- Microscopy Society of America


- Microscopy Society of America
M i c ro s c o p y
M icroanalysis
Editor in Chief
Editor, Microanalysis
Editor, Materials Applications
Charles E. Lyman
Materials Science and Engineering
Lehigh University
5 East Packer Avenue
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015-3195
Phone: ~610! 758-4249
Fax: ~610! 758-4244
e-mail: charles.lyman@lehigh.edu
Vinayak P. Dravid
Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
2225 N. Campus Drive, Room 3013A
Evanston, Illinois 60208-3105
Phone: ~847! 467-1363
Fax: ~847! 491-7820
e-mail: v-dravid@nwu.edu
Editor, Biological Applications
Editor, Light and Scanning Probe
Ralph Albrecht
Animal Health and Biomedical Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1655 Linden Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1581
Phone: ~608! 262-3177
Fax: ~608! 262-5157
e-mail: albrecht@ahabs.wisc.edu
Brian Herman
Cellular and Structural Biology
University of Texas at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78284-7762
Phone: ~210! 567-3800
Fax: ~210! 567-3803
e-mail: hermanb@uthscsa.edu
News and Commentary Editor
Book Review Editor
JoAn Hudson
Institute of Neuroscience
University of Oregon
222 Huestis Hall
Eugene, OR 97403-1254
Phone: ~541! 346-4508
Fax: ~541! 346-4548
e-mail: hudson@uoneuro.uoregon.edu
Special Section Editor
James N. Turner
Phone: ~518! 474-2811
Fax: ~518! 474-8590
e-mail: turner@wadsworth.org
Expo Editor
William T. Gunning III
Phone: ~419! 383-5256
Fax: ~419! 383-3066
e-mail: wgunning@mco.edu
Proceedings Editor
Editor, Materials Applications
C. Barry Carter
Chemical Engineering and Materials
151 Amundson Hall
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455-0132
Phone: ~612! 625-8805
Fax: ~612! 626-7246
e-mail: carter@cems.umn.edu
Editor, Biological
Heide Schatten
Veterinary Pathobiology
University of Missouri-Columbia
1600 E. Rollins Street
Columbia, Missouri 65211-5030
Phone: ~573! 882-2396
Fax: ~573! 884-5414
e-mail: schattenh@missouri.edu
Stuart McKernan
Phone: ~612! 624-6009
Fax: ~612! 625-5368
e-mail: stuartm@tc.umn.edu
Editorial Board
Carlos Bustamente
Wah Chiu
John Cowley
Alwyn Eades
Mark Ellisman
Pratibha Gai
Lucille Giannuzzi
Linn Hobbs
Jay Jerome
Dale Johnson
Janos Kirz
William Landis
John Mansfield
Walter McCrone
Paul Midgley
Marshall Montrose
Dale Newbury
David Piston
Jean-Paul Revel
John Silcox
Mark Smith
Andrew Somlyo
Andrew Staehelin
David Wittry
Nestor Zaluzec
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California
DuPont Experimental Station, Wilmington, Delaware
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
SUNY-Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown, Ohio
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
Editorial Board Representatives from Affiliated Societies
Raynald Gauvin
Gema Gonzalez
Peter Ottensmeyer
Guillermo Solorzano
Clive Walker
Miguel Yacaman
McGill University, Montreal (MAS)
Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Investigation (Venezuela)
Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto (Canada)
Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe (EMAS)
Mexico Institute for Nuclear Research (Mexico)
Founding Editor
Jean-Paul Revel
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
This journal is now part of the Cambridge Journals Online service. Access to online tables of
contents and article abstracts is available to all researchers at no additional cost for institutional
subscribers. Access to fulltext articles online is currently included with the cost of the print
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Aims and Scope
Microscopy and Microanalysis publishes original research papers dealing with a broad range of topics in microscopy and microanalysis.
These include articles describing new techniques or instrumentation
and their applications, as well as papers in which established methods
of microscopy or microanalysis are applied to important problems in
the fields of biology or materials science. Microscopy and microanalysis are defined here in a broad sense, and include all current and
developing approaches to the imaging and analysis of microstructure.
The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts are the originality and
significance of the research, the quality of the microscopy or microanalysis involved, and the interest for our readership.
Four types of communications are published in the Journal.
Regular Articles are of substantial length and describe the findings of
an original research project that satisfies the aims and scope of the
Journal, described above. Communications are brief technical or
scientific articles. Reviews summarize the current status of an important area within the aims and scope of the Journal. Letters to the
Editor usually contain comments on recent articles that have appeared
in the Journal.
Copyright Information
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not
been published before ~except in the form of an abstract or as part of a
published lecture, review, or thesis!; that it is not under consideration
for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all
coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the
institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the
manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic
transfer of the copyright to the Microscopy Society of America; that
the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language
without the consent of the copyright holders; and that written permission of the copyright holder is obtained by the authors for material
used from other copyrighted sources.
All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright,
which covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the
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stored on microfilm, in electronic data bases, video disks, etc., without
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The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks,
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not constitute an endorsement or approval by The Microscopy Society
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appearance of advertising in Microscopy and Microanalysis does not
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While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be
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any errors or omissions that may be made.
Subscription Information
Microscopy and Microanalysis is published bimonthly in February, April,
June, August, October, and December by Cambridge University Press.
Two supplements (Expo and Proceedings) are published in June and
Society Rates: Members of the Microscopy Society of America should
contact the MSA Business Office for all subscription inquiries.
Microscopy Society of America
230 E. Ohio Street, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60611-3265
Toll-Free Tel: 800-538-3672
Tel: 312-644-1527
Fax: 312-644-8557
E-mail: businessoffice@msa.microscopy.com
Members of other affiliated societies should contact their respective society business offices for all subscription inquiries.
Subscription Rates: Institutions print and electronic: US $495.00 in the
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print and electronic: US $225.00 in the USA, Canada, and Mexico; UK
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Microform editions are available from: University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA.
Editorial Office
Charles E. Lyman, Editor in Chief, Department of Materials Science
and Engineering, Lehigh University, 5 East Packer Avenue, Bethlehem,
PA 18015, USA; Tel.: ~610! 758-4249; Fax: ~610! 758-4244; E-mail:
Office of Publication
Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY
10011-4211, USA, Tel: ~212! 924-3900; Fax: ~212! 645-5960.
Advertising Sales & Production
M.J. Mrvica Associates, Inc., 2 West Taunton Avenue, Berlin, NJ 08009,
USA; Tel: ~856! 768-9360; Fax: ~856! 753-0064.
© 2002 by Microscopy Society of America. Printed in the United States
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New York, NY, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes in the U.S.A. and Canada to Microscopy and Microanalysis, Subscription Department, Cambridge University Press, 110 Midland
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Printed in the United States of America.
Microscopy AND Microanalysis
Microscopy and Microanalysis is published bimonthly and contains papers that report original research from the entire interdisciplinary range
of microscopy and microanalysis: new microscopy methods and instrumentation and their applications to biological or materials microstructures for determination of structure or chemistry. Four categories of
communications are published in the Journal.
Regular articles contain reports of new instrumentation and new
theoretical methods and their applications to microstructural analysis in
biology and materials science. Communications are short ~2000–2500
words! technical or scientific reports of developments in these fields.
Reviews have broader technical content than regular articles. Authors
contemplating review articles are encouraged to discuss their plans with
the appropriate editor. Articles are accepted for publication with the
understanding that they, or their substantive contents, have not been
and will not be submitted to any other publication.
Readers may send Letters to the Editor for publication in the Journal. These must address a specific technical point or points in a published
article and must be clearly written and concise. The corresponding author
of the paper commented upon will be invited to reply. The author of the
Letter to the Editor will not be sent the reply prior to publication. Both the
Letter to the Editor and the Reply will be published together. No subsequent letters or replies by the same persons concerning that particular
paper will be considered for publication. The appropriate Editor will make
any necessary decisions concerning suitability for publication of particular Letters to the Editor or Replies.
All manuscripts must be:
䊉 Typed double-spaced, including title page, abstract, text, references, tables and figure legends, in 12 point type on one side of
standard 8 1/2 ⫻ 11 inch white paper stock or equivalent.
䊉 Typed with left and right margins of about 1 inch ~about 2.5 cm!,
with about 1 inch clear at the top and bottom of each page.
䊉 Numbered. Number all pages at the bottom.
All manuscript title pages must contain:
䊉 A complete title.
䊉 A brief title to be used as a running head.
䊉 Authors’ names listed by full given and last names.
䊉 Primary institutions where the research was performed.
䊉 Other institutions involved for each author.
䊉 Permanent or new addresses of all authors. Note: Institutional
addresses must include the full institutional and department/
center name, city, state, postal code, and country.
䊉 A complete corresponding ~mailing! address for the author to
whom all correspondence should be sent.
䊉 Corresponding author’s telephone number and fax number, and e-mail
All manuscripts must include:
䊉 An abstract not to exceed 200 words and 6 to 10 key words for
䊉 The following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results,
Discussion, Summary or Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References,
tables, figure legends, figures. Sections may be subdivided to increase
Manuscript Preparation
Electronic submission of manuscripts. The Journal strongly encourages authors to submit electronically prepared manuscripts in Word
or WordPerfect (PC or Macintosh). Follow the instructions set forth
here exactly; if, for example, the reference section is incorrectly styled,
the value of the diskette submission will be reduced. A double-spaced
hard copy of the manuscript must accompany the disk.
General information. Manuscripts must be submitted in English.
Authors should follow generally accepted rules of grammar and punctuation. Because articles on microscopy attract broad ranges of readers
with diverse backgrounds, jargon should not be used; acronyms and
abbreviations must be clearly defined the first time they are used and
then used consistently thereafter throughout the manuscript.
Chemical names and mathematical expressions. Chemical names
and methods should be spelled out the first time they are used, followed
by the abbreviation in parentheses. After first mention the abbreviation
may be used alone. SI units should be used. Mathematical expressions
need to be carefully presented, with all symbols defined. Use a type font
that clearly differentiates between zero and capital letter O. Equations
containing algebraic fractions should use numerator over denomi-
Instructions for Authors
nator, separated by a horizontal line, and not typed on a single line
separated by a slash. Indicate vector symbols; they will be printed in
References. References must be inserted in the text at the place they
are used, by the author’s surname and year of publication. All references
included in the reference list must be cited in the text. References to
personal communications, unpublished data, and manuscripts either in
preparation or submitted for publication are unacceptable. If essential,
such material may be incorporated in the appropriate place in the text.
For references with more than two authors use the first author’s surname followed by “et al,” and if there is more than one reference in the
same year by a single author~s!, use a, b. For example: ~Roberts, 1981!;
~Roberts & Johnson, 1983!; ~Jones et al., 1986!; ~Johnson, 1998a, 1998b!.
All authors must be included in the reference list; “et al.” is unacceptable here. The alphabetical list of references begins a new page, and must
be typed double-spaced. List works by different authors who are cited
within the same parentheses in chronological order, beginning with the
earlier work according to the CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. Abbreviate journal names according to the Chemical Abstracts Service
Source Index ~CASSI!. Only published articles and articles in press should
appear in this list. Responsibility for the accuracy of references cited lies
with the authors. Brief examples:
Journal Articles
Hogan, J. & Patton, C. ~1976!. Variation in intramembrane components of Trypanosoma brucei from intact and X-radiated rats: A
freeze-cleave study. J Protozool 23, 205–215.
Entire Book
Rappaport, R. ~1996!. Cytokinesis in Animal Cells. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Gardner, R.L. & Papaioannou, V.E. ~1975!. Differentiation in trophectoderm and inner cell mass. In The Early Development of Mammals, Balls, M. & Wild, A.E. ~Eds.!, pp. 107–132. Cambridge, New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Proceedings Paper
Wood, J.E., Williams, D.B. & Goldstein, J.I. ~1981!. Quantitative
X-ray Microanalysis in the Analytical Electron Microscope. In
Quantitative Microanalysis with High Spatial Resolution, Jacobs,
M.H., Lorimer, G.W. & Doig, P. ~Eds.!, pp. 24–33. London: The
Metals Society.
Tables. Tables must be typed double-spaced on separate pages after
the reference section. Number tables consecutively using Arabic numbers
and include concise titles and column headings. Type footnotes under the
tables. All tables must be cited consecutively in the text.
Figures. Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed,
and submitted in quadruplicate as black-on-white glossy prints of high
quality. Original drawings or negatives should not be submitted. Symbols, letters, numbers, and scale bars should be of sufficient size to be
clearly recognizable when the figure is reduced to publication size. Each
figure should have a label pasted on its back, indicating the figure number, names of authors, and top of the figure. Figure legends ~figure captions! must be typed double-spaced and begin on a new page. All figures
must be cited in the text. Photographs in which a human subject is
identifiable must be accompanied by written permission for publication.
Digitally recorded images can be provided as high contrast dye sublimation or laser prints. Figures submitted in electronic form must be accompanied by high-quality unmounted glossy prints suitable for reproduction
and reduction ~as needed!.
Color figures. Authors are encouraged to submit color figures that
provide scientific information which cannot be conveyed by black and
white figures. At the Editor in Chief ’s discretion, color charges may be
waived for selected figures.
Permissions. All previously published material included in your
manuscript must be accompanied by permission forms or letters documenting that permission has been obtained to reprint the material in your
article in this journal.
Submit one original copy of your manuscript with figures suitable for publication, three copies with figures suitable for review, and documentation
that you have obtained permission to reprint all previously published
material to any Editor or to the Editor in Chief. Addresses are on the
Volume 8, Supplement 1
Québec City, Québec, Canada
August 5–8, 2002
Essential Meeting Information
Meetings and Exhibits
Calendar of Events
Scientific Program Summary
Pre-Meeting Topical Conference
Technologists’ Forum
Additional Scientific Events
Social Events
Meeting Committees
Program Committee
Local Arrangements Committee
“Bonjour” Welcome to Québec City
Microscopy Society of America
Microbeam Analysis Society
Microscopial Society of Canada/ Societé de Microscopie du Canada
International Metallographic Society
Conference Floor Maps
Week at a Glance Scientific Program
Scientific Program
Exhibitor Listing and Floor Plans
Vendor Directory
Company Listing
Listing By Product
Website/Telephone Listing
Author Index
Index to Advertisers
Indexed in Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents, and BIOSIS
Essential Meeting Information
advance, please complete an on-site registration form at the
Registration Area.
On or after
Registration Prices:
July 6
July 7
Full Registration ~member!
US $295
US $375
Full Registration
US $375
US $425
US $125
US $145
US $125
US $145
Social Guest
US $125
US $145
One Day
US $135
US $165
Two Day
US $250
US $275
Exhibits Only
No Charge
On-Site registration hours are:
Only Full Registrants receive a copy of the Proceedings.
Sunday Short Courses (subject to availability)
US $120
US $180
US $140
US $180
The topical conference “Characterization of Non-Conductive
or Charging Materials by Microbeam Analysis” will be held
at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, August 2–3, 2002.
Payment can be by cash, money order, check ~U.S. funds
only! or credit card ~Visa/Mastercard/American Express.!
Student registration is restricted to current MSA, MAS,
MSC-SMC, and/or IMS Student Members and to other
bona fide full time students who can document that status
at the time of registration. Emeritus Registration is for
Emeritus Members of the sponsoring societies only. Social
Guest Registration is intended for those accompanying other
registrants in a social, rather than scientific, context. There
is no charge for admission to view the commercial exhibits
only; however, registration is required.
Meeting Registration Fees
Non-members Cad $180
Cad $50
Contact Raynald Gauvin, Chairman, phone: ~514!398-4492,
e-mail: raynald.gauvin@mcgill.ca.
Sunday Evening Reception - Join us at the Quebec Museum
of Civilization, in the heart of the old port city. Buses
will leave the Convention Center at 6:00 PM and return
beginning at 9:30PM. One admission ticket is included with
full registration. Additional tickets may be purchased for
US $50, tickets for children 3–11 are US $15.
If you registered in advance of July 6, you will receive your
official name badge by mail. Please bring your badge to the
Meeting, and present it at the Registration Area to pick up a
badge holder, meeting bag, addendum to this book, and
other meeting related material. If you have not registered in
Essential Meeting Information
IMS General Members Meeting Monday, August 5
12:00 convention center room 304B
MSA Presidential Happenings Monday, August 5
5 PM, convention center room 200B
MAS Presidential Happenings Tuesday, August 6
5 PM, convention center room 200B
MSC Business Meeting Wednesday, August 7
4:30 PM, convention center room 304B
MAS Business Meeting Wednesday, August 7
5 PM, convention center room 205B
MSA Business Meeting Thursday, August 8
12 noon, convention center room 208B
booth. The Education Committee organizes the MSA
Tutorials and the Sunday Short Courses.
MSA Placement Office - this employment information
exchange service will have a bulletin board of current
listings of both prospective employers and employees,
and encourages posting of new notices by meeting
MSA Technologists’ Forum - the MSA Technologists’ Forum
provides information on Forum activities through their
website at www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/emcenter/msa/
techforum/. The Forum organizes a symposium with a
poster session, a special topics presentation and a round
table discussion at each annual meeting covering topics of
interest to technologists.
MSA Certification Board - information and literature on
MSA’s program for certification of EM Technologists.
The MSA Center also provides a comfortable area to sit
and relax. The MSA Center is open during commercial
exhibit hours—Monday, noon–5:00 PM; Tuesday, 9:30 AM–
5:00 PM; Wednesday, 9:30 AM–5:00 PM; and Thursday,
9:30 AM–3:00 PM.
The world’s largest and most comprehensive exhibition of
equipment, supplies, and publications related to the microscopical imaging and analytical sciences is on display in the
Exhibit Hall.
Noon–5:00 PM
9:30 AM–5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:30 AM–5:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM–3:00 PM
M&M Editorial Board
MSA TF Board Meeting
2003 Program
IMS General Members
The Microscopy Society of America Center ~booth # 719 at
the entrance to the exhibit hall! houses a number of resources for meeting attendees, including:
Cyber Cafe - for checking e-mail, downloading programs,
sharing software and hardware information, and viewing
labs in real time;
MSA Education Committee - the MSA book collection,
rental videotapes, and for information on the MSA Undergraduate Scholarship Program and other committee
activities. Tickets for the Wednesday evening Exhibitor
Tutorial Demonstrations are also available at the
IMS Board Meeting
MSA Council Meeting
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Rm 303A
Rm 301A
MAS Council Meeting
MSA Council Meeting
MSC Council Meeting
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
1:30–5:30 PM
Rm 301B
Rm 301A
Rm 303
7:00–8:30 AM
7:00–9:00 AM
12:00–1:00 PM
Rm 304A
Rm 304B
Rm 304A
12:00–1:00 PM
Rm 304B
7:00–8:30 AM
10:00 AM–12:00 PM
Rm 304A
Rm 304B
12:00–1:30 PM
12:00–1:30 PM
Rm 304B
Rm 208B
1:00–2:30 PM
Rm 208A
2003 Call for papers
MSA Education Com
Regional Societies
International Com
Essential Meeting Information
Certification Board
MSA/MAS Sustaining
Members Meeting
Technologists’ Forum
20 th Anniv Luncheon
MAS Business Meeting
MSC Business Meeting
7:30–9:30 AM
8:00–9:30 AM
Rm 304A
Rm 304B
12:00–1:30 PM
Rm 200B
5:00–6:00 PM
4:30–5:30 PM
Rm 205AB
Rm 304B
Technologists’ Forum
10:30 AM–12:00 PM Rm 208A
MSA Business Meeting 12:00–2:00 PM
Rm 208B
Public Policy Committee 2:00–4:00 PM
Rm 208B
~to follow MSA Business Meeting!
San Antonio—Monday, August 4 through Thursday, August 7 ~Pre-Meeting Congress Saturday
and Sunday, August 2–3; Short Courses Sunday,
August 3, Opening Reception Sunday, August 3!
Savannah, Georgia - August 2–5
Honolulu, HI - August 1–4
Chicago, IL - August 7–10
Ft. Lauderdale, FL - August 6–9
Albuquerque, NM - August 4–7
Friday, August 2, 2002
Pre-Meeting Conference McGill University, Montreal, Canada
~additional fee required!, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM
Saturday, August 3, 2002
IMS Metallographic Contest Judging ~Room 303B!,
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Pre-Meeting Conference McGill University, Montreal, Canada
~additional fee required!, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM
Sunday, August 4, 2002
Pre-Meeting Short Courses ~additional fee required!,
9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Introduction to X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectrometry and
Quantitative Analysis
Digital Imaging 2002
Focused Ion Beam ~FIB! Microscopy and Technology
Live Cell Imaging: A Primer
What the Heck Happened to This? Real Life Failure Analysis
Tips and Tricks Using Microscopy and Microanalysis
~Pre-registration highly recommended, check availability at
registration desk!
Social Event: Golf Tournament ~additional fee required!
Social Event: Opening Reception at Quebec Museum of
Civilization ~ticket required!, 6:00–10:00 PM
Monday, August 5, 2002
IMS General Members Meeting ~Room 304B!, 12 noon
MSA Presidential Happenings ~Room 200B!, 5:00–6:00 PM
IMS Awards Banquet ~Villeray Room, Hilton, Quebec!,
fee required, 6:00–10:00 PM
Tuesday, August 6, 2002
IMS Sorby Award Lecture ~Room 303A!, 8:00–9:00 AM
MSA International Committee Meeting ~Room 208A!,
1:00–2:30 PM
MAS Presidential Happenings ~Room 200B!, 5:00–6:00 PM
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
MAS Business Meeting ~Room 205B!, 5:00–6:00 PM
MAS Members Social, 6:00 pm ~ticket required, visit
MAS Booth for information!
Wednesday Evening Socials ~tickets required!,
5:30 or 6:30 PM
Bring Your
Thursday, August 8, 2002
MSA Business Meeting ~Room 208B!, 12 noon
Commercial Exhibits closes at 3:00 PM
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2002 concludes at 5:00 PM
Scientific Program Summary
sium “Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and its Application to Real-World Materials”. We will also continue the
popular “Ask the Experts” session during which the audience
will be able to ask panels of experts about specific problems
that have been encountered. The “Experts” sessions as well as
the “Tutorials” will take a look at the important topics of core
facility management techniques and the use of digital images
in microscopy. For additional details about the sessions please
refer to the scientific program in this book.
Rounding out the program will be the afternoon
“Poster” sessions that provide an excellent venue for the
exchange of scientific information in a one-on-one format.
The year 2002 brings significant poster changes for the
program. In 2002, each poster will be up for only one day
due to the growth in the number of posters and due to
space constraints. A new feature of the proceedings is electronic searchability on CD-ROM. Come to the MSA Center
in the exhibition area to see the new features of the electronic proceedings.
The program committee has worked hard to ensure that
this is an exciting and ambitious program covering as many
aspects of microscopy and microanalysis as possible. We hope
that you are as excited about the program as we are and
hope to see all of you in Quebec City, Canada. If you have
any questions concerning the program, don’t hesitate to check
out the MSA home page ~http://www.msa.microscopy.com/
MMHomePage.html! or contact the Meeting Management
office or one of the program chairs listed below for the most
recent information about the meeting. Remember to bring
your passport.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 2002 hosted by the Microscopy Society of America ~MSA!, the Microbeam Analysis Society ~MAS!, the Microscopical Society of Canada
~MSC!/Societe de Microscopie du Canada ~SMC!, and the
International Metallographic Society ~IMS! will provide comprehensive Symposia, Tutorials, and Special Sessions covering all aspects of microscopy. Events will begin on Friday,
August 2nd with a two-day Pre-meeting Congress chaired
by Raynald Gauvin of McGill University entitled “Characterization of non-Conductive or Charging Materials by Microbeam Analysis”. This Pre-meeting Congress will be at
McGill University, Montreal, Canada. On Sunday, August
4th, there will be several Short Courses on a variety of
topics for those active in teaching, research, and industrial
applications involving microscopy and microanalysis. Formal meeting sessions will begin on Monday, August 5th,
and will consist of a blend of different presentation formats
including Symposia, Tutorials, and Poster sessions that will
offer the latest information on cutting-edge discoveries and
also provide the opportunity to learn new techniques and
procedures. The unique opportunity for “hands-on” learning with state-of-the-art instrumentation will be provided
by the integration of the program with the commercial
The scientific program will consist of several types of sessions. “Advances in Instrumentation and Techniques” will
cover a variety of topics dealing with the exciting new instrumentation and techniques that have recently evolved while
“Tutorials” and the “Tech Forum” will focus on wellestablished and commonly-used techniques and instrumentation. The “Biological and Physical Science Symposia” will
cover several specialized applications such as the use of microscopy in the study of Biomaterials and Biominerals, the
characterization of Self-organizing Matter, and Nanoscale
Technologies. A highlight of the meeting will be the sympo-
Edgar Voelkl, MSA Program Chair
Dave Piston, MSA Program Vice-Chair
Raynald Gauvin, MAS/SMC/MSC Program Co-Chair
Al Lockley, IMS Program Co-Chair
Pre-meeting Topical Congress
August 2–3, 2002
tations at this conference. It is understood that registrants
will contribute positively at this conference by interacting
with the speakers in this meeting in order to ask questions
and share experiences about this very important and difficult topic.
Preregistration is required, please contact Dr. Raynald
Gauvin, Department of Mining, Metals, and Materials Engineering, M.H. Wong Building 3610 University Street, Montréal, Quebec H3A 2B2, Tel: 514-398-8951, Fax: 514-3984492, or email: raynal.gauvin@mcgill.ca
An additional fee for this workshop will be charged:
Organizers: Raynald Gauvin ~MSC/SMC!,
David C. Joy ~MSA!, John Small ~MAS!,
Aldo Armigliato ~EMAS!, Francois Grillon ~EMAS!
The goal of this topical conference is to present the state of
the art for materials characterization of non-conductive or
charging materials using microbeam analysis. Examples of
charging materials include polymeric materials, ceramic
materials, and photoresist materials in the microelectronic
industry. Also, the characterization of biological specimens
will be covered because they are prone to problems related
to charging. These materials are of great technological importance and their characterization is still a great challenge
because they charge when analyzed with an electron beam.
The techniques of microbeam analysis that will be considered are: X-ray Microanalysis in the Electron Microprobe,
Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy, Environmental
Scanning Electron Microscopy, Analytical Electron Microscopy with Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Focused Ion Beam Milling for specimen
preparation. World experts will present papers on these
topics. Papers from this topical conference will be published
in a special issue of Microscopy & Microanalysis.
This two-day topical conference will be held at McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from August 2 to 3,
just before Microscopy & Microanalysis 2002. Attendees are
invited to register for this topical conference to hear the
presentations. Only invited speakers will present oral presen-
• $150 Canadian for Society Members
• $180 Canadian for Non-Members
• $50 Canadian for Students
Confirmed Pre-Meeting Conference Speakers
B Armstrong
B Bastin
C Bonnelle
RA Carlton
J Cazaux
H Demers
E Doehne
K Downing
D Drouin
HJ Fitting
R Gauvin
B Griffin
H Howie
O Jbara
D Joy
M Kotera
E Lifshin
M McCartney
D Newbury
C Nockolds
D Perovic
M Phillips
P Rez
L Sorbier
J Steele
MA Stevens-Kalceff
B Thiel
M Toth
Technologists’ Forum
20 th Anniversary Technologists’ Forum
The Technologists’ Forum, MSA’s first and largest Focused
Interest Group, is an integral part of MSA which advances
technical aspects of the microscopies from the local to the
national level. The Forum provides opportunities for discussion of interests, problems and professional needs of microscopy technologists, increases contact among its members
and expands their participation in and contributions to MSA.
The first organizational meetings of what would become the Technologists’ Forum took place in Dallas and
Washington. The group that first conceived of the idea of a
committee dedicated to technical staff included Deb Clayton, Aruna Weberg, Bill Bailey, Caroline Schooley, Blair Bowers, Ron Anderson, Joe Harb, Bruce Boardman, Ken Lawless,
Ed Ruffing, Robyn Rufner, Mort Maser and Frances Ball.
Following the EMSA Annual Meeting in 1982 in Washington, DC, a letter was sent by Deb Clayton and Aruna
Weberg to TF members. To quote from that letter sent in
December 1982, “The Executive Council @of EMSA# voted
to recognize the Forum as a Council Committee. This
affords us direct access to Council, rather than through the
Education Committee.”
And so, through the hard work of Deb and others, the
Technologists’ Forum began. Many thanks to the 1982 EMSA
Officers and Council Members for their support and recognition of the TF as a standing committee.
Since 1982, the Forum has organized scientific symposia at the Annual Meetings, with themes such as photography, safety, embedding, fixation, immunocytochemistry,
morphometry, correlative techniques, artifacts, digital imaging, and much more. Beginning in 1995, the TF symposium
also includes a contributed poster session related to that
year’s theme. Special Topic Presentations on a variety of
subjects, established in 1987 by Jose Mascorro, became part
of the program as well. The Roundtable Discussions, established in 1989 by Sandy Silvers, have become extremely
popular with meeting attendees, interactively covering top-
1982 EMSA Officers and Council Members
Lee Peachey
David Wittry
John Hren
Frances Ball
Kenneth Lawless
Ray Carpenter
Linda Sawyer
Birgit Satir
Robert Dunn
David Joy
Barbara Panessa-Warren
Ben Spurlock
ics related to lab management. The Outstanding Technologist Award, first presented in 1993 through the TF and now
one of MSA’s major awards, recognizes exceptional contributions to the technology of microscopy. The Professional
Technical Staff awards were inaugurated in 1996–1997 as a
way to encourage staff participation at the national meeting. Up to 4 travel awards are given annually to members
whose abstracts are accepted for presentation. After receiving great support during these trial years, they became part
of MSA’s permanent awards.
Over the years, we have sponsored the Technical Advisory Network ~TAN!, the Micrograph Information Collection and Referral Office ~MICRO!, the Traveling Exhibit ~all
of which are now rolled into other MSA functions!, and the
Microscope Facility Directory, which is still going strong. In
1996, the Forum established a home page on the World
Wide Web, and in 2001, the TF Newsletter became an
Thanks to our members and MSA Council for their
participation, help and support in the past and the present
of the Forum. Now, on to the future. Here’s to us!
Technologists’ Forum
Forum Chairs and Officers
Technologists’ Forum Chairs:
Deb Clayton
Jose Mascorro
John Basgen
Sandy Silvers
Bev Maleeff
Jeanette Killius
Current Officers:
Vice Chair
Acting Secretary
e-Newsletter/Facilities Directory
Exhibit Booth
Exhibit Booth
Membership Data
Council Liaison
Jeanette Killius
Cathy Johnson
Debby Sherman
Sandy Silvers
Jane Payne
Carol Hearne
Vicky Bryg
Bev Maleeff
John Chandler
Nester Zaluzec
Charter Members
Rocco Agostini
Marjorie Alders
Annette Andrews
John Basgen
Maggi Benson
Ruth Blumershine
Denise Bullock
C.N. Burke
Carey Callaway
Deb Clayton
Ronald Davis
Paul Davison
Mary Dougherty
Mary Alice Egy
E. Ann Ellis
Lynne Farr
Robert Florida
Ken Gaugler
Michael Goheen
Sue Hertwick
Susan Hester
Walter Humphreys
Patricianne Hurd
Edet Inwang
M. Anne Johnstone
Jeanette Killius
Elinor Law
Ethel Lovings
Joe Mascorro
Ron Mattson
J. Rodney McCurry
O.T. Minick
Gillian Molson
Judith Murphy
Martin Nan
Skip Nelson
Barbara Norman
Jane Payne
Mike Powell
Tim Prater
Connie Probert
Patrick Puca
Barbara Putney
B.L. Redmond
Rosie Rosell
Linda Sawyer
Caroline Schooley
Jency Showker
Sandy Silvers
Bettye Stallings
Ben Spurlock
Harvey Thomas
Bob Turner
Donna Wagahoff
John Watson
Aruna Weberg
Rebecca Wood
Andre Zoutte
Additional Scientific Events
program this year will feature presentations from several
speakers from diverse laboratories who will discuss the
topic of digital imaging and how it is applied within their
respective laboratories and research interests. As usual, the
audience is encouraged to participate with questions and
comments. Following the presentations, a group discussion
between speakers and audience will highlight this program.
Metallography is the aspect of metallurgy that deals with the
study of the structure and constitution of solid materials
and alloys. This symposium will provide preparation theory
and exhibit a variety of techniques used to correctly reveal
the microstructure of engineering materials. In addition, the
symposium will honor of the 80th birthday of Len Samuels
of Australia. Len, renowned for his basic research ~from about
1950 through 1985! has provided us with our scientific understanding of what is happening during grinding and polishing stages of preparation and has shown how it affects
our ability to see the true microstructure of metals and alloys.
Tuesday 8:30–11:00 am (Room 202)
This expert’s session of Facility Management will focus on
specific topics of current interest to managers of multi-user
and service facilities in industrial and educational settings.
The suggestions for topics will be will be obtained through
requests to the Microscopy listserver and from suggestion
forms filled out at a similar session held at M&M2001.
Facilitators will introduce each topic. The majority of the
session will be reserved for open discussion and exchange of
information among attendees.
Sunday 8:30 am–4:30 pm (Room 207)
Following the success of the “Experts” sessions starting in
1997, similar sessions will be repeated in 2002 to promote
this novel means of communicating scientific knowledge. Essentially, hot topics are identified and experts are located to
answer questions posed from the audience. The “expert”
makes a short presentation to introduce the topic. Audience
members then ask questions and select an expert to provide
an answer. Other members of the audience may also contribute answers to some problems. Some rather extraordinary
dynamics ensue. These informal interactive question-andanswer sessions with experts in various fields of microscopy
and microanalysis will take place during the meeting.
Wednesday 3:00–5:00 pm (Room 208A)
This issue is at the core of current discussions between
scientists and administrators from academia to the corporate world. The panel will represent several disciplines and
create an interactive discussion with the audience over this
very timely topic.
Thrusday 10:30 am–12:00 noon (Room 201BC)
This session will address problems and issues that are at
the forefront now that the biological microscopist is in the
midst of the new era dealing with digital imaging. The
Today’s immunocytochemistry lab is an amalgam of
techniques from FITC to HRP to PAP to ferritin to immu-
These events are part of the Meeting. No additional Fees are needed to attend.
Additional Scientific Events
nogold. What gets lost is the understanding of basic immunology that forms the platform on which these and
other methods are built. This session will feature an invited
speaker who will cover the topic of immunology in depth.
With better knowledge, one will be able to optimize accurate and reproducible lab results.
Monday 3:00–4:00 pm (Room 201BC)
The computer workshop and software exchange will be
operating throughout the Meeting and will be located on
the Exhibit floor adjacent to the society information booth.
Participants can view and discuss the more than 500 Mbytes
of data, programs, general information and images available
in the public domain software library. A limited number of
Mac and PC systems will be available for viewing, discussing and copying programs. In addition, a number of connections to the Internet are planned and will be available to all
conference attendees to provide access to Email and WWW
services. This will be contingent upon availability of systems
with respect to any other workshop or meeting demonstrations and the arrangements with a local Internet Service
Provider. The Workshop and Internet Cafe will only be
available during normal Exhibit hours.
Exhibit Hall Hours (MSA Booth)
The Canadian Foundation for the Development of Microscopy ~CFDM! and Let’s Talk Science ~LTS! are both indepen-
dent Canadian charitable foundations. CFDM is interested
in supporting microscopy at all educational levels, and LTS
is dedicated to improving Canada’s science literacy through
innovative educational programs; their “Partnership Program” supports educational outreach at 16 Canadian Universities. With the support of organizations such as the
Microscopical Society of Canada and the Microscopy Society of America it may be possible to bring Project MICROlike programs to Canadian schools.
Tuesday 9:00 am–12:00 noon (Room 303B)
The stereological estimation of grain size from planar sections of microstructure continues to be investigated because
statistical methods are involved and no clear criterion exists
for the quality of the algorithms. The use of crystallographic shape assumptions reduces the bias of the estimation, however the stereological equation based on these
assumptions requires a computation of the probabilities of
all grain sections by means of computer simulation. This
session will address the practical application of this issue in
three main topics: Comparison of spherical and polyhedral
grain shape for the investigation of sintered metallic microstructures, Estimation of bivariate distributions of grain
size and aspect ratio for prismatic grain assumption in
silicon nitride ceramics, and Automatic detection and quantification of dendritic structures in casting materials.
Sunday 1:00–3:00 pm (Room 206B)
Social Events
you will be issued a ticket, which you will need to re-enter
the Hall after it is closed.
This golf club has the best reputation in Quebec for the
quality of its greens. It is located north of the city about 20
minutes in the Laurentian mountains, which makes it a very
different and hilly course.
Rating: 68.5 Slope: 121 Distance of the course: BLUE 6010
Architect: Howard Watson
Cost: US $75.00 per person ~minimum 3 persons!
Including Green fee Cart Transportation round-trip
Maximum 180 people
6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Join us for a gourmet meal at the Manoir Montmorency built on a historical site of natural beauty and
furnished in the pure English style! As dessert, we offer you
the splendid Grand Final of the Quebec City International
Fireworks Festival where rockets explode on the same rhythm
and sound modulations, the accompanying music suggests.
Enjoy the maestria with which these specialists of renown
take benefit of any artistic potential offered by the surrounding cliffs and the impressive waterfall cascading 270 feet
into the St. Lawrence River. Even the River will glitter in the
night as hundreds of crowded boats and canoes gather at
the bottom of the waterfall to enjoy the show!
Busses will leave the Convention between 5:30 pm and
6:15 pm.
Cost: US $75.00 per person
Including: Transportation Meal Fireworks Show
6:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
Come enjoy a wonderful opening cocktail at the Quebec
Museum of Civilization in the heart of the old port of the
City. When you enter the foyer of the Museum, a quartet of
musicians will play soft music to entertain you. Food and
Drink stations will be located along the foyer. You will have
access to all exhibit rooms of the museum, which will be
open only to the M&M attendees. Buses will leave the
Convention Center beginning at 6:00 pm and return beginning at 9:30 pm. One admission ticket is included with full
registration. Additional tickets may be purchased at US $50;
tickets for children 3–11 years old are US $15.
Maximum 200 people
6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
A dinner will be held in the chapel of the Amerique
Francaise museum, located on the historic site of the Seminaire de Quebec, which dates back to 1663. The chapel,
featuring “trompe-l’aeil” ornaments, is the only religious
site in North America where receptions and dinners can be
held. We propose you will have a spectacular evening, with
the best singers, a truly amazing pianist, an organist and
light effects that people will remember. The concept goes
between a real show onstage and a musical animation
The Presidents of MSA, MAS, MSC/SCM, IMS will offer
special events during the week. These events, including
keynote speakers and the awards ceremonies, will appeal to
all attendees.
Signup sheets with titles and descriptions are at the MSA
Education table in the MSA Mega Booth. When you sign up
Social Events
among the guests. Gorgeous costumes for the soprano,
classic tuxedo for the singer, simple but efficient props and
special stage direction for every song, will add to the treat.
The evening opens with a stunning number with highlights from the Phantom of the Opera musical, accompanied by the organ. The next part treats the ears with grand
lyrics such as Caruzo and Don’t Cry for Me Argentina. Finally, the last set brings spectators to the movies with songs
and music from silver screen repertoire. Perfect high notes,
perfect interpretation of the most successful songs ever.
Cost: US $65.00 per person Pre-meeting registration only
~minimum 100 people and maximum of 200! Including:
Meal, Half a bottle of wine per person, Opera show.
Note: Transportation is not included in the price; the Chapel
is in a walking distance from the Convention Center. In the
case that the minimum of 100 tickets is not sold, you will be
fully reimbursed in advance.
Walking City Tour
Quebec is the perfect city to tour on foot; that way you can
get the real feeling of Quebec City’s French culture.
The tour begins in the heart of the old city at Place
Royale, followed by the upper city Place D’Armes, going
through rue du Tresor, a street where artists display their
many talents. Then see the Basilica Notre-Dame-de-Quebec
and the City Hall, walk through the Ursuline Monastery
and the City fortifications ~walls!. You will then see the
Parliament Building and the famous Battlefield Park ~Plains
of Abraham!. You will walk down the panoramic stairs to
the Dufferin Terrace, walk on Rampart street, see the Quebec Seminary and the romantic Latin Quarter, followed by
Saint-Paul street recognized for its numerous art galleries
and antiques shops. The tour will end at Place Royale.
Quebec, Cradle of French America
You will discover the French charm while touring Quebec
City with its diversified architecture, its color, and its “Joie
de Vivre”. During your adventure, you will learn the history
of Quebec visiting principal sites such as: the Plains of
Abraham where a memorable battle occurred in 1759, the
Parliament Hill and the National Assembly, the City fortifications ~Walls! and the gates, the Citadel, the winding
streets, and the romantic Latin Quarter. You will also be
charmed by City Hall Square with the seminary Notre-Damede-Quebec. The Old Port, the antique shops and the oldest
section of Quebec, Place Royale are also magnificent points
of interest in this part of the tour.
The motor coach will end the tour at Place Royale to let
the group do some shopping in the Petit Champlain street.
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre and Surroundings
This magnificent site between the mountains and the majestic Saint-Lawrence river is the region where the early pioneers of New France settled down at the beginning of the
17th Century. You will see the original stone houses at the
edge of the Chemin Royal and find out how people lived
behind these walls. You will visit the Sainte-Anne-deBeaupre Basilica, renowned as the most important pilgrimage center of North America. Next will be a stop to admire
the magnificent Montmorency waterfall, which is higher
than the Niagara Falls. You will admire the waterfall from
every angle as you ride the gondola to the Montmorency
Manor, for a short visit.
We will direct our coach to the Island of Orleans to
visit the picturesque village of Sainte-Petronille, site chosen
by General Wolfe when he installed his encampment and
his troops during the war of 1759. From the tip of the
Island you will have a breathtaking view of the old Capital
and its port.
Founders of the Church in New France
This tour includes a presentation of three personages
who marked the history of the New France: Marie-del’Incarnation, Catherine-de-Saint-Augustin, and Francoisde-Laval. You will visit the sites where they lived and
worked. You will make a return to the New France and feel
their work and spirituality. The guide will provide you with
some terminology explanations and will talk about religious
symbols in the buildings and artwork.
This tour includes a visit to the Basilica Cathedrale
Notre-Dame-de-Quebec including the tomb of the Bishop
of Laval, the Ursulines Monastery, the centre Marie-del’Incarnation, the Augustines de la Misericorde de Jesus
Monastery, and the centre Catherine de Saint-Augustin.
To complete this beautiful tour, you will attend “Act of
Faith”, a stunning sound and light show inside the Basilica
Notre-Dame-de-Quebec. You will live a multimedia adventure inside this unique cathedral.
Social Events
Guided Tour of the Island of Orleans
The tour begins with a visit to the smallest parish of the
island, Sainte-Petronille, founded in 1870. General Wolf
chose this strategic site in 1759, to establish his troops,
waiting for the right moment to attack the city of Quebec.
At the end of the 19th Century, Sainte-Petronille became
one of the most popular resorts around Quebec. We will
make a stop at the Vineyard Sainte-Petronille for a wine
tasting. The following stop is in Saint-Laurent. Along the
Chemin Royal, you will admire, on both sides of the way,
farms and woods characteristic of this village. Founded in
1679, Saint-Laurent is distinguished by its maritime activities. Around 1830, about twenty rowboat shops and some
family boat building sites were active in the village. You will
make a stop at the economuseum “La Forge ê Pique Assaut”.
This forge was transformed into a museum and presents a
permanent exhibition on the traditional crafts related to the
forge. A demonstration can also be presented to demystify
the work of the blacksmith. This will be following by a
lunch at the Moulin Saint-Laurent. In the old days, SaintJean was a village of pilots and navigators. This place
possesses great architectural elements and, in the middle of
the village, many pilot’s houses have been preserved ~1825–
1860!. You will see many potato fields on the way and make
a stop at the Vannerie l’elyme where you will see an artist
manufacturing hats, baskets, and decoration articles made
of products grown in its fields. Sainte-Famille, founded in
1661, is the oldest parish of the island. You will have a
superb view over the Saint-Lawrence River, the Beaupre
Coast, the orchards spread from the road to the river, and
Mont Sainte-Anne. The last stop will be at Saint-Pierre
where Felix Leclerc, pioneer of all folk singers in Quebec,
was buried. In the middle of this village is the oldest church
of the province. This church, which is also the oldest where
masses are still celebrated on the island, was built in 1717 by
the mason Antoine Carpentier.
Option A: Behind the church you will have the opportunity to visit a handicraft boutique
Option B: Visit to the Mona farm ~handicraft blackcurrant wine producer!. Mr. Mona will guide you in a 30minute tour where he will explain how to make blackcurrant
wine and liquor.
Whale Watching Excursion
The tour begins as we leave the Convention Centre of
Quebec for our destination, Tadoussac ~an Indian word
meaning Dog House!. Discover the splendid countryside of
Charlevoix. This region has become very popular over the
years because of the whales living in the area where the
Saguenay and the St. Lawrence Rivers merge. Admire these
huge and magnificent mammals aboard a cruise ship, or, for
the more adventurous, suit up and board a spacious Zodiactype vessel ~which meets Canadian Coast Guard safety
regulations!, a different way to see the whales up close!
Bring along your cameras and experience the thrill of a
fascinating encounter with these giant nomads.
Tour Conditions and Prices
All prices listed in this special Social Events Page are in
American dollars.
All details concerning these tours ~price, information,
reservation, etc! are available on the web site http://msc.
We strongly recommend that you reserve your Wednesday Evening Social and your Tour option before July 6th,
2002. After this deadline, a charge of US $20 may be
Program Committee
Executive Members
Program Chair: E Voelkl, nLine Corp
MAS/MSC/SMC Program Co-Chair: R Gauvin, McGill University
IMS Program Co-Chair: A Lockley, Atomic Energy of Canada
Program Vice-Chair: D Piston, Vanderbilt University
Committee Members and Session Chairs
A. Geary, Metallographic Consulting Ltd
L Giannuzzi, University of Central Florida
R Giberson, Ted Pella, Inc
B Griffin, University of Western Australia
W Gunning, Medical College of Ohio
M Haider, CEOS, Germany
B Hartman, Schering-Plough Research Institute
C. Hearne; University of Wyoming
T. Hirayama, Japan Fine Ceramics Center
F Hossler, East Tennessee State University
E Humphrey, University of British Columbia
S Jabaji-Hare, McGill University
M Jackson, NRC Canada
J Jerome, Vanderbilt University
C Johnson, Gates Rubber Co
D Joy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
L Kerr, Woodshole Marine Biological laboratory
M Kersker, JEOL, USA
J Killius, NEOU College of Medicine
P Kotula, Sandia National Lab
O Krivanek, NION, Inc.
T Kelly, Imago Scientific Instruments
A Lametschwandtner, Universityof Salzburg
D Larson, Seagate Technologies
D Li, Shenyang National Lab
Z Li, DuPont
S Liou, University of Nebraska
Y Liu, University of Michigan
S Aharinejad, University of Vienna
R Albrecht, University of Wisconsin
L. Allard, Oak Ridge National Lab
I Anderson, Oak Ridge National Lab
K Baker, Baker and Associates ~Acton! Ltd
GW Bailey, Baton Rouge, LA
S Barlow, San Diego State University
C Bennett, Acadia University
D Blom, Oak Ridge National Lab
G. Botton, McMaster Univ
M Brito, AIST, Japan
J Bruley, IBM
V. Bryg; Ferro Corp
B Carnagher, Scripps Research Institute
P Charest, Universite Laval
W Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine
J Corbett, University of Waterloo
E Dickey, Penn State University
V Dravid, Northwestern University
S Eppell, Case Western University
D. Erie, University of North Carolina
S Erlandsen, University of Minnesota
J Frank, State University of New York, Albany
B Frost, University of Tennessee
P Gai, DuPont
M Gajdardziska-Josifovska, University of Wisconsin
Program Committee
E Lifshin, State University of New York, Albany
S Ludtke, Baylor College of Medicine
C Lyman, Lehigh University
T. MacPherson, Dofasco Inc
B Maleeff, GlaxoSmithKline
J Mansfield, University of Michigan
A Marangoni, University of Guelph
J Mascorro, Tulane University
W Massover, UMDNJ–NJ Medical School
M McCartney, University of Arizona
K McDonald, University of California, Berkley
S McKernan, University of Minnesota
G Meeker, US Geological Survey
D.A. Meyer, University of Wisconson
J Michael, Sandia National Laboratory
D Miller, Argonne National Laboratory
M Misra, Unilever Research
K Moore, John Hopkins University
H. Mori, Res. Ctr. for Ultra High Voltage EM
I. Musselman, University of Texas, Dallas
D Newbury, NIST
P Ottensmeyer, University of Toronto
X Pan, University of Michigan
M Phaneuf, Fibics Inc
R Price, University of South Carolina
C. Potter, Scripps Research Institute
W Rau, LEO Electron Micrscopy
D. Rocheleau, Transportaion Safety Board of Canada
H. Schatten, University of Missouri–Columbia
C Schooley, Caspar, CA
J Scott, NIST
S. Shaybany, Pacific Metallurgical
D. Sherman, Purdue University
D Shindo, Tohoku University
C. Siedlecki, Hershey Medical Center
R Sinclair, Stanford University
W Sinkler, UOP LLC
J Small, NIST
D Smith, Arizona State University
G. Sosinsky, University of California
U Spornitz, University of Basel
E Stach, National Center for Electron Microscopy
D Su, FHI Berlin
K Takayanagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
M Thompson, FEI Company
G. Vander Voort, Buehler Ltd
Z Wang, Georgia Tech
S Watkins, University of Pittsburgh
O Woo, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd
J Woodward, Buckman Laboratories, Inc
V Woodward, Noveon, Inc
J Yang, University of Pittsburgh
N Yao, Princeton University
S Yue, McGill University
N Zaluzec, Argonne National Lab
Y Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
J Zuo, University of Illinois
Local Arrangements Committee
Dr Pierre M. Charest, Chair, Université Laval, Québec
Dr Jim Corbett, Treasurer, Naramata, BC
Mr Ken Baker, Microscopy, Imaging, Analysis, Acton, ON
Dr Louise Brisson, Université Laval, Québec
Dr Hélène Chamberland, Université Laval, Québec
Ms Odette Desbiens, Université Laval, Québec
Dr Raynald Gauvin, McGill University, Montréal
Dr Anja Geitmann, Université de Montréal, Montréal
Mr Yves Giroux, Nissei Sangyo Canada Inc., Terrebone
Mr Gilles Grondin, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke
Dr Pierre Hovington, IREQ, Hydro–Québec, Varennes
Ms Line Mongeon, Noranda, Pointe–Claire
Ms Diane Montpetit, CRDA, St-Hyacinthe
Mr Jean-François Pageau, System for Research, Longueil
Mr Aristide Pusterla, Université Laval, Québec
Ms Hélène Roberge, National Research Council, Boucherville
Ms Marie Simard, Canadian Forestry Service, Québec
Welcome to Québec City
When you enter Canada, a customs officer may ask to
see your passport. If you are resident or citizen of the United
States, you do not need a passport. However, I recommend
you carry either a valid passport or a proof of your citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a certificate of citizenship.
In the last two instances, bring a valid ID with a picture.
Citizens of other countries need a valid passport to enter
Canada, in some cases, a VISA is necessary. Please check
with the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate. August is
the high tourism season in Quebec, I urge you book your
hotel early. Students who prefer to book low cost housing
facilities, please refer to the list which is displayed on the web
site of the LAC at http://msc.rsvs.ulaval.ca
As a native born of Québec City, I recommend to take
extra days of vacation in our city. You will enjoy the summit
of our fine restaurants, our French culture, the relaxing
ambience of the European style old city and not least, our
friendly people. Rated as one of the top three secure cities in
Canada, Québec City is really a place where it is enjoyable to
The Microsopical Society of Canada and the LAC of Microscopy and Microanalysis 2002 are very proud to welcome
you in Québec City for the MSA - MAS - MSC/SMC-IMS
joint meeting that will take place for the first time in
Canada. This event will be a commemorative new experience of science mixed with the “Joie de Vivre” of Québec
City. Founded in 1608 by French explorer Samuel de Champlain, Québec City was the center of New France, which at
the time extended from the St. Lawrence River in the
northeast right down to the Gulf of Mexico in the south. By
the end of the 19th century, Québec City had taken on
many of its current attributes: political capital, university
town, center of culture, tourist destination, and regional
services and trade hub. The city’s old quarter was declared a
world heritage site by UNESCO in 1985.
The majority of the 650,000 residents of the greater
Québec City metropolitan region ~more than 95%! are
French-speaking. However, English is largely used in all
commercial and tourism facilities. Québec City is home to
over 27 museums and interpretation centers providing a
window on a vast world of history, the arts, heritage treasures, culture, and science. To cap it all, Québec City boasts
many historic sites, architectural landmarks, and breathtaking green spaces, including the Fortifications of Québec
National Historic Site, the Citadel, the parliament buildings,
the Battlefields Park, Place-Royale, and several others.
Come to Québec, an American-style City
with a French Attitude!
Pierre M. Charest, 2002 LAC Chair
Microscopy Society of America
Saturday, August 3, 2002
Council ~Room 301A!, 7:30–5:30
Sunday, August 4, 2002
Council ~Room 301A!, 7:30–5:30
Monday, August 5, 2002
M&M 2003 Program Meeting ~Room 304A!,
12:00–1:00 pm
M&M Editorial Board ~Room 304A!, 7:00–9:00 am
Technologists Forum Board, ~Room 304B!,
7:00–9:00 am
Presidential Happenings ~Room 200B!, 5:00–6:00 pm
Tuesday, August 6, 2002
Local Affiliate Societies ~Room 304A!, 7:00–8:30 am
M&M 2003 Call for Papers Bulletin Meeting
~Room 304B!, 10:00–12:00 pm
International ~Room 208A!, 1:00–2:30 pm
Education meeting ~Room 304B!, 12:00–1:30 pm
Stanley L. Erlandsen
Microscopy Society of America
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
Certification Board ~Room 304A!, 7:30–9:30
Sustaining members ~Room 304B!, 8:00–9:30
Technologists Forum 20 th Anniversary Luncheon
~Room 200B!, noon
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Microscopy and
Microanalysis 2002, jointly sponsored by the Microscopy
Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopy Society of Canada/Société de Microscopie du Canada,
and the International Metallographic Society. An excellent
program with an outstanding list of invited speakers for
symposia has been assembled by the Program Committee
consisting of the Chair, Edgar Voelkl, and Co-Chairs, David
Piston ~MSA!, Raynald Gauvin ~MAS/MSC!, and Allan Lockley ~IMS!. Highlights of Microscopy and Microanalysis 2002
include the world’s largest display of microscopes and related technologies together with outstanding sessions on all
aspects of microscopy and microanalysis. Symposia will be
held on 3-D electron microscopy of macromolecules and
cryo-electron microscopy of macromolecules, the quantitative aspects of X-ray microscopy, confocal microscopy, biomaterials, biological and materials specimen preparation.
Special sessions will be held on holography, phase imaging,
Thursday, August 8, 2002
Tech Forum Roundtable ~Room 208A!,
10:30 am–12:00 pm
Business Meeting ~Room 208B!, 12:00–2:00 pm
Public Policy ~Room 208B!, 2:00–4:00
deep tissue imaging, ~S!TEM instrumentation, developments
in focused-ion beam instruments and imaging, metallographic specimen preparation from start to finish, and the
changing role of atom probe microscopes in the nanotechnology era. Advances in immunolabeling, EELS, and detectors for X-ray microanalysis also will be presented. A special
analytical electron microscopy session honoring the work of
Elmar Zeitler is also scheduled. A pre-meetingworkshop “Future of Materials Characterization of Charging Materialsus36
Microscopy Society of America
ing Microbeam Analysis” organized by Dr. Raynald Gauvin
will be held at McGill University in Montreal on August 2–3.
The Local Arrangements Committee, headed by Pierre Charest, has coordinated the scheduling of many local events to
complement the meeting. The Opening Reception will be
Sunday evening. Québec City is renown for its heritage, culture, enchanting cafes and fine food, spectacular scenery in
the old town, and most of all, for the“joie de vivre”—the
warm hospitality of the people of Québec. We’re anticipating a fantastic week in Quebec City.
Executive Council
Stanley L. Erlandsen
President Elect Alwyn Eades
Past President Ron Anderson
Janet H. Woodward
Kathleen Alexander
Directors, Physical Sciences
Directors, Biological Sciences
Director, Local Affiliated Societies
Thomas F. Kelly
John Mansfield
Nestor Zaluzec
Jay Jerome
Sara E. Miller
Steven Samuelsson
Ev Osten
4pi Analysis, Inc
Advanced Micro Devices
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc
Advanced Microscopy Techniques
Allied High Tech Products, Inc
Anatech Ltd
Arctec Technologies, Inc.
ASPEX Instruments
Cameca Instruments
Carl Zeiss, Inc
Carnegie Mellon Univ
Chroma Technology Corp
Coherent Laser Division
Columbian Chemicals Co
Denton Vacuum, LLC
Diatome U.S.
Digital Instruments, Inc
Eastman Chemical Co
Eastman Kodak Co
Electro Image, Inc
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Emispec Systems, Inc
EMSL Analytical, Inc
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors
Evex Analytical
Exxon Mobil Research & Engr Co
FEI Beam Technology Division
FEI Company
E. A. Fischione Instruments, Inc
GW Electronics, Inc
Gatan, Inc.
Halcyonics GmbH
HKL Technology, Inc
IBM Microelectronics Div
K-Tek International, Inc
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing
Ladd Research Industries
Laurin Publishing
LEO Electron Microscopy Inc
M. E. Taylor Engineering, Inc
Mager Scientific, Inc
Mastology Centers, Inc
Materials Analytical Services
Materials Technology Lab
McCrone Research Inst
Media Cybernetics LP
Micro Photonics Inc
Micro Star Technologies, Inc
Microcosm, Inc
Micron, Inc
Microscopy Today
Nanomics Imaging Ltd
Nikon Inc
NSA/Hitachi Scientific Instr
Omega Optical Inc.
Optronics Engineering
Oxford Instruments, Inc
Polaroid Corp
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc
RMC-Boeckeler Instruments Inc
Scientific Inst Services, Inc
Soft Imaging System Corp
Sonoco Products Co
South Bay Technology, Inc
SPI Supplies
Technotrade International
Ted Pella, Inc
Thermo NORAN
TissueInformatics, Inc
TM Microscopes, VEECO
Tousimis Laboratories
UCF Materials Characterization Facility
Universal Imaging Corp
Western Michigan Univ
XEI Scientific
Microbeam Analysis Society
Sunday, August 4, 2002
MAS Council Meeting ~Room 301B!, 7:30 am–5:30 pm
Monday, August 5, 2002
M&M 2003 Program Meeting ~Room 304A!, 12:00–1:00 pm
M&M Editorial Board ~Room 304A!, 7:00–9:00 am
Tuesday, August 6, 2002
M&M 2003 Call for Papers Bulletin Meeting
~Room 304B!, 10:00–12:00 pm
MAS Affiliated Regional Societies Lunch
~Room 208B!, 12:00 pm
MAS Presidential Happenings ~Room 200B!, 5:00 pm
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
MSA/MAS Sustaining members ~Room 304B!, 8:00–9:30 am
MAS Business Meeting ~Room 205AB!, 5–6:00 pm
MAS Members Social, 6:00 pm, ~ticket required,
visit MAS Booth for information!
Greg Meeker
Microbeam Analysis Society
gram Chair, Program Co-Chairs Raynald Gauvin ~MAS and
MSC!, Dave Piston ~MSA!, and Allen Lockley ~IMS!, and
the many session chairs who have put together a terrific
technical program.
In addition to co-sponsoring the annual Microscopy &
Microanalysis meeting, MAS is very active in international
activities. In July of 2000 our Society hosted the extremely
successful meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies in Kona, Hawaii. MAS also sponsors smaller Topical Conferences that focus on more specific
areas that are of interest to our membership.
I would like to extend an invitation to our nonmember
friends to join MAS. Membership benefits include the Tour
Speaker program, our quarterly newsletter, MicroNews, reduced rates for the journal Microscopy & Microanalysis, reduced meeting registration fees, and more. Information about
corporate and individual memberships and our Affiliated Regional Societies program can be obtained visiting our web
site at http://www.microbeamanalysis.org or by visiting our
booth at Microscopy & Microanalysis 2002 in Quebec City.
The Microbeam Analysis Society ~MAS! is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to the enhancement of microanalysis
techniques and instrumentation. The Society, founded in
1968, was originally called the Electron Probe Analysis Society of America. In 1974 the name was changed to the Microbeam Analysis Society to reflect the growing number of
micro-analytical techniques of interest to our members. Our
members come from industry, academia and government and
have a broad range of scientific interests. MAS serves the microanalysis community by providing a forum for education,
discussion and exchange of ideas in the field of microanalysis.
In recent years MAS has co-sponsored the annual Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting with The Microscopy
Society of America ~MSA!. At this year’s meeting in Quebec
City we are also joined by the Microscopical Society of
Canada ~MSC! and the International Metallographic Society ~IMS! as co-sponsors.
M&M 2002 promises to be an exceptional meeting
thanks to the efforts of Pierre Charest, Local Arrangements
Chair, and his very talented committee, Edgar Voelkl, Pro38
Executive Council
Greg Meeker
President Elect
Edgar S. Etz
Past President
Richard W. Linton
Inga Holl Musselman
Harvey A. Freeman
Richard D. Leapman
Valerie Woodward
Ernie Hall
Stacie Kirsch
Paul Kotula
Charles C. H. Nielson
Appointed Officers
Archivist, Finance Committee Chair
Computer Activities Committee Chair
Corporate Liaison Committee Chair
International Liaison
Long Range Planning Committee
Membership Services
MicroNews Editor
Sustaining Members Committee Chair
MAS Business Office
Gordon Cleaver
John F. Mansfield
Thomas G. Huber
Raynald Gauvin
John A. Small
Lou M. Ross
Ryna B. Marinenko
Cathy Johnson
William S. Thompson
4pi Analysis, Inc.
Advanced Microbeam, Inc.
ASPEX Instruments
Cameca Instruments, Inc.
Denton Vacuum, LLC
EDAX, Inc.
Electron Microscopy Sciences/
Emispec Systems, Inc
ETP-USA Electron Detectors Inc.
FEI Beam Technology
Gatan, Inc.
Geller Microanalytical Lab
GW Electronics, Inc.
Halcyonics GmbH
Lehigh University
LEO Electron Microscopy
Materials Analytical Services, Inc.
Micron, Inc.
Microscopy Today
Nissei Sangyo America, Ltd.–
Hitachi Scientific Instruments
Oxford Instruments, Inc.
Princeton Gamma-Tech., Inc.
SEM/TEC Laboratories, Inc
Microscopical Society of Canada
Société de Microscopie du Canada
C OUNCIL 2001/2002
Past President
Ist Vice President
2nd Vice President
George Harauz ~2003! 1
Raynald Gauvin ~2003! 1
Elaine Humphrey ~2003! 1
Gianluigi Botton ~2003! 1
Pierre M. Charest ~2005!
Nancy Clark ~2007!
Susan Belfry ~2002!
Craig Bennett ~2002!
Doug Holmyard ~2002!
Doug Ivey ~2002!
Karen Rethoret ~2003!
Hélène Roberge ~2003!
Alexandra Smith ~2003!
Rakesh Bhatnagar ~2004! 2
Odette DesBiens ~2004! 2
Glynis de Silveira ~2004! 1
Raynald Gauvin
Microscopy Society of Canada /
Société de Microscopie du Canada
Executive Secretary
Frances Leggett
Bulletin Editor
Jim Corbett
Date indicates end of term.
It is my great pleasure to welcome you in Quebec City
for the Microscopy and Microanalysis 2002 meeting. I invite
you to participate in the scientific symposia as well as to
attend the exhibits. I also encourage you to visit the old town
and the Battlefield Park where you can still hear Wolfe’s and
Montcalm’s weapons used in the dramatic battle of September 1759 that changed the history of North America. I am
certain that you will enjoy “Québec Joie de Vivre”.
Bon Congrès.
BOC Canada Limited
Canberra Packard Canada
Canemco Inc.
Electron Microscopy
FEI Systems Canada Inc.
Gatan Inc.
Leica Microsystems Inc.
Marivac Limited
Sunday, August 4, 2002
MSC Council ~Room 303A!, 1:30–5:30
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
MSC Business meeting ~Room 304B!, 4:30–5:30
McCrone Research
Meridian Scientific Services
Nikon Canada Instruments Inc.
Nissei Sangyo Canada
Osram Sylvania Ltd.
Oxford Instruments
Pelco International
Soquelec Ltd
Spectra Research Corporation
SPI Supplies Canada
Systems for Research Corp.
New appointment, Term will start on 7 June 2001
Appointment renewed
International Metallographic Society
Saturday, August 3, 2002
IMS Board ~Room 303A!, 7:30 am–5:30 pm
IMS Metallographic Contest Judging ~Room 303B!, 7:30 am–5:30 pm
IMS Colour Metallography Workshop ~Time and Place to be announced!
Sunday, August 4, 2002
The Samuels’ Symposium on Metallographic Specimen
Preparation ~Room 207! 8:30 am–4:30 pm
Stereology Workshop ~Room 206B! 1:00–3:00 pm
Monday, August 5, 2002
IMS general members meeting ~Room 304B!, 12:00–1:00 pm
IMS Awards Banquet ~Villeray Room, Hilton Quebec!
Additional fee required 6:00–10:00 pm
Tuesday, August 6, 2002
IMS Sorby Award Lecture ~Room 303A!, 8:00–9:00 am
O F FICERS ~2001–2003!
Richard Ryan
IMS President
As president of IMS, I am pleased to welcome attendees to
our 2002 meeting. We have a wonderful site for a great meeting
city. Quebec is full of things to see and we have a great Symposium
and technical meeting with lots to do and see.
The International Metallographic Society comprises members that study the fabrication, performance, behaviour, and analysis of engineering materials. Interest also encompasses the
equipment and techniques required to conduct such studies including techniques for microstructural examination, analysis and evaluation including light, electron and acoustical microscopy;
quantitative/ computer-aided microstructural analysis; metallography, ceramography and resinography; and allied sciences for physical and chemical analysis. Among us are automotive and aerospace
engineers; materials scientists from the nuclear, electronic, transportation and defence industries; university, national laboratory
and technical college personnel; suppliers and manufacturers of
laboratory equipment and related services; and a host of other
scientists, consultants, teachers, students and technicians.
We are looking forward to support this even. Have a great
time in Quebec
Vice President:
Mr. Richard K. Ryan
Mr. Allan J. Lockley
Financial Officer:
Mr. David J. Fitzgerald
Dr. Dennis W. Hetzner
Past President:
Executive Director:
Dr. Elliot Clark
Dr. Michael J. Kenney
Richard A. Blackwell ~2001–2003!
Frauke Hogue ~2001–2003!
Luther Gammon ~2001–2003!
Stephen Glancy ~2001–2005!
Janice Klansky ~2001–2005!
Nat Saenz ~2001–2005!
General Chair:
Technical Chair:
Symposium Chair:
Workshop Chair:
IMS Contest Chair:
Exhibition Chair:
Allan J. Lockley
Mahmoud, T. Shehata
George F. Vander Voort
Uta Hanrisch
Jeff Stewart
Richard A. Blackwell
IMS Benefactors: Buehler Ltd., Struers Inc.
IMS Patrons: Allied High Tech Products, LECO Corporation
IMS Associates: METLAB Corporation, Wendt Dunnington, Precision
Surfaces International, Unitron
IMS Sponsor: Carl Zeiss MicroImaging
International Metallographic Society
Sunday 8:30 am–4:30 pm (Room 207)
This symposium is being held in honor of Dr. Leonard E.
Samuels who has recently celebrated his 80th birthday.
Many of us know Sammy through the third edition of his
landmark book, Metallographic Polishing by Mechanical
Methods, published by ASM in 1982. This book summarizes experiments in grinding and polishing made by Sammy
and his colleagues over the past 50 years and provides the
basis for much of our understanding of metallographic
specimen preparation. Older IMS members know him personally as he attended quite a few of our meetings in the
past. The Symposium will be held on Sunday, August 4, in
the convention center and consists of the following lectures.
• Metallographic Artifacts Due to Improper Specimen
Preparation—Arlan O. Benscoter, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
• Surface Phenomena at Materialographic Cut-Off Grinding—
A Comparison to SiC Grinding Paper—Kay Geels, J. I.
Sorensen and G. Müller, Struers A/S, Rødovre, Denmark
• Metallographic Preparation of Cast Iron—Janina M. Radzikowska, The Foundry Research Institute, Kraków, Poland
• Metallography of Bearing and Tool Steels—Dennis W.
Hetzner, The Timken Company, Canton, Ohio
• Metallographic Preparation of Copper and Copper
Alloys—George F. Vander Voort, Buehler Ltd., Lake Bluff,
• Titanium, the“Silly Putty” of Metals—Luther M. Gammon,
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, Washington
• Metallographic Preparation of Powder Metallurgy Metals
and Alloys—Tom Murphy, Hoeganae Corporation, Cinnaminson, New Jersey
• Preparation of Thermally-Spray Coated Metals and
Alloys—Geoarge A. Blann, Buehler Ltd., Lake Bluff, Illinois
• Preparation of Ceramic Materials—Ulrike Tåffner and
Veronika Carle—Max-Planck-Institue für Metallforschung,
Stuttgart, Germany
• Composite Material Preparation—Brian S. Hayes, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, and Luther M.
Gammon, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle,
• Color Metallography—George F. Vander Voort, Buehler
Ltd., Lake Bluff, Illinois
Week at a Glance
Monday, August 5, 2002
the Contributions of Albert Crewe and Harald Rose
~page 58!
Advances in Nanoscale Technology ~page 57!
Applications and Developments of Focused Ion Beams ~page
Biomedical Applications ~page 60!
Current Topics in Low Voltage SEM ~page 60!
Electron Cryo-microscopy of Biological Macromolecules
~page 56!
Electron Crystallography and Quantitative Electron Diffraction ~page 60!
Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy Techniques and Applications/ Reactions ~page 56!
Microbiology ~page 61!
Phase Transformation in Metals, Alloys and Ceramics ~page
Practical Applications of Metallography ~page 58!
Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the Microprobe and in
the SEM: Theory and Practice ~page 58!
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Technical Advances and Applications ~page 60!
8:00–11:45 Applications and Developments of Focused Ion
Beams ~202!,* ~page 54!
8:00–12:00 Electron Cryo-microscopy of Biological Macromolecules ~301B!, ~page 51!
8:00–10:15 Polymer Characterization: It’s Not Just For Microscopes Anymore ~205C!, ~page 52!
8:00–12:00 Practical Applications of Metallography ~303A!,
~page 53!
8:30–12:15 Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and
its Application to Real-World Materials—A Symposium Honoring the Contributions of Albert
Crewe and Harald Rose ~301A!, ~page 54!
8:30–12:00 Advances and Applications in Vascular Corrosion Casting in Microvascular Research ~207!,
~page 51!
8:30–12:00 Advances in Nanoscale Technology ~206B!,
~page 52!
8:30–12:00 Tutorial: Basic Confocal Microscopy ~203!,
~page 56!
8:30–11:45 Electron Crystallography and Quantitative Electron Diffraction ~302AB!, ~page 55!
8:30–12:00 Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
~205AB!, ~page 53!
8:30–12:00 Scanning Probe Microscopy: Technical Advances
and Applications ~204AB!, ~page 55!
9:00–12:00 In Situ Electron Microscopy Techniques and
Applications/ Reactions ~206A!, ~page 52!
3:00–5:15 Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and
its Application to Real-World Materials—A Symposium Honoring the Contributions of Albert
Crewe and Harald Rose ~301A!, ~page 64!
3:00–4:30 Advances and Applications in Vascular Corrosion Casting in Microvascular Research ~207!,
~page 63!
3:00–4:45 Advances in Nanoscale Technology ~206B! ~page
3:00–5:00 Applications and Developments of Focused Ion
Beams ~202!, ~page 65!
3:00–4:45 Electron Cryo-microscopy of Biological Macromolecules ~301B!, ~page 63!
3:00–4:45 Electron Crystallography and Quantitative Electron Diffraction ~302AB!, ~page 65!
Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and its Application to Real-World Materials—A Symposium Honoring
*Numbers appearing in parens, such as 202, 205C, or 302AB, in the Platform Session
entries are room numbers.
Week at a Glance
3:00–4:00 Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions ~206A!,
~page 63!
3:00–4:45 Practical Applications of Metallography ~303A!,
~page 64!
3:00–4:45 Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
~205AB!, ~page 64!
3:00–4:00 Tutorial: Practical Methods for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Polymers ~203!, ~page 65!
400–5:00 Tutorial: Scanned Probe Microscopy ~203!, ~page
3:00–4:00 Technologists’ Forum Special Topics: Immunology 101: Back to Basics ~201BC!, ~page 66!
5:00 Harnessing The Power Of Adobe Photoshop 7 ~200B!
~page 66!
Tuesday, August 6, 2002
8:00–9:00 IMS Sorby Award Lecture
8:00–12:00 Confocal and Deconvolution for Biologists
~201BC!, ~page 67!
8:15–12:00 Advances in Nanoscale Technology ~206B!,
~page 68!
8:15–12:00 Plant-microbes Interactions at the Cellular and
Molecular Levels ~207!, ~page 66!
8:30–12:00 3-D Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules
~301B!, ~page 66!
8:30–12:00 Electron Crystallography and Quantitative Electron Diffraction ~302AB!, ~page 70!
8:45–12:00 Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena
and Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring the Contributions of Hannes Lichte and
Akira Tonomura ~301A!, ~page 70!
8:45–12:00 Elmar Zeitler Symposium: Analytical Electron
Microscopy—Past and Future ~209AB!, ~page
8:30–12:00 Microscopy, Microanalysis and Image Analysis
in the Pharmaceutical Industry ~205C!, ~page
8:30–11:30 Microscopy and Microanalysis of Self-Organized
Soft Condensed Matter ~203!, ~page 68!
8:30–12:00 Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
~205AB!, ~page 69!
8:30–11:00 Problem Solving with the Experts: Addressing
Issues in Digital Imaging for the Microscopist:
II ~202!, ~page 71!
9:00–11:00 How to be a MICRO Volunteer—A Practical
Workshop About Educational Outreach ~303B!,
~page 71!
9:00–12:00 Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy Techniques and Applications/Reactions
~206A!, ~page 67!
9:00–12:00 Microstructural Examination and Imagery of
Engineering Materials ~303A!, ~page 69!
11:00–12:00 Microscopy for Canadian Schools—A discussion of Ways and Means ~303B!, ~page 71!
3-D Electron Microscopy ~page 71!
Botany ~page 74!
Confocal and Deconvolution for Biologists ~page 72!
Correlative Microscopy ~page 75!
Elmar Zeitler Symposium: Analytical Electron Microscopy—
Past and Future ~page 73!
Geology/Mineralogy ~page 75!
Image Simulation and Image Processing Techniques ~page
Microstructural Examination and Imagery of Engineering
Materials ~page 73!
Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena and Related
Techniques: A Symposium Honoring the Contributions
of Hannes Lichte and Akira Tonomura ~page 74!
Plant-microbes Interactions at the Cellular and Molecular
Levels ~page 72!
Semiconductors ~page 76!
Teaching and Learning, Creating Effective, Innovative Solutions in Microscopy, Imaging and Analysis ~MIA! ~page
Week at a Glance
3:00–4:15 3-D Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules
~301B!, ~page 78!
3:00–5:00 Confocal and Deconvolution for Biologists ~201B!,
~page 78!
3:00–4:00 Tutorial: Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the
SEM: Orientation Mapping and Phase Identification for Materials Science ~203!, ~page 80!
3:00–5:00 Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena and
Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring the
Contributions of Hannes Lichte and Akira Tonomura ~301A!, ~page 79!
3:00–4:30 Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions ~206A!,
~page 78!
3:00–5:00 Interfaces ~204AB!, ~page 79!
3:00–5:00 Microstructural Examination and Imagery of Engineering Materials ~303A!, ~page 79!
3:00–5:00 Microscopy, Microanalysis and Image Analysis in
the Pharmaceutical Industry ~205C!, ~page 79!
4:00–5:00 Tutorial: Quality Systems for Microscopy and
Microanalysis: ISO 9000 and More ~203!, ~page
5:00 The 1st 10 Million Years of Solar System History: Application of Microbeam Techniques to the Study of Meteorites ~200B!, ~page 80!
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
8:00–12:00 Current Topics in Low Voltage SEM ~301B!,
~page 84!
8:00–12:00 EELS and EFTEM Analysis ~204AB!, ~page 84!
8:00–12:00 Electron Backscatter Diffraction of Materials:
Geology to Nanotechnology ~205AB!, ~page
8:00–12:00 Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena
and Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring the Contributions of Hannes Lichte and
Akira Tonomura ~301A!, ~page 83!
8:00–11:45 Industrial Applications of Microscopy—
Techniques for the Real World ~202!, ~page 83!
8:00–12:00 Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting Materials ~206B!, ~page 81!
8:00–12:00 Metallography and Microstructural Evaluation
of Contemporary Materials ~303A!, ~page 82!
8:00–11:45 Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals ~303B!,
~page 82!
8:00–12:00 State of the Art Infrared and Raman Microanalysis ~206A!, ~page 81!
8:30–12:00 Advances in Microwave Technology—Creating
a Revolution in Biological Specimen Processing
for Light and Electron Microscopy ~302AB!,
~page 85!
8:30–11:45 Biominerals ~205C!, ~page 85!
8:30–11:45 Special Staining Techniques for Biological/
Materials Samples ~201BC!, ~page 86!
8:45–12:00 Advances in Ultrastructural and Non-invasive
Imaging of Skin ~207!, ~page 80!
9:00–10:00 Tutorial: Spectral Imaging: Getting the Most
from All that Data ~203!, ~page 86!
Advances in Linking Structure to Function in Biomaterials
~page 86!
Biological Ultrastructure ~Cells, Tissues, Organ Systems!
~page 90!
Biominerals ~page 90!
Corporate Members Session ~page 90!
EELS and EFTEM Analysis ~page 88!
Electron Backscatter Diffraction of Materials: Geology to
Nanotechnology ~page 89!
Image Contrast Mechanisms in the Variable Pressure SEM:
the New Imaging Dimension ~page 88!
Industrial Applications of Microscopy—Techniques for the
Real World ~page 88!
Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting materials ~page
Week at a Glance
Metallography and Microstructural Evaluation of Contemporary Materials ~page 82!
Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals ~page 87!
New Developments in Immunolabelling ~page 88!
Pathology ~page 90!
3:00–5:00 Advances in Microwave Technology—Creating a
Revolution in Biological Specimen Processing for
Light and Electron Microscopy ~302AB!, ~page
3:00–5:00 Advances in Ultrastructural and Non-invasive
Imaging of Skin ~207!, ~page 92!
3:00–5:00 Current Topics in Low Voltage SEM ~301B!, ~page
3:00–5:00 Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting Materials ~206B!, ~page 92!
3:00–5:00 Metallography and Microstructural Evaluation
of Contemporary Materials ~303A!, ~page 92!
3:00–4:45 Pathology ~205C!, ~page 94!
3:00–5:00 Problem Solving with the Experts: Core Facility
Management ~208A!, ~page 94!
3:00–5:00 Special Staining Techniques for Biological/
Materials Samples ~201BC!, ~page 93!
Thursday, August 8, 2002
8:00–12:00 The Microstructural Approach to Food Processing and Engineering ~205C!, ~page 94!
8:00–12:00 EELS and EFTEM Analysis ~204AB!, ~page 99!
8:00–12:00 Frontiers of X-ray Spectrometry ~303A!, ~page
8:00–12:00 Teaching and Learning, Creating Effective, Innovative Solutions in Microscopy, Imaging and
Analysis ~MIA! ~303D!, ~page 97!
8:00–12:00 Industrial Applications of Microscopy—
Techniques for the Real World ~202!, ~page 98!
8:00–12:00 Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting Materials ~206B!, ~page 95!
8:00–9:45 State of the Art Infrared and Raman Microanalysis ~206A!, ~page 96!
8:30–11:45 Image Contrast Mechanisms in the Variable Pressure SEM: the New Imaging Dimension ~205AB!,
~page 96!
8:30–12:15 New Developments in Immunolabelling ~302AB!,
~page 97!
9:00–12:00 Advances in Linking Structure to Function in
Biomaterials ~207!, ~page 95!
9:00–12:00 Electron Microscopy of Macro-, Micro- and
Meso-Porous Materials ~301B!, ~page 96!
8:30–9:30 Tutorial: Cryo-EM of Large Complexes ~203!,
~page 99!
9:30–10:30 Tutorial: Cellular Dynamics using AFM ~203!,
~page 99!
11:00–12:00 Tutorial: Electron Tomography of Biological
Structures ~203!, ~page 100!
10:30–12:00 Technologists’ Forum Roundtable Discussion:
Legal and Ethical Issues of Data Ownership
~201BC!, ~page 100!
3:00–5:00 EELS and EFTEM Analysis ~204AB!, ~page 100!
3:00–5:00 Electron Microscopy of Macro-, Micro- and MesoPorous Materials ~301B!, ~page 100!
3:00–5:00 Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting Materials ~206B!, ~page 100!
3:30–5:00 State of the Art Infrared and Raman Microanalysis ~206A!, ~page 96!
Scientific Program
Monday, August 5, 2002
Advances and Applications in Vascular Corrosion
Casting in Microvascular Research
Electron Cryo-microscopy of Biological
Session Chair~s! F. Hossler, East Tennessee State
S. Aharinejad, University of Vienna
Session Chair~s! W. Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine
C. Potter, Scripps Research Institute
Platform Session
Monday 8:00 AM
Room: 301B
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 207
8:00 AM 7 ~Invited! Cryo-EM and X-ray Crystallographic
Studies on the Monomeric Kinesin Motor KIF1A; M Kikkawa,
University of Texas; E Sablin, University of California, San
Francisco; Y Okada, H Yajima, University of Tokyo; R J
Fletterick, University of California, San Francisco; N Hirokawa, University of Tokyo
8:30 AM 1 Quantitative Analysis of Cerebral Corrosion
Casts from Endoglin +/+ and +/− Mice; R J Mount, J Satomi,
A D Paterson, The Hospital for Sick Children; K G
terBrugge, M Wallace, Toronto Western Hospital; R Harrison, M Letarte, The Hospital for Sick Children
8:30 AM 8 ~Invited! Electron Cryo-Microscopy and Image
Reconstruction of Adeno-Associated Virus Type 2 Empty Capsids; B Büttcher, EMBL-Heidelberg; S Kronenberg, J R Kleinschmidt, DKFZ-Heidelberg
9:00 AM 2 ~Invited! The Microvasculature of The Brain of
The Sterlet, Aciprnser ruthenus L. A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Study of Vascular Corrosion Casts; M Klein, B
Stöttinger, B Minnich, W D Krautgartner, A Lametschwandtner, Universty of Salzburg, Austria
9:00 AM 9 ~Invited! Molecular Structure of an Icosahedral
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex; S Subramaniam, D Shi, N
Perham, V Cambridge, J L S Milne, National Cancer Institute
9:30 AM 3 ~Invited! Development of Subretinal Venous
Sphincters in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR); S Aharinejad, U Firbas, University of Vienna
9:30 AM 10 Herpes Simplex Virus Capsid Maturation Visualized by Time-Lapsed Cryo-EM; J Heymann, B Trus, N
Cheng, National Institutes of Health; W Newcomb, J Brown,
Univ. of Virginia; A Steven, National Institutes of Health
10:00 AM 4 ~Invited! Microvasculature of the Urinary Bladder of the Dog Studied with Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Vascular Corrosion Casts; C W Ridner, R L Kao, F E
Hossler, East Tennessee State University
10:30 AM
9:45 AM 11 Structure of the Human Reovirus Virion at
9.6Å Resolution; X Zhang, S B Walker, Purdue University; M
L Nibert, Harvard Medical School; T S Baker, Purdue
11:00 AM 5 ~Invited! Blood Flow Regulating Structures in
the Avian Kidney; H Ditrich, University of Vienna
10:00 AM
11:30 AM 6 ~Invited! Dynamics oF Rat Endometrium as
Studied with SEM and Vascular Corrosion Casts; U M
Spornitz, I Bartuskova, University of Basel, Switzerland
10:30 AM 12 ~Invited! Merging Focal Pairs for Improved
Particle Selection and Orientation Determination; S Ludtke,
W Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine
Monday AM ~Platform!
11:00 AM 13 ~Invited! Challenges in the Automation of
Cryo-microscopy of Macromolecular Structure; C Potter, D
Fellmann, R Milligan, J Pulokas, C Suloway, Y Zhu, B
Carragher, The Scripps Research Institute
11:30 AM 14 Improvements in single particle cryo-EM:
11A Structure of 290 kDa XDH Refined from Multiple 3D
Reconstructions; D Beniac, Ontario Cancer Institute; T
Iwasaki, Nippon Medical School; B Eger, University of Toronto; E Pai, P Ottensmeyer, Ontario Cancer Institute
11:45 AM 15 Conformational Changes of Dynamin-Lipid
Tubes upon GTP Addition: A Time-Resolved Study Using
Digital-Imaging Cryo-TEM; D Danino, J Hinshaw, National
Institutes of Health
Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions
Session Chair~s! P L Gai; DuPont
E Stach; National Center for Electron Microscopy
Platform Session
Monday 9:00 AM
Room: 206A
9:00 AM 16 ~Invited! Progress Towards More Realistic InSitu Microscopy Observations; A Howie, University of
9:30 AM 17 The Use of Stereomicroscopy in Conjunction
with In Situ Straining TEM for Studying Dislocation Behavior; R J McCabe, A Misra, T E Mitchell, Los Alamos National Laboratory
9:45 AM 18 Time Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy as a Tool for Controlling and Monitoring the Early Stages
of Electron Beam Induced Transformations; S Trasobares,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; O Stephan, C Colliex, Universite Paris Sud, France
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 19 ~Invited! In-situ Observation of Alloy Phase
Formation in Isolated Nanometer-sized Particles; H Mori, J G
Lee, Osaka University, Japan; H Yasuda, Kobe University,
11:00 AM 20 ~Invited! High Resolution In-Situ SEM of
Competitive Particle Sintering and Other Surface Processes;
E D Boyes, DuPont Company
11:30 AM 21 Combined Confocal Raman Microscope With
Scanning Electron Microscope; A Parallel Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Materials.; Y Aksenov, A A van Apel-
doorn, University of Twente; J D de Bruijn, C A van Blitterswijk, Isotis NV; J Greve, C Otto, University of Twente, The
11:45 AM 22 In Situ SEM Analysis of Lithium Metal Polymer Battery; P Hovington, Hydro-Quebec Research Institut;
M Simoneau, Avestor Corp.; M Lagacé, P Noel, E Dupuis,
Hydro-Quebec Research Institut, Canada
Polymer Characterization: It’s Not Just For
Microscopes Anymore
Session Chair~s! C. Johnson, Gates Rubber Company
V. Woodward, Noveon, Inc.
Platform Session
Monday 8:00 AM
Room: 205C
8:00 AM 23 ~Invited! Ultramicrotomy of Polymers Using an
Oscillating Diamond Knife; Improving Polymer Morphology;
J S Vastenhout, Dow Benelux B.V.; H Gnägi, Diatome Ltd
8:45 AM 24 Microstructures of Electrospun Polycarbonate
Fibers with Solvent Mixture THF and DMF by SEM/TEM; J
Shawon, C Sung, University of Massachusetts
9:00 AM 25 A TEM Investigation of the Network Structure
of Electron Beam Cured Epoxy Polymers; R Schalek, B Defoort, L Drzal, Michigan State University
9:15 AM 26 ~Invited! Total Microscopy of a Tire; R Smith,
RWS Consulting
9:45 AM 27 EELS Characterization of Highly Irradiated
PVC; A Duarte Moller, Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, S. C.; G A Hirata, M Avalos Borja, L Cota
Araiza, E Adem, Instituto de Física–UNAM, México
10:00 AM 28 The Affects of Lightning Strikes and High
Current on Polymer Composites; L M Gammon, Boeing
Materials Technology; B S Hayes, University of Washington
Advances in Nanoscale Technology
Session Chair~s! D J Larson, Seagate Technologies
T F Kelly, Imago Scientific Instruments
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 206B
8:30 AM 29 Surface Imaging by Self-propelled Nanoscale
Probes; H Hess, J Clemmens, University of Washington; J
Howard, Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany; V Vogel,
University of Washington
Monday AM ~Platform!
8:45 AM 30 First Data from a Commercial Local Electrode
Atom Probe; T T Gribb, J D Olson, R L Martens, J D
Shepard, S A Wiener, T C Kunicki, R M Ulfig, D R Lenz,
E M Strennen, E X Oltman, J H Bunton, D R Strait, T F
Kelly, Imago Scientific Instruments
9:00 AM 31 ~Invited! Irradiation-Induced Development of
Nanoscale Features in Steel: Complementary 3D-APFIM and
FEG-STEM Characterization; M G Burke, Bettis Atomic
Power Laboratory; M Watanabe, D B Williams, Lehigh
University; J M Hyde, AEA TEchnology
9:30 AM 32 Subnanoscale characterization of lamellar interfaces in a complex TiAl alloy; S S A Gerstl, Northwestern
University; Y W Kim, Wright-Patterson Air Force Research
Laboratory; D N Seidman, Northwestern University
9:45 AM 33 Influence of W on the Temporal Evolution of
the Microstructure of a Ni-Al-Cr Superalloy on a Nanoscale;
C K Sudbrack, D Isheim, Northwestern University; R D
Noebe, NASA Glenn Research Center; D N Seidman, Northwestern University
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 34 ~Invited! On the Control of Atomic Clustering, Segregation and Partitioning: Nanoscale Materials Technology; S P Ringer, University of Sydney, Australia
11:00 AM 35 A Subnanoscale Study of Mg Segregation at
Al/Al3Sc Interfaces; E A Marquis, D N Seidman, Northwestern University
11:15 AM 36 ~Invited! Nanoscale Materials for Information Storage; A K Petford-Long, University of Oxford, UK;
P Shang, IBM Storage Division; Y G Wang, N Owen, University of Oxford, UK
11:45 AM 37 Composition Modulation in GaAs/GaSb Short
Period Superlattices; C J Wauchope, University of Michigan
Electron Microbeam Analysis Lab; C Dorin, J M Millunchick, University of Michigan Materials Science and
Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the
Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
Session Chair~s! R. Gauvin, McGill University
E. Lifshin, University of Albany
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 205AB
8:30 AM 38 ~Invited! X-Ray Microanalysis of Light Elements; G F Bastin, H J M Heijligers, Eindhoven University
of Technology
9:00 AM 39 ~Invited! Charging at the Steady State in
EPMA; SEM and ESEM; J Cazaux, DTI Faculty of Sciences
Reims France
9:30 AM 40 Artifacts From the Electric Field Build Up in
the Microbeam Analysis of Insulating Materials; O Jbara, M
Belhaj, S Fakhfakh, DTI Faculty of Sciences Reims France
9:45 AM 41 X-Ray Microanalysis of a Coated NonConductive Specimen: Monte Carlo Simulation; H Demers, R
Gauvin, McGill University
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 42 Standardless Quantitative Electron Beam
X-ray Microanalysis The Situation Remains caveat emptor;
D E Newbury, National Institute of Standards and
10:45 AM 43 Quantitative Microanalysis at Low kV: Precautions and Validation; P J Statham, Oxford Instruments
Analytical Ltd, UK
11:00 AM 44 Standardless Eds Quantitative Analysis at
High Tilt Angles; A O Sandborg, R A Anderhalt, EDAX, Inc.;
J M Dijkstra, EDAX Europe, The Netherlands; R B Shen,
EDAX, Inc.
11:15 AM 45 Evaluation of Current Standardless Quantitative Analysis Programs using Dispersive Spectrometry in the
SEM; H Campbell, R Gauvin, McGill University
11:30 AM 46 ~Invited! Capability and Uncertainty in Multilayer Quantitative Procedure with Electron Probe Microanalysis; C Merlet, University Montpellier 2
Practical Applications of Metallography
Session Chair~s! S. Shaybany, Pacific Metallurgical
Platform Session
Monday 8:00 AM
Room: 303A
8:00 AM 47 ~Invited! Failure Analyses of Three 6061-T6
Aluminum Alloy Turbo-Expander Wheels Exposed to Natural
Gas Environments; B Bavarian, California State University
8:30 AM 48 Critical Pitting Potential and Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Aluminum Alloy in Chloride Media; M Elboujdaini, M T Shehata, CANMET; E Ghali, Laval University
Monday AM ~Platform!
8:45 AM 49 Initiation of Stress Corrosion Cracking on X-65
Linepipe Steels in Near-Neutral pH Environment; M Elboujdaini, M Shehata, W Revie, CANMET
9:00 AM 50 ~Invited! Failure Analysis of Small Gap Brazing of a Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger; M Neff, Michael Neff
9:30 AM 51 Black Pad Metallography in Electronics; P
Snugovsky, Celestica
9:45 AM 52 Metallography Observations of Delayed Hydride Cracking in Zr-2.5Nb; Z Pan, A Lockley, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 53 Microstructure vs. Impact Toughness Relationship in Handfield’s Austenitic Manganese Steel; R Zavadil, S
Kuyucak, Natural Resources Canada
10:45 AM 54 Characterization of a Mo Diffusion Barrier
for Au/Sn Solder Bonding of Micro/Optoelectronic Devices to
Carriers; A He, D G Ivey, University of Alberta
11:00 AM 55 The Microstructure of an Aged TiAlW Alloy;
H Zhang, L L He, H Q Ye, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11:15 AM 56 A Comparative Look at Microstructures of
Iron Meteorites; F Hogue, Hogue Metallography; S Sheybany, Pacific Metallurgical Company
11:30 AM 57 Standard Reference Material (SRM)482: A
Metallographic Challenge; E S Windsor, National Institute of
Standards and Technology; R A Carlton, Elan Pharmaceuticals; S A Wight, G Gillen, National Institute of Standards
and Technology
11:45 AM 58 Microinhomogeneity of Liquid Alloys: Microscopy characterization and new production methods; L Shepelev,
V Manov, Advanced Metal Technologies Ltd., Israel
Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and its
Application to Real-World Materials—A
Symposium Honoring the Contributions of
Albert Crewe and Harald Rose
Session Chair~s! O.L. Krivanek; Nion Co.
M. Haider; CEOS, Germany
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 301A
8:30 AM 59 ~Invited! The Emergence of Aberration Correctors for Electron Lenses.; J Silcox, Cornell University
9:00 AM 60 ~Invited! Some Chicago Aberrations; A V
Crewe, University of Chicago
9:30 AM 61 ~Invited! Correction of Aberrations-Past, Present
and Future; H Rose, Argonne National Laboratory
10:00 AM
10:15 AM 62 ~Invited! Application of Abberation-corrected
Transmission Electron Microscopy to Materials Science; K
Urban, M Lentzen, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
10:45 AM 63 ~Invited! Applications of a Cs Corrected
HRTEM in Materials Science; J L Hutchison, J M Titchmarsh, D J H Cockayne, G Moebus, C J Hetherington,
University of Oxford; R C Doole, University of Oxford; F
Hosokawa, JEOL Ltd; P Hartel, M Haider, CEOS GmbH
11:15 AM 64 ~Invited! Benefits and Possibilities of CcCorrection for TEM/STEM; H Müller, S Uhlemann, M Haider,
11:45 PM 65 Quantification of the Resolved Phase Change
in Reconstructed Electron Exit Waves of Gold [110] in Different Electron Microscopes; JR Jinschek, C Kisielowski, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; M Lentzen, K Urban,
Forschungszentrum Juelich
12:00 PM 66 Atomic imaging in aberration-corrected HRTEM with application to Al alloys; J H Chen, Delft University
of Technology; K Urban, B Kabius, M Lentzen, Research
Center Juelich; J Jansen, H W Zandbergen, Delft University
of Technology
Applications and Developments of Focused
Ion Beams
Session Chair~s! L. A. Giannuzzi; University of Central
M.W., Phaneuf, Fibics Inc.
N. Yao, Princeton University
Platform Session
Monday 8:00 AM
Room: 202
8:00 AM 67 ~Invited! Comparison of FIB TEM Specimen
Preparation Methods TEM; R M Anderson, Microscopy Today
8:30 AM 68 ~Invited! Focused Ion Beam Based Sample
Preparation Techniques; R Langford, A Petford-Long, University Of Oxford; P Gnauck, LEO Elektronenmikroskopie
Monday AM ~Platform!
9:00 AM 69 ~Invited! A Newly Developed FIB System For
TEM Specimen Preparation; T Kamino, T Yaguchi, Y Kuroda,
T Hashimoto, T Ohnishi, T Ishitani, K Umemura, K Asayama,
Hitachi Ltd.
9:30 AM 70 ~Invited! FIB Damage in Silicon: Amorphization or Redeposition?; S Rajsiri, B Kempshall, S Schwarz, L
Giannuzzi, University of Central Florida
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 71 ~Invited! Gallium Phase Formation in Cu
and Other FCC Metals During Near-Normal Incidence GaFIB Milling and Techniques to Avoid this Phenomenon; M W
Phaneuf, J Li, Fibics Incorporated; J D Casey Jr., FEI Co.
11:00 AM 72 ~Invited! Focused Ion Beam: Much More
Than a Sample Preparation Tool; P E Russell, North Carolina
State University; T J Stark, J P Viterelli, Materials Analytical
Services; A R Guchard, J Wang, K L Bunker, J C Gonzalez, D
P Griffs, North Carolina State University
11:30 AM 73 FIB Preparation of Mesa Structures for SIMS
Analysis; J M McKinley, B B Rossie, M A Decker, Agere
Systems; F A Stevie, North Carolina State University
Kyushu University, Japan; Z Akase, Case Western Reserve
10:00 AM
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 302AB
8:30 AM 74 ~Invited! Exploring the Valence Electron Distribution in High Temperature Superconductors with a Focused Electron Probe; J Tafto, University of Oslo; L Wu, Y
Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
9:00 AM 75 ~Invited! Refinement of Crystal Structural Parameters and Charge Density using Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction; K Tsuda, Y Ogata, M Tanaka, Tohoku
University, Japan
9:30 AM 76 Structure Factor Phase and Amplitude Measurement in AlN by QCBED; B Jiang, J C H Spence, Arizona
State University
9:45 AM 77 Effect of Anisotropic Lattice Vibration in CBED
Intensities and Detection of Local Change in Oxygen Deficiency of YBa2Cu3O7-x; Y Tomokiyo, Y Tanaka, D Koga,
10:30 AM 78 ~Invited! Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction; R Holmestad, J Friis, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology
11:00 AM 79 ~Invited! Bloch Wave Degeneracies and Critical Voltage Effect in CBED Patterns; H Matsuhata, National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Scinece, Japan; J Gjønnes,
University of Oslo, Norway
11:30 AM 80 A Study of Bonding in Copper by QCBED
Measurements; J Friis, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology; B Jiang, Arizona State University; R Holmestad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Technical Advances
and Applications
Session Chair~s! I. Musselman, University of Texas,
D. Erie, University of North Carolina
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 204AB
Electron Crystallography and Quantitative
Electron Diffraction
Session Chair~s! W. Sinkler, UOP LLC
Y. Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
J.M. Zuo, University of Illinois
8:30 AM 81 ~Invited! Global and Local DNA Structure and
Dynamics. Single Molecule Studies with AFM; Y Lyubchenko,
L Shlyakhtenko, Arizona State University; V Potaman, R
Sinden, Texas A&M University
9:00 AM 82 ~Invited! Microelastic Mapping of Living Cells:
Changes in Relative Elasticity Between Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Regions of Mitotic MDCK Cells; E A-Hassan, J Hoh,
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
9:30 AM 83 Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Initiation
Steps of DNA Mismatch Repair; H Wang, Y Yang, D A Erie,
University of North Carolina
9:45 AM 84 Atomic Force Microscopy as a Tool for the
Investigation of Cellular Cytoplasmic Membrane Dynamics; G
Fried, S Rubakin, J Sweedler, University of Illinois at Urbana
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 85 ~Invited! Touching In Biological Systems: A
3D Force Microscope; R Superfine, G Bishop, J Cummings, J
Fisher, K Keller, G Matthews, D Still, R M Taylor, L Vicci, C
Weigle, B Wilde, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Monday PM ~Poster!
11:00 AM 86 Synthesis and STM Imaging of Substituted
Phenylalkyl Ethers: Towards Functional Group Discrimination; A J M Lubag Jr, K Kangasniemi, I H Musselman,
University of Texas at Dallas
11:15 AM 87 Frictional Properties of Hydrogenated and
Deuterated Alkanethiols; J R Garcia, University of Texas at El
Paso; D C Christensen, R W Carpick, University of
11:30 AM 88 Investigation of Self-Assembled Nanofibers
Using Atomic Force Microscopy; M E Salmon, P E Russell,
North Carolina State University; E B Troughton Jr., Lord
11:45 AM 89 Scanning Probe Microscopy of Silicone Treated
Cellulose Fibers: A Comparison of In-Situ, LFM, and Phase
Imaging for Characterization of Adsorbed vs. Covalently
Bonded Silicone Coatings; J Teetsov, M Butts, S Stoessel, K
Shaffer, M Burrell, General Electric
Basic Confocal Microscopy
Session Chair~s! I.M. Anderson, Oak Ridge National
G.E. Sosinsky, University of California, San Diego
Platform Session
Monday 8:30 AM
Room: 203
8:30 AM 90 ~Invited! Basic Confocal Microscopy: A Tutorial; W G Jerome, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; R L
Price, University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Electron Cryo-microscopy of Biological
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 91 Monitoring the Temperature of a Cryogenic
Stage for Cryo-EM; D Fellmann, J Puloka, C Conway, C S
Potter, B Carragher, The Scripps Research Institute
Poster # 30
1:00 PM 92 Mictostructural Characterization of Molecular
Assemblies by Digial-Imaging Cryo-TEM; D Danino, National Institutes of Health
Poster # 31
1:00 PM 93 A Modularized Program For A Fully Automated Image Acquisition; S Meyer, D Typke, J M Plitzko, W
Baumeister, Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry
Poster # 32
1:00 PM 94 Remote Scripting for Microscope Control Applications on the Tecnai TEM; C Suloway, J Pulokas, TheScripps
Research Institute; A van Balen, FEI Electron Optics B.V.; B
Carragher, C S Potter, The Scripps Research Institute
Poster # 33
1:00 PM 95 Controlled Production of Unsupported Lipid
Bilayers As Supports For Electron Microscopy of Single Membrane Particles.; M Strauss, D McAlduff, P Ottensmeyer,
University of Toronto
Poster # 34
Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 96 Ex-Situ TEM Study of Au Islands; C E
Kliewer, J L Robbins, A Malek, ExxonMobil Research and
Poster # 56
1:00 PM 97 In Situ TEM Observations on Morphological
Instability of Ultrathin Pb Film; L H Zhang, M L Sui, L
Zhang, D X Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Poster # 57
1:00 PM 98 Structural Variations in Nanocrystalline Nickel
Films; P Gai, DuPont Central Research; R Mitra, J Weertman, Northwestern University
Poster # 58
1:00 PM 99 A New Form of MgTa2O6 Obtained by the
Molten Salt Method; S Nangia, M Thirumal, A K Ganguli,
Indian Institute of Technology, India; P Gai, DuPont Corp.
Poster # 59
1:00 PM 100 A New Formulation of the Diffraction Contrast Theory of Dislocations and its Application to the Weak
Beam Images; H S Kim, Kyungsung University, South Korea
Poster # 60
1:00 PM 101 Study on the Irradiation Effects on Iron Nitride by High Energy Electrons and Ions at the Atomic Level;
H Hashimoto, Z Liu, Okayama University of Science; T
Sakata, H Mori, Osaka University; M Song, H Yasuda, K
Furuya, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
Poster # 61
Monday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 102 Ion Irradiation Damage in Titanate Ceramics
as a Function of Dose; M Blackford, G R Lumpkin, K L
Smith, H Li, M Colella, Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation
Poster # 62
1:00 PM 103 Comparison of In- and Ex-Situ Analysis of
Post-Irradiation Annealing; J Busby, G Was, University of
Michigan; E Kenik, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster # 63
1:00 PM 104 In Situ TEM Study of Order-Disorder Transition in Murataite Ceramics; J Lian, L M Wang, R C Ewing,
University of Michigan
Poster # 64
1:00 PM 105 Quantitative Analysis of the Brownian Motion of Small Liquid Lead Inclusions in Solid Aluminum; U
Dahmen, T Radetic, J Turner, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory; S Prokofjef, Russian Academy of Sciences; M T
Levinsen, E Johnson, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Poster # 65
Advances in Nanoscale Technology
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 106 Atom Probe Tomography: A Technique for
Nanoscale Characterization; M K Miller, E A Kenik, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory
Poster # 66
1:00 PM 107 TEM Characterization of WS2 Nanotubes; R
Rosentsveig, A Margolin, Y Feldmann, R Popovitz-Biro, R
Tenne, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Poster # 67
1:00 PM 108 TEM Nanostructure Manipulation Device for
in Situ Study of Elastic Behavior of Nanoparticle Chain
Aggregates; Y J Suh, S V Prikhodko, S K Friedlander, University of California, Los Angeles
Poster # 68
1:00 PM 109 Low Voltage FESEM Evaluation of Nano and
Microfabricated Materials; E J Basgall, The Pennsylvania
State University Nanofabrication Facility, University Park,
PA 16802
Poster # 69
1:00 PM 110 TEM Image Analysis of Self-Organized Large
Gold Nanoparticle Arrays; S L Tripp, B Kim, A Wei, Purdue
Poster # 70
1:00 PM 111 Nanoscale Structural Manipulation of Ion
Irradiated Pyrochlore; J Lian, L M Wang, R C Ewing, University of Michigan
Poster # 71
1:00 PM 112 AFM Analysis of Gas Cluster Ion Impact
Craters and Smoothing; C Santeufemio, Epion Corporation
Poster # 72
1:00 PM 113 Field Effects on Particle Assembly in Composite Needle Systems; D L Jaeger, T Tyler, A V Kvit, R S
Sanwald, V V Zhirnov, J J Hren, North Carolina State
Poster # 73
1:00 PM 114 Focused Ion Beam Assisted Nanofabrication—
Patterned Growth of Carbon Nanotubes; J Jiao, L Dong, S
Foxley, C L Mosher, D W Tuggle, Portland State University
Poster # 74
1:00 PM 115 Characterization of Nanoparticle Films and
Structures Using Focused Ion Beam Milling and Transmission
Electron Microscopy; C R Perrey, C B Carter, University of
Minnesota; P G Kotula, J R Michael, Sandia National Laboratories
Poster # 75
1:00 PM 116 Nanocrystalline Diamond in Ru-doped DLC
Films; G D Lian, E C Dickey, Pennsylvania State University;
M Ueno, M K Sunkara, University of Louisville
Poster # 76
1:00 PM 117 Deposition of Au Nanocrystals on TiO2 Crystallites; D A Blom, T G Schaaff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster # 77
1:00 PM 118 Composition-Size Diagrams of Supported
Pt-Sn Catalyts; L Bednarova, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; C E Lyman, Lehigh University; E
Rytter, A Holmen, Norwegian University of Science and
Poster # 78
1:00 PM 119 High Resolution TEM Observation and EELS
Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes at Elevated Temperatures; T
Yaguchi, T Sato, T Kamino, Hitachi Science Systems, Japan;
T Hashimoto, Hitachi High-technologies cooperation, Ja-
Monday PM ~Poster!
pan; K Motomiya, K Tohji, A Kasuya, Tohoku University,
Poster # 79
P Horny, R Gauvin, McGill University; E Lifshin, University
at Albany
Poster # 87
1:00 PM 120 Characteristics of Palladium Particles on Tin
Dioxide Thin Films Studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy; J E Dominguez, University of Michigan; G W Graham,
Ford Motor Co; X Q Pan, University of Michigan
Poster # 80
1:00 PM 128 Tantalum Planchettes as a Substrate to Collect and Analyze Ambient Air Particles; R Stearns, P Ruiz, J
Lawrence, P Koutrakis, J J Godleski, Harvard School of
Public Health
Poster # 88
Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the
Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 121 Measurements of Absolute X-ray Generation
Efficiency; M S Prasad, D C Joy, University of Tennessee
Poster # 81
1:00 PM 122 Chemical Characterization of Optical Data
Storage Materials by EPMA; S Richter, M Bückins, S Kyrsta,
R Cremer, RWTH Aachen
Poster # 82
1:00 PM 123 Chemical Characterization of SiliconGermanium Single Crystals—Initial Evaluation of the Extent
of Heterogeneity; R B Marinenko, J T Armstrong, S Turner,
E B Steel, National Institute of Standards and Technology; F
A Stevie, North Carolina State University
Poster # 83
1:00 PM 124 EPMA Characterization of Residual Al Content in Oxidized High-Temperature Alloys; B A Pint, L R
Walker, I G Wright, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster # 84
1:00PM 125 LowBackgroundGlassSubstratesforMicroanalysis; E S Windsor, C J Zeissler, S A Wight, E B Steel, D H
Blackburn, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Poster # 85
1:00 PM 126 Absorption Correction of Fe La,b Emission
from Iron Oxides; G Rémond, University of Technology,
Australia; G M Fialin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
France; C E Nockholds, M R Phillips, University of Technology, Australia; C Roques-Carmes, Ecole Nationale de Mécanique et des Microtechniques, France
Poster # 86
1:00 PM 127 WinX-Ray: A New Monte Carlo Program for
the Simulation of X-Ray and Charging Materials; H Demers,
Practical Applications of Metallography
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 129 Incorporation of Actinide Elements into IronZirconium Intermetallic Phases in Metallic Waste Forms for
High-Level Nuclear Waste; D E Janney, Argonne National
Poster # 89
1:00 PM 130 Vapor Hydration Testing of Nuclear Waste
Glasses Using D2O and H2O; A C Buechele, C T Mooers, I L
Pegg, The Catholic University of America
Poster # 90
Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and its
Application to Real-World Materials—
A Symposium Honoring the Contributions
of Albert Crewe and Harald Rose
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 131 Effects of Detector Black Level in ADF-STEM
Imaging; Z Yu, Cornell University; P Batson, IBM; J Silcox,
Cornell University
Poster # 1
1:00 PM 132 Principles of Phase Reconstruction with Aberration Correction Using Three-Dimensional Fourier Filtering
Method; T Kawasaki, Y Takai, Osaka University, Japan
Poster # 2
1:00 PM 133 Initial Results from Aberration Correction in
STEM; A R Lupini, S J Pennycook, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory; O L Krivanek, N Dellby, P D Nellist, Nion Co
Poster # 3
1:00 PM 134 A New Laboratory Designed to Provide an
Optimum Environment for Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopes; L Allard, D A Blom, T A Nolan, W H Sides, L J
Monday PM ~Poster!
Degenhardt, J A Mayo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; W
Vogen, Vibration Engineering Associates; E St. Romain,
Lord, Aeck & Sargent
Poster # 4
ting - Etching - Coating; W Hauffe, D Gloess, Dresden
University of Technology; R J Mitro, Gatan
Poster # 11
1:00 PM 135 Estimation of the Electron Beam Energy Spread
for TEM Information Limit; M O’Keefe, National Center for
Electron Microscopy; P Tiemeijer, FEI; M Sidorov, Advanced Micro Devices
Poster # 5
1:00 PM 142 Deformation of InxGa1-xAs Superlattices under Bending and Nanoindentation; S J Lloyd, University of
Cambridge; K M Y P’ng, A J Bushby, D J Dunstan, University of London; P Kidd, Philips; W J Clegg, University of
Poster # 12
1:00 PM 136 Dynamic Observation of an Atom-sized Gold
Wire by Real-time Defocus Image Modulation Processing Electron Microscope; Y Takai, T Kawasaki, Y Kimura, Osaka
University, Japan
Poster # 6
1:00 PM 143 Auger Analysis of Focused Ion Beam Prepared
Lift-Out Specimens; B B Rossie, R M Mills, S D Anderson,
Agere Systems; M Antonell, RF Micro Devices; F A Stevie,
North Carolina State University
Poster # 13
1:00 PM 137 New Approach for Ultra-Stable TEM-Column
Support Frame; E Essers, G Benner, A Orchowski, LEO
Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH; R Kappel, IDE Integrated
Dynamics Engineering; M Trunz, IST Ingenieurbüro für
Strukturmechanik Trunz, Germany
Poster # 7
1:00 PM 144 Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Microscopy and
Technology; P E Russell, F A Stevie, North Carolina State
Poster # 14
1:00 PM 138 Realization of a Field Emission Gun with
Advanced Koehler Illumination; G Benner, G Lang, A Orchowski, W-D Rau, LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH; M
Haider, CEOS GmbH, Germany
Poster # 8
Applications and Developments of Focused
Ion Beams
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 139 Identification of Cleavage Origins Using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Sectioning; S Xu, R Bouchard,
CANMET-Materials Technology Laboratory; J Li, Fibics Inc.;
WR Tyson, CANMET-Materials Technology Laboratory
Poster # 9
1:00 PM 140 A Site- and Layer-Specific Sample Preparation Technique for Plan View TEM of Laser Diodes; J Tanimura, K Kawasaki, Y Yoshida, H Kurokawa, Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation
Poster # 10
1:00 PM 141 3D Microscopy and Microanalysis of Heterogeneous SEM Samples by Broad Ion Beam Processing: Cut
1:00 PM 145 Marriage of Focused and Broad Ion Beam:
Sample Preparation Optimized for High Performance Analytical (S)TEM; M Sidorov, Advanced Micro Devices
Poster # 15
1:00 PM 146 Application of FIB and TEM for the Characterization of Dewetting Behavior on Ceramics; S R Gilliss, N
Ravishankar, University of Minnesota; P G Kotula, J R
Michael, Sandia National Laboratories; C B Carter, University of Minnesota
Poster # 16
1:00 PM 147 Planarization Process for Pre-FIB Sample Preparation; T C Lee, J Y Huang, L C Chen, D H I Su, Taiwan
Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Taiwan
Poster # 17
1:00 PM 148 “H-Bar Lift-Out” and “Plan-View Lift-Out”:
Robust, Re-thinnable FIB-TEM Preparation for Ex-Situ CrossSectional and Plan-View FIB Specimen Preparation; R J
Patterson, D Mayer, L Weaver, M W Phaneuf, Fibics Incorporated
Poster # 18
1:00 PM 149 Applications (Fun and Practical) of FIB NanoDeposition and Nano-Machining; M W Phaneuf, Fibics Incorporated
Poster # 19
Monday PM ~Poster!
Current Topics in Low Voltage SEM
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 150 New Tools for Micro-Characterization at Low
Beam Voltages (The Right Tools for the Right Job); D Redfern,
J Nicolosi, EDAX Inc
Poster # 20
1:00 PM 151 Fish-eye Optics for the Scanning Electron
Microscope; T Agemura, D C Joy, University of Tennessee
Poster # 21
1:00 PM 152 Energy Filtered Imaging in a FEG-SEM for
Enhanced Dopant Contrast; C Schönjahn, C Humphreys,
University of Cambridge, UK; M Glick, Marconi Labs, UK
Poster # 22
1:00 PM 153 A Study of the Effectiveness of the Removal of
Hydrocarbon Contamination by Oxidative Cleaning Inside
the SEM; N Sullivan, T Mai, S Bowdoin, Schlumberger
Technologies; R Vane, XEI Scientific
Poster # 23
1:00 PM 154 Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Irregular Snow Crystals; W P Wergin, U.S. Department of Agriculture; A Rango, New Mexico State University;
J Foster, NASA; E F Erbe, C Pooley, U.S. Department of
Poster # 24
Electron Crystallography and Quantitative
Electron Diffraction
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 155 Microstructure of Thick Polycrystalline Silicon Films for MEMS application; H Zhou, P Gouma, State
University of New York; B G Kharas, Standard MEMS Inc.
Poster # 25
1:00 PM 156 Systematic Characterization of Reciprocal
Space by SAED: Advantages of a Double-Tilt, Rotate Holder; S
Turner, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Poster # 26
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Technical Advances
and Applications
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 157 Thin Film Thickness and Grain Structure
Determination of Ferroelectric SrBi2Ta2O9 with Cross-sectional
Atomic Force Microscopy; D Pechkis, C CaragianisBroadbridge, Southern Connecticut State University; A Hein
Lehman, K Klein, Trinity College; J P Han, T Ma, Yale
Poster # 27
1:00 PM 158 Construction with Collagen—Insight through
Atomic Force Microscopy; J K Rainey, University of Toronto;M F Paige, Stanford University; C K Wen, A C Lin, M C
Goh, University of Toronto
Poster # 28
1:00 PM 159 Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Human
Recombinant Bone Morphogenetic Protein OP-1; L Siperko,
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine; S Chubinskaya, Rush Medical College; D Rueger, Stryker Biotech;
W Landis, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Poster # 29
Biomedical Applications
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 160 Detection and Localization of Gd-DTPA Following Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) Using Cryo Field EmissioN Scanning Electron
MicroscopY (FESEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry; C A Ackerley, M D Noseworthy, A Tilups, G A Wright,
L E Becker, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Canada
Poster # 35
1:00 PM 161 The Expression of Ets-1 and c-Jun in Morphogenesis of Aortic Endothelial Cells in vitro; Y C Hsu, V C
Yang, Tunghai University
Poster # 36
1:00 PM 162 Entrapment of Streptomycete Spores in a
Chitosan-Polyphosphate Matrix; G Jobin, G Grondin, C Beaulieu, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Poster # 37
Monday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 163 Ultrastructural damage of CHO AA8 cells in
the presence of uranyl acetate (UA): The cytotoxicity of hexavalent uranium (U(VI)); M Salanga, D Stearns, Northern
Arizona University
Poster # 38
1:00 PM 164 Imaging Physical Properties and Dynamics of
Dendritic Spines by Atomic Force Microscopy; B A Smith, P H
Grütter, McGill University; Y De Koninck, Laval University
Poster # 39
1:00 PM 165 mtCLIC/CLIC4, a Chloride Channel Protein,
Participates in Apoptosis and is Localized to the Inner Membrane of Mitochondria; V V Speransky, K S Suh, E FernándezSalas, S H Yuspa, A C Steven, National Institutes of Health
Poster # 40
1:00 PM 166 Morphological Evidence for Adhesive Role of
Thin-Symmetric Junctions in Undulating Membranes of Lens
Nuclear Fiber Cells; M J Costello, K O Gilliland, C D Freel,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Poster # 41
State University; R Leopold, J Buckner, D Nelson, US Department of Agriculture
Poster # 46
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 172 Diffusion of Bacteriophage Capsids on a Glass
Surface During Single-particle Fluorescence Microscopy; P
Serwer, I Wu, S Huang, G A Griess, The University of Texas
Poster # 47
1:00 PM 173 Escherichia Coli and Metal: How Much Will
Be Sequestered and Where?; a STEM-EDX Study; J J Goldberg, T E Jensen, Lehman College
Poster # 48
1:00 PM 174 Uptake and Release of Phosphorus from Polyphosphate Bodies by Synechococcus leopoliensis.; J HaganBrown, T E Jensen, Lehman College
Poster # 49
1:00 PM 167 Mitochondrial Internal Structure Correlated
with Respiratory Activity in Cultured Human Cells; J M L
Selker, R W Gilkerson, K Snyder, R Rossignol, R A Capaldi,
University of Oregon
Poster # 42
1:00 PM 175 Observations of Nom-Human Primate Diarrhea Viruses by Negative Stain Electron Microscopy; C Humphrey, B Jiang, United States Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention; H McClure, Emory University
Poster # 50
1:00 PM 168 Acid Phosphatase Activity in the Chick’s Inner
Ear; G Cohen, Troy State University; T Kido, Yamaguchi
School of Medicine, Japan
Poster # 43
1:00 PM 176 Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy of RecA/
DNA System; B Sattin, C Goh, University of Toronto
Poster # 51
1:00 PM 169 Distribution of Keratin Intermediate Filaments in Cultured Thymic Epithelial Cells (TEC) is Dependent Upon Growth Medium Calcium Content; S S Sands,
W D Meek, Oklahoma State University; J Hayashi, University of Maryland; R J Ketchum, Oklahoma State University
Poster # 44
1:00 PM 170 Epidermal Growth FactoR (EGF) Induces a
Phenotypic Switch of a Human Glioblastoma Cell Line to
Neurospheres; T Bargar, H El-Refaey, I Ahmad, University of
Nebraska; M Ebadi, University of North Dakota; J RodriguezSierra, University of Nebraska
Poster # 45
1:00 PM 171 Ultrastructure of Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Mouthparts and Salivary Sheaths; T Freeman, North Dakota
1:00 PM 177 Ultrastructural Characterization of ATP Synthase Subunit b Overexpression in E coli; T Gales, M Mazzulla, H Kallender, GlaxoSmithKline; F Hill, Avidis SA; B
Maleeff, GlaxoSmithKline
Poster # 52
1:00 PM 178 Origin of Cytoplasmic Nucleocapsids in
MDBK-cells Infected With Bovine Herpesvirus 1 (bHV-1); P
Wild, E M Schraner, E Loepfe, University of Zürich; P
Walther, M Müller, University of Ulm, Germany; M Engels,
University of Zürich, Switzerland
Poster # 53
1:00 PM 179 Observation and Investigation of Plasimid
DNA Using an Atomic Force Microscope; Y R Ma, H C
Chiang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan; Y D Yao,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Poster # 54
Monday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 180 Imaging Soil Bacteria in an Environmental
Scanning Electron Microscope; J L Saleta, P Holden, University of California, Santa Barbara
Poster # 55
Phase Transformation in Metals, Alloys
and Ceramics
Poster Session
Monday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 181 Microstructure Progress in Pressureless Sintered AlN Polytypes; Y D Yu, I L Tangen, R Høier, T Grande,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Poster # 91
1:00 PM 182 Dislocation Dissociation and Short-Range Ordering in ZrN; P Li, J M Howe, University of Virgina
Poster # 92
1:00 PM 183 Size Distribution of Gamma’ Precipitates in
Ni-Cr-Co-Al-Ti Alloys; S K Menon, UES Inc.; J P Simmons,
D M Dimiduk, Air Force Research Laboratory
Poster # 93
1:00 PM 184 Size-Dependent Equilibrium Shape of Co-Cr
Particles in Cu; T Fujii, T Tamura, M Kato, S Onaka, Tokyo
Institute of Technology
Poster # 94
1:00 PM 185 TEM studies of TbNiAl in the Disproportionation Stage of the HDDR Process; C M Andrei, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology; J Walmsley, SINTEF
Materials Technology Applied Physics; Y Yu, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology; H Brinks, Institute
for Energy Technology; R Holmestad, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology; B Hauback, Institute for Energy
Poster # 95
1:00 PM 188 Selectivity of Grain Boundary Precipitation in
Al Alloys; D D Perovic, A Perovic, University of Toronto,
Poster # 98
1:00 PM 189 The GP-Zone to Beta0 Transformation in the
Al-Mg-Si System; C D Marioara, S J Andersen, SINTEF
Materials Technology, Norway; J Jansen, H W Zandbergen,
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Poster # 99
1:00 PM 190 An Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of
the Initial Stage of Formation Processes of Aged Omega Phase
Crystals in a Ti-15Mo Alloy due to Aging at 323 K; M
Hajime, E Sukedai, H Hashimoto, Okayama University of
Science, Japan
Poster # 100
1:00 PM 191 Beta to Omega Phase Transformation in a
Ti-Mo Alloy Deformed in an Impact Compression Mode
Dueto Aging.; E Sukedai, D Yoshimitsu, Okayama University
of Science, Japan; M Kiritani, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan; H Hashimoto, Okayama University of Science, Japan
Poster # 101
1:00 PM 192 TEM Study of Structure and Deformation
Mechanism of Superplastic Titanium Based Alloy; A Kumao,
K Nishio, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Poster # 102
1:00 PM 193 TEM Study of AA 6111 Weld by Pulsed YAG
Lasers; S Liu, Y Liu, J Mazumder, University of Michigan
Poster # 103
1:00 PM 194 Nb-Silicide Phase Stabilization in Cast and
HIP In-Situ Composites; B P Bewlay, M Larsen, P R Subramanian, M R Jackson, General Electric
Poster # 104
1:00 PM 186 TEM Studies of Microstructural Transformations in Thin Iron Films Induced by Vacuum Annealing; E
Keim, University of Twente, The Netherlands; W Lisowski,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Poster # 96
1:00 PM 195 Microstructure Characterization of Sn-Ag-Cu
Lead-Free Solder Solidified at Different Cooling Speeds; A
Zbrzezny, University of Toronto
Poster # 105
1:00 PM 187 Microstructure and Wear Properties of Fe
Surface Alloyed Al Alloy 319; J W Carroll, Y Liu, J Mazumder,
University of Michigan
Poster # 97
1:00 PM 196 Observation of Substructure in Steels and
Ni200 Using Electron-Channeling Contrast Imaging; J Steele,
Poster # 106
Monday PM ~Platform!
Advances and Applications in Vascular Corrosion
Casting in Microvascular Research
Session Chair~s! A Lametschwandtner, University of
U Spornitz, University of Basel
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 207
3:00 PM 197 ~Invited! The Circulatory System Of Decapod
Crustaceans and Its Functional Role In Cardiovascular Dynamics; I McGaw, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
3:30 PM 198 ~Invited! Blood Supply of the Symphysis Pubis; R C G da Rocha, R P Chopard, University of Sao Paulo,
4:00 PM 204 Electron diffraction and microscopy studies of
an amyloid forming peptide; R Diaz-Avalos, C Long, E Fontano, D L Caspar, Florida State University
4:15 PM 205 Low-Dose Electron Diffraction of Catalase
Crystals Dried Within a Matrix of the Disaccharide, Trehalose: Is a “Dry Protein Crystallography” Feasible?; W H Massover, UMDNJ–New Jersey Medical School
4:30 PM 206 Enhancing Contrast of Weak Phase Objects
Using a Zernike-Type Phase Plate in Phase Contrast TEM; E
Majorovits, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research; K
Nagayama, National Institute for Physiological Sciences;
R R Schroeder, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research
Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions
4:00 PM 199 ~Invited! Corrosion Casting of the Microvasculature in Normal Limbs and Limbs with Venous Ulceration;
M N Phillips, A M van Rij, M Zhang, G T Jones, University
of Otago, New Zealand
Session Chair~s! H. Mori, Res. Ctr. for Ultra High
Voltage EM
Electron Cryo-microscopy of Biological
3:00 PM 207 ~Invited! Real Time UHV-HRTEM Observation of Si(111)root3xroot3-Pd Surface and Dynamic Motion
of Pd Clusters; M Takeguchi, K Mitsuishi, M Tanaka, K
Furuya, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
Session Chair~s! B Carnagher, Scripps Research Institute
S Ludtke, Baylor College of Medicine
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 206A
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 301B
3:30 PM 208 ~Invited! In Situ Molecular Imaging of Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes in Liquid Environments; P Gai,
3:00 PM 200 Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Fab Complex Examined by Electron Cryo-Microscopy and Three-Dimensional
Image Reconstruction; V D Bowman, P R Chipman, T J
Smith, E S Chase, AW Franz, K L Perry, T S Baker, Purdue
4:00 PM 209 Microstructural Studies of the Chromia Stabilized Iron Oxide Water Gas Shift Catalyst; C Kiely, Lehigh
University; M Edwards, D Whittle, Liverpool University,
UK; C Rhodes, G Hutchings, University of Wales, UK
3:15 PM 201 HHMI Tecnai F30 Helium Microscope: Initial Results and Observations; R Grassucci, Z Liu, T Wagenknecht, J Frank, Wadsworth Center
3:30 PM 202 Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Tomographic Processing of Helical Objects; R R Schroeder, I Angert, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research; J Frank,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute; K C Holmes, Max-PlanckInstitute for Medical Research
3:45 PM 203 Dynamical Scattering and Protein Reconstruction by Electron Crystallography of Multi-Layered Crystals; O
Vossen, R R Schroeder, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical
4:15 PM 210 Electron Microscopy of Cr/Silica Catalyst for
Ethylene Polymerization; R J Liu, P Crozier, Arizona State
4:30 PM 211 Simulations of TEM Images of Nano-particles
Embedded in Amorphous Ice; J O Malm, N Pettersson, L R
Wallenberg, J O Bovin, Lund University, Sweden
Advances in Nanoscale Technology
Session Chair~s! T F Kelly, Imago Scientific Instruments
D J Larson, Seagate Technologies
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 206B
Monday PM ~Platform!
3:00 PM 212 3-D Electron Microscopy for Nano-Technology
and the IC Industry; C Kuebel, D Hubert, W F Voorhout,
M T Otten, FEI Company, The Netherlands
3:15 PM 213 ~Invited! Future Hard X-ray Nanoprobe at
the Advanced Photon Source; D C Mancini, J Maser, G B
Stephenson, Argonne National Laboratory
3:45 PM 214 A New High-Resolution Electron Microscope
with Easy Operation System for Nano Analysis; M Matsushita, M Ohsaki, Y Kondo, M Naruse, T Honda, JEOL Ltd
Japan; M Kersker, JEOL USA Inc.
4:00 PM 215 Atomic Resolution Images Using Forbidden
Reflections on (111) Face Centered Cubic Nanoparticles; SC Y
Tsen, P A Crozier, Arizona State University; M GajdardziskaJosifovska, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
4:15 PM 216 HRTEM Studies of Morphological and Interfacial Changes of Nanodiamond in Field Emission Experiments; T Tyler, A V Kvit, V V Zhirnov, J J Hren, North
Carolina State University
4:30 PM 217 TEM Study of Metal/Support Interaction in
Pd/CexZr1-xO2 Model Auto Catalyst; H P Sun, University of
Michigan; G W Graham, Ford Research Laboratory; C H F
Peden, S Thevuthasan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; X Q Pan, University of Michigan
4:45 PM 218 Atomic Scale Structural Analysis of Sn-Si
Quantum Dots; Y Lei, P Möck, T Topuria, N D Browning,
University of Illinois at Chicago; R Ragan, H A Atwater,
California Institute of Technology
Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the
Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
Session Chair~s! R. Gauvin, McGill University
E. Lifshin, University of Albany
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 205AB
McGill University; E Lifshin, D Wu, Albany Institute of
Materials University at Albany
4:00 PM 222 Pu-Ga Standards for Microanalysis and Matrix Correction Development; C C Davis, R E Lakis, Los
Alamos National Laboratory
4:15 PM 223 ~Invited! The Influence of X-ray Counting
Statistics on Trace Analysis and Spatial Resolution; E Lifshin,
University at Albany; R Gauvin, McGill University
Practical Applications of Metallography
Session Chair~s! D. Rocheleau, Transportaion Safety
Board of Canada
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 303A
3:00 PM 224 ~Invited! Grain Size Measurements Variables
to Consider; J Klansky, Buehler
3:30 PM 225 ~Invited! Automatic Phase Segmentation of
Spectrum Images; J Friel, R Batcheler, Princeton Gamma-Tech
4:00 PM 226 Metallographic Preparation Imaging and Analysis of High Purity Refractory Metals; G Lucas, Buehler; J
Spanos, Williams Advances Materials/PureTech
4:15 PM 227 Comparison of Partly Revealed Anisotropic
Microstructures Using Grid Intersepts as Applied to Zirconium Tubes; M Lagacé, L Rodrigue, M Trudeau, HydroQuébec Research Center
4:30 PM 228 Extraction of Quantitative Data from Lithium Polymer Battery Micrographs; M Lagacé, P Hovington,
Hydro-Québec Research Center; C Baril, LTEE Research
Center; E Dupuis, P Noel, Hydro-Québec Research Center
4:45 PM 229 Measuring a-Zr Grain Size in Extruded Zr2.5Nb Pressure Tubes by Using Linear Intercept Lengths from
SEM Images; A Lockley, R Mayville, Atomic Energy of
3:00 PM 219 ~Invited! On the Simulation of True EDS
X-Ray Spectra; R Gauvin, McGill University; E Lifshin,
Albany Institute for Materials
Aberration Correction in TEM and STEM and its
Application to Real-World Materials—
A Symposium Honoring the Contributions
of Albert Crewe and Harald Rose
3:30 PM 220 X-Ray Analysis of Rough Surfaces at Low
Energy; P Hovington, M Lagacé, L Rodrigue, Hydro-Quebec
Research Institut
Session Chair~s! O.L. Krivanek; Nion Co.
B.M Haider; CEOS Germany
3:45 PM 221 Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis with a
Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscope; P Horny, R Gauvin,
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 301A
Monday PM ~Platform!
3:00 PM 230 ~Invited! Sub-Angstrom Probe Size in HADFSTEM at 120KV; P Batson, IBM; N Delby, O L Krivanek,
Nion Co.
3:30 PM 231 ~Invited! The Ultimate Resolution in Aberration-Corrected STEM; S J Pennycook, A R Lupini, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; P D Nellist, Nion Co
4:00 PM 232 ~Invited! Enhancing the Resolution and Sensitivity of STEM by Aberration Correction; N D Browning, K
Sun, R F Klie, University of Illinois; J Liu, Monsanto; M M
Disko, ExxonMobil; P D Nellist, N Delby, O L Krivanek,
Nion Co.
4:30 PM 233 The superSTEM: An Aberration Corrected
Analytical Microscopy Facility; A Bleloch, L M Brown, University of Liverpool; R Brydson, University of Leeds; A
Craven, University of Glasgow; P Goodhew, C J Keily,
University of Liverpool
4:45 PM 234 STEM Aberration Correction: Where Next?;
O Krivanek, N Dellby, M Murfitt, P Nellist, Z Szilagyi,
Nion Co.
Electron Crystallography and Quantitative
Electron Diffraction
Session Chair~s! W. Sinkler, UOP LLC
Y. Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
J.M. Zuo, University of Illinois
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 302AB
3:00 PM 240 ~Invited! How to Select the Items for the
Shopping List of Future High Resolution Electron Microscopists?; D Van Dyck, University of Antwerp; S Van Aert, A den
Dekker, A van den Bos, Delft University of Technology
3:30 PM 241 ~Invited! The 3D Structure of a Complex
Quasicrystal Approximant Determined by Electron Crystallography; X D Zou, Z M Mo, S Hovmöller, Stockholm University; X Z Li, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; K H Kuo,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Applications and Developments of Focused
Ion Beams
4:00 PM 242 ~Invited! HRTEM Resolution Extension for
Interface by Gerchberg-Saxton Algorithm with Supported Constraint; F R Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan;
UDahmen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; J J Kai,
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Session Chair~s! L. Giannuzzi, University of Central
M.W. Paneuf, Fibics, Inc.
N. Yao, Princeton University
4:30 PM 243 Automated Crystallography and Grain Mapping in the TEM; F B Clayton, Lake Highland Preparatory
School; B Kempshall, S Schwarz, L Giannuzzi, University of
Central Florida
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 202
Tutorial: Scanned Probe Microscopy
3:00 PM 235 ~Invited! Dual-beam Focused Ion Beam: A
Multifunctional Tool for Nanotechnology; N Yao, E Kung, S
Allameh, W Soboyejo, Princeton University
3:30 PM 236 ~Invited! The DualBeam FIB in a Materials
Science Laboratory; H O Colijn, The Ohio State University
4:00 PM 237 ~Invited! Advances in Dual Beam TEM Sample Preparation; M Moore, FEI Company
4:30 PM 238 EBSD Performed “In-situ” on a Dual-beam
FIB; J Farrer, M Chipman, M Tiner, TSL/EDAX
4:45 PM 239 Enhanced Site Specific Preparation of SEM
Cross Sections and TEM Samples by Using CrossBeam Technology; P Gnauck, P Hoffrogge, M Schumann, G Bauhammer, Leo Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH
Session Chair~s! IM Anderson, Oak Ridge National
Platform Session
Monday 4:00 PM
Room: 203
4:00 PM 244 ~Invited! Scanned Probe Microscopy: A Brief
Tutorial; P E Russell, North Carolina State University
Practical Methods for Transmission Electron
Microscopy of Polymers
Session Chair~s! IM Anderson, Oak Ridge National
G Sosinsky, University of California at San Diego
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 203
Tuesday AM ~Platform!
3:00 PM 245 ~Invited! Practical Methods for Transmision
Electron Microscopy of Polymers; J S Vastenhout, Dow Benelux
B.V., The Netherlands
Technologists’ Forum Special Topics:
Immunology 101: Back to Basics
Session Chair~s! J. Killius; NEOU College of Medicine
C. Hearne; University of Wyoming
Platform Session
Monday 3:00 PM
Room: 201BC
3:00 PM 246 ~Invited! Immunology 101: The Basics of
Immunoglobulins and Immunostaining; W G Jerome, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Presidential Happenings
Session Chair~s!
Platform Session
Monday 5:00 PM
Room: 200B
5:00 PM 247 ~Invited! Harnessing The Power Of Adobe
Photoshop 7; C Smith, Adobe Systems Incorporated
Tuesday, August 6, 2002
3-D Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules
Session Chair~s! J Frank, State University of New York,
P Ottensmeyer, University of Toronto
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Room: 301B
8:30 AM 248 ~Invited! Transmembrane Signalling of the
Insulin Receptor: 3D Reconstruction from STEM Imaging,
Crystallography and NMR Spectroscopy; P Ottensmeyer, A
Oh, R Luo, University of Toronto; A Fernandes, D Beniac,
Ontario Cancer Institute; C Yip, University of Toronto
capsid Organization; W Zhang, M Mukhopadhyay, S V Pletnev, R J Kuhn, M G Rossmann, T S Baker, Purdue University
11:30 AM 253 The Rigor Structure of Acto-Myosin and Its
Implications for Motor Function; R R Schroeder, I Angert, W
Jahn, K C Holmes, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical
11:45 AM 254 Pseudo-atomic Structure of Coxsackievirus
A21 Complexed with Its Cellular Receptor, ICAM-1; C Xiao,
C M Bator, P Chipman, TS Baker, R J Kuhn, Purdue
University; E Wimmer, State University of New York; A
Craig, John Radcliffe Hospital; M G Rossmann, Purdue
9:00 AM 249 ~Invited! Structure of the Eukaryotic Transcription Machinery: Insights into the Mechanism of Transcription Initiation and Regulation; F J Asturias, The Scripps
Research Institute
Plant-microbes Interactions at the Cellular and
Molecular Levels
9:30 AM 250 ~Invited! Functional Architecture of a ProteinDegradation Machine; A C Steven, T Ishikawa, M R Maurizi,
National Institutes of Health
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:15 AM
Room: 207
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 251 ~Invited! The Ribosome-Ligand Interactions
and Dynamics as Inferred by Cryo-EM; J Frank, J Sengupta,
M Valle, R Agrawal, State University of New York at Albany
11:00 AM 252 ~Invited! Sindbis Virus Reconstruction at
11Å Resolution Reviews Details of Glycoprotein and Nucleo-
Session Chair~s! P.M. Charest, Laval University
S.J. Jabaji-Hare, McGill University
8:15 AM 255 ~Invited! Cytological Features of Programmed
Cell Death in Nicotiana tabacum Cells in Relation to the
Expression and Localization of Death Regulators; L Brisson,
N Bolduc, M Ouellet, F Pitre, I Fortin, University Laval
8:45 AM 256 ~Invited! In Situ Localization of AOS in
Host-Pathogen Interactions; K B Tenberge, M Beckedorf, B
Hoppe, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universitét Münster, Ger-
Tuesday AM ~Platform!
many; A Schouten, Wageningen University, Netherlands; M
Solf, M von den Driesch, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universitét
Münster, Germany
9:15 AM 257 H2O2 In Interspecies Signaling: A New Role
in Host Detection; W J Keyes, D G Lynn, W K Erbil, J V
Taylor, R P Apkarian, Emory University
9:30 AM 258 ~Invited! Use of High Pressure Freezing and
Freeze Substitution to Study Host-Pathogen Interactions in
Fungal Diseases of Plants; C W Mims, E A Richardson,
University of Georgia
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 259 ~Invited! Cytochemical Localization of Fungal Wall Components in Host-Pathogen Interactions: Particular Labeling wilth Gold-complexed Probes; G B Ouellette,
Canadian Forest Service; R P Baayen, Plant Protection Institute; H Chamberland, Universite Laval; M Simard, Canadian Forest Service; P M Charest, Universite Laval
11:00 AM 260 ~Invited! Ultrastructural Investigation of the
Mycoparasitic Interaction Between Stachybotrys Elegans and
its Host Rhizoctonia Solani; P M Charest, Universite Laval; G
Taylor, S H Jabaji-Hare, McGill University
11:30 AM 261 Biological Cycle of Helminthosporium solani:
An Overview using Microscopy; C Martinez, R Tweddell,
Université Laval, Canada
titative Live Cell Imaging; M Platani, A Lamond, J Swedlow,
University of Dundee
9:15 AM 266 FFT ‘light’—Image Deconvolution based on
Real to Real-Space Frequency Transformations; F Margarine,
University of Sydney; P C Cheng, University at Buffalo
9:30 AM 267 ~Invited! Biological Photonic Crystals—
Revealed by Multi-photon Nonlinear Microscopy; P C Cheng,
University of Buffalo; C K Sun, National Taiwan University;
B L Lin, Development Ctr for Biotechnology, Taiwan; S W
Chu, I S Chen, T M Liu, National Taiwan University; S P
Lee, Development Ctr for Biotechnology, Taiwan; H L Liu,
M X Kuo, D J Lin, Natl. Taiwan Normal University
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 268 ~Invited! Fluorescent Probes for Ultrasensitive Cytochemical and Histochemical Imaging; I Johnson,
Molecular Probes
11:00 AM 269 Automatic 3D detection and quantification
of co-localization; S Costes, E Cho, M Catalfam, T Karpova, J
McNally, P Henkart, S Lockett, National Institutes of Health
11:15 AM 270 ~Invited! Confocal Microscopy System Performance: Foundations for Measurements, Quantitation and
Deconvolution.; R Zucker, T Stoker, US Environmental Protection Agency
Confocal and Deconvolution for Biologists
11:45 AM 271 Multi-View Three-Dimensional Image Montaging & Signal Attenuation Correction for Maximizing the
Imaging Depth and Lateral Extent of Confocal Microscopes; O
Al-Kofahi, A Can, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; S Lasek,
D Szarowski, J Turner, The Wadsworth Center; B Roysam,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Session Chair~s! E. Humphrey, University of British
J. Jerome, Vanderbilt University
Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:00 AM
Room: 201BC
Session Chair~s! R Sinclair, Stanford University
K Takayanagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
11:45 AM 262 TMV Infection Cycle in Plant Cells Revealed
by 3-D Microscopy; R H Berg, S Asurmendi, R N Beachy,
Danforth Plant Science Center
8:00 AM 263 ~Invited! Laser Scanning Microscopy: Seeing
More by Imaging Less; N S White, Oxford University, UK
Platform Session
Tuesday 9:00 AM
Room: 206A
8:30 AM 264 Optimization of Illumination Pulse Duration
Increases Flexibility and Performance of Multiphoton Microscopes for Multidisciplinary Research; K Garsha, G Fried,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9:00 AM 272 ~Invited! In-situ UHV-Electron Microscopy
with Scanning Tunneling Microscope; K Takayangi, Y Ohshima, K Mohri, Y Naitoh, H Hirayama, Y Tanishiro, Tokyo
Institute of Technology; Y Kondo, JEOL Ltd., Japan
8:45 AM 265 ~Invited! Characterization and Use of WideField Fluorescence Microscopy and Image Restoration in Quan-
9:30 AM 273 Atomic Scale Characterization of Oxygen Vacancy Dynamics by In-Situ Reduction and Analytical Atomic
Tuesday AM ~Platform!
Resolution STEM; R Klie, N Browning, University of Illinois;
Y Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
9:45 AM 274 SEM/EDS Studies of Impurities in Natural
Ice; D Cullen, D Iliescu, I Baker, Dartmouth College
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 275 ~Invited! In Situ HREM of Crystallization
Reactions; R Sinclair, K H Min, Stanford University
9:30 AM 283 Ag Nanostructure Evolution on H-terminated
Si(111) Surfaces; B Q Li, Y F Shi, H Chen, J M Zuo,
University of Illinois
9:45 AM 284 Spontaneous Self-Organisation Of Gold Nanoparticles Into Ordered Two-Dimensional Arrays; C J Kiely,
Lehigh University; C S Cheung, M Brust, University of
10:00 AM
11:00 AM 276 ~Invited! Aberration Correction for Analytical In Situ TEM—The NTEAM Concept; B Kabius, C W
Allen, D J Miller, Argonne National Laboratory
10:30 AM 285 ~Invited! TEM Characterization of Thin,
Epitactic Ni2MnGa films on GaAs; S McKernan, J W Dong,
C J Palmstrøm, University of Minnesota
11:30 AM 277 Morphological Evolution and Junction Dynamics at Faceted Grain Boundaries; D Medlin, Sandia National Laboratories
11:00 AM 286 ~Invited! The National and International
Intiatives in NanoTechnology and their Challenge; J S Murday, Naval Resesarch Laboratory
11:45 AM 278 In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
Study of Dislocation Emission at Junctions Between Sigma=3
Grain Boundaries in Gold Thin Films; G Lucadamo, D L
Medlin, Sandia National Laboratories
11:30 AM 287 ~Invited! Mechanics of Nanowires; R S Ruoff,
X Chen, D Dikin, W Ding, Northwestern University; MF Yu,
Advanced Technologies Groups; G J Wagner, Northwestern
Advances in Nanoscale Technology
Microscopy and Microanalysis of Self-Organized
Soft Condensed Matter
Session Chair~s! M Thompson, FEI Company
T F Kelly, Imago Scientific Instruments
Session Chair~s! J.C. Yang, University of Pittsburgh
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:15 AM
Room: 206B
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Room: 203
8:15 AM 279 Virus Nanoblocks for Molecular Electronics;
M J Kim, University of North Texas; A S Blum, Naval
Research Laboratory; B Gnade, University of North Texas;
B R Ratna, Naval Research Laboratory
8:30 AM 288 ~Invited! Imaging of self-assembly and selfassembled materials; P V Braun, University of Illinois at
8:30 AM 280 On-Chip NanoFabricated Collagen Membranes Observed by High-Voltage Electron Microscopy; J N
Turner, D H Szarowski, W Shain, K Buttle, W F Tivol, New
York State Department of Health; H Bagle, A J Spence, S
Retterer, L Lapek, T Richards, M Isaacson, M Spencer,
Cornell University
8:45 AM 281 Enhanced Quality Nanocrystalline Metal Films
Produced By Dendrimer Mediated Thin Film Growth; F Xu, L
Li, J C Yang, University of Pittsburgh; S C Street, University
of Alabama; J A Barnard, University of Pittsburgh
9:00 AM 282 ~Invited! Scanning Probe Microscopy in TEM:
An In-Situ Approach for Nano-scale Property Measurements;
Z L Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology
9:00 AM 289 ~Invited! Self Assembled Phenylene Vinylene
Materials; M U Pralle, G N Tew, Ion Optics, Inc.; M Sayar, L
Li, S I Stupp, Northwestern University
9:30 AM 290 ~Invited! Self-ordered colloidal arrays as photonic crystal hydrogels for trainable metal ion sensor and as
superparamagnetic matierals; A C Sharma, X Xu, M S Ward,
L Li, J C Yang, S A Asher, University of Pittsburgh
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 291 ~Invited! Near-Field Optical Imaging of
Microphase Separated and Semi-Crystalline Polymer Systems;
M J Fasolka, L S Goldner, NIST–Gaithersburg; A M Urbas,
MIT; J Hwang, K Beers, NIST–Gaithersburg; P DeRege, E L
Thomas, MIT
Tuesday AM ~Platform!
11:00 AM 292 In Situ Imaging of Langmuir Films Using
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy; A F Miller, University of Cambridge; S J Cooper, University of Durham, UK
Elmar Zeitler Symposium: Analytical Electron
Microscopy—Past and Future
Session Chair~s! D. Su, FHI Berlin
G. Botton, McMaster Univ
11:15 AM 293 Imaging of Biologically Derived Anisotropic
Fluids using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy;
A F Miller, A M Donald, University of Cambridge
Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis in the
Microprobe and in the SEM: Theory and Practice
Session Chair~s! R. Gauvin, McGill University
E. Lifshin, University of Albany
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Room: 205AB
8:30 AM 294 ~Invited! Low-Overvoltage Microanalysis an
Alternative High Resolution Strategy to Low-Voltage Microanalysis; D E Newbury, National Institute of Standards and
9:00 AM 295 ~Invited! X-ray emission induced by low energy electrons; C Bonelle, P Jonnard, Université Pierre et
Marie Curie
9:30 AM 296 ~Invited! A Simple Method for Determining
Optimum Corrections for High-Accuracy EPMA in Difficult
Chemical Systems; J T Armstrong, R B Marinenko, J M
Davis, National Institute of Standards and Technology
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 297 ~Invited! Spectral Imaging: Towards Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis; P G Kotula, M R Keenan,
Sandia National Laboratories
11:00 AM 298 X-ray Microanalysis of Insulators in a Variable Pressure Environment; M Toth, J P Craven, University of
Cambridge; M R Phillips, University of Technology, Sydney;
B L Thiel, A M Donald, University of Cambridge
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:45 AM
Room: 209AB
8:45 AM 302 ~Invited! Valence Excitations in Electron Microscopy: Pursuing Zeitlerian Initiatives; A Howie, University
of Cambridge
9:15 AM 303 ~Invited! A Comparison of Microcompositional Methods; M Isaacson, Cornell University
9:45 AM 304 Locating Atoms in Small Crystals by Combining Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction and Electron Channeling; J Tafto, S Foss, A Olsen, University of Oslo, Norway;
C Simensen, SINTEF, Norway
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 305 ~Invited! The Future of EELS; R F Egerton,
University of Alberta
11:00 AM 306 Comparison of Detection Limits for Elemental Mapping by EF-TEM and STEM-XEDS; M Watanabe,
Dept. Mater. Sci. & Eng. Lehigh University; D B Williams,
Lehigh University; Y Tomokiyo, Kyushu University, Japan
11:15 AM 307 The relevance of imaging and analytical
electron microscopy in the understanding of heterogeneous
selective oxidation catalysis; R Schlögl, Fritz-Haber-Institut
der MPG, Germany
11:30 AM 308 Comparative ELNES Measurements on
Selected Transition Metal Oxides on a New High EnergyResolution Spectrometer / Monochromator TEM; G Kothleitner, F Hofer, Graz University of Technology, Austria; D S
Su, R Schlögl, Fritz-Haber Institut, Germany; B H Freitag,
P C Tiemeijer, FEI Electron Optics, The Netherlands
11:15 AM 299 Testing EDS Performance in ESEM; V M
Dusevich, J D Eick, University of Missouri–Kansas City
11:45 AM 309 Density Functional Theory as a Tool for the
Electron Microscopist; C Hébert, P Schattschneider, University of Technology, Wien, Austria
11:30 AM 300 SEM-EDS Quantitative Analysis of Aerosols
⭌80nm: Impacts on Atmospheric Aerosol Characterization
Campaigns; M A Carpenter, E Lifshin, University at Albany;
R Gauvin, McGill University
Microstructural Examination and Imagery of
Engineering Materials
11:45 AM 301 Quantitative Analysis of Yttrium Barium
Copper Oxide Films on Strontium Titanate; E Lifshin, M S
Hatzistergos, University at Albany; J L Reeves, IGC Superpower, Schnecdaty; R Gauvin, McGill University
Session Chair~s! O. T. Woo, Atomic Energy of
Canada Ltd.
Platform Session
Tuesday 9:00 AM
Room: 303A
Tuesday AM ~Platform!
9:00 AM 310 ~Invited! Understanding Complex Microstructures with High-Resolution Microanalysis in the Transmission
Electron Microscope; G A Botton, McMaster University; J A
Gianetto, National Resources Canada; C V Hyatt, Defense
Research and Development, Halifax; M W Phaneuf, Fibics,
Inc., Ottawa
9:30 AM 319 ~Invited! Effects of Fresnel Corrections for
Phase-Shifting Electron Holography; K Yamamoto, Japan Science and Technology; T Hirayama, Japan Fine Ceramics
Cente; T Tanji, Nagoya University; M Hibino, Aichi Institute
of Technology, Japan
9:30 AM 311 TEM Microstructure Examination of Weld
HAZ in Microalloyed Steels; K Poorhaydari-A, B M Patchett,
D G Ivey, University of Alberta
10:30 AM 320 ~Invited! Bright Electron Beams and Their
Applications to Electron Phase Microscopy; A Tonomura,
Hitachi, Ltd.
9:45 AM 312 Cross-Sectional Examination of Crystallinity
of Carbon Fibers by Transmission Electron Microscopy; Z P
Luo, J Sue, O Ochoa, A Holzenburg, Texas A&M University
11:00 AM 321 ~Invited! Low Voltage Electron Holography—
High Voltage Electron Holography; B Frost, A Thesen, D C
Joy, University of Tennessee
10:00 AM
11:30 AM 322 ~Invited! Holographic Observation of Magnetic Fine-Structures in New Magnetic Materials; T Tanji, S
Hasebe, T Suzuki, Nagoya University, Japan
10:30 AM 313 Preparation to Target: Hit Target +/− 10 mm
and a line of Target with in +/− 25 mm with Common
Metallographic Equipment.; B Rasmussen, Struers A/S,
10:45 AM 314 Nanocharacterization of Gallium Antimonide
Substrate Surface by TEM/AFM; X Li, University of Massachusetts; L Allen, Epion Corporation; W Goodhue, C Sung,
University of Massachusetts
11:00 AM 315 ~Invited! Characterization of Dislocation
Structures in Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals by X-ray LineBroadening Analysis; M Griffiths, D Sage, Atomic Energy of
Canada Ltd.; D Galindo, McGill University
11:30 AM 316 ~Invited! Neutron Diffraction as a Probe of
Microstructure: Surveying the Forest Before Examining the
Trees; J H Root, National Research Council of Canada
Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena
and Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring
the Contributions of Hannes Lichte
and Akira Tonomura
Session Chair~s! T. Hirayama, Japan Fine Ceramics
M.R. McCartney, University of Arizona
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:45 AM
Room: 301A
8:45 AM 317 Opening Remarks; L Allard, Oak Ridge National Labs, Vinayak P Dravid, Northwestern University
9:00 AM 318 ~Invited! Electron Holography—Where We
are and Where to Go; H Lichte, Dresden University
10:00 AM
Electron Crystallography and Quantitative
Electron Diffraction
Session Chair~s! W. Sinkler, UOP LLC
Y. Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
J.M. Zuo, University of Illinois
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Room: 302AB
8:30 AM 323 Progress towards Quantitative Electron Nanodiffraction; J Zuo, R Twesten, B Q Li, J Tao, Y F Shi, J
Bording, H Chen, I Petrov, University of Illinois
9:00 AM 324 ~Invited! The collection of electron diffraction
intensity data and their use in structure determination; J
Gjonnes, University of Oslo; V Hansen, Stavanger University College; X Li, University of Nebraska Lincoln
9:30 AM 325 ~Invited! The Accuracy of Crystal Structure
Refinement from Electron Diffraction Data using Parallel
Beam Illumination; J Jansen, Technische Universiteit Delft,
The Netherlands
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 326 ~Invited! Single Crystal Electron Crystallography on Organic Molecules; U Kolb, Johannes Gutenberg
Universität, Germany; G Matveeva, Russian Academy of
11:00 AM 327 On the Amplitude Origin Problem in Dynamical Direct Methods; W Sinkler, UOP LLC; L D Marks,
Northwestern University
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
11:30 AM 328 Why does the hkl: h+k+l=4n+2 Reflections
Reveal Intensity in Si [110]?; P Geuens, University of Antwerp, Belgium; C B Carter, University of Minnesota; D Van
Dyck, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Problem Solving with the Experts: Addressing
Issues in Digital Imaging for the Microscopist: II
Session Chair~s! J A Mascorro, Tulane University
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Room: 202
11:45 AM 329 Crystallographic Analysis of Orientational
Variants in PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 Ferroelectric Perovskite; L Wu,
Y Zhu, J Li, B Noheda, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Microscopy, Microanalysis and Image Analysis in
the Pharmaceutical Industry
Session Chair~s! B. Maleeff, GlaxoSmithKline
B. Hartman, Schering-Plough Research Institute
Platform Session
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Room: 205C
8:30 AM 330 ~Invited! Quantitation in Image Analysis:
Practical Considerations for Drug Discovery; M Esterman, J
Hanson, Lilly Research Labs
9:00 AM 331 ~Invited! A Novel Application of Solids Characterization by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy
(ESEM) Utilizing a Peltier Stage; R J Maxwell, J A Hanko,
Pharmacia Corporation
9:30 AM 332 ~Invited! Immunolocalization of Phosphodiesterase Isoenzymes in Rat Tissues using Confocal Microscopy;
B E Maleeff, R C Mirabile, T K Hart, H C Thomas, L W
Schwartz, S J Newsholme, GlaxoSmithKline
10:00 AM
8:30 AM 337 ~Invited! Utilizing Original TEM Negatives
and Micrographs For Teaching in the Digital Domain; J A
Mascorro, Tulane University School of Medicine
9:00 AM 338 ~Invited! Swapping Atoms For Bits: Managing the Digital Evolution in the Microscopy Laboratory; J A
Murphy, San Joaquin Delta College
9:30 AM 339 ~Invited! Adobe Photoshop 6.0 for Image
Adjustment: How to Start and When to Stop; T W Carvalho,
University of Hawaii
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 340 Group Discussion
How to be a MICRO Volunteer—A Practical
Workshop About Educational Outreach
Session Chair~s! C. Schooley, D. Taatjes
Platform Session
Tuesday 9:00 AM
Room: 303B
10:30 AM 333 ~Invited! A Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy Method to Assess Recombinant Adenovirus
Stability; L J Obenauer-Kutner, P M Ihnat, T Yang, B J DoveyHartman, M J Grace, Schering-Plough Research Institute
11:00 AM 334 ~Invited! Relevant Applications of Scanning
Electron Microscopy in a Pharmaceutical Development Laboratory; R L Mueller, GlaxoSmithKline
11:30 AM 335 Design of a Digital Microscopy Imaging
Platform for Pathology Studies in Pharmaceutical Research
and Development; X Ying, T Monticello, Aventis
11:45 AM 336 A Quantitative Image-Based in vitro Assay
for Induction of Phospholipidosis in Hepatocytes; G D Gagne,
R J Gum, R A Jolly, M A Heindel, J A Fagerland, Abbott
9:00 AM 341 Panel Discussion; C Schooley, I Dawe, J
Microscopy for Canadian Schools—A Discussion
of Ways and Means
Session Chair~s! C. Schooley
Platform Session
Tuesday 11:00 AM
Room: 303B
11:00 AM 342 Panel Discussion; C Schooley, K Baker,
I Dawe
3-D Electron Microscopy
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 343 Strategies to Optimize Order Within Planar
Arrays of Myelin Basic Protein for Electron Crystallography;
C M Hill, I R Bates, C E Antler, G F White, F R Hallett,
G Harauz, University of Guelph
Poster # 128
1:00 PM 344 Electron Crystallography of the E. Coli Outer
Membrane Protein WzaK30; C M Hill, J Nesper, C Whitfield,
G Harauz, University of Guelph
Poster # 129
1:00 PM 345 Three-dimensional Imaging of Toxoplasma
gondii-Host Cell Membrane Interactions Reveals Numerous
Bridges and Fission Pores with High Resolution Low Voltage
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy on De-embedded
Thick Sections; H Schatten, University of Missouri-Columbia;
H Ris, University of Wisconsin
Poster # 130
1:00 PM 346 GroEL: A Proteinaceous “Surfactant”?; J
Deaton, C Savva, J Sun, Texas A&M University; S Sharma,
Texas A&M System HSC Houston ; A Holzenburg, J Sacchettini, R Young, Texas A&M University
Poster # 131
1:00 PM 347 Automated Electron Tomography Software
for High-Precision, 3-D Reconstructions; T Oikawa, H Nishioka, JEOL Ltd Japan; H Furukawa, M Shimizu, Y Suzuki,
JEOL System Technology Ltd Japan; B L Armbruster, JEOL
Poster # 132
Plant-microbes Interactions at the Cellular and
Molecular Levels
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 348 Ultrastructural Study of Interactions Between
Phytophthora Fragariae and a Biological Contral Agent Streptomyces hygroscopicus var Geldanus; M Paquet, Universite
Laval; S Agbessi, C Beaulieu, Universite de Sherbrooke; P M
Charest, Universite Laval
Poster # 133
1:00 PM 349 The Fusion Protein BnBI-1GFP is Localized
to the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) and Allows Visualization
of ER Reorganization Following Treatment with Salicylic Acid;
N Bolduc, L Brisson, Laval University
Poster # 134
1:00 PM 350 Inhibition of Turnip Vein Clearing Virus Movement in Seeds of Infected Arabidopsis thaliana Plant; A Micro-
scopic Study; L Gallegos, K Fambrough, New Mexico State
University; R Lartey, US Department of Agriculture; S
Ghoshroy, New Mexico State University
Poster # 135
Confocal and Deconvolution for Biologists
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 351 Yeast Meiotic Chromosome Structure Revealed by Deconvolution Microscopy; Z Zhang, University of
Wyoming; M N Conrad, M E Dresser, Oklahoma Medical
Research Foundation
Poster # 136
1:00 PM 352 Genetic Analysis and Age Determination of
Chinook Salmon in the California Central Valley; J J Youngblom, J Mullins, J H Youngblom, California State University
Stanislaus; T Heyne, California Department of Fish and Game
Poster # 137
1:00 PM 353 Mitochondria Abnormalities in Prostate Cancer Cells and Tissue; H Schatten, University of MissouriColumbia; A Chakrabart, Cleveland Clinical Foundation
Poster # 138
1:00 PM 354 Zebrafish Neuromast Hair Cell Nuclei are
Labeled In Vivo by Uptake of Monomeric Cyanine Dyes; G
MacDonald, D Raible, E Rubel, University of Washington
Poster # 139
Teaching and Learning, Creating Effective,
Innovative Solutions in Microscopy, Imaging
and Analysis (MIA)
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 355 XMRBS: A Web Based Facilities Sheduler; D
Fellmann, B Carragher, C S Potter, The Scripps Research
Poster # 156
1:00 PM 356 “Ugly Bug” Contest; J Ekstrom, Phillips Exeter Academy
Poster # 157
11:45 AM 357 Using Wavelets to Adjust Focusing of a Scanning Electron Microscope; C Morgan, California State University Hayward; S Vikas, University Planet Inc.; L Sun,
California State University Hayward
Poster # 158
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
Elmar Zeitler Symposium: Analytical Electron
Microscopy—Past and Future
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 358 Nanostructures and Defects in Several Materials Under Electropulsing; W Zhang, M L Sui, D X Li,
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Chinese Academy og Sciences
Poster # 159
1:00 PM 359 Sb Grain Boundary Segregation in Rapidly
Solidified Cu-Sb Alloy; C Li, M Watanabe, Lehigh University;
J Li, IBM Microelectronics; D W Ackland, D B Williams,
Lehigh University
Poster # 160
1:00 PM 360 Reduction of PtO2 Powders (Adam’s Catalyst)
Under Electron Beam Irradiation; J Liu, Monsanto Company
Poster # 161
1:00 PM 361 Phonon Scattering in Quantitative HighResolution Electron Microscopy—Effects, Problems and Approaches; Z L Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Poster # 162
1:00 PM 362 Z-Contrast Imaging of Dislocation Cores at
the Si/GaAs Interface; S Lopatin, J Narayan, North Carolina
State University; G Duscher, North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster # 163
1:00 PM 363 The Study of Intergranular Segregation and
Elemental Partitioning in Partially Molten Olivine-bearing
Geological Composites by STEM-EDX; I M Anderson, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; T Hiraga, D L Kohlstedt, University of Minnesota
Poster # 164
1:00 PM 364 Nanobelt Thickness and Mean-free Path Determination by CBED and PEELS; Y Berta, C Ma, Z L Wang,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Poster # 165
1:00 PM 365 EFTEM and its Application in Cryo Electron
Microscopy; J M Plitzko, W Baumeister, Max-Planck-Institute
for Biochemistry, Germany
Poster # 166
1:00 PM 366 The Optimization of EDX Performance in
Tecnai TEMs; H S von Harrach, B Freitag, W Gerits, E van
Cappellen, FEI Electron Optics, The Netherlands; A Sandborg, Edax Inc.
Poster # 167
1:00 PM 367 Imaging Single Dopant Atoms and Nanoclusters in Highly n-type Bulk Si; P M Voyles, D A Muller, J L
Grazul, P H Citrin, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies; HJ L
Gossmann, Agere Systems
Poster # 168
1:00 PM 368 Multi-Electrode Samples for TEM Studies of
Corrosion; D S Elswick, J J Hren, North Carolina State
University; P G Kotula, F D Wall, Sandia National Labs
Poster # 169
1:00 PM 369 Trends in AEM Over the Years in Four Materials Science Journals; T Malis, Natural Resources Canada
Poster # 170
1:00 PM 370 Structure Characterization of ZnSe/GaMnAs
Quantum Well On GaAs Substrate; G D Lian, E C Dickey,
S H Chun, N Samarth, Pennsylvania State University
Poster # 171
Microstructural Examination and Imagery of
Engineering Materials
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 371 The Microstructure of MgO Refractory Brick
viA Backscatter Electron Imaging; J H Steele, Consultant, Pine
Poster # 172
1:00 PM 372 Characterization of the Effects of Particle Size
on the Microstructure of MoSi2/TiB2 Composites Produced by
Elemental in-situ Reactions Using Scanning Electron MicroscopY (SEM) and Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA); L A
Dempere, M J Kaufman, University of Florida
Poster # 173
1:00 PM 373 Application of Cathodoluminescence Technique in Light Microscopy to Crystallisation Study of Mold
Fluxes; E Paransky, E Divry, M Rigaud, Ecole Polytechnique
Poster # 174
1:00 PM 374 MEMS Stage and Piezoelectric Motorcontrolled TEM Holder for Quantitative in-situ Testing of
Thin Film Specimens; S J Robinson, G Fried, Beckman
Institute; A Haque, University of Illinois
Poster # 175
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 375 TEM Analysis of a Thermal Sprayed Steel; J
Hangas, A D Roche, Ford Motor Company
Poster # 176
1:00 PM 376 Electron Microscopy Characterization of Aluminum Alloy—Fly Ash Composites; D P Robertson, M
Gajdardziska-Josifovska, J K Kim, R Q Guo, P K Rohatgi,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Poster # 177
1:00 PM 377 Grain Boundary Precipitation in Aged Ni23Cr-16Mo Alloy Resolved by TEM; E S M Nicoletti, PUCRio, Rio de Janeiro; P D Portella, BAM, Berlin; F A Darwish,
I G Solórzano, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Poster # 178
Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena
and Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring
the Contributions of Hannes Lichte and
Akira Tonomura
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 378 Low Voltage Nanotip Interferometry; A Thesen, B G Frost, D C Joy, University of Tennessee
Poster # 107
1:00 PM 379 Development of a Direction-Free Magnetic
Field Application System; K Harada, J Endo, N Osakabe, A
Tonomura, Hitachi Ltd.; K Kitazawa, University of Tokyo,
Poster # 108
1:00 PM 380 Eleven Thousand Interference Fringes by 1-MV
Field Emission Electron Microscope; T Akashi, K Harada, T
Furutsu, N Moriya, T Matsuda, H Kasai, T Kawasaki, T
Yoshida, A Tonomura, Hitachi Ltd.; K Kitazawa, H Koinuma, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
Poster # 109
1:00 PM 381 Observation of Vortices and Columnar Defects by Using Lorentz Microscopy; H Kasai, O Kamimura, T
Matsuda, K Harada, A Tonomura, Hitachi Ltd.; S Okayasu,
M Sasase, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute; Y Nakayama, J Shimoyama, K Kishio, T Hanaguri, K Kitazawa,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Poster # 110
1:00 PM 382 Phase Contrast Images of Superconducting Pancake Vortices; M Beleggia, Brookhaven National Laboratory;
G Pozzi, University of Bologna; A Tonomura, Hitachi Ltd.
Poster # 111
1:00 PM 383 Vortex Modeling in High-Tc Anisotropic Materials; M Beleggia, Brookhaven National Laboratory; J Masuko, Tokyo Institute of Technology; N Osakabe, Hitachi Ltd;
G Pozzi, University of Bologna; A Tonomura, Hitachi Ltd
Poster # 112
1:00 PM 384 Fast and Robust Phase Unwrapping Algorithm for Electron Holography; M A Schofield, Y Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Poster # 113
1:00 PM 385 Quantitative Phase Imaging and Differential
Interference Contrast for Biological TEM; B E Allman, R R
van Driel, IATIA Ltd, Australia; P J McMahon, E D BaroneNugent, K A Nugent, University of Melbourne, Australia
Poster # 114
1:00 PM 386 Holographic Setup for 2D-Dopant Profiling
using the Lorentz-lens; M Lehmann, K Brand, H Lichte,
University of Dresden
Poster # 115
1:00 PM 387 Ferroelectric Electron Holography; H Lichte,
M Reibold, K Brand, M Lehmann, Dresden University
Poster # 116
1:00 PM 388 Improved Information Recovery in Phase Contrast EM for non-Two-fold Symmetric Boersch Phase Plate
Geometry; E Majorovits, R R Schroeder, Max-Planck-Institute
for Medical Research
Poster # 117
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 389 The Study of Maize Epidermal Replica by Oblique Illumination Microscopy; V Cheng, Transit Middle
School; W Y Cheng, Williamsville East HS; D B Walden, University of Western Ontario; P C Cheng, University at Buffalo
Poster # 140
1:00 PM 390 The Characteristics of Early Helladic II Period Wood Recovered From an Underwater Shipwreck Site
near Dokos Greece; M W Pendleton, T C Stephens, A Ellis,
Texas A&M University; G Fox, California State University
Poster # 141
1:00 PM 391 3-Dimensional Visualization of na2/na2 Stem
in Maize; W Y Cheng, Williamsville East High School; D B
Walden, University of Western Ontario; P C Cheng, University at Buffalo
Poster # 142
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 392 Subcellular Localization of a Novel Transcription Factor in Watered and Drought Stressed Phaseolus acutifolius; L Rodriguez-Uribe, S Ghoshroy, M O’Connell, New
Mexico State University
Poster # 143
1:00 PM 393 Application of Stain FM4-64 and Confocal
Microscopy to Investigate the Nature of The Lemon, Citrus
limon (L.) Burm. F. Oil Glands; D A Margosan, L H Aung,
US Department of Agriculture
Poster # 144
Correlative Microscopy
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 401 Parallel Transmission Electron and Atomic
Force Microscopy: Direct and Repetitive Correlation of TEM
and AFM images by a Novel Sample Holder; A C Lin, M C
Goh, University of Toronto
Poster # 152
1:00 PM 394 Changes in Thallus and Algal Cell Components of Two Lichen Species in Response to Low-Level Air
Pollution at Pacific Northwest Forests; H S Ra, R F E Crang,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Poster # 145
1:00 PM 402 Ultrasound Biomicroscopy as a Probe of Cellular Ultrastructure; Y M Heng, The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto; M Butler, University of Toronto; M
Kolios,Ontario Cancer Institute; G Czarnota, Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Canada
Poster # 153
1:00 PM 395 The Study of Airflow Pattern Around a Maize
Plant by Schlieren Optics; W Y Cheng, Williamsville East
High School NY; P C Cheng, University at Buffalo; D B
Walden, University of Western Ontario
Poster # 146
1:00 PM 403 Combined ALEXA-488 and Nanogold Antibody Probes; W Liu, J F Hainfeld, R D Powell, Nanoprobes,
Poster # 154
1:00 PM 396 Elemental Distribution in Leaves of Sporobolus virginicus using Nuclear Microprobe; Y Naidoo, G Naidoo, University Durban
Poster # 147
1:00 PM 404 Correlative Microscopy of Cereballar Bergmann Glial Cells; O J Castejon, Universidad del Zulia Maracaibo; M Dailey, Iowa University; R P Apkarian, Emory
University; H V Castejon, Universidad del Zulia Maracaibo
Poster # 155
1:00 PM 397 Immunolocalization of a Recombinant Cellulase in Transgenic Tobacco Plants; H J Bae, H L N Chamberland, Université Laval; S Laberge, Centre de Recherches et
de Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada; YS Kim, Chonnam National University, Korea
Poster # 148
1:00 PM 398 Annual Sea Slug Population’s Life Cycle is the
Result of Apoptosis; W Mondy, S K Pierce, University of
South Florida
Poster # 149
1:00 PM 399 SEM Examination of Conductive Tissues of
Pinus Koraiensis Needles; Z H Ning, Southern University; X
He, Chinese Academy of Sciences; K Abdollahi, Southern
Poster # 150
1:00 PM 400 Structure and Function of Hornwort Stomata; J R Lucas, K S Renzaglia, Southern Illinois University
Poster # 151
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 405 Structure, Chemistry and Properties of Grain
Boundaries in H2SO4-Doped Ice; D Iliescu, D Cullen, C
Muscat, I Baker, Dartmouth College
Poster # 179
1:00 PM 406 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vostok Accretion Ice; D Cullen, I Baker, Dartmouth College
Poster # 180
1:00 PM 407 Rietveld Refinement and HRTEM Simulation
of Calcium-Lead Apatites; Z Dong, T White, Environmental
Technology Institute, Singapore
Poster # 181
1:00 PM 408 Electron Microscopy of In Situ Presolar Silicon Carbide; R M Stroud, Naval Research Laboratory; M
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
O’Grady, Vanderbilt Univeristy; L R Nittler, C M O Alexander, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Poster # 182
1:00 PM 409 SEM Syudy and X-RAY Microanalysis of
Lateritics from “Los Pijiguaos” Bauxite ore, Estado Bolívar,
Venezuela.; D Espinoza, W Meléndez, D Iapicca, C Urbina,
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Poster # 183
1:00 PM 410 Automated X-ray Spectral Image Analysis of
a Large Area of a Geologic Material; P Kotula, P Hlava, M
Keenan, Sandia National Laboratories
Poster # 184
1:00 PM 411 Application of Spatial and Feature Analysis to
Electron Microscope Petrography; S Lowther, A Wisher, University of Puget Sound
Poster # 185
1:00 PM 412 Electron Microscopy Study of Mineral Colloids in the Ground Water Near Nevada Test Site; L P You,
L M Wang, S Utsunomiya, R C Ewing, University of Michigan; A B Kerstiing, P Zhao, Lawrence Livermore National
Poster # 186
1:00 PM 413 A Practical Application of Scanning Electron
Microscopy to Characterize a Fine-Grained Sulfide Gold Ore;L
R P De Andrade Lima, McGill University; D Hodouin, Laval
Poster # 187
1:00 PM 414 Electronprobe Microanalysis of Volcanic Glass
at Cryogenic Temperatures; S Kearns, N Steen, E Erlund,
University of Bristol
Poster # 188
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 415 Charging of a Structured Material During
Electron Beam Exposure; M Kotera, Y Ishida, Osaka Institute
of Technology, Japan
Poster # 189
1:00 PM 416 Inelastic Electron Scattering Observation using
Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy for SiliconGermanium Nanostructures Imaging.; R Pantel, S Jullian, D
Dutartre, ST Microelectronics
Poster # 190
1:00 PM 417 Observation of Device Cross-Sectional Thin
Films Prepared by FIB Using JEM-2500SE, an Electron Microscope for Nano-Analysis; N Endo, T Suzuki, E Okunishi, Y
Kondo, JEOL ltd. Japan
Poster # 191
1:00 PM 418 Nanoscale Compositional Characterization of
Silicon Oxide-Nitride-Oxide Stacks; I Levin, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Poster # 192
1:00 PM 419 TEM Observation on Single Defect in SiC;
J Q Liu, M Skowronski, Carnegie Mellon University; P G
Neudeck, J A Powell, NASA Glenn Research Center
Poster # 193
1:00 PM 420 Microanalysis of Nano-Crystalline Diamonds;
M A Stevens-Kalceff, University of New South Wales, Australia.; S Prawer, J O Orwa, J Peng, J McCallum, D Jamieson,
L Bursill, University of Melbourne, Australia; W Kalceff,
University of Technology, Australia.
Poster # 194
1:00 PM 421 Assessment of Integrated Sub-micron Polysilicon Fuses for Low Voltage CMOS Applications; J Schaper, T
Hopson, A VanVianen, Motorola
Poster # 195
1:00 PM 422 Ion Channeling Contrast Imaging of Aluminum Wire Bonds; K D Dye, R A Youngman, Medtronic Inc.
Poster # 196
1:00 PM 423 Quantum Wire Arrays in Compositionally
Modulated InAs/AlAs Superlattices; D M Follstaedt, J L Reno,
S R Lee, Sandia National Labs
Poster # 197
1:00 PM 424 Z-Contrast Imaging of InAs Quantum Wires
in GaAs/AlAs Quantum Wells; G Lian, E C Dickey, Pennsylvania State University; J Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Poster # 198
1:00 PM 425 Energy Dispersive Spectrometry Calibration
For The HD-2000 STEM; C B Vartuli, Agere Systems; F A
Stevie, North Carolina State University; B Rossie, S Anderson, M Jamison, M Decker, J McKinely, C Darling, Agere
Systems; R Irwin, Texas Instruments
Poster # 199
1:00 PM 426 EFTEM Mapping of Copper—SiLK Structures; A Myers, S Panglre, Advanced Micro Devices
Poster # 200
Tuesday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 427 TEM Study of the Microstructure of Si Thin
Films Deposited by Hot Wire CVD; K M Jones, M H AlJassim, D H Levi, B P Nelson, National Renewable Energy
Poster # 201
1:00 PM 428 Screw Dislocations in GaN; Z LilientalWeber, J Jasinski, J Washburn, M O’Keefe, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Poster # 202
1:00 PM 429 Evolution of GaSb/GaAs Quantum Dot Strain
Relaxation; V Fink, O J Pitts, S Watkins, K L Kavanagh,
Simon Fraser University
Poster # 203
1:00 PM 430 Cracking of GaN Based III-Nitride Heterostructures Grown by MOVPE on (0001)-6H-SiC; A Hasenkopf, Max-Planck-Institut fur Metallforschung; F Scholz,
Universitat Stuttgart; F Phillipp, Max-Planck-Institut fur
Poster # 204
1:00 PM 431 Characterization and Optimization of Semiconductor Specimen Preparation for QHREM; N Jin-Phillipp,
M Kelsch, F Phillipp, M Rühle, Max-Planck-Institut für
Poster # 205
1:00 PM 432 Electrical and Structural Characterization of
GaN p-n Heterostuctures by Scanning Probe Microscopy;
M da Silva, J Gonzalez, P Russell, North Carolina State
Poster # 206
1:00 PM 433 Measurements of GaN-based Heterostructures with Electron Beam Induced Current; K L Bunker, J C
Gonzalez, A D Batchelor, P Russell, North Carolina State
Poster # 207
1:00 PM 434 A Novel Method for Direct TEM Studies of
the Microstructure of Polysilicon Films Crystallized With and
Without Underlying Oxide; X Z Bo, Princeton Unversity; N
Yao, Princeton University; J Sturm, Princeton Unversity
Poster # 208
1:00 PM 435 Applications of a Novel FIB-SIMS Instrument
in SIMS Image Depth Profiling; G McMahon, Fibics Incorporated; J Nxumalo, Semiconductor Insights Inc.; M W Phaneuf, Fibics Incorporated
Poster # 209
1:00 PM 436 CuPt-Type Ordering in MOCVD
In0.49Al0.51P; T H Kosel, D C Hall, University of Notre
Dame; R D Dupuis, R D Heller, University of Texas Austin;
R E Cook, Argonne National Laboratory
Poster # 210
Image Simulation and Image Processing
Poster Session
Tuesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 437 Novel Techniques for Image Process in Electron Probe Microanalysis; N Mori, H Takahashi, M Takakura,
C Nielsen, JEOL Ltd
Poster # 118
1:00 PM 438 Image Simulation of Gold Cluster Detection
in TEM and STEM; J Wall, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Poster # 119
1:00 PM 439 Deconvolution Process of High-Resolution
HAADF STEM Images; M Shiojiri, Kyoto Institute of Technology; K Watanabe, Tokyo Metropolitan Colleage of Technology; N Nakanishi, T Yamazaki, Tokyo University of
Science; M Kawasaki, JEOL USA Inc.; A Recnik, M Ceh,
Institute of Jozef Stefan
Poster # 120
1:00 PM 440 High-Resolution HAADF STEM of Inversion
Boundaries in Sb2O3-Doped Zinc Oxide; M Shiojiri, Kyoto
Institute of Technology; A Recnik, Institute of Jozef Stefan;
T Yamazaki, Tokyo University of Science; M Kawasaki, JEOL
USA Inc.; M Ceh, Institute of Jozef Stefan; K Watanabe,
Tokyo Metropolitan College of Technology
Poster # 121
1:00 PM 441 Families of Particle-Like Fractals with Differing Shapes and Boundary Fractal Dimensions; D S Bright,
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Poster # 122
1:00 PM 442 Semi-Automatic Tools to Segment SEM images of Particles; D S Bright, National Institute of Standards
and Technology
Poster # 123
1:00 PM 443 Pit depth quantification of PM Aluminum
Composites using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Image
Analysis; N Martinez, D Busquets, V Amigó, M D Salvador,
N Valero, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Poster # 124
Tuesday PM ~Platform!
1:00 PM 444 Image Analysis in PM Aluminum Composites. Matrix/Reinforcement Characterization; N Martinez, V
Amigó, D Busquets, M D Salvador, N Valero, Universidad
Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Poster # 125
1:00 PM 445 HREM Study of Fullerenes Impact in a Metallic Matrix; J Pacaud, A Michel, C Jaouen, F Pailloux, Laboratoire de Metallurgie Physique; S Della Negra, Institut de
Physique Nucleaire, France
Poster # 126
1:00 PM 446 A New Computerised Method of Multiple
Labelling Detection and Particle Evaluation.; L H MonteiroLeal, State University of Rio de Janeiro; H Tröster, Biomedical Structure Analysis, Germany; L Campanati, Inst. de
Biofísica Bl-G subsolo, Brazil; H Spring, M Trendelenburg,
Biomedical Structure Analysis, Germany
Poster # 127
3-D Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules
Session Chair~s! J Frank, State University of New York,
P Ottensmeyer, University of Toronto
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 301 B
3:00 PM 447 Three-Dimensional Architecture of Latent and
Active Meprin B; M T Norcum, K B Labat, University of
Mississippi Medical Center; G P Bertenshaw, J S Bond, The
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Confocal and Deconvolution for Biologists
Session Chair~s! E. Humphrey, University of British
J. Jerome, Vanderbilt University
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 201BC
3:00 PM 452 ~Invited! Spatial and temporal assays to determine the dynamics of protein localisation and organelle
movement in single living cells; R J Errington, P J Smith, S C
Chappell, W H Evans, A Fajardo-Bermudez, P E M Martin,
University of Wales
3:30 PM 453 Mapping Organism Expression Levels at Cellular Resolution in Developing Drosophila; D W Knowles, S
Keranen, M D Biggin, D Sudar, Lawrence Berkeley National
3:45 PM 454 VEGF-Induced Cytoskeletal Alterations Relating to Vascular Permeability in Endothelial Cells; K Spencer,
D Cheresh, The Scripps Research Institute
4:00 PM 455 ~Invited! Medical Diagnosis Using Miniaturised Confocal Microscopes; A Hibbs, BIOCON
4:30 PM 456 An Estimate of the Contribution of Spherical
Aberration and Self-shadowing in Confocal and Multi-photon
Fluorescent Microscopy; P C Cheng, University at Buffalo;
A R Hibbs, Biocon; H Yu, P C Lin, National University of
Singapore; W Y Cheng, Williamsville East High School, NY
4:45 PM 457 Structures Inside Living Cells Limit Optical
Sectioning Precision; J Pawley, University of Wisconsin
3:15 PM 448 X-Ray Cryo-Tomography of Whole Yeast at
60 nm Resolution; C Larabell, University of California at San
Francisco; M A LeGros, Lawrence Berkeley National
Hirsch Symposium: In Situ Electron Microscopy
Techniques and Applications/Reactions
3:30 PM 449 Capturing Transient Molecular Structures on
the Millisecond Time Scale for EM Imaging; F Q Zhao, R
Craig, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 206A
Session Chair~s! P L Gai, DuPont
D. Miller, Argonne National Laboratory
3:45 PM 450 TEM Analysis of b-amyloid Fibrillogenesis:
New Strategy-Old Problem; R P Apkarian, J Dong, D Lynn,
Emory University
3:00 PM 458 ~Invited! In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Copper Electrodeposition; F M Ross, IBM; M J Williamson, University of Virginia; R M Tromp, IBM; R Hull,
University of Virginia; P M Vereecken, IBM
4:00 PM 451 Nickel-NTA-Nanogold Binds HIS-Tagged Proteins; J Hainfeld, Brookhaven National Lab; W Liu, V Joshi,
R D Powell, Nanoprobes, Inc.
3:30 PM 459 ~Invited! Local Measurement of Reaction Kinetics Using in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy; R
Sharma, P Crozier, Arizona State University
Tuesday PM ~Platform!
4:00 PM 460 Influence of Germanium Interdiffusion on the
Morphological Evolution of Sigma3 Grain Boundaries in Gold
Thin Films; T Radetic, U Dahmen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
4:15 AM 469 Phase Retrieval, Symmetrization Rule and
Transport-of-Intensity Equation in Application to Induction
Mapping of Magnetic Materials; V V Volkov, Y Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
4:15 PM 461 Initial Oxidation Kinetics of Copper Films
Investigated by In-Situ UHV-TEM; G Zhou, J C Yang, University of Pittsburgh
4:30 PM 470 Image Interpretation of Magnetic Domains in
Nd2Fe14B Hard Magnets; M Beleggia, M A Schofield, V V
Volkov, Y Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Session Chair~s! A. Geary, Metallographic
Consulting Ltd.
4:45 PM 471 Observation of Chain Structure of Superconducting Vortices by Lorentz Microscopy; T Matsuda, O Kamimura, H Kasai, K Harada, T Yoshida, T Akashi, A
Tonomura, Hitachi Ltd.; Y Nakayama, J Shimoyama, K
Kishio, T Hanaguri, K Kitazawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 303A
Microscopy, Microanalysis and Image Analysis in
the Pharmaceutical Industry
3:00 PM 462 Observing the Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Powders with the SEM; J H Steele, Consultant, Pine
Session Chair~s! B. Maleeff, GlaxoSmithKline
B. Hartman, Schering-Plough Research Institute
3:30 PM 463 Examining the Transformation Products of
Austenite in Steels Using Backscatter Electron Imaging in the
SEM; J H Steele, Consultant, Pine
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 205C
Microstructural Examination and Imagery of
Engineering Materials
4:00 PM 464 Characterization of Directionally Recrystallized Cold-rolled Nickel Using EBSP; B Iliescu, J Li, I Baker,
Dartmouth College
4:30 PM 465 Site-specific TEM Specimen Preparation of
Grain Boundary Corrosion in Nickel-Based Alloys Using the
FIB “Plan-View Lift-Out” Technique; M W Phaneuf, R J
Patterson, Fibics Incorporated
Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena
and Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring
the Contributions of Hannes Lichte and
Akira Tonomura
Session Chair~s! W. Rau; LEO Electron Micrscopy
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 301 A
3:00 PM 466 ~Invited! Fourier Methods for Field and Phaseshift Calculations of Long-range Electromagnetic Fields; G
Pozzi, University of Bologna, Italy
3:30 PM 467 Confocal Holography; R A Herring, D Laurin, Canadian Space Agency
3:45 PM 468 ~Invited! Contributions of Elastically and Inelastically Scattered Electrons to High-Resolution Off-Axis
Electron Holograms—A Quantitative Analysis; M Lehmann,
H Lichte, University of Dresden
3:00 PM 472 ~invited! Roundtable Discussion: Impact of
21 CFR Part11 and Digital Asset Management Tools on Data
handling; J C Hanson, Lilly Research Labs
Session Chair~s! EC Dickey, Penn State University
XQ Pan, University of Michigan
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 204AB
3:00 PM 473 Microstructural Studies of Copper Sulfide Film
Growth: Influence of Humidity; M J Campin, New Mexico
State University; J C Barbour, J Braithwaite, Sandia National
Laboratories; J Zhu, New Mexico State University
3:15 PM 474 Electron Microscopy Study of Fe3O4 (111)/
MgO(111) Polar Oxide Interface; V Lazarov, M GajdardziskaJosifovska, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
3:30 PM 475 HRTEM Characterization of Interface between
Iso-structural Thin Solid Film and Substrate; C Wang, S Thevuthasan, F Gao,V Shutthanandan, D E McCready, S A Chambers, C H F Peden, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
3:45 PM 476 Strain Relaxation by Misfit Dislocations in
Nanoscale Epitaxial Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Films Grown on
SrTiO3 Substrate; H P Sun, W Tian, University of Michigan;
J H Haeni, D G Schlom, Pennsylvania State University; X Q
Pan, University of Michigan
Wednesday AM ~Platform!
4:00 PM 477 Layer and Defect Structures of BaF2/CaF2
Multilayers; N Y Jin-Phillipp, N Sata, J Maier, C Scheu, M
Rühle, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung
3:00 PM 481 ~Invited! Electron Backscatter Diffraction in
the SEM: A Tutorial; J R Michael, Sandia National
4:15 PM 478 Nanoscale Grain Boundary Dissociation: Role
of Shockley Partial Dislocations; D L Medlin, D Cohen, G
Lucadamo, S Foiles, Sandia National Laboratories
Quality Systems for Microscopy and
Microanalysis: ISO 9000 and More
4:30 PM 479 Aliovalent Dopant Distribution in Nanocrystalline Tin Dioxide Studied by X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy; J E Dominguez, H P Sun, X Q Pan, University of
4:45 PM 480 Grain Boundary Segregation in Titanium
Dioxide; Q Wang, G Lian, E Dickey, Pennsylvania State
Session Chair~s! IM Anderson, Oak Ridge National
Platform Session
Tuesday 4:00 PM
Room: 203
4:00 PM 482 ~Invited! Quality Systems for Microscopy &
Microanalysis: ISO 9000 and More; E B Steel, National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Presidential Symposium
Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the SEM:
Orientation Mapping and Phase Identification for
Materials Science
Session Chair~s!
Platform Session
Tuesday 5:00 PM
Room: 200B
Session Chair~s! IM Anderson, Oak Ridge National
Platform Session
Tuesday 3:00 PM
Room: 203
5:00 PM 483 ~Invited! The 1st 10 Million Years of Solar
System History: Application of Microbeam Techniques to the
Study of Meteorites; K Keil
Wednesday, August 7, 2002
Advances in Ultrastructural and Non-invasive
Imaging of Skin
& spectroscopy ; P T C So, K H Kim, L H Laiho, K Bahlmann, MIT; C Buehler, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland;
C Y Dong, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Session Chair~s! M Misra, Unilever Research
10:00 AM
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:45 AM
Room: 207
8:45 AM 484 ~Invited! New Aspects of the Skin Barrier
Organisation Assessed by Diffraction and Electron Microscopic Techniques; J Bouwstra, Y Grams, Leiden/Amsterdam
Center for Drug Research; G Pilgram, Utrech University,
The Netherlands; H Koerten, Leiden University Medical
Center, The Netherlands
9:15 AM 485 ~Invited! Non-Invasive diagnosis of skin sructure and biochemistry based on non-linear optical microscopy
9:45 AM 486 Electron Tomography Study on Junctions in
Skin; W He, Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine; P
Cowin, New York University Medical Center; D L Stokes,
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine
10:30 AM 487 ~Invited! Detectability of Reflectance and
Fluorescent Contrast Agents for Real-Time in Vivo Confocal
Microscopy; M Rajadhyaksha, S Gonzalez, Massachusetts
General Hospital
11:00 AM 488 In vivo confocal Fluorescence imaging of skin
surface cellular morphology; D T Leeson, Unilever Research
Wednesday AM ~Platform!
11:30 AM 489 ~Invited! Mapping Inter-Cellular Water in
Skin; A Aitouchen, Stevens Institute; S Shi, Unilever Research; M Libera, Stevens Institute; M Misra, Unilever
State of the Art Infrared and RAM an
Session Chair~s! M. Jackson, NRC Canada
E. Etz, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting
Session Chair~s! Y. Liu, University of Michigan
D.J. Smith, Arizona State University
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 206B
8:00 AM 490 ~Invited! Metallic Magnetic Nanocrystals—
Shapes, Self-Assembly and Phase Transformation; Z L Wang,
Z Dai, Georgia Institute of Technology; S Sun, IBM
8:30 AM 491 ~Invited! The Magnetism-Nanostructure Interface in Advanced Magnetic Materials; D Sellmyer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 206A
8:00 AM 498 ~Invited! Infared Microscopic analysis of tissues: a comparison of Methodologies; M Jackson, J Dubois,National Research Council Canada; R Baydak, T Booth,
Canadian Science Center for Human and Animal Health
8:30 AM 499 Spatially Resolved Improved FT-IR Microspectroscopy of Deuterated Species in Tissue; D L Wetzel, Kansas
State University; S M LeVine, University of Kansas Medical
9:00 AM 492 ~Invited! TEM Microstructure Studies of Thin
Film Magnetic Recording Media; R Sinclair, U Kwon, J Risner, Stanford University
8:45 AM 500 Cancer Diagnosis and Detection via Infrared
Microspectroscopy of Cells and Thin Tissue Sections. What
Have we Learned?; R A Shaw, S L Ying, K C McCrae, G
Steiner, R Salzer, F B Guijon, H H Mantsch, National
Research Council of Canada
9:30 AM 493 Interfacial Segregation in Modified Fe-Nd-B
Permanent Magnets by Analytical Electron Microscopy; J Bentley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; J E Shield, University of
9:00 AM 501 Looking at Prion Diseases in situ with Infared
Microscopy; J Dubois, National Research Council Canada; R
Baydack, University of Manitoba, Canada; M Jackson, National Research Council Canada
9:45 AM 494 Influence of Microstructure on the Magnetic
Properties of Co Alloy Thin Films for 100 Gbit/in2 Longitudinal Recording; J E Wittig, Vanderbilt University; J Bentley,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; J Ma, J Al-Sharab, Vanderbilt University; N D Evans, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
9:30 AM 502 Biomedical Applications of FlurorescenceAssisted Synchrotron Infrared Micro-Spectroscopy; L M Miller,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 495 ~Invited! Determination of Disordered Magnetic Structures in High-Coercivity Nd-Fe-Based Glassy Alloys; N Lupu, H Chiriac, National Institute of R&D for
Technical Physics
11:00 AM 496 ~Invited! EELS Analysis of Magnetic Materials; C G Trevor, P J Thomas, R Harmon, R Alani, H A
Brink, Gatan
11:30 AM 497 ~Invited! Characterization of Magnetic Materials by Means of Neutron Scattering and Future Possibilities
at a Next Generation Spallation Neutron Source; F Klose,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory; G Ehlers, Institute
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 503 Explanatory Analysis Strategies for High
Deimensional Mid-Infared Microspectroscopy Data from Tissue Sections; M G Sowa, L Leonardi, M D Hewko, B Schattka, J Dubois, M Jackson, K Z Liu, H H Mantsch, National
Research Council Canada
10:45 AM 504 ~Invited! Discriminating vital Tumor from
necrotic tissue in human glioblastoma samples by Raman
microspectroscopy; S Koljenovic, LP Choo-Smith, T C Baker
Schut, Erasmus University, The Netherlands; J M Kros, H J
van den Berge, University Hospital Rotterdam; G J Puppels,
Erasmus University, The Netherlands
11:15 AM 505 Analysis of Bone Utilizing Infrared and Raman Chemical Imaging; T J Tague, C P Schultz, Bruker
Optics, Inc.; L Miller, National Synchrotron Light Source
Wednesday AM ~Platform!
11:30 AM 506 Application of Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopic Imaging to Biomedical Analyses; R Bhargava, D
C Fernandez, S W Huffman, M D Schaerble, I W Levin,
National Institutes of Health
11:45 AM 507 Near Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging: A Paradigm Shift in Quantitative Analysis; E N Lewis, L H Kidder,
E Lee, Spectral Dimensions, Inc.
Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals
Session Chair~s! C. Bennet, Acadia University
J. Corbett
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 303B
8:00 AM 508 ~Invited! Electron Microscopy and its Application to the Study of Incommensurately Modulated Compositionally and/or Displacively Flexible Phases; R L Withers, L
Norén, Y Liu, F Brink, Australian National University
8:30 AM 509 ~Invited! Electron Crystallographic Study of
Incommensurate Modulated Structures; H F Fan, Y Li, Z H
Wan, Z Q Fu, Y D Mo, T Z Cheng, F H Li, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing
9:00 AM 510 ~Invited! Electron Microscopy Study of Misfit
Layer Structures in the Sb-Nb-S and Bi-Nb-S Systems; L C
Otero-Díaz, Univerisdad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
9:30 AM 511 ~Invited! Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of
Modulated Surface Structures; A Prodan, H J P van Midden,
N Jug, Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia; F W Boswell, University of Waterloo; J C Bennett, Acadia University, Canada; H
Böhm, Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 512 Electron Diffraction Evidence For An Elastic
XY Model Phase In Niobia-Zirconia Ceramic Alloys; J R
Sellar, Monash University, Australia
10:45 AM 513 ~Invited! Quasi-periodic Materials—Crystal
Redefined; D Shechtman, Technion, Haifa, Israel
11:15 AM 514 Local Symmetry and Phason Fluctuations of
an Ideal Al-Ni-Co Quasicrystal Studied by Atomic-resolution
HAADF-STEM; E Abe, S J Pennycook, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory; A P Tsai, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
11:30 AM 515 Direct Observation of Icosahedral Clusters
in Quasicrystals and Crystals; E Abe, S J Pennycook, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; A P Tsai, National Institute for
Materials Science, Japan
Metallography and Microstructural Evaluation of
Contemporary Materials
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 517 Metallographic Procedure to Microstructural
Characterization of a Multiphase Steel Applied to Pipelines
Industry by Optical Microscopy; M D S Pereira, P E L Garcia,
T M Hashimoto, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
Poster # 302
1:00 PM 518 Identification of Retained Austenite by Optical Microscopy and Its Correlation with Mechanical Properties
in API-5L-X80 Steel Applied in Pipelines Industry; M D S
Pereira, E M Orue, T M Hashimoto, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
Poster # 303
1:00 PM 520 In-Situ Metallography and Replication of Microstructures for Condition Assessment and Remaining Life
Analysis; Y Ranaware, G Shejale, Thermax Babcock & Wilcox Limited, India
Poster # 304
Metallography and Microstructural Evaluation of
Contemporary Materials
Session Chair~s! J. Klansky, Beuhler Ltd., Lake Bluff, IL
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 303A
8:00 AM 516 ~Invited! A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Dual Phase High Strength Steels; I Yakubtsov, D
Boyd, Queen’s University; D Emadi, CANMET
8:30 AM 519 ~Invited! Fractographic Evaluation of Medium Carbon Steels with Low Hot Ductility; O Dremailova,
D Emadi, E Essadiqi, J Brown, CANMET
9:00 AM 521 ~Invited! Recovery and Recrystallization of
Ferrite in Warm Forging of a Medium Carbon Steel; P Zhao,
D Boyd, Queen’s University, Canada
9:30 AM 522 ~Invited! Characterization of the Inhibition
Layer on Galvanized Interstitial Free Steels; S Dionne, G
Botton, M Charest, CANMET; F Goodwin, International
Lead Zinc Research Organization
Wednesday AM ~Platform!
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 523 ~Invited! Metallographic Methods for Troubleshooting of Roll Problems in the Finishing Train of a
Ferrous Hot Strip Mill; R Webber, M Lalik, Dofasco Inc.
10:30 AM 532 ~Invited! The Determination and Interpretation of Electrically Active Charge Density Profiles at Reverse
Biased p-n Junctions From Electron Holograms; R DuninBorkowski, A Twitchett, P Midgley, University of Cambridge
11:00 AM 524 ~Invited! Macro-etching of Continuous Cast
Steel; J Casey, Dofasco Inc.
11:00 AM 533 RoundTable Discussion on Dopant Profiling
via electron holography; Moderators: Vinayak P Dravid,
Northwestern University, Larry Allard, ORNL
11:30 AM 525 Mechanical Properties of an Austempered
High Carbon, High Silicon and High Manganese Steel; S K
Putatunda, Wayne State University
Industrial Applications of
Microscopy—Techniques for the Real World
Session Chair~s! Z. Li, DuPont
J. Woodward, Buckman Labs
11:45 AM 526 Microstructural Characterization of Metal
Injection MoldeD (MIM) AISI 316L; S R Collins, Swagelok
Electron Holography, Interference Phenomena
and Related Techniques: A Symposium Honoring
the Contributions of Hannes Lichte and
Akira Tonomura
Session Chair~s! B. Frost, University of Tennessee
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 301A
8:00 AM 527 ~Invited! Mapping of Process Induced Dopant Redistributions by Electron Holography; W D Rau, LEO
Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH
8:30 AM 528 ~Invited! New Developments and Applications of Electron Holography; T Hirayama, Z Wang, Japan
Fine Ceramics Center; K Yamamoto, Japan Science and
Technology Corporation; T Kato, Japan Fine Ceramics Center; N Kato, ITES IBM Japan; K Sasaki, H Saka, Nagoya
9:00 AM 529 Practical Considerations for Electron Holography on Doped Semiconductor Devices; A Thesen, B G Frost,
University of Tennessee; D C Joy, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Lab
9:15 AM 530 Quantitative Examination of Reverse-Biased
Semiconductor Devices using Off-axis Electron Holography; A
C Twitchett, R Dunin-Borkowski, P Midgley, University of
9:30 AM 531 ~Invited! Electron Holographic Characterization of Nanoscale Magnetic and Electrostatic Fields; M McCartney, Arizona State University
10:00 AM
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 202
8:00 AM 534 ~Invited! Microstructural Characterization of
Automotive Materials; W Donlon, A Chen, L Gonzalez, J
Hangas, E Lee, M Peck, Ford Motor Company
8:30 AM 535 ~Invited! Applied Microscopy for the Paper
Industry; D R Rothbard, Institute of Paper Science and
9:00 AM 536 ~Invited! Transmission Electron Microscopy
Applications in the Semiconductor Industry—Challenges and
Solutions for Specimen Preparation; Y Xu, C Schwappach,
Intel Corporation
9:30 AM 537 ~Invited! The Unique Diversity of Electron and
Confocal Imaging Applications in a Natural History Museum
Setting; A V Klaus, American Museum of Natural History
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 538 ~Invited! 3D Imaging of Polymer-based Materials by Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy; L Liang, DuPont Co.
11:00 AM 539 AFM / SEM Backscattered Imaging of Slip
Bands in Titanium; S Okerstrom, Medtronic Inc
11:15 AM 540 Application of X-ray Micro-Tomography to
Study the MorphologY and Porosity of Pharmaceutical Granules; L Farber, Merck & Co, Inc; G Tardos, The City College
of the City University of New York; J N Michaels, Merck &
Co, Inc
11:30 AM 541 Low Temperature SEM as a Tool for Understanding Dynamic Events in Consumer Products Research
Manufacture and Use; D Jacobs, Y Boissy, S Lindberg, Procter
& Gamble Co
Wednesday AM ~Platform!
EELS and EFTEM Analysis
Current Topics in Low Voltage SEM
Session Chair~s! G. Botton, McMaster University
K. Moore, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Session Chair~s! R Gauvin, McGill University
D Joy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 204 AB
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 301 B
8:00 AM 542 ~Invited! Probing the Electronic Structure of
Transition Metal Oxides using EELS; D W McComb, University of Glasgow
8:00 AM 552 ~Invited! An Assessment of the Pros and Cons
of Low Voltage X-ray Analysis in the SEM; E D Boyes,
DuPont Company
8:30 AM 543 ~Invited! Structures and Energetics of Interfaces in Materials-Ab-initio Local-Density-Functional Theory;
C Elsaesser, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung
8:30 AM 553 ~Invited! About the Topographic Contrast in
LVSEM; J Cazaux, DTI Faculty of Sciences Reims France
9:00 AM 544 EELS Measurements on Wurtzite InN; A
Mkhoyan, E S Alldredge, N W Ashcroft, J Silcox, Cornell
9:15 AM 545 The Electronic Structure of Threading Dislocations in GaN; I Arslan, N Browning, University of Illinois
at Chicago
9:30 AM 546 New Developments in EELS Applied to Interface Study in Magnetoresistive Tunnel Junctions With Manganites; D Imhoff, L Samet, M Tenc, A Gloter, Laboratoire
Physique des Solides; F D R Pailloux, J L Maurice, CNRS,
France; C Colliex, Laboratoire Physique des Solides, France
9:45 AM 547 ~Invited! Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy
of Alternative Gate Dielectric Stacks; S Stemmer, D Klenov, Z
Chen, Rice University; J-P Maria, A I Kingon, D Niu, G N
Parsons, North Carolina State University
10:15 AM
9:00 AM 554 ~Invited! High Resolution Examination of
Biological Samples Using Field Emission Scanning Electron
Microscopy; S L Erlandsen, University of Minnesota; J Detry,
Honeywell; C Ottenwaelter, C Frethem, University of
9:30 AM 555 ~Invited! Physics of Low Voltage Scanning
Electron Microscopy; R Gauvin, McGill University
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 556 ~Invited! Advanced Instrumentation for Low
Voltage Scanning Microscopy; D C Joy, University of Tennessee
11:00 AM 557 ~Invited! Low Voltage Energy Dispersive
Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis oF Inorganic Light Elements in Bulk Frozen Hydrated Biological Specimens; P Echlin, Cambridge Analytical Microscopy
11:30 AM 558 ~Invited! New FESEM Design for 1nm at
1kV Imaging, EDS and BSE Nanoanalysis, and a Discussion
of Diffraction Limits, Depth of Field and the Future; E D
Boyes, DuPont Company
10:45 AM 548 Artificial Charge Modulations in La-doped
SrTiO3 Superlattices; D A Muller, A Ohtomo, J Grazul, H Y
Hwang, Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
Electron Backscatter Diffraction of Materials:
Geology to Nanotechnology
Session Chair~s! J. Small, NIST
J. Michael, Sandia National Labs
11:15 AM 549 Atomic Scale Models for Grain Boundary
Potentials in Perovskites; R Klie, J Buban, N Browning,
University of Illinois
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:00 AM
Room: 205AB
11:30 AM 550 Probing the Metal-Insulator Transitions in
Complex Oxides with EELS Near Edge Structures; G A Botton, A Safa-Sefat, J E Greedan, McMaster University
8:00 AM 559 ~Invited! Discussion of Ways to Energy-Filter
the Electron Backscattering Pattern (EBSP) in the Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM); O C Wells, IBM
11:45 AM 551 Analysis of 4d Transition Metal Oxides by
EELS; Y Ito, R E Cook, Argonne National Laboratory; P W
Klamut, B M Dabrowski, M Maxwell, Northern Illinois
8:30 AM 560 EBSD Spatial Resolution in the SEM when
Analyzing Small Grains or Deformed Material; P Rolland,
K G Dicks, Oxford Instruments Analytical; R Ravel-Chapuis,
Wednesday AM ~Platform!
8:45 AM 561 A Comparison of Grain Size Measurements
IN Al-Cu Thin Films: Imaging Verses Diffraction Techniques;
L Gignac, C E Murray, K P Rodbell, M Gribelyuk, IBM
8:30 AM 571 ~Invited! Microwave-assisted Embedding of
Tissue Culture Cell Monolayers; K L McDonald, University of
California, Berkeley
9:00 AM 562 Microstructure of TiN Coatings by EBSD Techniques; B Y Jeong, S Yue, R Gauvin, R Drew, McGill University
9:00 AM 572 ~Invited! Microwave Tissue Processing in a
Teaching Laboratory; R S Demaree, California State University
9:15 AM 563 Orientation Analysis of Ultra-fine Grained
Bulk Materials Produced by Accumulative Roll-bonding (ARB)
Process by the Use of EBSP Technique; R Yoda, H Haren,
Kobelco Research Institute Inc., Japan; N Tsuji, R Ueji, T
Toyoda, Y Minamino, Osaka University, Japan
9:30 AM 573 ~Invited! Microwave Assisted Decalcification
with Recirculation of Temperature Controlled Solutions; S P
Tinling, R Kular, University of California, Davis; R T Giberson, Ted Pella, Inc.
9:30 AM 564 Application of Orientation Imaging Microscopy in the TEM to Studies of Nano-crystalline Materials; D J
Dingley, M J Tiner, S I Wright, TSL/EDAX
9:45 AM 565 ~Invited! EBSD Analysis Optimised for TwinRelated Boundaries; V Randle, University of Wales, UK
10:15 AM
10:45 AM 566 Determination of Activated Slip Systems in
Experimentally Deformed Olivine-Orthopyroxene Polycrystals
using EBSD; R De Kloe, EDAX; M Drury, Utrecht University; J Farrer, TSL/EDAX
11:00 AM 567 Chemistry Assisted Phase Differentiation in
Automated Electron Backscatter Diffraction; S I Wright, M M
Nowell, EDAX
11:15 AM 568 Misorientation Mapping for Visualization of
Plastic Strain via Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction; L N
Brewer, M A Othon, L M Young, T M Angeliu, General
Electric Global Research Center
11:30 AM 569 A New Method for Analyzing Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) Data for Texture using Inverse Pole
Figures; C T Chou, P Rolland, K G Dicks, Oxford Instruments Analytical
11:45 AM 570 The Random Orientation Probability in
Consecutive Inverse Pole Figure Method for Texture Determination; C T Chou, P Rolland, K G Dicks, Oxford Instruments
Advances in Microwave Technology—Creating a
Revolution in Biological Specimen Processing for
Light and Electron Microscopy
Session Chair~s! K McDonald, University of California,
R Giberson, Ted Pella, Inc.
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:30 AM
Room: 302AB
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 574 ~Invited! Microwave Assisted Rapid Tissue
Processing for Disease Diagnosis in a Veterinary Diagnostic
Laboratory; R Nordhausen, B Barr, R Hedrick, University of
11:00 AM 575 ~Invited! Microwave Processing in Diagnostic Electron Micreoscopy; R G Gerrity, G W Forbes, Medical
College of Georgia
11:30 AM 576 ~Invited! The Use of Microwave Technology
in a Clinical E.M. Laboratory; R Austin, Louisiana State
University Medical Center
Session Chair~s! W. Massover, UMDNJ-NJ
Medical School
M Gajdardziska-Josifovska, University of Wisconsin
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:30 AM
Room: 205C
8:30 AM 577 ~Invited! A Basic Strategy for Biomineralization: Taking Advantage of Disorder; S Weiner, Y LeviKalisman, S Raz, I M Weiss, L Addadi, Weizmann Institute,
9:15 AM 578 Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic
Force Microscopy of the Ring Structures in Human Calcium
Oxalate Urinary Stones; P Rez, Arizona State University; H
Fong, M Sarikaya, University of Washington
9:30 AM 579 ~Invited! Hydroxyapatite Formation and Its
Interaction with Osteoblastic Cells; H Vali, P Ghiabi, McGill
University; J Henderson, Jewish General Hospital; M D
McKee, E Chevet, S K Sears, McGill University
Wednesday PM ~Platform!
10:00 AM 580 A Novel Titanium Nitride (TiN) Coating
Enhances Early Osteointegration of Titanium Alloy Pins in
Rat Femora; G Sovak, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
10:15 AM
10:30 AM 581 ~Invited! Magnetic and Structural Characterization of Biogenic Magnetite; M R McCartney, Arizona
State University; R E Dunin-Borkowski, Cambridge University, UK
11:00 AM 582 TEM Approach in Investigations of Microbially Assisted Uranium Reduction; A C Dohnalkova, D W
Kennedy, J W Fredrickson, Pacific Northwest National
11:15 AM 583 Botanical Iron Biominerals: Electron Diffraction and Microscopy Identification; M Gajdardziska-Josifovska,
M Schofield, D Robertson, R McClean, W Kean, C Sommer,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
11:30 AM 584 Searching for Phytoferritin in Unstained
Plant Sections; M Gajdardziska-Josifovska, H Owen, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Special Staining Techniques for
Biological/Materials Samples
Session Chair~s! J. Killius; NEOU College of Medicine
V. Bryg; Ferro Corp
Platform Session
Wednesday 8:30 AM
Room: 201 BC
8:30 AM 585 ~Invited! The Staining of Polymers; R Smith,
Lake Havasu City, AZ
9:15 AM 586 ~Invited! Staining and Other Microscopic
Techniques for Textiles; E Boylston, United States Department of Agriculture
10:00 AM
Spectral Imaging: Getting the Most from All that
Session Chair~s! IM Anderson, Oak Ridge National
Platform Session
Wednesday 9:00 AM
Room: 203
9:00 AM 589 ~Invited! Spectral Image Analysis: Getting the
Most from All that Data; P G Kotula, M R Keenan, Sandia
National Laboratories
Advances in Linking Structure to Function in
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 590 ~Invited! The Effect of Pepsin Digestion on
Type II Collagen Monomers; J Rammohan, S J Eppell, Case
Western Reserve University
Poster # 246
Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 591 Characterization of Microstructure in Agdoped La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Films; Q Zhan, L L He, D X Li,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Poster # 278
1:00 PM 592 Magnetic Induction Mapping in TEM of
Micro- and Nano-Patterned Co/Ni Arrays; VV Volkov, Y
Zhu, M Malac, J Lau, M Schofield, Brookhaven National
Poster # 279
10:30 AM 587 ~Invited! All That Glitters is Not Gold:
Approaches to Labeling for EM; R Albrecht, University of
11:15 AM 588 ~Invited! Stains for the Determination of
Paper Components and Paper Defects; J H Woodward, Buckman Laboratories, Inc.
1:00 PM 593 Preparation of Cross-Sectional TEM Specimens of Obliquely Deposited Magnetic Thin Films on a Flexible Tape; Electron Transparency Beyond 6 Micron; E Keim, L
Nguyen, C Lodder, University of Twente, Netherlands
Poster # 280
1:00 PM 594 Study of Nano-Granular Co-Zr-O Thin Films
by Holography and HRTEM; Z Liu, D Shindo, Tohoku
Wednesday PM ~Poster!
University; S Ohnuma, H Fujimori, The Research Institute
for Electric and Magnetic Materials
Poster # 281
University, Japan; I Sakamoto, AIST Tsukuba, Japan; T Une,
K Kawabata, Hiroshima Inst. Tech., Japan
Poster # 290
1:00 PM 595 Surface Nano-Oxidation of Ferromagnetic
Thin Films Using Atomic Force Microscope; Y Takemura,
Yokohama National University; J Shirakashi, Akita Prefectural University, Japan
Poster # 282
1:00 PM 604 TEM Characterization oF Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanowires; X Zhao, University of Michigan; Y Liu, M
Zhen, Z Hao, S Bandyopadhay, D Sellmyer, University of
Poster # 291
1:00 PM 596 On the Half Unit Cell Intergrowth of
Bi2Sr2Ca3Cu4Ox with Other Superconducting Phases in Twostep Annealed LFZ Fibers; L Yang, F M Costa, A B Lopes, R F
Silva, J M Viera, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Poster # 283
1:00 PM 605 Microscopy and Magnetoresistance studies in
zigzag and semi-circle-in-series Permalloy wires; C Yu, S F
Lee, Y D Yao, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Y R Ma, Dong Hwa
University, Taiwan; J L Tsai, C R Chang, Academia Sinica,
Poster # 292
1:00 PM 597 Selected Reflection Imaging: A Useful Tool for
ImaginG Nanocomposite Magnetic Materials; Y Liu, University of Michigan; Y Qiang, M J Yu, J P Liu, D J Sellmyer,
University of Nebraska
Poster # 284
1:00 PM 598 Elemental Mapping of Co-Pr Nanostructured
PowderS by EELS Image Filtering; Y Liu, University of Michigan; C Nelson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; H
Tang, D J Sellmyer, University of Nebraska
Poster # 285
1:00 PM 599 TEM of Nanostructure of Cu and Ti Doped
Sm-Co Magnetic Materials; Y Liu, University of Michigan; J
Zhou, R Skomski, D J Sellmyer, University of Nebraska
Poster # 286
1:00 PM 600 Application of Energy-Filtered Imaging and
HREM in the Study of Terbium Nanoparticles; Y Zhang,
University of Delaware; C Nelson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Z Yan, V Skumryev, G Hadjipanayis,
University of Delaware
Poster # 287
1:00 PM 601 Preparation and Characterization of CoreShell Cobalt Silver Nanoparticles; M Giersig, Hahn-MeitnerInstitut Berlin, Germany
Poster # 288
1:00 PM 602 Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies of
Epitaxial Superconducting MgB2 Thin Film; W Tian, University of Michigan; C B Eom, University of Wisconsin; X Q
Pan, University of Michigan
Poster # 289
1:00 PM 603 Mossbauer and XPS analysis of Fe-SiO2 and
Fe-SiO2/SiO2 granular films; S Honda, T Shimizu, Shimane
1:00 PM 606 Low Temperature Dependence of HF-Magnetic
Properties of Soft Nanostructured Films; I A Ryzhikov, L A
Alekseeva, A L Djachkov, S A Maklakov, M V Sedova, T A
Furmanova, Russian Academy of Science; N S Perov, Moscow State University, Russia
Poster # 293
1:00 PM 607 TEM Study of Epitaxial Growth of
La0.65Pb0.35MnO3 on LaAlO3 and Its Relation to Electronic
Structure and Spin Polarization; L Yuan, University of Nebraska; Y Liu, University of Michigan; P A Dowben, S H
Liou, University of Nebraska
Poster # 294
1:00 PM 608 Structure Analysis of CoPt Nanoparticles; Y
Huang, Y Zhang, University of Delaware; C E Nelson,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; G C Hadjipanayis,
University of Delaware; D Weller, Seagate Technology
Poster # 295
1:00 PM 609 Crystallographic Texture Study in Melt-Spun
Pr-Fe-B 2:14:1 Based Nanocomposite Magnet; Y Zhang, Z
Lin, H Wang, G Hadjipanayis, University of Delaware
Poster # 296
1:00 PM 610 Oxygen Ordering at Grain Boundaries in
MgB2; J C Idrobo, R F Klie, N D Browning, University of
Illinois at Chicago; A C Serquis, F M Mueller, Los Alamos
National Lab
Poster # 297
Modulated Structures and Quasicrystals
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
Wednesday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 611 In Segregation and Phase Separation in
Multilayer Structures; C Dorin, C Wauchope, J Mirecki
Millunchick, University of Michigan; C A Pearson, University of Michigan Flint; Y Chen, B G Orr, University of
Poster # 298
1:00 PM 612 Atom Clusters in Decagonal Quasicrystals:
Local Structures and Long-Range Arrangements Revealed
byHigh-Resolution Electron Microscopy; W Sun, K Hiraga,
Tohoku University, Japan
Poster # 299
Image Contrast Mechanisms in the Variable
Pressure SEM: the New Imaging Dimension
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 613 The Effect of Gas Atmospheres on Charging;
X Tang, University of Tennessee; D C Joy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster # 300
1:00 PM 614 Measurement of Elastic Cross-Sections for
Gases; J He, University of Tennessee; D C Joy, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory
Poster # 301
New Developments in Immunolabelling
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 615 Immunocytochemical Strategies for Signal Enhancement in Post-Embedding Immunogold Procedure; G
Grondin, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Poster # 211
1:00 PM 616 Rapid Processing of Cultured Cells for LR
White Embedding; G Ning, P Traktman, Medical College of
Poster # 212
1:00 PM 617 Microwave-Assisted MAP-2 Immunoreactivity in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Guinea Pig Brain;
R Kan, C M Pleva, T A Hamilton, J P Petrali, U.S. Army
Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
Poster # 213
Industrial Applications of
Microscopy—Techniques for the Real World
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 618 Microscale Morphology and MicroFluorescence of Oil Sands Extraction FrotH from Poorly Processing Ores; R Mikula, V Munoz, Natural Resources Canada
Poster # 214
1:00 PM 619 SEM Studies in Textile Finishing Processes; W
Goynes, D V Parikh, V Edwards, T Vigo, US Department of
Poster # 215
1:00 PM 620 Measurement of Multiple Lumens in Glass
Rods; W Mershon, CamScan USA; J Edwards, Becton Dickinson Accu-Glass
Poster # 216
1:00 PM 621 Examination of Water-Formed Deposits in
Steam Boilers By Scanning Electron Microsopy; J N Williard,
M J Esmacher, BetzDearborn Inc
Poster # 217
1:00 PM 622 Coating for High-Magnification with Your
Au/Pd Sputter Coater; K Pham, Medtronic Inc
Poster # 218
1:00 PM 623 Size Dependence to The Metal Support Interaction: Pd/g-Al2O3 Catalysts; K Sun, University of Illinois at
Chicago; L Liu, Monsanto Company; N Nag, Engelhard Corporation; N D Browning, University of Illinois at Chicago
Poster # 219
EELS and EFTEM Analysis
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 624 Characterization of Boron Containing Graphite Using TEM and EELS; J S Kim, G H Kim, C H Chun, H
H Koo, Agency for Defense Development, South Korea
Poster # 220
1:00 PM 625 Performance of Corrected Imaging Filters; E
Essers, D Krahl, B Huber, A Orchowski, LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH
Poster # 221
1:00 PM 626 A New High Stability, 4th Order Aberration
Corrected Spectrometer and Imaging Filter for a Monochro-
Wednesday PM ~Poster!
mated TEM; M Barfels, P Burgner, R Edwards, H Brink,
Gatan Inc.
Poster # 222
1:00 PM 627 Parallel EELS Characterization of TiC Commercial Powder; J A Duarte Moller, C González-Valenzuela,
Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S. C.,
Poster # 223
1:00 PM 628 AEM Investigation of Strontium Substituted
La-Co-Perovskites; I Letofsky-Papst, W Grogger, I Rom, F
Hofer, Graz University of Technology, Austria; E Bucher, W
Sitte, University of Leoben, Austria
Poster # 224
1:00 PM 629 Optimizing EELS Data Sets Using ‘a priori’
Spectrum Simulation; N Menon, J A Hunt, Gatan Inc
Poster # 225
1:00 PM 630 Contributions of Inelastically Scattered Electrons to Defect Images; M A Kirk, Argonne National Laboratory; R Twesten, University of Illinois; S P Martin, C J D
Hetherington, M L Jenkins, University of Oxford, UK
Poster # 226
1:00 PM 631 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Study of
NbC Precipitates in an Ultra-Low Carbon Hot-Rolled Microalloyed Steel; C A Hernandez Carreon, Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Mexico; L Bejar Gomez,
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico; J E Mancilla Tolama, F Espinosa Magana, Centro de
Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, Mexico
Poster # 227
1:00 PM 632 Further Applications of Energy Filtered TEM
in Semiconductor Devices; L Tsung, A Anciso, Texas Instruments; J Ringnalda, FEI co.
Poster # 228
1:00 PM 633 Electron Beam Induced Damage in Wurtzite
InN; A Mkhoyan, J Silcox, Cornell University
Poster # 229
1:00 PM 634 A Next Generation Imaging Filter for High
Voltage Electron Microscopy; D Moonen, C Trevor, D Chew,
J A Hunt, P E Mooney, H A Brink, Gatan Inc
Poster # 230
1:00 PM 635 A Faster Approach to Spectrum Imaging and
Elemental Mapping in STEM; A Fernandes, J Fung, P Ottensmeyer, University of Toronto
Poster # 231
1:00 PM 636 Chromophore Mapping via Low-Energy Loss
Imaging in a Modified EM902: Formation of the Immune
Synapse; C Hong, University of Toronto; A Fernandes, Ontario Cancer Institute; J Davis, J Penninger, P Ottensmeyer,
University of Toronto, Canada
Poster # 232
1:00 PM 637 Localization of Low Energy Losses and the
Mixed Dynamic Form Factor; P Schattschneider, C C Hébert,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria; B Jouffrey, École
Centrale Paris, France
Poster # 233
1:00 PM 638 An EFTEM Study of Polyimide Adhesion to
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles; N D Evans, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; C Park, ICASE; R Crooks, Lockheed Martin; E J Siochi, NASA; E A Kenik, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory
Poster # 234
Electron Backscatter Diffraction of Materials:
Geology to Nanotechnology
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 639 Another Way to Implement Diffraction Contrast in SEM; X Tao, A Eades, Lehigh University
Poster # 235
1:00 PM 640 Alternatives to Image QualitY (IQ) Mapping
in EBSD; X Tao, A Eades, Lehigh University
Poster # 236
1:00 PM 641 Comparison of OIM and XRD Texture Determinations in a Deformation Processed B-Ti+Y Metal-Metal
Composite; F C Laabs, A M Russell, Iowa State University
Poster # 237
1:00 PM 642 EBSD Characterization of Texture in TungstenRhenium Foils; L N Brewer, B P Bewlay, General Electric
Global Research Center
Poster # 238
1:00 PM 643 Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction Misorientation Mapping Applied to Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels; M A Othon, L N Brewer, T M Angeliu, L M
Young, General Electric Global Research Center
Poster # 239
1:00 PM 644 EBSD Study of Martensite in a Dual Phase
Steel; B Y Jeong, R Gauvin, S Yue, McGill University
Poster # 240
Wednesday PM ~Poster!
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 645 Chemical and Morphological Changes in an
Arsenopyrite Crystal Induced by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans;
M A Makita, Instituto Technologico de Chihuahua II; A
Duarte, Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avenzados; S
Arevalo, Unversidad Autonoma de Chihuahua; E Orrantia,
Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avenzados
Poster # 241
1:00 PM 646 Characterization of Biodegradable/Bioresorbable Polymer Scaffolds for Osteoblast Cell Growth by
SEM and TEM; S Iadarola, A Crugnola, R Joshi, J Tessier, C
Sung, University of Massachusetts
Poster # 242
1:00 PM 647 In Situ ESEM Investigation of the Drying of
Demineralized Dentin; V M Dusevich, A G Glaros, J D Eick,
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Poster # 243
Corporate Members Session
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 648 Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy in
the Pharmaceutical Sciences; J T Thornton, Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology Group
Poster # 244
1:00 PM 649 Laser Scanning Cytometry for the Pharmaceutical Industry; E Luther, CompuCyte Corporation
Poster # 245
Biological Ultrastructure (Cells, Tissues,
Organ Systems)
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 650 Electron Tomography of Frozen Hydrated Sections; C E Hsieh, M Marko, J Frank, C Mannella, Wadsworth
Poster # 247
1:00 PM 651 High-Voltage Electron Tomography of the Centrosome in Caenorhabditis elegans; E O’Toole, University of
Colorado; K McDonald, University of California; A Hyman,
T Mueller-Reichert, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell
Biology and Genetics
Poster # 248
1:00 PM 652 Limits of Specimen Thickness for EnergyFiltered Tomography of Stained Plastic Sections at 120 kVBeam Voltage; E Kocsis, A Weisberg, B Moss, X Chen, T S
Reese, R D Leapman, National Institutes of Health
Poster # 249
1:00 PM 653 New Embedding Formulations Using Quetol
651; E A Ellis, Texas A & M University
Poster # 250
1:00 PM 654 Hormonal Regulation of the Glycogen/Glucose
Balance in Xenopus Laevis; D R Atar-Zwillenberg, M Atar,
U M Spornitz, University of Basel, Switzerland
Poster # 251
1:00 PM 655 Changes in Steroidogenic Ultrastructural Features of Corpus Luteum in the Turtle Chelydra Serpentina
Relative to Hormonal Levels Under Natural Conditions; T BaOmar, A Al-Kindi, I Mahmoud, Sultan Qaboos University
Poster # 252
Poster Session
Wednesday 1:00 PM
Room: Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM 656 Microscope or MACROscope—Which System
Provides a Better Scope on Image Analysis??; J Woo, T Nicklee, D Hedley, P Constantinou, Ontario Cancer Institute
Poster # 253
1:00 PM 659 Morphometric and Ultrastructural Assessment of Bronchial Mucous Glands in Sheep Following Smoke
Inhalation and Burn Injury; R A Cox, Shriners Hospital for
Children; PC Moller, University of Texas Medical Branch;
A S Burke, Shriners Hospital for Children; A Chandra, K
Shimoda, L D Traber, F C Schmalstieg, D L Traber, H K
Hawkins, University of Texas Medical Branch
Poster # 254
1:00 PM 661 The STEM and Retrovirus Structure; M N
Simon, B Y Lin, JS Wall, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Poster # 255
1:00 PM 662 Processing Cell Cutures, Cytospins, Smears
and Epoxy, Parraffin or Frozen Sections on Glass or Polystyrene Supporting Subsrates for TEM:A Review; K Chein, M L
heathershaw, R C Heusser, H Shirolski, R Gonzalez, C C
Nast, A H Cohen, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Poster # 256
Wednesday PM ~Poster!
1:00 PM 664 Enzymatic Metallography: A Simple New
Staining Method; J F Hainfeld, Nanoprobes; R N Eisen,Greenwich Hospital; R R Tubbs, Cleveland Clinic Foundation; R
D Powell, Nanoprobes
Poster # 257
1:00 PM 674 Ultrastructural Defects in Developing Enamel
of Diabetic Mice; M Atar, University of Basel; P Verry,
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.; D R Atar-Zwillenberg, U M
Spornitz, University of Basel
Poster # 265
1:00 PM 665 Detection of Beryllium in Human Lung Using
Enery Dispersive X-ray Analysis; P Ingram, K J Butnor, T A
Sporn, Y L Roggli, Duke University
Poster # 258
1:00 PM 675 Angio-Tumoral Laminin Expression in Human Gastrointestinal Adenocarcinomas; P Tonino, H J Finol,
Central University of Venezuela; C Hidalgo, Venezuelan
Institute for Scientific Research; L Sosa, Central University
of Venezuela
Poster # 266
1:00 PM 667 Degranulation of Mast Cells in Dengue Patients; L S Asher, A S Norton, Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research; S Krivda, Walter Reed Army Medical Center; H
Wong, M Mammen, A Lyons, Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research; S Thomas, Walter Reed Army Medical Center; W
Sun, K Eckels, D Vaughn, Walter Reed Army Institute of
Poster # 259
1:00 PM 669 Image Analysis of Egyptian Mummy Hair;
W M Hess, T B Ball, W Griggs, M Kuchar, R Phillips,
Brigham Young Univesity
Poster # 260
1:00 PM 670 Unexpected Disturbance of Ultrastructure of
Porcine Oocytes by Very Low Concentrations of the Solvent
DMSO; C Campagna, J L Bailey, M-A Sirard, Université
Laval, Canada; P Hyttel, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
University, Denmark
Poster # 261
1:00 PM 671 Adrenal Cortex Ultrastructural Alterations
Caused by Zootoxins; M Pulido-Mendez, A RodriguezAcosta, H J Finol, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Poster # 262
1:00 PM 672 Glycogen Storage Disease in a Mexican Baby
girl: Ultrastructural and Light Microscopy Findings.; M A
Ponce-Camacho, Hospital y Clínica OCA; J P FloresGutierrez, E Ramírez-Bon, J Ancer-Rodríguez, Hospital Universitario Dr. Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez
Poster # 263
1:00 PM 673 Light and Electron Microscopy in a Case of
Myophosphorylase DeficiencY (Glycogenosis V or McArdle
Disease); M G Hadfield, J Perez-Berenguer, Virginia Commonwealth University Health Sciences/MCV; E Westbrook,
Virginia State University
Poster # 264
1:00 PM 676 Ultrastructure of Granular Cell Change in a
Wilm’s Tumor; V Edwards, C Senger, J Hwang, H Rosenberg,
C Smith, The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto
Poster # 267
1:00 PM 677 Ganglioglioma: Unusual Ultrastructural Features of Neuronal Cells; K L Ho, Henry Ford Hospital
Poster # 268
1:00 PM 678 Ultrastructural Characterization of the Neuromuscular Junction in Diaphragm of the Acetylcholinesterase
Knockout Mouse; T Hamilton, U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Chemical Defense; R E Sheridan, S S Deshparde,
O Lockbridge, University of Nebraska; M Adler, U.S. Army
Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
Poster # 269
1:00 PM 679 The Expression of Caveolin by HDL in
Cholesterol-Loaded Aortic Endothelial Cells; W T Chao, V C
Yang, Tunghai University
Poster # 270
1:00 PM 680 Atherosclerosis: The Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mouse Model Revisited; R Coleman, T Hayek, S Keider,
M Aviram, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Poster # 271
1:00 PM 657 Identification of Actin-Based Stress Fibers with
a Morphometric Shape Factor; C A Heckman, J M Urban, Y
Li, M L Cayer, J A Barnes, Bowling Green State University
Poster # 272
1:00 PM 658 Evidence of an Intraerythrocytic Secretory
Pathway in Erythrocytes Infected With Plasmodium Falciparum; T Schneider, M E O’Donnell, T F Taraschi, Jefferson
Medical College
Poster # 273
Wednesday PM ~Platform!
1:00 PM 660 Fluorescence Imaging of Mitochondrial Responses to Glucose Challenge and Probes in Mitochondrial
DNA-Deficient Osteosarcoma Cells; E Kohen, J Hirschberg, C
Ornek, M Monti, J Berry, University of Miami
Poster # 274
1:00 PM 663 Zwitterionic Detergents Promote the Formation of Atypical Aß40 Fibrils; R W McLaughlin, R J Chalifour, X Kong, L Lavoie, P Sarazin, D Stéa, Neurochem Inc.;
H Vali, McGill University; X Wu, P Tremblay, F Gervais,
Neurochem Inc.
Poster # 275
1:00 PM 666 P53 and Statistical Analysis of the Seminiferous Tubules Epithelium in Experimental Unilateral Cryptorchid
Testes in Rats; F Al-Bagdadi, R Downer, R Stout, T Gillis, D
Hillmann, P Crawford, B Eilts, Louisiana State University
Poster # 276
1:00 PM 668 Scanning Electron Microscopy Morphology of
the Uterine Epithelium of Mares Infused with Gentamicin; F
Al-Bagdadi, B Eilts, Louisiana State University; G Richardson, University of Prince Edward Island; D Hillmann, Louisiana State University
Poster # 277
Advances in Ultrastructural and Non-invasive
Imaging of Skin
Session Chair~s! M Misra, Unilever Research
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 207
3:00 PM 681 Two-Photon 3-D Mapping of Tissue Endogenous Flourescence Specias Based in Flourescence Excitation
and Emission Data; L H Laiho, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; T M Hancewicz, P D Kaplan, Unilever; P T So,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3:15 PM 682 Skin Hydration Disrupts the Stratum Corneum
Barrier Lipids with Formation of Large Internal Water Pockets;
R R Warner, K J Stone, Y L Boissy, Procter & Gamble Co
4:30 PM 685 ~Invited! Imaging of Cellular Trafficking in Skin
Using Multiphoton and Handheld Confocal Microscopy Techniques; S C Watkins, G C Papworth, University of Pittsburgh
Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting
Session Chair~s! D Shindo, Tohoku University
R Sinclair, Stanford Uninversity
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 206B
3:00 PM 686 ~Invited! Quantitative Measurements Of Magnetic Vortices Using Position Resolved Diffraction in Lorentz
STEM; N J Zaluzec, Argonne National Lab
3:30 PM 687 ~Invited! Advanced Magnetic Force Microscopy Tips for Domain Images of Soft Magnetic Materials
under Magnetic Field; S H Liou, University of Nebraska
4:00 PM 688 ~Invited! Dynamic Observation of Vortices in
High-Tc Superconductors by Lorentz Microscopy; A Tonomura, Hitachi, Ltd.
4:30 PM 689 ~Invited! HREM Characterization of Magnetic Thin Films and Multilayers; D J Smith, Arizona State
Metallography and Microstructural Evaluation of
Contemporary Materials
Session Chair~s! T. MacPherson, Dofasco Inc.
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 303A
3:00 PM 690 Oxidation Behavior of FeCrAlY Felt at Elevated Temperature; B Johnson, Y H Chin, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory
3:15 PM 691 Microstructure and Characterization of CuAlNi
Shape Memory Thin Films; A C Kneissl, K Kutschej, X Wu,
University of Leoben
3:30 PM 683 ~Invited! Monitoring Skin Hydration and
Product Induced Changes by Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging; S L Zhang, T M Hancewicz, D J Palatini, P Kaplan, M
Misra, Unilever; E M Attas, NRC Canada
3:30 PM 692 Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of Titanium
Aluminide Alloys—A Microstructural Investigation; W F Gale,
D A Butts, T Zhou, Auburn University
4:00 PM 684 ~Invited! In Vivo Confocal Raman Spectroscopy of the Skin; P J Caspers, Erasmus University, Rotterdam; G W Lucassen, Philips Research, The Netherlands; H
A Bruining, G J Puppels, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
4:00 PM 693 Microstructure Evolution during Semi-Solid
Processing of Magnesium AZ91D; M T Shehata, V Kao, E
Essadiqi, CANMET; C A Loong, C Q Zheng, National
Research Council Canada
Wednesday PM ~Platform!
4:30 PM 694 Evaluation of Microstructural Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties of Thin-Wall Ductile Iron Castings; A Javaid, K Davis, CANMET
3:00 PM 695 ~Invited! Application of the UHREM Technique in Atomic Modelling of Growth Defects in CVDDiamond Films; D Dorignac, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, France
3:30 PM 696 Novel Rapid Nondestructive Technique for
Locating Tiny Voids in Metallization Line; Z H Gan, C M
Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3:45 PM 697 Characterization of Si in a W Matrix Using
Diffraction Contrast in the TEM; B Prenitzer, Agere Systems;
B Kempshall, University of Central Florida; J McKinley, W
Stinebaugh, I Wylie, Agere Systems
4:00 PM 698 A New Automated Method for Fast and Reliable Tilt-Series Acquisition in Electron Tomography; C Kuebel,
W Voorhout, A van Balen, D Hubert, M Otten, FEI Company
Current Topics in Low Voltage SEM
Session Chair~s! R. Gauvin, McGill University
D. Joy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 301B
3:00 PM 699 Development of a Simulation Tool for Real
World SEM Applications; D Drouin, ARA Couture, Universite de Sherbrooke
3:15 PM 700 Electron Range at Low Energy (Eo < 10 KeV):
Atomic Number Dependant?; P Hovington, M Lagacé, HydroQuebec Research Institut; D Drouin, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada; R Gauvin, McGill University, Canada
3:30 PM 701 Ultra-Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy in the FEG-SEM; J Liu, Monsanto Company
3:45 PM 702 Utilisation of Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy to Characterise an Active Brazing AlloY
(ABA) Produced by an Electroless Plating Technique; M Brochu, D Knuutila, McGill University, Canada; M D Pugh,
Concordia University, Canada; R Gauvin, R A L Drew,
McGill University, Canada
4:00 PM 703 FE-SEM Examination of Microalloyed Hypereutectoid Steels; A M Elwazri, R Gauvin, S Yue, McGill
4:15 PM 704 Study of Self-assembled InAs Quantum Dots
on InP Nano-templates by Low Voltage Scanning Electron
Microscopy Cathodoluminescence; N Lahkak, D Drouin, J
Beerens, P Magny, Universite de Sherbrooke; J Lefebvre,
Conseil national de recherches Canada
4:30 PM 705 ~Invited! Roundtable on Specimen Preparation for ow Voltage SEM; P Hovington, P Echlin, Tracy
Advances in Microwave Technology—Creating a
Revolution in Biological Specimen Processing for
Light and Electron Microscopy
Session Chair~s! K McDonald, University of California,
R Giberson, Ted Pella, Inc.
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 302AB
3:00 PM 706 ~Invited! Immunocytochemistry: A New Microwave Application; J Day, R Demaree, California State
University; R Giberson, Ted Pella, Inc.; T E Munoz, California State University
3:30 PM 707 ~Invited! Recent Advances in Microwave Assisted Specimen Processing: Keeping it Cool.; M Sanders,
University of Minnesota
4:00 PM 708 ~Invited! Microwave Processing and PreEmbedding Nanogold Immunolabeling for Electron Microscopy; J Buchanan, K Micheva, S J Smith, Stanford University
School of Medicine
4:30 PM 709 ~Invited! The Use of New Microwave Techniques to Facilitate the Immunostaining of Paraffin Sections
on Glass Slides; R Giberson, Ted Pella
Special Staining Techniques for
Biological/Materials Samples
Session Chair~s! J. Killius; NEOU College of Medicine
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 201 BC
3:00 PM 710 ~Invited! Fluorescent Specimen Preparation
Techniques for Confocal Microscopy; J Drazba, The Cleveland
Clinic Foundation
Thursday AM ~Platform!
of Western Australia; P Delaney, OptiScan Pty Ltd; J P Wu,
K Miller, M Zheng, University of Western Australia
Session Chair~s! J. Jerome; Vanderbilt University
B. Gunning; Medical College of Ohio
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 205C
4:15 PM 716 Role of EM in the Diagnosis of Smallpox and
Other Causes of Rash Illness; C S Goldsmith, I K Damon, Y
Ichihashi, S Schmid, S R Zaki, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention ~CDC!
3:00 PM 711 The Distribution of NPC-1 Protein in Macrophages is Altered after Oxidized LDL Lysosomal Accumulation; W G Jerome, B Cox, J B Vaughan, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center
4:30 PM 717 Immunohistochemical Identification of a Malignant Tumor of the Heart.; S Siew, Professor, Michigan
State University; N C Caliman, Ingham Regional Medical
3:15 PM 712 Compositional Analysis of Atherosclerotic Lesions in a Mouse Model: Validation of a new Method using
Brightfield, Fluorescence and Polarized Light Microscopy in
Conjunction with Computer-Assisted Image Analysis; M Wadsworth, D Schneider, B Sobel, D Taatjes, University of
Problem Solving with the Experts: Core Facility
3:30 PM 713 Characterizing Visible Lipids Imaged by the
Real Time Microscope in Fibroblasts from Patients with Lysosomal Storage Diseases; N A Pham, B Chue, T Richardson,
Richardson Technologies Inc.; J W Callahan, The Hospital
for Sick Children
3:45 PM 714 Apoptotic Cell Death: A Factor in Mustard
Gas-Induced Dermal Pathology; J P Petrali, R K Kan, T
Hamilton, C Pleva, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Chemical Defense
4:00 PM 715 Confocal Arthroscope Development For in
vivo Knee Joint Diagnosis; D Smolinski, T B Kirk, University
Session Chair~s! D Sherman, Purdue University
Platform Session
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Room: 208A
3:00 PM 718 ~Invited! Experts; P McGinley, JEOL USA;
M Kearney, FEI; G Rigby, Hitachi
3:30 PM 719 ~Invited! Experts; J Wheatley, Arizona State
University; O Mills, Michigan Technological University
4:00 PM 720 ~Invited! Experts; A McCanna, Materials Analytical Services
4:30 PM 721 ~Invited! Experts; L Fritz, National Science
Thursday, August 8, 2002
The Microstructural Approach to Food
Processing and Engineering
Session Chair~s! A G Marangoni, University of Guelph
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 205C
8:00 AM 722 ~Invited! Experimental Microscopy of Food
Systems; E Kolodziejczyk, M Michel, Nestlé Research Center,
8:30 AM 723 ~Invited! Microstructural Analyses to Study
Ingredient Functionality, Interactions and Quality in Frozen
Foods; H D Goff, University of Guelph
9:00 AM 724 ~Invited! Effect of Acidity on Optical Properties of Isolated Skeletal Muscle Fibers; H J Swatland, University of Guelph
9:30 AM 725 ~Invited! Fat Crystal Networks; A Marangoni,
University of Guelph
10:00 AM
Thursday AM ~Platform!
10:30 AM 726 ~Invited! The Effects of a Non-polar Surfactant on the Crystallization Behaviour and Physical
Properties of the High-Melting Triglyceride Fraction of
Milkfat; J W Litwinenko, A G Marangoni, University of
11:00 AM 727 ~Invited! Light Microscopy and TEM to
Study the Effect of Biopolymers on Ice Recrystallization in Ice
Cream; A Regand, D Goff, University of Guelph
11:30 AM 728 Methodologies for the Study of Food systems
by Environmental Scanning Electron MicroscopY (ESEM); D J
Stokes, B L Thiel, A M Donald, University of Cambridge,
11:45 AM 729 Application of Environmental SEM to the
Study of Food Systems; B Thiel, D J Stokes, A M Donald,
University of Cambridge, UK
Advances in Linking Structure to Function in
Session Chair~s! S. Eppell, Case Western
Reserve University
C. Siedlecki, Hershey Medical Center
Platform Session
Thursday 9:00 AM
Room: 207
9:00 AM 730 ~Invited! Directing Protein Assembly At Interfaces: Balancing Electrostatic And Hydrophobic Forces and the
Role of Epitaxy.; C Yip, University of Toronto
9:30 AM 731 Surface Organization and Nanopatterning of
Collagen by Dip-Pen Nanolithography; D L Wilson, R Martin, M Cronin-Golomb, Tufts University; C A Mirkin, Northwestern University; D L Kaplan, Tufts Universtiy
9:45 AM 732 Electron-Beam Micropatterning of Bioactive
Surfaces; P Krsko, M Libera, Stevens Institute of Technology; R Clancy, New York University; J Kohn, Rutgers
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 733 ~Invited! Spreading of Fibrinogen at Model
Surfaces Studied by AFM; C Siedlecki, A Agnihotri, Pennsylvania State University
11:00 AM 734 Vascularity of a Tissue-Engineered Model of
Human Phalanges; A Yanke, Miami University; J Hillyer, J
Killius, N Isogai, S Asamura, R Jacquet, W J Landis, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
11:15 AM 735 ~Invited! Linking Atomic Force Microscope
Images of Proteins to Their Genetic Sequence; S Eppell, B A
Todd, Case Western Reserve University
Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting
Session Chair~s! Z L Wang, Georgia Tech
D X Li, Shenyang National Lab
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 206B
8:00 AM 736 ~Invited! STEM Investigations of Defects and
Interfaces In Complex Oxides; S J Pennycook, M Varela, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; J Santamaria, Universidad de
Madrid; D Kumar, North Carolina A & T State University;
G Duscher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, North Carolina
State University
8:30 AM 737 ~Invited! A Challenging to Characterization
of Superconductors: Accurate Measurements of Charge Distribution and Interfacial Displacement; Y Zhu, L Wu, Brookhaven National Laboratory; J Tafto, University of Oslo
9:00 AM 738 ~Invited! High-Resolution and Low Temperature TEM Study of Superconducting Cuprates and CMRManganites; Y Matsui, National Institute for Materials Science
9:30 AM 739 ~Invited! In-Situ Lift-Out FIB Specimen Preparation for TEM of Magnetic Materials; B Kempshall, L
Giannuzzi, University of Central Florida
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 740 ~Invited! Crystal Structure Determination
of Superconductors and Related Compounds by Combining
High-Resolution Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction; F H Li, H B Wang, H Jiang, Chinese Academy of Science
11:00 AM 741 Low Temperature Magnetic Force Microscopy Studies of a Superconducting Nb Film; M Roseman, P
Grutter, McGill University
11:30 AM 742 Scanning Thermal Ferromagnetic Resonance
Microscopy of Fe-GaAs Heterostructures and Ni-nanodots; R
Meckenstock, D Spoddig, J Pelzl, Ruhr-Unversitaet, Germany
11:30 AM 743 ~Invited! Exploring the Surface of Pb-doped
Manganese Perovskite; C Borca, University of Colorado; P
Dowben, University of Nebraska
Thursday AM ~Platform!
Electron Microscopy of Macro-, Micro- and
Meso-Porous Materials
Session Chair~s! M.E. Brito, AIST, Japan
D. Blom, Oak Ridge National Lab
Platform Session
Thursday 9:00 AM
Room: 301B
9:00 AM 744 ~Invited! Self-Assembled Nanostructures: From
Nanocrystals to Mesopores and to Nanobelts; Z L Wang,
Georgia Institute of Technology
9:30 AM 745 ~Invited! Three Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Bioactive Glasses; D C Bell, K Zhang, H Yan, L F
Francis, A Stein, University of Minnesota
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 746 Mesoporous, microporous and nanowired:
electron microscopy of aerogel composites; R M Stroud, J W
Long, J J Pietron, E M Lucas, Naval Research Laboratory;
M L Anderson, Naval Surface Warfare Center; K E Swider
Lyons, C I Merzbacher, D R Rolison, Naval Research
10:45 AM 747 ~Invited! Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy of Photoluminescent p-type Porous Silicon
Treated with NaOH and NH3 Solutions; M FuruyaSong, Y
Yu, Y Fukuda, K Furuya, National Institute for Materials
Science, Japan
11:15 AM 748 The Impact of Porosity Upon the Cathodoluminescence from III-V Compounds; M A Stevens-Kalceff,
University of New South Wales, Australia.; I M Tiginyanu,
Technical University of Moldova, Moldova; S Langa, H Föll,
Christian-Albrechts University, Germany
State of the Art Infrared and Raman
Session Chair~s! M. Jackson, NRC Canada
E. Etz, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Platform Session
Thursday 3:30 PM
Room: 206A
3:30 PM 749 Raman Microscopy and Remote Laser Raman
Spectroscopy in Art History and Conservation Science: Analysis of Three Gutenberg Bibles; G D Smith, T D Chaplin, R J H
Clark, University College London, U.K.; K Jensen, D Jacobs,
The British Library U.K.
4:00 PM 752 Increasing Spatial Resolution and Extending
Spectral Range of Synchrotron Infrared Microscopy; G D
Smith, G L Carr, National Synchrotron Light Source
State of the Art Infrared and Raman
Session Chair~s! M. Jackson, NRC Canada
E. Etz, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 206 A
8:00 AM 750 Raman selection rules in the presence of an
electric field gradient; C L Jahncke, St. Lawrence University;
E J Ayars, Walla Walla College; H D Hallen, North Carolina
State University
8:30 AM 751 Raman Microspectroscopy of Some High
Explosives—Revisited; E S Etz, S V Roberson, G Gillen,
National Institute of Standards and Technology
8:45 AM 753 Micro Raman Spectroscopy: An Appropriate
Method for the Characterization of Orientation and Crystallinity of Polypropylene; A Gupper, P Wilhelm, G Kothleitner,
Graz University, Austria; P Zipper, Karl Franzens Universität, Austria; D Gregor-Svetec, University of Lubljana, Slovenia; M Gahleitner, Borealis GmbH, Linz, Austria
9:00 AM 754 A New Approach to Infrared Microspetroscopy: Adding FT-IR to a Light Microscope; J A Reffner, D K
Wilks, K C Schreiber, R V Burch, SensIR Technologies
9:15 AM 755 Applying Correlative Brightfield, Fluorescence, and Raman Microscopy to Determine and Track Component Locations in Formulations; D J Palatini, S L Zhang, B
Aral, H Crookham, Unilever
9:30 AM 756 Spectral Imaging with Near-Field Infrared
Spectroscopy and Microscopy; C A Michaels, National Institute of Standards and Technology; D B Chase, Dupont; S J
Stranick, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Image Contrast Mechanisms in the Variable
Pressure SEM: The New Imaging Dimension
Session Chair~s! B.J. Griffin, University of
Western Australia
J.F. Mansfield, University of Michigan
Platform Session
Thursday 8:30 AM
Room: 205AB
Thursday AM ~Platform!
8:30 AM 757 ~Invited! Time Resolved Analysis of the Positive Ion Dynamics in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron
Microscope; M R Phillips, S W Morgan, University of Technology, Australia
9:00 AM 758 ~Invited! Considerations for Secondary Electron Imaging of Dielectric Materials in Low-Vacuum and
Environmental SEM; B L Thiel, M Toth, University of Cambridge, UK
9:30 AM 759 Residual Surface Potentials in the Variable
Pressure/ Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope; M A
Stevens-Kalceff, University of New South Wales, Australia
9:45 AM 760 Charging Contrast Imaging of Gibbsite in the
Variable Pressure SEM; K Robertson, R Gauvin, J Finch,
McGill University, Canada
10:00 AM
8:30 AM 766 ~Invited! The WebSEM in K-12 Classrooms:
Lessons Learned; L S Chumbley, D J Eisenmann, A E Chumbley, T Frizell, T Andre, C P Hargrave, Iowa State University
9:00 AM 767 Tele-Tutoring—From Learning to Earning
Part IV: The School-to-Work Program; The Student’s Perspective; L Bosco, J Johnson, West Greene School District; G
Casuccio, T Lersch, S Kennedy, S Schlaegle, RJ Lee Group
9:15 AM 768 ~Invited! Microscopic Digital Imaging in Introductory Biology; J Ekstrom, Phillips Exeter Academy
9:45 AM 769 Electron Microscopy Images As An Interactive
Tool For Cell Biology Modeling And Education; T C AraujoJorge, T S Cardona, C L S Mendes, A Henriques-Pons,
Institute Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Brazil; L E Aguiar,
CEFETEQ, Brazil; C M L M Coutinho, R Santa-Rita, C N
Spiegel, R M S Meirelles, M N L Meirelles, S L De Castro,
H L Barbosa, Institute Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Brazil
10:30 AM 761 ~Invited! Charge Contrast Imaging in Variable Pressure SEM: Correlation, Optimisation and Application; B J Griffin, A S Suvorova, University of Western
Australia, Australia
10:00 AM
11:00 AM 762 ~Invited! Modelling contrast in Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopes; R Gauvin, H Demers, K
Robertson, J Finch, McGill University, Canada
10:45 AM 771 ~Invited! Developing and Implementing a
Unified Imaging and Lab Information Management WorkFlow System—Lessons Learned and Insights Gained; C Yip,
University of Toronto, Canada
11:30 PM 763 ESEM Beam Current Measuring Device based
on Planar Schottky Diode; A S Aubin, D Drouin, M R
Phillips, Universite de Sherbrooke, Canada
Teaching and Learning, Creating Effective,
Innovative Solutions in Microscopy, Imaging and
Analysis (MIA)
Session Chair~s! S. Barlow, San Diego State University
K. Baker, Baker and Associates ~Ontario! Ltd.
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 303D
8:00 AM 764 Introduction to Sophisticated Instrumentation in Education Through the Use of a Scanning Electron
Microscope Simulator; G Casuccio, H Lentz, S Kennedy, RJ
Lee Group; C Staun, J Lang, West Greene School District; S
Chumbley, C Hargrave, Iowa State University; T Nolan, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory
8:15 AM 765 VSEM: From Technology Demonstrator Towards Integrated Educational Tool; N H M Caldwell, B C Breton, D M Holburn, R P Robertson, Cambridge University, UK
10:30 AM 770 ctfExplorer: Interactive Software for 1d and
2d Calculation and Visualization Of TEM Phase Contrast
Transfer Function; M V Sidorov, Advanced Micro Devices
11:15 AM 772 Particle-Like Fractal Images for Testing Algorithms that Measure Boundary Fractal Dimension; D S Bright,
National Institute of Standards and Technology
11:30 AM 773 Development of a Web Based Data Storage
and Project Management System for Biological Electron Cryomicrosopy; L Nason, W Chiu, S J Ludtke, Baylor College of
11:45 AM 774 Do-It-Yourself Multimedia Teaching and
Training Tools For the Laboratory and Classroom; S Barlow,
San Diego State University
New Developments in Immunolabelling
Session Chair~s! R.M. Albrecht, University of Wisconsin
D.A. Meyer, University of Wisconson
Platform Session
Thursday 8:30 AM
Room: 302AB
8:30 AM 775 Carbon Nanotube Membrane Probes:Immunolabeling by LM, AFM, TEM, & FESEM; B Panessa-Warren,
Brookhaven National Laboratory; S Wong, B Ghebrehiwet,
Thursday AM ~Platform!
G Tortora, State University of New York; J Warren, Brookhaven National Laboratory
8:45 AM 776 ~Invited! Size Selective Synthesis of Colloidal
Platinum Nanoparticles for Use as High Resolution EM Labels; D Meyer, R Albrecht, University of Wisconsin
9:15 AM 777 ~Invited! Methodology Advancements in Electron Microscopy Immunolabeling of Hydrated Brain Tissue
Using Subnanometer Colloidal Gold Conjugates; H Yi, Emory
university; R Peijper, J Leunissen, Aurion Immunogold Reagents, The Netherlands
9:45 AM 778 PML Nuclear Body Identification and Ultrastructure in Rodent Tissues and Cultured Cells bY PostEmbedding Immunogold Labeling.; S Hearn, The Hospital
for Sick Children, Toronto Canada; E Heard, Curie Institute,
Paris, France; E Querido, S Lowe, D Spector, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory
10:00 AM
8:00 AM 783 ~Invited! Contributions of Microscopy to Advanced Industrial Materials and Processing; S Dionne, G
Carpenter, G Botton, T Malis, CANMET-Materials Technology Laboratory; M Phaneuf, Fibics Incorporated
8:30 AM 784 Measurement and Visualisation of Micron—
Scale Strain Distributions in Aluminum Alloys; D C Steele,
D J Lloyd, Alcan International
8:45 AM 785 Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of
CO2 Mineral Sequestration Process for Power Plants; R
Sharma, M J McKelvy, H Bearat, A V G Chizmeshya, R W
Carpenter, Arizona State University
9:00 AM 786 Polarization Micorscopy Study of Jet Fuel
Crystalization; M Vangsness, The University of Dayton Research Institute
9:15 AM 787 Microscopy and Microanalysis of Hematite
Precipitates from the Zinc Industry; T T Chen, J E Dutrizac,
Natural Resources Canada
10:30 AM 779 ~Invited! Bioengineering of Reporter Transgenes for Integrated Imaging with Magnetic Resonance, Fluorescence, and Electron Spectroscopy; M Malecki, SABA
University School of Medicine
9:30 AM 788 One Button Wear Debris Analysis; R J Lee, H P
Lentz, D G Kritikos, RJ Lee Group; A M Toms, JOAP-TSC
11:00 AM 780 Immunofluorescent Detection and Quantification of Hepatitis A Virus Using Scanning Confocal Microscopy; I Kukavica-Ibrulj, A Darveau, I Fliss, Laval University
Session Chair~s! J. H. Scott, NIST, Gaithersburg
D. Newbury, NIST, Gaithersburg
11:15 AM 781 ~Invited! Comparing Confocal Immunofluorescence MicroscopY (CIM) vs. Freeze Fracture Replica Immunogold Labeling (FRIL) for Cell-specific Localization of
Plasma Membrane Proteins in the Mammalian CNS; T Yasumura, K G V Davidson, C S Furman, Colorado State
University; J I Nagy, University of Manitoba, Canada; J E
Rash, Colorado State University
11:45 AM 782 ~Invited! Colloidal Gold Conjugates of Cholera Toxin B-Subunit of Alexa Fluor(r) Fluorescent Dyes for
Use in Correlative Studies; E Rosa-Molinar, J L SerranoVélez, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras; P Oshel, R M
Albrecht, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Industrial Applications of
Microscopy—Techniques for the Real World
Session Chair~s! Z. Li, DuPont
J. Woodward, Buckman Labs
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 202
Frontiers of X-ray Spectrometry
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 303A
8:00 AM 789 ~Invited! X-ray Spectrometry in the Fast Lane:
An Introduction to High Speed Digital Processing Techniques
and their Application to Emerging EDS Technologies; P Grudberg, W Warburton, J Harris, X-ray Instrumentation
8:45 AM 790 Transition Edge Sensor Fabrication; K Nelms,
D Liu, D McCammon, L Rocks, W Sanders, P Tan, J Vaillancourt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
9:00 AM 791 ~Invited! The Development of Microcalorimeter EDS Arrays; K Irwin, National Institute of Standards
and Technology
9:30 AM 792 ~Invited! The Latest Experiences Using a Cryogen Free Microcalorimeter Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer; D Redfern, J Nicolosi, Edax; J Höhne, CSP Cryogenic
Spectrometers ; R Weiland, B Simmnacher, Infineon Technologies AG; C Hollerith, Technische Universität Müchen
10:00 AM
Thursday AM ~Platform!
10:30 AM 793 ~Invited! A Well Dressed Microscope: Practical Experience with Microcalorimeter and Silicon Drift Detector Systems; J Small, D E Newbury, J H J Scott, L King, S W
Nam, K Irwin, S Deiker, National Institute of Standards and
Technology; S Barkan, J Iwanczyk, Photon Imaging Inc.
9:45 AM 803 Background Removal and Data Analysis for
Low-Loss Transmission Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy; B
Reed, M Sarikaya, University of Washington
11:00 AM 794 ~Invited! Real Time Color Scans with Scanning Electron Microscopes—A new Application of the XFlash(r)
X-ray Detector Technology; G Mäurer, T Schülein, G Kommichau, RONTEC GmbH
10:45 AM 804 In Situ Determination of Local Ce Oxidation States During Redox Reactions; R Sharma, P Crozier,
Arizona State University
11:15 AM 795 Detectors Capable of High Countrates and
High Speed Pulse Processing Electronics for X-Ray Spectroscopy; J Nicolosi, M Solazzi, D Redfern, EDAX Inc
11:30 AM 796 Development of a High Energy-resolution
Soft-X-ray Spectrometer for a Transmission Electron Microscope; M Terauci, M Kawana, Tohoku University, Japan
11:45 AM 797 XML for Microanalysis: EMSA/MAS Spectrum File Format 2.0?; J H J Scott, S A Wight, B B Thorne,
National Institute of Standards and Technology
EELS and EFTEM Analysis
Session Chair~s! G. Botton, McMaster University
K. Moore
Platform Session
Thursday 8:00 AM
Room: 204AB
8:00 AM 798 ~Invited! EFTEM at High Magnification: Principles and Practical Applications; W Grogger, Graz University
of Technology; K M Krishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory; F Hofer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
8:30 AM 799 ~Invited! Understanding DNA Organization
in the Nucleus By Fluorescence Microscopy and Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy; D P Bazett-Jones,
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
9:00 AM 800 Improvements in Spatially Resolved Characterization using EELS and EFTEM Spectrum-Image Datasets;
P Thomas, C Trevor, R Harmon, M Kundmann, J Hunt,
9:15 AM 801 Characterization of Exsolution Phenomena
by Mapping EELS Fine Structure; U Golla-Schindler, G Lang,
G Benner, LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH
9:30 AM 802 Combining EELS and Angle-Resolved AES to
Measure Shallow Profiles of Thin Nitrided Oxide Films on SI;
J Bruley, H Wildman, A Paterson, IBM
10:15 AM
11:00 AM 805 Comparison of ELNES and NEXAFS of
Vanadium Oxide V2O5 with Different Spectral Resolution;
D S Su, M Hävecker, A Knop-Gericke, R Mayer, Fritz Haber
Institute of the Max Planck Society; C Hebert, Technische
Universität Wien, Austria; R Schlögl, Fritz Haber Institute of
the Max Planck Society
11:15 AM 806 Observation of Non-uniformities in Calcium Aluminosilicate Glass using EELS; Z Yu, J Silcox, Cornell University
11:30 AM 807 Chemical Bonding Analysis of AlN Polytypes
by ELNES; T Mizoguchi, M Kunisu, Kyoto University; M
Yoshiya, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; I Tanaka,
H Adachi, Kyoto University; P Rulis, W Y Ching, University
of Missouri
11:45 AM 808 EXELFS and EXAFS: Complementary Probes
Into the Structure of Metallic Glasses; F M Alamgir, H Jain,
D B Williams, Lehigh University; G Hug, ONERA
Tutorial: Cryo-EM of Large Complexes
Session Chair~s! G.E. Sosinsky, University of California,
San Diego
Platform Session
Thursday 8:30 AM
Room: 203
8:30 AM 809 ~Invited! Cryo-electron Microscopy of Large
Complexes: A Cold Look at Fusion; S Fuller, University of
Tutorial: Cellular Dynamics using AFM
Session Chair~s! G.E. Sosinsky, University of California,
San Diego
Platform Session
Thursday 9:30 AM
Room: 203
9:30 AM 810 ~Invited! Cellular Dynamics Observed at SubNanometer Resolution Using Atomic Force Microscopy; D
Thursday PM ~Platform!
Müller, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and
Tutorial: Electron Tomography of Biological
Session Chair~s! G.E. Sosinsky, University of California,
San Diego
Platform Session
Thursday 11:00 AM
Room: 203
11:00 AM 811 ~Invited! The Nuts and Bolts of Electron
Tomography: Imaging of Big and Messy Biological Structures;
G E Sosinsky, University of California, San Diego
Technologists’ Forum Roundtable Discussion:
Legal and Ethical Issues of Data Ownership
Session Chair~s! D. Sherman; Purdue University
Platform Session
Thursday 10:30 AM
Room: 201BC
10:30 AM 812 Technologists’ Forum Roundtable Discussion: Legal and Ethical Issues of Data Ownership; B Knoppers, Université de Montréal; L A Sherman, Purdue
University; J Hanson, Lilly Research Center
Magnetic Materials and Super-conducting
Session Chair~s! Y Liu, University of Michigan
S H Liou, University of Nebraska
Platform Session
Thursday 3:00 PM
Room: 206B
3:00 PM 813 ~Invited! Mossbauer Studies of Fe-doped LaCa-Mn-O Colossal Magnetoresistive Perovskites; Z H C Cheng,
Z H Wang, N L Di, R W Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
R A Dunlap, Dalhousie University; B G Shen, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
4:30 PM 816 ~Invited! Solving the Structural Mysteries of
Magnetic Materials in TEM; Y Liu, University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor
Electron Microscopy of Macro-, Micro- and
Meso-Porous Materials
Session Chair~s! M.E. Brito, AIST, Japan
D. Blom, Oak Ridge National Lab
Platform Session
Thursday 3:00 PM
Room: 301B
3:00 PM 817 ~Invited! Applications of SEM and Con-focal
Laser Microscopy in Developments of Macro-Porous Materials
Produced by Sintering; K Ishizaki, M Ohyagi, K Jodan, K Matsumaru, M Nanko, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
3:30 PM 818 ~Invited! Pore Hierarchies in High-Temperature Composite Refractories; W E Lee, S Zhang, S Hashimoto,
University of Sheffield
4:00 PM 819 TEM Characterization of Textured Alumina
Produced by Templated Grain GrowtH (TGG); B J Hockey,
National Institute of Standards and Technology; G L Messing, The Pennsylvania State University
4:15 PM 820 HAADF-STEM and HRTEM of Porous Alumina; M E Brito, Synergy Materials Research Center, AIST
4:30 PM 821 Microstructural Observations on the Pore
Structure Development in Carbon-Carbon Composites During Processing; J H Steele, PinE CO
4:45 PM 822 Grain Boundary Issues in Porous Silicon Nitride Ceramics; M E Brito, Synergy Materials Research Center, AIST
EELS and EFTEM Analysis
Session Chair~s! G. Botton, McMaster University
K. Moore, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
3:30 PM 814 ~Invited! Domain Structure of Magnetic Nanocrystalline Materials Studied by Electron Holography; D
Shindo, Tohoku University, Japan
Platform Session
Thursday 3:00 PM
Room: 204AB
4:00 PM 815 ~Invited! Quantum Well Interference and
Exchange CouplinG in Double Quantum Well Thin Films;
Z D Zhang, Shenyang National Lab, China
3:00 PM 823 ~Invited! Development of An 0.2eV Energy
Resolution Analytical Electron Microscope; M Tanaka, M Terauchi, K Tsuda, K Saitoh, Institute of Multidisciplinary
Thursday PM ~Platform!
Research for Advanced Materials; M Mukai, T Kaneyama, T
Tomita, K Tsuno, JEOL LTD; M Kersker, JEOL USA; M
Naruse, T Honda, JEOL LTD
4:15 PM 826 Performance and First Results of a New 200 kV
FEG-EFTEM; G Lang, G Benner, A Orchowski, W-D Rau,
LEO Elektronenmikroskopie GmbH
3:30 PM 824 ~Invited! Monochromized 200kV (S)TEM;
P C Tiemeijer, J H A van Lin, B H Freitag, A de Jong, FEI
Electron Optics
4:30 PM 827 A Simple Internal Active Field Compensator
for Post Column Spectrometers; C Trevor, D A Ray, A Moonen,
J A Hunt, H A Brink, Gatan
4:00 PM 825 Experimental Set-Up of a Purely Electrostatic
Monochromator for High Resolution and Analytical Purposes
of a 200 KV TEM; S Uhlemann, M Haider, CEOS GmbH
4:45 PM 828 New Approach to Obtain Elemental Maps by
Using Energy-Filterd Images; Y Taniguchi, K Kaji, Y Ueki, S
Isakozawa, Hitachi Ltd.
Exhibitor Directory *
4pi Analysis, Inc.
Accurion LLC.
ADE Phase Shift
Advanced Materials & Processes Magazine
Advanced Microbeam
Advanced Microscopy Techniques, Corp.
Apogee Instruments, Inc.
Asylum Research
Biophotonics International
Boc Edwards
Cambridge University Press
Cameca Instruments
CamScan USA, Inc.
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.
Cedarlane Laboratories Ltd.
Chroma Technology Corp.
Clemex Technologies
Codonics Inc.
Delaware Diamond Knives
Denton Vacuum
Diatome U.S.
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology Group
Duniway Stockroom
DVC Company Inc.
E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.
Edax Inc.
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Emispec Systems, Inc.
Emitech Products, Inc.
Empix Imaging Inc.
Energy Beam Science, Inc.
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors Inc.
Evex Analytical
FEI Company
Gatan, Inc.
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
Gresham Scientific Instruments LTD
Halcyonics GmbH
Hamamatsu Photonic System
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.
HKL Technology, Inc.
Improvision Inc.
InfoScience Services, Inc.
Jeol USA, Inc.
JPK Instruments
KE Developments
Kleindiek Nanotechnik
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Kodak Scientific Imaging Systems
Ladd Research Ind.
LEO Electron Microscopy Inc.
Marivac Inc.
Micro Star Technologies
Microscopy & Analysis
Microscopy Society of America
Microscopy Today
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
Nikon Canada Inc.-Instrument Division
Olympus America Inc.
Omega Optical
Optical Insights
Oxford Instruments
Parallax Research
Pelco International
Physical Electronics
Piezomax Technologies ~nPoint!
Piezosystem Jena
Polaroid Corporation
Princeton Gamma Tech. Inc.
Q Imaging
Quartz Imaging Corp.
Quesant Instrument Corp.
RHK Technology Inc.
RMC-Boeckeler Instruments
Rontec USA, Inc.
Sensir Technologies
Soft Imaging System, Corp.
Soquelec, Ltd./Jeol Canada
South Bay Technology Inc.
SPI Supplies
StockerYale, Inc.
Technotrade International
Ted Pella, Inc.
Thermo Nicolet
Thermo NORAN, Platinum Sponsor 2002 Symposia
Tousimis International Inc.
Triple-O Microscopy GmbH
Universal Imaging Corporation
Visitec Microtechnik Gmbh
Booth #
*List completed as of June 3, 2002
Booth #
Exhibitor Directory
Accurion LLC
935 Hamilton Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 650-323-2200
Fax: 650-323-2282
E-mail: info@accurion.com
Internet: www.accurion.com
ACCURION is pleased to introduce our
new imaging ellipsometry platform—
the EP 3 . Imaging ellipsometry is free of
scanning and complementary to scanning probe microscopy. The EP 3 yields
excellent accuracy and correctness in
thin film measurements due to improved angular resolution of all optical
components. Applications range from
marker-free biochip readers, SPR, BAM,
quality control of spin-coated media, to
micro-contact-printed organic layers
~e.g. Polymers!. New features also include advanced scripting tools, multiple ROI, and auto-scan to yield superior
results and time-savings. The EP 3 is
available as spectroscopic, single/multiple wavelength, and large area system.
ADE Phase Shift
3470 E. Universal Way
Tucson, AZ 85706
Phone: 520-573-9250
Fax: 520-573-9355
E-mail: sales@phase-shift.com
Internet: www.phase-shift.com
Manufacturer of 3D non-contact optical surface measurement systems, in-
cluding MicroXAM 3D profilometer,
an interference microscope for characterizing and quantifying 3D microstructure. Featuring sub-nanometer height
resolution, plotting and surface analysis software.
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc.
4217C Kings Graves Rd.
P.O. Box 610
Vienna, OH 44473
Phone: 330-394-1255
Fax: 330-394-1834
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc. is celebrating its 14th year of operation and
exhibiting its reliable, user-friendly
WDS automation system and PROBE
for Windows, a research quality and
industrial strength software for complete stage and spectrometer motion
control with sophisticated and flexible
acquisition and analysis in a single
integrated application. High-speed
optical servo motors minimize analytical time. Our Micro-3WD Systems
are located worldwide in the most
prestigious laboratories. It runs on
Windows 2000 and has an industry
leading customer satisfaction rating.
AMI offers Digital Imaging and
integrated EDS/WDS as well. The
Micro-3WD interfaces directly to
Cameca MBX, Micro, SX-50, JEOL
733, 8600, 840, 6400, 8900, and ARLSEMQ.
Advanced Microscopy Techniques
3 Electronics Avenue
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: 978-774-5550
Fax: 978-739-4313
E-mail: info@amtimaging.com
Internet: www.amtimaging.com
What’s new in digital imaging for TEM?
Brand new 6.8 Mpixel bottom mounted
cameras and 4 Mpixel side mounted
cameras. We continue to emphasize resolution, field of view and ease of operation. We continue to offer our 1394
Firewire cameras that we introduced
last year. Our stage automation products for SEM from Deben UK will also
be displayed.
316 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-726-6675
Fax: 312-726-6652
E-mail: rlepman@arryx.com
Internet: www.arryx.com
ARRYX, Inc. combines holographic optical trapping ~HOT! technology and
microscopy in an exciting new tool,
the BioRyx™ 200 system. The system’s
capability to create anywhere from 1 to
200 independently steerable traps gives
the user up to 200 separate microscopic manipulators to directly, pre-
Company Listing
cisely, and gently control samples in
three dimensions.
Asylum Research
601-C Pine Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Phone: 805-692-2800
Fax: 805-692-9222
E-mail: info@AsylumResearch.com
Internet: www.AsylumResearch.com
Featured is the new Molecular Force
Probe-3D ~MFP-3D TM !, the lowest
noise AFM commercially available. The
patent-pending NPS system provides
exquisite noise performance while diffraction limited optics with a low coherence light source provide the most
sensitive optical lever detection scheme.
Top and bottom optical access make it
ideal for optical measurements such as
phase contrast, epi/transmission fluorescence, etc. IgorPro Software allows
powerful data analysis and customized
Föhrenweg 16
9496 Balzers
Principality of Liechtenstein
Phone: ⫹423 388 12 12
Fax: ⫹423 388 12 60
E-mail: sales@bal-tec.com
Internet: www.bal-tec.com
Innovative and reliable products for
electron microscopy sample preparation in the material and life science
field, combined with excellent customer care and competence in service.
Biophotonics International
Berkshire Common
2 South Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: 413-499-0514
Fax: 413-442-3180
E-mail: photonics@laurin.com
Internet: www.Photonics.com
Biophotonics International magazine
is designed for people who are using
photonic technology in medical or biotechnical products and procedures,
and for key researchers who are looking for new techniques and products
to solve their problems. It is distributed free to those who use or apply
Boeckeler Instruments/RMC
4650 S. Butterfield Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85714
Phone: 520-745-0001
Toll-free phone: 800-552-2262
Fax: 520-745-0004
E-mail: dave@boeckeler.com
Internet: www.rmcproducts.com
Manufacturer of the high quality line
of RMC EM sample preparation equipment and accessories, including the
MT-XL ultramicrotome and CR-X
cryosectioning system. Other products
include rotary microtomes, automated
EM tissue processors, glass knife makers, freeze substitution systems, propane jet freezers, freeze etch/fracture
systems, and freeze dryers. More information at www.rmcproducts.com.
Cambridge University Press
40 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011-4211
Phone: 212-924-3900
Toll-free phone: 800-221-4512
Fax: 212-691-3239
E-mail: information@cup.org
Internet: www.cambridge.org
Cambridge University Press is the printing and publishing house of the University of Cambridge, and is the oldest
press in the world. A nonprofit publisher of unparalleled academic journals and books, Cambridge currently
publishes Microscopy and Microanaly-
sis for the Microscopy Society of
Cameca Instruments Inc.
204 Spring Hill Road
Trumbull, CT 06611
Phone: 203-459-0623
Toll-free phone: 800-783-3540
Fax: 203-261-5506
E-mail: sales@cameca.com
Internet: www.cameca.fr
CAMECA News: The SX100 EPMA and
PC software automation, Peak Sight,
now includes a suite of programs to
support new and evolving applications.
Our NanoSIMS 50 is a break-through
imaging SIMS already proving its merit
in a wide range of high-resolution
imaging/analysis applications such as
cellular biology and pharmacology, geology, astrophysics and semiconductors. Please stop by our booth to discuss
CAMECA solutions to your microanalytical problems. CAMECA, for over 40
years, providing electron- and ion-probe
microanalysis solutions.
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.
One Zeiss Drive
Thornwood, NY 10594
Phone: 914-747-1800
Toll-free phone: 800-233-2343
Fax: 914-681-7446
E-mail: micro@zeiss.com
Internet: www.zeiss.com/micro
Carl Zeiss offers a full line of upright,
inverted, stereo and confocal microscopes, image analysis systems & digital cameras for biomedical, clinical and
materials microscopy. Zeiss specializes
in high-resolution digital imaging systems for demanding applications such
as fluorescence, GFP & confocal. Zeiss
Vision image analysis software brings
new levels of sophistication & ease of
use to image processing, archiving &
Company Listing
CEDARLANE Laboratories Ltd.
5516 - 8th Line, R.R. #2
Hornby, Ontario
Canada L0P 1E0
Phone: 905-878-8891
Toll-free phone: 800-268-5058
Fax: 905-878-7800
E-mail: info@cedarlanelabs.com
Internet: www.cedarlanelabs.com
CEDARLANE® Laboratories Limited is
a 100% Canadian owned and operated
company, specializing in providing high
quality research reagents to the life science community.
CEDARLANE® is a leading Canadian distributor for over 100 International companies.
Our manufactured products include:
• Antibodies
• Complement
• Cell separation media
• cellect TM immunocolumns
• O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase
. . . and more!
Chroma Technology Corp.
74 Cotton Mill Hill, Unit A-9
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-257-1800
Toll-free phone: 800-824-7662
Fax: 802-257-9400
E-mail: npucci@chroma.com
Internet: www.chroma.com
Chroma Technology Corp. is an
employee-owned company that specializes in the design and manufacture of
precision optical filters and coatings.
Our filters have been developed for
a variety of applications: low-light fluorescence microscopy and cytometry;
spectrographic imaging in optical microscopy; laser-based confocal and
multi-photon instrumentation; and Raman spectroscopy.
For each of these applications we
provide the greatest accuracy in color
separation, optical quality and signal
Clemex Technologies
800 Guimond
Longueuil, Quebec
J4G 1T5 Canada
Phone: 450-651-6573
Toll-free phone: 888-651-6573
Fax: 450-651-9304
E-mail: info@clemex.com
Internet: www.clemex.com
Clemex will be exhibiting its awardwinning image analysis software
package—Clemex Vision. An easy to use
application, users have the ability to design sophisticated imaging macros
without writing a single line of code.
Whether users have pharmaceutical,
biological, chemical or metallurgical applications, Vision significantly increases
your productivity. Also on display will
be the company’s automated stage component and z-autofocus mechanism
used to simplify the analysis of multiple fields.
Codonics, Inc.
17991 Englewood Drive
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Phone: 440-243-1198
Toll-free phone: 800-444-1198
Fax: 440-243-1334
E-mail: info@codonics.com
Internet: www.codonics.com
The Codonics family of printers incorporates both color dye-diffusion and
direct-thermal grayscale technologies
into one printer, making it an intelligent, cost-effective choice for facilities
seeking unsurpassed image quality.
The 1660 is the only imager in the
market capable of printing on grayscale paper and film, as well as a
variety of sizes of color paper, transparency, and 35mm slides, all through a
dry process. With stunning resolution
of 300 dpi, the imager can be networked for larger organizations.
All prints, whether color or grayscale, are continuous tone and diag-
nostic-quality. Our selectable Dmax
allows users to customize the maximum density of their prints. Codonics
DirectVista grayscale paper is superior
and half the price of the competition.
Stop by our booth #630 for a demo
of our newest imager, Horizon. The
smallest 14⫻17 imager in the world,
the Horizon prints on large format
film and paper, offering instant output
for poster-size images in both color
and grayscale.
Delaware Diamond Knives
3825 Lancaster Pike
Wilmington, DE 19805
Phone: 302-999-7476
Toll-free phone: 800-222-5143
Fax: 302-999-8320
E-mail: services@ddk.com
Internet: www.ddk.com
Denton Vacuum, LLC
1259 N. Church Street
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Phone: 856-439-9100
Toll-free phone: 800-666-6004
Fax: 856-439-9111
E-mail: info@dentonvacuum.com
Internet: www.dentonvacuum.com
Denton Vacuum is the leading sample
preparation equipment manufacturer
in both the sputtering and evaporation
marketplaces. Come see our new BTT
IV, a tabletop high vacuum deposition
system with high vacuum valve and
LN2 cold trap. This package brings new
capabilities to a tabletop system.
Diatome U.S.
P.O. Box 125
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Phone: 215-646-1478
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Fax: 215-646-8931
E-mail: sgkcck@aol.com
Internet: www.emsdiasum.com
Company Listing
Digital Instruments, Veeco
Metrology Group
112 Robin Hill Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Phone: 805-967-1400
Toll-free phone: 800-873-9750
Fax: 805-967-7717
E-mail: mmckeown@veeco.com
Internet: www.veeco.com,
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology
Group—Nanoscope威, Multimode™,
BioScope™ and Dimension™ Series
Atomic Force/Scanning Probe Microscopes, as well as New Environmental
Controls for imaging of biologicals,
polymers, and other materials under
variable temperatures, gases and fluids.
Featured this year is the new NanoScope IV controller with up to 10⫻
faster imaging, enhanced resolution and
increased flexibility and expendability.
All of our AFMs measure nanotopography, magnetic force, lateral force, electrochemical interactions, mechanical
properties ~for polymers etc.!, and perform PhaseImaging temperature mapping, and nanoindenting/scratching for
thin film wear and hardness testing.
Duniway Stockroom Corp.
1305 Space Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: 650-969-8811
Toll-free phone: 800-446-8811
Fax: 650-965-0764
E-mail: sherm.r@duniway.com
Internet: www.duniway.com
Specializes in vacuum equiment and
supplies: Ion pumps and controls; components ~flanges, gaskets, bolts, nuts!;
vacuum gauges and controls from Terranova; mechanical pumps and rebuild
kits; supplies ~oils, greases, hose, bell
jars!; diffusion pumps and leak detectors. We offer rebuilding services and a
large collection of reconditioned equipment. www.duniway.com; Free Catalog.
E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.
9003 Corporate Circle
Export, PA 15632
Phone: 724-325-5444
Fax: 724-325-5443
E-mail: mp-mccarthy@
Internet: www.fischione.com
Fischione Instruments features a full
line of Specimen Preparation Instrumentation for electron microscopy.
The range includes: Twin-Jet Electropolisher, Specimen Punch, Dimpling Grinder, Specimen Grinder,
Ultrasonic Disk Cutter, low-angle milling and polishing ~LAMP! Ion Mill
and the Plasma Cleaner, an instrument
for eliminating carbonaceous contamination in TEM, SEM and surface science applications.
91 McKee Drive
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 201-529-4880
Fax: 201-529-3156
E-mail: info@edax.com
Internet: www.edax.com
EDAX, established in 1962, designs and
manufactures energy dispersive X-ray
analysis systems. Microanalysis is featured in the Phoenix and Falcon systems and X-ray Microfluorescence in
the Eagle system. TSL, a subsidiary of
EDAX, offers the OIM, Phase ID and
ACT products. EDAX has also recently
introduced, in partnership with VeriCold, the revolutionary new microcalorimeter detector—the Polaris, which
delivers EDS performance with WDS
Electron Microscopy Sciences
P.O. Box 251
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Phone: 215-646-1566
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Fax: 215-646-8931
E-mail: sgkcck@aol.com
Internet: www.emsdiasum.com
Emitech Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 680221
Houston, TX 77268-0221
Phone: 281-580-0568
Toll-free phone: 888-580-8366
Fax: 281-580-0593
E-mail: emitech@earthlink.net
Internet: www.empdirect.com
Emitech, a world leader in the development of preparation equipment for use
in Electron Microscopy.
Our comprehensive product range:
• Sputter Coating Systems
• Carbon Coating and Evaporation
• Freeze Driers
• Critical Point Driers
• RF Plasma Systems
• Cryogenic Systems
• MEMS Equipment
All backed with a full two year Warranty and CE conformity.
Empix Imaging Inc.
3075 Ridgeway Drive Unit #13
Mississauga, ON L5L 5M6
Phone: 905-820-2944
Toll-free phone: 888-993-6749
Fax: 905-820-3193
E-mail: sales@empix.com
Internet: www.empix.com
Empix Imaging Inc. is a leading developer of image analysis and processing
software designed for scientific or industrial applications used for acquisition,
processing, analysis and deconvolution
supporting imaging hardware, CCD’s,
framegrabbers, TTL&I/O devices, microscopes and peripherals. A digital
camera SDK is available. Clients include
universities, hospitals, biotech and
Company Listing
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
P.O. Box 468
11 Bowles Road
Agawam, MA 01001
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
Fax: 413-784-2786
E-mail: ebs@ebsciences.com
Internet: www.ebsciences.com
Tungsten filaments, Denka LaB6 and
TFE cathodes; laboratory microwave
processors; JB-4 microtome, trianglar
and Ralph knifemakers; Vibratome威
equipment; Polaron sputter coaters,
carbon coaters, critical point dryers,
plasma ashers, vacuum evaporators and
SEM cryo-preparation system; X-ray
microanalysis standards; EM and histology embedding kits; EM automatic
film processor.
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
900 Albany Shaker Road
Latham, NY 12110-1491
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
Fax: 518-785-8647
E-mail: sales@fullam.com
Internet: www.fullam.com
For sputter coaters, substages, substrates, suppliers, standards, carbon
coaters, custom equipment, evaporation
materials, embedding media, CCD imaging systems, tweezers, tools, tensile
testers, turbo evaporators, books, grids,
apertures, LM and SEM manipulators,
darkroom supplies, film racks, general
lab equipment and special order items.
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors Inc.
4734 Tenbury Lane
Rocklin, CA 95677
Phone: 916-797-6199
Toll-free phone: 800-8ETPUSA
Fax: 916-797-6304
E-mail: info@etp-usa.com
Internet: www.etp-usa.com
857 State Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 609-252-9192
Fax: 609-252-9091
E-mail: sales@evex.com
Internet: www.evex.com
Evex is the world leader in X-ray microanalysis and digital imaging for electron microscopy. Evex manufactures
traditional Si~Li! and solid state LNfree detectors. Evex’s unparalleled advanced imaging electronics have
superior pixel resolution, dynamic
range, and speed. Thus producing products such as Evex Movie Maker ~Video
Scanning Electron Microscopy!, and
FastMap, the world’s fastest elemental
mapping system. Evex’s 3D topography, stereo imaging, and layer technology are optional on Evex’s already
powerful, easy to use, affordable X-ray
Microanalysis System.
FEI Company
7451 NW Evergreen Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone: 503-640-7500
Fax: 503-844-2615
E-mail: sales@feico.com
Internet: www.feicompany.com
FEI, The Structural Process Management Company TM , focuses on your
nano-scale challenges with advanced
DualBeam TM , FIB, SEM, ESEM TM ,
and TEM solutions. FEI’s systems routinely deliver ultra-high and high resolution imaging, unsurpassed analytical
performance under all operating conditions ~high-vac, low-vac, ESEM!,
metrology capabilities, defect analysis,
MEMS fabrication, and nanotechnology capabilities. Stop by our booth to
discuss ways in which FEI can assist
you in overcoming the challenges you
face today.
4pi Analysis, Inc.
3500 Westgate Drive
Suite 403
Durham, NC 27707
Phone: 919-489-1757
Fax: 919-489-1487
E-mail: info@4pi.com
Internet: www.4pi.com
4pi sells and engineers Windows威- and
Macintosh威-based digital imaging and
EDS upgrades, systems, and software.
4pi Revolution威 is a modular software
package featuring side-by-side digital
electron images and full-color x-ray
maps, and qualitative and quantitative
EDS analysis. Products include a
complete EDS/Imaging system with
high-resolution x-ray detector, upgrades
configured for existing detectors, a
4-channel WDS option, and linescan
Gatan, Inc.
5933 Coronado Lane
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: 925-463-0200
Fax: 925-463-0204
E-mail: info@gatan.com
Internet: www.gatan.com
Gatan, Inc. is the world leader and
innovator in high-resolution digital imaging systems, electron energy loss spectrometers, specimen holders, and
specimen preparation equipment for
both Transmission and Scanning electron microscopy.
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
426e Boston St.
Topsfield, MA 01983-1216
Phone: 978-887-7000
Fax: 978-887-6671
E-mail: jg@gellermicro.com
Internet: www.gellermicro.com
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory ~certified to ISO-9001 and 17025! offers
products and analytical services to the
technical community.
Company Listing
Products include NIST and NPL
traceable magnification reference standards for atomic force, optical and
scanning electron microscopy; and reference materials for surface analysis
and microprobe techniques; high vacuum desiccators; and metallographic
Analytical services include Auger
electron spectroscopy, XPS, SEM, X-ray,
Electron Microprobe, profilometry and
Hiscope System Company
10 McKinley Street
Closter, NJ 07624
Phone: 201-768-2810
Toll-free phone: 800-772-4658
Fax: 201-768-3944
E-mail: inquiry@hiscope.com
Internet: www.hirox.com
3-D Hi-Scope Video Microscope System for quality inspection of microscopic objects. Dynamic 360 rotation
with oblique angle viewing provides
hi-resolution 3-D image with great
depth of field. Video ready to color
printer, VCR or PC for documentation, image analysis and measurement.
The most advanced quality inspection
system for process control, failure analysis, and research development.
Hitachi High Technologies America,
5100 Franklin Drive
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
Fax: 925-218-3230
E-mail: sidsales@nissei.com
Internet: www.nissei.com
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Inc. is proud to introduce three new
additions to their extensive line-up of
Electron Microscopes. The S-4800
FESEM features a larger chamber and
stage with improved resolution and Super ExB technology. The S-3600N Variable Pressure SEM also features an extra
large chamber and stage for applications requiring large, heavy samples.
The new S-4300SE analytical Schottky
FESEM will be equipped with EDS and
EBSP systems. Hitachi will also feature
the low cost S-2600N Variable Pressure
SEM with large stage, the H-7600 Windows based TEM with auto focus and
the full line-up of PCI data management software, including collaboration
and remote microscopy.
Iatia Ltd.
46 Rutland Road
Box Hill
Victoria 3128, Australia
Phone: ⫹61 3 9898 6388
Fax: ⫹61 3 9899 6388
E-mail: iatia@iatia.com.au
Internet: www.iatia.com.au
Iatia offers digital solutions to phase
contrast microscopy in light microscopes and transmission electron microscopes ~TEMs!.
Iatia’s QPm system provides light
microscopists with the complete suite
of phase modalities on a single costeffective digital system, as well as
providing quantitative data, utilising
conventional brightfield optics.
Iatia’s QPe is a phase imaging system that provides conventional light
microscopy phase techniques digitally
on TEMs.
Improvision Inc.
One Cranberry Hill
Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781-402-0134
Fax: 781-402-0251
E-mail: sales@improvision.com
Internet: www.improvision.com
Volocity, a new product for interactive
volume visualization, advanced 4D restoration and measurement of time re-
solved, multi-dimensional images.
Openlab, a modular software system for
cell imaging applications from GFP imaging to deconvolution and ratio imaging. Phylum, a Digital Darkroom
solution for image archiving and management. ORBIT, for precise microscope
IXRF Systems, Inc.
15715 Brookfield Dr.
Houston, TX 77059
Phone: 281-286-6485
Fax: 281-461-8809
Internet: www.ixrfsystems.com
11 Dearborn Road
Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: 978-535-5900
Fax: 978-536-2264
E-mail: eod@jeol.com
Internet: www.jeol.com
JEOL USA is a global leader of electron optical instrumentation for highend scientific research and industrial
applications. JEOL’s business mission
is to provide innovative technologies,
products and services to promote advancements in the core markets we
serve including materials science, nanotechnology, biotechnology and biology. Core product groups include
SEMs, TEMs, AFMs, analytical instruments and tools for the semiconductor
JPK Instruments AG
Bouchéstrasse 12
12435 Berlin, Germany
Phone: ⫹49 30 5331 12073
Fax: ⫹49 30 5331 1202
E-mail: office@jpk.com
Internet: www.jpk.com
The JPK Instruments NanoWizard TM
Scanning Force Microscope ~SFM!
Company Listing
bridges the worlds of optical microscopy and scanning probe microscopy
by the press of a single button. The
simultaneous availability of all optical
microscopy features together with a
high performance SFM gives the operator unrivaled flexibility and enables
continuous mapping from the microscale to the nanoscale.
K.E. Developments
The Mount, Toft
Cambridge, England CB3 7RL
Phone: ⫹44 1223 263532
Fax: ⫹44 1223 263948
E-mail: sem@kedev.com
Internet: www.kedev.com
Manufacturers of solid state and scintillator back scattered electron detectors including the versatile patented
centaurus detector. Optical surveillance
products for the SEM chamber including the innovative miniscope 25. Also
exhibiting a range of useful accessories
for the SEM user.
Kleindiek Nanotechnik
Markwiesenstr. 55
72770 Reutlingen
Phone: ⫹49 7121 579752
Fax: ⫹49 7121 579754
Internet: www.nanotechnik.com
Kleindiek Nanotechnik, a customer oriented high tech company, enters new
space in micro and nano positioning
with an innovative and powerful driving concept. The Nanomotor ~TM!,
invented by the company founder Dr.
Stephan Kleindiek, combines Nanoprecision with extensive working range.
Products: Micromanipulators, positioning Tables for Light and Electron
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA 02061
Phone: 781-871-6600
Fax: 781-871-6528
E-mail: kluwer@wkap.com
Internet: www.wkap.nl
Visit booth 836 to reserve your copy of
Goldstein’s third edition of Advanced
Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray
Microanalysis! Other Microscopy titles
from Kluwer, a leading publisher of
books and journals, include Williams’
Transmission Electron Microscopy ~fourvolume paperback set! and Schwartz’s
Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science.
Ladd Research Industries
83 Holly Court
Williston, VT 05485
Phone: 802-658-4961
Toll-free phone: 800-451-3406
Fax: 802-660-8859
E-mail: sales@laddresearch.com
Internet: www.laddresearch.com
• TEM/SEM Supplies and Accessories
• Sputter Coaters/Turbo Option, 40, 60,
80 Chambers
• Microholes/Pinholes
Sites: 5m to 1000m
Material: Platinum, Molybdenum,
Stainless, Tungsten, etc.
• Vacuum Evaporators
• Specimen Preparation
• Chemicals
• Small Tools, Tweezers
• Photographic Supplies
• Centrifuges
• Conductive Tapes, Tabs, Paint
• Silver Epoxy Kit
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
2345 Waukegan Road
Bannockburn, IL 60015
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Fax: 847-405-0164
Leica Microsystems provides the tools
for specimen preparation and microscopic evaluation of biological and materials samples. The Leica booth will
feature Leica’s full line of specimen
preparation products for TEM and
SEM including the market leading UCT
ultramicrotome and FCS low temperature sectioning system. Leica will also
present the newest technology in high
pressure freezing, the EM PACT, and
the EM TP tissue processing system.
LEO Electron Microscopy
1 Zeiss Drive
Thornwood, NY 10594
Phone: 914-747-7700 ext. 701
Toll-free phone: 800-356-1090
Fax: 914-681-7443
E-mail: blair@leo-usa.com
Internet: www.leo-usa.com
LEO Electron Microscopy, the electron
microscopy innovation leader, offers 50
years of electron optical experience a
deep understanding of customer applications, and commitment to excellence.
Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc.
400 High Grove Blvd.
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Phone: 630-307-7200
Fax: 630-307-7571
E-mail: info@lindgrenrf.com
Internet: www.lindgrenrf.com
Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc. a subsidiary of ESCO Technologies Inc.
provides integrated solutions to electromagnetic and radio frequency interference ~EMI-RFI! shielding for medical,
industrial, and governmental use
around the world. Active Magnetic Field
Cancellation for use with TEM and
SEM Microscopes is just one of the
latest new product developments.
Company Listing
Marivac Inc.
821B McCaffrey St.
St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Fax: 514-733-8098
E-mail: info@marivac.com
Internet: www.marivac.com
Marivac Inc. is a Canadian company
founded in 1975, which serves the need
of electron microsopist throughout
Canada by supplying chemicals, supplies, and equipment to university, hospital, and government laboratories.
In 1983 Marivac Limited was appointed the Candian representative for
Chemplex Industries Inc., a U.S. company that manufactures X-ray fluorescence sample preparation supplies for
the oil and mining industries.
Marivac Limited represents manufacturers and distributors of electron microscope supplies in both the United
States and United Kingdom. They
include Agar Scientific, Energy Beam
Sciences, Gilder Grids and Taab Laboratories.
New energetic manager team is dedicated to maintain and improve the
company’s day-to-day operation, and
elevate Marivac into the twenty-first
MatTek Corporation
200 Homer Avenue
Ashland, MA 01721
Phone: 508-881-6771
Toll-free phone: 800-634-9018
Fax: 508-879-1532
E-mail: information@mattek.com
Internet: www.Glass-Bottom-Dishes.
MatTek is the manufacture of Glass
Bottom Culture Dishes that provide
the optics of glass with the convenience of a petri dish. MatTek’s dishes
are the most frequently cited cell
culture labware for high-resolution
microscopy aplications such as Confocal and Green Fluorescent Protein.
Check out our website at http://
www.glass-bottom-dishes.com for FREE
SAMPLES, product information, and
technical references.
Media Cybernetics, Inc.
8484 Georgia Ave. Suite 200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-495-3305
Fax: 301-495-5964
E-mail: info@mediacy.com
Internet: www.mediacy.com
Media Cybernetics produces image informatics solutions for scientists and
professionals in life science research,
production, and QA/QC. Our ImagePro software family, featuring our
sophisticated new 3D Constructor,
SharpStack deconvolution and Advanced Fluorescence Acquisition plugins, is easy-to-use for beginners, yet
provides the depth needed by the imaging expert.
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
21604 Gentry Lane
Brookeville, MD 20833
Phone: 301-774-6246
Fax: 301-774-6711
E-mail: Metesem@aol.com
Internet: www.semsupplies.com
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc. has been
in business offering quality electron
microscopy supplies and equipment
for over 25 years. We offer a range of
products from SEM supplies and accessories to custom machining and laboratory services. We specialize in electron
detectors, scintillators, vacuum foreline traps, sample holders and other
SEM/EM needs.
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
125 Paridon Street
Suite 102
Springfield, MA 01118
Phone: 413-746-6931
Fax: 413-746-9311
E-mail: bfoster@mme1.com
MME’s customized, on-site courses in
microscopy, sample prep, and image
analysis integrate your staffing level
with your own instrumentation and
applications for immediate improvement in your everyday productivity.
Also on display: “Optimizing Light Microscopy for Biological and Clinical
Labs,” a key resource text and FluorRef Fluorescence Reference Slides.
Don’t forget to participate in our ongoing survey on Trends in Microscopy
and receive a sweet M&M “Thank You.”
Micro Star Technologies Inc.
511 FM 3179
Huntsville, TX 77340
Phone: 936-291-6891
Toll-free phone: 800-533-2509
Fax: 936-294-9861
E-mail: mistar@msn.com
Internet: www.microstartech.com
Micro Star Technologies manufactures
Diamond knives for cryo and ultramicrotomy, 1 to 12 mm. All types and
brands are accepted for exchange or
resharpening. New product: Cryo Ultramicrotome, completely integrated
system, with dewar, built-in cryo control to ⫺115 8C, 25-nm to 5-m sections, automatic or manual, zoom
stereo microscope, low price, optional
color camera and monitor.
MikroMasch, Inc.
7086 SW Beveland Rd.
Portland, OR 97223
Phone: 503-624-0315 ext. 107
Toll-free phone: 866-776-8477
Company Listing
Fax: 503-624-0735
E-mail: ktek@ktekintl.com
Internet: www.spmtips.com
MikroMasch, Inc. supplies high quality
Cantilevers and Gratings at competitive prices for SPM and APM use in
Industrial, Medical and Academia Research. We provide quality customer
service and welcome custom inquiries.
Prices are based on quantity and there
is no additional charge for coatings.
National Graphic Supply
226 North Allen Street
Albany, NY 12206
Phone: 518-438-8411 ext. 3109
Toll-free phone: 800-223-7130
ext. 3109
Fax: 800-832-2205
E-mail: scisales@ngscorp.com
Internet: www.ngscorp.com
The source for photographic and electronic imaging equipment and supplies! NGS stocks film, including TEM
and Polaroid, as well as a complete
selection of darkroom equipment and
supplies. Electronic Imaging products
include digital still and video cameras,
small and large format printers and
supplies, scanners, data storage products, and camera mounts for most microscopes. NGS represents Kodak, Fuji,
Agfa, Ilford, Nikon, Epson, HP, Encad,
Umax, Microtek, and many others.
Nikon Canada Inc.
1366 Aerowood Dr.
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1C1
Phone: 905-625-9910
Fax: 905-625-0103
E-mail: cjordan@nikon.ca
Internet: www.nikon.ca
Nikon Canada Inc., Instrument Division, are the distributors of Nikon Microscopes and measuring instruments
in Canada.
Nikon Canada Inc. will be showing
the new range of TE2000 Inverted Microscopes, the Eclipse E1000 automated
microscope with the latest generation
of CFI60 optics, imaging systems and
the new advanced personal Confocal
Microscope, C1.
Olympus America Inc.
2 Corporate Center Drive
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 631-844-5000
Toll-free phone: 800-446-5967
Fax: 631-844-5112
E-mail: micro@olympus.com
Internet: www.olympus.com
Olympus features the FV300/FV500
confocal laser scanning microscope,
high resolution, high-speed, fast and
flexible scan modes. Routine to advanced upright microscopes plus zoom
stereomicroscopes with enhanced ergonomic design and improved optical
performance. The Olympus MicroSuite TM software for image acquisition, analysis, and measurement as well
as digital camera systems.
Omega Optical, Inc.
210 Main Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-254-2690
Fax: 802-254-3937
E-mail: caaron@omegafilters.com
Internet: www.omegafilters.com
Omega® Optical has been pioneering
filter technology for fluorescence microscopy since 1969. We offer an extensive selection of dye-specific sets for
single & multi-label applications, including Fluorescent Proteins, FRET,
FISH, Multiphoton, Pinkel, Ratio Imaging, and Flow Cytometry. Our ALPHA Vivid sets produce higher signalto-noise & brighter images for the most
demanding applications. We are committed to collaboration with scientists
Oxford Instruments
130A Baker Avenue Ext
Concord, MA 01742
Phone: 978-369-9933
Fax: 978-369-6616
E-mail: info@ma.oxinst.com
Visit the Oxford Instruments booth to
see the latest advances in the INCA
microanalysis system—the only truly
integrated microanalysis platform—
EDS, WDS, and EBSD on one system
with one PC.
Pelco International
4595 Mountain Lakes Ave.
Redding, CA 96003
Phone: 530-243-2200 ext. 204
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
Fax: 530-243-3761
E-mail: sales@pelcoint.com
Internet: www.pelcoint.com
Pelco International offers new Microwave, Cressington’s complete line of
High Resolution Turbo Coaters, Vacuum Evaporator, Thickness Monitor
NanoDevices Metrology Probes TM, New
Silicon Nitride Cantilevers, Gold Sols,
Adhesives, TEM/SEM/AFM supplies,
Tweezers, Diamond Knives, Grids,
Small Tools, Light Microscopes, Histology Supplies, Rotary Microtomes,
Physical Electronics
6509 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: 952-828-6100
Fax: 952-828-6322
E-mail: marketing@phi.com
Internet: www.phi.com
For over 30 years Physical Electronics
has supplied solutions to surface-related
problems such as surface contamination, adhesive failure, corrosion, material fatigue and failure, and defect
identification. PHI develops and mar-
Company Listing
kets a complete line of surface analysis
instrumentation using Auger, ESCA/
XPS, Dynamic SIMS and TOF-SIMS
techniques. Contract analysis services
are available through Evans Analytical
Group laboratories.
PIEZOMAX Technologies Inc.
3510 W. Beltline Hwy.
Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 608-662-0088
Fax: 608-662-0092
E-mail: moloni@piezomax.com
Internet: www.piezomax.com
PIEZOMAX Technologies, Inc. designs,
manufactures, and sells devices for
rapid, precise, and repeatable positioning and motion at the nanometer scale.
Our products include systems capable
of movement in all axes ~Z, XY, and
XYZ! and accompanying control systems. Our nanopositioners are available in a range of materials and in
configurations capable of supplying
ranges of motion across a full spectrum of requirements. PIEZOMAX’s
nanopositioning technology leads the
world in specification and performance,
creating an opportunity for market
leadership as the number of technology applications requiring movement
and manipulation at nanometer precision levels expands dramatically.
Piezosystem jena
54 Hopedale St.
Hopedale, MA 01747
Phone: 508-634-6688
Fax: 508-634-6868
E-mail: usa@piezojena.com
Internet: www.piezojena.com
Piezosystem jena designs, manufactures and sells PZT-based ceramic actuators and translation and tilting stages
for single and multiple axis displacement in the micron range with nano-
meter and sub-nanometer resolution.
Our intended markets in the United
States include: microscopy, metrology,
telecommunications, process control
and the semiconductor industry.
Polaroid Corporation
400 Boston Post Road
Wayland, MA 01778
Phone: 781-386-8424
Fax: 781-833-8424
E-mail: parksh@polaroid.com
Internet: polaroidwork.com
Polaroid Corporation is the worldwide
leader in instant imaging. Polaroid supplies instant photographic cameras and
films; digital imaging hardware, software and media; secure identification
systems; and sunglasses to markets
worldwide. Visit the Polaroid web site
at www.polaroid.com.
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
C/N 863
Princeton, NY 08542-0863
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Fax: 609-924-1729
E-mail: sales@pgt.com
Internet: www.pgt.com
PGT, the leader in innovation for over
35 years invites you to explore our
exciting new microanalysis tools. Comprehensive X-ray analysis with Avalon,
PTS X-ray collection and image analysis with Spirit, integrated EBSD ~with
HKL! and the broadest range of X-ray
detectors including Sahara no-LN and
the 50mm 2 , 129eV Prism IG.
8081 Lougheed Highway
Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1W9, Canada
Phone: 604-708-5061
Fax: 604-708-5081
E-mail: info@qimaging.com
Internet: www.qimaging.com
QImaging offers high-performance digital CCD cameras in the NIR, visible
and UV spectrum for scientific and
industrial applications. All QImaging
cameras are FireWire interfaced for
simple connectivity and portability use
with a laptop. QImaging has a broad
range of cameras meeting the needs in
life science, industrial and publication
Quartz Imaging Corporation
1620-1140 W. Pender St.
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6E 4G1
Phone: 604-488-3911
Fax: 604-488-3922
E-mail: info@quartzimaging.com
Internet: www.quartzimaging.com
Quartz Imaging Corporation, well
known for our industry-standard
Quartz PCI family of digital imaging,
laboratory workflow and image databasing products, is presenting the
Quartz XOne Digital X-Ray Microanalysis System. Featuring our unique,
custom-designed, DSP-based pulse processor and comprehensive, easy-to-use
software. XOne offers beyond state-ofthe-art EDX performance at very reasonable prices.
Quesant Instrument Corp.
29397 Agoura Rd., Suite 104
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Phone: 818-597-0311
Fax: 818-991-5490
E-mail: qsales@quesant.com
Internet: www.quesant.com
Quesant Instrument’s newest options
include an interface that allows the
Hysitron Triboscope to interface with a
Quesant QScope, total price for both
under $130,000. A programmable
X-Y translation stage, better than
2mm positioning accuracy, available
on QScope 250 and 350. Two ex-
Company Listing
tended range scan heads are available:
~200mm ⫻ 200mm ⫻ 8mm! and
~80mm ⫻ 80mm ⫻ 200mm!.
Soft Imaging System Corp.
12596 W. Bayaud Ave. #300
Lakewood, CO 80228
Phone: 303-234-9270
Toll-free phone: 888-FINDSIS
Fax: 303-234-9271
E-mail: info@soft-imaging.com
Internet: www.soft-imaging.com
Soft Imaging System has been the
industry standard for image acquisition and processing for many years.
With thousands of installations, Soft
Imaging System has been recognized
as a leader in the field worldwide.
The new US headquarters and new
offices near New York City substantially expand the support and service
South Bay Technology, Inc.
1120 Via Callejon
San Clemente, CA 92673
Phone: 949-492-2600
Toll-free phone: 800-728-2233
Phone: 949-492-1499
E-mail: info@southbaytech.com
Internet: www.southbaytech.com
South Bay Technology, Inc. will be
exhibiting the industry’s most advanced sample preparation systems and
Featured products include:
• PC2000 Plasma Cleaner for postFIB Plasma Trimming
• Gentle Mill for removing amorphous
damage from TEM samples
• RIE2000 Reactive Ion Etcher for anisotropic etching of microelectronics
• IBS/e Ion Beam Sputter Deposition
& Etching System for improved FESEM imaging
• IV3 Low Energy Ion Milling System
for TEM & SEM
• XLA2000 Computer Controlled Ion
Mill for multi-user environments
• Tripod Polisher® & BiPod TM Polisher for TEM and SEM Crosssectioning
• MAG*I*CAL TM , TEM Calibration
• MicroCleave TM Kit for Cross Sectional TEM Specimens
• 900 series Precision Lapping & Polishing systems
• BEAPS TM , Backside Emission Analysis Preparation System
• The DIMPLER® for Site Specific
SPI Supplies
569 E. Gay St.
P.O. Box 656
West Chester, PA 19381-0656
Phone: 610-436-5400
Toll-free phone: 800-2424-SPI
~USA/Canada only!
Fax: 610-436-5755
E-mail: info@2spi.com
Internet: www.2spi.com
SPI Supplies/Structure Probe, Inc. will
be exhibiting a full range of sputter
and carbon coaters, plasma etchers,
CPD units and consumables and accessories for SEM, TEM, EDS, and SPM.
The OPC-60 Osmium Plasma Coater
will be operating as a demo unit for
the duration of the exhibition.
Technotrade International, Inc.
7 Perimeter Road
Manchester, NH 03103
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Fax: 603-622-5211
E-mail: sales@technotradeinc.com
Internet: www.technotradeinc.com
Technotrade International, Inc. is the
distributor of the BAL-TEC line of
preparation equipment and supplies
for Electron Microscopy. The product
range includes: BAF 060 Freeze
Fracture/Etch system, HPM 010 High
pressure Freezing system, MED 020
multipurpose deposition system, SCD
005/050 table top sputtering systems,
RES 100 Ion Milling system, CPD 030
Critical Point Drying System, VCT 100
Vacuum Cryo Transfer device.
Ted Pella, Inc.
P.O. Box 492477
Redding, CA 96049-2477
Phone: 530-243-2200
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
Fax: 530-243-3761
E-mail: sales@tedpella.com
Internet: www.tedpella.com
PELCO BioWave TM with new Microwave Accessory, Cressington’s complete line of High Resolution Turbo
Sputter and Carbon Coaters, and Vacuum Evaporator. Metrology Probes TM ,
AFM Supplies, Gold Sols and Conjugates, Adhesives, Material Science
Accessories, Calibration Standards,
Tweezers, Diamond Knives, Filaments
and other TEM/SEM Supplies. New
Catalog available.
Thermo Nicolet
5225 Verona Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: 608-276-6100
Toll-free phone: 800-201-8132
Fax: 608-273-5046
E-mail: nicinfo@thermo.com
Internet: www.thermonicolet.com
Thermo Nicolet is a market leader in
FT-IR, FT-NIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy, IR microscopes, sampling accessories, and software. Thermo Nicolet
will showcase its family of microsampling technology, including the
ImageMax TM IR Imaging system that
provides rapid collection and visualization of chemical heterogeneity information from a microscopic or macroscopic
Company Listing
Thermo NORAN, A Thermo Electron
2551 W. Beltline Highway
Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 608-831-6511
Fax: 608-836-7224
E-mail: sales@thermonoran.com
Internet: www.thermonoran.com
Thermo NORAN, and Thermo Electron business, introduces two exiciting
new porducts for microscopy and microanalysis. The NORAN System SIX
includes all-new acquisition and processing electronics for high-speed data
throughput, and new software for the
Windows威 2000 and XP operating systems. Featuring our acclaimed Spectral
Imaging and COMPASS applications,
System SIX manages your sample runs
on a project-by-project basis for easy
creation and recall. Thermo NORAN
also introduces its new Orpheus EBSD
System. Using a single EBSD camera,
users can now analyze samples for compound identification and for crystal
orientation mapping without equipment cahnges or re-calibration. Orpheus does it all.
TVIPS provides high-performance
CCD camera systems for TEM with resolutions from 1 to 16 million pixels. A
powerful Windows based image processing platform allows seamless integration into any type of microscope and
flexible custom solutions for biological
and materials science applications, e.g.
automatic electron tomography.
Triple-O Microscopy GmbH
Behlertstrasse 26
D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
Phone: ⫹49 331 231 290
Fax: ⫹49 331 231 29 19
E-mail: office@triple-o.de
Internet: www.triple-o.de
Triple-O Microscopy is one of
Germany’s Top 100 Fast Growth
Companies. Instruments include triplefunction BioLyser ~SNOM, AFM, and
conventional inverted optical microscope!; BerMad 2000 SPM; NanoLyser
300 AFM for 300mm wafer inspection,
and T-O’s newest, the unique QMFM
magnetic force microscope for quantitative analyses of measurement data.
~See EDAX Inc.!
Tietz Video and Image Processing
Systems GmbH
Eremitenweg 1
D-82131 Gauting
Phone: ⫹49-~0!89-850 65 67
Fax: ⫹49-~0!89-850 94 88
E-mail: info@tvips.com
Internet: www.tvips.com
Universal Imaging Corporation
402 Boot Road
Downingtown, PA 19335
Phone: 610-873-5610
Fax: 610-873-5499
E-mail: salesuniversal-imaging.com
Universal Imaging Corporation TM provides software and integrated systems
for biological and industrial imaging
applications. UIC’s MetaMorph® supports color or monochrome cooled digital or video cameras, collects time
lapse, multi-dimensional, and quantitative birefringence images, and measures morphometry, intracellular ion
concentrations, optical density, colocalization, and other parameters.
XEI Scientific
3124 Wessex Way
Redwood City, CA 94061-1348
Phone: 650-369-0133
Toll-free phone: 800-500-0133
Fax: 650-363-1659
E-mail: RVaneXEI@concentric.net
Internet: www.semclean.com
effectively controls contamination in
electron microsopes. The RF plasma
source of the EVACTRON system
makes oxygen radicals from air to oxidize away oils and other hydrocarbons
to stop black squares, raster burn, and
other loses of image quality.
Atomic Force Microscopes
Accurion LLC
Phone: 650-323-2200
Accessories (miscellaneous)
Asylum Research
Phone: 805-692-2800
Phone: ⫹423 388 12 12
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
JPK Instruments AG
Phone: ⫹49 30 5331 12073
Marivac Inc.
Phone 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Omega Optical, Inc.
Phone: 802-254-2690
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology
Phone: 805-967-1400
Toll-free phone: 800-873-9750
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Cambridge University Press
Phone: 212-924-3900
Toll-free phone: 800-221-4512
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
Phone: 413-746-6931
Phone: 978-535-5900
Calibration Systems
JPK Instruments AG
Phone: ⫹49 30 5331 12073
Phone: 609-252-9192
Quesant Instrument Corp.
Phone: 818-597-0311
Camera Systems
Triple-O Microscopy GmbH
Phone: ⫹49 331 231 290
Advanced Microscopy Techniques
Phone: 978-774-5550
Automated/Robotic Equipment
CEDARLANE Laboratories Ltd.
Phone: 905-878-8891
Toll-free phone: 800-268-5058
Phone: 312-726-6675
Anti-Contamination Systems
Backscatter Detectors
XEI Scientific
Phone: 650-369-0133
Toll-free phone: 800-500-0133
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors Inc.
Phone: 916-797-6199
Toll-free phone: 800-8ETPUSA
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
National Graphic Supply
Phone: 518-438-8411 ext. 3109
Toll-free phone: 800-223-7130 ext.
Listing by Product
Nikon Canada Inc.
Phone: 905-625-9910
Olympus America Inc.
Phone: 631-844-5000
Toll-free phone: 800-446-5967
Polaroid Corporation
Phone: 781-386-8424
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Confocal Microscopes
ADE Phase Shift
Phone: 520-573-9250
Phone: 604-708-5061
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.
Phone: 914-747-1800
Toll-free phone: 800-233-2343
Soft Imaging System Corp.
Phone: 303-234-9270
Toll-free phone: 888-FINDSIS
Improvision Inc.
Phone: 781-402-0134
Tietz Video and Image Processing
Systems GmbH
Phone: ⫹49-~0!89-850 65 67
Universal Imaging Corporation
Phone: 610-873-5610
CEDARLANE Laboratories Ltd.
Phone: 905-878-8891
Toll-free phone: 800-268-5058
Marivac Inc.
Phone 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Cold Sputtering Equipment
Denton Vacuum, LLC
Phone: 856-439-9100
Toll-free phone: 800-666-6004
Emitech Products, Inc.
Phone: 281-580-0568
Toll-free phone: 888-580-8366
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
MatTek Corporation
Phone: 508-881-6771
Toll-free phone: 800-634-9018
Critical Point Dryers
Denton Vacuum, LLC
Phone: 856-439-9100
Toll-free phone: 800-666-6004
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Phone: 215-646-1566
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Phone: ⫹423 388 12 12
Nikon Canada Inc.
Phone: 905-625-9910
Boeckeler Instruments/RMC Products
Phone: 520-745-0001
Toll-free phone: 800-552-2262
Olympus America Inc.
Phone: 631-844-5000
Toll-free phone: 800-446-5967
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
Thermo Nicolet
Phone: 608-276-6100
Toll-free phone: 800-201-8132
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc.
Phone: 630-307-7200
Micro Star Technologies Inc.
Phone: 936-291-6891
Toll-free phone: 800-533-2509
Crystal Orientation
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
Phone: 413-746-6931
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Phone: 201-529-4880
Listing by Product
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors Inc.
Phone: 916-797-6199
Toll-free phone: 800-8ETPUSA
South Bay Technology, Inc.
Phone: 949-492-2600
Toll-free phone: 800-728-2233
Phone: 609-252-9192
Digital Archiving
Oxford Instruments
Phone: 978-369-9933
Quartz Imaging Corporation
Phone: 604-488-3911
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Soft Imaging System Corp.
Phone: 303-234-9270
Toll-free phone: 888-FINDSIS
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Digital Imaging Systems
Diamond Knives
Boeckeler Instruments/RMC Products
Phone: 520-745-0001
Toll-free phone: 800-552-2262
CEDARLANE Laboratories Ltd.
Phone: 905-878-8891
Toll-free phone: 800-268-5058
Delaware Diamond Knives
Phone: 302-999-7476
Toll-free phone: 800-222-5143
Diatome U.S.
Phone: 215-646-1478
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Micro Star Technologies Inc.
Phone: 936-291-6891
Toll-free phone: 800-533-2509
4pi Analysis, Inc.
Phone: 919-489-1757
E Beam Lithography
Phone: 609-252-9192
Phone: 978-535-5900
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
Pelco International
Phone: 530-243-2200 ext. 204
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
Field Emission Sources
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
Marivac Inc.
Phone 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 301-774-6246
Filing Systems
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Focused Ion Beam Workstations
Electron Microprobe Automation
FEI Company
Phone: 503-640-7500
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc.
Phone: 330-394-1255
Phone: 978-535-5900
Image Analysis and Processing
Accurion LLC
Phone: 650-323-2200
Asylum Research
Phone: 805-692-2800
Diamond Wire Saws
Delaware Diamond Knives
Phone: 302-999-7476
Toll-free phone: 800-222-5143
Listing by Product
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.
Phone: 914-747-1800
Toll-free phone: 800-233-2343
Clemex Technologies
Phone: 450-651-6573
Toll-free phone: 888-651-6573
Empix Imaging Inc.
Phone: 905-820-2944
Toll-free phone: 888-993-6749
Phone: 609-252-9192
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
Hiscope System Company
Phone: 201-768-2810
Toll-free phone: 800-772-4658
Iatia Ltd.
Phone: ⫹61 3 9898 6388
Improvision Inc.
Phone: 781-402-0134
IXRF Systems, Inc.
Phone: 281-286-6485
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Media Cybernetics, Inc.
Phone: 301-495-3305
Quartz Imaging Corporation
Phone: 604-488-3911
Soft Imaging System Corp.
Phone: 303-234-9270
Toll-free phone: 888-FINDSIS
Thermo Nicolet
Phone: 608-276-6100
Toll-free phone: 800-201-8132
Universal Imaging Corporation
Phone: 610-873-5610
Image Printers
Codonics, Inc.
Phone: 440-243-1198
Toll-free phone: 800-444-1198
National Graphic Supply
Phone: 518-438-8411 ext. 3109
Toll-free phone: 800-223-7130 ext.
Metallography Equipment
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.
Phone: 914-747-1800
Toll-free phone: 800-233-2343
Clemex Technologies
Phone: 450-651-6573
Toll-free phone: 888-651-6573
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Olympus America Inc.
Phone: 631-844-5000
Toll-free phone: 800-446-5967
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
South Bay Technology, Inc.
Phone: 949-492-2600
Toll-free phone: 800-728-2233
Soft Imaging System Corp.
Phone: 303-234-9270
Toll-free phone: 888-FINDSIS
Piezosystem jena
Phone: 508-634-6688
Cambridge University Press
Phone: 212-924-3900
Toll-free phone: 800-221-4512
Phone: 312-726-6675
Nikon Canada Inc.
Phone: 905-625-9910
Olympus America Inc.
Phone: 631-844-5000
Toll-free phone: 800-446-5967
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Lab 6 Sources
Phone: 978-535-5900
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
MikroMasch, Inc.
Phone: 503-624-0315 ext. 107
Toll-free phone: 866-776-8477
Phone: 604-708-5061
Cameca Instruments Inc.
Phone: 203-459-0623
Toll-free phone: 800-783-3540
Listing by Product
Microprobe Service
Photography Supplies
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc.
Phone: 330-394-1255
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
Phone: 978-887-7000
Boeckeler Instruments/RMC Products
Phone: 520-745-0001
Toll-free phone: 800-552-2262
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Micro Star Technologies Inc.
Phone: 936-291-6891
Toll-free phone: 800-533-2509
Phone: 609-252-9192
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
Phone: 978-887-7000
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Polaroid Corporation
Phone: 781-386-8424
Diatome U.S.
Phone: 215-646-1478
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
XEI Scientific
Phone: 650-369-0133
Toll-free phone: 800-500-0133
Biophotonics International
Phone: 413-499-0514
Cambridge University Press
Phone: 212-924-3900
Toll-free phone: 800-221-4512
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Phone: 781-871-6600
Reference Materials/Calibration
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
Phone: 978-887-7000
Optical Filters for Microscopy
Chroma Technology Corp.
Phone: 802-257-1800
Toll-free phone: 800-824-7662
Resharpening Services
Delaware Diamond Knives
Phone: 302-999-7476
Toll-free phone: 800-222-5143
New and Used Equipment
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc.
Phone: 330-394-1255
Ted Pella, Inc.
Phone: 530-243-2200
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
National Graphic Supply
Phone: 518-438-8411 ext. 3109
Toll-free phone: 800-223-7130 ext.
Plasma Cleaning
Reference Standards
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Sample Preparation and
Phone: 312-726-6675
Phone: ⫹423 388 12 12
Boeckeler Instruments/RMC Products
Phone: 520-745-0001
Toll-free phone: 800-552-2262
E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.
Phone: 724-325-5444
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
Phone: 413-746-6931
Scalpel Dissecting Blades
SPI Supplies
Phone: 610-436-5400
Toll-free phone: 800-2424-SPI
Diatome U.S.
Phone: 215-646-1478
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Phase Identification
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Listing by Product
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Scanning Electron Microscopes
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology
Phone: 805-967-1400
Toll-free phone: 800-873-9750
Phone: 609-252-9192
FEI Company
Phone: 503-640-7500
Phone: 978-535-5900
JPK Instruments AG
Phone: ⫹49 30 5331 12073
MikroMasch, Inc.
Phone: 503-624-0315 ext. 107
Toll-free phone: 866-776-8477
Quesant Instrument Corp.
Phone: 818-597-0311
Triple-O Microscopy GmbH
Phone: ⫹49 331 231 290
Scanning Tunneling Microscopes
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Phone: 215-646-1566
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors Inc.
Phone: 916-797-6199
Toll-free phone: 800-8ETPUSA
Phone: 609-252-9192
4pi Analysis, Inc.
Phone: 919-489-1757
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology
Phone: 805-967-1400
Toll-free phone: 800-873-9750
Phone: 978-535-5900
Phone: 978-535-5900
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
LEO Electron Microscopy
Phone: 914-747-7700 ext. 701
Toll-free phone: 800-356-1090
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 301-774-6246
K.E. Developments
Phone: ⫹44 1223 263532
Triple-O Microscopy GmbH
Phone: ⫹49 331 231 290
Ladd Research Industries
Phone: 802-658-4961
Toll-free phone: 800-451-3406
Scanning Probe Microscope
MikroMasch, Inc.
Phone: 503-624-0315 x107
Toll-free phone: 866-776-8477
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 301-774-6246
Scanning Probe Microscopes
Secondary Ion Mass
Accurion LLC
Phone: 650-323-2200
Asylum Research
Phone: 805-692-2800
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology
Phone: 805-967-1400
Toll-free phone: 800-873-9750
Cameca Instruments Inc.
Phone: 203-459-0623
Toll-free phone: 800-783-3540
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
LEO Electron Microscopy
Phone: 914-747-7700 ext. 701
Toll-free phone: 800-356-1090
Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc.
Phone: 630-307-7200
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
SEM Accessories
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 301-774-6246
Advanced Microscopy Techniques
Phone: 978-774-5550
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Listing by Product
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Soft Imaging System Corp.
Phone: 303-234-9270
Toll-free phone: 888-FINDSIS
Ted Pella, Inc.
Phone: 530-243-2200
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
Universal Imaging Corporation
Phone: 610-873-5610
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Specimen Preparation
SEM Camera Systems
K.E. Developments
Phone: ⫹44 1223 263532
Emitech Products, Inc.
Phone: 281-580-0568
Toll-free phone: 888-580-8366
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Phone: 413-786-9322
Toll-free phone: 800-992-9037
SEM Detectors
K.E. Developments
Phone: ⫹44 1223 263532
SEM Service
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
Phone: 978-887-7000
LEO Electron Microscopy
Phone: 914-747-7700 ext. 701
Toll-free phone: 800-356-1090
Clemex Technologies
Phone: 450-651-6573
Toll-free phone: 888-651-6573
Phone: 609-252-9192
Iatia Ltd.
Phone: ⫹61 3 9898 6388
Improvision Inc.
Phone: 781-402-0134
Media Cybernetics, Inc.
Phone: 301-495-3305
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
Ladd Research Industries
Phone: 802-658-4961
Toll-free phone: 800-451-3406
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
Pelco International
Phone: 530-243-2200 ext. 204
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
South Bay Technology, Inc.
Phone: 949-492-2600
Toll-free phone: 800-728-2233
SPI Supplies
Phone: 610-436-5400
Toll-free phone: 800-2424-SPI
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Thermo Nicolet
Phone: 608-276-6100
Toll-free phone: 800-201-8132
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
Stage Automation
Advanced Microscopy Techniques
Phone: 978-774-5550
PIEZOMAX Technologies Inc.
Phone: 608-662-0088
Universal Imaging Corporation
Phone: 610-873-5610
Stereoscopic Viewing Systems
Hiscope System Company
Phone: 201-768-2810
Toll-free phone: 800-772-4658
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Phone: 847-405-0123
Toll-free phone: 800-248-0123
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
Marivac Inc.
Phone: 514-733-9155
Toll-free phone: 800-565-5821
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 301-774-6246
Listing by Product
Omega Optical, Inc.
Phone: 802-254-2690
SPI Supplies
Phone: 610-436-5400
Toll-free phone: 800-2424-SPI
Pelco International
Phone: 530-243-2200 ext. 204
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
LEO Electron Microscopy
Phone: 914-747-7700 ext. 701
Toll-free phone: 800-356-1090
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Vacuum Equipment
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
TEM Accessories
Tietz Video and Image Processing
Systems GmbH
Phone: ⫹49-~0!89-850 65 67
Advanced Microscopy Techniques
Phone: 978-774-5550
E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.
Phone: 724-325-5444
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Phone: 215-646-1566
Toll-free phone: 800-523-5874
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Phone: 518-785-5533
Toll-free phone: 800-833-4024
Gatan, Inc.
Phone: 925-463-0200
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
Ladd Research Industries
Phone: 802-658-4961
Toll-free phone: 800-451-3406
Denton Vacuum, LLC
Phone: 856-439-9100
Toll-free phone: 800-666-6004
Duniway Stockroom Corp.
Phone: 650-969-8811
Toll-free phone: 800-446-8811
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 301-774-6246
TEM Alignment Systems
Pelco International
Phone: 530-243-2200 ext. 204
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
Thermal Video Printers
Technotrade International, Inc.
Phone: 603-622-5011
Toll-free phone: 800-875-3713
Ted Pella, Inc.
Phone: 530-243-2200
Toll-free phone: 800-237-3526
National Graphic Supply
Phone: 518-438-8411 ext. 3109
Toll-free phone: 800-223-7130 ext.
Vibration Isolation Systems
Transmission Electron
Video Systems
E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.
Phone: 724-325-5444
FEI Company
Phone: 503-640-7500
Hitachi High Technologies America,
Phone: 925-218-2800 ext. 2825
Toll-free phone: 800-227-8877
Quesant Instrument Corp.
Phone: 818-597-0311
Phone: 609-252-9192
Hiscope System Company
Phone: 201-768-2810
Toll-free phone: 800-772-4658
Tietz Video and Image Processing
Systems GmbH
Phone: ⫹49-~0!89-850 65 67
X-ray Analysis Equipment
LEO Electron Microscopy
Phone: 914-747-7700 ext. 701
Toll-free phone: 800-356-1090
Iatia Ltd.
Phone: ⫹61 3 9898 6388
Phone: 201-529-4880
Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc.
Phone: 630-307-7200
Phone: 978-535-5900
Phone: 609-252-9192
Listing by Product
4pi Analysis, Inc.
Phone: 919-489-1757
Oxford Instruments
Phone: 978-369-9933
Quartz Imaging Corporation
Phone: 604-488-3911
IXRF Systems, Inc.
Phone: 281-286-6485
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
Phone: 609-924-7310
Toll-free phone: 800-229-7484
Thermo NORAN
Phone: 608-831-6511
World Wide Web Site
Accurion LLC
ADE Phase Shift
Advanced Materials & Processes Magazine
Advanced MicroBeam, Inc.
Advanced Microscopy Techniques Corp.
Apogee Instruments, Inc.
Asylum Research
Biophotonics International
BOC Edwards
Boeckeler Instruments/RMC Products
Cambridge University Press
Cameca Instruments Inc.
CamScan USA, Inc.
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.
Cedarlane Laboratories Ltd.
Chemlcon, Inc.
Chroma Technology Corp.
Clemex Technologies
Codonics, Inc.
Delaware Diamond Knives
Denton Vacuum, LLC
Diatome U.S.
Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology Group
Duniway Stockroom Corp.
DVC Company Inc.
E.A. Fischione Instruments, Inc.
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Emispec Systems, Inc.
Emitech Products, Inc.
Empix Imaging Inc.
Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
ETP-USA/Electron Detectors Inc.
www.vecco.com, www.di.com
⫹423 388 12 12
Website/Telephone Listing
World Wide Web Site
FEI Company
4pi Analysis, Inc.
Gatan, Inc.
Geller MicroAnalytical Laboratory
Gresham Scientific Instruments LTD
Halcyonics GmbH
Hamamatsu Photonic Systems
HiScope System Company
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.
HKL Technology, Inc.
Iatia Ltd.
Improvision Inc.
InfoScience Services, Inc.
IXRF Systems, Inc.
JPK Instruments AG
K.E. Developments
Kleindiek Nanotechnik
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Kodak Scientific Imaging Systems
Ladd Research Industries
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
LEO Electron Microscopy
Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc.
Marivac Inc.
Materials Today
MatTek Corporation
Media Cybernetics, Inc.
M.E. Taylor Engineering, Inc.
Microscopy & Analysis
Microscopy/Microscopy Education
Microscopy Society of America, Business Office
Microscopy Today
Micro Star Technologies Inc.
MikroMasch, Inc.
National Graphic Supply
Nikon Canada Inc.
Olympus America Inc.
Omega Optical, Inc.
Optical Insights
Oxford Instruments
Parallax Research
Pelco International
Physical Electronics
PIEZOMAX Technologies Inc.
Piezosystem jena
Polaroid Corporation
Princeton Gamma-Tech, Inc.
~44! 1628 488040
⫹61 3 9898 6388
⫹49 30 5331 12073
⫹44 1223 263532
⫹49 7121 579752
⫹44 1865 843140
44 1372 454891
800-223-7130 ext. 3109
Website/Telephone Listing
World Wide Web Site
Quartz Imaging Corporation
Quesant Instrument Corp.
RHK Technology Inc.
RMC-Boeckeler Instruments
Rontec USA, Inc.
Sensir Technologies
Soft Imaging System Corp.
Soquelec, Ltd./Jeol Canada
South Bay Technology, Inc.
SPI Supplies
StockerYale, Inc.
Technotrade International, Inc.
Ted Pella, Inc.
Thermo Nicolet
Thermo NORAN
Tietz Video and Image Processing Systems
Tousimis International Inc.
Triple-O Microscopy GmbH
Universal Imaging Corporation
Visitec Microtechnik Gmbh
XEI Scientific
⫹33 1 3057 9025
⫹49-~0!89-850 65 67
⫹49 331 231 290
Author Index
A-Hassan, E, 82
Abdollahi, K, 399
Abe, E, 515, 514
Ackerley, C A, 160
Ackland, D W, 359
Adachi, H, 807
Addadi, L, 577
Adem, E, 27
Adler, M, 678
Agbessi, S, 348
Agemura, T, 151
Agnihotri, A, 733
Agrawal, R, 251
Aguiar, L E, 769
Aharinejad, S, 3
Ahmad, I, 170
Aitouchen, A, 489
Akase, Z, 77
Akashi, T, 471, 380
Aksenov, Y, 21
Al-Bagdadi, F, 666, 668
Al-Jassim, M H, 427
Al-Kindi, A, 655
Al-Kofahi, O, 271
Al-Sharab, J, 494
Alamgir, F M, 808
Alani, R, 496
Albrecht, R M, 587, 776, 782
Alekseeva, L A, 606
Alexander, C M O, 408
Allameh, S, 235
Allard, L, 317, 134
Alldredge, E S, 544
Allen, C W, 276
Allen, L, 314
Allman, B E, 385
Amigó, V, 443, 444
Ancer-Rodríguez, J, 672
Anciso, A, 632
Anderhalt, R A, 44
Andersen, S J, 189
Anderson, I M, 363
Anderson, M L, 746
Anderson, R M, 67
Anderson, S, 425
Anderson, S D, 143
Andre, T, 766
Andrei, C M, 185
Angeliu, T M, 643, 568
Angert, I, 202, 253
Antler, C E, 343
Antonell, M, 143
Apkarian, R P, 257, 404, 450
Aral, B, 755
Araujo-Jorge, T C, 769
Arevalo, S, 645
Armbruster, B L, 347
Armstrong, J T, 296, 123
Arslan, I, 545
Asamura, S, 734
Asayama, K, 69
Ashcroft, N W, 544
Asher, L S, 667
Asher, S A, 290
Asturias, F J, 249
Asurmendi, S, 262
Atar, M, 654, 674
Atar-Zwillenberg, D R, 654,
Attas, E M, 683
Atwater, H A, 218
Aubin, A S, 763
Aung, L H, 393
Austin, R, 576
Avalos Borja, M, 27
Aviram, M, 680
Ayars, E J, 750
Ba-Omar, T, 655
Baayen, R P, 259
Bae, H J, 397
Bagle, H, 280
Bahlmann, K, 485
Bailey, J L, 670
Baker Schut, T C, 504
Baker, I, 274, 464, 406, 405
Baker, K, 342
Baker, T S, 252, 254,
200, 11
Ball, T B, 669
Bandyopadhay, S, 604
Barbosa, H L, 769
Barbour, J C, 473
Barfels, M, 626
Bargar, T, 170
Baril, C, 228
Barkan, S, 793
Barlow, S, 774
Barnard, J A, 281
Barnes, J A, 657
Barone-Nugent, E D, 385
Barr, B, 574
Bartuskova, I, 6
Basgall, E J, 109
Bastin, G F, 38
Batcheler, R, 225
Batchelor, A D, 433
Bates, I R, 343
Bator, C M, 254
Batson, P, 131, 230
Bauhammer, G, 239
Baumeister, W, 365, 93
Bavarian, B, 47
Baydack, R, 501
Baydak, R, 498
Bazett-Jones, D P, 799
Beachy, R N, 262
Bearat, H, 785
Beaulieu, C, 162, 348
Beckedorf, M, 256
Note: The numbers shown with author names are paper numbers taken from the “Scientific Program” not page numbers.
Becker, L E, 160
Bednarova, L, 118
Beerens, J, 704
Beers, K, 291
Bejar Gomez, L, 631
Beleggia, M, 383, 382, 470
Belhaj, M, 40
Bell, D C, 745
Beniac, D, 248, 14
Benner, G, 137, 826, 801, 138
Bennett, J C, 511
Bentley, J, 494, 493
Berg, R H, 262
Berry, J, 660
Berta, Y, 364
Bertenshaw, G P, 447
Bewlay, B P, 194, 642
Bhargava, R, 506
Biggin, M D, 453
Bishop, G, 85
Blackburn, D H, 125
Blackford, M, 102
Blochel, A, 233
Blom, D A, 117, 134
Blum, A S, 279
Bo, X Z, 434
Böhm, H, 511
Boissy, Y, 541
Boissy, Y L, 682
Bolduc, N, 255, 349
Bond, J S, 447
Bonelle, C, 295
Booth, T, 498
Borca, C, 743
Bording, J, 323
Bosco, L, 767
Boswell, F W, 511
Botton, G A, 310, 522, 550,
Bouchard, R, 139
Author Index
Bouwstra, J, 484
Bovin, J O, 211
Bowdoin, S, 153
Bowman, V D, 200
Boyd, D, 521, 516
Boyes, E D, 20, 552, 558
Boylston, E, 586
Braithwaite, J, 473
Brand, K, 386, 387
Braun, P V, 288
Breton, B C, 765
Brewer, L N, 643
Brewer, L N, 642, 568
Bright, D S, 441, 442, 772
Brink, F, 508
Brink, H, 626
Brink, H A, 496, 827, 634
Brinks, H, 185
Brisson, L, 255
Brisson, L, 349
Brito, M E, 822, 820
Brochu, M, 702
Brown, J, 519, 10
Brown, L M, 233
Browning, N D, 218, 232,
273, 545, 549, 623, 610
Bruining, H A, 684
Bruley, J, 802
Brust, M, 284
Brydson, R, 233
Buban, J, 549
Buchanan, J, 708
Bucher, E, 628
Bückins, M, 122
Buckner, J, 171
Buechele, A C, 130
Buehler, C, 485
Bunker, K L, 433, 72
Bunton, J H, 30
Burch, R V, 754
Burgner, P, 626
Burke, A S, 659
Burke, M G, 31
Burrell, M, 89
Bursill, L, 420
Busby, J, 103
Bushby, A J, 142
Busquets, D, 444, 443
Butler, M, 402
Butnor, K J, 665
Buttcher, B, 8
Buttle, K, 280
Butts, D A, 692
Butts, M, 89
Caldwell, N H M, 765
Caliman, N C, 717
Callahan, J W, 713
Cambridge, V, 9
Campagna, C, 670
Campanati, L, 446
Campbell, H, 45
Campin, M J, 473
Can, A, 271
Capaldi, R A, 167
Caragianis-Broadbridge, C,
Cardona, T S, 769
Carlton, R A, 57
Carpenter, G, 783
Carpenter, M A, 300
Carpenter, R W, 785
Carpick, R W, 87
Carr, G L, 752
Carragher, B, 91, 94, 355, 13
Carroll, J W, 187
Carter, C B, 328, 115, 146
Carvalho, T W, 339
Casey Jr., J D, 71
Casey, J, 524
Caspar, D L, 204
Caspers, P J, 684
Castejon, H V, 404
Castejon, O J, 404
Casuccio, G, 764, 767
Catalfam, M, 269
Cayer, M L, 657
Cazaux, J, 39, 553
Ceh, M, 440, 439
Chakrabart, A, 353
Chalifour, R J, 663
Chamberland, H, 259
Chamberland, H L N, 397
Chambers, S A, 475
Chandra, A, 659
Chang, C R, 605
Chao, W T, 679
Chaplin, T D, 749
Chappell, S C, 452
Charest, M, 522
Charest, P M, 260, 348, 259
Chase, D B, 756
Chase, E S, 200
Chein, K, 662
Chen, A, 534
Chen, F R, 242
Chen, H, 323, 283
Chen, I S, 267
Chen, J H, 66
Chen, L C, 147
Chen, T T, 787
Chen, X, 287, 652
Chen, Y, 611
Chen, Z, 547
Cheng, N, 10
Cheng, P C, 266, 267, 389,
391, 395, 456
Cheng, T Z, 509
Cheng, V, 389
Cheng, W Y, 389, 391, 395,
Cheng, Z H C, 813
Cheresh, D, 454
Cheung, C S, 284
Chevet, E, 579
Chew, D, 634
Chiang, H C, 179
Chin, Y H, 690
Ching, W Y, 807
Chipman, M, 238
Chipman, P R, 200, 254
Chiriac, H, 495
Chiu, W, 773, 12
Chizmeshya, A V G, 785
Cho, E, 269
Choo-Smith, LP, 504
Chopard, R P, 198
Chou, C T, 569, 570
Christensen, D C, 87
Chu, S W, 267
Chubinskaya, S, 159
Chue, B, 713
Chumbley, A E, 766
Chumbley, L S, 766
Chumbley, S, 764
Chun, C H, 624
Chun, S H, 370
Citrin, P H, 367
Clancy, R, 732
Clark, R J H, 749
Clayton, F B, 243
Clegg, W J, 142
Clemmens, J, 29
Cockayne, D J H, 63
Cohen, A H, 662
Cohen, D, 478
Cohen, G, 168
Colella, M, 102
Coleman, R, 680
Colijn, H O, 236
Colliex, C, 18, 546
Collins, S R, 526
Conrad, M N, 351
Constantinou, P, 656
Conway, C, 91
Cook, R E, 551, 436
Cooper, S J, 292
Costa, F M, 596
Costello, M J, 166
Costes, S, 269
Cota Araiza, L, 27
Coutinho, C M L M, 769
Couture, ARA, 699
Cowin, P, 486
Cox, B, 711
Cox, R A, 659
Craig, A, 254
Craig, R, 449
Crang, R F E, 394
Craven, A, 233
Craven, J P, 298
Crawford, P, 666
Cremer, R, 122
Crewe, A V, 60
Cronin-Golomb, M, 731
Crookham, H, 755
Crooks, R, 638
Crozier, P, 210, 215, 459, 804
Crugnola, A, 646
Cullen, D, 405, 406, 274
Cummings, J, 85
Czarnota, G, 402
Author Index
da Rocha, R C G, 198
da Silva, M, 432
Dabrowski, B M, 551
Dahmen, U, 242, 105, 460
Dai, Z, 490
Dailey, M, 404
Damon, I K, 716
Danino, D, 15, 92
Darling, C, 425
Darveau, A, 780
Darwish, F A, 377
Davidson, K G V, 781
Davis, C C, 222
Davis, J, 636
Davis, J M, 296
Davis, K, 694
Dawe, I, 342, 341
Day, J, 706
De Andrade Lima, L R P, 413
de Bruijn, J D, 21
De Castro, S L, 769
de Jong, A, 824
De Kloe, R, 566
De Koninck, Y, 164
Deaton, J, 346
Decker, M, 73, 425
Defoort, B, 25
Degenhardt, L J, 134
Deiker, S, 793
Delaney, P, 715
Delby, N, 230, 232
Della Negra, S, 445
Dellby, N, 133, 234
Demaree, R, 572, 706
Demers, H, 41, 127, 762
Dempere, L A, 372
den Dekker, A, 240
DeRege, P, 291
Deshparde, S S, 678
Detry, J, 554
Di, N L, 813
Diaz-Avalos, R, 204
Dickey, E C, 116, 370, 480,
Dicks, K G, 560, 569, 570
Dijkstra, J M, 44
Dikin, D, 287
Dimiduk, D M, 183
Ding, W, 287
Dingley, D J, 564
Dionne, S, 522, 783
Disko, M M, 232
Ditrich, H, 5
Divry, E, 373
Djachkov, A L, 606
Dohnalkova, A C, 582
Dominguez, J E, 120, 479
Donald, A M, 293, 728, 298,
Dong, C Y, 485
Dong, J, 450
Dong, J W, 285
Dong, L, 114
Dong, Z, 407
Donlon, W, 534
Doole, R C, 63
Dorignac, D, 695
Dorin, C, 37, 611
Dovey-Hartman, B J, 333
Dowben, P A, 607, 743
Downer, R, 666
Drazba, J, 710
Dremailova, O, 519
Dresser, M E, 351
Drew, R, 562, 702
Drouin, D, 700, 704, 763, 699
Drury, M, 566
Drzal, L, 25
Duarte Moller, A, 27
Duarte Moller, J A, 627
Duarte, A, 645
Dubois, J, 503, 498, 501
Dunin-Borkowski, R E, 530,
532, 581
Dunlap, R A, 813
Dunstan, D J, 142
Dupuis, E, 22, 228
Dupuis, R D, 436
Duscher, G, 362, 736
Dusevich, V M, 647, 299
Dutartre, D, 416
Dutrizac, J E, 787
Dye, K D, 422
Eades, A, 639, 640
Ebadi, M, 170
Echlin, P, 705, 557
Eckels, K, 667
Edwards, J, 620
Edwards, M, 209
Edwards, R, 626
Edwards, V, 676, 619
Eger, B, 14
Egerton, R F, 305
Ehlers, G, 497
Eick, J D, 299, 647
Eilts, B, 668, 666
Eisen, R N, 664
Eisenmann, D J, 766
Ekstrom, J, 356, 768
El-Refaey, H, 170
Elboujdaini, M, 48, 49
Ellis, E A, 390, 653
Elsaesser, C, 543
Elswick, D S, 368
Elwazri, A M, 703
Emadi, D, 519, 516
Endo, J, 379
Endo, N, 417
Engels, M, 178
Eom, C B, 602
Eppell, S J, 590, 735
Erbe, E F, 154
Erbil, W K, 257
Erie, D A, 83
Erlandsen, S L, 554
Erlund, E, 414
Errington, R J, 452
Esmacher, M J, 621
Espinosa Magana, F, 631
Espinoza, D, 409
Essadiqi, E, 519, 693
Essers, E, 137, 625
Esterman, M, 330
Etz, E S, 751
Evans, N D, 494, 638
Evans, W H, 452
Ewing, R C, 412, 104, 111
Fagerland, J A, 336
Fajardo-Bermudez, A, 452
Fakhfakh, S, 40
Fambrough, K, 350
Fan, H F, 509
Farber, L, 540
Farrer, J, 238, 566
Fasolka, M J, 291
Feldmann, Y, 107
Fellmann, D, 13, 91, 355
Fernandes, A, 248, 635, 636
Fernandez, D C, 506
Fernández-Salas, E, 165
Fialin, G M, 126
Finch, J, 760, 762
Fink, V, 429
Finol, H J, 671, 675
Firbas, U, 3
Fisher, J, 85
Fletterick, R J, 7
Fliss, I, 780
Flores-Gutierrez, J P, 672
Foiles, S, 478
Föll, H, 748
Follstaedt, D M, 423
Fong, H, 578
Fontano, E, 204
Forbes, G W, 575
Fortin, I, 255
Foss, S, 304
Foster, J, 154
Fox, G, 390
Foxley, S, 114
Francis, L F, 745
Frank, J, 201, 202, 650, 251
Franz, AW, 200
Fredrickson, J W, 582
Freel, C D, 166
Freeman, T, 171
Freitag, B, 366
Freitag, B H, 308, 824
Frethem, C, 554
Fried, G, 374, 84, 264
Friedlander, S K, 108
Friel, J, 225
Friis, J, 80, 78
Fritz, L, 721
Frizell, T, 766
Frost, B, 321
Frost, B G, 378, 529
Fu, Z Q, 509
Fujii, T, 184
Fujimori, H, 594
Author Index
Fukuda, Y, 747
Fuller, S, 809
Fung, J, 635
Furman, C S, 781
Furmanova, T A, 606
Furukawa, H, 347
Furutsu, T, 380
Furuya, K, 747, 207, 101
FuruyaSong, M, 747
Gagne, G D, 336
Gahleitner, M, 753
Gai, P, 98, 99, 208
Gajdardziska-Josifovska, M,
215, 376, 474, 583, 584
Gale, W F, 692
Gales, T, 177
Galindo, D, 315
Gallegos, L, 350
Gammon, L M, 28
Gan, Z H, 696
Ganguli, A K, 99
Gao, F, 475
Garcia, J R, 87
Garcia, P E L, 517
Garsha, K, 264
Gauvin, R, 41, 45, 127, 219,
221, 223, 300, 301, 555,
562, 644, 700, 702, 703,
760, 762
Gerits, W, 366
Gerrity, R G, 575
Gerstl, S S A, 32
Gervais, F, 663
Geuens, P, 328
Ghali, E, 48
Ghebrehiwet, B, 775
Ghiabi, P, 579
Ghoshroy, S, 392, 350
Gianetto, J A, 310
Giannuzzi, L, 70, 243, 739
Giberson, R, 57, 706, 709
Giersig, M, 601
Gignac, L, 561
Gilkerson, R W, 167
Gillen, G, 751, 57
Gilliland, K O, 166
Gillis, T, 666
Gilliss, S R, 146
Gjønnes, J, 79, 324
Glaros, A G, 647
Glick, M, 152
Gloess, D, 141
Gloter, A, 546
Gnade, B, 279
Gnägi, H, 23
Gnauck, P, 68, 239
Godleski, J J, 128
Goff, D, 727
Goff, H D, 723
Goh, C, 176
Goh, M C, 401, 158
Goldberg, J J, 173
Goldner, L S, 291
Goldsmith, C S, 716
Golla-Schindler, U, 801
Gonzalez, J, 432
Gonzalez, J C, 72, 433
Gonzalez, L, 534
Gonzalez, R, 662
Gonzalez, S, 487
González-Valenzuela, C, 627
Goodhew, P, 233
Goodhue, W, 314
Goodwin, F, 522
Gossmann, HJ L, 367
Gouma, P, 155
Goynes, W, 619
Grace, M J, 333
Graham, G W, 120, 217
Grams, Y, 484
Grande, T, 181
Grassucci, R, 201
Grazul, J, 367, 548
Greedan, J E, 550
Gregor-Svetec, D, 753
Greve, J, 21
Gribb, T T, 30
Gribelyuk, M, 561
Griess, G A, 172
Griffin, B J, 761
Griffiths, M, 315
Griffs, D P, 72
Griggs, W, 669
Grogger, W, 628, 798
Grondin, G, 162, 615
Grudberg, P, 789
Grutter, P, 741
Grütter, P H, 164
Guchard, A R, 72
Guijon, F B, 500
Gum, R J, 336
Guo, R Q, 376
Gupper, A, 753
Hadfield, M G, 673
Hadjipanayis, G, 600, 608,
Haeni, J H, 476
Hagan-Brown, J, 174
Haider, M, 138, 825, 64, 63
Hainfeld, J, 403, 451, 664
Hajime, M, 190
Hall, D C, 436
Hallen, H D, 750
Hallett, F R, 343
Hamilton, T, 617, 678, 714
Han, J P, 157
Hanaguri, T, 381, 471
Hancewicz, T M, 681, 683
Hangas, J, 375, 534
Hanko, J A, 331
Hansen, V, 324
Hanson, J, 330, 812
Hanson, J C, 472
Hao, Z, 604
Haque, A, 374
Harada, K, 379, 380, 381, 471
Harauz, G, 343, 344
Haren, H, 563
Hargrave, C, 764, 766
Harmon, R, 496, 800
Harris, J, 789
Harrison, R, 1
Hart, T K, 332
Hartel, P, 63
Hasebe, S, 322
Hasenkopf, A, 430
Hashimoto, H, 101, 190, 191
Hashimoto, S, 818
Hashimoto, T, 69, 119
Hashimoto, T M, 517, 518
Hatzistergos, M S, 301
Hauback, B, 185
Hauffe, W, 141
Hävecker, M, 805
Hawkins, H K, 659
Hayashi, J, 169
Hayek, T, 680
Hayes, B S, 28
He, A, 54
He, J, 614
He, L L, 55, 591
He, W, 486
He, X, 399
Heard, E, 778
Hearn, S, 778
Heathershaw, M L, 662
Hébert, C C, 309, 637, 805
Heckman, C A, 657
Hedley, D, 656
Hedrick, R, 574
Heijligers, H J M, 38
Hein Lehman, A, 157
Heindel, M A, 336
Heller, R D, 436
Henderson, J, 579
Heng, Y M, 402
Henkart, P, 269
Henriques-Pons, A, 769
Hernandez Carreon, C A,
Herring, R A, 467
Hess, H, 29
Hess, W M, 669
Hetherington, C J D, 63, 630
Heusser, R C, 662
Hewko, M D, 503
Heymann, J, 10
Heyne, T, 352
Hibbs, A, 455
Hibbs, A R, 456
Hibino, M, 319
Hidalgo, C, 675
Hill, C M, 343, 344
Hill, F, 177
Hillmann, D, 666, 668
Hillyer, J, 734
Hinshaw, J, 15
Hiraga, K, 612
Hiraga, T, 363
Hirata, G A, 27
Author Index
Hirayama, H, 272
Hirayama, T, 319, 528
Hirokawa, N, 7
Hirschberg, J, 660
Hlava, P, 410
Ho, K L, 677
Hockey, B J, 819
Hodouin, D, 413
Hofer, F, 308, 628, 798
Hoffrogge, P, 239
Hogue, F, 56
Hoh, J, 82
Höhne, J, 792
Høier, R, 181
Holburn, D M, 765
Holden, P, 180
Hollerith, C, 792
Holmen, A, 118
Holmes, K C, 202, 253
Holmestad, R, 78, 80, 185
Holzenburg, A, 312, 346
Honda, S, 603
Honda, T, 214, 823
Hong, C, 636
Hoppe, B, 256
Hopson, T, 421
Horny, P, 127, 221
Hosokawa, F, 63
Hossler, F E, 4
Hovington, P, 22, 220, 228,
700, 705
Hovmöller, S, 241
Howard, J, 29
Howe, J M, 182
Howie, A, 16, 302
Hren, J J, 113, 216, 368
Hsieh, C E, 650
Hsu, Y C, 161
Huang, J Y, 147
Huang, S, 172
Huang, Y, 608
Huber, B, 625
Hubert, D, 212, 698
Huffman, S W, 506
Hug, G, 808
Hull, R, 458
Humphrey, C, 175
Humphreys, C, 152
Hunt, J, 800
Hunt, J A, 629, 634, 827
Hutchings, G, 209
Hutchison, J L, 63
Hwang, H Y, 548
Hwang, J, 291, 676
Hyatt, C V, 310
Hyde, J M, 31
Hyman, A, 651
Hyttel, P, 670
Iadarola, S, 646
Iapicca, D, 409
Ichihashi, Y, 716
Idrobo, J C, 610
Ihnat, P M, 333
Iliescu, B, 464
Iliescu, D, 274, 405
Imhoff, D, 546
Ingram, P, 665
Irwin, K, 791, 793
Irwin, R, 425
Isaacson, M, 280, 303
Isakozawa, S, 828
Isheim, D, 33
Ishida, Y, 415
Ishikawa, T, 250
Ishitani, T, 69
Ishizaki, K, 817
Isogai, N, 734
Ito, Y, 551
Ivey, D G, 54, 311
Iwanczyk, J, 793
Iwasaki, T, 14
Jabaji-Hare, S H, 260
Jackson, M, 498, 501, 503
Jackson, M R, 194
Jacobs, D, 541, 749
Jacquet, R, 734
Jaeger, D L, 113
Jahn, W, 253
Jahncke, C L, 750
Jain, H, 808
Jamieson, D, 420
Jamison, M, 425
Janney, D E, 129
Jansen, J, 66, 189, 325
Jaouen, C, 445
Jasinski, J, 428
Javaid, A, 694
Jbara, O, 40
Jenkins, M L, 630
Jensen, K, 749
Jensen, T E, 173, 174
Jeong, B Y, 562, 644
Jerome, W G, 90, 711, 246
Jiang, B, 80, 175, 76
Jiang, H, 740
Jiao, J, 114
Jin-Phillipp, N Y, 431, 477
Jinschek, JR, 65
Jobin, G, 162
Jodan, K, 817
Johnson, B, 690
Johnson, E, 105
Johnson, I, 268
Johnson, J, 767
Jolly, R A, 336
Jones, G T, 199
Jones, K M, 427
Jonnard, P, 295
Joshi, R, 646
Joshi, V, 451
Jouffrey, B, 637
Joy, D C, 121, 151, 321, 378,
529, 556, 613, 614
Jug, N, 511
Jullian, S, 416
Kabius, B, 66, 276
Kai, J J, 242
Kaji, K, 828
Kalceff, W, 420
Kallender, H, 177
Kamimura, O, 381, 471
Kamino, T, 69, 119
Kan, R, 617, 714
Kaneyama, T, 823
Kangasniemi, K, 86
Kao, R L, 4
Kao, V, 693
Kaplan, D L, 731
Kaplan, P, 683
Kaplan, P D, 681
Kappel, R, 137
Karpova, T, 269
Kasai, H, 380, 381, 471
Kasuya, A, 119
Kato, M, 184
Kato, N, 528
Kato, T, 528
Kaufman, M J, 372
Kavanagh, K L, 429
Kawabata, K, 603
Kawana, M, 796
Kawasaki, K, 140
Kawasaki, M, 439, 440
Kawasaki, T, 132, 136, 380
Kean, W, 583
Kearney, M, 718
Kearns, S, 414
Keenan, M, 410
Keenan, M R, 297, 589
Keider, S, 680
Keil, K, 483
Keily, C J, 233
Keim, E, 186, 593
Keller, K, 85
Kelsch, M, 431
Kempshall, B, 70, 243, 697,
Kenik, E, 103
Kenik, E A, 106, 638
Kennedy, D W, 582
Kennedy, S, 764, 767
Keranen, S, 453
Kersker, M, 214, 823
Kerstiing, A B, 412
Ketchum, R J, 169
Keyes, W J, 257
Kharas, B G, 155
Kidd, P, 142
Kidder, L H, 507
Kido, T, 168
Kiely, C J, 209, 284
Kikkawa, M, 7
Killius, J, 734
Kim, B, 110
Kim, G H, 624
Kim, H S, 100
Kim, J K, 376
Kim, J S, 624
Kim, K H, 485
Author Index
Kim, M J, 279
Kim, Y W, 32
Kim, YS, 397
Kimura, Y, 136
King, L, 793
Kingon, A I, 547
Kiritani, M, 191
Kirk, M A, 630
Kirk, T B, 715
Kishio, K, 381, 471
Kisielowski, C, 65
Kitazawa, K, 379, 380, 381,
Klamut, P W, 551
Klansky, J, 224
Klaus, A V, 537
Klein, K, 157
Klein, M, 2
Kleinschmidt, J R, 8
Klenov, D, 547
Klie, R F, 232, 273, 549, 610
Kliewer, C E, 96
Klose, F, 497
Kneissl, A C, 691
Knop-Gericke, A, 805
Knoppers, B, 812
Knowles, D W, 453
Knuutila, D, 702
Kocsis, E, 652
Koerten, H, 484
Koga, D, 77
Kohen, E, 660
Kohlstedt, D L, 363
Kohn, J, 732
Koinuma, H, 380
Kolb, U, 326
Kolios, M, 402
Koljenovic, S, 504
Kolodziejczyk, E, 722
Kommichau, G, 794
Kondo, Y, 214, 272, 417
Kong, X, 663
Koo, H H, 624
Kosel, T H, 436
Kotera, M, 415
Kothleitner, G, 308, 753
Kotula, P G, 115, 146, 297,
368, 410, 589
Koutrakis, P, 128
Krahl, D, 625
Krautgartner, W D, 2
Krishnan, K M, 798
Kritikos, D G, 788
Krivanek, O L, 133, 232,
230, 234
Krivda, S, 667
Kronenberg, S, 8
Kros, J M, 504
Krsko, P, 732
Kuchar, M, 669
Kuebel, C, 212, 698
Kuhn, R J, 254, 252
Kukavica-Ibrulj, I, 780
Kular, R, 573
Kumao, A, 192
Kumar, D, 736
Kundmann, M, 800
Kung, E, 235
Kunicki, T C, 30
Kunisu, M, 807
Kuo, K H, 241
Kuo, M X, 267
Kuroda, Y, 69
Kurokawa, H, 140
Kutschej, K, 691
Kuyucak, S, 53
Kvit, A V, 113, 216
Kwon, U, 492
Kyrsta, S, 122
Laabs, F C, 641
Labat, K B, 447
Laberge, S, 397
Lagacé, M, 22, 220, 227, 228,
Lahkak, N, 704
Laiho, L H, 485, 681
Lakis, R E, 222
Lalik, M, 523
Lametschwandtner, A, 2
Lamond, A, 265
Landis, W, 159
Landis, W J, 734
Lang, G, 138, 801, 826
Lang, J, 764
Langa, S, 748
Langford, R, 68
Lapek, L, 280
Larabell, C, 448
Larsen, M, 194
Lartey, R, 350
Lasek, S, 271
Lau, J, 592
Laurin, D, 467
Lavoie, L, 663
Lawrence, J, 128
Lazarov, V, 474
Leapman, R D, 652
Lee, E, 507, 534
Lee, J G, 19
Lee, R J, 788
Lee, S F, 605
Lee, S P, 267
Lee, S R, 423
Lee, T C, 147
Lee, W E, 818
Leeson, D T, 488
Lefebvre, J, 704
LeGros, M A, 448
Lehmann, M, 386, 387, 468
Lei, Y, 218
Lentz, H, 764, 788
Lentzen, M, 62, 65, 66
Lenz, D R, 30
Leonardi, L, 503
Leopold, R, 171
Lersch, T, 767
Letarte, M, 1
Letofsky-Papst, I, 628
Leunissen, J, 777
Levi, D H, 427
Levi-Kalisman, Y, 577
Levin, I, 418, 506
LeVine, S M, 499
Levinsen, M T, 105
Lewis, E N, 507
Li, B Q, 283, 323
Li, C, 359
Li, D X, 97, 358, 591
Li, F H, 509, 740
Li, H, 102
Li, J, 71, 139, 329, 359, 464
Li, L, 281, 289, 290
Li, P, 182
Li, R W, 813
Li, X, 314, 324
Li, X Z, 241
Li, Y, 509, 657
Lian, G, 116, 370, 424, 480
Lian, J, 104, 111
Liang, L, 538
Libera, M, 489, 732
Lichte, H, 318, 386, 387, 468
Lifshin, E, 127, 219, 221,
223, 300, 301
Liliental-Weber, Z, 428
Lin, A C, 158, 401
Lin, B L, 267
Lin, B Y, 661
Lin, D J, 267
Lin, P C, 456
Lin, Z, 609
Lindberg, S, 541
Liou, S H, 607, 687
Lisowski, W, 186
Litwinenko, J W, 726
Liu, D, 790
Liu, H L, 267
Liu, J, 232, 360, 701
Liu, J P, 597
Liu, J Q, 419
Liu, K Z, 503
Liu, L, 623
Liu, R J, 210
Liu, S, 193
Liu, T M, 267
Liu, W, 403, 451
Liu, Y, 187, 193, 508, 597,
598, 599, 604, 607, 816
Liu, Z, 101, 201, 594
Lloyd, D J, 784
Lloyd, S J, 142
Lockbridge, O, 678
Lockett, S, 269
Lockley, A, 52, 229
Lodder, C, 593
Loepfe, E, 178
Long, C, 204
Long, J W, 746
Loong, C A, 693
Lopatin, S, 362
Lopes, A B, 596
Author Index
Lowe, S, 778
Lowther, S, 411
Lubag Jr, A J M, 86
Lucadamo, G, 278, 478
Lucas, E M, 746
Lucas, G, 226
Lucas, J R, 400
Lucassen, G W, 684
Ludtke, S, 12, 773
Lumpkin, G R, 102
Luo, R, 248
Luo, Z P, 312
Lupini, A R, 133, 231
Lupu, N, 495
Luther, E, 649
Lyman, C E, 118
Lynn, D, 257, 450
Lyons, A, 667
Lyubchenko, Y, 81
Ma, C, 364
Ma, J, 494
Ma, T, 157
Ma, Y R, 179, 605
MacDonald, G, 354
Magny, P, 704
Mahmoud, I, 655
Mai, T, 153
Maier, J, 477
Majorovits, E, 206, 388
Makita, M A, 645
Maklakov, S A, 606
Malac, M, 592
Malecki, M, 779
Maleeff, B E, 177, 332
Malek, A, 96
Malis, T, 783, 369
Malm, J O, 211
Mammen, M, 667
Mancilla Tolama, J E, 631
Mancini, D C, 213
Mannella, C, 650
Manov, V, 58
Mantsch, H H, 500, 503
Marangoni, A G, 725, 726
Margarine, F, 266
Margolin, A, 107
Margosan, D A, 393
Maria, J-P, 547
Marinenko, R B, 123, 296
Marioara, C D, 189
Marko, M, 650
Marks, L D, 327
Marquis, E A, 35
Martens, R L, 30
Martin, P E M, 452
Martin, R, 731
Martin, S P, 630
Martinez, C, 261
Martinez, N, 443, 444
Mascorro, J A, 337
Maser, J, 213
Massover, W H, 205
Masuko, J, 383
Matsuda, T, 380, 381, 471
Matsuhata, H, 79
Matsui, Y, 738
Matsumaru, K, 817
Matsushita, M, 214
Matthews, G, 85
Matveeva, G, 326
Mäurer, G, 794
Maurice, J L, 546
Maurizi, M R, 250
Maxwell, M, 551
Maxwell, R J, 331
Mayer, D, 148
Mayer, R, 805
Mayo, J A, 134
Mayville, R, 229
Mazumder, J, 187, 193
Mazzulla, M, 177
McAlduff, D, 95
McCabe, R J, 17
McCallum, J, 420
McCammon, D, 790
McCanna, A, 720
McCartney, M, 531
McCartney, M R, 581
McClean, R, 583
McClure, H, 175
McComb, D W, 542
McCrae, K C, 500
McCready, D E, 475
McDonald, K, 571, 651
McGaw, I, 197
McGinley, P, 718
McKee, M D, 579
McKelvy, M J, 785
McKernan, S, 285
McKinely, J, 425
McKinley, J, 697
McKinley, J M, 73
McLaughlin, R W, 663
McMahon, G, 435
McMahon, P J, 385
McNally, J, 269
Meckenstock, R, 742
Medlin, D, 277, 278, 478
Meek, W D, 169
Meirelles, M N L, 769
Meirelles, R M S, 769
Meléndez, W, 409
Mendes, C L S, 769
Menon, N, 629
Menon, S K, 183
Merlet, C, 46
Mershon, W, 620
Merzbacher, C I, 746
Messing, G L, 819
Meyer, D, 776
Meyer, S, 93
Michael, J R, 115, 146, 481
Michaels, C A, 756
Michaels, J N, 540
Michel, A, 445
Michel, M, 722
Micheva, K, 708
Midgley, P, 530, 532
Mikula, R, 618
Miller, A F, 292, 293
Miller, D J, 276
Miller, K, 715
Miller, L, 505
Miller, L M, 502
Miller, M K, 106
Milligan, R, 13
Mills, O, 719
Mills, R M, 143
Millunchick, J M, 37
Milne, J L S, 9
Mims, C W, 258
Min, K H, 275
Minamino, Y, 563
Minnich, B, 2
Mirabile, R C, 332
Mirecki Millunchick, J, 611
Mirkin, C A, 731
Misra, A, 17
Misra, M, 683, 489
Mitchell, T E, 17
Mitra, R, 98
Mitro, R J, 141
Mitsuishi, K, 207
Mizoguchi, T, 807
Mkhoyan, A, 544, 633
Mo, Y D, 509
Mo, Z M, 241
Möck, P, 218
Moebus, G, 63
Mohri, K, 272
Moller, PC, 659
Mondy, W, 398
Monteiro-Leal, L H, 446
Monti, M, 660
Monticello, T, 335
Mooers, C T, 130
Moonen, A, 827
Moonen, D, 634
Mooney, P E, 634
Moore, M, 237
Morgan, C, 357
Morgan, S W, 757
Mori, H, 101, 19
Mori, N, 437
Moriya, N, 380
Mosher, C L, 114
Moss, B, 652
Motomiya, K, 119
Mount, R J, 1
Mueller, F M, 610
Mueller, R L, 334
Mueller-Reichert, T, 651
Mukai, M, 823
Mukhopadhyay, M, 252
Müller, D, 810
Muller, D A, 367, 548
Müller, H, 64
Müller, M, 178
Mullins, J, 352
Munoz, T E, 706
Munoz, V, 618
Author Index
Murday, J S, 286
Murfitt, M, 234
Murphy, J A, 338
Murray, C E, 561
Muscat, C, 405
Musselman, I H, 86
Myers, A, 426
Nag, N, 623
Nagayama, K, 206
Nagy, J I, 781
Naidoo, G, 396
Naidoo, Y, 396
Naitoh, Y, 272
Nakanishi, N, 439
Nakayama, Y, 381, 471
Nam, S W, 793
Nangia, S, 99
Nanko, M, 817
Narayan, J, 362
Naruse, M, 214, 823
Nason, L, 773
Nast, C C, 662
Neff, M, 50
Nellist, P D, 232, 234, 231,
Nelms, K, 790
Nelson, B P, 427
Nelson, C, 598, 600, 608
Nelson, D, 171
Nesper, J, 344
Neudeck, P G, 419
Newbury, D E, 42, 294, 793
Newcomb, W, 10
Newsholme, S J, 332
Nguyen, L, 593
Nibert, M L, 11
Nicklee, T, 656
Nicoletti, E S M, 377
Nicolosi, J, 150, 792, 795
Nielsen, C, 437
Ning, G, 616
Ning, Z H, 399
Nishio, K, 192
Nishioka, H, 347
Nittler, L R, 408
Niu, D, 547
Nockholds, C E, 126
Noebe, R D, 33
Noel, P, 22, 228
Noheda, B, 329
Nolan, T, 134, 764
Norcum, M T, 447
Nordhausen, R, 574
Norén, L, 508
Norton, A S, 667
Noseworthy, M D, 160
Nowell, M M, 567
Nugent, K A, 385
Nxumalo, J, 435
O’Connell, M, 392
O’Donnell, M E, 658
O’Grady, M, 408
O’Keefe, M, 135, 428
O’Toole, E, 651
Obenauer-Kutner, L J, 333
Ochoa, O, 312
Ogata, Y, 75
Oh, A, 248
Ohnishi, T, 69
Ohnuma, S, 594
Ohsaki, M, 214
Ohshima, Y, 272
Ohtomo, A, 548
Ohyagi, M, 817
Oikawa, T, 347
Okada, Y, 7
Okayasu, S, 381
Okerstrom, S, 539
Okunishi, E, 417
Olsen, A, 304
Olson, J D, 30
Oltman, E X, 30
Onaka, S, 184
Orchowski, A, 137, 826, 138,
Ornek, C, 660
Orr, B G, 611
Orrantia, E, 645
Orue, E M, 518
Orwa, J O, 420
Osakabe, N, 379, 383
Oshel, P, 782
Otero-Díaz, L C, 510
Othon, M A, 568, 643
Otten, M, 698
Otten, M T, 212
Ottensmeyer, P, 248, 635, 95,
14, 636
Ottenwaelter, C, 554
Otto, C, 21
Ouellet, M, 255
Ouellette, G B, 259
Owen, H, 584
Owen, N, 36
P’ng, K M Y, 142
Pacaud, J, 445
Pai, E, 14
Paige, M F, 158
Pailloux, F, 445, 546
Palatini, D J, 683, 755
Palmstrøm, C J, 285
Pan, X Q, 120, 217, 476,
479, 602
Pan, Z, 52
Panessa-Warren, B, 775
Panglre, S, 426
Pantel, R, 416
Papworth, G C, 685
Paquet, M, 348
Paransky, E, 373
Parikh, D V, 619
Park, C, 638
Parsons, G N, 547
Patchett, B M, 311
Paterson, A, 802
Paterson, A D, 1
Patterson, R J, 465, 148
Pawley, J, 457
Pearson, C A, 611
Pechkis, D, 157
Peck, M, 534
Peden, C H F, 217, 475
Pegg, I L, 130
Peijper, R, 777
Pelzl, J, 742
Pendleton, M W, 390
Peng, J, 420
Penninger, J, 636
Pennycook, S J, 133, 231,
514, 515, 736
Pereira, M D S, 517, 518
Perez-Berenguer, J, 673
Perham, N, 9
Perov, N S, 606
Perovic, A, 188
Perovic, D D, 188
Perrey, C R, 115
Perry, K L, 200
Petford-Long, A K, 36, 68
Petrali, J P, 617, 714
Petrov, I, 323
Pettersson, N, 211
Pham, N A, 713
Pham, K, 622
Phaneuf, M, 783
Phaneuf, M W, 71, 148, 149,
435, 310, 465
Phillipp, F, 430, 431
Phillips, M N, 199
Phillips, M R, 126, 298, 757,
Phillips, R, 669
Pierce, S K, 398
Pietron, J J, 746
Pilgram, G, 484
Pint, B A, 124
Pitre, F, 255
Pitts, O J, 429
Platani, M, 265
Pletnev, S V, 252
Pleva, C, 714
Pleva, C M, 617
Plitzko, J M, 93, 365
Ponce-Camacho, M A, 672
Pooley, C, 154
Poorhaydari-A, K, 311
Popovitz-Biro, R, 107
Portella, P D, 377
Potaman, V, 81
Potter, C, 13
Potter, C S, 91, 94, 355
Powell, J A, 419
Powell, R D, 403, 451, 664
Pozzi, G, 383, 382, 466
Pralle, M U, 289
Prasad, M S, 121
Prawer, S, 420
Prenitzer, B, 697
Price, R L, 90
Author Index
Prikhodko, S V, 108
Prodan, A, 511
Prokofjef, S, 105
Pugh, M D, 702
Pulido-Mendez, M, 671
Puloka, J, 91
Pulokas, J, 13, 94
Puppels, G J, 504, 684
Putatunda, S K, 525
Qiang, Y, 597
Querido, E, 778
Ra, H S, 394
Radetic, T, 105, 460
Ragan, R, 218
Raible, D, 354
Rainey, J K, 158
Rajadhyaksha, M, 487
Rajsiri, S, 70
Ramírez-Bon, E, 672
Rammohan, J, 590
Ranaware, Y, 520
Randle, V, 565
Rango, A, 154
Rash, J E, 781
Rasmussen, B, 313
Ratna, B R, 279
Rau, W-D, 138, 527, 826
Ravel-Chapuis, R, 560
Ravishankar, N, 146
Ray, D A, 827
Raz, S, 577
Recnik, A, 439, 440
Redfern, D, 150, 795, 792
Reed, B, 803
Reese, T S, 652
Reeves, J L, 301
Reffner, J A, 754
Regand, A, 727
Reibold, M, 387
Rémond, G, 126
Reno, J L, 423
Renzaglia, K S, 400
Retterer, S, 280
Revie, W, 49
Rez, P, 578
Rhodes, C, 209
Richards, T, 280
Richardson, E A, 258
Richardson, G, 668
Richardson, T, 713
Richter, S, 122
Ridner, C W, 4
Rigaud, M, 373
Rigby, G, 718
Ringer, S P, 34
Ringnalda, J, 632
Ris, H, 345
Risner, J, 492
Robbins, J L, 96
Roberson, S V, 751
Roberston, K, 760
Robertson, D, 376, 583
Robertson, K, 762
Robertson, R P, 765
Robinson, S J, 374
Roche, A D, 375
Rocks, L, 790
Rodbell, K P, 561
Rodrigue, L, 220, 227
Rodriguez-Acosta, A, 671
Rodriguez-Sierra, J, 170
Rodriguez-Uribe, L, 392
Roggli, Y L, 665
Rohatgi, P K, 376
Rolison, D R, 746
Rolland, P, 560, 569, 570
Rom, I, 628
Root, J H, 316
Roques-Carmes, C, 126
Rosa-Molinar, E, 782
Rose, H, 61
Roseman, M, 741
Rosenberg, H, 676
Rosentsveig, R, 107
Ross, F M, 458
Rossie, B, 73, 143, 425
Rossignol, R, 167
Rossmann, M G, 252, 254
Rothbard, D R, 535
Roysam, B, 271
Rubakin, S, 84
Rubel, E, 354
Rueger, D, 159
Rühle, M, 431, 477
Ruiz, P, 128
Rulis, P, 807
Ruoff, R S, 287
Russell, A M, 641
Russell, P, 244, 432, 433
Russell, P E, 72, 88, 144
Rytter, E, 118
Ryzhikov, I A, 606
Sablin, E, 7
Sacchettini, J, 346
Safa-Sefat, A, 550
Sage, D, 315
Saitoh, K, 823
Saka, H, 528
Sakamoto, I, 603
Sakata, T, 101
Salanga, M, 163
Saleta, J L, 180
Salmon, M E, 88
Salvador, M D, 443, 444
Salzer, R, 500
Samarth, N, 370
Samet, L, 546
Sandborg, A, 44, 366
Sanders, M, 707
Sanders, W, 790
Sands, S S, 169
Santa-Rita, R, 769
Santamaria, J, 736
Santeufemio, C, 112
Sanwald, R S, 113
Sarazin, P, 663
Sarikaya, M, 578, 803
Sasaki, K, 528
Sasase, M, 381
Sata, N, 477
Sato, T, 119
Satomi, J, 1
Sattin, B, 176
Savva, C, 346
Sayar, M, 289
Schaaff, T G, 117
Schaerble, M D, 506
Schalek, R, 25
Schaper, J, 421
Schatten, H, 345, 353
Schattka, B, 503
Schattschneider, P, 309, 637
Scheu, C, 477
Schlaegle, S, 767
Schlögl, R, 307, 308, 805
Schlom, D G, 476
Schmalstieg, F C, 659
Schmid, S, 716
Schneider, D, 712
Schneider, T, 658
Schofield, M, 583, 592
Schofield, M A, 384, 470
Scholz, F, 430
Schönjahn, C, 152
Schooley, C, 341, 342
Schouten, A, 256
Schraner, E M, 178
Schreiber, K C, 754
Schroeder, R R, 202, 203,
206, 253, 388
Schülein, T, 794
Schultz, C P, 505
Schumann, M, 239
Schwappach, C, 536
Schwartz, L W, 332
Schwarz, J, 341
Schwarz, S, 70, 243
Scott, J H J, 793, 797
Sears, S K, 579
Sedova, M V, 606
Seidman, D N, 32, 33, 35
Selker, J M L, 167
Sellar, J R, 512
Sellmyer, D, 491, 597, 59,
5998, 604
Senger, C, 676
Sengupta, J, 251
Serquis, A C, 610
Serrano-Vélez, J L, 782
Serwer, P, 172
Shaffer, K, 89
Shain, W, 280
Shang, P, 36
Sharma, A C, 290
Sharma, R, 459, 785, 804
Sharma, S, 346
Shaw, R A, 500
Shawon, J, 24
Shechtman, D, 513
Author Index
Shehata, M, 48, 49, 693
Shejale, G, 520
Shen, B G, 813
Shen, R B, 44
Shepard, J D, 30
Shepelev, L, 58
Sheridan, R E, 678
Sherman, L A, 812
Sheybany, S, 56
Shi, D, 9
Shi, S, 489
Shi, Y F, 283, 323
Shield, J E, 493
Shimizu, M, 347
Shimizu, T, 603
Shimoda, K, 659
Shimoyama, J, 381, 471
Shindo, D, 594, 814
Shiojiri, M, 439, 440
Shirakashi, J, 595
Shirolski, H, 662
Shlyakhtenko, L, 81
Shutthanandan, V, 475
Sides, W H, 134
Sidorov, M, 135, 145, 770
Siedlecki, C, 733
Siew, S, 717
Silcox, J, 59, 131, 544, 633,
Silva, R F, 596
Simard, M, 259
Simensen, C, 304
Simmnacher, B, 792
Simmons, J P, 183
Simon, M N, 661
Simoneau, M, 22
Sinclair, R, 275, 492
Sinden, R, 81
Sinkler, W, 327
Siochi, E J, 638
Siperko, L, 159
Sirard, M-A, 670
Sitte, W, 628
Skomski, R, 599
Skowronski, M, 419
Skumryev, V, 600
Small, J, 793
Smith, P J, 452
Smith, B A, 164
Smith, C, 247, 676
Smith, D J, 689
Smith, G D, 749, 752
Smith, K L, 102
Smith, R, 26, 585
Smith, S J, 708
Smith, T J, 200
Smolinski, D, 715
Snugovsky, P, 51
Snyder, K, 167
So, P T, 485, 681
Sobel, B, 712
Soboyejo, W, 235
Solazzi, M, 795
Solf, M, 256
Solórzano, I G, 377
Sommer, C, 583
Song, M, 101
Sosa, L, 675
Sosinsky, G, 811
Sovak, G, 580
Sowa, M G, 503
Spanos, J, 226
Spector, D, 778
Spence, A J, 280
Spence, J C H, 76
Spencer, K, 454
Spencer, M, 280
Speransky, V V, 165
Spiegel, C N, 769
Spoddig, D, 742
Sporn, T A, 665
Spornitz, U M, 6, 654, 674
Spring, H, 446
St. Romain, E, 134
Stark, T J, 72
Statham, P J, 43
Staun, C, 764
Stéa, D, 663
Stearns, D, 163
Stearns, R, 128
Steel, E, 482
Steel, E B, 123, 125
Steele, D C, 784
Steele, J, 196
Steele, J H, 371, 462, 463, 821
Steen, N, 414
Stein, A, 745
Steiner, G, 500
Stemmer, S, 547
Stephan, O, 18
Stephens, T C, 390
Stephenson, G B, 213
Steven, A, 10
Steven, A C, 165, 250
Stevens-Kalceff, M A, 420,
748, 759
Stevie, F A, 73, 123, 143,
144, 425
Still, D, 85
Stinebaugh, W, 697
Stoessel, S, 89
Stoker, T, 270
Stokes, D J, 728, 729
Stokes, D L, 486
Stone, K J, 682
Stöttinger, B, 2
Stout, R, 666
Strait, D R, 30
Stranick, S J, 756
Strauss, M, 95
Street, S C, 281
Strennen, E M, 30
Stroud, R M, 408, 746
Stupp, S I, 289
Sturm, J, 434
Su, D S, 805
Su, D H I, 147
Su, D S, 308
Subramaniam, S, 9
Subramanian, P R, 194
Sudar, D, 453
Sudbrack, C K, 33
Sue, J, 312
Suh, K S, 165
Suh, Y J, 108
Sui, M L, 97, 358
Sukedai, E, 190, 191
Sullivan, N, 153
Suloway, C, 13, 94
Sun, C K, 267
Sun, H P, 217, 476, 479
Sun, J, 346
Sun, K, 232, 623
Sun, L, 357
Sun, S, 490
Sun, W, 612, 667
Sung, C, 24, 314, 646
Sunkara, M K, 116
Superfine, R, 85
Suvorova, A S, 761
Suzuki, T, 322, 417
Suzuki, Y, 347
Swatland, H J, 724
Swedlow, J, 265
Sweedler, J, 84
Swider Lyons, K E, 746
Szarowski, D, 271, 280
Szilagyi, Z, 234
Taatjes, D, 712
Tafto, J, 74, 304, 737
Tague, T J, 505
Takahashi, H, 437
Takai, Y, 132, 136
Takakura, M, 437
Takayangi, K, 272
Takeguchi, M, 207
Takemura, Y, 595
Tamura, T, 184
Tan, C M, 696
Tan, P, 790
Tanaka, I, 807
Tanaka, M, 75, 207, 823
Tanaka, Y, 77
Tang, H, 598
Tang, X, 613
Tangen, I L, 181
Taniguchi, Y, 828
Tanimura, J, 140
Tanishiro, Y, 272
Tanji, T, 319, 322
Tao, J, 323
Tao, X, 639, 640
Taraschi, T F, 658
Tardos, G, 540
Taylor, G, 260
Taylor, J V, 257
Taylor, R M, 85
Teetsov, J, 89
Tenberge, K B, 256
Tenc, M, 546
Tenne, R, 107
Author Index
Terauchi, M, 823
Terauci, M, 796
terBrugge, K G, 1
Tessier, J, 646
Tew, G N, 289
Thesen, A, 321, 378, 529
Thevuthasan, S, 217, 475
Thiel, B L, 298, 728, 729, 758
Thirumal, M, 99
Thomas, E L, 291
Thomas, H C, 332
Thomas, P, 800
Thomas, P J, 496
Thomas, S, 667
Thorne, B B, 797
Thornton, J T, 648
Tian, W, 476, 602
Tiemeijer, P, 135, 308, 824
Tiginyanu, I M, 748
Tilups, A, 160
Tiner, M, 238, 564
Tinling, S P, 573
Titchmarsh, J M, 63
Tivol, W F, 280
Todd, B A, 735
Tohji, K, 119
Tomita, T, 823
Tomokiyo, Y, 77, 306
Toms, A M, 788
Tonino, P, 675
Tonomura, A, 320, 379, 380,
381, 382, 383, 471, 688
Topuria, T, 218
Tortora, G, 775
Toth, M, 298, 758
Toyoda, T, 563
Traber, D L, 659
Traber, L D, 659
Tracy, 705
Traktman, P, 616
Trasobares, S, 18
Tremblay, P, 663
Trendelenburg, M, 446
Trevor, C, 634, 800, 827
Trevor, C G, 496
Tripp, S L, 110
Tromp, R M, 458
Tröster, H, 446
Troughton Jr., E B, 88
Trudeau, M, 227
Trunz, M, 137
Trus, B, 10
Tsai, A P, 514, 515
Tsai, J L, 605
Tsen, SC Y, 215
Tsuda, K, 75, 823
Tsuji, N, 563
Tsung, L, 632
Tsuno, K, 823
Tubbs, R R, 664
Tuggle, D W, 114
Turner, J, 105, 271
Turner, J N, 280
Turner, S, 123, 156
Tweddell, R, 261
Twesten, R, 323, 630
Twitchett, A, 530, 532
Tyler, T, 113, 216
Typke, D, 93
Tyson, WR, 139
Ueji, R, 563
Ueki, Y, 828
Ueno, M, 116
Uhlemann, S, 64, 825
Ulfig, R M, 30
Umemura, K, 69
Une, T, 603
Urban, J M, 657
Urban, K, 62, 65, 66
Urbas, A M, 291
Urbina, C, 409
Utsunomiya, S, 412
Vaillancourt, J, 790
Valero, N, 443, 444
Vali, H, 579, 663
Valle, M, 251
Van Aert, S, 240
van Apeldoorn, A A, 21
van Balen, A, 94, 698
van Blitterswijk, C A, 21
van Cappellen, E, 366
van den Berge, H J, 504
van den Bos, A, 240
van Driel, R R, 385
Van Dyck, D, 328, 240
van Lin, J H A, 824
van Midden, H J P, 511
van Rij, A M, 199
Vane, R, 153
Vangsness, M, 786
VanVianen, A, 421
Varela, M, 736
Vartuli, C B, 425
Vastenhout, J S, 23, 245
Vaughan, J B, 711
Vaughn, D, 667
Vereecken, P M, 458
Verry, P, 674
Vicci, L, 85
Viera, J M, 596
Vigo, T, 619
Vikas, S, 357
Viterelli, J P, 72
Vogel, V, 29
Vogen, W, 134
Volkov, V V, 469, 470, 592
von den Driesch, M, 256
von Harrach, H S, 366
Voorhout, W F, 212, 698
Vossen, O, 203
Voyles, P M, 367
Wadsworth, M, 712
Wagenknecht, T, 201
Wagner, G J, 287
Walden, D B, 389, 391, 395
Walker, L R, 124
Walker, S B, 11
Wall, F D, 368
Wall, J, 438
Wall, J S, 661
Wallace, M, 1
Wallenberg, L R, 211
Walmsley, J, 185
Walther, P, 178
Wan, Z H, 509
Wang, C, 475
Wang, H, 83, 609
Wang, H B, 740
Wang, J, 72
Wang, L M, 104, 111, 412
Wang, Q, 480
Wang, Y G, 36
Wang, Z, 528
Wang, Z H, 813
Wang, Z L, 282, 361, 364,
490, 744
Warburton, W, 789
Ward, M S, 290
Warner, R R, 682
Warren, J, 775
Was, G, 103
Washburn, J, 428
Watanabe, K, 439, 440
Watanabe, M, 359, 306, 31
Watkins, S, 429
Watkins, S C, 685
Wauchope, C, 611
Wauchope, C J, 37
Weaver, L, 148
Webber, R, 523
Weertman, J, 98
Wei, A, 110
Weigle, C, 85
Weiland, R, 792
Weiner, S, 577
Weisberg, A, 652
Weiss, I M, 577
Weller, D, 608
Wells, O C, 559
Wen, C K, 158
Wergin, W P, 154
Westbrook, E, 673
Wetzel, D L, 499
Wheatley, J, 719
White, G F, 343
White, N S, 263
White, T, 407
Whitfield, C, 344
Whittle, D, 209
Wiener, S A, 30
Wight, S A, 57, 125, 797
Wild, P, 178
Wilde, B, 85
Wildman, H, 802
Wilhelm, P, 753
Wilks, D K, 754
Williams, D B, 31, 306, 359,
Williamson, M J, 458
Author Index
Williard, J N, 621
Wilson, D L, 731
Wimmer, E, 254
Windsor, E S, 57, 125
Wisher, A, 411
Withers, R L, 508
Wittig, J E, 494
Wong, H, 667
Wong, S, 775
Woo, J, 656
Woodward, J H, 588
Wright, G A, 160
Wright, I G, 124
Wright, S I, 564, 567
Wu, D, 221
Wu, I, 172
Wu, J, 424
Wu, J P, 715
Wu, L, 74, 329, 737
Wu, X, 663, 691
Wylie, I, 697
Xiao, C, 254
Xu, F, 281
Xu, S, 139
Xu, X, 290
Xu, Y, 536
Yaguchi, T, 69, 119
Yajima, H, 7
Yakubtsov, I, 516
Yamamoto, K, 319, 528
Yamazaki, T, 439, 440
Yan, H, 745
Yan, Z, 600
Yang, J C, 281, 290, 461
Yang, L, 596
Yang, T, 333
Yang, V C, 161, 679
Yang, Y, 83
Yanke, A, 734
Yao, N, 235, 434
Yao, Y D, 179, 605
Yasuda, H, 19, 101
Yasumura, T, 781
Ye, H Q, 55
Yi, H, 777
Ying, S L, 500
Ying, X, 335
Yip, C, 248, 730, 771
Yoda, R, 563
Yoshida, T, 380, 471
Yoshida, Y, 140
Yoshimitsu, D, 191
Yoshiya, M, 807
You, L P, 412
Young, L M, 568, 643
Young, R, 346
Youngblom, J H, 352
Youngblom, J J, 352
Youngman, R A, 422
Yu, C, 605
Yu, H, 456
Yu, M J, 597
Yu, M F, 287
Yu, Y, 185, 747
Yu, Y D, 181
Yu, Z, 131, 806
Yuan, L, 607
Yue, S, 562, 644, 703
Yuspa, S H, 165
Zaki, S R, 716
Zaluzec, N J, 686
Zandbergen, H W, 66,
Zavadil, R, 53
Zbrzezny, A, 195
Zeissler, C J, 125
Zhan, Q, 591
Zhang, H, 55
Zhang, K, 745
Zhang, L, 97
Zhang, L H, 97
Zhang, M, 199
Zhang, S, 818
Zhang, S L, 683, 755
Zhang, W, 252, 358
Zhang, X, 11
Zhang, Y, 600, 608, 609
Zhang, Z, 351
Zhang, Z D, 815
Zhao, F Q, 449
Zhao, P, 412, 521
Zhao, X, 604
Zhen, M, 604
Zheng, C Q, 693
Zheng, M, 715
Zhirnov, V V, 113, 216
Zhou, G, 461
Zhou, H, 155
Zhou, J, 599
Zhou, T, 692
Zhu, J, 473
Zhu, Y, 13, 74, 273, 329, 384,
469, 470, 592, 737
Zipper, P, 753
Zou, X D, 241
Zucker, R, 270
Zuo, J, 323
Zuo, J M, 283
The 2001 Diatome Award for Microscopy & Microanalysis
August 4–8, 2002 in Quebec City, Canada
The selection will be based on posters showing the best use of Ultramicrotomy with Diamond
Knives in their work. Judging will be at the meeting by the M&M nominating committee.
First Place – A trip for two to Switzerland
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Diatome U.S.
321 Morris Road, PO Box 125, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Telephone (215) 646-1566 or (800) 523-5874
E-Mail: sgkcck@aol.com
Fax # (215) 646-8931
Accurion Scientific
Advanced Microbeam
Chroma Technology
Digital Instruments ~Veeco!
EDAX, Inc.
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
Electron Microscopy Sciences
Gatan, Inc.
Hitachi Hi-Tech America
IXFR Systems
JPK Instruments
Leica Microsystems
LEO Electron Microscopy
M.E. Taylor Engineering
Micro Star Diamond Knives
National Graphic Supply
Olympus SED
Oxford Instruments
Rontec GmbH ~QuanTax!
Princeton Gamma-Tech, PGT
Universal Imaging Corp.
Cover 3
Cover 2
3, 144
12, 39
8, 34
21, Cover 4