RADE PLAY - Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy
RADE PLAY - Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy
Our Core Valuees August 22, 2013 תו הTorah רה חככמהChochmah דרך ארץ ךDerech Ereetz אל ישראYisrael אחרריותAcharayutt T This Shabbat: 30 Sivan 577 73 קרח Candle Ligh hting 8:14 pm m Vissit us on Face ebook Solar energy produced to date 350,3 328 kWh 69th Ann niversary Celebratio on at Dave D and Buster’s B Mon nday, June 10, 2013 ~ 7:00 pm -10:00 pm www.mjbha w a.org/eventts Sponso orships are coming c in fo or the Dave and a Buster’ss Event! H Here is a sneak peek att some of the e dedicationss: A chair is dedicated in honor of our children n– David (2 2005), Yonattan (2008), Ariel (2011) and d Eitan, and in n honor of Yo onatan's graduatio on from the University U of f Mary yland (Spring g, 2013) by Rene R and Ram mi Isser Trapdoor Stuffed Animals A is sponsore ed in honor of f Preschool Directtor, Rebecca Gautieri and all the t preschool teachers for giving our ch hildren an exc cellent founda ation for learning. Julie and Seth Coplin C Nascarr Racing is sp ponsored in honor h of Rachel Handloff who handles carpool dismissal witth grace and a smile, rain n or shine. IN TH HIS ISSUE E Click on th he item below w to jump to o that section n 69TH Annive ersary Celebration Summer Art Workshop W In Our Familyy Upcoming Evvents School Newss Parnas Hayyom Services to th he Community Cougar Newss PTO/Vaad Horim Sponsors’ Co orner Community News N Dr. Levvisohn’s Blog g Ari, Ra achel, Jona ah, Abigail, Andrew an nd Jordan Pinchot If you y wish to help promo ote the even nt or help out o with it, please p contact Jennifeer Zuk kerman at zukermanj@ z @mjbha.org g. 5 T H G RADE PLAY The Liion King inn Hebrew Presentted by the 5th Grade June J 10, 20013 12:30 pm m Sylviaa S. Ely Auuditorium No chargge We are grrateful to the e Deborah Lerner Grosss Jewish Cultural Arts Ce enter for help ping to bring g this play to the e stage. If yo ou are a patron of the arrts and/or a supporter off the enrichm ment of our Ivrit curriculum m, we invite you, y as well, to become a sponsor of o our producction to help p offset the costs c of mounting this ambitio ous project. Sponsors S will be listed in n Hebrew an nd English in n our perform mance program. Sponsorship ps are availa able at the fo ollowing thre ee giving levvels: • “C Can You Fee el the Love Tonight?” T ($5 50.00) • “C Circle of Life”” ($36.00) • “H Hakuna Mata ata” ($18.00)) To becom me a sponsor, send a check made out to MJBHA A with your donation, d inccluding how you would like e your name or greeting to appear in n the program m to: Lion King, c/o MJBHA A, 13300 Arcctic Ave., Ro ockville, MD 20853 ISRAE EL AT 65 6 Sunday, June 9, 12-5:00 p.m. Union Markket, 1309 5th h St NE, Wa ashington, DC [MAP] For more m informa ation or to vo olunteer visitt shalomdc.o org/israelat6 65. Rain or shine • Fre ee parking avvailable • Un nion Market, an artisana al year-round d food marke et, is metro ac ccessible via the Red Lin ne to the NoM Ma-Gallaude et (New York Ave) To ensurre guest safe ety, a securiity bag checck will take place p upon entry. e Also featuring: • • • • • Entertainment on two stages, including: Mosh Ben Ari, Mook E, Moshav, The Mama Doni Band, The Macaroons and Orthobox, sponsored by Masa Israel Journey & NEXT DC (the DC Birthright alumni network) Family Zone with arts and crafts, games, face painting and an “archeological dig” and visit PJ Library at the Book Nook Israeli Beer and Wine Garden Cooking demonstrations by local chefs, sponsored by the Jewish Food Experience A wide variety of delicious Jewish food HBSVAC SUMMER ART WORKSHOP Young Artists: Session #1- June 24-28, 9:00am-3:30pm Workshop attendees will be split up in two groups: 6-9 year olds, and 10-12 year olds. Students will enjoy studying: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Pottery, Glass Fusing and Sculpture. $325.00 Adv. Artists & Portfolio Development: Session #2 -Aug. 12-16, 9:00am-3:30pm This workshop is designed for Aspiring and Advanced Artists ages 11-13 & 13-16. Students will have a concentrated study intended on advancing their art abilities and developing their portfolio of work. Students will study: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture and Pottery. $325.00 For more information and to register, visit Summer Art Workshop. BETH JOSHUA FLEA MARKET Thank you to MJBHA parents & staff for your donations and for shopping. It was the most successful flea market to date. We received lots of great donations and had a nice turnout. UPCOMING EVENTS IN OUR FAMILY June 10: 69th Anniversary Celebration Dave and Buster’s Mazel tov to… Bnot Mitzvah: JUNE Ayelet Brown, Shifra Ferziger, Avital Fink, Oriyah Rappaport, Mia Raskin, and Eliana Werbel June 13: 8th Grade Dessert Celebration Bnei Mitzvah: JUNE June 17: PS Graduation and last day Kenny Book, Daniel Noon dismissal PS only Goldman, and Bentzion June 18: LS Step Up Ceremony. Last Kott day for students. Noon dismissal JULY Samantha Reiz and Sarah Tsimmerman AUGUST Maxx Kronisch A look ahead… August 26 First day of school AUGUST Selah Bickel To see more events, visit CALENDAR back to top SCHOOL NEWS Class Pictures Class pictures are in! If you placed an order when pictures were taken, they have been sent home with your child(ren). If you did not place an order, and would like to, the online galleries for class pictures are now available. Place your order and the photos will be mailed right to your home. To view the photos and place an order, visit www.Freedspirit.com. Click "view your photos" in the top right corner, then enter the password: MJB13CL. Lunch tickets Bags needed Cub Scout Pack 452 Students are no longer able to borrow lunch tickets from the front office. If students forget or lose their lunch tickets after that date, they can borrow a ticket for a bagel & butter or cream cheese with milk for $3.00. We will let parents know that we loaned their child a reduced lunch ticket and they will be charged $3.00. Please bring in your plastic grocery bags to the front office. Scout Pack 452 offers a full scouting program within an observant Jewish environment. This program is for boys in 1st through 5th grade. For more information please contact Mr. Baer at djbaer@att.net or call 301-593-3707. PARNAS HAYOM Parnas Hayom for the week of June 3 is sponsored in honor of… Our granddaughter, Johanna Antine by grandparents Tom Hausman & Susan Case Our bright and thoughtful granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah, Eliana Werbel. We love you! by Grandpa Leslie & Bubbie Phyllis Werbel Our witty, thoughtful & bright granddaughter, Mollie Werbel. We love you! by Grandpa Leslie & Bubbie Phyllis Werbel back to top פרנס היום Parnas Hayom was established in loving memory of Phyllis Himmelstein, z”l, great-aunt of two MJBHA graduates & K-4th grade teacher who had a deep love and admiration for children. To dedicate a day of learning, please contact Jennifer Zukerman at x5183 or zukermanj@mjbha.org or Judy Mehlman at x5159 or mehlmanj@mjbha.org. To sponsor a day of learning online, click on Parnas Hayom. תיים שירותים קהילת ש MJBHA offfers severa al services to t the comm munity: (S SERVICES TO T THE COM MMUNITY) We have a wonderfull take-out menu tha at includes delicious d soupss, salads, sc chool package es, Shabbat meals, entreess, dairy spec cialties, wrap ps, and desserts. To view our complete Take Out Men nu,click on Take T Out Menu. When you u are planning your nextt simcha, do on’t forget to call MJBHA’s B’tayavon B b Berman for by f your full food f needs for f all eventss. Whe en you are planning yourr next simcha, don’t forg get to call MJJBHA’s B’tay yavon by Be erman for yo our full f food needs for f all eventss. For more infformation vissit B'tayavon n by Berman n or contact Sheryl Blaufeld at x3100. x Facility re entals: We offer many options of fa acility rentalss. Visit Faciility Rentals for more informatio on or contactt Linda Kaiser at x5161 or kaiserl@mjbha.org. COUG GAR NEW WS P PTO/VAA AD HOR RIM Visit MJBHA M Athle etics for details about our athletic a program. back to top For more informattion on all of o the wonde erful opportunities available throug gh the PTO//Vaad H Horim and a calendar of o events, v visit PTO. Visit Sche edules_and_ _Fees for the current athletic sc chedules and fees. To see our o latest we eekly newsle etter, visit We eekly Newslettters. Please do not hesittate to conta act us with any questions q or concerns att PTO@mjbh ha.org. SPONSORS’ CORNER C R Barbarra Ciment Lo ong and Foster 301-622-7002 30 01-468-0606 barbara@cim b ent.com Great houses for sale//rent in Kem mp Mill: University y Towers - 2B BR2BA - just painted and carpeted c $115 5,000 back to top Acttion Mortgage – Josh & Marcyy Wolf Adam Basshein, Realtor As You Like It Landscaping g Barbarra Ciment Beth Joshua a Congregation n Capital Women’s W Care Auth Lane e - 4 BR 3.5 BA B on cul-de-ssac $595,000 Daffodil 5BR 2.5BA - im mmaculate ho ome $559,00 00 University y Towers: 1B BR 1BA for re ent - $1175, includes all uttilities Clear Con nnection, Inc. Co ost Manageme ent Associates, LLC Cougar Camp Donna Law wrence Events Eden Koshe er Homes, LLC C Freed Photography Shonny Kugler Top 1% Nationwide For a private showing please call:Shonny Kugler, Long & Foster Realtors 301-649-3649/ 301-452-1801 or email shonnyk@aol.com Golden & Cohen, Insurance High Tech Lock Company Hoffman & Co., Caterers Israel Bonds J Connect 817 Hyde Rd...New on Market**Lovely 4 level Split**Large Living rm.w/ fireplace Enclosed porch ** Separate Dining Room - walkout to Patio** Table space updated kitchen ** Very Spacious Family room w/ fireplace**Office ** Total 4 bedrms., 2.5 baths ** Spacious gated Lot ** Shed ** Carport ** SOLD. Jewish Federation of Greater Washington Jonathan E. Katz, LUTCF KosherMart Lawrence Lerman, Attorney at Law Lawrence Stern, Attorney at Law 11406 Rockbridge Rd.: New on Market! ** Beautifully Remodeled Kitchen** Main Level Family Rm.**Spacious Liv.Rm. w/brick fireplace**Totally NEW lower level mother-in-law suite w/ private entry**Expanded driveway**Total 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths** SOLD 612 Sisson Street: $325,000 - BEST BUY! Spacious living room, separate dining room, large family room and den, accented with skylites, ceiling fans. Most charming, lovely decor, 3 level split, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 patios, beautiful huge lot. SOLD. 1007 N. Belgrade Rd.** Spacious Ranch with EXPANDED dining room ** Large Country Kitchen with 2 work stations** 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths ** Walkout Rec.Rm., Den ** Pool** Offering Price: $459,900 Michael Kabik, Attorney at Law Michael L. Rifkin, Esq. Minka Group MJBHA B’tayavon by Berman Personal Health Care Providers Potomac 18 Caterers Senior Clinical and Social Support, LLC Shalom/Signature Caterers/Max’s Shoe Train Ltd. Shonny Kugler The Sofer Spot Sulam www.washingtonjewishweek.com Yehudah Malka, Mohel back to top Would you like a spot on our sponsors page? Contact Jennifer Zukerman at x5183 or zukermanj@mjbha.org. Cougar Camp www.cougarcamp.com Registration is now open for Summer Camp 2013! Register today at www.cougarcamp.com. Sports and Adventure Camp Extreme Travel Camp Josh and Josh Basketball Camp For students in 1st – 6th Grades Where: MJBHA Gymnasium (13300 Arctic Avenue Rockville, MD 20853) DATES: Weeks of June 24 and July 1. Sign up for one or both weeks! Cost: $175 per week session Run by: US students and MJBHA varsity players, Josh Klein and Josh Stern Register today at www.cougarcamp.com and click on Summer 2013. Girls Four-Day Intensive Summer Basketball Clinic Nexx Level Plus For girls in grades 7-12 MJBHA August 5-8, 2013, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm $165, $50 deposit due by May 30, full balance due by July 19 For more information call Cliff, 240-381-2711 www.nexxlevelplus.com Zumba classes for women every Tuesday (when there is school) from 8:20 – 9:20 am. $10 drop-in rate or buy a punch card for $50 or $100. Taught by certified ZUMBA instructor Debra Panitch. For more information about ZUMBA, visit www.zumba.com. Would you like your ad to appear here? Contact Jennifer Zukerman at x5183 or zukermanj@mjbha.org. COMMUNITY NEWS Community Service Day sponsored by KMS, YISE, & MJBHA KOA Sports Promo Days back to top Come do a mitzvah! Two options: do one or do them both. On July 14, 2013, we will be doing a park cleanup from 10-12. Bags & gloves will be distributed by the steps at the Kemp Mill Shopping Center Park. From 12-2, come help out at A Wider Circle (distribution center) at 9159 Brookville Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910, (301) 608-3504 (limited to 20 people). Upper School students get community service hours. For more information and to RSVP for A Wider Circle, please contact Miriam Friedman at mfriedman2@yahoo.com. Free Flag Football Promo Day: Boys Flag Football: All K-5th Grade boys are invited to Koa’s Free flag football promo clinic this Sunday, June 9th at Fernwood LP behind The Woods Academy (12:30-1:30). 6801 Greentree Road Bethesda, MD 20817. Meet the staff, catch some passes and learn about our awesome Flag Football League. Registration is at www.KoaSports.org. Questions please contact Mindi at mindi@koasports.org or call 301-785-0632. Free Girls Field Hockey Promo Day: Girls Spring Field Hockey: All 2nd–8th grade girls are invited to Koa’s FREE field hockey promo clinic this Sunday June 9 at Fernwood LP behind The Woods Academy(12:30-1:30pm). 6801 Greentree Road Bethesda, MD 20817. Meet the coaches, try some field hockey and learn about the Fall Field Hockey League. Registration is at www.KoaSports.org. Beginners and intermediate players are all welcome! Weekday skills clinics are also available. Questions please contact Mindi at mindi@koasports.org or call 301-785-0632. CONTINUING COMMUNITY NEWS Summer Hebrew Immersion for Tweens and Teens back to top For kids only (ages 8 and up) – hone your Hebrew skills this summer. Two hours of hands-on, Hebrew immersion with games and activities that focus on Hebrew reading, writing, speaking and listening. Taught by a Master teacher with over 20 years of experience. Satisfaction guaranteed! Classes will take place at JewishROC, 11304 Old Georgetown Rd., Rockville, MD 20852. To register, call Ruthie Benamou at 230-388-1330 or send an email to ruthie@jewishroc.org. Session I: Mondays & Thursdays. June 17 – July 15 (no class July 4) 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Cost: $120/members; $150/nonmembers Session II: Mondays & Thursdays. July 18 – Aug. 12 4:00pm – 6:00pm Cost: $120/members; $150/nonmembers TenniStar Camp JLink New in June 2013, TenniStar, directed by Mitch Henkin, will offer two one-week sessions of summer tennis camp at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville. The camp, for boys and girls ages 5 to 16, runs 9 am to noon. Register at www.tennistar.com and click on the CESJDS logo, call 301-530-5472 or email office@tennistar.com. Private and small-group classes are available year-round for adults and juniors as well. Ready, Set, Go to JLink - Ready to find a job or change careers? Come to JLink, your free connection to JSSA’s career coaching and supportive consultation services. JLink offers six convenient, confidential consultation sites in Maryland, Virginia and DC. To learn more about JLink visit www.jssa.org/jlink email jlink@jssa.org or call: 301-6108413 (Maryland and DC) or 703-896-7917 (Virginia). The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is the proud funder of JLink. Over 300 JLink clients served since 2010. 13300 Arctic Avenue, Rockville, MD D 20853 301-9 962-9400 mjbhainfo@mjbh ha.org www..facebook.com//mjbha