Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide (Doc. No
Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide (Doc. No
Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Document Number 450531.3 4 August 2003 Copyright © 2003 Reuters. All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted by law, no part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted by any process or means without the prior consent of Reuters. Reuters, by publishing this document, does not guarantee that any information contained herein is and will remain accurate or that use of the information will ensure correct and faultless operation of the relevant service or equipment. Reuters, its agents, and employees shall not be held liable to or through any user for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from reliance on the information contained herein. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world. Lipper is a Reuters company. 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Your comments are welcome Please provide feedback on the Reuters guides and on-line help by sending your comments by e-mail to: Published by Reuters, 85 Fleet Street, London, EC4P 4AJ, UK. Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide, Document Number 450531.3, 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Document History History Document Date Number Comments 450531.3 4 August 2003 Published as an Adobe PDF file on the Reuters intranet. 450531.2 3 June 2003 Published as an Adobe PDF file on the Reuters intranet. 450531.1 23 May 2003 First draft for internal review. Published as an Adobe PDF file. 4 August 2003 3 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 4 August 2003 TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS Part I: Introduction Chapter 1 Introducing the Reuters PowerPlus Pro Function Reference Guide ....................................... 17 Using This Guide ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Conventions Used in This Guide ................................................................................................................ 19 Reuters PowerPlus Pro Guides and Online Help ....................................................................................... 20 Part II: Reuters Adfin Realtime Chapter 2 Realtime Data Functions ...................................................................................................................... 23 RtChain ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 RtContribute ................................................................................................................................................ 24 RtGet .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 RtNow ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 RtSeries ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 RtToday ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 RtUpdate ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 3 Historical Data Functions ..................................................................................................................... 29 RtHistory ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 RtHistoryInfo ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Part III: Reuters Adfin Bonds Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions ................................................................................................... 35 Accrued ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 AdBondDeriv ............................................................................................................................................... 36 AdBondPrice ............................................................................................................................................... 37 4 August 2003 5 Table of Contents Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdBondSpread ............................................................................................................................................ 38 AdBondYield ............................................................................................................................................... 39 BdCalcCpn .................................................................................................................................................. 39 BdCashFlows .............................................................................................................................................. 40 BdConvFactor ............................................................................................................................................. 40 BdCpnCrv ................................................................................................................................................... 41 BdCpnValue ................................................................................................................................................ 41 BdIrsStructure ............................................................................................................................................. 42 BdPvbpCrv .................................................................................................................................................. 42 BdRepo ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 BdSettle ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 BdSettleLock ............................................................................................................................................... 45 CpnNext ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 CpnNumber ................................................................................................................................................ 46 CpnPrev ...................................................................................................................................................... 46 Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions .......................................................................................................................... 47 CfAvgLife .................................................................................................................................................... 48 CfConv ........................................................................................................................................................ 48 CfDur .......................................................................................................................................................... 48 CfPvbp ........................................................................................................................................................ 49 CfPx ............................................................................................................................................................ 49 CfPxCrv ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 CfRepo ........................................................................................................................................................ 50 CfVol ........................................................................................................................................................... 52 CfYld ........................................................................................................................................................... 53 Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions ............................................................................................................... 55 AdConvBdDeriv .......................................................................................................................................... 56 AdConvCalcCpn ......................................................................................................................................... 56 AdConvCashFlows ..................................................................................................................................... 57 AdConvImpliedVol ...................................................................................................................................... 57 AdConvOpDeriv .......................................................................................................................................... 58 AdConvPrice ............................................................................................................................................... 59 AdConvRatios ............................................................................................................................................. 60 AdConvYield ............................................................................................................................................... 60 Chapter 7 Floating Rate Notes Functions ........................................................................................................... 63 FrnCalcCpn ................................................................................................................................................. 64 FrnCashFlows ............................................................................................................................................. 64 FrnMargin ................................................................................................................................................... 65 FrnPx .......................................................................................................................................................... 65 6 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 8 Table of Contents Index Linked Bonds Functions........................................................................................................... 67 IlbCalcCpn .................................................................................................................................................. 68 IlbCashFlows .............................................................................................................................................. 68 IlbPx ............................................................................................................................................................ 69 IlbYld ........................................................................................................................................................... 69 Part IV: Reuters Adfin Credit Chapter 9 Credit Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 73 Credit Default Swaps Calculations .............................................................................................................. 74 AdCdsNpv ................................................................................................................................................... 74 AdCdsSpread .............................................................................................................................................. 74 AdFxCdsNpv ............................................................................................................................................... 75 AdFxCdsSpread .......................................................................................................................................... 76 Functions to Build Credit Models ................................................................................................................ 78 AdCreditStructure ....................................................................................................................................... 78 AdJLTCreditStructure .................................................................................................................................. 78 Functions to Use Credit Models .................................................................................................................. 80 AdCreditZcCurve ........................................................................................................................................ 80 AdDefaultProba .......................................................................................................................................... 80 Part V: Reuters Adfin Foreign Exchange and Money Markets Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions .......................................................................................................................... 85 AdDepToFra ................................................................................................................................................ 86 AdDepToFraBA ........................................................................................................................................... 86 AdZcToFraBA ............................................................................................................................................. 87 FxCalcPeriod .............................................................................................................................................. 87 FxCross ...................................................................................................................................................... 87 FxCrossA .................................................................................................................................................... 88 FxCrossD .................................................................................................................................................... 88 FxDepToSwpD ............................................................................................................................................ 89 FxDepToSwpP ............................................................................................................................................ 90 FxGenCalc .................................................................................................................................................. 91 FxGenParse ................................................................................................................................................ 92 FxSwpToDepD ............................................................................................................................................ 92 FxSwpToDepP ............................................................................................................................................ 93 FxSwpToOut ............................................................................................................................................... 94 FxSwpToSwp .............................................................................................................................................. 94 4 August 2003 7 Table of Contents Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxSwpToSwpD ........................................................................................................................................... 95 FxSwpToSwpP ............................................................................................................................................ 96 Part VI: Reuters Adfin Options Chapter 11 Options and Warrants Functions ....................................................................................................... 99 NormalC .................................................................................................................................................... 100 NormalS .................................................................................................................................................... 100 OpCalcDeriv ............................................................................................................................................. 100 OpHistVol .................................................................................................................................................. 101 OpImpliedVol ............................................................................................................................................ 101 OpPremium ............................................................................................................................................... 102 Chapter 12 Bond Options Functions .................................................................................................................... 103 Bond Options ............................................................................................................................................ 104 AdBondOptionDeriv .................................................................................................................................. 104 AdBondOptionPremium ............................................................................................................................ 105 Chapter 13 Vanilla Caps, Floor, and Collars Functions ................................................................................... 107 AdCapFloorCaplets .................................................................................................................................. 108 AdCapFloorDeriv ...................................................................................................................................... 108 AdCapFloorImpliedVol .............................................................................................................................. 109 AdCapFloorPremium ................................................................................................................................ 110 Chapter 14 Barrier Caps and Floors Functions ................................................................................................. 111 AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets ........................................................................................................................ 112 AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv ........................................................................................................................... 112 AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol ................................................................................................................... 113 AdBarrierCapFloorPremium ..................................................................................................................... 114 Chapter 15 Digital Caps, Floors, and Collars Functions ................................................................................. 117 AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets ......................................................................................................................... 118 AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv ............................................................................................................................ 118 AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol .................................................................................................................... 119 AdDigitalCapFloorPremium ...................................................................................................................... 120 Chapter 16 Swaptions Functions........................................................................................................................... 121 AdSwaptionPremium ................................................................................................................................ 122 AdSwaptionDeriv ...................................................................................................................................... 122 Part VII: Reuters Adfin Exotic Options 8 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Table of Contents Chapter 17 Asian Options Functions ................................................................................................................... 127 Adfin Exotics ............................................................................................................................................. 128 OpAsianDeriv ............................................................................................................................................ 128 OpAsianImpliedVol ................................................................................................................................... 129 OpAsianPremium ...................................................................................................................................... 130 Chapter 18 Barrier Options Functions ................................................................................................................. 133 OpBarrierDeriv .......................................................................................................................................... 134 OpBarrierImpliedVol .................................................................................................................................. 134 OpBarrierPremium .................................................................................................................................... 135 Chapter 19 Basket Options Functions ................................................................................................................. 137 OpBasketDeriv .......................................................................................................................................... 138 OpBasketPremium .................................................................................................................................... 139 Chapter 20 Binary Options Functions .................................................................................................................. 141 OpBinaryDeriv .......................................................................................................................................... 142 OpBinaryImpliedVol .................................................................................................................................. 142 OpBinaryPremium .................................................................................................................................... 143 Chapter 21 Chooser Options Functions .............................................................................................................. 145 OpChooserDeriv ....................................................................................................................................... 146 OpChooserImpliedVol ............................................................................................................................... 146 OpChooserPremium ................................................................................................................................. 147 Chapter 22 Cliquet Options Functions ................................................................................................................. 149 OpCliquetDeriv ......................................................................................................................................... 150 OpCliquetImpliedVol ................................................................................................................................. 150 OpCliquetPremium ................................................................................................................................... 151 Chapter 23 Compound Options Functions ......................................................................................................... 153 OpCompoundDeriv ................................................................................................................................... 154 OpCompoundImpliedVol ........................................................................................................................... 154 OpCompoundPremium ............................................................................................................................. 155 Chapter 24 Double Barrier Options Functions................................................................................................... 157 OpDoubleBarrierDeriv .............................................................................................................................. 158 OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol ...................................................................................................................... 158 OpDoubleBarrierPremium ........................................................................................................................ 159 Chapter 25 ExLookBack Options Functions ...................................................................................................... 161 OpExLookbackDeriv ................................................................................................................................. 162 OpExLookbackImpliedVol ......................................................................................................................... 163 OpExLookbackPremium ........................................................................................................................... 163 4 August 2003 9 Table of Contents Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 26 FxLinked Options Functions ............................................................................................................. 165 OpFxLinkedDeriv ...................................................................................................................................... 166 OpFxLinkedImpliedVol .............................................................................................................................. 167 OpFxLinkedPremium ................................................................................................................................ 168 Chapter 27 Power Options Functions .................................................................................................................. 169 OpPowerDeriv .......................................................................................................................................... 170 OpPowerImpliedVol .................................................................................................................................. 170 OpPowerPremium .................................................................................................................................... 171 Chapter 28 Rainbow Options Functions .............................................................................................................. 173 OpRainbowDeriv ....................................................................................................................................... 174 OpRainbowPremium ................................................................................................................................. 175 Part VIII: Reuters Adfin Swaps Chapter 29 Interest Rate Swaps Functions ......................................................................................................... 179 SwIrsCashFlows ....................................................................................................................................... 180 SwIrsCpnDates ......................................................................................................................................... 180 SwIrsPvbpCrv ........................................................................................................................................... 181 SwIrsPx ..................................................................................................................................................... 181 SwIrsSolve ................................................................................................................................................ 182 SwZcToIrs ................................................................................................................................................. 183 Chapter 30 Currency Swaps Functions ............................................................................................................... 185 SwCsCashFlows ....................................................................................................................................... 186 SwCsPx .................................................................................................................................................... 186 SwCsSolve ............................................................................................................................................... 187 SwSwpExtend ........................................................................................................................................... 189 Part IX: Reuters Adfin Term Structure Chapter 31 Rates Calculations Functions ........................................................................................................... 193 AdRate ...................................................................................................................................................... 194 AdRateConv ............................................................................................................................................. 194 Chapter 32 10 Term Structure Functions .................................................................................................................. 197 AdCalibrate ............................................................................................................................................... 198 AdFutCodes .............................................................................................................................................. 198 AdFutDates ............................................................................................................................................... 198 AdTermStructure ....................................................................................................................................... 199 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Table of Contents Part X: Reuters Adfin Common Chapter 33 Interpolation Functions ...................................................................................................................... 203 AdInterp .................................................................................................................................................... 204 Chapter 34 Formatting and Parsing Functions .................................................................................................. 205 AdFormat .................................................................................................................................................. 206 AdParse .................................................................................................................................................... 206 AdRound ................................................................................................................................................... 206 DfFormatDate ........................................................................................................................................... 207 DfIDNDate ................................................................................................................................................ 207 Chapter 35 Settings Management Functions ..................................................................................................... 209 AdDefAttribute .......................................................................................................................................... 210 AdDefSet .................................................................................................................................................. 210 AdDefStructure ......................................................................................................................................... 210 AdReadParam .......................................................................................................................................... 211 AdWriteParam ........................................................................................................................................... 211 Chapter 36 Styles Management Functions ......................................................................................................... 213 AdHistoryUpdate ....................................................................................................................................... 214 AdHistoryValue ......................................................................................................................................... 214 AdStyleAttribute ........................................................................................................................................ 214 AdStyleDelete ........................................................................................................................................... 215 AdStyleName ............................................................................................................................................ 215 AdStyleSet ................................................................................................................................................ 215 AdStyleStructure ....................................................................................................................................... 216 Chapter 37 Dates Functions .................................................................................................................................... 217 DfAddMonths ............................................................................................................................................ 218 DfAddPeriod ............................................................................................................................................. 218 DfAddWD .................................................................................................................................................. 218 DfAddYears ............................................................................................................................................... 219 DfCountDays ............................................................................................................................................ 219 DfCountNonWD ........................................................................................................................................ 220 DfCountWD ............................................................................................................................................... 220 DfCountYears ............................................................................................................................................ 220 DfAdjustToWD .......................................................................................................................................... 221 DfFindDateD ............................................................................................................................................. 221 DfFindDateM ............................................................................................................................................. 222 DfIsWD ..................................................................................................................................................... 222 4 August 2003 11 Table of Contents Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfLastWD ................................................................................................................................................. 222 DfListHolidays ........................................................................................................................................... 223 Part XI: Reuters 3000 Data Engine Chapter 38 Data Engine Functions ........................................................................................................................ 227 DeHistory .................................................................................................................................................. 228 DeList ........................................................................................................................................................ 228 DeLookup ................................................................................................................................................. 229 DeQuery ................................................................................................................................................... 230 DeUpdate .................................................................................................................................................. 230 Part XII: Reuters Adfin Extended Arguments Appendix A 12 Extended Arguments .......................................................................................................................... 235 Adfin Structures ........................................................................................................................................ 237 AdMode .................................................................................................................................................... 237 BdMode .................................................................................................................................................... 243 BondFutStructure ...................................................................................................................................... 243 BondStructure ........................................................................................................................................... 247 CalcMethod ............................................................................................................................................... 257 CalcStructure ............................................................................................................................................ 262 CapFloorStructure ..................................................................................................................................... 264 CdsStructure ............................................................................................................................................. 268 ConvMode ................................................................................................................................................ 274 ConvStructure ........................................................................................................................................... 274 CreditStructure .......................................................................................................................................... 276 CrossStructure .......................................................................................................................................... 278 CsStructure ............................................................................................................................................... 280 CurStructure .............................................................................................................................................. 284 DefStructure .............................................................................................................................................. 285 DeMode Argument for DeHistory .............................................................................................................. 295 DeMode Argument for DeList ................................................................................................................... 299 DeMode Argument for DeLookup ............................................................................................................. 301 DeMode Argument for DeQuery ............................................................................................................... 303 DeMode Argument for DeUpdate ............................................................................................................. 305 DfMode ..................................................................................................................................................... 308 ExoticStructure .......................................................................................................................................... 309 FormatMode ............................................................................................................................................. 315 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Table of Contents FrnMode ................................................................................................................................................... 317 FrnStructure .............................................................................................................................................. 320 FxMode ..................................................................................................................................................... 329 HistoryMode .............................................................................................................................................. 331 HistoryStructure ........................................................................................................................................ 333 IlbMode ..................................................................................................................................................... 335 IlbStructure ................................................................................................................................................ 337 IndexHistoryStructure ............................................................................................................................... 344 InterpMode ................................................................................................................................................ 345 IrsStructure ............................................................................................................................................... 346 OpMode .................................................................................................................................................... 351 OptionStructure ......................................................................................................................................... 354 ParseMode ............................................................................................................................................... 358 RateMode ................................................................................................................................................. 359 RateStructure ............................................................................................................................................ 365 RepoMode ................................................................................................................................................ 371 RoundMode .............................................................................................................................................. 374 RtMode ..................................................................................................................................................... 374 StirFutStructure ......................................................................................................................................... 378 StyleMode ................................................................................................................................................. 380 SwapStructure .......................................................................................................................................... 380 SwMode .................................................................................................................................................... 386 YcMode ..................................................................................................................................................... 389 4 August 2003 13 Table of Contents 14 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 PART I: INTRODUCTION Introduction 16 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 INTRODUCING THE REUTERS POWERPLUS PRO FUNCTION REFERENCE GUIDE CHAPTER 1 Contents • • • Using This Guide Conventions Used in This Guide Reuters PowerPlus Pro Guides and Online Help 4 August 2003 17 Chapter 1 Introducing the Reuters PowerPlus Pro Function Reference Guide Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Using This Guide Using This Guide What this guide explains Intended audience Assumed knowledge How this guide is organized How to use this guide 18 The Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide is a complete reference guide to Reuters PowerPlus Pro functions. The Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide is intended for all users of PowerPlus Pro that choose to build models to perform customized analyses. The Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide assumes that you are familiar with: • • • Windows operating systems Microsoft Excel markets and finance The Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide is organized in chapters representing the different categories of Adfin functions First read “Conventions Used in This Guide” on page 19 to familiarize yourself with the manner in which information is presented and the terminology used in this guide. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 1 Introducing the Reuters PowerPlus Pro Function Reference Guide Conventions Used in This Guide Conventions Used in This Guide Text Convention Explanation italics Menu names and items, command buttons, and titles of guides “Text in quotation marks” References to chapters or sections Messages displayed Terminology bold words or phrases Emphasizes an explanation 1. Numbered bold text A series of actions that you perform in the defined order ◆ Bold text A one-step procedure to perform courier font User input, directories, file names, and contents <courier_italics> Site-specific variables or parameters ➤ Sequence of menu items to choose root# any_other_user$ The user that you must be to enter a command Term What You Do Activate Place the cursor over the item and click Choose Make a choice from two or more available menu items Click Quickly press and release the mouse button while the cursor is over the item Double-click Quickly press and release the mouse button twice in succession while the cursor is over the item Drag and drop Press and hold the mouse button while the cursor is over the item, then move the cursor to the required position, and then release the mouse button Enter Type in data Highlight Place the cursor over a row in a table (or a cell in a matrix) and quickly press and release the mouse button while the pointer is over the item Press Press a key on your keyboard 4 August 2003 19 Chapter 1 Introducing the Reuters PowerPlus Pro Function Reference Guide Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Reuters PowerPlus Pro Guides and Online Help Reuters PowerPlus Pro Guides and Online Help PDF files Reuters PowerPlus Pro and Reuters 3000 Data Engine guides On-line help 20 The Reuters PowerPlus Pro guides are delivered in the \commmon\doc\pdf\Reuters PowerPlus Pro directory as Adobe PDF files that you can display on-screen and print using Adobe Acrobat Reader (also delivered with Reuters PowerPlus Pro). Title Document Number Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5 SR1 Migration Guide 4510505 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5 SR1 Workbook 4510504 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5 SR1 Functions Quick Reference Guide 4510531 Reuters 3000 Data Engine ActiveX Component Library Guide 4510506 Reuters PowerPlus Pro is delivered with context-sensitive and indexed online help. Choose Reuters ➤ Help ➤ Online Help. 4 August 2003 PART II: REUTERS ADFIN REALTIME Reuters Adfin Realtime 22 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 R E A L T I M E D A TA F U N C T I O N S CHAPTER 2 Contents • • • • • • • RtChain RtContribute RtGet RtNow RtSeries RtToday RtUpdate 4 August 2003 23 Chapter 2 Realtime Data Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RtChain RtChain Purpose RtChain fills a Microsoft Excel range with the underlying records of a chain or tile. Syntax Note Arguments =RtChain(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, DestinationCell, MacroName, RtMode) The previous =RtChain(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, DestinationCell, RtMode) function is still available in Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5. SourceAlias InstrumentCode DestinationCell MacroName RtMode Source alias Instrument code Cell reference of the upper left corner of the destination array Name of the macro to run Extended argument defining the operation (see “RtMode” on page 374) RtContribute Purpose RtContribute contributes a record: • • Syntax locally within Microsoft Excel, to share the data among all open spreadsheets at the network level, to share the data among all users connected to the source =RtContribute(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, FieldNameArray, FieldValueArray, RtMode) Important! The function may not be available on certain installation types. Arguments SourceAlias InstrumentCode FieldNameArray FieldValueArray RtMode 24 Source alias Instrument code One-dimensional array of field names or numbers Array of field values Extended argument defining the operation (see “RtMode” on page 374) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 2 Realtime Data Functions RtGet RtGet Purpose Syntax Note Arguments Retrieves real time data from a data source. =RtGet(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, FieldNames, RtMode) Use the non-volatile RtGet function if you have installed Microsoft Excel 2002. SourceAlias InstrumentCode FieldName RtMode Source alias Instrument code One-dimensional field names or numbers Extended argument defining the operation (see “RtMode” on page 374) RtNow Purpose Syntax Note Argument Retrieves the current system date and time. RtNow is a non-volatile and asynchronous function that replaces the volatile Now() function of Microsoft Excel 2002. Adfin Real Time enables you to manage RtNow updates separately from the global recalculation of your spreadsheet, thus improving its real time performance. RtNow can only run with Microsoft Excel 2002. =RtNow(RtMode) You can only use RtNow in RTD mode. RtMode Extended argument defining the operation (see “RtMode” on page 374) RtSeries Purpose Retrieves historical snap quotes for a real time instrument. RtSeries displays real time data in an array at time interval. Retrieved data is automatically duplicated, allowing you to build a real time data series for the requested instrument. 4 August 2003 25 Chapter 2 Realtime Data Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RtToday Syntax Arguments =RtSeries(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, FieldNameArray, DestinationCell, MacroName, RtMode) SourceAlias InstrumentCode FieldNameArray DestinationCell MacroName RtMode Source alias Instrument code One-dimensional array of field names or numbers Cell reference of the upper left corner of the destination array Name of the macro to run Extended argument defining the operation (see “RtMode” on page 374) RtToday Purpose Syntax Note Arguments Retrieves the current system date. RtToday is a non-volatile and asynchronous function that replaces the volatile Today() function of Microsoft Excel 2002. Adfin Real Time enables you to manage RtToday updates separately from the global recalculation of your spreadsheet, thus improving its real time performance. RtToday only runs with Microsoft Excel 2002. =RtToday() You can only use RtNow in RTD mode. This function does not require arguments. RtUpdate Purpose Syntax Arguments 26 Performs an asynchronous action such as updating real time data or running an Excel macro upon reception of real time updates. Also performs snapshot updates, using a snap mechanism. =RtUpdate(SourceAlias, InstrumentArray, FieldNameArray, DestinationCell, MacroName, RtMode) SourceAlias Source alias 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 2 Realtime Data Functions RtUpdate InstrumentArray FieldNameArray DestinationCell MacroName RtMode One-dimensional array of instrument codes One-dimensional array of field names or numbers Cell reference of the upper left corner of the destination array Name of the macro to run Extended argument defining the operation (see “RtMode” on page 374) 4 August 2003 27 Chapter 2 Realtime Data Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RtUpdate 28 4 August 2003 H I S T O R I C A L D A TA F U N C T I O N S CHAPTER 3 Contents • • RtHistory RtHistoryInfo 4 August 2003 29 Chapter 3 Historical Data Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RtHistory RtHistory Purpose Syntax Arguments Retrieves a list of historical (TS1) data for an instrument. =RtHistory(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, FieldNames, HistoryStructure, HistoryMode) SourceAlias InstrumentCode FieldNames DestinationCell HistoryStructure HistoryMode Source alias Instrument codes String of field names separated by a comma or 1-dimensional array of field names or numbers Cell reference of the upper left corner of the destination array Extended argument defining the range of dates, between which data is retrieved (see “HistoryStructure” on page 333) Extended argument customizing the format of the retrieved data (see “HistoryMode” on page 331) RtHistoryInfo Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns a string or an array listing all fields available in TS1 for an instrument. To get the result as an array, use RES:ARRAY keyword in HistoryMode. =RtHistoryInfo(SourceAlias, InstrumentCode, HistoryMode) SourceAlias InstrumentCode HistoryMode 30 Source alias Instrument codes Extended argument customizing the return array (see“HistoryMode” on page 331) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 3 Historical Data Functions RtHistoryInfo 4 August 2003 31 Chapter 3 Historical Data Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RtHistoryInfo 32 4 August 2003 PART III: REUTERS ADFIN BONDS Reuters Adfin Bonds 34 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 4 Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Accrued AdBondDeriv AdBondPrice AdBondSpread AdBondYield BdCalcCpn BdCashFlows BdConvFactor BdCpnCrv BdCpnValue BdIrsStructure BdPvbpCrv BdRepo BdSettle BdSettleLock CpnNext CpnNumber CpnPrev 4 August 2003 35 Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Accrued Accrued Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the accrued interest using a bond structure. =Accrued (CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure) CalcDate Maturity Coupon BondStructure Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) AdBondDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the derivatives of a bond using a bond structure. =AdBondDeriv(BondStructure, RateArray, Maturity, Coupon, Spread, BondStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray Maturity 36 Settlement date Term structure array Depending on the model, this array has several forms: - a single value if the Yield To Maturity is used - a 1 dimensional array containing the Vasicek-Fong coefficients if VF is specified - a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY keyword), and the values for the rates if a ZCCurve is used - a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY keyword), the values for the rates, and the volatilities if BDT is used The model used is specified by the keyword RM (Rate Model) in the RateStructure argument. Maturity date of the bond 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions AdBondPrice Coupon Spread BondStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Spread value expressed in basis points Depending on the rate model, the spread will be added either to a yield (RM:YTM), to a yield curve (RM:YC, RM:VF), or will be an option adjusted spread (RM:BDT). Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdBondPrice Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price of a bond using a bond structure. =AdBondPrice(SettlementDate, RateArray, Maturity, Coupon, Spread, BondStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray Maturity Settlement date Term structure array Depending on the model, this array has several forms: - a single value if the Yield To Maturity is used - a 1 dimensional array containing the Vasicek-Fong coefficients if VF is specified - a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY keyword), and the values for the rates if a ZCCurve is used - a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY keyword), the values for the rates, and the volatilities if BDT is used - The model used is specified by the keyword RM (Rate Model) in the RateStructure argument. Maturity date of the bond 4 August 2003 37 Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdBondSpread Coupon Spread BondStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Spread value expressed in basis points Depending on the rate model, the spread will be added either to a yield (RM:YTM), to a yield curve (RM:YC, RM:VF), or will be an option adjusted spread (RM:BDT). Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdBondSpread Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the spread of a bond using a bond structure. =AdBondSpread(SettlementDate, RateArray, HorizonDate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray Price 38 Settlement date Term structure array Depending on the model, this array has several forms: - a single value if the Yield To Maturity is used - a 1 dimensional array containing the Vasicek-Fong coefficients if VF is specified - a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY keyword) and the values for the rates if a zero-coupon curve is used - a 2-dimensional array containing the dates (rows or columns depending on the orientation of the array specified by the LAY keyword), the values for the rates, and the volatilities if BDT is used The model used is specified by the keyword RM (Rate Model) in the RateStructure argument. Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions AdBondYield Maturity Coupon BondStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdBondYield Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the Yield To Maturity of non optionable bonds. Calculates the yields at call/put dates of optionable bonds. =AdBondYield(SettlementDate, HorizonDate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure, RateStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Price Maturity Coupon Bondstructure RateStructure AdMode Settlement date (Market) Price of the bond Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) BdCalcCpn Purpose Returns all coupon features of a fixed-rate bond in an array. 4 August 2003 39 Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BdCashFlows Syntax Arguments =BdCalcCpn (CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure, BdMode) CalcDate Maturity Coupon Bondstructure BdMode Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “BdMode” on page 243) BdCashFlows Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of a fixed-rate bond. =BdCashFlows (CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure, BdMode) CalcDate Maturity Coupon Bondstructure BdMode Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “BdMode” on page 243) BdConvFactor Purpose Syntax Arguments 40 Calculates the conversion factor of a bond. =BdConvFactor (BondFutStructure, Maturity Code, Maturity, Coupon, ConvMode, BdMode) BondFutStructure Extended argument defining the bond futures structure 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions BdCpnCrv MaturityCode Maturity Coupon ConvMode BdMode Code defining the futures contract maturity Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining deliverable bond oddities (see “ConvMode” on page 274) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “BdMode” on page 243) BdCpnCrv Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the nominal coupon rate from the bond price and a zero-coupon yield curve. =BdCpnCrv(CalcDate, HorizonDate, DateArray, RateArray, Maturity, BondStructure, CalcMethod) CalcDate Price DateArray RateArray Maturity Bondstructure Calcmethod Calculation date Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Maturity date of the bond Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) BdCpnValue Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the value of the next coupon using a bond structure. =BdCpnValue (CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure) CalcDate Maturity Calculation date Maturity date of the bond 4 August 2003 41 Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BdIrsStructure Coupon Bondstructure Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) BdIrsStructure Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns the interest rate swap structure corresponding to a swap in which fixed cash flows match the bond ones. =BdIrsStructure (BondStructure) BondStructure Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) BdPvbpCrv Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price variation per basis point for each point of a zero-coupon yield curve. =BdPvbpCrv(CalcDate, HorizonDate, DateArray, RateArray, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure, CalcMethod, BdMode) CalcDate Price DateArray RateArray Maturity Coupon Bondstructure Calcmethod Bdmode 42 Calculation date Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “BdMode” on page 243) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions BdRepo BdRepo Purpose Calculates the implied repo rate, the future value, or the present value of a repo using a bond structure. The expected result must be specified in RepoMode using the RES keyword. • To define how the present value and/or the future value of the bond are expressed (clean price, gross price, or yield), use the NPV and FV keywords in RepoMode. To define the repo rate type (usually MMBA0 or MMBA5), use the RR keyword. • Syntax Arguments for implied repo rate calculation =BdRepo(CalcDate, HorizonDate, NPV, FV, RepoRate, Maturity, Coupon, BondStructure, RepoMode) CalcDate HorizonDate Npv Fv RepoRate Maturity Coupon BondStructure RepoMode Calculation date Horizon date of the repo Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value) Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future value) # not used - enter 0 # Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the calculation (see “RepoMode” on page 371) If calculating the implied repo rate, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:IMPRATE". 4 August 2003 43 Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BdSettle Arguments for future value calculation CalcDate HorizonDate Npv Fv RepoRate Maturity Coupon BondStructure RepoMode Arguments for present value calculation CalcDate HorizonDate Npv Fv RepoRate Maturity Coupon Bondstructure RepoMode Calculation date Horizon date of the repo Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value) # not used - enter 0 # Repo rate Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate of the bond, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the calculation (see “BondStructure” on page 247) If calculating the future value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:FV". Calculation date Horizon date of the repo # not used - enter 0 # Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future value) Repo rate Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) Extended argument defining the calculation (see “RepoMode” on page 371) If calculating the present value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:NPV". BdSettle Purpose 44 Calculates the settlement date using a bond structure. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions BdSettleLock Syntax Arguments Return Value =BdSettle(CalcDate, BondStructure) Bondstructure Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) The bond settlement date. BdSettleLock Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the settlement date for bonds with lockout periods using a bond structure. =BdSettleLock (CalcDate, Maturity, BondStructure) CalcDate Maturity BondStructure Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) CpnNext Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the date of the next coupon using a bond structure. =CpnNext(CalcDate, Maturity, BondStructure) CalcDate Maturity BondStructure Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) 4 August 2003 45 Chapter 4 Fixed Income Securities Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CpnNumber CpnNumber Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the number of coupons until maturity using a bond structure. =CpnNumber(CalcDate, Maturity, BondStructure) CalcDate Maturity BondStructure Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) CpnPrev Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the date of the previous coupon using a bond structure. =CpnPrev(CalcDate, Maturity, BondStructure) CalcDate Maturity BondStructure 46 Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondStructure” on page 247) 4 August 2003 CASH FLOWS FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 5 Contents • • • • • • • • • CfAvgLife CfConv CfDur CfPvbp CfPx CfPxCrv CfRepo CfVol CfYld 4 August 2003 47 Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CfAvgLife CfAvgLife Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the average life of a bond using cash flows. =CfAvgLife(CalcDate, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond principal reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond principal reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) CfConv Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the convexity of a bond using cash flows. =CfConv(CalcDate, Yield, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate Yield CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Yield to maturity Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) CfDur Purpose Syntax 48 Calculates the duration of the bond using cash flows. =CfDur(CalcDate, Yield, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions CfPvbp Arguments CalcDate Yield CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Yield to maturity Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) CfPvbp Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price variation per basis point (PVBP) using cash flows. =CfPvbp(CalcDate, Yield, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate Yield CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Yield to maturity Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) CfPx Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price from yield using cash flows. =CfPx(CalcDate, Yield, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate Yield CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Yield to maturity Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) 4 August 2003 49 Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CfPxCrv CfPxCrv Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price from a zero-coupon yield curve using cash flows. =CfPxCrv(CalcDate, DateArray, RateArray, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate DateArray RateArray CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) CfRepo Purpose Calculates the implied repo rate, the future value, or the present value of a repo using cash flows. The expected result must be specified in RepoMode using the RES keyword. To define how the present value and/or the future value of the bond are expressed (clean price, gross price, or yield), use the NPV and FV keywords in RepoMode. To define the repo rate type (usually MMBA0 or MMBA5), use the RR keyword. Syntax Arguments for implied repo rate calculation =CfRepo(CalcDate, HorizonDate, NPV, FV, RepoRate, CfDates, Cf, RepoMode) CalcDate HorizonDate Npv Fv RepoRate 50 Calculation date Horizon date of the repo Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value) Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future value) # not used - enter 0 # 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions CfRepo CfDates Cf RepoMode Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation (see “RepoMode” on page 371) If calculating the implied repo rate, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:IMPRATE". 4 August 2003 51 Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CfVol Arguments for future value calculation CalcDate HorizonDate Npv Fv RepoRate CfDates Cf RepoMode Arguments for present value calculation CalcDate HorizonDate Npv Fv RepoRate CfDates Cf RepoMode Calculation date Horizon date of the repo Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at CalcDate (present value) # not used - enter 0 # Repo rate Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation (see “RepoMode” on page 371) If calculating the future value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:FV". Calculation date Horizon date of the repo # not used - enter 0 # Clean price (as a percentage of the nominal), or gross price (as a percentage of the nominal), or yield to maturity of the bond at HorizonDate (future value) Repo rate Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation (see “RepoMode” on page 371) If calculating the present value, RepoMode should include the argument "RES:NPV". CfVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the volatility of the bond or the modified duration using cash flows. =CfVol(CalcDate, Yield, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate Yield 52 Calculation date Yield to maturity 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions CfYld CfDates Cf CalcMethod Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) CfYld Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the yield from price using cash flows. =CfYld(CalcDate, GrossPrice, CfDates, Cf, CalcMethod) CalcDate GrossPrice CfDates Cf CalcMethod Calculation date Clean price plus accrued interest expressed in the same unit as cash flows Array of cash flow dates corresponding to the bond reimbursement Array of cash flow values corresponding to the bond reimbursement Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcMethod” on page 257) 4 August 2003 53 Chapter 5 Cash Flows Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CfYld 54 4 August 2003 CONVERTIBLE BOND FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 6 Contents • • • • • • • • AdConvBdDeriv AdConvCalcCpn AdConvCashFlows AdConvImpliedVol AdConvOpDeriv AdConvPrice AdConvRatios AdConvYield 4 August 2003 55 Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdConvBdDeriv AdConvBdDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives of the underlying bond in an array from the price of the convertible, using a conversion structure. =AdConvBdDeriv(SettlementDate, Maturity, Coupon, RateArray, Spread, ConvStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Maturity Coupon RateArray Spread ConvStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency: • single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array • two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions] array Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvMode” on page 274) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdConvCalcCpn Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all coupon features of a convertible bond in an array using a conversion structure. =AdConvCalcCpn (SettlementDate, Maturity, Coupon, ConvStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Maturity Coupon 56 Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions AdConvCashFlows ConvStructure AdMode Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdConvCashFlows Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of a convertible bond. =AdConvCashFlows (SettlementDate, Maturity, Coupon, ConvStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Maturity Coupon ConvStructure AdMode Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdConvImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the volatility implied by the price of a convertible bond. =AdConvImpliedVol (SettlementDate, Maturity, Price, Coupon, RateArray, EquityPrice, EquityDivArray, SpotFX, Spread, ConvStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) SettlementDate Maturity Price Coupon Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Clean or gross price of the convertible bond expressed in the current currency. Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage 4 August 2003 57 Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdConvOpDeriv RateArray EquityPrice EquityDivArray SpotFX Spread ConvStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency: • single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array • two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions] array Spot price of the underlying instrument Annual dividend rate or array of dividend dates and amounts Spot rate for the cross currency Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) AdConvOpDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns an array of all derivatives (Delta, Gamma, Rho, Theta, Vega) of the optional part of the bond. =AdConvOpDeriv (SettlementDate, Maturity, Coupon, RateArray, EquityPrice, EquityVolatility, EquityDivArray, SpotFX, Spread, ConvStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Maturity Coupon RateArray EquityPrice EquityVolatility EquityDivArray SpotFX 58 Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency: • single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array • two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions] array Spot price of the underlying instrument Volatility of the underlying instrument Annual dividend rate or array of dividend dates and amounts Spot rate for the cross currency 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions AdConvPrice Spread ConvStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) :Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdConvPrice Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the main values of a convertible bond using a conversion structure. =AdConvPrice(SettlementDate, Maturity, Coupon, RateArray, EquityPrice, EquityVolatility, EquityDivArray, SpotFX, Spread, ConvStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Maturity Coupon RateArray EquityPrice EquityVolatility EquityDivArray SpotFX Spread ConvStructure RateStructure: CalcStructure Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage Argument defining the interest rate model in the bond currency: • single-factor models: single interest rate or zero-coupon array • two-factor model: a [dates/rates/rate volatilities/mean reversions] array Spot price of the underlying instrument Volatility of the underlying instrument Annual dividend rate or array of dividend dates and amounts Spot rate for the cross currency Credit spread of the issuer expressed in basis points Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 59 Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdConvRatios AdMode Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdConvRatios Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the main characteristics of a convertible bond using a conversion structure. =AdConvRatios (SettlementDate, Maturity, Price, EquityPrice, SpotFX, ConvStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate Maturity Price EquityPrice SpotFX ConvStructure AdMode Settlement date Maturity date of the convertible bond Clean or gross price of the convertible bond expressed as a percentage of the nominal Spot price of the underlying instrument Spot rate for the cross currency Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdConvYield Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the yield of the underlying bond from the price of the convertible, using a conversion structure. =AdConvYield (SettlementDate, Maturity, Price,Coupon, ConvStructure, RateStructure) SettlementDate Price Maturity Coupon 60 Settlement date Clean or gross price of the convertible bond in current currency Maturity date of the convertible bond Coupon rate, expressed as a percentage 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions AdConvYield ConvStructure RateStructure Extended argument defining the conversion structure (see “ConvStructure” on page 274) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) 4 August 2003 61 Chapter 6 Convertible Bond Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdConvYield 62 4 August 2003 FLOATING RATE NOTES FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 7 Contents • • • • FrnCalcCpn FrnCashFlows FrnMargin FrnPx 4 August 2003 63 Chapter 7 Floating Rate Notes Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnCalcCpn FrnCalcCpn Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all coupon features of a FRN in an array. =FrnCalcCpn(CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, CurrentIndex, QuotedMargin, FrnStructure, FrnMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity CurrentIndex QuotedMargin FrnStructure FrnMode Calculation date Start date of the FRN (issue date) Maturity date of the FRN Index rate for the current coupon Margin applied to the index Extended argument defining the FRN structure (see “FrnStructure” on page 320) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FrnMode” on page 317) FrnCashFlows Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of a floating rate instrument. =FrnCashFlows(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, StartDate, Maturity, QuotedMargin, FloatingRateArray, FrnStructure, FrnMode) CalcDate ZcDates ZcRates StartDate Maturity: QuotedMargin FloatingRateArray FrnStructure 64 Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Start date of the FRN (issue date) Maturity date of the FRN (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Margin applied to the index Array of floating leg rates Extended argument defining the FRN structure (see “FrnStructure” on page 320) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 7 Floating Rate Notes Functions FrnMargin FrnMode Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FrnMode” on page 317) FrnMargin Purpose Calculates the FRN price, the margin or the yield. The expected result must be specified in FrnMode using the TO keyword. Similarly, the type of data used in the Px argument must be specified using the FROM keyword. Syntax Arguments =FrnMargin(CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, Px, QuotedMargin, FloatingRateArray, FrnStructure, FrnMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity Px QuotedMargin FloatingRateArray FrnStructure FrnMode Calculation date Start date of the FRN (issue date) Maturity date of the FRN (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Margin or yield expressed as a percentage or price expressed as a percentage of the nominal Margin applied to the index Two-cell array defining the value of the current index and the value of the projected index. Extended argument defining the FRN structure (see “FrnStructure” on page 320) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FrnMode” on page 317) FrnPx Purpose Syntax Calculates the price from a yield curve of a floating rate instrument. =FrnPx(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, StartDate, Maturity, QuotedMargin, FloatingRateArray, FrnStructure, FrnMode) 4 August 2003 65 Chapter 7 Floating Rate Notes Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnPx Arguments CalcDate ZcDates ZcRates StartDate Maturity QuotedMargin FloatingRateArray FrnStructure FrnMode 66 Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Start date of the FRN (issue date) Maturity date of the FRN (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Margin applied to the index Array of floating leg rates Extended argument defining the FRN structure (see “FrnStructure” on page 320) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FrnMode” on page 317) 4 August 2003 INDEX LINKED BONDS FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 8 Contents • • • • IlbCalcCpn IlbCashFlows IlbPx IlbYld 4 August 2003 67 Chapter 8 Index Linked Bonds Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IlbCalcCpn IlbCalcCpn Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all coupon features of an index-linked bond in an array. =IlbCalcCpn(CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, InflationRateArray, IlbStructure, IlbMode) CalcDate Maturity Coupon InflationRateArray IlbStructure IlbMode Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a number or a percent Array of anticipated inflation rates Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure (see “IlbStructure” on page 337) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “IlbMode” on page 335) IlbCashFlows Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of an index-linked bond. =IlbCashFlows(CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, InflationRateArray, IlbStructure, IlbMode) CalcDate Maturity Coupon InflationRateArray IlbStructure IlbMode 68 Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a number or a percentage Array of anticipated inflation rates Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure (see “IlbStructure” on page 337) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “IlbMode” on page 335) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 8 Index Linked Bonds Functions IlbPx IlbPx Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price of an index-linked bond. =IlbPx(CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, Yield, InflationRateArray, IlbStructure, IlbMode) CalcDate Maturity Coupon Yield InflationRateArray IlbStructure IlbMode Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a number or a percentage Yield to maturity Array of anticipated inflation rates Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure (see “IlbStructure” on page 337) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “IlbMode” on page 335) IlbYld Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the yield of an index-linked bond. =IlbYld(CalcDate, Maturity, Coupon, Price, InflationRateArray, IlbStructure, IlbMode) CalcDate Maturity Coupon Price InflationRateArray IlbStructure IlbMode Calculation date Maturity date of the bond Nominal coupon rate, expressed as a number or a percentage Clean or gross price expressed as a percentage of the nominal Array of anticipated inflation rates Extended argument defining the index-linked bond structure (see “IlbStructure” on page 337) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “IlbMode” on page 335) 4 August 2003 69 Chapter 8 Index Linked Bonds Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IlbYld 70 4 August 2003 PART IV: REUTERS ADFIN CREDIT Reuters Adfin Credit 72 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 CREDIT FUNCTIONS CHAPTER 9 Contents • • • Credit Default Swaps Calculations Functions to Build Credit Models Functions to Use Credit Models 4 August 2003 73 Chapter 9 Credit Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Credit Default Swaps Calculations Credit Default Swaps Calculations • • • • AdCdsNpv AdCdsSpread AdFxCdsNpv AdFxCdsSpread AdCdsNpv Purpose Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function calculates the net present value of a credit default swap, using: • • Syntax Arguments the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model a credit event probability curve =AdCdsNpv(SettlementDate, StartDate, Maturity, Spread, RateArray, CreditArray, CdsStructure, CreditStructure, RateStructure) SettlementDate StartDate Maturity Spread RateArray CreditArray CdsStructure CreditStructure RateStructure Settlement date Start date of the credit default swap Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code Spread of the credit default swap, expressed as basis points Interest rate model Credit model Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap (see “CdsStructure” on page 268) Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) AdCdsSpread Purpose 74 Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function calculates the spread of a credit default swap from the net present value, using: 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 9 Credit Functions AdFxCdsNpv • • Syntax Arguments the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model a credit event probability curve =AdCdsSpread(SettlementDate, StartDate, Maturity, Npv, RateArray, CreditArray, CdsStructure, CreditStructure, RateStructure) Settlement date Start date of the credit default swap Maturity Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code Npv Net present value of the credit default swap RateArray Interest rate model CreditArray Credit model CdsStructure Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap (see “CdsStructure” on page 268) CreditStructure Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) RateStructure Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) SettlementDate StartDate AdFxCdsNpv Purpose Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function calculates the net present value of a Quanto credit default swap, using: • • Syntax Arguments the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model a credit event probability curve =AdFxCdsNpv(SettlementDate, StartDate, Maturity, Spread, PaidRate, ReceivedRate, FxArray, CreditArray, CdsStructure, CreditStructure, RateStructure) SettlementDate StartDate Maturity Spread PaidRate Settlement date Start date of the credit default swap Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code Spread of the credit default swap, expressed as basis points Interest rate model of the paid leg 4 August 2003 75 Chapter 9 Credit Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdFxCdsSpread Interest rate model of the received leg FxArray Array of dates and swap points CreditArray Credit model CdsStructure Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap (see “CdsStructure” on page 268) CreditStructure Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) RateStructure Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) ReceivedRate AdFxCdsSpread Purpose Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function calculates the spread of a Quanto credit default swap from the net present value, using: • • Syntax Arguments the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model a credit event probability curve =AdFxCdsSpread(SettlementDate, StartDate, Maturity, Npv, PaidRate, ReceivedRate, FxArray, CreditArray, CdsStructure, CreditStructure, RateStructure) SettlementDate StartDate Maturity Npv PaidRate ReceivedRate FxArray CreditArray CdsStructure CreditStructure RateStructure 76 Settlement date Start date of the credit default swap Maturity of the credit default swap, expressed as a date or code Net present value of the credit default swap Interest rate model of the paid leg Interest rate model of the received leg Array of dates and swap points Credit model Extended argument defining the structure of the credit default swap (see “CdsStructure” on page 268) Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 9 Credit Functions AdFxCdsSpread Return Value The spread of the Quanto credit default swap, expressed as basis points. 4 August 2003 77 Chapter 9 Credit Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Functions to Build Credit Models Functions to Build Credit Models • • AdCreditStructure AdJLTCreditStructure AdCreditStructure Purpose Syntax Arguments Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function calibrates the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or the credit event probability curve, either from an array of credit default swaps, or from a credit zero-coupon curve. =AdCreditStructure(RateArray, InstrumentArray, CreditStructure, RateStructure, AdMode) RateArray InstrumentArray CreditStructure RateStructure AdMode Interest rate model Array of instruments Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdJLTCreditStructure Purpose Syntax Arguments Calibrates a credit event probability curve from a rating transition matrix, using the Jarrow, Lando, and Turnbull model. =AdJLTCreditStructure(RateArray, RiskyZcArray, TransitionArray, CreditStructure, RateStructure, AdMode) RateArray RiskyZcArray 78 Array of risk-free zero-coupon prices Array of credit zero-coupon curves 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 9 Credit Functions AdJLTCreditStructure TransitionArray CreditStructure RateStructure AdMode Ratings transition matrix Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 79 Chapter 9 Credit Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Functions to Use Credit Models Functions to Use Credit Models AdCreditZcCurve AdDefaultProba AdCreditZcCurve Purpose Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function builds a credit zero-coupon curve, using: • • Syntax Arguments the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model the credit event probability curve =AdCreditZcCurve(SettlementDate, RateArray, CreditArray, CreditStructure, RateStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray CreditArray CreditStructure RateStructure AdMode Settlement date Interest rate model Credit model Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdDefaultProba Purpose Syntax 80 Depending on the model specified by the RISKMODEL keyword, the function calculates the probabilities of default for an array of dates, using the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model or a curve credit model. =AdDefaultProba(SettlementDate, DateArray, CreditArray, CreditStructure, AdMode) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 9 Credit Functions AdDefaultProba Arguments Settlement date Array of dates CreditArray Credit model CreditStructure Extended argument defining the credit model (see “CreditStructure” on page 276) AdMode Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) SettlementDate DateArray 4 August 2003 81 Chapter 9 Credit Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdDefaultProba 82 4 August 2003 PART V: REUTERS ADFIN FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND MONEY MARKETS Reuters Adfin Foreign Exchange and Money Markets 84 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 10 FOREX & MM FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AdDepToFra AdDepToFraBA AdZcToFraBA FxCalcPeriod FxCross FxCrossA FxCrossD FxDepToSwpD FxDepToSwpP FxGenCalc FxGenParse FxSwpToDepD FxSwpToDepP FxSwpToOut FxSwpToSwp FxSwpToSwpD FxSwpToSwpP 4 August 2003 85 Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdDepToFra AdDepToFra Purpose Calculates a forward rate. The type of rate used for Rate1, Rate3 and the returned rate must be specified in the RateMode argument with the either the keyword RATES or all three keywords R1, R2 and R3. Syntax Arguments =AdDepToFra(Date1, Date2, Date3, RateMode, Rate1, Rate3) Date1 Date2 Date3 RateMode Rate1 Rate3 First date Second date Third date Extended argument defining the type of rates used (see “RateMode” on page 359) Rate applicable for the period from Date1 to Date2 Rate applicable for the period from Date1 to Date3 AdDepToFraBA Purpose Calculates forward bid and ask rates. The type of rate used for Rate1BA, Rate3BA and the returned rates must be specified in the RateMode argument with the either the keyword RATES or all three keywords R1, R2 and R3. Syntax Arguments =AdDepToFraBA(Date1, Date2, Date3, RateMode, Rate1BA, Rate3BA) Date1 Date2 Date3 RateMode Rate1BA Rate3BA 86 First date Second date Third date Extended argument defining the type of rates used (see “RateMode” on page 359) Rates applicable for the period from Date1 to Date2 (array Bid/Ask) Rates applicable for the period from Date1 to Date3 (array Bid/Ask) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions AdZcToFraBA AdZcToFraBA Purpose Calculates FRA bid and ask rates from a zero-coupon yield curve. To indicate the zero-coupon yield curve type (rates or discount factors), use the ZCTYPE keyword in YcMode. To determine the zero-coupon yield curve, the function AdTermStructure can be used. Syntax Arguments =AdZcToFraBA(StirFutStructure, StartDate, Period, ZcArray, YcMode) StirFutStructure StartDate Period ZcArray YcMode Extended argument defining the STIR futures contract FRA start date FRA maturity date (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors Extended argument customizing the return value (see “YcMode” on page 389) FxCalcPeriod Purpose Calculates the start date and the end date of a period. The CalcDate argument stands by default for the trading date. To calculate the period end date directly from the spot date (it may be useful to do so for instance when applying an offset to the spot date), or to choose between the Forex and the Money markets, use the FROM keyword in FxMode. Syntax Arguments =FxCalcPeriod(CalcDate, Cur1Cur2, Period, FxMode) CalcDate Cur1Cur2 Period FxMode Calculation date (trading date or spot date) Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Period code (example: "1M") Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxCross Purpose Calculates the spot cross rate assuming that the cross value date and the spot dates are equal. 4 August 2003 87 Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxCrossA The cross spot rate is by default returned in two cells. To get the cross rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxCross(Cur1Cur2, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, FxMode) Cur1Cur2 Spot1BA Spot2BA FxMode Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxCrossA Purpose Calculates the spot cross rate correcting the spot rates if the cross spot date and the spot date of each currency are not equal. The cross spot rate is by default returned in two cells. To get the cross rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxCrossA(CalcDate, Cur1Cur2, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, Dep1BA, Dep2BA, DepUsdBA, FxMode) CalcDate Cur1Cur2 Spot1BA Spot2BA Dep1BA Dep2BA DepUsdBA FxMode Calculation date (contract or trading date) Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask) USD deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxCrossD Purpose 88 Calculates the spot cross rate correcting the spot rates if the cross spot date SpotDate12 and the currency spot dates SpotDate1 and SpotDate2 are not equal. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions FxDepToSwpD The cross spot rate is by default returned in two cells. To get the cross rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxCrossD(SpotDate12, SpotDate1, SpotDate2, Cur1Cur2, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, Dep1BA, Dep2BA, DepUsdBA, FxMode) SpotDate12 SpotDate1 SpotDate2 Cur1Cur2 Spot1BA Spot2BA Dep1BA Dep2BA DepUsdBA FxMode Spot value date of the cross currency Cur1Cur2 Spot value date of Cur1 Spot value date of Cur2 Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask) USD deposit rates (in real value) for the shortest period (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxDepToSwpD Purpose Calculates the synthetic swap point from deposit using a number of days. If any of the two currencies is the USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the USD. To get outrights instead of swap points, this function can be combined with the FxSwpToOut function. The cross swap point is by default returned in two cells. To get the swap point in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments for two non-USD currencies =FxDepToSwpD(NbDays, Cur1Cur2, Spot12BA, Dep1BA, Dep2BA, FxMode) I NbDays Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA Dep1BA Number of days of Cur1Cur2 swap point period Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP") Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask) 4 August 2003 89 Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxDepToSwpP Dep2BA FxMode Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWP12". Arguments for one currency against USD NbDays Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA Dep1BA Dep2BA FxMode Number of days of Currency swap point period Currency ISO code (example : "EUR") referred to as Currency Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Currency deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask) USD deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWPCUR". FxDepToSwpP Purpose Calculates the synthetic swap point from deposit using a period. If any of the two currencies is the USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be specified in FxMode using the RES keyword. To get outrights instead of swap points, this function can be combined with the FxSwpToOut function. The cross swap point is by default returned in two cells. To get the swap point in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments for two non-USD currencies =FxDepToSwpP(CalcDate, Period, Cur1Cur2, Spot12BA, Dep1BA, Dep2BA, FxMode) CalcDate Period Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA Dep1BA Dep2BA FxMode 90 Calculation date (contract or trading date) Period code (example : "1W") Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329). In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWP12". 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions FxGenCalc Arguments for one currency against USD CalcDate Period Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA Dep1BA Dep2BA FxMode Calculation date (contract or trading date) Period code (example: "1W") Currency ISO code (example: "EUR") referred to as Currency Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Currency deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask) USD deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329). In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:SWPCUR". FxGenCalc Purpose Syntax Arguments Performs any kind of Forex or Money market calculation from an instrument code. The integration of the FxGenCalc function within models can be made easier with the FxGenParse function. =FxGenCalc(InstrumentCode, CurrencyList, CalcDate, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, Spot12BA, Swp1Array, Swp2Array, Dep1Array, Dep2Array, DepUsdArray, FxMode) InstrumentCode CurrencyList CalcDate Spot1BA Spot2BA Spot12BA Swp1Array Swp2Array Dep1Array Dep2Array DepUsdArray FxMode Instrument code corresponding to the calculation List of the available currencies (string with the comma "," as separator) Calculation date (contract or trading date) Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 array of dates and swap points Cur2 array of dates and swap points Cur1 array of dates and deposit rates Cur2 array of dates and deposit rates USD array of dates and deposit rates Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) 4 August 2003 91 Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxGenParse FxGenParse Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns information concerning the calculation that corresponds to an instrument code. This information can be used to select the proper arguments in the FxGenCalc function. =FxGenParse(InstrumentCode, CurrencyList, FxMode) InstrumentCode CurrencyList FxMode Instrument code corresponding to the calculation List of the available currencies (string with the comma "," as separator) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxSwpToDepD Purpose Calculates the synthetic deposit from swap point using a number of days. If either of the two currencies is the USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be specified in FxMode using the RES keyword. The deposit rate is by default returned in two cells. To get the rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments for two non-USD currencies =FxSwpToDepD(NbDays, Cur1Cur2, Spot12BA, Dep1BA, Swp12BA, FxMode) NbDays Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA DepBA Swp12BA FxMode Number of days of Currency swap point period Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 or Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for approximately NbDays (array Bid/Ask) Cur1Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEP1" if the deposit rate of Cur1 is calculated from that of Cur2, or "RES:DEP2" if the deposit rate of Cur2 is calculated from that of Cur1. 92 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions FxSwpToDepP Arguments for one currency against USD NbDays Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA DepBA Swp12BA FxMode Number of days of Currency swap point period Currency ISO code (example: "EUR") referred to as Currency Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Currency or USD deposit rates (in real value) for approx. NbDays (array Bid/Ask) Currency swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEPCUR" if the deposit rate of Currency is calculated from that of USD, or "RES:DEPUSD" if the deposit rate of USD is calculated from that of Currency. FxSwpToDepP Purpose Calculates the synthetic deposit from swap point using a period. If any of the two currencies is the USD, an alternate set of arguments can be used to avoid the burden of determining which of Cur1 or Cur2 stands for the USD. To distinguish from both cases, the expected result must be specified in FxMode using the RES keyword. The deposit rate is by default returned in two cells. To get the rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments for two non-USD currencies =FxSwpToDepP(CalcDate, Period, Cur1Cur2, Spot12BA, DepBA, Swp12BA, FxMode) CalcDate Period Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA DepBA Swp12BA FxMode Calculation date (contract or trading date) Period code (example: "1W") Cross currency code (example : "EURGBP") Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 or Cur2 deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask) Cur1Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEP1" if the deposit rate of Cur1 is calculated from that of Cur2, or "RES:DEP2" if the deposit rate of Cur2 is calculated from that of Cur1. 4 August 2003 93 Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxSwpToOut Arguments for one currency against USD CalcDate Period Cur1Cur2 Spot12BA DepBA Swp12BA FxMode Calculation date (contract or trading date) Period code (example: "1W") Currency ISO code (example: "EUR") referred to as Currency Currency spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Currency or USD deposit rates (in real value) for the period (array Bid/Ask) Currency swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) In this case, FxMode should include the argument "RES:DEPCUR" if the deposit rate of Currency is calculated from that of USD, or "RES:DEPUSD" if the deposit rate of USD is calculated from that of Currency. FxSwpToOut Purpose Calculates outright rates from swap points. This function is likely to be used to display a forward quotation of a cross currency as both swap points (argument of the function) and outrights (result of the fonction). The outright rate is by default returned in two cells. To get the rate in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxSwpToOut(Cur1Cur2, Spot12BA, Swp12BA, FxMode) Cur1Cur2 Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Spot12BA Cur1Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Swp12BA Cur1Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask) FxMode Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxSwpToSwp Purpose 94 Calculates the cross swap point from swap points assuming that the cross value date and the spot dates are equal. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions FxSwpToSwpD To get outrights instead of swap points, this function can be combined with the FxSwpToOut function. The cross swap point is by default returned in two cells. To get the swap point in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxSwpToSwp(Cur1Cur2, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, Swp1BA, Swp2BA, FxMode) Cur1Cur2 Spot1BA Spot2BA Swp1BA Swp2BA FxMode Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxSwpToSwpD Purpose Calculates the cross swap point from swap points, using either the numbers of days or an array of Start Dates and End Dates, to correct the calculation when the cross value date is different from the spot date. To get outrights instead of swap points, this function can be combined with the FxSwpToOut function. The cross swap point is by default returned in two cells. To get the swap point in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxSwpToSwpD(NbDays12, NbDays1, NbDays2, Cur1Cur2, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, Swp1BA, Swp2BA, FxMode) NbDays12 NbDays1 NbDays2 Cur1Cur2 Spot1BA Number of days of Cur1Cur2 swap point period or an array of Start Dates and End Dates Number of days of Cur1USD swap point period or an array of Start Dates and End Dates Number of days of Cur2USD swap point period or an array of Start Dates and End Dates Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) 4 August 2003 95 Chapter 10 Forex & MM Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxSwpToSwpP Spot2BA Swp1BA Swp2BA FxMode Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) FxSwpToSwpP Purpose Calculates the cross swap point from swap points using a period to correct the calculation when the cross value date is different from the spot dates. To get outrights instead of swap points, this function can be combined with the FxSwpToOut function. The cross swap point is by default returned in two cells. To get the swap point in the Bid/Ask or Ask/Bid format, this function can be combined with the AdFormat function. Syntax Arguments =FxSwpToSwpP(CalcDate, Period, Cur1Cur2, Spot1BA, Spot2BA, Swp1BA, Swp2BA, FxMode) CalcDate Period Cur1Cur2 Spot1BA Spot2BA Swp1BA Swp2BA FxMode 96 Calculation date (contract or trading date) Period code (example: "1W") Cross currency code (example: "EURGBP") Cur1 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 spot rates (array Bid/Ask) Cur1 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Cur2 swap points (array Bid/Ask) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FxMode” on page 329) 4 August 2003 PART VI: REUTERS ADFIN OPTIONS Reuters Adfin Options 98 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 11 O P T I O N S A N D W A R R A N TS F U N C T I O N S Contents • • • • • • NormalC NormalS OpCalcDeriv OpHistVol OpImpliedVol OpPremium 4 August 2003 99 Chapter 11 Options and Warrants Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide NormalC NormalC Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates y=f(x) using a cumulative normal distribution. =NormalC(Number) Number x value NormalS Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates y=f(x) using a normal distribution. =NormalS(Number) Number x value OpCalcDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a currency in an array. =OpCalcDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, OptionStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray 100 Calculation date of the option Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Strike price of the option Volatility of the underlying instrument Term structure array Constant yield or dividend array (Date, Dividend) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 11 Options and Warrants Functions OpHistVol OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructureC AdMode Extended argument defining the option structure (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpHistVol Purpose Calculates the historical volatility of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a currency, from a set of underlying prices. To define the type of prices used (either close prices, or high and low prices), use the HVM keyword in OpMode. Syntax Arguments =OpHistVol(PriceArray, OpMode) PriceArray OpMode One-dimensional array (for HVM:CLOSE) or 2-dimensional array (for HVM:HL) containing the prices. The orientation of this array is specified using the LAY keyword in OpMode. Extended argument customizing the return value (see “OpMode” on page 351) OpImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Argument Calculates the implied volatility of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a currency, from the option premium. =OpImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, OptionStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate Calculation date of the option Expiry date of the option 4 August 2003 101 Chapter 11 Options and Warrants Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpPremium SpotPrice StrikePrice Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Strike price of the option Premium of the option Term structure array Constant yield or dividend array (Date, Dividend) Extended argument defining the option structure (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of an option on a security (index, stock), a future, a commodity, or a currency. =OpPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, OptionStructure, RateStructure,CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 102 Calculation date of the option Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Strike price of the option Volatility of the underlying instrument Term structure array Constant yield or dividend array (Date, Dividend) Extended argument defining the option structure (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 12 BOND OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • Bond Options AdBondOptionDeriv AdBondOptionPremium 4 August 2003 103 Chapter 12 Bond Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Bond Options Bond Options The Bond Options functions include: AdBondOptionDeriv AdBondOptionPremium AdBondOptionDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns an array of all the derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a bond option defined from a bond structure. =AdBondOptionDeriv(CalcDate, RateArray, BondMaturity, Coupon, ExpiryDate, StrikePrice, BondStructure, OptionStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate RateArray BondMaturity Coupon ExpiryDate StrikePrice BondStructure OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode 104 Calculation date Term structure array Maturity date of the bond Coupon Expiry date of the option Strike of the option Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondFutStructure” on page 243) Extended argument defining the option structure (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 12 Bond Options Functions AdBondOptionPremium AdBondOptionPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a bond option defined from a bond structure. =AdBondOptionPremium(CalcDate, RateArray, BondMaturity, Coupon, ExpiryDate, StrikePrice, BondStructure, OptionStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate RateArray BondMaturity Coupon ExpiryDate StrikePrice BondStructure OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Term structure array Maturity date of the bond Coupon Expiry date of the option Strike price of the option Extended argument defining the bond structure (see “BondFutStructure” on page 243) Extended argument defining the option structure (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 105 Chapter 12 Bond Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdBondOptionPremium 106 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 1 3 V A N I L L A C A PS , F L O O R , A N D C O L L A R S FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • AdCapFloorCaplets AdCapFloorDeriv AdCapFloorImpliedVol AdCapFloorPremium 4 August 2003 107 Chapter 13 Vanilla Caps, Floor, and Collars Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdCapFloorCaplets AdCapFloorCaplets Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the caplet or floorlet values of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar. =AdCapFloorCaplets(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the cap Exercise or strike price of the floor Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdCapFloorDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the derivatives of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar. =AdCapFloorDeriv(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray 108 Settlement date Term structure array 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 13 Vanilla Caps, Floor, and Collars Functions AdCapFloorImpliedVol StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Start date of the cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the cap Exercise or strike price of the floor Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdCapFloorImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the implied volatility of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar. =AdCapFloorImpliedVol(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, Premium, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate Premium CapFloorStructure RateStructure Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the cap Exercise or strike price of the floor Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Market or spot price of the cap, floor, or collar Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) 4 August 2003 109 Chapter 13 Vanilla Caps, Floor, and Collars Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdCapFloorPremium CalcStructure Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) AdCapFloorPremium Purpose Synatax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Vanilla cap, floor, or collar. =AdCapFloorPremium(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 110 Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the cap Exercise or strike price of the floor Rate of the cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 1 4 B A R R I E R C A PS A N D F L O O R S F U N C T I O N S Contents • • • • AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol AdBarrierCapFloorPremium 4 August 2003 111 Chapter 14 Barrier Caps and Floors Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the caplet or floorlet premiums of a Barrier cap or floor. =AdBarrierCapFloorCaplets(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate, LowerRebate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate UpperBarrier LowerBarrier UpperRebate LowerRebate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Barrier cap or floor Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv Purpose 112 Generates an array with the derivatives of a Barrier cap or floor. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 14 Barrier Caps and Floors Functions AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol Syntax Arguments =AdBarrierCapFloorDeriv(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate, LowerRebate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate UpperBarrier LowerBarrier UpperRebate LowerRebate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Barrier cap or floor Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the implied volatility of a Barrier cap or floor. =AdBarrierCapFloorImpliedVol(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, Premium, UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate, LowerRebate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) SettlementDate Settlement date 4 August 2003 113 Chapter 14 Barrier Caps and Floors Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdBarrierCapFloorPremium RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate Premium UpperBarrier LowerBarrier UpperRebate LowerRebate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Term structure array Start date of the Barrier cap or floor Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period Market or spot price of the Barrier cap or floor Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) AdBarrierCapFloorPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Barrier cap or floor. =AdBarrierCapFloorPremium(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, UpperBarrier, LowerBarrier, UpperRebate, LowerRebate, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate UpperBarrier 114 Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Barrier cap or floor Maturity date of the Barrier cap or floor Exercise or strike price of the Barrier cap Exercise or strike price of the Barrier floor Rate of the Barrier cap or floor for the current calculation period Upper barrier of the Barrier cap or floor 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 14 Barrier Caps and Floors Functions AdBarrierCapFloorPremium LowerBarrier UpperRebate LowerRebate CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Lower barrier of the Barrier cap or floor Upper rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Lower rebate of the Barrier cap or floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 115 Chapter 14 Barrier Caps and Floors Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdBarrierCapFloorPremium 116 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 1 5 D I G I TA L C A PS , F L O O R S , A N D C O L L A R S FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol AdDigitalCapFloorPremium 4 August 2003 117 Chapter 15 Digital Caps, Floors, and Collars Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the caplet or floorlet premiums of a Digital cap, floor, or collar. =AdDigitalCapFloorCaplets(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, CapFixedAmount, FloorFixedAmount, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate CapFixedAmount FloorFixedAmount CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Rebate array of the Digital cap Rebate array of the Digital floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv Purpose Syntax 118 Generates an array with the derivatives of a digital cap, floor, or collar. =AdDigitalCapFloorDeriv(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, CapFixedAmount, FloorFixedAmount, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 15 Digital Caps, Floors, and Collars Functions AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol Arguments SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate CapFixedAmount FloorFixedAmount CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Rebate array of the Digital cap Rebate array of the Digital floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the implied volatility of a Digital cap, floor, or collar. =AdDigitalCapFloorImpliedVol(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, Premium, CapFixedAmount, FloorFixedAmount, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate Premium Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Market or spot price of the Digital cap, floor, or collar 4 August 2003 119 Chapter 15 Digital Caps, Floors, and Collars Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdDigitalCapFloorPremium CapFixedAmount FloorFixedAmount CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Rebate array of the Digital cap Rebate array of the Digital floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) AdDigitalCapFloorPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Digital cap, floor, or collar. =AdDigitalCapFloorPremium(SettlementDate, RateArray, StartDate, Maturity, CapStrikePrice, FloorStrikePrice, FirstRate, CapFixedAmount, FloorFixedAmount, CapFloorStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) SettlementDate RateArray StartDate Maturity CapStrikePrice FloorStrikePrice FirstRate CapFixedAmount FloorFixedAmount CapFloorStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 120 Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Maturity date of the Digital cap, floor, or collar Exercise or strike price of the Digital cap Exercise or strike price of the Digital floor Rate of the Digital cap, floor, or collar for the current calculation period Rebate array of the Digital cap Rebate array of the Digital floor Extended argument defining the instrument (see “CapFloorStructure” on page 264) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 16 SWAPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • AdSwaptionPremium AdSwaptionDeriv 4 August 2003 121 Chapter 16 Swaptions Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdSwaptionPremium AdSwaptionPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a swaption. =AdSwaptionPremium(CalcDate, RateArray, SwapStartDate, SwapMaturity, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, SwapStructure, OptionStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate RateArray SwapStartDate SwapMaturity ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice SwapStructure OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Settlement date Term structure array Start date of the swap Maturity date of the swap Expiry date of the option Spot market rate of the swap Exercise or strike rate of the swap Extended argument defining the swap (see “SwapStructure” on page 380) Extended argument defining the option (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) AdSwaptionDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments 122 Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, theta, vega) of an option on a swap. =AdSwaptionDeriv(CalcDate, RateArray, SwapStartDate, SwapMaturity, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, SwapStructure, OptionStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate RateArray Settlement date Term structure array 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 16 Swaptions Functions AdSwaptionDeriv SwapStartDate SwapMaturity ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice SwapStructure OptionStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Start date of the swap Maturity date of the swap Expiry date of the option Spot market rate of the swap Exercise or strike rate of the swap Extended argument defining the swap (see “SwapStructure” on page 380) Extended argument defining the option (see “OptionStructure” on page 354) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 123 Chapter 16 Swaptions Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdSwaptionDeriv 124 4 August 2003 PART VII: REUTERS ADFIN EXOTIC OPTIONS Reuters Adfin Exotic Options 126 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 17 ASIAN OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • Adfin Exotics OpAsianDeriv OpAsianImpliedVol OpAsianPremium 4 August 2003 127 Chapter 17 Asian Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Adfin Exotics Adfin Exotics The Exotics functions include: Asian Options Functions Barrier Options Functions Basket Options Functions Binary Options Functions Chooser Options Functions Cliquet Options Functions Compound Options Functions Double Barrier Options Functions ExLookBack Options Functions FxLinked Options Functions Power Options Functions Rainbow Options Functions OpAsianDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an Asian option in an array. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the average of the underlying prices and the strike price, or the difference between the underlying price at maturity and the average of the underlying prices. =OpAsianDeriv(CalcDate, FirstFixingDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, AveragePrice, NbFixing, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate FirstFixingDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice 128 Calculation date Date of the first fixing for the average calculation Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 17 Asian Options Functions OpAsianImpliedVol StrikePrice AveragePrice NbFixing Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for average strike options Average of the underlying prices from the first fixing date to the calculation date Number of fixings used to calculate the average Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpAsianImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the implied volatility of an Asian option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the average of the underlying prices and the strike price, or the difference between the underlying price at maturity and the average of the underlying prices. =OpAsianImpliedVol(CalcDate, FirstFixingDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, AveragePrice, NbFixing, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate FirstFixingDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice AveragePrice NbFixing Calculation date Date of the first fixing for the average calculation Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for average strike options Average of the underlying prices from the first fixing date to the calculation date Number of fixings used to calculate the average 4 August 2003 129 Chapter 17 Asian Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpAsianPremium Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpAsianPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of an Asian option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the average of the underlying prices and the strike price, or the difference between the underlying price at maturity and the average of the underlying prices. =OpAsianPremium(CalcDate, FirstFixingDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, AveragePrice, NbFixing, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate FirstFixingDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice AveragePrice NbFixing Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure 130 Calculation date Date of the first fixing for the average calculation Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option, ignored for average strike options Average of the underlying prices from the first fixing date to the calculation date Number of fixings used to calculate the average Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 17 Asian Options Functions OpAsianPremium RateStructure CalcStructure Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 131 Chapter 17 Asian Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpAsianPremium 132 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 18 BARRIER OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpBarrierDeriv OpBarrierImpliedVol OpBarrierPremium 4 August 2003 133 Chapter 18 Barrier Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpBarrierDeriv OpBarrierDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Barrier option in an array. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the strike price and the underlying price if activated, or an agreed rebate if the option is knocked out or if it fails to knock-in. =OpBarrierDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, BarrierPrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice BarrierPrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Price of the barrier of the option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpBarrierImpliedVol Purpose 134 Calculates the implied volatility of a Barrier option. At maturity, this option pays either the difference between the strike price and the underlying price if activated, or an agreed rebate if the option is knocked out or if it fails to knock-in. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 18 Barrier Options Functions OpBarrierPremium Syntax Arguments =OpBarrierImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, BarrierPrice, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice BarrierPrice Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Price of the barrier of the option Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpBarrierPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Barrier option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the strike price and the underlying price if activated, or an agreed rebate if the option is knocked out or if it fails to knock-in. =OpBarrierPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, BarrierPrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice BarrierPrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Price of the barrier of the option 4 August 2003 135 Chapter 18 Barrier Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpBarrierPremium Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 136 Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 19 BASKET OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • OpBasketDeriv OpBasketPremium 4 August 2003 137 Chapter 19 Basket Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpBasketDeriv OpBasketDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Basket option in an array. Basket options, also called portfolio options, are a variation of Rainbow options. Their payoff is the weighted average of the prices within the basket of underlying assets. =OpBasketDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPriceArray, StrikePrice, CorrelationArray, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, NbSharesArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPriceArray StrikePrice CorrelationArray RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray NbSharesArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode 138 Calculation date Expiry date of the option Array containing the spot prices of the underlying instruments Strike price of the option Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the correlation coefficients Array of data depending on the rate model chosen: • constant risk free rate • zero-coupon curve Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying instruments Specifies the number of shares for each asset Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 19 Basket Options Functions OpBasketPremium OpBasketPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Basket option. Basket options, also called portfolio options, are a variation of Rainbow options. Their payoff is the weighted average of the prices within the basket of underlying assets. =OpBasketPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPriceArray, StrikePrice, CorrelationArray, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, NbSharesArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPriceArray StrikePrice CorrelationArray RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray NbSharesArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option Array containing the spot prices of the underlying instruments Strike price of the option Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the correlation coefficients Array of data depending on the rate model chosen: • constant risk free rate • zero-coupon curve Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying instruments Specifies the number of shares for each asset Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 139 Chapter 19 Basket Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpBasketPremium 140 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 20 BINARY OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpBinaryDeriv OpBinaryImpliedVol OpBinaryPremium 4 August 2003 141 Chapter 20 Binary Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpBinaryDeriv OpBinaryDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an All-or-Nothing Binary option or One -Touch/No-Touch Binary option in an array. At maturity or when the barrier is reached, this type of option pays a fixed amount of cash or the asset. =OpBinaryDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, BarrierPrice, StrikePrice, CashAmount, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice BarrierPrice StrikePrice CashAmount Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Price of the barrier of the option Exercise or strike price of the option Fixed amount of cash paid if applicable Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpBinaryImpliedVol Purpose 142 Calculates the implied volatility of an All-or-Nothing Binary option or One-Touch/No-Touch Binary option. At maturity or when the barrier is reached, this type of option pays a fixed amount of cash or the asset. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 20 Binary Options Functions OpBinaryPremium Syntax Arguments =OpBinaryImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, BarrierPrice, StrikePrice, CashAmount, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice BarrierPrice StrikePrice CashAmount Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Price of the barrier of the option Exercise or strike price of the option Fixed amount of cash paid if applicable Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpBinaryPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of an All-or-Nothing Binary option or One-Touch/No-Touch Binary option. At maturity or when the barrier is reached, this type of option pays a fixed amount of cash or the asset. =OpBinaryPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, BarrierPrice, StrikePrice, CashAmount, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice BarrierPrice StrikePrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Price of the barrier of the option Exercise or strike price of the option 4 August 2003 143 Chapter 20 Binary Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpBinaryPremium CashAmount Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 144 Fixed amount of cash paid if applicable Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 21 CHOOSER OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpChooserDeriv OpChooserImpliedVol OpChooserPremium 4 August 2003 145 Chapter 21 Chooser Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpChooserDeriv OpChooserDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a Chooser option in an array. Chooser options allow the holder to choose at some pre-determined future date whether the option is a call or a put, with the same predefined strike price and expiry date. =OpChooserDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, PutExpiryDate, CallExpiryDate, SpotPrice, PutStrikePrice, CallStrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate PutExpiryDate CallExpiryDate SpotPrice PutStrikePrice CallStrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Maturity date of the option Expiry date of the underlying put option Expiry date of the underlying call option Market or spot price of the underlying stock Exercise or strike price of the underlying put option Exercise or strike price of the underlying call option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpChooserImpliedVol Purpose 146 Calculates the implied volatility of a Chooser option. Chooser options allow the holder to choose at some pre-determined future date whether the option is a call or a put, with the same predefined strike price and expiry date. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 21 Chooser Options Functions OpChooserPremium Syntax Arguments =OpChooserImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, PutExpiryDate, CallExpiryDate, SpotPrice, PutStrikePrice, CallStrikePrice, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate PutExpiryDate CallExpiryDate SpotPrice PutStrikePrice CallStrikePrice Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Maturity date of the option Expiry date of the underlying put option Expiry date of the underlying call option Market or spot price of the underlying stock Exercise or strike price of the underlying put option Exercise or strike price of the underlying call option Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpChooserPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Chooser option. Chooser options allow the holder to choose at some pre-determined future date whether the option is a call or a put, with the same predefined strike price and expiry date. =OpChooserPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, PutExpiryDate, CallExpiryDate, SpotPrice, PutStrikePrice, CallStrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate PutExpiryDate Calculation date Expiry date of the option Expiry date of the underlying put option 4 August 2003 147 Chapter 21 Chooser Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpChooserPremium CallExpiryDate SpotPrice PutStrikePrice CallStrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 148 Expiry date of the underlying call option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the underlying put option Exercise or strike price of the underlying call option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 22 CLIQUET OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpCliquetDeriv OpCliquetImpliedVol OpCliquetPremium 4 August 2003 149 Chapter 22 Cliquet Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpCliquetDeriv OpCliquetDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a Cliquet option or a Forward-Start option. A Cliquet or Ratchet option is essentially a series of Forward-Start options with increasing maturities and strike prices set at the maturity date of the previous option. =OpCliquetDeriv(CalcDate, StartDateArray, ExpiryDateArray, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate StartDateArray ExpiryDateArray SpotPrice StrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Array of start dates of each Forward-Start option Array of expiry dates of each Forward-Start option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpCliquetImpliedVol Purpose 150 Calculates the implied volatility of a Cliquet option or a Forward-Start option. A Cliquet or Ratchet option is essentially a series of Forward-Start options with increasing maturities and strike prices set at the maturity date of the previous option. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 22 Cliquet Options Functions OpCliquetPremium Syntax Arguments =OpCliquetImpliedVol(CalcDate, StartDateArray, ExpiryDateArray, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate StartDateArray ExpiryDateArray SpotPrice StrikePrice Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Array of start dates of each Forward-Start option Array of expiry dates of each Forward-Start option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpCliquetPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Cliquet option or a Forward-Start option. A Cliquet or Ratchet option is essentially a series of Forward-Start options with increasing maturities and strike prices set at the maturity date of the previous option. =OpCliquetPremium(CalcDate, StartDateArray, ExpiryDateArray, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate StartDateArray ExpiryDateArray SpotPrice StrikePrice Calculation date Array of start dates of each Forward-Start option Array of expiry dates of each Forward-Start option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option 4 August 2003 151 Chapter 22 Cliquet Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpCliquetPremium Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 152 Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 23 COMPOUND OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpCompoundDeriv OpCompoundImpliedVol OpCompoundPremium 4 August 2003 153 Chapter 23 Compound Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpCompoundDeriv OpCompoundDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Compound option in an array. This function calculates the derivatives of European Compound options also known as options on options. An option on option gives the option holder the right to sell or buy an option. =OpCompoundDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, CmpExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, CmpStrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStructure, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate CmpExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice CmpStrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Expiry date of the option Expiry date of the Compound option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Strike price of the Compound option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpCompoundImpliedVol Purpose 154 Calculates the implied volatility of a Compound option. This function calculates the implied volatility of European Compound options also known as options on options. An option on option gives the option holder the right to sell or buy an option. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 23 Compound Options Functions OpCompoundPremium Syntax Arguments =OpCompoundImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, CompoundExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, CompoundStrikePrice, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate CmpExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice CmpStrikePrice Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option Expiry date of the Compound option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Strike price of the Compound option Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpCompoundPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Compound option. This function calculates the premium of European Compound options also known as options on options. An option on option gives the option holder the right to sell or buy an option. =OpCompoundPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, CmpExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, CmpStrikePrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate CmpExpiryDate SpotPrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option Expiry date of the Compound option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument 4 August 2003 155 Chapter 23 Compound Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpCompoundPremium StrikePrice CmpdStrikePrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 156 Exercise or strike price of the option Strike price of the Compound option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 24 DOUBLE BARRIER OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpDoubleBarrierDeriv OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol OpDoubleBarrierPremium 4 August 2003 157 Chapter 24 Double Barrier Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpDoubleBarrierDeriv OpDoubleBarrierDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, vega) of a Double Barrier option. Barrier options are options where the right to exercise depends on whether the underlying asset price reaches a predefined barrier level during the lifetime of the option. Double Barrier options have two barrier levels, one above and one below the current price of the underlying asset. =OpDoubleBarrierDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, LowerBarrierPrice, UpperBarrierPrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice LowerBarrierPrice UpperBarrierPrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing) Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Price of the lower barrier of the option Price of the upper barrier of the option Anticipated volatility of the underlying Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol Purpose 158 Calculates the implied volatility of a Double Barrier option. Barrier options are options where the right to exercise depends on whether the underlying asset price reaches a predefined barrier level during the lifetime of the option. Double Barrier options have two barrier levels, one above and one below the current price of the underlying asset. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 24 Double Barrier Options Functions OpDoubleBarrierPremium Syntax Arguments =OpDoubleBarrierImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, LowerBarrierPrice, UpperBarrierPrice, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice LowerBarrierPrice UpperBarrierPrice Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing) Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Strike price of the option Price of the lower barrier of the option Price of the upper barrier of the option Premium of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpDoubleBarrierPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Double Barrier option. Barrier options are options where the right to exercise depends on whether the underlying asset price reaches a predefined barrier level during the lifetime of the option. Double Barrier options have two barrier levels, one above and one below the current price of the underlying asset. =OpDoubleBarrierPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, LowerBarrierPrice, UpperBarrierPrice, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing) Market or spot price of the underlying instrument 4 August 2003 159 Chapter 24 Double Barrier Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpDoubleBarrierPremium StrikePrice LowerBarrierPrice UpperBarrierPrice Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 160 Exercise or strike price of the option Price of the lower barrier of the option Price of the upper barrier of the option Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 25 EXLOOKBACK OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpExLookbackDeriv OpExLookbackImpliedVol OpExLookbackPremium 4 August 2003 161 Chapter 25 ExLookBack Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpExLookbackDeriv OpExLookbackDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Lookback Strike option or Lookback Spot option in an array. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the underlying spot price and the lowest (highest) price achieved during the life of the call (put), or the difference between the highest (lowest) price achieved during the life of the call (put) and the strike price. =OpExLookbackDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Min/Max, VolatilityArray, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) StrikePrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing) Exercise or spot price of the underlying instrument Strike price of the option, ignored for Lookback Strike options Min/Max • CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice • VolatilityArray RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode 162 Lowest price for a call or highest price for a put achieved so far for Lookback Strike options Highest price for a call or lowest price for a put achieved so far for Lookback Spot options Array of anticipated volatilities of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 25 ExLookBack Options Functions OpExLookbackImpliedVol OpExLookbackImpliedVol Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the implied volatility of a Lookback Strike option or Lookback Spot option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the underlying spot price and the lowest (highest) price achieved during the life of the call (put), or the difference between the highest (lowest) price achieved during the life of the call (put) and the strike price. =OpExLookbackImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Min/Max, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) StrikePrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing) Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike of the option, ignored for Lookback Strike options Min/Max • CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice • Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Lowest price for a call or highest price for a put achieved so far for Lookback Strike options Highest price for a call or lowest price for a put achieved so far for Lookback Spot options Market or spot price of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpExLookbackPremium Purpose Calculates the premium of a Lookback Strike option or Lookback Spot option. At maturity, this type of option pays either the difference between the underlying spot price and the lowest (highest) price achieved during the life of the call (put), or the difference between the highest (lowest) price achieved during the life of the call (put) and the strike price. 4 August 2003 163 Chapter 25 ExLookBack Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpExLookbackPremium Syntax Arguments =OpExLookbackPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Min/Max, VolatilityArray, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) StrikePrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option (also date of the last fixing) Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike of the option, ignored for Lookback Strike options Min/Max • CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice • VolatilityArray RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 164 Lowest price for a call or highest price for a put achieved so far for Lookback Strike options Highest price for a call or lowest price for a put achieved so far for Lookback Spot options Array of anticipated volatilities of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 26 FXLINKED OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpFxLinkedDeriv OpFxLinkedImpliedVol OpFxLinkedPremium 4 August 2003 165 Chapter 26 FxLinked Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpFxLinkedDeriv OpFxLinkedDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Quanto, Composite, or Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option in an array. Quanto (quantity-adjusting) options are mainly used to eliminate the foreign exchange risk when the underlying asset is denominated in a currency other than the currency of the option, exchange rate being fixed to the calculation date. A Composite option is an option on a foreign equity where the strike is denominated in domestic currency. A Composite option has an exposure on the exchange risk. In an Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option, the face value is linked to the forward price of a stock or equity index. This is an ideal option for an investor who wants to speculate directly in a foreign equity market but wishes to place a floor on the currency exposure. =OpFxLinkedDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, ExchangeRate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, ERVolatility, Volatility, Correlation, RiskFreeRateArray, ForeignRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate ExchangeRate SpotPrice StrikePrice ERVolatility Volatility Correlation RiskFreeRateArray ForeignRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode 166 Calculation date Expiry date of the option Spot exchange rate specified in units of the domestic currency per unit of the foreign currency Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Anticipated volatility of the exchange rate Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Correlation between asset and domestic exchange rate Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Yearly rate of the foreign market for an equivalent risk-free investment Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 26 FxLinked Options Functions OpFxLinkedImpliedVol OpFxLinkedImpliedVol Purpose Returns: • • the relative implied volatility of a Composite option the underlying volatility of a Quanto or Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option in an array Quanto (quantity-adjusting) options are mainly used to eliminate the foreign exchange risk when the underlying asset is denominated in a currency other than the currency of the option, exchange rate being fixed to the calculation date. A Composite option is an option on a foreign equity where the strike is denominated in domestic currency. A Composite option has an exposure on the exchange risk. In an Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option, the face value is linked to the forward price of a stock or equity index. This is an ideal option for an investor who wants to speculate directly in a foreign equity market but wishes to place a floor on the currency exposure. Syntax Arguments =OpFxLinkedImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, ExchangeRate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Premium, ERVolatility, Correlation, RiskFreeRateArray, ForeignRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) StrikePrice Calculation date Expiry date of the option Spot exchange rate specified in units of the domestic currency per unit of the foreign currency Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Premium Premium of the option ERVolatility Anticipated volatility of the exchange rate if applicable Correlation between asset and domestic exchange rate if applicable Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Yearly rate of the foreign market for an equivalent risk-free investment Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) CalcDate ExpiryDate ExchangeRate SpotPrice Correlation RiskFreeRateArray ForeignRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 4 August 2003 167 Chapter 26 FxLinked Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpFxLinkedPremium OpFxLinkedPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Quanto, Composite, or Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option. Quanto (quantity-adjusting) options are mainly used to eliminate the foreign exchange risk when the underlying asset is denominated in a currency other than the currency of the option, exchange rate being fixed to the calculation date. A Composite option is an option on a foreign equity where the strike is denominated in domestic currency. A Composite option has an exposure on the exchange risk. In an Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option, the face value is linked to the forward price of a stock or equity index. This is an ideal option for an investor who wants to speculate directly in a foreign equity market but wishes to place a floor on the currency exposure. =OpFxLinkedPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, ExchangeRate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, ERVolatility, Volatility, Correlation, RiskFreeRateArray, ForeignRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate ExchangeRate SpotPrice StrikePrice ERVolatility Volatility Correlation RiskFreeRateArray ForeignRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 168 Calculation date Expiry date of the option Spot exchange rate specified in units of the domestic currency per unit of the foreign currency Market or spot price of the underlying instrument Exercise or strike price of the option Anticipated volatility of the exchange rate Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Correlation between asset and domestic exchange rate Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Yearly rate of the foreign market for an equivalent risk-free investment Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 27 POWER OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • • OpPowerDeriv OpPowerImpliedVol OpPowerPremium 4 August 2003 169 Chapter 27 Power Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpPowerDeriv OpPowerDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns in an array all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of an asymmetric Power option where the payoff is expressed as: =OpPowerDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Alpha, Power, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice Alpha Power Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Calculation date Expiry date of the option Spot price of the underlying stock (S) Strike price of the option (X) Polynomial coefficient (α) Power coefficient (v) Anticipated volatility of the underlying instrument Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) OpPowerImpliedVol Purpose Calculates the implied volatility of an asymmetric Power option where the payoff is expressed as: υ max ( αS – X, 0 ) 170 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 27 Power Options Functions OpPowerPremium Syntax Arguments =OpPowerImpliedVol(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Alpha, Power, Premium, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPrice StrikePrice Alpha Power Premium RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option Market or spot price of the underlying instrument (S) Strike price of the option (X) Polynomial coefficient (α) Power coefficient (v) Market or spot price of the option Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) OpPowerPremium Purpose Calculates the premium of an asymmetric Power option where the payoff is expressed as: υ max ( αS – X, 0 ) Syntax Arguments =OpPowerPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPrice, StrikePrice, Alpha, Power, Volatility, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate Calculation date Expiry date of the option 4 August 2003 171 Chapter 27 Power Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpPowerPremium SpotPrice StrikePrice Alpha Power Volatility RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure 172 Market or spot price of the underlying stock (S) Exercise or strike price of the option (X) Polynomial coefficient (α) Power coefficient (v) Anticipated volatility of the underlying Array of data depending on the rate model chosen Array of annualized dividend rates Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 28 RAINBOW OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • OpRainbowDeriv OpRainbowPremium 4 August 2003 173 Chapter 28 Rainbow Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpRainbowDeriv OpRainbowDeriv Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns all derivatives (delta, gamma, rho, theta, and vega) of a Spread or a Two-Color Rainbow option in an array. Rainbow options are options for which final payoff is determined by the highest performance achieved at the expiration date by two or more underlying assets. Rainbow options can be either American or European options. =OpRainbowDeriv(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPriceArray, StrikePriceArray, CorrelationArray, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure, AdMode) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPriceArray StrikePriceArray CorrelationArray RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode 174 Calculation date Expiry date of the option Spot prices of the underlying instruments Strike price, and second strike price of a Dual-Strike option Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the correlation coefficient Array of data depending on the rate model chosen: • constant risk free rate • zero-coupon curve Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying instruments Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 28 Rainbow Options Functions OpRainbowPremium OpRainbowPremium Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the premium of a Spread or a Two-Color Rainbow option. Rainbow options are options for which final payoff is determined by the highest performance achieved at the expiration date by two or more underlying assets. Rainbow options can be either American or European options. =OpRainbowPremium(CalcDate, ExpiryDate, SpotPriceArray, StrikePriceArray, CorrelationArray, RiskFreeRateArray, ReturnArray, ExoticStucture, RateStructure, CalcStructure) CalcDate ExpiryDate SpotPriceArray StrikePriceArray CorrelationArray RiskFreeRateArray ReturnArray ExoticStructure RateStructure CalcStructure Calculation date Expiry date of the option Spot prices of the underlying instruments Strike of the option. Can be a table in the case of a Dual-Strike option Array containing the volatilities of the assets on the diagonal and the correlation coefficient Array of data depending on the rate model chosen: • constant risk free rate • zero-coupon curve Array containing the annualized dividend rates of the underlying instruments Extended argument defining the exotic option structure (see “ExoticStructure” on page 309) Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) 4 August 2003 175 Chapter 28 Rainbow Options Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpRainbowPremium 176 4 August 2003 PART VIII: REUTERS ADFIN SWAPS Reuters Adfin Swaps 178 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 2 9 I N T E R E S T R A T E S W A PS F U N C T I O N S Contents • • • • • • SwIrsCashFlows SwIrsCpnDates SwIrsPvbpCrv SwIrsPx SwIrsSolve SwZcToIrs 4 August 2003 179 Chapter 29 Interest Rate Swaps Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwIrsCashFlows SwIrsCashFlows Purpose Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of the interest rate swap. Syntax Arguments =SwIrsCashFlows(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, StartDate, Maturity, FixedRate, CurFloatingRate, IrsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate ZcDates ZcRates StartDate Maturity FixedRate CurFloatingRate IrsStructure SwMode Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date) Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Rate of the swap fixed leg Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period Extended argument defining the interest rate swap (see “IrsStructure” on page 346) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) SwIrsCpnDates Purpose Generates an array with the coupon dates of one swap leg. The leg type must be specified in SwMode using the RES keyword ("RES:FIXED" or "RES:FLOAT"). Syntax Arguments =SwIrsCpnDates (CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, IrsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity IrsStructure 180 Calculation date Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date) Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Extended argument defining the interest rate swap (see “IrsStructure” on page 346) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 29 Interest Rate Swaps Functions SwIrsPvbpCrv SwMode Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) SwIrsPvbpCrv Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the price variation per basis point of a swap or one of its legs for each point of a zero-coupon yield curve. =SwIrsPvbpCrv(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, StartDate, Maturity, FixedRate, CurFloatingRate, IrsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate ZcDates ZcRates StartDate Maturity FixedRate CurFloatingRate IrsStructure SwMode Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date) Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Rate of the swap fixed leg Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period Extended argument defining the interest rate Swap (see “IrsStructure” on page 346) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) SwIrsPx Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the net present value of an interest rate swap or one of its legs. =SwIrsPx(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, StartDate, Maturity, FixedRate, CurFloatingRate, IrsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate ZcDates Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates 4 August 2003 181 Chapter 29 Interest Rate Swaps Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwIrsSolve ZcRates StartDate Maturity FixedRate CurFloatingRate IrsStructure SwMode Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date) Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Rate of the swap fixed leg Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period Extended argument defining the interest rate swap (see “IrsStructure” on page 346) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) SwIrsSolve Purpose Calculates the fixed rate or the floating rate spread equivalent to a predefined net present value. To distinguish between both cases, the expected result must be specified in SwMode using the RES keyword ("RES:FIXED" or "RES:FLOAT"). Syntax Arguments =SwIrsSolve(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, StartDate, Maturity, FixedRate, CurFloatingRate, NetPresentValue, IrsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate ZcDates ZcRates StartDate Maturity FixedRate CurFloatingRate NetPresentValue IrsStructure SwMode 182 Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Start date of the interest rate swap (effective date) Maturity date of the interest rate swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Rate of the swap fixed leg Rate of the swap floating leg for the current calculation period Present value of the swap or one of its legs Extended argument defining the interest rate swap (see “IrsStructure” on page 346) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 29 Interest Rate Swaps Functions SwZcToIrs SwZcToIrs Purpose Calculates the standard swap rates implied by the zero-coupon yield curve. The maturities included in the array returned by the function can be defined using the MATRANGE keyword in SwMode. Note Syntax Arguments Previous versions of Adfin Swaps include the SwZcToIrs function. =SwZcToIrs(CalcDate, ZcDates, ZcRates, IrsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate ZcDates ZcRates IrsStructure SwMode Calculation date Array of zero-coupon dates Array of zero-coupon rates or discount factors Extended argument defining the interest rate swap (see “IrsStructure” on page 346) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) 4 August 2003 183 Chapter 29 Interest Rate Swaps Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwZcToIrs 184 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 3 0 C U R R E N C Y S W A PS F U N C T I O N S Contents • • • • SwCsCashFlows SwCsPx SwCsSolve SwSwpExtend 4 August 2003 185 Chapter 30 Currency Swaps Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwCsCashFlows SwCsCashFlows Purpose Syntax Arguments Generates an array with the remaining cash flows of the currency swap. =SwCsCashFlows(CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, PaidRate, CurPaidRate, ReceivedRate, CurReceivedRate, ZcPaidArray, ZcReceivedArray, FxArray, CsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity PaidRate CurPaidRate ReceivedRate CurReceivedRate ZcPaidArray ZcReceivedArray FxArray CsStructure SwMode Calculation date Start date of the currency swap (effective date) Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the paid leg is floating Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if applicable Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the received leg is floating Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if applicable Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the paid leg Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the received leg Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of swap point periods • The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot rate for the cross-currency. • The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding swap point values for the cross-currency. Extended argument defining the currency swap structure (see “CsStructure” on page 280) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) SwCsPx Purpose 186 Calculates the net present value of a currency swap or one of its legs. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 30 Currency Swaps Functions SwCsSolve Syntax Arguments =SwCsPx(CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, PaidRate, CurPaidRate, ReceivedRate, CurReceivedRate, ZcPaidArray, ZcReceivedArray, FxArray, CsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity PaidRate CurPaidRate ReceivedRate CurReceivedRate ZcPaidArray ZcReceivedArray FxArray CsStructure SwMode Calculation date Start date of the currency swap (effective date) Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the paid leg is floating Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if applicable Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the received leg is floating Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if applicable Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the paid leg Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the received leg Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of swap point periods • The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot rate for the cross-currency. • The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding swap point values for the cross-currency. Extended argument defining the currency swap structure (see “CsStructure” on page 280) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) SwCsSolve Purpose Calculates the paid rate or the received rate spread for any leg equivalent to a predefined net present value. To specify for which leg the fixed rate or the floating rate spread is calculated, use the RES keyword in SwMode ("RES:PAID" or "RES:RECEIVED"). 4 August 2003 187 Chapter 30 Currency Swaps Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwCsSolve Syntax Arguments =SwCsSolve(CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, PaidRate, CurPaidRate, ReceivedRate, CurReceivedRate, ZcPaidArray, ZcReceivedArray, FxArray, NetPresentValue, CsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity PaidRate CurPaidRate ReceivedRate CurReceivedRate ZcPaidArray ZcReceivedArray FxArray NetPresentValue CsStructure SwMode 188 Calculation date Start date of the currency swap (effective date) Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Fixed rate iff the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the paid leg is floating Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if applicable Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the received leg is floating Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if applicable Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the paid leg Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the received leg Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of swap point periods • The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot rate for the cross-currency • The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding swap point values for the cross-currency Present value of the currency swap or one of its legs in the discount currency Extended argument defining the currency swap structure (see “CsStructure” on page 280) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 30 Currency Swaps Functions SwSwpExtend SwSwpExtend Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the swap point at maturity date equivalent to a spread/fixed rate and to a predefined net present value. =SwSwpExtend(CalcDate, StartDate, Maturity, PaidRate, CurPaidRate, ReceivedRate, CurReceivedRate, ZcPaidArray, ZcReceivedArray, FxArray, NetPresentValue, CsStructure, SwMode) CalcDate StartDate Maturity PaidRate CurPaidRate ReceivedRate CurReceivedRate ZcPaidArray ZcReceivedArray FxArray NetPresentValue CsStructure Calculation date Start date of the currency swap (effective date) Maturity date of the currency swap (expressed as a date or a code such as "1Y") Fixed rate if the paid leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the paid leg is floating Floating rate of the paid leg for the current calculation period if applicable Fixed rate if the received leg is fixed, floating rate spread as a percentage if the received leg is floating Floating rate of the received leg for the current calculation period if applicable Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the paid leg Array of zero-coupon dates and rates or discount factors for the received leg Array of (N+1) cells x 2 cells (dates, rates) where N is the number of swap point periods • The first line (row or column depending on the array orientation specified with the LAY keyword) contains the spot date and the spot rate for the cross-currency • The other lines contain swap point period end dates and corresponding swap point values for the cross-currency Present value of the currency swap or one of its legs in the discount currency Extended argument defining the currency swap structure (see “CsStructure” on page 280) 4 August 2003 189 Chapter 30 Currency Swaps Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwSwpExtend SwMode 190 Extended argument customizing the return value (see “SwMode” on page 386) 4 August 2003 PART IX: REUTERS ADFIN TERM STRUCTURE Reuters Adfin Term Structure 192 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 31 RATES CALCULATIONS FUNCTIONS Contents • • AdRate AdRateConv 4 August 2003 193 Chapter 31 Rates Calculations Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdRate AdRate Purpose Calculates the discount factors for an array of dates, using one of the following term structure models: • • • • • • Syntax Arguments Vasicek-Fong model standard bootstrapping model basis-spline models Black, Derman, and Toy model Hull and White model yield-to-maturity model =AdRate(CalcDate, DateArray, RateArray, RateStructure, AdMode) CalcDate DateArray RateArray RateStructure AdMode Calculation date of the yield curve Input array of dates Term structure array Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdRateConv Purpose Converts a rate/discount factor from one type to another. The type of rate used for Rate and the returned rate must be specified in the RateMode argument with the keywords FROM and TO. Syntax Arguments =AdRateConv(StartDate, EndDate, RateMode, Rate) StartDate EndDate RateMode 194 Start date of the period End date of the period Extended argument defining the type of conversion (see “RateMode” on page 359) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 31 Rates Calculations Functions AdRateConv Rate Rate to be converted 4 August 2003 195 Chapter 31 Rates Calculations Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdRateConv 196 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 3 2 TE R M S T R U C T U R E F U N C T I O N S Contents • • • • AdCalibrate AdFutCodes AdFutDates AdTermStructure 4 August 2003 197 Chapter 32 Term Structure Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdCalibrate AdCalibrate Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the model parameters (dates, rates and volatility curve or dates, rates, volatility plus mean-reversion curve) from an array of instruments. =AdCalibrate(InputArray, ZCArray, StartOutputArray, RateArray, CalcStructure, AdMode) InputArray ZCArray StartOutputArray RateStructure CalcStructure AdMode Array of instruments as described later (Date, Zero-coupon yield) array describing the zero coupon curve Start points of the output parameters Extended argument defining the interest rate model (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument defining the calculation method (see “CalcStructure” on page 262) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) AdFutCodes Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the next maturity codes for a STIR futures contract. =AdFutCodes(CalcDate, StirFutStructure, YcMode) CalcDate StirFutStructure YcMode Calculation date Extended argument defining the STIR futures contract Extended argument customizing the return value (see “YcMode” on page 389) AdFutDates Purpose 198 Calculates the start date and the end date of a STIR futures contract hedging period. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 32 Term Structure Functions AdTermStructure Syntax Arguments =AdFutDates(StirFutStructure, MaturityCode, YcMode) StirFutStructure MaturityCode YcMode Extended argument defining the STIR futures contract 2-character string defining the contract maturity (example: "Z6" , codes can be obtained using AdFutCodes) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “YcMode” on page 389) AdTermStructure Purpose Depending on the model specified by the RM keyword, the function calculates a zero-coupon yield curve from an array of instruments, using the: • • • Syntax Arguments Vasicek-Fong model standard bootstrapping model regression or smoothing basis-spline models =AdTermStructure(InstrumentArray, RateStructure, AdMode) InstrumentArray RateStructure AdMode Array of instruments Extended argument defining the structure of the interest rate structure (see “RateStructure” on page 365) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “AdMode” on page 237) ‘ 4 August 2003 199 Chapter 32 Term Structure Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdTermStructure 200 4 August 2003 PART X: REUTERS ADFIN COMMON Reuters Adfin Common 202 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 33 INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS Contents • AdInterp 4 August 2003 203 Chapter 33 Interpolation Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdInterp AdInterp Purpose Interpolates a point from a curve according to a linear or cubic spline method. To define the type of the interpolation, use the IM keyword in InterpMode. If the value X used for the interpolation is not within the range of the Xarray array, the function may either extrapolate or return an error message depending on value of the OBC keyword. Syntax 204 =AdInterp(X, XArray, YArray, InterpMode) 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 34 FORMATTING AND PARSING FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • • AdFormat AdParse AdRound DfFormatDate DfIDNDate 4 August 2003 205 Chapter 34 Formatting and Parsing Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdFormat AdFormat Purpose Syntax Arguments Converts a decimal number to a fraction or displays a bid/ask array as a string using the bid/ask format. =AdFormat(Data, BidDecimals, AskDigits, FormatMode) Data BidDecimals AskDigits FormatMode Decimal number or array of bid and ask values to format Number of decimals of the fractional component (for fraction formatting) or of the bid side (for bid/ask formatting) Number of last digits of the ask side (applicable for bid/ask formatting only) Extended argument customizing the return value (see “FormatMode” on page 315) AdParse Purpose Parses a data string formatted in fraction or bid/ask format. To define the type of parsing, use the PDF and PDT keywords in ParseMode. Syntax Arguments =AdParse(DataString, ParseMode) DataString ParseMode Data string Extended argument defining the parsing mode (see “ParseMode” on page 358) AdRound Purpose Syntax Arguments 206 Rounds a number to the nearest tick. =AdRound(Value, Tick, RoundMode) Value Number to be rounded 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 34 Formatting and Parsing Functions DfFormatDate Tick RoundMode: Rounding tick Extended argument defining the type of the rounding (see “RoundMode” on page 374) DfFormatDate Purpose Syntax Arguments Converts a date specified as a serial number to the string format "DDMMMYY". =DfFormatDate(CalcDate) CalcDate Calculation date DfIDNDate Purpose Syntax Arguments Converts a date specified in the string format "DD MMM YY" or "DD MMM YYYY" to a serial number, whatever the date settings of both the operating system and the spreadsheet application are. =DfIDNDate(DateStr) DateStr Date-formatted string ("DD MMM YY" or "DD MMM YYYY") 4 August 2003 207 Chapter 34 Formatting and Parsing Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfIDNDate 208 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 35 SETTINGS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • • AdDefAttribute AdDefSet AdDefStructure AdReadParam AdWriteParam 4 August 2003 209 Chapter 35 Settings Management Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdDefAttribute AdDefAttribute Purpose Returns the value of a default setting. Syntax Arguments =AdDefAttribute(DefCategory, DefAttribute) DefCategory DefAttribute String argument defining the default settings category Keyword of DefStructure corresponding to the default setting (see “DefStructure” on page 285) AdDefSet Purpose Sets one or several default settings belonging to a same default settings category. The default settings category or nature is defined in the argument DefCategory. Hence, all settings grouped together in the DefStructure argument must belong to the same category. Syntax Arguments =AdDefSet(DefCategory, DefStructure) DefCategory DefStructure String argument defining the default settings category Extended argument defining the default settings (see “DefStructure” on page 285) AdDefStructure Purpose Syntax Arguments 210 Returns all default settings for a default settings category. =AdDefStructure(DefCategory) DefCategory String argument defining the default settings category 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 35 Settings Management Functions AdReadParam AdReadParam Purpose Syntax Arguments Reads information from the Adfin data file m_excel.dat. =AdReadParam(Section, Entry) Section Entry Section name Entry name AdWriteParam Purpose Syntax Arguments Writes information into the Adfin data file m_excel.dat. =AdWriteParam(Section, Entry, Value) Section Entry Value Section name Entry name Value of entry as a string 4 August 2003 211 Chapter 35 Settings Management Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdWriteParam 212 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 36 STYLES MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • • • • AdHistoryUpdate AdHistoryValue AdStyleAttribute AdStyleDelete AdStyleName AdStyleSet AdStyleStructure 4 August 2003 213 Chapter 36 Styles Management Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdHistoryUpdate AdHistoryUpdate Purpose Adds new values to the index history database. Syntax Arguments =AdHistoryUpdate(IndexName, DateArray, ValueArray) IndexName DateArray ValueArray Index history style name Array of dates Array of historical values AdHistoryValue Purpose Syntax Arguments Retrieves the latest historical value available in the database for an index history style. =AdHistoryValue(IndexName, StyleMode) IndexName StyleMode Index history style name Extended argument customizing the return value (see “StyleMode” on page 380) AdStyleAttribute Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns the value of a style attribute. =AdStyleAttribute(StyleTable, StyleCode, StyleAttribute) StyleTable StyleCode StyleAttribute 214 String argument defining the style table Style code Keyword corresponding to the style attribute 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 36 Styles Management Functions AdStyleDelete AdStyleDelete Purpose Syntax Arguments Deletes an existing style from a style table. =AdStyleDelete(StyleTable, StyleCode) StyleTable StyleCode String argument defining the style table Style code AdStyleName Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns the name of a style. =AdStyleName(StyleTable, StyleCode) StyleTable StyleCode String argument defining the style table Style code AdStyleSet Purpose Syntax Arguments Creates or modifies a style in a style table. =AdStyleSet(StyleTable, StyleCode, StyleName, StyleStructure, StyleMode) StyleTable StyleCode StyleName StyleStructure StyleMode String argument defining the style table Style code Style name Extended argument defining the style structure Extended argument defining the operation (see “StyleMode” on page 380) 4 August 2003 215 Chapter 36 Styles Management Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdStyleStructure AdStyleStructure Purpose Syntax Arguments Returns the structure of a style. =AdStyleStructure(StyleTable, StyleCode) StyleTable StyleCode 216 String argument defining the style table Style code 4 August 2003 CHAPTER 37 DATES FUNCTIONS Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DfAddMonths DfAddPeriod DfAddWD DfAddYears DfCountDays DfCountNonWD DfCountWD DfCountYears DfAdjustToWD DfFindDateD DfFindDateM DfIsWD DfLastWD DfListHolidays 4 August 2003 217 Chapter 37 Dates Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfAddMonths DfAddMonths Purpose Syntax Arguments Adds a number of months to a date. =DfAddMonths(Calendars, CalcDate, NbMonths, DfMode) Calendars CalcDate NbMonths DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Calculation date Number of months Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfAddPeriod Purpose Syntax Arguments Adds a period (number of calendar days, working days, weeks, months or years) to a date. =DfAddPeriod(Calendars, CalcDate, Period, DfMode) Calendars CalcDate Period DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Calculation date Period code {iD, iM, iW, iWD, iY, with i as integer} • D i calendar days • M i months • W i weeks • WD i working days (from -366 to 366) • Y i years Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfAddWD Purpose 218 Adds a number of working days to a date. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 37 Dates Functions DfAddYears Syntax Arguments =DfAddWD(Calendars, CalcDate, NbDays, DfMode) Calendars CalcDate NbDays DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Calculation date Number of working days (from -366 to 366) # not currently used - leave blank # (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfAddYears Purpose Syntax Arguments Adds a number of years to a date. =DfAddYears(Calendars, CalcDate, NbYears, DfMode) Calendars CalcDate NbYears DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Calculation date Number of years Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfCountDays Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the number of days between two dates according to the day count basis specified in DfMode with the keyword DCB. =DfCountDays(StartDate, EndDate, DfMode) StartDate EndDate DfMode Period start date Period end date Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) 4 August 2003 219 Chapter 37 Dates Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfCountNonWD DfCountNonWD Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the number of non-working days between two dates. =DfCountNonWD(Calendars, StartDate, EndDate, DfMode) Calendars StartDate EndDate DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Period start date Period end date # not currently used - leave blank # (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfCountWD Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the number of working days between two dates. =DfCountWD(Calendars, StartDate, EndDate, DfMode) Calendars StartDate EndDate DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Period start date Period end date # not currently used - leave blank # (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfCountYears Purpose Syntax Arguments Calculates the number of years between two dates according to the day count basis specified in DfMode with the keyword DCB. =DfCountYears(StartDate, EndDate, DfMode) StartDate EndDate 220 Period start date Period end date 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 37 Dates Functions DfAdjustToWD DfMode Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfAdjustToWD Purpose Syntax Arguments Adjusts a holiday date to the previous or next working day. =DfAdjustToWD(Calendars, CalcDate, AdjMode, DfMode) Calendars CalcDate AdjMode DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Calculation date Adjustment mode {0, 1, -1} • 0 for adjusting the date according to the date moving convention specified in DfMode with the keyword DMC • 1 for adjusting the date to the next day • -1 for adjusting the date to the previous day Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfFindDateD Purpose Syntax Arguments Finds a date from a rule based on a reference date. =DfFindDateD(Number, Day, Direction, RefDate) Number Day Direction RefDate Integer representing the number of days or given day of the week String representing the day {Day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday} String representing the direction {Of, Before, After} Reference date 4 August 2003 221 Chapter 37 Dates Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfFindDateM DfFindDateM Purpose Syntax Arguments Finds a date from a rule based on a reference month. =DfFindDateM(Number, Day, Direction, RefMonth, Year) Number Day Direction RefMonth Year Integer representing the number of days or given day of the week String representing the day {Day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday} String representing the direction {Of, Before, After} String representing the month {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December} Year DfIsWD Purpose Syntax Arguments Indicates whether a date is a working day. =DfIsWD(Calendars, CalcDate, DfMode) Calendars CalcDate DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Calculation date Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfLastWD Purpose Syntax Arguments 222 Calculates the last working day of a month. =DfLastWD(Calendars, CalcDate, DfMode) Calendars String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 37 Dates Functions DfListHolidays CalcDate DfMode Calculation date # not currently used - leave blank # (see “DfMode” on page 308) DfListHolidays Purpose Syntax Arguments Lists one or several calendars holidays between two dates. =DfListHolidays(Calendars, StartDate, EndDate, DfMode) Calendars: StartDate EndDate DfMode String of calendar codes (example: "FRA,UKG") Period start date Period end date Extended argument customizing the return value (see “DfMode” on page 308) 4 August 2003 223 Chapter 37 Dates Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfListHolidays 224 4 August 2003 PART XI: REUTERS 3000 DATA ENGINE Reuters 3000 Data Engine 226 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 C H A P T E R 3 8 D A TA E N G I N E F U N C T I O N S Contents • • • • • DeHistory DeList DeLookup DeQuery DeUpdate 4 August 2003 227 Chapter 38 Data Engine Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeHistory DeHistory Purpose Retrieves historical data for: • • Syntax one single instrument, from a specified table in Securities 3000 and Treasury 3000 databases several instruments, from the DBU server =DeHistory(Code, TableName, FieldList, DestinationCell, MacroName, Conditions, DeMode) Important! You must specify the data source, using the SOURCE keyword in the DeMode argument. Arguments Code TableName FieldList DestinationCell MacroName Conditions DeMode Instrument names, separated by commas. Name of the table or view in the Treasury 3000 or Securities 3000 databases. TableName uses the FID code when data is retrieved from the DBU server. Array of fields to retrieve. FieldList is mandatory for Security data. Cell reference specifying the top-left corner of the destination cell. Excel macro, called when the result table is updated. Any extra information required to retrieve data, depending on the provider and the kind of request you make. Data retrieval parameters. DeMode specifies the data source, update frequency, data filters/extrapolators for historical data, results format, and specifies whether results are refreshed automatically. DeList Purpose Note Syntax 228 Retrieves a list of instrument constituents. The constituents can be from an index or from the Reuters Securities 3000 database. The index is specified in the parameters. This function can also retrieve lists of RICs, clearing codes, rating sources, and price sources for a bond, from the Reuters Treasury 3000 database. =DeList(Code, TableName, FieldList, DestinationCell, MacroName, Conditions, DeMode) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 38 Data Engine Functions DeLookup Arguments Code TableName FieldList DestinationCell MacroName Conditions DeMode Identifies the instrument name for which to retrieve data. Name of the table or view in the Treasury 3000 or Securities 3000 databases from which to retrieve data. Uses the FID code when data is retrieved from the DBU server. Array of fields to retrieve. This argument is mandatory for EQUITY source. Cell reference specifying the top-left corner of the destination cell. Identifies the Excel macro that is called when the result table is updated. Any extra information required to retrieve the desired data. This depends on the provider and the kind of request being made. It identifies any required conditions and/or supplementary values needed. Indicates the Data Engine source to consult in the request (the “SOURCE” keyword), defines data retrieval parameters (update frequency, whether to refresh), data filters/extrapolators (for historic data), the format of the results, and specifies whether results are refreshed automatically. It has the form of a structure string. Please refer to the following table to see the dependency of DeMode keywords according to the function used. DeLookup Purpose Syntax Arguments Retrieves issues and quotations associated with an organization name from the Securities 3000 database. =DeLookup(LookupString, DestinationCell, MacroName, DeMode) String containing the name or beginning of the name for the organization for which to retrieve data. DestinationCell Cell reference specifying the top-left corner of the destination cell. MacroName Identifies the Excel macro that is called when the result table is updated. DeMode Indicates the Data Engine source to consult in the request (the “SOURCE” keyword), defines data retrieval parameters (update frequency, whether to refresh), data filters/extrapolators (for historic data), the format of the results, and specifies whether results are refreshed automatically. It has the form of a structure string. Please refer to the following table to see the dependency of DeMode keywords according to the function used. LookupString 4 August 2003 229 Chapter 38 Data Engine Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeQuery DeQuery Purpose Sends a request to a provider. If the data provider is a Reuters 3000 database (SOURCE:TREASURY or SOURCE:EQUITY) or a local relational database (SOURCE:LOCAL) the request string is an SQL request. The request must be a SELECT request. The Data Engine checks the SQL syntax embedded in the query prior to passing it to the database. Using this function, you can retrieve data as an array. Text strings in Data Engine functions are limited to 255 characters. For SQL queries that exceed this length, enter the text in a vertical range of cells, putting a portion of the text in each cell. The values of the cells can then be concatenated through cell referencing to form the complete SQL statement. Syntax Arguments =DeQuery(RequestString, DestinationCell, MacroName, Conditions, DeMode) String containing the HTTP or SQL request. DestinationCell Cell reference specifying the top-left corner of the destination cell. MacroName Identifies the Excel macro that is called when the result table is updated. Conditions Any extra information required to retrieve the desired data. This depends on the provider and the kind of request being made. It identifies any required conditions and/or supplementary values needed. DeMode Indicates the Data Engine source to consult in the request (the “SOURCE” keyword), defines data retrieval parameters (update frequency, whether to refresh), data filters/extrapolators (for historic data), the format of the results, and specifies whether results are refreshed automatically. It has the form of a structure string. Please refer to the following table to see the dependency of DeMode keywords according to the function used. RequestString DeUpdate Purpose 230 Retrieves a table of values from a named data source specified by the keyword SOURCE in the DeMode argument. You can choose the default data source by selecting the “Set as default source” check box in the Reference Data Engine Settings dialog. Changes to the default value are taken into account at the next Data Engine session. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Chapter 38 Data Engine Functions DeUpdate The list of fields available for a given security is available in the Reuters Data Encyclopedia, at the following URL: To assist you in building your DeUpdate request, you can also use the Treasury and Security assistants.. Syntax Arguments =DeUpdate(CodeList, FieldList, DestinationCell, MacroName, Conditions, DeMode) CodeList FieldList DestinationCell MacroName Conditions DeMode Array of instrument codes for which the function returns data. Array of fields to retrieve. Cell reference specifying the top-left corner of the destination cell. Identifies the Excel macro that is called when the result table is updated. Any extra information required to retrieve the desired data. This depends on the provider and the kind of request being made. It identifies any required conditions and/or supplementary values needed. Indicates the Data Engine source to consult in the request (the “SOURCE” keyword), defines data retrieval parameters (update frequency, whether to refresh), data filters/extrapolators (for historic data), the format of the results, and specifies whether results are refreshed automatically. It has the form of a structure string. Please refer to the following table to see the dependency of DeMode keywords according to the function used. 4 August 2003 231 Chapter 38 Data Engine Functions Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeUpdate 232 4 August 2003 PART XII: REUTERS ADFIN EXTENDED ARGUMENTS Reuters Adfin Extended Arguments 234 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide 4 August 2003 E X T E N D E D A R G U M E N TS APPENDIX A Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adfin Structures AdMode BdMode BondFutStructure BondStructure CalcMethod CalcStructure CapFloorStructure CdsStructure ConvMode ConvStructure CreditStructure CrossStructure CsStructure CurStructure DefStructure DfMode ExoticStructure FormatMode FrnMode FrnStructure FxMode HistoryMode HistoryStructure IlbMode IlbStructure IndexHistoryStructure 4 August 2003 235 Appendix A Extended Arguments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 236 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide InterpMode IrsStructure OpMode OptionStructure ParseMode RateMode RateStructure RepoMode RoundMode RtMode StirFutStructure StyleMode SwapStructure SwMode YcMode 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments Adfin Structures Adfin Structures Use of Structure Arguments with Adfin Analytics Most of the calculations in Reuters PowerPlus Pro rely on the definition of the instrument in terms of a Structure or a Style. A Structure, such as a BondStructure, is an extended argument, consisting of several keywords to define attributes such as accrued interest calculation method, etc. A Style is a name given to a particular instance of a Structure (in the case of instruments). Thus the BondStructure for a UK Gilt-edged security should be ACC:AA CM:AA FRQ:2 XD:7WD EY:2 SETTLE:1WD CLDR:UKG_FI RND:6. This may be used in bond calculations. This structure is also defined in the Style Database; its Style Name is Gilt. It is interchangeable with the above Structure, and will produce identical results in calculations. The following table indicates how instruments and related data, such as calendars, index histories, etc, may be defined using Structures and Styles. If an entity may be defined using a Structure, the entry in the Structure column will be Yes, followed by the Structure Arguments to be used. If Styles exist in the Style Database for the entity, its entry in the Style column will be Yes. Styles may be viewed via the Style Management function: click Reuters ➤Settings ➤ Style Management. Extended Arguments Adfin arguments in Reuters PowerPlus Pro combine several attributes in a single parameter. As many attributes as needed may be combined within the extended argument and in a random order. Each attribute is referred to in the extended argument by a keyword. An extended argument is a string made up of a series of parameters in a function, each one consisting of a keyword followed by a colon (:) and the value of the parameter. The separator between the parameters in the string should be a blank space ( ) as shown in the example below. Keyword1:Value1 Keyword2:Value2 Keyword3:Value3 Reuters PowerPlus Pro provides two types of Extended arguments: • Structure arguments • Mode arguments AdMode AdMode is used as argument in Adfin Analytics functions to customize returned values. AdMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each of set parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 237 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdMode Structure The following keywords used in AdMode are common to Adfin Analytics functions: Keyword Explanation 238 LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:H RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, Bi, or i (where i is integer)} (see the Notes section below) RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array (only values) RET:Bi with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default arrays (names and their values) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the value of the ith row of a one dimension array Default value: RET:A 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments AdMode Keywords used in AdMode for Adfin Bonds functions: Keyword Explanation RES Expected result {BDPRICE, CBPRICE, CV, CVPRICE, OPTIONFREEPRICE, PARITY, EQPREMIUM, OPTPREMIUM, PREMIUM, MPREM, MPREMIUM, BEVEN, VOL, PVBP, DUR, CONV, AVGLIFE, YTWYTB, PREV, NEXT, EXDIV, ACC, ACCDAYS, NXCPN, D, DELTA, G, GAMMA, R, RHO, T, THETA, V, VEGA} 4 August 2003 239 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdMode Keyword Explanation RES RES:D or RES:DELTA to calculate the delta ratio (sensitivity of the premium to the change of the underlying price) RES:G or RES:GAMMA to calculate the gamma ratio(sensitivity of the delta ratio to the change of the underlying price) RES:R or RES:RHO to calculate the rho ratio (sensitivity of the premium to the market interest rates) RES:T or RES:THETA to calculate the theta ratio(sensitivity of the premium to the reduction of the option remaining life) RES:V or RES:VEGA to calculate the vega ratio(sensitivity of the premium to the underlying volatility) RES:BDPRICE to calculate the bond price RES:CBPRICE to calculate the convertible bond price RES:CV to calculate the conversion value RES:CVPRICE to calculate the conversion price RES:OPTIONFREEPRICE to calculate the option free price RES:PARITY to calculate the parityof the convertible bond RES:EQPREMIUM to calculate the equity premium RES:OPTPREMIUM to calculate the option premium RES:PREMIUM to calculate the total premium RES:MPREMIUM or RES:MPREM to calculate the market conversion premium RES:BEVEN to calculate the break-even time RES:VOL to calculate the volatility RES:PVBP to calculate the PVBP RES:DUR to calculate the duration RES:CONV to calculate the convexity (see the Notes section below) RES:AVGLIFE to calculate the average life RES:YTWYTB to calculate the Yield-To-Worst/Yield-To-Best Date RES:PREV to calculate the previous coupon date RES:NEXT to calculate the next coupon date RES:EXDIV to calculate the ex dividend date RES:ACCDAYS to calculate the accrued days RES:ACC to calculate the accrued interest RES:NXCPN to calculate the next coupon value 240 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments AdMode Keywords used in AdMode for Adfin Options functions: Keyword Explanation RES Expected result {BPV, CONVEXITY, D, DELTA, FDELTA, FRHO, FTHETA, FVEGA, G, GAMMA, R, RHO, T, THETA, V, VEGA} RES:BPV to calculate the basis point value of caps and floors RES:CONVEXITY to calculate the convexity of caps and floors (see the Notes section below) RES:D or RES:DELTA to calculate the delta ratio(sensitivity of the premium to the change of the underlying price) RES:G or RES:GAMMA to calculate the gamma ratio(sensitivity of the delta ratio to the change of the underlying price) RES:R or RES:RHO to calculate the rho ratio(sensitivity of the premium to the market interest rates) RES:T or RES:THETA to calculate the theta ratio(sensitivity of the premium to the reduction of the option remaining life) RES:V or RES:VEGA to calculate the vega ratio(sensitivity of the premium to the underlying volatility) RES:FDELTA to calculate the delta ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:FRHO to calculate the rho ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:FTHETA to calculate the theta ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:FVEGA to calculate the vega ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) Default value: No expected result is defined 4 August 2003 241 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide AdMode Keywords used in AdMode for Adfin Exotics functions: Example 242 Keyword Explanation RES Expected result {DELTA, DELTA:i, D1, D2, GAMMA, GAMMA:i, GAMMA:i:j, G1, G2, RHO, R1, R2, T, THETA, VEGA:i, V1, V2} RES:DELTA to calculate the deltaof the option, except for Rainbow and exotic currency options RES:DELTA:i to calculate the delta of the i-th asset for multi asset options RES:GAMMA to calculate the gamma of the option, except for Rainbow and exotic currency options RES:GAMMA:i to calculate the gamma of the i-th asset for multi asset options RES:GAMMA:i:j to calculate the crossgamma of the i-th and j-th asset for basket options RES:RHO to calculate the rhoof the option RES:THETA to calculate the thetaratio in domestic currency RES:VEGA to calculate the vegaof the option, except for Rainbow options RES:VEGA:i to calculate the vega of the i-th asset for multi asset options RES:D1 or RES:DELTA:1 to calculate the delta ratio in domestic currency for exotic currency options RES:D2 or RES:DELTA:2 to calculate the delta ratio in foreign currency for exotic currency options RES:G1 or RES:GAMMA:1 to calculate the gamma ratio in domestic currency for exotic currency options RES:G2 or RES:GAMMA:2 to calculate the gamma ratio in foreign currency for exotic currency options RES:V1 or RES:VEGA:1 to calculate the vega ratio in domestic currency for exotic currency options RES:V2 or RES:VEGA:2 to calculate the vega ratio in foreign currency for exotic currency options RES:R1 to calculate the rho ratio in domestic currency for exotic currency options RES:R2 to calculate the rho ratio in foreign currency for exotic currency options Default value: No expected result is defined LAY:H RET:B1 displays the name of the first parameter returned and the corresponding value below. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BdMode BdMode BdMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to customize returned values. BdMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each of set parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation IAC Cash flows calculation split up into interest and principal {no value} IAC to display interest cash flows and principal cash flows Default value: Interest and principal added in cash flows calculation LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:H RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, Bi, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements (values only) RET:Bi with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements along with their names (header and values) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only Default value: RET:A BondFutStructure BondFutStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the structure of a bond futures contract. BondFutStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 243 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondFutStructure Structure 244 Keyword Explanation AFTER Bond futures style for future maturities {DDMMMYY:bondfutures} AFTER:DDMMMYY:bondfutures to use the corresponding bond futures style instead of the current one after the specified date Default value: No bond futures style is defined BEFORE Bond futures style for old maturities {DDMMMYY:bondfutures} BEFORE:DDMMMYY:bondfutures to use the corresponding bond futures style instead of the current one before the specified date Default value: No bond futures style is defined BOND Underlying bond {bond} BOND:bond to define the contract underlying bond Default value: No bond style is defined CDADJ Conversion factor date adjustment {C{:M, Q}, F{:M, Q}, N, P{:M, Q}} CDADJ:C:M to adjust to the closest month CDADJ:C:Q to adjust to the closest quarter CDADJ:F:M to adjust to the following month CDADJ:F:Q to adjust to the following quarter CDADJ:N for None CDADJ:P:M to adjust to the preceding month CDADJ:P:Q to adjust to the preceding quarter Default value: CDADJ:N CFD Conversion factor date calculation method {iWD with i as integer} CFD:iWD for i working days from the reference date Default value: CFD:0WD CLDR Calendar for holiday management {calendar} CLDR:calendar to assign the corresponding calendar style to the currency Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BondFutStructure Keyword Explanation CRD Contract reference date calculation method {1C, 10C, 15C, 20C, 2NDFRI, 3RDWED, NBB} CRD:1C to set the date to the first calendar day of the delivery month CRD:10C to set the date to the 10th calendar day of the delivery month CRD:15C to set the first calendar day of the delivery month CRD:20C to set the date to the 20th calendar day of the delivery month CRD:2NDFRI to set the second Friday of the delivery month CRD:3RDWED to set the date to the third Wednesday day of the delivery month CRD:NZL to set the date to the third Wednesday after the ninth day of the contact month (specific to the NZ Bank Bill Future Contracts) Default value: No contract reference date calculation method is defined CUR Underlying currency {currency} CUR:currency to define the contract underlying currency Default value: No currency is defined DEC Decimal precision for conversion factor {NO, RND:i, TRUNC:i with i as integer} DEC:NO to use the calculated value without rounding or truncating DEC:RND:i to round the calculated value to i decimals DEC:TRUNC:i to trunc the calculated value to i decimals Default value: DEC:NO EDD Delivery period end date calculation method {LAST, iWD with i as integer} EDD:LAST to set the date to the last working day of the delivery month EDD:iWD for i working days from the reference date Default value: EDD:0WD MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for None MDADJ:P for Preceding Default value: MDADJ:N QM Quotation mode {100, 32, 256} QM:100 for prices quoted in decimals QM:32 for prices quoted in 32nd QM:256 for prices quoted in 256th Default value: QM:100 4 August 2003 245 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondFutStructure Keyword Explanation RATE Nominal rate {i (where i is numeric)} RATE:i where i is the rate of the contract Default value: RATE:0 RRTYPE Repo rate type {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, BFM, DISCA0, DISCA5, E0, JAP, MMBA0, MMBA5, MMDA0, MMDA5, MMMA0, MMMA5, MMPA0, MMPA5, MOOS, TRE} RRTYPE:00 for 30/360 RRTYPE:A0 for Actual/360 RRTYPE:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based) RRTYPE:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based) RRTYPE:A5 for Actual/365 RRTYPE:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based) RRTYPE:AA for Actual/Actual RRTYPE:BFM for Braess/Fangmeyer RRTYPE:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 RRTYPE:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 RRTYPE:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA RRTYPE:JAP for Japanese RRTYPE:MMBA0 for money market bullet Actual/360 RRTYPE:MMBA5 for money market bullet Actual/365 RRTYPE:MMDA0 for money market direct discounting Actual/360 RRTYPE:MMDA5 for money market direct discounting Actual/365 RRTYPE:MMMA0 for money market medium term CD Actual/360 RRTYPE:MMMA5 for money market medium term CD Actual/365 RRTYPE:MMPA0 for money market proceeds Actual/360 RRTYPE:MMPA5 for money market proceeds Actual/365 RRTYPE:MOOS for Moosmüller RRTYPE:TRE for Treasuries Default value: No rate type is defined SDD 246 Delivery period start date calculation method {FIRST, iWD with i as integer} SDD:FIRST to set the date to the first working day of the delivery month SDD:iWD for i working days from the reference date Default value: SDD:0WD 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BondStructure Keyword Explanation SIZE Contract size {i (where i is numeric)} SIZE:i where i is the size of the contract Default value: SIZE:0 BondStructure BondStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the structure of the bond. BondStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 247 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondStructure Structure 248 Keyword Explanation ACC Accrued interest calculation method {{00, A0, A5, AA, BB00, BBA5, BBW252, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} with {:SSD} optional for each value} ACC:00 for 30/360 ACC:A0 for Actual/360 ACC:A5 for Actual/365 ACC:AA for Actual/Actual ACC:BB00 for Brazilian bonds with 30/360 ACC:BBA5 for Brazilian bonds with Actual/365 ACC:BBW252 for Brazilian bonds with Actual Working days/252 ACC:IT for Italian (from last coupon date to settlement date in E0 + 1 day) ACC:IT2 for Italian modified (from last coupon date to settlement date + 1 day in E0) ACC:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) ACC:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 ACC:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 ACC:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 ACC:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 ACC:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 ACC:W252 for Actual Working days/252 ACC:i:SSD for German Schuldscheindarlehen bonds where i is {00, A0, A5, AA, BB00, BBA5, BBW252, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} Default value: ACC:AA ALIMIT Accrued interest adjustment method for Actual/360 and Actual/365 {CPN, NEXT, NO} ALIMIT:CPN to limit the accrued interest to the regular coupon value ALIMIT:NEXT to adjust the coupon subtracting the exceeding number of days ALIMIT:NO to allow the accrued interest to exceed the regular coupon value Default value: ALIMIT:NEXT AMORT Amortization pattern for sinking funds {DDMMMYY:i with i<=1} MORT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i is redeemed at the date DDMMMYY Default value: No amortization pattern defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BondStructure Keyword Explanation ARND Rounding mode of the accrued interest {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:{UP, DOWN, NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:NEAR if i is specified CALL Callable bond {DDMMMYY:i, DMMMYY:DDMMMYY: i (where i is numeric)} CALL:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the bond holds a European call option whose expiry date is DDMMMYY and strike clean price is i CALL:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the bond holds an American call option between DDMMMYY and DDMMMYY and whose strike clean price is i Default value: The bond is not callable 4 August 2003 249 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondStructure Keyword Explanation 250 CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, 00D, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} (see the Notes section below) CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) Default value: CCM:BBAA CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values Default value: CFADJ:NO CLDR Calendar parameter for all date adjustments {calendars} CLDR: calendars to assign one or more calendars to a bond for settlement date and coupon date adjustments Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BondStructure Keyword Explanation CRND Coupon rounding tick size {i (where i is numeric) (0.001=10E-3)} CRND:i for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: CRND:NO DATED Dated date {DDMMMYY} DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons Default value: No dated date defined DMC Date moving convention used when an expiry date or a dividend date falls on a non working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: The value of the DMC keyword of the "BOND" category EMC End-of-month convention used when the maturity date falls on the last day of a month {D, DEF, L, LAST, S, SAME, L28} EMC:D or EMC:DEF for the value in Default Settings EMC:L or EMC:LAST for Last EMC:S or EMC:SAME for Same EMC:L28 to match Hong Kong bond requirements: They ignore the 29th of February for cash flow payment. This particularity affects semi-annual bonds maturing on the 31st of August. Coupons are paid every 31st of August and every 28th of February. In case of a leap year the cash flow is still paid the 28th and not the 29th Default value: EMC:LAST FAD First amortization date {DDMMMYY} FAD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first amortization date Default value: No first amortization date defined FCV First coupon nominal value {i (where i is numeric)} FCV:i where i is the first coupon nominal rate for irregular coupons (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE) Default value: All coupons are regular so FCV has no meaning 4 August 2003 251 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondStructure Keyword Explanation FRCD First Regular Coupon Date for odd first coupon {DDMMMYY} FRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first regular coupon date. Default value: No first regular coupon date defined FRQ Frequency of the coupon payments {i {28D, 91D, 182D, 364D, 1, 2, 4, 12}} (see the Notes section below) FRQ:28D to define a coupon payment every 28 days from the maturity date FRQ:91D to define a coupon payment every 91 days from the maturity date FRQ:182D to define a coupon payment every 182 days from the maturity date FRQ:364D to define a coupon payment every 364 days from the maturity date FRQ:1 to define an annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:2 to define a semi-annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:4 to define a quarterly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:12 to define a monthly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency of i from date DDMMMYY IC Irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE or DATED) Frequency of the coupon payments {i {28D, 91D, 182D, 364D, 1, 2, 4, 12}} (see the Notes section below) FRQ:28D to define a coupon payment every 28 days from the maturity date FRQ:91D to define a coupon payment every 91 days from the maturity date FRQ:182D to define a coupon payment every 182 days from the maturity date FRQ:364D to define a coupon payment every 364 days from the maturity date FRQ:1 to define an annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:2 to define a semi-annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:4 to define a quarterly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:12 to define a monthly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency of i from date DDMMMYY IC Irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE or DATED) Default value: FRQ:1 252 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BondStructure Keyword Explanation IC IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC first coupon Default value: IC:S1 INTCAP Capitalization rate of a bond {DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY:i where i is numeric} INTCAP:DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY to set the start and end dates between which all coupons are paid and the bond is fully capitalized INTCAP:DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY:i to set the start date, end date and capitalization rate Default value: No capitalization rate is defined ISSUE Issue date {DDMMMYY} ISSUE:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the bond issue date for irregular coupons Default value: All coupons are regular (the issue date is aligned with the maturity date on the coupon frequency) LOCK Lockout period in settlement date calculations {iWD with i>0} (see the Notes section below) LOCK:iWD for i working days LRCD Last regular coupon date for odd last coupon {DDMMMYY, JGB} LRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the last regular coupon date LRCD:JGB to handle automatically odd last coupons for JGBs MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for None MDADJ:P for Preceding NC Normalization of the capital {YES, NO} YES for the use of the remaining capital NO for the use of the initial capital Default value: NC:NO 4 August 2003 253 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondStructure Keyword Explanation NOTIONAL Face value of the bond {i, expressed in the bond currency} NOTIONAL:i indicates that the face value of the bond is equal to i Default value: NOTIONAL:1 254 PPMT Partial payment for partly paid bond {DDMMMYY:i with i<=1} PPMT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i are paid at the date DDMMMYY Default value: The bond is completely paid at the issue date PUT Puttable bond {DDMMMYY:i, DMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} PUT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the bond holds a European put option whose expiry date is DDMMMYY and strike clean price is i PUT:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the bond holds an American put option between DDMMMYY and DDMMMYY and whose strike clean price is i Default value: The bond is not puttable PX Price type parameter {C, G} PX:C for clean price PX:G for gross price Default value: The value of the PX keyword of the "BOND" category PXRND Rounding mode of the output price {NO} or {i (where i is numeric): {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} PXRND:NO if no rounding is requested. PXRND:i:{UP, DOWN, NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: PXRND:NO if no rounding is requested PXRND:i:NEAR if i is specified REFDATE Reference date in cash flow dates generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE for using the issue date as reference date. REFDATE:MATURITY for using the maturity date as reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY RP Redemption price {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RP:i for a ratio equal to i 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments BondStructure Keyword Explanation RT Reimbursement type {B, C{:i}, Sj{:i} where i is numeric (1=100%) and j from 1 to 8, P} RT:B for bullet or in fine RT:C for constant payments RT:C:i for constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted RT:Sj for j series RT:Sj:i for j series and constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted RT:P for perpetual bonds SETTLE Settlement date calculation rule {AUT, INTL, JAP, RSA, iD, iDF, iDM, iDN, iDP, iWD with i from 1 to 9} SETTLE:AUT for the Austrian settlement rule SETTLE:INTL for the International settlement SETTLE:JAP for the Japanese settlement rule SETTLE:RSA for the South-African settlement SETTLE:iD for i calendar days and the default date moving convention SETTLE:iDF for i calendar days and the following date moving convention SETTLE:iDM for i calendar days and the modified following date moving convention SETTLE:iDN for i calendar days and no date moving convention SETTLE:iDP for i calendar days and the preceding date moving convention SETTLE:iWD for i working days (the calendar used must also be specified using CLDR) STEP Coupon rate pattern for stepped coupon bonds {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} STEP:DDMMMYY:i where i is the nominal coupon rate starting from the date DDMMMYY TAX Taxation for yield/price calculation {i:j where i and j are numeric (1=100%)} TAX:i:j to specify a taxation of i on the coupons and j on the capital TC Tax credit when the redemption price is less than the taxed price {NO, YES} (the taxation rate must also be specified using TAX) TC:NO to ignore the tax credit TC:YES to adjust the redemption price with the tax credit 4 August 2003 255 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide BondStructure Keyword Explanation Examples TP Price used for capital gain taxation when different from the actual bond price {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} (the taxation rate must also be specified using TAX) TP:i for a price equal to i XD Ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES, iD, iWD, AUT, DEN} XD or XD:YES to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XD:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) XD:iD for an ex-dividend period of i calendar days XD:iWD for an ex-dividend period of i working days XD:AUT for the Austrian ex-dividend period XD:DEN for the Dane ex-dividend period YLDRND Rounding mode of the output yield {NO} i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} YLDRND:NO if no rounding is requested. YLDRND:i:{UP, DOWN, NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i YM Rate style associated to the bond {YM} To specify the rate style that corresponds to the bond calculation methods (for example yield, price, derivatives) ACC:A5 FRQ:2 XD:7WD CLDR:UKG SETTLE:1D is the structure stored for UK gilts in the bond database. ACC:AA RND:3 CLDR:FRA SETTLE:3WD is the structure stored for French OATs in the bond database. CALL:01Jan00:01Jan01:1.2 describes an American call option between 01-Jan-2000 and 01-Jan-2001, the call strike will be 120% of the face value. PUT:01Jan00:01Jan01:1.2 describes an American put option between 01-Jan-2000 and 01-Jan-2001, the put strike will be 120% of the face value CALL:01Jan01:1.2 describes a European call option whose expiry date is 01-Jan-2001, the call strike will be 120% of the face value. PUT:01Jan01:1.2 describes a European put option whose expiry date is 01-Jan-2001, the put strike will be 120% of the face value. 256 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CalcMethod AMORT:04Jan00:0.5 AMORT:04Jan03:0.5 NC:YES describes a bond. If it is evaluated the 2001,10th February, its price will be approximately 100%. With “NC:NO” instead of “NC:YES”, its price will be approximately 50%. If start date and end date are the same, the optio Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.0 To match results in PowerPlus Pro 4.0, you must use the following default configurations. All other configurations are impossible. Is NOTIONAL used? Are AMORT and PPMT used? RT has the value NC has the value YES NO B NO YES – Unique value YES B NO NO YES B YES for sinking funds NO for LATAM bonds NO NO C or S YES . CalcMethod CalcMethod is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the calculation method. CalcMethod is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 257 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CalcMethod Structure Keyword Explanation CF 258 Cash flow mode to choose between analytic pricing and cash flow {CLDR, NO, NULL, WE, YES} CF:CLDR for cash flow pricing using the calendar defined by the keyword CLDR (if no calendar is defined, CLDR:WEEKEND is used) CF:NO for analytic pricing (for example from the bond structure) CF:NULL for cash flow pricing using the calendar NULL CF:WE for cash flow pricing using the calendar WEEKEND CF:YES for cash flow pricing using the calendar defined in Default Settings Default value: Calculation with cash flows 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CalcMethod Keyword Explanation CM Yield calculation method {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, BFM, DISCA0, DISCA5, E0, JAP, MMBA0, MMBA5, MMDA0, MMDA5, MMMA0, MMMA5, MMPA0, MMPA5, MOOS, TRE, UDI, W252} CM:00 for 30/360 CM:A0 for Actual/360 CM:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based) CM:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based) CM:A5 for Actual/365 CM:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based) CM:AA for Actual/Actual CM:BFM for Braess/Fangmeyer CM:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 CM:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 CM:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA CM:JAP for Japanese CM:MMBA0 for money market bullet Actual/360 (formerly CM:MMA0) CM:MMBA5 for money market bullet Actual/365 (formerly CM:MMA5) CM:MMDA0 for money market direct discounting Actual/360 CM:MMDA5 for money market direct discounting Actual/365 CM:MMMA0 for money market medium term CD Actual/360 CM:MMMA5 for money market medium term CD Actual/365 CM:MMPA0 for money market proceeds Actual/360 CM:MMPA5 for money market proceeds Actual/365 CM:MOOS for Moosmüller CM:TRE for Treasuries CM:UDI for Udibonos CM:W252 for Actual Working days/252 Default value: No default value is defined CMP Compounding frequency for cash flow pricing {EY, FRQ, YEARLY} CMP:EY for using the frequency defined by the EY keyword CMP:FRQ for using the frequency defined by the FRQ keyword CMP:YEARLY for a yearly frequency Default value: CMP:YEARLY 4 August 2003 259 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CalcMethod Keyword Explanation 260 DCB Day count basis {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0, W252} DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA (period-based calculation) DCB:W252 for Actual Working days/252 Default value: The value of the DCB keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category EY Equivalent yield parameter {1, 12, 182D, 2, 28D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y} EY:1 or EY:Y for yearly EY:12 or EY:M for monthly EY:182D for a compounding every 182 days EY:2 or EY:S for semi-annual EY:28D for a compounding every 28 days EY:364D for a compounding every 364 days EY:4 or EY:Q for quarterly EY:91D for a compounding every 91 days Default value: The value of FRQ for functions using a BondStructure Argument EY:1 for functions using cash flows IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CalcMethod Keyword Explanation LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: The value of the LAY keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category LLP Linear last period parameter {00{:i}, A0{:i}, A5{:i}, AA{:i}, E0{:i}, NO with i as integer} LLP:00 for 30/360 for the last period only LLP:00:i for 30/360 for the i last periods LLP:A0 for Actual/360 for the last period only LLP:A0:i for Actual/360 for the i last periods LLP:A5 for Actual/365 for the last period only LLP:A5:i for Actual/365 for the i last periods LLP:AA for Actual/Actual for the last period only LLP:AA:i for Actual/Actual for the i last periods LLP:E0 for 30E/360 for the last period only LLP:E0:i for 30E/360 for the i last periods LLP:NO for defining no special processing of the last period(s) Default value: LLP:NO ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: The value of the ND keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {no value, NO, YES} OBC or OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) Default value: The value of the OBC keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category PX Price type parameter {C, G} PX:C for clean price PX:G for gross price Default value: PX:G 4 August 2003 261 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CalcStructure Keyword Explanation SHIFT Yield change value {i (where i is numeric)} SHIFT:i for a yield change equal to i Default value: SHIFT:0.0001 SPREAD Credit spread flag {no value, NO, YES} SPREAD or SPREAD:YES to enable the credit spread in the calculation SPREAD:NO to disable the credit spread in the calculation Default value: SPREAD:NO XD Ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES, iD, iWD, AUT, DEN} XD or XD:YES to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XD:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) XD:iD for an ex-dividend period of i calendar days XD:iWD for an ex-dividend period of i working days XD:AUT for the Austrian ex-dividend period XD:DEN for the Dane ex-dividend period Default value: Calculation on an ex-dividend basis for ex-dividend periods YTM Yield type for callable/puttable bonds {AUTO, BEST, MATURITY, WORST} YTM:AUTO to adapt the calculation of the yield to the structure (yield to maturity for a standard bond or callable and puttable, yield to worst for callable bonds, yield to best for puttable bonds) YTM:BEST to force the calculation of the yield to best YTM:MATURITY to force the calculation of the yield to maturity YTM:WORST to force the calculation of the yield to worst Default value: YTM:AUTO ZCTYPE Zero-coupon yield curve {DF, RATE} ZCTYPE:DF to use discount factors ZCTYPE:RATE to use zero-coupon rates Default value: The value of the ZCTYPE keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category CalcStructure CalcStructure is used as argument in Adfin Analytics functions to define the calculation methods available for pricing instruments. 262 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CalcStructure CalcStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation ANP Avoiding negative probabilities in the evaluation model {NO, YES} ANP:NO to use the standard model ANP:YES to use the modified version of the model avoiding negative probabilities Default value: ANP:NO CMT Calculation model type {TREE, FD, FORM} CMT:TREE for model using a tree (Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein and Trinomial models) CMT:FD for model using the finite differences method CMT:FORM for model using a formula Default value: CMT:FORM CONV Calculation method of the convexity {MIDDLE, VOL} Default value: CONV:MIDDLE COR Correlation coefficient between the instantaneous stock rate and the absolute changes of the interest rate {i, where i is numeric} COR:i where i is the correlation coefficient Default value: COR:0 DCP Current payment parameter for cap, or floor functions {NO, YES} DCP:NO to keep the current caplet, or floorlet DCP:YES to skip the current caplet, or floorlet Default value: DCP:NO DUR Calculation method of the duration {MIDDLE, RIGHT} Default value: DUR:MIDDLE FT Formula type {BS, CEV, WHALEY} FT:BS to use the Black & Scholes Model if CMT:FORM FT:CEV to use the Constant Elasticity of Variance Model if CMT:FORM FT:WHALEY to use the Whaley Model if CMT:FORM Default value: FT:BS 4 August 2003 263 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CapFloorStructure Keyword Explanation NBBRANCH Number of branches in the tree {2, 3} NBBRANCH:2 if CMT:TREE NBBRANCH:3 if CMT:TREE Default value: 2 NBFACTOR Number of factors for the calculation method, if CMT:TREE or CMT:FD is used {1, 2} NBFACTOR:1 if CMT:TREE or CMT:FD for one factor NBFACTOR:2 if CMT:TREE for two factors Default value: 1 PVBP Calculation method of the PVBP {MIDDLE, RIGHT} Default value: PVBP:MIDDLE SOLVER Calculation method of the implied volatility of equity options (Vanilla, capped, Composite, Quanto, and warrants) {NEWTON, RIDDER, DICHO} (see the Notes section below) SOLVER:NEWTON to use the Newton-Raphson method SOLVER:RIDDER to use the Ridder method SOLVER:DICHO to use the dichotomy method Default value: No default value is defined TITER Number of discrete time steps {i, where i is numeric} (see the Notes section below) TITER:i where i is the number of steps Default value: 30 for one factor trees (NBFACTOR:1) and for finite differences method. 15 for two factors trees (NBFACTOR:2) VOL Calculation method of the volatility {MIDDLE, RIGHT} Default value: VOL:MIDDLE VOLAT Starting volatility value for implied volatility calculations {i, where i is numeric} VOLAT:i where i is the starting value Default value: VOLAT:0.1 CapFloorStructure CapFloorStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Options module to define the structure of a cap, a floor or a collar. 264 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CapFloorStructure CapFloorStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure All keywords of the BondStructure Argument are used in CapFloorStructure. The following keywords have been added: Keyword Explanation CAP Specifies that the instrument structure defines an interest rate cap {no value} CAP to specify an interest rate cap CCM Specifies the type of the yearly rates (Strike and forward rate) {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0, IAM, MMA0, MMA5, MMA0, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5} CCM:00 for 30/360 CCM:A0 for Actual/360 CCM:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) CCM:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) CCM:A5 for Actual/365 CCM:A5D for bond Actual/365 (daily compounding) CCM:AA for Actual/Actual CCM:CONT for continuous CCM:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 CCM:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 CCM:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 CCM:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 CCM:DF for discount factor CCM:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA CCM:IAM for interest at maturity CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 Default value: CCM:MMA0 4 August 2003 265 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CapFloorStructure Keyword Explanation 266 CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES to specify that the cash flow values are adjusted with the payment date CFADJ:NO to specify that the cash flow values are not adjusted Default value: CFADJ:NO CLDR Calendar parameter for expiry date and dividend date adjustments {calendars} CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars used for moving dividend dates if they fall on non-working days Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) COLLAR Specifies that the instrument structure defines a collar {no value} COLLAR to specify a collar option CONVBIAS Specifies whether the convexity bias is made or not {YES, NO} (see the Notes section below) CONVBIAS:YES to make the adjustment CONVBIAS:NO not to make the adjustment Default value: CONVBIAS:NO DMC Date moving convention used when an expiry date or a dividend date falls on a non working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no date moving DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: DMC:F FAD First amortization date {DDMMMYY} FAD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first amortization date Default value: No first amortization date defined FIXING Reset frequency of the forward rate of the option {i, where i is numeric} (see the Notes section below) FIXING:i to specify that the forward rate is reset i times during the lifetime of the option Default value: FIXING:0 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CapFloorStructure Keyword Explanation FLOOR Specifies that the instrument structure defines a floor {no value} FLOOR to specify a floor option FRQ Frequency of caplets, or floorlets {1, 12, 2, 4, A, M, Q, S} FRQ:1 or FRQ:A for annual FRQ:12 or FRQ:M for monthly FRQ:4 or FRQ:Q for quarterly FRQ:2 or FRQ:S for semi-annual Default value: FRQ:4 KI Knock in barrier flag {no value} KI to specify a knock in or double knock in Barrier cap or floor Default value: No barrier is defined KO Knockout barrier flag {no value} KO to specify a knockout or double knockout Barrier cap or floor Default value: No barrier is defined PAYMENT Payment time of the cash flow payoff {START, END} (see the Notes section below) PAYMENT:START to specify that the payoff is received at the beginning of the associated protection period PAYMENT:END to specify that the payoff is received at the end of the associated protection period Default value: PAYMENT:END REFDATE Reference date for coupon date generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE to specify the issue date as the reference date REFDATE:MATURITY to specify the maturity date as the reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY RESET Defines when the forward rate is reset {ADVANCE, ARREARS} (see the Notes section below) RESET:ADVANCE to specify that the forward rate is reset in advance RESET:ARREARS to specify that the forward rate is reset in arrears Default value: RESET:ADVANCE 4 August 2003 267 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CdsStructure CdsStructure CdsStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Credit module to define the structure of a credit default swap. CdsStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 268 Keyword Explanation AMORT Notional principal amortization pattern for amortizing swaps {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} Default value: The notional principal amount is fixed during the swap life AOD Specifies whether the accrued is paid at the credit event date or not {YES, NO} (see the Notes section below) AOD:YES means that the accrued is paid at the credit event date AOD:NO means that the accrued is not paid at the credit event date Default value: AOD:NO ARND Rounding mode of the accrued interest {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: ARND:NO if no rounding is specified ARND:i:NEAR if i is specified 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CdsStructure Keyword Explanation CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, 00D, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) Default value: CCM:BBAA CDSTYPE Specifies the type of the credit default swap {AMERCDS, EURCDS} CDSTYPE:AMERCDS to indicate that the credit default swap has an American exercise mode CDSTYPE:EURCDS to indicate that the credit default swap has a European exercise mode Default value: CDSTYPE:AMERCDS CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment{YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values Default value: CFADJ:NO 4 August 2003 269 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CdsStructure 270 Keyword Explanation CLDR Calendar for holiday management {calendar} CLDR:calendar to assign the corresponding calendar style to the currency Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) CPLAG Contingent payment delay {iWD, where i is numeric} (see the Notes section below) CPLAG:iWD to define the number of days that separate the credit event time from the contingent payment time Default value: CPLAG:0WD CRND Coupon rounding tick size {i (where i is numeric) (0.001=10E-3)} CRND:i for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: CRND:NO CUR Currency parameter for currency swaps {currencies} CUR:currency to assign the currency for the current leg Default value: No currency is defined DATED Dated date {DDMMMYY} DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons Default value: No dated date is defined DMC Date moving convention used when an expiry date or a dividend date falls on a non working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving date DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: The value of the DMC keyword of the "IRS" category 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CdsStructure Keyword Explanation EMC End-of-month convention used when the maturity date falls on the last day of a month {D, DEF, L, LAST, S, SAME, L28} EMC:D or EMC:DEF for the value in Default Settings EMC:L or EMC:LAST for last EMC:S or EMC:SAME for same EMC:L28 to match Hong Kong bond requirements: They ignore the 29th of February for cash flow payment. This affects semi-annual bonds maturing on the 31st of August. Coupons are paid every 31st of August and every 28th of February. In case of a leap year the cash flow is still paid the 28th and not the 29th Default value: The value of the EMC keyword of the "IRS" category FRCD First Regular Coupon Date for odd first coupon {DDMMMYY} FRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first regular coupon date Default value: No first regular coupon date defined FRQ Frequency of the coupon payments {i {28D, 91D, 182D,364D, 1, 2, 4, 12}} FRQ:28D to define a coupon payment every 28 days from the maturity date FRQ:91D to define a coupon payment every 91 days from the maturity date FRQ:182D to define a coupon payment every 182 days from the maturity date FRQ:364D to define a coupon payment every 364 days from the maturity date FRQ:1 to define an annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:2 to define a semi-annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:4 to define a quarterly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:12 to define a monthly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency of i from date DDMMMYY Default value: FRQ:1 4 August 2003 271 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CdsStructure Keyword Explanation IC Irregular first coupon type for asset swaps combined with bonds with an irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using DATED) IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC first coupon Default value: IC:S1 LBOTH Swap attribute specification flag {no value} LBOTH to specify that the following keywords apply to both legs Default value: No default value is defined LFIXED Fixed leg attribute flag {no value} LFIXED to specify that the following keywords apply to the fixed leg only Default value: No default value is defined LFLOAT Floating leg attribute flag {no value} LFLOAT to specify that the following keywords apply to the floating leg only Default value: No default value is defined LPAID Paid leg attribute flag {no value} LPAID to specify that the following keywords apply to the paid leg only Default value: No default value is defined LRCD Last regular coupon date for odd last coupon {DDMMMYY, JGB} LRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the last regular coupon date LRCD:JGB to handle odd last coupons for JGBs automatically Default value: All coupons are regular so LRCD has no meaning LRECEIVED Received leg attribute flag {no value} LRECEIVED to specify that the following keywords apply to the received leg only Default value: No default value is defined 272 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CdsStructure Keyword Explanation LTYPE Type of the current leg {FIXED, FLOAT} LTYPE:FIXED to define that the current leg is a fixed leg LTYPE:FLOAT to define that the current leg is a floating leg Default value: No leg type is defined (mandatory keyword for both legs) MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for No maturity date adjustment MDADJ:P for Preceding Default value: MDADJ:N NOTIONAL Notional principal amount used for interest payments {i (where i is numeric)} NOTIONAL:i for a notional principal equal to i units of currency Default value: NOTIONAL:1 PDELAY Payment delay {i, with i as integer} PDELAY:i to apply a payment delay of i working days after the calculation period end date Default value: PDELAY:0 REFDATE Reference date in cash flow dates generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE to use the issue date as reference date REFDATE:MATURITY to use the maturity date as reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY RND Coupon rounding for accrued calculation {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, NO} For backward compatibility reasons, this keyword is still supported RND:2 for 2-decimal rounding RND:3 for 3-decimal rounding RND:4 for 4-decimal rounding RND:5 for 5-decimal rounding RND:6 for 6-decimal rounding RND:NO for no rounding Default value: RND:NO 4 August 2003 273 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide ConvMode Keyword Explanation RP Redemption price ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RP:i for a ratio equal to i Default value: RP:1 (for 100%) RT Reimbursement type {B, C{:i}, Sj{:i} where i is numeric (1=100%) and j from 1 to 8} RT:B for bullet or in fine RT:C for constant payments RT:C:i for constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted RT:Sj for j series RT:Sj:i for j series and constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted Default value: RT:B ConvMode ConvMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the so-called deliverable bond oddities. Depending on the type of the bond futures contract specified in the argument BondFutStructure, the calculation of the conversion factor is or is not be impacted by bond oddities such as an ex-dividend feature or an odd first coupon. If the calculation is not impacted, the ConvMode argument should be left blank (empty string). If the calculation is impacted, the ConvMode argument should contain relevant BondStructure and RateStructure keywords (generally CM, EY, IC, ISSUE, FRQ, XD) to adjust the calculation with the deliverable bond oddities. ConvStructure ConvStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the structure of a convertible bond. ConvStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 274 All keywords of the Argument are used in ConvStructure. The following keywords have been added: 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments ConvStructure Example Keyword Explanation AOC Flag to determine if the accrued interest is paid on conversion {YES, NO} Default value: AOC:NO CONVRATIO Conversion ratio {DDMMYY:DDMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} CONVRATIO:DDMMYY:DDMMYY:i to indicate that the conversion ratio is equal to i between the two dates. Default value: CbSettledate:CbMaturity:1 CROSS Cross currency parameter {currency1currency2} CROSS:currency1currency2 to define the underlying cross currency. Default value: No default value DIVTYPE Dividend type {CONT, DISC, FIXED, PROP} (see the Notes section below) DIVTYPE:CONT for continuous dividends DIVTYPE:DISC for discounted dividends DIVTYPE:PROP for proportional dividends Default value: DIVTYPE:CONT HURDLE Soft calls management parameter {DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i:j} HURDLE:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i:j to indicate that the convertible bond can be repurchased during this period at a price equal to (j*Face Value), if the stock price exceeds (i*Face Value) Default value: No default value IOTYPE Specifies the format of function inputs and outputs {CASH, PERCENT} (see the Notes section below) IOTYPE:CASH determines that inputs and outputs are expressed in their current currency. IOTYPE:PERCENT determines that inputs and outputs are expressed as a percentage of the face value. Default value: IOTYPE:PERCENT is the default value for all other bonds CONVRATIO:01Jan00:01Jan01:1.2 means that the conversion period starts at 01Jan00 and ends at 01JAN01, and the conversion ratio is equal to 1.2 between the two dates. 4 August 2003 275 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CreditStructure IOTYPE keyword The IOTYPE keyword is used to describe the format of the following inputs and outputs in the Adfin convertible functions Functions Inputs Outputs AdConvBdDeriv Straight Value AdConvCalcCpn Accrued Interest and Next Coupon Value AdConvCashFlows Coupon Values and Principal AdConvImpliedVol Price of the convertible bond Equity Premium, Option Premium, Total Premium, Break-even, and Straight Value AdConvPrice Price of the convertible bond AdConvYiel CreditStructure CreditStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Credit module to define the structure of the credit model of the credit default swap. CreditStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 276 Keyword Explanation APPROX Specifies whether the calibration of the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model uses the approximated formula or not {YES, NO} (see the Notes section below) APPROX:YES to use the approximated formula in the calibration of the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model APPROX:NO to use the exact formula in the calibration of the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model Default value: APPROX:YES 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CreditStructure Keyword Explanation CREDITEVENT Specifies the rating, which corresponds to the credit event {i, where i is numeric} (see the Notes section below) CREDITEVENT:i to indicate that the instrument rating becomes the one in the ith column at the credit event date Default value: The default value is the rating, which corresponds to the default state IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category INSTTYPE Credit model calibration {CDS, DF} (see the Notes section below) INSTYPE:CDS to calibrate the model by using a credit default swap curve INSTTYPE:DF to calibrate the model by using a credit zero-coupon curve Default value: INSTTYPE:CDS NBDAYS Specifies the number of days per discrimination interval for pricing of American credit default swaps {i, where i is numeric} NBDAYS:i to specify that the discrimination interval is i days Default value: NBDAYS:3 ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {no value, NO, YES} OBC or OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category 4 August 2003 277 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CrossStructure Keyword Explanation RATING Issuing firm rating, expressed as the column number in the transition matrix {j, where i is numeric} (see the Notes section below) RATING:i to indicate that the instrument rating is the one of the ith column Default value: The default value is the highest rating of the transition matrix RECOVERY Recovery rate value, expressed as a percentage {i, where i is numeric} (see the Notes section below) RECOVERY:i to indicate that the recovery rate is i, expressed as a percentage Default value: RECOVERY:0 RISKMODEL Type of the credit model {CIR, CURVE} RISKMODEL:CIR to indicate that the credit model is provided by the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross model RISKMODEL:CURVE to indicate that the credit model is provided by the credit event probability curve Default value: RISKMODEL:CURVE CrossStructure CrossStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Forex & MM module. It defines the underlying structure of a cross currency and is only used for the style table "CROSS". CrossStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 278 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CrossStructure Structure Keyword Explanation CRDEC Cross rate decimals {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} CRDEC:0 for 0 decimal CRDEC:1 for 1 decimal CRDEC:2 for 2 decimals CRDEC:3 for 3 decimals CRDEC:4 for 4 decimals CRDEC:5 for 5 decimals CRDEC:6 for 6 decimals CRDEC:7 for 7 decimals CRDEC:8 for 8 decimals CRDEC:9 for 9 decimals Default value: No default value defined FROM Date calculation origin for FxCalcPeriod {MMSPOT, MMTRADE, FXSPOT, FXTRADE} FROM:MMSPOT to use the spot date as origin and the Money market spot offset FROM:MMTRADE to use the trading date as origin and the Money market spot offset FROM:FXSPOT to use the spot date as origin and the Forex market spot offset FROM:FXTRADE to use the trading date as origin and the Forex market spot offset Default value: FROM:FXTRADE QU Quotation unit{1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000} QU:1 for 1 QU:10 for 10 QU:100 for 100 QU:1000 for 1000 QU:10000 for 10000 Default value: No default value defined QM1 Quotation mode of the first currency versus the base currency when different from USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM1:DIRECT for direct quotation QM1:INDIRECT for indirect quotation Default value: QM1:DIRECT 4 August 2003 279 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CsStructure Keyword Explanation QM2 Quotation mode of the second currency versus the base currency when different from USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM2:DIRECT for direct quotation QM2:INDIRECT for indirect quotation Default value: QM2:DIRECT SPDEC Swap point decimals {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} SPDEC:0 for 0 decimal SPDEC:1 for 1 decimal SPDEC:2 for 2 decimals SPDEC:3 for 3 decimals SPDEC:4 for 4 decimals SPDEC:5 for 5 decimals SPDEC:6 for 6 decimals SPDEC:7 for 7 decimals SPDEC:8 for 8 decimals SPDEC:9 for 9 decimals Default value: No default value defined SWPR Swap point ratio {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000} SWPR:1 for 1 SWPR:10 for 10 SWPR:100 for 100 SWPR:1000 for 1000 SWPR:10000 for 10000 Default value: No default value defined CsStructure CsStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Swaps module to define the structure of a currency swap. CsStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 280 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CsStructure Structure Keyword Explanation AMORT Notional principal amortization pattern for amortizing swaps {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} AMORT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i are redeemed at the date DDMMMYY Default value: The notional principal amount is fixed during the swap life CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, 00D, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) Default value: CCM:BBE0 for the fixed leg, or CCM:MMA0 for the floating leg CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values Default value: CFADJ:NO 4 August 2003 281 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CsStructure 282 Keyword Explanation CLDR Calendar parameter for coupon date adjustments {calendars} CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars used for moving coupon dates if they fall on non-working days Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) CROSS Cross-currency parameter for currency swaps {cross-currencies} CROSS:crosscurrency to define the underlying cross-currency Default value: No cross-currency is defined (mandatory keyword common to both legs) CUR Currency parameter for currency swaps {currencies} CUR:currency to assign the currency for the current leg Default value: No currency is defined (mandatory keyword for both legs) DATED Dated date for asset swaps combined with bonds with an irregular first coupon {DDMMMYY} DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons Default value: No dated date is defined DMC Date moving convention used when a calculated date falls on a non-working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: The value of the DMC keyword of the "IRS" category EMC End-of-month convention used when a calculation date falls on the last day of a month {L, LAST, S, SAME} EMC:L or EMC:LAST for setting the calculated date to the last working day EMC:S or EMC:SAME for setting the calculated date to the same day (in this latter case, the date may be moved according to the date moving convention if it is a non-working day) Default value: The value of the EMC keyword of the "IRS" category 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments CsStructure Keyword Explanation FRQ Coupon frequency {0, 1, 12, 2, 4, Q, M, S, Y} FRQ:0 for no coupon (in-fine) FRQ:1 or FRQ:Y for yearly FRQ:2 or FRQ:S for semi-annual FRQ:4 or FRQ:Q for quarterly FRQ:12 or FRQ:M for monthly Default value: FRQ:1 for the fixed leg, or FRQ:4 for the floating leg IC Irregular first coupon type for asset swaps combined with bonds with an irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using DATED) IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC fist coupon Default value: IC:S1 (this default value does not affect the first fixed cash flow unless the dated date is not equal to the CS start date) LBOTH Swap attribute specification flag {no value} LBOTH to specify that the following keywords apply to both legs Default value: No default value is defined LPAID Paid leg attribute flag {no value} LPAID to specify that the following keywords apply to the paid leg only Default value: No default value is defined LRECEIVED Received leg attribute flag {no value} LRECEIVED to specify that the following keywords apply to the received leg only Default value: No default value is defined LTYPE Type of the current leg {FIXED, FLOAT} LTYPE:FIXED to define that the current leg is a fixed leg LTYPE:FLOAT to define that the current leg is a floating leg Default value: No leg type is defined (mandatory keyword for both legs) 4 August 2003 283 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide CurStructure Keyword Explanation NOTIONAL Notional principal amount used for interest payments {i (where i is numeric)} NOTIONAL:i for a notional principal equal to i units of currency Default value: NOTIONAL:1 (all interest payments are returned in percentage i.e. for a principal equal to one unit of currency) PDELAY Payment delay {i, with i as integer} PDELAY:i to apply a payment delay of i working days after the calculation period end date Default value: PDELAY:0 PEX Notional principal exchange parameter {BOTH, END, NONE, START} PEX:BOTH to exchange the notional principal at the swap start date and maturity date PEX:END to exchange the notional principal at the swap maturity date only PEX:NONE for no exchange of the notional principal PEX:START to exchange the notional principal at the swap start date only Default value: PEX:BOTH CurStructure CurStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Forex & MM module. It defines the underlying structure of a currency and is only used for the style table "CUR". CurStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 284 Keyword Explanation CLDR Calendar for holiday management {calendar} CLDR:calendar to assign the corresponding calendar style to the currency Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DefStructure Keyword Explanation DTM Number of working days from trade date to MM spot date {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} DTM:0 for 0 working day DTM:1 for 1 working day DTM:2 for 2 working days DTM:3 for 3 working days DTM:4 for 4 working days DTM:5 for 5 working days Default value: No default value is defined DTS Number of working days from trade date to Forex spot date {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} DTS:0 for 0 working day DTS:1 for 1 working day DTS:2 for 2 working days DTS:3 for 3 working days DTS:4 for 4 working days DTS:5 for 5 working days Default value: No default value is defined QM Quotation mode versus the USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM:DIRECT for direct quotation QM:INDIRECT for indirect quotation Default value: No default value is defined YB Money market year basis {360, 365} YB:360 for 360 days YB:365 for 365 days Default value: No default value is defined DefStructure DefStructure is used as argument to define the default settings that apply within one Adfin default settings category specified by the argument DefCategory . DefStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 285 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DefStructure Following are the descriptions of DefStructure argument for each category. Structure for BOND Category Structure for CLDR Category 286 The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "BOND". Keyword Explanation CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values DMC Date moving convention used when an expiry date or a dividend date falls on a non working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) EMC End-of-month convention used when the maturity date falls on the last day of a month {D, DEF, L, LAST, S, SAME, L28} EMC:D or EMC:DEF for the value in Default Settings EMC:L or EMC:LAST for Last EMC:S or EMC:SAME for Same EMC:L28 to match Hong Kong bond requirements: They ignore the 29th of February for cash flow payment. This particularity affects semi-annual bonds maturing on the 31st of August. Coupons are paid every 31st of August and every 28th of February. In case of a leap year the cash flow is still paid the 28th and not the 29th PX Price parameter{C, G} PX:C for clean price PX:G for gross price The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "CLDR". Keyword Explanation YBACKWARD Number of years before current year used for holiday calculation {i with i as integer} YBACKWARD:i for calculating holidays from i years backward YFORWARD Number of years after current year used for holiday calculation {i with i as integer} YFORWARD:i for calculating holidays up to i years forward 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DefStructure Structure for CROSS Category The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "CROSS". Keyword Explanation CRDEC Cross rate decimals {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} CRDEC:0 for 0 decimal CRDEC:1 for 1 decimal CRDEC:2 for 2 decimals CRDEC:3 for 3 decimals CRDEC:4 for 4 decimals CRDEC:5 for 5 decimals CRDEC:6 for 6 decimals CRDEC:7 for 7 decimals CRDEC:8 for 8 decimals CRDEC:9 for 9 decimals QM1 Quotation mode of the first currency versus the base currency when different from USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM1:DIRECT for direct quotation QM1:INDIRECT for indirect quotation QM2 Quotation mode of the second currency versus the base currency when different from USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM2:DIRECT for direct quotation QM2:INDIRECT for indirect quotation QU Quotation unit {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000} QU:1 for 1 QU:10 for 10 QU:100 for 100 QU:1000 for 1000 QU:10000 for 10000 4 August 2003 287 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DefStructure 288 Keyword Explanation SPDEC Swap point decimals {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} SPDEC:0 for 0 decimal SPDEC:1 for 1 decimal SPDEC:2 for 2 decimals SPDEC:3 for 3 decimals SPDEC:4 for 4 decimals SPDEC:5 for 5 decimals SPDEC:6 for 6 decimals SPDEC:7 for 7 decimals SPDEC:8 for 8 decimals SPDEC:9 for 9 decimals SWPR Swap point ratio {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000} SWPR:1 for 1 SWPR:10 for 10 SWPR:100 for 100 SWPR:1000 for 1000 SWPR:10000 for 10000 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DefStructure Structure for CUR Category The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "CUR". Keyword Explanation DTM Number of working days from trade date to MM spot date {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} DTM:0 for 0 working day DTM:1 for 1 working day DTM:2 for 2 working days DTM:3 for 3 working days DTM:4 for 4 working days DTM:5 for 5 working days DTS Number of working days from trade date to Forex spot date {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} DTS:0 for 0 working day DTS:1 for 1 working day DTS:2 for 2 working days DTS:3 for 3 working days DTS:4 for 4 working days DTS:5 for 5 working days QM Quotation mode versus the USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM:DIRECT for direct quotation QM:INDIRECT for indirect quotation YB Money market year basis {360, 365} YB:360 for 360 days YB:365 for 365 days 4 August 2003 289 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DefStructure Structure for DATE Category Structure for FORMULA Category The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "DATE". Keyword Explanation DATEFMT Date format for structure keywords {DMY, MDY, SYS, YMD} DATEFMT:DMY for the DD/MM/YY format DATEFMT:MDY for the MM/DD/YY format DATEFMT:SYS for the system format DATEFMT:YMD for the YY/MM/DD format YPIVOT Pivotal year between 19xx and 20xx for years specified with 2 digits {i with i from 0 to 100} YPIVOT:i with i different from 100 for defining 31-Dec-(i-1) = 31-Dec-20(i-1) and 01-Jan-(i) = 01-jan-19(i) YPIVOT:100 for defining a moving pivotal year equal to i = (current year + 50) i.e. having 31-Dec-(i-1) = 31-Dec-20(i-1) and 01-Jan-(i) = 01-jan-19(i) The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "FORMULA". Keyword Explanation CONV Convexity {MIDDLE, VOL} DUR Calculation method of the duration {MIDDLE, RIGHT} MATCORREC Type of maturity factor calculation {NO, YES} TED MATCORRECTED:NO for a day based maturity factor calculation (Adfin Analytics 2.50 and earlier) MATCORRECTED:YES for a period based maturity factor calculation 290 NORMAL Type of normal distribution {3, 6, HULL} NORMAL:3 for a 1.0E-3 precision (Adfin Analytics 2.50 and earlier) NORMAL:6 for a 1.0E-6 precision (Adfin Analytics 3.50) NORMAL:HULL for the Hull algorithm PVBP Calculation method of PVBP {MIDDLE, RIGHT} VOL Calculation method of the volatility {MIDDLE, RIGHT} 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DefStructure Structure for IDX Category Structure for IRS Category The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "IDX". Keyword Explanation AVG Index compounding method {ARI, CMP, MCA, NONE} AVG:ARI for arithmetic average AVG:CMP for daily compounded average AVG:MCA for monthly compounded average AVG:NONE for no compounding method PERIOD Index calculation period {ON, TN} PERIOD:ON for overnight calculation PERIOD:TN for Tom/Next calculation RND Rounding decimals for the compounded settlement rate calculation {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} RND:0 for 0-decimal rounding RND:1 for 1-decimal rounding RND:2 for 2-decimal rounding RND:3 for 3-decimal rounding RND:4 for 4-decimal rounding RND:5 for 5-decimal rounding RND:6 for 6-decimal rounding YB Money market year basis {360, 365} YB:360 for a 360-day year YB:365 for a 365-day year The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "IRS". Keyword Explanation CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values DMC Date moving convention used when the calculated date falls on a non-working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for Following DMC:M or DMC:MOD for Modified Following DMC:N or DMC:NONE for None DMC:P or DMC:PRE for Preceding 4 August 2003 291 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DefStructure Structure for MMFUTURE Category Keyword Explanation EMC End-of-month convention used when the calculation date falls on the last day of a month {L, LAST, S, SAME} EMC:L or EMC:LAST for Last EMC:S or EMC:SAME for Same PAID Type of the paid leg {FIXED, FLOAT} PAID:FIXED to define that the fixed rate is paid (and the floating rate received) PAID:FLOAT to define that the floating rate is paid (and the fixed rate received) The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "MMFUTURE". Keyword Explanation NFVP Next fixing validity period {i, with i as integer} NFVP:i to use the next fixing for a period of i days before the fixing date PFVP Previous fixing validity period {i, with i as integer} PFVP:i to use the previous fixing for a period of i days after the fixing date YB Money market year basis {360, 365} YB:360 for 360 days YB:365 for 365 days Structure for RATEMODEL Category 292 The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "RATEMODEL". Keyword Explanation CLDRADJ Cash flow date adjustment according to a calendar {NO, NULL, WE, CLDR} CLDRADJ:NO for analytic pricing (i.e. from the bond structure) CLDRADJ:NULL for cash flow pricing using the calendar NULL CLDRADJ:WEEKEND for cash flow pricing using the calendar WEEKEND CLDRADJ:CLDR for cash flow pricing using the calendar defined by the keyword CLDR (if no calendar is defined, CLDRADJ:WEEKEND is used) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DefStructure Keyword Explanation DCB Day count basis {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0, JAP, NL0, NL5, W252} DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA (period-based calculation) DCB:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) DCB:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 DCB:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 DCB:W252 for Actual Working days/252 EY Equivalent yield parameter {1, 12, 182D, 2, 28D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, FRQ} EY:1 or EY:Y for yearly EY:12 or EY:M for monthly EY:182D for a compounding every 182 days EY:2 or EY:S for semi-annual EY:28D for a compounding every 28 days EY:364D for a compounding every 364 days EY:4 or EY:Q for quarterly EY:91D for a compounding every 91 days EY:FRQ for a compounding defined by the FRQ keyword in the BondStructure IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array 4 August 2003 293 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DefStructure 294 Keyword Explanation OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {no value, NO, YES} OBC or OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) RATEFRQ Compounding frequency parameter {1, 12, 28D, 182D, 2, 28D, 182D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, ZERO, EY, FRQ} RATEFRQ:1 or RATEFRQ:Y for yearly RATEFRQ:12 or RATEFRQ:M for monthly RATEFRQ:182D for a compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:2 or RATEFRQ:S for semi-annual RATEFRQ:28D for a compounding every 28 days RATEFRQ:182D for a compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:364D for a compounding every 364 days RATEFRQ:4 or RATEFRQ:Q for quarterly RATEFRQ:91D for a compounding every 91 days RATEFRQ:ZERO no compounding RATEFRQ:EY for compounding defined by the EY keyword RATEFRQ:FRQ for compounding defined by the FRQ keyword in the BondStructure RATETYPE Yield type {CMP, CONT, DISC, MM, MMB, MMM, MMP, TRE, SIMPLEJAP, CMPJAP} RATETYPE:CMP for Actual RATETYPE:CONT for continuous yield/rate RATETYPE:DISC for discounted yield/rate RATETYPE:MM for Money Market yield/rate RATETYPE:MMB for Money Market Bullet RATETYPE:MMM for Money Market Medium RATETYPE:MMP for Money Market Proceed RATETYPE:MMR for Money Market Direct Discounting RATETYPE:TRE for US bills Treasury RATETYPE:SIMPLEJAP for simple yield/rate RATETYPE:CMPJAP for compounded yield/rate ZCTYPE Zero-coupon yield curve type {DF, RATE} ZCTYPE:DF to use discount factors ZCTYPE:RATE to use zero-coupon rates 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeHistory Structure for XLMODE Category The attributes listed below must be used with the DefCategory argument set to "XLMODE". Keyword Explanation LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation DeMode Argument for DeHistory The DeMode argument of DeHistory is used to specify the data source, to format results and to specify whether data is refreshed automatically. DeMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. Structure Keyword Description CTU ‘Cells To Update’ keyword specifies which cells to update when the Update action is triggered, using “DeUpdate” on page 230: • CTU:ALL means that all cells are updated • CTU:CHANGED means that only changed cells are updated Default value: CTU:CHANGED DT Specifies the date type for time series data provided by the Equity and Treasury sources: • DT:D retrieves only days with values • DT:AD retrieves data for every day • DT:WD retrieves only weekdays (for Price History data) Default value: DT:D HEADER Returned header: • HEADER:YES specifies that headers are returned • HEADER:NO specifies that no header is returned Default value: HEADER:NO 4 August 2003 295 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeMode Argument for DeHistory Keyword Description IDFM Specifies how invalid values are replaced: • IDFM:NA replaces any invalid data with #N/A • IDFM:NAND replaces any invalid data with #N/A ND • IDFM:ZERO replaces any invalid data with zeros • IDFM:NEXT replaces any invalid data with the next valid piece of data • IDFM:PREVIOUS replaces any invalid data with the previous valid piece of data Default value: IDFM:NA (if IDR:FILL is specified) IDR Specifies the handling of the timestamp data sequence, which contains invalid data: • IDR:NONE does nothing • IDR:SKIP removes rows containing invalid data • IDR:FILL fills rows that contain invalid data according to the IDFM keyword Default value: IDR:NONE IDZ ‘Invalid Data Zero’ keyword determines whether zero values are invalid: • IDZ:YES means that zero values are invalid • IDZ:NO means that zero values are not invalid Default value: IDZ:NO LAY Specifies the layout of the array: • LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation • LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR NODATE Specifies that columns containing dates are ignored: • • NODATE:YES NODATE:NO Default value: NODATE:NO 296 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeHistory Keyword Description NULL Specifies how to handle empty rows in a time list: • NULL:SKIP erases any empty rows of data • NULL:REPEAT replaces an empty row with the previous one • NULL:NA replaces any NULL data with #N/A • NULL:NAND replaces any NULL data with #N/A ND • NULL:NIL puts a zero in the cell for any NULL data Default value: NULL:SKIP PRIORITY Establishes a priority for the next request of the object: • PRIORITY:HIGH for highest priority • PRIORITY:MEDIUM for medium priority • PRIORITY:LOW for lowest priority Default value: PRIORITY:LOW RECALL Specifies the update frequency: • RECALL:nS provides an update every n seconds (S is optional) • RECALL:nM provides an update every n minutes • RECALL:nH provides an update every n hours • RECALL:NO provides no update • RECALL:AUTO provides automatic updates Default value: RECALL:NO REFRESH Specifies whether data is refreshed: • REFRESH:YES ensures that data is refreshed automatically every 24 hours • REFRESH:NO retrieves data that can only be refreshed manually Default value: REFRESH:NO RET Specifies the size of the array returned by array functions: RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array (only values) 4 August 2003 297 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeMode Argument for DeHistory Keyword Description SOURCE Defines the data source to which you address your requests: • SOURCE:EQUITY retrieves equity data from the Reuters Securities 3000 database • SOURCE:TREASURY retrieves bond data from the Reuters Treasury 3000 database • SOURCE:DBU retrieves data from the DBU server Default value: No default value is defined SORT Specifies the order of retrieved data: • SORT:ASC for an ascending order when data is retrieved from Equity and Treasury databases • SORT:DESC for a descending order when data is retrieved from DBU server Default value: SORT:ASC TIMEOUT Specifies the maximum amount of time allowed following the issuing of a request before its cancellation. For example, TIMEOUT:30 allows 30 seconds to elapse before the request is cancelled. If the timeout value is 0, no timeout control is applied. Default value: TIMEOUT:0 TITLE Specifies whether results include full column names rather than the abbreviated code names that appear when HEADER is used: • • TITLE:YES TITLE:NO Default value: No TITLE TRIM Specifies the space trimming for retrieved data of type string: • • TRIM:YES TRIM:NO Default value: TRIM:NO TSREPEAT 298 Specifies whether a timestamp synchronization is used between the retrieved data of several instruments: • TSREPEAT:YES means that time series data is not synchronized • TSREPEAT:NO means that time series data is synchronized Default value: TSREPEAT:YES 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeList DeMode Argument for DeList The DeMode argument is used to specify data source, to format result and to specify whether or not data or to be refreshed automatically each day. DeMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. Structure Keyword Description CTU CTU (Cells To Update) specifies which cells to update when the Update action is triggered with “DeUpdate” on page 230: • CTU:ALL means that all cells will be updated • CTU:CHANGED means that only changed cells will be updated Default value: CTU:CHANGED HEADER Returned header: • HEADER:YES to specify that headers are returned • HEADER:NO to specify that no header is returned Default value: HEADER:NO LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation: • LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation • LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR NULL Specifies how to handle empty rows in a time list returned with the “DeHistory” on page 228: • NULL:SKIP erases any empty rows of data • NULL:REPEAT replaces an empty row with the previous one • NULL:NA replaces any NULL data with #N/A • NULL:NAND replaces any NULL data with #N/A ND • NULL:NIL puts a zero in the cell for any NULL data Default value: NULL:SKIP 4 August 2003 299 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeMode Argument for DeList Keyword Description PRIORITY Establishes a priority for the object's next request: • PRIORITY:HIGH highest priority • PRIORITY:MEDIUM medium priority • PRIORITY:LOW lowest priority Default value: PRIORITY:LOW REFRESH REFRESH:NO retrieves data that can only be refreshed manually REFRESH:YES ensures that data is refreshed automatically every 24 hours, provided that Daily Refresh Activated is selected in the Reference Data Engine Settings dialog for Equities or Treasury. The Global Refresh property is not provided in the DBU settings dialog box. Default value: REFRESH:NO RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions: RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array (only values) SOURCE Defines the data source to which requests are addressed: • SOURCE:EQUITY retrieves equity data from the Reuters Securities 3000 database • SOURCE:TREASURY retrieves bond data from the Reuters Treasury 3000 database Default value: No default value is defined TIMEOUT The maximum amount of time allowed following the issuing of a request before its cancellation. This time is measured in seconds. For example, TIMEOUT:30 allows 30 seconds to elapse before the request is cancelled. If the timeout value is 0, no timeout control is applied. Default value: TIMEOUT:0 TITLE If TITLE (or TI) is present in the DeMode argument string, results include full column names rather than the abbreviated code names that appear when HEADER is specified: • • TITLE:YES TITLE:NO Default value: No TITLE 300 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeLookup Keyword Description TRIM Space trimming for string data retrieved: • • TRIM:YES TRIM:NO Default value: TRIM:NO DeMode Argument for DeLookup The DeMode argument is used to specify data source, to format result and to specify whether or not data or to be refreshed automatically each day. DeMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. Structure Keyword Description CTU CTU (Cells To Update) specifies which cells to update when the Update action is triggered with “DeUpdate” on page 230: • CTU:ALL means that all cells will be updated • CTU:CHANGED means that only changed cells will be updated Default value: CTU:CHANGED HEADER Returned header: • HEADER:YES to specify that headers are returned • HEADER:NO to specify that no header is returned Default value: HEADER:NO LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation: • LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation • LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR 4 August 2003 301 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeMode Argument for DeLookup Keyword Description NULL Specifies how to handle empty rows in a time list returned with the “DeHistory” on page 228: • NULL:SKIP erases any empty rows of data • NULL:REPEAT replaces an empty row with the previous one • NULL:NA replaces any NULL data with #N/A • NULL:NAND replaces any NULL data with #N/A ND • NULL:NIL puts a zero in the cell for any NULL data Default value: NULL:SKIP PRIORITY Establishes a priority for the object's next request: • PRIORITY:HIGH highest priority • PRIORITY:MEDIUM medium priority • PRIORITY:LOW lowest priority Default value: PRIORITY:LOW REFRESH • • REFRESH:NO retrieves data that can only be refreshed manually REFRESH:YES ensures that data is refreshed automatically every 24 hours, provided that Daily Refresh Activated is selected in the Reference Data Engine Settings dialog for Equities or Treasury The Global Refresh property is not provided in the DBU settings dialog box. Default value: REFRESH:NO 302 RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions: RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array (only values) SOURCE Defines the data source to which requests are addressed: • SOURCE:EQUITY retrieves equity data from the Reuters Securities 3000 database • SOURCE:TREASURY retrieves bond data from the Reuters Treasury 3000 database Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeQuery Keyword Description TIMEOUT The maximum amount of time allowed following the issuing of a request before its cancellation. This time is measured in seconds. For example, TIMEOUT:30 allows 30 seconds to elapse before the request is cancelled. If the timeout value is 0, no timeout control is applied. Default value: TIMEOUT:0 TITLE If TITLE (or TI) is present in the DeMode argument string, results include full column names rather than the abbreviated code names that appear when HEADER is specified: • • TITLE:YES TITLE:NO Default value: No TITLE TRIM Space trimming for string data retrieved: • • TRIM:YES TRIM:NO Default value: TRIM:NO DeMode Argument for DeQuery The DeMode argument is used to specify data source, to format result and to specify whether or not data or to be refreshed automatically each day. DeMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. Structure Keyword Description CTU CTU (Cells To Update) specifies which cells to update when the Update action is triggered with “DeHistory” on page 228: • CTU:ALL means that all cells will be updated • CTU:CHANGED means that only changed cells will be updated Default value: CTU:CHANGED 4 August 2003 303 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeMode Argument for DeQuery Keyword Description HEADER Returned header • HEADER:YES to specify that headers are returned • HEADER:NO to specify that no header is returned Default value: HEADER:NO LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation: • LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation • LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR NULL Specifies how to handle empty rows in a time list returned with the “DeHistory” on page 228: • NULL:SKIP erases any empty rows of data • NULL:REPEAT replaces an empty row with the previous one • NULL:NA replaces any NULL data with #N/A • NULL:NAND replaces any NULL data with #N/A ND • NULL:NIL puts a zero in the cell for any NULL data Default value: NULL:SKIP PRIORITY Establishes a priority for the object's next request: • PRIORITY:HIGH highest priority • PRIORITY:MEDIUM medium priority • PRIORITY:LOW lowest priority Default value: PRIORITY:LOW REFRESH • • REFRESH:NO retrieves data that can only be refreshed manually REFRESH:YES ensures that data is refreshed automatically every 24 hours, provided that Daily Refresh Activated is selected in the Reference Data Engine Settings dialog for Equities or Treasury. The Global Refresh property is not provided in the DBU settings dialog box. Default value: REFRESH:NO RET 304 Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions: RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array (only values) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeUpdate Keyword Description SOURCE Defines the data source to which requests are addressed: • SOURCE:EQUITY retrieves equity data from the Reuters Securities 3000 database • SOURCE:TREASURY retrieves bond data from the Reuters Treasury 3000 database • SOURCE:LOCAL retrieves data from your local database with the “DeQuery” on page 230 Default value: No default value is defined TIMEOUT The maximum amount of time allowed following the issuing of a request before its cancellation. This time is measured in seconds. For example, TIMEOUT:30 allows 30 seconds to elapse before the request is cancelled. If the timeout value is 0, no timeout control is applied. Default value: TIMEOUT:0 TITLE If TITLE (or TI) is present in the DeMode argument string, results include full column names rather than the abbreviated code names that appear when HEADER is specified: • TITLE:YES • TITLE:NO Default value: No TITLE TRIM Space trimming for string data retrieved: • • TRIM:YES TRIM:NO Default value: TRIM:NO DeMode Argument for DeUpdate The DeMode argument is used to specify data source, to format result and to specify whether or not data or to be refreshed automatically each day. DeMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. 4 August 2003 305 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DeMode Argument for DeUpdate Structure Keyword Description CTU CTU (Cells To Update) specifies which cells to update when the Update action is triggered with “DeUpdate” on page 230: • CTU:ALL means that all cells will be updated • CTU:CHANGED means that only changed cells will be updated Default value: CTU:CHANGED HEADER Returned header • HEADER:YES to specify that headers are returned • HEADER:NO to specify that no header is returned Default value: HEADER:NO LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation • LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation • LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR NULL Specifies how to handle empty rows in a time list returned with the “DeHistory” on page 228: • NULL:SKIP erases any empty rows of data • NULL:REPEAT replaces an empty row with the previous one • NULL:NA replaces any NULL data with #N/A. • NULL:NAND replaces any NULL data with #N/A ND • NULL:NIL puts a zero in the cell for any NULL data Default value: NULL:SKIP PRIORITY Establishes a priority for the object's next request: • PRIORITY:HIGH highest priority • PRIORITY:MEDIUM medium priority • PRIORITY:LOW lowest priority Default value: PRIORITY:LOW REFRESH • • REFRESH:NO retrieves data that can only be refreshed manually REFRESH:YES ensures that data is refreshed automatically every 24 hours, provided that Daily Refresh Activated is selected in the Reference Data Engine Settings dialog for Equities or Treasury. The Global Refresh property is not provided in the DBU settings dialog box. Default value: REFRESH:NO 306 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments DeMode Argument for DeUpdate Keyword Description RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions: • RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array (only values) SOURCE Defines the data source to which requests are addressed: • SOURCE:EQUITY retrieves equity data from the Reuters Securities 3000 database • SOURCE:TREASURY retrieves bond data from the Reuters Treasury 3000 database Default value: No default value is defined SPLIT Specifies an array in which to place the text string retrieved from the ADFIN_STRUCTURE FieldList argument with “DeUpdate” on page 230: SPLIT:n (n as an integer), with n specifies the number of cells. The results can be longer than 255 byte characters in length, that is the current limit for return strings This keyword defines exactly how many pieces can be made from a string by using spaces. DeUpdate will generate a return table and each piece of the string will be placed in a separate cell in the same direction as field values for an instrument. Returns an error message if the specified array is too small. Default value: SPLIT:0 Note: Despite the apparent resemblance with cell addressing, the SPLIT keyword only specifies the dimension of the array, not a location on a spreadsheet. TIMEOUT The maximum amount of time allowed following the issuing of a request before its cancellation. This time is measured in seconds. For example, TIMEOUT:30 allows 30 seconds to elapse before the request is cancelled. If the timeout value is 0, no timeout control is applied. Default value: TIMEOUT:0 TITLE If TITLE (or TI) is present in the DeMode argument string, results include full column names rather than the abbreviated code names that appear when HEADER is specified: • • TITLE:YES TITLE:NO • Default value: No TITLE 4 August 2003 307 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide DfMode Keyword Description TRIM Space trimming for string data retrieved: • • TRIM:YES TRIM:NO Default value: TRIM:NO UWC (Update When Completed) determines whether receipt of partial UWC results will be flagged with “DeUpdate” on page 230: • UWC:YES means that partial results will be flagged • UWC:NO means that partial results will not be flagged If UWC is present without a value, it will be interpreted as UWC:YES. This keyword is only valid when data is retrieved from the Treasury 3000 database Default value: UWC:NO DfMode DfMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common module to customize returned values. DfMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 308 Keyword Explanation DCB Day count basis {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0} DCB:00 for 30/360 DCB:A0 for Actual/360 DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA Default value: DCB:AA 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments ExoticStructure Example Keyword Explanation DMC Date moving convention used when the calculated date falls on a non-working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for Following DMC:M or DMC:MOD for Modified Following DMC:N or DMC:NONE for None DMC:P or DMC:PRE for Preceding Default value: DMC:F EMC End-of-month convention used when the calculation date falls on the last day of a month {L, LAST, S, SAME} EMC:L or EMC:LAST for Last EMC:S or EMC:SAME for Same Default value: EMC:L LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:V RET Return value parameter to shorten the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, Bi, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements (values only) RET:Bi with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements along with their names (header and values) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only. DMC:P calculates dates using the preceding day date moving convention. ExoticStructure ExoticStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Options module to define the structure of an exotic option. ExoticStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 309 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide ExoticStructure Structure 310 Keyword Explanation ASIAN Type of an Asian option {RATE, STRIKE} ASIAN:RATE to specify an average-rate Asian option ASIAN:STRIKE to specify an average-strike Asian option Default value: No default Asian option type is defined, mandatory keyword AVE Average type for an Asian option {ARI, GEO} AVE:ARI to specify an arithmetic average AVE:GEO to specify a geometric average Default value: AVE:ARI BINARY Type of a Binary option {ASSET, CASH} BINARY:ASSET to specify an asset or nothing option BINARY:CASH to specify a cash or nothing option Default value: BINARY:CASH CALL Call option type flag {no value or DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY} CALL to specify a call option Default value: No default option type (neither parameter CALL nor PUT) is defined, mandatory keyword DCB Day count basis {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0, IT, JAP, NL0, NL5, W252} (see the Notes section below) DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA (period-based calculation) DCB:IT for Italian (from last coupon date to settlement date in E0 + 1 day) DCB:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) DCB:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 DCB:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 DCB:W252 for Actual Working days/252 Default value: DCB:AA 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments ExoticStructure Keyword Explanation DIVTYPE Dividend type {CONT, DISC, PROP} DIVTYPE:CONT for continuous dividends DIVTYPE:DISC for discounted dividends Default value: DIVTYPE:CONT EXM Exercise mode {A, AMER, AMERICAN, DDMMMYY{:DDMMMYY{:i}}, E, EUR, EURO} (see the Notes section below) EXM:A, EXM:AMER, or EXM:AMERICAN to specify an exotic option with an American mode EXM:DDMMMYY or EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY to specify an exotic option with a Bermudan mode EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i to specify a Composite or Quanto option with variable strike price i EXM:E, EXM:EUR, or EXM:EURO to specify an exotic option with a European mode\ Default value: EXM:EURO FXLINK Type of foreign exchange linked option {COMPO, ELFX, QUANTO} (see the Notes section below) FXLINK:COMPO to specify a Composite option FXLINK:ELFX to specify an Equity Linked Foreign Exchange option FXLINK:QUANTO to specify a Quanto option Default value: No default foreign exchanged linked option type is defined, mandatory keyword KI Knock in barrier flag {no value} (see the Notes section below) KI to specify a knock in or double knock in Barrier option Default value: No barrier is defined KIKO Knock in down-barrier and knockout up-barrier flag {no value} KIKO to specify a knock in / knockout double Barrier option Default value: No barrier is defined KO Knockout barrier flag {no value} (see the Notes section below) KO to specify a knockout or double knockout Barrier option Default value: No barrier is defined KOKI Knockout down-barrier and knock in up-barrier flag {no value} KOKI to specify a knockout / knock in double Barrier option Default value: No barrier is defined 4 August 2003 311 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide ExoticStructure 312 Keyword Explanation LADDER Barrier levels for Ladder options {i (where i is numeric)} LADDER:i to define a barrier level equal to i Default value: No barrier levels for Ladder options is defined LOOK Type of a Lookback option {SPOT, STRIKE} LOOK:SPOT to specify a Lookback Spot option LOOK:STRIKE to specify a Lookback Strike option Default value: No default Lookback option type is defined, mandatory keyword PUT Put option type flag {no value} PUT to specify a put option Default value: No default option type (neither parameter CALL nor PUT) is defined, mandatory keyword RAIN Type of a Rainbow option {MAX, MIN, SPREAD, DUAL, BEST} (see the Notes section below) RAIN:MAX to specify a best of two assets option RAIN:MIN to specify a worst of two assets option RAIN:SPREAD to specify a Spread option RAIN:DUAL to specify a Dual-Strike option RAIN:DUAL to specify a Best Of option Default value: No default Rainbow option type is defined, mandatory keyword RATEFRQ Compounding frequency parameter {1, 12, 28D, 182D, 2, 28D, 182D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, ZERO} (see the Notes section below) RATEFRQ:1 or RATEFRQ:Y for yearly RATEFRQ:12 or RATEFRQ:M for monthly RATEFRQ:182D for a compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:2 or RATEFRQ:S for semi-annual RATEFRQ:28D for a compounding every 28 days RATEFRQ:182D for a compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:364D for a compounding every 364 days RATEFRQ:4 or RATEFRQ:Q for quarterly RATEFRQ:91D for a compounding every 91 days RATEFRQ:ZERO no compounding Default value: RATEFRQ:YEARLY or RATEFRQ:1 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments ExoticStructure Keyword Explanation RATETYPE Yield type {CONT, DISC, MM, MMB, MMM, MMP, TRE, SIMPLEJAP, CMPJAP} (see the Notes section below) RATETYPE:CONT for continuous yield/rate RATETYPE:DISC for discounted yield/rate RATETYPE:MM for Money Market yield/rate RATETYPE:MMB for Money Market Bullet RATETYPE:MMM for Money Market Medium RATETYPE:MMP for Money Market Proceed RATETYPE:MMR for Money Market Direct Discounting RATETYPE:TRE for US bills Treasury RATETYPE:SIMPLEJAP for simple yield/rate RATETYPE:CMPJAP for compounded yield/rate Default value: RATETYPE:CONT REBATE Rebate amount for Barrier and double Barrier options {i, i:j (where i and j are numeric)} REBATE:i to indicate that the option holder receives the cash amount i if the Barrier option is cancelled REBATE:i:j to indicate that the option holder receives the cash amount i if the down-barrier is hit and the cash amount j if the up-barrier is hit Default value: REBATE:0 TOUCH Binary path-dependent option type {DEFERRED, NO, ONE} TOUCH:DEFERRED for a deferred One-Touch option TOUCH:NO for a No-Touch option TOUCH:ONE for a One-Touch option with immediate payment Default value: No default Binary option type is defined UI Underlying asset type {COM, CUR, FUT, SEC} UI:COM for an option on commodities UI:CUR for an option on currencies UI:FUT for an option on futures UI:SEC for an option on securities (indexes, stocks, bonds) Default value: UI:SEC 4 August 2003 313 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide ExoticStructure Notes Keyword Explanation UO Underlying option type for a Compound option {CALL, PUT} UO:CALL to specify a call option UO:PUT to specify a put option Default value: No default underlying option type is defined for Compound options, mandatory keyword WIN Start date or end date of Window Barrier options {END:DDMMMYY, START:DDMMMYY} (see the Notes section below) WIN:END:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the end date for an early-end Window Barrier WIN:START:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the start date for Forward-Start Window Barrier Default value: No default Window type is defined for Window Barrier options Topic Recommendation ExoticStructure option You must include at least the option type in the ExoticStructure, by using the CALL or PUT keywords. type 314 DCB, RATEFRQ, and RATETYPE The DCB, RATEFRQ, and RATETYPE keywords in ExoticStructure define the dividend scenario for the ReturnArray argument of Adfin Exotics functions. The same keywords in RateStructure specify the rate model properties for the RiskFreeRateArray argument. Barrier options You must specify one of the KI and KO keywords in the ExoticStructure to price Barrier options. WIN You can specify WIN either as a serial number, or by using the DDMMMYY format. Basket option with more than two assets You cannot use EXM:{A, AMER, AMERICAN} with a Basket option with more than two assets. CMT:FORM You cannot use EXM:{A, AMER, AMERICAN} with CMT:FORM. FXLINK:EFLX You cannot use EXM:{A, AMER, AMERICAN} or EXM:DDMMMYY{:DDMMMYY{:i}} with FXLINK:EFLX. CMT:TREE and NBBRANCH:3 You must use EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i with CMT:TREE and NBBRANCH:3. One day exercise period If the exercise period lasts only one day, you must specify the same date DDMMMYY in the keyword EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FormatMode Topic Recommendation SOLVER in the CalcStructure You cannot use FXLINK:EFLX if you specify SOLVER in the CalcStructure. CMT:FORM You cannot use RAIN:BEST or RAIN:DUAL with CMT:FORM. FormatMode FormatMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common module to define the formatting mode. FormatMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation ADAA Ask digits automatic adaptation {no value, NO, YES} ADAA or ADAA:YES to automatically adapt the number of digits used for the ask side if the original string can be misinterpreted ADAA:NO to disable the automatic adaptation Default value: ADAA:YES BACTRL Bid > Ask control {ASK, BID, ERR, INV, MID, NO} BACTRL:ASK to set the Bid rate to the Ask value BACTRL:BID to set the Ask rate to the Bid value BACTRL:ERR to generate an error message BACTRL:INV to set the Bid rate to the Ask value and the Ask rate to the Bid value BACTRL:MID to set the Bid and Ask rates to the Mid value BACTRL:NO to keep the original Bid and Ask rates Default value: BACTRL:MID BASEP Separator between the Bid rate and the Ask rate {any character(s), "^" standing for a space} BASEP:- to use for instance the separator "-" Default value: BASEP:^/^ 4 August 2003 315 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FormatMode Keyword Explanation BAWARN Bid > Ask warning indicator {no value, NO, YES} BAWARN or BAWARN:YES to display a star after the bid/ask string BAWARN:NO to disable the display of the star Default value: BAWARN:YES DATA Result data format {BA, ONE} DATA:BA for Bid/Ask format DATA:ONE to specify a one value format Default value: DATA:BA FD Fraction denominator {i with i as integer} FD:i to convert a decimal number to a fraction expressed with a denominator equal to i Default value: FD:1 (decimal numbers are used instead of fractions) Examples FSEP Separator between the integer component and the fractional component {any character(s), "^" standing for a space} FSEP:- to use for instance the separator "-" Default value: FSEP:^ FSHOW Fraction denominator display indicator {no value, NO, YES} FSHOW or FSHOW:YES to display the fraction denominator FSHOW:NO to disable the display of the fraction denominator Default value: FSHOW:NO SCALE Scaling factor between the real and the displayed rates {i with i as integer} SCALE:i to multiply the Bid and Ask rates by 10E+i Default value: SCALE:1 FD:32 FSHOW converts a decimal number into 32s and display the fraction denominator /32 after the integer and fractional components BASEP:^-^ BACTRL:ERR uses " - " as Bid/Ask separator and displays an error message if the Bid rate is greater than the Ask rate. 316 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FrnMode FrnMode FrnMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the attributes of the zero-coupon yield curves used in input. FrnMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation DCB Day count basis used for zero-coupon calculations {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0} DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA (period-based calculation) Default value: The value of the DCB keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category FROM Type of the input rate for FrnMargin {ASM, ATM, DM, PXA, PXC, PXG, SM, YS, YTM} FROM:ASM for the adjusted simple margin FROM:ATM for the adjusted total margin FROM:DM for the discounted margin FROM:PXA for the adjusted price FROM:PXC for the clean price FROM:PXG for the gross price FROM:SM for the simple margin FROM:YS for the yield to maturity spread FROM:YTM for the yield to maturity Default value: No default input price type is defined, mandatory keyword IAC Cash flows calculation split up into interest and principal {no value} IAC to display interest cash flows and principal cash flows into two separate columns Default value: nterest and principal added in cash flows calculation 4 August 2003 317 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnMode 318 Keyword Explanation IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: The value of the ND keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {NO, YES} OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) Default value: The value of the OBC keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category RET Return value parameter to shorten the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, Bi, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements (values only) RET:Bi with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements along with their names (header and values) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FrnMode Keyword Explanation TO Type of the output rate for FrnMargin {ASM, ATM, DM, PXA, PXC, PXG, SM, YS, YTM} TO:ASM for the adjusted simple margin TO:ATM for the adjusted total margin TO:DM for the discounted margin TO:PXA for the adjusted price TO:PXC for the clean price TO:PXG for the gross price TO:SM for the simple margin TO:YS for the yield to maturity spread TO:YTM for the yield to maturity Default value: No default output price type is defined, mandatory keyword YTM Yield type for callable/puttable FRNs {AUTO, BEST, MATURITY, WORST} YTM:AUTO to adapt the calculation of the yield to the structure (yield to maturity for a standard FRN or callable and puttable, yield to worst for callable FRN, yield to best for puttable FRN) YTM:BEST to force the calculation of the yield to best YTM:MATURITY to force the calculation of the yield to maturity YTM:WORST to force the calculation of the yield to worst Default value: YTM:AUTO ZCTYPE Input zero-coupon yield curve type {DF, RATE} ZCTYPE:DF for a discount factor yield curve ZCTYPE:RATE for a zero-coupon rate yield curve Default value: The value of the ZCTYPE keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category 4 August 2003 319 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnStructure Note Topic Recommendation FROM and TO The FROM and TO keywords are only used when performing calculations with the FrnMargin function. YS The FROM and TO keywords specify the data type of the Px argument of the FrnMargin function. When it takes the value YS (“yield to maturity spread ”), the user must know that the input yield is always expressed in the FRN frequency. LAY:H and FrnCashFlows The LAY:H keyword, which describes the result array orientation in the FrnMode argument, is mandatory when used in the FrnCashFlows function. FrnMode FrnMode is generally optional except when used as an argument in FrnMargin function. FrnStructure FROM and TO is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the structure of a floating-rate note. FROM and TO is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 320 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FrnStructure Structure Keyword Explanation FROM and TO Accrued interest calculation method {{00, A0, A5, AA, E0, MMA0, MMA5} with {:SSD} optional for each value } ACC:00 for 30/360 ACC:A0 for Actual/360 ACC:A5 for Actual/365 ACC:AA for Actual/Actual ACC:E0 for 30E/360 ACC:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 ACC:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 ACC:i:SSD for German Schuldscheindarlehen bonds where i is {00, A0, A5, AA, E0, MMA0, MMA5} Default value: ACC:00 ALIMIT Accrued interest adjustment method for Actual/360 and Actual/365 {CPN, NEXT, NO} ALIMIT:CPN to limit the accrued interest to the regular coupon value ALIMIT:NEXT to adjust the coupon subtracting the exceeding number of days ALIMIT:NO to allow the accrued interest to exceed the regular coupon value Default value: ALIMIT:NEXT AMORT Amortization pattern for sinking FRN {DDMMMYY:i with i1} AMORT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i are redeemed at the date DDMMMYY Default value: The notional principal amount is fixed during the FRN life ARND Rounding mode of the accrued interest {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:{UP, DOWN, NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:NEAR if i is specified CALL Callable FRN {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} CALL:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the FRN holds a call option which expiry date is DDMMMYY and strike clean price is i Default value: The FRN holds no call option CAP Cap coupon value {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} CAP:i to limit the coupon rate value to a maximum of i Default value: No cap value is defined 4 August 2003 321 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnStructure 322 Keyword Explanation CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, v, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) Default value: CCM:MMA0 CFADJ Cash flow adjustment method {FRN, NONE, STD} CFADJ:FRN to calculate the coupon date from the previous coupon date with calendar adjustment (see CLDR below) CFADJ:NONE to calculate the coupon date from the FRN start date without any calendar adjustment (also requires CLDR:NULL) CFADJ:STD to calculate the coupon date from the FRN start date with calendar adjustment (see CLDR below) Default value: The value of the CFADJ keyword of the "SWAP" category 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FrnStructure Keyword Explanation CLDR Calendar parameter for coupon date adjustments {calendars} (see the Notes section below) CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars used for moving coupon dates if they fall on non-working days Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) CRND Coupon rounding tick size {i (where i is numeric) (0.001=10E-3)} CRND:i for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: No rounding DATED Dated date {DDMMMYY} DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons Default value: No dated date defined DMC Date moving convention used when a calculated date falls on a non-working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving date (also requires CLDR:NULL) DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: DMC:F EMC End-of-month convention used when a calculation date falls on the last day of a month {L, LAST, S, SAME} EMC:L or EMC:LAST for setting the calculated date to the last working day Default value: EMC:L 4 August 2003 323 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnStructure 324 Keyword Explanation EY Equivalent yield parameter {1, 12, 182D, 2, 28D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, FRQ} EY:1 or EY:Y for yearly EY:12 or EY:M for monthly EY:182D for compounding every 182 days EY:2 or EY:S for semi-annual EY:28D for compounding every 28 days EY:364D for compounding every 364 days EY:4 or EY:Q for quarterly EY:91D for compounding every 91 days EY:FRQ for compounding defined by the FRQ keyword in the BondStructure Default value: The value of FRQ (of FrnStructure) FAD First amortization date {DDMMMYY} FAD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first amortization date Default value: No first amortization date defined FCV First coupon nominal value {i (where i is numeric)} v where i is the first coupon nominal rate for irregular coupons (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE) Default value: All coupons are regular so FCV has no meaning FLOOR Floor index value {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} FLOOR:i to limit the index value to a minimum of i Default value: No floor value is defined FRCD First Regular Coupon Date for odd first coupon {DDMMMYY} FRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first regular coupon date. Default value: No first regular coupon date defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FrnStructure Keyword Explanation FRQ Coupon frequency {1, 12, 182D, 2, 28D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y} FRQ:1 or FRQ:Y for yearly FRQ:12 or FRQ:M for monthly FRQ:182D for a payment every 182 days FRQ:2 or FRQ:S for semi-annual FRQ:28D for a payment every 28 days FRQ:364D for a payment every 364 days FRQ:4 or FRQ:Q for quarterly FRQ:91D for a payment every 91 days FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency of i from date DDMMMYY Default value: FRQ:4 IC Irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE or DATED) IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC first coupon Default value: IC:S1 IDX Underlying index style {index history style} IDX:index to assign an index history style to the bond Default value: No index history style is defined INTCAP Capitalizationrate of a FRN {DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY:i where i is numeric} INTCAP:DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY to set the start and end dates between which all coupons are paid and the FRN is fully capitalized. The capitalization rate is not defined INTCAP:DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY:i to set the start date, end date and capitalization rate Default value: No capitalization rate is defined ISSUE Issue date {DDMMMYY} ISSUE:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the bond issue date for irregular coupons Default value: All coupons are regular so the issue date is aligned with the maturity date on the coupon frequency 4 August 2003 325 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnStructure 326 Keyword Explanation LOCK Lockout period in settlement date calculations {iWD with i>0} (see the Notes section below) LOCK:iWD for i working days Default value: No lockout period calculation rule defined LRCD Last regular coupon date for odd last coupon {DDMMMYY, JGB} LRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the last regular coupon date LRCD:JGB to handle automatically odd last coupons for JGBs Default value: All coupons are regular so LRCD has no meaning MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for None MDADJ:P for Preceding Default value: MDADJ:N NC Normalization of the capital {YES, NO} YES for the use of the remaining capital NO for the use of the initial capital Default value: NC:NO NOTIONAL Notional principal {i (where i is numeric)} NOTIONAL:i for a notional principal equal to i units of currency Default value: NOTIONAL:1 (all results are returned in percentage i.e. for a principal equal to one unit of currency) PDELAY Payment delay {i, with i as integer} PDELAY:i to apply a payment delay of i working days after the calculation period end date Default value: PDELAY:0 PPMT Partial payment for partly paid bonds {DDMMMYY:i with i1} PPMT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i are paid at the date DDMMMYY Default value: The bond is completely paid at the issue date 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FrnStructure Keyword Explanation PUT Puttable FRN {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} PUT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the FRN holds a put option which expiry date is DDMMMYY and strike clean price is i Default value: The FRN holds no put option PXRND Rounding mode of the output price {NO} or {i (where i is numeric): {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} PXRND:NO if no rounding is requested. PXRND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: PXRND:NO if no rounding is requested PXRND:i:NEAR if i is specified QM Quoted margin for fixed margins {i (where i is numeric)} QM:i for a margin over the index equal to i Default value: No default quoted margin type is defined REFDATE Reference date in cash flow dates generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE for using the issue date as reference date. REFDATE:MATURITY for using the maturity date as reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY REPO Carrying repo rate {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} REPO:i for a rate equal to i Default value: Index rate for next coupons RP Redemption price ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RP:i for a ratio equal to i Default value: RP:1 (for 100%) RT Reimbursement type {B, C{:i}, Sj{:i} where i is numeric (1=100%) and j from 1 to 8} RT:B for bullet or in fine RT:C for constant payments RT:C:i for constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted RT:Sj for j series RT:Sj:i for j series and constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted Default value: RT:B 4 August 2003 327 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FrnStructure 328 Keyword Explanation SETTLE Settlement datecalculation rule {AUT, INTL, JAP, RSA, iD, iDF, iDM, iDN, iDP, iWD with i from 1 to 9} SETTLE:AUT for the Austrian settlement rule SETTLE:INTL for the International settlement rule SETTLE:JAP for the Japanese settlement rule SETTLE:RSA for the South-African settlement rule SETTLE:iD for i calendar days and the default date moving convention SETTLE:iDF for i calendar days and the following date moving convention SETTLE:iDM for i calendar days and the modified following date moving convention SETTLE:iDN for i calendar days and no date moving convention SETTLE:iDP for i calendar days and the preceding date moving convention SETTLE:iWD for i working days (the calendar used must also be specified using CLDR) Default value: No settlement date calculation rule defined XD Ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES, iD, iWD, AUT, DEN} XD or XD:YES to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XD:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) XD:iD for an ex-dividend period of i calendar days XD:iWD for an ex-dividend period of i working days XD:AUT for the Austrian ex-dividend period XD:DEN for the Dane ex-dividend period Default value: XD:0 YLDRND Rounding mode of the output yield {NO} i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} YLDRND:NO if no rounding is requested. YLDRND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: YLDRND:NO YLDRND:i:NEAR if i is specified 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments FxMode Notes Topic Recommendation CALL and PUT dates CALL and PUT keywords either specify dates as serial numbers, or use the DDMMMYY or default format. yield to maturity and yield to The yield to maturity and yield to maturity spread methods do not maturity spread support the CLDR keyword since they are period-based and assume that all coupon periods have the same length. LOCK:iWD has a upper limit, which is the number of days between the settlement date and the next coupon date of the bond. This limit depends on the properties of the bond. If you specify a LOCK value greater than this limit, Adfin Analytics interprets it as the upper limit and does not return an error message. LOCK:iWD FxMode FxMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Forex & MM module to customize returned values. FxMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. FxMode is generally optional. Structure Keyword Explanation BACTRL Bid > Ask control {ASK, BID, ERR, INV, MID, NO} BACTRL:ASK to set the Bid rate to the Ask value BACTRL:BID to set the Ask rate to the Bid value BACTRL:ERR to generate an error message BACTRL:INV to set the Bid rate to the Ask value and the Ask rate to the Bid value BACTRL:MID to set the Bid and Ask rates to the Mid value BACTRL:NO to keep the original Bid and Ask rates Default value: BACTRL:MID 4 August 2003 329 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide FxMode 330 Keyword Explanation DEC Decimal precision parameter for cross rates and swap points {no value, i with i as integer} DEC to use the values defined in the cross currency database (or the default values for unlisted cross currencies) DEC:i with i from 0 to 9 to force the precision to a given number of decimals Default value: No precision is defined (the raw value is used) FROM Date calculation origin {MMSPOT, MMTRADE, FXSPOT, FXTRADE} FROM:MMSPOT to use the spot date as origin and the Money market spot offset FROM:MMTRADE to use the trading date as origin and the Money market spot offset FROM:FXSPOT to use the spot date as origin and the Forex market spot offset FROM:FXTRADE to use the trading date as origin and the Forex market spot offset Default value: FROM:FXTRADE IGNR Ignore ratios flag {NO, YES} IGNR:NO to apply quotation units and swap point ratios in calculations IGNR:YES to ignore quotation units and swap point ratios and thus use directly raw values Default value: IGNR:NO LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR QM1 Quotation mode of the first currency versus the base currency when different from USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM1:DIRECT for direct quotation QM1:INDIRECT for indirect quotation Default value: QM1:DIRECT QM2 Quotation mode of the second currency versus the base currency when different from USD {DIRECT, INDIRECT} QM2:DIRECT for direct quotation QM2:INDIRECT for indirect quotation Default value: QM2:DIRECT 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments HistoryMode Keyword Explanation RES Expected result {SWP12, SWPCUR, DEP1, DEP2, DEPCUR, DEPUSD} RES:SWP12 to calculate the cross swap point RES:SWPCUR to calculate the currency swap point against USD RES:DEP1 to calculate the first currency deposit rate RES:DEP2 to calculate the second currency deposit rate RES:DEPCUR to calculate the currency deposit rate RES:DEPUSD to calculate the USD deposit rate Default value: No expected result is defined RET Return value parameter to shorten the data returned by array functions {Ai, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first elements RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only Default value: No expected result is defined HistoryMode The HistoryMode argument is used in the “RtHistory” and “RtHistoryInfo” functions to customize the return array. HistoryMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. Structure Keyword Explanation HEADER Array header parameter for “RtHistory” {no value, NO, YES} HEADER or HEADER:YES includes the field labels and the instrument name in the array HEADER:NO specifies that field labels and the instrument name are not included in the array Default value: HEADER:NO 4 August 2003 331 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide HistoryMode Keyword Explanation LAY Layout or orientation parameter for the array returned by “RtHistory” and “RtHistoryInfo” {HOR, VER} LAY:HOR specifies that instrument codes are returned on a row. LAY:VER specifies that instrument codes are returned in a column. Default value: LAY:HOR NULL Specifies the processing of null values for history dates in “RtHistory” {NA, REPEAT, SKIP} NULL:NA to display “N/A ND” for null fields NULL:REPEAT to repeat the first preceding data with no null field (if existing) NULL:SKIP to skip the dates with any null field] Default value: NULL:NA Notes RES Result type for “RtHistoryInfo” {ARRAY, STRING} RES:ARRAY for an array with one field name in each cell RES:STRING for a single string listing all comma-separated fields’ names Default value: RES:STRING RET Return array size for “RtHistory” {Ai with i as integer} RET:Ai to get an array of i data points Default value: No array size is defined (#N/A may appear in unused cells of selected range) SORT List sorting order of the time series for “RtHistory” {ASC, DESC} SORT:ASC for ascending, i.e. oldest first SORT:DESC for descending, i.e. most recent first Default value: SORT:DESC ZERO Dates with zero data processing in “RtHistory”{NA, REPEAT, SKIP} ZERO:NA to display “0” for zero fields ZERO:REPEAT to repeat the first preceding data with no zero field (if existing) ZERO:SKIP to skip the dates with any zero field Default value: ZERO:NA Topic Recommendation NULL keyword NULL keyword only defines how dates with null data are handled. Dates before the time series start date or after the time series end date are always ignored. 332 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments HistoryStructure Topic Recommendation EVENTS When you define the number of data points to retrieve in the “HistoryStructure” argument using the EVENTS keyword, dates with null data are counted with NULL:NA and NULL:REPEAT, and ignored with NULL:SKIP. keyword HistoryStructure The HistoryStructure argument is used in the “RtHistory” function to define the range of dates between which historical data are retrieved. HistoryStructure is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword possibly followed by a colon (":") and the value of the parameter. Spaces should be used to separate the parameters in the string. The range of dates can be defined in three ways: • • • the start date and the end date between which data points are retrieved the end date and the number of data points retrieved from the date backward in time the start date and the number of data points retrieved from the date forward in time With all the above methods, the number of dates actually returned depends on the retrieval frequency. You may choose to retrieve all available dates, i.e. daily data, or select a monthly or yearly frequency. Structure Keyword Explanation END End date of the time series {DDMMMYY} END:DDMMMYY to retrieve data up to the date DDMMMYY (see the section Supported Data Formats below.) Default value: Current date EVENTS Exact number of historical data retrieved {i with i as integer} EVENTS:i to retrieve i data points Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 333 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide HistoryStructure Keyword Explanation FRQ Frequency of the time series {D, W, M, other} FRQ:D for daily data FRQ:W for weekly data FRQ:M for monthly data FRQ:other where ‘other ’ is a letter standing for any supported frequency Default value: FRQ enables you to support all data frequencies supported in the historical datafeed FRQ:D Supported Date Formats • • • • NBEVENTS Number of historical data retrieved {i with i as integer} NBEVENTS:i to retrieve i data points Default value: NBEVENTS:25 with a daily frequency (FRQ:D) NBEVENTS:52 with a weekly frequency (FRQ:W) NBEVENTS:12 with a monthly frequency (FRQ:M) NBEVENTS:25 with any other frequency (FRQ:other) START Start date of the time series {DDMMMYY} START:DDMMMYY to retrieve data from the date DDMMMYY Default value: No start date is defined A serial number (e.g. 35360). DDMMMYY (e.g. 22OCT96). YYYYMMDD (e.g. 19961022). Either DD/MM/YY (e.g. 22/10/96), or MM/DD/YY (e.g. 10/22/96), or YY/MM/DD (e.g. 96/10/22) depending on the date format in the platform default settings. Dates specified with any other format are misinterpreted, which can lead to an error in the function. Notes Topic Recommendation START If you do not specify the START keyword or the END keyword, data is retrieved backwards from the current date. Start and end dates 334 If the data available for the time series does not cover the start date, the earliest data point is used as the start of the retrieved series. Similarly, if the available data do not extend up to the end date, the most recent data point is used as the end. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IlbMode Topic Recommendation FRQ FRQ enables you to support all data frequencies supported in the historical datafeed. Use EVENTS:i NULL:SKIP instead of NBEVENTS:i NULL:SKIP You must use EVENTS:i NULL:SKIP instead of NBEVENTS:i NULL:SKIP if certain dates have no processed data. RtHistory does not return the expected number of data points specified by EVENTS, but the number of data points specified by NBEVENTS minus the number of skipped data points which is the exact number of historical data retrieved. IlbMode IlbMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the calculation mode. IlbMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation CF Cash flow mode {CLDR, NULL, WE} CF:CLDR for the calendar defined by the keyword CLDR (if no calendar is defined, CLDR:WEEKEND is used) CF:NULL for the calendar NULL CF:WE for the calendar WEEKEND Default value: CF:NULL CMP Compounding frequency {EY, YEARLY} CMP:EY for using the frequency defined by the EY keyword CMP:YEARLY for a yearly frequency Default value: CMP:EY 4 August 2003 335 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IlbMode 336 Keyword Explanation EY Equivalent yield parameter {1, 12, 2, 4, Q, M, S, Y} EY:1 or EY:Y for yearly EY:2 or EY:S for semi-annual EY:4 or EY:Q for quarterly EY:12 or EY:M for monthly Default value: EY:1 IAY Inflation-adjusted yield flag {NO, YES} IAY:NO not to adjust the yield to maturity with inflation IAY:YES to adjust the yield to maturity with inflation Default value: IAY:NO ICF Inflation adjustment method {ALL, IO, NONE, PO} ICF:ALL to adjust with inflation both interest and redemption cash flows ICF:IO to adjust with inflation only interest cash flows ICF:NONE to adjust with inflation none of the cash flows ICF:PO to adjust with inflation only the redemption cash flow Default value: ICF:ALL LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR PX Price type parameter {C, G} PX:C for clean price PX:G for gross price Default value: PX:G 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IlbStructure Keyword Explanation YCM Yield calculation method {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0} YCM:00 for 30/360 YCM:A0 for Actual/360 YCM:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based) YCM:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based) YCM:A5 for Actual/365 YCM:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based) YCM:AA for Actual/Actual YCM:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA Default value: YCM:AA RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, Bi, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements (values only) RET:Bi with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements along with their names (header and values) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only IlbStructure IlbStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Bonds module to define the structure of an index-linked bond. IlbStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 337 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IlbStructure Structure 338 Keyword Explanation ACC Accrued interest calculation method {{00, A0, A5, AA, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} with {:SSD} optional for each value } ACC:00 for 30/360 ACC:A0 for Actual/360 ACC:A5 for Actual/365 ACC:AA for Actual/Actual ACC:E0 for 30E/360 ACC:IT for Italian (from last coupon date to settlement date in E0 + 1 day) ACC:IT2 for Italian modified (from last coupon date to settlement date + 1 day in E0) ACC:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) ACC:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 ACC:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 ACC:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 ACC:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 ACC:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 ACC:W252 for Actual Working days/252 ACC:i:SSD for German Schuldscheindarlehen bonds where i is {00, A0, A5, AA, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} Default value: ACC:AA ARND Rounding mode of the accrued interest {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:NEAR if i is specified BRI Base reference index {i (where i is numeric)} BRI:i for a base reference index equal to i Default value: BRI:100 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IlbStructure Keyword Explanation CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, 00D, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values CLDR Calendar parameter for coupon date adjustments {calendar style} CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars to a bond for cash flows date adjustment Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) CRND Coupon rounding tick size {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} CRND:NO if no rounding is requested. CRND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: CRND:NO 4 August 2003 339 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IlbStructure 340 Keyword Explanation DATED Dated date {DDMMMYY} (see the Notes section below) DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons Default value: The dated date is the issue date of the bond EMC End-of-month convention {LAST, SAME, L28} EMC:LAST for last EMC:SAME for same EMC:L28 to match Hong Kong bond requirements: They ignore the 29th of February for cash flow payment. This affects semi-annual bonds maturing on the 31st of August. Coupons are paid every 31st of August and every 28th of February. In case of a leap year the cash flow is still paid the 28th and not the 29th Default value: EMC:LAST FRCD First Regular Coupon Date for odd first coupon {DDMMMYY} (see the Notes section below) FRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first regular coupon date Default value: No first regular coupon date is defined FRQ Frequency of the coupon payments {i {28D, 91D, 182D,364D, 1, 2, 4, 12}} (see the Notes section below) FRQ:28D to define a coupon payment every 28 days from the maturity date FRQ:91D to define a coupon payment every 91 days from the maturity date FRQ:182D to define a coupon payment every 182 days from the maturity date FRQ:364D to define a coupon payment every 364 days from the maturity date FRQ:1 to define an annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:2 to define a semi-annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:4 to define a quarterly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:12 to define a monthly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency of i from date DDMMMYY Default value: FRQ:1 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IlbStructure Keyword Explanation IC Irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (see the Notes section below) (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE or DATED) IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to the second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to the first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to the first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC first coupon Default value: IC:S1 ICF Inflation adjustment method {ALL, IO, NONE, PO} ICF:ALL to adjust both interest and redemption cash flows with inflation ICF:IO to adjust interest cash flows only with inflation ICF:NONE to adjust neither of the cash flows with inflation ICF:PO to adjust the redemption cash flow only with inflation Default value: ICF:ALL ICM Daily inflation reference and coupon calculation method {AUS , INTERP, PREVIOUS} ICM:AUS for Australian index-linked bonds ICM:INTERP for Canadian, French, Swedish and US index-linked bonds ICM:PREVIOUS for UK index-linked bonds Default value: ICM:INTERP IDX Underlying index style {index history style} IDX:index to assign the index history style to the bond Default value: No index history style is defined INTCAP Capitalization rate of an index-linked bond {DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY:i where i is numeric} INTCAP:DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY to set the start and end dates between which all coupons are paid and the index-linked bond is fully capitalized. The capitalization rate is not defined INTCAP:DDMMYYYY:DDMMYYYY:i to set the start date, end date and capitalization rate Default value: No capitalization rate is defined 4 August 2003 341 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IlbStructure 342 Keyword Explanation IRND Index rounding tick size {i (where i is numeric)} IRND:i for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: No rounding ISSUE Issue date {DDMMMYY} (see the Notes section below) ISSUE:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the bond issue date for irregular coupons Default value: All coupons are regular so the issue date is aligned with the maturity date on the coupon frequency LBM Number of lookback months {i with i as integer} LBM:i for i lookback months Default value: LBM:3 LRCD Last regular coupon date for odd last coupon {DDMMMYY, JGB} LRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the last regular coupon date LRCD:JGB to automatically handle odd last coupons for JGBs Default value: All coupons are regular so LRCD has no meaning NC Normalization of the capital {YES, NO} YES to use the remaining capital NO to use the initial capital Default value: NC:NO MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for None MDADJ:P for Preceding Default value: MDADJ:N NOTIONAL Notional principal {i (where i is numeric)} NOTIONAL:i for a notional principal equal to i units of currency Default value: NOTIONAL:1 (all results are returned as a percentage, that is for a principal equal to one unit of currency) PRG Par redemption guarantee {NO, YES} PRG:NO to specify a redemption less than par in case of deflation PRG:YES to specify a redemption equal to par in case of deflation Default value: PRG:NO 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IlbStructure Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.0 Keyword Explanation PXRND Rounding mode of the output price {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} PXRND:NO if no rounding is requested. PXRND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: PXRND:NO if no rounding is requested PXRND:i:NEAR if i is specified REFDATE Reference date in cash flow dates generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE to use the issue date as reference date. REFDATE:MATURITY to use the maturity date as reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY RP Redemption price ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} vfor a ratio equal to i Default value: RP:1 (for 100%) XD Ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES, iD, iWD, AUT, DEN} XD or XD:YES to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XD:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) XD:iD for an ex-dividend period of i calendar days XD:iWD for an ex-dividend period of i working days XD:AUT for the Austrian ex-dividend period XD:DEN for the Dane ex-dividend period Default value: XD:0 To match results in Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.0, you must use the following default configurations Is NOTIONAL used? Are AMORT and PPMT used? RT has the value NC has the value YES NO B NO YES - Unique value YES B NO NO YES B YES for sinking funds NO for LATAM bonds NO NO C or S YES All other configurations are impossible. 4 August 2003 343 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IndexHistoryStructure IndexHistoryStructure IndexHistoryStructure is used as argument in the AdStyleSet function of the Adfin Common module. It defines the underlying structure of index history styles. IndexHistoryStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Default Value 344 Keyword Explanation AVG Index compounding method {ARI, CMP, MCA, NONE} AVG:ARI for arithmetic average AVG:CMP for daily compounded average AVG:MCA for monthly compounded average AVG:NONE for no compounding method PERIOD Index calculation period {ON, TN} PERIOD:ON for overnight calculation PERIOD:TN for Tom/Next calculation RND Rounding decimals for the compounded settlement rate calculation {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} RND:0 for 0-decimal rounding RND:1 for 1-decimal rounding RND:2 for 2-decimal rounding RND:3 for 3-decimal rounding RND:4 for 4-decimal rounding RND:5 for 5-decimal rounding RND:6 for 6-decimal rounding RIC Reuters Instrument Code (RIC) for the index {RIC name} RIC:RIC name for the instrument YB Money market year basis {360, 365} YB:360 for a 360-day year YB:365 for a 365-day year No default values are available. 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments InterpMode InterpMode InterpMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common module to define the interpolation mode. InterpMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves Default value: IM:LIN LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {HOR, VER} LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: ND:NO OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {NO, YES} OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) Default value: OBC:NO 4 August 2003 345 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IrsStructure IrsStructure IrsStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Swaps module to define the structure of an interest rate swap. IrsStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 346 Keyword Explanation ACC Accrued interest calculation method {{00, A0, A5, AA, BB00, BBA5, BBW252, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} with {:SSD} optional for each value} ACC:00 for 30/360 ACC:A0 for Actual/360 ACC:A5 for Actual/365 ACC:AA for Actual/Actual ACC:BB00 for Brazilian 30/360 ACC:BBA5 for Brazilian Actual/365 ACC:BBW252 for Brazilian Actual Working days/252 ACC:E0 for 30E/360 ACC:IT for Italian (from last coupon date to settlement date in E0 + 1 day) ACC:IT2 for Italian modified (from last coupon date to settlement date + 1 day in E0) ACC:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) ACC:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 ACC:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 ACC:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 ACC:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 ACC:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 ACC:W252 for Actual Working days/252 ACC:i:SSD for German Schuldscheindarlehen asset swaps where i is {00, A0, A5, AA, BB00, BBA5, BBW252, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} Default value: ACC:AA AMORT Amortization pattern for sinking funds {DDMMMYY:i with i<=1} AMORT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i is redeemed at the date DDMMMYY Default value: No amortization pattern defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IrsStructure Keyword Explanation ARND Rounding mode of the accrued interest {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: ARND:NO if no rounding is specified ARND:i:NEAR if i is specified CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, 00D, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) Default value: CCM:BBE0 for the fixed leg, or CCM:MMA0 for the floating leg CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values Default value: CFADJ:NO 4 August 2003 347 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IrsStructure 348 Keyword Explanation CLDR Calendar parameter for coupon date adjustments {calendars} CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars used for moving coupon dates if they fall on non-working days Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) CRND Coupon rounding tick size {i (where i is numeric) (0.001=10E-3)} CRND:i for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: CRND:NO DATED Dated date for asset swaps combined with bonds with an irregular first coupon {DDMMMYY} DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons) Default value: The dated date for the fixed leg is the start date of the swap DMC Date moving convention used when a calculated date falls on a non-working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: The value of the DMC keyword of the "IRS" category EMC End-of-month convention used when a calculation date falls on the last day of a month {L, LAST, S, SAME} EMC:L or EMC:LAST for setting the calculated date to the last working day EMC:S or EMC:SAME for setting the calculated date to the same day (in this latter case, the date may be moved according to the date moving convention if it is a non-working day) Default value: The value of the EMC keyword of the "IRS" category FAD First amortization date {DDMMMYY} FAD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first amortization date Default value: No first amortization date defined FCV First coupon nominal value {i (where i is numeric)} FCV:i where i is the first coupon nominal rate for irregular coupons Default value: All coupons are regular so FCV has no meaning 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments IrsStructure Keyword Explanation FRCD First Regular Coupon Date for odd first coupon {DDMMMYY} FRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first regular coupon date Default value: No first regular coupon date defined FRQ Frequency of the coupon payments {i {28D, 91D, 182D,364D, 1, 2, 4, 12}} FRQ:28D to define a coupon payment every 28 days from the maturity date FRQ:91D to define a coupon payment every 91 days from the maturity date FRQ:182D to define a coupon payment every 182 days from the maturity date FRQ:364D to define a coupon payment every 364 days from the maturity date FRQ:1 to define an annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:2 to define a semi-annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:4 to define a quarterly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:12 to define a monthly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency.of i from date DDMMMYY Default value: FRQ:1 IC Irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using ISSUE or DATED) IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC first coupon Default value: IC:S1 IDX Underlying index style for an OIS {index history style} IDX:index to assign the index history styleto the swap Default value: No default value is defined LBOTH Swap attribute specification flag {no value} LBOTH to specify that the following keywords apply to both legs Default value: No default value is defined LFIXED Fixed leg attribute flag {no value} LFIXED to specify that the following keywords apply to the fixed leg only Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 349 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide IrsStructure 350 Keyword Explanation LFLOAT Floating leg attribute flag {no value} LFLOAT to specify that the following keywords apply to the floating leg only Default value: No default value is defined LRCD Last regular coupon date for odd last coupon {DDMMMYY, JGB} LRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the last regular coupon date LRCD:JGB to handle automatically odd last coupons for JGBs Default value: All coupons are regular so LRCD has no meaning MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for None MDADJ:P for Preceding Default value: MDADJ:N NOTIONAL Notional principal for amortizing swaps {i, DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} NOTIONAL:i for a principal equal to i units of currency NOTIONAL:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the principal is equal to i at the date DDMMMYY Default value: NOTIONAL:1 (all results are returned in percentage i.e. for a principal equal to one unit of currency, with a principal constant throughout the life of the swap) PAID Type of the paid leg {FIXED, FLOAT} PAID:FIXED to define that the fixed rate is paid (and the floating rate received) PAID:FLOAT to define that the floating rate is paid (and the fixed rate received) Default value: PDELAY Payment delay {i, with i as integer} PDELAY:i to apply a payment delay of i working days after the calculation period end date Default value: PDELAY:0 PPMT Partial payment for asset swaps {DDMMMYY:i with i<=1} PPMT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i are paid at the date DDMMMYY Default value: The asset swap is completely paid at the issue date 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments OpMode Keyword Explanation REFDATE Reference date in cash flow dates generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE for using the issue date as reference date. REFDATE:MATURITY for using the maturity date as reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY RP Redemption price ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RP:i for a ratio equal to i Default value: RP:0 (the redemption cash flow is ignored for standard swaps) RT Reimbursement type {B, C{:i}, Sj{:i} where i is numeric (1=100%) and j from 1 to 8, P} RT:B for bullet or in fine RT:C for constant payments RT:C:i for constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted RT:Sj for j series RT:Sj:i for j series and constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted Default value: RT:B SPREAD Spread {DDMMMYY:i} SPREAD:DDMMMYY:i for a spread of i applicable to the floating rate as of DDMMMYY Default value: SPREAD:0 XD Ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES, iD, iWD, AUT, DEN} XD or XD:YES to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XD:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) XD:iD for an ex-dividend period of i calendar days XD:iWD for an ex-dividend period of i working days XD:AUT for the Austrian ex-dividend period XD:DEN for the Dane ex-dividend period Default value: XD:0 OpMode OpMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Options module to customize returned values. 4 August 2003 351 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OpMode OpMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 352 Keyword Explanation FRQ Observation frequency {D, DAILY, M, MONTHLY, W, WEEKLY, Y, YEARLY} FRQ:D or FRQ:DAILY for daily observation FRQ:M or FRQ:MONTHLY for monthly observation FRQ:W or FRQ:WEEKLY for weekly observation FRQ:Y or FRQ:YEARLY for yearly observation Default value: FRQ:D HVM Historical volatility method {C, HL} HVM:C or HVM:CLOSE for the close prices method HVM:HL for the high and low prices method (this method requires FRQ:D) Default value: HVM:C LAY Layout parameter for the input array(s) orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:V 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments OpMode Examples Keyword Explanation RES Expected result {D, DELTA, FDELTA, FRHO, FTHETA, FVEGA, G, GAMMA, R, RHO, T, THETA, V, VEGA} RES:D or RES:DELTA to calculate the delta ratio (sensitivity of the premium to the change of the underlying price) RES:G or RES:GAMMA to calculate the gamma ratio (sensitivity of the delta ratio to the change of the underlying price) RES:FDELTA to calculate the delta ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:FRHO to calculate the rho ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:FTHETA to calculate the theta ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:FVEGA to calculate the vega ratio in the foreign currency (for currency options) RES:R or RES:RHO to calculate the rho ratio (sensitivity of the premium to the market interest rates) RES:T or RES:THETA to calculate the theta ratio (sensitivity of the premium to the reduction of the option remaining life) RES:V or RES:VEGA to calculate the vega ratio (sensitivity of the premium to the underlying volatility) Default value: No default value is defined RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, Bi, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements (values only) RET:Bi with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements along with their names (header and values) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only Default value: No default value is defined YB Number of days in a year or year basis { i with i as integer} Default value: No default value is defined "FRQ:W HVM:HL" Calculates the historical volatility from weekly high and low prices. "LAY:H" Allows the use of a horizontal array for an array input parameter. 4 August 2003 353 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OptionStructure OptionStructure OptionStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Options module to define the structure of a standard option. OptionStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation CALL Call option type flag {no value} CALL to specify a call option Default value: No standard option type (neither parameter CALL nor PUT) is defined CAP Strike value of a capped option {i, where i is numeric} CAP:i to specify the cap strike value Default value: No default value is defined CLDR Calendar parameter for expiry date and dividend date adjustments {calendars} CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars used for moving dividend dates if they fall on non-working days (see DMC and example below) Default value: No dividend adjustment is made (calendar NULL) CONVRATIO Conversion ratio {i} CONVRATIO:i to indicate that the conversion ratio is equal to i Default value: 1 354 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments OptionStructure Keyword Explanation DCB Day count basis {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0, JAP, NL0, NL5, W252} (see the Notes section below) DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) DCB:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 DCB:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 DCB:W252 for Actual Working days/252 Default value: No DELIV Delivery date {DDMMMYY} (see the Notes section below) DELIV:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the delivery date if different from the expiry date (such as for currency options) Default value: The delivery date is equal to the expiry date DILUTION Dilution flag {YES, NO, i} DILUTION: YES to take the dilution into account DILUTION: NO to ignore it DILUTION: i where i is the dilution factor as a percentage Default value: NO DIV Dividend payment {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} DIV:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that the underlying pays at the date DDMMMYY a dividend payment equal to i Default value: The underlying pays no discrete dividend 4 August 2003 355 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide OptionStructure Keyword Explanation DIVTYPE Dividend type {CONT, DISC, FIXED, PROP} (see the Notes section below) DIVTYPE:CONT for continuous dividends DIVTYPE:DISC for discounted dividends DIVTYPE:FIXED for fixed dividends DIVTYPE:PROP for proportional dividends Default value: DIVTYPE:CONT DMC Date moving convention used when an expiry date or a dividend date falls on a non-working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL to move the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD to move the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: DMC:NO EXM Exercise mode {A, AMER, AMERICAN, :DDMMMYY{:DDMMMYY{:i}} E, EUR, EURO} (see the Notes section below) EXM:A, EXM:AMER, or EXM:AMERICAN to specify a Vanilla option with an American mode EXM:DDMMMYY or EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY to specify a Vanilla option with a Bermudan mode EXM:DDMMMYY:DDMMMYY:i to specify a Vanilla option or warrant with variable strike price i EXM:E, EXM:EUR, or EXM:EURO to specify a European option Default value: EXM:EURO NBSTOCK Number of shares outstanding {i} Default value: NBSTOCK:0 NBWARRANT Number of warrants {i} Default value: NBWARRANT:0 PUT 356 Put option type flag {no value} PUT to specify a put option Default value: No standard option type (neither parameter CALL nor PUT) is defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments OptionStructure Keyword Explanation RATEFRQ Compounding frequency parameter {1, 12, 28D, 182D, 2, 28D, 182D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, ZERO} (see the Notes section below) RATEFRQ:1 or RATEFRQ:Y for yearly RATEFRQ:12 or RATEFRQ:M for monthly RATEFRQ:182D for compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:2 or RATEFRQ:S for semi-annual RATEFRQ:28D for compounding every 28 days RATEFRQ:182D for compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:364D for compounding every 364 days RATEFRQ:4 or RATEFRQ:Q for quarterly RATEFRQ:91D for compounding every 91 days RATEFRQ:ZERO no compounding Default value: RATEFRQ:YEARLY or RATEFRQ:1 RATETYPE Yield type {CONT, DISC, MM, MMB, MMM, MMP, TRE, SIMPLEJAP, CMPJAP} (see the Notes section below) RATETYPE:CONT for continuous yield/rate RATETYPE:DISC for discounted yield/rate RATETYPE:MM for Money Market yield/rate RATETYPE:MMB for Money Market Bullet RATETYPE:MMM for Money Market Medium RATETYPE:MMP for Money Market Proceed RATETYPE:MMR for Money Market Direct Discounting RATETYPE:TRE for US bills Treasury RATETYPE:SIMPLEJAP for simple yield/rate RATETYPE:CMPJAP for compounded yield/rate Default value: RATETYPE:CONT SPOT Spot date {DDMMMYY} (see the Notes section below) SPOT:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the spot date if different from the trade date (such as for currency options) Default value: The spot date is equal to the calculation date 4 August 2003 357 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide ParseMode Keyword Explanation UI Underlying asset type {COM, CUR, FUT, SEC} (see the Notes section below) UI:COM for an option on commodities UI:CUR for an option on currencies UI:FUT for an option on futures UI:SEC for an option on securities (indexes, stocks, bonds) Default value: UI:SEC ParseMode ParseMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common module to define the parsing mode. ParseMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure 358 Keyword Explanation FD Fraction denominator {i with i as integer} FD:i to convert a fraction expressed with a denominator equal to i to a decimal number Default value: FD:64 when a fraction is detected using PDT:BOND FD:1 otherwise LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {HOR, VER} LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:HOR LEN Number of characters of the substring to parse {i with i as integer} LEN:i to use i characters of the data string for the parsing Default value: Length of the data string 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RateMode Example Keyword Explanation PDF Parsing data format when using PDT:FXSWP {AB, AUTO, BA, ONE} PDF:AB to control that the data is displayed using the Ask/Bid format PDF:AUTO to adapt the Bid/Ask formatted data to have Bid<Ask PDF:BA to control that the data is displayed using the Bid/Ask format PDF:ONE to control that there is a unique data Default value: PDF:AUTO PDT Parsing data type {BOND, GEN, FXSWP} PDT:BOND to parse a bond yield or price PDT:GEN to parse a general money market rate PDT:FXSWP to parse a currency swap point Default value: PDT:BOND if FD is included PDT:GEN otherwise POS Position of the first character of the substring to parse {i with i as integer} POS:i to start parsing the data string from character #i Default value: POS:1 “PDF:AB PDT:FXSWP” defines the data to parse as a currency swap point displayed in the Ask/Bid format. RateMode RateMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin TermStructure module to customize returned values. RateMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 359 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RateMode Structure 360 Keyword Explanation BWB Bid with bid calculation for AdDepToFraBA {NO, YES} BWB:NO to use an arbitrage method which mixes the bid and ask rates for the FRA calculation BWB:YES to work separately on the bid and ask rates for the FRA calculation Default value: BWB:NO FROM Type of the input rate for AdRateConv {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0, IAM, MMA0, MMA5} FROM:00 for 30/360 FROM:A0 for Actual/360 FROM:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) FROM:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) FROM:A5 for Actual/365 FROM:A5D for Actual/365 (daily compounding) FROM:AA for Actual/Actual FROM:CONT for continuous FROM:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 FROM:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 FROM:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 FROM:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 FROM:DF for discount factor FROM:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA FROM:IAM for interest at maturity FROM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 FROM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined, mandatory keyword LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {HOR, VER} LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: The value of the LAY keyword of the "YC" category OFFSET Offset to add to FRA prices for AdDepToFraBA {i, with i as integer} OFFSET:i to add an offset of i basis points (1 basis point = 0.01%) to both bid and ask rates Default value: No offset is applied 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RateMode Keyword Explanation R1 Type of the first rate for AdDepToFra or AdDepToFraBA {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0,IAM, MMA0, MMA5} R1:00 for 30/360 R1:A0 for Actual/360 R1:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) R1:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) R1:A5 for Actual/365 R1:A5D for Actual/365 (daily compounding) R1:AA for Actual/Actual R1:CONT for continuous R1:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 R1:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 R1:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 R1:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 R1:DF for discount factor R1:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA R1:IAM for interest at maturity R1:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 R1:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 361 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RateMode 362 Keyword Explanation R2 Type of the calculated rate for AdDepToFra or AdDepToFraBA {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0, IAM, MMA0, MMA5} R2:00 for 30/360 R2:A0 for Actual/360 R2:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) R2:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) R2:A5 for Actual/365 R2:A5D for Actual/365 (daily compounding) R2:AA for Actual/Actual R2:CONT for continuous R2:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 R2:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 R2:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 R2:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 R2:DF for discount factor R2:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA R2:IAM for interest at maturity R2:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 R2:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RateMode Keyword Explanation R3 Type of the second rate for AdDepToFra or AdDepToFraBA {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0, IAM, MMA0, MMA5} R3:00 for 30/360 R3:A0 for Actual/360 R3:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) R3:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) R3:A5 for Actual/365 R3:A5D for Actual/365 (daily compounding) R3:AA for Actual/Actual R3:CONT for continuous R3:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 R3:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 R3:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 R3:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 R3:DF for discount factor R3:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA R3:IAM for interest at maturity R3:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 R3:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 363 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RateMode 364 Keyword Explanation RATES Type of all rates for AdDepToFra or AdDepToFraBA {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0, IAM, MMA0, MMA5} RATES:00 for 30/360 RATES:A0 for Actual/360 RATES:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) RATES:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) RATES:A5 for Actual/365 RATES:A5D for Actual/365 (daily compounding) RATES:AA for Actual/Actual RATES:CONT for continuous RATES:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 RATES:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 RATES:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 RATES:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 RATES:DF for discount factor RATES:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA RATES:IAM for interest at maturity RATES:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 RATES:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RateStructure Keyword Explanation TO Type of the output rate for AdRateConv {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, CONT, DAYA0, DAYA5, DISCA0, DISCA5, DF, E0, IAM, MMA0, MMA5} TO:00 for 30/360 TO:A0 for Actual/360 TO:A0D for Actual/360 (daily compounding) TO:A25D for Actual/365.25 (daily compounding) TO:A5 for Actual/365 TO:A5D for Actual/365 (daily compounding) TO:AA for Actual/Actual TO:CONT for continuous TO:DAYA0 for daily Actual/360 TO:DAYA5 for daily Actual/365 TO:DISCA0 for discount Actual/360 TO:DISCA5 for discount Actual/365 TO:DF for discount factor TO:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA TO:IAM for interest at maturity TO:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 TO:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined, mandatory keyword RateStructure RateMode is used as argument in Adfin Analytics functions to define the rate model for pricing instruments. RateMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 4 August 2003 365 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RateStructure Structure Keyword Explanation CLDRADJ Cash flow date adjustment according to a calendar {NO, NULL, WE, CLDR} CLDRADJ:NO for analytic pricing (i.e. from the bond structure) CLDRADJ:NULL for cash flow pricing using the calendar NULL CLDRADJ:WEEKEND for cash flow pricing using the calendar WEEKEND CLDRADJ:CLDR for cash flow pricing using the calendar defined by the keyword CLDR (if no calendar is defined, CLDRADJ:WEEKEND is used) Default value: The value of the CLDRADJ keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category CURVESHIFT Specifies the shift value {i, where i is a float expressed as real value} (see the Notes section below) CURVESHIFT:i means that a shift of i applies to the yield curve Default value: No shift is defined DCB 366 Day count basis {00, 05, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0, JAP, NL0, NL5, W252} (see the Notes section below) DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:05 for 30/365 (period-base calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) DCB:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 DCB:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 DCB:W252 for Actual Working days/252 Default value: The value of the DCB keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RateStructure Keyword Explanation EY Equivalent yield parameter {1, 12, 180D5, 182D, 2, 28D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, FRQ} EY:1 or EY:Y for yearly EY:12 or EY:M for monthly EY:180D5 for compounding every 180 days on a 365 year basis EY:182D for compounding every 182 days EY:2 or EY:S for semi-annual EY:28D for compounding every 28 days EY:364D for compounding every 364 days EY:4 or EY:Q for quarterly EY:91D for compounding every 91 days EY:FRQ for compounding defined by the FRQ keyword in the BondStructure Default value: The value of the EY keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category IMVOL Interpolation method on volatility {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves Default value: IMVOL:LIN 4 August 2003 367 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RateStructure 368 Keyword Explanation LLP Linear last periods parameter {00{:i}, A0{:i}, A5{:i}, AA{:i}, E0{:i}, NO, with i as integer OR as EY {Y, M, 182D, S, 28D, 364D, Q, 91D}} LLP:00 for 30/360 for the last period only LLP:00:i for 30/360 for the i last periods LLP:00:{Y, M, 182D, S, 28D, 364D, Q, 91D} for 30/360 for a last period of the specified length LLP:A0 for Actual/360 for the last period only LLP:A0:i for Actual/360 for the i last periods LLP:A0:{Y, M, 182D, S, 28D, 364D, Q, 91D} for Actual/360 for a last period of the specified length LLP:A5 for Actual/365 for the last period only LLP:A5:i for Actual/365 for the i last periods LLP:A5:{Y, M, 182D, S, 28D, 364D, Q, 91D} for Actual/360 for a last period of the specified length LLP:AA for Actual/Actual for the last period only LLP:AA:i for Actual/Actual for the i last periods LLP:AA:{Y, M, 182D, S, 28D, 364D, Q, 91D} for Actual/Actual for a last period of the specified length LLP:E0 for 30E/360 for the last period only LLP:E0:i for 30E/360 for the i last periods LLP:E0:{Y, M, 182D, S, 28D, 364D, Q, 91D} for 30E/360 a last period of the specified length LLP:NO for defining no special processing of the last period(s) Default value: LLP:NO MDWA Specifies the type of minimization of residual errors in the Vasicek-Fong model and basis-spline model, using AdTermStructure {YES, NO} MDWA:YES to minimize errors between model and market prices weighted by the inverse of the bond volatility MDWA:NO to minimize errors between model and market prices Default value: MDWA:NO NBKNOT Number of knots you can choose to build the yield curve when using the basis-spline models (i with i as an integer) NBKNOT:i, where 2<= i <= number of distinct input maturities Default value: NBKNOT:(N/3)+2, where N is the number of distinct input maturities 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RateStructure Keyword Explanation ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: The value of the ND keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {no value, NO, YES} OBC or OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) Default value: The value of the OBC keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category RATEFRQ Compounding frequency parameter {1, 12, 28D, 2, 28D, 180D5, 182D, 364D, 4, 91D, M, Q, S, Y, ZERO, EY, FRQ} (see the Notes section below) RATEFRQ:1 or RATEFRQ:Y for yearly RATEFRQ:12 or RATEFRQ:M for monthly RATEFRQ:2 or RATEFRQ:S for semi-annual RATEFRQ:28D for compounding every 28 days RATEFRQ:180D5 for compounding every 180 days on a 365 year basis RATEFRQ:182D for compounding every 182 days RATEFRQ:364D for compounding every 364 days RATEFRQ:4 or RATEFRQ:Q for quarterly RATEFRQ:91D for compounding every 91 days RATEFRQ:ZERO no compounding RATEFRQ:EY for compounding defined by the EY keyword RATEFRQ:FRQ for compounding defined by the FRQ keyword in the BondStructure Default value: The value of the RATEFRQ keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category 4 August 2003 369 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RateStructure 370 Keyword Explanation RATETYPE Yield type {CMP, CONT, DISC, MM, MMB, MMM, MMP, TRE, SIMPLEJAP, CMPJAP} (see the Notes section below) RATETYPE:CMP for Actual RATETYPE:CONT for continuous yield/rate RATETYPE:DISC for discounted yield/rate RATETYPE:MM for Money Market yield/rate RATETYPE:MMB specified when using the Money Market Bullet pricing method RATETYPE:MMM specified when using the Money Market Medium pricing method RATETYPE:MMP specified when using the Money Market Proceeds pricing method RATETYPE:MMR specified when using the Money Market Direct Discounting pricing method RATETYPE:TRE for US Bills Treasury RATETYPE:SIMPLEJAP for simple yield/rate RATETYPE:CMPJAP for compounded yield/rate Default value: RATETYPE:CMP RM Rate model {YC, YTA, YTB, YTW, YTM, HW, VF, BDT, BS, BSPLINE} (see the Notes section below) RM:YC for Yield Curve RM:YTA to adapt the calculation of the yield to the bond structure RM:YTB for Yield To Best RM:YTW for Yield To Worst RM:YTM for Yield To Maturity RM:HW for Hull and White model RM:VF for Vasicek-Fong model RM:BDT for Black, Derman, and Toy model RM:BS for Black and Scholes model RM:BSPLINE for basis-spline models Default value: RM:YTA SMOOTH Specifies the smoothing basis-spline model {NULL, STEP, CONT} SMOOTH:NULL for McCulloch linear regression SMOOTH:STEP for Waggoner smoothing spline model SMOOTH:CONT for Anderson smoothing spline model Default value: SMOOTH:NULL 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RepoMode Keyword Explanation VFALPHA Alpha coefficient you can specify in the Vasicek-Fong model using AdTermStructure {i (where i is a float)} VFALPHA:i to specify the coefficient value Default value: No default value VOLTYPE Volatility type used in the dynamic model {ZC, SR} (see the Notes section below) VOLTYPE:ZC for Zero Coupon yield volatility VOLTYPE:SR for short rates volatility Default value: VOLTYPE:SR ZCTYPE Zero-coupon yield curve type {DF, RATE} ZCTYPE:DF to use discount factors ZCTYPE:RATE to use zero-coupon rates Default value: The value of the ZCTYPE keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category RepoMode RepoMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation CF Specifies the repo cash flows adjustment {CLDR, NO, YES, WE} CF:CLDR to correct cash flow dates using holidays from the calendar defined with CLDR (if no calendar is defined, CLDR:WEEKEND is used) CF:NO to perform the calculation using the bond structure only CF:YES and CF:WE to correct cash flow dates using weekends Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 371 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RepoMode 372 Keyword Explanation CIR Intermediary coupons reinvestment rate {i:00, i:A0, i:A0D, i:A25D, i:A5, i:A5D, i:AA, i:BFM, i:E0, i:MMBA0, i:MMBA5, i:MMMA0, i:MMMA5, i:MMPA0, i:MMPA5, where i is numeric (1=100%)} CIR:i:00 for a bond 30/360 rate equal to i CIR:i:A0 for a bond Actual/360 rate equal to i CIR:i:A0D for a bond Actual/360 (day-based) rate equal to i CIR:i:A25D for a bond Actual/365.25 (day-based) rate equal to i CIR:i:A5 for a bond Actual/365 rate equal to i CIR:i:A5D for a bond Actual/365 (day-based) rate equal to i CIR:i:AA for a bond Actual/Actual rate equal to i CIR:i:BFM for a Braess/Fangmeyer rate equal to i CIR:i:E0 for a bond 30E/360 ISMA rate equal to i CIR:i:MMBA0 for a money market bullet Actual/360 rate equal to i CIR:i:MMBA5 for a money market bullet Actual/365 rate equal to i CIR:i:MMMA0 for a money market medium term CD Actual/360 rate equal to i CIR:i:MMMA5 for a money market medium term CD Actual/365 rate equal to i CIR:i:MMPA0 for a money market proceeds Actual/360 rate equal to i CIR:i:MMPA5 for a money market proceeds Actual/365 rate equal to i Default value: Intermediary coupons are reinvested at the repo rate CLDR Calendar parameter for all date adjustments {calendars} CLDR:calendars to assign one or more calendars to a bond for settlement date and true yield calculation Default value: The value of CLDR defined in BondStructure Argument FV Future value mode {C, CLEAN, G, GROSS, Y, YIELD} FV:C or FV:CLEAN to express the future value as a clean price FV:G or FV:GROSS to express the future value as a gross price FV:Y or FV:YIELD to express the future value as a yield Default value: FV:C NPV Net Present value mode {C, CLEAN, G, GROSS, Y, YIELD} NPV:C or NPV:CLEAN to express the present value as a clean price NPV:G or NPV:GROSS to express the present value as a gross price NPV:Y or NPV:YIELD to express the present value as a yield Default value: NPV:C 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RepoMode Keyword Explanation RES Expected result {FV, IMPRATE, NPV} RES:FV to calculate the future value RES:IMPRATE to calculate the implied repo rate RES:NPV to calculate the present value Default value: No expected result is defined RPFV Future value redemption ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RPFV:i for a ratio equal to i Default value: The value of RP defined in BondStructure Argument RPNPV Present value redemption ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RPNPV:i for a ratio equal to i Default value: The value of RP defined in BondStructure Argument RR Repo rate type {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0, MMBA0, MMBA5, MMMA0, MMMA5, MMPA0, MMPA5} RR:00 for bond 30/360 RR:A0 for bond Actual/360 RR:A0D for bond Actual/360 (day-based) RR:A25D for bond Actual/365.25 (day-based) RR:A5 for bond Actual/365 RR:A5D for bond Actual/365 (day-based) RR:AA for bond Actual/Actual RR:E0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA RR:MMBA0 for money market bullet Actual/360 RR:MMBA5 for money market bullet Actual/365 RR:MMMA0 for money market medium term CD Actual/360 RR:MMMA5 for money market medium term CD Actual/365 RR:MMPA0 for money market proceeds Actual/360 RR:MMPA5 for money market proceeds Actual/365 Default value: No default value is defined XDFV Future value ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES} XDFV or to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XDFV:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 373 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RoundMode Keyword Explanation XDNPV Present value ex-dividend calculation {no value, NO, YES} XDNPV or XDNPV:YES to force ex-dividend calculations (exclude the right to the next coupon) XDNPV:NO to force cum-dividend calculations (grant the right to the next coupon) Default value: No default value is defined RoundMode RoundMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common module to define the rounding mode. RoundMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation DOWN Down rounding method {no value} DOWN to round the number down NEAR Nearest rounding method {no value} NEAR to round the number to the nearest possible number (depends on the tick) Default value: NEAR UP Up rounding method {no value} UP to round the number up RtMode The RtMode argument is used in Adfin Real Time to define how real time data is retrieved or contributed. RtMode is a string made up of a series of parameters, each one consisting of a keyword, an optional colon (":"), and the value of the parameter. Spaces are used to separate the parameters in the string. 374 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RtMode Structure Keyword Explanation CTU Specifies the cells to update {ALL, CHANGED} CTU:ALL to update all cells within the result array CTU:CHANGED to update only the cells which have changed in the result array Default value: CTU:CHANGED FORMAT Specifies the format applied to numeric data contributed to a page or a field {i} or {i:j with i and j as integer} FORMAT:i for a string of i characters FORMAT:i:j for a string of i characters and a decimal precision of j digits (1 <= i <= 325 and 0 <= j <= 15) Default value: No format is applied FRQ Defines the maximum update frequency {iH, iM, iS, with i as integer} FRQ:iH for i hours FRQ:iM for i minutes FRQ:iS for i seconds (minimum is 1S) Default value: FRQ:30S for “RtUpdate” No default value for “RtContribute” and “RtSeries” FTC Defines the field values to contribute simultaneously {ALL, CHANGED, i-j,k with i, j and k as integer} FTC:ALL to contribute all fields each time the function is recalculated FTC:CHANGED to contribute only the fields that have changed since the last time the function was recalculated FTC:i-j,k to contribute fields numbered from i to j and k as well as the field that changed when the function is recalculated Default value: FTC:ALL IGNE Specifies whether empty records retrieved by “#RtChain” are ignored {NO, YES} IGNE:NO to display empty records IGNE:YES to skip empty records Default value: IGNE:NO 4 August 2003 375 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide RtMode 376 Keyword Explanation LAY Specifies the orientation of the result array of “#RtChain”, “RtSeries”, and “RtUpdate” {HOR, VER} LAY:HOR means that instrument codes and fields are returned in a row LAY:VER means that instrument codes and fields are returned in a column Default value: LAY:HOR for “RtUpdate” and “RtSeries” (all fields for one instrument displayed across one row) LAY:VER for “RtChain” (constituents are displayed in a column) LIFETIME Specifies the contribution lifetime for local contributions {ALWAYS, iH, iM, iS, with i as integer} LIFETIME:ALWAYS for no limitation LIFETIME:iH for i hours LIFETIME:iM for i minutes LIFETIME:iS for i seconds Default value: The value defined as Local Contribution Lifetime in Settings LIVE Specifies whether the data is maintained in real time, following initial retrieval with “RtUpdate” function {NO, YES} LIVE:NO to get a single “snapshot” of the data LIVE:YES to maintain subscriptions open and receive further updates Default value: LIVE:NO ONTIME Specifies the date and time of the snap event {HHMM, DDMMMYY:HHMM} ONTIME:HHMM indicates that the snap occurs on any date at the time HH:MM ONTIME:DDMMMYY:HHMM indicates that the snap occurs on the date DDMMMYY at the time HHMM Default value: No default value is defined POS Specifies the position of the first contributed character for IDN row contribution {i with i as integer} POS:i to write the value to the row starting at position i Default value: POS:1 RET Specifies the size of the return array of “#RtChain” and “RtSeries” {Ai with i as integer} RET:Ai to get an array of i rows Default value: No array size is defined (the output of “#RtChain” may be corrupted or may overwrite other data) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments RtMode Keyword Explanation SCOPE Specifies the contribution scope {L, LOCAL, S, SERVER} SCOPE:L or SCOPE:LOCAL for local contribution that means the contributed data is sent to all open spreadsheets SCOPE:S or SCOPE:SERVER for server contribution that means the contributed data is sent to the selected source server Default value: The value defined as Contribution Type in Settings SKIP Specifies which records retrieved by “#RtChain” are ignored {i-j,k with i, j and k as integer} SKIP:i-j, k to ignore the records numbered from i to j and k, generally used to avoid displaying the first ones, which do not describe actual instruments Default value: No record is skipped SORT List sorting order of the time series for “RtHistory” and “RtSeries” {ASC, DESC} SORT:ASC means that the oldest is the first of the list SORT:DESC means that the most recent is the first of the list Default value: SORT:DESC START Specifies the start date of the snap process {HH:MM, DD/MMM/YY-HH:MM} START:HH:MM to start the snap process on the current day at HH:MM START:DD/MMM/YY-HH:MM to start the snap process at the specified date and time Default value: The current date and time. TRIM Specifies the space trimming for string data retrieved by “RtGet” and “RtUpdate” {BOTH, LEFT, RIGHT} TRIM:BOTH to remove spaces at the beginning and at the end of the text string TRIM:LEFT to only remove spaces at the beginning of the text string TRIM:RIGHT to only remove spaces at the end of the text string Default value: No trimming is done TSPOS Specifies the place of the timestamp field {LEFT, NONE, RIGHT} TSPOS:LEFT means that the timestamp column is the first column TSPOS:NONE means that the timestamp field is not returned TSPOS:RIGHT means that the timestamps column is the last column Default value: TSPOS:LEFT 4 August 2003 377 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide StirFutStructure Keyword TYPE Explanation Specifies the type of data retrieved with “RtGet” and “RtUpdate” {DATE, LOCAL, NUM, STRING, TIME} TYPE:DATE for date TYPE:LOCAL for data in your local format TYPE:NUM for numeric TYPE:STRING for string TYPE:TIME for time Default value: The default value depends on the real time platform. In most cases Adfin Real Time returns the data in the proper type automatically UPDATE Defines the condition to trigger the update event {ALWAYS, CHANGED, SNAP, STOP} UPDATE:ALWAYS: With “RtUpdate”: to update the data and/or run the macro regardless of data updates With “RtContribute”: to contribute the data whenever the function is invoked UPDATE:CHANGED: With RtUpdate: to update the data and/or run the macro only if the data changes With RtContribute: to contribute the data only if the data to contribute has changed UPDATE:SNAP: With RtUpdate: to update the data on snap UPDATE:STOP: With RtUpdate and RtContribute: to stop all actions Default value: UPDATE:CHANGED UWC Specifies the update condition with “#RtChain” {NO, YES} UWC:NO to update the result array for the first time as data arrives UWC:YES to update the result array upon complete retrieval Default value: UWC:YES StirFutStructure StirFutStructure is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common module to define the structure of a STIR interest rate futures contract. StirFutStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 378 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments StirFutStructure Structure Keyword Explanation CLDR Calendar for holiday management {calendar} CLDR:calendar to assign the corresponding calendar style to the currency Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) CRD Contract reference date calculation method {2NDFRI, 3RDWED, NBB} CRD:2NDFRI to set the second Friday of the delivery month CRD:3RDWED to set the date to the third Wednesday day of the delivery month CRD:NBB to set the date to the third Wednesday after the ninth day of the contact month (specific to the NZ Bank Bill Future Contracts) Default value: CRD:3RDWED CUR Underlying currency {currency} CUR:currency to define the contract underlying currency Default value: No currency is defined DTM Number of working days from trade date to MM spot date {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} DTM:0 for 0 working day DTM:1 for 1 working day DTM:2 for 2 working days DTM:3 for 3 working days DTM:4 for 4 working days DTM:5 for 5 working days Default value: DTM:2 NBMC Number of monthly contracts {i with i as integer} NBMC:i to specify that i monthly contracts (“odd maturities”) are quoted Default value: NBMC:0 NBMONTH Number of months covered by the contract {1, 3, 6, 12} NBMONTH:1 for 1 month NBMONTH:3 for 3 months NBMONTH:6 for 6 months NBMONTH:12 for 12 months Default value: NBMONTH:3 NBQC Number of quarterly contracts {i with i as integer} NBQC:i to specify that i quarterly contracts (“standard maturities”) are quoted Default value: NBQC:8 4 August 2003 379 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide StyleMode StyleMode StyleMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Common odule to define how a new style is created or modified. It is also used to retrieve the latest value of an index history style. StyleMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation LAY Layout parameter for the input array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions {Ai, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the array of the i first elements (values only) RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only SwapStructure SwapStructure is used as argument in the AdSwaptionDeriv and AdSwaptionPremium functions to define the structure of a swap. SwapStructure is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. 380 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments SwapStructure Structure Keyword Explanation ACC Accrued interest calculation method {{00, A0, A5, AA, BB00, BBA5, BBW252, E0, IT, IT2, JAP, MMA0, MMA5, MMNL5, NL0, NL5, W252} ACC:00 for 30/360 ACC:A0 for Actual/360 ACC:A5 for Actual/365 ACC:AA for Actual/Actual ACC:BB00 for Brazilian 30/360 ACC:BBA5 for Brazilian Actual/365 ACC:BBW252 for Brazilian Actual Working days/252 ACC:E0 for 30E/360 ACC:IT for Italian (from last coupon date to settlement date in E0 + 1 day) ACC:IT2 for Italian modified (from last coupon date to settlement date + 1 day in E0) ACC:JAP for Japanese (A5 or A5 + 1 day for first coupon) ACC:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 ACC:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 ACC:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 ACC:NL0 for Actual No Leap/360 ACC:NL5 for Actual No Leap/365 ACC:W252 for Actual Working days/252 Default value: ACC:AA AMORT Notional principal amortization pattern for amortizing swaps {DDMMMYY:i (where i is numeric)} Default value: The notional principal amount is fixed during the swap life ARND Rounding mode of the accrued interest {NO} or {i (where i is numeric) : {UP, DOWN, NEAR}} ARND:NO if no rounding is requested ARND:i:{UP,DOWN,NEAR} for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: ARND:NO if no rounding is specified ARND:i:NEAR if i is specified 4 August 2003 381 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwapStructure 382 Keyword Explanation CCM Coupon calculation method {BB00, BBA0, BBA5, BBAA, BBE0, MM00, MMA0, MMA5, MMAA, MME0, MMNL0, MMNL5, 00D, A0D, A5D, E0D, 00, A0, A5, AA, E0} (see the Notes section below) CCM:BB00 for bond 30/360 CCM:BBA0 for bond Actual/360 CCM:BBA5 for bond Actual/365 CCM:BBAA for bond Actual/Actual CCM:BBE0 for bond 30E/360 ISMA CCM:MM00 for money market 00/360 CCM:MMA5 for money market Actual/365 CCM:MMA0 for money market Actual/360 CCM:MMAA for money market Actual/Actual CCM:MME0 for money market 30E/360 CCM:MMNL0 for money market Actual No Leap/360 CCM:MMNL5 for money market Actual No Leap/365 CCM:00D for effective 30/360 (day-based) CCM:A0D for effective Actual/360 (day-based) CCM:A5D for effective Actual/365 (day-based) CCM:E0D for effective 30E/360 (day-based) CCM:00 for effective 30/360 (period-based) CCM:A0 for effective Actual/360 (period-based) CCM:A5 for effective Actual/365 (period-based) CCM:AA for effective Actual/Actual (period-based) CCM:E0 for effective 30E/360 (period-based) Default value: CCM:BBAA CFADJ Cash Flow (Value) Adjustment {YES, NO} CFADJ:YES for adjusting the cash flow value with the payment date CFADJ:NO for not adjusting the cash flow values Default value: CFADJ:NO CLDR Calendar for holiday management {calendar} CLDR:calendar to assign the corresponding calendar style to the currency Default value: CLDR:NULL (no date adjustment is made) 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments SwapStructure Keyword Explanation CRND Coupon rounding tick size {i (where i is numeric) (0.001=10E-3)} CRND:i for rounding to the precision defined by i Default value: CRND:NO DATED Dated date {DDMMMYY} DATED:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the accrual start date for irregular coupons Default value: No dated date is defined DMC Date moving convention used when an expiry date or a dividend date falls on a non working day {F, FOL, M, MOD, N, NONE, P, PRE} DMC:F or DMC:FOL for moving the date to the following working day DMC:M or DMC:MOD for moving the date to the following working day unless it causes the date to be pushed into the next month (in this latter case, the last working day of the month is used) DMC:N or DMC:NONE for no moving date DMC:P or DMC:PRE for moving the date to the preceding working day Default value: The value of the DMC keyword of the "IRS" category EMC End-of-month convention used when the maturity date falls on the last day of a month {D, DEF, L, LAST, S, SAME, L28} EMC:D or EMC:DEF for the value in Default Settings EMC:L or EMC:LAST for last EMC:S or EMC:SAME for same EMC:L28 to match Hong Kong bond requirements: They ignore the 29th of February for cash flow payment. This affects semi-annual bonds maturing on the 31st of August. Coupons are paid every 31st of August and every 28th of February. In case of a leap year the cash flow is still paid the 28th and not the 29th Default value: The value of the EMC keyword of the "IRS" category FAD First amortization date {DDMMMYY} FAD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first amortization date Default value: No first amortization date defined FCV First coupon nominal value {i (where i is numeric)} FCV:i where i is the first coupon nominal rate for irregular coupons Default value: All coupons are regular so FCV has no meaning 4 August 2003 383 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwapStructure 384 Keyword Explanation FRCD First Regular Coupon Date for odd first coupon {DDMMMYY} FRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the first regular coupon date Default value: No first regular coupon date defined FRQ Frequency of the coupon payments {i {28D, 91D, 182D,364D, 1, 2, 4, 12}} (see the Notes section below) FRQ:28D to define a coupon payment every 28 days from the maturity date FRQ:91D to define a coupon payment every 91 days from the maturity date FRQ:182D to define a coupon payment every 182 days from the maturity date FRQ:364D to define a coupon payment every 364 days from the maturity date FRQ:1 to define an annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:2 to define a semi-annual coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:4 to define a quarterly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:12 to define a monthly coupon payment from the maturity date FRQ:DDMMMYY:i to define a frequency of i from date DDMMMYY Default value: FRQ:1 IC Irregular first coupon type for asset swaps combined with bonds with an irregular first coupon {L1, L1R, S1, S1P, S1R, NBC} (the bond issue date must also be specified using DATED) IC:L1 for long first coupon (first coupon date equal to second anniversary date) IC:L1R for long first coupon with regular nominal value and starting accrued date equal to first anniversary date (SPGB) IC:S1 for short first coupon (first coupon date equal to first anniversary date) IC:S1P for short first coupon with proportional value (BTAN) IC:S1R for short first coupon with regular nominal value IC:NBC for NBC fist coupon Default value: IC:S1 IDX Underlying index style {index history style} IDX:index to assign an index history style to the bond Default value: No default value is defined LBOTH Swap attribute specification flag {no value} LBOTH to specify that the following keywords apply to both legs Default value: No default value is defined 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments SwapStructure Keyword Explanation LPAID Paid leg attribute flag {no value} LPAID to specify that the following keywords apply to the paid leg only Default value: No default value is defined LRCD Last regular coupon date for odd last coupon {DDMMMYY, JGB} LRCD:DDMMMYY where DDMMMYY is the last regular coupon date LRCD:JGB to handle odd last coupons for JGBs automatically Default value: All coupons are regular so LRCD has no meaning LRECEIVED Received leg attribute flag {no value} LRECEIVED to specify that the following keywords apply to the received leg only Default value: No default value is defined LTYPE Type of the current leg {FIXED, FLOAT} LTYPE:FIXED to define that the current leg is a fixed leg LTYPE:FLOAT to define that the current leg is a floating leg Default value: No leg type is defined (mandatory keyword for both legs) MDADJ Maturity date adjustment {F, M, N, P} MDADJ:F for Following MDADJ:M for Modified Following MDADJ:N for No maturity date adjustment MDADJ:P for Preceding Default value: MDADJ:N NOTIONAL Notional principal amount used for interest payments {i (where i is numeric)} NOTIONAL:i for a notional principal equal to i units of currency Default value: NOTIONAL:1 PDELAY Payment delay {i, with i as integer} PDELAY:i to apply a payment delay of i working days after the calculation period end date Default value: PDELAY:0 PPMT Partial payment for swaps {DDMMMYY:i with i<=1} PPMT:DDMMMYY:i to indicate that i are paid at the date DDMMMYY Default value: The swap is completely paid at the issue date 4 August 2003 385 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwMode Keyword Explanation REFDATE Reference date in cash flow dates generation {MATURITY, ISSUE} REFDATE:ISSUE to use the issue date as reference date REFDATE:MATURITY to use the maturity date as reference date Default value: REFDATE:MATURITY RND Coupon rounding for accrued calculation {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, NO} For backward compatibility reasons, this keyword is still supported RND:2 for 2-decimal rounding RND:3 for 3-decimal rounding RND:4 for 4-decimal rounding RND:5 for 5-decimal rounding RND:6 for 6-decimal rounding RND:NO for no rounding Default value: RND:NO RP Redemption price ratio {i (where i is numeric) (1=100%)} RP:i for a ratio equal to i Default value: RP:1 (for 100%) RT Reimbursement type {B, C{:i}, Sj{:i} where i is numeric (1=100%) and j from 1 to 8} RT:B for bullet or in fine RT:C for constant payments RT:C:i for constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted RT:Sj for j series RT:Sj:i for j series and constant payments equal to i except for the last cash flow which is adjusted Default value: RT:B SPREAD Credit spread flag {no value, NO, YES} SPREAD or SPREAD:YES to enable the credit spread in the calculation SPREAD:NO to disable the credit spread in the calculation Default value: SPREAD:0 SwMode SwMode is used as argument in functions of the Adfin Swaps module to define: 386 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments SwMode • the attributes of the zero-coupon yield curves used or calculated in Adfin Swaps (keywords CURVESHIFT, DCB, IM, LAY, ND, OBC, SHIFT, and ZCTYPE) the types of some input arguments and to select or customize returned values (keywords MATRANGE, PXT, RES and RET) how the prices are specified in input and output for currency swaps (keyword DC) • • SwMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation CURVESHIFT Specifies the shift value {i, where i is a float expressed as real value} (see the Notes section below) CURVESHIFT:i means that a parallel shift of i applies to the yield curve Default value: No shift is defined DC Discount currency parameter for currency swaps {currencies} DC:currency to define the currency used for discounting both legs Default value: The currency of the paid leg DCB Day count basisused for zero-coupon calculations {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0} DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA (period-based calculation) Default value: The value of the DCB keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation Default value: The value of the IM keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category 4 August 2003 387 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide SwMode 388 Keyword Explanation LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {H, HOR, V, VER} LAY:H or LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:V or LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: The value of the LAY keyword of the "XLMODE" category MATRANGE Range parameter describing the maturities included in an input swap rate curve {iY,jY, iY-jY with i and j as integer} MATRANGE:iY,jY to specify a curve with maturities of i years and j years MATRANGE:iY-jY to specify a curve with maturities ranging from i years to j years Default value: MATRANGE: 1,2,3,6,9, or undefined ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: The value of the ND keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {NO, YES} OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) Default value: The value of the OBC keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category PXT Input price type {BOTH, FIXED, FLOAT, PAID, RECEIVED} PXT:BOTH for the price of both legs PXT:FIXED for the price of the fixed leg PXT:FLOAT for the price of the floating leg PXT:PAID for the price of the paid leg PXT:RECEIVED for the price of the received leg Default value: PXT:BOTH RES Expected result {FIXED, FLOAT, PAID, RECEIVED} RES:FIXED for fixed leg pricing RES:FLOAT for floating leg spread pricing RES:PAID for the fixed rate or floating rate spread of the paid leg RES:RECEIVED for the fixed rate or floating rate spread of the received leg Default value: No 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments YcMode Keyword Explanation RET Return value parameter to shorten or lengthen the array of data returned by array functions {Ai{:ABCDE}, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of the default array RET:Ai:ABCDE with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first rows of an array containing the selected columns (see supported configurations) Default value: No SHIFT Net present value change value {i (where i is numeric)} SHIFT:i for a NPV change equal to i Default value: SHIFT:0.0001 ZCTYPE Input zero-coupon yield curve type {DF, RATE} ZCTYPE:DF for a discount factor yield curve ZCTYPE:RATE for a zero-coupon rate yield curve Default value: The value of the ZCTYPE keyword of the "RATEMODEL" category YcMode YcMode is used as argument functions of the Adfin TermStructure module to customize returned values. YcMode is a string consisting of a series of parameters. Each set of parameters consists of a keyword, a colon (:), and the value of the keyword. The parameter sets are separated by a blank space. However, certain keywords are used on their own and do not require a value. A keyword can also have several values, all separated by colons. Structure Keyword Explanation BWB Bid with bid calculation {NO, YES} BWB:NO to use an arbitrage method which mixes the bid and ask curves for the FRA calculation BWB:YES to work separately on the bid and ask curves for the FRA calculation Default value: BWB:NO 4 August 2003 389 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide YcMode Keyword Explanation DCB Day count basis {00, A0, A0D, A25D, A5, A5D, AA, E0} DCB:00 for 30/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0 for Actual/360 (period-based calculation) DCB:A0D for Actual/360 (day-based calculation) DCB:A25D for Actual/365.25 (day-based calculation) DCB:A5 for Actual/365 (period-based calculation) DCB:A5D for Actual/365 (day-based calculation) DCB:AA for Actual/Actual (period-based calculation) DCB:E0 for 30E/360 ISMA (period-based calculation) Default value: DCB:AA DCP Current payment parameter for Adfin Swaps {NO, YES} DCP:NO to keep the current caplet/floorlet DCP:YES to skip the current caplet/floorlet Default value: DCP:NO IM Interpolation method {CUBD, CUBR, LIN, LIX, LOG, VOL} IM:CUBD for cubic spline discount factor interpolation IM:CUBR for cubic spline rate interpolation IM:LIN for linear interpolation without extrapolation IM:LIX for linear interpolation with extrapolation IM:LOG for loglinear interpolation IM:VOL for linear interpolation on volatility curves Default value: IM:LIN 390 LAY Layout parameter for the array orientation {HOR, VER} LAY:HOR for horizontal orientation LAY:VER for vertical orientation Default value: LAY:H ND Null date processing {DIS, ERR} ND:DIS to discard null dates from the date array ND:ERR to generate error messages for a null date in the date array Default value: ND:NO NFVP Next fixing validity period {i, with i as integer} NFVP:i to use the next fixing for a period of i days before the fixing date Default value: NFVP:0 4 August 2003 Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide Appendix A Extended Arguments YcMode Keyword Explanation OBC Out of boundary interpolation check {NO, YES} OBC:NO to perform no check (an extrapolated value is returned if the date is out of the array boundaries) OBC:YES to verify if the date to interpolate is within the range of the date array used (otherwise an error is returned) Default value: OBC:NO ODD Odd contracts parameter {NO, YES} ODD:NO to skip odd contract codes ODD:YES to list odd contract codes Default value: ODD:YES OFFSET Offset to add to FRA prices {i, with i as integer} OFFSET:i to add an offset of i basis points (1 basis point = 0.01%) to both bid and ask rates Default value: No offset is applied PFVP Previous fixing validity period {i, with i as integer} PFVP:i to use the previous fixing for a period of i days after the fixing date Default value: PFVP:0 RET Return value parameter to shorten the data returned by array functions {Ai, i with i as integer} RET:Ai with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i first elements RET:i with i from 1 to ArraySize to get the i-th element only Default value: BWB ROLL Rollover parameter {NO, YES} ROLL:NO to list next contract code ROLL:YES to skip next contract code Default value: ROLL:NO SPREAD Spread to apply to FRA prices {i, with i as integer} SPREAD:i to force a spread of i basis points (1 basis point = 0.01%) between bid and ask rates Default value: The spread is not forced 4 August 2003 391 Appendix A Extended Arguments Reuters PowerPlus Pro 4.5.1 Function Reference Guide YcMode 392 Keyword Explanation ZCTYPE Zero-coupon yield curve type {DF, RATE} ZCTYPE:DF to use discount factors ZCTYPE:RATE to use zero-coupon rates Default value: ZCTYPE:RATE 4 August 2003