Guida di Ateneo ECTS - Università degli studi di Napoli


Guida di Ateneo ECTS - Università degli studi di Napoli
Università degli Studi di Napoli
Erasmus ECTS
Information Package
A.Y. 2004/2005 - A.Y. 2005/2006
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Erasmus ECTS
Information Package
A.Y. 2004/2005 - A.Y. 2005/2006
Lavoro finanziato dal Fondo Agenzia Nazionale Socrates Italia - "Introduzione CTS" - Anno Accademico
2004-2005. Accordo finanziario n. 2004/61
Fondi comunitari. Azione 2.2
Gruppo di lavoro ECTS
Responsabile Delegato Socrates-Erasmus: prof. Claudio Quintano
Prof. Alberto Carotenuto
Prof. Claudio Quintano
Prof. Raffaele Santamaria
Prof. Salvatore Vinci
Prof. Giuseppe Vito
Direttore Amministrativo: dr. Enrico de Simone
Responsabile Ufficio Affari Generali: dott.ssa Sara Vitolo
Responsabile Centro Servizi di Ateneo RFD: dott.ssa Marina Majello
La pubblicazione è frutto di lavoro comune del personale delle citate strutture, con apporti singoli dei
partecipanti, derivanti da riunioni di lavoro interne alle strutture e tra strutture, da riunioni di coordinamento
e di armonizzazione dei testi, e in particolare:
Presidenza di Economia: Sig.a Tullia Carnevale e dott.ssa Stefania Salvio
Presidenza di Giurisprudenza: prof.ssa Maria Rosaria Carillo e dott. Mario Mirabile
Presidenza di Ingegneria: prof.ssa Renata Della Morte, prof. Catello Savarese
Presidenza Scienze Motorie: prof.ssa Maria Luisa Iavarone, dott. Giuliano Cimmino e dott.ssa Carmen Corcillo
Presidenza di Scienze e Tecnologie: dott.ssa Rossella Teti
Ufficio Affari Generali: dott.ssa Maria Grasso
Studio della normativa europea ed italiana, raccolta e standardizzazione del materiale, traduzione dello stesso:
dott.ssa Roberta Pellicano - collaboratrice esterna, esperta della materia.
Si ringrazia il prof. Stefano Dumontet (Delegato del Rettore per l’Orientamento - Coordinatore ECTS della
Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie) per il contributo apportato sulla base dell’esperienza maturata.
Table of contents
The University Rector’s Welcome Message
Il saluto del Rettore
The University Vice-Rector’s Welcome Message
Il saluto del Pro-Rettore
The city of Naples: Living in Naples and moving around the city
La città di Napoli: Vivere e muoversi a Napoli
Information Sheet
Scheda Informativa
The Parthenope University and its seats
L’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” e le sue sedi
First Plan and Second Plan
Prima e seconda cartina
The internationalisation process at the Parthenope University
Il processo di internazionalizzazione
all’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
The Italian Higher Education System
Il sistema universitario italiano
The ECTS European Community Credit Transfer System
Il sistema dei crediti europei ECTS
Counselling, tutorship and placement activities
Le attività di orientamento e tutorato
Lab facilities and Sports and recreative activities
Attività di laboratorio e ricreative
The Parthenope University didactic offer
L’offerta didattica dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
The Faculty of Economics
La Facoltà di Economia
The Faculty of Engineering
La Facoltà di Ingegneria
The Faculty of Law
La Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
The Faculty of Science and Technology
La Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie
The Faculty of Sport Science
La Facoltà di Scienze Motorie
The Rector’s Welcome Message
As Rector of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, I’m very pleased
that you have come to visit our University in Naples. I’d like to offer you a special
welcome considering that since its inception the University has been making all the
best affordable efforts in ensuring quality education and to explore and utilize the
best services derived out of all technological, ideological and academic spheres that
the contemporary time has presented before us.
Our staff of nationally and internationally known academics is dedicated to maintaining
and developing our reputation for teaching and research.
We have by now, been able to launch different academic programs for students of
Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels under the five Faculties namely the Faculty
of Economics, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Science
and Technology and the Faculty of Sport Science. Under the Faculties a number of
Department since their recent institution are operating for offering education in all
disciplines that are indispensable for the new generation of graduates, who need to
contest for proper positions in the highly competitive world.
The purpose of the following text is to provide you with all the necessary and helpful
information about our university and its services, programs, profiles of faculty, news
and activities, answers to frequently asked questions, contact information, etc., in
order to create an educational environment which helps you to achieve their personal
goals in their international experience of undergraduate or postgraduate studies, as
well as in your professional career.
I believe that the most important achievement is the personal contact with your
professors (and deans) and particularly with our students. Thinking of them also as
mentors and friends.
prof. Gennaro Ferrara
The University Vice -Rector’s Welcome Message
The Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” and its Faculties are very glad to
receive foreign teachers and students, these last ones as Socrates - Erasmus students
or as students under special agreements.
As Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Erasmus ECTS Institutional Coordinator,
I would like to express a very warm welcome all of you.
I’m very pleased to receive you and all students arriving in Naples to study at one
of the city’s main universities - the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”,
and I hope that all of them will be successful in your studies and will also enjoy living
and working with italian students. Our students are the reason of our existence so,
naturally, their well being is a priority and everyone working in this University will
be committed to make your stay as enjoyable as possible.
prof. Claudio Quintano
Vice - Rector
Erasmus ECTS Institutional Coordinator
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The city of Naples: Living and Moving around the city
Informations on the city of Naples
The largest city of Naples, capital of the province and the region, a point of embarkation
for emigrants in the past, Naples now has a large traffic of merchandise (petroleum,
carbon, cereals) and passengers. It is the largest Italian port, with a noteworthy nexus of
railway and highways and a large international airport.
Naples is the largest city in south Italy and one of the most beautiful, particularly around
the Bay of Naples. The capital city of Campania, Naples is the third most populated city
in Italy (after Rome and Milan), with over a million inhabitants, and it is the most important
industrial center and trading port for the South. It is a sprawling metropolis that was
founded by Greeks, enlarged by Romans and as a result is rich in history and stunning
In the vast urban area one can distinguish many different neighborhoods: the old center,
characterized by buildings closely crowded together, is bordered on the west by the new
administrative district and on the east by the business district, into which flows almost
all the road and rail traffic. Other neighborhoods, with narrow climbing streets, rise around
the base of the San Martino and Capodimonte hills. These neighborhoods have experienced
intense development, typically of the simpler kind, in contrast to that of the residential
neighborhoods that stretch out comfortably along the Vomero and Posillipo hills.
Moving around the city
The city is divided into 21 zones, and it has so many monuments that it is rightfully
known as an open air museum. Meanwhile, here is a little guide to allow you to choose
the most significant places of interest and tourist attractions, should you find yourself in
this glorious city, but with time as your enemy.
San Ferdinando - Chiaia - Posillipo - The places, monuments and landscapes in this
triangle are probably the ones which have made Naples famous, and they also offer one
of the best itineraries for tourists who would like to visit these areas. The tourist who
lands in Naples finds themselves immediately immersed in the scenery of the Piazza
Municipio which is itself dominated by the impressive mole of the Maschio Angioino
or Castel Nuovo; the Teatro San Carlo, the splendid Galleria Umberto I and the
spectacular Piazza del Plebiscito behind the façade of the majestic Palazzo Reale, the
semicircular colonnade and the domes of the splendid Basilica di San Francesco di
Paola are all close to one another and just waiting to be seen. Heading down towards the
sea, you’ll come upon Santa Lucia and then Borgo Marinaro where the Castel dell’Ovo
stands in all its glory.
Chiaia - is the area which faces the bay; you must visit this area and take a long walk
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
along the promenade from Via Partenope past Via Caracciolo until Mergellina or stop
by at Villa Comunale blessed with trees dating back centuries, neo classical statues,
artistic fountains; it is here that you’ll find the oldest acquarium in Europe. The most
important monument in the zone is the Villa Pignatelli which today is home to one of
Naples museums.
Posillipo - offers up the chance to enjoy a splendid view of the bay and the incredible
mount Vesuvius, the promontory of Sorrento and the island of Capri. Looking eastwards,
you will behold the Bay of Pozzuoli as well as the islands of Nisida, Ischia and Procida
and the historical Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields).
Il Centro Antico - Naples is characterised by its uniformity in town planning. In fact,
the quarters that makes up the ancient centre still faithfully adhere to the Greco-Roman
plans for the city of Neapolis. In these quarters are layer upon layer of history which
unfolds before the eyes of the unsuspecting visitor like an enormous history book. The
alleyways overflowing with life in quarters such as San Lorenzo, San Giuseppe, Porto
e Pendino are the same ones in which Greeks would trade and build temples during the
4th century.
It is practically impossible to list all the monuments that you will find in the three decumani
and the numerous side streets (i cardi) which run perpendicular to them, but mention
must be made of the following churches: San Paolo Maggiore built upon the foundations
of the tempio dei Dioscuri, (two columns of the temple are still visible), there is San
Lorenzo Maggiore, underneath which are important archaelogical remains which the
public are able to visit. These two churches are located in Piazza San Gaetano, the ancient
Roman marketplace along Via dei Tribunali, the ancient decumanus maggiore. The church
and street of San Gregorio Armeno are also worth a visit, this church was also built on
the site of a temple. Via dei Tribunali ends in front of Castel Capuano, the oldest fort
in the city built for Norman kings, behind it lies opening onto the Porta Capuana.
Walking along Via Duomo, you’ll come across the Cathedral dedicated to San Gennaro,
the city’s patron, the cathedral seems to be in a place that doesn’t seem grand enough for
such an important building, the Duomo which incorporates the ancient basilica of Santa
Restituta built on the orders of Constantine, and the Battistero di San Giovanni in
Fonte which is the oldest baptistery in the western world. Beneath the Duomo lie ancient
archaeological sites, which you can visit. The stratification begins with the ancient Greek
and finishes with the Middle Ages. The Museo Civico Filangieri is also located in Via
Duomo and is housed inside the Palazzo Como which was built during the Renaissance.
Piazzetta Nilo is situated on Via San Biagio dei Librai, and in which you’ll find a 2000
years old statue, Statua del Corpo di Napoli. Following the axis of Spaccanapoli you
will find other examples of Neapolitan culture: in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore you
will find the basilica of the same name and numerous palazzi from the Aragon and Spanish
era with the Guglia which was dedicated to the Saint at the centre. The Cappella di San
Severo is also worth a visit. Piazza del Gesù Nuovo yields such treasures as the Chiesa
di Santa Chiara, the Chiostro delle Clarisse, the 16th century façade of the Gesù Nuovo
and the Guglia dell’Immacolata. The San Giovanni Maggiore, was built on the remains
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
of the 4th century temple of Hercules and faces the piazza of San Giovanni where the
chapel of San Giovanni di Pappacoda contains a stupendous Gothic doorway. The primary
university faculties and museums are housed in these historic piazzas.
Il Centro Storico - The quarters of the Centro Storico are natural extensions of the Centro
Antico, which represent the Medieval and Renaissance developments reaching to the
Spanish viceroys and the Neapolitan Bourbons.
The Spanish quarters; the elegant Via Toledo with its historic palazzi and churches that
contain the masterpieces of 17th century Neapolitan painters; Piazza Monteoliveto which
contains Palazzo Gravina, the Fontana built in honour of Carlos II of Spain and the church
Sant’Anna dei Lombardi with a wealth of Renaissance treasures, Piazza Dante with the
18th century façade of the National Boarding School il Convitto Nazionale and Port’Alba,
where the lazzari di Masaniello got the better of the cannons of the Viceroy. The Museo
Archeologico Nazionale is one of the most important museums of its kind and is located
in Piazza. The Porta San Gennaro is located in Piazza Cavour and its one of the oldest
gateways in the city.
Via S. Maria di Costantinopoli has many palazzi such as the Accademia di Belle Arti and
many dazzling churches. In Piazza Bellini one can still see traces of ancient Greek city
walls; Piazza della Sanità holds the 17th century Chiesa di Santa Maria under which
are the San Gaudosio Catacombs; the zona dei Vergini e zona delle Fontanelle, are
ancient areas used for burial in Greco-Roman Naples, other places of interest in the
immediate vicinity are: Via Foria; Piazza Carlo III which has an enormous façade (375
m. long) the Albergo dei Poveri and the Orto Botanico; Corso Garibaldi and the piazza
of the same name, which is now the headquarters of Central Station; Corso Umberto with
the Neo-classical style University of Federico II; Piazza Bovio with the Palazzo della
Borsa and the famous Fontana del Nettuno; Piazza Mercato, the back drop to dramatic
events in Neapolitan history adjacent to this piazza is Piazza del Carmine; all of these
places are representative but not unique to the zones which developed and grew into the
centro antico.
The Quartieri Collinari - These are hill zones which were developed at the end of the
19th century as a residential district for the Neapolitan bourgeoisie il Vomero underwent
radical changes in the ’50s and ’70s which has made it into one of the busiest and most
chaotic areas in the city. It is linked to surrounding areas by three funicolar railways, but
it still retains among some of the city’s most important monuments. Castel Sant’Elmo
and the Certosa di San Martino, were built around 1350, and dominate the city from
above. Today, La Certosa houses the National Museum of San Martino, which shows
collections, paintings scupltures, documents and relics of Neapolitan tradition, amongst
other things.
Villa Floridiana was given by King Ferdinando of Bourbon to his second wife; it consists
of a park, at the centre of which stands a small palace which is now a museum (the Museo
della Ceramica Duca di Martina). The attentive tourist can’t let a visit to the catacombs
of San Gennaro escape him. The catacombs were dug from the yellow tuff of the Aminei
hills in the Capodimonte at the beginning of the second century. The galleries, which
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
create a kind of underground basilica leave a lasting impression on the unsuspecting
traveller. The sepulchre of San Gennaro and the tombs of the bishops, amongst whom
lies the bishop of Carthage.
Inside the Palazzo Reale di Capodimonte (a palace built in 1738 and surrounded by a
large park and a wood which acted as a hunting ground), is the with its collections and
the National Gallery with its extensive art gallery.
The Zona Flegrea
Fuorigrotta - is part of this area, it is a modern residential zone where the Rai has its
headquarters, as does the Politecnico; it is the new headquarters of the Universitaria, and
important sports complexes such as Stadio San Paolo and the Mostra d’Oltremare
headquarters of many important tradefairs, of the Zoo, Edenlandia a large theme park;
Bagnoli is an ex industrial zone and is now home to the Città della Scienza, of the old
shed steelworks on banks facing the island of Nisida; Agnano was the seat of ancient and
the famous Ippodromo (racecourse) with a nearby nature reserve, where several protected
species, are cared for by the W.W.F. Numerous Roman remains can be found all around
this area.
The peripheral zones do not offer much of interest to the tourist: these zones are mainly
industrial or ex-agricultural zones which have been destroyed over the years by cement
which has been dumped here as the city tries to find space in which to expand.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Naples Landmarks and Naples Monuments
Churches, Cathedrals and Religious Buildings
There are an enormous number of beautiful churches in Naples and most are in absolutely
superb condition. Here is a selection of Naples churches and basilicas, which are well
worth a visit during your stay in Naples.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Naples Museums and Art Galleries
There is a magnificent selection of museums and art galleries in Naples, with complexes
including probably some of the best historic collections in Italy. The city’s art galleries
display some wonderful collections of art in Naples, including paintings by world famous
and local Neapolitan artists, both modern and more classical. Exhibitions in Naples range
from large to small, local to international and many are located in beautiful Naples’
buildings, right in the heart of the city.
Campania ArteCard
Campania Artecard is an integrated ticket that offers, to advantageous conditions for
entry to the major museums and for visit monuments in Campania, free use of public
transports and many other opportunities and services.
You can buy it at Naples International Airport, railway stations, ports of Naples, main
hotels, ANM carpark of Brin street and Colli Aminei, travel agencies, main newsagents,
museums and archeological sites of the route, and in summer at the main bathing resorts
in Campania.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The initiative is of the Region Campania.
For further information please refer to the Website: or to the
toll-free number 800 600 601 - infoline 06 39967650.
Attractions nearby Naples
Naples, Italy is full of many fantastic tourist attractions, but within a short journey from
the city there are countless other superb places well worth a visit. Whether you are looking
for historical landmarks and buildings, steaming mud pools or beautifully landscaped
gardens, you can be sure that you won’t have far to travel.
Naples Parks and Naples Gardens
Naples, Italy can really boast about its wide variety of parks, ranging from the largest
parks to the smallest gardens, both private and public. You would never imagine that the
busy city of Naples would have so much greenery - if you know where to look! Parks
and gardens in Naples include many that were the former private gardens and parklands
of the city’s nobility and whether it is just a small square with surrounding trees or a
larger open space, they are all peaceful places to relax. Here are some of the most popular
parks in Naples that provide a calming and tranquil oasis, right in the heart of hectic city
Naples National Public Holidays
• 1st January - New Year’s Day
• 6th January - Epiphany
• Early April - Easter Monday
• 25th April - Liberation Day and St. Mark’s Feast Day
• 1st May - Labour Day
• 29th June - Local Feast Day
• 15th August - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
• 1st November - All Saints Day
• 8th December - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
• 24th December - Christmas Eve
• 25th December - Christmas Day
• 26th December - Boxing Day / St. Stephen’s Day
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Cuisine in Naples
There are many different types of food served at restaurants in Naples, although most
offer a standard menu with an emphasis on fresh produce. Regional recipes tend to contain
highly spiced, robust, simple ingredients. Specialities in Naples include pizza, spaghetti
dishes such as spaghetti alle vongole (a clam pasta dish), impepata di cozze (a delicious
mussel based dish) and many grilled fish and seafood dishes. Many restaurants in Naples
also serve fresh oysters, ‘cannolicchi’ and ‘taratufi’, which are locally harvested.
Meals and Courses
Colazione, or prima colazione, (breakfast), pranzo (lunch) and cena (dinner) are the
primary Italian meals. An Italian’s breakfast constitutes of little more than a cup of strong
coffee and brioche (jam or custard filled buns), though bars and cafés do serve a choice
of cold meats in rolls. Locals in Naples tend to eat lunch (pranzo) at around 13:00 and
dinner (cena), the main meal of the day from 20:00 onwards. Menus for lunch and dinner
do not vary greatly and both meals consist of several courses.
Antipasto (Starters) Typical antipastos in Naples may include tasty ham, which can be
raw or cooked, a variety of salami, fresh seafood, olives and crostini (toasted pieces of
bread coated in garlic and olive oil and topped with tomato, anchovy or liver paste).
Primo Piatto (First Course) Italian first courses tend to be pasta, polenta, rice or soup
based, traditionally designed to fill up the diner before the main meat or fish course.
Common to Naples, as a coastal city, is ‘cacciucco’ (fish soup).
Secondo Piatto (Main Course) Meat or fish are the mainstay of this course. These can
be served alone as in the case of the dish ‘arrosto misto’ - a variety of roasted meats, such
as chicken (pollo), lamb (agnello) and pork (maiale), or with an optional contoni (side
dish) of vegetables or salad (insalata). Side dishes are usually at an extra cost to the meal.
Dolce (Pudding) The dessert course in Italian cuisine is not generally its strongest point
and so diners may wish to opt for fruit (frutta), puff pastries or a selection of cheese
(formaggio). Popular cheeses in Naples are ‘pecorino’ (made from sheep’s milk) and
‘ricotta’. Frequently, Italians will round off a meal with a black coffee (espresso).
Pizzerias in Naples
Naples is full of lively Pizzerias and they are usually filled with a wide cross-section of
people, such as students, tourists, professionals and locals. They are a very popular place
to dine in Naples and offer high quality pizzas made with only the finest ingredients.
Pizzas come with many different toppings and all pizzerias have a choice of traditional
pizzas, as well as many other flavours, such as seafood pizzas.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Travel to Naples and public transports
Naples is a relatively easy city to get around. The centre of Naples is fairly compact and
most of the sights are within walking distance of one another. Much of Naples is
pedestrianized and there is an excellent bus network and local railway in Naples.
Alternatively, if you prefer to be driven around Naples there are plenty of taxis, although
these can prove an expensive way to travel in the city of Naples.
Naples Airport / Arriving by air
The Naples International Airport is Capodichino Airport, the southern Italy’s main
airport bout 8 km / 5 miles north-east of the city centre. For further information on the
airport, please refer to the airports page: or for other updated information
regarding scheduled flights, please contact: Naples International Airport 081/7896111 081/7896259.
For further information regarding flights to Naples, we could personnally contact the
specific air-line company which you prefer, refering to the different air-line companies
pages or contacting them by phone.
call center in Italy 199.111333
call center in Italy 848 884466 (Monday-Friday 9.00-18.30)
call center in Italy 199.111333 - 848 865642 all days 24h/24)
For information regarding LOW COST Companies, please refer to these pages:
call center 800.454000
You could also choose to fly by NOUVELLES FRONTIERES
Via Santa Lucia 9/13, Naples - Tel. + 39 081 764 07 29
The Airport runs a bus service-ALIBUS to the central railway station in Naples, the
Piazza Municipio et the port (Molo Beverello), from where you can reach your destination.
The trip takes approximatively about 25 minutes.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Arriving by car
Driving the highway A 1 Milano/Napoli;
From the highway follow direction for Napoli Centro.
The web site of the Italian Motorways,, contains detailed information
on all Italian motorways. A toll is paid on all Italian motorways based on the lenght of
the trip and the region.
Naples Travel by Car / Car Rental
Traffic in Naples is often heavy and driving in the city centre can be quite an experience,
as Italian’s tend to drive fast and can be somewhat impatient. Parking in the centre can
also prove difficult. Although the city can become rather chaotic at peak times, a car
provides a very convenient way to travel outside of the city centre. In Italy, people drive
on the right-hand side of the road and overtake on the left. Many car rental agencies are
available and there is a particularly good selection of these at Naples Capodichino Airport.
Naples Travel by Taxi
Taxis in Naples are one of the most popular means of transport in the city, especially for
business purposes, although they can prove an expensive way to travel. They can normally
be found lined up at stands or on main squares and can also be called by phone. There
may be some supplements, such as luggage or late night charges, that do not appear on
the meter and so it may be useful to ask about these before leaving. Try to negotiate the
taxi fare in advance if possible, to avoid overcharging. You should only use the official
licensed taxis, which are clearly identified by the taxi sign on the roof and a numbered
shield on the side.
Arriving by train
The main railway station of Naples is located in Piazza Garibaldi, in the city centre and
is connected by various urban buses. For detailed information on trains and times (and
also an automatic trip planner based on the Internet) visit the FS (State Railway) multilingual
web site, .
There are other railway stations in Naples:
Campi Flegrei
Naples Travel by Train (Passante Ferroviario)
Naples is served by a full range of trains; include Regionale, Diretto, Espresso, Intercity,
Eurostar, and ETR450 fast trains. The city of Naples is a main rail hub for southern Italy
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
and the city’s largest and most important train station is the Stazione Centrale at the
Piazza Garibaldi. Many trains that originate in the north pass through Rome and terminate
in Naples. From here there are both local and national lines that travel into the suburbs
of Naples and down the coast to Sorrento and beyond, via Pompei and Herculaneum.
Daily there are up to 30 trains that travel between Naples and Rome and the journey time
is around 2.5 hours.
The state-run (FS) line provides a fast service between Naples and Salerno and for other
coastal services there are local rail systems. Inland, train systems link to Caserta, Capua
and Benevento from Naples’ main station, amongst other places. South of Salerno,
Paestum and most of the main destinations on the coast of Cilento are served by the main
rail route from Naples to Reggio di Calabria. For other coastal journeys, the Circumvesuviana
is the most useful service; travelling around the Bay of Naples twice an hour from dawn
until late at night and this is the best way to reach Pompei, Herculaneum and Sorrento.
Naples Travel by Bus and Tram
In front of the central railway station in Naples (Stazione Centrale) at the Piazza Garibaldi
is the main bus station. From here there are a number of popular routes that travel to all
of the main towns and places of interest in the region. Many of these buses are run by
the Naples Public Transport Board and other services are operated by SITA and also
Curreri. Tickets should be purchased before you get on the bus or trams and they are sold
at tobacconists, newsstands, some coffee shops and ticket machines and booths in train
stations. They should be validated on the bus by punching them in the machine. Various
travel passes are available which can prove a cost-effective way to travel.
Buses really come into their own on the Almafi coast, which is not served by rail and are
by far the most enjoyable and scenic way to travel in this area. SITA services regularly
travel between Salerno and Sorrento and the ATAC buses serve the Cilento coast from
Salerno to Sapri. The Italian intercity bus system is excellent and will usually take you
to most places, particularly those where trains do not travel.
To get around the city using the public transport it is necessary to buy the GiraNapoli
tickets ( They are two types: one valid 90 minutes and another
valid for a whole day.
Both allow you to travel on buses, trams, funiculars, Metropolitan FS (Ferrovie dello
Stato), hilly underground line.
The costs of the tickets are:
Normal ticket: Euro 1,00 to use all the public transport (ANM, Circumvesuviana, CTP,
SEPSA) for single trip in the municipality of Naples for 90 minutes.
Daily ticket: Euro 3,00 valid for the whole day when the ticket is punched in the urban
circle, for more trips.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Weekly ticket: Euro 9.00
Monthly ticket: Euro 30.00
For further information, please refer to the Website:
Underground Trains in Naples / Metro Subway
If you are heading westwards from Naples you have a choice of the Naples underground
of Metropolitana, which crosses the city centre and ends up at Pozzuoli Solfatara, a 30
minute journey. Both the Ferrovia Cumana, which travels along the coastline, and the
Circumflegrea (via Cumae) take you as far as Torregaveta.
For detailed information, please refer to these pages
Azienda Napoletana Mobilità:
Following is a list of the more common bus lines to and from the University area.
R2 Piazza Garibaldi (Central Station) - Corso Umberto I - Via Diaz – Piazza Trieste e
Trento - Piazza Municipio - Via Medina - Piazza Bovio - Corso Umberto I - Piazza
C55 Piazza G.B. Vico - corso Garibaldi - piazza Garibaldi - Corso Umberto I - via
Depretis - via Medina - via G. Sanfelice - Corso Umberto I - p. Garibaldi - corso
Garibaldi - piazza G.B. Vico
C25 Mergellina - corso Vittorio Emanuele II - via Crispi - via S. Pasquale - Riviera di
Chiaia - via Partenope - via S. Lucia - via Acton - piazza Municipio - via Medina - via
G. Sanfelice - piazza Bovio - via Toledo - piazza Trieste e Trento - via S. Carlo - piazza
Municipio - via Acton -via S. Lucia - via Chiatamone - via Morelli - via dei Mille piazza Amedeo - via Crispi - corso Vittorio Emanuele II - Mergellina
110 Piazza Garibaldi - Museo Archeologico - Museo di Capodimonte
152 Piazza Garibaldi - Piazza Municipio - Piazza Vittoria - Mergellina - Pozzuoli
Cable cabines
Central Funicular
via Toledo - corso Vittorio Emanuele II - via Palizzi - piazza Fuga
Chiaia Funicular
via del Parco Margherita - corso Vittorio Emanuele II - via Palizzi - via Cimarosa
Montesanto Funicular
Montesanto - corso Vittorio Emanuele II - via Morghen
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Naples Travel by Sea
Naples is home to a complex network of boats, ferries and hydrofoils run by many
different companies, linking Naples with the islands in the bay and also several further
afield, such as Sardinia, Malta, Corsica, Sicily and other resorts along the coastline.
Services for Capri, Sorrento, Ischia, Procida, Forio and Casamicciola depart from the
Molo Beverello in front of the Castel Nuovo in Naples. Longer distance ferries depart
from the Stazione Marittima, travelling to Palermo, Cagliari, Milazzo, the Aeolian Islands
and Tunisia.
Naples Weather
In Naples, the climate is typically Mediterranean, with high temperatures and sunny
days in the summer and colder, damper weather in the winter. The best time of the year
to visit Naples is between April to June, when the weather is fine, the prices are lower
and there is more room on the lively piazzas and streets. July and August are usually
very hot and temperatures tend to stay around 30°C for much of this time, and most
Italians tend to go on holiday during these months of the year. Low seasons in Naples
tend to fall between April to June and September to October. In the spring and autumn,
temperatures in Naples are at their most pleasant.The weather in Naples can be
unpredictable in the winter from November to February, when the city is at its most
quiet. It is generally fairly mild with plenty of sunshine, although it can be foggy at
times. There may also be heavy rain and occasional icy winds, so be sure to bring a
warm overcoat, scarf and gloves.
Naples Climate Chart
The following are the normal daily temperature ranges for Naples:
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Tips for Using the Euro
The Euro is made up of eight coins and seven paper notes and was introduced on January
1, 2002. The 12 members of the European Union - Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain - planned
the event for more than a decade, determining a conversion rate for each country’s national
currency. The colourful Euro bills, which include holograms and shades of green, yellow,
blue, mauve, and orange, are identical across the Euro area. Coins have one common and
one national side, but they can be used in any of the member countries, regardless of the
country of issue. Old currencies are no longer accepted, although they can still be converted
to Euros in central banks.
The Parthenope University does not have any student housing facilities. There is no
residential campus at the Parthenope University, and most students do not live in Naples,
so Erasmus students rent private apartements which they usually share in groups of three
or four.
Once arrived in Naples, we can find further information regarding addresses, telephone
numbers to stay in shared flats,in local specialised newspapers and magazines. Students
can find accomodation in a single room or double room to share with another student.
The rent contract is signed directly with the owner and the deposit paid to them.
Temporary accommodation
Each student will have to contact personally the hostel (see below) to make his/her
reservation for the first days in Naples.
Ostello della Gioventù
Address: Salita della Grotta, 2 (Near Mergellina Train Station and Underground Station)
tel.: +39 081 7612346 - fax: +39 081 7612391
Students are required to book their place at least 15 days before their arrival.
Residence Permit and Health Insurance
In Italy a public health-care system is available even for foreign citizens.
EU citizens
EU citizens are not obliged to ask the Residence Permit.
The Residence Permit can serve if they want the tax identification number, that’ it’s the
useful document for being able to open a checking account, or, if requested from the
owner, in order to rent a lodging.
EU citizens must possess E111 (or E106, E107, E109, E110, E128 forms) to have a
health-care coverage. The form needs to be signed and stamped by the local health
authority A.S.L. (the closest one to the permanent address in Naples). In the A.S.L., once
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
you will be registered, you will choose your personal physician. ASL will provide healthcare services and release a card that consents to access to a zone doctor and to analyses
or clinical exams if necessary. To find addresses of Asl Napoli 1 consult:
No-EU citizens
No-EU citizens are obliged to ask the residence permit.
After to be registered at the Erasmus Office, you will have to address to the Police
Immigration Office with the following documents:
• Parthenope University Erasmus ECTS student certification of studies
• 4 passport size pictures
• passport and photocopies of all written pages of your passport (VISA)
• copy of Health Insurance with an official paper from the Italian Embassy or Consulate
from your country that states the validity of your insurance.
• a 14,62 Euro duty stamp for the application form (duty stamps are sold in the tobacco
No-EU citizens must show proof to possess a health insurance.
Telephone card and useful telephone numbers
A prepaid telephone card can be purchased at any tobacconist, Newspaper stand, Coffee
bar or Post Office at a cost of Euro 5,00 or Euro 10,00. International prepaid telephone
cards are available with 50 or 100 units.
Country code numbers from Italy to Socrates/Erasmus countries
Great Britain 0044
Liechtenstein 0041
Luxembourg 00352
Netherlands 0031
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Useful and emergency telephone numbers
Carabiniere 112
Police 113
Red Cross - ASL Napoli 1 (ambulance free of charge) 081.7528282/0696/0850
Fire-brigade 115
Road Aid (ACI) 116
Traffic Police 081.5954111
Post Office - information 160
Railways (Ferrovie dello Stato) 1478 88088
Consulates in Naples
AUSTRIA, corso Umberto I, 275 081.287724
BELGIUM, via A. Depretis, 78 081.5510535
DENMARK, p.le Stazione Marittima (inside the harbour) 081.5512211
FINLAND, p.le Stazione Marittima (inside the harbour) 081.5512211
FRANCE, piazza della Repubblica, 2 081.7612275 - 081.5980702/3
GERMANY, via Crispi, 69/1 081.7613393
GREECE, viale Gramsci, 5 081.7611075 - 081.7611243
ISLAND, via Petrarca, 93/9 081.5752108
LUXEMBOURG, via C. Colombo, 45 081.5525619
NORWAY, p.le Stazione Marittima 081.5512211
NETHERLANDS, via A. Depretis, 114 081.5513003
PORTUGAL, via Nardones, 118 081.413540
GREAT BRITAIN, via Crispi, 122 081.663511 - 081.681101/17
SPAIN, via dei Mille, 40 081 411157 - 081.414115
SWEDEN, via Toledo, 156 081.5512852
Institutes of Italian and Foreign cultures
via Monte di Dio 14, tel. 081.7643224
SOCIETÀ NAPOLETANA DI STORIA PATRIA, Piazza Municipio (Maschio Angioino)
tel. 081.5510353
CENTRO “C.N.R.” DI STUDI VICHIANI, Via Porta di Massa, 1, tel. 081 7642381
BRITISH COUNCIL, Via Morghen 31/36, tel. 081.5788247/5585117
AMERICAN STUDIES CENTER, Via Andrea d’Isernia, 36, tel. 081.2522270
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
GOETHE INSTITUT, Riviera di Chiaia, 202, tel. 081.421059
INSTITUT GRENOBLE, Via Crispi, 86, tel. 081.660277
INSTITUTO CERVANTES, Via S. Giacomo, tel. 081.5520468/5580
Post Office
The Central Post Office is located in Piazza Matteotti and it is the most convenient office
for the mailing of letters, parcels, or for other postal services.
Unlike the regular post offices, it is open from Monday to Saturday, from 8.15 to 19.20.
For information concerning postal services please call 160.
The following banks are located near the main buildings of “Parthenope” University.
• Banco Ambrosiano Veneto
via Depretis, 51 - Tel. 081.7141584/7946111
• Deutsche Bank
via Depretis, 39 - Tel. 081.5522193/5522632
• Banco di Napoli Agenzia 1
piazza Bovio (pal. Borsa) - Tel. 081.5527900/5528066
• Banca di Roma Agenzia Napoli 1
via Toledo 352/A - Tel. 081 7854111
Further informations
Naples official website
Province of Naples official website
Events and news portals on Naples
Via S. Carlo, 9 - Napoli
Tel. 081 402394
Piazza del Gesù - Napoli
Tel. 081 5512701
Via Marino Turchi, 16 - Napoli
Tel 081 2400911 - Fax 081 2400925
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Erasmus ECTS Information Sheet
The Erasmus ECTS Information Package provides a description of the city of Naples
and of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” with its Faculties and Departments
and supplies written informations on the organization and structure of studies and the
degree courses offered by the different Faculties in order to help the prospective Erasmus
ECTS students to prepare their study period at this institution.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The Parthenope University and its seats
The Istituto Universitario Navale
(hereafter, “I.U.N.”) is born in Naples in 1920 in the government objective to carry out
“a higher center of culture where the sea could be studied such as a factor of production
and a mean of exchange - an Institute which would prepare the spirits to the conscious
valorization of the economic problems related to the sea”. The I.U.N. always exerced
an important activity of research finalized to the enlargement of the cultural horizons
and, at the same time, to the adequacy of the proccess of formation to the changes in
progress in the economic-productive activities and the labour market. This effort of
adequacy was developed in order to maintain, by reinforcing them, the scientific and
cultural interests of the Institute and to extend the spectrum of interests to the sets of
themes defining today, the new rules of the international competing confrontation.
The Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
(hereafter, “Parthenope University”) is born following the revision of the Statute of the
I.U.N.; a revision which modifies the University in a significant degree, establishing
(of it) the status of University reached throughout a structural, cultural and dimensional
growth which, from the second half of the years ’80, constantly continues, by following
anticipating the requirements of formation and those scientific ones but also, of a
characterized territorial reality on the one hand; and by a fast evolution and the permanence
of the embarrassments and the heritages difficult to exceed, on the other hand, which
have a significant incidence on its futurologies of growth.
Today the University is presented in the form of an university structure of average size,
with a number of students in constant growth and which counts today 1500 units,
constituiting the population of the students destined to stabilize itself according to the
programming made by the University with the threshold of the 20.000-25.000 in the
next years.
This growth in the population of the students which constituted the reason of the
expansion of the University in a way that it knew to interpret it such as a latent social
or virtual request coming from the context, could take place only thanks to the race of
expansion undertaken by the University; a formative expansion which related to either
the offer suggested by the University that infrastructures necessary: one refers to the
whole of the buildings, the human resources, the equipments being useful to the didactic
and research activities, which had to adapt to the new dimension and the new role that
the University, more and more, was going to embrace.
If we examine the Parthenope University in relation with the new institutional activities,
in terms of didactic offer to the citizen, we consider the evolution which obviously it
recorded: it was an institution characterized by the specificity and the unicity of the
professionalisation offered, and which thought to safeguard its own traditional specificity
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
and, developing at the same time, its capacity to give an adequate, existing or latent
answer that the context expresses.
Today the Parthenope University counts 5 faculties: the Faculty of Economics, with its
five courses of laurea and four courses of diploma; the Faculty of Scienze Nautiche,
the only one in Italy; the Faculty of Law, with two courses of laurea and its seats
decentralized in the communes (which are already seats of Court); the Faculty of
Ingegneria, with the course of laurea in “Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni”; the Faculty
of Scienze Motorie, instituted after the trasformation of the ISEF Naples and with the
assistance of the Faculties of Medicina of the Universities in Naples.
The formative offer is destined to develop again thanks to the entry into force of the
university reform, introduced on the initiative of the Minister Zecchino within the
framework of the process of triennalisation of the courses of laurea, the transformation
in a course of laurea, of the active diplomas awarded at the University and for which
does not exist, in the university seat, a correspondent course of laurea.
The activities of orientation had a strong impulse and they are in the center of the
attention in the new triennial plan of development of the Universities which are reaching
results is in the orientation of the young bachelors to a correct choice of their own
formative course and in the connection increasingly more strict with the Professional
Orders and the labour market and even, in the activity of orientation in itinere, aiming
at combining the abandonment of the studies which has an incidence such to exceed
the average values recorded within the European Union.
This significant and diversified growth could take place only thanks to one town-planning
materializing the choices of site and relationship with the territory, at the base of the
general policy undertaken by the University. A town-planning made possible by the
Protocollo d’Intesa signed by the Ministry for the University, the Town Hall of Naples
and the University for the joint continuation in the development, the valorization and
the territorial reorganization of the structures of the University and at the same time of
the covering and the requalification of the perifery of the Town of Naples, its Central
storico and the zone of Bagnoli. The University seats.
The Chief seat of the Parthenope University is in Naples at the street Ammiraglio
Ferdinando Acton and it consists in a historical building, the so-called “Palazzina
Spagnola”, which dates back to the sixteenth century and a modern construction industry
carried out at the end of the years ’60.
The historical establishment is consisted by a State building leaned against the Caste
Nuovo, built at the sixteenth century to accomodate the “Officine della Real Fonderia”.
This building, until the eighteenth century, with the Real Montatura delle Armi, with
the Corpo della Real Guardia and the Arsenale d’Artiglieria were the core of the structures
of defense and fortification of the Castel Nuovo, whose enclosing wall was the only
one to defend the city. The requirement to have to make face with the power of the
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
artilleries brought to the necessary construction of a news courtine where they would
gather the buildings assigned to the housing of the troops, the deposit of the ammunition
and the construction of the weapons. This structure didn’t change until the approval, in
1885, of the law of clearance of the city of Naples bringing to a project of radical
transformation of the urban fabric, whose works envisaged to clear many zones and in
particular, that harbour one. In particular, in order to insulate the fortress, the Castel
Nuovo, considered as being a national monument in oneself and, for the Arco Aragonese
of entry, they decided to change place to the military buildings in places more suited
by the construction of a foundry and a new Arsenale d’ Artiglieria and in the zone of
Rione Arenaccia. The State building became available for a new assignment and in 1949
it was given in use to our University.
Villa Doria D’Angri
This monumental complex is one of most recent acquisitions of the University, which
was carried out thanks to a ministerial cofinancing. It consists in the monumental Villa
Doria d’Angri, built in 1880 and commissioned by Prince Marcantonio Doria; and, of
the complex which was already seat of the Santa Dorotea Institute. They measure a
complessive surface is of more than 18000 square meters.
The Villa Doria d’Angri represents the expression of the largest artists and craftsmen
of the time and in spite of the incurie of the time, still keeps much of its last splendour.
Some works of completion and those of restoration of the Villa are currently in hand,
being cofinanced by the European Union. It is the seat of international meetings, of
seminars and initiatives of particular importance.
The Church of San Giorgio Genovesi
The Church of San Giorgio Genovesi, conceded in commodate by the Curia of Naples
is the seat of seminars and cultural initiatives and even, of fairs and conferences. It
extends on an overall surface interns of 644 square meters with that of the square which
is of 342 square meters and it is located at the street Medina. The Church represents at
the same time, a point of meeting and fruition for all entities: the cultural movements
and groups which have an important influence in the exercise of the institutional research
and didactic activities. This restoration will defer the monumental complex to its last
The Nola seat
The activities of the Faculty of Law to Nola are received by the Santa Chiara monastic
complex of, of property of Diocese in Nola, in waiting for the availability of Reggia
Orsini, in the same city becoming the decentralized seat of the courses of Faculty.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The Santa Chiara Church
The older building of the monastic complex was built between the years 1310-1330 on
the foundations of a Romance existing structure, by the Bishop of Nola, Pietro V and
of the Count Roberto Orsini. In continuation, it was increased and restructured by the
Nicolò’s son, enriched with Gothic modernizations of the already existing factories. In
successive times, the complex, enriched by estimables tables was still increased by the
construction of the church, the so-called Chiesa Nuova, of low-baroque style with more
neo-classic accents. With this one has be added new to dormoir, whose architect was
Sanfelice, workshop of factory throughout the street Santa Chiara, whose visiting room
represents the true jewel.
Medina street
It is the seat of the departments of the Faculty of Economics.
De Gasperi street
This building is held on a lease and it receives the Institutes of the Faculties of Scienze
Nautiche and Economia and even, some rooms and administratifs offices.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
First Plan
Second Plan
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The internationalisation process at the Parthenope University
The turning point in the development of European higher education area seems to be
the Sorbonne 1998 and Bologna 1999 declarations. These declarations have changed
very rapidly to a process.
The Sorbonne Declaration, “Joint Declaration on harmonisation of the architecture of
the European higher education system” signed by Italy, France, Germany and the United
Kingdom on 25th May 1998, underlined the central role of universities in the construction
and development of a “Europe of Knowledge” and one year later on 19th June 1999,
the Bologna Declaration “Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education”,
signed by 29 European countries to reform the structures of their higher education
systems in a convergent way, drew up a proposal for the creation of a European Higher
Education Space.
It signifies a commitment by national governments to the principle of “Europeanization”
of higher education, through the increased cooperation of institutions. The aim isn’t a
“standardisation” or “uniformisation” of European higher education, but a harmonization
of the architecture of the higher education system. That’s means that the fundamental
principles of autonomy and diversity are respected. The Declaration, in fact, specifically
recognises the fundamental values and the diversity of European higher education.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The Bologna Declaration sets the deadline for achieving this goal by the year 2010 and
calls upon the signatory countries to implement a clear set of objectives aimed at
increasing levels of employability and mobility in Europe as well as improving the
competitiveness of European Higher Education in the world:
1. the adoption of a framework of readable and comparable degrees, also through the
implementation of the Diploma Supplement;
2. the introduction of undergraduate an postgraduate levels in all countries, with first
degrees no shorter than three years and relevant to the labour market;
3. ECTS-compatible credit system also covering lifelong learning activities;
4. a European dimension in quality assurance, with comparable criteria and methods;
5. the elimination of remaining obstacles to the free mobility of students (as well as
trainees and graduates) and teachers (as well as researchers and higher education
administrators). Two types of mobility are distinguished: horizontal mobility (students
get credits from other institutions, most often in other countries) and vertical mobility
(students holding a Bachelor’s Degree change universities and possibly subject and/or
country for their postgraduate studies);
6. promotion of the European dimensions in higher education.
Several factors have been pushing the signatory partners of “Bologna” towards a more
substantial commitment to the process. They have been preparing and implementing
substantial reforms in their higher education systems. There is no country today which
has not found it essential to search for complex answers for its future, also through the
educational system; there is no country which has not put the reform of higher education
high on its political agenda.
Through the new following mentioned steps of the bologna process, the countries and
institutions express their common conviction of that national higher education systems
should become more comparable and compatible but also more attractive on a global
For a brief description of important developments achieved in order to contribute to
the European dimension in higher education, please refer to the CRUI Website and its
Section “Internazionalizzazione”:
• Bergen (website)
• Glasgow (pdf)
• Berlino (pdf)
• Graz (pdf)
• Praga (pdf)
• Salamanca (pdf)
• Bologna (pdf)
• Sorbona (pdf)
• Trends I | II | III | IV
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Socrates è il programma co-finanziato dalla CEE per consentire la mobilità degli studenti
tra Atenei di paesi diversi da quelli di appartenza. La sezione di SOCRATES dedicata
all’Istruzione superiore “ERASMUS” prosegue ed estende il Programma d’azione
comunitario in materia di mobilità degli studenti. Le finalità sono quelle di consentire
uno scambio di esperienze e lo sviluppo di una “dimensione europea” in tutta la gamma
di programmi accademici universitari.
La partecipazione dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” a questo programma
consente ai propri studenti, di seguire all’estero corsi ufficiali che saranno riconosciuti
dall’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” (università di origine) e di procedere
alla preparazione parziale o totale della tesi.
Attraverso la predisposizione di un Contratto Istituzionale, l’Università degli Studi di
Napoli “Parthenope ha in atto una convenzione, che prevede (in particolare per la Facoltà
di Economia) l’attivazione di scambi con le seguenti Istituzioni:
(in particolare per la Facoltà di Economia) l’Universidad Pompeu Fabra (BarcellonaSpagna), l’Université de Savoie (Chambéry-Francia), l’Université Libre de Bruxelles
(Bruxelles-Belgio) la Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien (Vienna-Austria), l’Università di
Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovenia), Technische Universitat (Chemnitz Germania)
(in particolare per la Facoltà di Scienze Motorie) la Humboldt - Universitat zu Berlin
(Berlino-Germania), l’Université Joseph Fourier (Francia) e l’Université de Nice Sophia
(in particolare per la Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie) l’Université de Perpignan (Francia),
Universidad de Granada(Spagna), la Slovenska Zdravotnicka Universita (Slovacchia),
la Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Svezia) e l’Universidade de Lisboa
La convenzione, che viene rinnovata di anno in anno, prevede che gli studenti interessati
a concorrere per l’ottenimento delle borse di studio nell’ambito di detto programma,
abbiano specifici requisiti.
Informazioni dettagliate sul programma sono disponibili sul sito:
The SOCRATES II programme supports European cooperation in eight areas, from
school to higher education, from new technologies to adult learners.
The higher education section of SOCRATES II (“ERASMUS”) continues and extends
the European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (the
“ERASMUS programme”), established in 1987. It is named after the philosopher,
theologian and humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465-1536). An untiring adversary of
dogmatic thought in all fields of human endeavour, Erasmus lived and worked in several
parts of Europe, in quest of the knowledge, experience and insights which only such
contacts with other countries could bring.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Higher education plays a crucial role in producing high quality human resources,
disseminating scientific discovery and advanced knowledge through teaching, adapting
to the constantly emerging needs for new competences and qualifications, and educating
future generations of citizens in a European context. All such functions are of vital
importance to the long-term development of Europe.
The increasing speed at which existing knowledge becomes obsolete, and the rapid
changes in the means by which it is delivered and renewed, will require the higher
education sector to adopt new methods and commit itself wholeheartedly to the provision
of lifelong learning.
Against this background, ERASMUS contains a wide range of measures designed to
support the European activities of higher education institutions and to promote the
mobility and exchange of their teaching staff and students.
Participating countries
Adopted on 24 January 2000 and spanning the period until the end of 2006, SOCRATES
and its Erasmus action are now open to the participation of 30 countries: the 15 Member
States of the European Union; the three EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and
Norway) and twelve associated countries: Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, the
Slovak Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Malta and
Key features
As in the past, ERASMUS is open to all types of higher education institutions (for which
the term “universities” is generally used), all academic disciplines and all levels of
higher education study up to and including the doctorate.
While the promotion of ‘physical mobility’, mainly of students, constituted the main
thrust of ERASMUS Phase I and II, the higher education Chapter of SOCRATES seeks
to integrate such mobility into a wider framework of cooperation activities which aim
at developing a “European Dimension” within the entire range of a university’s academic
programmes. “Bringing students to Europe, bringing Europe to all students” is the new
spirit of ERASMUS: while student mobility retains a position of central importance
within the programme, stronger incentives are now available to encourage universities
to add a European perspective to the courses followed by students who do not participate
directly in mobility.
More emphasis is consequently placed on teaching staff exchanges, transnational
curriculum development and pan-european thematic networks. Wider dissemination of
and participation in the results of this work are sought through specific support. ERASMUS
also encourages universities to associate other public and private bodies from their
surrounding regions with their transnational cooperation activities, thereby enhancing
opportunities for inter-regional cooperation between the participating countries.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
From 1987/88 to 1999/2000, about 750.000 University students have spent an Erasmus
period abroad and more than 1.800 Universities (or other Higher Education institutions)
are presently participating in the programme.
The EU budget of SOCRATES/Erasmus for 2000-2006 amounts to around 950 Mio €
(of which approximately 750 Mio € for students grants). Additional funds are provided
in each Country by public authorities, by the universities themselves and by other
The Parthenope University pursues its efforts beyond the above-mentioned
european programme and maintains its international relations with
the Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcellona-Spagna), l’Université de Savoie (ChambéryFrancia), the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Bruxelles-Belgio) the Wirtschaftsuniversitat
Wien (Vienna-Austria), the Università di Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovenia), Technische
Universitat (Chemnitz Germania), with a priority for the international exchanges
opportunities open to the students at the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Law.
the Humboldt – Universitat zu Berlin (Berlino-Germania), the Université Joseph Fourier
(Francia), the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis with a priority for the international
exchanges opportunities open to the students at the Faculty of Sport Science.
the Université de Perpignan (Francia), Universidad de Granada(Spagna), the Slovenska
Zdravotnicka Universita (Slovacchia), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
(Svezia) and the Universidade de Lisboa (Portogallo) with a priority for the international
exchanges opportunities open to the students at the Faculty of Science and Technology.
Additional Informations:
The Tempus programme
A Higher Education Cooperation scheme between EU Member States and Partner
The first phase of the Tempus programme was established in 1990 to respond to the
needs for Higher Education reform in Central and Eastern European countries, following
the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 (‘Tempus I’, 1990-1993).
Since then, the programme has been renewed three times (Tempus II, Tempus IIbis and
Tempus III - 2000-2006). Today more than ever there is a need for cooperation between
countries in the field of education and a parallel need to enhance understanding between
cultures. As the Tempus III decision (of 29/04/99) states: “cooperation on higher education
strengthens and deepens the whole fabric of relations existing between the peoples of
Europe, brings out common cultural values, allows fruitful exchanges of views to take
place and facilitates multinational activities in the scientific, cultural, artistic, economic
and social spheres”.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
★ ★★
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TEMPUS JEP Joint European Project
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“New Study Programs in International Economic Law at KNEU”
The Parthenope University is one of the partner universities in a Joint European Project
( JEP) with the The Kiev National Economics University within the framework of the
well-Known European Program Tempus-Tacis. The other Universities partners are the
University of Vienna (Austria) and the University of Newcastle.
The general objective of the project is to develop a multi-field university formation
meeting the European standards in relation with the social business reality.
From 11th March to 14th March 2004 took place the first visit of the Ukrainian delegation
from the Kiev National Economics University to the Parthenope University in Naples
This visit was conducted in parallel with the activity 1.2 “Consultations with specialists
of the Partner Universities” of the work-plan for 2003/2004 project year, and coordinated
by professor Claudio Quintano, dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Università degli
Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”. This coordination meeting between these two partner
universities aimed to:
• identify the range of topics to study during the three week training for KNEU faculty
members and four month training for KNEU students in Naples;
• collect all teaching and course materials for the above stage;
• identify the new teachings and courses to add and include in the Bachelor’s Degree
• propose the Master’s Degree Program in International Economic Law;
• establish the new chair in International and European Law and give advice and support
in the recruitment of its holder and staff;
• establish a new specialised Library of International and European Law within the Law
Department of Kiev National Economics University (and a specialised lab for curriculum
supporting materials) and support in its management, particularly suggesting about
the recruitment of an appropriate library staff and the collect of a specialized literature
(including all study materials and all other necessary facilities).
It will be a question of training some future specialised officials who could support public
institutions in the management of foreign and international relationships and also act
within International Economic Organizations.
The project aims at creating new specializations. It thus acts, to define new study programs
in International Economic Law (Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree), either by
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
adaptation of the existing teachings and courses, or by creation of some other new. This
objective was recently achieved following a co-operation between parts from different
universities. A little delegation of the Ukrainian teaching staff recently carried out a three
weeks training. It was a question of cooperating to the development of the teachings and
courses to add and include in the named new study programs and of transmitting to them
our didactic engineering in the international economic field.
During the meeting, all members present formulated proposals on fundamental and
compulsory courses and teachings in International law, International Economic Law,
European Union Law and also in International Organization and International Co-operation.
Professor Claudio Quintano focused his attention on one of the important components
of the Bologna Declaration such as the adoption of the European Credits Transfer System
(ECTS). He explained the structure and methods of adoption and management of this
new system, being strictly connected to a complete and correct drafting of the new study
From 5th May to 8th March 2005 took place the second visit of the Ukrainian delegation
from the Kiev National Economics University to the Parthenope University in Naples
This visit was conducted in parallel with the activity 1.2 “Consultations with specialists
of the Partner Universities” of the work-plan for 2004/2005 project year, and coordinated
by professor Claudio Quintano, dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Università degli
Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”. This coordination meeting between these two partner
universities aimed to:
• discuss on the Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree and their structure on the basis
of a presentation and some inputs requested from the EU partners;
• decide on the work modalities of the KNEU lecturers during their in service training
periods at the Parthenope University;
• take final decisions on the joint textbook to publish;
• give some additional informations on the Chair in International and European Law
and its holders and staff.
On the basis of the JEC work plan, it was also a question of deciding on the books’
purchase for the Library of International and European Law within the Law Department
of Kiev National Economics University, planning the work activities for 2005/2006
project year and finally proposing all possible amendments to the JEP Web pages.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The Italian Higher Education system
Constitutional principles and aims
The main principles that lay the foundations for the Italian education system, and in
particular higher education, are set down in the Italian Constitution that was adopted in
1947. Article 33 of the constitution states that “… art and science are free and the teaching
thereof shall be free”. In defence of academic freedom, the article also states that all
higher education institutions “have the right to establish their own regulations autonomously,
within the limits set by national legislation”.
Furthermore, Article 34 of the constitution establishes the principle of the right of individual
citizens to higher education: “All those who can prove the necessary competency and
commitment have a right to pursue the highest levels of education, regardless of their
financial means.”
As defined by law, the main purpose of higher education, is twofold - to promote scientific
progress of the nation and to provide all citizens with education and training that will
lead to employment.
The New Reform
The harmonisation of the Italian High Education system with European pattern is among
the declared aims of the reform. It is evident how, in its developing, the reform followed
the European general policy. In October 1997, Italian Ministry for Education, University
and Research (hereafter, “MIUR”, ex MURST) promoted a study on the situation of High
Education in Italy - the Martinotti document, which strongly suggests the introduction
of the ECTS system and referrers constantly to the European Commission’s document
on “Towards a Europe of Knowledge”, without mentioning any modifications in the
cycles of study. On the 16th of June 1998, MIUR (ex MURST) issued the following
document, where it referred only to a general European policy and tendency, in accordance
to which, it explained the objectives of the reform to pursue in the framework of progressive
harmonisation of the Italian system to the European one, as stated in the Lisbon Convention
on the recognition of high degrees and in the art. 126 of the Maastricht Treaty, in view
of the establishment of a European educational area.
The real turning point is represented by Italy which provided the legal framework for the
reform of the Italian University System, thanks to which, it seems to have reached broadly
the objective to adopt a system of easily readable and comparable degrees. The Ministerial
Decree 509/99 was then updated in 2004.
The new structure of the Italian Higher Education organized on three different cycles:
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Schema del Sistema Universitario in Italia
Scheme of the University System in Italy (DM 509/99 then updated in 2004)
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Objectives of the reform
The ministerial decree no. 509 of 3rd November 1999 established the new framework
and identified the general criteria for universities to autonomously design their new degree
The first objective of the reform is the implementation of teaching autonomy. This means
that universities lay down the regulations for their degree courses, establishing the names
and learning outcomes, the general framework for different teaching/learning activities
that must be included in the curriculum, the credits allocated to each subject course and
the type of final exam to obtain the qualification.
The second objective of the reform is to bring the Italian Higher Education System in
line with the European two-tier university model as established in the Sorbonne and
Bologna Declarations. This model is seen as a tool for harmonising European degree
structures as well as promoting international student mobility, free circulation of labour
and international academic recognition, the goals for the European Higher Education
Area in 2010.
To meet these aims, Italy has reformed its higher education in two distinct sectors – the
university and the non-university sector, the latter comprising mainly arts, music and
language mediation as well as post secondary technical education and training (Istruzione
e Formazione tecnica superiore).
The third objective of the reform is to make the Italian university system more student
centred. It has introduced asystem of credits (Crediti Formativi Universitari) based on
the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One of the objectives of this new credit
system is to reduce the gap between legal and real duration of university courses and
curb the dropout rate.
The fourth objective of the reform is to increase flexibilityand quality within the system.
This means simplified procedures that enable universities to adapt their courses according
to demands for education and to changes in the labour market along with effective quality
assessment systems.
Once all the different stages of the reform have been introduced, the following outcomes
are expected:
• Fall indrop out rate
• Reduction in time to degree
• Lowering of average age of graduates
• Increase in number of people with university qualification
• Improvement in conditions of employability
• Equal opportunities in Europe
It is expected that further reforms will take place in the coming years in order to reach
these objectives.
This decree issued in 1999 was then updated in 2004 to bring Italy into line with Bologna.
Students can pursue a laurea magistrale (5 years) or a laurea plus master di livello (3+12).
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
I crediti formativi universitari
Il credito formativo universitario (CFU) rappresenta l’unità di misura del lavoro richiesto
ad uno studente per ogni attività formativa svolta per conseguire un titolo di studio
Il regolamento sull’autonomia didattica (DM 509/99) associa ad ogni credito un valore
in ore di lavoro pari a 25 ore e quindi a 1500 ore di lavoro annue pari a circa 60 CFU
per anno.
Le attività formative organizzate dalla Facoltà sono pari ad 8 ore delle 25 sancite per ogni
CFU. Le rimanenti ore sono a disposizione dello studente per lo svolgimento di ulteriori
attività, compreso il tempo dedicato allo studio individuale.
Il lavoro di un anno corrisponde convenzionalmente a 60 CFU.I CFU vengono attribuiti
per l’attività formativa tipica che è il corso di insegnamento, cui segue un esame che
valuta la qualità e quantità dell’apprendimento del singolo studente. Il lavoro formativo
svolto dallo studente consiste nelle ore di lezione, di esercitazione, di laboratorio, di
seminario, etc. richieste dal corso di insegnamento, cui vanno anche aggiunte le ore di
studio personale, o comunque di impegno individuale non formalizzato, per completare
la formazione richiesta per il superamento dell’esame. Per le altre attività formative (tesi,
progetti, tirocini, conoscenza della lingua straniera, avviamento all’uso degli strumenti
informatici di produttività personale, addestramento alle abilità comunicative o relazionali
e al lavoro di gruppo, etc.) la misura dei crediti viene effettuata in modo simile, calcolando
le ore di lavoro a carico dello studente.
Le attività formative richieste per il conseguimento del titolo di I livello (laureato in...)
e il relativo numero di CFU, fino al totale di 180, sono determinate con l’unico limite
del rispetto dei valori minimi indicati dal decreto per ciascuna tipologia di attività formativa
e, eventualmente, per ciascun ambito disciplinare, nonché del raggiungimento degli
obiettivi formativi qualificanti della classe.
University educational credits
The university reform has introduced a system of university credits (Crediti Formativi
Universitari) in Italy for the first time. The principal objective has been to make studies
more student-centred, reducing the gap between official and real length of courses as
well as lowering the drop out rate. The main characteristics of the system are as follows:
1. the credits represent the total student workload (class time, individual study, exam
preparation, practical work etc) and one credit is equivalent to 25 hours;
2. the average full time workload for one academic year is 60 credits which is equivalent
to 1500 hours. Universities may opt to increase or decrease this total workload by
maximum 20% (1200-1800 hours) but they must justify this change;
3. the amount of time to be reserved for individual learning or other individual educational
and training activities may not be lower than 50%, except for the courses including
practical or laboratory work;
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
4. credits are earned once the student has passed the assessment for each course or
5. the total or partial recognition of credits obtained by students wishing to continue
their studies in a different degree programme or different institution is at the discretion
of the educational authority concerned, in accordance with the criteria and procedures
of the university teaching regulations;
6. teaching regulations of each university can provide for regular reassessment of credit
allocation and indicate the minimum number of credits to be achieved within a fixed
period of time (in the case of full or part time studies);
7. universities can recognise credits for professional skills and experience according to
the regulations as well as other skills and knowledge acquired in post-secondary level
courses that have been designed and taught in collaboration with the university.
The ministerial decree also establishes the number of credits for each degree.
Le classi
Costituiscono dei raggruppamenti di corsi di laurea secondo una classificazione dei saperi
che sono o potranno essere insegnati nelle università.
Tutti i corsi di laurea che gli atenei istituiranno in una determinata classe condivideranno
gli obiettivi formativi qualificanti e le attività formative indispensabili indicati nel decreto.
I corsi di laurea attivati dagli Atenei si differenzieranno tra loro (in regime di autonomia
didattica) per la denominazione, per gli obiettivi formativi specifici e, soprattutto, per la
scelta dettagliata delle attività formative che saranno richieste agli studenti per conseguire
la singola laurea e del relativo carico di lavoro espresso in crediti, rispettando naturalmente
i valori minimi fissati dal decreto.
Le classi delle lauree di I livello fissate dal DM 509/99 e successive modificazioni sono
42 e sono elencate negli allegati al decreto.
Le classi delle lauree di II livello fissate dal DM 509/99 e successive modificazioni sono
104 e sono elencate negli allegati al decreto.
Alcune delle lauree attuali e molte delle future, pur continuando a mantenere la loro
specificità, verranno a far parte della medesima classe.
Classification of Courses
The Ministry has drawn up a classification of degree courses of the same level. There
are 47 different classes for the first degree Laurea and 109 different classes for the second
degree (Laurea Magistrale ). Degree courses may be given different names by the different
universities but they have the same learning outcomes and teaching/learning activities.
Degree courses of the same class have the same legal value. All classes belong to one
of the five subject areas – engineering and architecture, health, humanities, science and
technology, law and economics.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Each degree programme must cover 6 different types of subject courses as follows:
a. basic education courses in one or more fields of study;
b. specific courses related to the degree programme;
c. courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields;
d. elective courses;
e. preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea;
f. further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training.
Since it is the universities that name the degree programmes and define the teaching
regulations, the learning outcomes and activities are indicated not for the individual
degree programmes but for the degree classes, i.e. the groups of degree programmes.
Therefore, all the programmes that universities set up in a specific class will have the
same learning outcomes and compulsory activities but they will differentiate in name,
specific learning outcomes, and especially in the detailed choice of teaching/learning
activities that the students will need to carry out as well as in the number of credits
allocated. There are minimum credit requirements fixed by ministerial decree that the
teaching regulations of individual institutions must allocate for the different educational
activities in relation to each class of degree and subject field.
Universities are therefore able to offer different degree courses in the same degree class
which either have a strong vocational focus or follow a more academic pathway, or
alternatively combine both these elements. In all cases, the courses must provide the
students with adequate knowledge of general scientific principles and mastery of methods
as well as specific professional skills.
Course offerings at Italian Universities
The Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) has set up a
database available on its website at listing all first
and second degree programmes currently offered at Italian universities. The list below
indicates the different classes for both first and second degrees. First degrees are
characterised by both theoretical and applied studies and this is often indicated in the
Italian title by “scienze” or “scienze and tecnologie”. Second degrees have a strong
theoretical part and specialise in a specific subject field.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
ECTS - European Credit Transfer System
Il sistema di crediti
Un sistema di crediti è un modo di descrivere un programma di studi attribuendo dei
crediti alle sue componenti. La definizione dei crediti nell'istruzione superiore può essere
basata su diversi parametri, quali il carico di lavoro per studente, i risultati dell’apprendimento
e le ore di contatto.
What is a credit system?
A credit system is a systematic way of describing an educational programme by attaching
credits to its components. The definition of credits in higher education systems may be
based on different parameters, such as student workload, learning outcomes and contact
Il sistema europeo di accumulazione e trasferimento dei crediti è un sistema incentrato
sullo studente e basato sul carico di lavoro richiesto ad uno studente per raggiungere gli
obiettivi di un corso di studio, obiettivi preferibilmente espressi in termini di risultati
dell’apprendimento e di competenze da acquisire.
What is ECTS?
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System is a student-centred system
based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme,
objectives preferably specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be
Come si è sviluppato l’ECTS?
L’ECTS è stato introdotto nel 1989 nell’ambito del programma Erasmus, oggi parte del
programma Socrates. L’ECTS è l’unico sistema di crediti che sia stato testato ed usato
con successo in Europa. L’ECTS è stato inizialmente concepito per il trasferimento dei
crediti. Il sistema facilitava il riconoscimento di periodi di studio all’estero, aumentando
così la qualità ed il volume della mobilità studentesca in Europa. Negli ultimi anni l’ECTS
si è evoluto in un sistema di accumulazione, da utilizzare a livello istituzionale, regionale,
nazionale ed europeo. Questo è uno dei principali obiettivi della Dichiarazione di Bologna
del giugno 1999.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
How did ECTS develop?
ECTS was introduced in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus, now part of the Socrates
programme. ECTS is the only credit system which has been successfully tested and used
across Europe. ECTS was set up initially for credit transfer. The system facilitated the
recognition of periods of study abroad and thus enhanced the quality and volume of
student mobility in Europe. Recently ECTS is developing into an accumulation system
to be implemented at institutional, regional, national and European level. This is one of
the key objectives of the Bologna Declaration of June 1999.
L’introduzione del sistema ECTS
L’ECTS è soprattutto uno strumento inteso a generare trasparenza, a stabilire le condizioni
necessarie al ravvicinamento tra gli istituti e ad ampliare la gamma delle scelte proposte
agli studenti. La sua applicazione facilita il riconoscimento dei risultati accademici degli
studenti grazie all’uso di misure comprese da tutti nello stesso modo – i “crediti” e i voti
– nonché grazie ad una migliore comprensione dei sistemi nazionali di istruzione superiore.
L’ECTS si fonda su tre
elementi di base: l’informazione sui programmi di studio e i risultati dello studente,
l’accordo reciproco (tra gli istituti partner e lo studente) e il ricorso a crediti ECTS (valori
che rappresentano il volume di lavoro effettivo dello studente).
Why introduce ECTS?
ECTS makes study programmes easy to read and compare for all students, local and
foreign. ECTS facilitates mobility and academic recognition. ECTS helps universities
to organise and revise their study programmes. ECTS can be used across a variety of
programmes and modes of delivery. ECTS makes European higher education more
attractive for students from other continents.
Le caratteristiche fondamentali dell’ECTS
• L’ECTS è basato sulla convenzione che 60 crediti misurino il carico di lavoro di uno
studente a tempo pieno nell’arco di un anno accademico. Il carico di lavoro di un
programma di studio a tempo pieno in Europa equivale nella maggioranza dei casi a
36/40 settimane l’anno ed in tali casi un credito rappresenta un carico di lavoro variante
dalle 25 alle 30 ore settimanali. Il carico di lavoro si riferisce al tempo teorico nel quale
si ritiene che uno studente medio possa ottenere i risultati di apprendimento richiesti.
• Il credito è altresì un modo di quantificare i risultati dell’apprendimento. I risultati
dell’apprendimento sono insiemi di competenze che esprimono cosa lo studente saprà,
capirà o sarà capace di fare al termine del processo d’apprendimento, lungo o breve
che sia. I crediti ECTS possono essere capitalizzati solo al termine del lavoro richiesto
e dopo aver conseguito una valutazione appropriata dei proprio rendimento.
• La ripartizione dei crediti ECTS è basata sulla lunghezza ufficiale di un ciclo di studi.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Il carico di lavoro totale necessario per ottenere un titolo di primo livello della durata
ufficiale di tre o quattro anni è espresso in 180 o 240 crediti.
• Il carico di lavoro per studente nell’ECTS include il tempo dedicato ad assistere a lezioni e seminari, allo studio autonomo, alla preparazione ed il sostenimento di esami, ecc.
• I crediti sono ripartiti fra tutte le attività didattiche di un programma di studi (quali
moduli, corsi, tirocini, relazioni orali, ecc.) e riflettono la quantità di lavoro che
ciascuna singola attività richiede in relazione alla quantità di lavoro totale richiesta
per completare un intero anno di studi nel programma considerato.
• La prestazione dello studente è documentata da un voto. E’ buona pratica aggiungere
un voto ECTS, in particolare nel caso di trasferimento di crediti. La scala di valutazione
ECTS classifica gli studenti su basi statistiche. Per questo motivo, l’elaborazione di
dati statistici sulle prestazioni degli studenti è un prerequisito per poter applicare il
sistema di valutazione ECTS.
• I seguenti voti sono assegnati agli studenti che hanno superato l’esame con esito
al migliore 10%
al successivo 25%
al successivo 30%
al successivo 25%
al successivo 10%
Viene fatta una distinzione fra i voti FX ed F che vengono usati per gli studenti che non
hanno superato l’esame. FX significa: “respinto - occorre un limitato impegno supplementare
per essere promosso” ed F significa: “respinto - occorre un considerevole impegno
supplementare”. L’inclusione dei giudizi negativi nel certificato degli esami sostenuti
(Transcript of Records) è facoltativo.
What are the key features of ECTS?
• ECTS is based on the convention that 60 credits measure the workload of a full-time
student during one academic year. The student workload of a full-time study programme
in Europe amounts in most cases to 36/40 weeks per year and in those cases one credit
stands for 24 to 30 working hours. Workload refers to the notional time an average
learner might expect to complete the required learning outcomes.
• Credit is also a way of quantifying the outcomes of learning. Learning outcomes are
sets of competences, expressing what the student will know, understand or be able
to do after completion of a process of learning, short or long. Credits in ECTS can
only be obtained after completion of the work required and appropriate assessment
of the learning outcomes achieved.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
• The allocation of ECTS credits is based on the official length of a study programme
cycle. The total workload necessary to obtain a first cycle degree lasting officially
three or four years is expressed as 180 or 240 credits.
• Student workload in ECTS includes the time spent in attending lectures, seminars,
independent study, preparation for, and taking of, examinations, etc.
• Credits are allocated to all educational components of a study programme (such as
modules, courses, placements, dissertation work, etc.) and reflect the quantity of work
each component requires in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete
a full year of study in the programme considered.
• The performance of the student is documented by a local/national grade. It is good
practice to add an ECTS grade, in particular in case of credit transfer. The ECTS
grading scale ranks the students on a statistical basis. Therefore, statistical data on
student performance is a prerequisite for applying the ECTS grading system.
• Grades are assigned among students with a pass grade as follows:
A best 10%
B next 25%
C next 30%
D next 25%
E next 10%
A distinction is made between the grades FX and F that are used for unsuccessful
students. FX means: “fail – some more work required to pass” and F means: “fail –
considerable further work required”. The inclusion of failure rates in the Transcript
of Records is optional.
I documenti chiave ECTS
• il fascicolo informativo, che fornisce informazioni utili allo studente e al personale
sugli istituti, le facoltà/i dipartimenti, l’organizzazione e la struttura degli studi, nonché
sulle unità di corso;
• il certificato degli studi compiuti, che presenta in modo chiaro, completo e comprensibile
per ciascuna parte i risultati accademici dello studente; deve essere facilmente trasferibile
da un istituto all’altro;
• il contratto di studio, che descrive il piano di studio che lo studente dovrà seguire e
indica I crediti ECTS che gli saranno accordati quando avrà soddisfatto le condizioni
necessarie (esame, valutazione, ecc.). Il contratto vincola gli istituti d’origine e di
accoglienza, oltre allo studente.
Per facilitare i riconoscimento accademico degli studi intrapresi o terminati all’estero
occorrono inoltre elasticità e una buona comunicazione. A tal riguardo, i coordinatori
ECTS svolgono un ruolo determinante, dato che spetta principalmente a loro occuparsi
degli aspetti accademici e amministrativi dell’ECTS.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
What are the key documents of ECTS?
• The regular Information Package/Course Catalogue of the institution to be published
in two languages (or only in English for programmes taught in English) on the Web
and/or in hard copy in one or more booklets. The Information Package/Course Catalogue
must contain the items of the checklist, including information for host students from
• The Learning Agreement contains the list of courses to be taken and agreed upon by
the student and the responsible academic body of the institution concerned. In case
of credit transfer, the Learning Agreement has to be agreed upon by the student and
the two institutions concerned before the student’s departure and to be updated
immediately when changes occur.
• The Transcript of Records documents the performance of a student by showing the
list of courses taken, the credits gained as well as the local grades and possibly ECTS
grades awarded. In case of credit transfer, the Transcript of Records has to be issued
by the home institution for outgoing students before departure and by the host institution
for incoming students at the end of their period of study.
I crediti ECTS
I crediti ECTS rappresentano, sotto forma di valore numerico (tra 1 e 60) attribuito alle
single unità di corso, il volume di lavoro dello studente necessario a completarle. Essi
esprimono la quantità di lavoro che ogni unità di corso richiede rispetto al volume globale
di lavoro necessario per effettuare con successo un anno di studi completo nell’istituto,
cioè: lezioni in aula, lavoro pratico, seminari, tirocini, ricerche o indagini sul terreno,
studio personale – in biblioteca o a casa – nonché gli esami o eventuali altri modi di
valutazione. L’ECTS è quindi basato sul volume globale di lavoro dello studente e non
si limita esclusivamente alle ore di frequenza.
I crediti ECTS rappresentano il volume di lavoro dello studente in modo relativo e non
assoluto: essi indicano soltanto quale parte del volume di lavoro annuale è rappresentata
dalla corrispondente unità di corso nell’ambito dell’istituto o del dipartimento responsabile
dell’attribuzione dei crediti ECTS.
Nell’ambito dell’ECTS 60 crediti rappresentano il volume di lavoro di un anno accademico
di studio, e di norma 30 crediti equivalgono ad un semestre e 20 crediti ad un trimestre.
L’uso dei crediti ECTS garantisce l’organizzazione di programmi ragionevoli in termini
di volume di lavoro per il periodo di studio all’estero.
The ECTS credits
ECTS credits are values allocated to course units to describe the students’ workload
required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each course requires in
relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study
at the institution, i.e. the sum of lectures, practical work, seminars, private work – either
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
in the library or at home – as well as examinations and/or other assessment activities.
ects credits therefore express a relative value.
The credit system adopts the ECTS, European Credit Transfer System, which establishes
that a standard quantity of work that a student should carry out during an academic year
must ammount to 60 credits. Normally, it is possible to obtain 30 credits in a semester,
or 20 credits in a term (or trimester).
Consequently a three year degree implies earning 180 credits, while another 120
credits are necessary for the graduate degree. Therefore the graduate degree will
be obtained after earning a total of 300 credits.
The academic credit is the unit of measure of the workload requested by each student
in order to carry out the various activities of the university program.
A credit corresponds to 25 hours of work for each student.
Credits are obtained according to the student’s grades, when an examen is registered,
or through other appropriate methods for assessing the knowledge acquired by a
Credits are only awarded when the course has been completed and all required
assessments have been passed.
Examination and assessment results are usually expressed in grades.
There are many different grading systems in Europe. To help institutions interpret the
grades awarded to exchange students, the ECTS grading scale has been developed by the
institutions participating in the pilot scheme. The ECTS grade provides information on
the student’s performance in addition to that provided by the institution’s grade. Please
be advised that the ECTS grade does not replace the local grade.
The following chart describes the dual use of the ECTS grading system. For example,
the grade A means that the student’s performance was excellent, and that s/he was among
the top ten percent of students.
Percentage of
successful students
normally achieving
the grade
EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors
VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors
GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors
SATISFACTORY - fair but with significant shortcomings
SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria
FAIL - some more work required before the credit can be awarded
FAIL - considerable further work is required
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
In order to convert the local grades into the ECTS grades the host institution examines
the distribution of the marks awarded to its students. To obtain the following 10-25-3025-10 pattern, the boundaries between grades are drawn at around 10% (A), 35% (A and
B), 65% (A, B, and C), and 90% (A, B, C, and D).
Please be advised that there is great flexibility in how the different ECTS institutions
apply the statistical grading system.
In addition to the credit value of a course, all students at Parthenope University receive
a grade based on a mark out of 30 (thirty) for each course they take.
In the ECTS system the grades are defined as percentage of the appropriate class.
The courses studied whilst at Parthenope University will be graded according to the
following ECTS scale.
For practical reasons we assume that 1 Italian University educational credit (UEC)
equals 1 ECTS credit.
For each course at Parthenope University an ERASMUS student will be awarded both
a Parthenope University grade and an ECTS grade as a result of the assessments and/or
examinations undertaken.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Counselling, tutorship and placement activities
L’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” ha istituito il Servizio di Orientamento
e Tutorato finalizzato ad informare, orientare, accompagnare l’intera popolazione
studentesca durante le varie fasi di transizione scuola-università e università-lavoro con
il triplice obiettivo di:
– Orientamento in entrata, ossia di facilitare la scelta del corso di laurea più idoneo alle
aspettative e alle potenzialità degli studenti di scuola media superiore e di chiunque
intenda intraprendere un percorso universitario.
– Orientamento in itinere, ossia di sostenere gli studenti iscritti favorendone la proficua
partecipazione alla vita universitaria e rendendoli protagonisti del personale processo
di formazione e apprendimento.
– Orientamento in uscita, ossia di assistere i laureandi e i laureati nella progettazione
del proprio futuro professionale, promuovendo il loro accesso ad informazioni ed
iniziative legate alla formazione specialistica e al mondo del lavoro.
Il Servizio di Orientamento e Tutorato è affidato al Centro Orientamento e Tutorato che
persegue l’obiettivo di supportare gli studenti ad impostare in modo ottimale il proprio
percorso formativo, dal passaggio dalla Scuola media superiore all’Università fino
all’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro. Esso, infatti, si propone di operare in stretto contatto
con i docenti, le strutture universitarie, gli enti territoriali e nazionali, le imprese e gli
ambienti di lavoro, attivando e coordinando una serie di interventi diretti ad assistere gli
studenti lungo tutto il loro percorso formativo, culturale e professionale.
Centro Orientamento e Tutorato
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Acton, 38 - I - 80133 Napoli
Tel: 081 5475135/6
Fax: 081 5475137
Stage e Programma di Orientamento al Lavoro
Il Consiglio europeo di Lisbona nel 2000 ha indicato l’obiettivo di rendere l’Unione
europea “l’economia basata sulla conoscenza più dinamica e più competitiva nel mondo,
in grado di realizzare una crescita economica sostenibile con nuovi posti di lavoro e una
maggiore coesione sociale” entro 2010. Per poter raggiungere questo obiettivo l’Unione
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
europea punta sui giovani, ritenendoli una delle chiavi per raggiungere con successo
questo ambizioso traguardo. Il tema dell’istruzione e della formazione sono ritenuti
centrali nella strategia di Lisbona.
L’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, interpretando nuovamente e facendo
propria la politica europea in tema di formazione accompagna e sostiene l’individuo
studente nella ricerca del percorso formativo più adatto ai suoi bisogni ed alle sue
inclinazioni, indirizzandolo peraltro nella ricerca della futura occupazione verso scelte
che coniughino soddisfazione dei bisogni individuali e necessità del mercato del lavoro,
facilitandone pertanto l’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro.
In quest’ottica, sono molto cresciute all’interno dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli
“Parthenope”, le iniziative di orientamento volte ad offrire agli studenti un significativo
sostegno alle scelte che essi sono chiamati a compiere, attraverso una articolata gamma
di servizi e, in particolare dirette a facilitare gli sbocchi occupazionali dei diplomati e
dei laureati, a conoscere le opportunità professionali, a fornire informazioni, strumenti
e sussidi per la transizione dall’Università al lavoro, anche nell’ambito di progetti di
orientamento cofinanziati dal FSE.
Presso ciascuna Facoltà dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” opera un
Servizio Stage, dedicato alle attività connesse al segmento dell’orientamento universitario
definito “in uscita” o “al lavoro”, che si propone di agevolare l’inserimento nel mondo
produttivo dei laureandi e dei neo-laureati, fornendo loro informazioni, opportunità e
strumenti utili alla transizione dall’Università al lavoro.
Il canale privilegiato offerto dall’Università per fungere da tramite tra domanda ed offerta
di lavoro, è il tirocinio formativo e di orientamento (o stage) che ha la finalità di realizzare
momenti di alternanza tra studio e lavoro nell’ambito dei processi formativi e di agevolare
le scelte professionali mediante la conoscenza diretta del mondo del lavoro. Il tirocinio
è uno strumento previsto dalla legge che consente al giovane:
1. di entrare in un ambiente di lavoro;
2. di mettersi alla prova;
3. di orientare o verificare le sue scelte professionali;
4. di acquisire un’esperienza pratica certificata che potrà arricchire il suo curriculum;
1. di conoscere potenziali collaboratori da inserire in futuro nel proprio organico;
2. di formarli in modo specifico secondo le proprie esigenze.
I tirocini sono regolamentati da apposite convenzioni stipulate tra l’Ateneo (in qualità
di soggetto promotore) e aziende, studi professionali ed enti pubblici o privati (in qualità
di soggetto ospitante). Le convenzioni (ed i relativi allegati, definiti “progetti formativi”,
con i quali si formalizza l’avvio dei tirocini) definiscono i reciproci impegni ed gli obblighi
assunti dai tre soggetti coinvolti.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Il rapporto che si costituisce tra azienda e tirocinante non è un rapporto di lavoro subordinato
e non comporta pertanto il sorgere di obblighi retributivi e previdenziali e non obbliga
l’azienda ad assumere il tirocinante al termine dell’esperienza.
Durante il tirocinio è garantita la copertura assicurativa INAIL e RCT.
La partecipazione non comporta spese per il tirocinante.
A discrezione dell’azienda può anche essere previsto un rimborso spese.
Ogni tirocinio è supportato da un progetto individuale inserito nella convenzione che
l’azienda deve sottoscrivere.
Durante il progetto il tirocinante è costantemente seguito da un tutor aziendale e da un
tutor del soggetto promotore.
Il Servizio Stage delle Presidenze di Ateneo curano i rapporti con i potenziali soggetti
ospitanti e gestiscono le candidature dei laureandi e neo-laureati della Facoltà che
desiderano essere informati sulle opportunità di stage promosse dalla Facoltà.
La candidatura degli aspiranti avviene con la presentazione del proprio curriculum vitae.
Al fine di garantire la massima trasparenza e linearità delle attività di stage, le fasi di
valutazione, selezione ed espletamento di eventuali colloqui sono completamente demandate
ai soggetti ospitanti, salvo specifica richiesta di estrapolazione per voto, età, o possesso
di specifico requisito.
Gli aspiranti tirocinanti selezionati dai soggetti ospitanti prenderanno contatto con la
Presidenza per la formalizzazione del progetto formativo, del documento contenente i
dati del tirocinante e del periodo di stage che andrà a svolgere, che, allegato alla convenzione
stipulata, sarà trasmesso, a cura della Presidenza, agli enti competenti (assicurazioni,
Ispettorato del Lavoro, Regione, ecc.). Tale prassi amministrativa deve essere completata
entro una settimana dalla prevista data di avvio dello stage.
Al termine dello stage, il tirocinante è tenuto a redigere una relazione finale sull’esperienza
maturata, da consegnare in Presidenza unitamente ad una copia della valutazione rilasciatagli
dal soggetto ospitante.
Si precisa che la presentazione del proprio c.v. alla Facoltà, autorizza quest’ultima al
trattamento ed alla comunicazione dei dati personali. La Facoltà, comunque, garantisce
che i dati personali sono trattati e diffusi esclusivamente per le finalità di inserimento nel
mondo del lavoro, in conformità con il Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali.
Proposta autonoma di stage
Gli studenti che, autonomamente, abbiano individuato e contattato un potenziale soggetto
ospitante, avendo avuto positivo riscontro, possono rivolgersi alla Presidenza per
l’attivazione dello stage e la definizione delle modalità operative (eventuale stipula di
convenzione, formalizzazione del progetto formativo, assicurazioni, ecc.).
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Tirocini facoltativi per i corsi di studio del Nuovo Ordinamento
Gli ordinamenti didattici dei corsi di laurea di I livello del Nuovo Ordinamento prevedono,
al III anno di corso e gli ordinamenti didattici dei corsi di laurea di II livello (Magistrali),
al II anno la possibilità di sostituire un esame opzionale con uno stage svolto in convenzione
Si tratta di limitate possibilità, per accedere alle quali è necessaria, da parte degli aspiranti,
una forte motivazione, serietà, disponibilità di tempo ed una regolare e brillante carriera
di studi.
Si fa anche presente che, per tale tipologia di stage, sono investite, sia per quanto riguarda
il reperimento della disponibilità di posti-stage, sia per quanto riguarda la selezione delle
candidature, le singole strutture didattiche dei corsi di studio.
Gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea di I livello e di laurea Magistrale che intendano
candidarsi ad opportunità di stage – in alternativa all’esame opzionale rispettivamente
del III anno e del II anno – dovranno possedere specifici requisiti minimi deliberati dal
Consiglio di Facoltà.
A fronte dei crediti assegnati a tale tipologia di stage potranno corrispondere una durata
in mesi ed un numero di ore complessive non sempre omogenee, dovendo spesso
assecondare la disponibilità e le esigenze dei soggetti ospitanti.
Sul sito delle Facoltà, alla pagina dedicata ai laureati e laureandi, è disponibile una guida
ai servizi e alle informazioni affinché studenti e laureati possano orientarsi nella ricerca
di opportunità di stage, nella ricerca del lavoro, in Italia e all’estero, o per l’avvio di
un’attività autonoma. L’intento è di fornire un panoramica complessiva delle opportunità
offerte dal mercato del lavoro attuale e un percorso di navigazione che rappresenti in
alcuni casi semplicemente una traccia da seguire per approfondire i vari aspetti e per
tenersi continuamente aggiornati. E’ inoltre possibile all’interno della stessa pagina inserire
on line il proprio curriculum vitae.
Per chiarimenti ed informazioni contattare le Presidenze di Facoltà e/o il Centro
Orientamento e Tutorato.
Centro Orientamento e Tutorato
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Acton, 38 - I - 80133 Napoli
Tel: (+39) 081 5475135/5136
Fax(+39) 081 5475137
Counselling tutorship and placement activities
At the Parthenope University of Naples, the Student Counselling Tutorship Service
manages all instruments for the management of the three different pre, intra and post
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
university orientation and guidance services. To accomplish its mission, it supports
students to frame in an optimal way their studies at the University, managing their
transition from upper secondary school to higher education (the so called pre-university
orientation and guidance activities), monitoring their study careers to early detect anomalous
cases (the so called intra university orientation and guidance activities), and offering
placement assistance by which to encourage student to learn more about themselves and
the world of work through direct assistance, resources and experiential opportunities(the
so called post university orientation and guidance activities.
Counselling and tutorship Centre
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Via Acton, 38 - I - 80133 Napoli - Italia
Tel: 081 5475135/6
Fax: 081 5475137
The Traineeship and Career Service operating for the students at the
University Parthenope of Naples
The Traineeship and Career Service operating for the Faculty of Economics is another
key component to a student’s total education and experience.
Under direction, it plans, organizes and directs a traineeship and placement program for
the students of the campus. The scope of the program is such that the full range is provided
to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni, in all occupational fields
represented on the Faculty of Economics. Work is reviewed in terms of meeting goals
and objectives of the program.
The Traineeship and Career Service performs or administers the activities of the students
and alumni traineeship and placement program and performs other related duties as
It is primarily involved in traineeship and professional career planning for students and
alumni that focuses on both short range employment and long-range career objectives.
It entails a continuity of service relationship with students throughout their academic and
working careers.
It interviews applicants and determines and evaluates their education, training, experience,
skills and aptitudes, assists in reaching decisions that relate employment opportunities
to academics goals and objectives; provides applicants with information about employment
and training opportunities and employer and institutional requirements; refers applicants
to employer and institutional representatives; interviews employer and institutional
representatives and solicits job openings and training opportunities; advises employer
and institutional representatives of applicants’ abilities and potentialities; coordinates and
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
publicises on campus recruiting visits of employer and institutional representatives.
Students are encouraged to learn more about themselves and the world of work through
this direct assistance, resources and practical experiential opportunities. The objectives
are to promote early career awareness and exploration, to provide specific information
regarding occupational objectives, to provide information on the procedures of seeking
and accepting employment; and to provide opportunities for part-time traineeship or
employment both during studies and upon graduation.
To accomplish its mission, it offers a variety of services to students, alumni and employers,
including many literature resources to help them in their search for a major or a career.
It houses many books, pamphlets, handouts and reference guides for their use.
Topics includes books on numerous careers, career issues relating to members of special
population, and graduate and professional school information.
A work placement is the part of students education in which they participate in a profession,
outside the university, guided by experienced professionals. This experience enables them
to test their professional and personal qualities and to develop their future.
A work placement has a few specific characteristics. The aim is to learn and test skills
in a practical environment.
They are allowed to make mistakes, but are supposed to learn from them.
Because of the confrontation with the questions and issues in the field and by comparison
with experienced professionals, they can find out where they stand a s a professional to
be and what makes them suited for the job.
The University work placement policy is aimed at utilising the specific possibilities of
traineeships to their fullest. We want to make sure that the work placement becomes an
important training period in students’ education. Therefore, the Parthenope University
of Naples is always opened to new ideas and individual plans as long as they have the
characteristics of a work placement.
The undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded by the Parthenope University of Naples
includes a period of practical training (work placement) which has to be related to the
studies and it also includes report writing in certain cases, in which the student describes
the internal operations of the organisation and how his/her duties related to the entire
process. At its best, the report is a development proposal. The training period is equivalent
to 3 credit point or ECTS.
In accordance with the curriculum, the student gains a broad insight into the operation
of a business, private or public sector organisation.
The first requirement of work placement is that it provides the opportunity of work with
supervision as a professional in the field. The organisation has to be able to provide
security as well as challenges.
The training agreement is signed by all three parties: the host organisation, the student
and the University. This contract is the legal base for the work placement.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
The contract states that the organisation is familiar with and agrees with the intent and
the purpose of an University work placement. It states that the University acknowledges
that the student proceeds with his traineeship and that it approves of the chosen work
placement, supervisors, terms, duration and goals. The University also promises that the
trainee will be guided by an academic coordinator (generally a teacher). For the student
the contract acknowledges the fact that he is accepted as a student on work placement,
based on the work placement plan, both the University and the host organisation.
It also means that the student now has all rights and responsibilities mentioned in his
workbook and is entitled to supervision and tutoring by both the organisation and the
The student is in fact appointed a training coordinator, who introduces him to the training
arrangements. He is the one that the student will learn the trade from and who is willing
to teach the student and help him get acquainted with the profession. He is also the one
who will introduce the student to offer professional and inform him about the structure
of the organisation. Every supervisor does this in his own way, depending on the
circumstances and possibilities of the work placement.
During the training period the student adheres to the working hours established in his
placement plan and rules of the employer. As for the trainee’s health and safety at work,
the common regulation of the trade as well as the safety regulations of the particular
employer are observed.
It is the student’s responsibility to find a suitable placement.
At the end of the traineeship, the supervisor puts her impression about the trainee and
the handling of the work placement in writing. The goals reached by the end of the
traineeship are also mentioned in terms of achieving a progress in some areas: personal
and meaning related development, professional development and scientific development.
The traineeship plan Besides the traineeship contract, the student also drafts a plan for
the work placement, which contains at least the trainee educational goals. These have to
be real goals, not just activities. Student must be able to assess them and it has to be clear
whether he has accomplished them or not: and an activity schedule which contains an
outline of all activities he plan to undertake during the work placement.
The work placement plan is part of the contract and it will be made before the work
placement starts.
All currently enrolled University students are covered this accident Insurance policy
whilst engaged in campus activities or an unpaid course required work experience.
The University must be notified by the student of any serious incidents or injuries that
occur during the traineeship in the workplace.
For additional informations please contact the Faculty secretaries and /or the Counselling
and tutorship Centre.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Lab facilities and Sport recreative activities
Le attività di laboratorio all’Università
Il Centro di Calcolo Elettronico è il centro dei servizi informatici e telematici di Ateneo
ed è dislocato al Piano Seminterrato della Palazzina Moderna della Sede Centrale di via
Acton n. 38.
Sono suoi compiti la gestione ed il coordinamento di tutti i servizi informatici erogati
dall’Università, ad esso fanno capo le aule informatiche dell’Ateneo dedicate alla didattica
ufficiale dei corsi di laurea triennali e di specializzazione ed è sede del Comitato per la
Sicurezza Informatica e degli esami per il conseguimento della Patente Europea del
Computer (ECDL).
Il Presidente del Centro di Calcolo Elettronico è il prof. Giulio Giunta.
Contatti: Tel.: +39 081 5475285 - Fax: +39 081 5475286
Computer Lab Facilities at the University
The Centro di Calcolo is responsible for the campus network infrastructure and provides
IT and computing services to the campus community. It is responsible for the campus
network infrastructure and provides services such as access to internet,email, word
processing facilities. Students have the possibility to access to computer labs free of
The director is Professor Giulio Giunta
Further information can be obtained from the Centro di Calcolo – Via Acton, 38 - 80133
(Palazzina Moderna) Napoli - Italia, by telephone: +39 081 547 5285; fax: +39 081547
5286 or, via e-mail:
The Language Lab Facilities at the University
The Language Laboratory Complex consists of the two laboratories. A language multimedial
laboratory and a Sound-Video hall. It is at Cristoforo Colombo Street, 52.
Le attività sportive e ricreative
Nell’ambito della programmazione didattica annuale, il C.U.S. Napoli – articolazione
unica del C.U.S.I., Ente Morale Nazionale, gestore dello sport universitario a livello
nazionale ed internazionale – propone agli studenti le più svariate attività sportive e l’uso
dei relativi impianti conformemente al programma elaborato dagli Organi Statutari.
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Per entrare in contatto con il CUS, è possibile scrivere o telefonare alla Segreteria impianti
sportivi C.U.S., via Campegna n. 267 - tel. 081 7621295, fax 081 7628540 - nei giorni
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 8,00 alle ore 23,00; sabato dalle ore 8,00 alle 19,00, inviare
una email a: o compilare il form on-line disponibile all’indirizzo:
Sports and recreational activities (CUS)
Erasmus students willing to participate in sporting events can benefits of the facilities
and services provided by the Sports University Center (C.U.S.). To use such facilities
(discounts and services) you are expected to become a member of CUS and you can buy
the membership card at the C.U.S.registar office: Segreteria Impianti Sportivi C.U.S.
Napoli- Via Campegna, 267 80124 Napoli - tel. +39 (0) 081 7621295 - fax +39 (0) 081
Le associazioni studentesche – L’Associazione A.I.E.S.E.C.
AIESEC è un’organizzazione internazionale di studenti che facilita la scoperta e
l’ampliamento del proprio potenziale umano, per contribuire allo sviluppo delle nazioni
e dei popoli con un impegno per la comprensione e la cooperazione mondiale.
Nata nel 1948, AIESEC è presente in più di 800 Università, in 89 Paesi del mondo, è
riconosciuta con status consultivo B dall’ONU, UNICEF, SID, ILO, e come tale rappresenta
il mondo studentesco in tutti gli appuntamenti internazionali da questi organizzati (es.
Summit delle Nazioni Unite sullo sviluppo sostenibile, Jhoannesburg).
Attualmente coinvolge più di 18.000 studenti, promuove circa 3500 stage internazionali
ogni anno, organizza numerose conferenze locali, nazionali ed internazionali, su tematiche
di interesse mondiale.
AIESEC in Italia è sorta nel 1950 ed è attualmente presente in 25 università coordinate
da un comitato nazionale con sede a Milano.
Come associazione studentesca è la prima in Italia ad aver ottenuto il riconoscimento
della personalità giuridica con DM del 30 giugno 1999.
AIESEC – Comitato Locale Napoli Parthenope
Operativo da più di 15 anni, rappresenta una presenza costante all’interno dell’Ateneo
ed è un punto di riferimento chiaro per tutti quegli studenti in cerca di un modo diverso
di essere studenti.
AIESEC Napoli “Parthenope”
C/o Facoltà di Economia
Via Acton, 38 (II piano) - 80133 NAPOLI - Italia
Tel. +39 081 5475163 - Fax +39 081 5521485 (att. AIESEC)
E - mail: -
Erasmus ECTS Information Package – General Information
Student Associations - The A.I.E.S.E.C. Association
A.I.E.S.E.C., acronym of “association internationale des étudiants en sciences économiques
et commerciales”, is an international independent organization, and completely managed
by students. A.I.E.S.E.C. was founded in 1948 and it is present in 85 countries of the
world; it is recognized with an advisory status B from the UN, UNICEF SID and ILO
and, like such, represent the student world during the international meetings organised
by these last ones.
It facilitates the international students mobility and exchange and exercise the activities
in support at the practical learning experiences for our trainees. Creating any opportunity
for the various exposure and interaction between the young people of different cultures
and nations, it assist its members in order to develop the professional abilities through
theorical and practical experiences. It offer to the students the possibility to interact with
their social and economic background. It is actively involved in organising events for the
large student in takes of the Parthenope University. In Italy, A.I.E.S.E.C. was founded
in 1950 and it is present in 24 local committees at the main main universities coordinated
by a national committee whose center is in Milan. It is the first student association in
Italy which have obtained the ministerial acknowledgment of the legal personality.
A.I.E.S.E.C. Napoli “Parthenope”
Faculty of Economics
Via Acton, 38 (II floor) - 80133 Naples
Phone Number: + 39 081 5475163 - Fax :+ 39 081 5521485
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
The Parthenope University Didactic Offer
The Erasmus ECTS Information Package provides a description of the city of Naples and
the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” with its Faculties and Departments
and supplies written informations on the organization and structure of studies and the
degree courses offered by the different Faculties in order to help the prospective Erasmus
ECTS students to prepare their study period at this institution.
The primary objective of the Faculties of the Parthenope University of Naples is to define,
organise and connect the academic activities of the degree courses. Corresponding to
the defined scientific-disciplinary fields, the faculties are divided into one or more first
level degree courses which are followed by specialised degree courses.
Via Acton, 38 - I - 80133 Napoli
Phone number: +39 081 5474559 - 4920 - 4564 - 4566
Fax: number +39 081 5474904
ETCS Co-ordinator: prof. CLAUDIO QUINTANO
Dean of the faculty of Economics
faculty of Economics
Department of Statistics and Mathematics for the economic research
Via Medina, 40 - I - 80133 Napoli
Phone number: +39 081 5474559 - 4920 - 4564 - 4566
Fax number: +39 081 5474904
Description of the Faculty
The didactic offer
A partire dall’anno accademico 2001-2002 la Facoltà di Economia presenta un’offerta
didattica in linea con la nuova articolazione degli studi universitari - D.M. 509/99, così
sostituito dal D.M. 270/04.
In Facoltà sono attivati 7 corsi di laurea di I livello e 3 corsi di laurea di II livello
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Since the academic year 2001-2002, the Faculty of Economics offers all first degree
courses in accordance with the decree n°. 509/1999 then updated in 2004.
Lauree di I livello
Per quanto riguarda il I livello la Facoltà di Economia presenta un’offerta didattica
articolata su 7 corsi di laurea appartenenti a tre classi diverse, ovvero:
• 1ª classe 17 – Scienze economiche e della gestione aziendale
• 1ª classe 28 – Scienze economiche
• 1ª classe 37 – Scienze statistiche
First degrees
The Faculty of Economics has activated 7 First degree courses and 3 Second degree
The First degrees belong to three different classes of degrees of the same level:
• the class of first degrees 17 – Economics and management
• the class of first degrees 28 – Economics
• the class of first degrees 37 – Statistics
Qui di seguito si riporta il prospetto dell’offerta didattica. Si rinvia alle parti successive
di questa Guida per la descrizione degli obiettivi formativi di ciascuno dei corsi di laurea.
The list below indicates the different classes for the first degrees. First degrees are
characterised by both theoretical and applied studies and this is often indicated in the
Italian title by “scienze” or “scienze and tecnologie”. Please refer to the following
sections of this Guide for the description of each first degree course activated in the
Faculty of Economics and its general framework for different teaching and learning
activities included in the study programme structure and its learning, professional
Alcuni di questi Corsi di Laurea sono suddivisi in curricula ovvero percorsi esplicitamente
disegnati e mirati al raggiungimento di competenze e qualifiche specifiche, sempre
nell’ambito del Corso di Laurea di riferimento.
Some first degree courses are articulated in two different curricula designed in order to
provide the students with an adequate specific knowledge and mastery of specific methods
as well as specific professional skills.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Classe delle Lauree di I livello
Class of First degrees
Corso di Laurea di I livello
First degree course
Amministrazione e Controllo
Economia Aziendale
economia e gestione delle piccole
e medie imprese
economia e gestione delle piccole
e medie imprese - indirizzo
sperimentale in Business
Management (a numero chiuso)*
Logistica e Trasporti
Management delle Imprese Internazionali
Management delle Imprese Turistiche
risorse turistiche e beni
economia politica
Economia e Commercio
Statistica ed Informatica per la Gestione delle Imprese
economia delle organizzazioni
internazionali per la cooperazione
Indirizzo sperimentale in Business Management del Corso di Laurea in Economia
Inoltre, per questo anno accademico 2005-2006, è attivato in via sperimentale e a numero
chiuso, il I anno dell’indirizzo in Business Management del Corso di Laurea in Economia
Aziendale. Tale indirizzo offre agli studenti un percorso formativo differenziato rispetto
a quelli già esistenti nell’offerta formativa della Facoltà e maggiormente finalizzato a
collegare più strettamente le lauree triennali del nostro Ateneo con le lauree triennali
rilasciate dalle altre Università Europee. Tale differenziazione non coincide con la creazione
di una nuova professionalità, quanto piuttosto nel modo e nelle opportunità con le quali
gli studenti sono chiamati ad apprendere. In particolare, ciò avverrà attraverso il
coinvolgimento sistematico di testimonianze aziendali, di docenti non italiani, nell’uso
amplificato delle tecnologie informatiche. Possono partecipare alla selezione gli studenti
immatricolati, per questo anno accademico 2005-2006, al Corso di Laurea in Economia
Aziendale – percorso egpmi.
Since the academic year 2005-2006, the Faculty of Economics has activated the first
year of the first degree in Economia aziendale and its curriculum Business Management.
This curriculum is praised in particular for the quality of teaching, the successful strategy
of providing courses that develop academic knowledge and practitioner confidence, the
high levels of student achievement across the study programme. In particular, are
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
systematically involved private partners and the collaboration of nationally and
internationally known academics is established. Students activities are supported by the
advanced use of ICT technologies.
Punti di ascolto
Presso la sede di Torre Annunziata è attivo un punto di ascolto per il I e II anno del Corso
di Laurea in Economia Aziendale – egpmi.
Presso la sede di Vico-Seiano è attivo un punto di ascolto per il I e II anno del Corso di
Laurea in Management delle Imprese Turistiche (percorso base).
Teaching and research activity is carried out in the Naples campus.
The three years courses and the courses addressed to specialisation diploma are held in
Naples and Potenza. For the first and second year of the first degree course in Economia
Aziendale, particularly its curriculum in Economia e gestione delle PMI students can
address to the University Information and teaching contact point at Torre Annunziata
campus and another one has been activated for the first and second year of the first
degree course in Management delle Imprese Turistiche at Vico - Seiano.
Lauree di II livello (Magistrali)
A partire dall’anno accademico 2003-2004 la Facoltà di Economia ha completato l’offerta
didattica con l’attivazione di 3 corsi di laurea di II livello (ex Specialistiche attualmente
Magistrali) uno per ogni classe utile per il completamento dei percorsi di studio afferenti
alle classi di I livello, ovvero:
• la classe 64/S – Scienze dell’economia
• la classe 84/S – Scienze economico-aziendali
• la classe 91/S – Statistica economica, finanziaria e attuariale
Second degrees
Since the academic year 2003-2004, the Faculty of Economics has completed its courses
offering by the introduction of three second degree courses in accordance with the decree
n°. 509/1999 then updated in 2004, each provides students the natural completing phase
for the above mentioned first degree courses.
The Second degrees belong to three different classes of degrees of the same level:
• the class of Second degrees 64/S – Economic Sciences
• the class of Second degrees 84/S – Management Studies
• the class of Second degrees 91/S – Actuarial, financial and economic statistics.
Di seguito si riporta il prospetto dell’offerta didattica. Si rinvia alle parti successive di
questa Guida per la descrizione degli obiettivi formativi di ciascuno dei corsi di laurea.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
The list below indicates the different classes for the second degrees. Second degrees have
a strong theoretical part and specialise in a specific subject field. Please refer to the
following sections of this Guide for the description of each second degree course activated
in the Faculty of Economics and its general framework for different teaching and learning
activities included in the study programme structure and its learning, professional
Classe delle lauree
di II livello (Magistrali)
Class of Second degrees
Corso di Laurea
di II livello (Magistrale)
Second degree
Scienze Economiche
Management e controllo
Management delle imprese di trasporto
Management aziendale internazionale
Management per le piccole e medie
Management del settore turistico
e dei beni culturali
Statistica per la Gestione
Adesione alla Rete Europea Master of Business Science (EMBS)
Per il corso di Laurea Magistrale in Management – indirizzo Management aziendale
internazionale è in corso di formalizzazione l’adesione alla Rete Europea Master of
Business Science (EMBS), con la finalità di offrire agli studenti un titolo di laurea
Magistrale riconoscibile anche da altre università europee. A tale scopo, la Facoltà ha
attivato alcuni insegnamenti in lingua inglese, alternativi a quelli già previsti dal piano
di studio dell’indirizzo, focalizzati sulle tematiche dette: “European Core Elements”.
The adhesion to the EMBS Consortium
For the second degree course in Management and its curriculum Management aziendale
internazionale, the Faculty of Economics is formalizing its adhesion to the EMBS
Consortium. The Consortium is a multilateral partnership of EU institutions of higher
education which have come together to promote true integration of quality management
education at European level. The Consortium consists of 18 member institutions in 7 EU
countries. The Consortium provides the structure for the exchange of a selected, elite
group of students, and for the award of the European Master of Business Sciences
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Certificate. More generally, it meets the needs of an enhanced degree route for the best
students at European level. The aim of the EMBS Consortium is to develop an international
degree that is recognised at least to the level of an initial Master’s degree in each of the
participating countries.
In order to achieve these goals, the Faculty of Economics has established that some
teachings are taken in english, being focused on the European Core Elements. These
teachings are not compulsory activities but at students’ option on the basis of their study
Dottorati di Ricerca
Sono presenti, a completamento dell’offerta didattica della Facoltà di Economia, alcuni
Dottorati di Ricerca con sede amministrativa presso l’Ateneo. Al momento sono attivi
in Facoltà Dottorati di Ricerca in:
• Trasporti marittimi e logistica integrata
• Scienze Economiche
• Dottrine Economico-Aziendali e Governo dell’Impresa
• Statistica Applicata al Territorio
• Economia delle Risorse Alimentari e dell’Ambiente
The Research Doctorate degree represents one of the three different typologies of
postgraduate studies among Research Doctorate degree- Dottorato di Ricerca, 2nd level
University Master degree – Corso di Master Universitario di II livello and 2nd level
Specialisation course – Corso di Specializzazione di II livello.
The Research Doctorate courses aim at training postgraduates for very advanced scientific
research by suitable methodologies, updated technologies, study periods abroad. Access
is by an Italian 2nd degree or a foreign comparable degree; admission is subject to
competitive exams; official length is min. three years; at the end, the 3rd degree called
Research Doctorate is awarded.
At the moment, in the Faculty of Economics are activated the following Research Doctorate
degrees in:
• Trasporti marittimi e logistica integrata
• Scienze Economiche
• Dottrine Economico-Aziendali e Governo dell’Impresa
• Statistica Applicata al Territorio
• Economia delle Risorse Alimentari e dell’Ambiente
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
I Crediti Formativi Universitari
I corsi presso la Facoltà di Economia sono divisi in blocchi di lezioni in base al numero
di ore previste per ciascun Credito Formativo Universitario (C.F.U.), ovvero:
3 C.F.U. 24 ore
4 settimane di lezioni
6 C.F.U. 48 ore
8 settimane di lezioni
9 C.F.U. 72 ore
12 settimane di lezioni
University Educational Credits (UEC)
Under the reformed Italian higher education system in accordance with its main objective
to make studies more student-centred, reducing the gap between official and real length
of courses as well as lowering the drop out rate, all degree courses activated in the
Faculty of Economics carry a number of credit points.
The local credit system is articulated in the following terms:
A credit point tells you something about the amount of time invested in a particular
One University educational credits equals 25 hours of study, including lectures/classes,
reading, assignments and preparation for exams.
A subject of 3 University educational credits therefore requires 24 hours of work (on
average) a month. Students are expected to work 6 hours a week.
A subject of 6 University educational credits therefore requires 48 hours of work (on
average) a bimester. Students are expected to work 6 hours a week.
A subject of 9 University educational credits therefore requires 72 hours of work (on
average) a term. Students are expected to work 6 hours a week Therefore, a threeyear degree programme equals 180 Italian University educational credits.
The courses studied whilst at the Parthenope University of Naples are graded according
to the following ECTS scale.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
For practical reasons we assume that 1 Italian University educational credit (UEC)
equals 1 ECTS credit.
For each course at Parthenope University an ERASMUS student will be awarded both
a Parthenope University grade and an ECTS grade as a result of the assessments and/or
examinations undertaken.
Classes are organised so that each course requires classroom activities for six hours a
3 ECTS courses are organised on monthly basis, while 6 ECTS courses last a bimester
and 9 ECTS courses last a trimester (see the academic calendar in the following page).
Attendance at lessons is not compulsory, although students are advised to attend because
lessons are designed to facilitate gradual learning and creating a dialogue between
teachers and students.
Lesson timetable is published on the site.
We advise students to consult frequently our bulletin boards on the site, which helps us
to communicate any change in the timetable.
I settimana:
II settimana:
III settimana:
IV settimana:
I settimana:
II settimana:
III settimana:
IV settimana:
Dal 23/12/2005 al 07/01/2006 l’attività accademica è interrotta per le festività natalizie.
I settimana:
II settimana:
III settimana:
IV settimana:
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
I settimana:
II settimana:
III settimana:
IV settimana:
Dal 13/04/2006 al 18/04/2006 l’attività accademica è interrotta per le festività pasquali.
I settimana:
II settimana:
III settimana:
IV settimana:
Recupero del 01/05 il 08/05
Recupero del 25/04 il 09/05
I settimana:
II settimana:
III settimana:
IV settimana:
Recupero del 2/06 il 19/6
3 UEC = 4 weeks
6 UEC = 8 weeks
9 UEC = 12 weeks
• = 1st one month period/1st month of the 1st bimester /1st month of the 1st term
• = 2nd one month period/2nd month of the 1st bimester/2nd month of the 1st term
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
• = 3rd one month period/1st month of the 2nd bimester/3rd month of the 1st term
• = 4th one month period/2nd month of the 2nd bimester/1st month of the 2nd term
• = 5th one month period/1st month of the 3rd bimester/2nd month of the 2nd term
• = 6th one month period/2nd month of the 3rd bimester/3rd month of the 2nd term
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
03/10 08/10
10/10 15/10
17/10 22/10
24/10 29/10
EXAMINATION PERIOD 31/10/2005 12/11/2005
Classes suspended for only one month period exams
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
14/11 19/11
21/11 26/11
28/11 03/11
05/12 10/12
EXAMINATION PERIOD 12/12/2004 22/12/2004
Classes suspended for part-exams (1st bimester) and one month period exams
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
09/01 14/01
16/01 21/01
23/01 28/01
30/01 04/02
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
EXAMINATION PERIOD 06/02/2006 18/02/2006
Classes suspended for part-exams (1st term) and one month period exams
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
20/02 25/02
27/02 04/03
06/03 11/03
13/03 18/03
Classes suspended for part-exams (2nd bimester) and one month period exams
1st week
2nd week
03/04 08/04
10/04 12/04
19/04 22/04
24/04 29/04
02/05 06/05
3rd week
4th week
Further days
EXAMINATION PERIOD 10/05/2006 20/05/2006
Classes suspended for only one month period exams
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
Further day
22/05 27/05
29/05 03/06
05/06 10/06
12/06 17/06
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Classes suspended for part-exams (3rd bimester and 2nd term) and one month period
Esami di profitto
I crediti corrispondenti a ciascuna attività formativa sono acquisiti dallo studente con il
superamento dell’esame o di altra forma di verifica del profitto che potrà avvenire con
diverse modalità: orale, scritta e orale, solo scritta.
La votazione sarà espressa in trentesimi. L’esame di profitto si intende superato se la
votazione è pari o superiore a 18/30.
Exam Rules
Exams are designed to test whether students have reached the required livel so that they
can get the credit that correspond to the various educational activities.
Exams are marked out of thirty.
Exams are individual.
The exam calendar is published on the site.
The registration to exams is binding. It takes place via the computer network, few days
before the date of the exam.
Student must be prepared to prove their identity while taking an exam.
A mark between 0 and 17 out of thirty is considered INSUFFICIENT
A mark between 18 and 30 out of thirty is considered SUFFICIENT
Exam commission may award a lode (merit) to students who obtain thirty out of thirty.
Exams marked sufficient are considered to have passed.
Exams marked insufficient are considered failed and must therefore be taken again.
The Departments under the Faculty of Economics
The departments are the structures in which teaching and research come together in
order to promote the scientific activity of the various fields of instruction homogeneous
either through their objectives or by research methods. The departments of the Parthenope
University of Naples are coordinated by a director and they integrate activities belonging
to one or more of the Faculties thereby rendering interdisciplinary study in didactic and
research matters.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Department of Statistics and Mathematics for the Economic Research
Head of the Department: prof. DONATO LUCEV
Via Medina, 40 - 80133 Napoli
Phone Number: + 39 081 552 25 88
Fax: + 39 081 547 49 04
Department of Management Studies
Head of the Department: prof. ADRIANA CALVELLI
Via Medina, 40 - 80133 Napoli
Phone Number: + 39 081 547 57 12
Fax: + 39 081 552 23 13
Department of Economic Studies
Head of the Department: prof. GIAN PAOLO CESARETTI
Via Medina, 40 - 80133 NAPOLI
Phone Number: +39 081 547 47 36
Fax: +39 081 547 47 50
Department of Law
Head of the Department: prof. RAFFAELE BIFULCO
Via Medina, 40 - 80133 NAPOLI
Phone number: +39 081 547 4821
Fax: +39 081 552 18 10
e-mail: -
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
17 Scienze dell’Economia e della gestione aziendale
17 Economics and management
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN AMMINISTRAZIONE
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Level of qualification: First degree course (Laurea)
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Didattica utilizzata: Tempo pieno - Didattica frontale, esercitazioni teoriche ed esercitazioni di
laboratorio, stage.
Requisiti per il conseguimento del titolo: Il titolo si consegue mediante l’acquisizione di 180 crediti
così ripartiti e la discussione di un esame finale.
Mode of study: attending lectures, exercise course and practical, laboratory work, internships, placement
or ‘stage’.
Programme degree requirements: To qualify for this degree candidates must complete their examinations
and earn 180 credits, including 3 credits which they have to hand in a final report and discuss in front
of a graduation committee in order to fulfil their requirements for their degree.
Il programma di corso in Amministrazione e controllo si articola in sei differenti tipologie di
attività formativa come di seguito specificato:
The programme degree in Amministrazione e controllo covers 6 different types of subject courses
as follows:
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché Attività formative
volte ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore
lavorativo cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini
formativi e di orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998,
n. 142).
Al primo anno lo studente acquisirà le conoscenze fondamentali di tipo economico, aziendale, giuridico
e quantitativo.
Al secondo anno, le attività formative saranno orientate all’approfondimento dei temi trattati nell’anno
precedente ed all’acquisizione di conoscenze più specifiche nelle aree caratterizzanti gli obiettivi formativi
del corso di laurea: amministrazione, finanza, auditing, programmazione e controllo di gestione.
Al terzo anno è previsto che lo studente svolga un tirocinio formativo della durata minima di tre mesi
presso aziende locali e nazionali.
Gli studenti sono tenuti alla conoscenza della lingua inglese e di almeno un’altra lingua dell’Unione
Europea ed alla conoscenza di nozioni base di informatica.
The first degree course in Amministrazione e controllo is articulated in a three years study programme.
Its structure and content are multidisciplinary. The aim of the first year is that of assuring the student
with the basic and fundamental multidisciplinary knowledge in economics, company management, law
and from the viewpoint of the quality control.
The second year of study counts different courses specifically related to the degree programme in the
main study fields, such as the management , finance, auditing, planning and control and business strategy
and politics.
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Il corso di laurea in Amministrazione e controllo si propone di fornire una formazione professionale
che, nell’ambito del quadro evolutivo di riferimento, sia comunitario sia nazionale, comprenda conoscenze
teoriche di base, conoscenze tecniche, conoscenze metodologiche - operative, idonee a supportare lo
svolgimento della libera professione di commercialista nella sua molteplice varietà di funzioni e quella
di revisore; entrambe al servizio della tutela della fede pubblica nelle varie manifestazioni della
comunicazione economico-finanziaria tra ogni tipo di azienda ed il mondo esterno. Gli sbocchi
occupazionali riguardano essenzialmente l’inserimento negli albi della professione di commercialista;
lo svolgimento in qualità di manager di livello intermedio della funzione di amministrazione e di
contabilità generale e direzionale; l’accesso alla professione di revisore contabile, di certificatore di
bilanci di esercizio compresi quelli sociali ed ambientali nell’ambito della funzione di controllo esterno;
l’accesso all’attività di internal auditor, quale consulente o manager di supporto consultivo ed operativo
per l’alta direzione per le valutazioni di adeguatezza e funzionalità del sistema dei controlli interni.
The first degree course in Amministrazione e controllo, even if characterised by a multidisciplinarity,
provides students with the theoretical, technical, methodological and operational preparation necessary
to pursue a career in freelance professions in its variety at all levels. A graduate student in Amministrazione
e controllo can moreover hold the role of manager of administrative processes and strategic organisation
of public and private business companies, of “controller” in functions of the control management; as
well as develop the profession of the accountant and in the activities connected to the business information
system, operating in state and private business consultancy and control and in freelance professions
in the administrative, tax, management and auditing fields.
The degree course contributes to the correct cultural student sensitivity in different directions, it has a
high level of contents dedicated to economics and management and it aims at supplying, besides a basic
multidisciplinary knowledge, some specificities characterised by indispensable working models and
tools for facing up to problems connected with the management and strategic organization of a business.
The training basis has a prevalently business and economic profile, that attributes to it, a particular
importance of the inherent themes of the outlining and the running of the administrative processes and
the organisation of public and private companies, both under a managerial profile as well as that related
to the most important accounting professions.
Together with these disciplines, knowledge of mathematics, statistics and basic computer skills will be
taught, and it makes up a further and important working and methodological support, capable of
generating for the student the complete cultural picture with reference to the specific professional figure.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN ECONOMIA AZIENDALE
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Level of qualification: First degree course (Laurea)
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Il programma di corso in Economia aziendale si articola in sei differenti tipologie di attività
formativa come di seguito specificato:
The programme degree in Economia aziendale covers 6 different types of subject courses as
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative volte
ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore lavorativo
cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini formativi e di
orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998, n. 142).
Curriculum Economia e gestione delle PMI del corso di laurea di I livello in Economia aziendale
Il corso di laurea ha lo scopo di assicurare allo studente la comprensione dei linguaggi per il governo
gestionale dell’azienda, l’acquisizione delle tecniche per l’amministrazione contabile e fiscale dell’azienda,
la conoscenza dei meccanismi che governano le transazioni finanziarie con particolare attenzione agli
aspetti di apertura verso il mercato e di soddisfazione della domanda. Il curriculum del corso di laurea
in “Economia e gestione delle piccole e medie imprese” ha per obiettivo lo studio delle problematiche
proprie delle piccole e medie imprese, in un’ottica di finanza, produzione, marketing e controllo di
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Lo studente acquisirà le competenze per la comprensione dei meccanismi di governo delle piccole
imprese e delle relazioni interorganizzative poste in essere attraverso le moderne forme di aggregazione
di piccole unità imprenditoriali. Le attività formative sono predisposte affinché i laureati possano
conseguire profili impiegabili nelle aree funzionali aziendali - quali organizzazione, marketing, produzione,
finanza, programmazione e controllo, servizi amministrativi e fiscali - nonché specifiche competenze
nelle attività professionali di consulenza e di revisione aziendale e nell’organizzazione di processi
produttivi e distributivi di servizi finanziari.
Lo studente, al primo anno, acquisirà le conoscenze fondamentali di tipo economico, aziendale, giuridico
e quantitativo. Al secondo anno, le attività formative saranno orientate all’approfondimento dei temi
trattati nell’anno precedente ed all’acquisizione di conoscenze più specifiche nelle aree caratterizzanti
gli obiettivi formativi del corso di laurea: amministrazione, finanza, organizzazione, marketing.
Al terzo anno, è previsto che lo studente svolga un tirocinio formativo della durata minima di tre mesi
presso aziende locali e nazionali.
Gli studenti sono tenuti alla conoscenza della lingua inglese e di almeno un’altra lingua dell’Unione
Europea; alla conoscenza di nozioni di base di informatica.
The Curriculum in Economia e Gestione delle PMI of the first degree in Economia Aziendale
The first degree course’s aim is that of assuring the student with the basic themes of company management,
the techniques for the accounting and financial company administration, the knowledge of the mechanisms
of financial transactions management, paying particular attention to the aspects related to the market
access and the demand satisfaction. Its curriculum in Economia e gestione delle Piccole e Medie Imprese
makes an in dept study of the actual contexts, structure and operational dynamics of small and medium
sized firms from a financial, productive, marketable and managerial viewpoint.
In particular, the student will have to be able to understand SME management systems and their interactive
The programme’s educational goal is a qualification profile enabling graduates to enter a variety of
occupational fields in the private sector, in public administration, in trade and professional associations,
in politics, in research and teaching and in economic research institutes. The formative course guarantees
a high versatility of the student in dealing with the basic themes of company management in a wide
range of functions within firms, financial institutions and public administrations. The main professional
outlets involve: administrative control and finance functions both in company revision firms and business
consultant studios; specific functions in the credit area and commercial functions dedicated to banks
and other financial institutions; commercial and marketing functions within industrial and commercial
firms; programming, management and control functions of social services in public institutions and
non-profit-making institutions.
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are coordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello.
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Il corso di laurea di I livello in Economia aziendale privilegia l’ottica aziendale e si propone di fornire
una consistente formazione intellettuale proiettata a realizzare una forte integrazione tra discipline
economico-aziendali, giuridiche e matematico-statistiche. La formazione professionale mira
all’apprendimento delle tecniche che forniranno ai laureati le necessarie conoscenze per la programmazione
e lo sviluppo di attività imprenditoriali o per lo svolgimento di attività manageriali nelle imprese di
produzione e di servizi privati o pubblici.
The first degree course in Economia aziendale gives a priority to the company approach and aims mainly
to train graduates who will acquire a solid intellectual and multidisciplinary preparation realising a
strong integration among different main study fields. It gives them the necessary training in the
development of an activity at a higher level of qualification within specific areas and main study fields,
such as company economics, legal system, maths and statistics.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN LOGISTICA E TRASPORTI
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Level of qualification: First degree course (Laurea)
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Didattica utilizzata: Tempo pieno - Didattica frontale, esercitazioni teoriche ed esercitazioni di
laboratorio, stage.
Requisiti per il conseguimento del titolo: Il titolo si consegue mediante l’acquisizione di 180 crediti
così ripartiti e la discussione di un esame finale.
Mode of study: attending lectures, exercise course and practical, laboratory work, internships, placement
or ‘stage’.
Programme degree requirements: To qualify for this degree candidates must complete their examinations
and earn 180 credits, including 3 credits which they have to hand in a final report and discuss in front
of a graduation committee in order to fulfil their requirements for their degree.
The programme degree in Logistica e Trasporti covers 6 different types of subject courses as
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative volte
ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore lavorativo
cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini formativi e di
orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998, n. 142).
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Il curriculum del corso di laurea in Logistica e trasporti consente l’acquisizione di:
• fondamenti di economia politica, di economia aziendale, di matematica generale e finanziaria, di
statistica, di diritto pubblico, privato e commerciale;
• conoscenze specialistiche negli ambiti disciplinari dell’economia dei trasporti marittimi, terrestri
ed aerei, dell’economia delle aziende di trasporto, dell’organizzazione e della gestione della logistica,
del marketing e delle attività di finanziamento al trasporto, delle discipline statistico-matematiche
che hanno specifico riferimento agli obiettivi del corso di laurea;
• conoscenze specialistiche negli ambiti disciplinari della merceologia, della geografia economica,
dell’organizzazione e della finanza, del diritto della navigazione.
Infine, il curriculum prevede, in relazione agli obiettivi specifici di formazione professionale ed agli
sbocchi occupazionali, l’obbligo di attività esterne con tirocini formativi presso aziende di trasporto e
presso aziende di ogni settore nell’ambito delle funzioni degli approvvigionamenti, della logistica, della
distribuzione fisica delle merci.
The first degree course in Logistica e transporti is for people who want:
• to learn about fundamentals of politic economics. Company economics, general and financial maths,
statistics, public, private and commercial law;
• to acquaint specialized knowledges related to the degree programme’s specific field of study in
economics of air, sea and road transports, transport economics, logistics planning and management,
marketing, transport financing activities, statistical and mathematical disciplines which are specifically
related to the degree course’s professional training and professional prospects;
• to acquaint specialized knowledges in the following other fields of study: commodity science,
economic geography, management and finance, navigation law.
Finally, the degree programme aims to give students a professional confirmement within a period of
in-service training in transport companies and other firms operating in the sector of provisionings,
logistics and physical goods distribution.
In fact, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello.
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Il corso di laurea ha lo scopo di assicurare allo studente le conoscenze necessarie per il governo delle
attività logistiche e di trasporto delle aziende che operano non solo nel settore dei trasporti, ma anche
del commercio e dell’industria.
I laureati nel corso di laurea in Logistica e Trasporti devono:
• possedere le conoscenze relative ai meccanismi di funzionamento dei mercati dei servizi, con
particolare riferimento ai servizi di trasporto;
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
possedere le conoscenze relative alla funzione logistica per il governo dei flussi intra ed interaziendali;
• sviluppare capacità di gestione delle interdipendenze con le infrastrutture del trasporto;
• sviluppare capacità di gestione del sistema logistico integrato;
• imparare ad ottimizzare i rapporti con gli intermediari del trasporto;
• possedere le conoscenze relative ai diversi strumenti operativi per interpretare le strutture e le
dinamiche di funzionamento dei diversi mercati del trasporto e della mobilità.
In considerazione degli obiettivi esposti, i laureati nel corso di laurea in Logistica e Trasporti potranno
svolgere attività di imprenditori e manager di livello intermedio, in strutture pubbliche e private e nel
campo della consulenza, con specifico riferimento alle attività di logistica delle aziende di trasporto,
del commercio e dell’industria, nonché alla finanza, all’organizzazione ed alla gestione delle aziende
di trasporto. A tal fine, si richiede l’acquisizione delle competenze necessarie in diverse aree disciplinari:
economica, economico-aziendale, giuridica e matematico-statistico-informatica.
The degree study programme’s aim is that of assuring the student with the necessary knowledge on the
logistics and transport management of the companies operating in the transport, commerce and industry
Graduate students in Logistica and transporti must:
• know the principles and the functioning mechanisms of the services markets, with a particular
reference to the transport services
• know the logistic function for the management of intra- and inter- companies fluxes
• develop their management capacity of the interdependences with the transport infrastructures;
• develop their management capacity of the integrated logistic system
• learn to optimize the relationships with the transport intermediaries
• know the different operational instruments to interpret the structures and functioning dynamics of
the different transport markets and mobility.
In consideration of the professional status, graduates in Logistica and transporti can moreover hold the
role of manager or pursue an entrepreneurial career at an intermediate level in public and private
structures and in the business consultancy field, particularly related to the logistic activities in the
transport, commerce and industry sector as well as in the financial and business organisation and transport
management. So, the degree study programme’s structure covers different discipline areas such as
economics, economics and management, law, statistics and mathematics and computer science.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN MANAGEMENT DELLE
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Level of qualification: First degree course (Laurea)
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Didattica utilizzata: Tempo pieno - Didattica frontale, esercitazioni teoriche ed esercitazioni di
laboratorio, stage.
Requisiti per il conseguimento del titolo: Il titolo si consegue mediante l’acquisizione di 180 crediti
così ripartiti e la discussione di un esame finale.
Information on the contents and results gained
Mode of study: attending lectures, exercise course and practical, laboratory work, internships, placement
or ‘stage’.
Programme degree requirements: To qualify for this degree candidates must complete their examinations
and earn 180 credits, including 3 credits which they have to hand in a final report and discuss in front
of a graduation committee in order to fulfil their requirements for their degree.
Il programma di corso in Management delle Imprese Internazionali si articola in sei differenti
tipologie di attività formativa come di seguito specificato:
The programme degree in Management delle Imprese Internazionali covers 6 different types of
subject courses as follows:
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative volte
ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore lavorativo
cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini formativi e di
orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998, n. 142).
Il curriculum del corso di laurea consente l’acquisizione di:
• fondamenti di economia, di economia politica e monetaria, di matematica generale e finanziaria,
di statistica, di diritto privato e commerciale, di economia aziendale;
• conoscenze specialistiche negli ambiti disciplinari aziendale, statistico-matematico e giuridico, con
specifico riferimento agli obiettivi del corso di laurea;
• conoscenze negli ambiti disciplinari economico ed economico-gestionale in materie affini, quali
l’economia e la gestione delle imprese, la tecnica degli scambi internazionali, il diritto comunitario,
la finanza aziendale internazionale.
Infine il curriculum prevede, in relazione agli obiettivi specifici di formazione professionale ed agli
sbocchi occupazionali, l’obbligo di attività esterne con tirocini formativi presso aziende e organizzazioni
International Management Studies focuses on the analysis of organizations, industries, and markets as
interdependent systems, stressing structural, strategic, environmental, and international considerations
and their implications for management. Topics such as economics, political and monetary economics,
mathematics and financial mathematics, statistics, public, european and private and business law and
management, corporate strategy, multinational management, technological and industrial development,
and managerial decision making are particularly examined using theories and empirical methods.
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
English language course is an introductory course to that one in Business english.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello.
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Il corso di laurea ha lo scopo di assicurare allo studente la comprensione dei linguaggi dei manager
internazionali e le conoscenze necessarie per l’ingresso nei mercati esteri.
I laureati nel corso di laurea devono:
• possedere le conoscenze relative ai comportamenti e ai meccanismi concorrenziali dei diversi
• sviluppare una capacità di dialogo e di interazione con portatori di culture aziendali e, più specificamente
manageriali, differenti;
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
imparare ad ottimizzare i rapporti con organizzazioni e attori di ambiti competitivi, caratterizzati
da regole anche molto diverse da quelle “familiari”;
• possedere le conoscenze relative ai diversi strumenti operativi per interpretare le strutture e le
dinamiche di funzionamento dei diversi mercati.
Si richiede l’acquisizione delle competenze necessarie in più aree disciplinari: economica, aziendale,
giuridica e quantitativa.
In considerazione degli obiettivi esposti, i laureati nel corso di laurea in Management delle imprese
internazionali potranno svolgere attività di imprenditori e manager internazionali di livello intermedio,
con specifico riferimento alle attività di import/export, alla finanza, all’organizzazione e gestione dei
processi di internazionalizzazione delle imprese.
The Management delle Imprese Internazionali one is the first degree course for people who want to
learn about the importance of international economic management, its policies and entry modalities into
the foreign markets.
The programme’s educational goal is:
• to acquaint the basic knowledges related to the performance and competition mechanisms of the
different markets;
• to enable students to communicate and interact with different experts in management and business;
• to learn and optimize their relations with organizations and operators in competitive sectors,
characterised by different rules from the traditional ones;
• to develop students’ skills for interpreting markets structure and functioning dynamics.
Students need learn about basic concepts, techniques, and principles of the main different fields of study
(economics, business and finance, law and so on) and try to apply them.
In accordance with these aims, this first degree course’s purpose is for students who intend to pursue
international managerial and business careers at an intermediate level and, particularly in import/export
and finance sector and in the governance of the private companies internationalisation processes.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN MANAGEMENT DELLE
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Level of qualification: First degree course (Laurea)
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Didattica utilizzata: Tempo pieno - Didattica frontale, esercitazioni teoriche ed esercitazioni di
laboratorio, stage.
Requisiti per il conseguimento del titolo: Il titolo si consegue mediante l’acquisizione di 180 crediti
così ripartiti e la discussione di un esame finale.
Mode of study: attending lectures, exercise course and practical, laboratory work, internships, placement
or ‘stage’.
Programme degree requirements: To qualify for this degree candidates must complete their examinations
and earn 180 credits, including 3 credits which they have to hand in a final report and discuss in front
of a graduation committee in order to fulfil their requirements for their degree.
Il programma di corso in Management delle Imprese Turistiche si articola in sei differenti tipologie
di attività formativa come di seguito specificato:
The programme degree in Management delle Imprese Turistiche covers 6 different types of subject
courses as follows:
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative
volte ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore
lavorativo cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini
formativi e di orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998,
n. 142).
Curriculum Base del corso di laurea di I livello in Management delle imprese turistiche
Il curriculum Base del corso di laurea di primo livello in si propone di fornire una rilevante
professionalizzazione del laureato finalizzata all’assolvimento di funzioni imprenditoriali e manageriali
utili per la creazione e gestione di imprese turistiche. Il curriculum scientifico-didattico tende ad informare
sulle tecniche necessarie intese a adeguare e coordinare l’offerta alla domanda turistica contribuendo
ad assicurare risultati di efficienza in sinergia con la programmazione turistica degli enti pubblici e
privati e con le aziende di gestione dei flussi turistici nazionali ed esteri. La figura del laureato dovrà
completarsi per una diffusa ed elevata conoscenza di programmi di gestione e di finanziamento
particolarmente adatti al tipo di azienda di cui deve cogliere la specificità di azienda locale operante
sul mercato globale.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea in Management delle imprese turistiche, in ogni caso, sono tenuti alla
conoscenza in forma scritta e orale della lingua inglese e di almeno un’altra lingua dell’Unione Europea,
oltre l’italiano, e alla conoscenza di nozioni di base di informatica.
Gli studenti possono, inoltre, svolgere, in relazione ad obiettivi specifici, attività esterne con tirocini
formativi presso organizzazioni pubbliche e private, nazionali e internazionali.
Curriculum Risorse turistiche e beni culturali del corso di laurea di I livello in Management delle
imprese turistiche
Il curriculum Risorse Turistiche e beni culturali ha lo scopo di assicurare allo studente le conoscenze
necessarie per la gestione dei beni turistici aventi valenza culturale e per la valorizzazione delle risorse
ambientali ad elevato contenuto artistico e culturale, con particolare riguardo al patrimonio specifico
delle risorse meridionali.
Gli studenti del corso di laurea in Management delle imprese turistiche, in ogni caso, sono tenuti alla
conoscenza in forma scritta e orale della lingua inglese e di almeno un’altra lingua dell’Unione Europea,
oltre l’italiano, e alla conoscenza di nozioni di base di informatica.
Gli studenti possono, inoltre, svolgere, in relazione ad obiettivi specifici, attività esterne con tirocini
formativi presso organizzazioni pubbliche e private, nazionali e internazionali.
The curriculum base of the First degree in Management delle imprese turistiche
Students are provided with an introduction to the tourism industry and a sound platform for the
understanding of the integrated nature of tourism. This includes essential management skills required
by the tourism sector. Students will be equipped with advanced management and analytical skills in
order to develop a critical understanding of major issues and trends in world tourism. Attention is also
focused on the study of tourist behaviour and the social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts
of tourism, as well as planning practices for the development of tourism. This integrates the diverse
elements of tourism that have been studied previously and provides perspectives on both the private
and public sectors.
Students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months. The
Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
English language course is an introductory course to that one in Business english.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
The curriculum Risorse turistiche e beni culturali of the first degree in Management delle imprese
The curriculum tourism resources and cultural heritage aimed to provide students with the necessary
knowledge and practical tools that can use to develop, manage, and protect tourism resources and cultural
heritage in a global context with a particular attention for the environmental artistic and cultural resources
of the Italian Mediterranean regions.
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
English language course is an introductory course to that one in Business english.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello.
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Curriculum Base del corso di laurea di I livello in Management delle imprese turistiche
La figura del laureato dovrà completarsi per una diffusa ed elevata conoscenza di programmi di gestione
e di finanziamento particolarmente adatti al tipo di azienda di cui deve cogliere la specificità di azienda
locale operante sul mercato globale.
La formazione è orientata a preparare un laureato che, munito d’adeguata preparazione culturale, sia
in grado di progettare e gestire programmi di project financing per interventi di riqualificazione del
patrimonio artistico-culturale mercé l’utilizzo di risorse europee e nazionali, nonché di svolgere funzioni
manageriali di livello intermedio, nelle aziende private e pubbliche alle quali è demandato il compito
di preservare, organizzare e gestire il patrimonio culturale del nostro paese e nelle imprese turistiche
volte ad organizzare e gestire offerte turistiche innovative
Curriculum RTBC del corso di laurea di I livello in Management delle imprese turistiche
La formazione è orientata a preparare un laureato che, munito d’adeguata preparazione culturale, sia
in grado di progettare e gestire programmi di project financing per interventi di riqualificazione del
patrimonio artistico-culturale mercé l’utilizzo di risorse europee e nazionali, nonché di svolgere funzioni
manageriali di livello intermedio, nelle aziende private e pubbliche alle quali è demandato il compito
di preservare, organizzare e gestire il patrimonio culturale del nostro paese e nelle imprese turistiche
volte ad organizzare e gestire offerte turistiche innovative
The curriculum base of the first degree in Management delle Imprese turistiche
This curriculum base of the first degree course in Management delle Imprese turistiche is aimed at
giving graduate students a relevant profesionalisation, enabling them to pursue management and
entrepreneurial careers useful to support to the start up of innovative tourist enterprises and their
This curriculum provides students with the technical and operational preparation, which is necessary
to adapt and coordinate the economic offer to the demand and supply in the field of tourism, contributing
to acquaint efficiency results according with public and private tourist planning, at the national and
international levels.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
The graduate professional status will be completed by a large and high knowledge about project and
financing programmes of all local tourist company or industry, such as a local entity operating in a
global market.
Teachings in this curriculum are aimed at preparing graduate students to project and manage project
financing programmes in order to promote the re-qualification and the development of the artistic and
cultural patrimony, using European Union funds and all other national financial resources as well as
to hold managerial functions at an intermediate level, in the private and public companies and firms
which are charged with the protection, organisation and management of our national cultural patrimony
and, in the tourist enterprises involved in the organization and the promotion of innovative tourist
initiatives, and offers and services being connected to it.
The curriculum RTBC of the first degree in Management delle Imprese turistiche
The curriculum tourism resources and cultural heritage is intended to form experts who can act as project
leaders for conservation and valorisation activities. The study program is oriented to prepare new
professionals for public administrations and private companies or for universities and research institutes,
able to develop, manage and lead research and/or exploitation projects for tourism management and
Cultural Heritage.
28 Scienze Economiche
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
28 Economics
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN ECONOMIA E
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Didattica utilizzata: Tempo pieno - Didattica frontale, esercitazioni teoriche ed esercitazioni di
laboratorio, stage.
Requisiti per il conseguimento del titolo: Il titolo si consegue mediante l’acquisizione di 180 crediti
così ripartiti e la discussione di un esame finale.
Mode of study: attending lectures, exercise course and practical, laboratory work, internships, placement
or ‘stage’.
Programme degree requirements: To qualify for this degree candidates must complete their examinations
and earn 180 credits, including 3 credits which they have to hand in a final report and discuss in front
of a graduation committee in order to fulfil their requirements for their degree.
Il curriculum in Economia Politica del programma di corso in Economia e commercio si articola
in sei differenti tipologie di attività formativa come di seguito specificato:
The curriculum in Economia politica of the first degree in Economia e commercio covers 6 different
types of subject courses as follows:
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative volte
ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore lavorativo
cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini formativi e di
orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998, n. 142).
Curriculum Economia Politica del corso di laurea di I livello in Economia e commercio
Il corso di laurea in Economia e commercio ha lo scopo di assicurare allo studente una solida preparazione
culturale ed economica di base accompagnata da competenze pratico-operative relative alla misura, al
rilevamento, al trattamento dei dati pertinenti l’analisi economica. Le attività formative sono predisposte
affinché i laureati possano acquisire le conoscenze fondamentali nelle scienze economiche e nei metodi
di indagine propri dell’economia. Esse sono volte alla costruzione di competenze specifiche nell’ambito
dell’economia industriale e del lavoro, dell’economia dei mercati finanziari e valutari e dell’economia
dell’ambiente. L’articolazione dell’offerta formativa in discipline storico-economiche, aziendali, giuridiche
e quantitative fornisce il bagaglio culturale e di conoscenze necessario a chi intende interpretare e
governare il funzionamento dell’economia e dei mercati.
Il carattere multidisciplinare degli insegnamenti previsti dal curriculum Economia Politica garantisce
l’acquisizione degli strumenti teorici ed operativi necessari per indagare e spiegare correttamente, anche
nei loro risvolti giuridici, i fenomeni di carattere macroeconomico e microeconomico e le loro interazioni
con il sistema delle imprese e del mondo produttivo.
Curriculum Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione del corso di laurea
di I livello in Economia e commercio
Il corso di laurea in Economia e commercio ha lo scopo di assicurare allo studente una solida preparazione
culturale ed economica di base accompagnata da competenze pratico-operative relative alla misura, al
rilevamento, al trattamento dei dati pertinenti l’analisi economica. Le attività formative sono predisposte
affinché i laureati possano acquisire le conoscenze fondamentali nelle scienze economiche e nei metodi
di indagine propri dell’economia. Esse sono volte alla costruzione di competenze specifiche nell’ambito
dell’economia industriale e del lavoro, dell’economia dei mercati finanziari e valutari e dell’economia
dell’ambiente. L’articolazione dell’offerta formativa in discipline storico-economiche, aziendali, giuridiche
e quantitative fornisce il bagaglio culturale e di conoscenze necessario a chi intende interpretare e
governare il funzionamento dell’economia e dei mercati.
La globalizzazione delle economie impone una sempre più stretta cooperazione economica internazionale,
nei campi delle politiche economiche, degli scambi internazionali, della sostenibilità dello sviluppo,
dell’accesso ai capitali, in particolare da parte dei PVS, e della sicurezza alimentare. Il governo di queste
tematiche vede impegnate numerose organizzazioni internazionali (Fondo Monetario Internazionale,
ONU, WTO, FAO, Banca Mondiale). Il curriculum Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per
la cooperazione ha per obiettivo lo studio dell’economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la
cooperazione e si propone di approfondire la struttura e le strategie di tali istituzioni internazionali allo
scopo di formare delle professionalità in un ambito sempre più fondamentale per la gestione delle
problematiche economiche internazionali.
The curriculum in Economia Politica of the First degree in Economia e commercio
The first degree course in Economia e commercio, particularly, its curriculum in Economia Politica
gives the student a solid base of cultural and economic preparation as well as the theoretical-methodological
and applicative training instruments useful to become fluent with the techniques for economic analysis
and auditing. In view of this aim, the degree programme’s articulation in different types of subject
courses, enables graduates to acquaint the fundamental knowledge and skills on matters related to the
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
economic sciences, to the methods of economic survey. The purpose of the course is also to get students
acquainted with specific competences in the field of industrial and labour economics, economics of
environment, ect.
The teachings aim at giving the student, an interdisciplinary cultural preparation useful to develop the
capacity of interpreting and managing the functioning of the economic sector and markets.
The articulation of the multidisciplinary didactic offer aims to give students those educational tools of
a methodological –theoretical and applicative nature that will enable them to understand within economic
surveys and explain from a company or a legal viewpoint, macroeconomics and microeconomics
phenomena as well as their interaction with the actual productive context where companies usually
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
The curriculum Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione of the first
degree in Economia e commercio
The curriculum in Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione of the first degree
in Economia e commercio gives the student a solid base of cultural and economic preparation as well
as the theoretical-methodological and applicative training instruments useful to become fluent with the
techniques for economic analysis and auditing. In view of this aim, the degree programme’s articulation
in different types of subject courses, enables graduates to acquaint the fundamental knowledge and skills
on matters related to the economic sciences, to the methods of economic data survey. The purpose of
the course is to get students acquainted with specific competences in the field of industrial and labour
economics, economics of environment, ect.
The teachings aim at giving the student, an interdisciplinary cultural preparation useful to develop the
capacity of interpreting and managing the functioning of the economic sector and markets.
The articulation of the multidisciplinary didactic offer aims to give students those educational tools of
a methodological –theoretical and applicative nature that will enable them to understand within economic
surveys and, to explain from a company or a legal viewpoint, macroeconomics and microeconomics
phenomena as well as their interaction with the actual productive context where companies operate.
Considering that the globalisation of economics requires a strict economic international co-operation,
in the fields of the economic policies, international trade, sustainable development and accessibility to
financial resources, concerning many international organisations (FMI, ONU, WTO, FAO, Banca
Mondiale) and their management policies- particular attention will be paid to the study about the
economic system of the main international organizations. In particular, its fundamental aim is to make
an in dept study about their structure and strategies, in order to train graduatestudents who will work
in a complex field being important for the management of all international economic problems.
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
Curriculum Economia Politica del corso di laurea di I livello in Economia e commercio
Gli sbocchi professionali del corso di laurea in Economia e commercio riguardano non solo attività
strettamente professionali o funzioni aziendali, ma anche attività di supporto alla ricerca economica in
Istituti privati e pubblici, in Amministrazioni locali e cooperative, nonché in Imprese e Associazioni
di categoria e sindacali.
I laureati in Economia e commercio - curriculum Economia politica - disporranno del bagaglio tecnico
e culturale adatto per assumere compiti di ricercatore e analista presso imprese e società di ricerca o
consulenza, o per ricoprire ruoli nell’ambito delle amministrazioni pubbliche per i quali sia richiesta
la capacità non solo di analisi dei rapporti tra soggetti ed istituzioni economiche ma anche di operare
interventi che tengano conto dei vincoli indotti dal contesto istituzionale ed economico a livello nazionale
e internazionale.
Curriculum Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione del corso di laurea
di I livello in Economia e commercio
Gli sbocchi professionali del corso di laurea in Economia e commercio riguardano non solo attività
strettamente professionali o funzioni aziendali, ma anche attività di supporto alla ricerca economica in
Istituti privati e pubblici, in Amministrazioni locali e cooperative, nonché in Imprese e Associazioni
di categoria e sindacali.
Il curriculum Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione intende formare un
laureato in grado di inserirsi con successo nelle istituzioni internazionali per la cooperazione, nelle
imprese operanti nel mercato globale. A tal fine il laureato dovrà aver maturato una buona conoscenza
dell’economia, della gestione del settore pubblico e delle politiche di sviluppo poste in essere dalle
istituzioni internazionali.
The curriculum in Economia Politica of the First degree in Economia e commercio
The articulation and the specific content of this first degree course are to answer to the events which
are now emerging in the business world, in the credit sector, public compartment and research applied
to economics. The aim is to provide students with the theoretical and technical preparation necessary
to pursue a career in public and private organisations, local and cooperative organisations, economic
research centres, companies and trade unions. It provides also an all around knowledge of business
functions and encourages the acquaintance of international and vocational experience.
The curriculum in Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione of the First
degree in Economia e commercio
The articulation and the specific content of this first degree course are to answer to the events which
are now emerging in the business world, in the credit sector, public compartment and research applied
to economics. The aim is to provide students with the theoretical and technical preparation necessary
to pursue a career in a variety of occupational fields such as in public and private organisations, local
and cooperative organisations, economic research centres, trade organisations and no profit making
institutions. It provides an all around knowledge of business functions and encourage the acquaintance
of international and vocational experience.
The curriculum in Economia delle organizzazioni internazionali per la cooperazione intends to provide
both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to work in international institutions for the
cooperation, in the companies operating in a global market. In this aim, students must acquaint a good
knowledge in economics, management of the public sector and international development policies being
elaborated at the international level.
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
37 Scienze Statistiche
37 Statistics
Denominazione del titolo di studio rilasciato: LAUREA DI I LIVELLO IN STATISTICA ED
Livello del titolo di studio: Laurea di I Livello
Durata normale del corso: Anni 3
Requisiti di ammissione: Diploma di Scuola Secondaria Superiore oppure Titolo Straniero equipollente
Accesso Libero
Lingua ufficiale di insegnamento e di esame: Italiano
Name of qualification and title conferred
Official length of programme: 3 years full-time
Access requirement(s): Student entry to this first degree course is not subject to further requirements
defined by university regulations.
Entry to the first year of the degree is open to the students who have obtained a Italian upper secondary
school leaving qualification diploma di maturità, or other academic qualification awarded abroad,
recognized as being suitable or an equivalent qualification.
Language(s) of instruction/examination: Italian
Didattica utilizzata: Tempo pieno - Didattica frontale, esercitazioni teoriche ed esercitazioni di
laboratorio, stage,
Requisiti per il conseguimento del titolo: Il titolo si consegue mediante l’acquisizione di 180 crediti
così ripartiti e la discussione di un esame finale.
Information on the contents and results gained
Mode of study: attending lectures, exercise course and practical, laboratory work, internships, placement
or ‘stage’.
Programme degree requirements: To qualify for this degree candidates must complete their examinations
and earn 180 credits, including 3 credits which they have to hand in a final report and discuss in front
of a graduation committee in order to fulfil their requirements for their degree.
Il programma di corso in Statistica ed Informatica si articola in sei differenti tipologie di attività
formativa come di seguito specificato:
The programme degree in Statistica ed Informatica per la gestione delle imprese covers 6 different
types of subject courses as follows:
a) Basic education courses in one or more fields of study
(Attività formative di base)
b) Specific courses related to the degree programme
(Attività formative caratterizzanti la classe)
c) Courses in one or more similar or supplementary subject fields
(Attività formative di ambiti disciplinari affini o integrativi)
d) Elective courses
(Attività formative autonomamente scelte dallo studente)
e) Preparatory courses for the final examination (including the assessment of foreign
language skills for the Laurea)
Guida Erasmus ECTS – Didactic Section
(Attività formative per la prova finale e la lingua straniera)
f) Further courses aimed at improving language skills, as well skills relating to computer
studies, telematics, interpersonal skills and any other skills considered relevant to the
labour market, in particular work experience and training.
(Attività formative, non previste dalle lettere precedenti, volte ad acquisire ulteriori
conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o
comunque utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative volte
ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore lavorativo
cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini formativi e di
orientamento di cui al decreto del Ministero del Lavoro 25 marzo 1998, n. 142).
Il corso di laurea di primo livello in Statistica e informatica per la gestione delle imprese si propone di
formare laureati che posseggano un’adeguata conoscenza delle discipline dell’area della Statistica con
particolare riferimento alle metodologie ed agli strumenti più adatti per il supporto alle decisioni
strategiche di impresa, alle politiche di marketing ed al posizionamento nel mercato. Sarà quindi curato
lo sviluppo delle conoscenze di base della statistica applicata ai comparti dell’economia e delle scienze
sociali, non trascurando l’acquisizione dei metodi della ricerca e della organizzazione di indagini
pertinenti al contesto operativo della statistica aziendale.
The first degree course in Statistica ed Informatica per la gestione delle imprese is aimed at preparing
graduates with a good knowledge on all disciplines belonging to the macro study area in Statistics and
in particular, with methodological, technical, and operational preparation necessary to support company
decision-making strategy, marketing policies and position gain in the market. It makes an in dept study
on the development of the basic statistical knowledges related to the economic, humanistic and social
sector as well as the acquaintance of data research and survey methods connected to the operational
context of the statistics for company management.
Finally, students can choose a period of in-service training (“stage”) which takes no less than 3 months.
The Faculty Traineeship Office helps students in the research of traineeship opportunities. The formative
projects are co-ordinated by appointed professors.
Considering that the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research has made the study of two
foreign European languages obligatory in all undergraduate study programmes and, therefore students
should take two different types of examinations depending on whether the languages chosen are a first
language or second foreign language option. The degree course programme also includes teachings in
computer science.
Il titolo consente l’accesso alla Laurea Magistrale ex DM 509/99 come sostituito dal DM 270/2004 e
al Master Universitario di I livello ed al Corso di Specializzazione di I livello.
Second degree course
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in accordance with the decree
n. 509/1999 then updated in 2004
First level Master
Master Universitario di I livello
First level Specialisation Course Corso di Specializzazione di I livello
I laureati in Statistica ed informatica per la gestione delle imprese dovranno possedere le competenze
pratiche ed operative relative alla misura dei dati, al loro reperimento nell’ambiente dei data base
distribuiti, all’analisi degli stessi in ambito multivariato, al trattamento automatizzato delle informazioni
statistiche ed infine alla valutazione della qualità dei dati come prodotto finale di un processo produttivo.
Gli studenti dovranno acquisire una competenza informatica che superi i limiti della conoscenza degli
strumenti di produttività individuale, dispiegandosi verso le tecniche di gestione e di interrogazione
delle banche dati distribuite in rete, verso i sistemi programmati per l’analisi delle informazioni (data