Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PROPOSED PETROLEUM EXPLORATION ON VARIOUS FARMS IN NORTHERN KWAZULU-NATAL (108 TCP) February 2016 INTRODUCTION Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd intends to lodge an application for an exploration right with the Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA) in terms of section 79 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 of 2002 (MPRDA). The application will be made over the area where Rhino Oil & Gas currently holds a Technical Co-operation Permit (108 TCP). Minerals included in the application are oil, gas, condensate, coal bed methane, helium and biogenic gas. The exploration area is broad and encompasses large parts of northern KwaZulu-Natal (see Figure 1). In this application Rhino Oil & Gas will only apply for approval to undertake early-phase exploration for oil and gas which might be located within suitable geological strata. The purpose of the work would be solely to determine the presence of any possible petroleum resource which could be investigated further. The 3year exploration work programme will be restricted to noninvasive techniques, as well as seismic surveys and the drilling of less than 10 core boreholes. ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION PROCESS Prior to the granting of an Exploration Right for the proposed project an environmental assessment process must be conducted and approved by PASA in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 107 of 1998 (NEMA). Rhino Oil & Gas will make an application to PASA for environmental authorisation. The 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN R982 promulgated in terms of NEMA) are applicable as the need for an exploration right triggers activity 18 in Listing Notice 2 (GN R984). The EIA Regulations define the assessment process which includes: a scoping phase, environmental impact assessment (EIA) phase and an environmental management programme (EMPr). Public participation is a key component of the environmental assessment process. SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd (SLR), an independent firm of environmental consultants, has been appointed by Rhino Oil & Gas to manage the environmental assessment process. This document has been prepared by SLR to inform you about: ∗ the application and proposed project activities; ∗ the environmental assessment process to be followed; and ∗ how you can have input into the environmental assessment. The primary objective of the scoping process is to identify the key issues that need to be addressed in the assessment phase that will follow. FRACKING or NOT? No hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is included in the 3-year exploration programme proposed. Rhino Oil & Gas have stated that there is not currently enough information to determine what techniques might be required for future gas extraction. If a resource was identified and subsequently proven to be commercial, then hydraulic fracturing could be one of the potential techniques for gas production. However, a lot of investigation, multiple environmental assessments and authority approvals would be required before reaching that point. This includes: 1. Complete the early phase exploration as proposed and approved through this application. 2. If the early-phase exploration were to confirm the presence of a potential resource, then Rhino Oil & Gas would seek further approval from PASA for the additional exploration work required to investigate this. Any further approval would be subject to an additional environmental assessment process with further public consultation. Approvals are also likely to be required under other legislation. 3. Undertake the detailed phases of exploration as approved. 4. If the detailed exploration led to the discovery of a commercial resource suitable for development then Rhino Oil & Gas would need to secure a production right from PASA. Any application for a production right has to be subject to an environmental assessment process with further public consultation. Approvals are also likely to be required under other legislation. 5 Develop the production project. All future exploration or production activities that may arise if resources are discovered are therefore beyond the scope of the current scoping and EIA process. HOW TO RESPOND Responses to this document can be submitted by means of the attached comments sheet, by direct submission and/or through communication with SLR. WHO SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) LtdTO CONTACT: Matthew Hemming or Ntsako Baloyi (011) 467 0945 (Tel) or (011) 467 0978 (Fax) or mhemming@slrconsulting.com or nbaloyi@slrconsulting.com 1 108 TCP SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) Ltd 2 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED EXPLORATION APPLICATION Once an application for an exploration right is lodged by Rhino Oil and Gas, it may be accepted by the Petroleum Agency South Africa. Acceptance of the application by PASA only permits the applicant to continue with the necessary process and does not constitute authorisation. An application for environmental authorisation in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 will then be required by PASA. The scoping and EIA process will be subject to the timeframes prescribed in the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014. GENERAL The 3-year exploration work programme proposed by Rhino Oil and Gas is aimed at determining if there is an oil or gas resource in the area that would warrant further exploration. Year 1: the evaluation of geological data through a comprehensive desk-top study. Much of this data is only available to parities whom hold exploration rights. Subsurface structural features and stratigraphy will be mapped. Data on source-rock geochemistry will be acquired. Geological models may be developed. Year 2: further geochemical data analysis as well as the possible use of apatite fission track analysis and full tensor gradiometry gravity (FTG) surveys. Year 3: purchase and/or undertaking seismic surveys. The final exploration activity would be the drilling of core boreholes at target sites identified from the earlier work. No pressure testing, hydraulic fracturing or water abstraction is included in the proposed exploration work. LOCATION In broad terms the exploration right application extends from Newcastle/Utrecht in the north west across to Vryheid and to Pongola in the north east. In the south east the area includes Melmoth and is inland of the N2 highway. The southern boundary is contiguous with the boundary of the other Rhino application (291 ER). It includes nearly 5 500 farms over an area of just less than 2 000 000 ha. (see attached Figure and list of farms). Physical, on-the-ground exploration activities will only be undertaken at a limited number of sites. The exact location of the target sites can only be determined once Rhino has completed the initial phases of exploration and examined the available data. The application area excludes all properties where the granting of an exploration right is prohibited by Section 48 of the MPRDA. All other properties are included, even where a constraint may restrict exploration activity. Rhino Oil & Gas will ensure that their activities are only undertaken at sites where it is lawful and environmentally responsible to do so. FTG SURVEYS and require no access to farms. DRILLING A maximum of 10 core holes are planned across the exploration area. These are stratigraphic wells with no purpose beyond exploration. Core holes would be drilled by a truck or trailer mounted, mobile drilling rig very similar in size to a water borehole rig. Drill sites will be accessed using existing roads and farm tracks. The drill rig will be accompanied by supporting equipment (vehicles, trailers, compressors, water tanks, pumps, caravan etc). A typical exploration rig and equipment requires an operating area of approximately 1 000 m2. See photos below. Rock core will be extracted from the target strata and removed to a laboratory. Samples will be examined, described and tested for gas related properties. Once drilling is completed the rig, all associated equipment and waste products will be removed from site. The core hole will be capped pending further investigation or sealed with cement if not required further. SEISMIC SURVEYS Rhino will purchase seismic data where available and may commission seismic surveys to image subsurface geology. During a survey low frequency acoustic waves are generated and the reflected waves recorded. Analysis of the return waves provides information about rock types and possible gases or fluids in rock formations. Rhino is planning up to 125 km of two-dimensional (2D) surveys. Survey teams generate controlled acoustic energy (using explosives, air gun or seismic vibrator) and record the return waves in geophones laid at set spacing in a linear alignment. Survey teams require short-term access to farms to place survey equipment and record the data. Survey lines will follow existing access roads and disturbances with due consideration of environmental constraints. STAFF AND HOUSING Early phase exploration will create relatively few job opportunities as most work is contracted to specialist service providers. The company will recruit locally as far as possible. A seismic survey team comprises about 2o staff. A drill-rig is normally manned by a crew of up to 5 persons. No on site housing facilities are planned. Staff will be accommodated in nearby towns or at locations agreed with land owners. TIMING The exploration work programme is planned over a 3 year period. The programme is divided in phases with successful completion of one phase informing the next. FTG surveys are completed in a matter of hours. Seismic surveys are undertaken over a period of months but the personnel and equipment are on site for short periods. Drilling at each site can take 1 to 3 months to complete. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Full tensor gradiometry gravity (FTG) surveys will be undertaken to image subsurface geology in order to aid An environmental management programme will be written exploration. Such surveys will be flown in fixed wing aircraft to prescribe commitments needed to ensure SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) Ltd 3 environmentally responsible operations. A key aspect will be the restriction or prohibition of exploration activities at sites which have been identified to be incompatible with exploration. The establishment, management and rehabilitation of all exploration sites will be done in consultation with land owners. The process of managing the operations, the impacts thereof and rehabilitating the exploration sites will be conducted in terms of the EMPr approved by PASA. LAND ACCESS It is likely that access will be required to only a few of the properties within the exploration area and then for a short period. Private property will only ever be accessed with prior consent of the landowner and then in terms of a written agreement. Schematic of seismic survey The locality of exploration sites is largely flexible and can be adapted to minimise disturbance to land owners, occupiers, agriculture and the environment. MOTIVATION FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT Petroleum products remain a vital source of energy. Natural gas comprises mostly methane and is a relatively clean, environmentally friendly form of energy. It can be used to generate electricity or provide heat for domestic and industrial purposes. Once extracted gas can be easily contained, transported and safely used in many applications. The type of downstream use is entirely dependent on the commercial scale of the resource. FUTURE EXPLORATION OR PRODUCTION The current application is only to authorise the work as described above (and in detail in the Scoping Report). Any further exploration work to evaluate an identified resource or a future production would require further approval from PASA in terms of the MPRDA & NEMA. Such approvals will be subject to the relevant legal requirements which include further public consultation and environmental assessment. Rhino maintains that is not useful to speculate on the possible future direction of the project as the range of options is vast and the available information very limited. Example of drilling operations PHOTOS Rock core recovered for analysis Typical FTG Survey plane SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) Ltd 4 PUBLIC RESPONSE TO DATE Rhino Oil & Gas is currently in progress with 4 other exploration right applications similar to this one, including one in the adjacent area of central KwaZuluNatal (KZN 291 ER). See:http://www.rhinoresourcesltd.com/areas or http://www.petroleumagencysa.com/index.php/maps Consultation in those areas has elicited significant response to the applications. Overall the public response is very much opposed to the exploration right application. The issues that have been raised are too numerous to elaborate on here but are detailed in the reports for those projects. Various key issues arose and SLR consulted with PASA on the issues that were material to the overall application and the EIA process. A summary of each issue and an extract of the response from PASA are provided below: Issue 1: Most persons participating in the EIA process stated their opposition or lodged an objection. Many of the objections were made with reasons relating to production and fracking. It is clear that the EIA process will not be able to resolve such objections. What mechanisms exist for these objections to be addressed? PASA: “There is no mechanism under NEMA to address objections, however as part of the EIA process the EAP must consider issues raised and engage with respective parties to resolve or provide clarity on issues raised. Section 10 of the MPRDA provides for the Regional Mining Development and Environmental Committee to consider and advise the Minister on objections received in respect of applications.” Issue 2: Most IAPs have demanded that the current EIA process present details on production and undertake an assessment of potential production (including fracking) related impacts, even though the current application does not cover further exploration or production. What is PASA’s instruction with regards the scope of the current EIA? PASA: “The current EIA is aligned with the proposed exploration work programme submitted with the application for an exploration right. If the applicant wanted to pursue any activities beyond the scope of the proposed work programme then environmental authorisation for such activities would have to be obtained. This process provides for further engagement with IAPs and in-depth assessment of the associated issues.” Issue 3: Many IAPs have asked why the current Karoo Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Shale Gas Development is not applicable to all areas of South Africa. Moreover, the IAPs have demanded that all exploration right applications and related EIA processes be stopped until the SEA is complete. What is PASA’s response in this regard? PASA: “The scope and terms of reference for the SEA are finalised and the assessment has commenced. Queries on the SEA should be directed to the Department of Environmental Affairs as the driver of that process.” SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) Ltd Issue 4: IAPs have raised the concern that many properties/sites within the application areas are either protected outright or incompatible with exploration and/or the production of oil and gas. In some instances legislation prevents exploration work from taking place in these areas. The question has been asked “why undertake an EIA to obtain exploration rights in areas where any gas, if it were to be found, would not be able to be extracted because of the restrictions imposed by protected area legislation and Regulation 122 of the Petroleum Regulations (GN R 466 of 2015) relating to the location of wells?”. The demand is that the application be stopped, all of the future noncompatible/unlawful areas removed and then a new EIA be commenced for the revised area. What is PASA’s response in this regard? PASA: “The EAP has the responsibility to identify environmental attributes; to assess the risks and impacts and provide appropriate mitigation measures. In doing so the EAP has the obligation to consider and apply the provisions of the relevant environmental legislation. PASA, as the regulator, has no authority to direct the EAP or applicant to stop the EIA to remove incompatible areas. The application will be evaluated in line with the provisions of NEMA and other relevant legislation. The Agency will make recommendations that will be aligned with the relevant provisions to ensure that specified environment receives the necessary protection.” The application and the scoping and EIA process for this project will be undertaken in accordance with the guidance from PASA. PUBLIC MEETINGS The following public scoping meetings have been arranged, the details are as follows: Date and Time Venue Ulundi, Multi-Purpose Hall, Wednesday 2 March Cnr King Zwelethini & King 14h00 Mpande Streets Dundee High School, Cnr Thursday 3 March at Tatham & Oxborrow 14h00 Streets, Monday 7 March at Pongola, Thokoza Hall, 14h00 adjacent to TSB Sugar Mill Tuesday 8 March at Melmoth Town Hall, 14h00 Reinhold Street, Vryheid, Cecil Emmett Hall Wednesday 9 March at at Eeufees Sports Centre, 14h00 Utrecht Road Thursday 10 March at Newcastle, Richview Civic 14h00 Hall, off Boundary Street Dannhauser, Annieville Friday 11 March at Community Hall, Annieville 14h00 Road You are invited to attend. 5 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Relevant issues identified during scoping will be investigated as part of the EIA process. The following issues and impacts are examples of concerns related to exploration. Their inclusion in this list is no relation to the probability of occurrence nor an indication of possible significance. Farm Safety – Access by unknown persons to farms has the potential to influence security on farms. Operating heavy vehicles and equipment may pose safety risks. Run away fires may present a potential safety risks for both people and livestock. Farm Infrastructure – farms roads, gates and fences may be damaged during exploration activity. Soil and land capability– activities at the seismic and drill sites may affect soils and land capability if poorly regulated and not rehabilitated. Biodiversity – activities at the seismic and drill sites have the potential to disturb and/or destroy vegetation, habitat units and related ecosystem functionality, including the disturbance of protected species. Surface water – The proposed activities at the seismic and drill sites has the potential to pollute surface water resources through consumptive use and the discharge of contaminants. Groundwater – the proposed drilling has the potential to consume and contaminate groundwater resources which could impact availability to other groundwater users and the ecosystem. Air – The proposed project has the potential to contribute to air pollution, particularly through dust emissions from vehicles on gravel roads and the release of gas from boreholes. Noise and vibrations – The proposed project has the potential to cause noise pollution during drilling activities. Seismic surveys may cause damage to structures and disturb livestock and wildlife. Visual – the placement of seismic and drilling equipment has the potential to create short-term visual impacts. Heritage resources – the proposed project has limited potential to damage heritage resources. Land use –The seismic and drill sites may conflict with land use for the duration. Socio-economic – Positive impacts include limited job creation and stimulation of the local and regional economy. Potential negative socio-economic impacts include potential for increased crime, spread of disease and pressure on support services provision. SLR Consulting (Africa) (Pty) Ltd Cumulative and future impacts – although the current work may have limited impacts, a concern is that approval of this work could open the way for future, larger-scale projects in the area. There is concern that these may have much greater impact. Approval might be difficult to stop if investment has been made. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The assessment process will aim to: • provide information on the project & alternatives • provide information on the potentially affected environment; • provide an assessment of the significance of the identified impacts; • report on management measures required to mitigate impacts to an acceptable level; and • allow for informed, transparent and accountable decision-making by the relevant authorities. STEPS IN THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS Pre Application phase (January to April 2016) Identify and inform IAPs & regulatory authorities of the proposed project (via direct consultation, newspaper advertisements, site notices, this document) Receive issues and responses from IAPs. Submit application to PASA (ito NEMA) Scoping phase (April 2016 to June 2016) Continued consultation and receipt of responses. Identify issues that need to be addressed. Define outstanding issues and terms of reference for work to address potential impacts Compile scoping report Make draft scoping report available for review by IAPs and other regulatory authorities. Collect IAP comments, update Scoping Report and forward to decision making Authorities (by 20 April). EIA and EMP phase( July to December 2016) Undertake any specialist investigations. Assess impacts of proposed project and compile EIA and EMP report. Make this available to IAPs and regulatory authorities for review. Host possible public-feedback meetings. Collect IAP comments, update EIA and EMPr and forward to decision making Authorities. Decision and Appeal PASA to review EIA and EMPr and make a decision. Notify IAPs and regulatory authorities. Appeal process in terms of Appeal Regulations REGISTER AND COMMENT All stakeholders are invited to register as Interested & Affected Parties (IAP). You must register as an IAP if you would like more information or wish to participate in the environmental assessment of the project. To register, or to raise any environmental issues or concerns regarding the project, please complete the Response Form and return it to SLR at your earliest convenience. IAPs registered on the project’s database will receive notification of further meetings, report review periods and the decision. 6 Rhino Oil and Gas Exploration South Africa (Pty) Ltd BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PROPOSED PETROLEUM EXPLORATION ON VARIOUS FARMS IN NORTHERN KWAZULU-NATAL (108 TCP) REGISTRATION AND RESPONSE FORM FOR INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES NAME FARM/PROPERTY or ORGANISATION STREET OR POSTAL ADDRESS POSTAL CODE WORK/ DAY TELEPHONE NUMBER CELL PHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER PREFERRED CORRESPONDENCE (circle) POST DATE Signature E-MAIL FAX EMAIL SMS DETAILS OF OTHER PEOPLE WHO OWN LAND IN THE AREA OR YOU FEEL SHOULD BE INFORMED: PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR INTEREST IN THE PROPOSED PROJECT: PLEASE WRITE YOUR COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS HERE: (use additional pages if required) Please return completed forms to: Matthew Hemming or Ntsako Baloyi (011) 467 0978 (Fax) or Po Box 1596, Cramerview 2060 mhemming@slrconsulting.com or nbaloyi@slrconsulting.com SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) Farm Name & Number Registration Division: GT MCHJEAANE 2254 BOSCHFONTEIN 3307 SNIP FONTEIN 3748 DUNDEE 4339 CRAIGSIDE 2272 EARNSCLIFF 3308 PALMIET FONTEIN 3750 CARDWELL 4340 WASBANK 1076 COALFIELD 2273 HAZELDEEN 3311 KRAAI FONTEIN 3751 DAVELSFONTEIN 4348 UITHOEK 1078 STRATFORD 2367 GAINSFORD 3313 JAKHALS FONTEIN 3752 ALLETTA 4350 VERMAAKS KRAAL 1124 KILBURNIE 2390 DOORN KOP 3314 KLIP HOEK 3753 WILLIAMS GELUK 4444 SOM'S HOEK 1151 LYELL 2393 OVERTON 3315 REDBANKS 3755 FORFAR 4473 KLEINE WATERVAL 1152 LENNOX 2395 KNOSTROPE 3316 KALKOEN KRANTZ 3786 KELVIN GROVE 4474 ASYN KRAAL 1158 LANGE FONTEIN 2397 HUDDERSFIELD 3319 DEIGHTON 3805 STONY BRAES 4475 RUIGTE FONTEIN 1179 MOOI SPRUIT 2398 MENTEITH 3328 FORT AGNEW 3808 NURSLING 4495 GELEGENFONTEIN 1204 DEWAAR 2400 MORGENSTOND 3347 SPIES 3858 STIRLING 4570 UITVAL 1244 BEITH 2401 HELENA 3479 BLAIKIESTON 3950 SOFIERO 4577 KLEIN FONTEIN 1262 TENTEN'S KRAAL 2405 CHURCH GROUND 3491 KLIP RUGH 4092 RODEKOP 4656 BOSCH HOEK 1312 KELVIN 2407 LIVINGSTONE 3539 DROOGMYNKEEL 4093 REST 4658 UITHOEK 1335 STANMORE 2412 YOUNGERHILL 3540 UITZICHT 4112 THE CORNER 4659 ZONDAGRIVIERSPOORT 1361 DALRY 2413 KEMPENFELDT 3541 GLASGOW 4122 STONEHAMMAR 4723 FITTY PARK 1364 OUTFALL 2414 THE PADDOCK 3615 KIRKLAND 4124 PERSBERG 4732 KROMME-ELLEMBOOG UITKYK 1365 PRESTWICK 2415 HATTING DALE 3626 HELPMAKAAR 4126 LINDE 4733 MAYBOLE 2419 GARDENHILL 3665 ZUUR KOP 4127 LOT 2 4761 LINKS OF BUFFALO 2420 HLUNGWAN 3684 SUMMERVILLE 4245 ONTBEMEND 4972 OPMERKZAAMHEID 1394 CRAIGMILLAR 2971 STONTON 3691 MERAN 4247 ZUURFONTEIN 4980 KUICK VLEI 1396 BALGOWNIE 2972 MEYERSLAND 3692 ST GEORGE 4248 FREIBURG 4985 BUFFELS HOEK 1931 DRIE FONTEIN 3107 CHARD 3697 BULWER 4250 BAVIAAN-KLOOF 5031 HOLLYWOOD 2028 AMSIBIE 3110 GOWANBRAE 3701 VAN ROOYEN 4252 VERMAAK 5045 KROM POORT 2155 ZWARTWATER 3213 TERRACE 3707 BALFOUR 4260 WINKLE 5054 UITKYK 2156 PADDAFONTEIN 3214 KLIP RAND 3723 LINDISFARNE 4263 SPETSKOP 5063 KLIP BERG 2158 RAMA 3231 MARIA 3727 CARNARVON 4264 BLOEMHOF 5080 GOWRIE 2248 COBURG 3232 MARIA 3740 UITZIGHT NO 2 4276 HOPE 5088 BEAUVALE 2249 DAVELS BERG 3286 LEEUW KUIL 3743 HARRIOT DALE 4324 LOWLEVEL 5089 WHITE BANK 2251 BURNSIDE 3287 DROOG PLAATS 3744 GLADSTONE 4331 GROOTE VLEI 5112 CINDERFORD 2252 STERK STRUUM 3306 NOOITGEDACHT 3747 COTSWOLD 4332 ONGEGUND 5116 VALKOP 2253 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd 1366 Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) HESOMDALE 5129 BAVIAANTRAP 6000 IGNISDALE A 7865 STRIIJBANK 8449 SCHROEDERS HOPE 8865 ELSINOR 5135 ORANGE 6001 BESTERDALE B 7868 WOODLANDS 8485 EXTENSION 8946 DEVILS KLOOF 5136 B OF ROODE RAND 6453 WILD DUCK VLEI A 7871 OUW KLIP 8489 MOUNTAIN TOP 8954 LOT T 5137 RAEMOIR 1 6504 JOBS DALE B 7876 DONDOLA A 8493 GROVE 9011 EASTKEAL 5138 6534 MIDDEL PUNT A 7903 UMNAMATA 8508 SHEEPRIDGE A1 9031 GARNET 5180 PETERSBURG OF ORIBI VLAKTE SLAAF NIETGEDAG B 7938 GERTS KLOOF 8535 BESTERDALE C 9044 KLIP KUIL 7995 KELVIN GROVE NO 2 8548 IZEMFERNE A 9146 AMO 6710 DROOGE REF 8032 BANNOCKBURN NO 2 8549 DRIEHOEK 9171 DOUBLE KRAAL 6754 DRIE HOEK 8033 OVERDALE 8551 ADELAIDE 9187 EAST HESLERTON 6783 LOT AB ISIBINDI 8067 HAYFIELD 8568 SPIESDALE 9313 DUMMY 6830 DUMMY 8108 JACK'S CORNER 9440 6897 EBENEZER 8113 UMGEN 9449 LANGLAAGTE 6898 NKANGALA OF TANGENT FORT PINE 8569 STRUISVOGEL POORT DWARS NEK 9450 BELLEEK 6934 LERRYN 8602 GRIMSTON 9540 RAEMOIR A 6942 HALIFAX 8603 HILLSIDE 9553 BESTERDALE A 7267 LOT W 8610 LINCOLN 9693 LOT B OF SHEPLEGH 7296 NORTHFIELD 8615 HAYFIELD 9722 VERDRUK 7329 SUSHARA 8651 SPRINGFIELD 9753 CLIPSHAM 7330 LUSIENNE 8663 SWISS VALLEY 9768 SCUUR RAND NO 1 IMPATI HEIGHTS 9950 WONDERDAM B 9963 LOT 4 NQUTU 9971 8703 FARM MORTON 9972 8738 LOT 11 NQUTU 9973 EXTREMITY A 10022 10023 MANDHLENI 5248 SALBO 5252 ROOIFONTEIN LOT ISIBINDI AA ISIBINDI B SHEPLEGH B BEDRUG DAAS KRANTZ 5270 5271 5272 5281 5288 5311 KLIP KOP 5323 KLIP ROTS 5324 LUHUNGU SHEEPRIDGE B SUNSET ROODE RAND A NORA SIR GARNET 5381 5429 5433 5483 5488 5511 ALVA 5554 SIGTUNA A 5561 SIGTUNA B DOONE 5562 5566 LOT B OF JOHANNESBURG A OF JOHANNESBURG 5613 STOCKHOLM 5642 TROSA SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd 5614 5858 6594 MANOR PARK HEILBRON NO 2 8147 8148 DRIE VOET 8163 ROOIKOP 8190 BIRKENHEIM 8207 8600 8230 7331 AMALINDA OF PADDAVLEI HENNING A 8240 CELLE 8671 SCUUR RAND NO 2 7332 CHITRAL 8266 TRY AGAIN 8674 THE OAKS 7441 FARVIEW 8290 8697 CASURINAS 7442 JOB'S DALE 8291 LEKSAND 7538 LUCK 8341 TRANSVAALIA OF DONDOLA GOEDE GELOOF THORNHILL 7612 PADDAVLEI A 8357 YATTON 7647 UELZEN 8419 LOT OSCARSBERG'S RESERVE A SWEETWATERS EAST LYNNE 7670 CORNWALL B 8420 IZEMFENE B 8802 2 OF SHEEPRIDGE A 7683 RENIER 8421 WILD DUCK VLEI B 8806 A OF WONDERDAM OF EXTREMITY LOT 5 NQUTU PREETZ B OF ORIBI VLAKTE KARLSRUHE OF ORIBI VLAKTE 7826 FALKENBERG OF HENNING WILLOWS 8430 ROCKY SPRUIT A 8842 GLUTZ 10130 BEACON KOP 8863 IMPATI 10260 CORNELIUSDALE 8864 LOT 18 NQUTU 10585 7829 8432 8748 10077 Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) WHINSTONE 10616 BONISA 11959 NONDWENI PLAATS NO 4 OSTEND 10634 CAIRNMORE 12014 14522 LANGSAAN 16200 EARNSCLIFF 17612 14523 CHERHAM PARK 16213 TANGENI 17706 PADDOCK 12027 BANNOCKBURN ANNEXE C BANNOCKBURN SAR 14524 RHINO 16214 DURNACOL 17900 GORDON'S LUCK 12072 SUB PIETERSDALE OF IGNISDALE GOWAN BRAE NO 2 10674 PATAT 16229 KYKWEER 16294 CHITARA 17917 VERDRUK S A R 14549 10675 LOT 3 NQUTU OUDEPLAAS 16315 NYATHINI 18022 MOSSWAN 14807 LOT 17 NQUTU 10781 ST CUTHBERTS 12444 LOT B OF 14 NQUTU 10782 BUFFALO BEND 12648 PLATBERG 16318 RORKE'S DRIFT 18352 OTHELLO 14846 BERGHEIM 16324 HLATHI 18486 RIETBOKSTROOM 14977 LOT 16A NQUTU 10783 HAZELDENE BORDEAUX 16341 ALTCELLE 14978 MELROSE 11067 NO 2 NONDWENI 12746 HAYSPOOR 16386 17903 BIGGARSGAT 12753 BOB'S FOLLY 14979 SPOORSTONE 16399 MOOIHOEK 1 GIBA 15095 HARROWDALE 11080 12826 MOORLANDS 11127 WILD DUCK VLEI ANNEXE WHINSTONE ANNEXE BLINKWATER 16470 ZANDSPRUIT 2 KALWERFONTEIN 15122 KLEINHOUD 16660 ERFSTUK 4 12845 POST OFFICE 15172 FUGITIVES DRIFT 11158 BESTERDALE 16679 AFGESNIJ 5 12935 BRINK 15335 SOLMAR 16680 ROODEKOP 7 SIGWEJE 15409 11262 DE JAGERSDRIFT SOUTH OSAKA NAVARRE 11174 FARVIEW GROENEHOEK 16784 KARNSPEK 8 MINORCA 15414 GIFT 11263 MATATANA 13024 NHLAWE 16911 LEKKERWATER 9 SWARTWATER 15417 16914 VERKOCHT 13 LENTEDAL 15474 16980 KWEEKSPRUIT 22 DIEPKLOOF 15521 FORLORN HOPE 17044 PAARDEFONTEIN 25 LONGLANDS 15523 KRUISFONTEIN 17062 NOOITGEDACHT 33 HEILBRON 15594 SUNSHINE 17128 EENKANTLANGS 47 CLEVELAND 15597 KARLSRUHE 17207 BRAKSPRUIT 52 KLIPROTS 15625 ILANGA 17222 RUIGTEFONTEIN 54 BOYUP 15647 WINTERHOEK 17223 WELGELUK 56 CRAIGHEAD 15739 PADDOCK 17317 NOOITGEDACHT 60 BRICKFIELDS 15750 GT 17318 WATERHOEK 61 RESERVE NO 18 15838 BRACKSTONE 17319 GROOTVLEI 66 IRONDALE A 15935 17320 POLITIEK 67 SPRINGLAKE 16151 17328 MOOIPLAATS 72 SEELANDKOP 16199 NOOITGEDACHT 73 10643 LOT 2 NQUTU 12179 12180 12649 12977 TAYSIDE 11319 BONNY DOONE 13065 GOOD HOPE 11443 STRUISLAAGTE 13066 DE JAGERS DRIFT 11477 CORNVILLE 13457 CORBY ROCK 11509 ROOIFONTEIN 13483 DOORNHOEK 11595 SOLMAR NO 2 13553 ROCKBOURNE 11596 RAMAK 13696 SLEDMERE 11614 GLENWOOD 13707 MOUNT NONNIE 11669 NO 1 NONDWENI 13709 WILDERNESS 11859 BUFFALO GORGE 13828 SUNRISE 11863 THE ALOES 14309 VLEI POORT 11918 LENTEPLAAS 14432 CLEAR SPRINGS 11957 MAMRE 14459 LA ROCHELLE 11958 WEIDEFELD 14474 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd GT 14543 HARMONIE THUTHUKANI 17902 Registration Division: HT Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) FRISCHGEWAAGD 75 STRYDFONTEIN 163 WELGEVONDEN 287 GOLDEN VALLEY 751 DAVELS SPRUIT 3742 VLAKPLAATS 83 ROODEZAND 165 FRAAIUITZICHT 291 BRAKFONTEIN 779 SLOOTEN HOEK 3745 NOVEMBERSDRIFT 87 ROOIPOORT 166 KLIPFONTEIN 316 ZAAILAAGTE 780 RIET POORT 3754 COMMISSIEKRAAL 90 TUSSCHENBIJ 167 UITVLUCHT 319 DAGBREEK 786 OMDRAAI 3855 ZWARTKOP 91 ONVERWACHT 169 DOORNHOEK 340 BEAUFORT 787 GOEDE HOOP 3857 LUVUNO 17498 TWYFELHOEK 17817 STERKSTROOM A 344 798 WITTEKLIP 4257 UITKOMST 95 KROMELLEBOOG 170 WELGEVONDEN 350 LEARYDALE 4259 KWAGGASDRIFT 96 WEIHOEK 171 NOOITGEDACHT 356 WALMSLEY 4266 VAALBANK 103 DOORNKOP 172 WELTEVREDEN 371 KEMPS HOEK 4271 FRISCHGEWAAGD 105 WAAIHOEK 173 WATERFALL 374 LOT A12 DUBBELRECHT LOT A13 DUBBELRECHT LOT A 15 DUBBELRECHT LOT A10 DUBBELRECHT LOT A 5 DUBBELRECHT FOUNTAINDALE NO 3 4272 SPOOKMILL 4273 STRUISVOGEL KOP 4275 LUBECK 808 ROCKYDALE 4277 FLENSBURG 815 BRAAK FONTEIN 4278 816 SCHOONVLAK 4279 ALLEEN 2 4280 840 SUSPENSE 4326 799 800 804 KLIPSPRUIT 106 GOEDE HOOP 177 METSELFONTEIN 379 HARTEBEESTSPRUIT 111 BEROUW 179 NOOITGEDACHT 388 VAALSPRUIT 115 GOEDGELOOF 180 BRAKPAN 389 BRAKFONTEIN 116 LIJNSPRUIT 181 EENSGEVONDEN 408 ROODEKOPPE 119 NYEMBE 184 BRANDKRAAL 505 WELTEVREDEN 122 KLIPFONTEIN 185 DUBBELRECHT 508 KLIPSPRUIT 124 RIETVLEI 186 POTGIETERS RUST 530 LOT A 18 DUBBELRECHT NOOITGEDACHT BLOEMHOF 127 SCHAAPKOPJE 194 WIEMANS RUST 549 DASSIESHOOGTE 843 FORVIE 4520 ZAAIFONTEIN 143 VAALKOP 209 APOLOGIE 562 BETA 844 DARTRY 6968 WATERVAL 148 VAALBANK 224 HARTEBEESTBULT 578 WIEMANS RUST 876 GARDENS 7239 WASBANK 149 VAALKOP 228 MIDLUM 609 YARL 2962 WESTPORT 7490 LEEUW 17499 AANSTOOT 231 LANGVERWACHT 616 DOORN KOP 2963 JESSIE 7491 SPARTELSPRUIT 150 SCHUILHOEK 243 BETHEL 623 FOUNTAIN DALE 3608 KAAL VLAKTE 7496 RUSTVERWACHT 151 BRAKFONTEIN 246 GEGUND 626 WELTEVREDEN 3625 CRONJE'S FLAT 7506 GROOTHOEK 152 DOORNLAAGTE 262 MERCY MANOR 18474 GEDULT 3700 POONA 7511 WAAIKRAAL 153 266 ARCADIA 660 MOOIDOORN HOEK 3722 ENNIS 7524 VAALBANK 154 DORPSGRONDEN VAN UTRECHT GOEDGEDACHT VLEIPLAATS 664 KAKANINIS KRAAL 3724 CLARE 7525 SCHEEPERS NEK 687 ELIZABETH 3726 PERTH 7540 NOOITGEDACHT 278 SANDHURST 703 SPOOKMILL NO 2 3735 MOY 7549 NOOITGEDACHT 279 STERKSTROOM B 720 VAALBANK 3737 BEAUFORT 286 WATERVAL GELUK ZANDSPRUIT SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd 157 158 162 273 805 Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) Registration Division: HS UP AND DOWN 8701 GORDON 9481 CLONTARF EAST A 12960 WYKOM 16958 13052 LEOKOP EAST 16984 BRAK HOEK 16985 SCHUILKLIP 17759 13822 DUMFIRMLINE 17809 RIVER BANK 8185 NIL DESPERANDUM A 8771 LONG KLIP 9492 MINSTER B 8292 CLONTARF EAST 8773 SPOT 9758 MUNRO'S WINKEL 8293 TIPPERARY EAST 8774 MDAGAS KRAAL 9785 ROCKETDALE ANNEXE A ROCKETDALE ANNEXE B S A R COLINDALE GLEN CALDER 8260 STERKFONTEIN A 8772 MOOI KRANTZ 9562 MOORFIELD WEST 8294 LEOKOP EAST 8793 INKWELO SIDE 10291 WHITE HOUSE 14178 TIPPERARY WEST 17810 TROWS REST 8298 MINSTER A 8817 TUIN NO 2 10494 REDMAIN 14492 THE RUINS 17828 LANGTON 8327 LINCOLN 8820 THE NECK 10548 MEADOWSTREAMS 14701 STONY RIDGE 18005 MORGEN ZON 8328 KROMHOEK 8879 GREY RIDGE NO 3 10559 LOSKOP 14724 HS 18010 PIETS RUST 8329 NIL DESPERANDUM B 8894 MAJUBA SOUTH 10614 WARM HOEK 14976 POONGA'S KRAAL 18041 MACCLESFIELD 8418 HAWARDEN 8915 INKWELO 10640 222 POLICE CAMP 15083 TIGER KLOOF 18084 LANG'S NEK A 8441 KNOWESLEY 8926 LAST ATTEMPT 10877 DUMBANY 15101 LANG'S NEK B 8442 KINGSTON 8943 ATTEMPT 18624 CECILIA 15106 GARDINIA 8486 ALBANY 8944 LEASE D 11288 KLEINDAL 15177 GREENWICH 8487 THE STRIP 8957 GLENDALE 11290 LEYBEL 15291 FORTS 8502 KNOCKBREX 9018 TOP 11634 BUFFALO PETROLEUM 15461 HERONS COURT 8521 GREY RIDGE 9021 LEOPARD KLOOF 11849 BUFFELSHOEK 15469 13053 Registration Division: HU WELVERDIEND 10 BLOEMENDAL 18 WIJDGELEGEN 24 NOOITGEDACHT 36 ZWAARVERDIEND 39 DRIEFONTEIN 42 LOOTSKLOOF 48 BANKEROET 50 LEEUWNEK 51 GROOTGELUK 52 PARADISE 54 ARMAGH 8555 EAGLES CLIFF 9049 STEEP GLEN 11865 WOODBURN 15470 COOTHILL 8556 SPECTACLE SPRUIT 9079 UNION 11925 MODDERLAAGTE 15517 COLINDALE 8578 HEATHFIELD 9089 THE REST 11994 WYKOM 15763 RIVER BEND 8585 ERIN 9110 LANDS NEK RAIL A 12795 BOSCOBEL 15775 INNISKILLING 8590 WONDERDRAAI 9189 LANGS NEK RAIL B 12796 15790 HIGHTON 8591 MOORFIELD EAST 9194 LANGS NEK RAIL C 12797 VAN NIEKERK'S STROOM ROCKHILL 8611 HARTEBEEST BULT 9197 LANGS NEK RAIL D 12798 BATTLEFIELD 8618 GALWAY 9202 LANGA NEK RAIL E 12799 KONIGSBERG 16293 BEGINSEL 56 16376 WATERVAL 57 BLESBOK 8639 GANTON 9242 LANGS NEK FOREST A 12800 CLON CHELMSFORD 8642 VULTURES HOME 9269 LANGS NEK FOREST B 12801 TARF 16377 PONGOLA 61 LEOPARD DALE 8643 MARDENASH NO 3 9400 LANGS NEK FOREST C 12802 TIPPERARY A 16391 KOPPIE ALLEEN 63 BLACKMOOR 8665 MARDENASH NO 2 9401 12834 TIPPERARY B 16393 MVUTSINI 67 DRIFT 8684 TRESPASS 9425 CHONTARF EAST ANNEXE ROCKETDALE RAIL TWEEFONTEIN 16423 HARLOO 68 LENTEVLEI 16524 MHLATI 69 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd 12918 Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) SPITZKOP 70 VRISCHGEWAAGD 179 GROENEWEIDING 345 DONKERHOEK 512 LLANWARNE 603 PONGOLA 71 WATERVAL 180 UITHOEK 348 TOOVERNAARSRUST 518 WELVERDIEND 610 SUNLAND 72 RONDEBOSCH 185 ZILVERKLIP 351 ZALFLAGER 525 MISGUND 611 UITZICHT 73 LANGVERWACHT 190 LANGKRANS 367 MOOIPLAATS 537 NAAUWKLOOF 612 RIVERSDALE 75 GOEDGELOOF 197 RIVERSDALE 372 WELTEVREDE 540 NOOITGEDACHT 614 RENDSBURG 80 STEENBOKLAAGTE 202 MAGDALENA 376 WAGENDRIFT 541 VEEPLAATS 615 TAMBOTI RIDGE 81 ONGELUK 211 GELUK 377 GELUK 545 PIETERSRUST 617 DUBULA 91 LANGVERWACHT 18093 MOOIBANK 378 WITKLOOF 546 VERWYDERD 618 BEDROG 97 LANGVERWACHT 226 MPISINI 17756 ONVERWACHT 552 MERIBA 619 WELVERDIEND 104 DOORNHOEK 227 MORGENZON 390 WATERVAL 553 NOOITGEDACHT 620 MOUNTAIN VIEW 106 WELCOME 229 WEGSPRING 398 NAAUWPOORT 556 ERFENIS 621 DWARSRAND 110 OASIS 237 BERDINA 399 GOEDGETROFFEN 557 UITZICHT 624 KOUDELAGER 115 BETHEL 247 FRISCHGEWAAGD 401 MORGENZON 559 WELVERDIEND 630 MORGENZON 117 VOORDAG 251 WATERVAL 423 WONDERFONTEIN 560 LANGFONTEIN 632 DOORNKOP 118 ALOEBOOM 254 UITKOMST 424 LANGVERWACHT 561 LEGERPLAATS 634 ROODEPOORT 119 RUSTENBURG 257 NOOITGEDACHT 427 WELVERDIEND 563 ZEEKOEVLEI 635 MADEMOISELLE 123 LISBON 265 ONRECHT 428 ROOIPOORT 565 INGOLOZANA 18067 17708 LANGGEWACHT 275 UMHLOPA 443 GEWONNEN 572 DOORNHOEK 636 WELGEVONDEN 136 ZOMERVELD 277 VERDRUKT 444 HEELTEVREDEN 573 HLOMOHLOMO 638 KOLFONTEIN 138 VLAKFONTEIN 281 VAALBANK 450 LEEUWKOP 580 VERGELEGEN 639 ONVERWACHT 142 DAGERAAD 288 MORGENZON 460 BLOEMGAARD 585 GOEDGELOOF 640 RIETVLEI 150 WINTERSHOEK 295 LANGVERWACHT 476 GOEDHOOP 586 BOSCHHOEK 641 DRIEFONTEIN 151 SMEERTOUW 297 CHRISTINASDAL 480 GOEDENMOED 587 RIETBOKLAAGTE 642 BOSCHHOEK 156 VREDEHOF 299 BEVENSON 483 GOEDVERTROUW 592 DORDRECHT 643 DOORNBOSCH 157 ONGEMAAKT 301 WELTEVREDEN 490 ZEEKOEPAN 593 VERGEVAL 644 WYKOM 158 KROMELLEBOOG 303 FORTUIN 491 DOORNHOEK 594 MIDDERNACHT 645 BONA ESPERANZA 161 VAALKRANTZ 306 METSELFONTEIN 499 UITKOMST 596 LANGGEWACHT 646 RUSTPLAATS 165 WELKOM 314 WONDERBOOM 500 VETSPRUIT 597 LEEUWSPOOR 647 AVONDUUR 167 UITKIJK 315 UITZIGT 501 UITGEVALLEN 599 NOOITVERWACHT 648 TYGERSKLOOF 173 BEDROG EN ONRECHT B 326 WELTEVREDEN 510 MEIJERSHOEK 602 BLOEMHOF 649 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) UITSCHOT 650 KOEDOESBERG 747 ISIHLENGENI 857 HU 17598 LOT H 60 13654 ZANDDUINEN 652 RONDEKOP 752 ESENHLABENI 858 RONDEKOP 17619 CADILLAC 13666 PONGOLA 653 DORINGBOS 753 LEEUKOP 859 SWISS VALLEY 17662 BUKANDA 13711 BEDROG 654 LEEUWSPOOR 759 17981 CABARET 13712 SILVERHOUT 668 WELVERDIEND 766 KINGHOLME 868 MORGENZON 18094 BACHA 13719 BERG & DAL 670 NEGENUUR 769 VERGELEN 869 HU 18399 TARZAN 13727 BURGERSRUST 672 SOETVELD 775 ERIKA 872 BONZO 13728 HELENA 673 FIUME 806 WITWATER 873 TARANAKI 13868 PAARDENFONTIEN 674 ERINDALE 809 CLERKNESS 13459 LOT H 51 13092 BEUNA VISTA 14044 13693 LOT H 52 13093 MKUZI-WES 14403 13779 SUB A OF ITITIHOYA 13116 NTABANKOSI 14594 15832 BARTLOW 13117 SPES BONA 15856 16934 BAGNARA 13118 KULENI NO 9 15959 16935 BAGHMATI 13119 UNOHEMU 16012 13120 BETHEL ISIHLENGENI EMYATI EKUHLENGENI VERLIES 683 689 698 701 705 CONFERENCE MAGUT A MAGUT MAGUT B KORTIER 811 817 818 819 821 862 WISTOW BORKUM RESERVE NO 12 GLENDAWN WILHARONA Registration Division: HV GROOTDRAAI 707 UITVAL 828 SIMDLANGETSHA 16956 BOMBOLO IMPUNZI 16013 BEHOUD 708 TIERKLOOF 829 RIETBOKLAAGTE 16962 OKALWENI 13151 CAIRN BANE 16596 KEZA 713 DEMOINA 830 RIETBOKLAAGTE 16963 LOT H115 13180 ZAMAZAMA 16924 16986 BARTENHEIM 13194 GRANT 16945 17058 INGWENI STATION 13243 BRONTE 17383 17059 CLOETE 13350 TEMBE NORTH 17497 17155 ALKMAAR 13434 THANDA 17905 13436 WEGSPRING HU KLIPFONTEIN NGOMI 718 727 728 729 MISTY VALLEY LANGKRANS UITKYK UITKYK 831 833 834 835 GLENDAWN VERGELEGEN MOOIPLAATS KRANSKOP LELIESHOEK 730 HLOMOHLOMO 836 HU 17281 WARRICK BONA ESPERANZA 736 CHENNELS 837 CONFERENCE 17314 BOYNE 13468 CARLSBAD 737 GROOTHOEK 839 L'AURENT 17315 LOT H 77 13533 MORRISFIELD 11436 MOOIPLAATS 739 HLOMO LODGE 842 MARICA 17330 LOT H 49 13543 MEDHAM 11558 13581 ATHALIE 11559 Registration Division: GV KRETA 741 MARIANTHA 845 HU 17535 CHAOS UITKYK 743 BEHOUD 851 HU 17542 JARABUB 13582 JEREMY 11560 BOSVELD 745 BLOEMENKRANS 853 HU 17543 POINCARE 13583 ASHBURTON 11686 HU 18658 CHICHESTER 855 WATERVAL 17560 ABU MADI 13584 HORSESHOE BEND 11688 LELIESHOEK 746 MAGDALENA 856 DORINGBOS 17592 DUKUMBANE 13626 LYNDHURST 11910 LOT H 59 13653 VEGA 12044 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) LYTA 12045 LOT H47 13513 RODWIN 16244 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16537 LOT 43 16859 UBIZANE 12046 LOT H53 13514 RIADEN 16245 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16538 CRAIGHILL 16860 LOT H 27 12419 LOT H 2 13691 MBOMENI 16256 BONMART 16557 ROYDEN 16870 LOT H 28 12420 LOT H19 13996 ARBEIDSVREUGDE 16279 JOURNEY'S END 16566 NORTH COAST 17354 LOT H 12 12907 LOT H20 13997 ALBA FORESTRY 16297 DELVILLE 16587 MAKARIOS 17377 LOT H 11 12908 LOT H44 13998 MOKANA CANE 16298 GRANDIS 16588 THE HUTS 17391 LOT H 45 12969 LOT H 17 14168 RBM 16317 COTCANE 16633 PASENA 17671 LOT H 46 12970 LOT H 21 14169 BRANJO 16321 WOODLANDS 16672 NARROWS 17393 LOT H 7 12971 LOT H 22 14170 ARGYLL 16327 MPOSA 16685 DUKUDUKU 17395 LOT H 10 12984 ABERDOUR 14205 PEGGY NO 16328 16328 GLEN GRANT 16686 DUKUDUKU 17396 LOT H 8 13035 MTOLO 14390 ADPROP 16329 SOKHULU 16687 UMFOLOZI 17424 LOT H 9 13036 ROOIGROND 15170 LOT 11 MPOSA 16360 UMSUNDUZI 16688 DORPTOE 17514 LOT H 32 13041 RESERVE NO 3 15822 LOT 12 MPOSA 16361 ROSS SUGAR 16706 KENNEDY 17586 LOT H 33 13042 BRUDEE 16056 GREEN HILL C 16381 GV 16707 ROSS 17690 LOT H 98 13043 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16476 GREEN HILL F 16382 GV 16708 EVERGREEN 17894 LOT H 16 13044 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16477 SUGARLAKE 16385 LOT K41 16715 GV 18361 LOT H 23 13045 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16478 REDCROFT 16403 LOT K46 16716 GLENPARK 13069 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16479 S A R MPOSA 16434 LOT K47 16717 LOT H 34 13081 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16480 ZAPOLWANA HILL 16436 LOT K48 16718 DOORNKOP 20 LOT H 35 13082 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16482 MZINGAZI LAKE 16468 LOT K49 16719 SCHURWEKOP 27 LOT H 4 13097 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16483 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16486 LOT K50 16720 WELKOM 28 LOT U 184 13128 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16484 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16487 LOT K52 16721 WELGEVONDEN 29 LOT K 45 13130 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16485 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16488 LOT K53 16722 VLAKPOORT 32 LOT K 9 KWAMBONAMBI LOT H 29 13133 EILANDSIG 16787 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16489 LOT K54 16723 WELTEVREDE 41 GLENPARK 16878 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16490 LOT K55 16724 NOOITGEZIEN 55 188 LOT H 30 13269 LOT H31 13270 LOT H 97 13271 LOT H6 13349 NCEDOMHLOPE 13363 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd 13268 Registration Division: GU 17238 HLUHLUWE RIVER 16491 LOT K56 16725 DEWAARD BRIDGEFIELD 17515 BONMUIR 16497 PEASTON 16768 WELGEKOZEN 191 SUKARI 17516 BONELLA 16498 PEASTON 16773 MOORDPLAATS 193 MKONGE 17517 SOMKELE 16499 LAKELANDS 16777 DOORNHOEK 204 ETEZA 16220 FAIRWAY 16502 SPURWING 16839 ZOEKMY 207 KEURPLAATS 218 Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) NOOITVERWACHT 221 VAALKRANS 564 VLAKBULT 6148 ELLINGHAM 11478 LOT 316 EMPANGENI 13051 VUURSTEEN 242 NOOITGEDACHT 567 SAXONY 6149 CANELANDS 11479 LOT 280 EMPANGENI 13074 SCHEEPERSLAAGTE 244 OVERVLOED 724 MERINO 6150 DRISDERNAN 11541 LOT 274 EMPANGENI 13216 STERKSTROOM 250 SCHOONSPRUIT 742 VERZETHOEK 6151 THORNCREEK 11542 LOT 310 EMPANGENI 13252 HEELGOED 258 HAMBROCK 748 MORGENZON 6152 GLENMORE 11543 LOT 252 EMPANGENI 13313 GOODLUCK 270 GRENSPLAAS 763 LANGGEWACHT 6153 MAJATCHA 11583 ENTONJANENI 13356 UITZOEK 317 STERKFONTEIN 6111 BURTON GARTH 11584 LOT 262 EMPANGENI 13375 322 DOORNHOEK A 6112 IMFULE MISSION STATION BARNEVELD 6154 ONVERWACHT HILL CREST 11585 COOLIDGE 13386 NEWLANDS 11588 LOT 291 EMPANGENI 13387 WANDSBECK 6157 NTAMBANANA 11724 LOT 290 EMPANGENI 13388 GOLDEN REEF 6158 HILL TOP 11745 LOT 289 EMPANGENI 13389 FATIMA 11785 LOT 292 EMPANGENI 13399 SPES BONA 11829 LOT 285 EMPANGENI 13400 SANDOWN 12025 LOT 264 EMPANGENI 13548 SEVERNDALE 12135 LOT 269 EMPANGENI 13551 LOT 263 EMPANGENI 12144 LOT 311 EMPANGENI 13741 HANDLEY CROSS 12187 LOT 308 EMPANGENI 13742 LOT 2 NTAMBANANA 12365 LOT 320 EMPANGENI 13745 LOT 303 EMPANGENI 12670 LOT 307 EMPANGENI 13746 LOT 277 EMPANGENI 12671 STOCKVILLE 13904 LOT 312 EMPANGENI 12694 LOT 254 EMPANGENI 14014 LOT 275 EMPANGENI 12724 LOT 278 EMPANGENI 14015 LOT 279 EMPANGENI 12778 LOT 273 EMPANGENI 14129 LOT 281 EMPANGENI 12782 LOT 313 EMPANGENI 14334 MARS 12874 LOT 314 EMPANGENI 14335 LOT 272 EMPANGENI 12922 FULENI RESERVE 14375 VULCAN 12991 LOT 317 EMPANGENI 14404 LOT 315 EMPANGENI 13039 LOT 319 EMPANGENI 14405 LOT 321 EMPANGENI 13040 LOT 318 EMPANGENI 14496 LOT 309 EMPANGENI 13050 DUBE RIDGE 15223 PROSPERITY KROONPLAATS UITZICHT UITKIJK HOLLANDIA WINTERSHOEK 323 335 349 353 384 400 LANGVERWACHT 410 OUDEWERF 426 WELTEVREDEN 6113 6156 KWAMAGWAZA MISSION STATION DIEPKLOOF 6115 6118 RUSTVERWACHT 6159 NOOITGEDACHT NO 96 6119 VERGELEGEN 6160 MORGENZON A 6126 GROENKOP 6161 BOSCHHOEK 6128 WITVOLOOS 6553 TEVREDEN 6129 MORGENZON B 6729 SWEETHOME 6130 OVERVLOED 7432 KEURPLAATS 6132 WINTERS HOEK 8299 ONGEGUNDE BRAKSLOOT ONTEVREDEN 432 433 VRISCHGEWAAGD 6133 WATERVAL 9144 TOGGEKRY 436 EIKENDAL 6134 149B 9500 OVERVLOED 441 PROTEST 6135 LOT 244 EMPANGENI 10574 KONINGSKROON 447 SPESBONA 6136 HLANGASA 10963 WITVOLOOS 453 NOOITGEDACHT 6137 PROSPECT ESTATE 10974 SCHOONSTROOM 474 VERGELEGEN 6139 PICCADILLY 10985 BOSCHHOEK 489 DEANE 6140 LOT 241 EMPANGENI 11058 VRIENDSCHAP 492 SCHUILHOEK 6142 EZULWINI 11065 GOEDGELOOF 496 ELIZABETH 6143 ARCADIA 11079 DORSTFONTEIN 526 NOOITGEDACHT 6144 LOT 1 NTAMBANANA 11372 LOTTERY 531 WELKOM 6145 NEEDMORE 11386 EENSGEVONDEN 551 ROSENBURG 6146 BLACKWOOD 11394 HOEDBERG 555 KONIGSBERG 6147 THE PYRAMIDS 11425 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd Summary List of Properties in 108 TCP – includes all* portions of the listed farms but not those portions that are protected(E&OE) WINDY RIDGE 15304 BOEGOENEK 15636 LOT 271 EMPANGENI 15728 DOORNHOEK B 15736 RESERVE NO 5 15824 RESERVE NO 11 15831 RESERVE NO 20 15840 SYLVIA 16305 NOBAMBA 16505 MDONI 16562 SKYE BLUE 16653 SPRINGFIELD 16670 COOLIDGE 17225 INHLAZATJE 17387 BHUCHANANA 17700 GU 18296 SLR Consulting (Pty) Ltd