OSS CASE STUDY AWARD 2010 TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK SISTEM AGIHAN ONLINE OSS CASE STUDY Name : Bolhassan Iskandar Taibi Government Agency : Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak. Full Street Address : Jalan Hj Muhammad Kassim, Seksyen 8, KTLD, 93400, Kuching, Sarawak. Full Postal Address : Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak, Bangunan Baitulmal, Jalan Hj Muhammad Kassim, Seksyen 8, KTLD, 93400, Kuching, Sarawak. Email Phone Fax URL : admin@tbs.org.my : 082-415563 : 082-253786 : www.tbs.org.my Type of Solution : Application Group : Public Sector Agency. BACKGROUND Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak (TBS) was incorporated in 1984 under the Majlis Islam Sarawak (MIS) Ordinance (Incorporation) (Amendment) 1984. On behalf of the MIS, TBS is responsible for the management of Zakat and the collection, management and distribution of the Zakat and Baitulmal Funds. TBS employs 104 staff throughout Sarawak where 60 are based in Kuching and 44 at its 8 branches and 3 Liaison offices. VISION To be a dynamic Islamic institution and savior of man especially the Muslims of Sarawak. MISSION Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak is a representative of Majlis Islam Sarawak responsible in the management of Zakat and Wakaf in Sarawak Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak provides the infrastructure to collect, distribute and manage the Zakat, Wakaf and Baitulmal Funds while educating the Ummah on their obligation to pay Zakat. Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak’s clients include Muslims, Government agencies, Corporates and organizations. 2 BACKGROUND OF OSS USE IN TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK Exploration of Open Source Systems (OSS) began in 2001 arising from a need to implement a cost effective integrated transaction processing system that can be utilized across the whole organization. It must be customizable and able to run under a wide area network covering the whole of Sarawak where our 8 branches are located. After several discussions with different solution providers, Management decided on the Open Source path. The approach taken at that time was to develop an integrated system running on a web based platform which was believed to be less complex and cheaper to implement. Thus Sistem Amil Tekno Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak (SATTBS) was built by a start up OSS vendor for RM95,000 including equipment. SATTBS was developed based on a mutually beneficial arrangement (win-win) with the vendor who was an obscure OpenSource outfit looking a showcase project. TBS on the other hand requires a cost effective system and was willing to be a reference organization for Open Source implementation. There were two core modules namely the Collection System and the Distribution System. Both were supported by subsidiary systems like Human Resources Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Document Management, Internal Electronic Mail etc. Continuous improvement were however focus on the core systems which formed the critical operations of TBS. For the purpose of this submission, the Distribution System was chosen due to its importance and criticality in achieving organizational objectives. It has also undergone 3 facelifts since 2005 mainly to meet increasing transaction volume and workflow improvements. Currently, TBS is embarking on building an internal OSS software development capability. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will be utilized to ensure any future systems development will be done in an organized and documented manner. The original SATTBS will eventually be replaced by a new in house designed and developed, called Sistem Baitulmal Maju Kehadapan (BMK). It will still comprise the same core systems but albeit a much improved, stable and scalable system. MIGRATION FROM SATTBS TO BMK Migration from SATTBS to BMK was inevitable due to the following : One of the main reasons why OSS was chosen over proprietary systems was cost advantage and freedom from restrictive licensing regimes. However, with several years of experience working with a dedicated OSS vendor, TBS decided that it had to achieve independence from external vendors especially in the area of design. Other factors include project development simplification and general security especially related to data and access to critical applications. The dynamic nature of the organization’s growth requires a speedy solution to new problems or user requests. Usage of a dedicated external vendor can hinder such 3 situations as any amendments to existing projects requires new agreements, changes to pricing especially when requests are outside current user requirement study (URS). TBS would achieve real independence as envisioned under the Open Source spirit and not be tied up to proprietary vendors (especially Open Source developers). Sistem Agihan Online is a pioneer system that is being developed and will be fully integrated with Sistem BMK. It is being designed internally and programming is outsourced to a vendor but all source codes will be owned by TBS. Integration into Sistem BMK will be done by our own staff and can be accessed at www.tbs.org.my/system/admin. This system is comprised of two sections : External Services System Internal Processing System External Services System This subsystem deal exclusively with services delivery to our customers who apply for our assistance. Among its functions are : Online data entry for applications Evaluate the eligibility of online applications via our self assessment window Online search of applicant’s results including processing stage. Online customer feedback mechanism Internal Processing System The functions available to our staff who process these applications are as below: Decisions are based on machine processed data and inherently faster and without bias Document review is done online and complies to ISO processes Quantum or amount of assistance is calculated automatically and remove any possibility of abuse by users Payments or distribution is made faster and more accurate Although online applications are preferred, TBS continue to process applications manually for the benefit of customers without access to internet at home. 4 PRINCIPLE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT Among the objectives of this project are : To ensure that applications for assistance are processed faster, more accurately and efficiently. Application for assistance can be made at any time, from anywhere at the convenience of the customer. All decisions are transparent and processing is automated and thus bias is avoided. Reduces workload for processing staff and improves accuracy especially for repetitive routine tasks. Reduction in physical workload frees manpower to be reassigned to other core tasks e.g. investigation & verification. Directly paves the way towards a paperless environment. WHO ARE THE KEY PARTNERS (DESCRIBE ROLE OF EACH PARTNER) Bahagian Agihan, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak. Provides direct input on process requirements and real world scenarios. Bahagian Teknologi, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak. Provides project planning, execution and monitoring of the project. Syarikat Dimensi Baru Sdn Bhd. Provides systems design and develop the system (programming portion). WHAT ARE THE PRIMARY OSS TECHNOLOGIES? CHOOSE AND DESCRIBE BRIEFLY. Key OSS technologies utilized include : WEBSERVER C ENTOS http://www.centos.org/ CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. CentOS is developed by a small but growing team of core developers. In turn, the core developers are supported by an active user community including system administrators, network administrators, enterprise users, managers, core Linux contributors and Linux enthusiasts from around the world. Currently we are using version 5.4, the latest version of CentOS distribution. 5 This distribution was chosen because of its excellent technical support and compatibality of hardware drivers. APACHE http://www.apache.org/ The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache , is a web server software notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web. Apache is a freely available Web server that is distributed under an "open source" license. This is used as a common engine for running web based application servers. PHP (H YPERTEXT P REPROCESSOR) http://www.php.net/ This is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Our PHP engine is at version 5.1.6 and our open source web based applications were also developed under the PHP 5 coding environment. DATABASE MY SQL http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. We are currently running version 5.0.77 and have chosen MySQL as it supports large data capacity, is a full-featured database management system and its cross-platform support capability. 6 WHAT ARE THE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Sistem Agihan Online was developed using MySQL 5.0 dan PHP 5.0. It is accessed via a Wide Area Network (WAN) for intra state connections and via local area network (LAN) for intra office connections. HARDWARE Overview of the system: Web-Client Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer HARDWARE Quad Core Xeon Pro X3323 250Gb 4Gb DDR2 SOFTWARE Php MySQL CentOS Apache SOFTWARE DATABASE MySQL http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. We are currently running version 5.0.77 PHPMYADMIN http://www.phpmyadmin.net/ phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL databases over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations 7 with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc). Current version used is 2.11.10 to handle a Graphical User Interface (GUI) database management. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE OSS? Software acquisition at low cost and independence from proprietary technology. Freely modifiable Source code. Robust Source Code that is suited to repel “malicious code” attacks. Easier to use as resources are freely available on the internet. HOW AND WHY DID OSS SOLVE THE PERCEIVED NEED/PROBLEM Even with early exposure to OSS, TBS has limited expertise in software development. OSS provides an excellent free platform to learn from an existing OSS community who are willing to help solve problems, share information and tips and provide guidance. Easy linkages to other Open Source software and ability to use software ‘blocks’ to create even better solutions. This is achieved by the free nature OSS source codes. A system built with OSS can cost relatively lower than its proprietary counterpart basically due to the collaborative nature of its licensing scheme. OSS is compatible with proprietary platform like Windows. This makes the process of system development much easier. 8 WHAT INNOVATION TOOK PLACE? 1.SHORTER WORKFLOW AND SPEEDIER PROCESSING . Sistem Agihan Online (Before) Sistem Agihan Online (After) Start Start 1.Applicant fills up Form & provides supporting documents. 2.Staff checks and verify data in the form and supporting documents . 1.Applicant enters data for eligibility self assessment. No Eligible? End. Yes No Complete? Yes 2.Applicant fills up an downloadable form. 3.Staff computes eligibility based on income. 3.Applicant prepares & submit complete supporting documents. 4. Assistance amount decided based on applicant’s location and IPT’s location. 4.Staf reviews application manually. No 5.Staff key in data into computer. Complete? Yes B A 9 A B 6.Ketua Unit/Cawangan makes a decision. 5.Decision & Assistance amount computed automatically. 7.Ketua Bahagian confirms decision. 6.Accounts Staf prepares cheque. 8.Staf checks all information. 9.Staf prepares listing & sends forms Staf kemaskini to Bahagian Akaun for payment. 7.Filing. End 10.Accounts Staf executes the disbursement process. 11.Accounts Staf updates payment into system. 12.Filing. End 10 2.EASIER RECORDING OF DATA. Applicant records including income, dependents and other supporting data is directly recorded into an online database. This results in speedier data retrieval compared to previous manual computer and physical records. Payment (disbursement) processing can thus be processed much faster when applicant and eligibility data are online. EASIER AND FASTER APPLICATION PROCESSING STATUS Applicants can check their application status online when their supporting documents have been verified. They no longer need to call or TBS does not need to send letters to applicants. TRANSPARENT AND ACCURATE DECISION & ASSISTANCE AMOUNT Decisions on applications are made automatically based on data imputed by the applicants. This results in speedier decisions and reduces the possibility of bias in processing. Quantum of assistance are made based on a Distribution Guideline Table which is reviewed from time to time. This reduces the possibility of human error and biasness when human intervention is kept to a minimum. FULLY INTEGRATED WITH TBS QUAITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QMS) All Quality Objectives under the ISO 9001 : 2008 certification (Bantuan Kemasukan ke IPT) of TBS have been incorporated into the online workflow. This allows the sistem to automatically detect any non conformance and drastically reduce the timeframe to provide a decision on applications from 10 days to 1 day upon receipt of verified supporting documents. Customer feedback has also been tagged to the online application thus ensuring fast and accurate feedback mechanism for quality monitoring purposes. 5S FILING INTEGRATED INTO SYSTEM With this system, all file numbering are synchronized for all TBS branches throughout Sarawak. This will further enhance our award winning 5S implementation. 11 IMPACT ORGANISATION Improved staff utilization where redeployment is possible without engaging extra manpower. Improved processing efficiency where work is compacted resulting in time savings and greater accuracy. Online processing results in marked reduction in usage of paper saving both money and the environment. Adherence to specified work processes especially in an ISO environment is greatly enhanced due to automation. CUSTOMER Customer waiting time is greatly reduced where decisions are available in 1 day compared to 10 days as specified under the ISO Quality Objective. Customers can apply from any internet connection at any time at their convenience. All applications are machine processed thereby ensuring transparency, accuracy and free from any bias. KEY EXPERIENCE In the beginning, OSS development in TBS was an ad hoc affair where development was directed by immediate needs at the time. The lack of a master plan caused headaches in the later years as problems in data consistencies, dead menus and warped workflows forced TBS to explore better project management skills that will ensure future systems development is well documented, traceable and manageable. This will avoid unnecessary costs incurred in remedial work on databases, codes or programming. With increasing complexity and size of operational requirements, Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) became our savior where system development became a well planned and executed affair. A software development project would be clearly defined with clear goals and timelines. Definitions are agreed upon and documentation is a given. The phases of development under SDLC are as follows : User Requirement Study (URS) – Contains flow charts and systems requirements. Development – System development strictly based on the URS. User Acceptance Test (UAT) – User testing of systems as per URS. Fixing – Remedial process on errors found during UAT. 12 Training – Training for system users. Deploy – Installation to live server. Monitoring – Operational monitoring. CURRENT STATUS The development of Sistem Agihan Online version 3.0 started in August 2009 and since then the system has been deployed successfully with minor shortcoming that are currently being rectified. This system is currently being utilized at all 8 branches throughout Sarawak including 3 liaison offices since 10 August 2010. TESTIMONIAL Affiliate Encik Osman Immun, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Cawangan Mukah Encik Salim Bujang, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Cawangan Bintulu Puan Marini Juraibi, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Cawangan Miri Encik Ali Bin Mat Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Cawangan Sibu Fadhli Zil Ikram Bin Barahim Emilliana Rosnaida Bt Osman Ramdan Bin Pomin Norshahlawati Binti Draman Designation Mukah Head Branch Contact 084-873634 Bintulu Head Branch 086-337217 Miri Head Branch 085-434528 Sibu Head Branch 084-214941 IPT applicant IPT applicant IPT applicant IPT applicant 014-3939643 019-8137192 014-8724546 014-8837178 OTHERS Application of OSS technologies in TBS has been carried over several years even before gaining popularity among government circles. Among them are: GATEWAY/FIREWALL PFSENSE http://www.pfsense.com/ pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD tailored for use as a firewall and router. In addition to being a powerful, flexible firewalling and routing platform, it includes a long list of related features and a package system allowing further expandability without adding bloat and potential security vulnerabilities to the base distribution. We use this to control traffic especially rules for outgoing traffic and filtering secure ports. This firewall is expected to secure our internal server/applications from malicious intrusions. Currently we are using pfsense 1.2.3-RELEASE version. 13 PROXY SERVER L USCA CACHE http://code.google.com/p/lusca-cache/ Lusca Cache is a free open source application that was developed under pfsense. Lusca is a continuation of the Squid-2 development effort with a focus on providing stability and performance whilst ongoing development occurs. Proxy is used to minimize the bandwidth usage of internet connection or in other words, cache our internet connection to the server. Example : a partially downloaded user file will be saved on the server to prevent double download which will require more bandwidth. SQUIDGUARD http://www.squidguard.org/ SquidGuard is a URL redirector which is fast and it is free. Squidguard is used for filtering access to an internet connection in order to assign which user have limited or restricted access to the internet. HAVP http://www.server-side.de/ HAVP (HTTP Antivirus Proxy) is a proxy with a ClamAV anti-virus scanner. It does not cache or filter content. This is what we use as our internet traffic scanner that monitors all internet downloads. VPN PPTP (POINT- TO-POINT T UNNELING P ROTOCOL) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to-Point_Tunneling_Protocol A virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization's network. It aims to avoid an expensive system of owned or leased lines that can be used by only one organisation. The goal of a VPN is to provide the organisation with the same secure capabilities but at a much lower cost. The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a method for implementing virtual private networks. PPTP uses a control channel over TCP and a GRE tunnel operating to encapsulate PPP packets. The PPTP specification does not describe encryption or authentication features and relies on the PPP protocol being tunneled to implement security functionality. 14 DNS SERVER IPCONFIG http://www.ispconfig.org/ ISPConfig is a OpenSource ISP management and Hosting Control Panel. We just use the DNS (Domain Name Server) function to manage our domain and subdomain. We are currently running ISPConfig FILE/BACKUP SERVER F REE NAS http://www.freenas.org/ FreeNAS is an embedded open source NAS (Network-Attached Storage) distribution based on FreeBSD, supporting the following protocols: CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS, TFTP, AFP, RSYNC, Unison, iSCSI (initiator and target) and UPnP. This server functions as a secondary backup where all backups will be transferred to this server via ssh or ftp. DVD backups are output twice weekly for external storage. EMAIL ROUNDCUBE http://www.roundcube.net/ Roundcube is a free and open source webmail software for the masses, written in PHP. It is also a browser-based multilingual IMAP client which is user friendly and easy to use. SHARE-screen shot Please see the attachment. RELEVANT URL Applicants can surf www.tbs.org.my Staff Login can be done at www.tbs.org.my/system.admin 15 ATTACHMENT WEBSITE – INTERFACE FOR APPLICANT APPLICANT SELF-ASSESSMENT 16 APPLICANT SELF ASSESSMENT (CONTINUE) 17 ASSESSMENT RESULT ONLINE FORM 18 ONLINE FORM (CONTINUE) BACK END - FIRST TIME CHECKING 19 FIRST TIME CHECKING CONTINUE BACK END -LISTING OF APPLICATIONS 20 BACK END-PAYMENT PROCESS APPLICATION CHECKING ONLIINE - BY APPLICANT 21 RESULT AND CUSTOMER FEEDBACK ONLINE CUSTOMER FEEDBACK ONLINE 22 APPLICATION RESULT 23