Model at the Meet!


Model at the Meet!
Volume 42,
Issue 8
The Newsletter of Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Richard I. Bong Chapter, International Plastic Modelers Society • USA
Editor: Jeff Neal,
N50W15770 Maple Crest Ln,
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051,
President, Paul Boyer
1969 Lakefield Rd, Cedarburg, WI
53012-9110, 262-375-3913,
Secretary: John Plzak
2112 W Kimberly, Milwaukee,WI
53221-5061, 414-282-7808,
Treasurer: Jim Zeske
8228 S. Forest Meadows Dr.
Franklin, WI 53132-8940,
Chapter Contact: Al Jones
2138 S. 58th St., West Allis, WI
53219, 414-231-9811,
The Wingman newsletter is published
monthly by the R.I. Bong Chapter,
IPMS/USA. Subscriptions/membership is
$1/yr ALL ages
All contents of the Wingman are for
the enjoyment of the members.
Permission to reprint any material
is not required, but please credit
“IPMS Richard I. Bong Wingman.”
Deadline for submissions is 10 days
General Meeting Friday, August 9 Water Stone Bank 6560 S. 27th Street
Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
Business Meeting Wednesday, August 14 at Baker’s Square 4900 S. 76th St.,
Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. • All members are welcome!
Model at the Meet!
For the August 9 meeting, bring along your latest (or even
an old) modeling project and work on it at the tables. This will
be another chance for all of us to observe each other “modeling
in action” and ask questions of how we build and finish models.
Don’t forget to bring a work surface so we don’t mar the tables.
Spray painting is not advised (obviously), and let’s be careful using
solvents and glues. Feel free to roam about and watch your fellow
members deftly (or clumsily) fit their latest project together.
We also have a display theme for the August meeting: The
Korean War. What has oftentimes been labeled “The Forgotten
War,” the Korean conflict still deserves our attention both politically
and in plastic. Many veterans of the Korean War were also veterans of WWII just five-ten years earlier, and some who served in
Korea also served in Vietnam ten-twenty years later. It saw the first
jet versus jet combat and the first confrontation with forces aligned
with communism which held our military attention for the subsequent three decades. So let’s salute those who fought in Korea
with a display of Pershings and Panthers, Mustangs and MiGs, and
Shermans and ships!
In September, we’ll have our semi-annual fund-raising auction
of new kits and accessories. Practice your auction bidding techniques and bring your wallets to bag the bargains!
—Paul Boyer
prior to the next “General meeting”.
Visit the R.I. Bong Chapter website:
Upcoming Events
Compiled by Al Jones
August 3-4 • Milwaukee, WI
Air & Water Show sponsored by Marcus Hotels &
Resorts and being held along the Milwaukee Lake
Front, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. See wbsite
October 19 • Wausau, WI
The Glue Crew sponsored by IPMS/The Glue Crew
and being held at the Howard Johnson Inn & Conference Center, 2101 N Mountain Road. Contact
Joe Drew at 715-842-0173 for more info.
August 4 • Crystal Lake, IL
6th Annual GTR Summer NNL sponsored by IPMS/
GTR And being held at the Algonquin Township
Building, 3702 US Highway 14. Contact Chuck
Hermann at 847-516-0211 for more info.
October 19 • Branson, MO
Moss Con 2013 sponsored by IPMS/Missouri Ozarks
Scale Specialists and being held at the White House
Theater, 2255 Gretna Road. Contact Nate Jones at
417-230-6220 for more info.
August 10-11 • Elkhart Lake, WI
Road America ALMS and Grand Am Elkhart Lake, WI
October 26 • Milwaukee, WI
The 2013 Jim Turek Classic Model Show being held
at Lake Lodge. AKA the Ham Show, procedes go
to benefit the Milwaukee Ronald McDonald House.
For more info, contact Mike Luedtke at
August 14-17 • Loveland, CO
IPMS/USA National Convention (The Thin-Air Nationals) sponsored by IPMS/Centennial and being
held at the J. Q. Hammons Conference Center,
4705 Clydesdale Parkway. Contact Chuck Holte at
719-590-6270 or see the IPMS Journal for more
November 3 • Milwaukee, WI
Scale Auto Hobby & Toy Show, American Serb Hall,
51st and Oklahoma. For more info, see website at
September 14 • Location TBD (St. Louis area)
Gateway to the West Contest N& Swap Meet sponsored by IPMS/Gateway. Contact doug Barton at
636-3322-9960 for more info.
November 9 • Oshkosh, WI
17th Oshkosh Hobbytown USA Model Contest,
Hosted by WAM, 2013 Challenge Class: MPC kits
Old & New. 10:30 – 3:45 at Hobbytown USA –
Oshkosh, Info:
September 21 • Fort Snelling, MN
NORDICON 2013 Northern Star Council Boy Scout
Camp Fort Snelling MN
November 9 • Columbia, MO
TigerCon 2013 sponsored by IPMS/ West Central
Missouri Scale Modelers and being held at the
Parkade Center, 601 Business Loop 70 West. Contact Colin Smialek at 573-673-1110 for more info.
September 21 • Leavenworth, KS
IPMS/Prison City Model Shsow sponsored by IPMS/
Prison City Modelers and being held at The Heritage
Center, 109 Delaware Street. Contact Shane Curtis
at 254-220-2750 for more info.
December 8 • Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee Miniature Motors Winter Show, Waukesha County Expo Center, Waukesha, WI Call (262)
646-4114 (Voicemail) or email
September 22 • Wheaton, IL
& TOY SHOW being held at the Dupage County
Fairgrounds, 2015 Manchester Road. See website
Flyers w/maps for these events are sometimes available at the general meetings or by calling me. Please
take copies only if you plan to attend. The IPMS/USA
website has info on most of these events. Check it out.
October 3-6 • Schaumberg, IL
iHobby Expo being held at the Schaumburg Convention Center. Contact Dick Christ at 555-5555555 for more info.
Chapter Contact News by Al Jones
I don’t know about you; but, this year seems
to be passing by awfully quickly. Didn’t go to the
IPMS National Convention. Did not go to The
EAA Convention. Went shooting at the gun club
a couple of times. Shot up a lot of plastic bottles
filled with water. The old Mausers still perform
very well.
Attended NIMCON. Saw lots of old friends and
several club members. Even though contest participation was lower than expected, I believe that
a good time was had by all. There were plenty
of opportunities to spend money in the SWAP
area. T’was good to see our friend, John Voitech.
Spent some of my money with him. He promises
to attend a Bong Chapter meeting in the near
future. He has lots of new products.
I heard that several members attended the Attack of the Plastic Model Show & Contest that was
held out in Delavan. I have no details to report.
Perhaps an attendee can give us a report at the
Our Monogram Theme night in July seems to
have been a great success. I heard many comments on how neat it was to see original boxes
displayed with the models built from those boxes.
The Air and Water Show comes shortly. Might
tool down to the lakefront on the motorcycle to
have a look-see.
I have taken delivery of one of the new Tamiya
Birdcage Corsair kits in 32nd scale (thanks to
GNH). Work on it is some ways off for the time
being. Need to finish the Trumpeter Thunderbolt
Exchange newsletters faithfully arrive each
month. I have the July Reporter from Lakes Region/IPMS, the March Will-Cook/IPMS newsletter,
the July IPMS/GTR Newsletter, the July Resinator from IPMS/Butch O’Hare Chapter, and the
IPSWITCH from IPMS/United Kingdom, Ipswitch
Chapter. Newsletters have also arrived from the
Auto Modelers Group, from the Winnebage Area
Modelers, from 4-M -- the Milwaukee Miniature
Military Modelers, and from the Upper Peninsula
Scale Modelers thanks to Bill Conley. Also, Mike
Luedtke has sent a copy of the Pegasus, newsletter of the Waukesha 4-H Model Club. We now
have a date, October 26, 2013, for The Jim Turek Classic Model Show Lake Lodge Milwaukee,
WI. (The World Famous Ham Show to benefit The
Milwaukee Ronald McDonald House).
The August general meeting will be held at the
Waterstone Bank, 6560 S. 27th, with the doors
open at 7 p.m. Hope to see you all there and
hope you all can enjoy the remainder of Summer,
Colonel Ted Metger
gets award
Colonel Ted Metzger received the
Meritorious Service Award from the
Governor 2 weeks ago during his farewell
ceremony. The Colonel has taken a job with
the Pennsylvania Air Guard tanker wing.
We from the RI Bong chapter
wish him well!
photo by Tom Foti
Secrertary’s Notes by John Plzak
Five members attended the July business meeting.
The main topic of discussion was the agenda for the
next meeting. As announced we will have our build at
the meeting/”ask the experts” night. This was really
popular the last time we did this. Bring a project to
work on at the meeting and the members can take
a few minutes to walk around the room, see what
others are working on and ask questions about their
techniques. There will also be a theme display for the
meeting. The theme is the Korean War. Bring a model
that fits the theme and put it on the table. We had a
very nice turnout for the Monogram theme last month;
let’s see what we can do with this theme.
Meet the Club
Erik Bollin
On Display
That’s all for this month, I’ll see you at the meeting.
— JP
2013-14 Events schedule
Build Night / Korean War Theme
Early and Late Theme
Annual Club Contest
Christmas party and awards presenta-
Cyberhobby Tiger I shootout
photos by Don Cosentine
Russ Collins
Steve Cook
Jim Erfert
Tom Foti
photos by Don Cosentine
There were 55 model Information cards filled out. Please make sure you fill out the Model Information cards.
Please fill them out clearly. I enter what I can read and my eyes aren’t what they used to be. Also please
leave them on the display table. The format of this list is: Modelers name, Item being displayed, Kit
Manufacturer and Scale.
Editors Note: In an effort to show more club models I have added more pages of finished models.
If you do not see your model it is because I could not see the name card associated with the model in the photo.
Monogram 1/25, 55 Bel Air Monogram 1/25, 64 Mustang
Monogram 1/25, 30 Ford Cabriolet Monogram 1/25, Curtiss
P-40B Monogram 1/48, N.A. P-51D Monogram 1/48, Ju-87D
Stuka Monogram 1/48, N.A. P-51D Mustang Hasegawa 1/48
Art Giovannoni EA 1935 DC-3 Monogram Box Scale,
C121 Constellation Monogram Box Scale, OS2U-2 Kingfisher Lindberg 1/72, SBD-2 Dauntless Monogram 1/48
Tom Foti M4 Sherman TASCA 1/35, HA GO TomFen 1/35
Jerry Jarosinski Ford Tc RPM 1/72
Tom Rotunda 37 Chevy AMT 1/25, AF/X Dodge/Hemi
Lindberg 1/25
Jason Rotunda Boba Fett Screamin 1/4
Mike Klessig Ferrari 275P Monogram 1/24, McLaren MP412C GT3 Fujimi 1/24
Paul Johnston Toyota TS010 Starter 1/43
John Frevele P-47 Thunderbolt Monogram 1/48, A-37
Dragonfly Monogram 1/48, AV-8B Harrier Monogram 1/48,
OA-4M Skyhawk Monogram 1/48, B-17 B Monogram 1/48,
Me-109 Monogram 1/48, F-80 Shooting Star Monogram
1/48, F-4J Phantom II Monogram 1/48, F-100 A Super Sabre
Monogram 1/48
Dean Hervat P-51B Tamiya 1/48, Spitfire Airfix 1/72, Panzer IV L70 ? 1/72
Al Jones N.A. P-51B VF*C Monogram 1/48, 59 Impala
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
Paul Boyer P-26A AZ Models 1/72
Art Warneke FW-190 A3 Monogram 1/48
John Clancy Dragon Richard Dry ?, 32 Roadster Prudenziati
Andy Keyes Cylon Raider Monogram ?
Jim Medd Battlestar Galactica Monogram 1/5000
Steve Cook F 101 Voodoo Monogram 1/48
Heydon Hoffman 78 Corvette ? ??, 2010 Ford Mustand
Revelle 1/24
Pat Hahn Me 109E Revell 1/72, Ju 87G Stuka Monogram
1/48, Ju 87G Stuka Dragon 1/144
Chuck Davis AD-4 Skyraider Trumpeter 1/32 WIP, C-47
Skytrain Roden 1/144
George Plew P-51 Mustang Monogram 1/48
Dave Hansen F-105F Thunderchief Monogram 1/72, B58A Hustler Monogram 1/107, Douglas EB-66E Destroyer
Monogram 1/82
Bill Cook Deuce Coupe Monogram 1/24
Jeff LaMott Super Fuzz Monogram ?, Paddy Wagon Monogram 1/24, Dragon Wagon Monogram 1/24, Beer Wagon
Monogram 1/24
John Frevele OA-4M Skyhawk Monogram 1/48
John Frevele Me-109 Monogram 1/48
John Frevele B-17 B Monogram 1/48
John Frevele F-80 Shooting Star Monogram 1/48
John Frevele AV-8B Harrier Monogram 1/48
John Frevele P-47 Thunderbolt Monogram 1/48
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
John Frevele A-37 Dragonfly Monogram 1/48S
John Frevele F-100 A Super Sabre Monogram 1/48
John Frevele F-4J Phantom II Monogram 1/48
Art Giovannoni EA 1935 DC-3 Monogram Box Scale
Al Jones N.A. P-51B VF*C Monogram 1/48
Al Jones Ju-87D Stuka Monogram 1/48
Art Giovannoni C121 Constellation Monogram Box Scale
Art Giovannoni SBD-2 Dauntless Monogram 1/48
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
Al Jones Curtiss P-40B Monogram 1/48
Al Jones N.A. P-51D Monogram 1/48
Art Giovannoni OS2U-2 Kingfisher Lindberg 1/72
Steve Cook F 101 Voodoo Monogram 1/48
Dean Hervat Spitfire Airfix 1/72
Pat Hahn Ju 87G Stuka Monogram 1/48
Pat Hahn Ju 87G Stuka Dragon 1/144
Chuck Davis C-47 Skytrain Roden 1/144
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
Dean Hervat P-51B Tamiya 1/48
George Plew P-51 Mustang Monogram 1/48
Dave Hansen B-58A Hustler Monogram 1/107
Dave Hansen F-105F Thunderchief Monogram 1/72
Dave Hansen Douglas EB-66E Destroyer Monogram 1/82
Paul Boyer P-26A AZ Models 1/72
Art Warneke FW-190 A3 Monogram 1/48
Al Jones N.A. P-51D Mustang Hasegawa 1/48
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
Dean Hervat Panzer IV L70 ? 1/72
John Clancy 32 Roadster Prudenziati 1/24
Al Jones 30 Ford Cabriolet Monogram 1/25
Al Jones 64 Mustang Monogram 1/25
Al Jones 59 Impala Monogram 1/25
Heydon Hoffman 78 Corvette ? ??
Heydon Hoffman 2010 Ford Mustand Revelle 1/24
Paul Johnston Toyota TS010 Starter 1/43
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
Mike Klessig Ferrari 275P Monogram 1/24
Mike Klessig McLaren MP4-12C GT3 Fujimi 1/24
Tom Rotunda 37 Chevy AMT 1/25
Tom Rotunda AF/X Dodge/Hemi Lindberg 1/25
Bill Cook Deuce Coupe Monogram 1/24
Jeff LaMott Dragon Wagon Monogram 1/24
Jeff LaMott Paddy Wagon Monogram 1/24
Jeff LaMott Super Fuzz Monogram ?
Meeting Models photos by Don Cosentine
John Clancy Dragon Richard Dry ?
Jeff LaMott Beer Wagon Monogram 1/24
Andy Keyes Cylon Raider Monogram ?
Jim Medd Battlestar Galactica Monogram 1/5000
Well done
everyone on...
Monogram Night!!!
Jason Rotunda Boba Fett Screamin 1/4
Let’s not forget
the Korean War
Friday, August 9!
We have just observed the 60th Anniversary of the
cease-fire between the forces fighting on the Korean
peninsula. Technically, the sides are still at war; there
was no surrender, no declaration of peace, and tensions
still exist. But let’s remember the men who fought in
the first few years of the 1950s by displaying models of
the machines they used; aircraft, armor, ships, figures,
dioramas. Let’s see how you remember the Korean War!