STEEL STRUCTURALS ANGLES, STRUCTURAL 3-7 to 3-84 BEARING PILES 3-27 CHANNELS Miscellaneous Standard 3-11 to 3-13 3-9, 3-10 CSA G40.21 MISCELLANEOUS BEAMS 3-3 to 3-64 3-42 STANDARD I-BEAMS 3-28 to 3-31 WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS 3-32 to 3-41 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS 3-14 to 3-25 WIDE FLANGE JUMBO 3-26 3 Steel Structurals 3MPage 1 3 Steel Structurals You Can Speed Up Production by Using Our Cutting Facilities Approximately six out of every ten orders received now call for some pre-production cutting. More and more customers are realizing that this is one way to contend with high production costs. Here’s our equipment line-up for steel structurals – IN-PLANT FACILITIES BAND SAWING FLAME CUTTING CIRCULAR COLD CUT SAWS SAW TOLERANCE ± 1⁄16" 3MPage 2 CSA G40.21 Standard for Structural Steels Issued by Canadian Standards Association (CSA) This standard, known as CSA G40.21 covers six types of structural quality plates, shapes and bars for general construction and engineering purposes. The six different types covered are: Type G – General Construction Steel Type W – Weldable Steels Type T – Weldable Low Temperature Steels Type R – Atmospheric Corrosion Resistant Structural Steels Type A – Atmospheric Corrosion Resistant Structural Steel Type Q – Quenched and Tempered Low Alloy Steel Plate AVAILABILITY These seven strength levels and six types have been combined into eighteen grades as follows: Yield Strength ksi - mPa Type 33 230 G 33G 230G W 33W 230W T 38 260 44 300 50 350 60 400 50G 350G 60G 400G 38W 260W 44W 300W 50W 350W 60W 400W 70W 480W 38T 260T 44T 300T 50T 350T 60T 400T 70T 480T R 50R 350R A 50A 350A Q 70 480 100 700 60A 400A 100Q 500Q TYPE G – A general construction steel meeting minimum strength requirements, but not recommended for low temperature service. Primarily designed for applications requiring bolting. However, can be welded under carefully controlled shop conditions, but not recommended for field welding where control may be difficult to maintain. TYPE W – Weldable steels for general construction. Available in six strength grades. These steels are widely used for bridges and other dynamically loaded structures. Grade 44W is recommended for normal building construction where field or shop welding procedures are used. Not specifically recommended for low temperature applications. 3MPage 3 TYPE T – Weldable, low temperature steel. A superior quality, weldable structural steel, with chemical composition that makes it suitable for low temperature applications. Possesses good notch toughness in the “as rolled” condition. Used for bridge construction for all types of loading. Certified minimum impact test requirement available. Easily weldable, using good shop or field practices, by all the usual methods. TYPE R – Steels with an atmospheric corrosion resistance of approximately four times that of carbon steel without copper. This type of steel usually limited to 1⁄2" in thickness and up to this thickness may be readily welded using good shop and field practices. Most popular applications unpainted roofing, siding, facia and curtainwall. TYPE A – Top quality steels for plates and shapes. High strength, low alloy steels with good low temperature properties and providing good long term atmospheric corrosion resistance. Weldable in all thicknesses. Widely used in painted or unpainted condition for bridge construction, for exposed beams and columns and for other types of construction. TYPE Q – QUENCHED AND TEMPERED LOW ALLOY STEEL PLATE. Steels that display a very high yield strength and good resistance to brittle fracture. Suitable for bridges and other structures. May be welded providing the techniques used do not adversely affect the properties of the plate. CSA G40.21 Comparison Equivalents COMPARISON OF PREVIOUS STANDARDS WITH CSA G40.20 AND CSA G40.21 Previous Standard G40.21 CSA G40.1 – CSA G40.4 33G 230G Chemical Composition Comparison Mechanical Property Comparison Requirements entirely covered by CSA G40.20 “General Requirements”. Grade 33G has limits on maximum carbon and manganese contents. Tensile strength of Grade 33G is 55-72 ksi while tensile strength of 40.4 is 60-72 ksi. Yield strength is same. 33W Grade 33W has much tighter 230W limits on maximum carbon, manganese and phosphorus. Mechanical properties of 33W same a 33G above. Limited to 4 inches in thickness. CSA G40.5 Grade D 33G 330G Same comments as for G40.4. CSA G40.8 Grade A 38W Slight reduction in maximum 260W carbon and manganese contents in Grade 38W. Yield strength of Grade 38W is 2 ksi lower in thicknesses of 5⁄8" or less (group 1 and 2 shapes), and 2 ksi higher in thicknesses over 1" to 11⁄2" (group 3 and 4 shapes). Minimum tensile strength is reduced 5 ksi in Grade 38W. CSA G40.8 Grade B 38T 260T Same comments as for G40.8 Grade A. CSA G40.9 – Same comments as for G40.4. Virtually no change in chemical composition. Requirements entirely covered in CSA G40.20 “General Requirements”. Cont’d 3MPage 4 CSA G40.21 Comparison Equivalents COMPARISON OF PREVIOUS STANDARDS WITH CSA G40.20 AND CSA G40.21 Previous Standard G40.21 Chemical Composition Comparison Mechanical Property Comparison CSA G40.11 Grade A 50R 350R Identical. Identical. CSA G40.11 Grade B 50A 350A Identical. Identical. CSA G40.12 44W Virtually Identical. Grade A 300W Identical with maximum tensile value in Grade 44W. CSA G40.12 Grade B 44T 300T Same with maximum tensile value in 44T. 2 ksi higher yield strength over 11⁄2" to 21⁄2" (4 ksi higher over 21⁄2" to 4") in Grade 44T. CSA G40.13 – CSA G40.14 Grade 50 50G 350G Identical. Same except tensile strength 5 ksi lower in Grade 50G. CSA G40.14 Grade 60 60G 400G Identical. Identical. CSA G40.18 100Q Identical. Identical. ASTM A36 33G 230G Approximately the same. Yield strength and tensile strength 3 ksi lower in Grade 33G. Identical. Requirements entirely covered in CSA G40.20 “General Requirements”. 38W Lower carbon content in 260W Grade 38W. Up to 11⁄2" thick, yield point and tensile strength is 2 ksi higher in Grade 38W. ASTM A36 KFG 38T 260T Lower carbon content in Grade 38T. Up to 21⁄2" thick, yield point is 2 ksi higher in Grade 38T. Over 21⁄2" yield point is same. Tensile strength is 2 ksi higher in Grade 38T. ASTM A131 Grade A 33G 230G Grade 33G has limits on maximum carbon and manganese contents. Yield point on 33G is 33 ksi instead of 32 ksi and tensile strength is 55-70 ksi instead of 58-71 ksi. ASTM A131 Grade B 33W Higher manganese content 230W permitted in Grade 33W. Yield point on 33W is 33 ksi instead of 32 ksi and tensile strength is 55-70 ksi instead of 58-71 ksi. ASTM A242 Type 1 50R 350R Chemical composition in Grade 50R has lower maximum manganese and has minimum and maximum limits on alloy contents. Same up to maximum thickness of 50R (1⁄2") except for maximum tensile strength. ASTM A283 Grade D 33G 230G Grade 33G has limits on maximum carbon and manganese contents. Same except tensile strength on 33G is 55-70 ksi instead of 60-72 ksi. ASTM A440 50G 350G Same except copper content not required in Grade 50G. Grade 50G not available in plate. Properties similar for shapes and bar size shapes. Cont’d 3MPage 5 CSA G40.21 Comparison Equivalents COMPARISON OF PREVIOUS STANDARDS WITH CSA G40.20 AND CSA G40.21 Previous Standard G40.21 ASTM A441 SK 50W Higher manganese contents 350W permitted and copper content not required in Grade 50W. Columbium may be used instead of vanadium. Tensile strength of Grade 50W is 65-90 ksi instead of 70 ksi decreasing to 67 ksi over 3⁄4" to 11⁄2" thickness. Yield strength of Grade 50W is 50 ksi up to 11⁄2" thickness instead of decreasing to 46 ksi over 3⁄4" thickness. ASTM A441 Killed 50T 350T Higher manganese content permitted and copper not required in Grade 50T. Columbium may be used instead of vanadium. Tensile strength of Grade 50T is 65-90 ksi instead of 70 ksi minimum, decreasing to 67 ksi over 3⁄4" to 11⁄2" thickness. Yield strength of Grade 50T is 50 ksi minimum up to 11⁄2" thickness instead of decreasing to 46 ksi over 3 ⁄4" thickness. ASTM A514 100Q Identical without specific proprietary Grades in A514. Identical. ASTM A572 Grade 42 44W Slightly higher carbon and 300W manganese contents permitted in Grade 44W. Tensile strength is 65-85 ksi for Grade 44W instead of 60 ksi minimum. Yield point is 44 ksi up to 11⁄2" thickness instead of 42 ksi. ASTM A572 Grade 45 44W Higher manganese content 300W permitted in Grade 44W. Tensile strength is 65-85 ksi for Grade 44W instead of 60 ksi minimum. Yield point is 44 ksi instead of 45 ksi. ASTM A572 Grade 50 50W Higher manganese content 350W permitted in Grade 50W. Tensile strength is 65-90 ksi for Grade 50W instead of 65 ksi minimum. ASTM A572 Grade 60 60W Lower carbon content and 400W higher permitted manganese content on Grade 60W. Tensile strength is 75-100 ksi for Grade 60W instead of 65 ksi minimum. ASTM A588 50A 350A Identical. 3MPage 6 Chemical Composition Comparison Majority of grades in A588 are covered in Grade 50A chemical requirements. Mechanical Property Comparison EQUAL LEG ANGLES Imperial Size ins. Thk. ins. ⁄4 x 3⁄4 1 ⁄84 .59) 1x1 1 ⁄84 3 ⁄16 1 ⁄44 .80) 1.16) 1.49) 3 ⁄84 ⁄16 1 ⁄44 1.01) 1.48) 1.92) 3 ⁄84 ⁄16 1 ⁄44 1.23) 1.80) 2.34) 3 ⁄84 ⁄16 1 ⁄44 1.44) 2.12) 2.77) ⁄84 ⁄16 1 ⁄44 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄84 1.65) 2.44) 3.19) 3.92) 4.70) ⁄84 ⁄16 1 ⁄44 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄84 1 ⁄24 2.08) 3.07) 4.10) 5.00) 5.90) 7.70) ⁄16 ⁄44 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄84 7 ⁄16 1 ⁄24 3.70) 4.90) 6.10) 7.20) 8.30) 9.40) 3 11⁄4 x 11⁄4 11⁄2 x 11⁄2 13⁄4 x 13⁄4 2x2 1 1 1 1 3 21⁄2 x 21⁄2 1 3 3x3 3 1 0) Imperial Wt. lbs./ft. Size ins. Thk. ins. Wt. lbs./ft. 31⁄2 x 31⁄2 11⁄46 15⁄16 13⁄86 17⁄16 11⁄26 5.8) 7.2) 8.5) 9.8) 11.1) 4x4 11⁄46 15⁄16 13⁄86 17⁄16 11⁄26 15⁄86 13⁄46 6.6) 8.2) 9.8) 11.3) 12.8) 15.7) 18.5) 5x5 15⁄16 13⁄86 17⁄16 11⁄26 15⁄86 13⁄46 17⁄86 10.3) 12.3) 14.3) 16.2) 20.0) 23.6) 27.2) 6x6 15⁄16 13⁄86 17⁄16 11⁄26 19⁄16 15⁄86 13⁄46 17⁄86 17⁄86 12.4) 14.9) 17.2) 19.6) 21.9) 24.2) 28.7) 33.1) 37.4) 8x8 11⁄26 19⁄16 15⁄86 13⁄46 17⁄86 17⁄86 11⁄84 26.4) 29.3) 32.7) 38.9) 45.0) 51.0) 56.9) 3MPage 7 UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES Imperial Size ins. Thk. ins. Imperial Wt. lbs./ft. 2 x 11⁄4 x 3⁄16 Size ins. Thk. ins. 5x3 ⁄4 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 7 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄4 15 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 17 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 15 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄4 15 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 17 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 19 ⁄16 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 117⁄16 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 117⁄16 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 117⁄16 1 2 x 1 ⁄2 13 ⁄16 1 ⁄4 2.12) 2.77) 21⁄2 x 2 13 ⁄16 ⁄4 15 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 2.75) 3.62) 4.50) 5.30) ⁄16 ⁄4 15 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 17 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 3.07) 4.10) 5.00) 5.90) 6.80) 7.70) ⁄16 ⁄4 15 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 3.70) 4.50) 5.60) 6.60) 8.50) ⁄4 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 4.90) 6.10) 7.20) 9.40) ⁄4 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 17 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 5.40) 6.60) 7.90) 9.10) 10.20) ⁄4 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 1 ⁄4 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 17 ⁄16 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 5.80) 7.20) 8.50) 11.10) 13.60) 6.20) 7.70) 9.10) 10.60) 11.90) 14.70) 1 1 3x2 13 1 3 x 21⁄2 13 1 31⁄2 x 21⁄2 1 15 31⁄2 x 3 1 15 4x3 1 15 4 x 31⁄2 3MPage 8 1 5 5 x 31⁄2 6 x 31⁄2 6x4 7x4 8x4 8x6 Wt. lbs./ft. 6.60) 8.20) 9.80) 11.30) 12.80) 7.0)3 8.7)3 10.4)3 12.0)3 13.6)3 16.8)3 19.8)3 9.8)3 11.7)3 15.3)3 8.3)3 10.3)3 12.3)3 14.3)3 16.2)3 18.1)3 20.0)3 23.6)3 27.2)3 30.6)3 13.6)3 17.9)3 19.6)3 24.2)3 28.7)3 33.1)3 37.4)3 23.0)3 28.5)3 33.8)3 39.1)3 44.2)3 STANDARD CHANNELS DEPTH CSA G40.21 – 44 W STOCK LENGTHS 20.0 40.0 60.0 Depth mm WEB FLANGE Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Metric Imperial C75 x 161 C3 x 171 C3 x 191 C3 x 14.1* C180 x 15.0* C180 x 16.0* 176 35 37 40 6.9 6.9 6.9 14.3 16.6 19.0 117.6 119.7 122.3 C100 x 181 C3 x 19 C3 x 11 C4 x 15.4* C180 x 16.25* C18 x 17.25* 102 40 42 43 7.5 7.5 7.5 14.7 16.3 18.2 131.6 134.6 137.4 C130 x 101 C3 x 131 C3 x 171 C5 x 6.7* C1 x 9.0* C18 x 11.5* 127 44 47 52 8.1 8.1 8.1 14.8 18.3 12.0 148.6 157.6 161.1 C150 x 121 C3 x 161 C3 x 191 C6 x 18.2* C18 x 10.5* C18 x 13.0* 152 48 51 54 8.7 8.7 8.7 15.1 18.0 11.1 170.5 181.8 193.6 C180 x 151 C3 x 18 C3 x 22* C7 x 9.8* C180 x 12.25* C18 x 14.75 178 53 55 58 9.3 9.3 9.3 15.3 18.0 10.6 199.6 1131. 1271. Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric C3 x 14.11 C3 x 15.01 C3 x 16.01 C751 x 16* C180 x 17* C180 x 19* 3.00 1.41 1.50 1.60 .273 .273 .273 .170 .258 .356 1.10 1.24 1.38 C4 x 15.41 C3 x 16.25 C3 x 17.25 C100 x 18* C180 x 19* C180 x 11* 4.00 1.58 1.65 1.72 .296 .296 .296 .184 .247 .321 1.93 2.10 2.29 C5 x 16.71 C3 x 19.01 C3 x 11.51 C130 x 10* C180 x 13* C180 x 17* 5.00 1.75 1.88 2.03 .320 .320 .320 .190 .325 .472 3.00 3.56 4.10 C6 x 18.21 C3 x 10.51 C3 x 13.01 C150 x 12* C180 x 16* C180 x 19* 6.00 1.92 2.03 2.16 .343 .343 .343 .200 .314 .437 4.38 5.06 5.80 C7 x 19.81 C3 x 12.25 C3 x 14.75 C180 x 15* C180 x 18* C180 x 22* 7.00 2.09 2.19 2.30 .366 .366 .366 .210 .314 .419 6.08 6.93 7.77 *Not produced in Canada Cont’d 3MPage 9 STANDARD CHANNELS DEPTH CSA G40.21 – 44 W STOCK LENGTHS 20.0 40.0 60.0 Metric Imperial Depth mm FLANGE Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 C200 x 17*5 C81 x 11.5* C13 x 21* C180 x 13.75* 203 C13 x 28* C180 x 18.75* 57 59 64 19.9 19.9 19.9 15.6 17.7 12.4 133 147 180 C230 x 201* C91 x 13.4* C13 x 22*1 C18 x 15.0* C13 x 30*3 C18 x 20.0* 229 61 63 67 10.5 10.5 10.5 15.9 17.2 11.4 173 186 222 C10 x 15.3 C180 x 20.0* C180 x 25.0* C18 x 30.0 254 65 69 73 76 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 16.1 19.6 13.4 17.1 219 257 299 337 C310 x 31*3 C12 x 20.7* C13 x 37*3 C180 x 25.0* C13 x 45*3 C180 x 30.0* 305 74 77 80 12.7 12.7 12.7 17.2 19.8 13.0 351 393 442 C380 x 50*3 C15 x 33.9* C13 x 60*3 C180 x 40.0* C13 x 74*3 C180 x 50.0* 381 86 89 94 16.5 16.5 16.5 10.2 13.2 18.2 687 760 881 C250 x 23*3 C13 x 30*3 C13 x 37*3 C13 x 45**3 Depth ins. WEB Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric C81 x 11.5*5 C13 x 13.75* C13 x 18.75* C200 x 17* C180 x 21* C180 x 28* 18.00 2.26 2.34 2.53 .390 .390 .390 .220 .303 .487 18.14 19.03 11.0 C91 x 13.41* C13 x 15.0*1 C13 x 20.0*3 C230 x 20* C180 x 22* C180x 30 19.00 2.43 2.48 2.65 .413 .413 .413 .233 .285 .448 10.61 11.31 13.51 C10 x 15.3*3 C13 x 20.0*3 C13 x 25.0*3 C13 x 30.0*3 C250 x 23* C180 x 30* C180 x 37* C180 x 45* 10.00 2.60 2.74 2.89 3.03 .436 .436 .436 .436 .240 .379 .526 .673 13.51 15.81 18.21 20.71 C12 x 20.7*3 C13 x 25.0*3 C13 x 30.0*3 C310 x 31* C180 x 37* C180 x 45* 12.00 2.94 3.05 3.17 .501 .501 .501 .282 .387 .510 21.51 24.11 27.01 C15 x 33.9*3 C13 x 40.0*3 C13 x 50.0*3 C380 x 50* C180 x 60* C180 x 74* 15.00 3.40 3.52 3.72 .650 .650 .650 .400 .520 .716 42.01 46.51 53.81 *Not produced in Canada 3MPage 10 MISCELLANEOUS CHANNELS SPECIFICATION ASTM A572 GR50 STOCK LENGTHS 20.0 40.0 60.0 feet Metric Imperial Depth mm MC 150 x 17.9 MC 6 x 27 152 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm 63 19.5 17.9 Section Modulus 1000mm3 102.4 MC 150 x 22.5 MC 6 x 34 152 75 12.1 18.0 136.4 MC 150 x 24.3 MC 6 x 36 152 76 12.1 19.5 142.4 MC 150 x 22.8 MC 150 x 26.8 MC 6 x 34 MC 6 x 40 152 152 89 89 19.8 12.1 18.6 19.6 139.4 162.4 MC 180 x 28.4 MC 180 x 33.8 MC 7 x 42 MC 7 x 50 178 178 88 92 12.7 12.7 18.9 12.8 203.4 223.4 MC 200 x 12.6 MC 8 x 19 203 48 17.9 14.5 95.2.4 MC 200 x 27.8 MC 200 x 29.8 MC 8 x 41 MC 8 x 44 203 203 76 77 12.7 12.7 19.0 10.2 215.4 223.4 MC 200 x 31.8 MC 8 x 47 203 88 13.3 19.5 253.4 MC 200 x 33.9 MC 8 x 51 203 89 13.3 10.8 261.4 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric Depth ins. MC 6 x 27 MC 150 x 17.9 6.0 2.480 .374 .311 16.22 MC 6 x 34 MC 6 x 36 MC 150 x 22.5 MC 150 x 24.3 6.0 6.0 2.953 2.992 .476 .476 .315 .374 18.30 18.67 MC 6 x 34 MC 6 x 40 MC 150 x 22.8 MC 150 x 26.8 6.0 6.0 3.504 3.504 .386 .476 .339 .378 18.48 19.89 MC 7 x 42 MC 7 x 50 MC 180 x 28.4 MC 180 x 33.8 7.0 7.0 3.465 3.622 .500 .500 .350 .504 12.39 13.61 MC 8 x 19 MC 200 x 12.6 8.0 1.890 .311 .177 15.81 MC 8 x 41 MC 8 x 44 MC 200 x 27.8 MC 200 x 29.8 8.0 8.0 2.992 3.031 .500 .500 .354 .402 13.12 13.61 MC 8 x 47 MC 8 x 51 MC 200 x 31.8 MC 200 x 33.9 8.0 8.0 3.465 3.504 .524 .524 .374 .425 15.44 15.93 Cont’d 3MPage 11 MISCELLANEOUS CHANNELS SPECIFICATION ASTM A572 GR50 STOCK LENGTHS 20.0 40.0 60.0 feet Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 1000mm3 Metric Imperial Depth mm MC 230 x 35.6 MC 230 x 37.8 MC 9 x 53 MC 9 x 56 229 229 188 189 14.0 14.0 10.2 11.4 310.4 322.4 MC 250 x 12.5 MC 10 x 19 254 138 17.1 14.3 104.4 MC 250 x 33.0 MC 250 x 37.0 MC 10 x 22 MC 10 x 25 254 254 184 186 14.6 14.6 17.4 19.7 336.4 360.4 MC 250 x 42.4 MC 250 x 50.0 MC 250 x 61.2 MC 10 x 29 MC 10 x 34 MC 10 x 41 254 254 254 100 104 110 14.6 14.6 14.6 10.8 14.6 20.2 414.4 456.4 518.4 MC 310 x 46.0 MC 310 x 52.0 MC 310 x 60.0 MC 310 x 67.0 MC 12 x 31 MC 12 x 35 MC 12 x 40 MC 12 x 45 305 305 305 305 193 196 199 102 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 19.4 11.9 15.0 18.1 554.4 593.4 641.4 689.4 MC 310 x 74.0 MC 12 x 50 305 105 17.8 21.2 738.4 Imperial Metric Depth ins. MC 9 x 53 MC 9 x 56 MC 230 x 35.6 MC 230 x 37.8 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. 19.0 3.465 19.0 3.504 0.551 0.551 Section Modulus ins.3 .402 .449 18.92 19.65 MC 10 x 19 MC 250 x 12.5 10.0 1.496 0.280 .169 16.35 MC 10 x 22 MC 10 x 25 MC 250 x 33.0 MC 250 x 37.0 10.0 10.0 3.315 3.405 0.575 0.575 .290 .380 20.50 22.00 MC 10 x 29 MC 10 x 34 MC 10 x 41 MC 250 x 42.4 MC 250 x 50.0 MC 250 x 61.2 10.0 4.321 10.0 4.100 10.0 3.950 0.575 0.575 0.575 .425 .575 .796 25.30 27.80 31.50 MC 12 x 31 MC 12 x 35 MC 12 x 40 MC 12 x 45 MC 12 x 50 MC 310 x 46.0 MC 310 x 52.0 MC 310 x 60.0 MC 310 x 67.0 MC 310 x 74.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 .370 .465 .590 .710 .935 33.70 36.10 39.00 41.90 44.90 3.670 3.765 3.890 4.010 4.135 Cont’d 3MPage 12 MISCELLANEOUS CHANNELS SPECIFICATION ASTM A572 GR50 STOCK LENGTHS 20.0 40.0 60.0 feet Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 1000mm3 Metric Imperial Depth mm MC 330 x 47.3 MC 330 x 52.0 MC 330 x 60.0 MC 330 x 74.0 MC 13 x 32 MC 13 x 35 MC 13 x 40 MC 13 x 50 330 330 330 330 102 103 106 112 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 19.5 11.4 14.2 20.0 1602.4 1635.4 1685.4 1792.4 MC 460 x 63.5 MC 330 x 68.2 MC 330 x 77.2 MC 18 x 43 MC 13 x 46 MC 13 x 52 457 457 457 100 102 104 15.9 15.9 15.9 11.4 12.7 15.2 1010.4 1050.4 1140.4 MC 330 x 86.0 MC 13 x 58 457 107 15.9 17.8 1230.4 Imperial Metric Depth ins. MC 13 x 32 MC 13 x 35 MC 13 x 40 MC 13 x 50 MC 330 x 47.3 MC 330 x 52.0 MC 330 x 60.0 MC 330 x 74.0 13.0 4.000 13.0 4.072 13.0 4.185 13.0 4.412 0.610 0.610 0.610 0.610 .375 .447 .560 .787 36.70 38.80 41.90 48.30 MC 18 x 43 MC 13 x 46 MC 13 x 52 MC 13 x 58 MC 460 x 63.5 MC 330 x 68.2 MC 330 x 77.2 MC 330 x 86.0 18.0 3.950 18.0 4.000 18.0 4.100 18.0 4.200 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 .450 .500 .600 .700 61.50 64.20 69.60 75.00 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 3MPage 13 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Metric Imperial Depth mm W100 x 19 W4 x 13 106 103 18.8 7.1 189.9 W130 x 24 W8 x 24 W5 x 16 W1 x 19 127 131 127 128 19.1 10.9 6.1 6.9 139.5 168.5 W150 x 14 W8 x 18 W8 x 24 W6 x 9 W12 x 12 W12 x 16 150 153 160 100 102 102 15.5 17.1 10.3 4.3 5.8 6.6 191.6 120.5 168.5 W150 x 22 W8 x 30 W8 x 37 W6 x 15 W12 x 20 W12 x 25 152 157 162 152 153 154 16.6 19.3 11.6 5.8 6.6 8.1 160.5 219.5 275.5 W200 x 15 W8 x 19 W8 x 22 W8 x 10 W12 x 13 W12 x 15 200 203 206 100 102 102 15.2 16.5 18.0 4.3 5.8 6.2 127.5 163.5 194.5 W200 x 21 W8 x 27 W8 x 31 W8 x 14 W12 x 18 W12 x 21 203 207 210 133 133 134 16.4 18.4 10.2 5.0 5.8 6.4 195.5 249.5 299.5 W200 x 36 W8 x 42 W8 x 24 W12 x 28 201 205 165 166 10.2 11.8 6.2 7.2 342.5 399.5 Imperial Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. W4 x 13 W100 x 19 4.16 4.06 .345 .280 15.46 W5 x 16 W8 x 19 W130 x 24 W128 x 28 5.01 5.15 5.00 5.03 .360 .430 .240 .270 18.51 10.21 W6 x 19 W8 x 12 W8 x 16 W150 x 14 W128 x 18 W128 x 24 5.90 6.03 6.28 3.94 4.00 4.03 .215 .280 .405 .170 .230 .260 15.56 17.31 10.21 W6 x 15 W8 x 20 W8 x 25 W150 x 22 W128 x 30 W128 x 37 5.99 6.20 6.38 5.99 6.02 6.08 .260 .365 .455 .230 .260 .320 19.72 13.41 16.71 W8 x 10 W8 x 13 W8 x 15 W200 x 15 W128 x 19 W128 x 22 7.89 7.99 8.11 3.94 4.00 4.02 .205 .255 .315 .170 .230 .245 17.81 19.91 11.81 W8 x 14 W8 x 18 W8 x 21 W200 x 21 W128 x 27 W128 x 31 7.98 8.14 8.28 5.21 5.25 5.27 .250 .330 .400 .195 .230 .250 11.81 15.21 18.21 W8 x 24 W8 x 28 W200 x 36 W128 x 42 7.93 8.06 6.50 6.54 .400 .465 .245 .285 20.91 24.31 Section Modulus ins.3 Cont’d 3MPage 14 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Metric Imperial Depth mm W200 x 146 W10 x 152 W10 x 159 W10 x 171 W10 x 186 W10 x 100 W8 x 31 W200 x 35 W200 x 40 W200 x 48 W200 x 58 W200 x 67 203 206 210 216 222 229 203 204 205 206 209 210 11.0 12.6 14.2 17.4 20.6 23.7 17.2 17.9 19.1 10.2 13.0 14.5 448 512 582 709 853 989 W250 x 118 W10 x 122 W10 x 125 W10 x 128 W10 x 12 W200 x 15 W200 x 17 W200 x 19 251 254 257 260 101 102 102 102 15.3 16.9 18.4 10.0 14.8 15.8 16.1 16.4 179 227 266 307 W250 x 124 W10 x 133 W10 x 139 W10 x 145 W10 x 16 W200 x 22 W200 x 26 W200 x 30 253 258 262 266 145 146 147 148 16.4 19.1 11.2 13.0 15.0 16.1 16.6 17.6 274 379 459 534 W250 x 149 W10 x 158 W10 x 167 W10 x 33 W200 x 39 W200 x 45 247 252 257 202 203 204 11.0 13.5 15.7 17.4 18.0 18.9 572 693 806 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric Depth ins. W81 x 31 W10 x 35 W10 x 40 W10 x 48 W10 x 58 W10 x 67 W200 x 146 W200 x 152 W200 x 159 W200 x 171 W200 x 186 W200 x 100 18.00 18.12 18.25 18.50 18.75 19.00 8.00 8.02 8.07 8.11 8.22 8.28 .435 .495 .560 .685 .810 .935 .285 .310 .360 .400 .510 .570 27.5 31.2 35.5 43.3 52.0 60.4 W10 x 12 W10 x 15 W10 x 17 W10 x 19 W250 x 118 W200 x 122 W200 x 125 W200 x 128 19.87 3.96 19.99 4.00 10.11 4.01 10.24 4.02 .210 .270 .330 .395 .190 .230 .240 .250 10.9 13.8 16.2 18.8 W10 x 16 W10 x 22 W10 x 26 W10 x 30 W250 x 124 W200 x 133 W200 x 139 W200 x 145 19.95 5.71 10.17 5.75 10.33 5.77 10.47 5.81 .250 .360 .440 .510 .195 .240 .260 .300 16.6 23.2 27.9 32.4 W10 x 33 W10 x 39 W10 x 45 W250 x 149 W200 x 158 W200 x 167 19.73 7.96 19.92 7.98 10.10 8.02 .435 .530 .620 .290 .315 .350 35.0 42.1 49.1 Cont’d 3MPage 15 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Metric Imperial Depth mm W250 x 173 W10 x 180 W10 x 189 W10 x 101 W10 x 115 W10 x 131 W10 x 149 W10 x 167 W10 x 149 W200 x 154 W200 x 160 W200 x 168 W200 x 177 W200 x 188 W200 x 100 W200 x 112 253 256 260 264 269 275 282 289 254 255 256 257 259 261 263 265 14.2 15.6 17.3 19.6 22.1 25.1 28.4 31.8 18.6 19.4 10.7 11.9 13.5 15.4 17.3 19.2 1891 1982 1100 1240 1410 1610 1840 2080 W310 x 121 W10 x 124 W10 x 128 W10 x 133 W12 x 114 W200 x 116 W200 x 119 W200 x 122 303 305 309 313 101 101 102 102 15.7 16.7 18.9 10.8 15.1 15.6 16.0 16.6 1244 1280 1351 1415 W310 x 131 W10 x 139 W10 x 145 W10 x 152 W12 x 121 W200 x 126 W200 x 130 W200 x 135 306 310 313 317 164 165 166 167 17.4 19.7 11.2 13.2 15.0 15.8 16.6 17.6 1428 1549 1634 1750 Imperial Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. W10 x 149 W10 x 154 W10 x 160 W10 x 168 W10 x 177 W10 x 188 W10 x 100 W10 x 112 W250 x 173 W200 x 180 W200 x 189 W200 x 101 W200 x 115 W200 x 131 W200 x 149 W200 x 167 19.98 10.09 10.22 10.40 10.60 10.84 11.10 11.36 10.00 10.03 10.08 10.13 10.19 10.26 10.34 10.42 1.560 1.615 1.680 1.770 1.870 1.990 1.121 1.251 .340 .370 .420 .470 .530 .605 .680 .755 154.6 160.0 166.7 175.7 185.9 198.5 1121. 1261. W12 x 114 W10 x 116 W10 x 119 W10 x 122 W310 x 121 W200 x 124 W200 x 128 W200 x 133 11.91 11.99 12.16 12.31 13.97 13.99 14.00 14.03 1.225 1.265 1.350 1.425 .200 .220 .235 .260 114.9 117.1 121.3 125.4 W12 x 121 W10 x 126 W10 x 130 W10 x 135 W310 x 131 W200 x 139 W200 x 145 W200 x 152 12.04 12.22 12.34 12.50 16.45 16.49 16.52 16.56 1.290 1.380 1.440 1.520 .195 .230 .260 .300 126.1 133.4 138.6 145.6 Section Modulus ins.3 Cont’d 3MPage 16 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W310 x 160 x 167 x 174 W12 x 140 x 145 x 150 303 306 310 203 204 205 13.1 14.6 16.3 17.5 18.5 19.4 1842 1942 1060 W310 x 179 x 186 W12 x 153 x 158 306 310 254 254 14.6 16.3 18.8 19.1 1160 1280 W310 x 197 x 107 x 118 x 129 x 143 x 158 x 179 x 202 x 226 x 253 x 283 W12 x 165 x 172 x 179 x 187 x 196 x 106 x 120 x 136 x 152 x 170 x 190 308 311 314 318 323 327 333 341 348 356 365 305 306 307 308 309 310 313 315 317 319 322 15.4 17.0 18.7 20.6 22.9 25.1 28.1 31.8 35.6 39.6 44.1 19.9 10.9 11.9 13.1 14.0 15.5 18.0 20.1 22.1 24.4 26.9 1440 1590 1750 1940 2150 2360 2680 3050 3420 3830 4310 W360 x 133 x 139 W14 x 122 x 126 349 353 127 128 18.5 10.7 15.8 16.5 1474 1580 Imperial Metric Depth ins. W12 x 140 x 145 x 150 W310 x 160 x 167 x 174 11.94 18.00 12.06 18.04 12.19 18.08 1.515 1.575 1.640 1.295 1.335 1.370 .151.9 .158.1 .164.7 W12 x 153 x 158 W310 x 179 x 186 12.06 10.00 12.19 10.01 1.575 1.640 1.345 1.360 .170.6 .178.0 W12 x 165 x 172 x 179 x 187 x 196 x 106 x 120 x 136 x 152 x 170 x 190 W310 x 197 x 107 x 118 x 129 x 143 x 158 x 179 x 202 x 226 x 253 x 283 12.12 12.25 12.38 12.53 12.71 12.89 13.12 13.41 13.71 14.03 14.38 12.00 12.04 12.08 12.12 12.16 12.22 12.32 12.40 12.48 12.57 12.67 1.605 1.670 1.735 1.810 1.900 1.990 1.101 1.251 1.401 1.561 1.741 1.390 1.430 1.470 1.515 1.550 1.610 1.710 1.790 1.870 1.960 1.061 .187.9 .197.4 107.1 118.1 131.1 145.1 163.1 186.1 209.1 235.1 263.1 W14 x 122 x 126 W360 x 133 x 139 13.74 15.00 13.91 15.02 1.335 1.420 1.230 1.255 .129.0 .135.3 Metric Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Cont’d 3MPage 17 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W360 x 145 x 151 x 157 W14 x 130 x 134 x 138 352 355 358 171 171 172 19.8 11.6 13.1 16.9 17.2 17.9 1691 1796 1897 W360 x 164 x 172 x 179 W14 x 143 x 148 x 153 347 350 354 203 204 205 13.5 15.1 16.8 17.7 18.6 19.4 1030 1150 1280 W360 x 191 x 101 x 110 x 122 W14 x 161 x 168 x 174 x 182 353 357 360 363 254 255 256 257 16.4 18.3 19.9 21.7 19.5 10.5 11.4 13.0 1510 1690 1840 2010 W360 x 134 x 147 x 162 x 179 x 196 W14 x 190 x 199 x 109 x 120 x 132 356 360 364 368 372 369 370 371 373 374 18.0 19.8 21.8 23.9 26.2 11.2 12.3 13.3 15.0 16.4 2330 2570 2830 3120 3420 Depth ins. Metric Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric W14 x 130 x 134 x 138 W360 x 145 x 151 x 157 13.84 16.73 13.98 16.74 14.10 16.77 1.385 1.455 1.515 .270 .285 .310 42.0 48.6 54.6 W14 x 143 x 148 x 153 W360 x 164 x 172 x 179 13.66 18.00 13.79 18.03 13.92 18.06 1.530 1.595 1.660 .305 .340 .370 62.7 70.3 77.8 W14 x 161 x 168 x 174 x 182 W360 x 191 x 101 x 110 x 122 13.89 14.04 14.17 14.31 10.00 10.04 10.07 10.13 1.645 1.720 1.785 1.855 .375 .415 .450 .510 92.2 103.22 112.22 123.22 W14 x 190 x 199 x 109 x 120 x 132 W360 x 134 x 147 x 162 x 179 x 196 14.02 14.16 14.32 14.48 14.66 14.52 14.56 14.60 14.67 14.72 1.710 1.780 1.860 1.940 1.031 .440 .485 .525 .590 .645 143.22 157.22 173.22 190.22 209.22 Cont’d 3MPage 18 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W360 x 1216 x 1237 x 1262 x 1287 x 1314 x 1347 x 1382 x 1421 x 1463 x 1509 x 1551 x 1592 x 1634 W14 x 145 x 159 x 176 x 193 x 211 x 233 x 257 x 283 x 311 x 342 x 370 x 398 x 426 375 380 387 393 399 407 416 425 435 446 455 465 474 394 395 398 399 401 404 406 409 412 416 418 421 424 27.7 30.2 33.3 36.6 39.6 43.7 48.0 52.6 57.4 62.7 67.6 72.3 77.1 17.3 18.9 21.1 22.6 24.9 27.2 29.8 32.8 35.8 39.1 42.0 45.0 47.6 23790 24150 24620 25070 25530 26140 26790 27510 28280 29170 29940 10800 11600 W360 x 1677 x 1744 x 1818 x 1900 x 1990 x 1086 W14 x 445 x 500 x 550 x 605 x 665 x 730 483 498 514 531 550 569 428 432 437 442 448 454 81.5 88.9 97.0 106.00 115.00 125.00 51.2 55.6 60.5 65.9 71.9 78.0 12400 13700 15300 17000 18900 20900 Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Metric Imperial Section Modulus ins.3 W14 x 145 x 159 x 176 x 193 x 211 x 233 x 257 x 283 x 311 x 342 x 370 x 398 x 426 W360 x 1216 x 1237 x 1262 x 1287 x 1314 x 1347 x 1382 x 1421 x 1463 x 1509 x 1551 x 1592 x 1634 14.78 14.98 15.22 15.48 15.72 16.04 16.38 16.74 17.12 17.54 17.92 18.29 18.67 15.50 15.56 15.65 15.71 15.80 15.89 16.00 16.11 16.23 16.36 16.48 16.59 16.70 1.09 1.19 1.31 1.44 1.56 1.72 1.89 2.07 2.26 2.47 2.66 2.84 3.04 .680 .745 .830 .890 .980 1.0711 1.1811 1.2911 1.4111 1.5411 1.6611 1.7711 1.8811 1232 1254 1281 1310 1338 1375 1415 1459 1506 1559 1607 1656 1707 W14 x 455 x 500 x 550 x 605 x 665 x 730 W360 x 1677 x 1744 x 1818 x 1900 x 1990 x 1086 19.02 19.60 20.24 20.92 21.64 22.42 16.84 17.01 17.20 17.42 17.65 17.89 3.21 3.50 3.82 4.16 4.52 4.91 2.0211 2.1911 2.3811 2.6011 2.8311 3.0711 1756 1838 1931 1040 1150 1280 Cont’d 3MPage 19 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W410 x 139 x 146 W16 x 126 x 131 399 403 140 140 18.8 11.2 16.4 17.0 1634 1773 W410 x 154 x 160 x 167 x 174 x 185 W16 x 136 x 140 x 145 x 150 x 157 403 407 410 413 417 177 178 179 180 181 10.9 12.8 14.4 16.0 18.2 17.5 17.7 18.8 19.7 10.9 1924 1060 1200 1330 1510 W410 x 100 x 114 x 132 x 149 W16 x 167 x 177 x 189 x 100 415 420 425 431 260 261 263 265 16.9 19.3 22.2 25.0 10.0 11.6 13.3 14.9 1920 2200 2540 2870 W460 x 152 x 160 x 168 W18 x 135 x 140 x 146 450 455 459 152 153 154 10.8 13.3 15.4 17.6 18.0 19.1 1943 1120 1290 Imperial Metric Depth ins. W16 x 126 x 131 W410 x 139 x 146 15.69 15.50 15.88 15.52 .345 .440 .250 .275 38.4 47.2 W16 x 136 x 140 x 145 x 150 x 157 W410 x 154 x 160 x 167 x 174 x 185 15.86 16.01 16.13 16.26 16.43 16.98 17.00 17.04 17.07 17.12 .430 .505 .565 .630 .715 .295 .305 .345 .380 .430 56.5 64.7 72.7 81.0 92.2 W16 x 167 x 177 x 189 x 100 W410 x 100 x 114 x 132 x 149 16.33 16.52 16.75 16.97 10.24 10.30 10.36 10.42 .665 .760 .875 .985 .395 .455 .525 .585 117.22 134.22 155.22 175.22 W18 x 135 x 140 x 146 W460 x 152 x 160 x 168 17.70 16.00 17.90 16.02 18.06 16.06 .425 .525 .605 .300 .315 .360 57.6 68.4 78.8 Metric Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Cont’d 3MPage 20 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W460 x 161 x 167 x 174 x 182 x 189 x 197 x 106 W18 x 141 x 145 x 150 x 155 x 160 x 165 x 171 450 454 457 460 463 466 469 189 190 190 191 192 193 194 10.8 12.7 14.5 16.0 17.7 19.0 20.6 18.1 18.5 19.0 19.9 10.5 11.4 12.6 1130 1300 1460 1610 1770 1910 2080 W460 x 113 x 128 x 144 x 158 x 177 W18 x 176 x 186 x 197 x 106 x 119 463 467 472 476 482 280 282 283 284 286 17.3 19.6 22.1 23.9 26.9 10.8 12.2 13.6 15.0 16.6 2400 2730 3080 3350 3780 W530 x 166 x 174 x 185 W21 x 144 x 150 x 157 525 529 535 165 166 166 11.4 13.6 16.5 18.9 19.7 10.3 1340 1550 1810 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Metric Imperial Metric Depth ins. W18 x 141 x 145 x 150 x 155 x 160 x 165 x 171 W460 x 161 x 167 x 174 x 182 x 189 x 197 x 106 17.70 17.86 17.99 18.11 18.24 18.35 18.47 17.45 17.48 17.50 17.53 17.56 17.59 17.64 .425 .499 .570 .630 .695 .750 .810 .320 .335 .355 .390 .415 .450 .495 69.0 79.3 88.9 98.3 108.11 117.11 127.11 W18 x 176 x 186 x 197 x 106 x 119 W460 x 113 x 128 x 144 x 158 x 177 18.21 18.39 18.59 18.73 18.97 11.04 11.09 11.14 11.20 11.26 .680 .770 .870 .940 1.0611 .425 .480 .535 .590 .655 146.11 166.11 188.11 204.11 231.11 W21 x 144 x 150 x 157 W530 x 166 x 174 x 185 20.66 16.50 20.83 16.53 21.06 16.56 .450 .535 .650 .350 .380 .405 81.6 94.5 111.11 Cont’d 3MPage 21 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W530 x 172 x 182 x 192 x 101 x 109 x 123 x 138 W21 x 148 x 155 x 162 x 168 x 173 x 183 x 193 524 528 533 537 539 544 549 207 209 209 210 211 212 214 10.9 13.3 15.6 17.4 18.8 21.2 23.6 18.9 19.5 10.2 10.9 11.6 13.1 14.7 1520 1810 2070 2300 2480 2800 3140 W530 x 150 x 165 x 182 x 196 x 219 W21 x 101 x 111 x 122 x 132 x 147 543 546 551 554 560 312 313 315 316 318 20.3 22.2 24.4 26.3 29.2 12.7 14.0 15.2 16.5 18.3 3710 4060 4480 4840 5390 W610 x 182 x 192 W24 x 155 x 162 599 603 178 179 12.8 15.0 10.0 10.9 1870 2140 W610 x 184 x 191 x 101 x 113 x 125 x 140 x 153 W24 x 156 x 161 x 168 x 176 x 184 x 194 x 103 596 598 603 608 612 617 623 226 227 228 228 229 230 229 11.7 12.7 14.9 17.3 19.6 22.2 24.9 19.2 19.7 10.5 11.2 11.9 13.1 14.0 2020 2200 2530 2880 3220 3630 4020 Imperial Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. W21 x 148 x 155 x 162 x 168 x 173 x 183 x 193 W530 x 172 x 182 x 192 x 101 x 109 x 123 x 138 20.62 20.80 20.99 21.13 21.24 21.43 21.62 18.14 18.22 18.24 18.27 18.30 18.36 18.42 1.430 1.522 1.615 1.685 1.740 1.835 1.930 .350 .375 .400 .430 .455 .515 .580 93.0 110 127 140 151 171 192 W21 x 101 x 111 x 122 x 132 x 147 W530 x 150 x 165 x 182 x 196 x 219 21.36 21.51 21.68 21.83 22.06 12.29 12.34 12.39 12.44 12.51 1.800 1.875 1.960 1.041 1.151 .500 .550 .600 .650 .720 227 249 273 295 329 W24 x 155 x 162 W610 x 182 x 192 23.57 17.00 23.74 17.04 1.505 1.590 .395 .430 114 131 W24 x 156 x 161 x 168 x 176 x 184 x 194 x 103 W610 x 184 x 191 x 101 x 113 x 125 x 140 x 153 23.46 23.54 23.73 23.92 24.10 24.31 24.53 1.461 1.500 1.585 1.680 1.770 1.875 1.980 .355 .380 .415 .440 .470 .515 .550 126 136 154 176 196 222 245 Metric 3MPage 22 18.90 18.94 18.96 18.99 19.02 19.06 19.00 Section Modulus ins.3 Cont’d WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W610 x 155 x 174 x 195 x 217 x 241 W24 x 104 x 117 x 131 x 146 x 162 611 616 622 628 635 324 325 327 328 329 19.0 21.6 24.4 27.7 31.0 12.7 14.0 15.4 16.5 17.9 4220 4780 5400 6070 6780 W690 x 125 x 140 x 152 x 170 W27 x 184 x 194 x 102 x 114 678 684 688 693 253 254 254 256 16.3 18.9 21.1 23.6 11.7 12.4 13.1 14.5 3500 3980 4380 4910 W690 x 217 x 240 x 265 W27 x 146 x 161 x 178 695 701 706 355 356 358 24.8 27.4 30.2 15.4 16.8 18.4 6740 7450 8220 W760 x 147 x 161 x 173 x 185 x 196 W30 x 199 x 108 x 116 x 124 x 132 753 758 762 766 770 265 266 267 267 268 17.0 19.3 21.6 23.6 25.4 13.2 13.8 14.4 14.9 15.6 4410 4900 5400 5820 6240 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Metric Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric Depth ins. W24 x 104 x 117 x 131 x 146 x 162 W610 x 155 x 174 x 195 x 217 x 241 24.06 24.26 24.48 24.74 25.00 12.75 12.80 12.86 12.90 12.96 1.750 1.850 1.960 1.091 1.221 .500 .550 .605 .650 .705 258 291 329 371 414 W27 x 184 x 194 x 102 x 114 W690 x 125 x 140 x 152 x 170 26.71 26.92 27.09 27.29 19.96 19.99 10.02 10.07 1.640 1.745 1.830 1.930 .460 .490 .515 .570 213 243 267 299 W27 x 146 x 161 x 178 W690 x 217 x 240 x 265 27.38 13.96 27.59 14.02 27.81 14.08 1.975 1.081 1.191 .605 .660 .725 411 455 502 W30 x 199 x 108 x 116 x 124 x 132 W760 x 147 x 161 x 173 x 185 x 196 29.65 29.83 30.01 30.17 30.31 1.670 1.760 1.850 1.930 1.001 .520 .545 .565 .585 .615 269 299 329 355 380 10.45 10.48 10.50 10.52 10.54 Cont’d 3MPage 23 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W760 x 257 x 284 x 314 W30 x 173 x 191 x 211 773 779 786 381 382 384 27.1 30.1 33.4 16.6 18.0 19.7 18840 19790 11000 W840 x 176 x 193 x 210 x 226 W33 x 118 x 130 x 141 x 152 835 840 846 851 292 292 293 294 18.8 21.7 24.4 26.8 14.0 14.7 15.4 16.1 15900 16630 17340 17990 W840 x 299 x 329 x 359 W33 x 201 x 221 x 241 855 862 868 400 401 403 29.2 32.4 35.6 18.2 19.7 21.1 11200 12400 13600 W920 x 201 x 223 x 238 x 253 x 271 x 289 x 313 W36 x 135 x 150 x 160 x 170 x 182 x 194 x 210 903 911 915 919 923 927 932 304 304 305 306 307 308 309 20.1 23.9 25.9 27.9 30.0 32.0 34.5 15.2 15.9 16.5 17.3 18.4 19.4 21.1 17200 18270 18880 19520 10200 10900 11800 Depth ins. Metric Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Imperial Metric W30 x 173 x 191 x 211 W760 x 257 x 284 x 314 30.44 14.98 30.68 15.04 30.94 15.10 1.061 1.181 1.311 .655 .710 .775 539 598 663 W33 x 118 x 130 x 141 x 152 W840 x 176 x 193 x 210 x 226 32.86 33.09 33.30 33.49 11.48 11.51 11.54 11.56 1.740 1.855 1.960 1.061 .550 .580 .605 .635 359 406 448 487 W33 x 201 x 221 x 241 W840 x 299 x 329 x 359 33.68 15.74 33.93 15.80 34.18 15.86 1.151 1.281 1.401 .715 .775 .830 684 757 829 W36 x 135 x 150 x 160 x 170 x 182 x 194 x 210 W920 x 201 x 223 x 238 x 253 x 271 x 289 x 313 35.55 35.85 36.01 36.17 36.33 36.49 36.69 1.790 1.940 1.021 1.101 1.181 1.261 1.361 .600 .625 .650 .680 .725 .765 .830 439 504 542 580 623 664 719 11.95 11.98 12.00 12.03 12.08 12.12 12.18 Cont’d 3MPage 24 WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (W) CSA G40.21 – 50W / ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 STOCK LENGTHS 40.0' THRU 65.0' – 5.0' INCREMENTS Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W920 x 342 x 365 x 387 x 417 x 446 W36 x 230 x 245 x 260 x 280 x 300 912 916 921 928 933 418 419 420 422 423 32.0 34.3 36.6 39.9 42.7 19.3 20.3 21.3 22.5 24.0 13700 14600 15600 17000 18200 W1000 x 222 x 249 x 272 x 314 x 350 x 393 x 414 x 493 W40 x 149 x 167 x 183 x 211 x 235 x 264 x 294 x 327 970 980 990 1000 1008 1016 1026 1036 300 300 300 300 302 303 305 308 21.1 26.0 31.0 35.9 40.0 43.9 49.0 54.1 16.0 16.5 16.5 19.1 21.1 24.4 26.9 30.0 8410 9820 11200 12900 14300 15900 17770 19660 Imperial Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. W36 x 230 x 245 x 260 x 280 x 300 W920 x 342 x 365 x 387 x 417 x 446 35.90 36.08 36.26 36.52 36.74 16.47 16.51 16.55 16.60 16.66 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.57 1.68 .760 .800 .840 .885 .945 1837 1895 1953 1030 1110 W40 x 149 x 167 x 183 x 211 x 235 x 264 x 294 x 327 W1000 x 222 x 249 x 272 x 314 x 350 x 393 x 414 x 493 38.20 38.60 39.00 39.40 39.70 40.00 40.40 40.80 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.89 11.93 12.01 12.13 100.830 1.025 1.200 1.415 1.575 1.730 1.930 2.130 .630 .650 .650 .750 .830 .960 1.060 1.180 1513 1600 1683 1786 1875 1971 1080 1200 Metric Section Modulus ins.3 Not produced in Canada 3MPage 25 W SHAPES DIMENSIONS CSA G40.21 – 50W ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm W1000 x 258 x 296 x 321 x 371 x 412 x 443 x 483 x 539 x 554 x 591 x 642 x 748 x 883 W40 x 174 x 199 x 215 x 249 x 277 x 297 x 324 x 362 x 372 x 397 x 431 x 503 x 593 970 982 990 1000 1008 1012 1020 1030 1032 1040 1048 1068 1092 400 400 400 400 402 402 404 407 408 409 412 417 424 21.1 27.1 31.0 36.1 40.0 41.9 46.0 51.1 52.0 55.9 60.0 70.1 82.0 16.5 16.5 16.5 19.0 21.1 23.6 25.4 28.4 29.5 31.0 34.0 39.1 45.5 10352 12600 14100 16300 18100 19100 20980 23270 23900 25560 27700 32500 38400 W1100 x 343 x 390 x 433 x 499 W44 x 230 x 262 x 290 x 335 1090 1100 1108 1118 400 400 402 405 31.0 36.1 40.1 45.0 18.0 20.1 22.1 25.9 15900 18300 20400 23100 Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Section Modulus ins.3 Metric Imperial W40 x 174 x 199 x 215 x 249 x 277 x 297 x 324 x 362 x 372 x 397 x 431 x 503 x 593 W1000 x 258 x 296 x 321 x 371 x 412 x 443 x 483 x 539 x 554 x 591 x 642 x 748 x 883 38.2 38.7 39.0 39.4 39.7 39.8 40.2 40.6 40.6 41.0 41.3 42.1 43.0 15.750 15.750 15.750 15.750 15.830 15.825 15.910 16.020 16.060 16.120 16.220 16.420 16.690 100.830 1.065 1.220 1.420 1.575 1.650 1.770 2.010 2.045 2.200 2.360 2.760 3.230 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.75 0.83 0.93 1.00 1.12 1.16 1.22 1.34 1.54 1.79 1639 1769 1858 992 11100 11170 1280 11420 11460 1560 11690 1980 2340 W44 x 230 x 262 x 290 x 335 W1100 x 343 x 390 x 433 x 499 42.9 43.3 43.6 44.0 15.750 15.750 15.830 15.950 101.220 1.420 1.580 1.770 0.71 0.79 0.87 1.02 1969 11120 11240 11410 3MPage 26 BEARING PILES (B.P.) STOCK LENGTHS: 40, 50 AND 60 FEET Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness mm (mean) mm mm Section Modulus 103mm3 Imperial Depth mm HP200 x 154 HP81 x 136 204 207 11.3 11.3 1488 HP250 x 162 x 185 HP10 x 142 x 157 246 254 256 260 10.7 14.4 10.5 14.4 1711 1968 HP310 x 179 x 194 x 110 x 125 x 132 HP12 x 153 x 163 x 174 x 184 x 189 299 303 308 312 314 306 308 310 312 313 11.0 13.1 15.5 17.4 18.3 11.0 13.1 15.4 17.4 18.3 1090 1300 1540 1740 1830 HP360 x 108 x 132 x 152 x 174 HP14 x 173 x 189 x 102 x 117 346 351 356 361 370 373 376 378 12.8 15.6 17.9 20.4 12.8 15.6 17.9 20.4 1750 2140 2470 2820 Metric Depth ins. Flange Web Width Thickness Thickness ins. (mean) ins. ins. Metric Imperial Section Modulus ins.3 HP81 x 136 HP200 x 154 8.02 18.16 .445 .445 129.8 HP10 x 142 x 157 HP250 x 162 x 185 9.70 10.08 9.99 10.22 .420 .565 .415 .565 143.4 158.8 HP12 x 153 x 163 x 174 x 184 x 189 HP310 x 179 x 194 x 110 x 125 x 132 11.78 11.94 12.13 12.28 12.35 12.04 12.13 12.22 12.30 12.33 .435 .515 .610 .685 .720 .435 .515 .605 .685 .720 166.8 179.1 193.8 1061. 1121 HP14 x 173 x 189 x 102 x 117 HP360 x 108 x 132 x 152 x 174 13.61 13.83 14.01 14.21 14.58 14.70 14.78 14.88 .505 .615 .705 .805 .505 .615 .705 .805 1071. 1311. 1501. 1721. Not produced in Canada 3MPage 27 STANDARD I-BEAMS S-SHAPES k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 t b Flange Depth d inches Width b inches S752 x 228 S752 x 111 3.00 3.00 2.33 2.51 .260 .260 4 S44 x 127.7 S24 x 129.5* S100 x 1111 S752 x 114.1*1 4.00 4.00 2.66 2.80 .293 4 .293 4 S54 x 110.0 S130 x 115 5.00 3.00 .326 4 S64 x 112.5 S24 x 117.25 S150 x 119 S752 x 1261 6.00 6.00 3.33 3.56 .359 4 .359 4 S84 x 118.4 S24 x 123.0 S200 x 1271 S752 x 1341 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.17 .425 4 .425 4 S10 x 125.4 S24 x 135.0 S250 x 138 S752 x 152 10.00 10.00 4.66 4.94 .491 4 .491 4 S12 x 131.8 S24 x 135.0 S24 x 140.8* S24 x 150.0* S310 x 147 S752 x 152 S752 x 160.7* S752 x 174* 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.08 5.25 5.48 .544 .544 .659 .659 S15 x 142.9* S24 x 150.0* S380 x 164* S752 x 174* 15.00 15.00 5.50 5.64 .622 4 .622 4 S18 x 154.7* S24 x 170.00* S460 x 181.4* S752 x 104* 18.00 18.00 6.00 6.25 .691 4 .691 4 S20 x 166.0* S24 x 175.0* S24 x 186.0* S24 x 196.0* S510 x 198* S752 x 112* S752 x 128* S752 x 143* 20.00 20.00 20.30 20.30 6.26 6.39 7.06 7.20 .795 .795 .920 .920 S24 x 180.0* S24 x 190.0* S24 x 100.0* S24 x 106.0* S24 x 121.0* S610 x 119* S752 x 134* S752 x 149* S752 x 158* S752 x 180* 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.50 24.50 7.00 7.13 7.24 7.87 8.05 Imperial S34 x 125.7 4S24 x 127.5 Metric *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 28 Thickness t inches 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 .870 4 .870 4 .870 4 1.090 1.090 Cont’d STANDARD I-BEAMS S-SHAPES k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 Imperial Metric t b Thickness w inches Web Section Modulus ins.3 Distances a T k in. in. in. S34 x 445.7 S24 x 127.5 S752 x 228 S752 x 111 .170 .349 11⁄8 11⁄8 113⁄4 113⁄4 45⁄8 45⁄8 1.68 1.95 S44 x 127.7 S24 x 129.5* S100 x 111 S752 x 114.1* .193 .326 11⁄4 11⁄4 125⁄8 125⁄8 411⁄16 411⁄16 3.04 3.39 S54 x 110.0 S130 x 115 .214 13⁄8 131⁄2 43⁄4 4.92 S64 x 112.5 S24 x 117.25 S150 x 119 S752 x 126 .232 .465 1 1 ⁄2 11⁄2 14 ⁄8 143⁄8 4 ⁄16 413⁄16 7.37 8.77 S84 x 118.4 S24 x 123.0 S200 x 127 S752 x 134 .271 .441 17⁄8 17⁄8 161⁄8 161⁄8 415⁄16 415⁄16 14.4 16.2 S10 x 125.4 S24 x 135.0 S250 x 138 S752 x 152 .311 .594 21⁄8 21⁄8 177⁄8 177⁄8 11⁄16 11⁄16 24.7 29.4 S12 x 131.8 S24 x 135.0 S24 x 140.8* S24 x 150.0* S310 x 147 S752 x 152 S752 x 160.7* S752 x 174* .350 .428 .462 .687 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 195⁄8 195⁄8 191⁄4 191⁄4 13⁄16 13⁄16 13⁄8 13⁄8 36.4 38.2 45.4 50.8 S15 x 142.9* S24 x 150.0* S380 x 164* S752 x 174* .411 .550 21⁄2 21⁄2 123⁄8 123⁄8 15⁄16 15⁄16 59.6 64.8 S18 x 154.7* S24 x 170.00* S460 x 181.4* S752 x 104* .461 .711 23⁄4 23⁄4 151⁄8 151⁄8 17⁄16 17⁄16 89.4 103 S20 x 166.0* S24 x 175.0* S24 x 186.0* S24 x 196.0* S510 x 198* S752 x 112* S752 x 128* S752 x 143* .505 .635 .660 .800 27⁄8 27⁄8 31⁄4 31⁄4 163⁄4 163⁄4 165⁄8 165⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 113⁄16 113⁄16 119 128 155 165 S24 x 180.0* S24 x 190.0* S24 x 100.0* S24 x 106.0* S24 x 121.0* S610 x 119* S752 x 134* S752 x 149* S752 x 158* S752 x 180* .500 .625 .745 .620 .800 31⁄4 31⁄4 31⁄4 35⁄8 35⁄8 205⁄8 205⁄8 205⁄8 205⁄8 205⁄8 111⁄16 111⁄16 111⁄16 115⁄16 115⁄16 175 187 199 240 258 3 13 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 29 STANDARD I-BEAMS S-SHAPES k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 t b Flange Metric Imperial Depth d mm Width b mm Thickness t mm S751 x 18 S751 x 111 S32 x 225.7 S71 x 117.5 176 176 259 164 16.6 16.6 S100 x 111 S751 x 114.1* S41 x 117.7 S71 x 119.5* 102 102 168 171 17.4 17.4 S130 x 115 S51 x 110.0 127 176 18.3 S150 x 119 S751 x 126 S61 x 112.5 S71 x 117.25 152 152 185 191 19.1 19.1 S200 x 127 S751 x 134 S81 x 118.4 S71 x 123.0 203 203 102 106 10.8 10.8 S250 x 138 S751 x 152 S10 x 125.4 S71 x 135.0 254 254 118 126 12.5 12.5 S310 x 147 S751 x 152 S751 x 160.7* S751 x 174* S12 x 131.8 S71 x 135.0 S71 x 140.8* S71 x 150.0* 305 305 305 305 127 129 133 139 13.8 13.8 16.7 16.7 S380 x 164* S751 x 174* S15 x 142.9* S71 x 150.0* 381 381 140 143 15.8 15.8 S460 x 181.4* S751 x 104* S18 x 154.7* S71 x 170.0* 457 457 152 159 17.6 17.6 S510 x 198.2* S751 x 112* S751 x 128* S751 x 143* S20 x 166.0* S71 x 175.0* S71 x 186.0* S71 x 196.0* 508 508 516 516 159 162 179 183 20.2 20.2 23.4 23.4 S610 x 119* S751 x 134* S751 x 149* S751 x 158* S751 x 180* S24 x 180.0* S71 x 190.0* S71 x 100.0* S71 x 106.0* S71 x 121.0* 610 610 610 622 622 178 181 184 200 204 22.1 22.1 22.1 27.7 27.7 *Not available from Canadian Mills Cont’d 3MPage 30 STANDARD I-BEAMS S-SHAPES k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k ASTM A572 GR50 / A992 t b Imperial Web Thickness w mm a mm S751 x 128 S751 x 211 S32 x 225.7 S71 x 117.5 14.3 18.9 28 28 144 144 16 16 27.4 32.0 S100 x 211 S751 x 214.1* S41 x 117.7 S71 x 119.5* 14.8 18.3 32 32 168 168 17 17 50.3 55.9 S130 x 215 S51 x 110.0 15.4 36 190 19 80.5 S150 x 219 S751 x 226 S61 x 112.5 S71 x 117.25 15.9 11.8 40 40 111 111 20 20 121 143 S200 x 227 S751 x 234 S81 x 118.4 S71 x 123.0 16.9 11.2 48 48 155 155 24 24 237 266 S250 x 238 S751 x 252 S10 x 125.4 S71 x 135.0 17.9 15.1 55 56 202 201 26 26 405 484 S310 x 247 S751 x 252 S751 x 260.7* S751 x 274* S12 x 131.8 S71 x 135.0 S71 x 140.8* S71 x 150.0* 18.9 10.9 11.7 17.4 59 59 61 61 246 246 235 235 29 29 35 35 598 629 744 833 S380 x 264* S751 x 274* S15 x 142.9* S71 x 150.0* 10.4 14.0 65 65 314 314 34 34 980 1060 S460 x 281.4* S751 x 104* S18 x 154.7* S71 x 170.0* 11.7 18.1 70 71 383 383 37 37 1470 1690 S510 x 298.2* S751 x 112* S751 x 128* S751 x 143* S20 x 166.0* S71 x 175.0* S71 x 186.0* S71 x 196.0* 12.8 16.1 16.8 20.3 73 73 81 82 428 428 424 424 40 40 46 46 1960 2090 2550 2710 S610 x 119* S751 x 134* S751 x 149* S751 x 158* S751 x 180* S24 x 180.0* S71 x 190.0* S71 x 100.0* S71 x 106.0* S71 x 121.0* 12.7 15.9 18.9 15.7 20.3 83 83 83 92 92 524 524 524 522 522 43 43 43 50 50 2890 3080 3270 3940 4220 Metric Distance T k mm mm Section Modulus 103 mm3 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 31 WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Flange Imperial Metric Depth d in. WWF14 x 192* x 104* x 118* x 128* x 142* x 159* x 177* x 211* WWF350 x 137* x 155* x 176* x 192* x 212* x 238* x 263* x 315* 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 13.78 1.787 1.866 1.984 1.100 1.180 1.380 1.570 1.970 WWF16 x 105* x 119* x 135* x 147* x 163* x 183* x 203* x 243* x 298* WWF400 x 157* x 178* x 202* x 220* x 243* x 273* x 303* x 362* x 444* 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 1.787 1.866 1.984 1.100 1.180 1.380 1.570 1.970 2.360 WWF18 x 119* x 134* x 152* x 166* x 184* x 207* x 229* x 275* x 337* WWF450 x 177* x 201* x 228* x 248* x 274* x 308* x 342* x 409* x 503* 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 17.72 1.787 1.866 1.984 1.100 1.180 1.380 1.570 1.970 2.360 WWF20 x 132* x 150* x 170* x 185* WWF500 x 197* x 223* x 254* x 276* 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 1.787 1.866 1.984 1.100 x 205* x 306* 19.69 19.69 1.180 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 32 Width b in. Thickness t in. Cont’d WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Web Thickness w in. a in. Distances T in. k in. Section Modulus (Sx) Inches-3 113⁄8 111⁄4 11 103⁄4 13⁄16 11⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 143.4 157.4 175.1 190.4 Imperial Metric WWF14 x 192* x 104* x 118* x 128* x 142* WWF350 x 137* x 155* x 176* x 192* x 212* 1.433 1.551 1.630 1.630 1.787 65⁄8 65⁄8 65⁄8 65⁄8 61⁄2 x 159* x 177* x 211* x 238* x 263* x 315* 1.787 1.787 1.787 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 101⁄2 10 195⁄8 187⁄8 15⁄8 17⁄8 21⁄16 27⁄16 203.2 227.0 248.4 287.4 WWF16 x 105* x 119* x 135* x 147* x 163* x 183* x 203* x 243* x 298* WWF400 x 157* x 178* x 202* x 220* x 243* x 273* x 303* x 362* x 444* 1.433 1.551 1.630 1.630 1.787 1.787 1.787 1.787 1.180 75⁄8 75⁄8 71⁄2 71⁄2 71⁄2 71⁄2 71⁄2 71⁄2 71⁄4 133⁄8 131⁄4 13 123⁄4 123⁄8 12 115⁄8 107⁄8 10 13⁄16 11⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 111⁄16 17⁄8 21⁄16 27⁄16 27⁄8 190.4 209.3 233.7 254.5 272.8 305.1 335.6 391.2 445.5 WWF18 x 119* x 134* x 152* x 166* x 184* x 207* x 229* x 275* x 337* WWF450 x 177* x 201* x 228* x 248* x 274* x 308* x 342* x 409* x 503* 1.433 1.551 1.630 1.630 1.787 1.787 1.787 1.787 1.180 85⁄8 85⁄8 81⁄2 81⁄2 81⁄2 81⁄2 81⁄2 81⁄2 81⁄4 153⁄8 151⁄8 147⁄8 143⁄4 143⁄8 14 135⁄8 123⁄4 12 13⁄16 15⁄16 17⁄16 11⁄2 111⁄16 17⁄8 21⁄16 21⁄2 27⁄8 244.1 268.5 300.2 328.3 352.1 395.4 436.3 511.4 587.0 WWF20 x 132* x 150* x 170* x 185* x 205* WWF500 x 197* x 223* x 254* x 276* x 306* 1.433 1.551 1.630 1.630 1.787 95⁄8 95⁄8 91⁄2 91⁄2 91⁄2 171⁄4 171⁄8 167⁄8 165⁄8 163⁄8 13⁄16 11⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 304.5 335.6 375.9 411.3 441.8 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 33 WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Flange Imperial Metric Depth d in. WWF20 x 230* x 256* x 306* x 377* x 437* WWF500 x 343* x 381* x 456* x 561* x 651* 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 1.380 1.570 1.970 2.360 2.360 WWF22 x 188* x 282* x 338* x 416* x 484* WWF550 x 280* x 420* x 503* x 620* x 721* 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 1.980 1.570 1.970 2.360 2.360 WWF24 x 248* x 309* x 370* x 456* x 532* WWF600 x 369* x 460* x 551* x 680* x 793* 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 23.62 1.180 1.570 1.970 2.360 2.360 WWF26 x 268* x 335* x 401* x 496* x 580* WWF650 x 400* x 499* x 598* x 739* x 864* 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 1.180 1.570 1.970 2.360 2.360 WWF28 x 102* x 117* x 132* x 144* x 164* WWF700 x 152* x 175* x 196* x 214* x 245* 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 27.56 11.81 11.81 15.75 15.75 15.75 1.790 1.980 1.870 1.980 1.180 WWF31 x 108* x 123* x 150* x 170* x 201* x 228* WWF800 x 161* x 184* x 223* x 253* x 300* x 339* 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 11.81 11.81 15.75 15.75 19.69 19.69 1.790 1.980 1.980 1.180 1.180 1.380 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 34 Width b in. Thickness t in. Cont’d WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Web Thickness w in. a in. Distances T in. k in. Section Modulus (Sx) Inches-3 Imperial Metric WWF20 x 230* x 256* x 306* x 377* x 437* WWF500 x 343* x 381* x 456* x 561* x 651* 1.787 1.787 1.787 1.180 2.360 91⁄2 91⁄2 91⁄2 91⁄4 85⁄8 16 151⁄2 143⁄4 14 113⁄16 21⁄16 27⁄16 213⁄16 496.7 549.8 646.9 750.6 14 213⁄16 781.1 WWF22 x 188* x 282* x 338* x 416* x 484* WWF550 x 280* x 420* x 503* x 620* x 721* 1.630 1.787 1.787 1.180 2.360 105⁄8 103⁄8 103⁄8 101⁄4 95⁄8 191⁄4 171⁄2 163⁄4 16 16 13⁄16 21⁄16 27⁄16 213⁄16 213⁄16 459.5 677.4 799.4 927.6 976.4 WWF24 x 248* x 309* x 370* x 456* x 532* WWF600 x 369* x 460* x 551* x 680* x 793* 1.790 1.790 1.790 1.180 2.360 113⁄8 113⁄8 113⁄8 111⁄4 105⁄8 201⁄4 191⁄2 183⁄4 177⁄8 177⁄8 111⁄16 21⁄16 27⁄16 27⁄8 27⁄8 653.0 817.7 970.3 1129 1184 WWF26 x 268* x 335* x 401* x 496* x 580* WWF650 x 400* x 499* x 598* x 739* x 864* 1.790 1.790 1.790 1.180 2.360 123⁄8 123⁄8 123⁄8 121⁄4 115⁄8 221⁄4 211⁄2 205⁄8 197⁄8 197⁄8 111⁄16 21⁄16 27⁄16 27⁄8 27⁄8 768.9 970.3 1153 1349 1422 WWF28 x 102* x 117* x 132* x 144* x 164* WWF700 x 152* x 175* x 196* x 214* x 245* 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 53⁄4 53⁄4 75⁄8 75⁄8 75⁄8 251⁄8 243⁄4 25 243⁄4 243⁄8 13⁄16 13⁄8 11⁄4 13⁄8 19⁄16 290.5 344.2 400.3 443.6 513.8 WWF31 x 108* x 123* x 150* x 170* x 201* x 228* WWF800 x 161* x 184* x 223* x 253* x 300* x 339* 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 53⁄4 53⁄4 75⁄8 75⁄8 95⁄8 95⁄8 291⁄8 283⁄4 283⁄4 283⁄8 283⁄8 277⁄8 13⁄16 13⁄8 13⁄8 19⁄16 19⁄16 113⁄16 342.3 405.2 519.9 602.3 738.4 836.0 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 35 WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Flange Imperial Metric Depth d in. WWF35 x 113* x 128* x 155* x 176* x 207* x 233* x 280* WWF900 x 169* x 192* x 231* x 262* x 309* x 347* x 417* 35.43 35.43 35.43 35.43 35.43 35.43 35.43 11.81 11.81 15.75 15.75 19.69 19.69 21.65 .790 1.980 1.980 1.180 1.180 1.380 1.570 WWF39 x 134* WWF1000 x 200* x 150* x 223* x 176* x 262* x 197* x 293* x 228* x 340* x 253* x 377* x 300* x 447* 39.37 39.37 39.37 39.37 39.37 39.37 39.37 11.81 11.81 15.75 15.75 19.69 19.69 21.65 .790 1.980 1.980 1.180 1.180 1.380 1.570 WWF43 x 157* WWF1100 x 234* x 183* x 273* x 204* x 304* x 236* x 351* x 260* x 388* x 307* x 458* 43.31 43.31 43.31 43.31 43.31 43.31 11.81 15.75 15.75 19.69 19.69 21.65 1.980 1.980 1.180 1.180 1.380 1.570 WWF47 x 177* WWF1200 x 263* x 203* x 302* x 223* x 333* x 255* x 380* x 281* x 418* 47.24 47.24 47.24 47.24 47.24 11.81 15.75 15.75 19.69 19.69 1.980 1.980 1.180 1.180 1.380 47.24 21.65 1.570 x 327* x 487* *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 36 Width b in. Thickness t in. Cont’d WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Web Thickness w in. a in. Distances T in. k in. Section Modulus (Sx) Inches-3 33 325⁄8 325⁄8 321⁄4 13⁄16 13⁄8 13⁄8 19⁄16 397.3 468.7 598.6 695.7 Imperial Metric WWF35 x 113* x 128* x 155* x 176* x 207* WWF900 x 169* x 192* x 231* x 262* x 309* 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 1.430 153⁄4 153⁄4 175⁄8 175⁄8 195⁄8 x 233* x 280* x 347* x 417* 1.430 1.430 195⁄8 105⁄8 321⁄4 317⁄8 311⁄4 19⁄16 13⁄4 21⁄16 848.2 964.2 1178 WWF39 x 134* WWF1000 x 200* x 150* x 223* x 176* x 262* x 197* x 293* x 228* x 340* x 253* x 377* x 300* x 447* 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 155⁄8 155⁄8 175⁄8 175⁄8 195⁄8 195⁄8 101⁄2 37 365⁄8 365⁄8 361⁄4 361⁄4 353⁄4 351⁄4 11⁄4 17⁄16 17⁄16 15⁄8 15⁄8 113⁄16 21⁄8 481.5 560.8 707.9 811.6 982.5 1111 1355 WWF43 x 157* WWF1100 x 234* x 183* x 273* x 204* x 304* x 236* x 351* x 260* x 388* x 307* x 458* 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 1.550 155⁄8 175⁄8 175⁄8 195⁄8 195⁄8 101⁄2 401⁄2 401⁄2 401⁄8 401⁄8 395⁄8 391⁄8 13⁄8 13⁄8 19⁄16 19⁄16 113⁄16 21⁄16 634.6 793.3 909.3 1105 1245 1513 WWF47 x 177* WWF1200 x 263* x 203* x 302* x 223* x 333* x 255* x 380* x 281* x 418* x 327* x 487* 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 155⁄8 171⁄2 171⁄2 191⁄2 191⁄2 101⁄2 443⁄8 443⁄8 44 44 435⁄8 43 17⁄16 17⁄16 15⁄8 15⁄8 113⁄16 21⁄8 738.4 915.4 1044 1251 1410 1703 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 37 WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Flange Depth d in. Width b in. WWF55 x 240* WWF1400 x 358* x 272* x 405* x 316* x 471* x 344* x 513* x 401* x 597* 55.12 55.12 55.12 55.12 55.12 15.75 19.69 21.65 21.65 21.65 1.180 1.180 1.380 1.570 1.970 WWF63 x 289* WWF1600 x 431* x 333* x 496* x 361* x 538* x 389* x 580* 62.99 62.99 62.99 62.99 19.69 21.65 21.65 21.65 1.180 1.380 1.570 1.770 62.99 21.65 1.970 Imperial x 417* Imperial Metric x 622* Metric Web Thickness w in. Distances a T in. in. Thickness t in. k in. Section Modulus (Sx) Inches-3 WWF55 x 240* WWF1400 x 358* x 272* x 405* x 316* x 471* x 344* x 513* x 401* x 597* 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 171⁄2 191⁄2 101⁄2 101⁄2 101⁄2 517⁄8 517⁄8 511⁄2 507⁄8 501⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 113⁄16 21⁄8 21⁄2 1269 1513 1843 2050 2447 WWF63 x 289* WWF1600 x 431* x 333* x 496* x 361* x 538* x 389* x 580* x 417* x 622* 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 191⁄2 101⁄2 101⁄2 101⁄2 101⁄2 593⁄4 593⁄8 583⁄4 583⁄8 58 15⁄8 113⁄16 21⁄8 25⁄16 21⁄2 1788 2166 2410 2642 2874 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 38 WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k b Metric Imperial Flange Depth Width Thickness d b t mm mm mm Web Thickness w mm Section Modulus 103mm3 WWF350 x 137* WWF14 x 92* 1350 x 155* x 104* 1350 x 176* x 118* 1350 x 192* x 128* 1350 x 212* x 142* 1350 x 238* x 159* 1350 x 263* x 177* 1350 x 315* x 211* 1350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 20 22 25 28 30 35 40 50 11 14 16 16 20 20 20 20 2350 2580 2870 3120 3330 3720 4070 4710 WWF400 x 157 WWF16 x 105* 1400 x 178* x 119* 1400 x 202* x 135* 1400 x 220* x 147* 1400 x 243* x 163* 1400 x 273* x 183* 1400 x 303* x 203* 1400 x 362* x 243* 1400 x 444* x 298* 1400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 20 22 25 28 30 35 40 50 60 11 14 16 16 20 20 20 20 30 3120 3430 3830 4170 4470 5000 5500 6410 7300 WWF450 x 177 WWF18 x 119* 1450 x 201* x 134* 1450 x 228* x 152* 1450 x 248* x 166* 1450 x 274* x 184* 1450 x 308* x 207* 1450 x 342* x 229* 1450 x 409* x 275* 1450 x 503* x 337* 1450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 20 22 25 28 30 35 40 50 60 11 14 16 16 20 20 20 20 30 4000 4400 4920 5380 5770 6480 7150 8380 9620 WWF500 x 197 WWF20 x 132* 1500 x 223* x 150* 1500 x 254* x 170* 1500 x 276* x 185* 1500 x 306* x 205* 1500 500 500 500 500 500 20 22 25 28 30 11 14 16 16 20 4990 5500 6160 6740 7240 *Not available from Canadian Mills Cont’d 3MPage 39 t k WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES w d T a CSA G40.21 – 50W k b Metric Imperial Flange Depth Width Thickness d b t mm mm mm Web Thickness w mm Section Modulus 103mm3 WWF500 x 343* WWF20 x 230* 1500 x 381* x 256* 1500 x 456* x 306* 1500 x 561* x 377* 1500 x 651* x 437* 1500 500 500 500 500 500 35 40 50 60 60 20 20 20 30 60 98140 99010 10600 12300 12800 WWF550 x 280 WWF22 x 188* 1550 x 420* x 282* 1550 x 503* x 338* 1550 x 620* x 416* 1550 x 721* x 484* 1550 550 550 550 550 550 25 40 50 60 60 16 20 20 30 60 77530 11100 13100 15200 16000 WWF600 x 369 WWF22 x 248* 1600 x 460* x 309* 1600 x 551* x 370* 1600 x 680* x 456* 1600 x 793* x 532* 1600 600 600 600 600 600 30 40 50 60 60 20 20 20 30 60 10700 13400 15900 18500 19400 WWF650 x 400 WWF26 x 268* 1650 x 499* x 335* 1650 x 598* x 401* 1650 x 739* x 496* 1650 x 864* x 580* 1650 650 650 650 650 650 30 40 50 60 60 20 20 20 30 60 12600 15900 18900 22100 23300 WWF700 x 152 WWF28 x 102* 1700 x 175* x 117* 1700 x 196* x 132* 1700 x 214* x 144* 1700 x 245* x 164* 1700 300 300 400 400 400 20 25 22 25 30 11 11 11 11 11 14760 15640 16560 17270 18420 WWF800 x 161 WWF31 x 108* 1800 x 184* x 123* 1800 x 223* x 150* 1800 x 253* x 170* 1800 x 300* x 201* 1800 x 339* x 228* 1800 300 300 400 400 500 500 20 25 25 30 30 35 11 11 11 11 11 11 15610 16640 18520 19870 12100 13700 WWF900 x 169 WWF35 x 113* 1900 x 192* x 128* 1900 x 231* x 155* 1900 x 262* x 176* 1900 x 309* x 207* 1900 x 347* x 233* 1900 x 417* x 280* 1900 300 300 400 400 500 500 550 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 16510 17680 19810 11400 13900 15800 19300 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 40 Cont’d t k WELDED WIDE FLANGE BEAMS WWF-SHAPES w d T a CSA G40.21 – 50W k b Metric Imperial Flange Depth Width Thickness d b t mm mm mm Web Thickness w mm Section Modulus 103mm3 WWF1000 x 200 WWF39 x 134* 11000 x 223* x 150* 11000 x 262* x 176* 11000 x 293* x 197* 11000 x 340* x 228* 11000 x 377* x 253* 11000 x 447* x 300* 11000 300 300 400 400 500 500 550 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 97890 99190 11600 13300 16100 18200 22200 WWF1100 x 234 WWF43 x 157* 11100 x 273* x 183* 11100 x 304* x 204* 11100 x 351* x 236* 11100 x 388* x 260* 11100 x 458* x 307* 11100 300 400 400 500 500 550 25 25 30 30 35 40 14 14 14 14 14 14 10400 13000 14900 18100 20400 24800 WWF1200 x 263 WWF47 x 177* 11200 x 302* x 203* 11200 x 333* x 223* 11200 x 380* x 255* 11200 x 418* x 281* 11200 x 487* x 327* 11200 300 400 400 500 500 550 25 25 30 30 35 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 12100 15000 17100 20500 23100 27900 WWF1400 x 358 WWF55 x 240* 11400 x 405* x 272* 11400 x 471* x 316* 11400 x 513* x 344* 11400 x 597* x 401* 11400 400 500 550 550 550 30 30 35 40 50 16 16 16 16 16 20800 24800 30200 33600 40100 WWF1600 x 431 WWF63 x 289* 11600 x 496* x 333* 11600 x 538* x 361* 11600 x 580* x 389* 11600 x 622* x 417* 11600 500 550 550 550 550 30 35 40 45 50 16 16 16 16 16 29300 35500 39500 43300 47100 WWF1800 x 510 WWF71 x 342* 11800 x 575* x 386* 11800 x 617* x 414* 11800 x 659* x 442* 11800 x 700* x 470* 11800 500 550 550 550 550 30 35 40 45 50 20 20 20 20 20 36000 43100 47400 51800 56000 WWF2000 x 542 WWF79 x 364* 12000 x 607* x 407* 12000 x 648* x 435* 12000 x 732* x 491* 12000 500 550 550 550 30 35 40 50 20 20 20 20 41400 49300 54200 63900 *Not available from Canadian Mills 3MPage 41 MISCELLANEOUS BEAMS M-SHAPES t k w d T CSA G40.21 – 50W a k ASTM A572 GR50 / A922 b METRIC Metric Imperial Flange Depth Width Thickness d b t mm mm mm Web Thickness Web mm Section Modulus 103mm3 M 100 x 8.9 B 4x6 97 97 4.1 3.3 741.2 M 200 x 9.2 B 8x7 203 58 4.5 3.3 771.9 M 250 x 11.9 M 250 x 13.4 B 10 x 8 B 10 x 9 253 254 68 68 4.6 5.2 3.6 4.0 114.0 127.0 M 310 x 16.1 M 310 x 17.6 B 12 x 11 B 12 x 11.8 304 305 78 78 5.3 5.7 4.1 4.5 182.0 197.0 IMPERIAL Imperial Metric Flange Depth Width Thickness d b t ins. ins. ins. Web Thickness Web ins. Section Modulus ins.3 B 4x6 M 100 x 8.9 3.79 3.910 0.160 0.130 72.50 B 8x7 M 200 x 9.2 7.85 2.280 0.186 0.133 74.62 B 10 x 8 B 10 x 9 M 250 x 11.9 9.81 M 250 x 13.4 9.86 2.690 2.960 0.183 0.206 0.139 0.157 76.99 77.82 B 12 x 11 B 12 x 11.8 M 310 x 16.1 11.87 3.065 M 310 x 17.6 11.91 3.065 0.206 0.225 0.162 0.177 11.10 12.10 3MPage 42
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