Neural Substrates of Mathematical Reasoning
Neural Substrates of Mathematical Reasoning
Neuropsychology 2001, Vol. 15, No. 1, 115-127 Copyright 2001 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0894-4105/01/$5.00 DOI: 10.1037//0894-4105.15.1.115 Neural Substrates of Mathematical Reasoning: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Neocortical Activation During Performance of the Necessary Arithmetic Operations Test Vivek Prabhakaran, Bart Rypma, and John D. E. Gabriel! Stanford University Brain activation was examined using functional magnetic resonance imaging during mathematical problem solving in 7 young healthy participants. Problems were selected from the Necessary Arithmetic Operations Test (NAOT; R. B. Ekstrom, J. W. French, H. H. Harman, & D. Dermen, 1976). Participants solved 3 types of problems: 2-operation problems requiring mathematical reasoning and text processing, 1-operation problems requiring text processing but minimal mathematical reasoning, and 0-operation problems requiring minimal text processing and controlling sensorimotor demands of the NAOT problems. Two-operation problems yielded major activations in bilateral frontal regions similar to those found in other problem-solving tasks, indicating that the processes mediated by these regions subserve many forms of reasoning. Findings suggest a dissociation in mathematical problem solving between reasoning, mediated by frontal cortex, and text processing, mediated by temporal cortex. Problem solving of mathematical word problems is a complex task that requires numerous cognitive operations such as comprehension, reasoning, and calculation. Lesion and functional imaging studies provide evidence about brain regions involved in performing basic arithmetic calculations or rote retrieval of arithmetic facts (e.g., 7 + 3 = 10, 5 X 4 = 20, 9 — 7 = 2) and in performing complex calculations requiring intermediate steps (e.g., 273 - 45, 387 X 53). These studies link simple calculation processes to parietal or parieto-occipital regions (Appolonio et al., 1994; Burbaud et al., 1995; Dehaene, Spelke, Pinel, Stanescu, & Tsivkin, 1999; Dehaene et al., 1996; Kahn & Whitaker, 1991; Levin et al., 1996; Warrington, James, & Maciejewski, 1986; Whalen, McCloskey, Lesser, & Gordon, 1997). More complex mathematical tasks that require multiple calculations with intermediate steps are dependent also on frontal regions (Burbaud et al., 1995; Gerstmann, 1940; Grafman, Passafiume, Faglioni, & Boiler, 1982; Jackson & Warrington, 1986; Roland & Friberg, 1985; Warrington et al., 1986). This may be due to an increase in working memory demands necessary for maintenance and manipulation of intermediate products while problem solving. The Necessary Arithmetic Operations Test (NAOT; Ekstrom et al., 1976) provides a measure of mathematical reasoning because it is composed of word problems that require the participant to determine the arithmetic calculations necessary to solve a given problem, but it does not require the actual execution of these calculations. This test allowed us to isolate brain regions involved in mathematical reasoning while minimizing involvement of arithmetic calculations. In our study, we had participants solve word problems drawn from the NAOT during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning that required either one or two mathematical reasoning operations. Psychometric analysis of NAOT performance provides some basis for hypotheses about the neural substrates involved in mathematical reasoning. The high correlation between mathematical (NAOT), visuospatial (Raven Progressive Matrices; Raven, 1962), and verbal (Sternberg Verbal Analogies; Ekstrom, French, Harman, & Dermen, 1976) tasks despite differences in content (Snow, Kyllonen, & Marshalek, 1984) suggests that processes important for reasoning may be common to all of these tasks. Functional neuroimaging provides additional evidence for speculation regarding the brain regions involved in reasoning. In a study using the Raven Progressive Matrices (Prabhakaran, Smith, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1997), there was greater activity in frontal regions compared to posterior regions when participants performed high-level reasoning problems (analytical) versus low-level reasoning problems (figural). Because the Raven and the NAOT tasks are highly correlated (Snow et al., 1984), we expected to observe frontal lobe activations during NAOT performance. Whereas prefrontal cortex may be involved in mathematical reasoning processes, parietal cortex may be involved in mathematical calculation processes. The NAOT has shown a low correlation with tasks requiring simple calculations (e.g., arithmetic tests of addition, multiplication, and sub- Vivek Prabhakaran, Program in Neurosciences, Stanford University; Bart Rypma and John D. E. Gabrieli, Department of Psychology, Stanford University. The research reported herein was supported by Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-184 and National Institutes of Health Grant NIAAG12995. We thank John E. Desmond for the analysis software, Gary H. Glover for the pulse sequence, and Richard Snow for advice and materials. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Vivek Prabhakaran, Program in Neurosciences, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Jordan Hall, Building 420, Stanford, California 94305. Electronic mail may be sent to 115 116 PRABHAKARAN, RYPMA, AND GABRIELI traction) that have been linked to the parietal region. Lesion evidence also suggests that although patients with parietooccipital lesions are impaired in performing rote calculations, they are still able to reason about problems and estimate answers so long as frontal regions are intact (Jackson & Warrington, 1986). Therefore, we expected performing the NAOT to elicit minimal activation in parietal regions. Still other lesion research has provided evidence for the involvement of the temporal regions (in addition to prefrontal regions) in solving word problems (Fasotti, Eling, & Bremer, 1992; Fasotti, Eling, & Houtem, 1994). Other studies involving comprehension and reasoning of textual material have also shown prominent activations in temporal as well as frontal regions (Goel, Gold, Kapur, & Houle, 1997; Haier & Camilla, 1995; Just, Carpenter, Keller, Eddy, & Thulborn, 1996; Nichelli et al., 1995; Partiot, Grafman, Sadato, Flitman, & Wild, 1996). Thus, we hypothesized that the frontal and temporal regions, but not parietal regions, would be involved in performing the NAOT and sought, therefore, to characterize the contribution of these different systems. Zero-operation problem Jim wants to buy 1000 shares of a stock. He multiplies 1000 by $30.50 - the price of a share. How much money does Jim need in order to buy the shares? 1. multiply 3. subtract 2. add 4. divide One-operation problem A wholesale meat dealer sells steak for $2.19 per pound. One day he sold 76 pounds. How much money was taken in? l.add 3. subtract 2. multiply 4. divide Two-operation problem Method Participants The participants were graduate students (3 men and 4 women) from Stanford University. All were right-handed and between the ages of 23 and 30 (M = 26). Each participant provided written consent that was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Stanford University. Procedure Prior to entering the scanner, participants were given instructions and shown three sample problems to familiarize them with the task. During each trial, a word problem (drawn from the NAOT; see Figure 1) was presented on the screen for 30 s with four answer choices below it. In the last 5 s, one of the answer choices was highlighted. The answer choices consisted of either one or two mathematical operations (e.g., addition, division). The participant squeezed a squeeze ball to indicate if the highlighted choice was the correct answer to the problem. Half of the highlighted choices were the correct answers. Task Design The NAOT consists of standard word problems in mathematics that utilize basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. The task is to indicate which arithmetic operations would be used to solve the problem. The original task was modified for the scanner. Three types of problems were created with increasing levels of difficulty. Problem difficulty was operationalized by the number of mathematical operations required in the problem. Two-operation problems required simultaneous processing of two operations (e.g., multiplication and addition) and thus required extensive mathematical reasoning and text processing. The text processing demands of the two-operation problems are greater than those of the one-operation problems, which are greater than those of the zero-operation problems, because of the necessity of A farmer has his home and barn insured for $152,000. The yearly premium rate is $2.07 per $100. How much does this insurance cost him each year? 1. divide,add 3. divide,multiply 2. add,multiply 4. subtract,divide Figure 1. Examples of problem types used in the experiment: zero-operation problem (top), one-operation problem (middle), and two-operation problem (bottom). Participants were instructed to select one of the four response alternatives that would determine the operation(s) required to solve the given problem. deriving the two relations (see Figure 1) that are necessary to solve a two-operation problem from the sentence constructions rather than the single relation necessary in a one-operation problem and the absence of relational construction in a zero-operation problem. One-operation problems required only one operation (e.g., multiplication) and thus required minimal mathematical reasoning but extensive text processing in comparison to the zero-operation problems. The one-operation problems were used to control for cognitive, sensory, and motor activation (e.g., reading the problem, visual inspection of stimuli, eye movements, motor response) that was irrelevant to the cognitive factors of interest. Zero-operation problems consisted of word problems in which the solution was provided in the text of the problem and the participants were asked to identify the solution from the choices provided below and thus required minimal mathematical reasoning or text processing. The zero-operation problems were used to control for sensory and motor activation (e.g., visual inspection of stimuli, eye movements, motor response) that was irrelevant to the cognitive factors of interest. Three sets of problems were presented to participants in the scanner. The first set contained 12 problems or 6 cycles of alter- NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF REASONING nating problem types of a one-operation followed by a zerooperation problem (the one-operation/zero-operation condition). The second set contained 12 problems or 6 cycles of alternating problem types of a two-operation followed by a zero-operation problem (the two-operation/zero-operation condition). The third set contained 12 problems or 6 cycles of alternating problem types of a two-operation followed by a one-operation problem (twooperation/one-operation condition). Presentation of the three sets of problems was counterbalanced across participants. In order to obtain estimates of the amount of time participants would take to perform these word-problem types, we had a different set of participants perform them in a behavioral study outside of the scanner using a self-paced participant design. A total of 16 participants (age range = 20-29, mean age = 25) were tested on the 36 problems (12 two-operation, 12 one-operation, and 12 zero-operation) that were seen in the scanner. Participants were instructed to proceed at their own pace and select a number between 1 and 4 corresponding to the four answer choices for each problem. These problems were presented in a randomized fashion. fMRI Methodology Imaging was performed with a 1.5T whole-body MRI scanner (General Electric Medical Systems Signa, Rev. 5.5, Milwaukee, 117 WI). For functional imaging, two 5-in. diameter local receive coils were used for signal amplification. These coils were placed closely abutting each side of the participant's head, with each coil placed so that the center of the coil was immediately dorsal to the temporal mandibular joint on an imaginary line between the corner of the eye and the ear canal. Head movement was minimized using a bite-bar formed with each participant's dental impression. A T2* sensitive gradient echo spiral sequence (Lee, Glover, & Meyer, 1995; Meyer, Hu, Nishimura, & Macovski, 1992), which is relatively insensitive to cardiac pulsatility motion artifacts (Noll, Cohen, Meyer, & Schneider, 1995), was used for functional imaging with parameters of repetition time (TR) = 720 ms, echo time (TE) = 40 ms, and a flip angle of 65°. Four interleaves were obtained for each image, with a total acquisition time (sampling interval) of 2.88 s per image. Tl-weighted, flow-compensated spin-warp anatomy images (TR = 500 ms; minimum TE) were acquired for all sections that received functional scans. Eight 6-mm-thick slices were acquired in the horizontal plane of the Talaraich and Tournoux atlas (Talaraich & Tournoux, 1988) starting from 7.5 mm below the anterior-commisure-posterior-commisure (AC-PC) plane, with a 1.5-mm interslice interval (see Figure 2). Stimuli were generated from a computer and back-projected onto a screen located above the participant's neck via a magnetcompatible projector. Visual images were viewed from a mirror Figure 2. The locations of eight axial slices analyzed in this study are depicted as white lines on a sagittal localizer. 118 PRABHAKARAN, RYPMA, AND GABRIELI mounted above the participant's head. The sequence of the presentations of the stimuli was synchronized with the imaging sequence of the scanner. vidually for all horizontal sections. Following transformation, the average z value for each pixel in a section was computed across participants, and pixels that reached a statistical threshold of p < .05 or lower were displayed on each map. Data Analysis Image analysis was performed off-line by transferring the raw data to a Sun SPARCstation. A gridding algorithm was used to resample the raw data into a Cartesian matrix prior to two-dimensional fast Fourier transform processing. Once individual images were reconstructed, a time series of each pixel was obtained, and correlation methods that take advantage of periodically oscillating paradigms were used to analyze functional activation (Friston, Jezzard, & Turner, 1994). Because a considerable amount of artifactual signal that occurs over time is due to events that are random with respect to the timing of the activation paradigm (e.g., pulsatile effects from blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or brain movement), correlations of the pixel responses over time with a reference function that represents the time of the expected activation (based on the timing of stimulus presentation) were used to remove artifacts [3, 23]. As described by Friston et al., the reference function was computed by convolving a square wave at the task frequency with a data-derived estimate of the hemodynamic response function. The frequency of the square wave was computed from the number of task cycles divided by the total time of the experiment. For the experiments, one task cycle consisted of a control block and an experimental block, each of equal duration. There were six cycles present over a 360-s scan (frequency —0.0166 Hz). Correlations between the reference function and the pixel response time series were computed and normalized (Friston et al., 1994). Functional activation maps were constructed by selecting pixels that satisfied the criterion of z > 1.96 (representing significance at p < .025, one-tailed). This map was then processed with a median filter with spatial width = 2 voxels to emphasize spatially coherent patterns of activation. The filter was used on the assumption that pixels with spuriously high z values (i.e., false positives due to Type I errors) are less likely to occur in clusters than pixels with genuinely high z values, and thus clusters of pixels with high z values are more likely to reflect an active region. The resulting map was overlaid on a Tl-weighted structural image. The procedure used to obtain composite maps of activation over all participants was as follows: Average functional activation maps were created by transforming each section from each participant to a corresponding standardized horizontal section (Talaraich & Tournoux, 1988) at the same distance above and below the AC-PC plane (Desmond et al., 1995). This transformation was done indi- Results Behavioral Performance Table 1 shows the accuracy of participants' performance on the NAOT task within the scanner environment. Participants performed with high accuracy on the zero-operation problems (M = 97%), slightly less well on the one-operation problems (M = 93%), and least well on the twooperation problems (M = 75%). Performance on each problem type did not differ significantly across scans. Therefore, scores for each problem type were combined across scans and examined in a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Scores differed significantly for the three problem types, F(2, 5) = 24.11, p < .0001. Participants performed significantly better on zero-operation than two-operation problems, ?(5) = 11.76, p < .0001 (one-tailed) and on one-operation than two-operation problems, f(5) = 4.61, p < .0058. No significant difference was found between one-operation and zero-operation problems, t(5) = 1.18, p < .29. Table 2 shows the average time that it took participants to solve the different problem types as well as the accuracy on a participant-paced design of the task performed outside the scanning environment. Scores differed significantly for the three problem types, F(2, 15) = 35,48, p < .0001. Participants performed significantly better on zero-operation than two-operation problems, t(l5) = 6.99, p < .0001 (onetailed) and on one-operation than two-operation problems, t(l5) = 5.73, p < .0001. No significant difference was found between one-operation and zero-operation problems, f(15) = 0.70, p < .50. Reaction time differed significantly for the three problem types, F(2, 15) = 48.31, p < .0001. Participants were significantly faster on zero-operation than two-operation problems, ?(15) = 7.38, p < .0001 (onetailed); on one-operation than two-operation problems, f(15) = 6.72, p < .0001; and on zero-operation than oneoperation problems, t(l5) = 3.52, p < .0031. Table 1 Performance (Percentage Correct) on Word Problems in the Scanner Scan Zero-operation/one-operation M SD Two-operation/zero-operation M SD One-operation/two-operation M SD Zero-operation Problem type One-operation 97.2 6.9 91.7 13.9 97.2 6.9 Two-operation 75.0 17.4 94.3 75.0 17.4 119 NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF REASONING Table 2 Self-Paced Performance on Word Problems Outside the Scanner Performance measure % accuracy M SD Reaction time (in milliseconds) M SD Zero-operation 97.9 4.8 11,229 5,193 fMRI Scans The two-operation/zero-operation scan yielded a number of cortical activations that were all greater for two-operation than for zero-operation problems (see Figure 3 and Table 3). Major foci of activity occurred bilaterally in the frontal lobes in superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri and premotor areas (Areas 6, 8, 9, 10, 44, 45, and 46) and in the temporal lobes in inferior, middle, and superior temporal gyri (Areas 21, 22, 37, and 39). Minor foci of activity occurred in left parietal areas in supramarginal and angular gyri (Area 39) and bilaterally in superior and inferior parietal areas (Areas 7 and 40) and in early visual areas— precuneus, medial occipital gyri, and lingual gyrus (Areas 7, 18, and 19) as well as bilateral anterior cingulate (Area 32). The two-operation/one-operation scan yielded activations that were greater for two-operation than one-operation problems (see Figure 3 and Table 3). Major foci of activity occurred bilaterally in the middle, inferior frontal gyri and premotor areas (Areas 6, 8, 9, 10, 44, 45, and 46). Bilateral activation was seen in inferior and middle temporal gyri (Areas 37, 21, and 19) and in precuneus, medial occipital, and lingual gyri (Areas 18, 19, and 37). Minor foci of lateralized activity were seen in left versus right superior parietal, inferior parietal, angular, and supramarginal gyri (Areas 7, 39, and 40) and bilaterally in the anterior cingulate (Area 32). The one-operation/zero-operation scan yielded activations that were greater for one-operation than for zerooperation problems (see Figure 3 and Table 3). In contrast to the two-operation/zero-operation activations, one-operation/zero-operation activations were fewer and less pronounced when occurring in the same region. Minor foci of activity occurred bilaterally in the middle, inferior frontal gyri and premotor areas (Areas 6, 8, 9, 10, 44, 45, and 46), bilateral supramarginal-angular gyri, and superior and inferior parietal regions (Areas 7, 39, and 40). Inferior, middle, and superior (Wernicke's area) temporal gyri (Areas 21 and 37) also showed activation. Discussion Solving word problems yielded fMRI activation of an extensive, but specific, network of cortical regions. There were major bilateral frontal and temporal activations and minor left-lateralized parietal activations. Lesion studies of word-problem solving have also highlighted the contribu- Problem type One-operation 96.9 6.0 14,023 4,630 Two-operation 78.1 10.0 30,658 13,018 tions of frontal and temporal regions, with posterior lesions impairing comprehension of sentences and frontal lesions impairing the formation of internal constructions necessary for solving the word problems (Fasotti et al., 1992, 1994; Lhermitte, Derousne, & Signoret, 1972; Luria, 1966). The frontal and temporal involvement in mathematical reasoning contrasts with and complements the essential involvement of parietal lobes seen in prior studies of simple calculation. In the present study, the parietal, temporal, and frontal activations had different characteristics across conditions (see Figure 4). Parietal lobe activations showed minimal change as participants performed zero-, one-, or two-operation problems. Temporal lobe activations increased proportionately as participants performed zero-, one- or twooperation problems. Frontal lobe activations changed minimally from zero to one operation and increased equally from zero to two operations and from one to two operations. Thus, major frontal lobe activation occurred specifically for two-operation problems. The prefrontal activation for two-operation problems accords with a proposal that the prefrontal cortex plays a critical role when reasoning demands integrating two or more relations (Waltz et al., 1999). Patients with a frontal variant of fronto-temporal dementia, where hypometabolism was initially localized in the prefrontal cortex, had impaired performance only on two-relation verbal and spatial problems. Performance on one-relation problems was intact. In the present study, one-operation word problems required reasoning about one mathematical relation. Twooperation problems required the simultaneous processing of two mathematical relations. The fact that substantial prefrontal activation occurred only for two-operation problems supports the hypothesis that prefrontal regions are essential for reasoning when two or more relations have to be integrated. In the present study, the linearly increasing temporal lobe activations may reflect task-specific text-processing demands for word problems that increase steadily from zerothrough two-operation problems. Although all the word problems contain similar numbers of words, text-processing demands are likely to increase from zero- to one- to tworelational problems (Halford et al., 1998). The minimal recruitment of the parietal lobe as the number of operations 120 PRABHAKARAN, RYPMA, AND GABRIELI Table 3 Cortical Activation by Problem Comparisons Lobe Region of activation Hemisphere"Brodmann's area X y z Z score Voxels" Areas of greater activation for two-operation than zero-operation problems Frontal Superior frontal RIO R9 B8 L10 Superior-cingulate Cingulate Cingulate-mid R32, 10 R24 R31 L31 L23, 24 R29 R23, 30 Cingulate-posterior R30 R23, 31 R17.31 Superior-middle Middle frontal L23 L29 RIO L10 L9 L9.46 L10, 46 L8 L6, 8 L6 RIO R9 Middle-inferior Inferior frontal R8 R6 L9.44 R9, 44 L10,44 L44 L45.46 Inferior-premotor Middle-premotor Parietal Premotor Medial frontal Postcentral Inferior parietal RIO L6.44 L6, 9 L4, 6 L6 L10 R40 L39 L40 R40 Temporal Angular gyms Superior parietal Superior R39, 40 R39 L7 R22 L21.22 L22 Middle-superior L22, 39 L21 R21,22 11 14 13 38 45 -2 -14 10 11 1 -7 -19 7 7 18 13 20 -11 -3 23 -19 -28 -37 -32 -44 -39 -45 -43 -44 -36 -33 -34 30 34 38 43 35 33 -45 44 -36 -58 -48 35 -52 -35 -23 -21 -5 62 -55 -50 -38 -42 38 31 34 28 -36 38 -50 -43 -61 -56 -43 47 54 59 57 17 26 19 64 48 30 -66 -62 -18 -40 -51 -48 -46 -62 -38 -37 56 41 44 51 55 15 28 20 36 46 29 11 3 59 45 25 9 29 -4 5 9 55 8 27 49 -4 -1 1 -12 60 -16 -58 -46 -43 -47 -47 -50 -49 -60 -59 5 -2 -13 -50 -54 -27 -17 -4 12 24 24 24 50 1 -4 1 12 12 32 20 20 20 24 12 24 12 -4 -4 -4 12 20 32 32 40 24 20 40 50 50 1 12 32 40 40 50 32 32 1 20 20 1 24 40 50 40 1 20 24 32 32 40 40 50 32 32 50 -4 1 1 12 20 -4 1 36 3.39 3.15 63 30 3.23 3.20 62 3.86 51 4.02 294 44 2.88 4.07 135 3.65 35 2.86 25 3.41 105 3.55 60 4.15 75 3.57 60 3.23 65 2.88 33 3.84 238 3.02 90 2.96 30 6.14 552 67 3.23 3.04 60 5.48 278 3.15 66 3.89 218 3.52 43 5.00 827 3.31 167 5.40 404 3.60 77 3.73 199 3.89 99 3.57 70 5.08 221 3.17 119 4.89 1,016 3.76 42 4.34 179 5.08 882 4.31 483 4.02 35 4.58 65 4.31 72 2.91 28 6.30 294 4.97 639 3.25 102 3.39 53 3.41 33 3.73 90 4.15 94 2.73 39 2.73 39 3.57 607 3.20 35 2.91 47 3.33 76 2.88 46 2.91 34 3.28 73 3.02 67 3.17 47 4.58 382 3.52 30 3.68 41 4.31 257 (table continues) 121 NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF REASONING Table 3 (continued) Lobe Region of activation HemisphereaBrodmann's area x y z Z score 44 34 46 50 54 -41 -44 -46 34 45 -36 -38 -22 -28 32 -28 -22 18 14 5 8 14 23 -4 6 12 7 -7 -4 4 11 -25 -18 -17 -21 -19 29 -59 -37 -44 -42 -58 -43 -76 -58 -59 -62 -72 -81 -87 -80 -85 -80 -77 -85 -66 -76 -41 -61 -64 -93 -91 -9 -86 -81 -75 -6 -67 -74 -67 24 -39 1 19 -4 -4 -4 1 12 1 20 -4 1 1 -4 24 24 20 20 -4 -4 -4 -4 1 1 1 1 1 1 -4 12 12 24 24 50 40 50 12 20 20 12 4.66 2.83 3.02 3.62 3.89 3.33 3.94 5.45 3.44 3.76 4.23 4.58 3.02 3.68 2.73 3.02 4.50 3.65 3.41 3.10 3.02 3.86 4.13 3.94 3.12 3.41 4.68 3.12 3.02 3.39 2.88 3.10 3.07 3.25 3.23 3.20 3.70 -4 12 12 50 32 -4 12 20 24 32 40 40 50 50 50 24 40 40 50 3.36 114 3.12 26 2.88 24 4.37 433 4.05 137 2.83 77 2.96 26 4.07 267 3.78 147 4.47 224 5.42 1,930 4.23 307 2.96 33 3.15 56 4.07 163 4.52 253 5.77 1,511 3.44 133 4.00 333 3.36 138 3.44 190 6.98 1,471 4.92 764 3.04 29 3.39 22 37 2.88 2.96 31 184 4.15 3.86 128 69 3.49 3.33 44 26 2.73 (table continues) Voxels" Temporal (continued) Middle Middle-inferior R37 R21 R39 L21 L19 L37, 19 R37 Occipital Occipital-temporal Occipital Middle occipital Inferior occipital Lingual-inferior Occipital lingual R37, 21 L18, 19 L19 L19 L19 R19 L18 L18 R18 R19 Cuneus-lingual L17, 18 R17, 18 Cuneus R17 R17, 18 L17, 18 Caudate L18 R31 R7 L19 L7 L Claustrum R Cuneus—precuneus Precuneus Subcortex Frontal Areas of greater activation for two-operation than one-operation problems 54 RIO 27 Superior frontal gyrus Superior-middle frontal gyrus Middle frontal gyrus L10 L8 L9 RIO RIO, 46 R9,46 R9 R8,9 R6 R4, 6 L9,46 L8,9 L8 L6 Middle frontal gyrus-premotor area Middle-inferior frontal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus-premotor area Premotor area L4, 6 L10, 46 L44,9 R44, 9 15 -18 -2 -36 34 32 -39 49 42 44 40 27 37 32 -40 -37 -35 -41 -9 37 50 12 -47 56 -1 10 24 20 L45 L44 R44 R44 L4 40 -45 L44, 6 R44.45 28 . 46 48 41 25 26 10 27 10 7 -4 40 2 31 6 -30 -43 -47 44 -44 -57 -35 -44 44 L44 59 57 18 3 9 13 8 13 11 5 -4 -6 32 32 12 20 20 24 24 32 50 554 56 28 77 106 39 215 1,082 63 137 153 281 134 129 29 59 404 545 76 37 84 67 43 196 88 61 377 41 102 59 38 26 43 56 120 70 81 122 PRABHAKARAN, RYPMA, AND GABRIELI Table 3 (continued) Region of activation Lobe Frontal (continued) Cingulate gyrus Temporal Inferior-middle temporal Parietal Middle temporal Superior temporal Insula Inferior parietal Occipito-parietal Superior parietal-precuneus Occipital Angular gyrus Precuneus Inferior occipital Lingual gyrus Cuneus Middle occipital Superior occipital Occipital Occipital-cuneus Cuneus-precuneus Hemisphere3Brodmann's area L31 B32 B32 L19, 37 R19, 37 L39 L39 R L40 L40/7 R40/7 R19/40 R7 L39 L7 R7 L18 L17 L18 R17 R18 R17 R17/18 L37 L19 L19 L19 L19 R19 L7 R7 Frontal Temporal Parietal 'R = right; L = left. X y z Z score Voxels" -1 -18 6 -57 54 -59 -55 31 -48 -48 -48 -42 -38 -35 -40 -48 -39 37 33 37 -39 -28 26 -22 -7 -2 8 7 15 12 16 -54 -46 -31 -28 -34 -24 17 -7 -8 6 -6 27 18 -52 -61 -58 -58 19 -44 -44 -38 -57 -40 -52 -36 -45 -49 -43 -59 -47 -60 -59 -61 -78 -86 -83 -81 -89 -63 -95 -73 -68 -84 -73 -69 -85 -86 -83 -71 -66 -69 12 32 40 -4 -4 12 24 12 32 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 40 40 32 50 50 -4 -4 1 -4 1 1 -4 12 1 1 32 40 24 24 24 40 50 50 3.31 3.20 2.83 4.79 4.92 3.39 3.31 3.23 3.78 3.68 3.17 3.68 3.12 3.52 3.20 2.91 3.07 3.49 3.89 3.49 3.60 4.18 3.33 3.04 4.05 3.07 5.50 2.94 2.88 4.05 4.26 4.13 3.47 3.39 3.78 2.94 3.07 2.80 3.52 4.26 3.39 65 43 35 950 524 81 34 114 52 19 43 521 53 320 88 51 112 200 82 149 82 650 67 82 119 48 732 74 25 142 174 48 29 133 278 110 56 32 123 428 25 4 12 20 24 24 32 32 40 40 -4 24 45 45 32 32 24 40 -4 4 -4 32 40 45 45 50 50 3.36 3.02 3.94 3.12 3.36 3.81 3.92 3.97 3.68 3.39 3.31 2.88 3.31 4.23 3.12 3.07 3.39 3.17 3.52 2.94 3.39 68 29 105 26 58 322 243 627 393 116 25 38 182 214 108 21 123 99 55 47 132 114 38 29 35 21 Areas of greater activation for one-operation than zero-operation problems Middle frontal gyrus L10 -42 55 L10 -44 51 L46 -50 27 L9,46 -40 31 R46 51 30 L9 -41 17 R9 39 32 L8,9 -46 16 R8, 9 36 12 Superior frontal RIO 33 40 1 59 L8 -34 14 ~4 23 Inferior frontal gyrus L44 -41 3 R44 41 11 Cingulate R23 12 -45 R32 3 16 Middle temporal gyrus R21 55 -87 L21 -62 -42 Inferior temporal gyrus L19 -54 -41 Angular gyrus R39 31 -57 Inferior parietal L40 -44 -45 L40 -43 -45 R40 38 -43 Superior parietal L7 -35 -59 R7 20 -63 b 1.41 X 1.41 X 6 mm3. 3.33 3.02 3.36 2.91 NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF REASONING 123 Figure 3. Statistical parametric maps of three comparisons: two-operation (two-op) versus zerooperation (zero-op) tasks (top row), two-operation versus one-operation (one-op) tasks (middle row), and one-operation versus zero-operation tasks. Each column depicts activation from the same section. Sections A, B, C, and D (Talaraich & Tournoux, 1988) correspond to Slices 1 (4 mm below the anterior-commisure-posterior-commisure plane), 6 (32 mm above the anterior-commisureposterior-commisure plane), 7 (40 mm above the anterior-commisure-posterior-commisure plane), and 8 (50 mm above the anterior-commisure-posterior-commisure plane) in Figure 2. Functional maps are normalized and scaled with the lowest significant correlation magnitudes appearing in white-gray and the highest in dark black. The left side of the image corresponds to the left side of the brain. Section A depicts temporal and occipital areas at bottom and frontal area at top. Sections B, C, and D depict parietal and occipital areas at bottom and frontal area at top. The two-operation/ zero-operation comparison, as well as the two-operation/one-operation comparison, reveals major foci of activation in bilateral frontal (B-C) and temporal lobes (A) and minor foci of activity in parietal lobes (B-D). The one-operation/zero-operation comparison reveals minor foci of activation in frontal lobes (B-C). increased is consistent with the minor demands placed on the actual calculation component of word-problem solving in the NAOT. The frontal lobe activations observed in the present study have also been found on other problem-solving tasks that differ considerably in stimulus content and reasoning demands, such as the Raven Progressive Matrices (Prabhakaran et al., 1997), the Weather Prediction task (probabilistic classification; Poldrack, Prabhakaran, Seger, & Gabrieli, 1999), the Tower of London task (Baker et al., 1996), and visual prototype learning (Seger et al., 2000). These tasks differ in terms of verbal versus visuospatial stimuli, deter- ministic versus probabilistic outcomes, and whether performance changes with learning. Despite their many differences, these reasoning tasks yield bilateral frontal lobe activations in relatively circumscribed locations (see Figure 5). A question of interest is what differentiates the left frontal and right frontal activations ubiquitously present in reasoning studies. Insights about the asymmetric roles of the frontal lobes in mathematical reasoning can be drawn from a word-problem-comprehension model proposed by Nathan and Kintsch (Nathan, Kintsch, & Young, 1992). This model is conceptualized to involve textual representation (a text- 124 PRABHAKARAN, RYPMA, AND GABRIELI Frontal Lobe Temporal Lobe 2SOO3000O< 2000- o o 1. w 2000- 1- I 9 1500- g 10009 ^< 500- 1000- Z one vs. zero two vs. one two vs. zero Number of operations one vs. zero two vs. one two vs. zero Number of operations Figure 4. Activity levels in the temporal (left graph) and frontal (right graph) lobes. The number of significantly activated pixels (p < .05) in the two lobes for each comparison (one vs. zero, two vs. one, and two vs. zero operations) is shown. base), a situation model (a conceptual understanding of the problem to be solved), and the problem model (a mathematical formalization of the problem to be solved). The temporal lobe activations in the present study may corre- spond to the textbase. Representations of situation models use real-world knowledge and are often spatial in nature, whereas representations of problem models use formal relations are often abstract, symbolic, and nonspatial in nature Figure 5. Diagrammatic representation of foci of activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for reasoning tasks. The letters represent reasoning tasks: M = mathematical reasoning; T = Tower of London; P = prototype learning; W = Weather Prediction task; F = Figural Raven's tasks; A = Analytic Raven's task. The top row depicts a left sagittal, coronal, and axial view of the brain. The bottom row depicts a coronal, axial, and right sagittal view of the brain. The horizontal line represents the y-axis and the vertical line represents the z-axis in the sagittal view. The horizontal line represents the *-axis and the vertical line represents the z-axis in the coronal view. The horizontal line represents the *-axis and the vertical line represents the y-axis in the axial view. NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF REASONING (Greeno, 1989; Kintsch & Greeno, 1985). Word problems require that inferences be made relating the situation model to the problem model for successful mathematical reasoning. Bilateral frontal activation during NAOT performance may reflect separable right and left unilateral representations, respectively, of the situation and problem models. Support for such a hemispheric asymmetry comes from an electroconvulsive therapy study (Deglin & Kinsbourne, 1996). In a syllogism task, under conditions of left-hemisphere suppression, participants solved syllogisms using prior knowledge of real-world facts (as situations). Under conditions of right-hemisphere suppression, participants solved syllogisms using formal or logical operations (as problems). Wharton and Grafman (1998) related this to other findings and concluded that content-independent reasoning is mediated by the left hemisphere (i.e., problem model), whereas content-dependent reasoning (i.e., situation model) is mediated by the right hemisphere. Convergent evidence for this hemispheric asymmetry comes from an fMRI study of the Raven Progressive Matrices (Prabhakaran et al., 1997). In that study, participants performed two types of reasoning tasks. Figural problems required participants to solve matrices on the basis of quantitative differences between adjacent elements of a matrix. These problems could be solved by visuospatial analysis and required only construction of a situation model with minimal analytic reasoning. Analytic problems required participants to solve matrices on the basis of formal operations or rules applied to elements of the matrix; this required construction of both a problem model and a situation model. There was right frontal lobe activation when participants solved figural problems (i.e., construction of situation model) but bilateral frontal lobe activation when they solved analytic problems (i.e., construction of situation and problem models; see Figure 3). The situation-problem proposal posits that right frontal activation will occur for all problems, but that left frontal activation will occur only for problems that demand formal or logical operations. Support for the spatial nature of situation models and the nonspatial nature of problem models comes from studies examining which frontal regions mediate spatial and nonspatial working memory. There is a close relation between reasoning (mental models) and working memory (Kyllonen & Christal, 1990). This relation is evident via behavioral correlations in child development (Fry & Hale, 1996), normal adults (Kyllonen & Christal, 1990), aging (Salthouse, 1993), and patient studies (Gabrieli, Singh, Stebbins, & Goetz, 1996) and in similar locations of activations that occur in reasoning and working memory studies in which participants maintain and manipulate simple information over a brief period (Baker et al., 1996; Prabhakaran et al., 1997). A meta-analysis of working memory studies (D'Esposito, Aguirre, & Zarahn, 1998) showed predominantly right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) involvement in spatial representations and bilateral DLPFC involvement in nonspatial representations. Thus, it is plausible that the right frontal regions make use of spatial working memory resources to construct a situation model and left 125 frontal regions make use of nonspatial working memory resources to construct a problem model. In addition to DLPFC activation, regions thought to mediate storage and transformational processes of verbal and numerical information (e.g., letters, digits, and semantic information) were activated, including left inferior frontal operculum, Broca's area (44,45, and 47), premotor area (6), left parietal regions, supramarginal and angular gyrus, and Wernicke's area (39, 40; Fiez et al., 1996; Gabrieli, Desmond, et al., 1996; Paulesu, Frith, & Frackowiak, 1993; Petrides, Alivisatos, Meyer, & Evans, 1993; Prabhakaran, Narayanan, Zhao, & Gabrieli, 2000; Roland & Friberg, 1985; Rypma, Prabhakaran, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1999; Smith, Jonides, & Koeppe, 1996). This provides further evidence for the close link between reasoning and working memory. The present study has a number of limitations. One is the considerable differences in difficulty of zero-operation, oneoperation, and two-operation problems. This was shown by the self-paced behavioral study of the NAOT, where there were significant differences in both accuracy and reaction time among the different types of NAOT problems (see Table 2). Ideally, the time and amount of mental processing would approximate one another across conditions as did the perceptual and motor demands of the three conditions. Such equivalence, however, may be logically impossible when comparing tasks that are aimed to differ greatly in their demands on high-level reasoning. One approach would be to increase the number of trials in the easier conditions. This could equate total mental processing time, but at a cost of mismatching perceptual and motor demands across conditions. Another approach would be to analyze only an equivalent unit of time from the different trials (e.g., the first 10 s, given that it took, on average, 11s for the zero-operation problems, 14 s for the one-operation problems, and 30 s for the two-operation problems). The problem with this approach is that it does not take into account the unknown temporal distribution of the cognitive processes of interest (word reading, text comprehension, and reasoning). The initial 10-s period of the two-operation problems may consist of text processing (given that it took, on average, 11 s to perform zero-operation problems that mainly consisted of text processing). From this perspective, analyzing the initial 10 s in these different problem types may isolate only neural substrates involved in text processing rather than neural substrates involved in mathematical reasoning. Event-related designs, or other strategies, may isolate the mental processes independent of processing duration. An advantage to the present format is that problems were almost identical to those used in the NAOT that have been carefully designed to manipulate problem difficulty. A second issue is that technical limitations prevented scanning of the complete brain, and therefore we did not have the opportunity to examine activations in potentially relevant structures like the cerebellum. Furthermore, deep structures such as the basal ganglia and thalamus may be active but sufficiently distant from the surface coils that such activation may not have been measurable. Third, the participants in this study were graduate students, and it remains to be determined how 126 PRABHAKARAN, RYPMA, AND GABRIELI these findings extend to other groups. These issues may be resolved in future positron emission tomography or fMRI studies. The present study, nevertheless, provides initial evidence characterizing the neural network underlying the ability to reason mathematically. Other studies have confirmed that arithmetic calculations are highly dependent on left parietal areas. 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