2015 April - June Edition


2015 April - June Edition
Golden Lion
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of New York
Largest Italian-American Fraternal Bi-Monthly in New York State
1 9 05 - 20 0 5
“The Order Sons of Italy in America is the oldest and largest organization of Italian-American Men and Women in the United States and Canada”
VOL. 48 NO. 4-5-6
Celebrating the Past ...
Shaping the Future!
Delegates Ready to Convene at the
Villa Roma Resort and Convention Center for the
109th Annual Convention
May 28 to May 31, 2015
Executive Board
and National Delegates to be Elected
Awards to be Bestowed at Convention for
Bene Emeritus - Sellaro
Family of the Year - and Literary
The Annual Event of Italian Pride
A Tremendous Success
Three Outstanding Italian Americans
Honored by the NYSOSIA Foundation
For Their Commitment To The Community
James Conigliaro
Gerard D’Aversa, MD
Victor Politi, MD
• • • • • •
See Pages 10 and 11 For Full Coverage
Related Convention Agenda Begins in Section 2
Cornaro Award
$83,900 in Scholarships and Grants to be Awarded
on June 13, 2015
At Tappan Zee High School, Orangeburg NY
~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
Villa Roma Resort and Conference Center
The three 2015 Golden Lion Honorees, are shown holding their coveted Golden
Lion Awards. From left: James Conigliaro, Directing Business Representative
District 15, International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, AFLCIO; Dr. Victor Politi, President and CEO of NuHealth System, Nassau University
Medical Center; and Dr. Gerard D’Aversa, Partner at Ophthalmic Consultants of
Long Island.
~ Ordine Figli d’Italia in America ~
for the
Next Golden Lion Issue is
July 7, 2015
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The Golden Lion
Official Publication
of N.Y. Grand Lodge
Order Sons of Italy
in America
Published Bi-Monthly
Circulated 5 times per year among
the NY OSIA Membership with a
family readership of over 40,000
throughout the New York State Area.
Sal Moschella
Marjorie Moschella
Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Advertising Manager
Anita Rosato
Our thoughts and prayers
are with those in uniform
in harm’s way
Contributing Writers
Mike Cutillo
Dr. Ciro T. De Rosa
Prof. Philip J. DiNovo
Florence Gatto
Dr. Joseph A. Tursi
Past Editors
Frank Rossi
Guido Vitiello (Emeritus)
Joseph Maglioto
Frank Rossi
Frank Malerba
Peter R. Zuzolo
August A. Di Renzo
State Photographer
Natale Mannino
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2 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
The Golden Lion is the official publication
of the New York State Order Sons of Italy in
America (NYS OSIA) Grand Lodge, the
largest and longest established organization
representing New York's women and men of
Italian heritage. The Golden Lion strives to
provide timely information about NYS OSIA,
while reporting individuals, institutions,
issues and events of current or historical significance in the New York Italian-American
The Golden Lion is published 5 times yearly: (Jan-Feb-Mar, Apr-May-June, Jul-Aug,
Sep-Oct, and Nov-Dec) by NYS OSIA, 2101
Bellmore Avenue. Bellmore, NY 11710,
516-785-4623. Mailed at periodicals postage
rates at Bellmore and at additional mailing
offices under USPS permit #017-248. ” 1997
NYS OSIA. All rights reserved.
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New York State Grand Council
Joseph F. Rondinelli............................................... State President
235 Massachusetts Avenue, Massapequa, NY 11758
Home Tel: 516 799-0044
Cell Tel: 516 659-4404
Fax No. 516 221-6742
Email: osiajfr@aol.com
Carolyn Reres........................................... State 1st Vice President
Robert Ferrito.......................................... State 2nd Vice President
Thom Lupo................................... State Immediate Past President
Anthony Naccarato............................................... State Orator
Michele Ment........................................ State Recording Secretary
Biagio Isgro, Jr........................................ State Financial Secretary
James Spatafora........................... State Corresponding Secretary
2712 Smith Drive, Endwell, NY 13760
John A. Fratta........................................................ State Treasurer
Arthur Spera................................................ State Principal Trustee
State Trustees
Anthony Corsello
Joseph DiCarlo
Anthony DiCostanzo
Valerie Gobbo
Patrick Iandoli
Thomas LiPuma
Cathy Lembo Lloyd
Ernest Magliotto
John Maura
John M. Rubbo Sr.
Joanne Spera
Luigi Squillante
Keith Wilson
State Past Presidents
Anthony J. Gulotta+
Crescenzo Pitocchi+
Stefano Miele+
Corrado Stornello+
Salvatore Cotillo+
John J. Freschi+
Stefano Miele+
Frank Catinella+
Andrew J. Malatesta+
Francis X. Giaccone+
Peter R. Zuzolo
Ubaldo N. Marino+
Joseph A. Montemarano+
Amedeo H. Volpe+
Nicholas G. Viglietta
Carmine A. Ventiera+
Joseph Parillo, Jr.+
Peter A. Brevett
Joseph Sciame
Salvatore H. Migliaccio
Joseph Cangemi
George Montopoli+
Joseph J. DiTrapani
P. Vincent Landi+
Carlo Matteucci
Joseph Bologna+
Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Joseph E. Fay+
Salvatore Lanzilotta
State Appointees
Rev. R. Adam Forno ...................................................... NYS Chaplain
Eleanor Jobbagy............................................... New York State Deputy
Louis Gallo ........................................... New York State CSJ Chairman
Joseph Sciame and Luigi Squillante ......... NY State GMM Co-Chairs
New York State Member Bene Emeritus
Carmine Cocchiola +
Giuseppe A. Nigro +
Constantine Fascia +
Gregorio Morabito +
Lillian Black +
Philip Iannuccilli
Frank Picarazzi
Maria Dell’Unto +
Giacomo DiNola +
Andrew Torregrossa, Sr.+
Rev. Julius Valentinelli+
Joseph G. Bologna +
E. Howard Molisani +
Thomas F. Rosolio+
P. Vincent Landi +
Anne Fiore+
Hon. Angelo D. Roncallo+
Amelia B. Magnotta +
F. Joseph Leone +
Arthur L. Pardi +
John Musicaro +
Edward Innella
Hon. Josephine Gambino+
Hon. Dominic R. Massaro
Peter R. Zuzolo
Louis L. Giambra+
Joseph Parillo, Jr. +
Nicholas G. Viglietta
Salvatore Marasa+
Emanuel J. Aragosa
Frank D’Andrea+
Joseph E. Fay+
Joseph Sciame
Rev. Donald B. Licata+
Lucy F. Codella
Louis Ambrosio
John Dabbene+
Dan Colantone
Joseph Cangemi
Joseph J. DiTrapani
Carlo Matteucci
Nancy DiFiore Quinn
Salvatore Lanzilotta
Antonette Innella+
Sylvia Summa+
Joseph Montemarano+
Thom Lupo
New York State Hall of Fame
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro+
Francis Mezzatesta, Esq.+
Dr. Vincent Buffa+
Stefano Miele, +
Peter R. Zuzolo
Joseph Sciame
Joseph DiTrapani
National Officers/Appointees
Nancy DiFiore Quinn........................................National Fifth Vice President
Joseph J. DiTrapani.................................National Immediate Past President
Thom A. Lupo....................................................National Financial Secretary
Carlo Matteucci.....................................................................National Trustee
Nicholas Mauro.....................................................................National Trustee
Peter R. Zuzolo..........................................,................National Past President
Joseph Sciame.............................................................National Past President
Joseph J. DiTrapani..................National Sons of Italy Foundation President
Salvatore Lanzilotta...........................................National Foundation Trustee
Bruce Lankewish................................................National Foundation Trustee
Marianne Principe O’Neil.................................National Foundation Trustee
Carmine Federico..........................National Arbitration Commissioner Chair
Salvatore Lanzilotta................................National Arbitration Commissioner
Joseph F. Rondinelli..................................Supreme Cabinet Co-Chairperson
Rev. R. Adam Forno...........................................................National Chaplain
Joan Rondinelli................................................Cooley’s Anemia Chairperson
John A. Fratta ................................................... National CSJ Vice President
Dominic Massaro.........................................National CSJ President Emeritus
Grand Lodge Office
Eileen Stavis, Office Manager
Carol DiTrapani, Executive Assistant
2101-03 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, N.Y. 11710-5605
Tel. 516-785-4623 1-800-322-OSIA Fax 516-221-OSIA (6742)
www.nysosia.org • nysosia@aol.com
From The State President’s Desk
open forums as we discuss various OSIA
concerns and endeavors. On Friday
evening, we will pay tribute to our 2015
Bene Emeritus Award Recipient. We are
looking forward to presenting Brother
Carmine Federico of the Progresso
Lodge #1047 with New York OSIA’s
highest honor. Join with us as we highlight and confer our warmest admiration
and esteem on the 2015 award recipients.
Joseph F. Rondinelli
State President
Grand Lodge of New York
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the
NYSOSIA Grand Lodge:
t feels rather odd to be preparing
this, my final message in the
Golden Lion as your State
President. Two years have gone by
so quickly and it’s hard to believe so
much was accomplished. We faced great
challenges and moreover, great opportunities for us to work together and leave
our mark on the future of our beloved
organization. It is hard to imagine that
our 109th Annual State Convention is
just a few weeks away. I am delighted to
report that our State Convention
Committee has met and is busy at work,
attending to every detail necessary to
enable all delegates to have an enjoyable,
informative and most of all, a smooth
running Convention.
At this 2015 State Convention everyone will be participating and doing the
important work of our great New York
Grand Lodge. We will once again
attempt to add a few new ideas based on
suggestions from our State Delegates
these past few years. Those of you who
are delegates to this years’ Convention
are urged to arrive prior to the Opening
Session that will commence promptly on
Thursday, May 28th at 1:45 p.m. We
have quite a full schedule planned and
will need everyone in attendance.
Thursday evening promises to be a casual celebration of all things Italian, as our
now so ever popular homemade wine
tasting contest will take place.
Friday will be a working day filled
with business of the Order with important issues to be discussed, not least of
all, will be the nominations for election
of State Executive Board Officers (20152017) and National Delegates. We will
also be saluting our 2015 NYOSIA
Family of the Year and 2015 Dr.
Vincenzo Sellaro Award recipients.
Please be with us to celebrate! Several
workshops are planned for Friday afternoon giving Presidents and their delegates an opportunity to work together in
Saturday morning includes the elections and we will also recognize an
Italian American writer with the most
impressive New York Grand Lodge
Literary Award. In the evening, our new
Executive Board Officers will be
installed for the 2015-2017 administrative year. Yes, my brothers and sisters,
much work, endless hours of preparation
and commitment will have gone into
making our Annual Convention a memorable event for all attending. Plan to be
there as we celebrate the 110th
Anniversary of our beloved Order!
We conducted the good work of the
Order throughout the month of March as
we installed new local lodge Presidents
and Officers as well as reinstalled other
Officers for a second term. I take this
opportunity to thank our State Officers,
First Vice President Carolyn Reres,
Second Vice President Robert Ferrito,
State Immediate Past President Thom
Lupo, State Orator Anthony Naccarato,
State Treasurer John Fratta, State Trustee
Anthony DiCostanzo, and National
Trustee Nicholas Mauro for representing
me at various installations. There are
many other Officers, as well as Trustees,
who also attend the installations and I
wish to thank them for their loyal support. To our Lodge Deputies who represent me, I am proud of your dedication
and salute you for your steadfast commitment.
This year’s Cooley’s Anemia DineAround was spectacular! 340 guests
joined together to raise funds for OSIA’s
favorite charity - the Cooley’s Anemia
Sincere thanks to
Chairperson Mary Naccarato, CoChairperson Mildred Mancusi and the
entire committee for their never ending
commitment to this event. I am sure that
the profit from this event has surpassed
prior years and that is a good thing.
Many thanks to all the past Chairpersons
of this event - for it is each one of you
who has laid the foundation for where we
are today. We are committed to our
Cooley’s Anemia patients to be in it until
a cure is found.
Before I close this message, I wish to
especially thank State 2nd Vice President
Robert Ferrito and the entire Golden
Lion Dinner Committee for once again
preparing such a magnificent evening for
our Foundation. With over 200 guests in
attendance we lauded our special guests
of honor in a grand way. It was an
absolutely wonderful affair. The New
York OSIA Grand Lodge Foundation can
beam with pride of another tremendously successful Gala event.
Our Plenary Session meeting on April
25th was a great success thanks to the
hospitality extended by the brothers and
sisters of the Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge,
the Daughters and Sons of Italian
Heritage Lodge and the A.P. Giannini
Our Annual Walk-A-Thon
“Walk for a Cure,” held on May 16th was
another terrific day for our New York
Grand Lodge. The newly revised “Walk
for a Cure” was a tremendous social and
financial success highlighting three special OSIA charities, Alzheimer’s,
Autism, and Cancer Research. State
Deputy Eleanor Jobbagy and State
Trustee Ernest Magliato and the entire
committee did a super job in coordinating this enjoyable and fun-filled day.
As my term as your State President
concludes, I reflect upon our accomplishments these past two years with a
deep sense of pride. I have observed the
efforts of so many individuals, who are
still working at making the local, state
and national levels of OSIA a better
organization. So many have contributed
their time and talent this year on committees with a real spirit of teamwork. I
thank you one and all! Our challenge is
a formidable one – to continue the fine
legacy of compassion, responsibility and
hard work, which defines our very existence. Thank you as always, for your
encouragement, our successes, and the
awesome opportunity to serve our treasured New York State OSIA. Together, I
am positive we will continue to do great
In closing this final message, I thank
you for the distinct privilege to have
served as the 31st State President of the
New York Grand Lodge. It has been an
honor for me to follow in the footsteps of
past great leaders of our beloved organization. May each of you enjoy many
more years of service to our Order as you
continue your involvement and commitment to Liberty-Equality and Fraternity.
Both First Lady Joan and I look forward
to greeting and meeting with many of
you at our upcoming State Convention
when we can celebrate these past two
years. God Bless each of you and your
Joseph F. Rondinelli
Joseph F. Rondinelli
State President
Grand Lodge of New York
Departing Thoughts of State President Joseph F. Rondinelli
Delivered at the April 25th Plenary Session . . .
Soon it will be time for me to go.
But before I do, I wanted to share some thoughts, some of which I’ve
been saving for a long time.
It’s been the honor of my life to be your President.
So many of you have written the past few weeks to say thanks, but I could
say as much to you.
Joan and I are grateful for the opportunity you gave us to serve.
I can’t tell you how difficult it is to describe how I’m feeling right now.
Two years ago, I would never have realized how connected I would be to
such a prestigious group of men and women of OSIA.
So many times, Joan and I have been humbled by your kindness, your
generosity, your respect, and mostly by your hearts.
You’ve helped us through some difficult times, and shared the joyous
times in yours.
Some people judge their lives on what they do, others on who they are.
I want my life judged on the friends I keep, and how enriched I am from
just knowing and working with all of you.
To our “Team” – We’ve done our part, and I say “Thank You.”
Our Members across New York who did the work to promote and keep
OSIA Strong, thank you for always reminding me we are one and why we
do what we do for OSIA.
We did it.
We weren’t just marking time.
We made a difference.
We made OSIA stronger, we made OUR state come together as one, and I
feel together we have accomplished all the goals we set out to do two
years ago.
All in all - not bad.
I would like to personally thank all of you!
Joseph F. Rondinelli
NYS OSIA President
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 3
President’s Photo Album
From Your Chaplain
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
s we near the 110th Anniversary of
the Order Sons of Italy in America in
June, my thoughts turn to one of our
world leaders.
In these past two years men and
women of good will across the globe
have discovered in Pope Francis not
only a genuine leader but an icon of
faith and a classic example of discipleship. In other words, he reminds the
Christian what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus in speech and service.
National Plenary Session- SavaNNah, GeorGia. During a lull in the proceeding of the session held in that beautiful southern city in February 2015, members of the New York Grand Lodge and guests, take a well deserved reprieve
from the business of the Order. From left. Carolyn Reres, Marian Palazzolo,
Mary Naccarato, Nick Mauro, Annette Lankewish, State President Joseph
Rondinelli, Joseph DiTapani, Joseph Sciame, Bruce Lankewish, State First
Lady Joan Rondinelli,Thom Lupo, and Anthony Naccarato.
In an effort to remind the world what
it means to be a Christian, the Pontiff
has declared (first in March and again in
an April 11th document entitled “The
Face of Mercy”) that this coming
December 8th, on the Feast of the
Immaculate Conception, the Church
will begin a “Jubilee Year” entitled
“The Holy Year of Mercy.”
Referring to Jesus’ response to Peter’s
question about how many times one
must forgive another (“seventy times
seventy times”), Pope Francis says
that “in short, we are called to show
mercy because mercy has first been
shown to us. Pardoning offenses
becomes the clearest expression of merciful love; an imperative for Christians
from which we cannot excuse ourselves.”
Again the Pope says, “The Lord asks
us above all not to judge and not to condemn. If anyone wishes to avoid God’s
judgement, he should not make himself
the judge of his brother or sister. Human
beings, whenever they judge, look no
farther than the surface, whereas the
Father looks into the very depths of the
At the Commission for Social Justice 35th Dinner Dance, held on February
22, 2015, National CSJ Vice President John Fratta, and Artist and Producer
Simona Soldano were honored for their contributions to the advancement of the
Italian culture. In photo accepting one of the many citations are John Fratta (2nd
from left), and Anna Maria D’Angelo (2nd from right), accepting for honoree
Simona Soldano. They are joined by, from left: NYS President Joseph Rondinelli,
NYS CSJ Chairman Louis Gallo, and event chairperson Josephine Morici Cohen.
It must be noted that the Holy Father
says that mercy and justice “are not two
contradictory realities, but two dimensions of a single reality that unfold progressively until it culminates in the fullness of love. The temptation…to focus
exclusively on justice, he notes, made us
forget that this is only the first, albeit
necessary and indispensable step. Mercy
is the force that reawakens us to new life
and instills in us the courage to look to
the future with hope.”
Reverend R. Adam Forno
State and National
Chaplain, OSIA
The Order Sons of Italy in America
has a rich century-old history of bestowing mercy and compassion upon those
who came to this country and found
themselves objects of injustice due to
prejudice (prior judgement) relative to
their ancestral heritage. This legacy of
compassion, handed on to us, must
translate as advocates of justice with
mercy. This manner of living is meant
not only for a jubilee year but for every
year of our lives if we are to live authentically.
As we celebrate 110 years of compassionate giving through OSIA may the
advice of this most sage world leader
help each of us within our Order to
become even more sterling people of
good will and service.
Mimicking the words which the Holy
Father used to conclude the April document I, too, say: “to all who read this letter grace, mercy and peace.”
Rev. R. Adam Forno,
National/NYS OSIA Chaplain
Father Forno’s “Wholly Humor” booklet
is due to be available at the NY Grand
Lodge Convention.
At this writing with the wrath of winter
over and no resolution to the “homelessness” of my mother and sister for over a
year they are seeking to purchase a new
home knowing that even when rehabilitated, due to their medical sensitivities,
they would not be able to live in their old
home that has been in the family for
In Mem oriam
District Lodge Member
1389 John Murro
Lodge Past President
At the Spring Plenary Session held on April 25, 2015, State President Joseph
Rondinelli presented Appreciation Plaques to the three lodges that co-hosted
the session. Accepting for their respective lodges are, from left: IPP Josephine
Piazza of the A.P. Giannini Lodge #2859; President Mark Mascioli of the
Daughters & Sons of Italian Heritage Lodge #2428; and William Bray of the Lt.
Joseph Petrosino Lodge #285. The session was held at the Most Precious
Blood Church Hall, in NYC’s “Little Italy.”
4 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Michele Russo
Jean Cuccia
John Ferrara
Ralph Jeffrey
Past State Trustee
Lodge Past President
May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Names as submitted by Lodges as of May 7, 2015
Cooley’s Dine-A-Round Fundraiser
by: Mary Naccarato, NYS Cooley’s Anemia Chairperson
and Mildred Mancusi, NYS Cooley’s Anemia Co-Chairperson
n April 7, 2015, the 17th Annual Cooley’s Anemia Dine-Around, to benefit the
Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, was held at Verdi’s of Westbury. Three-Hundred
and Thirty-Three guests participated in this very worthy event. It was wonderful to see so many Order Sons of Italy Lodges and their guests, including NYS
President and First Lady, Joseph and Joan
Rondinelli, along with National Fifth VicePresident, Nancy DiFiori Quinn, National
Foundation President, Joseph DiTrapani and
many other National and State Officers. Anthony
Viola, CA Foundation President and Gina Cioffi,
CA Executive Director also participated, along
with a large representation from local CA
Chapters,. enjoying the evening. The event realized a net profit exceeding $37,000.
State President and First Lady, Joseph and Joan
Rondinelli, presented a memorial plaque to Sarah
and Michael Connolly in loving memory of their
daughter Zayna.
Forty-one restaurants participated by
donating their house specialties to the event. Wine
was donated by Cathy Lembo-Lloyd, District 4
Trustee, Anthony and Gen Lembo, Grotta Azzurra, and Banfi Wines of Brookville.
The Committee thanks all the Lodges and friends who graciously donated raffle gifts,
table sponsors, canisters and direct donations. Mary and Anthony Naccarato were
privileged to continue to underwrite the cost of
the catering hall.
The Dine-Around Committee is comprised of representatives from OSIA filial lodges
throughout NYS. The Committee did an outstanding job of reaching out to Lodges, members
and donors to insure that the event would be a
financial and social success.
The theme of the night was “They Still
Need Our Help”. OSIA, the Cooley’s Anemia
Foundation and the Committee are grateful for
everyone’s support and generosity and we look
forward to the day that we will celebrate the
finding of a cure for Cooley’s Anemia. n
Attention All NY State Officers and Chairpersons
Scheduled Plenary Session
August 25, 2015 - Summer Session
Hosted by America Lodge #2245
Franklin Square, NY
Thanks for Your Support.
Joseph Rondinelli
State President
New York Grand Lodge
Dear Brother Joe,
I just want to take the time to tell you what a great gesture you made when
you complimented the Board members and me at the last Commission for Social
Justice meeting. To actually take the time to come from Massapequa and go to
Syosset just to do what you did says volumes about the caliber and character of
Joe Rondinelli! I am really impressed and thank you so wholeheartedly for not
just me but to hear what you said to the Board will only motivate them to do
more than they've already done. Fantabulous!
You're a great guy Joe and thanks loads!! You've been an incomparable supporter of CSJ and am so glad to be a part of your administration. I wish you the
best in any endeavor you pursue within the Order!
Lou Gallo
Chairman - NYS Commission for Social Justice
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 5
Celebrating Saint Joseph
On May 2, 2015, State President Joseph Rondineli and his family: Joan, Leeann,
and Tiffany, joined the family of Zayna Connolly: parents Michael and Sarah
Connolly at the "Cooley’s Anemia Care Walk” fund-raiser.
John Michael Marino Lodge No.1389 - Port Washington. Responding to Our
Lady of Fatima Church’s appeal for food pantry items, lodge members responded
with an open heart by donating food and other non-perishable items. All items were
delivered to the Village of Manorhaven Town Hall on February 26th, for distribution
to the church. On hand for the delivery were lodge members: Joe Ciotoli, Barbara
and Tom Faticone, Angela McGrade, Sharon Natale (Deputy Village ClerkTreasurer), Marianne Bortone Prince, and Lisa Velotti. A delighted Mayor Giovanna
Giunta, and Deputy Mayor Lucretia Steele welcomed the members and expressed
their heartfelt sincere thanks and that of Sister Kathy of Our Lady of Fatima Church.
Le Amiche Lodge #2550 of Yonkers, visited OSIA’s Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
on Sunday April 19, 2015. Lodge President Paula Baratta is pictured in front of
the museum, along with several members and friends of the lodge. The day trip
to Staten Island not only included an informative and interesting museum visit,
but also a wonderful lunch at a local restaurant, and a tour of other cultural
sights. A Day of Italian Culture!
Loggia Glen Cove No. 1016, held its annual celebration of the feast of St.
Joseph, the patron saint of the family. A prayer service was conducted by John
Fielding, Deacon at the Church of St. Rocco. A meatless dinner was served after
all the food had been blessed by the Deacon. The St. Joseph’s bread was sold
and the proceeds from the bread and other lodge donations were given to the
Church of St. Rocco to help the poor in the Outreach Program. Pictured left to
right: Joseph Gallo, President; Deacon John Fielding; and Kathryn Grande,
Heritage and Culture Chairperson.
On March 21st, the Progresso Lodge #1047 of Syracuse, at their Annual St.
Joseph's Day Dinner Dance Celebration, honored all the lodge’s Josephs and
Josephines. Shown above, from left - are: Lodge IPP Josephine Federico,
Joseph Ponticello, Giuseppe Giudice, Joseph Alberici, Joseph Antelmi,
Giuseppe Zappala, Josephine Mineo; and Lodge President Carmine Federico
who chaired the ceremony.
Gabriele D’Annunzio Lodge 321 – Schenectady. Michael Sacoccio (L)
Director of the Schenectady City Mission thanks Lodge President Peter
Sparano (R) and some of the Lodge members who prepared and served dinner to over 125 City Mission clients. Lodge member Angelo Piccirillo who assisted in preparing the food is missing in the photo.
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 6
Thanking Our Mothers and Fathers
For The Education Given Us
FATHER'S DAY and Agire da Maschio
1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE .
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."
Reflecting on Father's Day, my thoughts go back to my own father and grandfathers. It is only recently that I feel I have gained a greater appreciation of what
made them tick. As a third generation Italian-American, 1 had a problem dealing
with their demeanor and values.
2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."
3. My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"
4. My father taught me LOGIC.
" Because I said so, that's why."
5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC .
"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."
6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."
7. My father taught me IRONY.
"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."
8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS .
"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."
9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
"Just you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"
10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."
11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."
12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
"If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!"
13. My father taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out..."
14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION .
"Stop acting like your father!"
15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."
16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait until we get home."
17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You are going to get it from your father when you get home!"
18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way."
19. My mother taught me ESP.
"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"
20. My father taught me HUMOR.
“When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT .
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
"You're just like your father."
23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"
24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand.
25. My father taught me about JUSTICE .
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!" n
Congratulations to Robert Savino, IPP of the Constantino Brumidi
Lodge #2211 of Deer Park NY, for being unanimously elected
Suffolk County Poet Laureate by the Suffolk County Legislature.
This is a great honor for the Order Sons of Italy in America and for
all Italian Americans. He will serve proudly in this position for 2
years. Bob has been a frequent contributor of poems to the
Golden Lion Newspaper. His poems have an Italian human touch
to our heritage and culture. Bravo ed Auguri Roberto!
by Prof./Cav. Philip J. DiNovo
While hundreds of books have been written about the Italian mother, the heart of
the family, books on the role of the Italian father are limited. Of course, we all
knew he was the main provider and king of the home. Yet, there was little to help
us deal with agire da maschio, their ever-present obligation as Italian men to act in
a manly fashion. My grandfather DiNovo was very strick with his nine children.
Even the male members of the family had early curfews. The rules that the women
had to follow were much stricter. Everyone was expected to work long and hard to
help the family. I never saw him show any outward signs of affection toward my
grandmother or his children. Yet, as a grandson, I would always kiss him upon
entering his home. He would hug and kiss his grandchildren, always showing generosity toward all of us.
My grandfather Sgarlata, had six girls; no boys survived. While he was strict, he
seemed to me less so than my other grandfather. We also always greeted him with
a kiss upon entering his home, even in our teens. My grandmother Sgarlata once
told me she wanted to marry someone else, but her family had arranged the marriage with my grandfather. They were a very happy and devoted couple. I recall the
happiness of their 50th anniversary expressed in the traditional way.
When my father died, one of our neighbors said to me, "Phil, your father was so
proud of your being a professor". My father never said that to me, keeping so
much of his love to himself. When we drove to the train station at the time I
entered the service he shook my hand even though he wanted to kiss and hug me.
The Italian ideal of manliness was so much of my father and grandfathers; they
were often impassive, tough, with dead-pan stoicism. They were very hard workers
and knew the meaning of self-denial. I often remember the heavy price they paid
to support and care for their families. They would stand firm when they saw anything as a threat to 1 'ordine dellafamilia.
My great regret is that I didn't understand what constituted manliness in the
Italian culture while growing up. I now know how much I was loved by my father
and grandfathers, but they all are now gone. I find it quite paradoxical that I have
inherited so much of my own manliness from them. Even though I am a third generation Italian-American, I feel strongly; but, I am not romantic nor are my two
brothers. We are just like our dad and our grandfathers in that romantic behavior in
the Italian culture is an indication that a man had lost control. While it may be tolerated from a single young man, it is a sign of foolishness in a married man.
While I would modify the Italian ideal of manliness, I would still hold on to
most of the deeper totality and meaning of the concept. My father and grandfathers
were wonderful role models as their love for their families was very strong
although lacking in expression. They knew what the word commitment meant. So
much of what we are and have been able to achieve is owed to them. On this
Father's Day be sure to express to your father and grandfathers gratitude for their
deep love, a love that is often expressed in the context agire da maschio. n
r ’s Day
py Father ’s Day
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 7
OSIA’s March Madness -
Per Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A - Lynbrook
President - Elaine D’Arrigo Mendez (seated/center)
Constantino Brumidi Co-Ed Lodge #2211 - Deer Park
President Ciro Capano (seated 6th f/right)
Geneva American Italian Ladies Lodge (GAIL) #2397A - Geneva
President - Cynthia Durso-Woodhams (seated/center)
Rocky Marciano Lodge #2226 - Oceanside
President - Frank Sepe (center)
8 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Per Sempre Lodge #2344 - Lynbrook
President - John Quinn (seated/center)
Donatello Lodge #2559 - Westbury
President - Maria Kobylarz (2nd f/right)
Geneva Lodge #2397 - Geneva
President - Sam Cosentino (seated 2nd f/left)
Cellini Lodge #2206 - New Hyde Park
President - Alfonso Squillante (at podium/on right)
- Installation of Lodge Officers
Andrea Doria Lodge #2201 - Centereach
President - Barbara Lupo (4th f/left)
Columbus Lodge #2143 - Farmingdale
President - Philip Guerrieri (center)
Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge #285 - Manhattan
President - William Bray (front, 3rd f/right)
Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2163 - Syosset
President - Frank Urso (front, 2nd f/right)
Antonio Meucci Lodge #213 - White Plains
President - Mario Cermele (back row/center)
Fr. John Papallo Lodge #2684 - Smithtown
President - Joann Aliperti
Marco Polo Lodge #2214 - Levittown
President - Ann Acquaviva (2nd f/left)
Loggia Glen Cove
President - Joseph Gallo (rear row. center)
Additional Installation Photos - On pages 12 and 13
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 9
33rd Golden Lion Awards Dinner
33rd Golden Lion Awards Dinner
by Nancy DiFiore Quinn
NY Grand Lodge, Past President
n celebration of the 33rd Golden Lion Awards Dinner, the
New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Order Sons of Italy in
America held its annual event at the Garden City Hotel on
Friday evening, April 24, 2015. With over 200 guests in attendance, this prestigious event and commemorative journal was a
social and financial success due to the overwhelming commitment by the high status honorees ... James Conigliaro, Directing
Business Representative District 15, International Association
of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO; Dr. Gerald
D’Aversa, Partner at Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island;
and Dr. Victor Politi, President and CEO of NuHealth System
Nassau University Medical Center.
Vice President of the Foundation, Robert Ferrito serving as the
General Dinner Chairperson - together with Foundation
President Joseph Rondinelli, lauded the wonderful accomplishments of the 2015 award recipients.
James Conigliaro is the Directing Business Representative of
District 15 of the International Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO. A proud Italian American labor
activist, Mr. Conigliaro rose through the ranks of this organization and as a result of his lifetime achievements, was recently
elected to one of the highest positions in the Union, joining the
Executive Council of the IAM as General Vice President. His
involvement in philanthropic giving is also a big part of who he
is and we thank him for his untiring support of the Italian
American community and the community at large.
Dr. Gerard D’Aversa is a board certified ophthalmologist with
vast experience in cornea, cataract, and refractive surgery. He is
a partner at Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island (OCLI), a
large eye care group representing a broad spectrum of specialties in ophthalmology and optometry. Dr. D’Aversa is totally
devoted to his patients and has shown true compassion and
understanding to all that require his services.
Dr. Victor Politi is the President and Chief Executive Officer of
the NuHealth System, a teaching facility and public safety net
provider which operates the Nassau University Medical Center,
the A. Holly Paterson Extended Care Facility, five Long Island
Federally Qualified Family Health Centers and a school based
clinic. Dr. Politi oversees a healthcare delivery system with
3500 employees and a budget of $567M.
All three honorees spoke about how important their Italian heritage and upbringing were to the success they have achieved
today. Everyone was impressed by the obvious role models
each of them have become.
The Annual Golden Lion Dinner is the premier event held by the
New York Grand Lodge Foundation … a night to present the
Golden Lion Award to prominent Italian Americans and to laud
their many civic and philanthropic endeavors. All of our honorees met that goal this evening.
The success of this event is so essential to the fund raising
efforts of the New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc. It is this
Golden Lion Awards Dinner that allows us to continue to fund
so many worthwhile charitable organizations as well as our state
and national scholarship program. The New York Grand Lodge
Foundation also makes every effort to assist in the preservation
of our Italian heritage by funding cultural events and encourage
the study of Italian language.
Sincere thanks to our National and State Officers, filial lodges
and special dignitaries for supporting this event. Whether you
purchased a journal ad … or attended the dinner, your support
of this main fund raising event of the New York Grand Lodge
Foundation is sincerely appreciated.
We look forward to next year’s event when we celebrate the
34th Anniversary of New York OSIA’s Grand Lodge
Foundation, Inc., Order Sons of Italy in America.
10 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Photos by Anthony Gallego - Gill Associates Photography
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 11
continued from page 9
Sgt. John Basilone Lodge #2442 - Bluepoint
President - Margaret Ripa Maier (2nd f/right)
Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372 - Bellmore
President - Anthony Capriola (center, 6th f/right)
Progresso Lodge #1047 - Syracuse
President - Carmine Federico (seated/center)
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge #2319 - Smithtown
President - Tom Bandise
12 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
OSIA’s March Madness -
Michelangelo Lodge #2451 - Hampton Bays
President - Charles Bivona (behind banner, 3rd f/right)
America Lodge #2245 - Franklin Square
President - Sylvia Giglio (2nd f/left)
Capt. Kathy Mazza Lodge #2163A - Bethpage
President - JoAnn Manfredi (back row, 3rd f/left)
John Michael Marino Lodge #1389 - Port Washington
President - Marianne Prince (standing, 6th f/left)
- Installation of Lodge Officers
St. Francis of Assisi Lodge #2629 - Beacon
President - Louis Mazzacone
Rockland Lodge #2176 - Blauvelt
President - Greg DeCola, Jr. (5th f/right)
Leonardo DaVinci Lodge #2385 - Inwood
President - Giovanni Soto (front, 2nd f/left)
Guglielmo Marconi Lodge #2232 - Islip
President - William Trinceri (seated/center)
Vincent Linguanti Lodge #2212 - Suffern
President - William Villanova (front, 2nd f/right)
Ann Bambino Lodge #2353 - Massapequa Park
President - Corinne Rodi (5th f/left)
Judge Frank A. Gulotta
Lodge #2180 - E. Rockaway
President - Pasquale Greco
Vigiano Brothers Lodge #3436 - Mt. Sinai
President - Anthony Rotoli, Jr. (front row/left)
Donne D’Italia Lodge #2330 - Lindenhurst
President - Dottie Wolbroehl (4th f/left)
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 13
Commission For Social Justice
“Fighting Bias,
Building Pride”
Louis J. Gallo Jr.
CSJ Chairman’s Message
Greetings My Brothers and Sisters!
Now that the horrors of winter are over we can bask in the sunnier and warmer
weather of spring! Hallelujah! While on the sunnier side, I can inform you, leaving off from my last column, that “The Wandering Dago” hit the news. The New
York Racing Association and the food truck settled. If you remember, NYRA
kicked out the food truck from the Saratoga Raceway in 2013 because of its business name. The truck owners sued NYRA for compensation in lost sales for
$360,000 and settled for $68,500. However, this settlement is only one phase of the
lawsuit, if you recall. The larger issue and our utmost concern is the use of the
business name itself as a commercial enterprise. Is it free speech rights or defamation of Italians? We'll have to be patient and wait and see.
Forgetting about serious concerns momentarily, we turned our attention to our
annual brunch/dinner fundraiser in February. Led by our effervescent and experienced chairwoman Josephine Morici Cohen, who has chaired this event for all of
its 35 years, we honored two titans of anti-defamation and Italian culture, John
Fratta and Simona Rodano. John, serving as our present State Treasurer, National
CSJ Vice-president, and a member of the New York State CSJ Executive Board,
promotes Italian culture with his indefatigable efforts in launching the San Gennaro
Feast in Little Italy every single year, and on the other hand fights endlessly
against defamation and bigotry against our people, as his titles attest. So, he fulfills
both CSJ missions exactly. Simona is a versatile, passionate, energetic artist, producer, actress and singer who stages colorful and striking bilingual stage productions for young charges. Her productions focus on a theme while she engages her
audience by teaching Italian at the same time. It amounts to quite a unique production which Josephine and I personally witnessed! We brothers and sisters of the
Order should be so proud that these two represent the best we have to offer! Is it
any wonder CSJ did so well financially with this event? Grazie mille John and
Simona! Concluding the festivities for these two, a brief ceremony was entertained
by State President Joe Rondinelli and I for Josephine to thank her for all she has
done over the years in making this event a continual success. She is truly indispensable! Thank you Jo!
Back to work, the efforts of our Italian Language Task Force intensified. I made
direct contact with Prof. Annamaria Monaco of Suffolk Community College and
President of AATI, and Carlo Davoli, the Education Director of the Italian
Consulate in NYC regarding my constant concerns about student registration for
the Italian Advanced Placement Test this year and next. You know that we must
have 2,500 students sitting for this exam by May 2016 or else the College Board
will terminate AP Italian. I am pleased to report to you that this year 2,993 students
are registered. Monaco and Davoli https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vo5A8KZw05g are both confident that we will maintain the necessary 2,500 threshold for next year. Consequently, we will monitor this matter
ever so closely to make sure we reach the target next year. Since Prof. Monaco and
I have built a strong bond, she invited me to speak to her Italian Club in April
about the missions of CSJ. I found her students riveted about our work, particularly
regarding our tactics, experiences, and successes in fighting bias and bigotry. To
top it off, the Club gave us a donation to show its appreciation! She also invited me
to attend the annual AATI Italian Poetry Contest at Old Westbury College on
March 20th to observe students in action speaking Italian. Students had to choose
an Italian poem, explain the theme in English, and then recite the poem from rote
memory in Italian. Middle and high school students on Long Island participated.
They were judged on poise, pronunciation, and dramatics in their presentation,
quite a tall order for such young students! What a pleasure it was to marvel at the
talents of so many in their recitation! Prizes were awarded for each level at the
end in general assembly. Kudos to AATI for inspiring such passion and enthusiasm
in learning Italian!
Other CSJ members of the Task Force are working doggedly to promote and
defend the existence of Italian in our schools. Kudos to Keith Wilson for monitoring Massapequa, Bethpage, Farmingdale, and Plainedge---all have healthy language programs running. Keith, Rosemarie DiChiara and Tom Adamo from the
Caboto Lodge in Seaford are persevering so hard to reinstate Italian in Seaford
14 • Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Schools, and thanks to their persistent efforts the superintendent has promised that
in school year 2016-2017 he will bring Italian back, and you know we will monitor
this promise! Furthermore, if certified teachers in Italian are needed, Prof. Monaco
has volunteered to prospect for Seaford in this regard. Jean Gagliardo is refining
her proposal to create a program to bond CSJ more closely with teachers of Italian
who can bring our work right into the classroom. So definitely we are engaged.
However, our toughest nut to crack is the Utica Schools which this school year
terminated Italian. District 6 CSJ Chairman Joe DiCarlo's and my efforts have been
rebuffed by a teacher of Italian and a PTA representative respectively. Therefore, I
have instructed Joe and his AIAE counterpart Donato Guadagnoli to contact the
two middle school principals in the district, hoping we get reactions and some
results from them. Generally though, there's some real solid Italian programs
around the state, and we will monitor as many of them as we can because they are
so instrumental in passing down our culture and language to posterity.
As far as sharing our rich legacy, my “History in a Box” program is doing very
well. I have done eleven presentations to date including both schools and lodges.
In February I did the Gulotta Lodge and in April I did three Italian classes in a row
at Islip High School and the Perry Como Lodge. More are planned, so if anyone is
interested, give me a call. I love doing it. In fact, I've added more wrinkles to
make it even more interesting.
Continuing on a positive note, our second annual Italian Culture and Heritage
Festival is in full swing! We've mailed out applications to close to 100 vendors and
350 sponsors. Our programming is almost finished. We've invited back some
returnees and added some new prospects. Simona Rodano is coming to stage her
usual lavish production. We're adding a tribute to Frank Sinatra since this year is
the 100th anniversary of his birth. We're really trying to outdo last year in order to
provide the best and brightest to you of our rich heritage. Mark your calendar:
Saturday, June 27th, from 11am to 6 pm, at the Smithtown Historical Society fairgrounds at 239 Middle Country Road (Route 25) in Smithtown 11787! Watch for
the publicity.
Adding to our strength, I have recruited some new members to the Executive
Board to make us even more effective. Gina Ferrara of the Cellini Lodge is now
our new Financial Secretary since Andy Filangeri of the Brumidi Lodge elected to
resign to spend more personal time in retirement.We thank Andy wholeheartedly
for his two years of service to CSJ. He came on board at a time to help us engage
in a very difficult financial transition. Thank you Andy! We've added a real
dynamo from Rochester (District 8), Silvano Orsi who was very successful in turning the tide on two defamatory issues from two radio stations (more on those later).
Rosemarie DiChiara and Tom Adamo from the Caboto Lodge and Anthony and
Nancy Conetta from the John Michael Marino Lodge join the team. All of them are
energetic, smart, and tireless in their efforts already for CSJ! We're proud to have
them aboard!
In this edition space does not allow me to present you with the latest in our bias
and bigotry directory. Look forward tor the next issue when I will discuss them at
length with you. Stay well!
At the Commission for Social Justice Brunch/Dinner held on February 22,
2015, Josephine Morici Cohen was awarded a gift and flowers by State
President Joseph Rondinelli and members of the CSJ Executive Board, for her
35 consecutive years of chairing the annual CSJ Brunch/Dinner fundraiser. In
photo, from left - State Recording Secretary Michele Ment, State 2nd VP Robert
Ferrito, State President Joseph Rondinelli, Josephine, NYS CSJ Chairman Louis
Gallo, Nat/State Past President Joseph DiTrapani, and State IPP Thom Lupo.
by Florence Gatto - Contributing Writer
Holiday Table Settings
“Mom, use plastic dishes,” my daughter
“Why? I have fine china for twelve, a
full set of Gorham silverware, and crystal stemware in five sizes including cordials-(but who sips cordials anymore?).
What am I saving them for?”
It was a holiday and
I would cook everyone’s favorites, but
to serve lasagna, or
.leg of lamb on flimsy disposable dishes
was abhorrent to
My daughter was
adamant and I reluctantly agreed. We
went to the party
store and selected coordinated party
dishes, napkins, cups and utensils. They
were pretty but I was secretly ashamed
of myself. Pasta on a throwaway plate
would be a sacrilege, but wine in anything other than a real glass is a mortal
sin and major “No No” to me.
Then I thought of my father who
would not ever use a paper napkin his
whole life. My mother placed a cloth
“servietta” at his place for each meal
while the rest of the family used paper
napkins. To put his homemade “vino” in
a paper cup would be enough cause for a
world war. Years ago we always used
washable tablecloths. Throw away foil
pans were rarely available, so we used
wonderful glazed earthenware from Italy
for our baked pastas or Wearever metal
pans that needed to be soaked and
When I started to set the table, my
conscience over convenience hit me. I
had a great fear of a “mala figura” for
my family.
“Oh what to do!” I had pangs of guilt.
With an impulsive decision, I took out
my real dishes and also three sets of
spoons and forks sent to me as wedding
gifts, eions ago, from my uncles in
Sicily. They are lovely but do not match
each other and they are so large I use
them for serving. I guess they are official
dinner size- but for Roman gladiators.
Then I took out my gold rimmed espresso size cups for after dinner (the party
store did not have these sizes). I selected
my favorite demitasse spoons from my
souvenir collection (64 of them) and set
them on the buffet. I could not resist
buying them in my travels. I love the
one from Venice with a silver gondola
finger grasp and another colorful one
from Capri with the famous twin bay
rocks (faraglioni) enameled into the
stirring part of the spoon . How could I
miss the opportunity to use them? This
would be my protest against the
Styrofoam coffee cup habit.
The first thing my daughter said when
she arrived was,
“What a surprise . . . What happened to
the disposables?”
“I recycled them.” I whispered
At the end of the day, when I was cleaning up, I followed my usual routine of
counting my precious forks as I put them
back in the slots of the silver chest. I
never put the trash out until all pieces are
accounted for. I don’t want to lose another cake fork.
I also felt vindicated because our heritage give us a flair for elegance and I
enjoyed the fuss. I enjoyed the decorum
and we had a traditional holiday worthy
of real table settings. I try.
Now, I’m ready for the 4th of July BBQ.
After all, my pretty paper products are
already purchased and will be perfect for
the backyard. I won.
Florence is a Past President of the
Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372, and a member of the OSIA Scholarship Committee.
Flo is the author of “The Scent of Jasmine
- Vignettes from a Sicilian Heritage.” She
has studied in Italy under Fulbright and
NYS Teacher Grants.
Dreaming of memories yet to be made
by Mike Cutillo - Contributing Writer
his column is going to be a bit different than most I’ve written in
“The Golden Lion” over the years
because rather than recounting a story
or a memory from the past, it is about
looking forward to something that has
not yet happened.
But it will occur very soon, in fact,
probably right around the time you are
reading this.
It started with a
question from my
29-year-old daughter: “Dad, will you
take me to grandpa’s village?”
My very first reaction was, “Honey,
you know I already
am going to Italy this year.” (I have a
group trip planned for Sicily in
And her reply was one that I could not
counter: “Yeah, but that trip is not with
Daughters have a way of tugging at
your heart, don’t they?
So, naturally, I conceded, and with the
blessings of my wife -- who said “How
can you not take your daughter on a
trip like that?” -- we are all set to leave
for a week in the southern Italian village of San Salvatore Telesino at the
end of May.
I’m quite sure that we’ll make some
incredible memories -- future columns
may even feature some of those -- but
the thing that gets me about this trip is
that SHE wants to make it so much.
My daughter has been to her grandfather’s village once, when she was 10,
but she doesn’t really remember much
from that whirlwind visit, and she
wants to reconnect with the people that
are important to her grandfather and to
her father -- and by extension, to her.
I couldn’t be more proud to accompany
her on this trip. We were hoping that
my 84-year-old father -- her last living
grandparent -- would be able to come
with us, but it doesn’t look like that’s
going to be able to happen because of
health issues. But he will be with us in
spirit, and I know at every single table
that we sit down at, we’ll toast him.
Many of us play out in our minds how
things in front of us are going to
unfold, and I see this as one of those
“trips of a lifetime,” a truly special
time shared with my only daughter,
reliving the simple life that her grandfather led before he met her grandmother, which happened in this little
farming village in 1956. We’ll visit
with my uncle -- dad’s only sibling -and his family and the numerous
cousins generated by my own grandfather’s large family of five brothers and
two sisters and my grandmother’s three
My dad, a soccer star in his town, had
friends too numerous to count, many of
whom are still alive, so we’ll visit as
many of them as we can, also. The
funny thing is that word of our visit
already is making its way around the
village. One of my dad’s best friends
growing up moved to Switzerland
about 50 years ago. We keep in touch,
and I sent him Easter wishes in April
and filled him in on my daughter and
my visit. Well, “filled him in,” I
thought. He wrote back with Buona
Pasqua wishes of his own and said he
had heard that we are going to San
Salvatore Telesino and wished us a
beautiful time in his old hometown.
When I told my daughter that, she
couldn’t believe it. “They even know
in Switzerland that we’re going to
grandpa’s village?” she said incredulously.
Word sure does travel fast. Even 4,000
miles away.
But such is the impact it makes when
those of us of Italian-American lineage
endeavor to keep in touch with the
folks in the Old Country, which is the
point of this whole thing. I urge you all
-- even if you don’t have people to
connect with any longer -- to be proud
of your Italian roots and keep them forever cultivated.
Mike Cutillo is Immediate Past
President of Geneva Lodge 2397 in
upstate New York. He is the Executive
Editor of the Finger Lakes Times daily
newspaper and can be reached at mcutillo1@rochester.rr.com.
America Lodge #2245 - Franklin Square. On April 23, 2015, the lodge held
its Fashion Show at Verdi’s of Westbury. Pictured are the models with their
escorts and other members of the lodge.
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 15
2 0 1 5 S t a t e B o w l i n g To u r n a m e n t
The 42nd Annual Grand Lodge Bowling Tournament was held on April 26, 2015, at
Farmingdale Lanes. The committee consisted of Keith Wilson (Chairman) and Sal
Moschella of Columbus Lodge, Tina Ciglio of Glen Cove Lodge, Gina Ferrara of
Cellini Lodge, and Thom Adamo of Caboto Lodge. As usual, the participants had a
great time and shared their fraternal rivalry once again with their brothers and sisters
of participating lodges. All the participants had a great time and they all look forward
to the 2016 tournament. The net proceeds of the fund-raiser will be donated to
State/National OSIA Chaplain A. Adam Forno at the upcoming State Convention.
A Formidable Foursome
T h e Co m m it t e e i s j o i n e d b y S t a t e O ff i c e r s
We l c o m i n g N e w M e m b e r s
Columbus Lodge #2143 of Farmingdale, initiated new members at the April 8,
2015, General Meeting.The 3 new brothers (holding certificates): Dan Egher,
Frank Marino, and Sonny Spagnuolo (left to right), are joined by Lodge 1sr VP
Anthony Musarra (center) who presided at the ceremony, and Lodge Deputy
Anthony Ceriello (right) acting as Herald..
16 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Membership - 2015
New members initiated as of April 30, 2015
Louis DeStetano
Matthew Accardi
Michael Buffolino
Gail Damelio
Elizabeth Casale
Wayne Gambino
Caroline Russo
Rosemarie Todaro
Salvatore Trupiano
Gerard Gaetani
Robert Gramling
Joseph Bennardo
Frances Giovanelli
Michele Handel
Gloria Mazza
Margaret Molinaro
Andrew DeSana
Frances Tedesco
Barbara Reinhardt
Toni DeSalvo
Margaret Grasso
Louis Grasso
William Pasani
Micahel Rabasca
Vincent Ayers
Jessica Callahan
Vivienne Callahan
Virginia Pepe
Victoria Fisher-Kelly
Raymond Ambrosio Jr.
Robert Ambrosio
Margarite Winegar
Stefani Pedone
Joseph Capobianco
Dan Egher
Frank Marino
Sonny Spagnuolo
Dale F. Cames
Joanne Mercogliano
Dennis A. Palmieri
Susan Vasaturo
James Benson
Neil DiScala
Linda Falco
Mary Modica
Kerri Yacovone
Patricia Ammann
Annemarie LaPlaca
Jennifer Nevadmski
John Amerise
Connie DeCarluccio
Kim Depole
Jenna Esposito
Bob Maida
John Robustelli
Laura LaFauci
Michael Verra
Rosario Iacono
Liberato Catuogno
Andrea Patinella
Anthony Melillo
Emily Melillo
Victor Aguece
Francine Liotta
David Malanga
Anna Virgona
James DeBonet
Dennis Giusto
Antony Tranchina
Steven DiLoreto
Carol Ann Zavarella
Frank Archimede
Giacinta Archimede
Dolores Illuminate
Catherine Murphy
Theresa Baker
Joseph Catania
Daniel Chilleri
Eugene DeSoiza
Marianne Gordineer
Joseph Schachinger
Mark Venazza
Loretta Cross
Vincenzo Lombardi
James Bergami
John Bergami
Joseph Bergami
Sal Capitummino
Joseph Cerasuolo
Matteo Circelli
Frank Circelli
Eugene Drago
Andy D’Auge
Jeffrey Mariano
Mario Franco
Ronald Friello
Christina Pizzino
Adam Catalano
Raymond DeMatteo
Shirley Hedman
Carolyn Meyer
Richard Ratta
Michael Rossi
Thomas Servidone
Joe Sacco
Alex Stramenga
Louis Suriane
Giovanni Squeglia
Samual Vavala
John Sarnicola
James Schell
Angelo Sindoni
Joseph Olshefski
Filomena Iacampo
Gina Hay
Donald E. Campese
Melanie Sarkis Cavozza
Richard Gigliotti
Tricia Lagana
Paolo Polignone
Stephanie Salvatore
Get More Out Of Your Membership
Join a Committee In Your Lodge
State/National Events
Local Lodges
May 22 - Sgt. John Basilone Lodge
#2442 - Chinese Auction “Italian Style”
at Bayport Blue Point High School,
Bayport, 6:00pm, $10pp. Contact:
Dorothy Curto @ 631-289-7470.
May 23 - NYOSIA Special Breakfast
Tribute in honor of First Lady Joan
Rondinelli at Verdi’s of Westbury,
9:00am, $40pp. Contact: Barbara Lupo
@ 631-981-5932, Rae Lanzilotta @ 516334-0830 or Madeline Matteucci @ 631654-2578.
May 28-31st - NYOSIA 109th Annual
State Convention at the Villa Roma
Resort & Conference Center, Callicoon.
Contact: Carol DiTrapani @ 516-7854623 or Annette Lankewish @ 516-9337393.
June 4 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Social Night at Marconi Lodge
Hall, Islip, 7:30pm, $15pp. Contact: Joe
Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
June 7 - Columbus Lodge #2143 Scholarship Luncheon at Columbus
Lodge Lower Hall, S. Farmingdale,
1:00pm. Contact: Philip Guerrieri, Jr. @
June 13 - NYOSIA Grand Lodge
Foundation Scholarship Program to be
held at Tappan Zee High School,
Orangeburg. Brunch at 11:00am.
Scholarship Program to begin at
12:00pm. Contact: Michele Ment @ 845225-1144.
June 17 - John Michael Marino Lodge
#1389 - 35th Annual Scholarship
Presentation and Charities Awards at the
Pt. Washington Senior Center, 9:00pm.
Contact: Marianne Bortone Prince @
June 22 - NYOSIA Italian Night at
Eisenhower Park featuring Vocal Artists
Christopher Macchio and Simona
DeRosa at the Harry Chapin Lakeside
Theatre, 7:00pm. Contact: Carolyn Reres
@ 516-358-5010.
June 20 - Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge
#2319 - “That’s Entertainment Variety
Show” at the Byzantine Church of the
Resurrection Reception Hall, Smithtown,
7:00pm, $20pp. Contact: Bob Graham @
June 27 - NYOSIA CSJ Suffolk County
Italian Culture and Heritage Festival at
Fairgrounds, Smithtown, 11:00am 6:00pm, $5pp. Contact: Louis Gallo @
July 11 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Family Picnic at Hoyt Farm
Park, 9:00am. Contact: Joe Canestro @
June 28 - OSIA 110th Anniversary Event
to be held at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Youth Center, 268 Mulberry Street, Little
Italy. Celebration of Mass at Most
Precious Blood Church 11:00am Wreath Laying Ceremony 12:00pm Luncheon at 1:00pm, $65pp. Contact:
John Fratta @ 646-261-8614 or Louise
Corsello @ 516-766-5518.
Aug. 1 - NYOSIA Summer Plenary
Session to be hosted by America Lodge
#2245 at Marcus Christ Hall, New Hyde
Park. Contact: Eileen Stavis @ 516-7854623.
Aug. 16-23rd - 54th OSIA Biennial
National Convention to be held at the
Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort and
Spa, Bonita Springs, Florida. Contact:
Carol DiTrapani @ 516-785-4623.
Nov. 7 - NYOSIA Garibaldi Meucci
Museum 27th Annual Fundraiser
Luncheon at the Staaten, Staten Island
honoring State IPP Joseph Rondinelli,
Past GMM Chair Luigi Squillante, Anna
Maria Gentile, President of the SI
Chamber of Commerce and Christine
Cea, NYS Regent for Staten Island,
11:00am, $75pp. Contact: Fran Cicero @
Nov. 14 - NYOSIA Gift of Sight Annual
Awards Luncheon to be held at the
Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston,
12:00pm. Contact: Marianne Principe
O’Neil @ 516-883-5762.
July 12 - Perry Como Lodge #2846 Annual Picnic at Ewood Park,
Huntington, 12:00pm. Contact: Robert
Serrao @ 631-262-9848.
July 23 - Donatello Lodge #2559 Annual D/D honoring IPP Rae
Lanzilotta, Lodge Members Carmela
Baldino and Anna Maria Fornaro at the
Chateau Briand, Carle Place, 6:30pm,
$85pp. Contact: Annette Lankewish @
July 26 - District I Queens Pageant District I Queens Pageant at the
Constantino Brumidi Lodge Hall, Deer
Park, 3:00pm, $45pp. Contact: Diana
Grauer @ 631-242-2710.
Aug. 6 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Social Night at Marconi Lodge
Hall, Islip, 7:30pm, $15pp. Contact: Joe
Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
Aug. 9 - Constantino Brumidi Lodge
#2211 - Testimonial D/D honoring IPP
Bob Savino and Auxiliary Past President
Sabrina Savino at Chateau LaMer,
Lindenhurst, 1:30pm, $85pp. Contact:
Daniel Calise @ 631-682-3568.
Aug. 20 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Ladies Auxiliary Fashion Show
at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip, 6:30pm.
Contact: Irma Jacinto @ 516-457-2956.
Aug. 28-30th & Sept. 5-10th - Giuseppe
A. Nigro Lodge #2234 - Mother Cabrini
Feast at Suffolk Community College,
4:00pm. Contact: Theresa Pernice @
Aug. 30 - Per Sempre Lodge #2344 &
Per Sempre Ladies Lodge #2344A - 14th
Joint Testimonial D/D honoring Per
Sempre IPP Joseph Chiarovano and Per
Sempre Ladies Past Deputy Rae
Lanzilotta at the Woodbury Country
Club, Woodbury, 12:00pm. Contact:
Anita Rosato @ 631-271-1272.
Sept. 9-13th - John Michael Marino
Lodge #1389 - 36th Annual Grande Festa
Italiana at N. Hempstead Beach Park, Pt.
Washington. Contact: John Maura @
516-250-2900 or John O’Neil @ 516883-5762.
Sept. 9 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Social Night at Marconi Lodge
Hall, Islip, 7:30pm, $15pp. Contact: Joe
Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
Sept. 13 - Judge Frank Gulotta Lodge
#2180 - Testimonial Luncheon honoring
IPP Gil DeCosimo and Past Lodge
Deputy Maria Kobylarz at the Pompei
Ristorante, W. Hempstead, 1:00pm.
Contact: Angela DeCosimo @ 516-6589592.
Sept. 13 - Marco Polo Lodge #2214 Scholarship D/D honoring IPP Mary
DeRosa and then State IPP Joseph
Rondinelli at Verdi’s of Westbury,
Westbury, 12:00pm, $85pp. Contact:
Ann Acquaviva @ 516-799-1959.
Sept. 19 - America Lodge #2245 Annual D/D at Verdi’s of Westbury honoring State 1st Vice President Carolyn
Reres, 12:00pm, $85pp. Contact: Sylvia
Giglio @ 516-356-5887.
Sept. 19-20th - Giovanni Caboto Lodge
#2372 Bellmore Street Fair on Petit
Avenue, Bellmore, 11:00am. Contact:
Anthony Capriola @ 516-390-7199.
Sept. 24 - Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372
- Annual Fashion Show at the Fox
Hollow, Woodbury, 7:00pm, $50pp.
Contact: Marge Moschella @ 516-2492879.
Sept. 27 - Arturo Toscanini Lodge #2107
- 55th Anniversary D/D honoring
National/State Past President Peter
Zuzolo and National/State Past First
Lady Edith Zuzolo at the Watermill
Caterers, Smithtown, 12:00pm, $85pp.
Contact: Fran Bruno @ 631-981-2497.
Oct. 1 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Social Night at Marconi Lodge
Hall, Islip, 7:30pm, $15pp. Contact: Joe
Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
Oct. 3 - Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Lodge
#2319 - Testimonial Brunch honoring
IPP Geraldine Iannello Graham at Villa
Contact: Angelo Crimi @ 631-587-0598.
Oct. 11 - District I & II - LI Sons of Italy
Columbus Day Parade. More info to follow. Contact: Keith Wilson @ 516-6331435.
Oct. 18 - Giuseppe A. Nigro Lodge
#2234 - Fundraiser to benefit Pancreatic
Cancer at Marconi Manor, Islip, 5:00pm,
$45pp. Contact: MaryAnn DeCostanzo
@ 631-730-2846.
Oct. 18 - Gabriele D’Annunzio Lodge
#321 - 100th Anniversary Columbus Day
D/D at Mallozzi’s Caterers, Schenectady,
1:00pm. Contact: Louis Fazzone @ 518393-7356.
Oct. 23 - Vincent Lombardi Lodge #2270
- October Heritage D/D at Burgundy
Basin Inn, 6:00pm, $50pp. Contact:
Sandra Meleca @ 315-986-1097.
Oct. 27 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Traditional German Oktoberfest
at Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip, 6:30pm,
$28pp. Contact: Jean Simeone @ 631581-7520.
Oct. 30 - Giuseppe Garibaldi Lodge
#2583 - Annual Scholarship D/D at
Marina Del Ray, The Bronx, $125pp.
Contact: Mario Annunziata @ 914-8792523.
Nov. 1 - Giovanni Caboto Lodge #2372 39th Annual D/D at the North Ritz Club,
Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, 12:00pm.
Contact: Rick Trapani @ 516-997-9800.
Nov. 5 - Per Sempre Ladies Lodge
#2344A - Annual Fall Fashion Show at
Verdi’s of Westbury, 6:30pm, $49pp.
Contact: Mildred Mancusi @ 516-3591745.
Nov. 5 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Social Night at Marconi Lodge
Hall, Islip, 7:30pm, $15pp. Contact: Joe
Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
Nov. 8 - Perry Como Lodge #2846 - 7th
Anniversary D/D honoring IPP Anthony
Gallo at the Huntington Crescent Club,
Huntington, 6:00pm. Contact: Anne
Cajigas @ 631-754-2730.
Nov. 10 - John Michael Marino Lodge
#1389 - 90th Anniversary D/D honoring
IPP Anthony Conetta at the Chateau
Briand, Carle Place, 7:00pm, $85pp.
Contact: Cookie Biundo @ 516-6714877 or Marianne Bortone Prince @
Dec. 3 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Social Night at Marconi Lodge
Hall, Islip, 7:30pm, $15pp. Contact: Joe
Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
Dec. 6 - Giuseppe A. Nigro Lodge #2234
- Holiday Party at the Irish Coffee Pub,
E. Islip. Contact: Theresa Pernice @
Dec. 17 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - Annual Lodge Christmas Party at
Marconi Lodge Hall, Islip, 7:30pm,
$30pp. Contact: William Trinceri @ 631581-5763.
Dec. 31 - Guglielmo Marconi Lodge
#2232 - New Years Eve Party at Marconi
Lodge Hall, Islip, 8:00pm, $75pp.
Contact: Joe Canestro @ 631-678-3220.
As of 5/06/15
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 17
A Forgotten Italian Exodus
By Ciro De Rosa - Contributing writer.
by Sal Moschella, Editor
f you visited the Italian Festival of Arizona this March, you’d have the distinct
feeling that you were in Venice, Italy, as your meal was served at Southbridge
in Scottsdale. With umbrella shaded tables placed along the bridge to recreate
the ambiance of the canal-laced Venice, one could look out over the canal and
indulge in authentic Italian cuisine served by various Italian restaurants from the
area. Of course you’d find thin Neapolitan pizza, thick Sicilian pizza, many pasta
dishes, cuttlefish, bread, and the popular gnocchi. The wine served complimented
the food and to top it off - the famous La Zitella - three generations of music and
dance company - traveled from southern Italy and performed traditional
Neapolitan songs and dances.
“To the victor belong the spoils” is a phrase mostly associated with American politics. Its meaning, expressed in different words, has also been applied to the winners
of wars. In the annals of Italian history, entire territories or regions were “exchanged”
between foreign powers that controlled Italy before its unification in the 1860s. In
more recent times, at the end of WW I in 1918, Italy, being one of the victors of that
war, was ceded territory which had been under the jurisdiction of the Austrian
Empire, the losing side. As it was, a piece of its former territory, the region of Istria,
was ceded to Italy. Istria is the largest peninsula located on the north east corner of
the Adriatic Sea, immediately south of the Gulf of Trieste in the extreme North-East
region of Italy.
This is the second year the Italian American Association of Arizona sponsored
this two-day celebration which attracted up to 10,000 visitors to enjoy the music,
artists, vendors, wine tasting and fabulous food. It is estimated that there are over
200,000 Italian Americans living in the Valley area of Scottsdale and neighboring
towns of Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler and Phoenix. The Association’s goal is to create a Little Italy neighborhood in Scottsdale.
Soon thereafter in 1920, new Italians began to migrate to the newly acquired Italian
territory. This was not the first presence of Italians in that area - Italians had been
there during the Romans’ time, and during the height of the Venetian Republic up and
including WW I. In fact, during the Napoleonic times (early 1800s), close to 50% of
the Istrian population was of Italian extraction. During the period of the unification
of Italy, while Istria was under Austrian rule, Italians in Istria supported the Italian
unification movement and wanted Istria to become part of a unified Italy. This
brought on Austrian political repression that created a huge emigration of Italians
from Istria to Italy, so that by the beginning of the 1900s, the Italian population was
reduced to only two-fifths, to slightly over 100,000.
Over twenty years ago when finding anything Italian was a miracle, one is now
able to enjoy fine Italian dining in many towns in the Phoenix area. One can now
find Italian delicacies in the local food markets and brands like Pollio ricotta,
Barilla pasta, Belgioiso mozzarella, and Italian pastries.
There are also Sons of Italy lodges that have been established for years in
Phoenix, Mesa, Tucson, and Scottsdale. Every year there is a great Italian auto
show in Phoenix with food, exhibits, and wine tasting.
In Mesa, La Festa de San Giuseppe was held for the third year at All Saints
R.C. Church with a well-attended Italian Mass. The St. Joseph table at the dinner
site was beautiful to behold. It was estimated that over 250 people attended the
There is no doubt but that Italians are making their mark in Arizona and the
people are enjoying all the Italian specialties once foreign to many folks in this
part of America. n
Did you know that award-winning author
Dr. David Mercaldo
is a member of our
Father Capodanno Lodge?
His latest book release is titled:
Mario Fratti, internationally known playwright wrote“David Mercaldo’s new book, The Other Italians
is an important book we must read
with a healthy curiosity! RECOMMENDED!”
“The Other Italians is sure to be recognized as
the most controversial book ever written
about Italians…for Italians…by an Italian!”
Marco Ciavolino, Executive Literary Director, Paperclip Press
“The Other Italians is a masterpiece!”
Maria Beltran, Critic - Reader’s Favorites
Dr. Mercaldo has been a guest at the following lodges:
Lombardo, Aida, Loggia, Valenti, Italian Heritage, Fr. John Papallo,
Father Vincent Capodanno, Marino, Land, Galileo, Basilone, America, Sinatra,
St. Gerard Maietta, Petrosino, Daughters and Sons,
and many other organizations celebrating the Italian heritage
and culture located throughout the metropolitan area
To order a book or arrange for an author visit call 718 979 5196 (books are just $15.00 includes shipping)
Visit the author at -WWW.DAVIDMERCALDO.COM
St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital receives a donationfrom the sale of every book
18 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Thus, in 1920, when the new Italian settlers moved en-mass into the newly ceded
territory, the Italian population more than doubled to well over one-quarter of a million people, and re-enforced Italian culture and language in Istria. A wave of business
entrepreneurs, skilled and unskilled workers, and, unfortunately, a cadre of mostly
fascist government employees and administrators, so-called regnicoli (from the
Kingdom of Italy), who were never well liked by the indigenous Istrians Italians.The
area thrived economically and culturally under Italian control, until the collapse of
the Fascist regime in 1943, when reprisal against Italian fascists took place conducted bt Yugoslavia’s dictator Tito anti-fascists resistance movement. Up to 200 Italians
were killed by them and numerous innocent victims due mainly to personal hatred or
the attempt of the Partisan resistance to get rid of its real or supposed enemies.
Sensing the impeding danger of renaming in a foreign country, there were large-scale
movements of people choosing to move to Italy rather than live in Yugoslavia. Their
motives for leaving may have been fear of reprisals, economic motives, or ethnically based.
After the official conclusion of World War II in 1945, a second wave left the region
with the beginning of killings, expropriation, and other forms of pressure from the
Yugoslav authorities to establish control of the area. On the night of May 2-3, 1945,
the city of Rijeka was occupied by vanguards of the Yugoslav Army. Here more than
500 Italian military and public servants were summarily tried and executed. These
mass executions were referred to as “foibe:” loosely translated as holes-in-theground, where the executed Italians’ bodies were “dumped” by Yugoslavian forces.
While the majority of the victims did meet their deaths on the road to deportation,
others died in jails or in Yugoslavian concentration camps.The terror spread by these
disappearances, eventually contributed to an atmosphere sufficient to cause the
majority of the Italians of Istria to flee to other parts of Italy or to the Free Territory
of Trieste. By January 1946, more than 20,000 people had left the province. Some
sources claim that these killings amounted to ethnic cleansing, and that Italian people subsequently had no option but to emigrate.
But the mass exodus did not occur till 1947, when Istrian territory was officially
ceded to Yugoslavia. While the departure of ethnic Italians was less of a violent
nature than in previous years, the 1947 physical threats generally gave way to subtler
forms of intimidation such as the nationalization and confiscation of properties, the
interruption of transport services to Italy, the heavy taxation of salaries of those who
worked there, the persecution of clergy and teachers, and economic hardship caused
by the creation of a special border currency, the Jugolira.
In this forgotten exodus that took place between 1943 and 1960, more than 250,000
Italians repatriated to Italy. Another 100,00 plus people of other ethnic groups also
left Istria for Italy and other countries not wanting to live under communist rule.
In the tumult and trauma of the exodus, entire families were forced to leave their
home, their culture, the environment in which they grew up, friends they played with
from childhood, and all the memories that go with it. A few suitcases were all they
could take along with them. The lucky ones, moved in with relatives or friends, but,
the majority of them lived in refugees’ camps or in Italian cities that did not want
them, because the Yugoslavian government’s propaganda falsely labeled them fascists.
On February 18, 1983, Yugoslavia and Italy signed a treaty in Rome where
Yugoslavia agreed to pay $110 million for the compensation of the exiles' property
which was confiscated. However, the issue of the property reparation is of big complexity and is still in negotiation. As of 2014, the exiles have not been compensated,
and there is very little probability that they will ever be compensated.
The territory of Istria is now part of Slovenia and Croatia. As per an agreement by
the new governments, Italians are now free to settle in the former Istrian territory.
Their interpretership is most welcomed in the emerging Slovenia and Croatian
nations. According to the 2011 census, over 6% of the population was Italian, and is
expected to grow. n
Born - April 21, 1916 - Bayside, CA
Died - February 5, 1945 - Manila, Phillipine Islands
rank and organization: 2nd Lt., U.S. Army, Company K, 148th Infantry, 37th
Infantry Division. Entered service at: Ukiah, CA.
Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond
the call of duty. Forced by the enemy's detonation of prepared demolitions to
shift the course of his advance through the city, he led the 1st platoon toward a
small bridge, where heavy fire from three enemy pillboxes halted the unit. With
two men he crossed the bridge behind screening grenade smoke to attack the
pillboxes. The first he knocked out himself while covered by
his men's protecting fire; the other two were silenced by one
of his companions and a bazooka team which he had called
up. He suffered a painful wound in the right arm during the
action. After his entire platoon had joined him, he pushed
ahead through mortar fire and encircling flames. Blocked
from the only escape route by an enemy machine-gun placed
at a street corner, he entered a nearby building with his men
to explore possible means of reducing the emplacement. In
one room he found civilians huddled together, in another, a
small window placed high in the wall and reached by a
ladder. Because of the relative positions of the window, ladder, and enemy
emplacement, he decided that he, being left-handed, could better hurl a grenade
than one of his men who had made an unsuccessful attempt. Grasping an armed
grenade, he started up the ladder. His wounded right arm weakened, and, as he
tried to steady himself, the grenade fell to the floor. In the five seconds before
the grenade would explode, he dropped down, recovered the grenade and
looked for a place to dispose of it safely. Finding no way to get rid of the
grenade without exposing his own men or the civilians to injury or death, he
turned to the wall, held it close to his body and bent over it as it exploded. 2d
Lt. Viale died in a few minutes, but his heroic act saved the lives of others.
Viale, together with Joseph J. Chichetti (next issue featured MOH recipient) and
another 27 military personnel are known as the heroes of luzon. The were all
awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in the bloody battles against the
Japanese in liberating that part of the Phillipines.in early 1945. Viale was 28 at the
time of his death. He is buried in Ocean View Cemetery, Eureka, California.
In his honor, an arms firing range at Ohio National Guard Training Site, Camp
Perry, Ohio, is named after him and is the home of the National Rifle and Pistol
At Camp Roberts in California, a grenade range is named after 2LT Viale. His
citation is written on the grenade range sign..n
Prepared by Sal Moschella - Editor
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By Professor Emeritus Joseph A.Tursi - Arturo Toscanini Lodge #2107, Dix Hills
Due Studenti Italiani si presentano. (Two Italian Students introduce themselves)
Ciao. Mi chiamo Marco Bastone e sono
Hi, my name is Marco Bastone and I’m
Sono di Verona. Ho venti anni e sono
studente universitario. Studio medici- I’m from Verona. I am twenty years old
na. Ho un fratello e una sorella.
and I am a university student. I study
medicine. I have a brother and a sister.
Ciao. Mi chiamo Lucia Bertolli e
Hi, my name is Lucia Bertolli and I’m
anch’io sono italiana. Sono una stualso Italian. I am a high school studentessa liceale. Non ho un fratello
dent. I don’t have a brother but I have
ma ho una sorella.
a sister.
Read the above descriptions aloud and. Then supply the following inforA.
mation about yourself
a. your name
b. your age (you may lie, if you like!!)
c. how many brothers and/or sisters you have
Presente di avere
io, ho
tu hai
lui/lei ha
lei ha
I have
you (familiar) have
he/she has
you (formal) have
Ho un libro ma non ho una matita.
Marta ha una nuova macchina.
noi abbiamo
voi avete
loro hanno
loro hanno
we have
you (fam.) have
they have
you (formal) have
I have a book but I don’t have a pencil.
Marta has a new car.
Avere means to have.
Avere is also is used in many idiomatic expressions where it is often translated as
to be, such as avere ... anni (to be - ...years old).
Pietro ha nove anni ma ha un computer.
Peter is nine years old but he has a
Other common expressions with avere:
avere caldo
to be warm
avere sete
avere freddo
to be cold
avere fame
avere sonno
to be sleepy
avere bisogno di
avere voglia di
to want to
avere paura di
to be thirsty
to be hungry
to be in need of,
to have to
to be afraid of
Io ho sempre caldo e tu hai sempre freddo.
Non ho fame. Ho sete.
I’m always hot and you’re always cold.
I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty.
Il bambino ha sonno.
Avete voglia di uscire?
Hai paura del buio?
The baby is sleepy.
Do you want to go out?
Are you afraid of the dark?
What would you say in the following circumstances? Use an expression
with avere.
Example: You’'re looking for something to eat. Ho fame.
1. You’re putting on a sweater.
2. You’re turning on the air conditioner.
3. You didn’t have breakfast this morning and it’s almost noon.
4. You’re looking for something to drink.
5. It’s late and you can hardly keep your eyes open.
6. You can’t sleep because you hear strange noises outside your window.
Answers to Exercises
Robert M. Viale
Diciamolo In Italiano (Let’s Say It In Italian)
Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients
Esercizio A - Answers will vary. Example: Mi chiamo Giuseppe. Ho quarant’anni.
Ho un fratello e due sorelle.
Esercizio B - 1. Ho freddo 2. Ho caldo 3. Ho fame 4. Ho sete 5. Ho sonno
6. Ho paura
Italian american heroes
The golden lion • april-may-June 2015 • 19
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20 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
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Golden Lion
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of New York
Largest Italian-American Fraternal Bi-Monthly in New York State
Convention Section
Celebrating the Past … Shaping the Future!
109th Annual State Convention Agenda
Thursday, May 28, 2015
9:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
3:45 P.M.
4:15 P.M.
6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
9:00 P.M.
10:00 P.M.
11:00 P.M.
Registration Desk Open - For all State Officers, ExOfficio Delegates, State Delegates, Alternate State
Delegates and Guests.
Promptly convene FIRST GENERAL SESSION of the
Grand Convention.
• Welcome - Grand Convention Chairperson Carol
• Honor Guard
• Call to Order and Opening Ritual - State President
Joseph Rondinelli
• Invocation - National/State Chaplain Rev. R. Adam
• Roll Call of State Officers - State Recording Secretary
Michele Ment
• Introduction - National Officers and Visiting Dignitaries
• Appointments - Grand Convention Committees by State
President Joseph Rondinelli
• Approval of Standing Rules for 2015 Grand Convention
• Approval of 2014 Grand Convention Minutes
• Acceptance of New York State Deputy's Report - State
Deputy Eleanor Jobbagy
• Acceptance of State Chaplain’s Report - Rev. R. Adam
• Acceptance of State Officers Reports and Updates
(based on time available)
• Acceptance of State Committee Reports and Updates
(based on time available)
Recess 1st Session to 8:30 A.M., Friday, May 29, 2015
Nominating Committee Interviews for Nominations
(Reconvene at 9:00 P.M.)
Benvenuti “Welcome” Reception & OSIA Wine Tasting
Contest - Forum Night Club
Opening Dinner - Villa Roma’s famous “Caesar’s Night”
Dinner - a banquet fit for a King and Queen!
Nominating Committee Interviews for Nominations
Villa Roma Star Studded Entertainment ~ Comedian
“Uncle Floyd Vivino”
Hospitality Suites open (as announced)
Friday, May 29, 2015
7:30 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.
8:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Registration Desks Open
ATTENTION >>>> To be eligible for Nomination •••
All potential candidates for elected office must be registered by 12 Noon
Friday, May 29th.
ATTENTION >>>>To be eligible to vote in the Saturday, May 30th Election
***All State Delegates must be registered by 2:00 P.M. Friday, May 29th.
8:30 A.M.
Prior to Lunch
12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
Promptly convene SECOND GENERAL SESSION of
Grand Convention
• Reconvene Convention - State President Joseph
• State Committee Reports and Updates continued
Family of the Year Award presentation - Chairperson
Joanne Spera
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro Award presentation - Chairperson
John Fratta
• State President’s Report - State President Joseph
Promptly convene THIRD GENERAL SESSION of
Grand Convention
• Report of the Nominating Committee - Chairperson
Thom Lupo/Co-Chairperson Nancy Quinn (con’t)=
Friday (con’t)
3:30 P.M.
3:45 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
7:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.
10:00 P.M.
11:00 P.M.
Recess 3rd Session to 8:30 A.M., Saturday, May 30, 2015
State President’s Cabinet Meeting & Various Seminars
Banquet/Bene Emeritus Award Presentation
- Chairperson Nancy Quinn
Villa Roma Star Studded Entertainment ~ Entertainer
“Vincent Talarico”
Executive Board Special Hospitality/Lodge Hospitality
Suites open (as announced)
Saturday, May 30, 2015
7:30 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. Breakfast
7:30 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. Elections/Voting - Marty’s Lounge - Chairperson John
8:30 A.M.
Promptly convene FOURTH GENERAL SESSION of
Grand Convention
• Reconvene Convention - State President Joseph
• Credentials Committee Report - Chairperson Anita
• Scholarship Report - Chairperson Michele Ment
• Cornaro Award Report - Chairperson Dr. Emelise
• Italian American Literary Award - Chairperson Dr.
. Emelise Aleandri
• Gift of Sight Report - Chairperson Marianne Principe
• Report of General Laws & Resolutions Committee
Chairperson Arthur Spera
• Budget and Finance Committee Report - Chairperson
Carlo Matteucci
• Old Business - State President Joseph Rondinelli
1:00 P.M.- 2:00 P.M.
2:15 P.M.
Promptly convene FIFTH GENERAL SESSION of
Grand Convention
• Electoral Board Report
• Cooley's Anemia Presentation - Chairperson Mary
• Charitable Donations - State President Joseph
4:00 P.M.
Recess 5th Session to 9:00 A.M., Sunday, May 31, 2015
4:15 P.M.
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist - National/State
Chaplain Rev. R. Adam Forno
6:30 P.M.
Cocktail Reception - Forum Night Club
7:45 P.M.
Grand March of the State Officers
8:00 P.M.
Banquet Dinner
9:30 P.M.
Installation of 2015-2017 State Executive Board Officers
Master of Ceremonies Robert Ferrito
10:30 P.M.
Villa Roma Star Studded Entertainment ~ International
Vocal Artist “Cristina Fontanelli”
11:30 P.M.
Hospitality Suites Open (as announced)
Sunday, May 31, 2015
7:30 A.M.- 9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
12 Noon
Promptly convene SIXTH GENERAL SESSION of the
Grand Convention
• Reconvene Convention - State President
• New Business - State President
• Grand Convention Future Site Report - Chairperson
Carol DiTrapani
• Welfare of the Order
• Benediction
• Adjournment of Convention - State President
Hotel check out 12:00 Noon ~ Have a safe trip home!!
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 21
Columbus Lodge #2143
Proudly Endorses
Past Lodge President
and State Trustee
Brother Keith Wilson
National Delegate
Grand Lodge Activities:
• State Trustee District 2 2013-Present
• State Membership Committee 2007-2011
• State Retention Committee Co-Chair 2009-2011
• Commissioner GM Museum 2008-2010
• GM Museum President/CEO and Chairman 2010-2011
• GM Museum Co-Chairman 2011-2013
• State Budget Committee 2006-2010
• State Bowling Chairman 2005-Present
• Recording Secretary CSJ Executive Board 2013-Present
District 2 Activities:
• Long Island Parade Committee Secretary 2005-2009
• Long Island Parade Committee Chairman 2010, 2013-2015
• District 2 Presidents Vice Chairman 2011-2012
• District 2 Presidents Chairman 2012-2013
Local Lodge Activities
• Member since 2002
• Business Directory Chairman 2002-2003
• Recording Secretary 2004-2006
• Orator 2006-2007
• Second V.P. 2007-2009
• First V.P. 2009-2011
• Lodge President 2011-2013
• Picnic Chairman 2005-2009
• Scholarship Chairman 2007-2010, 2015
• Palm Sunday Chairman 2008-2009
• House Rules and By-Laws Review Chairman 2006-2007
• St. Joseph’s Chairman 2006-2010
• Communion Breakfast Chairman 2005
• Lodge Convention Chairman 2009-2011
• Reciprocation Chairman 2007-2009
• Membership Chairman 2013-2014
• Tenant Committee 2006-Present
• Feast and Festival Comptroller 2008-Present
• Super Bowl Pool Chairman 2007-Present
• Insurance Review Committee Chairman-2007-2009
Brother Keith Has Dedicated Himself To The Order!
22 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Lodge Experience
• Member Since 1989
• Chaired Numerous Events:
Fashion Shows, Supermarket Bingo, Chinese Auction,
Operation Shoebox, High Tea Party, Military Bridge,
Heritage Night, Psychic Night, and others.
• 1989-1993 Sentinel; • 1993-1997 Mistress of Ceremony
• 1997-1999 Trustee; • 1999-2001 Principal Trustee;
• 2001-2003 Orator; • 2003-2005 Vice President;
• 2005-2009 President
NYS OSIA Experience
• NYS Delegate 1997-present
• 1997-2013 Convention Mistress of Ceremony
• 1998 NYS Family of the Year Recipient
• 2000-Present Convention Committee
• 2003-Present Cooley's Anemia Committee
• 2005-2013 Convention Chairperson of Mistress/Master of
• 2005-2009 District III Presidents’ Chairperson
• 2005-2007 Cooley's Anemia Co-Chairperson
• 2007-2013 Cooley's Anemia Chairperson
• 2008-2010 Walk-A-Thon Committee
• 2013 to Present Overseer of Foundation Charities
• 2013 to Present Winter Charity Ball Chairperson
• 2013-Present NYS First Lady
National OSIA Experience
• 2013-Present - Cooley’s Anemia Chairperson
Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge #285
Proudly Endorses
BrothEr John A. FrAttA
OSIA Activities:
Community Activities:
• Founder Petrosino Lodge 1st President
• Chair of Founder's Day Celebration
• Lodge Recording Secretary
• Chair Newsletter Committee
• CSJ Liaison District 3
• Commissioner of Arbitration
• District 3 Deputy
• CSJ Executive Board
• NYS Trustee
• NYS Principal Trustee
• Deputy to the Giannini Lodge
• 2011 Family of the Year
• NYS Treasurer
• 2013 Sellaro Recipient
• National CSJ Vice President
• Co-Founder and 1st President Columbia Assn.
of the Comptroller's Office
• Democratic District Leader
• Gouverneur Hospital Advisory Board
• Treasurer, Community Board One
• Figli Di San Gennaro
• Founder - National Italian American Action
• Southbridge Towers Board of Directors
• President, Little Italy Restoration Assn.
oSIA nY State Financial Secretary and national D e l e g a t e
Arthur Spera
NYS Treasurer
National Delegate
• OSIA Member since 1987
• NYS Principal Trustee, 2014-2015
• NYS Arbitration Commissioner, 2006-2008
• NYS Trustee, District 1, 2001-2006
• Chairman, Garibaldi Meucci Museum
• NYS By-Laws Chairman, 2005-Present
• Past President, Constantino Brumidi Lodge
• NYS OSIA Family of the Year, 2004
• Convention Delegate, 20 years
Unanimously Endorsed by:
Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211
and District 1
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 23
Robert M. Ferrito
First Vice President
wNY State Second Vice President
wNY State Orator
wNY State Treasurer
wDistrict IV State Trustee
wDistrict IV – Presidents Council Chairperson
wLodge Deputy- Uguaglianza N.E. Bronx #83
wBudget and Finance - Chairperson
wBene Emeritus Committee 2013, 2015
wRaffle Committee 2013
John D. Calandra Lodge
wPresident wTrustee
wFund Raising
wCeremonial Officer wBudget
wYonkers Board of Education Trustee - 1997 to 2006.
wYonkers Board of Education President - 2000 to 2003; 2004 to 2005.
wCandidate-at-Large, Parliamentarian Mayor’s Community Relations
Committee, City of Yonkers.
wMember, Board of Assessment and Review, City of Yonkers – 1996 to 1997.
wMember, Board of Directors, PAL, City of Yonkers – 1994 to Present.
wYonkers Columbus Day Parade Celebration Committee – 1996 to Present.
General Chairman – 1999, 2000, and 2011, 2012, 2013.
wChairman, Board of Directors, Columbus Alliance – 1996 to 1997.
wPresident, Columbus Alliance – 1993 to 1996.
wSecond Vice President, Columbus Alliance – 1992 to 1993.
wMember, Columbus Alliance.
wMember, Coalition of Italo-Americans – 1993 to 1997.
wMember, St. Lucy’s Parish Council – 1987 to 1991.
Vice Chairman – 1989 to 1991.
President, St. Lucy’s School-Father’s Club –1987 to 1991.
Member, St. Lucy’s School Board – 1987 to 1991.
wSponsor for Commercial Youth – Lifeline Program.
wSponsor – Just Say No International.
wSponsor – Special Olympics Athletic Program.
Father Donald B. Licata Lodge #2435 Proudly Endorses
for State Orator
and National Delegate
Grand Lodge Positions:
State Recording Secretary 2013-2015
State Corresponding Secretary 2011-2013
State Trustee 1994-1998: 2002-2006
Principal Trustee 1995-1997
Arbitration Commissioner 2006 to 2008
Deputy to St. Francis of Assisi Lodge #2629 1995-2001
Chairperson State Scholarship Committee 1998 to present
Chairperson Bone Marrow Committee
District 4 Deputy
Serving on the following Grand Lodge Committees:
Cooley's Anemia 2001-2007
Bene Emeritus 2002-2005
Sellaro Award
Lodge Positions Held:
Mistress of Ceremony - 1 year
Trustee - 1 year
Orator - 2 years
Vice President - 2 years
President - 4 years
Delegate - 30 years
Serving on the following Supreme Lodge Committees:
National Trustee 2009-2011
Museum Overseer since 2005
Chairperson National Scholarship Committee
OSIA Representative to the Italian Language Foundation
Chairperson Education and Cultural Committee 2001to present
24 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
The Members Of The Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #2163 - Syosset, NY
Proudly Endorse
Brother Tony Naccarato
New York State Second Vice President
NYS/OSIA Experience
NYS Orator 2013-Present
District II / NYS Principal Trustee 2011-2013
NYS Fundraising Co-Chair 2011-2013
National Convention Delegate 2011 & 2013
Chair 2012 Italian Heritage Night - Ducks Game
Chair 2011, 2012 & 2013 NYS $100 Raffle
Gift of Sight Committee since 2008
Walk-A-Thon Committee since 2008
Past Deputy to Captain Kathy Mazza Lodge
Past Deputy to Galileo Galilei Lodge
Chair 2011 and 2012 National $50 Raffle
Member 2010 Convention Budget Committee
Cooley' s Anemia Committee since 2004
Chairman NYS Baseball Cards Fundraiser
Current Garibaldi-Meucci Museum National Overseer
Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Commissioner 2011-2012
Current State Membership Committee
Chairman 2012 OSIA Long Island Columbus Day Parade
Lodge Experience
Three Time Lodge President
Lodge Vice-President - Lodge Trustee
Chairman Lodge Nominating Committee
Chairman of the Lodge Christmas Parties
Twelve-Time State Convention Delegate
Breast Cancer Committee
Chairman Mets Baseball Fundraiser
Chairman Children's Christmas Parties
Chairman of the Installations Committee
Chairman Children's Christmas Toys 2001-2008
Chairman of the District 2 Presidents’ Christmas Party
Santa Claus at the District 2 Christmas Party since 2007
Four time Chairman of the Lodge Picnic
The Roma Intangible Lodge #215
• Elected State Financial Secretary
Proudly Endorse
• Elected State Trustee District VI
Biagio Isgro, Jr.
• Elected State Corresponding Secretary
• Elected National Delegate
• Chaired local Lodge Membership Committee
• Chaired local Lodge Fundraising and Special Events
• Chaired local Lodge Golden Lion Dinner Committee
• Chaired local Lodge Education, Language and Cultural
• Chaired local Lodge Columbus Day Parade Committee
• Appointed as District VI Chairman for the NYS Grand
Lodge Italian Education, Language and Cultural
• Appointed to State Convention Committee, Walk-A-Thon
Committee Member
NYS Recording Secretary
National Delegate
• Cooley’s Anemia Committee Member
• State Foundation Board Member
Fair - Honest - Trustworthy
“The future is in our hands!”
The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015 • 25
Cellini Lodge #2206
Proudly Endorses
Luigi Squillante
National Delegate
♦ NYS Convention Delegate 2006 to present
♦ State Trustee, District II
♦ Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Chairperson - 2 yrs.
♦ Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Commissioner
for 4 years
♦ District II Presidents’ Council Co-Chair &
♦ Website Competition Chairperson
♦ OSIA Member for over 12 years
♦ Lodge President
♦ Annual Feast Chair
♦ Cellini Lodge Foundation President
♦ Cellini Lodge Foundation Director
♦ Chair and Co-Chair of other Cellini Lodge
Proud Dual Citizen of USA and Italy
Arturo Toscanini #2107
Madeline and Carlo Matteucci
Proudly Endorse
Brother Arthur Spera
Andrea Doria #2201
Constantino Brumidi #2211
Guglielmo Marconi #2232
Giuseppe Nigro #2234
P. Vincent Landi #2239
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro #2319
Donne D’Italia #2330
Sgt. John Basilone #2442
Michelangelo #2451
Anthony Casamento #2612
NYS OSIA Treasurer
National OSIA Delegate
26 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015
Fr. John Papallo #2684
Perry Como #2846
Vigiano Brothers #3436
Ciro Capano-District 1 Presidents Chairman
T h e Petrosin o Lodge # 2 8 5
National Delegate
t Member since 1982
t Served in a variety of Council positions beginning as Sentinel in 1991
t Lodge President from 2001 - 2005
t Served on all Lodge Committees
t Editor of the Lodge Newsletter
t Delegate to the State Convention since 1997, serving on various
committees including Nominating and Electoral Committees
Served as:
Deputy to the Mario Lanza and Centennial Lodges
Chairperson of the District III Presidents
CSJ Recording Secretary
Current involvement:
District III Trustee
CSJ Treasurer
NYS Deputy w Hofstra Italian Experience Liaison
w Membership Committee w Fundraising Committee
w Walk For Care – Co-Chairperson
w Golf Committee – Co- Chairperson w $100 Raffle – Co-Chairperson
New York Grand Lodge - 2015 Awards
To be Bestowed Upon
(At 109th Annual Convention)
Bene Emeritus
Carmine Federico
Prou dly En dorses
Jo sep h Fra tta
National Dele gate
Lo dge Po sition s H eld:
w President w First Vice President w O rator
w T reasurer w Recording Secretary w T rustee
w Chaired num erous com m ittees w ithin the Lodge.
State Position s H eld
w Past D eputy to Lisa Lodge
w Currently D eputy to Fr.Capodanno Lodge
w Currently N YS Com m issioner of Arbitration Chair
State C o m m ittees
w Currently Cancer Research Chair
w Cooley's Anem ia
w W alk for a Cure
w G olf O uting
w Autism
C armine F ederiCo
Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro
Mildred Mancusi and Joseph Fratta
national delegate
Family of the Year
Magliato Family
Dr. Philip Cioffari
(At Tappan Zee High School)
Cornaro - Dr. Annamaria Monaco
Scholarships and Grants
(At OSIA’ s 11 0th Anniversary Celebration)
Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
Josephine Morici Cohen and Michael Santo, Esq.
The Golden Lion • april-may-June 2015 • 27
e #224
Proudly Endorses
Carolyn Reres
State President
Grand Lodge of New York - OSIA
Sister Carolyn, proud of her Italian heritage, has actively served OSIA for 25 years. A member of the New York Grand
Council and Executive Committee since 2001, her understanding and knowledge of our Order and her wide range of
experience is evident. Carolyn will serve the brothers and sisters of OSIA NY with vision, commitment, and expertise.
y - Competence - Ded
28 • The Golden Lion • April-May-June 2015