Building Guide - Emmanuel Church in the city of Boston
Building Guide - Emmanuel Church in the city of Boston
Emmanuel Church 15 Newbury St, Boston Massachusetts 02116 Building history, stained glass windows, memorials and furnishings June 17, 1861 cornerstone laid First Service Dec. 15 1861 150th anniversary 2011 Mary Chitty, History & Archives Elizabeth Richardson, History & Archives, Vestry Michael Scanlon, Building Commission Lindsey Chapel Michael Shea Reredos project Sam Mygatt Photographs by Julian Bullitt, Matthew Griffing, Donald Kreider St Michael Killing the Dragon, Charles Eamer Kempe Dec 2012 draft Table of Contents Acknowledgements Emmanuel Church Floor plan Julian Bullitt Emmanuel Church Building Time Line Building History & Geology Michael Scanlon Stained glass of Emmanuel Church Stained glass windows artists: John Ninian Comper, Charles Connick, Frederic Crowninshield, Harry Eldredge Goodhue, Heaton Butler & Bayne, Charles Eamer Kempe, Tiffany, Samuel West, Henry Wynd Young Emmanuel Church Windows Chancel and East Wall, Alley to Newbury Street South Wall Chancel to Chapel North Wall Chancel to Chapel History of the Emmanuel’s Land Window Restoration of Emmanuel’s Land window, Frederic Crowninshield Composition & Structure of the Emmanuel’s Land window West Wall Newbury Street to Alley Lindsey Chapel Michael Shea Lindsey Chapel windows Lindsey Chapel History Architects & Artisans Architecture Altar screen & statues Reredos Project Sam Mygatt and Building Commission Architects & Artisans Alexander Rice Estey, Francis Richmond Allen Bela Pratt, Augustus St. Gaudens, Henry Vaughan, John Evans, Domingo Mora Emmanuel Church Furnishings and Memorial Tablets Chancel and East Wall South Wall Narthex West Wall North Wall Vestibule Parish Hall Music Room Building Commission Building Stewardship Landscaping Emmanuel Garden Green Team Index of People: Memorials and Donors Index of Saints and other figures in stained glass and statues Acknowledgements We are grateful to Virginia Raguin, whose talk on stained glass at the April 2010 Annual Parish Historians’ Society meeting at Emmanuel inspired to solve some of the mysteries of Emmanuel’s stained glass. Architectural historian Cynthia Zaitzevsky’s investigations into Boston libraries and archives for information particularly on the Connick stained glass studio where her grandfather worked has been invaluable. This guide would not be possible without the wonderful images of photographers Julian Bullitt, Matt Griffing, Don Kreider and Michael Scanlon. Many thanks to Bill White for sharing a DVD of Don Kreider’s photographs with us. More names to come. Emmanuel Church Floor Plan Emmanuel Church Boston Building Timeline July 17, 1861 Emmanuel Church cornerstone laid. December 15 1861 First Service in Church April 24, 1862 Emmanuel Church consecrated 1863 Free-standing Chapel added 1864 West transept added 1883 First Parish House built. April 1898 Last service in old Church before expansion. Services were held at the nearby YMCA until the new church was completed. Chancel added and orientation changed from North South to East West March 5 1899 Expanded church dedicated 1906 Walter Baylies buys 11 and 13 Newbury Street for land for Parish House. April 21, 1915 Leslie Lindsey and Stewart Mason married. May 7, 1915 Lusitania sunk, newlyweds Leslie Lindsey and Stewart Mason drown. 1920 William Lindsey buys 27 Newbury St for land for Lindsey Chapel October 1 1924 Lindsey Chapel consecrated 1926 Parish House third floor added. The old chapel changed into a library with Gothic fireplace. Mezzanine room provided for the kindergarten and a large workroom on the second floor added for the women of the parish. Off this room was a new kitchen with modern equipment and a dumbwaiters. The top floor provided offices for parish workers, and the basement had a club room for choir boys, a choir room for practice and a study for the organist. 1950 11-13 Newbury Street sold to repair unsafe church floor? 1955 Extensive renovations of Church and Parish House completed. 1964 Lindsey Chapel damaged by fire. Feb 1996 Four Apostles window restoration grant awarded Nov 17 1999 Safe Haven opens. April 2000 Vestry discusses handicap accessible bathroom Nov 12, 2000 Fire Dept alerted to fire by women of Safe Haven. Dec 7 2000 Services return to Lindsey Chapel after fire. Dec 24 2000 Services return to Emmanuel Church after fire. 2003 Blessing of renovated Music Room, Sacristy and new bathrooms with procession, incense and prayers. Sept 2006 New garden fence installed supported by the Edward Ingersoll Browne Fund, City of Boston Small Changes Fund and designed and negotiated with city boards and the DeAngelis ironworks company by David Polando Jan 2008 Pilgrim’s Progress window re-installed and rededicated, with Gertrude Wilmers great-granddaughter of Frederic Crowninshield and donor to window restoration in attendance. Aug 2009 Simon Verity begins carving Lindsey Chapel replacement statues Fall 2010 Simon Verity statues for Lindsey Chapel altar installed. Stained glass Emmanuel Church Boston Photographs by Julian Bullitt and Matt Griffing Like the architecture, the glazing program at Emmanuel Church was assembled by gradual accretion and is characterized by overall diversity and major transformations in style. The church retains several precious examples of pre-opalescent era stained glass by native designers. … Much of the earliest glass of the Boston area has fallen to the universal trend towards renovation common to major metropolitan areas. Thus these surviving examples of native glazing are of unusual importance. Lance Kasparian 1990 Sir John Ninian Comper 1864-1960 London Lindsey Chapel stained glass, altar and altar screen 1924 Charles Jay Connick 1875-1945 Boston studio from 1913. Chancel Hawley Memorial windows, 1936; Sarah Field Lawrence Memorial 1916 possibly Cranmore N. Wallace Memorial after 1918; Connick Studio Howard Lord Ornamental trefoil Christ the Good Shepherd 1947 Frederic Crowninshield 1845-1918 Pilgrim’s Progress window 1898 Harry Eldredge Goodhue 1873-1918 Cambridge MA Simeon and Anna 1905, St. Martin and the Beggar 1909 Heaton Butler & Bayne English firm 1855-1953 Marian Burnham Memorial 1900, in storage, damaged in 2000 fire.,_Butler_and_Bayne Charles Eamer Kempe 1837-1907 London Ward Memorial Archangel and Heralds 1902, Clerestory windows Old and New Testament 1902, St. Michael and the Dragon 1901 Tiffany Glass and Decorating Co 1878-1933, New York Incredulity of St. Thomas Meyer Memorial 1890 Samuel West died 1891 Boston or Henry E. Sharp c1860-1897 New York Four Apostles 1862; Lawrence Memorial 1861 Rand Memorial 1862 Bowditch Memorial by 1865 Gould Memorials after 1862/63 Henry Wynd Young 1874-1923 New York World War I Memorial c1920 possibly Wallace Memorial after 1918 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Chancel North to South, left to right, Alley to Newbury St 1. Connick : George Hawley Memorial 1936 North/Left 3 windows: Heralds [one broken in 2000 fire] 2. St. Raphael, St. Michael, Red Winged Seraph, St. Gabriel, St. Uriel, Guardian of all wise Men & Women 3. South/Right: Kempe Anna Saltonstall Merrill Ward Memorial, Mrs. Henry Veazey Ward 1828-1901, gift of her daughters the Misses Ward Marian DeCourcy Ward, Anna Saltonstall Ward and step daughter Caroline E Ward. 1907 Vestry minutes also list their brother Robert DeCourcy Ward as one of the donors. Archangel in center, flanked by heralds There are also six windows to the left of the Connick herald angels with geometric designs, two of which were broken in the 2000 fire and had apparently never been photographed. Cynthia Zaitzevsky in Nov 2000 thought there might have been angels, and were the work of the Connick firm, but a later fax thought we didn’t lose “any windows wholly by Connick, just one that he added some blue glass to.” Connick's notes on the new windows proposes “to add bits of true and beautiful blue to the backgrounds of the present ‘Herald Angels” and to the duplicates of them on the left side of the chancel.” An 1899 Globe articles describes 23 windows in the chancel in various combinations of color, the principal hues being amber, greenish blue, ruby and yellow, all so arranged as to give a soft and mellow light and lend the appearance of age… These windows are made from original designs by Mr. Francis R. Allen, and are of British antique glass. South Wall Newbury St Chancel to Chapel The clerestory windows along the Arlington Street South Wall by Charles Eamer Kempe, London 1902 Jonathan French (1803-1901) Memorial 1902, gift of daughter Cornelia A. French These Hebrew bible figures represent from Chancel to Chapel 4. Abraham Isaac Jacob 5. Joseph Miriam Moses 6. Joshua Deborah Samuel 7. Ruth David Solomon 8. Elijah Elisha Micaiah 9. Hosea Amos Micah 10. Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel 11. Zerubbabel Ezra Nehemiah South Wall Balcony windows 12. unknown artist prior to 1890 ornamental Alpha and Omega, Cross of St. George 13. Samuel West? [Possibly Henry E Sharp] Bishop Alexander Viets Griswold 1766-1843 Memorial Apostles installed early-mid 1860s, given by the Church Corporation Four Feb 1862 Feb vestry minutes When it was first proposed to make the large South Window a Memorial of the late beloved and venerated Bishop of the Eastern Diocese, the Rt. Rev Alex V. Griswold, it was hoped that the whole cost would be speedily and cheerfully contributed by those who had known him well and to whom his memory was dear. In this the Committee was disappointed, owing, probably in a great measure to the financial troubles of the past year. The small amount of $247.94 only was received of which all but about $56 was from members of the Parish. Bishop Alexander Viets Griswold, author of the lyrics of Hymn 368 Holy Father Great Creator, Regent Square An 1899 Globe article notes “The large window on Newbury St has been remade, and now with all crude colorings eliminated it is most beautiful”. One memorials list mentions a large window removed from West Gallery to the South Gallery. 14. Howard Lord 1947 Ornamental trefoil Christ the Good Shepherd .Lord was a chorister and student of Connick. . South wall under Balcony windows Chancel to Chapel 15. Harry Eldredge Goodhue Andrew Robeson (1817-1874) & Mary Allen Robeson 1843-1918 Memorial 1905 Simeon and Anna gift of Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer, Alice Robeson 16. Harry Eldredge Goodhue: Eben Caldwell Stanwood Memorial 1856-1906 gift of Miss LR Stanwood 1909 St. Martin of Tours & the Beggar 18. 17.Connick: Sarah Field Lawrence Memorial Mrs. Arthur C Lawrence 1846-1915 Virgin & child 1916 gift of her daughter Mrs. Frank Albert Higgins 18. Henry Wynd Young, New York possibly (or Connick) after 1918 Colonel Cranmore Nesmith Wallace Memorial (1844-1918) Adoration of the Magi Gift of his widow Eunice Sprague Wallace. Wallace was a Vestryman 1896-1918. Don Kreider North Wall Alley Chancel to Chapel Clerestory windows: New Testament John Davis William French Memorial, gift of sister Cornelia A French 1902 Windows represent from Chancel to Chapel 19. Peter, John, Paul Apostles 20. Centurion of Capernum, Women of Samaria, Nicodemus Prophets "the three people to whom Christ spoke" Boston Globe Dec 9 1901 21. Matthew, Mark, Luke Evangelists 22. Andrew, Philip, Nathaniel Disciples 23. Melchior, Balthasar, Caspar – Three Magi 24. "Seen for first time:" Window memorial to JDW French uncovered in Emmanuel Church" Boston Globe Dec 9, 1901 tells us what the windows long covered by the organ are: A nativity group of St. John the Baptist, the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary. These were covered by the organ screen since 1917, and will not be visible until the windows are better lit. ** 25. Heaton Butler & Bayne Marian Burnham Memorial 1884-1896 gift of her father William Appleton Burnham, 1900 drowned aged 12. I need thee every hour, In storage, broken in 2000 fire. Marian Burnham 26. Emmanuel's Land Window Frederic Crowninshield (1845-1918) taught at the Museum of Fine Arts School of Drawing and Painting when it was housed in the basement of the Museum on Copley Square. Having studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris and with Thomas Couture, he learned to make stained-glass through an early collaboration with Donald MacDonald, a Boston designer. Piety, flanked by Discretion, Prudence and Charity, shows Pilgrim Emmanuel's Land. Photo by Matthew Griffing The inscription at the base of the window reads, "Then Pilgrim asked the name of the country. They said it was Emmanuel's Land. In loving memory of Mrs. Howard Payson Arnold. And for thy peace, thou wast beloved". The quotation is from Ecclesiasticus 47:16, which describes King Solomon. Brass plaque 2008 rededication of Pilgrim’s Progress window, Gertrude Wilmers great-granddaughter of Frederic Crowninshield The inscription at the base of the window reads, "Then Pilgrim asked the name of the country. They said it was Emmanuel's Land. In loving memory of Mrs. Howard Payson Arnold. And for thy peace, thou wast beloved". The quotation is from Ecclesiasticus 47:16, which describes King Solomon. The Emmanuel community considers this window to be its signature piece. With its theme of showing the way to Emmanuel's Land, or paradise, it symbolizes the spiritual journey that is central to the church's mission. Building on the theme of our banner: "Welcome wherever you are on your spiritual journey", it symbolizes guidance for seekers of truth and light. The subject of the window is unusual for a church in that it does not depict a religious figure or Biblical scene. The scene is taken from John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come, a literary work that has shaped American religious culture since the seventeenth century. The edifice visible in the midground is the Palace Beautiful, which the artist based on a building in the park of Villa Torlonia in Frascati (outside Rome). Sections around the palace are dark because their detail is obscured by soot and buckling of the lead cames. The potted lemons and oleander evoke an Italian paradise. The mountain in the distance may have been based on one of the Berkshires, where the Crowinshields had a summer house. The characters depicted represent the four virtues: Discretion, Prudence, Piety and Charity. They are guiding a Christian (a.k.a. the Pilgrim) on a pilgrimage through their allegorical world. The inscription reads: The Pilgrim asked the name of the country: They said it was Emmanuel's Land. The restored center panel shows the potted lemon trees behind the figures with light transmitted through the cleaned glass. Composition The window graces the wall opposite Emmanuel's main entrance, above where the altar once stood before the nave was reoriented in 1898. One of Crowninshield's largest works, the window is comprised of 15 panels of leaded glass with 17 smaller sections of tracery above, not including the tiny lights, or openings, filled with just a few pieces of glass. The larger panels are representative of the luxurious, painterly windows typical of the American Opalescent Style of John LaFarge, Louis Comfort Tiffany, and Crowninshield. Many of the latter's windows reside in local sites, including Grace Episcopal Church in New Bedford and Memorial Hall at Harvard. The colors of the glass can rarely be matched today. Where faces, garments and hands are painted and shading is used, the style is very soft and realistic, much like the portraiture of the time. The paints used often were not fired into the glass as is common in standard windows, so special care must be taken in their cleaning and restoration. Our window exhibits a lot of "ripple" and spotted "cat's paw" glass. Another feature common to opalescent windows is its layering, which gives strong, dimensional shading and hazy effects. Restoration Process The excess space in the lead cames is filled with putty, which dries, stiffens, and falls out over time and causes the panels to buckle. Also, the lead may stretch due to temperature changes and wind pressures, which move the window slightly. In the case of our window, bowing was most noticeable in the center, in the panels with the most lead. The buckling in and out resulted in the glass literally jutting out of the cames, creating the bright holes visible as specks of light. While this process of deterioration takes a long time, experts cannot predict when a window will fail. Several years ago, in order to restrain the glass, piano wire was installed across the face of the two worst panels. In 2005, the window was removed by Serpentino Studios in order to prevent a catastrophe. By 2008, thanks to major gifts from Gertrude Wilmers and the Mygatt family, we raised about $150,000 to pay for the restoration. On January 13, 2008, our retiring priest-in-charge, the Rev. Maureen Kemeza, officiated at the rededication of the resplendent window. On January 13, 2008, the main window of our historic church was rededicated. Entitled "Emmanuel's Land", but often referred to as the "Pilgrim's Progress Window", it was created by Frederic Crowninshield. His great-granddaughter, Gertrude Wilmers, whose generosity sparked our successful fundraising effort, addressed the parish. Crowninshield designed our window in 1899 in memory of his mother, Mrs. Howard Payson Arnold, who had died in 1897. Born Caroline Marie Welch in 1820, she had married his father, Edward A. Crowninshield, in 1840. He had died in 1859 at age 41. Frederic's two brothers subsequently died in their twenties. Caroline Marie Welch aged 18 References David Carlson, "Emmanuel's Land off the Bow", Voices, June 2005. Gertrude Wilmers, "An American Artist in Italy: Frederic Crowninshield and His "Seconda Patria", pp. 37-52, in Spellbound by Rome: The Anglo-American Community in Rome (1890-1914), ed. Peter Rockwell. Rome: Palombi Editori, 2005. 27. Kempe Frederick Warren Memorial St. Michael killing the dragon 1901, gift of Mrs. Frederick Warren 28. Tiffany Glass & Decorating Co, George Augustus Meyer Memorial 1824-1889 Incredulity of St. Thomas 1890 Meyer was the father of George von Lenkerge Meyer, the Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Roundel over window West Windows/Organ loft 29. Upper panels Frederick A Gould Christ & two children [Bowditch symbols] Charles W Gould Angel and child Lower windows Eliza Rand: Angel Inscription: Non est mortua sed dormit Christ the Good Shepherd Amos Lawrence? Christ and Jairus’ daughter Good Samaritan Amos Lawrence Bottom two windows left Eliza Rand with her name on the left and death date May 22 1852 on the left middle window. Eliza was the daughter of, and the window an 1862 gift of Edward Sprague Rand 1834-1897. Rand was chair of the Building Committee and Senior Warden. 1862 Vestry minutes described the location as the Chancel/North Wall, later on the East wall, prior to the 1898/99 church expansion. The Right bottom window is in memory of Amos Lawrence and the one to the left of that reads In memory of and may be also connected with Amos Lawrence. An 1894 Globe article says the window was erected when the church was built in 1861. Gift of founding member William R. Lawrence? Amos Lawrence, 1786-1852 father of Emmanuel Church founder William R. Lawrence The left upper window is in memory of Frederick Augustus Gould, died Feb 4 1863, The right upper window is in memory of Charles Walter Gould who died March 10 1862. Do we know anything about the top most glass? Upper panels Nathaniel Bowditch [Note initials N and B] flanked by Frederick A & Charles W Gould memorials Lieutenant Nathaniel I Bowditch Memorial. 1839- 1863, gift of William R Lawrence. The window was designed by his father abolitionist and public health pioneer Henry Ingersoll Bowditch who wrote “In selecting the emblems for the window … I desired, that, while suggesting a religious thought in harmony with the place, they should not only illustrate my son’s brief civil and military career, but likewise ally him with the past … In the upper part of the window, and crowning the whole, appear the sacred emblems of the book and the cross, and between them both lies the sword … Below, in six different compartments, are six other emblems,. The upper ones are simply cavalry insignia, -- the sabre, helmet, cuirass, banner, spurs, gauntlets, haversack, &c…... The central couple ally him to the past. That on the left is the Jessamine, especially hallowed to us by the fact, that the grandfather of the young soldier, struck with its beauty and its brilliant white flower, told one of his children to place it in her mother’s Bible, and to let it remain ever to his family as the emblem of truth and of honor. “Let it be the Bowditch arms.” At the right is the ancient heraldic coat of arms, granted centuries ago, in old Norman times, to one of the name, for his bravery and his skill in archery. Its crest is a bunch of golden arrow, barbed and feathered in silver; while on the shield are seen three bows. … The two lower emblems introduce us to the life of the youthful soldier before entering the war… The compartment on the left contains representations of diagrams, inscribed on the banner of the Zoological Club of the Lawrence Scientific School [Harvard], and are sufficiently significant of the fact of his having pursued a course of specific zoological studies … as a preparation for entrance into this future profession ; viz., of medicine. … They are intended to represent the modes of development of the four great classes of the animal kingdom. Vertebrates, Mollusks Articulates (insects, crustacia, &c.) Radiata (starfishes, sea-urchins, &c.) The figures are supposed to represent sections through the animal, transverse to the cavity. In the right compartment are the usual insignia of medicine, -- the two snakes twisting around the winged rod. The youth had just entered upon the study of this profession, when summoned by “the higher law: to fight for his country. This description comes from a privately printed 1865 Memorial book, via Google Books An 1894 Boston Globe article describes these windows as being four windows on the right wall as one enters the church [through what are now the Hawley doors would be on the East wall, removed when the Chancel was built. The first window is the Bowditch memorial, then Amos Lawrence, then Eliza Rand and finally the CW and FA Gould windows. An 1899 Globe articles reports “The collection of memorial windows in the original church has been grouped with excellent effect into one large window in the west.” Lindsey Chapel: John Ninian Comper 1924 Michael Shea Vestibule: 30. Henry Wynd Young St. Michael & St. Gabriel World War I Memorial, c1920, erected by the Parish. Men who gave their lives in the Great War:, of a number of these, as students. Harvard archives have photos Oric Bates, Ezra Charles Fitch Jr., Edward Hooper Gardiner, Prescott Wilder Gould, Harold Brittan Klingman, Samuel Pierce Mandell, Davidge Warfield Patterson Edward Hale Perry, Nathan Stone Simpkins Jr., Kenneth Weeks, Lawrence Barrett Williams, Richmond Young. A 1908 photograph shows 4 stained glass windows under the organ loft, where there are now plaques. (The plaques were then on the North Wall, under the Pilgrim’s Progress window.) We’d love to have more photographs of people memorialized and donors. Parish Hall Roundels in windows, 1948 gift of Mrs. Sheldon E. Wardwell Emmanuel Church Furnishings and Memorials Artists: Architects & Artisans Alexander Rice Estey 1826-1881 Architect original church Framingham architect known for his Gothic Revival Churches trained with Richard Bond and Gridley James Fox Bryant. Other Estey buildings include Church of our Saviour Brookline, also founded by Lawrences and the Old Cambridge Baptist Church. Francis Richmond Allen 1844-1931 Architect 1898-1899 renovation, Lindsey Chapel, Baptistery in memory of Ruth Allen (1887-1888) Allen studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and later received an LL.D. from Amherst and an honorary M.A. from Williams. His firm of Allen & Collins designed eight buildings at Williams College, twelve at Vassar, Union Theological Seminary's group in New York, and that of Andover Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was a member of the American Institute of Architects, Boston Society of Colonial Wars, and Society of Mayflower Descendants. We’d love to find a photograph of Francis Allen. Bela Lyon Pratt 1867-1917 bust, carved stone tablets, 1904 Frederic Dan Huntington, Rector 1860-1869 Sculptor Edward Everett Hale, Boston Public Garden; Science, Boston Public Library Augustus St. Gaudens bronze bas relief 1883 Alexander Hamilton Vinton (1807-1881) Rector 18691877 1848-1907 Sculptor Shaw Memorial Boston Common; Phillips Brooks, assisted John LaFarge murals Trinity Church Henry Vaughan 1845-1917 Pulpit 1898, Alexander Hamilton Rice Memorial 1818-1895 Mayor Boston, Governor, Congressman Font 1898 Cover of Oak in Memory of Stephen Van Rensselaer Thayer (1847-1871) worked on National Cathedral, Washington DC, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St Paul’s School, Concord NH, Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill MA. Simon Verity 1945- Altar statues Lindsey Chapel 2010 sculptor and stone carver John Evans Rotch Memorial Reredos and Communion table 1899, Two carved stone reliefs 77 Huntington Avenue, Boston Modeler and carved, worked with HH Richardson on Trinity Church and Seaver Hall and with McKim Mead & White on the Boston Public Library. Domingo Mora 1840-1911 Brought to the US by St. Gaudens in 1878. In addition to the stained glass window memorials Emmanuel Church Boston has a variety of other reminders of parishioners past including: Eagle lectern 1899. gift of Howard Payson Arnold, in memory of his wife Caroline Marie (Welch Crowninshield) Arnold. The lectern was copied from one in the Church of St. Stephen the Martyr, Parish of Westminster, London Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes coffee urn, gift of his grandson Edward Jackson Holmes. Narthex in memory of Andrew Robeson Sargent, son of Charles Sargent, Director of the Arnold Arboretum and Mary Robeson Sargent. Vestibule in memory of Rector Elwood Worcester, founder of the Emmanuel movement, and Worcester’s associate Courtenay Baylor. ________________________________________________________________________________ Chancel and East Wall North to South, left to right, Alley to Newbury St We are still photographing memorials, and hope to locate more images of people memorialized and donors A Ark, Boston Jewish Spirit, 2007 New Year 5768 Ark, Vestments and Silver adornments contributed by Boston Jewish Spirit members. The Holy Ark, known in Hebrew as the Aron Kodesh,is the major centerpiece of every synagogue. It is traditionally built into the eastern wall of the Sanctuary, and is a cabinet that holds the congregation's Torah Scrolls - the Five Books of Moses, handwritten in parchment. The Ark of Boston Jewish Spirit is a portable cabinet that was selected and adapted to compliment the architecture and woodwork of the Emmanuel Sanctuary and Lindsey Chapel, where BJS holds its Services. During worship, when the actual Scrolls are placed within the Ark, the Ner Tamid , "Eternal Light," is hung from a bracket over the Ark and lit. The symbolism on the Ark includes three elements that have been traditionally been used in the design of synagogue architecture - the Star of David, the tablets of the Ten Commandments flanked by the "Lions of Judah", and the two columns on either side of the doors, that recall the columns at the gates of the ancient Biblical Temple in Jerusalem. BJS owns two Torah Scrolls, which are stored in the Church Sacristy when not in use. One dates from 1850 and was sent from Germany to New Orleans following the Civil War. It was presented to Boston Jewish Spirit by Temple Sinai of New Orleans. Our second Torah dates from about 1900, and comes from Russia. It was originally used by an Orthodox synagogue in Bronx, N,Y, and was given to BJS in 2010. B. Sacristy door 1897-1898 in memory Richard Manning Hodges MD 1827-1896 given by his widow, Designed by Francis R Allen. Hymn boards in memory of Andrew Robeson Sargent, son of Charles and Mary Allen Robeson Sargent. Four – others on front of Newbury St. Gallery and to left of Pilgrim’s Progress window. ** C. Oak angels 1903 two over North side of Choir stalls, gift of Howard Payson Arnold, design by Domingo Mora. [image] D. Rector's Stall 1899 Henry Parker Quincy 1838-1899 gift Mary Adams Quincy, granddaughter of John Quincy Adams Prayer desk 1928 gift of Helen Sharp, in memory of Caroline Elizabeth Ward 1857-1926 ** Prayer desk for Bishop's chair 1915, gift of Mrs Hugh Ogden, Martha Lisbeth Davis ** One prayer desk is in front of the Rector’s stall. The other is in the back of the church. E. Eagle lectern.1899 gift of Howard Payson Arnold, in memory of his wife Caroline Marie (Welch Crowninshield) Arnold. The Gothic lectern was copied from one in the Church of St. Stephen the Martyr, Parish of Westminster, London, made in London from a design by Carpeaux. Brass with a 22 inch high marble base.. Four reclining lions guard each of four points on a circular base, midway a girdle of 16 agates. Eagle lectern, Rector’s Stall Plaque Choir in memory Albert Snow Emmanuel Organist 1918-1938 [damaged in 2000 fire] Plaque Choir 1930 in memory Lynnwood Farnam Emmanuel Organist 1912-1918 Bishop’s chair 1898 gift F. Rotch Memorial Reredos and Communion table 1899 gift of Mrs. Winthrop Sargent in memory of her parents Benjamin Smith Rotch and Annie Bigelow Rotch and of their children Edith Rotch (1847-1897) and Arthur Rotch (1850-1894). Caen stone Emmanuel News Feb 2000 article on Benjamin Smith Rotch. Annie Bigelow Lawrence Rotch 1820-1893 Rotch Memorial Reredos and Communion table Da Vinci’s Last supper, St. Peter and St. Martha on left, St. Mary and St. John on right. Design by Francis R Allen, executed by John Evans, Domingo Mora sculptor. Another source identifies the statue on the left as Mary of Bethany and the Virgin Mary on the right. Large brass cross on altar 1890-1891 in memory of Knyvet Winthrop Sears 1832-1891 and daughter Mary Peabody Shaw 1859-1890 wife of Francis Shaw , gift of Mrs. Knyvet W Sears and Miss Clara Endicott Sears, founder of Fruitlands Museum, Harvard MA. ** Mary Sears, Mrs. Francis Shaw Clara Endicott Sears Communion service Two large candlesticks 1933 given by Charlotte Wright Hubbard Young, Mrs. B Loring Young in memory of her mother Martha Parsons Stackpole, Mrs. Joseph Lewis Stackpole and Margaret Young Emmons, Mrs. Wm Bacon Young ** Marble communion rail 1903, “given by those who desire to share in the new church and can give but small sums … in memory of all who have been communicants in this parish from its foundation.” G. Credence table 1898 [half circle shelf] Thomas Lambard Robinson 1875-1893 in memory of Don Kreider Missal stand on credence table, gift of pupils from St. Augustine's School, Raleigh NC, 1899 Emmanuel Church Yearbooks from the late 19th and early 20th century record gifts to St. Augustine's, an outgrowth of the General Convention of 1865 which established a Freedman's Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Now historically black Episcopalian St. Augustine’s College. Litany desk and Table for Alms basin 1943, in memory of Edward Osgood Seccomb ** Plaque 1941 Choir right Robert Oswood Gott (1924-1941) Chorister and acolyte Solo organ Cors anglais 1956 What happened to this organ? H. Pulpit by Henry Vaughan 1898, Alexander Hamilton Rice Memorial 1818-1895 Mayor Boston, Governor, Congressman Stone base has carved coats of arms of the City of Boston, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States of America. Carved figures [many stolen] illustrated the life of St. Paul. Alexander Hamilton Rice I. Font 1898 Cover of Oak in Memory of Stephen Van Rensselaer Thayer (1847-1871) Gift of Alice Robeson Thayer, Mrs. Stephen van Rensselaer Thayer? Designed by Henry Vaughan, Octagonal pink Knoxville marble, Carved and crocketed oak canopy of 13th century design, suspended with counter balancing weight. Baptismal font, cover and setting, designed by Francis R Allen. Baptistery in memory of Ruth Allen (1887-1888) possibly daughter of architect Francis Richmond Allen and his wife Elizabeth Bradlee Wood Allen. Pavement candelabra (wrought iron) gift of Mr. and Mrs. EJ Holmes. Baptismal font and baptistery Don Kreider Thayer expedition 1865/66 J. Memorial Door and statue in niche, in memory of Sarah Sprague Upham 1829-1900 Mrs. George Phineas Upham, gift of her daughter Charlotte, Mrs. Walter C Baylies 1864-1939 Architect Francis R Allen, executed by Messrs Evans & Co. South Wall Newbury St Chancel to Chapel Stone panel, 1919 Sargent, Mary Robeson 1853-1903 wife of Charles Sprague Sargent, mother of Mrs. Guy Lowell and Andrew Robeson Sargent K. Bust, carved stone, 1904 Frederic Dan Huntington, Rector 1860-1869 gift Cornelia A. French, artist Bela Pratt Frederic Dan Huntington bust Stone canopy & panel, Alice Robeson Thayer 1849-1919, Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer Thayer Tablet 1916-1918 in memory of Aimee Rotch Sargent (1852-1918) and Winthrop Sargent (1840-1916) L. Memorial door , 1936 in memory of George Hawley (died 1934) executed by Wm F Ross Co under direction of Allen, Collins and Willis, gift of Mrs. George Hawley. Hand carved oak, overlaid with gold, three angels in silhouette each side. Don Kreider Plaque 1938, Leighton Parks (1852-1938) Rector 1878-1904 gift of many parishioners Tablet, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Redington Mudge 1839-1863 Died at Gettysburg, son of Enoch Redington Mudge, Voices March 2002 article In 1894 this tablet was described as being on the right/least wall of the church [where chancel is now.] Plaque Cranmore Nesmith Wallace (1844-1918) Vestryman 1896-1916 See also his Memorial stained glass window South wall opposite narthex Plaque, Enoch Reddington Mudge 1812-1881 vestryman Plaque 1941 Elwood Worcester (1862-1940) Rector 1904-1929 “Learned preacher, physician of souls” M. Narthex Carved entrance door and Narthex is in memory of Andrew Robeson Sargent. 1948 Plaque Andrew Robeson Sargent 1877- 1918 gift of his sisters Mrs. Guy Lowell (Henrietta Sargent Lowell), Mrs. Nathaniel B Potter (Molly Sargent Potter) and Miss Alice Sargent, son of Charles Sargent (Director of the Arnold Arboretum) and Mary Allen Robeson Sargent. Charles & Mary Robeson Sargent, Mary/Molly, Charles and Robeson, Alice and Henrietta [Mrs Guy Lowell] on divan. West Wall in front of pews, nearest Newbury St Brass Tablet, 1915 Kenneth Weeks 1889-1915 WWI Weeks moved to France in 1910 and enlisted in the French Foreign Legion in 1914. Son of Andrew Gray & Alice Weeks c1863 1940. [image] can we get better lit image? West Wall under organ loft Newbury St to Alley South to North Bronze tablet 1938 in memory of Hugh Walker Ogden 1871-1938 by Gorham Ogden was a World War I Colonel, and presided over hearings on the Boston 1919 molasses disaster Brass tablet 1900 in memory of Jonathan French, also memorialized with Kempe clerestory windows. Stone carved tablet, 1914 The organ in the West Gallery in memory of Silas Reed Anthony (1863-1914) Parish Clark 1887-1898 Vestryman 1898-1906 Junior Warden 1906-1914. Organ was gift of his widow Mrs. Randolph Frothingham. Organ Loft and Lindsey Chapel Still working on draft of the history of organs at Emmanuel. Plaque Richard Warren Sears 1914- 1971, husband of Larissa Sears Marble tablet 1874 Benjamin Tyler Reed 1801-1874 Senior Warden for ten years and a founder of the Episcopal Theological School. Erected by his wife and his son General John Reed of Cotuit. In 1894 this tablet was described as being on the right/least wall of the church [where chancel is now.] By 1908 it was under the Pilgrim’s Progress window on the North Wall. Pair of standing 1743 Spanish candelabra 1955 in memory of Emma Gildersleeve Lane 1872-1954 Mrs. Gardiner Martin Lane 1955 gift of her daughter Katharine Lane Weems, Mrs. Carrington Weems 1899-1989 sculptor of the MFA School and Bio Labs, Harvard University rhinoceri. . ** Katharine Lane Weems Wood font in the rear of the Church. North Wall Alley Chancel to Chapel O. Statue Albert Rufus Whittier Jr. 1840-1922, given by his wife Louise Thompson Whittier, Saint with halo and sword, possibly St. Paul? Two carved stone reliefs, flanking Pilgrim’s Progress window 1904 Design Mr. Allen, modeled by Domingo Mora, work by John Evans, on either side of Emmanuel's Land window left Nativity, right Ascension [image] Hymn Board, memorial Andrew Robeson Sargent P. Tablet and Canopied stone screen 1904 Andrew Gray Weeks 1825-1904 Apothecary, Vestry and Warden of Emmanuel for 17 years Francis R Allen designed Brass plaque 2008 rededication of Pilgrim’s Progress window, Gertrude Wilmers great-granddaughter of Frederic Crowninshield Picture with window Pillars in center of Church Five Stone columns 1917 in memory of Anthony, Silas Reed 1863-1914 Chas Collins Architect ** Stone Angels 1918 gift of four members of the Parish Four angels represent the Annunciation, the Agony, the Resurrection and the Ascension. May 13 1899 Churchman Which one is this? Do we have photos of the other three? Q St Gaudens bronze bas relief 1883 Alexander Hamilton Vinton (1807-1881) Rector 1869-1877 Inscription composed by Phillips Brooks. “An earnest Christian, a learned theologian, a wise legislator; a true friend;’ a faithful pastor; an illustrious preacher; a patriotic citizen; a good man”. Pew Number 75 Henry Howard Fay extended so that all seven family members could sit together. Moulton Sacristy in memory of Ruth Humphrey Moulton (1892-1965) given by family and friends in gratitude for her life and ministry N.“Rood Screen” around the outside of the Moulton Sacristy was constructed for and used in the Kenneth Branagh film The Proposition, filmed at Emmanuel in the mid 1990’s. ** Lindsey Chapel Lindsey Chapel History Architects & Artisans Architecture Altar screen & statues Research and brochure by Michael Shea Reredos Project Bequests in memory of Sam Mygatt have initiated restoration of the chapel's reredos. Nancy Peabody's research led to the British sculptor Simon Verity, who created three alabaster statues to replace those stolen years ago. He worked from the original drawings of Ninian Comper, which were found in the Victoria and Albert Museum by Sam's friend Susie Cleland. The scope of the project included pointing the rear wall of the chapel and installing a security system in addition to replacing the statues and repairing the paint behind them. Entrance and Vestibule Carved stone 1911 James Haynes 1836-1900, sexton and undertaker, Erected by members of the congregation Entrance hall settle gift of Mr. Edward Jackson Holmes and Mary Stacy Mrs. EJ Holmes grandson of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and nephew of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes also gave Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes 1809-1894 silver coffee urn and in 1938 Parish House steps and railings Two lanterns Courtenay Baylor 1870-1947 gifts of friends 1942 Winter 2007 Voices newsletter article has photograph and article on the restoration. Exterior and interior lanterns. ** get photograph Parish House Door, 1941 Elwood Worcester memorial? Parish Hall Piano 1934, belonged to Guy Lowell 1870-1927 This seems to be the Steinway in the Parish Hall. Music Room Brass plaque Elizabeth Waters, Dorcas Society ** Solid oak chest ** 1888 in memory of Margarita Alden Parks, wife of Rector Leighton Parks, used for storing altar cloths, gift of the women of the church. Mentioned 1894 Globe article, then in small gallery to the left of the chancel. Now outside Music Room Now in storage What would it take to re-install? Carved stone tablet in memory of Captain Randolph Marshall Clark 1835-1873 was under west gallery, now in basement] Husband of Mary Vinton Clark, daughter of second rector Dr. Alexander Vinton. In 1894 this tablet was described as being on the right/least wall of the church [where chancel is now.] Brass tablet 1900 John Davis Williams French 1841- 1900 was under west gallery, now in closet across from Moulton sacristy, also memorialized with Kempe clerestory stained glass windows. Garden add to Landscaping Emmanuel page Fence 2006 Designed and negotiated with city boards and the DeAngelis ironworks company by David Polando, supported by the Edward Ingersoll Browne Fund, City of Boston Small Changes Fund. Emmanuel Mysteries Can you help us solve any of these mysteries? Do you have images or information about people, particularly ones with little or no information attached? We’d love to hear from you. We are still looking for the original plans of the church, and Lindsey Chapel. Mystery saint: Albert Whittier statue on North Wall near chancel Saint with halo and sword possibly St. Paul. Who are these Stained glass windows by? Four Apostles window, Lawrence, Rand, Bowditch Memorials: Samuel West or Henry Sharp? Cranmore Wallace Memorial possibly Connick or Henry Wynd Young unknown artist ornamental Alpha and Omega prior to 1890 Where are these windows? At one point they were under the west organ loft gallery Dr. William Botrowe Gibson memorial John Nelson Borland donor 1866 Montgomery Harrison Ritchie, Mary Sheldon Ritchie Memorial Harrison Ritchie donor Henry Timmins memorial 1865 Where are these Memorials? Appear in Memorials List. Stone panel Andrew Robeson Tablet John Hogg 1829-1917 Junior Warden 1878 Senior Warden 1882-1907 Honorary Warden until his death 1917 Index of donors and memorials Allen, Ruth baptistery in memory of, designed by Francis Richmond Allen 1898/99 Anthony, Silas Reed stone carved tablet in memory of 1914, five stone columns in center of church 1917 Arnold Howard Payson donor Crowninshield window; also two chancel oak angels 1903, eagle lectern 1899, carved stone reliefs on either side of Pilgrim’s Progress window 1904 Arnold Caroline Marie Welch Crowninshield memorial Crowninshield window Baylor, Courtenay two lanterns in memory of, gift of friends 1942 , Vestibule renovation 2007 Bowditch Nathaniel memorial William R. Lawrence donor West? window c1865 Burnham Marian memorial William Appleton Burnham donor Heaton Butler & Bayne window 1900 Clark, Randolph Marshall carved stone tablet in memory of, in storage in basement died 1873 Farnam Lynnwood organist plaque in memory of died 1918 French Cornelia A. donor of Kempe windows 1902, Huntington bust 1904. French John Davis William memorial Cornelia A French donor Kempe windows Brass tablet 1900 in storage French, Jonathan memorial Cornelia A French donor Kempe windows; brass tablet in memory of 1900 Gott, Robert Oswood plaque and organ 1941 Gould Frederic Augustus died 1863 and Gould Charles Walter died 1862 West? windows Griswold Bishop Alexander Viets memorial Four Apostles Church Corporation and parishioners donors West? window 1862 Hawley George memorial Mrs. George Hawley donor Connick windows , Memorial door 1936 Haynes, James stone tablet in memory of, gift of many parishioners 1911 Higgins Mrs. Frank donor Sarah Field Lawrence memorial Connick window 1916 Hodges, Richard Manning, Door given by Mrs. Hodges 1897-98 Holmes, Mrs. And Mrs. Edward Jackson pavement candelabra, entrance hall settle, Parish House steps and railings, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes coffee urn Huntington Frederic Dan bust by Bela Pratt and stone tablets gift of Cornelia A. French 1904 Lane, Emma Gildersleeve, Mrs. Gardiner Lane Standing Spanish candelabra in memory of, gift of her daughter Katharine Lane Weems 1955 Lawrence Amos memorial William R Lawrence donor West? window 1861 Lawrence William R donor Nathaniel Bowditch c 1865 and Amos Lawrence windows West? windows 1861 Lawrence Sarah Field Mrs. Arthur C memorial Mrs Frank Higgins donor Connick window 1916 Lindsey Leslie Mason memorial Lindsey Chapel Comper windows 1924 Lindsey, William and Anne Hawthorne: donor Lindsey Chapel Comper windows 1924 Lord Howard donor Connick window 1947 Lowell, Guy piano gift of Mrs. Guy Lowell? 1934 Mason Stuart Southam Lindsey memorial Chapel William & Anne Lindsey donors Comper windows 1924 Meyer George Augustus memorial Tiffany window 1890 Moulton, Ruth Humphrey sacristy Mudge, Charles Redington LT. Col tablet gift of his father Enoch Redington Mudge died 1863 Mudge, Enoch Redington plaque died 1881 Ogden, Hugh Walker bronze tablet 1938 Ogden, Mrs. Hugh Martha Lisbeth Davis prayer desk donor 1915 Parks, Leighton Rector, memorial plaque, gift of man y parishioners 1938 Quincy, Henry Parker rector’s stall given by his wife Mary Adams Quincy 1899 Rand Eliza memorial Edward Sprague Rand donor West? windows 1862 Reed, Benjamin Tyler marble tablet gift of his wife and son General John Reed of Cotuit. died 1874 Rice, Alexander Hamilton pulpit by Henry Vaughan 1898 Robeson Andrew & Mary Allen memorial Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer Thayer (Alice Robeson) donor Goodhue windows 1905 Robinson, Thomas Lambard credence table in memory of 1898/99 Rotch Benjamin Smith and Annie Bigelow Rotch and their children Edith Rotch and Arthur Rotch Reredos given by Mrs. Winthrop Sargent. 1899 Saint Augustine’s School Raleigh NC pupils missal stand gift of 1899 Sargent, Andrew Robeson Narthex and hymn boards memorial, gift of his sisters Mrs. Guy Lowell, Mrs. Nathaniel B Potter, Miss Alice Sargent died 1918 carved entrance door dedicated 1948 Sargent, Mary Robeson stone panel in memory of died 1903 Sargent Mrs. Winthrop donor of Reredos in memory of Benjamin Smith & Annie Bigelow Rotch, Edith and Arthur Rotch Stone panel in memory of Aimee and Winthrop Sargent 1916-1918 Sears, Knyvet Winthrop and Mary Peabody Sears in memory of Altar cross given by Mrs. Knyvet Sears and Miss Clara Endicott Sears. 1890-91 Sears, Richard Warren plaque in memory of died 1971 Seccomb, Edward Osgood Litany desk and table for alms in memory of 1943. Sharp, Helen donor prayer desk in memory of Caroline Elizabeth Ward 1928 Snow, Albert organist plaque in memory of died 1938 Stackpole, Martha Parsons, Mrs. Joseph Lewis Stackpole Communion Service Candlesticks in memory of, given by her daughter Charlotte Wright Hubbard Young, Mrs. B Loring Young 1933 Stanwood Eben Caldwell memorial Miss LR Stanwood donor Goodhue window 1909 Thayer, Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer (Alice Robeson) donor Robeson window Goodhue window 1905, font in memory of her husband Stephen Van Rensselaer Thayer 1898, stone canopy in memory of died 1919 Thorndike, Mrs. Harry Hill Bible 1953 Unknown artists gallery trefoil prior to 1890, Upham, Sarah Sprague Memorial door and statue gift of her daughter Charlotte, Mrs. Walter Baylies died 1900 Vinton, Alexander Hamilton bas relief St. Gaudens, gift of parishioners? 1904 Wallace Cranmore Nesmith memorial wife Eunice Sprague Wallace donor Young possibly Connick, plaque c1919 Ward Anna Saltonstall Merrill [Mrs. Henry Veazey Ward] memorial Marian DeCourcey Ward, Anna Saltonstall Ward & Caroline E Ward donors Kempe windows 1902 Ward, Caroline Elizabeth prayer desk in memory of given by Helen Sharp 1928 Wardwell Mrs. Sheldon Parish Hall roundels in bay window Warren Frederick memorial Mrs. Frederick Warren donor Kempe window 1902 Weeks, Andrew Gray tablet and canopied stone screen 1904 Weeks, Kenneth Brass tablet gift of Alice Weeks? 1915 Weems, Katharine Lane, donor of memorial to her mother Emma Gildersleeve Lane , Mrs. Gardiner Lane Standing Spanish candelabra, 1955 Whittier, Albert Rufus Jr. statue given by his wife Louise Thompson Whittier died 1922 Worcester, Elwood plaque and Parish House Door/narthex in memory of 1941 World War 1914-1918 Young window c1920 memorializes Oric Bates, Ezra Charles Fitch Jr., Edward Hooper Gardiner, Prescott Wilder Gould, Harold Brittan Klingman, Samuel Pierce Mandell, Davidge Warfield Patterson, Edward Hale Perry, Nathan Stone Simpkins Jr., Kenneth Weeks, Lawrence Barrett Williams, Richmond Young Young, Charlotte Wright Hubbard Mrs. B Loring Young donor Stackpole, Martha Parsons, Mrs. Joseph Lewis Stackpole Communion Service Candlesticks in memory of her mother 1933 Index of saints & other people in stained glass and statues St. Andrew Kempe clerestory New Testament Angel & child West? Walter Gould Anna & Simeone Goodhue Apostles Four West? See also Matthew, Mark , Luke John St. Anne Comper Lindsey Chapel altar window and large altar statue on left teaching her daughter the Virgin Mary to read. Bride of the Apocalypse Comper Lindsey Chapel St. Cecelia [Leslie Lindsey Mason] Comper Lindsey Chapel Centurion of Capernaum Kempe clerestory New Testament St. Elizabeth Comper Lindsey Chapel altar window Visitation of the Virgin and large Lindsey Chapel altar statue on right with her son John the Baptist. St. Elizabeth of Hungary statue Lindsey Chapel narthex St. Gabriel by Connick in the Chancel, part of the George Hawley memorial, by Young in the narthex, part of the World War I memorial, by Comper in the Annunciation of the Virgin in Lindsey Chapel and a Kempe clerestory window not now visible. St. Genevieve carved stone pendants in Lindsey Chapel exterior St. George cross of unknown artist gallery Heavenly Woman from Revelations Comper Lindsey Chapel Herald with banner reading "Nomen Tuum..."; Herald with banner reading "Et Hymnum" Connick Heralds (duo): Connick Heralds (trio): Kempe Hosea: Lindsey Chapel Altar center figure above stone tracery Jesus? How many images of? Some by Comper in Lindsey Chapel and more in the altar frieze, Christ the Good Shepherd in the South wall gallery by Howard Lord, a student in the Connick studio. Connick gave this window. At least three Christ images in the West window including Frederick Gould, Christ the Good Shepherd Eliza Rand and Christ and Jairus’ daughter Amos Lawrence John, the Apostle: carved oak tympanum surmounting Lindsey Chapel doors , Pieta Lindsey Chapel altar frieze. See also Apostles John the Baptist: Kempe clerestory window, not now visible, large Lindsey Chapel altar statue on right with his mother St. Elizabeth Luke: See Apostles Magi: Three sets of the three Magi: three of the New Testament Kempe clerestory windows: Melchior, Balthasar and Caspar, another by Comper in Lindsey Chapel and the Wallace memorial Adoration of the Magi, by Young or possibly by Connick Mark: See also Apostles St. Martin and the beggar-- by Comper in the Lindsey Chapel depicting Stuart Southam Mason and by Goodhue a memorial to Eben Caldwell Stanwood. Mary Virgin There are several by Comper including the Coronation of the Virgin and a statue in the gable overlooking Newbury St and the Pieta in the altar frieze in Lindsey Chapel, the Sarah Lawrence Field memorial by Connick and a Kempe clerestory window, formerly covered by the organ screen and not visible now until better lit. Mary Magdalene : Lindsey Chapel altar frieze Pieta Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are in the Kempe clerestory windows in the North wall, in the Four Apostles window over the gallery in the South Wall, possibly by Samuel West See also Apostles St. Michaels by Kempe St. Michael killing the dragon, Frederick Warren memorial, by Connick in the chancel, part of the Hawley memorial, and by Young in the narthex, part of the World War I memorial St. Nathaniel Kempe clerestory New Testament Nicodemus Kempe clerestory New Testament St. Paul Kempe clerestory New Testament St. Peter Kempe clerestory New Testament St. Philip Kempe clerestory New Testament Pilgrim & Piety, flanked by Discretion, Charity and Prudence Crowninshield St. Raphael, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Uriel, Guardian of All Wise Men & Women Connick See also St. Gabriel, St. Michael Samaritans: There are two Samaritans: a Woman of Samaria is one of the Kempe New Testament windows and the Good Samaritan is depicted in one of the Amos Lawrence panes of the West window Simeon & Anna Goodhue St. Thomas Tiffany St. Uriel See St. Raphael Connick Old Testament Clerestory windows Kempe Abraham Amos David Deborah Elijah Elisha Ezekiel Ezra Hosea Isaac Isaiah Jacob Jeremiah Joseph Joshua Micah Micaiah Miriam Moses Nehemiah Ruth Samuel Solomon Zerubbabel: Also Hosea: Lindsey Chapel Altar center figure above stone tracery Symbols but no figures Bowditch West? Add symbols from Lindsey Chapel , including Sibyls if Erythraean and Cumae Lindsey Chapel Altar center figure above stone tracery, St. Peter, Mary of Bethany [or Martha], St. Mary and St. John Rotch reredos, and St. Paul on Rice pulpit, various angels. Mystery saint: Albert Whittier statue on North Wall near chancel Saint with halo and sword possibly St. Paul. crop Unnamed figure “I need thee every hour” Heaton Butler & Bayne Virginia Raguin's book Stained glass from its origins to the present, 2003 describes this window as "a three dimensional figure in voluminous robes under a complicated Gothic canopy." Lindsey Chapel Altar Screen Saints Statues Top row Left to right Mary Magdalene Mary Clopas, sister of the Virgin Mary Mary Salome, wife of Zebedee with her two children apostles James the Elder and John Veronica Petronilla of Rome, third century martyr and virgin Cecelia of Rome died 280? Martyr, Virginia and patron of music Agnes of Rome died 302 martyr and Virginia with prayer book, palm of victory and lamb Helena 248-328 mother of Constantine, discovered remains the true wooden cross, shown in her arms Margaret of Antioch died 306 martyr, with martyr’s crown, cross topped spear and overcoming a dragon Barbara died 303 virgin and martyr, with prayer book and her emblem a miniature tower Apollonia of Alexandria died 249 deaconess and martyr, teeth extracted with pincers, patron of dentists Catherine of Alexandria died 307 martyr crowned as a princess holding sword of her martyrdom with broken wheel at her feet Dorothy of Cappodocia died 303 martyr depicted with basket of golden apples and roses Euphemia of Chalcedon died 307 martyr, carries palm of victory and one of the lions who refused to devour her Perpetua and Felicitas of Carthage died 203 martyrs shown palms of victory Middle row Left to right Blandina of Lyons died 177 martyr depicted with martyr’s crown and palm of victory Joan of Arc 1412-1431 Gertrude of Belgium 626-659 abbess and virgin symbol is mouse, here crawling up her crozier Elizabeth of Hungary 1207-1231 princess and philanthropist, shown with loaves and roses. Margaret of Scotland 1046-1093 queen Hilda of Whitby 614-680 abbess and educator, depicted crowned with model of Whitby Monastery Ethelreda of Ely 640-679 abbess and queen depicted crowned with her abbatical crozier and a prayer book Ursula of Cologne and her 11 companions under her cloak Bridget of Sweden 1303-1373 reformer abbess and educator, represented crowned, with prayer books, red spots symbolic of Jesus’ wounds, his crown of thorns and crucifixion nails. Christina of Bolsena 3rd century martyr carrying palm of victory and the millstone tied to her when thrown into a lake Clare of Assisi 1194-1253 abbess, depicted with Eucharistic paten Catherine of Siena 1347-1380 reformer and spiritual teacher, carried lily and book of her Dialogue. Agatha of Catania 3rd century martyr, shown holding the instrument used to cut off her breasts Lucy of Syracuse c 283-304 martyr and Virginia, carried palm of victory and a lamp, as patron of the blind Monica of Hippo 331-387 mother of Augustine of hippo, pictured with her hands raised in prayer Julia of Corsica died c 616-620 martyr Bottom row Left to right *Genevieve of Paris 422-512 patron of Paris, pictured with book and a taper which a devil in the shape 9of a storm tries vainly to blow out. Gudule of Brussels died 712, shown holding a lantern which the devil unsuccessfully tries to blow out with a bellows. *Eulalia of Merida c 292-304 martyr and virgin *Teresa of Avila 1515-1582 reformer, prioress and spiritual teacher, holds one of her treatises and her pen. *Simon Verity carved these statues from Comper drawings located in the Victoria and Albert Museum London Need photos of the three new statues.