Denvention 3 - The Fanac Fan History Project


Denvention 3 - The Fanac Fan History Project
Denvention 3
Progress Report One
September 2007
A n t i c i p a t i o n
The 67th World Science Fiction Convention
Neil Gaiman – Guest of Honour
Elisabeth Vonarburg – Invitée d'honneur
Taral Wayne – Fan Guest of Honour
David Hartwell – Editor Guest of Honour
Tom Doherty – Publisher Guest of Honour
Julie Czerneda – Master of Ceremonies
August 6-10, 2009
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Contact us:
CP 105 Succursale NDG, Montréal, QC, H4A 3P4
w w w . a n t i c i p a t i o n s f . c a
“Worldcon” and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society
A Mile Closer to the Stars
Wednesday, August 6 – Sunday, August 10, 2008
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, Colorado USA
Lois McMaster Bujold
Rick Sternbach
Tom Whitmore
Robert A. Heinlein
Wil McCarthy
Guest of Honor
Artist Guest of Honor
Fan Guest of Honor
Ghost of Honor
Denvention 3
PO Box 1349, Denver, CO 80201-1349 •
Service Mark Notice: “World Science Fiction Society,” “WSFS,” “World Science Fiction Convention,” “Worldcon,” “NASFiC,” and
“Hugo Award” are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.
Denvention 3
Progress Report One
Committee and Staff List
Executive Division
Chairman Vice- Chair Chairman’s Assistant Chairman’s Staff Hugo Administration Information Technology WSFS Business Meeting WSFS Site Selection
Con Operations Division
Division Head Deputy Office Office Staff
Rovers Head
Rovers Volunteers Logistics Staff Kent Bloom
Jack Heneghan
Gerry Letteney
Bobbi Armbruster
Mary Kay Kare
Erik V. Olson
Donald Eastlake 3rd
Kim Williams
Robbie Bourget
John Mansfield
Becky Thomson
Randy Smith
John Harold
Cass Marshall, David
Holm, Bruce Dane
Sheila McClune, Melanie
Jacob Fortin
Events Division
Division Head Hugo Ceremony
Bill Parker
Laurie Mann, Gay Ellen
Exhibits Division
Division Head Deputy Mentor
Exhibits Staff Brainstorming CCC/Decorator Liaison Layout/Safety Art Show
Ruth Sachter
Ian Stockdale
Jim Hudson
Sharon Sbarsky
Geri Sullivan
Nancy Cobb
Kurt Siegal
Bruce Miller, Cheryl
Art Show Staff
Ted Alsup, Bonnie Atwood, Ted Atwood, Rex Baker,
Beth Bartlett, Blair Bartlett, Mitzi Bartlett, Dana
Bell, Sage Bray, Michael Burgess, Chloe Byer, Joni
Dashoff, Jonni Davis, Kammi Davis, Jaimee DavisFox, Gay Ellen Dennett, Sandy Diersing, Laura
Domitz, Steven Fox, Lisa Hertel, Mary Jane Jewell,
Erin Jordan, Karen Jordan, Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink,
Julia S. Koller, Kerry Kuhn, Paula Lieberman, Dave
Luperti, Sally Mayer, Mike Oberg, Pam Oberg, Robert
Pechman, Matthew Ragsdale, Jerome Scott, Andrea
Senchy, Alan Shaklee, Grace Spengler, Harold Stein,
Doug Sundseth, Bill Van Cleave, Sue Van Cleave, Erik
Von Halle, Donna Waltz
Dealers’ Room
Sally Kobee, Larry Smith
NASA Exhibits Liaison
Patrick Molloy
Hospitality Division
Division Head Deputy Hospitality Staff Con Suite
Sandra Childress
Inger Myers
Mr. Shirt
Terry Adams
Facilities Division
Division Head Deputy Facilities Staff Convention Center Housing Local Liaison Finance Division
Division Head Treasurer Office Member Services Division
Division Head Deputy Child Care Handicapped Services
Information Pre-Registration Pre-Reg Staff
Registration Ribbons Boards and Displays
Programming Division
Division Head Database Filk Guest of Honor Liaisons
Lois McMaster Bujold
Tom Whitmore
Rick Sternbach
Wil McCarthy
Kaffeklatches Regency Dance
Photographer Program Ops Technology of Reading Publications Division
Division Head Hugo Ceremony Program
Progress Reports Publicity
Press Relations
Souvenir Program Book
In Memoriam Page
Web Site Patty Wells
Ben Yalow
Aaron Curtis, David
Gallaher, Deb Geisler,
Mark Herrup, Joyce
Hooper, TR Smith
Craige Howlette
Kim Marks Brown, John
Barb McDonald
Bob MacIntosh
Brian Morman
Judy Bemis
Jim Briggs
Ed Green
Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale
Sally Woehrle
Melissa Morman
Ted Monogue
Terry Adams, Kent Bloom,
Mary Morman
Linda Ross-Mansfield
Sharon Sbarsky
Erwin “Filthy
Pierre” Strauss
Mary Morman
Barry Newton
Blind Lemming Chiffon,
Kathleen Sloan
Elaine Normandy
Pamela Potter
Robin Monogue
Eric Schwartz
Scott Humphries
Terry Adams, Michelle
Brothers, Susan
Keith McClune
Jim Mann
Glenn Glazer
Helen Montgomery
Laurie Mann
Michael Nelson
Bill Taylor
Deb Geisler
Laurie Mann
Tim Miller
Steven H Silver
Laurie Mann
September 2007
Denvention 3
Message From the Chair
Dear Friends,
Denvention 3 is very pleased to have been selected to be
the 66th World Science Fiction Convention next August. We
know that we could not have done this without the support
of the Friends and Pre-Supporters of the Denver in 2008 bid,
those who encouraged and supported us as we bid, and the
many fans who voted at Los Angeles. Thank you.
We are working with fen from around the world to bring
you the best Worldcon possible. In order to do that, we need
your input as well. Please let us know what it is that makes
Worldcons fun and special for you.
We think you will enjoy Denver, and Denvention 3, as we
will. We’re very excited to have our wonderful Guests of
Honor agree to share their time with us. We think you’ll
enjoy meeting them as well. They bring great things to us.
We plan to celebrate their contributions to Science Fiction
and Fantasy and Fandom with many enjoyable events and
activities, some traditional and some new and different.
The Denver downtown that some of you may remember
from Denvention II is gone. The downtown area is now a
major shopping and commercial center. Within a few blocks
of the Colorado Convention Center is now the 16th Street
Pedestrian Mall, with a free and frequent shuttle that runs
from the train station and baseball stadium (and the Tattered Cover Bookstore) up past the Convention Center and
MileHiCon 39 Party Announcement
Denvention 3 will be hosting an open party on Friday, October 26, 2007 at this year’s MileHiCon in Denver, Colorado.
Please stop by our party or fan table if you will be attending
MileHiCon 39 on October 26 – 28, 2007 [].
Committee and Staff List2
Message From the Chair
Facilities Division Report
WSFS Business Meeting
Events Division Report
Hugo Awards Ceremony
Exhibits Division Report
Denvention 3 Art Show
Member Services Division Report
Programming Division Report
The Technology of Reading
Progress Report Two Advertising Rates
Hugo Award Base Design Competition
Ten Things to Know About the Mile High City
Our Honored Guests and Toastmaster
2009 Worldcon Site Selection Results
Nippon 2007 WSFS Business Meeting
Membership Registration Information
Member List
Kent Bloom
the Adams Mark Hotel to the Colorado State Capitol area. I
think you will be very pleased with the variety of places to
eat and shop in downtown Denver.
I know many of you have heard the Democratic Presidential Nominating Convention will be in Denver next August.
It will be in the Pepsi Center (several blocks away from the
Colorado Convention Center where Denvention 3 will be
held) starting two weeks after Denvention 3. Although it
will not have a direct effect on us, Denver is going to be very
busy all through August. This means that hotel rates are
higher than we expected. We have blocks of rooms in seven
downtown Denver hotels. All of the hotels are convenient
to the Convention Center. Some are on the free Mall Shuttle
Bus route along Denver’s 16th Street Pedestrian Mall. We
are working on how to handle reservations. Look for details in our next Progress Report in January 2008.
A Worldcon is a large and complex thing. It has always
amazed me that we can do so much with only volunteers.
This means that we need help to do almost everything, and
anything we don’t have volunteers for probably won’t get
done. If you have already volunteered, and you haven’t
heard from us yet, please be patient. We do need you and
we will be in touch. If you haven’t volunteered yet, please
consider it. It is a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to meet
people who may share your interests. You can volunteer
on our website at, at one of the conventions
where we will have a table, or via postal mail.
I’m looking forward to seeing most of you next August, and
working with many of you in the planning, organization,
and operation of Denvention 3 between now and then.
Facilities Division
Denvention 3
Patty Wells
In a recent visit to Denver, our Convention Center Hyatt
sales manager told us that Denver has moved up from being the 117th most popular meeting destination to being 5th
in just the past few years. Denvention 3 has gotten caught in
this sudden popularity.
So we’re in a great city that has become more desirable by
facilities upgrades, new hotels, and the addition of a 16block long pedestrian mall (with free shuttle buses and free
WiFi) close to the convention center and hotels. Denver is
vibrant, filled with wonderful restaurants, and action. The
most memorable moment for me in Denver was watching a
full, and formally dressed, wedding party in pedicabs being
cheered by folks in the outside seating of the original Rock
Bottom Brewery.
The convention center is beautiful. The staff people I met
were wonderful, and positive about how interesting our
convention will be; the free shuttle runs continuously; and
the beer down there is excellent. And I’m from Portland, so
I’m not easily impressed by the beer supply. It will make for
a great Worldcon.
Progress Report One
Events Division
Bill Parker
In addition to the usual Worldcon events, such as the Masquerade, Hugo Awards Ceremony, and the Opening and
Closing Ceremonies, we’re planning on introducing the
Worldcon to a Denver tradition, Critter Crunch, the original robot battle competition. This contest was created by
the Denver Area Mad Scientists. This group still governs
Critter Crunch. This is the original robot battle competition
and predates Robot Wars and Battle Bots by more than ten
years. The competition has been held in the past in conjunction with the MileHiCon convention, but this will be the
first time it will take place at a Worldcon.
Discussions between Programming and Events Division
are ongoing. We are exploring possibilities for the Film and
Video programming. More to come on this at a later date.
We promise not to show the film version of Eye of Argon.
We are looking for volunteers in the following areas: Tech
Ops, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and Masquerade. If
you are interested, contact
Hugo Awards Ceremony
Laurie Mann
The unfortunate side to Denver’s popularity is that there
will be several groups sharing the city, the convention center, and the hotels with us, including John Deere and the
American Statistical Association (ASA). We have rooms in
three of the hotels closest to the convention center, and in
other hotels that are 4-5 blocks away and on the free downtown shuttle bus route. We have rates no higher than $159
(double) at most hotels; a few are as low as $129.
One of the highlights of the Worldcon is the annual Hugo
Awards ceremony. Toastmaster Wil McCarthy will serve as
the Master of Ceremonies for the Saturday night event in
the spectacular 5,000-seat Wells Fargo Theatre in the Colorado Convention Center. Plan to attend to help honor the
best in our field.
I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, there’s the hype, get to
the details. The hotel details will be up on the web no later
than the beginning of 2008, and booking information will
be out in Progress Report Two about the same time, as is
traditional. You will be able to book rooms yourselves; suite
bookings will be through the Denvention 3 housing staff,
also as is traditional.
Members of Nippon 2007 and Denvention 3 are entitled to
make nominations for the 2008 Hugo Awards — to dictate
which works and people will appear on next year’s Hugo
Awards voting ballot. A nomination form will be included
with Progress Report Two in January.
Denvention 3 Housing [] will try to
help you get the accommodations that will help make this a
wonderful Worldcon experience in a great city.
Hotel Booking Information
Denvention 3 hotel booking information will be published
in Progress Report Two and posted to the Denvention 3 web
site in early January.
WSFS Business Meeting
Donald Eastlake 3rd
There will be a WSFS Business Meeting at Denvention 3, as
provided in the World Science Fiction Society Constitution.
All attending members are eligible to submit business, attend the business meeting, and vote. Further information
on the Business Meeting as well as the WSFS Constitution
and the Standing Rules of the Business Meeting will appear
in later Progress Reports.
2008 Hugo Awards Nominations
For more information on the Hugo Awards, check out
AwardWeb at, Locus Magazine’s Index
to Science Fiction Awards at, Science
Fiction Awards Watch at, or The Hugo
Awards, a new site created and managed by the Hugo
Awards Marketing Subcommittee of the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at
OryCon 29
Locus Magazine
KC in 2009
Australia in 2010
Inside front cover
Inside back cover
Progress Report cover
Denvention 3 logo
Denver cartoon
Art Show cartoon
Rick Sternbach & Don Dixon
Robin Monogue
Teddy Harvia
Steve Stiles
September 2007
Exhibits Division
Denvention 3
Ruth Sachter
In addition to hosting the traditional areas such as the Art
Show, Dealers’ Room, and vast quantities of Worldcon history, the Exhibits Division is busy brainstorming what other
exhibits will make an appearance at Denvention 3. If you
have suggestions, connections to interesting organizations
or companies, or wish to volunteer to help, please contact
us at
Art Show
Bruce M. Miller
The Denvention 3 Art Show will be in Exhibit Hall D of
the Colorado Convention Center, nestled snugly between
exhibits and the Dealers’ Room. It will headed by Bruce
M. Miller and Cheryl A. Sundseth, who you may know as
ABCs; they’ve run shows for MileHiCon (1991-present),
Origins (1993-1995), Genghis Con (1994-2003), Opus (2003present), World Horror Con 2000, and others. You may also
have met Bruce at other Worldcon art shows or at ASFA.
Bruce and Cheryl have, in turn, recruited many other experienced art show runners as staff, and are still looking for
more people at all art show experience levels.
We don’t have much else to report yet. We’re currently
working on getting display panels. We are still setting policies and hours, writing rules, etc. We would like your input.
Until we get a section up on the Denvention 3 website, you
can leave feedback at: or
send e-mail to the Denvention 3 Exhibits Division at
Call for Volunteers
A Worldcon does not run itself. Without vibrant volunteers
volunteering their vital services, vast vexation will befall
this venue. So don’t vacillate, please volunteer now. Use
our vivacious (okay, that’s really pushing it) volunteer form
located on the Denvention 3 web site or drop a note to our
Con Operations Division care of our postal address.
Member Services Division
Jim Briggs
In upcoming progress reports, we shall bring you details
on our child care services, local tourism information, handiapped services, and other member services. Please contact
us at
Programming Division
Mary Morman
In addition to the usual gaming, filking, films, and kaffeeklatsches, we will be running a few special programming
events. Join us on the evening of Wednesday, August 6th
(Denvention 3 will start on Wednesday, not Thursday as
traditional), for a “Summerfair on Barrayar” in celebration
of our Author Guest of Honor, Lois McMaster Bujold. Other special events planned are a Heinlein-themed “Square
Dance on Ganymede” and the usual Worldcon Regency
dance morphed whimsically into the “Dowager Duchess of
Denver’s Ball.” If you have ideas for programming panels
and presentations, please keep an eye on our web site to fill
out our programming survey when it is posted.
The Technology of Reading
Every session of the Olympic Games gets the opportunity
to do an Exhibition Event — a competition that is not one
of the regular Olympic sports, but that the organizers feel
people will enjoy and want to participate in. Since we are
all readers, and since the face of what it means to “read”
is changing in our lifetimes, our Exhibition Event for the
Denvention 3 Worldcon is a set of exhibits, workshops, and
panels on The Technology of Reading. Glenn Glazer will be
the organizer for this event.
We plan to have panels and presentations on The History of
the Book — from clay tablets to e-books — with discussion
on the history of writing media (clay to wax to parchment
to paper) and also technology (tablets, scrolls, and codices,
moving to print media and then electronic). Other topics
will be “Hardcopy to Softcopy — The Move from Book to
eBooks,” the basics of cataloging (starting with Hypatia and
the library at Alexandria and moving forward to hypertext),
and the cost-effectiveness of e-publishing.
Workshops will include clay tablet making, using wax and
stylus, making papyrus, and bookbinding — with different sessions for children and adults. Exhibits will include
some historical manuscript pages, some tablets and ostraca
(if we are successful with loans from museums and private
collections), and some displays of museum exhibits done
in pictures or video. Companies that produce e-books and
e-book readers will also be asked to exhibit.
If you have ideas, or objects that we might exhibit, or would
like to participate in panels or teach a workshop, please
contact Glenn Glazer at
Denvention 3 LiveJournal
We have a “Denvention3” community at http://community. Join us for the latest Denvention 3
news and to get answers to your questions.
Denvention 3
Coming Attractions
Progress Report Two will include the 2008 Hugo Awards
nomination form, hotel registration information, and the
WSFS Constitution (which all first-time Worldcon attendees are required to memorize). Progress Report Two will be
published in January 2008.
Request for Publication Submissions
We are looking for artwork and articles for our publications.
The deadline for our next progress report is November 30,
2007. Please send submissions or questions to PR Editor
Michael Nelson at or Progress Report
Editor c/o the Denvention 3 postal address.
Save a Tree
If you prefer not to receive paper copies of our pre-con publications, you can request e-mail notifications when new
electronic versions (Adobe Acrobat PDF) are posted to the
Denvention 3 web site. Send your request to Denvnetion 3
Pre-Registeration at
Restaurant Recommendations
Greetings, foodies! We want to know about your favorite
restaurants, brewpubs, night clubs, cafes, etc. in the Denver
area for our Restaurant Guide. Send your recommentations
to Melissa Morman at
Progress Report One
Progress Report Two Advertising Rates
width x height
Full Page
7.5” x 10”
Half Page
7.5” x 4.75”
3.5” x 10”
7.5” x 2.25”
3.5” x 4.75”
The deadline to reserve ad space in Progress Report Two
is October 31, 2007. All ad copy and payment must be received by November 15, 2007.
Professional rates apply to fully commercial, for-profit organizations employing full-time staff. Fan rates apply to
conventions, clubs, and fanzines: non-profits organizations
with no salaried staff. Semi-pro rates apply to businesses
run part-time by owners, small press publishers, charities,
and other groups that promote the World Science Fiction
Society’s interest in literacy and science education.
Send hard copy and payment to the Denvention 3 post office box (Denvention 3, PO Box 1349, Denver, CO 80201).
We can accept ads as hard copy or in electronic format (TIF
or EPS files) to Electronic format is
preferred. Mail payment to our Finance Division at the
Denvention 3 postal address if you submit your ad electronically. Please submit special requests with a full description.
For more information, please contact
We are planning to publish four progress reports before the
start of Denvention 3. Forthcoming Progress Reports Two
and Three will be full-sized publications with advertisements. Progress Report Four will be a short newsletter type
publication and will not feature advertisements.
Tourism and Local Information
We are delighted to have Melissa Morman on staff as our
Guide to Denver. Melissa has worked in downtown Denver since 1985 and is very excited to show off Denver to
fans! If you were here for Denvention Two in 1981, we can
assure you that downtown Denver no longer rolls up the
sidewalks at 5 pm! We’ve got excellent restaurants, interesting nightlife, a marvelous bookstore (Tattered Cover), a
baseball stadium (among other things), all within walking
distance or shuttle bus ride from the Convention Center.
Some of the items we’re planning for tourism activities are a
brewpub crawl, a baseball game (if the Rockies are playing
in town — if not, a tour of Coors Field), a walking tour of
downtown, and perhaps a day trip to one of the mountain
towns nearby.
What would you like to see? What interests you? Do you
have any connections to local Denver attractions that may
interest our members? Send a note to, and let us know. Check out Progress Report Two in
January for more details!
We look forward to welcoming everyone to Denver.
September 2007
Denvention 3
Your Chance for Fame: Hugo Award Base Design Competition
The World Science Fiction Convention has been giving out
awards for achievement in science fiction since your humble administrator was a year old. Categories come and go,
changing with the tastes and interests of fandom, but the
basic design of the Hugo Award itself remains constant. A
silver cigar-shaped rocket is the focal point of the award,
the unchanging work of art and science that instantly identifies the trophy as a Hugo.
The one thing that does change — and changes every year
— is the design of the base; the platform upon which the
rocket is mounted. Each year’s Worldcon committee has the
pleasure and honor of choosing a base that compliments
the award and is, in some way, thematic of the convention
or its city or region. Past bases have ranged from elegant to
amazing, to a tad impractical. You can see photographs of
them at
For the last few years, several Worldcons have held an open
competition for the design of its Hugo Award bases. Denvention 3 is continuing that policy and is soliciting artists
and designers to come up with a base that is worthy of the
Hugo Award and which reflects the convention’s theme, “A
Mile Closer to the Stars,” and, thus the Rocky Mountains.
Reference to our home region of Denver, Colorado is nice
but the theme is key.
So get those creative juices flowing and read up on your
otherworldly engineering. The person who submits the
winning design will receive a full 5-day membership in
Denvention 3 and the opportunity to introduce their base
design as part of the Hugo Ceremony itself.
Anyone may enter. You must submit your design by midnight (MST) December 31, 2007 and the submission package should include:
• Drawings, sketches, and/or a fabricated sample of the
proposed base unit.
• Cost estimate per base, and estimated total cost for the
fabrication and shipping of 24 base units.
• Lead time needed for fabrication.
• Statement of your ability to either craft the bases or arrange for the work to be done.
As a guideline, bases should cost $150 each or less to fabricate, and the finished bases should be sent to Denvention
3 not later than June 15, 2008. You may submit proposals
either electronically or via postal mail.
Please e-mail proposals to Include
the information above and a JPG, TIFF or GIF image of your
design. If you are using a program which does not automatically add extensions to file names, please tell us, in your
narrative, what file format to expect.
Mary Kay Kare
Please send, via US postal mail or international postal mail,
the information above and your sketch/drawing/sample
base (or a disk or CD containing your sketch/drawing). Our
physical address is:
Denvention 3
Attn: Hugo Base Design
PO Box 1349
Denver, CO 80201-1349
In either case, include your name and contact information.
• You may design bases of wood, metal, lucite, or any
other material which has a fixed form. Do not use materials which will change form or degrade when aged,
heated, etc.
• You must design in such a way that the silver Hugo
rocket is an integral part of the design. We will supply
rockets for the bases. Ease of attachment should be a design feature. Rockets are bolted to the bases from below
the tailfins.
Rocket Specifications
• chromium-plated zinc/aluminium alloy
• 13” (330 mm) tall
• 2” (51 mm) across base from fin-tip to fin-tip
• weight 3 lb. 2 oz. (1.42 kg)
• bolt 5/16”-18 machine screw thread
• bolt-hole depth 0.625” (15 mm)
• The design must stand on a flat surface in some way.
Do not craft a hanging design or one only appropriate
for zero-G unless you’re planning on taking us all to that
place for the ceremony.
• Leave space for a plaque or plaques indicating convention, winner, and category of award in an easily readable
font at 12 points.
• Avoid designs that disintegrate in people’s luggage,
cannot be easily shipped, are excessively heavy, or that
have bits that may fall off and need re-attaching. Bases
should not rouse suspicion in the breasts of TSA officers.
Denvention 3 regrets that competition entries cannot be returned. In addition, the winning design is traditionally only
unveiled at the Hugo Ceremony and strict confidentiality
will therefore apply to the winner and their design until the
award is revealed at the start of the Hugo Ceremony.
Any questions? Please write to or
the Denvention 3 postal address for clarifications.
(The author wishes to thank the authors of the last three
years’ RFPs from whom she cribbed... heavily.)
Denvention 3
Progress Report One
Ten Things to Know About the Mile High City
1. Denver really is exactly one mile high. By incredible good
luck, there is a step on the State Capitol Building that is
exactly 5,280 feet above sea level. In Denver’s rarified air,
golf balls go ten percent farther. So do cocktails. Alcoholic
drinks pack more of a wallop than at sea level. The sun feels
warmer, because you’re closer to it, but your coffee is cooler,
because water boils at 202 degrees. Mile High Denver is also
extremely dry, so it is good idea to drink more water than
normal. With less water vapor in the air at this altitude, the
sky really is bluer in Colorado. But there’s 25 percent less
protection from the sun, so sunscreen is a must.
2. Denver has the 10th largest downtown in America. Unlike some Western cities, Denver has a definitive, exciting
and walkable downtown. Within a mile radius, downtown
Denver has three major sports stadiums, the nation’s second largest performing arts center, three colleges with
30,000 students, an assortment of art and history museums,
a mint producing 10 billion coins a year, a river offering
white water rafting, over 5,300 hotel rooms, a $140 million
amusement park, a $100 million aquarium with sharks and
sea otters and well over 300 restaurants. The Colorado Convention Center is located within easy walking distance of
over 7,000 hotel rooms and is within safe walking distance
of 300 restaurants.
3. Denver is near the mountains, not in them. Denver might
not be in the mountains, but the mountains dominate Denver. There are 200 named peaks visible from Denver, including 32 that soar to 13,000 feet and above. The mountain
panorama visible from Denver is 140 miles long. State law
prohibits building any structure that would block the view
from the State Capitol. To penetrate the mountains west of
Denver, required building the highest auto tunnel in the
world (Eisenhower Tunnel) and the longest railroad tunnel
in North America (Moffat Tunnel).
4. Denver has 300 days of sunshine a year. Located east of a
major mountain range, Denver has a mild, dry and sunny
climate with more annual hours of sun than San Diego or
Miami Beach. Golf courses remain open all year and have
been played as many as 30 days in January. The average
daily high in February is 45 degrees – warmer than New
York, Philadelphia or St. Louis.
5. Denver’s history is short, but colorful. Prior to 1858, there
were no permanent residents in the Denver metro area.
Thirty years later, Colorado was a state with a population
of almost 200,000 people. It was a Gold Rush that caused
this boom, and in a 30 to 40 year period Denver saw some
of the wildest events in the Wild, Wild West. This fascinating period lives again in museums, old gold mining villages
and hundreds of wonderful, elegant Victorian buildings
that can be found throughout the city, many of them now
housing restaurants, shops and hotels.
6. Denver has the largest city park system in the nation. Denver has more than 200 parks within the city and 20,000 acres
of parks in the nearby mountains, including spectacular Red
Rocks Amphitheatre. There are 650 miles of off-street bike
paths, 90 golf courses, one of the nation’s largest urban trail
systems and Denver owns its own ski area – Winter Park
Resort. Denver pets fare well too. Denver was selected as
the #1 city for dogs and cats in May 2003 by the Purina Pet
Institute. They rated Denver as the healthiest city for pets
because the Denver metro area has the most veterinarians
per capita and the fewest fleas.
7. Denver is a cultural city with the highest educated population in America. In its Old West days, Denver had a performance of Macbeth before it had a school or a hospital.
That performance took place in a saloon. Today, the Denver
Performing Arts Complex has nine theatres seating 10,000
people and is second only to New York’s Lincoln Center.
Denver is currently adding a new $75 million theatre to
the complex; completing a $130 million refurbishing of the
Denver Zoo; and adding a new wing to the Denver Art Museum, which will be designed by Daniel Libeskind, winner
of the World Trade Center redesign competition.
8. Denver also loves its sports. Denver is one of only a few
cities to have eight professional sports teams including the
NFL Denver Broncos, the NBA Denver Nuggets, NHL Colorado Avalanche; Major League Baseball’s Colorado Rockies,
Major League Soccer’s Colorado Rapids, the Arena Football
Denver Crush, the Colorado Outlaws outdoor Lacrosse
team and the indoor Lacrosse team Colorado Mammoth.
Denver also has horse and dog racing, professional rodeo
and an annual Grand Prix on Labor Day Weekend. Denver
is the only city to build three new stadiums in the 1990s:
50,000-seat Coors Field; 75,000-seat INVESCO Field at Mile
High, and 20,000-seat Pepsi Center.
9. Denver is a city of many colors and cultures with great
diversity. Denver grew by 30 percent in the 1990s – an average of 1,000 new people a week, every week for ten years. In
this period, the Hispanic population in Colorado increased
by 73 percent. Today, 32 percent of the City of Denver is
of Hispanic and Latino descent and 11 percent is African
American. Denver’s diversity is celebrated at numerous
festivals and events including the nation’s largest Cinco de
Mayo celebration and the annual Juneteenth and Dragon
Boat Festival.
10. Denver brews more beer than any other city. The first
building in Denver was a saloon, so it’s natural that Denver would become a great beer town. Coors Brewery is
the world’s largest. Denver’s Great American Beer Festival
is the largest in the nation with 1,400 different beers. The
Wynkoop Brewing Company is one of the largest brewpub
in America and Colorado’s oldest brewpub. On an average
day, Denver brews more than 80 different beers.
— Denver Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau
Check out the Denver Tourism Guide at, Know
What The Locals Know at (Adobe Flash required), or the Denver Post newspaper at
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Denvention 3
Progress Report One
An Introduction to Our Honored Guests and Toastmaster
Author GoH Lois McMaster Bujold
by Baen Books.
Lois McMaster Bujold was born in
Columbus, Ohio, in 1949. She now
lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Lois
began reading science fiction at age
nine and started writing for professional publication in 1982. The third
short story she wrote was sold in late
1984 to Twilight Zone Magazine, her
first professional sale. Her first three
SF novels were all published in 1986
Analog Magazine serialized her fourth novel, Falling Free, in
the winter of 1987–88; it went on to win her first Nebula
Award. Lois was particularly pleased to be featured in Analog, her late father’s favorite magazine — she still has the
check stub from the gift subscription her father bought her
when she was 13 (a year for $4.00). The Spirit Ring in 1992
was her first hardcover publication.
The popular series of novels and stories featuring her character Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, his family, friends, and
enemies includes three Hugo Award-winning novels. Readers interested in learning more about the far-flung Vorkosigan clan are encouraged to start with the omnibus editions
Cordelia’s Honor or Young Miles.
Bujold’s books have been translated into nineteen languages. In 2001, The Curse of Chalion garnered the Mythopoeic
Award for Adult Fantasy. Paladin of Souls, a sequel in the
same world, won the Locus, Hugo, and Nebula Awards. The
Hallowed Hunt followed in 2005. A new fantasy duology, The
Sharing Knife, has recently been published by Eos US — the
first volume, Beguilement, in October 2006 and the second,
Legacy, in 2007. A fan-run web site devoted to her work, The
Bujold Nexus, may be found at
Artist GoH Rick Sternbach
Rick Sternbach has been a space and
science fiction artist since the early
1970s, often combining both interests
in a project. He has done book and
magazine illustrations for works by
Asimov, Heinlein, Anderson, Benford, Niven, White, Pohl, Bear, Brunner, Hamilton, Tiptree, Williamson,
Schmidt and others. Rick won the
Best Professional Artist Hugo Award
in 1977 and 1978. His space art clients include NASA, Sky
and Telescope, Data Products, Random House, Smithsonian,
Astronomy, The Planetary Society, and Time-Life Books.
He is a founding member and Fellow of the International
Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA), which was
formed in 1981. He has written and illustrated articles on
orbital transfer vehicles and interstellar flight for Science
Digest. Beginning in the late 1970s Rick added film and
television illustration and special effects to his background,
with productions like Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Last
Starfighter, Future Flight, and Cosmos. He received an Emmy
Award for the visual effects for Cosmos: On the Shores of the
Cosmic Ocean.
With the rebirth of Star Trek, beginning with Star Trek: The
Next Generation, Rick was one of the first employees hired
to update the Trek universe. He created new spacecraft,
tricorders, phasers, and hundreds of other props and set
pieces. Using pencil, pen, and computer, Rick added Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager to his spacecraft inventory, and kept his hand in real space design with
NASA’s Ares IV Mars orbiter (blessed by planetary scientist
Dr. Bruce Murray).
Rick contributed graphic designs for the recent Star Trek:
Nemesis feature film, including the Romulan bird of prey and
Senate chamber floor. He also provided computer playback
graphics and animation elements for Steven Soderbergh’s
Solaris, and is now at work on a variety of freelance projects
related to spaceflight and space hardware modeling.
Fan GoH Tom Whitmore
Jon Singer
There are fans, and there are Fans. Likewise, there are readers, and there are
Readers. Tom Whitmore deserves the
capital letter in both cases. In fact, he is
deeply enough involved in reading that
he has been a bookseller for more than
30 years now, and is massively knowledgeable about SF/F books, as well as a
number of other subjects. (Tom is also a
Morris dancer, for example.)
Tom has been a co-chair of a Worldcon (ConJosé in 2002),
and implemented the first example of Elevator Party Hosts.
He’s been a reviewer for Locus, and once made Gene Wolfe
jealous by telling him how much writing reviews for computer magazines paid. Once upon a time, he was a statistician for the Department of Energy. He’s a massage therapist
and a student of the Hakomi Method of body-centered therapy developed in the mid-1970s. He was on the founding
board of the Cohousing Association of the United States,
and lived for several years in the Puget Ridge Cohousing
community. Cohousing is a type of collaborative housing in
which residents actively participate in the design and operation of their own neighborhoods.
One of the things that distinguishes certain Fans, for me, is
their approachability and their willingness to be friendly
to people who are new to the field. (Alva Rogers was probably the prime example of the latter.) Tom is thoroughly
approachable, and if you are interested in books, Morris
dancing, Bay Area fandom, cohousing, or just becoming
acquainted, you should make an effort to meet him and talk
with him at the con.
September 2007
Denvention 3
Ghost of Honor Robert A. Heinlein
Toastmaster Wil McCarthy
Robert Anson Heinlein (July 7, 1907
– May 8, 1988) was one of the most
popular, influential, and controversial
authors of “hard” science fiction. He
set a high standard for science and
engineering plausibility and helped
to raise the genre’s standards of literary quality. He was the first writer to
break into mainstream general magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post in the late 1940s, with unvarnished science fiction. He was among the first authors of bestselling,
novel-length science fiction in the modern, mass-market
era. For many years, Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C.
Clarke were known as the “Big Three” of science fiction.
Engineer/Novelist/Journalist Wil McCarthy is a former contributing editor
for WIRED magazine and the science
columnist for the SCI FI Channel’s web
site,, where his popular “Lab
Notes” column has been running since
1999. A lifetime member of the Science
Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America,
he has been nominated for the Nebula,
Locus, AnLab, Colorado Book, Theodore Sturgeon, and Philip K. Dick awards, and contributed
to projects that won a Webbie, a Game Developers’ Choice
Award, and a General Excellence National Magazine
Award. His short fiction has graced the pages of magazines
like Analog, Asimov’s, WIRED, and SF Age, and his novels
include the New York Times Notable Book Bloom (an “Best of Y2K” book), The Collapsium (a national bestseller), and most recently, the Philip K Dick Award-winning
To Crush the Moon in 2005. He has also written for television
and published nonfiction in half-a-dozen magazines.
Within the framework of his science fiction stories Heinlein repeatedly integrated recognizable social themes: the
importance of individual liberty and self-reliance, the obligation individuals owe to their societies, the influence of
organized religion on culture and government, and the tendency of society to repress non-conformist thought. He also
examined the relationship between physical and emotional
love, speculated about unorthodox family relationships,
and explored the influence of space travel on human cultural practices. His iconoclastic approach to these themes
led to wildly divergent perceptions of his works and attempts to place mutually contradictory labels on his work.
For example, his 1959 novel Starship Troopers was widely
viewed as an advocacy of militarism and even to contain
some elements of fascism, although many passages in the
book disparage the inflexibility and stupidity of a purely
militaristic mindset. By contrast, his 1961 novel Stranger in a
Strange Land put him in the unexpected role of pied piper to
the sexual revolution and the counterculture.
Previously a flight controller for Lockheed Martin Space
Launch Systems and later an engineering manager for Omnitech Robotics and CTO of Galileo Shipyards (an aerospace
research laboratory), McCarthy is currently the president of
The Programmable Matter Corporation in Lakewood, CO.
His nonfiction bestseller, Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs,
Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable
Atoms, describes the ongoing research by major corporations and university laboratories into quantum-dot based
“programmable matter,” promising enormous changes in
both technology and society. He can be found on-line at Wil
McCarthy’s Old Time Science Bar at and
Heinlein won four Hugo Awards for his novels. In addition, fifty years after publication, three of his works were
awarded “Retro Hugos” — awards given retrospectively
for years in which no Hugos had been awarded. He also
won the first Grand Master Award given by the Science Fiction Writers of America for lifetime achievement. In 1941,
Robert A. Heinlein was the Guest of Honor at Denvention I,
the third annual Worldcon.
After marrying Virginia Doris Gerstenfeld (Ginny) in 1948,
they moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado. They designed
and built their own home, which was featured in a 1952 issue of Popular Mechanics.
After his death, his wife Virginia Heinlein issued a compilation of Heinlein’s correspondence and notes into a somewhat autobiographical examination of his career, published
in 1989 under the title Grumbles from the Grave. In his fiction,
Heinlein coined words that have become part of the English
language, including “grok”, “TANSTAAFL” and “waldo.”
— Wikipedia contributors,
“Robert A. Heinlein,”
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Members of the Denvention 3 committee were introduced to
the Colorado Convention Center’s Big Blue Bear during our
tour in June.
Denvention 3
Progress Report One
Montréal Wins 2009 Worldcon Site Selection
Montréal has won the right to host the 67th Annual World
Science Fiction Convention. “Anticipation” will take place
August 6 - 10, 2009 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal
convention centre in downtown Montréal in la belle province
(“the beautiful province”) of Quebec, Canada.
A full schedule of the convention’s membership rates, including discounts for voters and pre-supporters, is available on their web site at Current rates will be
valid until December 31, 2007. Inquiries may be sent to info@
The Guests of Honour will be Neil Gaiman (GoH), Elisabeth
Vonarburg (Invitée d’honneur), Taral Wayne, (Fan GoH),
David Hartwell (Editor GoH), and Tom Doherty (Publisher
GoH). Julie Czerneda will act as Master of Ceremonies.
A total of 902 members of Nippon 2007 voted in the site
selection election. Montreal won on the first ballot. Site Selection Administrator Tim Szczesuil provided the detailed
results as follows:
Bid Location
Kansas City
30 August 2007
31 August 2007
1 September 2007
Write In Votes
Monster Island
Brighton on the Green Line
Minneapolis in ‘73
Monkey’s Eyebrow, Kentucky
Spuzzum, B.C.
Peggy Rae’s House
None of the Above
No Preference/Blank/Ineligible
Total Ballots Cast
Needed to Elect (majority)
Nippon 2007 WSFS Business Meeting
The World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) is governed by
its Constitution and Standing Rules, which may be found at The 2007 WSFS Business Meeting
took the following actions during Nippon 2007, this year’s
Worldcon in Yokohama, Japan:
• Ratified the constitutional amendment, “Best Artist
Hugo Eligibility,” approved at L.A.con IV and passed
on to Nippon 2007 for ratification. The Business Meeting
changed “must” to “should,” and therefore the following sentence has been added to Section 3.9: “In addition,
in the Best Professional Artist category, the acceptance
should include citations of at least three (3) works first
published in the eligible year.”
This change became part of the WSFS Constitution at the
end of Nippon 2007 and first affects the Denvention 3 Hugo
Awards nomination process in 2008.
• Adopted “Gaughan Gone,” which removes the restriction prohibiting people from being nominated as Pro Artist and Fan Artist in the same year.
• Adopted “One-Vote Wonders,” which adds words to the
end of Section 3.9 so that the last sentence reads: “During
the same period the nomination voting totals shall also
be published, including in each category the vote counts
for at least the fifteen highest vote-getters and any other
Kevin Standlee
candidate receiving a number of votes equal to at least
five percent (5%) of the nomination ballots cast in that
category, but not including any candidate receiving fewer
than five (5) votes.”
These two constitutional amendments will be forwarded to
Denvention 3 for ratification.
• Referred “Best Web Site,” a proposal to create a new
Best Web Site Hugo Award, to an existing WSFS committee (Taming the Digital Wilderness Committee) for study,
with instructions to report to Denvention Three.
The Business Meeting renewed the Blanket Eligibility
Extension resolution for non-US-published works as proposed by the Hugo Eligibility Rest of the World (HEROW)
Committee. This gives an extended period of Hugo Award
eligibility to works previously published outside the USA if
they receive first publication in 2007.
The Business Meeting also reappointed various WSFS committees, adopted a number of technical proposals from
those committees, and received financial reports from past
Worldcons and NASFiCs, including a report from the Nippon 2007 committee. The Business Meeting on Sunday
confirmed the results of the Site Selection elections and announced Anticipation in Montréal as the 2009 Worldcon.
Kansas City
in 2009
The Kansas City in 2009 Bid Committee would like to
congratulate Anticipation on their winning the privilege
of hosting the 67th World Science Fiction Convention in
Montréal. Bidding for a WorldCon is a long and sometimes
arduous process, but having
so many friends as part of
the friendly competition
made it much easier.
We would also like to thank
everyone who supported our
bid, especially those who
chose to become Friends of
the Library and Patrons. Your
generosity was vital to our
efforts over the past two
Jazzfire Phoenix Illustration by Rachael Mayo
years. Our biggest regret is
that we were unable to reward your confidence in us with
a WorldCon.
The committee will be holding a "thank you" party at
Denvention, and we look forward to seeing you all there
for one last K.C. Party. Thanks again to everyone.
Denvention 3
Progress Report One
Denvention 3 Membership Registration
Ted Monogue
Current membership rates depend on your status as a Denver in 2008 Worldcon bid supporter and 2008 Worldcon site
selection voter. These rates are good until further notice.
You may register on-line by following the Con Membership
link on the Denvention 3 web site or download a PDF membership form if you don’t wish to register on-line.
A rate of $0 in the table below indicates that you are entitled
to a free membership of that type and you do not need to
send in a membership form. However, you may wish to
contact Denvention 3 Pre-registration at pre-reg@denvention.
org to ensure you receive all pre-convention publications.
All rates are in US dollars.
If you VOTED in the 2008
Worldcon Site Selection
If you DID NOT VOTE in the
2008 Worldcon Site Selection
Member of
Denvention 1
(1941 Worldcon)
Standard Rate
Pre-Supporter of
Denver in 2008
Worldcon Bid
Friend of
Denver in 2008
Worldcon Bid
Types of Memberships
Attending Membership
A membership that grants all voting, publication, and
attending rights.
Supporting Membership
A membership that grants publications and voting rights
but not the right to attend the convention. You can upgrade to an attending membership by paying the difference in rates.
Child Membership
Child membership rates are for those children under
the age of 12 as of August 6, 2008. Infants do not need
a membership (if you plan to use the convention babysitting service or allow your child to participate in any
children’s activities — in other words, you will be separated from your child during portions of the convention
— you should purchase a membership for your child).
Membership Transfers
While memberships are not refundable, you may transfer
On-line Membership Management
You can buy new memberships, upgrade existing ones, look
up your membership information, or change your information on-line from the Denvention 3 web site. To upgrade
an existing membership or update your information you
must have your PIN, which may be found on the mailing
label from one of the Progress Reports or from your online
registration receipt.
Membership Questions
E-mail Denvention 3 Pre-registration at prereg@denvention.
org or write to Denvention 3 Pre-registration, PO Box 1349,
Denver, CO 80201
Membership Number and PIN
Membership Personal Identification Numbers are required
to make on-line changes to membership information and
for Hugo Awards and Site Selection voting. Your PIN and
Membership Number should be found on the mailing label
for our Progress Reports or from your on-line registration
receipt. If you do not have your PIN, please send an e-mail
with your name, postal address, and phone number to pin@
Denvention and we will send it to you.
Membership Installment Plan
The membership installment plan is a way to lock in the
current low membership rate while paying for it over time.
Start by purchasing a Supporting Membership and then
make a minimum quarterly payment of $10 or more. You
have until July 2008 to complete payment, at which time
you will have a full Attending membership. You may also
cancel your plan at any time for a partial refund (we’ll refund the amount you’ve paid above the cost of your Supporting Membership). You can transfer your membership
even if you haven’t finished paying for the plan. (The new
member will be responsible for making the remaining payments.) See the Denvention 3 on-line membership page for
additional details and our current membership rates.
Lost Souls (Missing Address Information)
Paul Dolenac
Yvette Eichner
Havno Fanz
Marika Lazzaretti
Patrick Palmer
Sara Paul
Mark E Richards
Gloria Stover
Jack Targonski
Jay Arthur Vaughan
Paul Weingart
Linda Wenzelburger
September 2007
Denvention 3
Denvention 3 Members as of September 16, 2007
State/Region Total
Australian Capital Territory 2
New South Wales 3
Northern Territory
Western Australia
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
State/Region Total
United States
APO Armed Forces Africa 6
District of Columbia
Magic Kingdom
Denvention 3 Member Codes
A – Attending Membership
S – Supporting Membership
C – Child Membership (Age 12 as of August 6, 2008)
Please send corrections to
541A Aahz
980A Joseph Abbott
1232APaul Abelkis
1233SPaul A Abell
1234SPeggy Abram
1235SSteven R Abram
1236SBrett Achorn
1750ABrad Ackerman
665A Eve Ackerman
792S Justin Ackroyd
668A Andrew A Adams
2358APam Adams
1068APam Adams
66A Terry Adams
1754AJennifer Addis
1947AJerrie M. Adkins
981A Adina Adler
404A Joseph Agee
230A Gary Agin
800S Kymba A’Hearn
335A FL Ahsh
1239ABrad Aiken
1240ALaura Aiken
1069SMelanie Alderson
1241SStephen Alderson
801S Robert Alivojvodic
1242AJames Allen
1243SKevin Allen
1244ATodd Allis
1070SRobert Allison
2108AAncilla Allsman
1764ATed Allsup
731A Paul Allwood
1891ADorothy Allyn
1245SJanet M Alvarez
185A Carol Ann Alves
186A James Alves
1246SJ Clinton Alvord Jr.
2020AAmber Arlene Anderson
2021ABethany Amber
1772ACarol Anderson
802S Claire Anderson
803S Dave Anderson
1922ADavid-Glenn Anderson
2001ALorraine Janet
1247ALynn Anderson
1248SNancy Anderson
1923ASharron P Anderson
1999ADebra Joy Andrede
804S Craig K Andrews
165A John C Andrews
1760AHelen H. Angel
1249SAlexander Apke
1250SAudra Apke
1251SBirute J Apke
1252SEdward Apke
427A Daniel Appleman
1253SBobbi Armbruster
751A Andrew Stewart
750A Helen Armstrong
1071SNadine Armstrong
2124ASusan R Armstrong
1998AAlexander Aronson
1254ACasceil Aronson
1997AJennifer Aronson
1255APeter Aronson
1072SAgnes Asscherick
1073SOdie Asscherick
1841ANancy Atherton
100A Thomas G. Atkinson
805A Yoel Attiya
1074SBonnie Atwood
1256SDeb Atwood
1075STed Atwood
1855ABillie Aul
1257SRussell Ault
1795AB Shirley Avery
85A Dave Axler
1258SAnita Ayers
1259ADon Ayres
1260AKaren Babcock
1076SWilliam Bacharach
1261SChaz Baden
1262SLynn Baden
1263AMargene S. Bahm
1264SLenny Bailes
577A Cokie Bailey
474A Mark Bailey
476A Alexander Bailey-
142A Angela D Baker
1833ARex Baker
1077AHenry Balen
2344SNikki Ballard
1265SLaura Balsam
115A Gerri Balter
1266SBam Bam
1267SPat Bamford
583A Mari Bangs
1952AMari Bangs
1882AJeffrey Bantly
2291APaul Taylor Barber
1921ADiana Barbour
1078SChris M Barkley
North Carolina
North Dakota
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
State/Region Total
807A Carolyn R Barricklow
1269AMark Bartlett
742A Andrew Barton
1784AGail Barton
684A Kate Soley Barton
808S Martha Bartter
1270AGary Bateman
1271SBarbara Batson
490A Kurt Baty
1971ASabine C Bauer
2384AAllen Baum
84A Covert Beach
2395SSally Beasley
2140SLinda L Beatie
641A Alan F. Beck
600A Christine Beck
303A Patricia Beck
2304AChristopher Becker
2303AIone Becker
659A Tom Becker
796S Megan Beckett
795S Melissa Beckett
794S Pat Beckett
1272ACatherine Beckstead
1273SScott Beckstead
1793AMarcia Bednarcyk
1780SAsbed Bedrossian
2091ADoris D. Beetem
2089ARose Beetem
2310ALynn P. Behrns
256A Jim Belfiore
1884ABernard Bell
2320ADana Bell
1274SGraham Bell
554A Hilari Bell
194A Judith Bemis
1275SJan Bender
1079AGregory Benford
2029APamela Bennett-
1276SSherri L Benoun
2351AArabella Benson
1277ACraig Benson
1278AJodi Benson
439A Raenef Benson
438A Shari Benson
2350AThomas Benson
1279SAlice Bentley
1280SMichael B Bentley
734A Michael Benveniste
2051ACarol Berg
2123AMarianne Berkey
1080AJoseph Berlant
703A Steve Berman
321A Michael Bernardi
2356AMark Bernstein
1957AAnn E Berry
2188AChristina Bertani
2187AChristofer Bertani
2024AMary Bertelson
403A Andrew Bertke
809S Gregg Best
2007ALynda Sue Best
2082AJulie Bettis
1081SSherri A Beyke
2370ANancy J Biancamano
603A Wayne Billing
1281SLee Billings
1082AJoshua Bilmes
1282SShawn Bilodeau
2360AAaron Birenboim
810S Sheryl Birkhead
217A James Daniel Bishop
2101AKay Elaine Bishop
1283SWilliam Bishop
2308ARuth Bitz
1284STina Black
705A Mark L. Blackman
1285SRobert Blackwood
2080SMickey Blake
1286SJohn R Blaker
1083SSharon Blakeslee
104A Mark Blattel
790S Ted Bleaney
687A David Bliss
1845ABeverly T Block
811A Gary S Blog
1748ABeth Blomquist
571A David M. Bloom
1287SElaine Bloom
982A Kent Bloom
572A Stella Bloom
1288SAndrew Boardman
782A Scott Bobo
2033CCoral Bogdan
2032AAl Bogdan
2031ALarc J Bogdan
152A Tim Bolgeo
1289SR Merrill Bollerud
2256SFran Booth
2157ABrian Borchers
2156ASuzanne Borchers
654A Stephen Boucher
143A Robbie Bourget
1290SPeter Boutin
1291AJacky Boykin
145A Bridget J Boyle
1084ALee Bradley
491A Bridget Bradshaw
1753AGreg Bradt
1770AJoan Bradt
777A Cecilia Brammer
776A Fred D. Brammer
2181AAntje Brand
757A Richard Brandshaft
2198AGeorge Brant
2199AKathryn Brant
2201CZachart Brant
1292ADavid Bratman
2307APatricia Bray
2166AHoward Brazee
2165APatricia Brazee
2163CHayden Brazee-Cannon
2164CQuinn Brazee-Cannon
1771ASean Breen
249A Seth Breidbart
2316AJudith L Breitbach
1293SElaine Brennan
2212CBianca Brezinsky
2211CKatrina Brezinsky
2210AdKeith Brezinsky
2209AShari Cyd Brezinsky
2138SClaire Brialey
812S Barrett Brick
983A George Brickner
1994ATerri J Bridgwater
1294AJames M Briggs
984S M David Brim
451A Ariana Brin
450A Ben Brin
448A Cheryl Brin
Denvention 3
452A David Brin
449C Terren Brin
1295ATom Brincefield
2207SMichael D Brind
1296ADarin Briskman
1297SChristine Brockway
2099CMiss Eleanor Brodrick
2097ASean Brodrick
2100CPeter F Brodrick
2098ACindy E Brodrick
2063ASharon Hardy Brondos
302A Ann A Broomhead
1298SMichael Brotherton
674A Bill Brown
650A Charles N Brown
813S James Brown
487A John Brown
774A Jordan Brown
775A Kimberlee Marks Brown
222A Phylis S Brown
814S Rebekah Memel Brown
2274ASusan P Brown
526A Warren L Brown
1299SWayne Brown
338A Nancy Kathleen Bruce
79A David Brummel
2184AMichael Bruno
2113A Barrie Lynn Bryant
2292AJames M Bryant G4CLF
1085AAaron Buchanan
1816CTheodora Buchanan
2044ARobert Buettner
2045AMary Beth Buettner
2334AAnnabel Bugg
1A Lois McMaster Bujold
82A Margaret Bumby
1806ABruce Stanley Burdick
2049ASusan L Burgard
679A Karen Burnham
2106APamela Burr
815S Eleanor Burstein
816S Michael A Burstein
817S Nomi S Burstein
1300SAnne-Marie Bush
1301SLinda Bushyager
1302SRon Bushyager
2414ALacy Butler
598A Paula Butler
818A Diana L Bynum
1303ACaron Cadle
510A Charles Earl Cady III
509A Tasha Cady
486A Eric J. Caidin
819S Jeff Calhoun
2084AShawna Camara
1989ANeil Campbell
667A Mary Ann Canfield
94A David A Cantor
2018AMark Alan Cantrell
2017AMaryanne Cantrell
2006AEileen Capes
397A Diane Capewell
396A Stuart Capewell
985S Peter Card
820S Douglas P Carey
821S Mary P Carey
1852AH Paul Carl
1851ALillian Stewart Carl
1304SGordon Carleton
1305SLorna Carlson
275A Vivian Carlson
1742ASuzanne CarnivalReece
1306SAmy Carpenter
744A Paul M Carpentier
1307SSteve Carper
1869AGrant Carrington
1308SElizabeth Carroll
822S Johnny Carruthers
699A Dana Carson
700A Melinda Carson
1309SSuzi Casement
1087SCoreen Casey
2353SLinda Jean Kald Castle
1088SAdam-Troy Castro
1089SJudi Castro
823S Dennis Caswell
1310SArmel Cates
576A William Cavin
986S Ann Cecil
1311A Kenneth Chadman
624A Dave Chalker
623A Steven Chalker
1312SPhilip A Chandler
1313SPhilip B. Chandler
824S Judith L Chantelois
1314SLori Chapek-Carleton
353A John Chapman
354A Judith Ann Chapman
597A Cy Chauvin
454A Elsa Chen
195A Anton Chernoff
196A Peggy O. Chernoff
2403AFrank Jason Chick
375A Blind Lemming Chiffon
1315ASandra L Childress
1090SWalter Chisholm V
1316SEmily Christensen
260A Ewan Chrystal
2412ATerence Chua
825S Lynda L Ciaschini
430A Carl L Cipra
987S Becky Citrak
543A Gerry Clancy
1915ACheryl Clark
252A David Clark
2216AJudy Clark
826S Mary M Clark
2081SLars Ræder Clausen
371A Gavin Claypool
1954AFiona Cleary
1317AHeather Cleary
1319AJohn Cleary
1318ALinda Cleary
1761AFred Cleaver
528A Sarah Clemens
1943ABeverly Clement
1942AJoe Clement
827S Anne E Clements
2318ARobert J Clifford
2319ARuie Lue Clifford
828A Carolyn Clink
797S David Clink
798S Kevin Clink
465A Vincent Clowney
244A Nancy L. Cobb
1320SDavid Cochrane
2264ACarolyn Cocklin
829A Barbara Ann Cohan
830A Lawrence Cohan
446A Sandy Cohen
988S Anita Cole
1321SJennifer Cole
163A Larry Cole
726A Steve Cole
725A Susan A Cole
612A Gaines Coleman
548A Christina Collins
549A Jerry Collins
1322AWilliam Collins
1091ASue Ellen Colter
107A Darlene P Coltrain
1323SLeonard Compton
1324SDorothy Conaty
989S Cary Conder
399A Byron Connell
400A Christine V Connell
1325SKaren Connell
990S Jerome Conner
1326SPhillip Conrad
2008AMiss Anneli Conroy
2096ABob Conway
2094ASamantha GJ Conway
1092AGlen Cook
295A Norman L Cook
1327SRobin Cookson
2391AChris Cooper
495A Stephen R Cooper
991A Jeffrey Copeland
2118A Liz Copeland
730A Tracey Cornogg
831S Gerald Corrigan
1946AFrances L Costanzi
2294SSusan J Cote
992S Juanita Coulson
2397SBegana Cowan
832S Christina M Cowan
2396SJeremy Cowan
979S Tammy Coxen
2260ALaMaia Cramer
766A Catherine Crockett
2125AJohn Crouch
2126AKathy Crouch
833S Vanessa Crouther
2409ADenice Cruz
722A Ctein
1328SHarriet L Culver
170A Aaron Curtis
2130ANanette Curtis
993S Rebecca Curtis
618A S L Curtis
584A Alison Cuyler
304A Raymond Cyrus
834A Janet M. D’AgostinoNeill
2053ALoren Damewood
2048ACydney Daniele
2047AStephen Daniele
310A Michael B Dann
1093AAnna Darden
1329AJared Dashoff
1330AJoni Brill Dashoff
1094ATodd Dashoff
1331AJames Stanley
1332AKathryn Daugherty
2078ALaurie L. Daugherty
269A Anne Davenport
2269AMiss Jo A Davidsmeyer
768C Corwin Davidson
767A Howard Davidson
2034AAnna Davidson
296A Avery Davis
1095ABecky Davis
2155ABonnie D Davis
1096SBrian Davis
95A Jennifer Davis
2195AJonni J Davis
Progress Report One
779A John Day
1333SGenny Dazzo
994A Susan de Guardiola
835S Sondra De Jong
147A Peter De Weerdt
2069ALaura K. Deal
836S Matthew DeChant
837S Susan DeChant
1334SDawne Dela Cruz
838A Linda DeLaurentis
1335STim DeMarco
1336STom DeMarco
1337AJay Denebeim
349A Linda Deneroff
1097AGay Ellen Dennett
2277AChristopher Denney
1338SJane Dennis
1339ARichard M Dennis
1340SScott Dennis
2013APaige Dersham
2272AApurva Desai
1926ASteven desJardins
149A James Detry
1410ALisa Deutsch Harrigan
1796AMartin E Deutsch
1341ACassandra Deviny
1870ABob Devney
1830AMichael Devney
2107AJohn DeVoy
1342SJan Di Masi
1343SNick Di Masi
839S Melissa A Dick
1906AJules Dickinson
763A Dean Dierschow
1759ASandy Diersing
1910ADiane K Dieter
2248SKrista Dietrich
212A Frank Dietz
1098SPatricia Diggs
1099SJohn DiPalermo
1344SPaula DiSante
110A Jody Dix
1345SDouglas Dixon
293A Vincent Docherty
2371ACory Doctorow
646A Andrew F. Dolan Jr.
1346SPaul Dolenac
840S Brynley T Dolman
1867SJulie Dominian
106A Laura Domitz
511A Ira Donewitz
579A Paul Dormer
783A Leo Doroschenko
235C Daniel Dorsky
234A Jean Dorsky
233A Lenny Dorsky
489A Michelle Doty
468A Greg Dougherty
2019APeter J Dougherty
841S Robert Dougherty
1347SJohn R Douglas
1348ACheri Douglass
1349AJohn Douglass
1859AMary Downs
90A Daniela Doyne
92A Holly Doyne
93A Miriam Doyne
1817AFrederick Draper
380A Douglas Drummond
292A David Drysdale
334A Darien Duck
2367ABobbie DuFault
1350AJohn Duff
1351ALynn Ellen Duff
1352ASarah Alice Duff
585A TA Dunn, Jr.
1840ABernadette Durbin
1839ARobert Durbin
1972ANancy Durgin
2177AVladlen Durnitskiy
1353SChris Duval
1354SKathryn Duval
2057ADaniel Dvorkin
748A Cynthia H Dye
1355AAndrew Dyer
1100SLuke Dyer
1101A Christine Dziadosz
637A Donald Eastlake III
636A Jill Eastlake
1356ALaurie Edison
1767ABarbara Edmunds
1357SChris Logan Edwards
707A Rod Eggleston
708A Shari Eggleston
555A Gary Ehrlich
842S Karl Ehrlich
556A Sheryl Ehrlich
995S Yvette Eichner
1823APhyllis Eide
1358SJanice Eisen
187A Lise Eisenberg
1939AElizabeth Eisenhauer
843S Susan Eisenhour
1359SAlex Eisenstein
1360SPhyllis Eisenstein
504A Thomas Eivins
1361SAilish Eklof
1362SJacqueline Elderkin
996S Anna Eley
997S Stephen Eley
1903AKathy Ellerton
1102SHerman Ellingsen
998S Douglas Ellis
2062ASaxon Ellis
2323ANina Else
2322ARonald Else
2152ADanielle Emond
442A Dick Eney
758A Kathleen Enfranca
2249ATerry D England
999S James Engle
1934AEmily Epstein
738A Kurt Erichsen
2028AJ Alan Erwine
1363SJoan Eslinger
377A Andrea Evans
378A David Evans
1000SMary Ewald
638A Darrel L Exline
1001SMarty C Fabish
759A Peter Fagan
844A Nicholas L Faller
1955AMike Faltermeier
1364SHavno Fanz
130A Jennie Faries
672A Bill Farina
127A David Farmer
264A Doug Faunt
1365SBill Fawcett
1366SMoshe Feder
502A James R Feehrmeyer
501A Sondra Feehrmeyer
845S Louisa Feinster
542A Gary Keith Feldbaum
2159ACynthia Felice
846S Thomas Feller
September 2007
2392AGuest of Steve Fellows
2378ASteve Fellows
2288SMichelle Feraud
2042AMadeline Ferwerda
2035ASusan Fichtelberg
2413AWayne A Fiebick
847S Joe Fieger Jr.
318A Jan Howard Finder
706A Bayla Fine
1103SRichard Fine
1104SStephanie Fine
1105SEdward Finneran
1367SPaul Fischer
1368SElaine Fisher
1106A Naomi Fisher
1107SKT Fitzsimmons
661A Sally Flanagan
1369SRobert Fleming
602A George Flentke
2276SPatricia Flood
2150ARobbi Floyd
1108SPhil Foglio
2000AAlbert L. Folsom
1370SKandy Fong
1371SConnor Foss
1372SH Richard Foss
1373SJace Foss
1374SRebecca Foss
132A Adrienne Foster
1375AJacob Fowler
1376AWayne Fowler
221A Crickett (Maryellen) Fox
2134ACinnamon Dawn Frame
1002SJohn Francini
328A Steve Francis
329A Sue Francis
1109SJane Frank
2281SRobin Frankel
1003SCShell Franklin
1377SDebbie Franklin
1378SLaura Frankos
1757AShirley Frantz
848S James R Frech
314A Avi Freedman
313A Gail Freedman
164A David R Freeland Jr.
98A H Denise Freeman
524A Lisa Freitag
625A Pam Fremon
281A Chris French
2092AErika Frensley
849S John Freyer
1379SDouglas Friauf
1110A Evan Friedman
1380SStanley Friesen
1004SEsther M Friesner
2086APatricia J Frisch
2087APeter A. Frisch
1381SMary Fry
1382SJames Fulkerson
1005SDeborah Fulton
507A Kathy Fulton
1383SNigel Furlong
2398ACarol Ann Fyfe
2110A Tim Fyock
632A Dean Gahlon
788A Edward Gaillard
787A Elena Gaillard
697A Janice Galeckas
1384SDavid Gallaher
443A Mitch Gallaher
357A Tom Galloway
850S John David Galt
Denvention 3
1791CEmily Gamboa
1789AMona Gamboa
1788ARuben Gamboa
1790CWoodrow Gamboa
1385SSusan Gammill
1111S Christopher Garcia
2183AMichael W. Gardiner
1904AChristopher Gardner
1905AGenelle Gardner
1902AStan Gardner
2145AAerina Garrison
2147AAlayna Garrison
2146ALinda Garrison
2144AMaxwell Garrison
1386SLisa Garrison-Ragsdale
428A Rob Gates
690A Joseph Gauthier
689A Shiao-Ling Gauthier
1932AKaia Gavere
1112A Christopher Gawronski
379A Helen Gbala
1387SMartin Gear
343A Mark Geary
1113A Deb Geisler
655A Janice Gelb
283A Sarah Gellis
1912ADenise A Gendron
431A Mike Genovese
1388SJeff George
644A Elizabeth Gerds
643A Eric Gerds
2090ADavid Gibbons
1006SJohn Gibbons
1389SElizabeth Gibson
286A Tom Giese
2368AJerry Gieseke
1114S Jerry Gilio
151A Kerry Gilley
153A Wilbur Gilley
482A Erica Ginter
483A Karl Ginter
484A Lydia Ginter
639A Craig Glassner
640A Marsha Glassner
1390SMary Anne Glazar
268A Glenn Glazer
2354ARegina Glei
570A Don Glover
2326AVicki Glover
1391SMike Glyer
356A Jean Goddin
2162AAnthony P Godshall
192A Neyir Cenk Gokce
740A Lynn Gold
297A Debbi Golden-Davis
733A David Goldfarb
258A Diane Goldman
1866AFred B Goldstein
851S Richard Gombert
682A Kim Gomes
395A Carolina Gomez
1392ALarry Gomez
1115A Kirsten Gong-Wong
2369ACynthia Gonsalves
1393SSheila Goodman
2197ADavid M Gordon
1394SMarc Gordon
284A Steve Gordon
351A Adrienne Gormley
791S Richard Gotlib
1917ALouis Gottlieb
1395AShayin S Gottlieb
1396SJohn Goudreau
2214ADaphne Gould
2265AElizabeth Gould
2215AJoel Gould
2259AWilliam Gowen
1397SPeter Grace
2103AAngela Gradillas
2135AMark Graham
2176AElyse M Grasso
2262AAaron C Gravvat
1398AVickie Gray
1913ACarol A Gray-Ricci
96A Cathy Green
1399SEd Green
852S Eleanor Green
1400SJon B Green
853S Edith Greene
265A Hugh S Gregory
2027ARobert Kim Greyson
1116A Gigi Gridley
2151APatricia Griffin
279A Richard Grigg
433A John Groot
1007SElizabeth Gross
1401SMeryl Gross
2014ACherylynn Grubbs
854A David G. Grubbs
1117S Gregory Gudalefsky
88A Urban Gunnarsson
1008SDavid Guon
1936AMarc Gustafson
2278SDavid G. Gustafson
773A David Haberman
308A Shouichi Hachiya
1009SKara Haff
1010STrace Hagemann
183A Paul Haggerty
1402AElizabeth Hail
1831AGuy Hail
1118A Gay Haldeman
1403AJoe Haldeman
2306AAnna Mary Hall
101A Gary Hall
1747CJamie Hall
345A Jennifer Hall
1746CJesse Hall
121A Kevin Hall
1744AMarcus Hall
1404SMark Hall
102A Melinda Hall
1405SStacey Hallman
1406SLarry Hallock
1407SIra Ham
2161AGlenda Hamburg
2160ARobert Hamburg
534A D Larry Hancock
179A Cathy Handzel
177A Jim Handzel
2217ABrenda P Hanrahan
457A Marcie Hansen
1119S Dian Hardison
2340ADian Hardison
1120A Cherie Lynne Harlan
1890ALinda Harms
1890ALinda Harms
1408SJohn Harold
1411A Harold Harrigan III
1409AHarold Harrigan
363A Clay Harris
662A Colin Harris
1894ADebra Harris
855S Marlene Harris
350A Irene Harrison
2244SMarcy Hart
1412SMinda Hart
1413STeddy Harvia
129A David J Hastie
1414AChris Hasty
1415ARocky Hasty
140A Andrew Hatchell
480A Nancy Cleo Hathaway
479A Ross W Hathaway
856A John Hauwiller
1416SLes Haven
1417SJames Hay
1418SShigeru Hayashida
857S Patricia Hayes
858A James Hayter
859S Kim Headlee
1419SKevin Heard
1420SCaroline Heaton
860S Tero Heikkinen
1956ASelina F Heimlich
1421AKristine Hejna
1422AGary Helfrich
1423APamela Helfrich
1424SMartin Helgesen
477A Stacey Helton
1928AJohn G Hemry
2026ACraig B Hemsing
1121SArthur Henderson
1122SRebecca Henderson
1425SFred Hendrick
1426SLynda Hendrick
1011A Jack Heneghan
545A Cynthia Henry
204A Tracy Henry
1123A Trish Henry
209A Robert Hepperle
1427ADiana Tixier Herald
2075ARick Herald
172A Judith Herman
861S David Herrington
206A Mark Herrup
1428AAllison Hershey
521C Brendan Hertel
520C Liana Hertel
519A Lisa Hertel
518A Mark Hertel
1429SJohn Hertz
237A Melanie Herz
1871ARusty Hevelin
398A Kevin B Hewett
331A Inge Heyer
1430SDebra Hicks
1431SBrian Hiebert
724A Mike Higashi
1762AWendy Highby
1763ACarol Hightshoe
862S CA Hilgartner
1012SRobert Hillis
765A Colin Hinz
497C Nicholas Hipp
496A Scott Hipp
863A Jan Hise
864A Thomas Hise
1432SChip Hitchcock
137A Martin Hoare
401A PC Hodgell
1124SLarry Hodges
1125SJanice Hodghead
1983SKathryn Hodghead
1984SLaurel Hodghead
238A Gary Hoff
323A Joan Hoffman
2295SPeggy L Hogan
2402ATore Audun Hoie
1433ARobert Hole Jr.
865S Michael Holland
1013SJohn AR Hollis
1434SMartha Holloway
1911A Robin Holly
1435SJohn-Henri Holmberg
1959AKay T Holt
271A Butch Honeck
270A Susan Honeck
677A Terry Honer
108A Edward Hooper
109A Joyce Hooper
424A John Hopfner
388A Priscilla Hopkins
1863AElisa Horbatuk
2328AArlynn Horne
866S Richard Horton
2022ARonald L Hosler
1126A R Douglas Hostler
1900ASarah A Houghton
1924ABruce L Howard
2122AD. Geordie Howe
1436ADave Howell
1127A Stan Howell
1437SBob Hranek
1014SCharles F Huber
1751AJG Huckenpohler
2355ATanya Huff
1438AAaron Hughes
2076CGriffin Hughes
2266SSusan L Hughes
867S Elizabeth Anne Hull
2235AJerry Huller
389A Charles R Hulse
1439SJeffrey Hulten
1896ASinead Humphrey
1895AThomas Humphrey
414A Scott Humphries
2393AWilliam Humphries
1800AJamie Hunger
2282SDon Hunsinger
141C Aline Hunt
128A Lisa Hunt
135A Walter H Hunt
2173AEllen Hurwitz
393A Melinda Hutson
1015AGordon Huxford
1961AArion Hypes
1962AJames Hypes
868S Janis Ian
616A Takeshi Ikeda
1440AMasaharu Imaoka
1441AMutsumi Imaoka
645A John W Innis
1442SHiroaki Inoue
1443STamie Inoue
1128SMark Irwin
770A Elaine Isaak
2411A Sue A. Isle
2109AWilliam Ivey
1792AAudi Jack
2095AAlbert Jackowiak
2093ADiane Jackowiak
628A AnnMarie Jackowski
629A Walter Jackowski
1444SArdis Jakubaitis
1885APaul E Jamison
1801CJessie Jansen
1445APhil Jansen
2290ARobert Jansen
1446AKristin Janz
2158ALaura Jean
869S Michael Jencevice
1016ABill Jensen
198A Barbara N Johnson
1811A Elaine Johnson
870A Frank Johnson
1017SJudy R Johnson
2325AKathryn Johnson
1129SRJ Johnson
1810ARonald Johnson
1812CRowan Johnson
1813CRyan Johnson
1447SRyan K Johnson
105A Steven Vincent Johnson
871S Angela Jones
2073ABonnie Jones
2379ABonnie Jones
2070ALaMont Jones
1448AMarsha E. Jones
2071AMitzi Jones
1985ALenore Jean Jones
2270ALenore Jean Jones
1825ANancy A. Jones
1130A Sally Jones
155A William E Jones
2072AWinona Jones
1803AErin Jordan
1131A Karen Jordan
872A Per C Jorgensen
1449AHubert Julian
1018SJoan Juozenas
2050AM. Meg Justus
1951AMichael Kabongo
1450SDiane Kaczor
1132A Jeanette Kalb
1133SLarry Kalb
1134SMaribeth Kalb
1019AFrank Kalisz
2120AMillie Kalisz
1451SLouise Kane
1878ARaymond Kapschull
472A Jordin Kare
473A Mary Kay Kare
2408AMichael Karpenske
873S Joe Karpierz
874S Sharon Ann Karpierz
1452SLisa Karplus
1135SJulie Kasperson
1860AKeith G Kato
1020SRoger Katz
727A Rick Katze
875S Dave Kaufman
1836AJerry Kaufman
2390SSayuri Kawai
2389SYasuo Kawai
2375AHitoshi Kawamura
2374AMika Aoi Kawamura
2376CTakashi Kawamura
499A Cheri Kaylor
752A William Keaton
73A Morris Keesan
1768ACarl Keim
2185AGregory Keith
2186ALorna Keith
530A Patrick W Kelley
159A Alexandra Kelly
176A Guest of Miriam Kelly
325A James Patrick Kelly
158A Miriam Winder Kelly
2297AFrank Arthur Kempe III
1136SSteve Kempton
1453SBonnie Kenderdine
1137SElizabeth Kennedy
1021SMelita Kennedy
1769AMike Kennedy
876A Michael David Kennedy
606A Peggie Kennedy
877A Robert S Kennedy Jr.
633A Allan Kent
2241SJoseph Kerezman
2242SKaren J Kerezman
523A Greg Ketter
522A William Ketter
581A Patricia Kim
112A Daniel M Kimmel
1138SJudith Kindell
1804ADeborah A King
878S Shane King
879S Sheba King
2016AValerie King
2023ADave Kingsley
552A Colin Kingston
2132ADebi Kinsey
1454ADonna Kirking
1455AMatt Kirking
538A Michele Kitay
557A Gary S Kitchen
444A Robert Klein
1139SGordon Klein-Lebbink
469A Lincoln Kliman
675A Marshall Klotz
138A Johnna Y. Klukas
408A Peter Knapp
462A Jim Knappenberger
460A Joan Knappenberger
461A Melissa Knappenberger
1456SCharlie Knoedler
1457STracy Knoedler
1458SKerri Knorr
1879AMartha Knowles
1749ASally A Kobee
2336AJoann M. Koch
1459ATomoki Kodama
1460SKim Kofmel
1901AJulia S Koller
156A Arin Komins
1461SKen Kon Kol
1462SCharlotte Konrad
1140A Daniel Korn
2299CRececca Korn
1141A Sandra Korn
2300CZachary Korn
743A Samantha Kornblum
561A Damon Koronakos
1463SGuest of R Kosche
2312ADeb Kosiba
78A Alan Koslow MD
2154AChris Kostanick
1464SRonald Kotkiewicz
227A Rick Kovalcik
70A Elspeth Kovar
880S Douglas Kral
881S Ellen Kranzer
647A Dina S Krause
648A George E. Krause
649A Sydnie C. Krause
558A Marian Kravitz
361A Bradley Krentz
735A Laura Krentz
2213AM E Krippel
1142SJack Krolak
181A Joshua Kronengold
1465AGrant Kruger
512A Judy Krupp
513A Roy Krupp
1466SStefan Krzywicki
2366ASarah Kubier
Denvention 3
732A Thomas Kucera
2250AKay E Kucharik
2180APetra Kufner
180A Kerry Kuhn
681A Todd Kuhns
254A Waldemar Kumming
882A Tom Kunsman
2036ABonnie Kunzel
1467ADiane M Kurilecz
423A Ernst Kuschel
1468SCherie Kushner
1022ADavid M. Kushner
1469SDavid Kyle
1765AJane Labie
1023S‘Zanne Labonville
215A Diane Lacey
1881AJolie LaChance
883S Valerie Laczko
551A Ruth Anne Ladue
2386AJoseph E Lake Jr.
1470SHeidi Lampietti
341A Michele K Landan
342A Stephen Landan
884S Geoffrey Landis
246A James M. Landis Jr.
1471SPhread Langford
384A David Langley
885S Devra Langsam
2228AJennifer K Larose
1143SGreg Larsen
1472SAaron B Larson
1473ABob Larson
1741ADavid Larue
1737AJenny Larue
1740AJustin Larue
886S Linda Latouche
146C Aileen Boyle Latzko
144A Alex Latzko
1474ABill Laubenheimer
160A Nancy LaValley
1144SJoanne A Lawler
405A Matt Lawrence
887S Toni Lay
741A Alexis Layton
888A Judy Lazar
1475SMarika Lazzaretti
539A Jane Leavell
2179AJohn W. LeBoeuf-Little
2178ANicole J. LeBoeuf-Little
1476SNancy Lebovitz
1898AE. Ann Lee (Pifer)
789A Bette Lee
2153AChloe Lee
492A Ivan Lee
2058ARebecca E Lee
1477SRoger Lee
2416AEvelyn C Leeper
2415AMark R Leeper
1478SGabriel Lefton
1479SScott Lefton
1480STalia Lefton
364A Laura LeHew
1481APaul Lehman
1958ABart R Leib
747A Ruth Leibig
715A Hope Leibowitz
1814SRobert Leigh
1482SFred Lerner
889A Gerry Letteney
1897AHeather Letterman
550A Deborah Levi
494A Robert Levin
1483ADavid D Levine
189A Benjamin Levy
1145SHarold Levy
1146A Sandra Levy
1484AAllen Lewis
148A Anthony Lewis
890A Brenda Lewis
1485SPage E Lewis
150A Suford Lewis
891S Ben Liberman
892S David Librik
754A Jacqueline Lichtenberg
1024ASolomon Lichtenberg
1736AAlan Lickiss
1734AJacob Lickiss
1733CKayleen Lickiss
1735AMajel Lickiss
1732ARebecca Lickiss
1486SPaula Lieberman
893S Michael Liebmann
120A Anton Lien
1487SAndre Lieven
580A Sunden Lin
317A Tamar Lindsay
369A Mark A Linneman
894S Corey Liss
1488SAllyn Llyr
1489SForrest Llyr
1490SKarin Llyr
652A Locus Publications
653A Locus Publications
289A David Lohkamp
895S Brendon Lonehawk
896S Mark Loney
2313AFrances Lopata
2314ASteven Lopata
658A Edward Lopez
1822AJim Lopez
386A John Lorentz
307A Jean Lorrah
2385AAdrienne Loska
1491SBenjamin Lott
347A Bettie Lovekin
590A India Lovekin
591A Kate Lovekin
589A Kris Lovekin
588A Nick Lovekin
348A Steve Lovekin
89A Danny Low
611A C. Sanford Lowe
2218AAnn Lowenstein
1492SJeffrey Lu
463A Sam Lubell
2394SDave Luckett
500A Gaye Ludwig
498A Michaela Ludwig
897A Donald Lundry
898S Robert Luoma
2321ADavid Luperti
1025APerrianne Lurie
2190AEd Luwish
2192AMike Luwish
2189APam Luwish
2191ASuellen Luwish
416A Bradford Lyau
2245SDennis Lynch
359A Nicki Lynch
358A Rich Lynch
899S Marcy Lyn-Waitsman
2239ARebecca Lyons
785A Ron Maas
1493SDrew Mac Donald
1494SCriss Macaione
1495ACraig Macbride
1496SBrendan MacCallum
1497SBruce MacDermott
1498SDana MacDermott
1499SYvonne MacDonald
2067AAna MacDonell
387A Robert MacIntosh
553A Thomas MacLaney
900S JR Mad Dog” Madden”
2143AJames Maenpaa
2349AKaren Magon
1026SJohn Maizels
769A Laura Majerus
901S Joseph T Major
902S Lisa T Major
1147SDerwin Mak
1500SHisayo Makita
1501SKazuhiko Makita
1148A Elizabeth Malartre
1502SMarci Malinowycz
327A Douglas Mallinak
1149A Steve Mancino
2112A Richard Mandrachio
2293ADavid Manfre
1150A Jim Mann
1027ALaurie Mann
1503ASharon Mannell
903A James Manning
904A Kirsten Manning
905A Sandra Manning
1504SJohn Mansfield
762A Kathy Mar
250A Beth Marble
251A Chris Marble
1883ALeigh Markosky
1888APat Markunas
139A Caroline Marsden
2330ACass Marshall
2335ARobert Marshall III
2333ARyan Marshall
2332ASally Marshall
1151A Ted Marshall
1505ACheryl Martin
1152SGeorge E Martin
1506AGeorge RR Martin
1782AKeith G. Martin
1507SLee Martin
2128ARichie Martin
125A George E. Martindale
124A Lee Martindale
527A Candace Martinez
2407AMona Lisa Martinez
673A Joseph P. Martino
2205ASandra Martino
1508SSamia Martz
1509SMarnie Maskell
1510SAlice Massoglia
1511SMartin F Massoglia
1512SKaku Masubuchi
1513STheresa Mather
2305AMichael L Mathews
1981APatricia Mathews
475A Gail E Mathews-Bailey
333A Bob Matthews
676A Bob Matthews
81A Winton E Matthews, Jr.
332A Pam Matthews
2348AIan D Maughan
255A Marlin May
231A Sally Mayer
560A JD Maynard
1028SDale Mazzola
1514AKyle McAbee
Progress Report One
1515AMonica McAbee
2119A Winifred McBeth
2227AFriend of Parris
McBride #2
728A Friend of Parris McBride
729A Parris McBride
4A Wil McCarthy
1029ADave McCarty
2015ARandy McCharles
1826ABill McClellan
1153SKeith McClune
1154SSheila McClune
1155A Cheryl McCombs
547A Michael McConnell
2257AAshley McConnell
2193AMonte McCord
1809APatricia McCracken
337A Dennis McCunney
1818AKay McCutcheon
1862AMalinda McFadden
745A Julie McGalliard
1516ADanny McGrath
1517SChristian McGuire
1518SLeAnna McGuire
660A Holly McHaffie
1993ALinda McInnis
1156A John F. McKana Jr.
704A Marjorie McKenna
417A Joe McKersie
1519SMac McMahon
440A Mark McMenamin
1157A Michael McMillan
2246AClaire Stephens
2247AClifford R. McMurray
273A Pat McMurray
2352SDonald Mead
907A Sean Mead
1520SKathy Meade-Hallock
2117A Jeanne Mealy
1521SPatricia Z Means
2231AAngela Medbery
1992AAmos Meeks
1522ACaroline Meeks
1523AW Scott Meeks
1524SCaroline Meier
656A Zane Melder
75C Joseph Meltzer
74A Lori Meltzer
709A Margaret Menzies
1525SJosh Mercer
1526ACary Meriwether
1158A Karen Meschke
324A Edouard B Mesert
574A Edmund Meskys
575A Sandra Meskys
1775AKen Messinger
630A Ann Methe
290C Brendan Metz
291C Morgan Metz
277A Paul Metz
278A Stephanie Metz
2011A Gordon Meyer
2382AHarry R Meyer
1030SKathleen Meyer
2381AStephanie Meyer
481A Perry Middlemiss
2121AMike Migalski
2219AMike Milam
2377AArthur W Miller
1159A Bruce M Miller
1527SCraig Miller
2253CDerrick Miller
117A Mary Miller
2002ACheryl B Miller
1944AKaren E Miller
1160SThomas Miller
118A Tim Miller
2399AGuest of Ming
701A Guest of Joe Minne
702A Joe Minne
908S Lynn I Minneman
909S Diane W Minnis
910S Jennifer Minnis
911S Roger Minnis
1031ST’An Mirabella
912S Bonita Misener
2127AMatthew Mishalak
280A Petrea Mitchell
736A Rose Mitchell
1774ASuAnn Mitchell
2182AMarilyn Mix
720A Celia Modell
721A Howie Modell
458A Deirdre Saoirse Moen
459A Rick Moen
1528SCynthia (Huckle)
1529SSue Mohn
1995AJon K Mohning
1996ATammy Mohning
1161A Lil Moir
1162A G Patrick Molloy
1530SMia Molvray
1531SThomas Monaghan
2025ABrendan Monogue
1920CConnor Monogue
2273ARobin Monogue
1829STed Monogue
1532AHelen Montgomery
1032SElizabeth Moon
376A Khen Moore
175A Murray Moore
76A Kathleen Moore-
485A Cheryl Morgan
1163SJohn Morgan
1533SLyn Morgan
1534SRichard Morgan
1875ATraci Morganfield
1033ABrian Morman
1843AJudith Carol Wilson
50A Mary Morman
1034AMelissa Morman
1844AMichael Julien Morman
1537SCameron Morningstar
1538SChip Morningstar
1539SJanice Morningstar
1540SSpencer Morningstar
1541AKirstin Morrell
595A Henry Morris
2347AJennifer Morris
1542SSkip Morris
336A Kathleen Morrison
1543SLiz Mortensen
447A Will Morton
565A Yvonne Fay Morton
226A Fred Moulton
1035SMary Moura
1544SBeth Moursund
261A Susan Mozzicato
154A Marcia Muggelberg
1545SJun Mukai
1164A John Will Mullen
419A Edward Muller
September 2007
913S Donnalyn Mumaw
914S Lorraine A Mumaw
1546SJesse Mundis
1036SAnne Murphy
1874AJoe Murphy
2066AJoanne Murphy
1547AJames J. Murray
1548AMaria Murray
1549APaula Helm Murray
1550ACynthia C Myers
915A Inger J Myers
1807AJoseph L Myers
1551ARobert R Myers
1808CSamantha Myers
434A Trudy Myers
1552AMary Jo Mykytka
1887ABeverly Myrick
1886AGeordie Myrick
1864AKenneth E Nahigian
471A Guest of Lex
470A Lex Nakashima
1165SDavid B Nathanson
1166SPhillip Nathanson
1553SGilbert Neiger
916A Terry L Neill
1974AAngela M Nelson
1037ACatherine Nelson
1973AD. Michael Nelson
1038SEmily Nelson
2280AEmily Nelson
1938AGeorge Nelson
1935ALinda Nelson
409A Michael R. Nelson
1039SStephen Nelson
2279AStephen D. Nelson
1167SWill Nemeth
1168SWinkle Nemeth
1555ALeslie Newcomer
917A Bruce Newrock
918A Flo Newrock
1799ABarry Newton
1755AJohn Newton
1798AJudith Newton
1797AMeridel H Newton
2061AJeremy S Nickell
2060ARebecca J Nickell
919S John Nikitow
421A Shelagh Nikkel
1556STim Nondorf
920A Janet Nopper
609A Gerald Nordley
631A Jean-Pierre Normand
1557AElaine Normandy
1558AJeanne Norris
1169SRandy Norris
1170A Steve Norris
1559SAnne Norton
2039AColin C Norton
394A John Novak
921S Richard Novak
1560SJody Lynn Nye
1561SPhilomena O Connor
683A Deborah Oakes
1171A Ronald Oakes
1040ATara Oakes
2142AHolly Oaks
1172STerry O’Brien
2346ADawn O’Bryan-Lamb
1173SDeborah O’Connor
922A Leah R O’Connor
199A Mary O’Connor
Denvention 3
1948AGail O’Connor
923A Patrick J O’Connor
1174A Tom O’Dell
1041SMark Oeffler
133A Christina O’Halloran
134A John O’Halloran
219A Roderick O’Hanlon
1562SJules Ohrin-Greipp
1563SYashushi Okada
309A Frank Olbris
1564SJude Oliver
1175SKaren Oliver
2359AJana G Oliver
426A Gene Olmsted
1176SErik Olson
114A Mark Olson
113A Priscilla Olson
392A Frank Olynyk
1927ADave O’Neal
1565STerry O’Neill
1566SMarisa Ong
1567ARon Ontell
1568AVal Ontell
613A Cyndy Orman
615A Fran Orman
614A Sheryl Orman
642A Jeff Orth
2115SCath Ortlieb
2116SMarc Ortlieb
2388AMasamichi Osako
2387AMichiko Osako
1892AMichelle Ossiander
1950AJohn Oswalt
1569AShirley Ouw
383A Kathi Overton
2064AMs` Robin D. Owens
182A Lisa Padol
1570SBill Paley
1571SBridget Paley
2206APatrick Palmer
316A Cathy Palmer-Lister
568A Josephine Paltin
326A Aliza Panitz
1572SCarol Paolucci
1042SJim Pappas
299A Michael Pargman
2380ASam Paris
77A Bill Parker
1573ACarole Irene Parker
924S Helen M Parker
193A Tony E Parker
1574SWalter Parker
663A Dennis Parslow
1847AChad Parsons
780A Spike Parsons
1575SMark Partridge
1177SLaura Paskman-Syms
1980ABruce William Passey
2088ALauren Patten
1783ADawn M. Patterson
1766AScott Patterson
425A Sara Paul
344A Don Pauley
2289AJoanne Paulsen
2406ACynthia Payant
1576AJoe Pearce
276A Eileen Pearlman
2311A James Peart
2009ARobert Pechmann
305A Kevin Pederson
346A Elayne Pelz
784A Michael Penick
2361ASherie Pennebaker
2329AAngie Penrose
1577AJames Penrose
225A Alan Perelgut
224A Mary Perelgut
374A Alex Perry
1578SSheila Perry
1178A Lawrence Person
756A Kelly Persons
298A Tommy Persson
657A Jo Peshek
1179SBecky D Peters
2131AEd Peters
925A Amy Peterson
1579SDavid Peterson
596A Joyce C Peterson
1580SJudith S Peterson
1986AJohn D Peterson
2271AJohn D. Peterson
488A Polly Jo Peterson
1581SA William Pett
262A Pierre E Pettinger Jr.
263A Sandra Pettinger
2284SDouglas Pettit
1872ABeverly Dawn Pfeifer
1815ARobert E. Pfeifer
1941ADean O Phares
1940AJane Phares
1877AEvan Phillips
2200AJames Phillips
2202AJulia Phillips
1582SSusan Phillips
1909ASam Pierce
236A Sharon Pierce
1899AWilliam Pifer
508A Michael Pins
514A Anetta Pirinen
515A Pekka P Pirinen
1180A K Dawn Plaskon
2232AJo Playford
1043SGary L Plumlee
2139SMark Plummer
2222AMichele Poague
2223AMonte Poague
2331AMitchell Pockrandt
382A John Pomeranz
1584SKyle Pomeroy
926S Andrew Porter
370A Kenneth Porter
122A Pat Porter
1181A Curtis Potterveld
1585STom P Powers
1835AGeorge W Price
1586ATheresa Pridemore
294A William Priester
1044SAmy Proni
1045STullio Proni
1587SLeonard J Provenzano
1588SAnnette M Pschirrer
664A Karen Purcell DVM
2167ABruce Rabe
1589SMatthew Ragsdale
2417SAdam Rakunas
2418SAnne Rakunas
2258AEllie Agnes Ralls
2056AVicki Gary Ralls
1590ALaurie Ramey
2174AMiranda Ramey
1591ATimothy Ramey
1592ALoyal F Ramsey
1856ANora Rankin
1739ALaura Rassbach
1593AMarilyn Rau
1849ADebra Ray
2275ADouglas S Ray
1594SCatherine Raymond
1846AD Stephen Raymond
1595ASienna Rayne
1979CKesri Read
1991SWolf Read
1978ASilven Read
1916AFred Ream
232A Jeff Rebholz
161A Thomas Recktenwald
2372AMarjorie Redding
1743AWilliam Reece
927S John Campbell Rees
91A Noah Rehm
1781SAriel Reich
242C Artemus Reid
243C Benjamin Reid
240A Ellen Reid
241A Robin Reid
1596SNoda Reiko
1597AMargaret Reitan
1182A Dan Reitman
1598SJosiah Rendrick
1599SRoberta Rendrick
205A Theresa Renner
1046STom Repa
1600SMike Rerick
1183A Carol Resnick
2136SLaura Resnick
1184A Mike Resnick
1185SNeil Rest
1186A Adam K Reuter
1601SJames W Reynolds
2059SSharon Reynolds
1865ARuth Rezos
1602AJo Rhett
2074SRobert James Rhodes
1914ABert Ricci
1603SPamela Ann Rice
418A Teresa (Tera) Jean Rich
2400AGeorge Richard
1187SMark E Richards
2338AJim Richardson
2337AKat Richardson
928S Beth Riemenschneider
272A Julie Faith Rigby
432A Carl Rigney
1785ADavid Riley
1604SBrenna Ring
2251AUncle River
1605SDavid Rivers
1606SChristine Robb
1607SCorlis Robe
1608SDominic Robe
1609SGary Robe
1610SIsaac Robe
456A Alan Roberts
301A Carol A Roberts
455A Jim Roberts
300A John P Roberts
2357ARobin Roberts
429A Scott Roberts
1611SCharlie A “Rock”
Robertson II
2345STerry Robertson
755A Doris Robin
218A Linda Louise Robinett
1612AFrancis Robinson
723A Fred Robinson
1613SMelissa Robinson
929A Richard Robinson
930S Roger Robinson
2298ASusan Robinson
1188SKevin Roche
586A Carrie Rocke
2065AJoan Rodrigues
1189SBob Roehm
931S Richard Roepke
1614SLisa Rogers
87A Roberta Rogow
932S Jennie Roller
2341AJim Rondeau
2342AMelody Rondeau
536A Bill Roper
535A Gretchen H Roper
933A Arwen Rosenbaum
1615AHoward M. Rosenblatt
267A Diane Rosenburg
934A Robert Rosenfeld
1908AJack Rosenstein
935S Allan Rosewarne
97A Robert A Ross
1190A Linda Ross-Mansfield
1191A Mark Roth
1616SStephen Rothman
253A Allan Rousselle
136A Paulette Rousselle
694A Eric Rowe
696A Nathaniel Rowe
2339ARebecca K Rowe
1617STimothy Rowledge
1880AKen Roy
178A Peter Rubinstein
1047SDouglas Rudd
2175AAnn Marie Rudolph
2309AYolande Rufiange
2296ATony Ruggiero
1618SDebby Ruh
2254AGeo Rule
2255ADeb Houdek Rule
1193A Leann Runyan Wood
1192A Mark Runyan
1048SCaterina RunyonSpears
1619SElisabeth Ruppel
1620SThomas Ruppel
2003AKristine Kathryn Rusch
1621APatricia Russell
1622SLinda C Saalman
385A Ruth Sachter
587A Brian Sack
99A Don Sakers
2005AClifford Samuels
1623ALarry Sanderson
1834ARichard Sandler
320A Katherine J Sands
322A Leo E Sands
406A Juan J Sanmiguel
1624SSandra Santara
1049SDeirdre Saoirse Moen
937A John T Sapienza, Jr.
936A Peggy Rae Sapienza
760A Gregory Sardo
1625SGene Sargent
1626SDale Satterfield
315A Kurt Sauer
2104AChristian Sauve
1987AChris Savia
938A Robert J Sawyer
171A Sharon Sbarsky
365A Ed Scarbrough
168A Tom Schaad
2204ALarry Schaefer
605A Karen Schaffer
1194SMary Ellen Scharadin
169A Heidi Schaub
939S Isabel Schechter
1050AJudy Scheiner
1051ASam Scheiner
362A Ben Schilling
940S Darice Schirber
941A David Schlosser
1819ARandom Schlosser
799A Lucy (Cohen)
1627SGene Schneider
2285AJim Schneider
2286AMarlys Schneider
1628ALawrence M Schoen
1629AValerie G Schoen
1630SSpring Schoenhuth
2171CAlexander Schroeder
2170CArthur Schroeder
2169ALarry Schroeder
2172ASue Schroeder
1631ADavid Schroth
693A Bill Schuck
692A Susan Schuck
620A James Schulte
619A Paula Schulte
942S Kathleen Schultz
943S Robert Schultz
1632SMichael Schwarting
2317SDavid E Schwartz
2237AEric Schwartz
2238ASylvia Schwartz
1633SCindy Scott
330A Eric P Scott
2037ALynn Jay Scott
2038ALynn Jay Scott
2052AGlena Allyn Scott
1634SJoyce Scrivner
1776ASeams Like Magic
1777ASeams Like Magic
1778ASeams Like Magic
1779ASeams Like Magic
944A Marah Searle-Kovalevic
1635ATeri Sears
945S Jo Seaver
1636SAdrienne Seel
1637AFabian Sefcovic
786A Stephen H Segal
781A Stu Segal
1918AKathleen Seligman
1638AAndrea Senchy
285A William F. Seney
563A Zev Sero
685A David F Shallcross
1639SEliza Shallcross
1640SJames Shallcross
191A Ron Shapland
1838SFlax Sharkey
1641AAriel Shattan
1642AArthur Shattan
1643SJannie Shea
1195SNicholas Shectman
1644SElisa Sheets
1645AMichael Sheffield
1535ASharon Sheffield
1646SVivian Sheffield
946S Amy Sheldon
1052AGary Shelton
1647SJonnie Shepard
772A Randall L Shepherd
2343AKatherine Lenna
1648SHoward Shere
749C Jess Sheridan
266A Keith Sherman
688A James Shibley
2302ASundae Shields
1970AFara Shimbo
1969ARobert Shimbo
435A John lars Shoberg
436A Stefan Shoberg
381A Joseph Shoji
1649SHoward Shubs
1650SLance Sibley
516A Joe Siclari
525A Ellen Siders
1197A Renee Sieber
691A Aviva Siegel
2129ACarol Siegel
695A Dana Siegel
245A Kurt C Siegel
506A Stanley Sieler
312A Ellen Sieraski
311A Madelyn Sieraski
1652SMichael Siladi
2301ARachel Silber
1653SRachel L Silber
2365AAndrea J Silver
2364ADavid M Silver
947A Steven H Silver
119A Karen Haber Silverberg
116A Robert Silverberg
1990ADeborah Simon
1933ATim Simpson
2252AClaire Sims
669A Patricia Sims
670A Roger Sims
1654AMichael Sinatra
257A David Singer
259A Jeff Singer
1198SWillie Siros
1655SAmy Sisson
567A Dale L Skran
566A Samuel Skran
569C Sarah Skran
80A John L. Sloan
202A Kathleen Sloan
1053SBernice Smith
1965ABret P. Smith
1968ACameron Smith
2046ALesley L. Smith
167A Hank Smith
1966AJeanni L. Smith
1656AJoe Smith
1657SLaura Smith
1658ALaurence C Smith
2004ADean Wesley Smith
2240AKristine Smith
1659ARalph F Smith
1661SRebecca Smith
1660ARev Randy Smith
948S Rochelle Smith
582A Rodford Smith
1662SSally Smith
2315ASamuel A Smith
601A Susan Smith
1663SSusan G Smith
1854ATimothy L Smith
208A Vicki Smith
1664AVictoria A. Smith
1967AXander Smith
949S Dan Smithers
950S Lucy Smithers
2243AKenneth M Smookler
1756AMelinda Snodgrass
2263APaul Snook
126A Joseph Snow
Denvention 3
1665SDavey Snyder
420A KG Snyder
951S Patricia Snyder
1199SJan Soderberg
952A Joseph Sokola
352A Michele Jaye Solomon
2149ALaura Somerville
2148ATerry Somerville
1666SYasusuke Sonoyama
211A Sylvia Sotomayor
1200SRuth Souther
2085ACynthia D Souza
540A Barbara Spearman
593A Richard Spelman
1982AAndrea Spencer
111A Henry Spencer
953A Vaughan J Spencer
2234AGrace Spengler
2168AAcquanetta M. Sproule
1201AKevin Standlee
1202SLisa Standlee
1667ADorota Staniewska
2114A John L Stanley
2105ADebra Ann Stansbury
564A Hugh Staples
1668SMarcia Starke
2236SHoward Stateman
213A Freda Stearns
214A Robert E Stearns
954S Marianne S Steele
559A Harold Stein
573A Michael Stein
678A JA Stelnicki
1669SAnn Sterling
1203AAlison Stern
955S David Stern
517A Edie Stern
956S Nadine Stern
3A Rick Sternbach
1054SJerome Steuart
957S Milt Stevens
737A Alan Stewart
1670SBarbara Miller Stewart
1671SJim Stewart
2043APeter J Stewart
373A Risa Stewart
372A Sandy Stewart
958A Thomas Francis
746A Ian E Stockdale
1672SDan Stockelman
959S Gudrun Stockman
960S Joseph Stockman
1673AKeith Stokes
1953AVirginia Stoll
1858ARebecca Stoll
366A Ira Stoller
1206SGloria Stover
2287APaul Stratton
368A Erwin S Strauss
621A Edwin L Strickland III
1794AJim Strickland
1674AJohn K Strickland Jr
1945SSheila Strickland
103A Maria Stroffolino
413A Gregg Strohmeier
2010AWesley Struebing
1675ADuane Stuck
162A Lindalee Stuckey
407A Donna Stump
2401SJames Joseph Styles
771A Alice Sugg
2233ARay Suliteanu
1055AGeri Sullivan
778A Jeanne E Sullivan
453A Kathryn Sullivan
1056SKazuo Sumiya
184A Gayle Surrette
1677SJudy Suryan
1678SRobert Suryan
1207SAnders Swanson
1679AGary L. Swaty
2410AJane Swatzell
2077AShanna Swendson
493A Leslie Kay Swigart
1208SRobert Swiger
1209SJohn Syms
961A Joseph Szczepaniak III
306A Tim Szczesuil
2268ADavid Tackett
1057SLorraine Tacouni
503A Michael Tallan
1680SHicaru Tanaka
1210SJack Targonski
1681SMichael Taviss
1682SPat Taviss
173A Irene Tawzer
753A Michael Tax
2267AAnita H. Taylor
1683SBill Taylor
1211A Michael J Taylor
1832SRon Taylor
367A Suzanna Taylor
1786AAlan R. Tegen
1787APenny M Tegen
2030AKatrina A Templeton
712A Terry Terman
1685ADana Terrell
1684AIrvin Charles Terrell
2079CScott Alexander Terrell
190A Byron Tetrick
635A Sherilynn Thagard
466A Susan Thau
532A David Thayer
531A Diana Thayer
188A Ann Muir Thomas
962A Bill Thomasson
1805AIlone Penny
1686SJohn Thompson
1773APatrick Thompson
1687AAmy Thomson
437A Becky Thomson
1212AAnna Thorn
1213AJohn Thorn
963A Denice M Thornhill
1960CAaron Thornton
1688AKatherine Thornton
1214SNancy R Thornton
412A Katy Thorp
415A Steve Thorp
617A Jerry Tien
478A Adam Tilghman
197A Don A Timm
201A Charles Timpko
200A Denise Timpko
2194AElise Tobler
1689SChristine D Toleson
2102ARichard Treherne Tolley
964S Samuel Tomaino
72A Dave Tompkins
1837ASuzanne Tompkins
445A Geoffrey Toop
71A Michael T Townsend
965S David D Traxler
966S David J Traxler
1690SIan Tregillis
1215SAndrew Trembley
1691SAudrey Trend
1692SGregg Trend
123A Douglas Triggs
464A Gregory Trocchia
1693ABill Trojan
651A Liza Groen Trombi
1975AAnne Marie Trotter
1976AJustin Harold Trotter
967S Henry Troup
248A Hiroko Tsuzawa
599A Barbara Tull
764A Leslie Turek
2083AJackie Sachen Turner
1694SAlison Turtledove
1695SHarry Turtledove
1696SRachel Turtledove
1697SRebecca Turtledove
391A R-Laurraine Tutihasi
1698AGerry Tyra
1699ASandy Tyra
533A Cathy Udovch
1216SLennart Uhlin
2196AIrene Urban
968S Larry Van Der Putte
969A David J Van Deusen
131A Mark L Van Name
686A Jan Van ‘T Ent
1889ATim Van Wey
1700SEric Van
1701SCarole Vandal
1058SPat Vandenberg
634A Patricia A Vandenberg
1217AIta Vandenbroek
1758AVandy Vandervort
411A Barbara VanTilburg
410A Raymond VanTilburg
2327AKendall Varnell
1821ADonald Vaughan
1702SJay Arthur Vaughan
1820ANanette Vaughan
1703SCarrie Vaughn
1218ATom Veal
1963AJan Veldhoen
1059SLeane Verhulst
1704AEdd Vick
1802CKatie Vick
1931ASharon Vicory
2141ARic Victor
711A Britt-Louise Viklund
1949AThomas C. Vinson
2362ADennis Virzi
2363APat Virzi
1853AMichael H Volckmann
1060SAlexander Von Thorn
1061SMerle Von Thorn
1705SEdwin Voskamp
970S Susan Wageman
174A Jacob Waldman
1706SGail Walker
1707AJulie Wall
1219SRene Walling
2261ANathan Wallwork
680A Michael J. Walsh
1708SEvelyn Walton
1220SJames Walton
1709SRobert Walton
2012ADonna Maria Waltz
166A Anthony Ward
971A Christine Ward
1873ACynthia Ward
972A David Ward
Progress Report One
1861AMarty Ward
604A Michael Ward
340A Kenneth Warren
157A Rich Warren
339A Victoria Warren
1221SJulie Washington
973S John Wass
1710SKate Waterous
1893AGeoffrey Watkins
2055ASarah Katharine
1222SKennita Watson
390A Michael Weasner
1062SJack Weaver
1223AEric Weber
216A David J. Weinberg
441A Toni Weiner
1711SDavid Weingart
1224SEllen Weingart
1712SPaul Weingart
2221ARandy Weiroda
2220ASarah Weiroda
422A Gail Weiss
1713SToni Weisskopf
1857AChris Welborn
608A Lois Wellinghurst
607A Richard Wellinghurst
1714SPatty Wells
1988ABrian Austin Wenrich
1937AWilliam Allen Wenrich
546A Linda Wenzelburger
1876AMichael E Wesely
974S James Wesley
671A James T. Wesley
1715SCaroline Westra
1063SSusan Wheeler
793S Brenda White
2383ADonya White
223A Laurine White
2405AJames H White
1225SLee Whiteside
2203AJennifer Whitford
622A Eva Whitley
86A Marc Whitman
1716SCheryl Whitmore
2A Tom Whitmore
2054AElizabeth A Whitt
2224AAnne Whyte
2225ANicholas Whyte
739A John Widmer
21A Art Widner
627A Guest of Robert K
626A Robert K Wiener
83A Clark Wierda
610A Gayle Wiesner
1842AMiss Faye Wilbur
1977AAnne M Wilcox
718A Kathryn Willett
719A Michelle Willett
716A Paul Willett
717A Ronnie Willett
1718SSteven Willett
2404SGraeme Williams
544A James Williams
1064AL. Kim Williams
592A Laurie Williams
537A Susan L. Williams
2324ABrooks Williamson
1827AConnie Willis
1828ACourtney Willis
710A Dorothy Willis
355A Mike Willmoth
505A David Willoughby
1745AJill Willson
287A Edward B. Wilson
1226AElaine Wilson
288A Karen M Wilson
1848ASherrie Wilson
1719SLinda Winks
1720SNicholas Winks
1721SClifford Winnig
1065SJ P Withers
319A Sally Woehrle
562A Taras Wolansky
1868AKitty Woldow
210A Katherine Wolf
1722SGary Wolfe
1738ASuzanne Wolfram
1227SLew Wolkoff
1723SBetsy Wollheim
1930AKathy Wololhon
220A Andrew Wong
666A Kent Wong
1724SPeter Wong
2229CBob Wood
975S Malcolm Wood
2230CMegan Wood
2133AJohn Vincent Wood
578A Sarah Wood
976A Delphyne Woods
2208AHarold Woodward
1725SMartin M Wooster
2111A AB Word
529A Raymond L. Worley
207A Linda Wright
1066SWesley Wright
1752ADavid Wroton
2283SJosh Wulff
1228SLinda G Wyatt
402A Ben Yalow
2373AMasayo Yamamoto
247A Ken Yamaoka
1850ACatherine Yankovich
1726AEric Yarnell
1727SJohn Yaskowich
1728SKathryn Yeager
1229SJanet Yelle
203A Susan Yoder
594A Doug Young
1067AJim Young
698A Stephanie A Young
274A Diane Youngstrom
239A Virginia Youngstrom
1230AKate Yule
467A Joel Zakem
977S Linda C Zang
282A Tony Zbaraschuk
1231AMarvin Zelkowitz
228A Michelle Zellich
229A Richard Zellich
1824AGary Zelmanovics
1824AGary Zelmanovics
761A Julie Zetterberg Sardo
360A Joyce Zimmerschied
1925ALucy Zinkiewicz
1729SBeth Zipser
713A Elizabeth Zipser
714A Michael Zipser
978S Liz Zitzow
1730SJohn Zmrotchek
2041ABeth Zuckerman
2040AEric Zuckerman
1731SCarl Zwanzig
It’s time... let’s do it again in 2010
Australia is bidding to hold its fourth World Science Fiction Convention and we’d like you to join us on
a wild ride towards that goal. Australia has a reputation (gained from its three Aussiecons in 1975,
1985 and 1999) of producing intimate, compact Worldcons where everyone has a good time. For more
details contact one of our representatives, visit our website, or meet one of us at a convention near you.
Chair: Perry Middlemiss
Treasurer: Rose Mitchell
General Committee:
Stephen Boucher
David Evans
Janice Gelb
Mark Linneman
Alan Stewart
Julian Warner
US Agent
David Evans
114 Shorebird Circle
Redwood Shores
CA 94065-5101
UK Agents
Eve & John Harvey
8 The Orchard
European Agent
Vince Docherty
Koninginnegracht 75a
2514 AH Den Haag
The Netherlands
Committee contact address: GPO Box 1212, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA 3001
This bid is supported by Melbourne Convention + Visitors Bureau.
PO BOX 8442
VAN NUYS CA 91409-8442