View - Harmers of London


View - Harmers of London
29th. July 2010
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Thursday, 29th. July 2010
At 13.30 Hours Precisely
A buyer’s premium of 18% (+VAT) will be added to the hammer price of each lot sold for up to £4,999,
12.5% (+VAT) on each lot sold for between £5,000 and £99,999
and 10% (+VAT) on each lot sold in excess of £100,000.
Please use the bid form enclosed
The “Sirron” Collection
Airmails of the World
**1 GB
1939-47 set of three values in imperforate blocks of four, u.m., fine. Cat. €800 (Yvert
1-3) .......................................................................................................................
**2 GG
1925 set of seven values, variety imperforate, small manuscript ink number on
reverse of 5q. and a few slight gum bends, otherwise u.m. and fine. Cat. €3,500
(Michel 126U-132U) ..............................................................................................
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**3 GG
1929 Overprinted set of seven values, u.m., fine and rare. Cat. €1,800 (Michel 210216) .......................................................................................................................
**4 C
—- The set of seven values, fine used, rare. All signed “A.D.”. Cat. €1,400 (Michel
210-216) ................................................................................................................
**5 GB
1930 Zeppelin Europe Pan-America Flight (Blue overprints), the set of five in large
part o.g. blocks of four, some natural gum bends otherwise fine and scarce. Cat.
$1,300 (Scott C20-C24) .........................................................................................
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**6 GB
—- 20c., 50c. and 1p. in large part o.g. blocks of four with overprints inverted, the
50c. and 1p. both corner marginal and signed “Kneitschel”, the 20c. only listed by
Sanabria and a great rarity, fine. Cat. $4,500+++ (Scott C20var, C21a, C22a) ....
**7 G
—- 50c. with variety “Overprint inverted”, large part o.g., fine and scarce. Signed
Sanabria. Cat. $475 (Scott C21a) .............................................................................
**8 G
—- Another example with the “Overprint inverted” variety, large part o.g., fine .........
**9 GB
—- A block of four from the foot of the sheet, with variety “Overprint inverted”, large
part o.g., slight pre-printing paper bends on reverse otherwise fine and rare. With
Philatelic Foundation certificate (2003) Cat. $1,900+ (Scott C21a) .....................
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**10 GD
29th. July 2010
—- A magnificent block of fifteen (3 x 5) with sheet margins at top and at foot, large
part o.g., variety “Overprint inverted”, four stamps at left with natural gum creases, otherwise fine and very rare. Cat. $7,125++ (Scott C21a) Unique, this being
the largest known multiple ....................................................................................
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Ex 12
**11 G
—- 1p. variety “Overprint inverted”, large part o.g., fine. Cat. $650 (Scott C22a)......
**12 GB
—- Green overprint set in large part o.g. blocks of four, the 1p.80 showing a dramatic
upward shift of overprint and accompanied by “SOCOFIRA” (1989) certificate,
fine and rare. Cat. $3,000+ (Scott C25-C29) ........................................................
Ex 14
**13 G
1918 2.50k. on 3k. ochre, variety “Surcharge inverted”, large part o.g., fine and rare.
Cat. £1,200 (297Bc) ..............................................................................................
**14 GG
1950-1953 Birds, 1s., 3s., 5s. and 10s., the four key values in u.m. marginal blocks
of four, the 3s. with some perfs separated otherwise fine. Cat. £1,988 (1216,
1218-1220) ..........................................................................................................
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**15 G
1924 Aviation School 10c. vermilion and black, variety “Inverted centre”, large part
o.g., fine and very rare. Signed Sanabria. Cat. $2,500 (Scott C1a)........................
**16 G
1930 10c. vermilion and black with variety “Brown overprint”, large part o.g., fine
and very rare. Cat. $2,500 (Scott C13) ..................................................................
**17 G
—- 50c. orange and black, variety “Red overprint”, large part o.g., fine and rare, variously signed. Cat. $1,000 (Scott C17) ..................................................................
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**18 GB
1927 set of sixteen values in part o.g. blocks of four, some with adherences on reverse
and perfs separated and re-joined, otherwise fine, scarce in blocks. Cat. $580+ (Scott C1C6,C7-C!6) .............................................................................................................
**19 GB
**20 GB
**22 G
—- 200r. on 5000r. variety “Surcharge double”, a marginal large part o.g. block of
four from the left of the sheet, fine and rare. With A.P.S. certificate (1997) Cat.
$1,300+ (Scott C4a) ..............................................................................................
—- 500r. on 10r., an u.m. block of four, fine and very rare. Cat. $1,500 (Scott C6A)
**21 GB
—- 500r. on 50r. variety “Double surcharge”, a marginal large part o.g. block of four
from the left of the sheet, fine and rare. With A.P.S. certificate (1997) Cat. $1,200
(Scott C7a) ............................................................................................................
1930 Condor Zeppelin Rs.10,000 surcharge on 20,000r. blue, a vertical pair, the top
stamp with variety “Surcharge omitted” and the lower stamp showing feint second (double) surcharge, large part o.g. but with black ink screening on the
reverse which was undoubtedly caused by the print problem that resulted in this
variety, fine and very rare. With Brian Moorhouse certificate (2009) (RHM5C var)
An extraordinary pair (unrecorded by Sanabria) and most probably unique
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**23 GG
1937-38 6c. blue, an u.m. imperforate block of four from the right of the sheet, usual
yellowish gum and a few wrinkles otherwise fine. Rare. Signed Sanabria. Cat.
£1,300 (371) ........................................................................................................
**24 G
1927 Santiago to Valparaiso set of five values, part o.g., variously signed, fine and
rare. Cat. $2,000 (Scott C1-C5) ............................................................................
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**25 GB
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—- the set in blocks of four, large part o.g., fine and very rare in multiples. Signed
Sanabria. Cat. $8,000++ (Scott C1-C5) .................................................................
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**26 G
Sinkiang: 1932-33 set of four values, part o.g., each signed Kessler or Sanabria, fine
and very rare. Cat. £2,750 (83-86)........................................................................
**27 G
1919 Experimental flight from Barranquilla to Puerto Colombia, 2c. carmine-rose,
part o.g., fine and very rare. Signed Kessler and Sanabria. Cat. $3,250 (Scott C1)
**28 A
—- 2c. rose-carmine used on small piece, fine and rare. With Roumet certificate
(1999) Cat. £1,600 (Scott C1) ...............................................................................
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**29 G
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1920 C.C.N.A. “Curtiss” labels, selection of eight, four designs of which were selected for the surcharged issued stamps, seven are marginal examples with the
“Curtiss” imprint, unused without gum as issued, fine. A rare group ....................
Compania Colombiana de Navegacion Aerea
The 1920 (22 February) Multi-coloured Curtiss advertising labels
**30 G
10c. Mother and Child, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare. Signed Kessler
and with E.Diena certificate (1985) Cat. $2,750 (Scott C2) ..................................
**31 G
10c. Left wings of biplane, unused without gum as issued, slight thin on reverse otherwise fine and rare. Cat. $4,250 (Scott C4) .........................................................
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**32 G
10c. Pilot in flight signalling biplane, unused without gum as issued, fine and very
rare. Variously signed. Cat. $3,250 (Scott C5) ........................................................
**33 G
10c. Lighthouse, unused without gum as issued, slight thin on reverse otherwise fine
and rare. Cat. $2,750 (Scott C6) .............................................................................
**34 G
10c. Aeroplane on airfield and pilots, unused without gum as issued, extremely
minute pinhole otherwise fine and rare. Cat. $3,250 (Scott C9) .............................
**35 GB
1920 (November) Barranquilla to Puerto Berrio flight, 30c. surcharge on 10c. green
in violet, an imperf. block of four, without gum as issued, fine and very rare. Cat.
£3,400+ (15) Unlisted by Scott ...............................................................................
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**36 GG
1930 5k. red-brown perf. 12½, u.m., fine and rare. Signed Mahr. Cat. $2,000 (Scott
C15a) ....................................................................................................................
**37 G
—- 20k. grey-violet from the top of the sheet, perf. 13¾ x 12¼, very lightly hinged,
fine and very rare. Signed Karasek. Cat. $1,750 (Scott C17b) .............................
**38 GGB
1925-29 set in u.m. corner marginal blocks of four, a few coloured marks on the
reverse of the 10o. and some with natural gum bends otherwise fine and rare.
Cat. $2,800 (Scott C1-C5) ....................................................................................
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**39 GB
**40 G
1928 SCADTA “Provisional” (45°) surcharged set of five values in blocks of four,
1929 50c. on 10c. with “Cts” between the numerals block of four, (some separated perfs. and with Foundation 1983 certificate), also 1928-29 1s. on 20c.
Registration Stamp in a marginal block of four from the foot of the sheet, u.m., or
large part o.g., fine. Cat. $5,320 (Scott C1-C5, C6, CF1)........................................
1950 60c. on 50c. olive, variety “Surcharge double, both inverted”, part o.g., fine and
very rare, Signed Kessler and Sanabria and with Foundation certificate (1956).
Only two examples known. Unlisted by Scott. (Sanabria 289a) ...........................
**41 GB
1929 Servicio Aereo 20c. deep green, part o.g. block of four, variety “Overprint in
red”, fine and very rare. Signed Charlat and with Foundation certificate (1956)
Cat. £3,400++ (Scott C1a) ....................................................................................
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**42 G
1930 Zeppelin 10m. grey-lilac, vertical pair from the foot of the sheet, the upper
stamp showing variety “1830 for 1930”, large part o.g., a small portion of gum
missing from lower stamp where signed, otherwise fine and rare. Cat. $2,640
(Scott C1-C1a) .......................................................................................................
**43 P
1936 “Plane over Paris” 50f. Die Proof in blue, die sunken on card. Signed “Ouvre”
(engraver), fine, attractive and very rare ..............................................................
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**44 GG
29th. July 2010
1969 Concorde 0.95 instead of 1f., imperforate, prepared but not issued, u.m., fine.
With C. Margue certificate (1977) Cat. €25,000 (Maury 43A)................................
An important and unique modern airmail rarity. The only example which escaped
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French Colonies
**45 G
French Guiana: 1921 St. Laurent du Maroni-Cayenne-Innini route, General issue:
75c. black on yellow, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare. With E. Diena
certificate (1988) Cat. €2,000 (Yvert 10A) ............................................................
**46 GG
Mauritania: 1942 10f. ultramarine and carmine, variety “Centre inverted”, u.m., fine
and scarce. Signed Brun. Cat. €1,100 (Yvert 15a) .................................................
**47 G
New Caledonia: 1932 pair and 1933 set, all part o.g., fine. Some signed A. Diena. Cat.
€1,450 (Yvert 1-2, 3-28) .........................................................................................
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**48 GGB
**49 GGB
Reunion: 1937 Lauurent, Lenier and Touge flight to France, 50c. red., an u.m. block
of four from the left of the sheet, fine and scarce. Signed Brun. Cat. €1,280+
(Yvert 1) ...............................................................................................................
—- Another block of four from the left of the sheet, u,m., fine and scarce. Signed
Calves etc. Cat. €1,280+ (Yvert 1) .......................................................................
**50 GG
—- A vertical pair from the left of the sheet, the lower stamp with variety “Overprint
missing”, u.m., fine and rare. Signed Calves and with K. Ceremuga certificate
(2003) Cat. €1,850 (Yvert 1a) ...............................................................................
**51 G
—- Another vertical pair from the foot of the sheet, the lower stamp with variety
“Overprint missing”, very lightly hinged on the top stamp only, fine and scarce.
With A. Diena certificate (1963). Cat. €1,850 (Yvert 1a).......................................
—- A used vertical pair from the foot of the sheet, the lower stamp with variety
“Overprint missing”, used, fine and scarce. Signed Calves. Cat. €1,850 (Yvert 1a)
**52 C
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**53 G
1912 (June 10), the set of three plus the 1m. surcharge on 10pf. and 1912 (June 22) pair,
part o.g., fine. Cat. €1,700 (Michel I-III, IV, V-VI) ......................................................
**54 GGB
1912 (June 22) “E.EL.P.” set in u.m. marginal blocks of four, fine and very rare. With
Maria Brettl certificate (1998) Cat. €10,600 (Michel V-VI)....................................
**55 G
1912 Regensburg set of three values, u.m. (1) or large part o.g., fine and rare.
Variously signed including Ebel and Grabowski. Cat. €5,800 (Michel 6-8).............
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**56 GGB
1926-27 German Eagle set of eight values in u.m. blocks of four, fresh and very fine.
Cat. €4,800+ (Michel 378-384) .............................................................................
**57 GGB
1928-31 Graf Zeppelin set of three values in u.m. blocks of four, a few slight spots
on the face of the 4m. otherwise fine and scarce. Cat. €2,040 (Michel 423-424,
455) ......................................................................................................................
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**58 G
1926 2d. Fortress, horizontal pair, variety “Imperforate between”, large part o.g.,
fine and scarce. Cat. €550 (Vlastos A2a) ..............................................................
**59 GG
1933 (Oct, 10) Aeroespresso Co. issue, the set u.m. and all corner marginal examples,
fine. Cat. €200 (Vlastos A8-A14) ...............................................................................
**60 G
—- The set of eight values, imperforate, part o,g., fine and rare. With E. Diena certificate (1985) (Vlastos A8-A14 vars)....................................................................
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**61 G
—- The set in imperforate pairs, (20d. vertical, others horizontal), fine, fresh and
very rare. Signed Kessler and Sanabria. Cat. €2,900 (Vlastos A8a-A14a) .............
**62 G
—- Another imperforate set, all in horizontal pairs, fine, fresh and very rare. Cat.
€2,900 (Vlastos A8a-A14a)....................................................................................
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**63 C
1935-37 25c. blue-green Ruins at Antigua, variety “Quetzal omitted”, used, fine and
scarce. Cat. $1,100 (Scott C61a) ...........................................................................
**64 G
—- 5q. orange and indigo Atlantic Coast view, variety “Quetzal omitted”, large part
o.g., fine and rare. With Foundation certificate (1964) Cat. $1,500 (Scott C69a)
**65 G
1925 5c. light blue, overprinted in red, unused, traces of light soiling at top otherwise fine and extremely rare. Signed Kessler and Sanabria. Cat. $7,250 (Scott C3)
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**66 GC
1951 Stamp Anniversary, the special 60f. miniature sheets in rose-lilac, both perf.
and imperf. and both u.m. and fine used with first day exhibition cancellations,
fine and a very rare set. Cat. $5,200 (Scott C95 footnote) ....................................
These sheets were presented to exhibitors and members of the arranging committee
of the exhibition
**67 GGD
1931 Zeppelin set in corner marginal blocks of ten (5 x 2) from the upper right of the
sheets showing Plate numbers, u.m., fresh and a rare set in multiples. Cat.
$2,750+ (Scott C9-C11) ........................................................................................
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**68 GG
1933 Official, Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation flight 5l.25+44l.75, u.m., fine and
rare. With A.P.S. certificate (1989) Cat. €6,000 (Sassone 1).................................
**69 GGD
1933 1l. authorised Balbo booklet containing fifteen panes of six (five different
designs) special flight labels. Produced to benefit the orphans of Italian aviators, fine
and unusual ...........................................................................................................
Italian East Africa: 1941 (April) Prepared for use but not issued military franchise
adhesives in both green and carmine, both marginal, the green example without
gum as issued, the carmine u.m. with gum, fine and scarce. Cat. €1,825 (Sassone
1-2) .......................................................................................................................
Italian Somaliland: 1934 the unissued set of five with inverted overprints, large part
o.g., fine ................................................................................................................
**70 GG
**71 G
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**72 GG
**73 G
29th. July 2010
—- 1934 Official 25c. blue and orange, an u.m. horizontal pair, the right stamp with
variety “1943 for 1934”, an extremely rare pair. With Raybaudi certificate (1998)
Cat. €18,000 (Sassone 2, 2a) ................................................................................
Italian Colonies: 1934 Rome to Mogadiscio flight. the set of four Official stamps
issued by Cyrenacia, Eritrea, Somalia and Tripolitania, large part o.g., fine and a
very rare group. With A.Diena certificate (1975) Cat. €13,000 (Sassone 1)..........
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**74 G
1941 First Flight to U.S.A., the set of ten values, the 50c. on 1c. and 50c. on 20c. both
with B.P.A. certificates (1965), also the 50c on 2c., 50c. on 3c., 50c. on 10c., 50c.
on 30c. and $1 values with inverted overprints, all large part o.g. Variously
signed. Cat. $5,900++ (Scott C17-C26 etc.) ..........................................................
**75 GGB
1935 Vaitkus 40c. blue and carmine, an u.m. block of four overprinted in three diagonal lines “F. VAITKUS/nugalejo Atlantica/21-22-IX-1935”, extremely rare in
multiples (407a) ...................................................................................................
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**76 G
**77 GGB
1929-34 35c. blue-green, an imperforate horizontal pair, large part o.g., fine and
rare. Signed Ruidiaz and with Foundation certificate (1995) Cat. $1,200 (Scott
1934 Pro-Universidad set of eight values in u.m. blocks of four, fresh and fine. A very
rare set in multiples. Cat. $10,400+ (Scott C54-C61)............................................
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**78 GCF
Page 31
1929 Tejara to Tapachula Flight, the set of nine values as listed by Sanabria, incl. the
extremely rare 25c. brown-carmine and slate-green (2), all part o.g. (the deep
blue and green without gum), the set of six perforated issues (Sanabria 9-14)
used, also a group of ten covers bearing various examples of these issues together with additional frankings, incl. the rare 25c. brown-carmine and slate-green
(2, 1 with Friedel (1958) certificate), etc., also 1928 (Oct. 1) envelope addressed
to Monterrey franked perf. 14 25c. brown-carmine and brown (Sanabria 6) and
10c. definitive. (Sanabria 6, 8-16) A very fine and possibly unique offering of
these extremely rare proofs or essays sold by the Post Office. .............................
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**79 G
1935 Amelia Earharts Goodwill Flight 20c. lake, large part o.g., fine and rare. Signed
Brun. Cat. $3,250 (Scott C74)................................................................................
**80 G
1936 Eagle Man 20c. lake, wmk. “SECRETARIA DE HACIENDA MEXICO”, part o.g.,
fine and rare. Signed Kessler. Cat. $4,500 (Scott C76A)........................................
**81 GG
1939 Sarabia Flight to New York, 20c. blue and red, u.m., fine and scarce. Cat. $450 (Scott
C93A) ....................................................................................................................
**82 GG
—- Another u.m. example, fine. Cat. $450 (Scott C93A) ...............................................
Ex 83
Ex 84
**83 G
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1929 set of eight values, large part o.g., fine and rare. Cat.
$2,775 (Scott CO3-CO10) .....................................................................................
**84 G
—- Another set of eight, part o.g., the 40c, with rounded corner perf. otherwise fine
and rare. Cat. $2,775 (Scott CO3-CO10) ...............................................................
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**85 GB
**86 GB
Page 33
—- The set of eight in blocks of four, o.g., except the rare 1p. which is u.m. with sheet
margin at top and showing part strikes of the stamp archive seal on the reverse,
a fine and extremely rare set. With individual Mexico Elmhurst certificates (197879) Cat. $14,100 (Scott CO3-CO10).......................................................................
—- Another set of eight in o.g. blocks of four, fine and extremely rare. All signed
Ruidiaz. Cat. $11,100 (Scott CO3-CO10)................................................................
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**87 G
—- 1p. black, part o.g., fine and rare. Signed Kessler and Ruidiaz. Cat. $2,250 (Scott
CO10) ....................................................................................................................
**88 G
1932 Golden Eagle 50c. dark blue and claret, large part o.g., fine and scarce. With
Mexico Elmhurst certificate (1980) Cat. $1,000 (Scott CO18) ...............................
**89 G
—- Another example, very lightly hinged, fine and scarce. Signed Sanabria. Cat.
$1,000 (Scott CO18) .............................................................................................
**90 GB
Rocket Mail: 1961 (July 2) Chiapas 50c. green, block of four from the left of the
Internacional/Reynosa, Mexico-McAllen, U.S.A./1936-1961” ovpt. in red, large
part o.g., (Scott C220En footnote, Ellington-Zwisler 46AA) ..................................
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**91 G
1955-57 Birds, the set of four plus the three perf. 13 values, large part o.g., fine and scarce.
Cat £845 (508-511a) ..............................................................................................
**92 G
German Occupation: 1943 Appointment of Administrative Committee, stamps of the
Italian Occupation with three line “Nationaler/Verwaltungsausschuss/10.XI.1943” ovpt., the set of five, large part o.g., fine and rare. The rare 10l.
signed DrDub and with Gerhard Krischke certificate (1998). Cat. €5,360 (Michel
15-19) ..................................................................................................................
**93 GG
Surinam: 1945 22½c. on 60c. purple, variety “Surcharge inverted”, u.m. from the top of the
sheet, fine and scarce. Cat. $250 (Scott C23a) ...........................................................
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**94 C
**95 G
1919 (April 12) The “Hawker” Attempt 3c. brown, used with light part machine cancellation; trace of light vertical crease at left though not affecting the appearance
of this very rare and attractive stamp, Only 200 examples with this overprint
were produced, 93 of which remained unused. With A. Diena and G. Bolaffi certificates (1972). Cat. £9,000 (142) .......................................................................
1921 (November 16) Halifax-Botwood N.S. 35c. wide setting with no stop after
“1921”, variety “Overprint inverted”, part o.g.; fine, fresh and very rare. With G.
Bolaffi certificate (1978). Cat. £4,500 (148d) .......................................................
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1930 (October) “Miss Columbia”
On October 9 1930 the “Miss Columbia” took off from Harbour Grace and, after covering 2,650 miles, was
forced to land on a beach at Tresco Island in the Scilly Isles
**96 G
50c. on 36c. sage-green, position 1, part o.g.; fine, fresh and very rare. With
Foundation certificate (1993). Cat. £5,500 (191) ..................................................
**97 G
50c. on 36c. sage-green, position 1, part o.g.; fine, fresh and very rare. With G.
Bolaffi certificate (1964). Cat. £5,500 (191) .........................................................
**98 C
50c. on 36c. sage-green, position 1, used with very light, complete central strike of
the St. John’s c.d.s. for September 25(?).; fine, fresh and very rare. With G. Bolaffi
certificate (1964). Cat. £4,750 (191) ....................................................................
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**99 F
**100 F
29th. July 2010
50c. on 36c. sage-green, position 1, tied by St. John’s c.d.s. of September 27 1930
on envelope to Montreal; the stamp having been removed and re-afffixed by a
hinge, fine, clean and extremely attractive. Very rare. With G. Bolaffi certificate
(1966) (191) .........................................................................................................
50c. on 36c. sage-green, position 2, tied by Harbour Grace c.d.s. of October 9 1930
on envelope to Liverpool, the address panel with additional strike of the c.d.s.,
signed “Lieut. Harry P.M. Connor, Navigator” and inscribed “This envelope was
carried in the Bellanca monoplane “Columbia” on its second transatlantic flight
Oct 9-10, 1930. Capt J Erroll Boyd, pilot”; fine, clean and extremely attractive.
Very rare. (191).....................................................................................................
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1931 (January) Permanent set
**101 P
15c., 50c. and $1, set of three die proofs in black on thick unwatermarked cream
wove paper and showing reversed Die numbers in the margins; fine and rare.
With A. Bolaffi certificate (1986)...........................................................................
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**102 P
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15c., 50c. and $1, set of three die proofs in black on thin watermarked white wove
paper and showing reversed Die numbers in the margins; fine and rare...............
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**103 P
**104 P
Page 41
15c., 50c. and $1, set of three die proofs in the issued colours on thin unwatermarked white wove paper and showing reversed Die numbers in the margins; fine
and very rare .........................................................................................................
15c., 50c. and $1, set of three die proofs in the issued colours on thin watermarked
white wove paper and showing reversed Die numbers in the margins; fine and
very rare................................................................................................................
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**105 GG
15c., 50c. and $1, unwatermarked and watermarked sets, unmounted mint; very fine
and fresh. Cat. £195+ (192-197) ..............................................................................
**106 GGB
15c., 50c. and $1, variety “Imperforate” - each in an unmounted mint lower-marginal block of four; a few minor gum thins/skips and the 15c. block with light
overall toning and a few faint tone spots though not detracting. Fine, attractive
and very rare. Cat. £4,300++ (192c-194c)............................................................
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**107 GGB
15c., 50c. and $1,watermarked, in very fine, fresh unmounted mint blocks of four.
Cat. £440++ (195-197) .........................................................................................
**108 GG
50c. green, without watermark, variety “Imperforate between the stamps (horizontal pair)”, unmounted mint; very fine, fresh and attractive. Rare. With G. Bolaffi
certificate (1979). Cat. £1,000 (193a)...................................................................
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1932 (May) Dornier DO-X Flying Boat
**109 GGB
$1.50 on $1 deep blue, a very fine and fresh unmounted mint ‘sheet’ of four. Rare.
With G. Bolaffi certificate (1976). Cat. £900++ (221)...........................................
**110 G
$1.50 on $1 deep blue, variety “Surcharge inverted”, part original gum; fine and
fresh. Extremely rare.With A. Bolaffi certificate (1986). Cat. £17,000 (221a).......
**111 GGD
1932 ‘Wayzata’ essay, $1 dark blue, a complete unmounted mint sheet of twenty
with full selvedge; fine, fresh and rare as a complete sheet ................................
1933 (June) Permanent issue
**112 GG
5c. to 75c., the set unmounted mint; fine and fresh. Cat. £150+ (230-234) ..................
**113 G
5c. red-brown, a horizontal pair from left of the sheet, variety “Imperforate between
the stamps”, part o.g.; fine, fresh and attractive. Rare. With Brandon certificate
(1996). Cat. £1,000 (230b) ...................................................................................
29th. July 2010
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Ex 115
**114 G
**115 G
**116 G
5c. red-brown, a vertical pair from top-left corner of the sheet, variety “Imperforate
between the stamps”, part o.g.; two small natural gum creases/wrinkles though
still fine, fresh and attractive. Rare. With Foundation (1954) and G. Bolaffi (1979)
certificates. Cat. £1,100 (230c) .............................................................................
5c. and 10c. marginal blocks of four, 30c., 60c. and 75c. vertical pairs, all variety
“Imperforate”, part o.g.; a few minor natural gum bends/wrinkles though in no
way detracting. Fine, fresh and attractive. Rare. Cat. £2,160+ (230a-234a) ........
5c., 10c., 30c., 60c. and 75c., variety each in an “Imperforate” vertical pair from foot
of the sheet (the 50c. pair from lower-left corner of the sheet), one stamp in each
pair being unmounted, the other part o.g.; some natural gum wrinkling though in
no way detracting. Fine, fresh and most attractive. With G. Bolaffi certificate
(1979). Cat. £1,830+ (230a-234a) ........................................................................
1933 (July) Balbo Surcharge
**117 GB
$4.50 on 75c. yellow-brown, a fresh part o.g. block of four, a few short or shorter
perfs. Fine, fresh and attractive. Cat. £1100+ (235) .............................................
Page 46
**118 F
**119 F
29th. July 2010
$4.50 on 75c. yellow-brown, tied by St. John’s c.d.s. of 26 July 1933 on envelope to
New York, showing blue circular cachet at left and typewritten “PER ITALIAN AIR
ARMADA”; some short perfs. though not detracting. Fine and most attractive
(235) .....................................................................................................................
$4.50 on 75c. yellow-brown, on picture postcard to Rome, tied by very fine strikes
of the large purple boxed “POST OFFICE/AUG 8 1933/CLARENVILLE” and black
“ORBETELLO/GROSSETO” c.d.s., the picture side signed by “Italo Balbo”; a few
small soil/tone spots though in no way detracting from this fine, attractive and
very rare signed card (235)...................................................................................
29th. July 2010
**120 G
Page 47
$4.50 on 75c. yellow-brown, variety “Partial Double Surcharge”, part o.g.; small surface mark at left (probably excess ink from the surcharge) though in absolutely
no way detracting from this fine, fresh and extraordinary rarity. Note: The
Unitrade catalogue lists this variety as C18iii but only prices it used on cover (this
cover appeared in the Cyril Harmer “Newfoundland Airmails” auction sale here at
Harmers in 2002) and this example is therefore unique .......................................
Page 48
29th. July 2010
**121 GG
1914 Deutsch-Englische Luftschiff-Expedition, the prepared for use but unissued
(due to the outbreak of World War I) 2pf. ultramarine and 1mk. black, blue and
red, u.m., fresh, fine and very rare ........................................................................
**122 GG
1931 set of thirteen values, all marginal with some being corner examples, u.m., fine and
scarce. Cat. £225+ (137-149) ..................................................................................
**123 G
1931 set of thirteen values and 1932-34 set of sixteen values, large part o.g., fine. Cat.
£525 (163-176, 190-203) ........................................................................................
**124 GC
1935 Bulolo Goldfields £2 bright violet and £5 emerald-green, large part o.g. and
used examples of each, fine and rare. Cat. £1,415 (204-205) ...............................
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**125 G
1939 set of fourteen values, large part o.g., fine and scarce. Cat. £800 (212-225) ...
**126 CB
—- A used set of fourteen values in blocks of four, fine. Extremely rare in used blocks.
Cat. £2,600++ (212-225) ......................................................................................
**127 CB
—- Another set in used blocks of four, the 3d. a trifle soiled and the 1/- a little faded
otherwise fine and extremely rare. Cat. £2,600++(212-225)................................
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**128 G
1936 Overprint Reading Down 10c. on 20c. green, small gum thin where previously
hinged otherwise fine and scarce. Signed Sanabria. Cat. $350 (Scott C135) ..................
**129 G
1936 Overprint Reading Down 10c. on 20c. green, variety “Ceutroamericano for
Centroamericano”, large part o.g., fine. Unlisted by Scott. With Behr certificate
(1999) Cat. $1,000 by Sanabria in 1966 (Sanabria 193a) .....................................
Unique, the only recorded example. A great airmail rarity
**130 GC
1927 50c. purple, variety “Overprint inverted”, part o.g. (signed Brun and others)
and used examples (signed Calves), the used example a little toned otherwise
fine and rare. Unlisted by Scott. Cat. £1,000 (463a) .............................................
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**131 G
1926 Madrid to Manilla Flight 4c. carmine, variety “Overprint inverted”, very lightly
hinged (if at all), fine and very rare. Cat. $4,000 (Scott C2a) ...............................
**132 G
—- 16c. light olive-green (Sampson), part (disturbed) o.g., fine and rare. With
Foundation certificate (1997) Cat. $3,250 (Scott C7) ...........................................
**133 G
—- 16c. olive-bistre (Sampson), part o.g., fine and very rare. Signed Sanabria. Cat.
$5,000 (Scott C8) ..................................................................................................
**134 G
—- 2p. violet-brown, large part o.g., small brown mark on reverse otherwise fine and scarce.
Cat. $650 (Scott C13) .............................................................................................
**135 G
—- 4p. dark blue, large part o.g., fine and scarce. Cat. $750 (Scott C14) ...................
**136 G
—- 10p. deep green, part o.g., fine and scarce. Signed W B Manila. Cat. $1,350 (Scott
**137 G
—- Wmk. single-lined “PIPS” 26c. blue-green, part o.g., fine and very rare. Signed
Sanabria. Cat. $6,250 (Scott C16) .........................................................................
Ex 138
**138 GGB
1928 London to Orient Flight, the set of eleven values in u.m. blocks of four, a few
with natural gum bends otherwise fine and scarce. Cat. $788+ (Scott C18-C28) .
**139 G
1944 Provisional Issues for Leyte: 4c. rose-carmine, part o.g., fine and very rare.
With Foundation certificate (1984) Cat. $2,750 (Scott C63) .................................
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**140 G
1926 Warsaw to Tokyo Flight, Semi-Official 5z. deep green, horizontal tete-beche
pair, large part o.g., fine and scarce ......................................................................
**141 GG
1936-41 set of ten values in u.m. imperforate vertical pairs, a few gum bends otherwise fine. All signed Sanabria. (Scott C1-C10 var.) ................................................
**142 GC
1932 Postal Tax: Aviation Fund, collection of mint imperforate values on pages, comprising 50b. singles (3), pairs (7), 1l. singles (3), pairs (7), 2l. singles (6), pairs
(10), blocks of six, eight (2) and eighteen, plus the set in blocks of four, and the
2l. in a horizontal pair imperforate vertically. Also a used imperforate set and various Revenue stamps to 100l. overprinted “FONDUL/NATIONAL/AVIATION” and
other values to 100l., chiefly fine. An interesting and valuable lot ........................
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**143 G
1922 Consular Fee Stamps surcharged in red, the basic set of seven with additional
12Mk. on 2r.25, and 600Mk. on 3r. values, part o.g., chiefly fine, some signed incl.
the 1200Mk. on 3r. by Stolow, chiefly large part o.g. and fine. A rare group. Cat.
£2,595 (Between 265 and 272) ............................................................................
**144 GG
—- 12Mk. on 2r.25 blue, rose and green, u.m., fine and scarce. Signed EBNST BPP and
Filatelia CCCP. (265) ...............................................................................................
**145 G
—- 12Mk. on 2r.25 blue, rose and green variety “Surcharge inverted” (Type I), large
part o.g., fine and rare. Signed Buhler and with Friedl certificate (1959) Cat.
€3,500 for u.m. (Michel 1 K 1) ..............................................................................
—- 24Mk. on 3r. green, pale green and rose, (Type I), a block of four with “molette”
roller cancellations, fine. An extremely rare block, used singles are very rare, this
block possibly being unique (266).........................................................................
**146 CB
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**147 G
1924 10k. surcharge on 5r. green (Type II, wide 5), part o.g., fine and scarce. With
Buchsbayew certificate (1999) (Michel 268 II, Unpriced) ....................................
**148 G
—- 15k. on 1r. brown, variety “Surcharge inverted”, large part o.g., fine and very
rare. Variously signed. Cat. €2,000 as u.m. (Michel 269 K) ...................................
**149 G
1930 Graf Zeppelin Flight to Moscow, the set of two variety “Imperforate” both marginal examples, large part o.g., fine and very rare. Cat. €5,000 (Michel 390C391C).....................................................................................................................
1931 Airship Construction Fund 50k. error of colour violet-brown instead of dark
brown, imperforate, u.m., fine and extremely rare. Only twenty-four examples
are known. With Mikulski certificate (1994)..........................................................
**150 GG
29th. July 2010
**151 C
**152 F
Page 55
1933 Stratosphere Balloon 5k. ultramarine, a used horizontal pair variety
“Imperforate between”, the left stamp with slight wrinkle at top otherwise fine
and rare. With Mikulski certificate (1988) Cat. €1,400 (Michel 453 UMs) .............
1934 Airship Travel Propaganda set of five values used on envelope sent Registered
to Germany, all tied by Moscow Jan. 31 1935 c.d.s. cancellations, arrival datestamp of Feb. 4 on reverse, fine and scarce (Michel 483-487) ..............................
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29th. July 2010
**153 G
1935 Moscow to San Francisco Flight 1r. on 10k. sepia, large part o.g., fine. Cat. £350
(706) ....................................................................................................................
**154 A
—- Another example, neatly tied to small piece, fine and scarce. Cat. £450 (706) .....
**155 G
—- Another example, this the variety “Lower case letter in the third line”, large part
o.g., fine and scarce. Cat. £500 (706b) ....................................................................
29th. July 2010
**156 G
Page 57
Siberia: Far Eastern Republic: 1923 Vladivostok Famine Relief Emergency Flight: the
complete set of twelve perforated values and four imperforate values, large part
o.g., fine, and an extremely rare set. Variously signed, the 20k. on 15k. with APS
(1995) certificate and the 20k. on 35k. on 2k. with Mikulski (1989) certificate.
Cat. €24,200 (Michel 45A-58) ...............................................................................
Page 58
**157 G
**158 A
29th. July 2010
—- Selection of seven stamps, comprising imperf. 20k. on 1k., perf. 20k. on 1k. (2, 1
with small faults), 20k. on 15k. (2), 20k. on 50k. variety “Surcharge inverted” and
20k. on 35k. on 2k., o.g. or part o.g., chiefly fine. Variously signed incl. Dr. P. J.,
Mikulski, Romeko, Sanabria, etc. A scarce group ..................................................
—- 20k. on 15k., 20k. on 20k., 20k. on 50k. and 20k. on 35k. on 2k., all used and neatly tied to small pieces, fine and very rare. Variously signed incl. Dr. P. J., Romeko,
etc. Cat. €9,500 (Michel 52, 53A, 56A, 58) ............................................................
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Page 59
**159 GG
1931 set of ten values, all u.m. from the top of the sheets, fine and rare. The 10l.
with G. Bolaffi certificate (1969) Cat. €2,000 (Sassone 1-10) ...............................
**160 GG
—- Another set of ten values in u.m. blocks of four from the left of the sheets, fresh,
fine and very rare. The 10l. block with G. Bolaffi (1965) and E. Diena (1982) certificates. Cat. €9,500 (Sassone 1-10) ....................................................................
1943 20th. Anniversary of Fascism, the unissued Map design, a complete set of eight
values, u.m., fine and a very rare set. With G. Bolaffi certificate (1969) Cat.
€9,000 (Sassone 26-33) .......................................................................................
**161 GG
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**162 GGB
**163 G
1931Montserrat Monastery set of five values in u.m. imperforate blocks of four, fresh
and fine. A rare set. With F. Graus certificate (1987). Cat. €3,200 (Edifil 650s654s) .....................................................................................................................
1938 Defence of Madrid Relief Fund, 45c.+2p.+5p. dull blue and light blue, the
miniature sheet, part o.g., a few wrinkles as usual otherwise fine and very rare.
Signed Calves and Galvez. Cat. €7,100 (Edifil 760) ..............................................
29th. July 2010
**164 G
**165 GG
Page 61
—- The imperforate miniature sheet, some wrinkles as usual, small thin on reverse
and slight stain at left otherwise fine and extremely rare. Signed Kessler. Cat.
€8,700 (Edifil 760s)...............................................................................................
1938 U.S. Constitution, the 1p.+5p. miniature sheet, u.m., a few wrinkles as usual
otherwise fine and rare. Signed Staiger and with B.P.A. certificate (1998) Cat.
€2,750 (Edifil 766) ................................................................................................
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29th. July 2010
**166 G
1950 Visita del Caudillo a Canarias 10c. on 25p. brown-purple, variety “Without control figures”, large part o.g., fine and very rare. With Roumet certificate (1997).
Cat. €4,450 (Edifil 1083) .......................................................................................
**167 G
1938 3p. on 3½p. black and violet perf. 11½ x 12½, large part (slightly toned) o.g.,
fine and scarce. With B.P.A. certificate (1960) Cat. £600 (75a) ............................
**168 G
—- 3p. on 7½p. green and emerald perf. 11½ x 12½, large part (slightly toned) o.g.,
fine and scarce. With B.P.A. certificate (1960) Cat. £600 (76b) ...........................
**169 G
—- 5p. on 10p. brown and greenish blue perf. 11½ x 12½, large part (slightly toned)
o.g., fine and scarce. With B.P.A. certificate (1960) Cat. £600 (77b) ....................
**170 G
1920 Watermark Crown 20ö. on 2ö. orange, large part o.g., fine and very rare.
Signed Roumet and with Renon certificate (1998) Cat. £3,000 (120bbb) ............
**171 GGB
—- Watermark Crown 50ö. on 4ö violet, an u.m. block of four, fine and rare. Cat.
£900++ (120ccb) ..................................................................................................
29th. July 2010
Page 63
**172 GGB
1919-20 30c. and 50c. in u.m. blocks of four, the 30c. from the foot of the sheet, fine and
rare. Cat. CHF 2,120+ (Zumstein 1-2) .....................................................................
**173 GGB
—- 30c. pale green and yellow-brown, an u.m. block of four from the top of the sheet,
fine and scarce. Cat. CHF 1,600+ (Zumstein 1) .........................................................
**174 C
—- 30c. pale green and yellow-brown, a fine used example with neat part c.d.s. cancellation of Winterthur, fine and rare. With Renggli certificate (1998). Cat. CHF
1,800 (Zumstein 1) ...............................................................................................
**175 GG
1923-40 50c. black and red, variety “Imperforate”, u.m., fine and very rare. With
Zumstein certificate (1980) Cat. CHF 3,250 (Zumstein 9z.1.09)............................
**176 G
**177 G
**178 C
—- 2f. chestnut, sepia and grey-brown, variety “Imperforate”, very lightly hinged
from the left of the sheet, fine and very rare. Signed Hassel and with Relstab
(1982) and Renon (1999) certificates. Cat. CHF 6,000 (Zumstein 13z.1.09) .........
1935-37 10 on 15c. light green and green, variety “Surcharge inverted”, very lightly hinged, fine and extremely rare. With Briefmarkenprüfstelle Basel certificate
(1999) Cat. CHF 8,500 (Zumstein 20.1.09) ...........................................................
—- 40 on 90c. light blue and blue, variety “Surcharge in vermilion” (Aufdruck hellrot), fine
used with neat part c.d.s of Zurich, fine and rare. With SBPV certificate (1992) Cat. CHF
950 (Zumstein 24a) ...............................................................................................
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29th. July 2010
**179 C
Canal Zone: Official 1947 6c. yellow-brown, variety “Overprint inverted”, neatly used
with light machine cancellation, fine and very rare, Signed Kessler. Cat. $2,750
(Scott CO14a) ........................................................................................................
**180 GGD
Trieste Zone B: 1953 Esperanto Congress 300d. violet and green, an u.m. sheetlet of
eight with private red overprint applied marginally, the sheet folded through the
central horizontal perfs. and with a small portion of margin missing at lower left
otherwise fine and very rare. Cat. £2,400+ (B98) .................................................
29th. July 2010
Page 65
Collections Classified by Countries
**181 GGD
ALBANIA: 1939-40 20q. brown, a complete u.m. sheet of fifty, fine and rare. Cat.
€5,000 (Michel 312) ..............................................................................................
**182 G
—- 1925 to 1953: Collection on Hagner pages, eighty-four stamps, incl. 1925 set,
1928 set, another set with variety “R” instead of “P”, 1929 set, 1930 set, 1931
Tirana-Rome set, 1939-40 20q., 1940 set, 1952-53 set, etc., u.m. or part o.g.,
chiefly fine ............................................................................................................
**183 G
ARGENTINA: 1928 to 1950: Collection on Hagner pages, 190 stamps, incl. 1928 single set and set of nineteen in blocks of four overprinted “MUESTRA”, a set as
issued, 1930 Blue and Green Zeppelin sets, 1932 Zeppelin set in blocks of four,
1940 perf. and imperf. colour trials, etc., u.m. or part o.g. chiefly fine ................
AUSTRALIA: 1929 to 1934: Collection on Hagner pages, thirty-two stamps, incl. 1929 and
1931 sets in marginal blocks of four, 1931 (Nov. 17) 6d. corner marginal “John Ash”
imprint block of six. Officials, etc., u.m., part o.g. and one c.t.o., chiefly fine ................
**185 GC
AUSTRIA: 1918 to 1952: Collection on Hagner pages, 110 stamps, incl. 1922-24 set
in imperf. horizontal pairs, 1925-30 set, 1935 set, another 1935 marginal imperf.
set, 1950-53 Bird sets part o.g. and used, etc., u.m., part o.g. and used, chiefly
fine ........................................................................................................................
**186 G
BELGIUM: 1930 to 1951: Collection on Hagner pages, forty-eight stamps, incl. 1930
set, 1930 5f. deep purple in marginal block of four, 1932 Balloon set in blocks of
four, another single set imperf. from the foot of the sheets, 1051 National Aero
Club pair with central label, etc., also sixteen Belgian Congo issues, u.m. or part
o.g., chiefly fine .....................................................................................................
BOLIVIA: 1924 to 1951: Collection on Hagner pages, 145 stamps, incl. 1924 25c.
imperf. horizontal pair signed Sanabria, 1928 15c. imperf pair, 1930 issues with
varieties and bronze inks, 1930 Zeppelin sets (3, 2 with inverted surcharges),
1937 issues with varieties, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine ..............................
BRAZIL: 1927 to 1949: Collection on Hagner pages, 176 stamps, incl. 1927 set, 1927
50r. on 10r. variety “Surcharge inverted” (With A.P.S. 1994 certificate), 1943
Stamp Centenary miniature sheet, 1947-48 Pres. Dutra miniature sheet, 1949
Roosevelt miniature sheet (no wmk.) with first day cancellation, Private Air
Companies with Condor, E.T.A. and Varig sets, etc., chiefly u.m. or part o.g. with
some blocks, chiefly fine .......................................................................................
BULGARIA: 1927 to 1956: Collection on Hagner pages, 148 stamps, incl. 1927 10l. block of
four, 10l. single with blue ovpt., 1932 set (3), 1940 set in blocks of four, etc., u.m. or part
o.g., chiefly fine ......................................................................................................
**190 G
CANADA: 1928 to 1946: Collection on Hagner pages, thirty-two stamps, incl. 1928 5c.
imperf. horizontal pair, another horizontal pair perf. x imperf. 1930 5c. block of four, 193738 6c. imprint block of four, etc., u.m. or part o.g., fine ..............................................
**191 GC
CHILE: 1928 to 1960: Collection on Hagner pages, 290 stamps, incl. 1928-29 set, 1956-57
Technical University souvenir sheet, 1958 Osorno souvenir sheet, 1958 Savings Bank souvenir sheet, etc., u.m., part o.g. and a few used, chiefly fine ......................................
CHINA: 1921 to 1969: Collection on Hagner pages, 200 stamps, incl. 1921 set (2),
1929 set (2), later with surcharges, 1957-58 set, also Manchuria, Sinkiang,
Taiwan, etc., u.m., part o.g., unused and a few used, chiefly fine .........................
COLOMBIA: 1920 to 1954: Collection on Hagner pages, hundreds, incl, 1932 set in
horizontal pairs, 1932-39 set, 1934 Cartagena set in blocks of four, 1941 set,
1948 set, Private Air Posts with CCNA 1920 (Oct.) set plus some varieties, SCADTA 1920 (Oct. 4) 30c. and 50c, in blocks of four, 1921 New values set in blocks of
four, 1921-23 set in blocks of four, 1923-28 set, 1923 (Oct. 30) 30c. on 60c. marginal block of six, 1928 Mendez Goodwill flight pair, 1929 set in marginal blocks
of four, AVIANCA 1950 and 1951 sets, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine ............
COSTA RICA: 1926 to 1957: Collection on Hagner pages, 235 stamps, incl. 1940 PanAmerican Health Day set, 1941 Soccer Championship set, another set ovpt.
“SPECIMEN” and with security punch hole, 1944 San Ramon set, 1946 unissued
Rio de Janeiro Congress ovpt. set (Sanabria 159-162), 1946 Hospital set ovpt.
“MUESTRA”, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine .....................................................
CUBA: 1927 to 1956: Collection on Hagner pages, 118 stamps, incl. 1951 United Nations and
History of Aviation miniature sheet, 1952 Key West to Mariel flight miniature sheets in blue
and in green, 1956 Birds set, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine ..................................
**184 G
**187 G
**188 G
**189 G
**192 G
**193 G
**194 G
**195 G
Page 66
**196 G
29th. July 2010
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: 1919 to 1957: Collection on Hagner pages, 100 stamps, incl.
1919 1k.50 on 2k., 2k.50 on 3k. and 4k. (With Frantisek Benes 1991 certificate),
1920 14k. on 200h. and 24k. on 500h. both variety “Surcharge inverted”, 1922
the set of three with “Surcharge inverted”, four imperf. blocks, 1930 values in
imperf. proof blocks on rose paper, later issues, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine
**197 G
DANZIG: 1920 to 1937: Collection on Hagner pages, 125 stamps, incl. 1921-22 values in
imperf, horizontal pairs, 1924 set, 1932 Luposta set in corner marginal blocks of four, etc.,
u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine ...................................................................................
**198 GC
DENMARK: 1925 to 1934: Collection on Hagner leaves, fifty stamps, comprising 1925-29 set
part o.g., 1934 set in singles (part o.g.), blocks of four unmounted mint and fine used with
single central c.d.s’s, etc., fresh and fine ...................................................................
**199 G
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1928 to 1946: Collection on Hagner leaves, fifty-two stamps, incl.
all the basic issues (and a few semi-officials) with part o.g.; all fresh and chiefly very fine
**200 G
ECUADOR: 1928 to 1950: Collection on Hagner leaves, 175 stamps, incl. 1928 Scadta
set of five (45 degrees), 1s. “R” overprint and 50c. with error “Cts.” between
value, 1929 (May) set, 1929 (April) set in singles and blocks of four, 1929 Official
overprint set with 1s. inverted overprint, etc. with other issues apparently complete; part o.g., all fresh and chiefly very fine .......................................................
EGYPT: 1926 to 1955: Collection on Hagner leaves, seventy-nine stamps, incl. all the basic
issues complete together with some overprints for Gaza, unmounted mint or part o.g.; all
fresh and chiefly very fine ........................................................................................
**202 G
EL SALVADOR: 1929 to 1949: Collection on Hagner leaves, ninety-four stamps, incl.
1929 20c. with red overprint (Alex Rendon certificate, 1985) and later issues
apparently complete, unmounted mint or part o.g.; all fresh and chiefly very fine
**203 G
ETHIOPIA: 1929 to 1959: Collection on Hagner leaves, eighty stamps, incl. 1929 sets with
ovpts. in red and in violet, 1947 Surcharge set of three, etc., unmounted mint or part o.g.;
all fresh and chiefly very fine ....................................................................................
FINLAND: 1930 Zeppelin 10m., an unmounted mint block of six (2 x 3) from right of
the sheet showing marginal inscription of date and sheet number, also an
unmounted mint single. The block with Raybaudi certificate (1979).....................
**205 GD
FRANCE: 1922 to 1939: Collection of privately produced vignettes, hundreds, incl.
1922 Rouen Aviation Meeting, about 30 complete imperf. sheets of twenty in various colours/papers, also range of perforated singles, 1922 La Baule Aviation
Meeting, two imperf. sheets of twenty in different colours from the defaced plate,
etc.; mostly very fine and fresh .............................................................................
**206 G
GERMANY: 1919 to 1957: Collection on Hagner leaves, incl. 1924 set, 1926-27 set
with 10pf. tete-beche pair, 1930 South America Flight, 1931 Polar Flight and 1933
Chicago Flight sets, etc., part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ..............................
GREECE: 1929 to 1958: Collection on Hagner leaves, ninety-eight stamps, incl. 1926
two sets, 1933 Zeppelin, two sets (one unmounted), 1933 (Oct.) set, 1933 (Nov.)
two sets (one unmounted), 1935 set, 1940 set, etc., Italian Occupation of Corfu
and Paxos 1941 set to 100d. brown (incl. the 1d. scarlet), part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and fresh .......................................................................
GUATEMALA: 1929 to 1946: Collection on Hagner leaves, 142 stamps, incl. the basic issues
apparently complete with miniature sheets, unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine
and fresh ...............................................................................................................
HAITI: 1929 to 1951: Collection on Hagner leaves, fifty-six stamps and eight miniature
sheets, incl. the basic issues and miniature sheets apparently complete, unmounted mint
or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ....................................................................
HONDURAS: 1925 to 1951: Collection on Hagner leaves, 135 stamps, incl. 1925 5c.
blue ovpt., 10c. red ovpt., 20c. black ovpt., 50c., 1p., also the four surcharged values, 1930 (Feb.) 5c. on 10c. yellow ovpt., 10c. on 20c. violet ovpt., 1930 5c. on
10c., 20c. on 50c. red ovpt., etc. - three of the items with certificates, unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ....................................................
1930 to 1933: Specialised Collection of mainly Official issues in five red albums contained in cardboard box, thousands, incl. large blocks, sheets, varieties, covers,
etc., u.m., part o.g., used and on covers and cards, etc., chiefly fine. A unique collection that would be virtually impossible to duplicate..........................................
**201 G
**204 GGD
**207 G
**208 G
**209 G
**210 G
**211 GCF
Bidders please note
Any bids at less than 85% of the printed estimate
will be respectfully declined
29th. July 2010
Page 67
HUNGARY: 1918 to 1958: Collection on Hagner leaves, a few hundred, incl. 1918 the
two values in unmounted mint blocks of 12, 1927-30 imperf. set, 1931 Zeppelin
imperf. set in singles and marginal blocks of four, 1933 set part o.g., also 20f. to
5p. in imperf. vertical pairs, 1936 set imperf., 1947 Roosevelt with miniature
sheets, 1949 miniature sheet, 1950 UPU miniature sheet, imperf. and perf. both
mint and used (special first day cancels), etc., unmounted mint, part o.g. or fine
**213 GC
ICELAND: 1928 to 1934: Collection on Hagner leaves, forty-seven stamps, incl. 1929
50a., 1930 (June) set mint, used and overprinted “SPECIMEN”, 1931 Zeppelin set
mint and used, 1933 Hopflug Itala set mint with additional 1k. (unmounted mint),
etc., unmounted mint, part o.g. or used; chiefly very fine and fresh .....................
**214 G
IRAN: 1927 to 1953: Collection on Hagner leaves, 125 stamps, incl. 1927 set of sixteen values mint and a set handstamped “SPECIMEN”, 1928 set, 1929 revenue
set, 1930 set of seventeen values mint and a set handstamped “SPECIMEN”, 1935
“Iran” ovpt set, 1953 both sets, unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and
fresh ......................................................................................................................
**215 G
IRAQ: 1949 set unmounted mint and part o.g., and the miniature sheet imperf. and perf.
unmounted mint; fine ..............................................................................................
**216 GG
ISRAEL: 1950 to 1968: Collection on Hagner leaves, seventy-one stamps, incl. 1950 set in
corner blocks of four with full tabs, 1953-56 set with tabs, etc., unmounted mint; mostly
very fine ................................................................................................................
ITALY: 1917 to 1962: Collection on Hagner leaves, 204 stamps, incl. 1926-28 two
sets, 1927 surcharges two sets, 1930 Virgil set, 1930 Trans-Atlantic 7.70L, 1932
Da Vinci set of six plus pair of the 100L., 1933 Zeppelin set, 1933 Triptychs strips of three (14), also the authorised 1L. booklet of the multicoloured Balbo
flight vignettes, some missing but containing eleven complete panes of six, and
pane of four “Croisiere aerienne/italian du Decennal” labels in black on blue
paper, 1934 to 1948 basic issues complete, Official 1934 10L., etc., unmounted
mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh .........................................................
—- 1926 Transpolar Flight by the dirigible “Norge”, the multi-coloured vignette, a complete sheet of twenty, the lower-left stamp with black inscription tablets inverted,
unmounted mint; fresh and very fine. Accompanied by photocopy of a specialised booklet
explaining the flight details ......................................................................................
ITALIAN COLONIES: 1928 to 1951: Collection on Hagner leaves, over 300 stamps,
incl. Eritrea; Tripolitania; East Africa; Somalia; Aegean; Cirenaica; Trieste, etc.,
the basic issues apparently mostly complete, unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly
very fine and fresh ................................................................................................
JAPAN: 1919 to 1961: Collection on Hagner leaves, forty-nine stamps, incl. 1919
1½s., 3r., two of each (one set with A.P.S. certificates, 1999), 1929-34 set and
the miniature sheet, 1950 two sets, 1951-52 set, 1952-62 set, etc., part o.g. or
unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and fresh .........................................................
KOREA (SOUTH): 1947 to 1964: Collection on Hagner leaves, thirty-two stamps and
eleven miniature sheets, including the very rare imperforate presentation sheets
for: 1952 1200wn, 1800wn., 4200wn., 1954 25h., 35h., 38h., 58h., 71h., 1956
70h., 110h., 205h., all unused without gum; chiefly very fine and fresh ...............
LATVIA: 1921 to 1933: Collection on Hagner leaves, seventy-six stamps, incl. 1933
Latvia-Africa set, Semi-Postal airpost issues from 1930 to 1933 complete (as per
the Scott catalogue listing) imperf. and perf., unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly
very fine and fresh ................................................................................................
LIBERIA: 1936 to 1954: Collection on Hagner leaves, 118 stamps, including 1936
(Feb.) Surcharge set of three part o.g. and fine c.d.s. used on small pieces, also
the 6c. on 1c. (error on the 1c. with “OFFICIAL/SERVICE” overprint), 1938 set of
ten in imperf. pairs overprinted “PROOF” and with punchholes, 1941 Surcharge
set of ten, 1944-45 Surcharge set of nine with five additional surcharges in different colours, etc., nearly all part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and
fresh ......................................................................................................................
LIECHTENSTEIN: 1930 to 1948: Collection on Hagner leaves, seventy-one stamps,
incl. 1930 set in part o.g. singles and unmounted mint blocks of four, 1931
Zeppelin set, 1936 Zeppelin set in unmounted mint corner blocks of four with part
inscriptions, etc., unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ..........
LITHUANIA: 1921 to 1936: Collection on Hagner leaves, 146 stamps, incl. the basic
issues apparently complete but also with 1926 60c. variety Centre Inverted, 1934
set of five overprinted to commemorate the deaths of pilots Darius and Girenas
and 1935 40c overprinted “F. VAITKUS/nugalejo Atlantq/21-22-IX-1935”, etc.,
unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ......................................
LUXEMBOURG: 1931 to 1952: Collection on Hagner leaves, twenty-nine stamps, incl. 1952
set unmounted mint, the others part o.g.; fine and fresh .............................................
**212 GC
**217 G
**218 GGD
**219 G
**220 G
**221 G
**222 G
**223 GC
**224 G
**225 G
**226 G
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29th. July 2010
MEXICO: 1922 to 1972: Collection on album leaves, over 400 stamps, incl. 1922 50c.
dark blue and red-brown (3), 1929, 1929-34, 1930-32, 1932, 1933, 1934
University and 1934-35 sets, 1935 Amelia Earhart 20c. overprinted “MUESTRA”,
1936 Eagle Man 20c. lake with wavy lines watermark (without gum), 1939
Sarabia 20c., Official Airmails with 1929 (Oct.) 2c. to 40c., 1932 unwatermarked
50c. dark blue and red-brown, 1932 perf. 12 15c., 1933-34 perf. 12 10c. violet,
etc., part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and fresh ..............................
—- 1924 to 1926: Collection on Hagner leaves, about 300 stamps, incl. 1929 (Dec.)
40c.,1932 (July) set in imperf. marginal pairs, 1934 University, 1934-35 50c.
imperf. marginal pair, 1953-56 set, Official Airmail issues with 1929 2c. to 40c.,
1931 20c. inverted surcharge, 1932 perf. 12 15c., 1933-34 perf. 12 10c. (2, one
being Overprint Double - signed Ruidiaz), etc., part o.g. or unmounted mint;
chiefly very fine and fresh .....................................................................................
NETHERLANDS: 1921 to 1947, Collection on Hagner leaves, 133, incl. 1929 set, 1951
Seagull set; Curacao 1929 set, 1942 set, 1947 set to 25g., Semi-Postals with 1941
set; Netherlands Indies Surinam 1931 DO-X set (with Muis certificate, 1993),
etc., part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and fresh ..............................
NEWFOUNDLAND: 1919 to 1933: Collection on Hagner leaves, 115 stamps and 9 covers, incl. 1919 (June $1 on 15c. (five singles and two blocks of four), 1932 DO-X
$1.50 on $1 (five singles - two being used on separate covers, and a block of
four), 1933 (June) 5c. and 10c. imperf. pairs1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c. (three singles - one being used on cover, and a block of four), etc.; unmounted mint, part
o.g. or lightly cancelled used; mostly fine and fresh..............................................
—- 1919 to 1933: Collection on leaves, sixty stamps, incl. 1919 (June) $1 on 15c. (3),
1932 Balbo $1.50 on $1 (two singles and a block of four), 1933 (June) set in
blocks of four, 1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c., etc., all except one stamp being mint unmounted or part o.g.; mostly fine and fresh ......................................................
NEW ZEALAND: 1931 to 1935: Collection on Hagner leaves, comprising 1931 set, 1931
Surcharge, 1934 Trans-Tasman and 1935 sets as singles and marginal/corner blocks of
four, also a single of the 1931 3d. perf. 14 x 15, u.m. or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and
fresh .....................................................................................................................
NICARAGUA: 1929 to 1948: Collection on Hagner leaves, 250 stamps, incl. 1931
(June 7) 20c. on 25c. black, 1931 (June) 15c. on 1cor., other surcharges/overprints apparently complete, other issues with 1932 Earthquake issue in sheets of
ten, overprints etc., 1932 Rivas and 1932 Leon-Sauce Railroad sets, 1949 Sports
set of thirteen souvenir sheets, etc., part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very
fine and fresh ........................................................................................................
PANAMA: 1928 to 1952: Collection on Hagner leaves, eighty-six stamps, incl. 1936
(Sept.) 5c. on ½c. orange (Rendon certificate, 1988), other issues largely complete, part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and fresh.............................
PAPUA: 1929 to 1941: Collection on Hagner leaves, sixty-five stamps, incl. 1929 3d. pairs
on both papers, 1938 and 1939-41 sets in singles and blocks of four, etc., part o.g. or
unmounted mint; chiefly very fine and fresh ..............................................................
**236 G
PARAGUAY: 1929 to 1945: Collection on Hagner leaves, 162 stamps, incl. the basic issues
apparently complete, unmounted mint or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ..............
**237 G
PERU: 1927 to 1951: Collection on Hagner leaves, ninety-nine stamps, incl. 1935 set, 193637 set, 1938 set, etc., u.m. or part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ..............................
**238 G
PHILIPPINES: 1926 to 1954: Collection on Hagner leaves, sixty-four stamps, incl.
1926 Madrid to Manila flight 1p. perf. 10, 1928 London to Orient flight set, etc.,
u.m. or part o.g, chiefly fine .................................................................................
POLAND: 1925 to 1959: Collection on Hagner leaves, seventy-two stamps and ten
miniature sheets, incl. 1938 Stratosphere miniature sheet, 1948 Democratic leaders - two miniature sheets of the three values in different colours (one ovptd.
“Groszy”) - both unmounted mint, etc., part o.g. or unmounted mint; chiefly very
fine and fresh ........................................................................................................
PORTUGUESE COLONIES: 1935 to 1949: Collection on Hagner leaves, 116 stamps, incl.
Angola; Cape Verde; Guinee; India; Macau; Mozambique; San Tome; Timor, etc. - standard design sets from 1936-39 etc., part o.g.; chiefly very fine and fresh ......................
RUMANIA: 1928 to 1959: Collection on Hagner leaves, 114 stamps, incl. 1928 set
with vertical watermark, 1931 set in imperf. horizontal pairs, also Aviation Fund
issues, etc., u.m., or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh .....................................
RUSSIA: 1922 to 1958: Collection on Hagner leaves, 188 stamps, incl. 1931-32 set
with 50k. grey-blue error of colour, 1931 North Pole set imperf. and perf., 1933
Stratostat set, 1933, 1934 (both), 1935, 1937 and 1949 sets, etc., u.m. or part
o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh ............................................................................
**227 G
**228 G
**229 G
**230 GCF
**231 GC
**232 G
**233 G
**234 G
**235 G
**239 G
**240 G
**241 G
**242 G
29th. July 2010
**243 GG
Page 69
RYUKYU ISLANDS: 1950 to 1961: Collection on Hagner leaves, eighty stamps, all
unmounted mint incl. 1950 set in singles and blocks of four, 1957 and 1959 sets
in singles and blocks of four, etc.; mostly fine and fresh.......................................
SOUTH AFRICA: 1925 to 1931: Collection on hagner leaves, twenty-six stamps, incl. 1925
set in marginal blocks of four (3d., 6d. and 9d. showing value imprints in the selvedge),
1929 4d. short “I” in “AIR” variety, etc., also South West Africa, twenty stamps, incl. 1931
3d. and 10d. marginal blocks of four, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh ..
**245 G
SPAIN: 1920 to 1960: Collection on Hagner leaves, 343 stamps, incl. 1920 Unissued
30c. green, 1929 set imperf., 1930 set, 1931 ovpt. set, 1931 set imperf. 1931
Montserrat set in both perfs. and imperf., also perf. 11½ set in blocks of four,
1936-37 Civil War period issues, 1938 Semi-postal 45c. + 2p. + 5p. perf. and
imperf. singles and imperf. pair, 1938 U.S. Constitution 5p. on 1p. pair imperforate vertically and a single with inverted surcharge, 1940 to 10p. + 4p., etc., u.m.
or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh .................................................................
**246 G
SPANISH COLONIES: 1938 to 1956: Collection on Hagner leaves, 116 stamps, incl.
Morocco; Sahara; Cabo Juby; Tanger; Ifni; Guinea, the basic issues apparently
largely complete, etc., u.m. or part o.g.; chiefly fine and fresh .............................
**247 G
SUDAN: 1931 to 1950: Collection on Hagner leaves, fifty-six stamps, incl. the basic issues
apparently complete, u.m. or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh ................................
**248 G
SWEDEN: 1920 to 1942: Collection on Hagner leaves, twenty-three stamps, incl.
1920 set in blocks of four, also 20ö. on 2ö. and 50ö. on 4ö. with Inverted
Surcharge, etc.,u.m. or part o.g.,chiefly very fine and fresh ..................................
SWITZERLAND: 1913 to 1949: Collection on Hagner leaves, ninety-four stamps, incl.
1913 forerunners set of twelve (two with Rellstab certificates), 1919-20 30c. (2),
50c., 1923-25 to 1f. in blocks of four, 1929-30 2f. corner block of four, 1938 75c.
on 50c. “Specimen” ovpt., etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh .......
—- 1919 to 1981: Collection in red stockbook, 276 stamps, all in blocks of four, incl.
1919-20 50c., 1923-25 set, 1933-37 grilled gum set, 1929-30 and 1933-35 sets,
1941 set, etc., all u.m. except for the 1919-20 50c.; chiefly very fine and fresh ...
**251 F
— 1913 Forerunners, six postcards (mostly special types issued for the flights), bearing the vignettes for Aarau; Basle; Bern; Herisau; Liestal; Laufen and Solothurner
(these last two used together on the same card); a mostly fine and very attractive group .............................................................................................................
**252 G
CANAL ZONE: 1929 to 1963: Collection on Hagner leaves, ninety stamps, incl. 1929
15c. on 1c. type II, 1939 set in blocks of four and marginal blocks of six (the latter showing plate numbers, 1951 and 1958 sets, etc., mostly u.m., some gum
creases or bends on a few but otherwise fine and very fresh................................
**253 G
URUGUAY: 1921 to 1961: Collection on Hagner leaves, 180 stamps, incl. 1921-22
25c. black overprint block of four, 1928 set, 1929-43 set, 1935 set, 1937-41 set,
1939-44 set, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly fine and fresh.....................................
**254 G
VATICAN CITY: 1938 to 1951: Collection on Hagner leaf, comprising 1938, 1947, 1948,
1949 and 1951 issues complete, part o.g., fresh and fine ............................................
**255 G
VENEZUELA: 1932 to 1951: Collection on Hagner leaves, 379 stamps, incl. 1930,
1932, 1937 set, 1937 Resellado, 1938-39, 1938, 1940-44 and 1943 Resellado
sets, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh .........................................
YUGOSLAVIA: 1934 to 1956: Collection on Hagner leaves, 226 stamps, incl. the basic
issues complete with 1953 Esperanto 300d.; Serbia 1941 set; Croatia;
Montenegro Italian Occ. 1941 set, 1942 set with ovpts in black and in red; Trieste
1949 1d. and 2d. imperf., 1950 10d. souvenir sheet perf. and imperf., 1953
Esperanto 300d.; Lubiana 1941 (May) set with 50d. inverted overprint (Raybaudi
and Diena 1989 certificates), 1941 surcharge set, etc., u.m. or part o.g., chiefly
very fine and fresh ...............................................................................................
**244 G
**249 G
**250 G
**256 G
**257 G
Collection in three brown “Lighthouse” stockbooks, hundreds, issues to the 1930’s,
incl. Alaouites; Albania 1928 Brindisi set; Australia; Austria 1925-30 set;
Bulgaria; Czechoslovakia; Danzig; Denmark 1925-29 set; Egypt; Estonia; Finland
1930 Graf Zeppelin 10m.; France 1927 set, a good selection of vignettes;
Germany; Greece: Iceland; Iran 1927 set, 1928 and 1929 Revenue surcharged
sets, 1935 set; Italy; Japan 1919 set; Kuwait 1933-34 set; Latvia; Lebanon;
Lithuania; Memel; New Zealand great Barrier Island 1898 1/- deep blue, 18991/blue-green, Marotiri Copper Mines 1/- red (2); Poland with semi-official issues;
Russia; San Marino 1931 set; Spain; Switzerland 1919-20 set (2), semi-official
labels with Aarau, Basler, Berne (used on p.p.c.), Burgdorf, Herisau, Langnau,
Laufen, Liestal, Sitten and Solothurn, etc.; Syria, etc., part o.g., chiefly fine ........
Page 70
**258 GCF
**259 G
29th. July 2010
Collection of European stamps, cards and covers in album, forty-two stamps and
twenty-two covers or cards, 1912 to 1933, incl. Germany 1912 “Gelber Hund” 1m.
on 10pf. (2) used on card, other privately produced labels with 1912 Margareten
50pf. (2), 1912 Gotha 10pf., 1912 Bork-Bruck, etc., 1913 Feldberg 25pf. on card,
Zeppelin flight covers with 1930 South America bearing 2m and 4m pairs, 1933
Chicago, etc., stamps with mint sets of 1931 Polar and 1933 Chicago, etc., good
range of Zeppelin covers or stamps from Hungary, Italy, Greece, Liechtenstein,
Russia, etc. ............................................................................................................
Collection of All-World issues on Hagner leaves, 258 stamps, incl. Afghanistan;
Andorra; Canal Zone; Estonia; India; Ireland; Kuwait; Korea (South); Malta;
Mexico; Norway; Portugal; Saudi Arabia; Thailand; Turkey, etc., mostly being
complete middle period sets, u.m. or part o.g., chiefly very fine and fresh ...........
End of Sale.
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