Bicycling in Grays Harbor County
Bicycling in Grays Harbor County
EASTBOUND t. GS t. HS o Her ah R Wis hk Graves Ave. Arnold St. Young St. Sherwood Scammel St. I St. ft Boone St. Lawrence St. Division St. W. Cushing St. E. Cushing St. Pioneer Park il r Tra Rive E. Schley St. Evans St. Use pedestrian sidewalk to cross bridge. Eastbound cyclists, stay on sidewalk on G St., use crosswalk to cross Heron St. Proceed east on sidewalk. alis Cheh Cosmopolis W. Harriman St. Huntley St. Lions Club Park D UN BO Grays Harbor College Ed P. Sm ith Dr. Che h Mo alis Donkey Creek Road Riv er B Blu ridg e Sl Bishop Athletic Complex e SCALE in Miles 0 Use pedestrian ramp to access sidewalk. Cross Chehalis River Bridge on sidewalk. Winding, no shoulder Curtis St. e Clark St. lvd. ich B Bas Anderson St. o Her t. te S Sta y s Wa a tl Do la i wnto a t w n de t. nS t. te S Sta t. KS ay hw Hig Olympia 50 miles Park orrison Ralf Rd. t. nS TH SOU t. ay S adw No services of any kind on this remote road. 36 miles from Montesano to Lake Wynoochee. W. 2nd St. hk Wis t. hS St. Bro No services of any kind on this remote road. It is 21 miles from Highway 109 to Highway 101. ah Way S. Lewis St. r hk Wis vd. t Bl gen Sar Front St. el M #22 d oa t. FS av t. et S ark . I St gr Do w #2294 #22 Way ND OU UND THB STBO R NO WE . t St rke a M M n Steve John Cross Wishkah River bridge on pedestrian sidewalk. Continue 2 blocks to crosswalk and access to riverfront paved bike path. E. St. St. Forest Road Taholah ow nt deen Detail r e b Fulle & nA r nd E. 2 Narrow shoulder, heavy traffic lk Po No services of any kind on this remote road. 22 miles from Hwy. 101 to Lake Wynoochee To access Simpson Bridge from south, route goes under bridge to gain access to sidewalk on north side. Bay Ave. Westend Park Kurt Cobain Memorial Park . I St Cross Wishkah River bridge on pedestrian sidewalk. Cyclists travelling westbound will travel on the Highway shoulder. Cyclists travelling eastbound will ride on the parallel paved bike trail in Morrison Park on the south side of the highway. M t. er S Ald St. Neilton Pacific Ave. Fulle r t. et S ark St. 3rd k Par SOUTHBOUND & EASTBO UND 5th St. Finch Park Maple Aberdeen Avenue Oak 1 To Lake Quinault & Ocean Sho res NORTHBOUND & WESTBOUN D Sumner Avenue Simpson Avenue Myrtle St. Adams St. Paulson Rd. d roa Simpson Ave. gra vel Cherry Street 30th St. St. Ave . 28th St. Lincoln St. eS t. Historic Neighborhood t. HS Photo by Susan Leite Burleigh Ave. Sam Benn Park 9th St. Terrace Ave. t. DS ide St. 1th #2204 oug hR d. Makarenko Park 0.5 1 mile Westport 18 miles Raymond 22 miles rick Ro ad Moclips a Bro Riv ers Lev e #2270 3rd Ave. t. ay S adw 5th Sherwood Forest Bro Airport Way y Purke . Ave ay w d 2n t. KS Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge Chenault Ave. t. ff S Blu Emerson Ave. t. dS Kurt Cobain Memorial Park, ‘On the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah’ visit the Young Street Bridge where Kurt hung out and a small memorial to this legendary grunge rock star. Bel Aire Ave. t. BS Amanda Park Forest Road s clip Eklund Ave. Quinault East of Lake Quinault on the South Shore Road this waterfall marks the entrance to Olympic National Park. Old growth forest, mountain and river views are also seen on this route. Bicycling through the beach town of Seabrook will make you feel like a kid again! Enjoy rugged trails and sweeping ocean views. Chenault Ave. John Gable Park Emerson St. 23rd St. Sou Ocean Shores 21 miles Cross Riverside bridge using pedestrian sidewalk for safety. Use right sidewalk for bicyclists heading north. Use left sidewalk for access to downtown. 21st St. oad re R ho th S Exit side streets and join main highway route. Center St. S Lake Quinault & Wynoochee Lake areas are enlarged on opposite side Grant St. th Nor ad e Ro hor WA 109 Sp ur Photo courtesy of Seabrook St. End Stewart Park Herbig Ave. Perry Ave. St. River en res oad Queen Ave. East Hoquiam Rd. Longren Pass S Polk St. 09 1 WA Rd. Forks 40 miles ah Queets Aberdeen Hoquiam pur hk Wis Grays Harbor County Bike Routes t Eas Lake Quinault 40 miles kpa t Humptulips Kir Road hR oa ka Lake Sylvia and Montesano City Forest mountain bike trails are enlarged on opposite side Rd. d Ro a m llu ua ad le McC McCleary d Roa S l oug hR d. N. B loc d rt R oa St. Wes t Wyn o ee R d. Friends Landing has camping, covered picnic shelters, plus a 1.7 mile paved walking/biking loop. State St. Oakville Cemetary Rd. Elma Gate Rd. E. Howanut Rd. Tokeland 10 miles Garrard Creek Road Raymond 8 miles Brooklyn gra vel roa d Moon Rd. Caution! Winding road, no shoulder Anderson Rd. County Line Rd. Quiet country farm roads south of Highway 12 in the Montesano area provide scenic pedaling and even bird watching. I-5 8 miles Friends Landing Park Winding road, no shoulder 105 Blue Slo ugh Rd . ad dy Ro Bra onte M Highway crossing Katon Rd. Schmid Rd. Rd. Cranberry Rd. Gate The Brooklyn Tavern presents a taste of small town culture along with the distinction of being the most remote tavern in the State of Washington. Cranberry Bogs Rd. Grove Elma d. nk R h Ba Sout Grayland The Cranberry Bog Loop parallels the main highway. See working cranberry bogs April - November. To Olympia & Tumwater r Ave. Pionee ma te El Mon Road Brady Loop Road Preacher’s Slough Trail is a rails-to-trails route. Gravel, flat, suitable for all abilities. 3.5 miles one way. This flat rural farming area has approximately 10 miles of road. Traffic is almost non-existent on the south end. Public parking is on the south side of the loop as shown here. State Wildlife Area Pass required to park. Brady Loop Road Alder Rd. Sandy Grayland Beach State Park No services of any kind on this remote road. It is 14 miles from Cosmopolis to Pacific County line. Beacon Ave. Brady Loop Road . Rd ey Highway crossing Broadway Camp Creek Road Foster Road Highway crossing ll Va Elma Gate Road generally parallels Highway 12, but feels miles away from the highway! North River Rd. from Highway 101, travelling east thru Brooklyn to Oakville is approx. 36 miles, of which 7 miles is gravel. Be cautious of log trucks and other logging activities. iver Chester - Marine Dr. Montesano och Camp Creek Rd. sano 2 miles ee ch Mon te 1.5 oad op R 1 oad op R Geissler Rd. Sats SCALE in Miles 0 0.5 Porter The Satsop Valley loop is 18 miles. The terrain is rolling and travels through farms, forests and through Schafer State Park on the north end. Mostly the route lacks shoulders on the road. Lake Sylvia State Park le Midd Sund Road Lake Aberdeen Park hR Narrow bridge, no shoulder 6th St. Lake Sylvia State Park is a popular place for bicyclists to camp. The park has 31 tent sites, along with two hiker/biker only sites. Sats Montesano & Central Park bike routes Artic Rd. t Nor Twin Harbors State Park Enjoy the many biking opportunity in the central part of the county. You will find family friends loops (Friends Landing), mountain biking (Montesano City Forest Map 5 on other side), and peaceful scenic country roads. There are biker camping options at Lake Sylvia State Park & Friends Landing (seasonal). Glenn Rd. Artic Bicycling Montesano Area East Malone o no Wy Johns River State Wildlife Area Our recreational bike routes are marked by a yellow line. These routes are often scenic and in many cases connect multiple roads to create a loop. These routes are intended for day trips or the traveller that would like to spend more time exploring amazing Grays Harbor. . Rd Katon Rd se d. kR an Montesano area is enlarged at right 105 Recreational Bike Route Capitol State Forest mountain bike trails are enlarged on opposite side ou hB Rd. h ck use Blo kho ut So d eR hir d Roa halis S. el Aberdeen and Hoquiam will provide the most grocery shopping opportunities. Grocery stores are also in McCleary, Elma, Montesano, Ocean Shores, and Westport. Other locations marked with the grocery symbol on our map are smaller stores. You want dirt? We’ve got plenty of it! Established single track trails are in many areas in Grays Harbor County. The dotted red line shows their locations. On the flip side of this map you will find more detailed maps for off-road riding. Also popular with mountain bikers are the hundreds of miles of gravel and dirt logging roads that criss-cross the remote hills in the county. US Forest Service lands are open to all, as are State Department of Resources lands. Private timber lands are open in some areas and paid permits required in others. For private timber lands please consult with the landowners for access. Elma-McCleary area is enlarged on opposite side Che Mox The Thru Bike Routes have been carefully planned with our local knowledge to provide you the best routes for traversing the county. Where possible these routes, marked by an orange line, guide the bicyclist off the busiest streets for more pleasant riding. Off Road - Mountain Bike Route m Sta Extreme caution! Winding, no shoulder Bottle Beach State Park iles 17 m Ro per d h Rd. Brady Loop Road nz Sloug y Road s n evo D Forrest St. Westport area is enlarged on opposite side Vance Creek Park We Central Park Drive a Elm Elma Road Montesano Cosmopolis Westhaven State Park ma te El Mon Satsop Roa Keys Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Cosmopolis enlarged upper right Westport Camp Creek Road Monte Brad Narrow bridge, no shoulder 4 miles County Thru Bike Route re Rd . ee Highway crossing Highway crossing Use extreme caution crossing highway. Overpasses located at McCleary, Elma & Montesano Brady och Blue 3 Olympia 20 miles ary be We Ge st W yno Aberdeen 2 ton Shel tso Sa Wakeman Rd Hoquiam SCALE in Miles 0 1 The Satsop-Cloquallum loop is 32 miles. ad Lake Sylvia State Park Road issler No shoulder, heavy traffic te n rou s i Th New m Roa d Extreme caution! Winding, no shoulder Beach bicycling on the hard-packed wet sand invites meandering as far as the eye can see. Occasional rivers will require an inland trek. le dd Mi Ocean Shores area is enlarged on opposite side Ocean Shores lu ual loq ale o sc ot t Sat rk Ro Lam ach Bus Station Use the detail map (above) to navigate the congested downtown core areas of Aberdeen and Hoquiam. There are few bike lanes and road shoulders are inconsistent. We believe our route, sometimes on sidewalks, may provide the safest way to traverse the cities. Lake Sylvia State Park near Montesano provides quiet lakeside camping. Bicycle only campsites also available. shi E d n Be Bike Shop Schafer State Park d oa pR Wi sh Ocea Burrows Road Library Cloquallum Road chee a Ro Ho ast Green Banks fer P a -C sop oad mR Dele zenn d m ia qu oad Dekay R MILEAGE McCleary to Aberdeen ............ 29 McCleary to Olympia ............. 22 McCleary to Shelton .............. 18 Elma to Oakville .................... 17 Hoquiam to Ocean Shores ...... 22 Hoquiam to Taholah ............... 43 Humptulips to Copalis Beach . 17 Hoquiam to Lake Quinault ..... 38 Aberdeen to Westport ........... 20 Montesano to Raymond ........ 27 Valle y Wyn Post Office Steep Hill Scha The Satsop Valley loop is 18 miles. Wyn oo Powell Road hR oa d ishkah Roa oochee W Off Road/Mtn. Bike Camp Creek Rd. Middle Satsop Road continues north and becomes Brady-Matlock Rd. Some cyclists enjoy the route north to Matlock, 19 miles, Brady to Matlock. d The Beach access roads ALL are winding roads, have high traffic volumes & areas with no shoulder. Use extreme caution. Museum ek R d. Wi sh Restaurant Caution ka ad Cranberry Bogs Ocean City State Park m Recreational Bike Route Whatever your biking expertise, beginner or seasoned, Grays Harbor has something for you! We welcome you to experience the many biking opportunities Grays Harbor has to offer - oceans, mountains, forests, river and farm views. Family friendly loops, flat terrain and quiet streets are found in most any part of the county. For serious bikers, there are longer, steeper, scenic routes that reward you with beautiful views. Mountain bikers, we’ve got you covered with public lands open to mountain biking. Try beach biking along the coast, bring your FAT tire bike! Lakes & Ocean Wishkah uia Bike Route on Sidewalk Scenic View Cre Ho q Ocean Beach Ro “Hidden Coast” Washington State Scenic Byway East Hoquiam & Youmans Road distance is 18 miles Bicycling in Grays Harbor County Grocery an Copalis Crossing Off Road Bike Routes Rivers Upper Wishkah Valley is generally a quiet country road. From Wishkah School it is approx. 10 miles to road end. Copalis Beach Road Hostel Paved Bike Path These towns are the heart of Grays Harbor County. Situated on the shore of Grays Harbor there is a thriving Port and other industry, much of it dependent on the lifeblood of the Harbor, timber. The area is rich in history. Acquaint yourself with the fascinating stories of the past at one of the local museums. If you are a Nirvana fan, you may be interested in Kurt Cobain Memorial Park, on the muddy banks of the Wishkah. De vo n Roa d Griffiths-Priday State Park Hospital loq ans Campground ad Youm Secondary Roads County Thru Bike Route Photo by Lauri Paulsen Mountain bike trails Visitor Information Academy At mile 17 the chip seal ends and smoother pavement begins. There is generally less traffic as well. Park – Picnic Area W. C Seabrook Bicycling Aberdeen, Hoquiam & Cosmopolis Highway Main St. ad 3rd St. h Ro Copalis Beach Grays Harbor Bike Routes KEY lock Road Pacific Beach State Park eac Brady-Mat an B Eas t Sa tso pR oad Oce e Ro Pacific Beach Highway crossing r S he lton ats op Ro ad Cloquallum Road ma Roa d d h Roa Sloug er R oad ckh Sou th Ba NOTE: Campgrounds may display a “Campground Full” sign when the conventional sites are all occupied; please inquire with the attendant as to availability of Hiker-Biker sites. 4 . rd el West Fork Trail is the flattest trail in this hilly forest. It is suitable for a novice. From the state park parking lot, ride north along the shore of Lake Sylvia, exiting the state park through a gate at the end of the lake. From here on you are in the Montesano City Forest. Continue on trails and logging road along the West Fork Sylvia Creek. After a small hill the way flattens out again. Travel 5 miles through verdant forest surrounding the creek. At mile 5 the trail ends at a logging road. You can turn around and enjoy the trail in the other direction or navigate the logging roads or additional trails for a loop back to Lake Sylvia State Park. More detailed maps are available at www.montesano. us/DocumentCenter/Home/View/394 Other City Forest Trails Montesano City Forest Upper Trails (access via Lake Sylvia State Park) Many other trails traverse the hills and valleys of the Montesano City Forest and Lake Sylvia State Park area. Most of these single track trails are for advanced riders due to steep terrain, tree roots and other hazards. The logging roads provide great riding as well for novice and intermediate riders. Watch for log trucks. For additional information on state park campgrounds: Transit Buses available Bicycling East County Gateway to Grays Harbor Bike beautiful east Grays Harbor County and experience life at a slower pace. Ride through working agricultural areas, forests, and along winding rivers making their way to the nearby ocean. In east Grays Harbor you will find family friendly biking options, scenic country loops, mountain biking and great places to camp. Amenities Grays Harbor Public Health & Social Services 6 360.532-8631 . Additional Contact Information Capitol Forest Mountain Bike Trails Local government & public resources: North Rim #3 Trail WA State Parks: Larch Porter Falls Porter Creek Entrance Photo by Suzan Stegemoeller Tra il il Porter C-Line Bike Route on Sidewalk Rivers Post Office Steep Hill Grayland Beach State Park Visitor Info Library Hospital Bike Shop Off Road Bike Rental Scenic View County Line Rd. a Ri dge B Line Hamby Hill Trails Mountain Bike Trail Hiking Trail Parking Note: Many of the trails and roads here are steep! Lake Sylvia State Park Bus Station 2.5 mile Hike: Sylvia Creek Trail !"#$ SCALE in Miles 0 To Montesano Be a safe bicycle rider. Follow these simple rules. Choose the best way to turn left: t-*,&B$"3 - scan behind, yield, signal and when safe, move into the left lane and turn left. t-*,&B1&%&453*"/ - dismount and walk your bike across the intersection in the crosswalk. 2 mile loop trail around lake. Hikers only on this side Gravel Logging Road Photo by Lauri Paulsen Always wear a helmet while riding. Helmets required in the City of Aberdeen. Be courteous. Audibly alert pedestrians as you approach. Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk, on sidewalks, pathways and trails Use the indicated gravel logging roads as connectors between the trails or to create loops. Trai l Trai l Off Road/Mountain Bike Restaurant Caution Sylv i D Line Grocery Recreational Bike Route Lakes & Ocean A-1600 nie Schmid Rd. Cranberry Rd. Grayland Hostel 6 0.5 1 mile Capitol Forest, on the far eastern edge of Grays Harbor County, is popular for a wide variety of recreation. Mountain bikers, campers, hikers, hunters, horseback riders, and motorcycle riders all recreate here. Capitol Forest is divided into two parts to prevent conflicts between motorized and nonmotorized recreation. Motorized use is only permitted on the northern half of Capitol Forest and horseback riding is limited to the south. Mountain bikers and hikers use both halves of the forest, with some trails for hikers only. Trails are open year round. The network of single track trails is extensive and extends beyond this map into adjacent Thurston County. For a complete and more detailed topo map go to Publications/eng_rms_capmapnu_may2.pdf Expect challenging trails, hills, and loads of fun! Watch for log trucks. Just roll with it! Signal before turns & lane changes. Left Right Check behind & ahead before turning. Yield to vehicles with the right of way. Ride defensively. Be aware of other vehicles. It is unsafe for bicyclists to pass motor vehicles on the right. If faster than a vehicle, take the lane in front of them where the driver can see the bicyclist. CAUTION: Always watch for cars or trucks stopping or turning. l Tra i Po r DC-Line Porter Trail, Crestline Trail, Greenline & Wedekind trails are Mountain Bike, Horse and Hiker only trails. (non-motorized use only) Mountain Bike Trail Hiking Trail (only) Gravel Logging Road DC-Line Note: Many of the trails and roads here are steep! D-1000 D-Line SCALE in Miles 0 0.5 1 mile Oakville D-Line Be Visible . Be Alert . Wear a Helmet . Have Fun! SAME ROADS . SAME RIGHTS . SAME RULES RCW.46.61.755 states: Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles. Obey all traffic signals, signs and laws. Ride in the same direction as traffic. Fuzzy Top 1760 ft ter Mountain Biking in Capitol Forest Tra i l Grays Harbor County Paved Bike Path B-400 Trai l il Campground gle rk Tra County Thru Bike Route Jun Fo West Sandy Ave. Park Brow Ave. Secondary Roads C-Line West Fork Trail, Montesano City Forest. Montesano City Forest ek ind D-1000 C-Line Entrance Traffic counts for Grays Harbor County roads (& all of WA) We d rte Po Porter Tie Chester Highway il Crestli l l D-100 A Line LaVogue Bike Shop . 360.532.0887 . 623 Simpson Ave, Hoquiam, WA D-4000 rai rT i Tra A-2400 Grays Harbor Bike Routes KEY ne Tra CONNECT Grays Harbor, online bike route maps: See ‘CONNECT Grays Harbor’ on Facebook Bike Club: ‘Bicycle Grays Harbor’ on Facebook or il West Fork Trail: wide trail, muddy in rainy seasons, excellent for all skill levels. Distance from parking lot to trail end, 5 miles. Ea Cranberry Bogs Timberland Regional Library: C-Line to Elma s Tra ock ar R Groceries, food and lodging are found in most communities. Free Wifi is available at Timberland Regional Libraries, there are 8 locations in Grays Harbor You will find public restrooms at most parks and libraries. 6th St. Some of our favorite places for family friendly bike riding are the Westport Dune Trail, the Aberdeen Chehalis River trail, and Seabrook area pathways. In the Montesano area we like the Preachers Slough Trail (gravel but flat - former railroad grade), and Friend’s Landing. And lastly in Elma, Vance Creek Park is a great place for younger kids to ride around the lake on the paved trail. tain T rail X Line ork st F The Cranberry Bog Loop parrallels the main highway. See working cranberry bogs April - November. Grays Harbor Fairgrounds: Moun Larch Mountain Trail & North Rim #3 Trail are shared with ATV and Motorcycle riders C Line Schmid Rd. Oakville 5 miles (right) Bike races are held in various parts of the county. The Satsop Business Park cooling towers provide a back drop for one race. The same 13 mile loop route is regularly enjoyed by recreational bicyclists. g Cou Twin Harbors State Park is a popular place for bicyclists to camp. The park has 219 tent sites, along with four hiker/biker only sites. 5 Malone For k no St. Westport has a top rated biking loop that includes the town center (fishing docks area), the viewing tower (northern tip of the peninsula), the Westport Dune trail (concrete walking/ biking path), and the Westport Lighthouse. It’s a classic! Take the family, you are in for a treat. Be sure to watch the surfers catching waves at Westhaven State Park. If your bike tires are FAT, pedal in the hard packed sand on the beach (closer to the water). It’s a really fun experience! Porter Satsop River Bridge crossing. Satsop Crest Trail We st Montesa Forrest St. 2 Bicycling Westport All of the Grays Harbor Transit buses are equipped with double bike racks for transporting bikes. Buses can be boarded in towns as marked by the Bus station symbol. Stops upon request are available on many roads throughout the county. See www. for complete schedules and information. Porter Creek Road r Tra Ocean Ave. Sund Road Port e Montesano St. Many campgrounds are equipped with “Hiker-Biker” sites. They provide a place to set up a tent away from the conventional campsites, yet are still close to showers and rest room facilities. West Fork Trail The Quinault valley offers many miles of generally flat riding. The roads along the lakeshore are gently winding, without shoulders and popular with tourists. The roads east of the lake, up valley, are more quiet and offer spectacular views. The more hardy bicyclist can tackle the 33 mile loop around the lake and upper Quinault river. This route is part paved/ part gravel (see map) so a skinny tired bike is not ideal. Bring a lunch (it’s remote!) and enjoy close-up views of the lake, the river, the temperate rain forest, waterfalls and the surrounding mountains. Camping, cabins, historic lodge and hotels are available. Malone Capitol Forest trails continue east into Thurston County Camping Bicycling Lake Quinault Area eR d. S . Ro ad ne Tie Cyclists can choose between vacation rentals, historic lodges, yurts, rustic cabins, coastal cottages, hotels, a hostel (in Elma), or bed and breakfasts. Reservations are highly recommended in the summer months. For more information on lodging see To Montesano & Highway 12 To Highway 101 us Greenli To Donkey Creek Rd. & Highway 101 ho Mountain Biking in the Montesano City Forest & Lake Sylvia State Park The Montesano City Forest is a treasure! This is a working forest, dedicated to providing income through timber to the city of Montesano, while also providing wildlife habitat and areas for recreation. This city is welcoming to mountain bikers, hikers and runners using the trails. #22 ck Rd. Photo by Lauri Paulsen av #22 Blo Gate ck Forest Road 4 eR d. N . Roa d nk ous a Elm Do #2294 Lodging oad alis R Cheh South Bank Road #2270 hway ps Hig 3 Mox Del eze ne ro ad Satsop Tower Loop, 13 miles. Quiet country roads, some hills and close up view of (never operational) nuclear cooling towers. Park at Vance Creek Park. Satsop Business Park el Blo A log bridge proved too skinny for this fat-tire biker on the Wynoochee Lake Shore trail. For the Traveling Bicyclist McCleary Olympia 20 miles Vance Creek County Park is a great place for the kids to ride, .7 mile paved loop. 1 mile gravel loop. Ample parking. oad Lambert R gr Discovery Ave. 1 mile Riding your bike in this beach town is all about flat roads (lots of them!), sand and salt water. There are some wonderful loops to pedal on the back roads of Ocean Shores. Don’t miss a stop at the jetty (far southern tip of the peninsula). Other sites of interest you could ride to include Damon Point State Park, the Coastal Interpretive Center and the Weatherwax – Ocean Shores’ own piece of rain forest! If your bike tires are FAT, pedal in the hard packed sand on the beach (closer to the water). It’s a really fun experience that everyone on a bike should try at least once! Bike rentals are available. aM Elm d Roa ld el Wenz 13 mile loop around Wynoochee Lake. Single-track trail, intermediate level, river ford at north end of lake. Mocli ary e cCl Sta mp Elma Vance Creek Park #2204 Bicycling Ocean Shores Westport Maritime Museum Grays Harbor Lighthouse te E l Photo by Luke Ostwald av e. la Av Westhaven State Park Mon Satsop Forest Road Neilton o elt Sh Rd. Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds gr Cata Dr . Amanda Park Use extreme caution crossing highway. Overpasses located at McCleary, Elma & Montesano Keys Road Duck Lake Drive ve. p us A t Olym Moun Ocean Shores Blvd. SCALE in Miles 0 0.5 th West Fork Humptulips River Trail, 9 miles one-way. Four trailheads along route, Single track with river crossings. a Elm lin Hick 3rd a la Me Logging Roads Hundreds of miles of gravel logging roads criss-cross the remote hills of Grays Harbor County. US Forest Service lands are open to all, as are State Department of Resources lands. Private timber lands are open in some areas and paid permits required in others. For private lands please consult with the landowners. 2 miles les mi Rd . Sh Quinault Seabrook is a resort beach town where pedestrians and bicyclists are well accommodated. You can rent easy-riding cruiser bikes to pedal the paths, lanes and beach, or explore the expanding network of mountain bike trails! For more information on renting a bike or reserving vacation rentals, please call the Seabrook office at 360-276-0265. Westport, Grayland Bike Routes St. Colonel Bob Peak Bicycling Seabrook Blvd. av en a Ro ore Wa ke fie Chance Canal Drive Point Brown Ave. Albatross St. We s uth So Along this secluded 41 mile byway you’ll discover charming and pristine beaches sheltered by ragged cliffs and pocket coves. Bicycle north on Highway 109 to visit coastal communities - old and new – with plenty of scenic stops along the way. This area is sparsely populated but offers quaint small towns, seaside resorts, cabins and restaurants for those that like a slower pace. The route travels through Ocean City, Seabrook (bike friendly), Pacific Beach (former Naval station), Moclips (Museum of the North Beach), culminating at Taholah (Quinault Cultural Center) and the reservation of the Quinault Indian Nation. Some mountain biking can be found in the forests as well. Inquire with land owners. 1 Viewing Tower 6 2 Damon Point 2 d Bicycling the Hidden Coast Marine View Dr. Oc oad re R Sho 1.5 7 n1 Church Rd. an C ree k Rd . 1 Coastal Interpretive Center ores ean Sh 4 5 th Nor SCALE in Miles 0 0.5 1 New m SCALE in Miles 0 0.5 1 mile Quinault Lake Loop is 33 miles. Ride around the lake and upper river for lake, mountain, rain forest and waterfall scenery that is unrivaled anywhere! Wynoochee Lake Trail Park near the dam on the south end of the lake. The 13 mile loop will reward your efforts with beautiful lake, old growth forest and waterfall views. Intermediate, single track riding. Attempt river ford at north end of lake only at low water. You may travel two miles farther, past the lake on the north end, for a bridge across the Wynoochee River. On this route you have the option to use logging roads for part of your return to the dam. East Satsop Road and Cloquallum Road connect via Satsop Cloquallum Road and provide a 32 mile loop option with Monte Elma Rd. and the towns of Elma and Satsop on the south end. Summit Rd. Ocean City State Park The trail follows the remote and picturesque West Fork of the Humptulips River through dense old growth forest and open glades along the river corridor. The Lower West Fork Trail is 9 miles in length with multiple river crossings, attempt to ford only at low water. Single-track trail grades are generally 0-10% with a few grades of up to 20%. Sa tso pR oa d Photo by Susan Leite l road West Fork Humptulips River Trail Mi dd le S grave To Graves Creek Campground & Trailhead d Ea st g 2 miles oa Elma & McCleary area bike routes RCW 46.61.7700 Cyclists may ride side by side, but not more than two abreast. Be visible day or night. Wear bright clothes. RCW 46.61.780 states: At night you must have a white headlight and tail light or red rear reflector. Cyclists may choose to ride on the path, bike lane, shoulder or travel lane as suits their safety needs. Riding on sidewalk is generally allowed unless marked. Ride predictably. Leave adequate space between you and parked cars. Be careful of opening car doors. Do not weave in and out of parked cars and traffic. Grays Harbor County is the heart of Washington’s coast. The county reaches inland to rugged mountains on the southwest portion of the Olympic Peninsula. Temperate rainforest and pristine coastline are among the attractions of this beautiful area. Nearby counties have bike resources as well. To the east of Grays Harbor is Thurston County: To the north and northeast of Grays Harbor are Jefferson & Clallam counties: County To the south is Pacific & Lewis County: php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=2 Disclaimer 3 1.5 lr e rav 5 Mountain Biking NE Grays Harbor NOTICE TO BICYCLISTS: This map and accompanying information is intended solely to assist bicyclists in their selection of facilities to ride throughout Grays Harbor County. In providing this information, Grays Harbor County does not designate these facilities as formal bikeways. Grays Harbor County also does not assume liability for bicyclists who choose to travel upon any of the facilities shown on this map, nor does the County guarantee the stability, condition or fitness of any of the listed facilities for bicycling. Many of the facilities identified on this map cross and/or run on public roads that are exposed to daily wear and tear and degradation due to weather, motorized traffic and other environmental factors. Facilities may contain pavement imperfections, including ruts, cracks, and bumps. Riders may encounter expansion joints, debris, encroaching vegetation, stormwater inlets, and other natural, and manmade features. Riders should also remain alert for areas of visual impairment and other irregularities that may impact rider and motorist ability to see each other or potential road hazards. The chance that one may come into an area of visual impairment or a route irregularity warrants special care on the part of route users. This map includes facilities within multiple jurisdictions. Conditions and design elements may vary between jurisdictions. To North Fork Campground & Trailhead SCALE in Miles 0 0.5 1 3 It is the responsibility of the individual rider to remain alert at all times as to the conditions of the facility, pedestrian and other traffic on the facility, and the inherent potential for conflict in any shared-use space. Riders should always ride with care for their own safety as well as the safety of all other users of the facility or right-of- way. This map supersedes/replaces all prior versions of the Grays Harbor County Bike Map. Riders should consult the most current version of the map. The most current version may be found at Lake Quinault area bike routes & NE Grays Harbor bike routes Guide to Bicycling the Roads & Trails of Grays Harbor County 3 Location of detail maps Ocean Shores Bike Routes Bicycle Grays Harbor 1
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Memorial Park, on the muddy banks of the Wishkah.
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