Catalog Guides/Websource Guides
Catalog Guides/Websource Guides
**WEBSOURCE MAY16.qxd:WEBSOURCE.qxd 4/18/16 ECP INC. ECP, Inc., Woodridge, IL – One of the oldest and most trusted names in chemical research and development, proudly showcases our Platinum Professional Car Wash Systems® website. Proven chemistry, leaders in innovation and merchandising targeted to increase sales. If you want to deliver the cleanest and driest cars in the industry – Take your customers Platinum! ™ 800.323.3521 11:45 AM Page 111 ECP INC. ECP, Inc., Woodridge, IL – One of the oldest and most trusted names in chemical research and development, proudly showcases our Technician's Choice® website. Featuring Appearance, Reconditioning, Prep & Service Chemicals for automotive, fleet, truck & transportation. Contact us for all of your detail chemical, fastener & shop supply needs. (800) 323-3521 Kleen-Rite has the best website in the industry! With thousands of products for your carwash & detail operations on the most user friendly site around. Search by category or keyword to find everything you need at the best possible prices! Email: Phone: (800) 233-3873 Extrutech Plastics introduces a new “stay in place” concrete form for 6” poured structural walls. The Extrutech FORM is 24” wide with a bright white, smooth, easy to clean surface on both sides. That complements our bright white 24, 16 and 12 inch wide wall and ceiling panels. Call us for details at 888-818-0118. Quality, innovation, service and value are the four guiding principlesthatmakeJBSIndustriesatrustedchemicalprovider for the car wash industry. We simply deliver higher dilutions, more fragrances, brighter colors, shinier vehicle finishes and cleaner cars. Call us today at (888) 745-0720 or visit us online at VAUGHAN INDUSTRIES AP FORMULATORS STINGER CHEMICALS CORP For over 35 years, Vaughan Industries has been a chemical and equipment innovator for the car wash industry. Check out our latest innovations on-line at and/or request a catalog. Call (313) 935-2040 or (855) 425-8071 or email AP Formulators manufactures a full line of premium car wash chemicals for self serve, tunnel, automatic, and detail applications. We also manufacture a unique wall cleaner that truly requires no scrubbing. AP Formulators delivers the highest quality products, service and support to our valued customers at the best possible value. AUTEC CAR WASH SYSTEMS AUTEC Car Wash Systems manufactures precision-built, all stainless steel, Soft Touch, Touch Free, and hybrid car wash systems which provide exceptional cleaning performance with the lowest operating costs. For more information, call (800) 438-3028 or email us at EXTRUTECH PLASTICS INC. KLEEN-RITE CORPORATION JBS INDUSTRIES AUTO LAUNDRY NEWS MAY 2016 Stinger Chemicals is one of the leading Automotive Chemical Companies that manufactures a complete line of Tunnel, Rollover, Express, and Self Serve car wash chemicals. Stinger Chemical also manufactures a complete line of Automotive and Reconditioning chemicals for the Car Care Professional. 111 **WEBSOURCE MAY16.qxd:WEBSOURCE.qxd 4/18/16 11:45 AM Page 112 ROWE Rowe’s Model 400 is economically-priced and offers top-of-the-line features only found in Rowe’s Bill Breaker models. The Model 400 is the same size as Rowe's BC-1200 and 1400 models and comes in dual validator and dual hopper front and rear load models. It also offers the MEI bill recycler, USA Technologies high-speed wireless ePort credit card PCI compliant system, a second back up bill validator option, and now offers custom faceplates. With features only offered by Rowe and new customization options, the Model 400 is everything carwash operators need.This exciting new line of bill changers truly does it all. SONNY’S THE CARWASH FACTORY Sonny’s newly redesigned, mobile friendly website gives you direct access to the information, innovations, and products you need to plan, manage, and grow your business from any computer or smartphone. Shop 12,000 parts backed by $12 million in inventory and learn why Sonny’s is the bestselling conveyorized car wash equipment in the world. DIAMOND SHINE, INC. Diamond Shine Inc. prides itself on cutting edge chemistry and cost efficient car wash solutions. Through research and development Diamond Shine Inc. will continue to be a leader in product innovation now and into the future. Check out all our product offerings at , '& THE COBRA SYSTEM PANTRON Pantron photoelectric sensors are designed for harsh environments. Used for vehicle detection, measurement, profiling, and for anti-collision systems, Pantron photoelectric sensors are easy to install, align, and maintain. Pantron has served the car wash industry with reliable industrial photoelectric sensors for over 30 years. Call (800) 211-9468 for a free catalog or visit INTERNATIONAL DRYING CORPORATION From our stainless steel quiet dryer “The Whisper” which provides the highest in efficiency and sound reduction, to our high powered “ Spyder” dryers which offers power and economy, you will find the highest quality of dryers in the industry. We make “simply smart drying systems”. Check out our entire line of dryers online at or call us now (800) 736-6412 The pioneers of “Heated” Chemical Applicators. Exceptional cleaning without the labor for more profit. 100% Stainless Steel and practically “NO” maintenance. Works great in hot climates & will never freeze up in the cold! See our FREE LED Flashing Signs with purchase on our website. Check out our NEW Spinning/Pivoting Presoak Applicator. Get the edge on your competition “Heat Works”. For information call (724) 745-7148 or visit our website E-mail: NUSTAR INC. Since 1963 NuStar, Inc., has been developing and marketing the best car wash equipment available. Whether soft touch, touchless or combination, our rollover car wash machines provide years of reliable, worry-free service. In addition, offering quality refurbished machines plus "Pay Per Wash" and "Revenue Sharing" financing plans help you keep up-to-date equipment in your car wash bay without breaking your budget. To learn more call (800) 800-9274. 112 WARSAW CHEMICAL CO., INC. Warsaw Chemical Co., Inc. offers over two hundred Car Choice® Brand car wash and janitorial, industrial, and automotive detail chemical products internationally and throughout the United States. The Car Choice® line includes products for self-service, automatic, and conveyor carwashes. For more information contact Warsaw Chemical Co., Inc., P.O. Box 858, Warsaw, IN 46581. Phone: 800-548-3396, Fax: 574-267-3884. Website: SIMONIZ® USA, INC. Simoniz® is an industry pacesetter promoting enhanced productivity through innovation. Our value equation is simple but powerful one: Innovation + Automation = Profitability! Our unique and innovative offerings will energize your employees... and build excitement and profits for your Detail Operation. Simoniz USA, Inc., 201 Boston Turnpike Bolton, CT 06043 (800) 227-5536 AUTO LAUNDRY NEWS MAY 2016 **WEBSOURCE MAY16.qxd:WEBSOURCE.qxd 4/18/16 THE DRYER PROS The Dryer Pros has dryers for every type of car wash, from in-bay automatics to express tunnels and even truck washes. All dryers are available with patented options that enhance performance and reduce operating costs. Contact us at 602.272.2940 or visit our website at ERIE BRUSH & MANUFACTURING CORP. Erie Brush & Manufacturing Corp. carries a full range of brushes and cloth in both large and small sizes. It stocks accessories for every car wash application ranging from vacuum nozzles to chemicals. Contact Erie at (800) 711-3743, or on the web at 11:45 AM Page 113 ULTIMATECH Our unique high-quality machines are designed based on gravity and fit the natural curvature of the vehicles instead of external controls and push or pull functions. As a result, we are able to deliver a complete, thorough & gentle wash that will ease your mind and reduce your expenses. 877.333.1500 or KC CHEMICALS INC, KC Chemicals Inc. manufacturers a full line of chemicals for the car wash industry. Our custom manufacturing capabilities are state-of-the-art and we can produce and deliver your product on time, every time. Our full line of chemicals includes tire cleaners, foaming detergent concentrate and rust inhibitor. For more information contact call today – (877) 271-8419 or visit our website at PROTO-VEST, INC. Proto-Vest offers an extensive line of vehicle drying equipment with a number of dryers in daily production and available for immediate shipment. Dryers can also be fitted with a number of optional products to enhance performance. A Proto-Vest engineer can design a custom drying system for any number of applications. See our new online parts shop for ease of ordering. 800.521.8218 KAFKO INTERNATIONAL LTD. Oil Eater 2016 Catalog For a copy & a free sample visit: Or call (800) 528-0334 Quiet & Simple "JFKU PDA >AJAłPO KB = MQEAPAN =J@ IKNA ABł?EAJP LQIL UPGRADE to Arimitsu Pumps on your equipment. Arimitsu Pumps offers an extensive product range: Since 1923 • 2 - 400 HP 2L PK $-* • Up to 24,000 PSI SUPERIOR VOLUMETRIC PERFORMANCE 3 Series CONTROL ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND COST INCREASE RELIABILITY OF OPERATIONS FAST AND SIMPLE MAINTENANCE 7 Series IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY 5 Series 11 Series Upgrade Now • • View “Resources” at for helpful tips! Request Arimitsu Pumps when refurbishing old or building new! Why to ask for Arimitsu Pumps: Since 1923, Arimitsu Pumps has been providing these customer NA?KCJEVA@ >AJAłPO -NKRAJ DECD ABł?EAJ?U =J@ NAHE=>EHEPU @AHERAN lower costs of ownership. Learn why more now specify Arimitsu Pumps on their new or existing equipment, and are migrating away from old and costly habits. AUTOVAC VACUUM ARCH SYSTEM AutoVac’s arch systems offer affordable solutions to your shade structure and piping needs. Our functional design delivers vacuum hoses directly to your customer’s door and integrates your central vacuum system, piping and filtration into a streamlined structure for a custom look. Visit or call (888) 628-8682. AUTO LAUNDRY NEWS MAY 2016 AUTODRYER™ AutoDryer™ is a revolutionary carwash drying system that’s ultra-durable and remarkably energy efficient. Solid cast aluminum housings outlast and out perform the competition and DryerIQ™ ensures maximum energy efficiency and cost savings. AutoDryer is up to 70% more energy efficient than standard systems. Visit or call (888) 628-8682. QUIET SIMPLE QUALITY PROVEN l 763.205.8341 l 700 McKinley St NW, Anoka MN 55303 ARIMITSU PUMPS Since 1923, Arimitsu Pumps provides you recognized advantages. Proven high efficiency & reliability, widely known for quiet operation and delivering lower costs of ownership. Learn why more now specify Arimitsu Pumps on their new or existing equipment, and are migrating away from old and costly habits. Ask for Arimitsu Pumps. 763-205-8341 113 **WEBSOURCE MAY16.qxd:WEBSOURCE.qxd 4/18/16 11:45 AM Page 114 BLENDCO SYSTEMS LLC. Blendco Systems proudly offers a full line of transportation cleaning products, including formulated powders, liquids, patented SuperSat® Custom Detergent Systems and Red Rhino® polishes and protectants- all based on decades of formulating experience. Blendco has been providing the transportation cleaning industry with innovative detergent solutions for more than thirty years. SOLARONICS INC. Solaronics manufactures a full line of stainless-steel heaters including both single-stage and 2-stage infra-red radiant tube heaters, as well as a fully modulating door heater. Visit our website for technical specs on the products. Grand Entrance Arch ™ Create the Best Customer First Impression with the Coleman Hanna Grand Entrance Arch!™ 0DNH D JUHDW VWDUW WR WKHLU ȴUVW LPSUHVVLRQ RI \RXU ZDVK E\ DGGLQJ WKH Grand Entrance Arch™ E\ &ROHPDQ +DQQD &DUZDVK 6\VWHPV 7KH Grand Entrance Arch™ SURYLGHV D SURIHVVLRQDO DQG PRGHUQ ORRN WKDW ZLOO DWWUDFW DQG LPSUHVV FXVWRPHUV HYHQ IURP IDU DZD\ 1RW RQO\ ZLOO LW GD]]OH \RXU FXVWRPHUV WKH DUFK ZLOO LQIRUP WKHP RI YLWDO FRQYH\RU LQVWUXFWLRQV DQG FRQȴUP WKH ZDVK SDFNDJH SXUFKDVHG &XVWRPHUV ZLOO EH ZHOFRPHG ZLWK D SURIHVVLRQDO FOHDU DQG FULVS /(' EDFN OLW VLJQ WKDW FOHDUO\ FRQȴUPV WKHLU SXUFKDVH DQG GHOLYHUV WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV RI \RXU FKRLFH 7KH SDFNDJH RI WKHLU FKRLFH LV LOOXPLQDWHG DQG WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV DUH F\FOHG DOORZLQJ \RXU HPSOR\HH WR GLUHFW WKH FXVWRPHUȇV DWWHQWLRQ WR WKHP 7KH DUFK JUDSKLFV DUH FXVWRP GHVLJQHG WR SURPRWH \RXU EUDQG LQ D SURIHVVLRQDO PDQQHU WKDW LV SUHFLVH DQG DWWUDFWLYH WR \RXU FXVWRPHU 7KH SDQHOV FDQ EH HDVLO\ UHPRYHG DQG FKDQJHG WR D QHZ PHVVDJH ZKHQ DQ XSGDWH LW QHHGHG A new look has never been so easy! 5842 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77092 1.800.999.9878 • 713.683.9878 Find us on Facebook: /ColemanHannaCarwash COLEMAN HANNA CARWASH SYSTEMS GRAND ENTRANCE ARCH & HORIZON ARCH SYSTEM This guide features our eye attracting Grand Entrance Arch and Horizon Arches. These LED backlit arches provide a welcoming message, modern touch, and additional revenue enhancing features. Horizon arches can be used to rinse, apply foaming conditioners, or apply protectants. (800) 999-9878 114 PREDATOR PRODUCTS The Predator Series is a complete line of automotive and marine care products and are specially designed with the user in mind. The products are easily handled and applied to the surface of any car, boat or RV. Visit our website to view our complete product line at or call us at (888) 745-0720. TELCO SENSORS Telco Sensors has been supplying the most reliable, hard working and high performing optical sensor solutions used in automatic vehicle wash systems and carwash doors for over 30 years. Longest range, highest sunlight immunity, and best warranty in the industry. Contact us at 800-253-0111 or for your free catalog. AIRLIFT DOORS Airlift Doors, Inc. has a strong dealership network across the US & Canada and a limited number of distributors overseas. We guarantee the shortest lead times on all standard size doors and openers. Top sellers include: Alaska polycarbonate doors, XRS vinyl roll up doors, and our Powerglide & Magnaglide air openers. (888) 368-4403 Before deciding on a replacement car wash pump, check out the results of a head-to-head comparison between GP and a leading competitor. You’ll find that GP pumps offer better quality at a better price. Call (888) 474-5487, e-mail us at or online at GENERAL PUMP-USA Put your in bay automatic on the FASTRAK!™ Decrease wash time with the latest touch-free automatic from Coleman Hanna. The Dual Arm Overhead Bridge Design allows you to wash more cars per hour while still providing a consistently superior clean vehicle using zero degree oscillating nozzles. This innovative automatic provides an open and inviting bay with water saving technology. 2HULQJ DOO \RXU &DU :DVKLQJ (TXLSPHQW 1HHGV 7UXVW WKH ([SHUWV DW &ROHPDQ +DQQD Find us on Facebook: /ColemanHannaCarwash 5842 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77092 • 713.683.9878 • 1.800.999.9878 • COLEMAN HANNA CARWASH SYSTEMS WATER WIZARD FASTRAK™ The Water Wizard FasTrak™ brochure highlights our latest touch free two-arm bridge design automatic system. This revolutionary design combines powerful washing with an open and inviting bay that appeals to customers. Decrease wash time while increasing profits with the Water Wizard FasTrak™. (800) 999-9878 ISTOBAL USA The energy efficient M'NEX 22 automatic features an innovative and attractive design. It is available as a friction, hybrid or combination. An industry leading list of options, including Internet two way communication, dozens of colors and various lighting packages make it the most versatile and complete machine on the market! AUTO LAUNDRY NEWS MAY 2016 **WEBSOURCE MAY16.qxd:WEBSOURCE.qxd 4/18/16 11:45 AM Page 115 CLEANING SYSTEMS, INC. (CSI) R&B WIRE PRODUCTS INC. R&B wire offers a quality built, 2 1/2 bushel capacity car wash towel cart available with a chrome or a variety of copolymer colored basket finishes. The cart is equipped with an air cushion bumper and optional accessory basket. Base is powder coated for added protection in gray. Cleaning Systems, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of cleaning and protection chemical products, as well as chemical application technology, for the transportation industry globally. Founded in 1976, Cleaning Systems, Inc. is based in De Pere, Wisconsin, and is an ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001-2004 registered company, whose products are known for high quality, value, effectiveness, environmental sustainability, as well as cutting edge, industry leading technology. CSI’s product lines include Lustra, servicing the professional car wash industry, including Ultraflex® ultra concentrated technology, as well as a full line of commercial transportation cleaning products, and an array of chemical application technology solutions. VEHICLE WASH SYSTEMS Vehicle Wash Systems, Inc. Wash cars SAFELY with NO rollers, NO chains. Purchase the Superior® Flat Belt Conveyor System, the SAFEST conveyor in the industry today. See our “Moving Floor” in action at Call 800-344-8700 for your Custom Quote Email: INFO@WASHNGO.COM LOCK AMERICA INTERNATIONAL, INC. Malco manufactures a full line of automotive reconditioning products.Visit us at the Malco website to learn more about our products, obtain an MSDS, find a distributor in your area and view videos about how to use some of our popular products. You can also check updates on VOC compliance. Lock America’s Paystation Lock System combines a special lock housing, a Lock America or compatible plug lock, and a modified version of Lock America’s Millennium Lock™ with a virtually pick and drill proof keyway. A key uniquely registered to each customer provides over 20 million useable key combinations. MALCO PRODUCTS INC. Patent Applied For TO BE PART OF THIS UNIQUE SECTION SEND US YOUR WEBSITE ADDRESS WITH A 30-40 MAXIMUM WORD DESCRIPTION. WE DO THE REST! This special advertising section is published every MAY AND NOVEMBER Contact Joanne Gambert at (201)592-7007 Ext.38 or Pati Ferraro (201)592-7007 Ext.39 AUTO LAUNDRY NEWS MAY 2016 NS WASH SYSTEMS The dynamic NS Wash Systems website provides information of all the equipment and components that NS manufactures. Product brochures and manuals can be easily downloaded. There are also photos and videos of the many systems installed all around the world . 115
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