press kit


press kit
by Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of Nouveau Musée National de Monaco
Press Release
MONACOPOLIS exhibition design and visual identity by
Martino Gamper and åbäke
Biography of Nathalie Rosticher Giordano, Curator
Biography of Martino Gamper and åbäke
II Le Nouveau Musée National de Monaco
Presentation of NMNM
Exhibition Programme
Biography of Marie-Claude Beaud
Practical information
by Marie-Claude Beaud,
Directeur of the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco
A project such as MONACOPOLIS is one of the fortunate consequences of the tireless quest
undertaken by Nathalie Rosticher Giordano, Chief Curator at the NMNM, and a group of
enthusiasts. For several years, they have been promoting and itemising Monaco’s heritage,
and, on many occasions, making sure it was protected. However, this exhibition would never
have seen the light of day if it hadn’t been for the daily work of the entire Museum’s staff.
For two years, they have been on hand to make this adventure possible, helped by a semipermanent group of researchers, restorers, historians, photographers and artists who have
each made their own contribution to advancing this massive undertaking. From Government
departments to Monegasque and international public institutions, and including the services
of the Palace, and of course the private sector, architects, developers, clients and
collectors, no efforts were spared to make as many archives as possible accessible and make
MONACOPOLIS a reality.
I therefore wish to thank everyone wholeheartedly. I hope that a tour of this
exhibition will show you how invaluable their contribution has been. I haven’t forgotten
the businesses and suppliers, designers and graphic artists and their staff who went out
of their way, despite the Christmas and New Year holidays, to ensure that we could open
on time.
Of course, these two villas are special places to hold the exhibition, but it is also
possible to prolong the visit by walking around town in Monaco and moving from the virtual
world of plans, models and photos to the reality of the built environment; or, on the other
hand, imagining what Monaco would have been like if…
The public programme «Hors Circuit», available from 19th January, will make it possible to
see this exhibition in a different way each time, and on a regular basis, thanks to the
architects, artists, musicians, writers and historians who have been invited by the NMNM,
and will make everyone’s memories of the city even more vivid.
The Nouveau Musée National de Monaco presents :
MONACOPOLIS – Architecture, urbanism and urbanisation in
Monaco, Realisations and Projects, 1858–2012
This project will be on view in the two NMNM
venues – Villa Paloma and Villa Sauber.
This exhibition is curated by Nathalie
Rosticher-Giordano – Chief Curator of
the NMNM. The collective Martino Gamper
and Åbäke (London) is responsible for the
exhibition’s sets and graphic design (signs,
communication and publications).
MONACOPOLIS analyzes the density of a
saturated territory, and explores its many
different dimensions. It restores readability
to what already exists and re-creates the
different layers of an urban development that
has proceeded uninterruptedly since the mid19th century, thanks to a novel overlapping
of archives and works little or never seen.
In the absence of any Archives Nationales
in Monaco, this exhibition restores to the
public the documents and the sources which
make it possible to write the history of
the country’s architecture. Since a complete
saturation of the territory, this latter has
been wavering between three tendencies which
tally with experimental trends producing
projects involving “realistic utopias” :
verticality (first additional height, then
actual high-rise buildings), excavating the
ground, and the creation of man-made lands.
Villa Sauber offers a circuit through the
emblematic neighbourhood of Monte-Carlo. The
exhibition draws on more than 600 historical
plans mostly hailing from the Société des
Bains de Mer, sheds light on the work of
the architects involved – over and above
the famous signature of Charles Garnier –
and underscores the extraordinary capacity
for renewal which hallmarks architectures
associated with vacationing and holidays,
all created and turned towards a public
with fluctuating desires. To take just this
one example, between 1863 and 1910, no less
than ten architects, including Henri Schmit,
would follow in each other’s footsteps to
enlarge, transform, embellish, rectify,
unify and even plan the Casino-Opéra de
Monte Carlo.
Villa Paloma explores, inter alia, Eugène
of the 1940s, Le Corbusier’s mysterious
sketch, and the idea mooted by a surprising
stranger, Henry Bulgheroni. After the Second
World War, in a context aligned with the
European issue of reconstruction, Monaco
also had above all to deal with the total
saturation of its territory. There duly
appeared for Monaco various new urban
planning solutions, in a period replete with
visionaries. Starting in the 1960s, we thus
discover utopian proposals such as La Venise
Monégasque, Yona Friedman’s transparent and
suspended bridge-city, Archigram’s Features
Monte-Carlo, a rejection of deliberately
buried architecture but offering a masterly
response to exaggeratedly multi-faceted
specifications, Paul Maymont’s Thalassopolis,
a city that could be extended ad infinitum
over the water, Edouard Albert’s L’Ile
artificielle and the Quartier Marin, designed
together with Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and
Manfredi Nicoletti’s La Ville satellite and
the Marinarium. More recently, Jean Nouvel
came up with a Centre de l’homme et de la
mer, and Emilio Ambasz devised Public Park
and Residencies. Real urban development is
reinstated in the exhibition thanks to a
sizeable collection of illustrative material
and filmed reports, emphasizing the ceaseless
energy of the works begun in the 1960s,
which have never been interrupted since.
contemporary artists, acquired for the
(Gabriele Basilico, Philippe Cognée, Anne and
Patrick Poirier, Thomas Demand and Philippe
Ramette), as well as specially created
works. The artist Pume Bylex proposes,
from Kinshasa, a dream touristic city;
Yona Friedman has created a 1/250-scale model
especially for the exhibition, following on
from his 1961 project and Michel Paysant
takes the metaphor even further, offering a
nano-scale representation of Monaco, one of
the smallest States in the world.
The exhibition extends beyond the museum
walls, and the city thus assumes a new
dimension, at once a place of memory, a
place where people live, and a space of
It has taken Nathalie Rosticher-Giordano
two years to locate and process archives
in Monaco’s institutional collections and
administrative archives, in the private
collections of architects, promoters and
other interested parties, but also in
Parisian institutions.
--------------------------------------------Publication :
The publication, produced in particular
with the generous help of the Association
des Amis du NMNM, will appear in late
February 2013. Nothing less than a trove
of references filling some 600 pages, it
will include a comprehensive iconography,
for the most part hitherto unpublished,
and essays broaching the notions of
heritage, vacationing, and urban planning
and development, written by historians,
architects, urban planners, and,
philosophers, ...
Edited by Nathalie Rosticher Giordano
Design : åbäke
Authors : Béatrice Blanchy (NMNM),
Dominique Bon, Jean-Lucien Bonillo,
Jacqueline Carpine, Sebastien Cherruet
Andrea Folli, Thomas Fouilleron,
Gisella Merello, Agnès Monges,
Didier Ottinger, Simon Texier,
Bernard Toulier, Joanne Vajda,
Georges Vigarello, Anne-Marie Zucchelli
VILLA PALOMA : 19 January–12 May 2013
VILLA SAUBER : 19 January–30 December 2013
Curator : Nathalie Rosticher-Giordano,
Chief Curator (NMNM)
Exhibition design and visual identity:
Martino Gamper and åbäke (Londres)
Nouveau Musée National De Monaco is supported
by the Government of the Principality of
Main partner: UBS AG.
--------------------------------------------Press Contact :
Elodie Biancheri, NMNM :
+377 98 98 20 95
Monacopolis – Exhibition design and visual idenity
by Martino Gamper and åbäke
The design for this exhibition is a matter of scale. Glass and aluminium, elements of
the architectural grammar are present in all the spaces of both Villa Sauber and Villa
Paloma. Just like in the modern(ist) city or in Tati’s Playtime, the reflections in the
glass juxtapose a building with its neighbour, old or in construction. As for the visual
communication of the exhibition, it proposes to extend the show within Monaco with a
map, similar to a tourist map which includes both the ghosts of destroyed buildings
and unrealized utopian projects. Instead of a unique poster, the visual identity takes
advantage of the iconographic collection to offer different images of buildings for the
flyers, posters, banners, adverts, sometimes site specifically.
Biography of Nathalie Rosticher-Giordano, Curator
Chief Curator at NMNM
Graduate of the Ecole du Louvre and Institut National du Patrimoine, Nathalie Rosticher
Giordano has been working in Monaco as curator since 1998
Within the Direction des Affaires Culturelles of Monaco she followed all the preliminary
steps of the creation of the NMNM : the inventory of the national collections, the launch
of a policy of conservation of the heritage as well as the expertise of the long-term
deposit of costumes and model set-designs from the Opera of Monte-Carlo made by the
Société des Bains de Mers.
Attached ever since its creation to the direction of the public institution Nouveau Musée
National de Monaco, she’s at the head of the scientific department of the Museum. She cocurated the exhibitions Acte I pour un nouveau musée (2004, presented in Rome in 2005)
and Lumière, transparence, opacité (2006) at Quai Antoine Ier , curated Etonne-moi! Serge
Diaghilev et les Ballets Russes (Villa Sauber, 2009), Looking up... Yinka Shonibare, MBE
(Villa Sauber, 2010), Du Rocher à Monte-Carlo (Villa Paloma, 2011) and MONACOPOLIS (Villa
Sauber and Villa Paloma, 2013)
Biography of åbäke and Martino Gamper
åbäke collective and Martino Gamper met over the course of their studies at the Royal
College of Arts (London) at the end of the last century. Although respectively studying
graphic design and product design, they very often came across each other at the bar and
workshops (metal, wood, letterpress etc.) that weren’t necessarily those of their own field.
Since then, aside from their individual practices, Martino and åbäke have steadily followed
through collective investigations of which the scenography and communication design for
Monacopolis is the last example to date. Since 2003, the Trattoria al Capello project (in
collaboration with Alex Rich) consists in the transformation - for one night only - of
a bar, a gallery, an ironworks studio or any other space into a restaurant for which the
kitchen , cutlery, furniture and even the dishes are specifically designed, produced, cooked
and served by them. These dishes – up to 7 or 10 – are served to a range of 30 to 60 guests.
In 2007, Martino exhibited his 100 Chairs in 100 Days project in South Kensington, London
– a reflection on seats and all the possible methods used to build, dismantle and question
the idea of a chair. Instead of drawings or drafts, Martino works directly on objects as
if they were 3D sketches at human scale. In 2010, Martino and åbake created the publishing
structure Dent-De-Leone – specialized in artists’ books. They also taught together at RCA
(London), ECAL (Lausanne), ERBA (Valence, France) and ESAP (Monaco)
of H.R.H. The Princess of Hanover
Nathalie Rosticher Giordano
Curator in Chief, NMNM
Gamper Ltd., London
(Tiago Almeida, Jochem Faudet,
Gemma Holt, Tania Garduno Israde,
William Shannon, Jacopo Sarzi)
åbäke, London
(Thomas Bush, Giovanni Pamio)
Emmanuelle Capra,
Damien L’Herbon de Lussats
Benjamin Goinard, Daniel Montuori
Béatrice Blanchy, Vincent Farelly,
Anne-Sophie Loussouarn,
Angélique Malgherini,
Jean-Charles Peyranne, Mélina Plottu,
Emilie Tolsau
Assistants : Kateline Jean, Arnaud Rolland
Marie-Claude Beaud
Cristiano Raimondi
Elodie Biancheri
Coline Landucci, François Larini
Agnès Mondielli, Danièle Batti,
Fiorella Del Prato
Christine Mikalef, Robert Pelazza,
Muriel Richelmi
Gérard Angibeau, Jonathan Brotons,
Henri Cavandoli, Florentin Certaldi,
Yves Cheymol
Main Partner:
Magalie Bonnet (furniture), Jeanne Cassier (sculpture), Andrée Chaluleau (photography),
Abigaël David (textile), François Duboisset (furniture), Blandine Durocher (graphic arts),
Anaïs Gailhbaud (sculpture), Anne-Marie Geffroy (metal arts), Philippe Langot (sculpture),
Jean-Baptiste Martin (graphic arts), Isabelle Rousseau (textile), Julie Schrötter (metal
arts), Alice Wallon (sculpture), Claude Wrobel (painting)
Patrick Gossein, Christine Loiseau, Eve Roy
Agnès Monges ; photographies : Mauro Magliani & Barbara Piovan, Padoue
Centre André Chastel, Paris : Jean-Yves Andrieux, Claude Mignot,
Georges Moliné, Dany Sandron ; Bernard Toulier, General Curator of Heritage, Ministère de
la Culture, Paris
Antoine Loudot, Monaco
Paul Guian, Tristan Ligen
Gail de Courcy, Paris
Mauro Magliani & Barbara Piovan, Padova ; Daniel Mille, Monaco
Cedemo, Monaco
M.M.C.I. - Mathez Monaco International; LP Art, Nice ;
Express Luxembourg ; André Chenue, S.A., Nice
Ascoma Jutheau Husson, Monaco ; Capalex, London ; Exhibit, Monaco ;
Graphic Service, Monaco ; Imprimerie Testa, Monaco ; L’instant, Monaco ; Multiprint,
Monaco ; Rasom U., Bolzano
MONACOPOLIS has been realised with the support of the Government of the Principality
of Monaco
Main partner : UBS AG.
Direction des Affaires Culturelles, Centre de presse, Direction du Tourisme et des
Congrès, Association des Amis du Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Société des Bains
de Mer.
With the assistance of:
Archives Audiovisuelles de Monaco ;
Archives Cabinet Notari ;
Archives Monte-Carlo S.B.M ;
Archives du Palais Princier ;
Bureau d’Etudes S.B.M. ;
Département de l’Équipement de l’Environnement et de l’Urbanisme ;
Direction de la Prospective, de l’Urbanisme et de la Mobilité ;
Direction de l’Aménagement Urbain ;
Service des Travaux Publics, Monaco ;
Famille Pierre ;
Famille Pucci ;
Michel Pastor Group ;
Jardin Exotique ;
Médiathèque de Monaco- Fonds Régional ;
Musée océanographique de Monaco Fondation Albert Ier, Prince de Monaco ;
Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique ;
Société Protea.
Archigram Archives, London ;
Archives Nationales, Paris ;
Ateliers Jean Nouvel et AREP, Paris ;
Bibliothèque Kandinsky / Centre de recherches et de documentations
du Musée National d’art moderne, Paris ;
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris ;
Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine / Archives d’architecture du XXe siècle, Paris ;
Emilio Ambasz, Architect, Bologne ;
Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, Paris ;
Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris ;
Musée national d’Art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris ;
Manfredi Nicoletti, Rome.
We sincerely thank the architects and artists Emilio Ambasz, Giovanni Anselmo,
Archigram : Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, Colin Fournier, David Greene, Michael Webb ;
Gabriele Basilico, Philippe Cognée, Thomas Demand, Yona Friedman, Manfredi Nicoletti,
Jean Nouvel, Michel Paysant, Anne et Patrick Poirier, Christian de Portzamparc, Philippe
Ramette, Pume Bylex.
Olivia Antoni, Mathias Auclair, Jean-Christophe Arnoux, Eric de Backer,
Isabelle Baladier-Bloch, Elisabeth Baltzinger, Jacqueline Barcelona, Maryse Bellone,
Dominque Bon, Jean-Lucien Bonillo, Christian Bonis, Catherine Borgogno,
Jean-Claude Boulet, Claire Bruyère, Majid Boustany, Tina Bunher, Alexis Burette,
Cabinet Bellone, Robert Calcagno, Jacqueline Carpine, Pierre Casiraghi, Patrick
Cassagneres, Xavière Ceccon, Sophie Cesari, Sébastien Cherruet, Michel Chiappori,
André Chiappone, Olivier Cinqualbre, Nathalie Cisse, Fanny Clerissi, Philippe Collet,
Alexandre Couëlle, Yves Damentko, Michel Desvignes, Pierre Dotta, Marie-Sophie Eiché,
Robert Fillon, Anne-Marie et Henri Fissore, Andrea Folli & Gisella Merello, Olivier Forest,
Thomas Fouilleron, Marie-José Fras, Gabriel Gabrielli, Christine Ginsberg-Carré,
Elena Giussani, Isabelle Godineau, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Laurence Harnett,
Bernard Hermelle, Jean-Benoît Héron, Laurent Hodebert, Axel Hoppenot, Hervé Irien,
Philippe Jusforgues, Frédéric Kappler, Charlotte Kruk, Pierre La Place, Olivier Lavagna,
Carl de Lencquesaing, Bernard Lees, Hervé Lemoine, Patrick Liautaud, Luc Lièvre,
Charlotte Lubert, Rodolphe Lucas, Agnès Magnien, Stefano Maltinti, Jean-Michel Manzone,
Pascal Martin Saint Léon, Nathalie Marion, Beba Martino, Sylvia Marzocco, David Mattoni,
Michel Maunier, Christophe Médecin, Patrick Médecin, Patrick Menini, Richard Milanesio,
Hans-Walter Müller, Cristina Noghès-Ménio, Catherine Notari, Fabrice Notari,
Anne et Pierre Nouvion, Béatrice Novaretti, René Novella, Didier Ottinger,
Alfred Pacquement, Claude Palmero, Fabrice Papazian, Delphine Pastor,
Jean-Baptiste Pastor, Jacques Parsi, Francine et Michel Pierre, Isabelle Pierre,
Patrick Piguet, Jean-Jacques Pinotti, Jean-Loup Pivin, Nicolas Pokrownichki, Shelley Power,
Robert Prat, Roland, Jean-Marie et Yvan Pucci, Guy Pujalte, Jean-Luc Puyo, Sylvie Primard,
Bruno Racine, Alexandre Ragois, Bettina Ragazzoni Janin, Francis Rambert,
Mathieu Ravanier, Georges Restellini, Josée Riberi, Michel Richard, Marielle Riche,
Bruno Ripoll, Lia Riva Ferrerese, Sylvie Ruau, Gheri Sackler, Alain Sangiorgio,
Catherine Sayen, Hannen Sayhi, Mireille Schneider, Didier Schulmann, Alain Seban,
Isabelle Simon, Jean-Marie Solichon, Simon Texier, Dominique Thiercelin, Elena Tomasi,
Laurent Trancy, Jean Pierre Vago, Joanne Vajda, Frédéric Varenne, Martine Varenne Médecin,
Vincent Vatrican, Pierre Vidal, Georges Vigarello, Brigitte Vincens, Heather Woofter,
Anne-Marie Zucchelli.
A special thanks goes to Rita Rovelli Caltagirone and Isabelle Lombardot.
L’Agence des Etrangers, Monaco ; CMB, Monaco ; Dotta Immobilier, Monaco ; École Nationale
Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille ; Galerie Daniel Blau, Paris ; Galerie Daniel
Templon, Paris ; Galerie Kamel Mennour, Paris ; Syndicat des copropriétaires du Domaine de
Roqueville ; the owners of buildings in Monaco and all the development and real estate
construction companies of Monaco.
P R OT E A - F P M C I D E N T I T Y
The Nouveau Musée de Monaco aims to look at and shine light on its extensive collections
whilst presenting the content of each exhibition in a contemporary way.
Through inviting artists, historians, curators and designers to collaborate, the museum
promotes a new outlook on the notion of heritage, and communicates this to the visiting
Organised around two venues since 2010 - Villa Sauber and Villa Paloma - the NMNM works
with two central themes: Arts & Performance and Arts & Territory. Both themes result from
the global project called “TRAINING FOR A MUSEUM”, as the consequence of a collective work
by the museum’s team aiming at explaining to the general audience and local public what
a national museum is and its relationship towards and through contemporary life.
Through many projects and discussions, the NMNM developed strong relationships worldwide
with Museums, designers, associations or educational actors over the last two years. From
then on this “training” has entered a new phase where the idea of exchange enriches the
one of transmission with the public programme Hors Circuit.
Each exhibition is completed by a publication. Their quality is renowned worldwide and
they are presented in the world’s biggest Museums’ bookshops and libraries, allowing the
exhibitions to continue once they are taken down.
Exhibition Programme —Villa Paloma
Villa Paloma focuses its programme on
contemporary approach and collaboration
with living artists.
September 18, 2010-February 22, 2011:
La Carte d’après Nature, a Thomas Demand
project, co-curator : Cristiano Raimondi
April 12-September 30, 2011:
Oceanomania, Souvenirs of mysterious seas,
from the expedition to the Aquarium.
A Mark Dion project, co-curator :
Cristiano Raimondi (NMNM)
October 16, 2011-January 8, 2012:
La table des Matières, a project by
Jonathan Olivares
Du Rocher à Monte Carlo, First Original
photographs of the Principality of Monaco,
1860-1880, curator: Nathalie Rosticher
Giordano (NMNM)
Projection of the work of Javier Téllez,
Letter on the blind, For those of us who
see, 2007 (Coll NMNM)
Caroline de Monaco, portraits by Karl
Lagerfeld, Helmut Newton, Francesco
Vezzoli, Andy Warhol and Robert Wilson.
February 2–April 3, 2012:
LE SILENCE Une fiction, curator: Simone
Menegoi, associate curator : Cristiano
Raimondi (NMNM)
April 21–June 17, 2012:
Groupe SIGNE, Street Art in a museum?
Curators : Groupe Signe
April 21 : Inauguration of La Table des
Matières, a library, a social space and
forum conceived for NMNM by Jonathan
Olivares, curator : François Larini (NMNM)
Work of the month : Sans titre 2003-2009,
Series of 6 drawings by Simon Jacquard
July 7–November 11, 2012:
Thomas Schütte, Houses, in collaboration
with the Castello di Rivoli,
curators : Andrea Bellini and Dieter Schwarz
La Table des Matières : Work of the month :
Series of drawings by Aldo Rossi
January 19-May 12, 2013:
A journey dedicated to architecture and
urbanism in Monaco, between Villa Sauber
and Villa Paloma
Curator : Nathalie Rosticher Giordano
La Table des Matières : Work of the month :
Paris #31, 1999 de Matthias Hoch
June 28–September 29, 2013:
Erik Bulatov, from the 1960’s until today
curators : Marie-Claude Beaud and
Cristiano Raimondi (NMNM)
October 19, 2013–February 2, 2014:
Artistic kinship : an artist and a
curators : Marie-Claude Beaud (NMNM)
and Loïc Le Groumellec
Exhibition Programme —Villa Sauber
Villa Sauber focuses its program on
reinterpretation of the cultural heritage
of the NMNM and of the Principality
of Monaco.
July 9–April 30, 2009:
Etonne Moi ! Serge Diaghilev et les Ballets
Russes, curator : Nathalie Rosticher
Giordano (NMNM) scientific comittee : John
Bowlt & Zelfira Tregoulova
June 8, 2010-April 30, 2011:
Looking up... Yinka Shonibare MBE, curator :
Nathalie Rosticher Giordano (NMNM)
June 22, 2011-January 29, 2012:
Looking up... on aura tout vu presents
the de Galéa collection, curators : Lydia
Kamitsis and Béatrice Blanchy (NMNM)
April 3–May 20, 2012
Princess Grace : More than an image.
An exhibition by the students of Central
Saint Martins College of Art and Design for
the “Pringle of Scotland Archive Project”.
June 15–November 25, 2012
Kees Van Dongen, l’Atelier. The NMNM
collection: works by Kees Van Dongen,
curator Nathalie Rosticher Giordano (NMNM)
January 19–December 30, 2013
A journey dedicated to architecture and
urbanism in Monaco, between Villa Sauber
and Villa Paloma
Curator : Nathalie Rosticher Giordano
Marie-Claude Beaud’s biography
Director of NMNM
1969: Deputy Curator at the Musée de Grenoble, working alongside Maurice Besset. Taught at
the University of Grenoble in parallel.
1976: Director of the Musée de Grenoble. Here, Marie-Claude Beaud developed an Education
department for schools and colleges, with Thierry Raspail (currently Director of the Musée
d’Art Contemporain de Lyon).
1978–1984: curator at the Musées de Toulon where she reinterpreted the local archaeological
and fine art collections and worked with local and international artists. With help from
teachers and artists, she implanted this activity in the art schools and the universities.
In parallel, she taught at the Ecole d’Art et d’Architecture in Marseille and at the
Université d’Aix-Marseille.
1984: Founding-Director of the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, where she set
up artist residencies, presented an astute programme of performing arts and organised
important themed exhibitions such as the 1990 exhibition presenting the links between Andy
Warhol and Velvet Underground. In the late 80s, Marie-Claude Beaud began working with the
French architect Jean Nouvel to create new premises for the Foundation, in Paris itself. The
now emblematic building opened in 1994 where she started les soirées nomades a multimedia
1994: Managing Director of the American Center in Paris, Frank Gehry’s first construction
in France. At this time, Marie-Claude Beaud was instrumental in the development of the
techno music scene in Paris, by co-producing Global Tekno, the electronic music festival,
1996-1999: Director of the musées de l’Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs (Musée des arts
décoratifs, Musée Nissim de Camondo, Musée des arts de la mode et du textile musée de
la publicité ), managing very impressive collections. This conglomerate structure, with
a close association to the State, is highly complex and particularly challenging as a
functioning environment.
January 2000: Marie-Claude Beaud was asked by the Fondation Musée d’Art Moderne GrandDuc Jean to head up the creation of the Mudam in Luxembourg in a building conceived with
IMPei. Here, she created an advisory committee for acquisitions, multiplied partnerships
with national and international institutions, and she initiated, with artists, a programme
of commissions open to all fields of creativity fashion design music art. This programme,
called ‘Be The Artists’ Guest’, rapidly became the leading principle for the museum: as a
lively meeting place/ forum, conceived from top to bottom by artists.
2001 & 2003: Luxemburg commissioner at the Venice Biennale. Under Marie-Claude Beaud’s
commission in 2003, Luxemburg artist Su-Mei Tse won the Golden Lion. This was the first time
that the prize was awarded to a pavilion outside of the Giardini.
April 2009-present: Director of Nouveau Musée National de Monaco where she took the
reopening of Villa Paloma as the first goal, a 19 century building rethought by architect
Alexis Blanchi and museograph Renaud Pierrard, to become one of the two villas dedicated to
the national collections of Monaco the one to landscape and territory part.
1963 – 1968 studies at the Université de Besançon, France
1969 – 1975 Adjunct curator, Musée de Grenoble, France
1976 – 1978 Director, Musée de Grenoble, France
1978 – 1984 Curator, Musées de la Ville de Toulon, France
1984 – 1994 founding Director, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Jouy-en-Josas and
Paris, France
1994 – 1996 Managing Director, American Center, Paris, New York
1996 – 1999 Director, Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
2000 – 2008 Managing Director, Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Mudam, Luxembourg
Since 2009 Director of the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Monaco
FFAI / American Center Foundation, New York, USA (Vice-President) ;
Fondation Cartier, Paris, France ;
Villa Noailles, Hyères, France ;
Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France ;
Fondation Boghossian, Brussels, Belgium ;
Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco, Monaco ;
Acquisitions Committee, Abou Dhabi Louvre, UEA ;
Artistic Advisory Committee, Byrd Hoffman Watermill Foundation, New York, USA ;
International advisory board, Atopos Athens, Greece
Member of ICOM and CIMAM since 1972
Practical information
Villa Paloma : January 19–May 12, 2013
Villa Sauber : January 19–December 30, 2013
(11am-7pm from June 1 until September 30)
Open every day except January 1, May 1,
the four days of the Grand Prix,
November 19 and December 25
--------------------------------------------NMNM / VILLA PALOMA
56, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
By bus
Line 2, direction Jardin Exotique,
stop « Villa Paloma »
By car
Parking « Jardin Exotique », access through
Bd. du Jardin Exotique et Bd. de Belgique
From the train station
Bus Line 2, direction Jardin Exotique,
stop « Villa Paloma »
--------------------------------------------NMNM / VILLA SAUBER
17, avenue Princesse Grace
By bus
Line 6, direction Larvotto,
stop « Grimaldi Forum / Villa Sauber »
By car:
Parking « Grimaldi Forum »
From the train station:
Bus Line 6, direction Larvotto,
stop « Grimaldi Forum / Villa Sauber »
Bus Line 6 direction Fontvieille until stop
« Casino » then cross the street and in
front of the Tourism Office (stop « Casino
Tourisme ») Bus Line 2, direction Jardin
Exotique, stop « Villa Paloma »
--------------------------------------------TARIFS NMNM
Ticket NMNM (Villa Paloma + Villa Sauber) 6€
Free for everyone under 26 years old,
scholar and children groups, Monegasques,
members of the Association des Amis du
NMNM, members ICOM and CIMAM, job-seekers,
disabled people
Combined ticket NMNM / Jardin Exotique /
Musée Anthropologique de Monaco: 10€
Free entrance the first Sunday of each month
Facebook: Nouveau Musée National de Monaco