July 2011 Vol. X No. 5 ™ VINTAGE FOREIGN MARQUE CLUBS OF THE UPPER MIDWEST Arrowhead Sports Car Club Metropolitans from Minnesota North Star BMW Car Club www.arrowheadscc.org www.metropolitansfromminnesota.com www.northstarbmw.org Auto Italia Minnesota Miata Club of Minnesota North Star British Iron (cycles) www.meetup.com/auto-italiaMinnesota/ www.miataclubmn.com jpm06@embarqmail.com Midwest Sunbeam Pagoda Club of Minnesota Austin-Healey Club of Manitoba www.sunbeamalpine.org 651-452-2807 www.ahcm.ca Minnes02 (BMW 2002) The Regulars Twin Cities Vintage Scooter Club British Iron Society of Greater Fargo Minnesota Austin-Healey Club mcfadden_jim@hotmail.com www.BritishIronSociety.com www.mnhealey.com Citroën Car Club of MN Minnesota Autosports Club www.citroenmn.com www.mnautox.com Delorean Owners Association, Minnesota Minnesota Land Rover Club www.deloreanowners.org Minnesota MG Group Fahr North: Porsche 356 Group http://minnesotamg.org/ Eric Erickson 952-426-5024 www.mnmgtr.org mnlandrovers.org Minnesota MG T Register Ferrari Club of America, Minnesota Chapter Minnesota United Minis (MUM) www.minnesotaunitedminis.com www.fca-minnesota.org/ Glacier Lakes Quattro Club Minnesota Morgans Healeymog@yahoo.com www.glacierlakesqclub.org Minnesota Rolls Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts InterMarque Council intermarque@gmail.com rollsbentley@comcast.net Jaguar Club of Minnesota www.jaguarminnesota.org www.mnsaabclub.org Lotus Eaters Minnesota Triumphs frankshoward@gmail.com www.mntriumphs.org Lotus Owners Oftha North tsengel@comcast.net Mercedes Benz Club Twin Cities Section Minnesota SAAB Club www.minnescoota.com Thunder Bay Vintage Sports Car Club tbvscc.ca Transportation Artists and Authors Guild www.transportationguild.com Triumph Drivers of Manitoba www.britishcar.ca Stella del Nord Alfa Romeo Owners Club esolstad@pressenter.com Twin Cities VW Club www.twincitiesvwclub.com Vintage Sports Car Racing www.vscr.org Volvo Sports America Minnesota Chapter David Olson, olson199@umn.edu Wheels of Italy wheelsofitaly.com Clubs listed in red are members of the Nord Stern Porsche Club www.nordstern.org North Coast Borgward Club ronengle@gte.net www.mbca-tc.org I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 Updates for web sites, email addresses, phone numbers, and meeting times and places (see calendar) are most appreciated. PA G E 2 KNOW YOUR MARQUES… JULY 2011 VOLUME X, ISSUE 5 Copyright 2011 Managing Editor ANDY LINDBERG Production Editor BRIAN CORNELL Article Contributors ANDY LINDBERG, ROME INNES, GLEN LUCAS Photo Contributors ANDY LINDBERG, GLEN LUCAS, TOUA YANG SUBSCRIPTION IS FREE! Please submit your request to intermarque@gmail.com ADVERTISING COSTS A LITTLE PDF Business Card ads (3.5x2) are $5/month. Please inquire to intermarque@gmail.com HAVE AN ARTICLE TO SHARE? Editorial contributions are always welcome, but are due by the 5th of the month prior. Submit your story or article to intermarque@gmail.com ON THE COVER: Glen Lucas’ Rover P4 100 was touted as “One of Britain’s Fine Cars.” Glen’s restoration of “Old Auntie Prudence”, as they call her, certainly helps to sell that line. TAKE A GUESS... answer is at the bottom of the page. THANKS TO: Marjean Telke. Taken at a Carburetors and Caffeine gathering in Connecticut. SAVE THE DATES… Sunday Picnics JUNE 26 • JULY 31 • AUG. 28 • SEPT. 25 (the last Sunday of the month) 1 P.M., CHEROKEE PARK InterMarque! Vintage Foreign Motorcars of the Upper Midwest is on Facebook. Join the group and feel free to add to this site with pictures, stories, and announcements about local Vintage Foreign motorcars and events. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than to go for a drive and stop for a picnic at scenic Cherokee Park. This is a do-it-yourself affair, so bring your own food, beverages, plates, silverware, lawn chairs, grills, and a dish to pass if you want. If it rains, it's cancelled. I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 3 ANSWER: ARNOLT BRISTOL ON THE WEST SIDE IN ST. PAUL ON YOUR MARQUE A Review of Rover’s Evolution. No, not the Land-Rover ARTICLE BY: Rome Innes and Glen Lucas 1960 Rover P4 100 Charles Darwin noted, in On the Origin of Species, that all living objects change to take advantage of their environment. This same principle is true with manufactured products. Managers and designers must constantly look at their competitors’ weaknesses, the change in their customers’ preferences and gain efficiencies to stay one step ahead. They must also look for opportunities other manufacturers may have missed. Survival goes to the fittest and Rover was no different. The founder of the name Rover, John Starley, recognized that personal transportation would permit individuals to “rove” around the country. (Even today many Rover enthusiasts express a tour in their cars as a rove.) In 1883, Rover began to manufacture tricycles in Coventry, England. They progressed to bicycles in 1885 and motorcycles in 1903. In 1904, the Rover Company Limited introduced a twoseater automobile. This car used tubular steel in its backbone rather than the then accepted structural timber. The company continued to evolve but was perilously close to extinction by 1927. In 1928 it abandoned the crowded economy market and launched a six-cylinder automobile targeted to a new market niche, the more affluent classes. Spencer Wilks was appointed General Manager in 1929 and is generally credited with saving Rover from bankruptcy. An advertisement from The Motor dated September 1937 carried the tag line “One of Britain’s Fine Cars,” clearly setting Rover’s image apart from the general market. Survival during World War II is another story. However, we should note that in 1940, Rover became involved with the design of a gas turbine or jet engine. Rover exchanged their technology with Rolls Royce for a contract to build Meteor Tank Glen Lucas’ P4 100 was previously owned engines. The trade helped insure Rover’s survival. Rolls Royce on the other hand by a Federal Member of Parliament. It incorporated Rover’s designs into what became the world’s first production jet sported 1964 Manitoba license plates, a box of parts, and an original $4,300 bill of engine. The Coventry facility was destroyed during a bombing raid in 1940 and sale when his wife found it at a garage Rover began building war machines in Solihull, Birmingham. sale in the spring of 2009. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 4 A review of Rover’s Evolution CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Post-war, there was an immediate demand to restart civilian manufacturing. The company resumed production of its prewar cars. Steel allocation for manufactures was tied to export success and Rover began to design its first left-hand-drive vehicle, the P3. At the same time, Rover’s chief design engineer, Maurice Wilks, needed to replace his worn-out Willys Jeep. He solved his problem, found a “stop gap” solution to the need to produce a new product quickly, and took advantage of the short supply in farm tractors by designing an all purpose utility vehicle. When the P3 was finally ready to launch, in 1948, the Land-Rover had become such a success that it was not dropped from the product line and in fact continued to receive refinements to the vehicle we now know. The first entirely new post-war car was introduced in 1949, the P4 series. Some may be familiar with the nickname “Auntie” attached to these cars. The name may come from automobile writers Denis Jenkinson and Ted Eves remarking that the experience of driving the car was as if they were going to their Auntie’s for tea. Others say the name was earned because they were cars elderly aunts chose to drive. Notwithstanding their conservative image, the aunties can pick up their skirts and run when requested. Either way, the name stuck, affectionately. The first in the P4 series, Model 75, was launched in 1949 and was powered by a 2103cc six-cylinder engine producing 74bhp. The engine was upgraded to 2230cc in 1954. The first cars carried a third headlight mounted low in the centre of the grill to illuminate the road when the headlights were on low beam. These are nicknamed “Cyclops.” North America would not accept the extra light and cars here received a special cover with the number 75 cut into it. By 1952, the extra headlight was eliminated entirely. Rovers continued to be one of Britain’s fine cars and had interior wood trim, deep pile carpets and leather upholstery. Although early 75 models had a column shift, the market requested a floor-mounted shifter. Rover went one better. They introduced a mid-mounted floor shift set well forward to permit a passenger to occupy the centre seat position. The shifter’s position itself was adjustable. Production of the 75 continued until 1959. The P4 continued its evolution through the introduction in 1954 of the 60bhp four cylinder Model 60 and the 90bhp six cylinder Model 90 with optional overdrive. Two more “high end” models were introduced in 1957 and produced until 1959 when it was decided to rationalize the line to two models; the 80bhp 2286cc four-cylinder Model 80 and the 100bhp 2625cc six-cylinder model 100 replaced the earlier models in 1960. The 80 and 100 were produced for two years and were replaced with the last of the P4 aunties. Models named 95 and 110 were sold in 1963 and 1964. Both cars were now equipped with a six cylinder engine, but the P4 had reached the end of its marketable life. Many enthusiasts believe the Model 100 was the finest Rover built. It contained a well-tested seven main engine and overdrive became standard. Creature comforts included front and rear centre arm rests. The front outboard passengers also enjoyed ROVER P4 100 adjustable armrests on the doors. From a driver standpoint, instrumentation included an ability to confirm engine oil levels through a dash-mounted gauge. Power assisted brakes were installed and the overdrive could be operated either manually or automatically. The car certainly was at the top of its class as “One of Britain’s Fine Cars.” Concurrently with the manufacturing and sale of the late P4 models, Rover introduced a slightly “up-market” sedan known as the P5 in 1958. This car used the 2625cc engine from the 100 modified with a longer stroke and higher compression. The P5’s three-litre engine offered a smoother, more relaxed manner of driving to support Rover’s marketing department’s claim to a high-quality luxury automobile. In the mid ‘60s, the market was beginning to change and buyers were looking for more performance. Rover tried some adjustments to the engine including up to six carburettors to meet this new demand, but the first generation P5 cars needed a new engine. The P5B was introduced in 1967 with the modified Buick 3500cc V8. This engine weighed in at 200 lbs less than the time tested six it replaced and permitted improved handling. The P5B continued production until 1973. It could be said, that the P5 was a natural evolution from the P4. In body style and engineering it probably was. However, as early as 1956 Rover considered a new style to replace the P4. It should be lighter, quicker and offer better fuel economy CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 5 A review of Rover’s Evolution CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 without sacrificing the qualities so successful in its traditional market. Development was slowed for any number of reasons and the first P6 (badged as Rover 2000) did not make it to showrooms until 1963. The P6 was a unibody design, allowing Rover to significantly reduce the car’s weight. Rover also considered safety issues and the car was awarded the Automobiles Associations Gold Medal for safety in 1965. Power was provided by a 2000cc overhead cam engine producing 90bhp. This engine was needed to meet the lower front profile design even though it sacrificed the quiet running and time-proven qualities of earlier engines. The lighter design and improved fuel efficiency of the engine was mated to a new four speed all synchromesh transmission. The combination along with the 3.54:1 rear end gear ratio resulted in good acceleration and sporty handling. Many drivers, however, requested more power. Several engines were considered at this point, including a gas turbine. The solution was to use twin SUs, increase the compression ratio, and return to the input-over-output valve design successfully used in the P4 and P5 engines. These modifications were launched in 1966 as the Rover 2000 TC (Twin-Carb). The 3500cc modified Buick engine was used, but, not until 1968, after Rover had been acquired by British Leyland. The creation of British Leyland and subsequent challenges in the British automobile industry is beyond the intent of this abbreviated piece. It can only be further indicated that Darwin’s observations are valid with corporations as well as the natural progression of species due to competitive and environmental pressures. REFERENCES: One of Britain’s Fine Cars, Rover by Malcolm Bobbitt The Classic Rovers, A Collector’s Guide by James Taylor The Post-War Rover P4 and P5 by James Taylor The Rover by George Mowat-Brown Glen Lucas’ P4 100 as found in the spring of 2009. Read the restoration story and see more great pictures at: http://www.granite.mb.ca/~gwlucas/RoverP4.html I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 6 Triumph Spitfire Whumps Big Iron at Healey Hillclimb X JUNE 4 • AFTON ALPS Andy Lindberg PHOTOS BY: Andy Lindberg & Toua Yang ARTICLE BY: Jeremy Forhenkamm and his 1976 Triumph Spitfire Quoting Tom Hazen, organizer of the event for the Minnesota Austin-Healey Club: “Jeremy Forhenkamm tore up the hill in his 1976 Triumph Spitfire clocking a full course time of 57.85 on his very last run. This is only the second time in ten Afton hillclimbs that a vintage car has taken the top spot.” Safety first. The pre-event meeting is a must for all volunteers and competitors. Some of the cars with slower times than the Spit were three Mitsubishi Lancer Evos, a 2002 Audi TT, a 1999 Porsche, a 2002 Porsche Boxster, and a 2006 MINI GP. No slouches in that bunch! The amazing thing is that several of these cars were faster than Jeremy in the autocross section; Jeremy made up the time on the hill! To quote Tom once again, from his post event email to participants: “Drivers, if you want to figure out why you were slower than a guy in a 35-year-old car with a normally-aspirated four-cylinder engine putting out 110 horsepower, just watch this video a few dozen times: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRPCaqlVYbg Jeremy shrugs off the chicanes on the hill like they weren't even there! Nice driving, Jeremy!” Steve Rixen and his Austin-Healey were revving in the moment. From a 2003 Lotus Esprit (below) to a 1963 Elva (right) the participants were varied and fun to watch! Other vintage car participants were Greg Wacker (1987 Mazda RX-7), Ryan Buck (1968 Chevrolet Camaro), Rich Stadther (1963 Elva Courier), Keith Schoeler (1989 Toyota Cressida), Steve Rixen (1957 Austin-Healey 100-6), Denny McGinn (1985 Toyota MR2), Bob Featherly (1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk II), Tammy Palmer (1974 Triumph TR6), Kim Rixen (1975 MG Midget), and Eileen Wetzel and Bridget Conlon (taking turns in a 1963 Austin-Healey 3000 BJ7). I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 PA G E 7 Healey Hillclimb Recap CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 WHO DID ALL THE WORK? Organizer, starter, and gran pooh-bah: Tom (the “Amazen”) Hazen. Corner workers: Jim Klein, Byron Peterson, Tom Moerke, Dave Herreid, Barb Waurzyniak, Gary Wetzel, Rod Richert, Barb Featherly, Jeff Johnk, Jessica Johnk, and Ed Raschke. Terry Tobin who hauled the cones to and from Afton, helped with set up, worked the entry gate, and helped everywhere when needed throughout the day. Alex Donaldson who hauled equipment and supplies out to Afton on Friday, helped me set up cones, worked the autocross timing most of the day, then hauled equipment out of Afton. Jeremy Fohrenkamm who arrived bright and early with a gas-powered leaf blower to clear the course. Steve Rixen who donated fire extinguishers and timed the Autocross section in the afternoon. Scott McQueen who stores the cones for MAHC all winter. The amazing hot flag girls Ashley, Isabela, Eileen, and Wendy. There were two runnings of Healey Hillclimb X. If this photo was taken at Hillclimb Xa on May 22, the umbrella was there to ward off the torrential downpours that caused the event to be postponed. If the photo was taken at Hillclimb Xb on June 4, the brollie served as SPF 50. See more of Toua’s Hillclimb photos online at: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.103124896447235.4974.100002491741793&l=fd22427313 2011 Hillclimb Results Healey Hillclimb X - Afton Alps - June 4, 2011 FTD Driver Year Make Model Car# 1st 57.85 Jeremy Fohrenkamm 76 y 34.51 1 59.50 Tom Hazen Triumph Mitsubishi Spitfire 58.58 Lancer Evo X 0 y 33.42 58.58 33.48 na 32.83 58.69 59.34 Parnell Lutz Chevrolet Cobalt SS 1:02.47 34.35 1 58.23 38.72 1 58.93 59.34 33.96 59.87 33.60 Christopher Amundson Matt Chemers Kevin Weiss Mitsubishi Audi Porsche Porsche Lancer Evo IX TT y 34.73 na 34.43 1 57.86 33.95 1 1:02.78 33.00 1:00.94 33.17 58.79 1 34.17 1:01.88 33.65 y 34.60 1:03.53 35.92 1 1:04.75 34.08 1:01.97 34.13 1:01.47 34.86 1:01.98 34.34 1:01.89 33.79 1:00.25 34.32 1:00.57 34.12 1:00.25 MINI GP 822 9 312 414 500 42 y 33.74 59.86 1976 2008 2009 2006 2002 1999 2002 2006 1994 1987 1968 1963 2005 2003 2003 1989 1994 1957 2001 2007 1990 2007 1994 1996 2002 1985 2001 1991 2003 1962 1974 1975 1963 1963 2011 34.48 1:00.85 Mazda Miata Mazda Chevrolet RX-7 Camaro Elva Saab Mitsubishi BMW 1:00.25 1:00.25 1:00.32 1:00.85 1:00.94 1:01.05 1:01.13 1:01.18 1:01.72 1:02.65 Kurt Schroeder Chris Peterson Andy Palmer Greg Wacker Ryan Buck Rich Stadther Jordan Hill Corey Tenold 1:03.34 Jessop Krocak Keith Schoeler 1:03.47 Kristin Palmer 1:02.99 Steve Rixen 1:04.62 Don Gettinger 1:05.82 Joe Sarych 1:06.16 Terry Tobin 1:04.03 1:06.55 Max Allers 1:07.93 Jerry Schroeder 1:08.28 Adam Koller Erik Dahl 1:08.75 Denny McGinn 1:08.91 Dean Borris 1:08.64 1:09.95 1:10.96 1:11.58 James Sadler Phillip Brooksbank Bob Featherly Tammy Palmer Kim Rixen 1:19.72 Eileen Wetzel 1:13.37 1:18.52 1:21.59 Bridget Conlon Eileen Wetzel 911 Boxter 2AX C 2Full y DNF C 3AX 33.90 C 3Full 1:00.07 C 4AX 33.41 C 4Full C 1:00.28 5AX 34.03 1 33.71 C 5Full 59.93 C 6AX 33.80 C 6Full 59.34 C 7AX C 7Full DNF C 8AX 33.88 1 58.19 33.11 C 8Full 1:00.02 1 58.37 y 34.81 1:04.25 34.86 1:04.06 33.53 1:03.48 34.16 1:00.32 na 1:01.89 33.38 1:01.06 y 32.57 1:05.71 34.65 1:01.81 34.63 1:01.06 34.83 1:03.13 35.02 1;01.69 34.40 1:01.81 41 77 y 34.14 1:03.37 34.27 1:01.89 34.68 1:01.91 34.71 1:02.25 na 1:19.87 33.64 1:00.94 y 34.99 1:03.86 35.06 1:04.96 34.08 1:02.41 34.18 1:01.65 34.03 1:01.98 33.87 1:01.05 34.04 1:02.67 y 34.01 2 1:00.03 34.80 1:00.27 1 33.72 1 1:01.78 34.20 1:02.05 34.47 1:01.13 34.20 1:01.72 34.03 DNF Courier 9-2x Aero Lancer Evo VIII 525i 57 95 787 99 234 y 35.22 1:03.04 35.42 1:01.18 37.37 1:07.77 y 34.69 2 1:01.90 34.08 1:01.72 34.47 1:01.78 34.33 1 1:01.93 34.55 1 1:02.25 34.74 1:01.97 34.48 1:02.32 y 33.29 1:03.54 33.84 1 1:02.78 33.13 1 1:01.44 33.81 1:02.92 35.21 1:02.65 33.18 1:04.31 34.02 1:03.47 y 35.65 1:05.87 35.04 1:04.81 33.30 1:03.66 34.77 1:04.56 34.64 1:03.25 34.40 1:02.99 34.34 1:03.64 Toyota Cressida 81 y 35.15 1:04.94 35.12 1:06.28 35.18 1:04.67 34.97 1:05.13 34.92 1:03.34 35.37 1:04.62 Mazda Miata 36.56 1:07.66 36.52 1 1:06.19 35.46 1:04.03 35.17 1:03.83 36.33 1:08.36 100-6 14 2 4 88 19 33 711 y DNF Austin-Healey Chevrolet y 35.77 1:07.34 35.41 1:04.03 35.40 1:05.67 35.26 1:08.43 35.08 1:05.54 34.71 1:04.82 34.71 1:07.03 34.12 1:04.62 y 38.24 1:11.69 36.32 1:08.19 35.06 1:05.82 37.68 1:07.05 36.60 1:06.65 34.46 1 1:05.65 36.56 1:08.28 36.52 1 1:08.25 35.46 1:06.16 35.17 1:06.87 36.33 1:06.75 36.26 1:06.65 36.80 1:06.55 DNF 36.18 1:08.69 36.35 1:07.07 40.13 1:13.72 38.50 1:07.93 36.67 1 1:09.98 36.45 1:08.81 36.78 1:08.51 35.88 1 1:06.87 1 13 y 37.69 1:10.71 37.49 1:08.28 y 36.58 1 1:10.37 37.95 1 1:10.66 39.16 1 1:11.13 37.18 1:09.25 37.38 1:08.64 37.54 1:08.77 113 147 121 22 y DNF 37.92 1:12.28 38.45 1:11.88 36.59 1:09.37 36.35 1:10.47 35.83 1:08.75 36.26 1:09.84 y DNF DNF 38.53 1:08.91 39.22 1:10.84 37.65 2 1:08.27 37.01 1 1:07.20 37.78 1:10.84 36.65 1:10.63 37.36 1 1:11.23 35.57 1:09.95 45.31 1 1:08.96 42.12 1:18.45 41.62 1:11.58 51 28 27 71 y 40.59 17 BMW Corvette Z-06 335i Audi Coupe Quattro Cadillac Chevrolet Mazda Subaru Toyota Toyota Mazda Lotus Austin-Healey CTS-V Corvette Miata MX-5 WRX Sport Wgn MR2 MR2 Miata Esprit 3000 Mk II Triumph TR6 MG Austin-Healey Austin-Healey MINI Midget 3000 BJ7 3000 BJ7 Cooper 21 DNF y 35.35 1 1:05.17 y DNF y 36.85 DNF 1:11.03 1 38.52 y DNF 1:13.18 3 DNF DNF DNF 1:16.12 DNF 39.99 1:12.32 40.00 1:11.58 40.32 1:12.81 y 39.84 1:16.69 38.93 1:16.10 42.33 1:19.03 39.32 1:14.66 38.63 1:13.37 y 46.00 1:29.00 41.44 1:22.86 41.88 1:20.53 43.61 1:23.59 40.70 1:18.52 40.57 1:20.07 y 42.80 1:24.54 41.41 1:23.78 41.59 1:21.31 41.92 1:24.00 41.69 1:19.72 42.37 1:21.84 y 42.28 1:24.60 41.59 1:21.59 DNF 1 na 1:03.47 35.45 DNF y 33 34 34 33 28 28 24 18 Total Starts: I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 C 57.85 PA G E 8 232 1:30.25 2 2nd Annual British (intermarque) Sports Car Display JUNE 4, WOODLAND HILL WINERY ARTICLE & PHOTOS PROVIDED BY: Andy Lindberg 1. ATTENDANCE hiiii Forty or fifty cars were there 5. VENDORS iiiii Well none dealing with cars at any – not bad considering the three or four other events that other clubs held that day. rate. 2. WEATHER hhhhh It doesn’t get any better. Sun and temps in the 70s. After cold and wet weekends since the snow melted, this was finally the day for top-down motoring. 3. MIX OF CARS hhhii Mostly British with a clear nod to host club cars – Triumphs. MGs, Minis, Lotus, Healeys, Morgans and Jags were also there. As well as an impressive Aston Martin. The non-Brit contingent included Italy (Fiat 124 Spider), Sweden (Saab Sonnet), Japan (the obligatory Miata driven by a Brit car graduate), Germany (BMW Z3), and South Africa (RM7). hhhhi Good biffies, an excellent $10 lunch, wine tasting (excellent according to most reports), picnic tables in the shade, and accomplished musicians instead of karaoke. 6. COST hhhhh No entry fee earns the Display the full five stars. 7. AMBIANCE hhhhi You could park on the grass without having to put a bib under your leaker. In addition, the winery itself has a quaint nineteenth century look and the twolane blacktop leading to it offers a hint of mid-century motoring. 8. OTHER hhhhh Lots of smiles, great distaff participation, no pushing, no shoving, no annoying judging. 4. AMENITIES BELOW: There were two tour groups to the Winery. This one took participants past some of the Theodore Wirth Parkway tornado damage. The other came from Cars and Coffee in Chanhassen. (Some of these tours are last minute deals – check the InterMarque Facebook page to stay informed.) LEFT: Steve Shogren’s RM7. Looks like a Lotus 7 doesn’t it? That’s what Caterham (who bought the Seven rights from Lotus) thought too, so they sued RM out of business. By the way, that’s a Mazda rotary in the engine compartment. I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 9 Austin-Healey (intermarque) Spring Tour – May 28 Once the weather finally broke, a lot of people, cars and clubs got out and about. Here’s a few activities that were reported to us. For coverage of an event in Out and About, please send us a couple pics and a couple words. Much as your editorial staff would like to be at every event, we can't do it and maintain a semblance of a real lives. intermarque@gmail.com New InterMarque Council Chair Annointed! Reps from (many of) the InterMarque member clubs gathered at the Square Peg on May 28. Major order of business was to elect (draft?) a new Council Chair. John Engstrom of MUM (Minnesota United Minis) volunteered to take on the job. Three cheers for John and MUM! Yes, the crab apples were in bloom at the lunch stop in Marine on St. Croix. And the roads were great too. Attendees: Healeys, Triumphs, and one each MG, Lotus, Mini, and Mercedes Benz. Your new InterMarque Council Chair, John Engstrom Cause Gallery (3001 Lyndale) Don’t miss the current exhibition of 53 works of automotive on display. Cause is also a bar/restaurant, so come on over for a brew and burger while you admire the paintings, drawings, photographs and collages of your favorite subject. Artists Nick Sinclair, Michael Jekot, and Gier Abrahamson I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 Alfetta 158 (acrylic on car hood) above the bar. PA G E 1 0 SPECIAL THANKS TO THIS YEAR’S KICKOFF SPONSORS! • • • • • • • • • Wheels of Italy (WOI) MN Austin-Healey Club MN Triumphs • MN MG Group Citroën Club of MN Jaguar Club of MN Lotus Owners Oftha North (LOON) Minnes02 Group (BMW 2002) MN United Minis (MUM) MN Rolls Royce & Bentley Enthusiasts napa.com Ford Parkway BP TOP SERVICE TOP MARQUES AND Little Canada BP You won’t find a better level of service anywhere in the metro area! • • • • • • • • • • • • State of the Art Diagnostics Complete Vehicle Restoration Advanced Electrical System Analysis Fuel Injection & Carburator Service Vehicle Pre-Purchase Inspections Handling & Suspension Tuning Transmission Service & Repair Heating & Cooling Services Mak Air Conditioning Services your ce ar lo ok a Race & Track Preparation we mas good as ke it ru Engine Building Services n! Ask ab Factory Maintenance out ou r detailin g service 2401 East Lake St. s. Minneapolis, MN 55406 (612) 724-8901 • TopGearMN.com LOOKING FOR A NEW RIDE THIS YEAR? Our website features some great local listings! Beautiful 1957 Series 1 Land Rover Looks right at home in the urban jungle! $20,000 10-11 10-12 10-11 12-11 I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 2 2011 M U LT I M A R Q U E C A L E N D A R ALL classified, calendar and event submissions are due by the 5th of the month PRIOR. (August issue due by July 5). For a computer-savvy Twin Cities Car Club Event Calendar go to http://calendar.mnhealey.com/ ONGOING Multi-Marque Breakfast EVERY* SATURDAY MORNING! 8:30 a.m., Square Peg Diner, 2021 East Hennepin in the Hennepin Square Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Everyone is invited! Special room for the auto-afflicted. Attendance on recent Saturdays has been twenty to thirty or more. Women are invited every Saturday but the second Saturday of every month is Lady’s Day. All marques and nationalities invited. Info on and map to the Peg: http://www.squarepegdiner.com/ (*The Peg is sometimes closed on holiday weekends.) East Ender’s Saturday Morning Breakfast A group of vintage foreign motoring enthusiasts have started a semi-monthly East Ender’s Breakfast Group for those that want Breakfast a little later and not drive to Minneapolis. Join the East Ender’s on the 1ST AND 3RD SATURDAYS each month, 9:00 a.m. at: Sail Away Café, 1321 St. Croix Trail, Afton, MN. North of County Road 18 and St. Croix Trail. Cars and Café FIRST SATURDAY APRIL–NOVEMBER. 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Auto MotorPlex, 8200 Audubon Road, Chanhassen, Minnesota. Largest monthly gathering of auto enthusiasts in Minnesota. Info: www.automotorplex.com Duluth Multi-Marque Breakfast? This is a call to any British car enthusiast that lives within driving distance of Duluth. Randy Zimmerman would like to see if he could generate some interest in finding a Saturday am breakfast place to gather in Duluth like folks do in the Twin Cities at the Square Peg. Contact Randy at zimme008@yahoo.com June 16-19: Rendezvous on the Red, 21st Annual Vintage Sportscar Rendezvous. hosted by the British Iron Society in Fargo, North Dakota. Events will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn- Fargo. For more info and registration form go to http://www.britishironsociety.com/ June 26: InterMarque Sunday Picnic 1 P.M. Cherokee Park in St. Paul. This month’s picnic is hosted by the Minnesota Austin-Healey Club. July 9: Saab Car Show and Swap Meet 8:30am, Morrie's Saab, 7400 Wayzata Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55426-1620, (763) 449-4200, http://www.mnsaabclub.org July 15–17: Kohler International Challenge: This is the super big annual vintage car race event held at RoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake, WI. No other vintage event in the country draws more eyes or wheels. http://www.roadamerica.com/Competitors/KICInfo Center.asp July 22: InterMarque Movie Night: Join your vintage foreign motorcar loving friends for a Friday evening at the drive in movies. Cottage View Drive In, 9338 E Point Douglas Road South, Cottage Grove. Arrangements by Andy Lindberg. andrewlindberg@comcast.net July 23: West Concord Historical Society Car & Truck Show: Located in West Concord, MN $5 entrance fee includes meal ticket. http://www.wcevents.org/carshow.html July 25: Chippewa Classic Rally: Register on website by Thursday, June, 23nd. Web Site: http://chippewatrail.blogspot.com/ July 31: InterMarque Sunday Picnic Cherokee Park in St. Paul. This month’s picnic is hosted by the Minnesota Triumphs. Can they out-do the Healey’s June event? August 13: BritFest New location in 2011! Hudson, WI. http://minnesotamg.org/ August 13: New London to New Brighton Antique Car Run. Noon Lunch stop at Buffalo High School. Finish line is at the regional park in New Brighton 3:30-4:30PM I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 3 2011 MULTI MARQUE CALENDAR (cont.) August 20: Royal British Car Show 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Auto MotorPlex Minneapolis, 8200 Audubon Rd, Chanhassen, MN. Tea and scones courtesy of Jaguar/Rover. Info: Bruno Silikowski 612-850-8398 bsilikowski@automotorplex.com August 27: Amery Airport Competition Run II. Same deal AACR I. See June 11. August 28: Wheels of Italy Italian Automobile and Motorcycle Show details available at http://www.wheelsofitaly.com Sept. 9–11: VSCDA Elkhart Lake Vintage Festival, RoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake, WI. . The VSCDA encourages racing at era specs - a true test of time. CAN-AM is event marque in honor of its 45th Anniversary. Many people prefer the Fall Festival to the July historics. http://www.roadamerica.com/ September 10: 31st Annual Wheels and Wings Osceola, Wisconsin. Hosted by the Motorbooks division of the Quayside Publishing Group. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. http://www.motorbooks.com August 28: Rally in the Valley Car Show & Book Sale. 8am to 2pm. 1830 Hanley Road, Hudson, WI. Next to the Hockey Arena, just south of Fleet Farm. All vehicles are welcome. No entry fee. Event will be held rain or shine. September 25: Intermarque Sunday Pique-Nique 1 P.M. Cherokee Park in St. Paul. The French (Minnesota Citroëns) are hosting the final InterMarque Sunday get-together. Can they outdo the Healeys (June), the Triumphs (July), and the Minis (August)? Come and find out! August 28: InterMarque Sunday Picnic 1 P.M. Cherokee Park in St. Paul. The August picnic is being hosted by Minnesota United Minis. Can they outdo the Healeys (June) and the Triumphs (July). Come and find out! October 15: Couples Friendly Tour, Be out and enjoy the beautiful Fall colors in Wisconsin with the illustrious (or is it infamous?) road event leader – the Amazin Hazen. Sponsored by Minnesota Austin Healey Club. Details later. HEATED STORAGE PROTECT YOUR PROTECT YOUR VEHICLES B CARS 7 MONTHS ALL 7 MONTHS FOR $399 October 1, 2010 – April 30, 2011 EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS 9/1/2010 CALL NOW ! MOTORCYCLES ALL 7 MONTHS FOR CRYSTAL, MN 55429 $ 99 Kevin McCarthy … (612) 669-1366 10-11 10-11 I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 4 MARQUE NATIONALS and UPPER MIDWEST REGIONALS June 12–18 : MG 2011 The North American Council of MG Registers presents the fourth, onceevery-five-years all-Register gathering to be held at “America's Adventure Place” Reno/Tahoe, Nevada. Questions/More Information? www.mg2011.com July 18–22: 50 Years of Midgets - A Spridget Event!! Big party for all Spridget owners! Elkhart Lake/Road America with headquarters at Victorian Village and Siebkens! http://www.spritemidgetclub.org/ June 17–19: Citroen Rendezvous, Saratoga Springs, NY. http://www.driveshesaid.com/ July 21–24: Fiat Freak Out, Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN. Yes, the new Fiat 500 will be there! http://www.flu.org/ June 17–19: Midsommar National Volvo Club Meet. Lindsborg (Little Sweden USA), Kansas. The Heart of America Chapter will host the Volvo Club of America’s 2011 National Meet. Lindsborg annually presents a traditional Swedish Midsommar celebration that highlights authentic Swedish folk and cultural activities. Lindsborg has also created the nation’s only herd of wild Dala horses. Info: http://www.vcoa.org/ July 3–8: Conclave Colorado 2011 Hosted by Austin-Healey Club of America in Colorado Springs, Colorado. http://www.austinhealeyconclave.com/ July 28–30: Gathering of the Faithful (GOF), Kalamazoo, Michigan, T-Register Central Clubs August 22-25: VTR 2011 “Triumph in the Rockies” hosted by The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club in Breckenridge. Colorado. http://www.vtr2011.com/ September 1-4: Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club of America Sunbeam Invasion XI. Winona, MINNESOTA. http://www.sunbeaminvasion.com/. OCTOBER 14–16: Volvo Sports America. Malibu, CA. 50th Anniversary of the Volvo 1800. SoCalVSA.org. I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 5 R E G U L A R C L U B E V E N T S Arrowhead Sports Car Club Monthly Meeting, second Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m., 4767 West Arrowhead Road, Hermantown, Minnesota. Info: www.arrowheadscc.org Minnesota Minis Pizza Eating and Psychiatric Self-Help Association Regular monthly meetings at irregular times and locations. Check www.mini-sota.com or 320-963-5681. British Iron Society Informal gathering, every Saturday morning at the Fry-n Pan, Fourth and Main, beautiful downtown Fargo, North Dakota. Info: Larry LeClerc lkleclerc@msn.com Minnesota Triumphs Monthly Meeting, second Thursday of the month (except Nov. & Dec.), 7:00 p.m., Fort Snelling Officers Club, Minnesota. Info: www.mntriumphs.org Fahr North Gathering EVERY 3RD THURSDAY, 5pm. Club Jaeger: 10th & Washington Avenue North, Minneapolis Mostly Porsches guys, but all are welcome. Contact : Eric Erickson 952-426-5024 Stella del Nord (Alfa Romeo) Monthly pizza and wine gathering, second Monday of the month. Contact Ed Solstad for time and location. 612-822-0569 or esolstad@pressenter.com Mercedes Benz Club of America, Twin Cities Section Informal dinner and discussion, first Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Lion’s Tap Restaurant, Hwy 212 and Cty Rd 4, Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Info: 952-829-0848 The Regulars, twin cities vintage scooter club Semimonthly gathering (weather permitting). First and third Sunday of the month, 2:00 p.m., Pizza Luce, Lyndale and 32nd, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Info: www.minnescoota.com Minnesota Austin-Healey Club Pie and/or Pint With the President, first Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. or before. Fort Snelling Officers Club, Minnesota. Info: www.mnhealey.com Thunder Bay Vintage Sports Car Club Monthly general meeting, third Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the Port Arthur Prosvita Centre, 540 S. High Street in the Library Room, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Info: www.tbvscc.ca Minnesota MG T Register MG Luncheons, every Tuesday, 11:15 a.m. American Legion, 6501 Portland Avenue, Richfield, Minnesota. Info: Steve Blomberg 612869-8264 striumph77@aol.com Minnesota SAAB Club Monthly Meeting, first Thursday of the month, 7:30 p.m., Major’s Sports Cafe located on Snelling Ave. in Roseville, Minnesota. Info: Chris Luick 507-252-1888 or www.mnsaabclub.org Triumph Drivers of Manitoba Monthly meetings, open to interested parties, are held on the second Thursday of each month at the Irish Club, 654 Erin Street, second floor at 8:00 p.m., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Info: www.britishcar.ca Twin Cities VW Club Monthly meeting, first Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m., West Side VW, St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Meeting usually lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Info: www.twincitiesvwclub.com I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 6 FOR SALE 1971 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER 1750. 5 speed manual transmission, black exterior with brown interior and tan top. First year for the Kamm tail, small bumpers, sexy dash and gauges. New clutch slave cylinder and fuel pump just installed by Lake Country Classics in Minneapolis. A fun driver quality car you can get in and have fun with this Summer. I've put 10 - 15 miles on it every night after work for the past week and will continue to do so until it's sold... so, the miles will change by the time you see the car. Call Dave (651) 216-1265 or visit http://uncommongarage.com/ads/1971-alfa-romeo-spider-1750-with-dual-webers/ Also listed here on Craigslist: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/cto/2316935443.html 1967 TRIUMPH TR4/TR3 15K each / OBO I'm more interested in seeing both of these cars go to "good homes" rather than hold out for top dollar. I believe 15K for each of them is a fair price...I will accept less, but will not even want to speak to anyone if they are thinking 10K. As you know, well turned out, these Triumphs are valued at twice my price. I have enjoyed them for years, now it's time for someone else. I will be seeing my email but phone calls will be difficult. tom.austin@ag-corp.com My cell # is: 612.599.8890. Hope to hear from you, and thank you for the interest... Tom Austin FOUR 175/65 R15 DUNLOPS SP WInter Sport M2 Plus Wheels and Hubs. Very Good Used Condition $275 Larry: 612-968-9303 I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 FOUR ORIGINAL, USED AUSTIN HEALEY WIRE WHEELS. These wheels are from a 1967 3000 Mark III. They are 15” wheels and undamaged. Currently with Michelin 165 HR 15 XAS tires, but this rubber is old. Contact Valdi Stefanson @ 651 462 4497. Stacy, MN PA G E 1 7 Rendezvous on the Red Vintage Sports Car Rendezvous 2011 Sports car clubs from Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, and the Twin Cities started meeting in Thunder Bay in 1991, and have continued to meet each year, rotating the event to their respective locations. After several years of enjoying the hospitality of the clubs that have pioneered the Annual Vintage Sports Car Rendezvous, the British Iron Society is anxious to have the opportunity to show everyone a good time in the Red River Valley of the North. A long weekend of activities has been planned including a wine and beer tasting reception, buffet breakfasts, and a Bonnie and Clyde Funkhana. Optional tours include the Fargo Air Museum, the frontier town of Bonanzaville, famous “Man Caves” of the F-M area, and the Warbird Restoration tour. What Rendezvous would be complete without a Trivia Tour to get everyone out to see the sights of the Fargo/Moorhead area, and a great setting for the Show and Shine car show with the opportunity to vote for your favorite “Sweet 16” car and support the Boy Scouts at the same time. And don’t forget, this is Fargo, you never know if you’ll have the opportunity to run a wood chipper or two. We hope you will plan to join us June 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2011, for a great time in the Fargo, ND/ Moorhead, MN area. You can obtain registration forms and a schedule of events at http://www.britishironsociety.com/index_files/Page753.htm See you there. I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 8 Chippewa Trail Classic Rally Saturday, June 25th, 2011 Stella Del Nord chapter of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club presents an easy all-paved road rally using the excellent sports car roads of Western Wisconsin. The easy to follow instructions and timing at its most straightforward make this an excellent choice for those new to rallying while the roads are guaranteed to keep the most experienced rallyists entertained. Run it as a timed event or just ignore the timing and drive it as one of the best tours that you’ve driven. We guarantee that you’ll see roads that you never dreamed existed in the Upper Midwest. Meet at: Dunn Brothers, in Hudson, WI. Registration: 10:00 to 10:45 AM First Car Out: 11:01AM, First Car In: Approx. 5PM Ends at: Molly’s On Main, Plum City, WI. Cost: $20/car; Italian cars + all pre-’76 cars - $15/car, AROC members – Free if you bring your Alfa. Classes: Equipped (correctable odometer), stock. Historic: 1967 and older Post Historic: 1968 thru 1975 Modern: All others Awards to top finishers in each class as well as the top finishing Novice (overall) Rallymaster: Clarence Westberg e-mail: clarence.westberg@gmail.com phone: (952) 381-2759 Register on website or RSVP to rallymaster by Thursday, June, 23nd. Web Site: http://chippewatrail.blogspot.com/ I n t e r M a r q u e M o n t h l y, J u l y 2 0 1 1 PA G E 1 9
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