meal times 2015 - Community Meals, Inc.


meal times 2015 - Community Meals, Inc.
A publication of
c/o Christ Church 105 Cottage Place
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
PHONE: 201-447-8295
Board of Directors 2015
Executive Board
Kim Mount
Vice President
Peter Antonini
Ray Accettura
Asst. Treasurer
Alain duBois
Recording Secretary
Donna Nihen
Corresponding Sec’y
Cindy Galvan
Jack Egan
Charles Flynn
Stacey Gilmartin
Patsy Jensen
Pat Kehrberger
Ellen Kimmerle
Peggy Vandervoort
Jeffrey Wilson
Janet Mills Wong
Ex-Officio Directors
Dawn Cascio (The Valley Hospital)
Vivian Peterson (Volunteer Luncheon)
Day Chairpersons
(Daily Volunteer Coordinators)
Monday & Friday
Lynne Van Engel
Peggy Vandervoort
Jeffrey Wilson
Jack Egan
Volunteer Coordinator
Peter Antonini
Executive Director
Rebecca Conboy
Associate Director
Penny Schildkraut
Spring 2015
food for
-A letter from President
Kim Mount
Walt Disney once said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin
doing” and we are grateful to the CMI volunteers for all they have been
doing for our communities this past year. Our volunteers braved the
endless cold, snowy and icy weather to bring meals to our clients. Our
Blizzard Bags helped our clients through some bad weather days when
meal delivery had to be canceled. Delivered in November, the Blizzard
Bags consist of non-perishable food for clients to keep on hand. Our office
staff also sent out letters with clients’ meals to alert them of impending bad
weather so they could be prepared.
I would like to welcome our new Associate Director, Penny Schildkraut,
who started with CMI in September. Penny works two days a week while
Rebecca Conboy, our Executive Director, is in the office the other three
days. I am happy to announce our new board members who joined CMI
this January: Jack Egan, Stacey Gilmartin, Patsy Jensen, Pat Kehrberger
and Donna Nihen. Jack Egan is our Thursday Chairperson and delivers
meals weekly with Pat. Donna Nihen also delivers meals as a member of
the Glen Rock Women in Community Service. Stacey Gilmartin is no
stranger to Community Meals as she held the position of Executive
Director for many years. They have all brought enthusiasm and experience
to the board. I know they will be assets to our organization. I look forward
to working with them and all the board members this year.
As you know, fundraising is a major component of the CMI mission. Our
mission is to offer affordable meals to our clients and to provide reducedcost or free meals to those clients with financial needs. We continue to
reach out to small businesses, corporations, civic organizations,
foundations and individuals to close the gap between our revenues and our
expenses. CMI strives to create long lasting partnerships with new sources
of income while continuing our bond with our loyal donors.
continued on page 6
A private, nonprofit meals on wheels program serving Allendale, Glen Rock, Ho-Ho-Kus, Midland Park, Ridgewood,
Waldwick and part of Saddle River
Please visit our newly re-designed web page:
“Food For
Donor Honor
“Meals that
New Directors
“Mayors for
“Third Grader
Enters Essay
About CMI”
“Spring Clean
for the Cause”
Meal Times
A CMI Publication
Layout...........Mark Ruckhaus
Proofreader & Distribution....
......................Ellen Kimmerle
.....................Stacey Gilmartin
....................Janet Mills Wong
Page 2 - Meal Times
We gratefully acknowledge the support of our generous contributors. Your financial
gifts ensure the continuing existence of Community Meals - a meal delivery program
that is a vital and unduplicated service in our geographic region.
(Donors from 5/3/2014-5/8/2015)
Janice Ade
Allendale Bar & Grill
Allendale Brownie Troop 95767
A Mano
Eleanor & Roderick Berkley
Henrietta & Robert Biagi
Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation
Howard J. Bookbinder
BP America. Inc.
Barbara Bolger
Ruth Bray
Jeanette Cabardo
Clinton D. & Grace A. Carlough
Charitable Foundation
Andrew Carmichael
Lynn Carter & Lynn Vogel
Claire & Tom Chadwick
Andrew Bruce Chamberlin
Celeste Chmielewski
Susan Davis Churches
Donald & Carmela Cimmino
Yvonne & Stanley Cohen
Community Thrift Shop
Barbara & Bill Conklin
Mary Cronan
Daily Treat
Jenny Darakjian
Michael Del Calzo
Michael & Marilyn DeLuca
Maria Dewey
Karen Dillon
East Coast Burger
Jack Egan
Eisai USA Foundation
Beatrice R. Eisele
Christopher & Mary Claire Eisenhardt
Diana Ezyk
Estate of Lewis Dunham
Margaret Faath
Alan Feinstein
Linda Fegley
Jaime & George Frederick
The William Froelich Foundation
The Frank & Brenda Gallagher
Family Foundation
Alice George
Dorothy Gill
The Glen Rock Inn
Glen Rock WICS
Elaine Goldfarb
Robert G. & Ellen S. Gutenstein
Anne & Ray Hale
William & Patrice Hansen
David Harris
Ho-Ho-Kus Inn & Tavern
Ann & Joe Hovan
Hudson City Savings Bank
Margaret & David Hughes
Lia Isaac
Just Janice
Dr. Joyce Johnson
Lucille Kierman
Richard Kirtley
Valerie Kowkabany
Drs. Diane & Gerard Kramer
Kathryn Kruckel
Robert J. & Frances T. Kurz
Tom & Maribeth Lane
Tom & Renee Lardieri
Dan & Jackie Lauer
Daniel & Loreen Lesso
LFH Foundation Family Trust
Lu Ann Lorenzo
Melissa & Bryan Maloney
Claudia & Michael Marino
David & Sandra Martin
Kevin McCabe
Thomas McCabe
McGraw Hill Financial
Merck Foundation
Meyers & Capomaggi, LLC
Anthony Meyer
Dorothy Meyers
Thomas Mierswa
Daniel Mills
Joel & Judith Mitchel
Mizuho Capital Markets
Lynne Moran
Morgan Stanley
MOWAA/Suburu of America Inc.
(2014 March for Meals)
Mothers Club of Oakland
Richard & Lindsey Moynihan
Elizabeth Mulholland
Warren Mullen
Neurology Group of Bergen County
NJ Multiple Listings Services
Donna Nihen
Michael O’Connell
G. Thomas & Joan M. Occhipinti
Old Paramus Reformed Church
Mission Program
Lila Oppenheimer
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Park West Tavern
Paramus Park Boat Pool
Peter J. Peirano
John & Patricia Petrone
Lenni & Bob Puritz
Carol Raff
Pratibha Rao
The James Reed Family
Genie Reed
Rosario’s Trattoria
Rotary Club of Ridgewood
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
Savini Restaurant
Francis & Barbara Schott
The Schwartz Family Foundation
Carolyn Semento
Charles & Carol Shepard
Neal Sherman
Sicilian Sun, Inc.
Signature Kitchens
Dr. Lawrence Simon
Emanuel & Daisy Singer
Lisa Beth & Joe Smick
Eleanor Sophia
Steven & Ida Faye Steiner
TD Charitable Foundation
Bob Thoelen
William & Lisa Torpey
Wyckoff Reformed Church
The Valley Hospital Foundation
Prasanna Venkatesh
The Village Grille
Viniar Family Foundation
Lillian & Nicholas Vistica
Wallerstein Foundation for Geriatric Life Improvement
West Side Presbyterian Church
Wells Fargo Foundation
Jeffrey Wilson
Nancy B. Zabriskie
In Honor of Jane Casey:
Kare Dillion
In Honor of Rita Falk:
Richard Falk
In Honor of Charles Flynn:
Vivian Peterson
In Honor of Norma Kraus:
Robert Kraus
In Honor of Kim and Chris Mount:
Lynn & Ken Sylvan
Alice George
In Honor of Volunteers
Stacey & John Gilmartin
In Honor of Janet Mills Wong:
Donna Nihen
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. J. Canariato:
Carol & Sal Canariato
In Memory of Everett Casson:
Barbara Casson
In Memory of Betsy Chamberlin:
A. Bruce Chamberlin
In Memory of Bob Davis:
Jane Davis
In Memory of Barbara Farrissey:
Kristen & Alex Tsarnas
In Memory of Joseph Marino:
Chris Marino Family
In Memory of Past CMI Volunteers:
J. David Martin
In Memory of Jack Paffendorf:
Christina Paffendorf
In Memory of Robert Ryan:
Stacey & John Gilmartin
On Monday, April 27th, Kim Mount and Stacey Gilmartin
met with Brownie Troop 95767, a group of second
graders from Allendale to discuss what Community
Meals (CMI) is and how we help the community. The
Brownies chose CMI as their organization to support
while completing their Philanthropy badge and part of
their Brownie journey involving the Connect & Take
Action keys--connecting to their community by taking
action to help others. The girls made beautifully
decorated coin jars and collected extra change for one
month to be donated to our organization. The troop
presented us with a most gracious check for $291.83. The
girls should be very proud of their accomplishment. We
are very proud of them and grateful that they chose to
support Community Meals.
Page 3 - Meal Times
Meals that Matter
Fun d rais er
--by Janet Mills Wong
On Tuesday, June 9, restaurants in each of the towns we serve
have generously agreed to donate a portion of their revenues
from that day to Community Meals. By patronizing one of these
restaurants, you can enjoy a “meal that matters” and know that
you are helping CMI fulfill its commitment to subsidize any client
with financial need and to keep meals affordable for all our clients.
Below is a list of the thirteen participating restaurants.
Mark your calendars:
Tuesday, June 9
Enjoy your meal out
so that others may enjoy their meal in!
Page 4 - Meal Times
APT.#_______ ZIP CODE: ________
Enclosed please find my donation:
$50 Cost of meals for one week
$100 Cost of meals for two weeks
$150 Cost of meals for three weeks
$200 Cost of meals for one month
Please mail your donation to:
c/o Christ Church
105 Cottage Place
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
A private, nonprofit meals on wheels program
Allendale, Glen Rock, Ho-Ho-Kus, Midland
Park, Ridgewood & part of Saddle River
All contributions are tax
We will mail you an acknowledgement of
your gift for tax purposes.
Community Meals, Inc.
New Directors on Board
On January 15, the Community Meals Board of Directors
unanimously elected the following new board members:
Donna Nihen
For most of her life, Donna has lived in Glen Rock. She
and her husband, Bob, have two adult children, Robert
and Elizabeth. Upon graduation from York College of
Pa., Donna joined IBM, where she held administrative,
marketing and managerial positions for over 20 years.
Her volunteer work began in the early 1990s through
involvement with the Glen Rock Women in Community
Service (WICS), for which she has organized, chaired
and participated in the many committees serving nonprofit organizations that WICS supports, including CMI.
Donna has delivered meals for CMI for over five years,
and her passion for the organization’s purpose and the
people it serves continues to grow. Her volunteer
activities include extensive project management,
fundraising and publicity responsibilities. She was a Girl
Scout Leader for twelve years and chaired and served on
various committees during the time her children
attended the Glen Rock school system. She has also been
actively involved in many capacities with The
Community Church of Glen Rock. In her work for over
twelve years with the American Cancer Society’s
signature fundraiser, Relay for Life, she has held
committee positions, including co-chairing a successful
major fundraising raffle as well as having a key
leadership role in organizing the overall event. Donna
also worked for a period of time for the Glen Rock
Community School, planning and organizing adult dayand extended-stay trips.
Jack Egan
Jack Egan, a 30-year resident of Ridgewood, is a semiretired college professor who has taught at New Jersey
City University in the School of Business for 43 years.
Jack is past national President of the Accreditation
Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), the
national accreditation agency for baccalaureate and
graduate business schools and programs. He is the
Community Meals Thursday Day Chairperson and
delivers Route 2 on Fridays. He is also Secretary of the
Ridgewood Toastmasters Club, an active member of the
Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration Committee and a
member of the Friend of the Ridgewood Library. Jack
also volunteers one day a week at the library.
Stacey Gilmartin
Stacey Gilmartin is pleased to rejoin CMI as a trustee.
Previously, Stacey was CMI’s Executive Director (May
2006- Sept. 2013). She retired (the first time) from CMI
to focus on her hobby, which is designing and creating
decorative flatware. Today her hobby is a company called
Love Handles, LLC, and her items can be found in
numerous New Jersey and New York boutiques. Stacey
has been an active volunteer in community and school
organizations since she moved to Glen Rock in 1994 with
her husband and four children. Stacey has served as
President of the Glen Rock Newcomers Club, board
member of various school associations, and chairwoman
of several fundraising functions. She was a driver for
Community Meals through Women in Community
Service (WICS). Currently she volunteers Thursday
afternoons for All is Well, a nonprofit boutique in
Wyckoff, NJ. Portions of the proceeds benefit families
who are struggling with cancer. Prior to moving to Glen
Rock, Stacey worked in the television business. The
zenith of her professional career was as Graphics
Manager & Producer for NBC’s 1988 Summer Olympics
in Seoul, South Korea, earning two Emmy Awards. She
graduated from New York Institute of Technology, Cum
Laude, with a B.F.A in Communication Arts.
Patsy Jensen
Patsy Jensen has lived in Ridgewood since 1993 with her
husband and six children. A graduate of Bryn Mawr
College with a degree in English from Haverford College,
she worked in children's publishing for 20 years as an
editor and author of more than 200 books. Before
starting her own book producing and packaging
company in 1998, Patsy was Editorial Director of
Bridgewater Books, where she presided over a number of
award-winning picture books, including winning the
Coretta Scott King Award in 1998. Since retiring in 2003,
Patsy has been a committee chairperson for the
Somerville HSA, and a travel basketball coach for both
Ridgewood and various Amateur Athletic Union teams.
Patricia Kehrberger
Patricia has been a driver for CMI for a little over a year
noting that she has enjoyed it and has been impressed
with the talent, energy and dedication of her fellow
volunteers and Executive Director Rebecca Conboy. She
grew up in Chester, NY, and has a BCE (Civil
Engineering) from Manhattan College (first woman
graduate, 1969) and a Masters in Sanitary Engineering
from the University of Michigan. Her career was spent
doing environmental engineering for a consulting
engineering firm founded by Manhattan College
professors (Hydroscience, that became HydroQual,
purchased in 2010 by HDR). She is a licensed
professional engineer in the state of New York. She met
her husband, George, at Hydroscience and they moved
to Waldwick 40 years ago and have happily resided there
since. Patricia and her husband have four adult
daughters, Liz, Kim, Jeanne, and Kate, and two
grandchildren, Jane and Joel. While her girls were
growing up, Patricia stopped working outside the home.
School activities and the girls’ sports kept her very busy.
Volunteer activities included Archer Cooperative
Nursery School Board, Brownie Leader, president and
committee chairs of Crescent Elementary Parent School
Organization and Waldwick High School Athletic
Page 5 - Meal Times
Booster Club. When Patricia returned to work full time,
she became active professionally with the Association of
Environmental Authorities. She is also an active member
of the New Jersey Water Environment Association and is a
member of the New York Water Environment Association,
Water Environment Federation, Chi Epsilon (Civil
Engineering Honor Society) and Tau Beta Pi (Engineering
Honor Society). She continued her association with these
professional societies upon her semi-retirement in 2011.
Patricia now works part-time for George’s LLC, Kehrberger
& Associates. In addition to delivering for Community
Meals, Patricia also volunteers at Church of the
Presentation in Upper Saddle River as a Eucharistic
Minister and Lector as well as in the Newark Soup Kitchen
outreach and in the Church office. She donates blood
whenever she can and enjoys running and participating in
5k races.
Associate Director:
Penny Schildkraut
Penny has spent most of her career focusing on issues that
impact the community. Most recently, Penny served as a
Vice President and Campaign Director at The Advertising
Council, a private, nonprofit organization which is the
leading producer of public service communications
programs in the United States. Penny was responsible for
the Ad Council’s Education campaigns and, for ten years,
worked closely on the strategic development, production
and evaluation of multiple public service efforts. Prior to
joining the Ad Council in 2001, Penny worked in account
management at advertising agencies DDB Worldwide and
Hill, Holliday/Altschiller on brands such as Hasbro,
Amtrak and Frito-Lay. Penny graduated with honors from
the University of Pennsylvania with a BA degree in
Psychology. For the last year she has been a weekly
volunteer with CMI. She lives with her husband and two
young children in Ridgewood.
continued from page 1
I invite you all to join in to our 6th Annual “Meals That
Matter” fundraiser on Tuesday, June 9. Various
restaurants in the towns that we serve generously agreed to
donate a percentage of the day’s receipts to Community
Meals. Simply dine in one of the restaurants listed on page
four on June 9th and we do the rest. It is easy and fun and
you can “enjoy your meal out so others may enjoy their
meals in.” Thank you to all the participating restaurants
for their generosity and spirit in hosting this event.
Community Meals, Inc. has had a very busy and productive
year. Nothing would have been possible without our
volunteers. An anonymous quote noted, “Volunteers do
not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
Our volunteers are truly devoted with compassion and
caring hearts. I thank them all from the bottom of my heart
for their time, effort and dependability. A special thank
you to our Day Chairs – Lynne, Peggy, Jeffrey and Jack for
ensuring that our delivery routes are covered and to the
executive staff for keeping the office running efficiently.
And to our board members for the hours of time they give
to keep CMI running smoothly. Have a wonderful spring
and summer and ”keep on doing!”
Page 6 - Meal Times
Young students at two elementary schools in Ridgewood
were recently invited to enter an essay contest in which
they could win prize money for a charity or organization
they admired. The schools host an annual variety show
called “Dads’ Night,” where fathers dress up in funny
costumes and perform on stage in various skits to the
delight of their children, wives, and other audience
members. The event raises thousands of dollars and
enables the schools to fund special projects such as new
playground equipment. Last year, the organizers decided
to dedicate a portion of the funds to two local charities that
help other members in our community. The following
essay was submitted by third grader Kiri Jensen from
Somerville school:
Kiri Jensen of Ridgewood,
whose essay was about Community Meals
with CMI Executive Director, Rebecca Conboy
I want to donate the money to Community Meals because
there are a lot of people in Ridgewood and other nearby
communities who can’t cook for themselves because of old
age or they have a disability. Community Meals is a
“meals-on-wheels” like organization that’s made up of
volunteers (that means they do this work without getting
paid). This company brings food to the people so they
won’t be hungry or lonely. (Community Meals volunteers
get to know the people so these people won’t be lonely if
they don’t have family close by.)
The purpose of Community Meals is to help these people
live a longer life, and to have people around them. But of
course, to also get the tasty food!
The reason why this organization is so important is
because Community Meals brings food to people who
can’t make the food themselves and often don’t have
family close by to help them or make them food. Also, if
Community Meals rings the door bell and nobody
answers, they will call a neighbor or family member to
see if the person is OK or at their house, but it also could
be if someone was sick, and they couldn’t get up to answer
the door.
I talked to my neighbor Mrs. Rebecca Conboy, who is the
supervisor of Community Meals, and she said some things
Community Meals could do with the $500 is…give food to
more people who need it, give people presents on their
birthday, give people more canned food in winter in case
there is a snow storm, and let more people know about
their program with posters.
Some Fun Facts About Community Meals:
Community Meals delivers about 100 meals every
single day.
There are 150 volunteers to help out.
Community Meals makes sure that the meals are
nutritionally balanced, and isn’t too spicy for some
people. (But they might like spicy food.)
The last fact about Community Meals is that the
supervisor of Community Meals has a sign in her
kitchen that says “Love people - Cook them tasty
Community Meals does this because they love to help
people who need help. I am grateful for Community Meals
for trying their best to make them happy. Community
Meals will let the people know that Hawes and Somerville
communities care about them too! That is why I want to
give the fund raising money to Community Meals because
it’s so caring. So please pick this charity to donate the
money to. Thank you!”
by Rebecca Conboy and Peggy Schildkraut,
Executive and Associate Directors, CMI
The following appeared in the April 17
Glen Rock Gazette:
In recognition of National Volunteer Week (April 13-17),
we wish to acknowledge and thank all of our dedicated
volunteers who devote their precious time to Community
Meals, Inc.
Our extremely challenging winter season required our
volunteers to deliver meals in snowy and icy conditions.
They overcame the challenges knowing that the meals
needed to be delivered. Not only were they delivering the
meals, they were making contact with our clients making
sure they were safe and comfortable. This daily check not
only comforted our clients, but it helped put our clients‘
families at ease, especially those who do not live in the
Our volunteers are the most caring, compassionate, loyal
dependable people. They are various ages and come from
various, backgrounds, careers and towns. For many
years, Community Meals volunteers have been delivering
hot and cold meals to the homebound in the towns of
Allendale, Glen Rock, Ho-Ho-Kus, Midland Park,
Ridgewood, Waldwick and part of Saddle River.
Thank you, Community Meals volunteers. Your efforts
are so appreciated by us, our Board of Directors and by
our clients and their families.
by Stacey Gilmartin
Publicity Chairperson
Community Meals once again participated in March for
Meals, a nationwide campaign to generate public
awareness about senior hunger and isolation and to
celebrate the invaluable services provided by more than
5,000 Meals on Wheels programs across the county. This
annual campaign is also intended to help recruit new
volunteers from our community and to increase
fundraising from local businesses and supporters.
The main event is Mayors for Meals Day, where mayors or
elected officials from the seven towns we serve are invited
to accompany a volunteer and deliver meals to "their"
clients, in the hope of gaining much-needed visibility for
Community Meals and the national agenda. We wish to
thank the Mayor of Ridgewood, Paul Aronsohn, Glen
Rock's Mayor John van Keuren, Mayor Patrick "Bud"
O'Hagan of Midland Park, Mayor Thomas Giordano of
Waldwick and from Allendale, Mayor Liz White and
Councilwoman Amy Wilczynski for participating.
Additional thanks to Gloria Geannette, Editor of the
Ridgewood News for arranging for a photographer and
reporter from the Ridgewood News and a photojournalist
from The Record to capture the moment and help publicize
our organization and purpose.
Glen Rock Mayor John van Keuren, who has also
been a volunteer for Community Meals for ten
years, delivering to Doris Dowling in Glen Rock
Page 7 - Meal Times
c/o Christ Church
105 Cottage Place
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
! !"#$%&"'(%)*+(
PHONE: 201-447-8295
A private, nonprofit meals on wheels program serving
Allendale, Glen Rock, Ho-Ho-Kus, Midland Park,
Ridgewood, Waldwick and part of Saddle River
This is the time of year we all want to clean out our closets, drawers, attics and garages to simplify and
organize our homes. But often we don’t know what to do with all the stuff that is too good to toss out. CMI
has the solution to your problem that also helps us with our ever-present fundraising challenge.
Bring your unwanted items in excellent condition to The Community Thrift Shop in Midland Park. The
thrift shop welcomes clothes, jewelry, books, toys, china, glassware, linens and most household items.
Simply tell the staff that your donation is for CMI (or Charity No. 87.) The thrift shop exists to support
charities and give low-income customers a great place to shop. CMI receives a portion of the revenues
from the sale of your donated items. The more “inventory” our supporters provide to the thrift shop, the
more money we receive to defray the cost of our meals and fully subsidize our clients with financial need.
In 2014 we earned almost $900 from the shop and our goal is to exceed $1,000 in 2015. The Community
Thrift Shop welcomes in-season clothing (no men’s suits) and also is actively seeking current magazines,
especially those for women. Bric-a-brac and household décor items are popular sellers.
Donations may be made only on Mondays from 10 am to 2 pm and on the first Saturday of the month, also
10 am to 2 pm. Up to four shopping bags per donation are permitted and tax receipts are provided.
Shoppers are welcome on Tuesday-Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. The Community Thrift Shop is store #85
in the lower level of the Midland Park Shopping Center (King’s, CVS etc.) at Godwin Ave. and Goffle Rd.