin AIDS Project (MAP), San Rafael – $10,000 For prevention, care, and case management services for people with HIV/AIDS in Marin County Meals of Marin, San Rafael – $15,000 For the preparation and home delivery of healthy meals for people with AIDS RECEIVED FUNDING IN 2007 THROUGH THE HIV/AIDS COMMUNITY GRANTS. L BLACK COALITION ON AIDS TAKES PART IN HORIZONS’ STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM AND 14 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Native American AIDS Project, San Francisco – $15,000 For programs to eliminate new HIV infections among Native people using spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical approaches New Leaf: Services For Our Community, San Francisco – $15,000 For expansion of HIV prevention and substance abuse services for LGBTQQ youth, part of New Leaf’s counseling and other support services for LGBT people Pacific Center for Human Growth, Berkeley – $12,500 For the Positive Directions HIV Program, part of the multi-service community center’s programming Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation, San Francisco – $35,000 For programs to broaden access to HIV/AIDS care for underserved populations around the world Pittsburg Preschool and Community Council, Pittsburg – $15,000 For a wide range of prevention and care programs for people with HIV, as part of PPSCC’s work to help low- and no-income people remain self-sufficient Positive Resource Center (PRC), San Francisco – $16,000 For employment services and benefits counseling for people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS Project Inform, San Francisco – $15,000 For work providing information and advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS Project Open Hand, San Francisco – $10,000 For comprehensive nutrition services for people living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco and Alameda Counties Quan Yin Healing Arts Center, San Francisco – $10,000 For acupuncture services for low-income/uninsured people living with HIV/AIDS, part of the center’s traditional Chinese medicine clinic St. James Infirmary, San Francisco – $15,000 For risk reduction, needle exchange, and safer sex training for at-risk sex workers and their partners San Francisco Gay Men’s Community Initiative, San Francisco – $15,000 For activities to build community and promote health among gay men Shanti, San Francisco – $35,000 For the HIV/AIDS program, part of Shanti’s work supporting individuals living with life-threatening illnesses STOP AIDS Project, San Francisco – $15,000 For programs to prevent HIV transmission among gay, bisexual, and transgender men Tenderloin Health, San Francisco – $15,000 For HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and other support services for homeless and other marginalized people Tri-City Health Center, Fremont – $15,000 For HIV prevention, testing, care, and harm reduction services, part of Tri-City’s health services to underserved and low/no-income populations in central, east, and south Alameda County UCSF AIDS Health Project, San Francisco – $150,000 For counseling to support people living with HIV and education to stop the spread of HIV Vital Life Services, Oakland – $14,600 For comprehensive services for people living with HIV/AIDS and other critical illnesses Bill Wilson Center, Santa Clara – $15,000 For the 2nd Street Drop-In Center, which offers HIV prevention workshops to homeless and runaway youth, as part of the center’s work serving youth and families through counseling, housing, education, and advocacy Women Organized to Respond to Life Threatening Diseases (WORLD), Oakland – $15,000 For education, advocacy, outreach, and support programs for HIV-positive women Women’s Community Clinic, San Francisco – $11,400 For outreach, prevention, and support programs for women living and working on the streets, part of WCC’s free healthcare for women ANNUAL REPORT 2007 2007 LGBT WISE Grants 2007 Other Grants The LGBT WISE: Working to Improve Services to Elders grants continued for a second year through Horizons’ partnership with The California Wellness Foundation. This landmark program increases the capacity of LGBT organizations in the Bay Area to provide services to LGBT elders, a population that is critically underserved—and growing. Programs eligible for funding include food and nutrition services, access to health care, and in-home support for elders. In addition to receiving funding, the LGBT WISE grantees also meet regularly to foster peer learning and create practical connections among different regions in the Bay Area. The 2007 LGBT WISE grants totaled $150,000. AGUILAS/2007 Latino Pride, San Francisco – $500 And Castro For All, San Francisco – $250 Golden Gate Performing Arts/San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, San Francisco – $250 Golden Gate Performing Arts/“Why We Sing” documentary, San Francisco – $40,000 National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), San Francisco – $150 Positive Resource Center, San Francisco – $7,500 Project Inform, San Francisco – $10,000 Project Open Hand, San Francisco – $150 Queer Cultural Center/Trans March, San Francisco – $500 Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa, Concord – $250 Reflective Images/“Word is Out” DVD project, San Francisco – $3,500 San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco – $7,500 Transgender Law Center, San Francisco – $100 Funded by a grant from The California Wellness Foundation Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center, San Jose – $40,000 Lavender Seniors of the East Bay, San Leandro – $35,000 New Leaf: Services For Our Community, San Francisco – $40,000 Spectrum Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns, San Anselmo – $35,000 2007 Contra Costa Safer Schools Coalition Grants For several years, Horizons has worked in partnership with The California Endowment to fund a coalition of eight organizations to create safe and supportive school environments for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQQ) youth in Contra Costa County; 2007 marked the final year in this multi-year partnership. Over the course of CCSSC’s work, nearly 46,000 youth and more than 2,700 adults participated in programs aimed at increasing awareness of LGBTQQ issues in schools among students and staff, creating inclusive school curricula, providing direct services to LGBTQQ youth, developing youth leadership, and empowering community coalitions. Horizons Foundation salutes all of the CCSSC organizations for their remarkable success. Ally Action, Concord – $25,000 2007 Grant Review Panels Horizons Foundation is grateful to our grant review panelists, who generously volunteered their time and expertise for our 2007 Community Issues and HIV/AIDS Community Grants. They are entrusted with the responsibility of recommending organizations and projects for funding, and their thoughtfulness and sense of purpose benefit the entire LGBT community. They are an integral part of Horizons’ longstanding tradition of community participation in the grantmaking process. Robert Abernathy Mario Balcita Lucky Choi Hannah Doress Gregory Edwards Tara Flanagan Rodrigo Garcia Kenny Gong Jaron Kanegson Edward Kaufman Dorothy Klefner Brenda Laribee Madeleine Lim Gavin Morrow-Hall John Newsome Alvan Quamina Robert Rickett Gayle Roberts Allison Sparks Laura Thomas Clark Williams Les Wright 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Donor-Advised Funds and Other Named Funds Horizons Foundation’s donor-advised fund program helps individuals and organizations reach their philanthropic goals while providing vital support for community nonprofits. Horizons is currently home to more than 70 donor-advised and other named funds. In 2007, our donor-advised fund program passed an exciting threshold. Thanks to the generosity of our donor advisors, Horizons was able to award $1,441,165 in grants through donor-advised funds. By supporting LGBT donors in their giving—whether through personalized recommendations or flexible giving vehicles—Horizons strengthens the impact and visibility of all LGBT philanthropy. Our field of interest and scholarship funds provided another $169,077 in grants in 2007, including $76,000 through our new Civil Marriage Collaborative Donor Circle. This fund has given Horizons Foundation a seat at the table with some of the leading organizations in progressive philanthropy, making strategic grants to win marriage equality for all couples. In total, donor-advised and other named funds at Horizons distributed $1,610,242 in 2007—an extraordinary mark of our community’s commitment to giving and to giving openly as LGBT people. Horizons is proud to be part of this work. For more information about establishing a fund at Horizons, please contact Julie Dorf, Director of Philanthropic Services, at 415.398.2333 x103. DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS L Ahimsa Fund Paul F. Albert Fund Barabino Huebner Charitable Fund Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Fund Richard Birnie and Phillip Wald Fund David P. Black Fund Buena Vista Fund William F. Clark and Jeffrey C. Stanfield Fund Robert Clegg Diversity Awareness Philanthropic Fund Jay Cohen Philanthropic Fund Rob Evans Fund for Progressive Values Farouk and ShuSheng Family Fund Foundation to Benefit Queer People Gay Adam Berman Fund Gay and Lesbian Fund of the Redwood Empire Gay Chemists Support Fund Gay Empowerment Neumann-Richardson Fund Gay Moral Values Fund Geoff and James’ Big Gay Adventure Fund Gillach-Zertuche Fund girls just want to have funD The Henrietta and Hiram Gover Memorial Fund Robert-Jay Green and Holden Lee Fund The Howard Grothe and Robert James Philanthropic Fund Hafner-Glenn Donor Advised Fund Harwood Hall Fund Hills-Nicholson Fund Robert Holgate Philanthropic Fund Tony Humber Memorial Fund Dan Joraanstad Faith in the Future Fund Neil Lang and Joe Pessa Philanthropic Fund Joq Lambda Lasner Fund Lewy Gay Values Fund Live Oak Fund Susan Lowenberg and Joyce Newstat Fund John E. Marcom Jr. Gay Values Fund Juan Marquez Memorial Fund Terry Micheau Philanthropic Fund Needy Divas Fund O’Hanlan-Walker LGBT Equality Fund Peaceful Independent Leadership Legacy Glenn Perry and Eric Knudtson Community Fund Queer Leadership Fund Rocket Fund for Equality JAY COHEN RUNS THE GAMUT AS AN EXTRAORDINARY SUPPORTER OF HORIZONS, FROM HIS ACTIVE DONOR-ADVISED FUND TO HIS MEMBERSHIP IN THE LEADERSHIP, LEGACY, AND LOYALTY CIRCLES. 17 18 HORIZONS FOUNDATION The RosenDarling Fund Sass Social Justice Fund Lowell Selvin and Gib Winebar Family Fund George, Ruth, Ladd, Charles and Nora Spiegel Gay Fund John W. Stewart III Gay and Lesbian Equality Fund Sam Thal, MD Charitable Fund Paul V. Turner Charitable Fund Jeffrey Wiggins Fund Sondra Zambino Lesbian Give Back Fund SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Gay Asian Pacific Alliance’s George Choy Memorial Scholarship Fund Markowski-Leach Scholarship Fund Juan Marquez Scholarship Pride Law’s Thomas H. Steel Fellowship Fund Joseph Towner Fund for Gay and Lesbian Families 2007 ORGANIZATIONAL PHILANTHROPY FUND GRANTS THE LGBT COMMUNITY ENDOWMENT FUND Horizons is proud to support organizations’ efforts to increase giving in the LGBT community. The LGBT Community Endowment Fund at Horizons Foundation provides permanent resources to defend our rights, enrich our lives, and meet the community’s needs—forever. In addition to the general endowment, it includes the following named endowment funds, each of which declares a commitment to the long-term strength and well-being of the LGBT community: AIDS Emergency Fund, San Francisco, CA – $14,327 Selected by San Francisco FrontRunners’ members as the beneficiary of their 2007 Pride Run The Dino Bevilaqua Fund The Fairy Godfathers for LGBT Disability Issues Fund The Prescott W. Hafner/William D. Glenn Endowed Fund Harrison-Ring Endowment Hockenberry/Stansell Endowment for the Arts Joie B. Hubbert and Mary C. Greer Fund Douglas McMaster Jackson Endowment Fund Arthur S. Lazere Endowed Fund Lawrence R. Lucas Endowment Nicholas Papadopoulos Endowment Constance and Mitchell Sanders Fund David F. Shupp, MD Fund ORGANIZATIONAL PHILANTHROPY FUNDS BACW’s A Fund of Our Own Men’s Associated Exchange’s MAX Fund San Francisco FrontRunners’ Philanthropic Fund FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS Civil Marriage Collaborative Donor Circle Fund for Advocacy and Political Initiatives 2007 CIVIL MARRIAGE COLLABORATIVE DONOR CIRCLE GRANTS This fund, which is supported by donors interested in marriage equality, makes it possible for Horizons to take part in the Civil Marriage Collaborative. This national group of funders makes strategic grants to help achieve civil marriage equality for same-sex couples throughout the U.S. Proteus Fund/Civil Marriage Collaborative, Amherst, MA – $76,000 For educational efforts in support of marriage equality in the U.S. 2007 FUND FOR ADVOCACY AND POLITICAL INITIATIVES GRANTS This fund supports advocacy efforts to secure the rights and freedoms of LGBT people. Equality California, San Francisco, CA – $42,000 For lobbying for government funding to support LGBT health and human services and for creating communications about legislation ANNUAL REPORT 2007 2006 SCHOLARSHIP FUND GRANTS Horizons is proud to house scholarship funds, each of which focuses on specific aspects of our community’s educational needs and has an independent selection process. GAPA George Choy Memorial Scholarship: Ricky Aquino, San Pablo, CA – $1,000 Markowski-Leach Scholarships: San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA Mateo Cruz: $1,250 Nathan Hale: $1,250 David Field: $1,250 Arianna Trujillo-Robnett: $1,250 Stanford University, Stanford, CA Royce Connor: $1,250 Stephen Funk: $1,250 Sara Heaps: $1,250 Jason Moss: $1,250 University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA William Beyer: $1,250 Doris Perez: $1,250 Patrick Borch: $1,250 Sarah Roberts: $1,250 Jeffrey Manassero: $1,250 Bharat Venkat: $1,250 Sharon Papo: $1,250 Juan Marquez Scholarship: Evelyn Herrera, Indiana University, South Bend, IN – $1,000 * Pride Law’s Thomas H. Steel Fellowship: Lisa Cisneros, California Rural Legal Assistance, Salinas, CA – $15,000 Joseph Towner/Lee Dubin Memorial Scholarships: Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Sara Berger, Marina Gatto, Marisa Martinez, Elizabeth Wall * NOTE: Because this scholarship is awarded through a donor-advised fund, it is reflected in the DAF grant totals. 2007 DONOR-ADVISED FUND GRANTS In some cases, dollar amounts represent aggregate gifts from multiple gifts or multiple donor advisors. 360: Positive Care Center at UCSF, San Francisco, CA – $250 Abortion Access Project, Cambridge, MA – $500 Academy of Friends, San Francisco, CA – $2,500 Access Institute for Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA – $250 19 Acorn Soupe, Napa, CA – $1,000 Acumen Fund, New York, NY – $15,700 Agape, San Francisco, CA – $500 AIDS Emergency Fund, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 AIDS/LifeCycle – Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA – $500 AIDS/LifeCycle – San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco, CA – $750 AIDS, Medicine, and Miracles, San Francisco, CA – $500 AIDS Research Institute at UCSF, San Francisco, CA – $20,000 Algebra Project, Cambridge, MA – $500 All Join Hands Foundation, Phoenix, AZ – $500 All Stars Project, San Francisco, CA – $500 Ally Action, Concord, CA – $2,000 Alzheimer’s Services of the East Bay, Berkeley, CA – $250 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)/Frontline Project, San Francisco, CA – $2,500 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)/LGBT Project, New York, NY – $11,000 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern California, San Francisco, CA – $750 American Conservatory Theater, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, PA – $1,250 American Red Cross, Washington, DC – $500 Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, DC – $1,000 Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Oakland, CA – $250 Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, New York, NY – $41,000 Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Oakland, CA – $500 Bay Area Bisexual Network, San Francisco, CA – $250 Bay Area Women’s and Children’s Center, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Berkeley, CA – $5,000 Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham, AL – $1,000 Breast Cancer Action, San Francisco, CA – $2,500 Broadway Housing Communities, New York, NY – $500 Buchanan YMCA, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Berkeley, CA – $1,000 Cabrillo Education Foundation, Half Moon Bay, CA – $600 California Arts Education Association, Bakersfield, CA – $1,000 California Coalition for Women Prisoners/LSPC, San Francisco, CA – $500 Californians for Justice, Oakland, CA – $250 Camp Winnarainbow, Berkeley, CA – $1,000 Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, NY – $500 Center for Independent Documentary, Sharon, MA – $1,000 Center for Justice and Accountability, San Francisco, CA – $250 Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, New York, NY – $500 Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry, Berkeley, CA – $5,000 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 L Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military/Michael Palm Center, Santa Barbara, CA – $500 Center for Young Women’s Development, San Francisco, CA – $5,375 Central American Women’s Fund, Watsonville, CA – $500 Central City Hospitality House, San Francisco, CA – $500 Charis Circle, Atlanta, GA – $250 Chicana/Latina Foundation, Burlingame, CA – $2,000 Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), San Francisco, CA – $1,000 Choice USA, Washington, DC – $500 Church of the Incarnation, Santa Rosa, CA – $250 Coastside Hope, El Granada, CA – $250 Coastside Jewish Community, El Granada, CA – $4,780 CodePink, Venice, CA – $2,000 Colonias Development Council, Las Cruces, NM – $2,500 Colorlines, Oakland, CA – $500 Common Cause Education Fund, Washington, DC – $10,000 Common Hope for Health, Jamaica Plain, MA – $500 Community Partners, Los Angeles, CA – $250 Community United Against Violence (CUAV), San Francisco, CA – $750 Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood, CA – $1,400 Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, San Francisco, CA – $500 Creative Growth Art Center, Oakland, CA – $55,000 Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Critical Resistance, Oakland, CA – $1,000 Democracy Now!, New York, NY – $500 DePaul University, Greencastle, IN – $1,500 Destiny Arts Center, Oakland, CA – $2,500 Diversity Center of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA – $500 East LA Community Corporation, Los Angeles, CA – $250 Efforts of Grace, New Orleans, LA – $1,000 El Porvenir, North Freedom, WI – $4,250 Equality California Institute, San Francisco, CA – $132,250 Equal Justice Society, San Francisco, CA – $2,500 Equal Rights Advocates, San Francisco, CA – $500 Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA – $1,590 Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, San Antonio, TX – $250 Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children, New Orleans, LA – $250 Family Pride Coalition, Washington, DC – $1,200 21 Family Violence Prevention Fund, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Film Arts Foundation, San Francisco, CA – $3,500 First Graduate, San Francisco, CA – $1,700 Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, Fairfax, VA – $250 Food for Thought, Forestville, CA – $500 Food Pantry, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 Frameline, San Francisco, CA – $3,589 Friends of the River, Sacramento, CA – $500 Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Los Angeles, CA – $99,500 Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, San Francisco, CA – $11,000 Gay-Straight Alliance Network, San Francisco, CA – $3,000 Generation FIVE, Oakland, CA – $2,000 GLBT Historical Society, San Francisco, CA – $1,750 Glide Foundation, San Francisco, CA – $500 Global Campaign for Microbicides, Washington, DC – $10,000 Global Exchange, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Global Fund for Women, San Francisco, CA – $60,500 Golden Gate Performing Arts/San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, San Francisco, CA – $50,000 Golden Gate Senior Services, San Francisco, CA – $500 Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA – $250 Groundspark, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Habitat for Humanity Partners Council, Americus, GA – $250 Hartley Film Foundation, Westport, CT – $1,500 Harvard Business School, Boston, MA – $750 Harvard College Fund, Cambridge, MA – $3,750 Healthcare Foundation of Northern Sonoma County, Healdsburg, CA – $10,000 Marty Hennessy Junior Tennis Foundation, Las Vegas, NV – $6,000 Hetrick-Martin Institute, New York, NY – $500 Highlander Center, New Market, TN – $500 Homies Organizing the Mission to Empower Youth (HOMEY), San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Human Rights Action Center, Washington, DC – $1,000 Hunters Point Family/Girls 2000, San Francisco, CA – $60,000 Ella Hill Hutch Community Center, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 Illinois Center for Violence Prevention, Chicago, IL – $250 Immigration Equality, New York, NY – $1,500 Indiana University, South Bend, IN – $1,000 Insight Prison Project, Woodacre, CA – $1,500 International Development Exchange, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 LYON-MARTIN HEALTH SERVICES—A 2007 COMMUNITY ISSUES, HIV/AIDS, AND DONOR-ADVISED FUND GRANTEE— SERVES AS A PRIMARY SOURCE OF HEALTHCARE FOR WOMEN AND TRANSGENDER PEOPLE. ANNUAL REPORT 2007 L International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), New York, NY – $4,000 International Museum of Women, San Francisco, CA – $250 International Rescue Committee, Washington, DC – $250 International Rivers Network, Berkeley, CA – $500 Intersex Society of North America, Rohnert Park, CA – $250 iPride, Berkeley, CA – $1,000 Jerusalem Fund, Washington, DC – $1,000 Jewish Community Federation, San Francisco, CA – $600 Jewish Milestones, Berkeley, CA – $500 Jewish Voice for Peace, Oakland, CA – $500 Justice Now, Oakland, CA – $6,000 KPFA Radio, San Francisco, CA – $250 KQED, San Francisco, CA – $1,050 Laguna Honda Volunteers, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 Lake Street Church, Evanston, IL – $250 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, New York, NY – $13,750 La Peña Cultural Center, Berkeley, CA – $500 Larkin Street Youth Services, San Francisco, CA – $3,000 Lavender Seniors of the East Bay, San Leandro, CA – $5,000 Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (LYRIC), San Francisco, CA – $11,000 League of Young Voters Education Fund, Brooklyn, NY – $23,000 Legal Services for Prisons with Children, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Lesbian Health and Research Center at UCSF, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 Lifetime, San Leandro, CA – $1,500 Literacy for Environmental Justice, San Francisco, CA – $70,000 Loco Bloco, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 Audre Lorde Project, Brooklyn, NY – $1,500 Lyon-Martin Health Services, San Francisco, CA – $1,250 MADRE, New York, NY – $2,000 Maitri, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 Marin Agricultural Land Trust, Point Reyes Station, CA – $25,000 Marin Country Day, Corte Madera, CA – $7,500 Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, CA – $250 Maryknoll Sisters, Maryknoll, NY – $250 Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic, Oakland, CA – $1,000 Memphis University School, Memphis, TN – $3,000 Mental Health America of Hawai’i, Honolulu, HI – $500 23 Merton Institute for Contemplative Living, Louisville, KY – $250 Middle East Children’s Alliance, Berkeley, CA – $500 Minnesota Brass, St. Paul, MN – $500 Moving Images, New York, NY – $2,500 Ms. Magazine/Feminist Majority Foundation, Arlington, VA – $500 Mujeres Unidas y Activas, San Francisco, CA – $1,500 National Advocates for Pregnant Women, New York, NY – $1,000 National AIDS Memorial Grove, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Baltimore, MD – $250 National Black Justice Coalition, Washington, DC – $500 National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), San Francisco, CA – $44,750 National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women, Philadelphia, PA – $250 National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, Washington, DC – $1,500 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation, Washington, DC – $2,200 National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, New York, NY – $500 National Network of Abortion Funds, Boston, MA – $500 National Network of Grantmakers, Minneapolis, MN – $500 National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP), Pasadena, CA – $5,000 National Radio Project, Oakland, CA – $1,800 National Youth Advocacy Coalition, Washington, DC – $500 Native American Heritage Association, Rapid City, SD – $1,000 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), San Francisco, CA – $1,000 New Israel Fund, Washington, DC – $2,000 New Leaf: Services For Our Community, San Francisco, CA – $22,000 New York Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY – $2,500 Okizu Foundation, Novato, CA – $500 Omega Boys Club, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 openhouse, San Francisco, CA – $15,650 Our Bodies Ourselves, Boston, MA – $250 Our Family Coalition, San Francisco, CA – $250 Pacific Center for Human Growth, Berkeley, CA – $22,000 Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) National Office, Washington, DC – $1,000 Peace Tax Foundation, Washington, DC – $500 Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Palo Alto, CA – $250 Pescadero Education Foundation, Pescadero, CA – $2,450 Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS), San Francisco, CA – $2,500 Philanthrofund Foundation, Minneapolis, MN – $500 Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, San Francisco, CA – $500 OLLIE GRAVES FIRST GOT TO KNOW HORIZONS WHEN ANOTHER DONOR INVITED HIM TO OUR GALA, AND HE HAS SINCE BECOME A MAJOR SUPPORTER OF OUR WORK. 24 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Point Foundation, Chicago, IL – $4,000 Political Research Associates, Somerville, MA – $3,500 Janet Pomeroy Center, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Positive Resource Center, San Francisco, CA – $750 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ – $1,500 The Progressive, Madison, WI – $500 Puente de la Costa Sur, Pescadero, CA – $5,500 Queers for Economic Justice, New York, NY – $250 Redwoods Monastery, Whitehorn, CA – $500 Reflective Images /“Word is Out” DVD project, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 River Network, Portland, OR – $500 RockRose Institute, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 Rosenberg Fund for Children, Easthampton, MA – $1,000 SAGE, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 St. Helena Family Resource Center, St. Helena, CA – $1,000 San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility, Berkeley, CA – $250 San Francisco Foundation, San Francisco, CA – $20,000 San Francisco Friends School, San Francisco, CA – $1,450 San Francisco LGBT Community Center, San Francisco, CA – $9,250 San Francisco Opera/Merola Opera Program, San Francisco, CA – $500 San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR), San Francisco, CA – $7,350 San Francisco State University Foundation, San Francisco, CA – $7,500 San Francisco State University Foundation/Family Acceptance Project, San Francisco, CA – $2,500 San Francisco Women Against Rape, San Francisco, CA – $1,000 San Francisco Women’s Centers/The Women’s Building, San Francisco, CA – $7,000 San Jose Repertory Theatre, San Jose, CA – $250 Santa Rosa Symphony, Santa Rosa, CA – $1,000 School of Unity and Liberation, Oakland, CA – $3,000 Second Harvest Food Bank, San Mateo, CA – $250 Senior Coastsiders, Half Moon Bay, CA – $500 Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), Washington, DC – $2,000 Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, San Francisco, CA – $261 Smuin Ballet, San Francisco, CA – $1,250 Sonoma Land Trust, Santa Rosa, CA – $550 Sonrisas Community Dental Center, Half Moon Bay, CA – $250 South Coast Children’s Services, Pescadero, CA – $250 Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, AL – $250 Spectrum Center for LGBT Concerns, San Anselmo, CA – $500 Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA – $2,500 Starlight Starbright Foundation, Los Angeles, CA – $1,000 STOP AIDS Project, San Francisco, CA – $2,000 Sunburst Projects, Rohnert Park, CA – $1,000 Sutter VNA and Hospice Foundation, Emeryville, CA – $500 Tenderloin Health, San Francisco, CA – $6,500 Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 TheatreWorks, Palo Alto, CA – $2,500 Third Street Community Center, San Jose, CA – $500 Transgender Law Center, San Francisco, CA – $1,250 Trikone, San Francisco, CA – $250 Twenty-First Century Foundation, New York, NY – $65,500 Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA – $250 United for a Fair Economy, Boston, MA – $500 Universal Share, San Francisco, CA – $500 University of California Berkeley Foundation, Berkeley, CA – $5,000 University of California Berkeley School of Journalism, Berkeley, CA – $1,000 Urgent Action Fund, Boulder, CO – $3,000 Victory Fund’s Gay and Lesbian Leadership Institute, Washington, DC – $250 Vineyard Playhouse, Vineyard Haven, MA – $1,000 We Care Animal Rescue, St. Helena, CA – $250 WITNESS, Brooklyn, NY – $500 Women for Women International, Washington, DC – $2,000 Women Make Movies, New York, NY – $5,000 Women of Color Resource Center, Oakland, CA – $5,000 Women’s Donor Network, Menlo Park, CA – $2,500 Women’s Forest Sanctuary, Ross, CA – $250 Women’s Foundation of California, San Francisco, CA – $2,870 Women’s Fund of Hawai’i, Honolulu, HI – $3,000 Women’s Initiative for Self Employment, Oakland, CA – $500 Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA – $5,000 YES!/Art in Action, Oakland, CA – $500 YMCA Bayview-Hunter’s Point, San Francisco, CA – $125,000 Youth Together, Oakland, CA – $2,000 Youth Treatment and Education Center, San Francisco, CA – $500 In addition to the community grants listed above, we are very grateful for the $179,901 in grants recommended to Horizons Foundation by our donor advisors. ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ASH MCNEELY AND HER PARTNER ELISA ODABASHIAN (SHOWN WITH THEIR CHILDREN L BAYLOR AND GAVIN) GIVE GENEROUSLY AS LEADERSHIP CIRCLE MEMBERS. 26 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Horizons’ foundation partners and corporate supporters help the LGBT community take strides forward. These partnerships focus more LGBT and mainstream dollars on LGBT issues, particularly at smaller organizations unknown to larger funders. As a foundation, Horizons also advocates for the LGBT community within the wider philanthropic world, working to increase understanding about the needs of the LGBT community and to encourage direct support of LGBT organizations and causes from more funders. institutional partners institutional supporters Horizons is grateful to the staff and trustees of the following foundations and corporate charitable funds. Their generous funding in 2007 supported our grantmaking and other programs. Horizons thanks the following corporate, business, organizational, and foundation donors that helped make our work possible in 2007. Gala Sponsors Charles M. Holmes Supporting Foundation Elton John AIDS Foundation through the Media Sponsors ANNUAL REPORT 2007 in-kind donors Special thanks to Wells Fargo for their in-kind support of our 2007 Philanthropy Series, as well as all the presenters at the Philanthropy Series and professional advisor events. Anonymous 7x7 Magazine Atlantis Events Bae Elements for Home Bally Total Fitness Bay Meadows Race Course Bi-RITE Market Chronicle Books William C. Claypool & Larry Fusch ClearChannel Outdoor Clos Du Val Wine BR Cohn Winery Comcast Cove on Castro Craft Distillers/Germain-Robin Crunch Fitness DBI Beverages Dimitra’s Facial & Body Therapies Energy 92.7 FM Exploratorium FIJI Water Foreign Cinema Ruth Fraser Gap Goals InSight Golden Gate Performing Arts/ San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus W. & J. Graham’s Port Hafner Vineyard Ed Hardy San Francisco Anne Hightower & Brooke Battles Hobee’s California Restaurants Marilyn Jaeger Skincare Kabuki Springs & Spa Kenwood Vineyards Deb L. Kinney, DLK Law Group PC Korbel Champagne Cellars Lalime’s Le Creuset Jeff Lewy & Ed Eishen Light on Your Feet Suzanne London Manresa Restaurant Matanzas Creek Winery Cheryl Mazak McCormick & Kuleto’s Melons Catering Merrill Lynch Mezze Restaurant & Bar Sarah Moore Srinika Narayan New Conservatory Theatre Center Pet Poses Photography PlanetOut Postrio Punch Line Comedy Club Quady Winery Qupe Wine Cellars Dale Rettinger Rubicon Russian River Resort Saddleback Cellars The San Francisco Bay Club San Francisco Symphony Sea Salt Restaurant See’s Candies Michael Shapiro Photographs Gary Snow Southwest Airlines Wendy Storch & Barbara Berkeley Sumi Tangerine Lindasusan Ulrich & Emily Drennen Van Camp Dentistry Stephen Vincent Winery Andrew Weeks Photography Zuni Café 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 29 individual donors We are proud to honor the Legacy Gifts Legacy Circle hundreds of people who demonstrate their commitment to the LGBT community through generous gifts to Horizons Foundation. Whether writing checks, donating stock, making a grant through a donoradvised fund, or including us in an estate, these dedicated donors are helping lift our community L to the next level. Horizons honors the memory of those who generously included Horizons Foundation in their estate plans or otherwise inspired gifts to Horizons as part of their legacies. Over the last 28 years, Horizons has received bequests and other legacy gifts from the following people: Gwen Araujo Robert Barnes Robert J. Barnett William S. Bason David Bell Dino Bevilaqua George R. Burgess Jeffrey Cohen Richard M. Cohen Kim Cortright A. Lindley Cotton George Choy Dr. Gary James Dill David Smith Fox Leslie Howard Gundel John E. Hambly Garretson H. Hammond Bruce C. Harris Beverly Hershey Clint Hockenberry Charles M. Holmes Eugene H. Howard Joie Hubbert Benjamin W. Irvin Douglas McMaster Jackson Jay A. King Arthur S. Lazere Craig Lindhurst Lawrence R. Lucas Tom Markowski & Jim Leach Juan Marquez Peter Olsen Nicholas Papadopoulos John Peterman Constance & Mitchell Sanders David F. Shupp, MD Thomas Steel Thomas W. Stratton Joseph Towner Horizons’ Legacy Circle honors individuals and couples who have included the foundation in their financial planning by making a bequest in a will, creating a trust, or designating Horizons as the beneficiary of an insurance policy, retirement plan, security, or other asset. These legacy gifts allow donors to further their philanthropic goals—often substantially— while creating essential new sources of support for our community. Through Horizons’ LGBT Community Endowment Fund, legacy gifts help ensure that future generations will have unprecedented financial resources to address community needs that we cannot predict today. Anonymous (35) Paul F. Albert Kathleen Archembeau Salvatore J. Baglieri & Peter J. Cirincione Hiram Banks & Roberto Lee Dan Bartley Alvin Baum Alma Soongi Beck, JD, LLM Taxation Adam M. Berman David P. Black Morton B. Blatt & Peter G. Holmstrom John C. Boling Cheri L. Bryant Miguel Martinez Bustos Janis Callon Bill Clark & Jeffrey Stanfield Jay J. Cohen Laurence Colton Bruce Cronander Carole S. Cullum William B. Davisson Sue Dibble & Jeanne DeJoseph William P. Dill Julie R. Dorf & Jenni Olson Roger Doughty Jo Ann Driscoll Rob Evans & Terry Micheau John Falke Tom Fleming, Jr. Richard J. Foglia Charles Q. Forester & John E. Cadle Bob Fuller Margarita Gandia Linda Gebroe & Rebecca Silverstein Robert Glavin David Gleba Richard Gooch F. Jill Gover, PhD Roger S. Gross FOR 13 YEARS, LOYALTY CIRCLE MEMBER LAWRENCE KLEIN HAS DEMONSTRATED HIS COMMITMENT TO THE LGBT COMMUNITY AS A DONOR TO HORIZONS—AND HE RENEWS THAT COMMITMENT EVERY MONTH AS ONE OF OUR SUSTAINING PARTNERS. 30 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Howard L. Grothe, Jr. Prescott W. Hafner & William D. Glenn Richard D. Hansen Meri Hayos & Kathy Moore Mitzi Henderson Frederick C. Hertz Nicholas Hodges Robert Holgate Kevin James James M. Kaplan E. William Kean Thaddeus A. Kellam Debra Kent Deb L. Kinney David L. Kirp Lawrence Kolka & Ian J. MacWilliams Chris Kollaja & Tom Dooher Michael Kossman David J. Kundtz & Robert W. Stenberg Neil Lang Joq S. Lasner Steve Lew Jeff Lewy & Ed Eishen Susan E. Lowenberg & Joyce Newstat Glen Lubbert JoVanna Luque John Marcom Charles Marsteller Richard H. McKenzie Rick Mordesovich Sandra S. Morris Dan Neumann & David Richardson Julie Nicholson & Connie Hills Ken Noyes & Alan Pardini Donald L. Oestreicher Glenn Perry & Eric Knudtson Dale Rettinger Tom Rielly Chuck Roppel Joseph A. Rosenthal Vincent A. Sales, MPA Robert W. Sass Beverly A. Scott Stephen M. Seewer Lowell Selvin & Gib Winebar Randall A. Shields Lia Shigemura & Helen Zia Daniel Siedler Len Silva Fred Silverman William Snider Scott Spande John A. Stansell & Bruce D. Williams Sam Thal, MD Lindasusan Ulrich Peg Van Camp Edward Vanegri Greg Walker Robert F. West Celeste West Don Williams & David Jones James G. Williamson & Geoffrey Kors Ronald K. Wolberg Cedric Yap Paul Ybarbo Bonnie & Hilary Yoffe-Sharp Stan Yogi Betsy York 2007 Leadership Circle Members of the Leadership Circle donated $1,000 or more to Horizons in 2007. Gifts at this level have a powerful impact on the foundation’s work both today and in the future. Horizons is deeply grateful to all Leadership Circle members. VISIONARY ($25,000 OR MORE) Margarita Gandia & Vivian Stephenson David Gleba & George Beatty, MD Prescott W. Hafner & William D. Glenn Deb L. Kinney, DLK Law Group PC Chris Kollaja & Tom Dooher Donald L. Oestreicher Gale Richards & Ruth Dawson Gary Roof & Douglas Light Joseph A. Rosenthal Ronna Stamm & Paul Lehman Wendy Storch & Barbara Berkeley Mark Utterback Peg Van Camp & Carol Patterson Léonie Walker & Kate O’Hanlan, MD James G. Williamson & Geoffrey Kors Jewelle Gomez & Diane Sabin Howard L. Grothe, Jr. & Robert James Dan Joraanstad & Bob Hermann David L. Kirp John Marcom Donald C. Myers & Jose L. Iglesias Dan Neumann & David Richardson Jeff C. Nguyen & Darren Post Elizabeth Pearce & Joan Glassheim Mark Reisbaum Dale Rettinger Vincent A. Sales, MPA Beverly A. Scott & Mary Ann Courtney Gordon R. Seligson & David S. White William S. Shelley Lia Shigemura & Helen Zia Simpson-Asprodites Family John W. Stewart III & Ramon A. Torres SUSTAINER SUPPORTER ($2,500–$4,999) ($1,000–$2,499) Anonymous Paul F. Albert Miles S. Amen & Christopher A. Magan Adam M. Berman Jack E. Bird & John L. Darby Morton B. Blatt & Peter G. Holmstrom Doug Braley & Jim Otwell Cynthia Brooks & Judith Thompson Thomas R. Burke & Axel Brunger Jessica Anne Clarke, MD, PhD Jay J. Cohen William B. Davisson Robert D. Dockendorff Anne Sterling Dorman Roger Doughty Rob Evans & Terry Micheau Farouk & ShuSheng Family Fund of Horizons Foundation Kurt Feichtmeir Bob Fuller & Manny Parian Anonymous (2) Thomas E. Ainsworth American Friends Service Committee Kenneth C. Archibald, MD Bill Baird & John Kennedy Dan Bartley Roy Bateman Angela Faye Berry & Cynthia Strickland Nanette Bisher & Amy Bernstein Catherine Brannigan Steve Bromer & Steve Lew Cheri L. Bryant Robert J. Carr James L. Clarke Robert Darling, Esq. & Robert Rosen Rattan Dodeja Rebecca A. Dowdakin & Flora McMartin Ilana Drummond & Sharon Dulberg James Duggins Milton Estes, MD Alan Feiler Anonymous Stuart Harrison & David Ring ADVOCATE ($10,000–$24,999) Anonymous Ignatius Bau & John Bare Mitzi Henderson Joq S. Lasner Jeff Lewy & Ed Eishen Glenn Perry & Eric Knudtson William Snider & Brian Cameron BUILDER ($5,000–$9,999) Alvin Baum David P. Black Robert Blair Bill Clark & Jeffrey Stanfield Robert W. Clegg Jody Cole & Katherine Cole Laurence Colton & John McCoy David Cover ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Tom Fleming, Jr. Jeffrey Fraenkel & Alan Mark Kevin P. Galvin & David Workman Joe Gillach Robert Glavin Robert-Jay Green & Holden Lee Kenneth P. Hansen Richard D. Hansen Daniel J. Healy Frederick Hertz & Randolph Langenbach S. Dale Hess Ira S. Hirschfield & Tom R. Hansen David E. Hopmann & James W. Taul, Jr. James C. Hormel Eric Hsu & Jim Chambers Arnie Jackson M. Jean Johnston Giselle A. Jurkanin & Kristin A. Cooper Michael Katz & Lawton Allenby Lawrence Kolka & Ian J. MacWilliams Michael Kossman Neil Lang & Joe Pessa Thomas A. Larsen Kerryann Lobel Lester A. Marks Jan Marks Marshall Kirk McKusick & Eric P. Allman Ash McNeely & Elisa Odabashian Brandon J. Miller, CFP, CLU Weston F. Milliken Thao H. Ngo Joe Norton & Trip Weil Steve Polsky & Mark Oliver Kristen Putnam-Walkerly Emily Rosenberg & Darlene de Manicor Robert S. Russell & Gary W. Ost Robert W. Sass Graham Schneider Peter Scott Randall A. Shields Fred Silverman & Gerard Buulong John H. Simonds, Jr. & Dan Swilley Mark Small Megan Smith & Kara Swisher Tim Stevenson & Linc King Karen Strauss & Ruth Borenstein Timothy J. Sweeney Barry R. Taylor, CFP & John Inson Sam & Julia Thoron Diane Tom & Karen Hart Paul V. Turner George D. Tuttle & F. Bennett Cushman II Edward S. Utsumi Edward Vanegri Phillip Wald Stanley Watson Robert F. West Ronald Wolberg Paul Ybarbo Stan Yogi & David Carroll Jan Zivic & Lisa Schoonerman Loyalty Circle Our most loyal donors are there year after year to support our community. We created the Loyalty Circle to herald those who have contributed to Horizons for at least six years at any level, or whose gifts total $100,000 or more. We consider it our special honor to recognize the longstanding generosity of these loyal donors and their example of LGBT philanthropy. Anonymous (28) 100 Lesbians & Our Friends Stephen H. Adams & J. Cole Beam Ahimsa Fund of Horizons Foundation Dominick Albano Paul F. Albert Miles S. Amen & Christopher A. Magan Kim Anno & Ellen Meyers Bart K. Aoki, PhD & Martin Low Kenneth C. Archibald, MD Peter Atanasio & Lance Henderson Bill Baird & John Kennedy David Baker & Rodney Omandam John R. Barnaby Michael D. Barnes Dan Bartley Roy Bateman Ignatius Bau & John Bare Alvin Baum Brad Bemis & David Jericoff Diane Benjamin/Benjamin & Company Wayne S. Bennion & Robert O. Demers Buzz Bense & Robert West Marsha Bergman Adam M. Berman Nanette Bisher & Amy Bernstein Matt Bissinger Marsha Blachman, LCSW Robert Blair Morton B. Blatt & Peter G. Holmstrom Edwin Blue Richard W. Bonner Jeffrey S. Bormaster Gregory L. Bowling Doug Braley & Jim Otwell Peter Bray & Raul Calderon Adolph Y. Bremerman, Jr. Bill Brockett & Lar Bryer Steve Bromer & Steve Lew Cynthia Brooks & Judith Thompson Thomas Brougham Raymond A Brown, MD Frank J. Bruce & Ted Bruce Cheri L. Bryant Dan Bunker & Alan Pellman John W. Buxton Dr. William P. Byrnes Judith A. Calhoun Jonathan P. Carr Robert Eric Castongia Lu Chaikin, PhD Shelia Chandrasekhar Otis Charles & Felipe Paris Liz Charlton & Jamie Wasson Brian H. Cheu Jerald A. Choy Bill Clark & Jeffrey Stanfield Bradley J. Clark & Ronald J. Pusateri Donald J. Clark James L. Clarke Jessica Anne Clarke, MD, PhD Robert W. Clegg Mark A. Cloutier Jay J. Cohen Robert D. Cohen Jody Cole & Katherine Cole Matthew Coles Paul D. Colfer & Jon Gatto Susan Colson & Maureen Anderson Laurence Colton & John McCoy Lisa Forrestal Connor Nancy Conover Ann P. Cooper & John S. Cooper M. William Coppock Jes Cornette David Cover Nancy W. Craig & Jane Turrel Kathleen Crandall & Lori Gitter Rick Crane Bruce Cronander Carole S. Cullum & Kathy Brehm Diana J. Curiel John F. Dains Richard M. Dalby Thomas A. Daniels Robert B. Daroff Pamela David & Cheryl Lazar William B. Davisson Rodney J. De Martini Stanley L. Deller & David Weir Mario P. Diaz William John Dickens William P. Dill & C.W. Kammerer, Jr. Rochelle Dineen Earl Diskin Robert D. Dockendorff Julie R. Dorf & Jenni Olson The Dorian Fund Bill & Dee Doughty Roger Doughty Rebecca A. Dowdakin & Flora McMartin Jo Ann Driscoll Daniel Druckerman Ilana Drummond & Sharon Dulberg John H. Ducote & Kenneth W. Barnes Bruce Dugstad David B. Eckert Lynne M. Eggers Dorothy M. Ehrlich Ronald R. Eisner, MD Walter R. Ems Milton Estes, MD Rob Evans & Terry Micheau Farouk & ShuSheng Family Fund of Horizons Foundation Mary Farrell Thomas Faulds Kurt Feichtmeir Alan Feiler Andrew Fisher & Jeffry Weisman Grace Flannery Tom Fleming, Jr. Charles Q. Forester & John E. Cadle Jeffrey Fraenkel & Alan Mark William & Claire Franklin Ruth Fraser & Ray Kesler Donna M. Freeman Allen B. Freitag Sanford Friedman & Jerry Hipps Frank Frucci Bob Fuller & Manny Parian William J. Fuller & Pamela R. Fuller Sheryl B. Fullerton 31 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 L Dorothy L. Furgerson Cynthia Gair Steve Gallagher Kevin P. Galvin & David Workman Margarita Gandia & Vivian Stephenson Andrew A. Gans & Ronald Chavez Gary M. Gansle & Jeff L. Ramsden Joseph R. Garrett & John Lomibao Ina Gartenberg & Allan Gartenberg Tracy Gary Linda Gebroe & Rebecca Silverstein Dan Geiger Mary Gerber Elwood Burton Gerrits Lowell Gibbs Gary Gielow & Tom Shamp David Gilliam Meryl J. Glass Robert Glavin David Gleba & George Beatty, MD Alan Glube & Ken Tom Kevin Gogin & Dan McPherson, PhD Allan P. Gold, PhD Daniel J. Goldstein Dora B. Goldstein F. Jill Gover, PhD & Patricia Ann Burck James K. Graham Steve Graham Keith Grenzback Roger S. Gross Gary Grossman, PhD John J. Guagenti & Frank R. Young Mary H. Hafner & Richard P. Hafner Prescott W. Hafner & William D. Glenn Donald B. Hall Marny Hall Eileen Hamper Douglas V. Hankins Richard D. Hansen Sue Hansen Ed Hardy Christine Harkinson James S. Harp Stuart Harrison & David Ring Fred M. Hartwick III Frances K. Hast Edward Hastings & Gino Barcone Meri Hayos & Kathy Moore Daniel J. Healy Mitzi Henderson Jo Hercus & Katherine V. Forrest Ruth Herring & Pamela Peniston Frederick Hertz & Randolph Langenbach S. Dale Hess Beverly Hickok Jean N. Hipps Ira S. Hirschfield & Tom R. Hansen Nicholas Hodges & Russell Brent Sascha Hoffmann Kenneth L. Holford Bill Hollabaugh Mark Hollyfield & Ann Hollyfield David E. Hopmann & James W. Taul, Jr. James C. Hormel Cynthia Horvath Frank J. Howell Eric Hsu & Jim Chambers Carol L. Huffine H. Nona Hungate Kathleen Hurley & Sarah Hamilton Martha Hyde James Infusino Andrew C. Irish Meri Issel & Patricia Reedy Arnie Jackson Nancy L. Jacobson Christina Jacques Ben Janken Phyllis A. Jaudes Carla Javits & Margaret F. Cecchetti Judith Jennings Chris Johnson & Barry Miller Daniel P. Johnson, CPA M. Jean Johnston Dan Joraanstad & Bob Hermann James L. Joslin Betsy Joyce & Sarah McGrath Carl E. Jukkola Steve Juliano Marcus A. Jung Giselle A. Jurkanin & Kristin A. Cooper Yoel Kahn & Dan Bellm Joseph Kanon & Larry Beyer Kate Kendell, Esq. & Sandy Holmes Paul G. Killgore James F. King Max C. Kirkeberg David L. Kirp Paul M. Kivel & Mary Luckey Lawrence C. Klein Lawrence Kolka & Ian J. MacWilliams Stephen Kresge Anne Kroeger Adrienne Krug & Molly Tyson David J. Kundtz & Robert W. Stenberg Erda Labuhn & Richard Labuhn Annabelle P. Lacher Neil Lang & Joe Pessa Gordon L. Larsen, MD & Michael Fiumara Joq S. Lasner John M. LeBedda II S. Robert Lehr Lorrie Leiker Janet Leno Assemblymember Mark R. Leno William Lerrigo & Shannon Trimble Susan LeSeure Ann Lewis Jeff Lewy & Ed Eishen Michael L. Lipsie Jonathan Logan & Kevin Woodward Susan E. Lowenberg & Joyce Newstat Jason Macario Bonnie MacDonald Kathleen K. Madden Ari Marcus Jan Marks Lester A. Marks Jilma Marshall Mike Marshall Alex Martinez & Michael Baxter Marian Martinez Max Mason & Andrew Metcalfe Warren B. Mason Haron Masters Keitaro Matsuda Cathy Maupin F. Curtis May, PhD S. Scott Mayers, PhD Gerald McBride & John Hedges Barbara & Robert McCarrick Mark McCormick Michelle McCormick & Sara Davis Jerel McCrary Kevin G. McHenry Marshall Kirk McKusick & Eric P. Allman Maureen McNichols & Roderick Kramer Patti C. McWilliams Katharine Mechem David E. Meders Barbara J. Meislin Richard L. Meiss Catherine Lise Miller Eric C. Milliren & Steven S. Muchnick Bernard S. Millman, MD & Philip H. Millman Charles R. Minehart Shannon Minter & Robin Gilbrecht Paula Morris & Cory Pohley Arlene K. Mose Robert Munk & Enoch Ortega Thomas Murphy & Tim Murray Donald C. Myers & Jose L. Iglesias Robert N. Nakatani Kirk A. Nass & Michael E. Gillespie Dan Neumann & David Richardson Jeffrey Nigh Judy Nishimoto & Julie Mark Linda O’Brien Dianne O’Connell Lester M. Olmstead-Rose Robert Orban Leslie Aki Oshita William F. Owen, Jr., MD Andrew B. Parker-Rose Jay P. Paul Speaker Nancy Pelosi Glenn Perry & Eric Knudtson Alice Philipson & Petra Liljestrand Debra L. Platek Marj Plumb & Tracy Weitz Steve Polsky & Mark Oliver Michael Poplardo Robin M. Poppoff Peter J. Poulos David B. Powell & Ken Abrams Kathleen Quenneville & Diane Allen Dan C. Quigley & Eric Emanuel Annette M. Raible Victor M. Raible JAN MARKS IS ONE OF HORIZONS’ LEADERSHIP AND LOYALTY CIRCLE DONORS WITH STRONG TIES TO SONOMA COUNTY. 33 34 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Lin Repola Dale Rettinger Michael (Edward) M. Reyes John J. Ribaudo Gale Richards & Ruth Dawson G. Kern Richmond Yetta Robinson & Bernard J. Robinson Joshua Robison & Michael Tilson Thomas Gary Roof & Douglas Light Emily Rosenberg & Darlene de Manicor Gerald B. Rosenstein Joseph A. Rosenthal Nadine Rosenthal & Shelley Coleman Robert S. Russell & Gary W. Ost Kent L. Sack, MD Kirby Sack & Pamela Merchant Robert W. Sass John Schaaf & Michael Weaver Milton P. Schaefer, PhD Graham Schneider Marilyn Schneider Hollinger Andrew P. Schwartz & John Mark Eggerton Wolf Schweiger Beverly A. Scott & Mary Ann Courtney Peter Scott Harold E. Segelstad Gordon R. Seligson & David S. White Marilyn Shatzen William S. Shelley Randall A. Shields Lia Shigemura & Helen Zia Robert G. Shultz Michael D. Siever Fred Silverman & Gerard Buulong Simpson-Asprodites Family Robert J. Skolaski Jeff C. Slayton Creig R. Smith Eric Smith & Mark Garrett Charles Spiegel Mae Stadler John A. Stansell & Bruce D. Williams Peter Stansky J. Fred Stark, Jr. Larry D. Steele Peg Stevenson & Karen Topakian Tim Stevenson & Linc King Elizabeth H. Storey Glenn Stover Karen Strauss & Ruth Borenstein Timothy J. Sweeney Johnny Symons & William Rogers Robert Taylor Sam Thal, MD Ken Thames & Joseph Dashiell David J. Thomas Ralph A. Thomas Sherry Thomas & Lynn Witt Sam & Julia Thoron Christopher F. Tilley Diane Tom & Karen Hart Dana Topping Renard Laura Tow Robert D. Towle Terrence A. Trobough Samuel Tucker, MD George D. Tuttle & F. Bennett Cushman II John A. Tuttle Paul Underwood Andrew Utiger Peg Van Camp & Carol Patterson Steven A. Vance Edward Vanegri Elena Vasquez & Robert Knutson Dr. Michael Venuti Paul R. Vesper Mike Voight Phillip Wald Daryl M. Walker Léonie Walker & Kate O’Hanlan, MD Scott W. Walton Stanley Watson Denise Wells & Eileen Hansen Linda Werner Robert F. West Lawrence Wexler Claudia M. Whitnah Diane M. Whitney Steven L. Wiesner Laurie L. Williams James G. Williamson & Geoffrey Kors Susan Winer & Carol Felch Gary A. Winter Lorin A. Wiseman Paul Wisotzky Ronald Wolberg Dan P. Wolf Timothy R. Wolfred Ron Wong & Mike Tekulsky Sau-Ling C. Wong Keren Woodward Wendell Wray Carol C. Yaggy & Mary Twomey Cedric Yap & Edward Liebst, Jr. Richard Yarborough Bonnie & Hilary Yoffe-Sharp Stan Yogi & David Carroll Betsy York & Demetrhea Terrien Vance Yoshida D. Bruce Young Natalie Zarchin Mark A. Ziering Abby J. Zimberg Jan Zobel, EA Friends Every gift to Horizons Foundation honors not only the foundation, but the Bay Area LGBT community the foundation exists to serve. Horizons thanks each of the following individuals for their generous and invaluable support in 2007. $500-$999 Anonymous Dominick Albano Timothy Armour & Mark Pigram Susan J. Bethanis Matt Bissinger Miguel Martinez Bustos Norman Carlin James R. Chace B. Kyle Childress & Ben Yokoyama Daniel Chin Ann P. Cooper & John S. Cooper Stanley L. Deller & David Weir Mario P. Diaz William John Dickens John H. Ducote & Kenneth W. Barnes Ranjit Dutta & Kanta Dutta Lynne M. Eggers Sally Elkington Andrew Fisher & Jeffry Weisman Charles Q. Forester & John E. Cadle Leo and Eva Gans Dipti Ghosh & Meggy Gotuaco Eric Goforth Douglas E. Hanlin John C. Harrington & Diana L. Harrington Jo Hercus & Katherine V. Forrest Anne Hightower & Brooke Battles Robert Holgate Craig R. Horan Frank J. Howell Phyllis A. Jaudes Lori Jenner Gary Johnson James F. King Teri Lee & Elaine Tseh William Lerrigo & Shannon Trimble Susan LeSeure William J. Lyons Max Mason & Andrew Metcalfe Cathy Maupin Kevin G. McHenry Michael O’Brien & Ken Filoso Anne O’Driscoll Jo Ann Ogden Thomas O’Reilly Gary D. Page Pat Patricelli Douglas Pinter Victor M. Raible Michael (Edward) M. Reyes Eddie Reynolds & Ed Jones Timothy Rodrigues & Claude A. Mason Doug Rose Gerald B. Rosenstein Susan F. Sachs & Gail Defferari Wayne Salazar & Michael Ehrenzweig Linda Scaparotti Robert J. Skolaski Eric Smith & Mark Garrett Gerard Sweeney & Franklin Albro John A. Tuttle Andrew Utiger Denise Wells & Eileen Hansen Mark Williams Brian Wilson Susan Winer & Carol Felch SERVES AS THE ONLY LATINO LGBT SUPPORT GROUP IN SAN MATEO COUNTY. L GELAAM, WHICH COMPLETED A MULTI-YEAR COMMUNITY ISSUES GRANT IN 2007, 36 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Up to $499 Anonymous (19) 100 Lesbians & Our Friends Kelly Abner Michael Abracham Camille Acayan Rafael Acevedo Pam Adinoff Aditya Advani & Michael Tarr Robert Ahlers & W.M. Silveria Naomi Akers AJ Alfieri-Crispin & Kevin E. Crispin-Alfieri Peter Allen Jason Allen-Rouman & Terry Allen-Rouman Elisabeth Andreason & Melissa Allen Brett F. Andrews Camille S. Angel & Karen B. Segal Michael Aust David Baker & Rodney Omandam Michael D. Barnes Ben Barr & John Peterson Michael Barr & Bonnie P. Barr David Begler & Sarah Moore Dorothy Beineix Ruby E. Bell Brad Bemis & David Jericoff Daniel Bender Wayne S. Bennion & Robert O. Demers Carlos Bermudez Alison Bernstein & Judy Appel Selisse Berry & Cynthia Martin Susan Berston & Patty Stanton Stephen Bjorgan & Philippe Forgues Marsha Blachman, LCSW John Block Scott L. Block & Charles Shobe Bert Bloom & Gwynn Goodner Lindsay Bond Robert Bond Alison Bowman Eric P. Braverman Peter Bray & Raul Calderon Bill Brockett & Lar Bryer Antonio Brown & Stewart Wade Frank J. Bruce & Ted Bruce Harry M. Brumlik & Clifford R. Lemmerick Lester Bruno Margaret Bruynell & Bobbie Jarvis Dan Bunker & Alan Pellman Selma Burkom Kevin Burns Hugh C. Burroughs & Linda Burroughs Janis Bell Bush Sean Bushart Walter Caplan Tom Carson Jason Castle Peter Cataldo Timothy Cavanaugh & Eric Vidal Pamela Cersosimo Lu Chaikin, PhD Paula Chamberlin Gavin Chapman Otis Charles & Felipe Paris R. James Cherry Brian H. Cheu Minnie Chinn & Val Buschor Jerald A. Choy Phyllis Chrisman & Dorothy Shimer Linda Renee Clark Brad M. Colby & Joe Terranova Paul D. Colfer & Jon Gatto Harry Collette & David Stevens Lynn Cooper M. William Coppock Jes Cornette Rebecca Craig Julius Crane James Cunningham Diana J. Curiel Michael Daly Toni D’Angelo Robert B. Daroff Masen Davis Rodney J. De Martini Christian D. Dean & Tamara Osheroff W. Edward Dean Donatella DeCaro Ingrid Demarta & Judy Osborne Gary Demyen Robert S. DiBacco & Tom A. Still Rochelle Dineen Earl Diskin Julie Doherty Frank Doonan Julie R. Dorf & Jenni Olson Josh Dorf & Kerry Dorf Bill & Dee Doughty Kevin Dowling Kathryn Downs Jo Ann Driscoll Daniel Druckerman Dorothea S. DuBois Bruce Dugstad Grant Duhon Edd Dundas Rajat Dutta Don Eason David B. Eckert Leah Edwards Dorothy M. Ehrlich Walter R. Ems Nancy Epstein, CFP John Erkman Bill Essick & Rod Thornton Caron Leslie Ewing Leyla Farah Thomas Faulds Pam Feagles Judith Feeley & Beth Feeley Robert S. Fennell III & Joseph Rojo Ray Ferrer & Cedric Brown Barbara Fitterer Patrick Fitzgerald Michael Fjordlack Tara Flanagan Grace Flannery Nanette Fok & Bradley Tong James Fontanilla & Brett Cooper Roy C. Foster & Cristobal Rodriguez Fred Fox & William D. Davis William & Claire Franklin Marc Freed-Finnegan Donna M. Freeman Frank Frucci David Full & Mark McKenzie Dorothy L. Furgerson Linda Futamura Gary M. Gansle & Jeff L. Ramsden Ruben Garcia Michael Garig Robert Gavrich Linda Gebroe & Rebecca Silverstein Elwood Burton Gerrits Barbara Gersh Maria Giatrakis Gary Gielow & Tom Shamp Meryl J. Glass Gregg Gleasner & Jim Cunningham Kevin Gogin & Dan McPherson, PhD Liz Gogolewski Allan P. Gold, PhD Laura Goldin & Tony Rothschild Alex Gonzalez & Edward Ganio Robert Graham James K. Graham Oliver Graves Mike Gray & Michael Salstein Stephen Griffiths Roger S. Gross Spencer Gross Joe P. Grubb John J. Guagenti & Frank R. Young Marti Guerra Randall Gutierrez Cynthia Sue Guynn Steven Haase & Mark Newman Kevin Hall & Mark Khoury Donald B. Hall Bob Hancock Terrance R. Haney & Robert D. Emmons Dennis W. Hanley & John J. Hanley Barbara Hanly & Mike Hanly Ken Hansen Sue Hansen Julie Harris Kelly Hart Fred M. Hartwick III Pan Haskins, CPA, MS Heath Hatchett & Matt Moore James W. Hawkins Alison Hawthorn Garrett Hayashida Brenda Hays & Sue Dressing Julie Head Lawrence R. Helfer & David L. Boyd Patrik Hendrickson Gilbert Herdt Steve Hergert Ruth Herring & Pamela Peniston Hans Herst Patrick Heryford Christopher Hest Kenneth L. Holford John Henry Holm Fred J. Holub Phyllis Hornstein & Judy Visse Charles Huff & Alexander Hines Glenda Humiston Stephen D. Hutcheon Martha Hyde Andrew C. Irish Meri Issel & Patricia Reedy Darren Iverson Patti Johnsen Brian Johnson & David Medina Daniel P. Johnson, CPA Vincent Jones Betsy Joyce & Sarah McGrath Carl E. Jukkola ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Steve Juliano Marcus A. Jung Lani Ka’ahumanu Sue M. Kaplan Karl Keesling & Sally Carlson Libby Kelly-McMahon & Kass McMahon-Kelly Jason H. Kennedy John F. Kennedy Diane & Bill Kepner Donald Kern, Jr. Kalani Key Devesh Khatu Madison Kilpatrick III, CFP Leigh Kimberg & Melissa Lim Kenneth King & Christopher Vandevert Lawrence C. Klein Dani Marie Kleist & Diane Tumas Ronald A. Knapp & John P. Crozer, Jr. Ana Koenig Lisa Kossiver Gary C. Kramer & Stewart Kramer Anne Kroeger Erda Labuhn & Richard Labuhn Laura Lacey Richard A. Lafetra & Linda S. Lafetra Eliza Laffin Mariah Larkin Gordon L. Larsen, MD & Michael Fiumara David Lasker & Eddie Baddour John M. LeBedda II Paul Lefkowitz & Joan Lefkowitz Lorrie Leiker Assemblymember Mark R. Leno Alec Leung Lawrence Leverone Linda Levey Adam Levine Michael Levy Kathleen Liparini Yan Liu Danielle Lopez Tim Lorenz Keith E. Loring Edward Lortz Alfred Lovi & Anne Lovi Kathy Lowery John L. Luckett JoVanna Luque Jason Macario Bonnie MacDonald Randall Mackie Kathleen K. Madden Ruth Mahaney Michael Mansfield Jeannie K. Mao Mike Marshall Gerald P. Martin Alex Martinez & Michael Baxter Warren B. Mason Keitaro Matsuda F. Curtis May, PhD S. Scott Mayers, PhD Chaya Rivka Mayerson Eric W. Mayo & Ron Reece Nancy Mazza Barbara & Robert McCarrick William McCarty & Philip Stevenson Michelle McCormick & Sara Davis Kelly McCown Kathleen McGuire Susan McIntosh Richard H. McKenzie Kevin McLeod Stephen M. McMahon Robert McMullin Ken McNeely & Inder Dhillon Rosemarie Meddaugh Rosie Meddaugh David E. Meders Sean B. Meehan Vincent Mello Jamie Metz Ann Meyer & B. Glover Jane Brindle Miller Catherine Lise Miller Cathy May Miller & Janet Marian Heller Charles R. Minehart Darryl Moore Rick Mordesovich Paula Morris & Cory Pohley Patricia L. Morris Sandra S. Morris Ann Morrison Arlene K. Mose Tom Musbach Kirk A. Nass & Michael E. Gillespie Amy Newell Pauly & Bruce D. Pauly John Newsome Vicki Newton & Cheryl Longinotti Cedric Ng Vuong Nguyen Jeffrey Nigh Judy Nishimoto & Julie Mark David L. Norgard & Joseph E. Oppold III Liz Noteware & Angie Dalfen Owen J. Ocheltree James Ogren Laura J. O’Kane & Michele McKee Lester M. Olmstead-Rose Robert Orban Leslie Aki Oshita Nancy Otto & Debra Chasnoff Dave Parker Deborah Pastucha & Judy Palen Jay P. Paul Mark J. Pellegrino Speaker Nancy Pelosi Graciela Perez-Trevisan & Anne M. Perry Joel T. Perlstein Stephen Perreault Mary Beth Perry & Denise Donnelly Alice Philipson & Petra Liljestrand Marj Plumb & Tracy Weitz Julia Po Carol Pollock Stan Pollock & Beth Pollock Michael Poplardo Robin M. Poppoff Mark Anthony Porter David B. Powell & Ken Abrams Ken Prag Carol Pranka Randy Presuhn & Timothy Nguyen Jonathan Price Anne Purdy & Tara Medve Dan C. Quigley & Eric Emanuel Michael Rabanal & Alfredo Victorio Glenn A. Ramsdell & Sam Weng Kate A. Reber & Laura Mae Alpert Lawrence A. Reh Lin Repola Thomas H. Reynolds Cathy Rice Liz Rigali & Karen Hirst Patrick Roberts Harral T. Robin Thomas G. Rogillio II Jennie Roitman Rebecca Rolfe Ty R. Rollins & Jeff Sheldon Ryan Ross & Brent T. Freeman Marilyn A. Ruebling Ruth Rus Carol Russell & Roz Katz Daniel Ryan Gail Sabin Kent L. Sack, MD Kirby Sack & Pamela Merchant Barry Saiff Eric St. Onge Jeffrey R. Sampson John San Agustin & Randall Mackie Alex Sanchez John Schaaf & Michael Weaver Milton P. Schaefer, PhD Julie Schatz Ronald Scherer & Tom Irving Tim Schreck Susan Schulman Kenneth D. Schultz & Brian M. Gronlund Andrew P. Schwartz & John Mark Eggerton Douglas S. Sebesta, PhD Mark A. Senick Susan Shain James Shay Michael Shehan AJ Shepard & Anthony Chiu Tiffany Shlain Robert G. Shultz Daniel Siedler Michael D. Siever Ralph Singer Chris Sinton Janey Skinner Byron Smalley Robert Smedfjeld Creig R. Smith Craig Smith & Laura Hawkins Smith Donald Smith, Jr. Richard Smith & Rob Tan Gary Snow Ross R. Snow Emma Sobol & Peggy Weix John Solaegui & Steven Allen Jose Solis Theresa Sparks Allison Sparks Edward Specht & Elizabeth Specht Stephen Spurgeon Peter Stansky Peg Stevenson & Karen Topakian Evan Stewart Thomas Stikker B.J. Stiles & Steve McCollom Timothy A. Stiles Elizabeth H. Storey Patrick D. Strieck & Lawrence M. Powell Lorna Sturgeon John P. Sullivan Rodney Sumpter & Michael Shultz Laila Svendsen Olga Talamante Roeloff Talorda Minna Tao & Vivien Gay Robert Kenneth Tat Dwayne M. Tate Robert Teague & Daniel Ashbrook 37 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 L Erik Terreri Sam Thal, MD Ken Thames & Joseph Dashiell Kenneth Theriault David J. Thomas Steven Tierney Christopher F. Tilley Judith Tinkler Janette L. Tom Dana Topping Renard Claudine Torfs Marco Torres Laura Tow Julie Trestman Randy Trigg & Caitlin Stanton Terrence A. Trobough Ruth Tucker & Cyndi Williamson Gary N. Turner Alan Twhigg Linda Van Sciver & Jude Kaye Elena Vasquez & Robert Knutson Dr. Michael Venuti Sean Wakely & Patricia Wakely Deborah Wald Daryl M. Walker Scott M. Walton & Scott Williams Fred Wasserman Matthew Wayment Michael Weinberger Samuel Weng Helene Wenzel Linda Werner Lawrence Wexler Melissa White Claudia M. Whitnah Diane M. Whitney Karen Wiggan & Stephanie Hom Donna W. Wilson & Thomas E. Wilson Gary A. Winter Lorin A. Wiseman Dan P. Wolf Timothy R. Wolfred Ron Wong & Mike Tekulsky Sau-Ling C. Wong Cheryl Woodie Keren Woodward Betsy York & Demetrhea Terrien D. Bruce Young Ingu Yun Larry Zabo Deborah Zajchowski Natalie Zarchin Andrej Zervan & James Mercer Mark A. Ziering Jan Zobel, EA Ron Zuckerman Gala Event Captains Horizons Foundation is grateful to all of our 2007 gala event captains—they are an integral part of spreading the word about Horizons’ work and making our gala such a success. Thank you! Rafael Acevedo Dominick Albano Judy Appel, Our Family Coalition Tim Armour & Mark Pigram, San Francisco Police Officers Pride Alliance Dan Bartley Ignatius Bau & John Bare Barbara Berkeley & Wendy Storch Angela Berry, Merrill Lynch The Bhatia Perry Group at Merrill Lynch Private Bank Jack E. Bird & John L. Darby, The Fairy Godfathers Fund William B. Davisson Rattan Dodeja, Smith Barney Julie R. Dorf & Jenni Olson Equality California Institute Farouk & ShuSheng Family Fund Margarita Gandia & Vivian Stephenson Eric Goforth, Merrill Lynch Jewelle Gomez & Diane Sabin Kenneth P. Hansen Glenda Humiston Lori Jenner Gary Johnson & Wendy Storch, Paragon Real Estate Group, Gala Co-chairs Dan Joraanstad, Wachovia Securities Deb L. Kinney, DLK Law Group PC Chris Kollaja, A.L. Nella & Company Thomas A. Larsen Kevin Lew & Mark Small Jeff Lewy & Ed Eishen Keith Loring & Patrick Roberts William Lyons & Carson Edmond Chaya Rivka Mayerson Tom Musbach National Center for Lesbian Rights Thao H. Ngo Anne O’Driscoll Pat Patricelli, Herth Real Estate Elizabeth Pearce & Joan Glassheim San Francisco LGBT Community Center Beverly A. Scott & Mary Ann Courtney Gary Snow, Paragon Real Estate John Solaegui & Steven Allen Kara Swisher & Megan Smith John A. Tuttle James G. Williamson & Geoffrey Kors Volunteers Horizons extends our sincerest thanks and appreciation to all of the volunteers who helped us in 2007. Elizabeth Labedz Ari Lathuras Stephanie Lincoln Steve Mayers Mike Modula Joanne Ng Balenbin Ron Overmann Cathy Rice Jim Setta Wendy Storch Kate Trujillo John Tuttle Emmanuel Vallejo Nick Wade Andrea Williams Jeanne Wing Paul Albert Laurene Bolet Mike Bonella Jon Borset Karen Broder Miriam Cantor Wendy Chang Cheri Choy Sharon Delap Julie Doherty Ed Eishen Mario Galande Claire Eugenia Gerndt, Jr. Greg Haretos Rich Harris Alison Hawthorn Patrik Hendrickson Beverly Hoh Andrew Hurley David Johnson Gary Johnson Diane Jung Nir Krakauer COMMUNITY ISSUES GRANTEE SISTAHS STEPPIN’ IN PRIDE HAS EMERGED AS A POWERFUL CELEBRATION OF THE EAST BAY COMMUNITY OF LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL WOMEN. 39 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 financials 2007 Total Income Horizons Foundation recorded another year of solid financial results in 2007. Horizons’ net assets at year-end were $7,700,665, a 4.6% increase over 2006. Revenues for 2007 were $4,461,225, a decrease from 2006 as a result of lower receipts from bequests. Expenditures for 2007 totaled $4,124,298, of which 82% was dedicated to grantmaking, capacity building, and philanthropic promotion programs, and 18% to fundraising, management, and general expenses. As highlighted in this report, our grantmaking programs saw a substantial increase of 56% over 2006. Other Income: 3% $136,272 Investment Income: 13% $603,370 Foundations and Corporations: 27% $1,188,700 With the oversight of Horizons’ Investment Committee and Board of Directors, our endowment investments and donor-advised fund investments achieved strong growth. The endowment fund—which at December 31 had a balance of $4,334,842—resides with Boston Trust/Walden Assets as a part of the Tides Foundation Pooled Funds; Walden Assets is a national leader in socially responsive investments. During 2007, the fund had a return on principal of 11.0%. The information presented here reflects the foundation’s statement of financial position and activity for the year ended December 31, 2007. We have included comparative information for the year ended December 31, 2006. In both years, Ghaffari Zaragoza LLP conducted the audit of Horizons’ financial statements in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). L A copy of the complete audit report is available on our website or upon request. Individuals: 44% $1,954,691 Bequests: 13% $578,192 2007 Total Expenses Management and General: 7% $267,871 Fundraising: 11% $462,593 Capacity Building: 2% $66,793 Grantmaking: 77% $3,189,310 Promoting Philanthropy: 3% $137,731 CHRIS KOLLAJA AND TOM DOOHER NOT ONLY BELONG TO HORIZONS’ LEADERSHIP AND LEGACY CIRCLES, BUT CHRIS ALSO VOLUNTEERS HIS PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE AS PART OF OUR INVESTMENT COMMITTEE. 41 42 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Statement of Financial Position At December 31, 2007 and 2006 2007 2006 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Investments Grants receivable Pledges receivable, net of $0 allowance Other receivables Prepaid expenses $400,257 3,380,440 139,000 — 48,677 4,189 $432,842 3,229,380 459,667 39,947 7,834 14,731 Total Current Assets 3,972,563 4,184,401 50,000 3,918,433 12,237 17,857 — 3,485,372 20,121 21,614 $7,971,09 $7,711,508 $66,000 41,094 136,000 27,331 $284,500 40,391 — 22,879 Total Current Liabilities 270,425 347,770 Total Liabilities 270,425 347,770 3,287,771 494,461 3,918,433 3,060,476 817,890 3,485,372 7,700,665 7,363,738 $7,971,090 $7,711,508 Grants receivable (due in 2009) Investments restricted for long-term purposes Property and equipment Deposits and other assets Total Assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Grants payable Accounts payable and accrued expenses Line of credit Accrued vacation NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets ANNUAL REPORT 2007 43 Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 SUPPORT Contributions from individuals Foundation and corporation grants Bequests Special event revenue and contribution Special event direct expense Special event, net Net assets released from restrictions: Purpose accomplished Total Support REVENUE Fees for services Interest and dividends Net gain from investments Rental and other income Total Revenue Total Support and Revenue EXPENSES Program services: Grantmaking Capacity building Promoting philanthropy Total program services Supporting services: Management and general Fundraising Total supporting services Total Expenses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted $1,887,817 48,700 148,181 $63,824 1,140,000 — 146,224 (80,452) 65,772 Permanently Restricted 2007 Total Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted 2006 Total $3,050 — 430,011 $1,954,691 1,188,700 578,192 $1,791,825 69,298 346,231 — 1,323,000 — $106,340 6,680 996,126 $1,898,165 1,398,978 1,342,357 — — — — — — 146,224 (80,452) 65,772 161,595 (113,111) 48,484 — — — — — — 161,595 (113,111) 48,484 1,527,253 (1,527,253) — — 1,060,893 (1,060,893) — — 3,677,723 (323,429) 433,061 3,787,355 3,316,731 262,107 1,109,146 4,687,984 70,000 230,851 372,519 500 — — — — — — — — 70,000 230,851 372,519 500 70,000 159,002 309,153 12,324 — — — — — — — — 70,000 159,002 309,153 12,324 673,870 — — 673,870 550,479 — — 550,479 4,351,593 (323,429) 433,061 4,461,225 3,867,210 262,107 1,109,146 5,238,463 3,189,310 66,793 137,731 3,393,834 — — — — — — — — 3,189,310 66,793 137,731 3,393,834 2,041,018 83,494 155,306 2,279,818 — — — — — — — — 2,041,018 83,494 155,306 2,279,818 267,871 462,593 730,464 — — — — — — 267,871 462,593 730,464 257,328 464,120 721,448 — — — — — — 257,328 464,120 721,448 4,124,298 — — 4,124,298 3,001,266 — — 3,001,266 227,295 (323,429) 433,061 336,927 865,944 262,107 1,109,146 2,237,197 3,060,476 817,890 3,485,372 7,363,738 2,194,532 555,783 2,376,226 5,126,541 $3,287,771 $494,461 $3,918,433 $7,700,665 $3,060,476 $817,890 $3,485,372 $7,363,738 44 HORIZONS FOUNDATION Staff, Board of Directors, Committee Members, and Advisory Board STAFF BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMITTEE MEMBERS ADVISORY BOARD Julie Dorf Director of Philanthropic Services and Development John Bare Miguel Bustos George Duran Margarita Gandia Deb L. Kinney Jeff Lewy Kristen Putnam-Walkerly Vincent Sales Beverly Scott Léonie Walker As a community foundation, Horizons is fortunate to have dedicated community members who lend their experience and expertise to our committees. Their input is invaluable to helping us fulfill our mission. The vision and wisdom of Horizons’ advisory board members serve as a remarkable resource for the LGBT community. Roger Doughty Executive Director Rajat Dutta Deputy Director of Development Jewelle Gomez Director of Grants and Community Initiatives Devesh Khatu Events and Database Manager Henry Pacheco Philanthropic Services and Development Associate Nikole Pagan Administrative Coordinator Gary D. Page Director of Finance and Operations Juni Rusli Accounting Assistant Lindasusan Ulrich Communications Manager/Writer We are deeply grateful for the leadership and commitment of Glenn Perry, Theresa Sparks, and James Williamson, who completed their board service this past year. Thank you all! Tom Burke Antonio Choy-Koo Cecilia Chung Charles Q. Forester David Gleba Scott Hafner Chris Kollaja, CPA Steve Lew Nanette Miller, CPA Paula Morris Dan Neumann, CFA Jeff Nguyen, Esq. Joe Norton, CFA Dan Quigley Gale Richards Lia Shigemura Maryann Simpson Wendy Storch S.J. Sullivan Jane Swan, CFA Ron Wong Special thanks to Doug Braley and Nick Hodges, who completed their committee service this past year. Alvin Baum Michael Berg Doug Braley Cheri Bryant Diana Campoamor William Clark Laurence Colton Steve Coulter Carole Cullum, Esq. Robert Glavin David Gleba Roger Gross, Esq. Scott Hafner Mitzi Henderson Kate Kendell, Esq. Assemblymember Mark Leno Steve Lew Susan Lowenberg Ash McNeely Emily Rosenberg Lia Shigemura Fred Silverman Peg Van Camp Denise Wells Stan Yogi Vance Yoshida Helen Zia mission A community foundation rooted in and dedicated to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, Horizons Foundation exists to: Mobilize and increase resources for the LGBT movement and organizations that secure the rights, meet the needs, and celebrate the lives of LGBT people Empower individual donors and promote giving as an integral part of a healthy, compassionate community Steward a permanently endowed fund through which donors can make legacy gifts to ensure our community’s capacity to meet the future needs of LGBT people WRITER/EDITORS: Lindasusan Ulrich, Jeff Lewy, Julie Dorf, Roger Doughty, Gary D. Page. DESIGN: Betsy Joyce PRINTING: Autumn Press PHOTOS: All photos by Andrew Weeks, except page 44 by Emily Drennen Thousands of LGBT people Hundreds of LGBT organizations One LGBT foundation horizons foundation 870 Market Street, Suite 728, San Francisco, California 94102 www.horizonsfoundation.org 415.398.2333