February 10th - Griffon News
February 10th - Griffon News
C M Y K sports: news: lifestyles: Western adds two new residence hall directors to its staff. PAGE 4 Everything you need to find a date for Valentine’s Day. PAGES 6 & 7 T U E S D AY, F E B R U A R Y 1 0 , 2 0 0 4 Governor has yet to name new regent Colleen Hinshaw News Writer The process started last year with six applicants, it was narrowed down to three and now Missouri Western State College is awaiting the word of who will be the next student regent. Junior Bob Hughes, sophomore Matt Anderson and freshman Jesse Holcomb are the final three candidates. Governor Bob Holden has the final say on who is appointed to the position. There are only two requirements for a candidate to be considered for appointment: they must have at least two years left in college and maintain a grade point average of at least 2.5. According to Susan Colgan, president of the Board of Regents, one of the most ideal qualities for a student regent is to be involved on campus. “It is very important to be involved with community life at the college and to be involved with the student government,” Colgan said. Out of the three finalists, the -Bob Holden only two are involved in Government Governor of Missouri Student Association (SGA) and none of them live on campus. Outgoing student regent Kevin Callaway served for the last two years and, according to Colgan, Callaway did well in his position. “I thought he did a fine job. He kept us very informed,” Colgan said. Communication between students and Western administration is very important to the regent position. The student regent is a liaison between the Board of Regents and the student body. The position also requires attendance at meetings and participation in discussions with board members. The individual must also attend SGAsenate meetings. The SGA has the responsibility of taking applications for the position and conducts the initial interviewings of prospective students. They narrow the selection down to the final three, then those three travel to Jefferson City for an interview with the governor. John Fabsits, vice-president of the SGA, said that there were only six applications for student regent this year. The process in the past for selection of a student regent has been for Board of Regents staff members and the SGA to conduct interviews of the prospective candidates. Men’s basketball coach Tom Smith earns his 500th career win. PAGE 12 PA I D PERMIT NO. 32 St. JOSEPH, MO VOL . 83 N O. 3 M I S S O U R I WE S T E R N S TATE C O L L E G E Party turns violent Ross Martin Editor-in-Chief A Missouri Western student is in serious condition at the Heartland Health Center after suffering a gunshot wound in the early morning hours of Sunday, Feb. 1, according to Cmdr. Jim Connors of the St. Joseph Police Department. According to the lead investigator on the case, detective Paul Gatewood, police officers found Missouri Western senior Corey Blevins, 24, shot in the parking lot of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1668 at 1701 St. Joseph Ave. VFW commander George Wilson indicated that Blevins had rented the hall that night to throw a birthday party for a fellow Western student. Kansas City resident Leon Nash, 19, and four others were arrested shortly after the shooting. According to Gatewood, Nash was identified by witnesses as the shooter, and he was charged with first-degree assault on Sunday, Feb. 1. At approximately 1 a.m. on Feb. 1, police had responded to a call of a physical altercation at the VFW. Minutes later, a second call came in from the VFW indicating that a gunshot had been fired. Gatewood said that the five men and Blevins became involved in a verbal confrontation. The men were asked to leave, and a physical altercation broke out. “The physical altercation turned into what has been described to me as a ‘brawl,’” Gatewood said. “Soon after, the shot was fired.” Photo by ROSS MARTIN/Editor-in-Chief Photo Illustration by DANE AULT/Graphics Editor See Blevins page 5 Report of shooting unconfirmed Andie Schmitt Opinion Editor The night of Monday, Jan. 19, is shrouded in what-ifs. With sketchy details of a possible gunshot victim at Heartland Health and physical evidence (presumed to be blood) being taken from Beshears Hall, St. Joseph Police Department and Missouri Western Campus Safety alike are still scratching their heads. According to a report dated Jan. 19, Missouri Western campus safety was contacted a little after midnight by the St. Joseph Police Department. The call was regarding a tip from the Heartland Health Emergency Room staff. The staff had alerted the police that a yet unidentified male victim was claiming to have been shot while at a party earlier that evening. Alan Van Zandt, director of public relations for the police department, was unable to be reached for comment on the nature of the wound or treatment given to the suspect. St. Joseph police officers, including Officer Eckhoff, were dispatched to the scene where they say the victim changed his story several times and indicated that the shooting had not taken place on campus. However, once alerted, campus security officer Jason Bell conducted a check of the Weather wreaks havoc on region residence halls for possible evidence to the contrary. Bell came across what, according to a public safety report,may have been a “splattering of blood” on the lower-level walk of Beshears Hall, between rooms 214 and 215. Officer Bell took swabs of the substance and 12 photographs as evidence. When asked for a reaction, Director of Housing and Residential Life John Comerford declined to comment at this time. By 1:40 a.m., Director of Public Safety Jon Kelley, as well as the supervisor on duty that night, had been notified that there was a possible assault with a deadly weapon on campus. See Beshears page 4 Slogan change in the works Rikki Cason News Writer Sliding down the street, freezing cold winds and climbing up hills with inches of snow are only a few of the things Western students have had to face during the past two weeks on campus. Schools in many areas were cancelled, but Missouri Western wasn’t even considered. This policy was put into effect after a past incident that affected a couple of students from Chillicothe. The students had driven in to St. Joseph and were unaware that classes were not being held. On that fateful day, Western’s president had waited until 7:50 a.m. to close the campus. The students were very angry that they had driven over an hour for nothing, so they filed a complaint with Missouri Western State College. Because of the incident, Missouri Western will close only on a rare circumstances. Most of the time if there is inclimate weather it’s up to individual teachers to cancel their class, and even they are encouraged against it. According to art professor James Estes, this makes it very difficult for faculty and nontraditional students with children. “I would support Missouri Western closing if the St. Joseph School District were out because many students have kids and it becomes a burden,” Estes said. “ Like today there were 13 students [in my class] out of 20. I can’t punish them for not being here and I can’t teach anything new.” Parking and driving is another problem students face. Streets were barely scraped and parking lots were left untouched. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Nick Draper 2 editorial 3,4,5,9,10 news Co-News Editor NICK DRAPER/News Editor The parking lot K outside of the SS/C building is still covered in snow and ice like most of the lots on campus. The region has endured multiple ice and snow storms over the past few weeks. “You can’t see the lines and there are big chunks of snow so you don’t know where to park.” Western student Sarah Baber said. Several members of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity held their meeting last Sunday evening and saw cars sliding all over the streets. The Western student handbook states that Missouri Western will close only in “extraordinary circumstances.” The handbook further states that if the college does close due to weather or road conditions, decisions for daytime closings will be made before 6 a.m. and evenings before 4 p.m. To find out if the Missouri Western campus is closed, students can tune to KCMO 710 AM, 95 FM, KKJO 105.5 FM, KFEQ 68 AM, or KQTV Channel 2. If none of these media outlets report anything, campus is to be assumed open. Though the smaller custodial staff can be blamed on See Weather Problems page 9 Missouri Western is in the process of changing the current slogan, “Discover the Western Advantage,” to one that better reflects the focus of the strategic plan. Merging a school’s slogan with its mission statement is very important when trying to explain the school’s direction. “The college’s slogan is a direct reflection of the mission and strategic direction of the college,” said Kristy Hill, director of public relations and marketing. “It is part of the brand, which tells individuals what distinguishes the college from others.” The Public Relations and Marketing Committee drafted a Strategic Plan Implementation Fund proposal whose goal is to enhance Western’s image. “The primary component of that proposal was to hire a consultant to work with the college in developing messages and strategies to communicate Western’s strategic vision, See Slogan page 10 lifestyles 6,7,8 sports 11,12 Tuesday 2/10 High: 28, Low: 18 Partly Cloudy Wednesday 2/11 High: 30, Low: 13 Thursday 2/12 High: 24, Low: 15 Friday 2/13 High: 35, Low: 25 Saturday 2/14 High: 39, Low: 19 tuesday, february 10, 2004 •page 2 STAFF EDITORIAL Snow, ice cause problems The wintry mix of late has caused many problems with the parking situation here on campus. For the last two weeks, that thin layer of gunk and gravel that exists even after the many clearings has continued to be an issue for students and faculty alike. As a result, the parking lots have become a virtual free-for-all. Students attempting to park can’t see the lines because of this gray filmy covering, leading to many cars that take up two or three places. Like we needed to lose a few parking spaces? Ask any student for a comment on the budget and you’ll get, “Uh, I have to go to class,” but throw out a parking query and you’d have to fight them off with a stick. Students line up to gripe about the lack of close spaces and now arriving to find three cars holding what could have been spots for nine only adds insult to injury. Or, if you are one of the lucky few creating this havoc by getting here early enough to have an option, you most likely justify parking for two in order to protect your ride. This never-ending circle results in the following irritation--a Mini Cooper occupying a spot fit for an Expedition. At this point, a bevy of expletives ensues and somebody gets doordinged. Students should be entitled to a better solution than the sporadic gravel. Realizing full well the sky-high cost of the highway-quality salting is most likely not something we can spring for all the time, but maybe the administration could reserve a little something for an emergency, like the downpour last week. Physical plant manager Lonnie Johnson said via email that the buildings on campus look less clean than what they should. With the tracking in of snow, sand, gravel and salt, many areas are slippery and potentially dangerous. To say the least.... Of course this is due to the continuously bad weather, which is understandably out of everyone’s hands, but also having six less full-time custodial staff members doesn’t help. One student made an interesting comment. Diamikia White, mentioned that she has only noticed salt in front of the Administration Building and nowhere else. “I think it is unfair that they seem to be only concerned about how the academic buildings look due to the president, rather than the students safety,” White said. It seems perfectly understandable for the campus to remain open when the roads have been cleared. But when our interior roads are still so treacherous, is it still fair to ask our reigning majority of commuter students to risk damage to their vehicles or themselves? Student Drew Horne says he was forced to try to break up the ice under his tires with a screwdriver and an ice scraper just to get traction. We think that says it all. Everyone has always wondered how Western salted its sidewalks. Now I guess we know what V-Ice has been up to all these years. Wade Williamson - Cartoon Liason COMMENTARY Shooting at VFW tragic, avoidable What do you think about snow days? Sometimes I think I act way older than I really am. I found myself thinking that more and more this week after I heard about the shooting of Missouri Western senior Corey Blevins. I’ve never met the guy, but I couldn’t help feeling an overwhelming sense of sorrow when I listened to his friends on campus describe the kind of person he was. To everyone I talked to, he was nice and liked to have fun. He was actively involved in CAB and well liked by faculty and staff. Maybe that’s why I found myself thinking like an overprotective mother ... err father. Blevins was shot at a party where alcohol was being served at the VFW hall on St. Joseph Avenue. Clearly this situation could have been avoided. Parties like the one Blevins threw on Jan. 31 are very dangerous. You don’t know who’s going to be there or what kind of riff-raff they will bring with them. So don’t go. I mean really, what good can come of going to a party like that? You may rossmartin have fun for a while, but at the very least you’ll find yourself with a hangover the next day. Or worse, you’ll find yourself in the pokey because of those three little letters: DUI. Or in Blevins case, you’ll find yourself in a hospital bed pondering what your future holds. It’s a terribly tragic situation. Blevins is just 24 years old and he may be facing serious reprecussions from his decisions that night. According to St. Joseph Police Department Cmdr. Jim Connors, he is in serious condition at Heartland Health Center because of those actions. He could have done anything with his spare time, but he held that party. He tried to escort some men out. He didn’t call the police to ask for help. That wasn’t Blevins’ style. He was trusting and apathetic. He made the decision, and bang, his entire life changed in an instant -- forever. I don’t know why I felt so bad for a guy that I’d never met. I just hate to see tragedies that could be avoided. You don’t have to stay at a party where you feel uncomfortable. Go back to your place and have a couple of beers with your roommate. Call your buddy from high school that you haven’t seen since graduation. Go to the bar on the corner from your house and flirt with the waitress. Do anything, just don’t allow yourself to be in a position that could change your life the way Blevins’life changed that night in a cold, snowy parking lot. COMMENTARY Dean losing steam with this democrat Mariah Mueller Freshman “We need to have snow days. It’s frustrating walking to class when the sidewalks are slick.” Brooke Kuykendall Sophomore Like so many of my fellow democrats, I started out the school year with one candidate in mind: Howard Dean. Following the official start of the race to the White House, I had one goal--anyone but Bush--and I thought Dean was the man to do it. Sadly, I admit that after Dean’s rather unique speech following the Iowa Caucus, I turned away and probably muttered, “Who’s the loon on the tube?” I pretended like I hadn’t been silently crossing my fingers for his success. I began researching my number-two pick, Wesley Clark, who had been the safest option at that point having not participated in the caucuses at all. By Feb. 3, I had completely gone the route of the lemming and cast my vote for John Kerry, citing the lesser of two evils as my rationale, and maintaining my original goal --anyone but Bush. My hypocrisy has since caught up with me and I think I’m not alone. andieschmitt New York Observer columnist Terry Golway also admits to turning away and silently shifting her support as a first response to that now infamous whoop on national TV. She based her shift in support to office gossip at the water cooler and panic that routing for the wrong guy may cost us another four years of W. But then reality crept back in for Terry as well. She remembered why she was initially drawn to Dean, why he has led the polls for voters under 30: because he is passionate. “The need to learn is evident, but if I was in charge I would not want to put students in danger just to show up to class.” Ross Martin Editor-in-Chief Sarah Ambriz Freshman “I think they should have pity on us and give us at least one day off.” Melissa Waddell Andie Schmitt Nick Draper Lindsay Tremayne Danny Stooksbury Morgan Perry Tracy Johnson Warren Ingram Bob Bergland Assistant Editor Opinion Editor Co-News Editor Co-News Editor Sports Editor Lifestyles Editor Copy Editor Photo Editor Faculty Adviser Web site: http://www.mwsc.edu/griffonnews Email: griffonnews@mwsc.edu viva la revolucion!! viva la left field!! viva la three-man one-y!! The Griffon News is written and published by students of Missouri Western State College on Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters. The first copy of each issue is free; additional copies are 50 cents. Content of this paper is developed independently of the faculty and administration, or other campus organization or office. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas, information and advertising to The Griffon News office, SS/C 221, 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, Mo. 64507, or by phoning (816) 271-4412 (advertising and news room). Copy, classified submissions and advertising must be received by noon Wednesday, the week prior to publication. Guidelines for letters to the editor: • All letters to the editor must be typed and double spaced. Letters must be no longer than 350-400 words and guest columns no longer than 500 words. Letters and columns will be edited for style. • All letters must include signature and identity verification information, such as phone number. The Griffon News reserves the right to edit all letters for length and Associated Press style. • The Griffon News will not withhold names under any circumstances. Anonymously submitted letters will not be published. • Views expressed on the opinion pages are not necessarily those of The Griffon News staff or Missouri Western State College. To that point, Golway asked sarcastically during our conversation, “He is un-presidential because, instead of giving us the kind of canned, scripted, poll-tested concession speeches we have come to expect, he exhibited a moment of authenticity?” She added, “Yep, every American will want to punish him alright. Angry candidates simply can’t be president. They might get us into a war or something, you see.” That phrase gave me a refreshed perspective. Why are we as a country sold on PR instead of instinct? Dean got some wacky press and his constituents had Kerry on speed dial in less than two minutes. I want a democratic candidate who can give our current president a run for his money as much as any other democrat would, but at what expense? So I encourage all the other Dean turncoats, such as yours truly, to consider what I have. Why did you support Dean before the concession heard round the world? What has honestly changed since, besides his numbers? News: Rachel Linley Colleen Hinshaw Jean Easter Rikki Cason Rose Justus Steffi Harvey Brent Corey Printer: Maryville Daily Forum Graphics / Photo: Jayna Shirley Edy Offner Jeremy Weikel Westin Schroeder Dane Ault Sports: Quitta Alexander Allen Conway The Griffon News is a student publication ran by students trying to learn about journalism. The Griffon News is committed to being honest, fair and accurate. If you have any questions, comments or corrections concerning printed material, please call us at (816) 271-4412or e-mail at griffonnews@mwsc.edu. Any necessary corrections will be made in the next issue on this page. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 3 Marketability key for employment Western teams up with area medical schools Western has partnered with two area medical schools, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM) in Kirksville, Mo. and University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine (UHS) in Kansas City, Mo. The partnership with KCOM will give two Western sophomores each year the opportunity to qualify for a seat in their program after graduation. Similarly, the UHS agreement also gives two sophomores each year the opportunity to make the move to UHS after their junior year at Western. They will simultaneously complete their first year of medical school and meet the requirements to earn a bachelor’s degree from Western. Dr. Jason Baker, assistant professor of biology and Western’s coordinator of the agreements said, "Without a doubt, this will continue to put Western on the map as a quality institution. It is an honor for the college." Western is one of seven schools and the only one in Missouri to enter into an Early Matriculation Partners program with UHS, and only the second public institution. KMOC has 11 partners in their program. Mo. Western achievements announced "The Economic Implications of Distance Education," written by Taylor and Dr. Reza Hamzaee, professor of economics, will be read at the Economics and International Business Research conference. "Amahl and The Night Visitors," was performed by the St. Joseph Symphony. Senior music major Amy Dunlap Ives sang the role of the mother, Western alum Jedd Schneider was king, senior Jacob Schneider played a page and junior Jeremy Schneider was in the shepherd’s chorus. Geo Sipp, assistant professor of art, had a print selected for the 17th Parkside National Small Print Exhibition at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin, professor of English, wrote "Living and Teaching in the Round," which was accepted for publication. Dr. Ali Kamali, associate professor of sociology, recently published, "Private Investment, Globalization, and Economic Recovery: The Central Asian Experiences in the Journal of Third World Studies," and "Public Policies and Economic Transition in Central Asia" in The Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. Dr. Evelyn Brooks, associate professor of nursing, copublished "Reproducibility of Heel Ultrasound Measurement in Prepubescent Children: Lack of Influence of Ethnicity, Sex or Body Size" in Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine: Official Journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Dr. Cathy Lawson, associate professor and department chair of economics, and Joanne Katz, associate professor of legal studies, coauthored "Restorative Justice: An Alternative Approach to Juvenile Crime" that will be published in Journal of Socio-Economics. --STAFF REPORTS Today’s college grads are just hoping for a chance at employment Kristin Lackore U-Wire PEORIA, Ill. - As a kid, the question 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' is an easy one. Veterinarians, professional athletes and ice skaters are all common responses, often without knowing what it takes to get that illustrious job. In college, the same question becomes slightly more loaded. Instead of just 'when you grow up,' it morphs into 'when you graduate from that obscenely expensive private university with a piece of paper that says you didn't skip all of your classes all of the time?' Right now, many students would settle for just being employed when they grow up. Increasingly, just having a bachelor's degree isn't enough to crack the tough job market. Jane Linnenburger, executive direc"It's never too early to look for tor of the Smith Career Center said internships or experience," she keeps an eye on employment. Linnenburger said. "Students aren't receiving as many Communication professor Cate job offers or signing bonuses as in the Pfeifer is currently compiling a propast," Linnenburger said. "But right gram for the American Advertising now it appears that opportunities are Federation on finding work after increasing. We had 20 more employ- graduation. ers than last year at the Spring Job "To look for a job is to market yourFair." self to companies," Certain skills are Pfeifer said. marketable across Pfeifer and industries. Linnenberger both "Employers are stress the imporlooking for leadertance of networking. ship, technical, comEmployers are looking Building relationputer and communiships with profesfor leadership, techni - sional and social cation skills," Linnenburger said. acquaintances cal,computer and com - broadens the base "They're going to hire candidates when it comes to munication skills. with experience prospective job related to their offers. JANE LINNENBURGET fields of study." "Ask around," D IRECTOR OF CAREER CENTER The need for expePfeifer suggested. rience underscores "Ask Grandma. You the importance of never know when internships and Grandma's next summer jobs pertidoor neighbor will nent to the student's major.Aside need someone. Monster.com won't get from the experience, they help stu- it for you, but your network might." dents expand their networks of potenA plethora of job listings is as near tial employers. as an Internet browser.Sites such as “ ” CareerBuilder.com, Monster.com and HotJobs.com make it easy to upload a resume and to search jobs by keyword and location. Job seekers should also remember that many organizations have job listings posted on their own Web sites. A vital resource on campus is the Smith Career Center. "In last year's graduating class, 83 pecent of students worked with us at some point," Linnenburger said."It's a lively place. The staff is always busy, but there are always some students that never find their way there." The SCC itself, coupled with its extensive Web site and on-campus programming, can be priceless to students of any age. The building, located on the first floor of Burgess Hall, houses the career advisers for all of the colleges as well as the Pardieck Memorial Career Library. The advisers are available by appointment for career and internship counseling and assistance. The library contains career research materials as well as entrylevel job advertisements and descriptions. Other books and pamphlets focus on career choices and the process of organizing a job search. More funding not a part of Bush’s plan Stacy Waite U-Wire MADISON, Wis. - College freshmen may borrow up to $375 more from federal student-loan programs under President Bush's 2005 budget request released Monday. However, Pell Grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Perkins Loans and College Work-Study will remain at 2004 levels. Current first-year students may borrow $2,625 from the government, while sophomores may borrow $3,500. President Bush's budget allows firstyear students to borrow $375 more, pushing the maximum amount to $3,000. The total limit all students are allowed to borrow from the federal government will remain at $23,000. Although the Pell Grant will remain at $4,050 for the third consecutive year, high-school seniors are eligible for an additional $1,000 in Pell Grant aid for their freshman year in college through the State Scholars program. The program stipulates they are eligible for the additional funds if they complete cer- tain college preparatory classes during their senior year of high school. High school seniors can earn scholarships after three years of science and mathematics, courses in foreign language and four years of social studies and English. President Bush's spending plan doles out $12 million to boost states' interest in State Scholars and to start their own branch of the program. The State Scholars program currently operates in 14 states. Steve Van Ess, Director of the University of Wisconsin Student Financial Services, said the new budget is a very modest improvement, if any, over last year's funding. "Given costs have gone up at UWMadison, and everywhere else the increase in freshman loans is beneficial, but [the other levels] have been there a long time and are inadequate," he said. Van Ess is most concerned about the Perkins Loan program. President Bush's plan will not furnish any new funding to the program, and Van Ess is concerned about the elimination of the program entirely. He said there are two parts to the project; a fund allocated to new students, and a calendar of events Tuesday, February 10 •GED testing will be held from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Fred Eder Student Services Classroom Building, room 208 Wednesday, February 11 • The Planetarium season is in full swing. This week’s show begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Evan R. Agenstein Science & Math Building, room 105. "Hubble Vision" will be the feature and the cost is $3 per person. For tickets, call (816) 271-4370 • The Computer Science, Math & Physics Scholarship Colloquium is taking place at 3:30 p.m. in the Evan R. Agenstein Science & Math Building, room 109. The lecture will be given by Jeremy Benson, actuary and Western alumnus. It is free and open to the community • Western Women’s Basketball at Pittsburg State at 5:30 p.m. • Western Men’s Basketball at Pittsburg State at 7:30 p.m. • The Team Advantage in Long Term Care Facilities seminar is scheduled from 8:45 a.m.-noon. The fee is $60 ($39 if paid by Feb. 6). Seminar topics will include different kinds of teams, responsibilities as a team member and how to contribute to team develop - revolving part that recycles funds previously given out to students. "UW-Madison has $62 million in its revolving fund, and [the budget] hasn't addressed what will become of that," he said. Pell Grant levels were not increased, but Van Ess said their importance is often targeted unnecessarily, and he would rather see a general increase in student aid. Perkins Loans are particularly important, because "it's what we give students in addition to Stafford Loans." Another hurdle UW faces is the issue of redistribution of federal funding. Van Ess said there are two parts to redistribution -- base guarantees, and a school's "fair share" based on demographics. Base-guarantee funds are allocated to more-established schools, and institutions that have been around for a longer period of time are guaranteed a certain fund level. UW is considered an established school that reaps base-guarantee funding. The "fair share" redistribution allocates funds based on demographics at a school, or "wherever the students are," Van Ess said. But Van Ess said UW would not benefit from redistribution. "Students change from year to year, and UW is trying to draw in lowincome students," Van Ess said. "But [UW] is not going to do that with less money to give them." The problem may not be limited to UW, Van Ess said. "Redistribution [would have] all sectors of all schools fighting like dogs to come out on top," he said. "Increases are more modest, and some schools that have been around for a while are guaranteed money," Van Ess said. According to Van Ess, both UW undergraduate and graduate students borrow $100 million a year in Stafford Loans. The federal agencies who lend Stafford Loans currently have the option to either collect or waive a 1 percent annual interest fee on students who borrow money. The Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, who handles UW Stafford Loans, currently waives the 1 percent fee for students, but Bush's plan will prohibit agencies from waiving the fee and forces students to collectively pay the $1 million in interest each year on Stafford Loans. campus crime report West Campus 4 ment. It is a noncredit activity. 2 3 Thursday , February 12 • Conversational Spanish II will be offered from 6:308:30 p.m. There are 10 sessions through April 22. It is noncredit. The cost is $95 plus $10 for materials. 5 1 • The intramural weightlifting game will be held this evening. Participants must have registered by Feb. 3 to compete. 100 ft. Friday , February 13 • The production of The Vagina Monologues will be held at 7 p.m. in the Leah Spratt Multipurpose Classroom Building, Kemper Recital Hall. 1. • The Kansas University Brass Ensemble will be on campus at noon in the Leah Spratt Multipurpose Classroom Building, Kemper Recital Hall. 2. • The Kansas City District Honor Band will be on campus at 2 p.m. in the Nelle Blum Student Union, room 218. 3. Saturday , February 14 • Western Women’s Basketball at MissouriRolla at 1:30 p.m. • The Men’s Basketball team at Missouri-Rolla at 3:30 p.m. Fire Alarm January 28, 2004, Learning Resources Center An officer was called to the Hearnes Learning Resource Center for a fire alarm. The alarm was sounding in room 138. There was no sign of smoke or heat. The alarm was reset and the custodian was advised to report any further alarms. Traffic Accident January 28, 2004, MWSC Campus Parking Lot H Campus Safety was called out to Parking Lot H following a fender-bender. Two cars were involved. One had collided with the other while trying to back out of a space. The second car involved was driving by and was unable to stop due to the ice. Larceny January 27, 2004, Vaselakos Hall A male student contacted Campus Safety to report that a female student had stolen his keys from his room in Vaselakos Hall. The accused was questioned and she stated that she didn’t know what she did with the keys. A search was performed, but the keys were not found. Their replacement value is $170. 4. Burglary January 27, 2004, Juda Hall Afemale student returned from class to find her things moved around and $26 dollars missing. She telephoned Campus Safety. The officer called to her room in Juda Hall took a description of two suspects from her roommates. 5. Found Item January 27, 2004, Fred Eder Student Services / Classroom Building A custodian in the Fred Eder Student Services / Classroom Building found a textbook and notebook. He turned these items over to a Campus Safety officer who was making deliveries in the building. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 4 Two residence hall directors added New residence hall directors are welcomed by housing staff Nick Draper News Editor The department of housing and residential life has hired two new residence hall directors after going nearly all last semester with only one. Lindsay Hayden and Bobbie Delaney were hired over the winter break and started work on Jan. 12. Hayden will be working with Beshears and Juda Halls while Delaney will be supervising Logan Hall, as well as working with a variety of special projects. According to John Comerford, director of housing and residential life, two qualified people have been hired who are used to working in the residential life situation. Hayden is no stranger when it comes to working with college students, even though this is her first job. “This is my first professional job working with college students,” Hayden said. “I was an RA [residential assistant] for three years in col- lege though.” service to the residential students. Delaney has even more experience “Even though I think that last dealing with the workings of resi- semester ran pretty smoothly, I dential life. think Bobbi [Delaney] and Lindsay “While in under[Hayden] will make it graduate [school] I run that much more was an RA for two smoothly,” said and a half years,” Whitney Cook, resiDelaney said. “I was dential assistant in a hall director for one Juda Hall. and a half years Goetz shared the The addition of two same at Iowa State feelings. University.” “Things that the hall directors has lift From all perspecresidents ask for will tives, especially from ed the the load on all get done in a timely the current RA’s point manner,” Goetz said. the professional staff “The of view, the addition addition of two of both Delaney and hall directors has liftin housing. Hayden is more than ed the load on all the NICOLE GOETZ professional staff in welcomed. RA IN JUDA HALL housing.” “I am so glad that we have a full staff Having active resinow,” said Nicole dence hall directors is Goetz, residential essential when proassistant in Juda Hall. viding service to the “Before, everything was hard to han- resident community. dle and deal with. There were times “RHD’s are vital to providing qualthat many of us [RA’s] had no idea ity customer service to students what was going on. Now that we have while working to help them develop a hall director again, it makes life so personally,” said Kristi Schulte, much better and less stressful.” assistant director of housing and resCurrent RA’s also agree that this idential life. semester will be better when comDelaney believes there are several pared to last semester in terms of reasons while having an involved continued from front: Beshears weapon on campus. By 6:30 a.m., Eckhoff made a full report of the incident to both Kelley and campus security Sgt. John McGaughy. Since that report, the case has stopped cold in its tracks with no new evidence reported at this time. It remains classified by our campus safety department as “unfounded” as opposed to active or closed, meaning there are too many unanswered questions and too little information to move forward. No suspects or victims are known as of this publication. The evidence collected was placed into an evidence locker for safekeeping. Whether or not the shooting took place here or elsewhere, and whether or not the evidence taken was actually blood remains to be seen. Anyone with information should contact Connors with the St. Joseph Police Department at (816) 271-4774 or Kelley with campus security at (816) 271- 5600. “ ” NICK DRAPER/News Editor Bobbi Delaney is seen here working in her office in Logan Hall. She is the new residence hall director in charge of Logan. RHD is significant. “If a hall director is an active part of the community, the students and the staff members will see that and will respect the RHD for that,” Delaney said. “I also think it is important for an RHD to be active with the RA/LA [learning assistant] staff and give them support.” Accordint to Comerford, residence hall directors have a variety of jobs that include handling all student room assignments, providing programming in the halls and handling student concerns. Rosenauer receives CMA distinction Rikki Cason News Writer The College Media Advisors have invited distinguished teachers of journalism to join the John A. Boyd Hall of Fame. This year Ken Rosenauer, associate professor and department chair of English and journalism, was honored. The College Media Advisors John A. Boyd Hall of Fame award was created in 1994 and has been given to past educators for their contributions to the jour-Ken Rosenauer nalism field. This award is Western professor not given out every year honored by CMA and was last received in 2001. In order to receive this honor, educators must have contributed to journalism education for 20 or more years and be an active member of the College Media A d v i s o r s . Awardees must have actively contributed to the organization by varied committees and held leadership roles. “When I found out about the award last spring, it was the exclamation point of my career,” Rosenaur said. “It was the culmination of 25 years of work in student publications and it doesn’t get much better than that.” Ken Rosenauer has been a professor at Missouri Western for 25 years and has been a member of the CMA during that time. While teaching here, Rosenauer has been the faculty sponsor for The Griffon News for 14 years and We s t e r n ’s yearbook, The Griffon, for four years. He also helped coordinate site critiques and edit the newsletter for six years at the CMA. One of his biggest contributions there was in 1997 when he became editor and organized the CMA’s quarterly journal. However, Rosenauer recently stepped down from that position. “I stepped down due to being too busy,” Roasenaur said. “I had to clear more time to write a text book.” “Ken Rosenauer has always been an instrumental part of CMA,” said We s t e r n journalism professor Ann Thorne. “He changed the way it was viewed, got it back on track and made it successful. He encouraged others to support it and support its goals.” Thorne was the presenter for Rosenauer when he received his award. This year, two awards were given. The other was awarded to Laura Widmer, a journalism teacher and newspaper/ yearbook advisor from Northwest Missouri State University. Both Widmer and Rosenauer made up number 18 and 19 of the Hall of Fame. “This is something not everyone gets,” Rosenaur said. “There are over 700 members, and it’s quite a distinction.” Rosenauer was on sabatical last semester, but he returned this semester and has resumed his previous teaching duties. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 5 continued from front: Blevins According to Gatewood, police pursued Nash and four others in a vehicle identified by witnesses at the party before they were stopped at the intersection of St. Joseph Avenue and Interstate 229. All five were arrested at gunpoint. The four men with Nash – Dewayne Robinson, 20, Djuan Morrison, 19, Nathan Taylor, 18, and Dominick Bentley, 19 – were charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. Gatewood could not comment on the amount or the nature of the controlled substance. Police had encountered Blevins in the past during other parties he had thrown. According to Wilson, Blevins had rented the VFW hall six to 10 times and Wilson knew of occasions where Blevins rented out the American Legion Hall. On Friday Jan. 23, Blevins rented out Southside Hall located at 302 Illinois in St. Joseph to host a party, according to one of the hall’s managers. Police found out about the party through fliers and, according to Connors, suspected underage drinking would take place. When police arrived, they handed out 15 citations for minors in possession and being underage on the night of the shooting. arrested two individuals for indecent expo“We don’t know (how many underage sure. drinkers were there that Connors also said that night)” Connors said. members of Liquor “Because we didn’t know Control talked with about the party, we didBlevins that night at n’t have anybody workSouthside Hall and The difficult thing is it is hard ing there. The difficult warned him that he was thing is it is hard to con“walking a thin line of trol these sorts of (parto control these sorts of legality.” ties), and that is why According to Wilson, it (parties), and that is why those those (parties) can be so is the policy of the VFW dangerous.” to not allow persons (parties), can be so dangerous. Despite the presence of under the age of 21 to minors on this particular CMDR. JIM CONNORS attend the type of party occasion at the VFW, S T. J OSEPH POLICE DEPARTMENT held by Blevins that Wilson said that Blevins’ night. The VFW supplied parties had never resultthe bartender and one ed in property damage or security guard, but legal issues. Wilson Blevins had his own maintains that Blevins security guards working was very responsible the door to keep minors out of the establish- when he hosted parties at the VFW. ment. “Cory was a very fine gentleman,” Wilson Connors said that police knew that all five said. “Cory was a heck of nice guy. If he could suspects were present inside the VFW despite stop anything, he would have. I wouldn’t “ ” give Cory a bad name, because he didn’t have that coming to him. He’s not that type of person.” Wilson added that no physical altercations or damage to the property had ever occurred at Blevins’ parties. Gatewood echoed Wilson’s sentiments. “Anything associated with Blevins has always been cooperative with the police,” Gatewood said. “It’s just that once the crowd gets too large, it’s hard for even the police to handle.” Blevins was actively involved in Campus Activities Board at Western and, according to Chad Elifrits, coordinator of the Center for Student Activities, Blevins was a nice and honest person. “With Cory being such an involved student and working with him so much, he isn’t just a student; he is a friend,” Elifrits said. “We are all very concerned about him.” Gatewood said that the St. Joseph Police Department is actively investigating this incident and would encourage anyone with information to contact the police department or Gatewood directly at 271-4791. Western librarian ready to leave for Iraq Lindsay Tremayne News Editor There are some things you just don’t talk about in mixed company. Politics and religion are a good example, and especially when in a season of war. Regardless of one’s opinion on the situation in Iraq, there is one thing everyone can agree on. Despite one’s political leanings, supporting the troops is a given. When someone you know has to go, you want nothing more than their safe return (and maybe some cool souvenirs from downtown Baghdad). Recently, Missouri Western had to say goodbye to one of its own. Electronic resources librarian Darrin Daugherty has been activated. Daugherty has been with the college for over six years, working in the library and pulling double-duty as a captain in the Kansas Army National Guard. As a member of the Second Battalion 130th Field Artillery Division, Capt. Daugherty was called into active service in mid-December. That particular division has quite a lengthy history, dating back to the American Civil War. They have also sent troops into both World Wars as well as Korea. As a commanding officer, Daugherty will be in charge of college-aged soldiers. For security, information about the location of his unit is not available. Julia Schneider, library director, said that while he is absent, his position will be temporarily filled by an interlibrary loan technician, as well as by others in the reference area who will help pick up the slack of maintaining the electronic resources of the library..But Daugherty stressed the temporary aspect of these appointments Daughtery’s duties included maintaining portions of the website, networking on-line databases and other technical jobs. Daugherty will be returning to the job after serving his country in Iraq which, according to Army National Guard representative Cherie Herlinger, could be up to one year or even longer. Having left Fort Riley, Kan., for Iraq in January, Capt. Daugherty will most likely not be back until next spring or later. Until then Julia Schneider says that they will try to send a care package to Daugherty when they get word from him. 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Broadmoor Apartments 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units 2 full baths in 2 and 3 bedroom units Central A/C and heat Washer/dryer hookups in 2 and 3 bedroom units Water, sewer and trash included 1 swimming pool/2 lighted tennis courts/2 lighted Basketball courts Fully equipped laundry facility Cable TV available Emergency maintenance Ask About Our Renovated Units! Office Hours: M - F: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m. to noon tuesday, february 10, 2004 •page 6 Web dating a tough sell By ROSS MARTIN I’ve figured out that being a single guy is absolutely no fun. The ratio just doesn’t work in a guy’s favor. Trying three different online dating services has only confirmed what I already knew. Like prehistoric man, today’s online dating man must be the hunter — never the hunted. I went into the internet jungle of singles with an open mind. For the sake of journalism, I would’ve even gone out on a date if the opportunity had arisen, but I was also looking for friends or just someone to talk to. But for the most part, this hunter was picking off the weak links in the herd. Over the course of a month and a half, I received way less than half of the responses than my counterpart did. Granted, I’m no Colin Farrell, but the results were less than encouraging. If I took the time to write the first awkward e-mail, I would usually at least get a response, but most of the time I found that even that didn’t work. I’d get one e-mail back from them that did absolutely nothing to promote an intelligent conversation, and I wouldn’t have anything to send back to them. It was like playing Hi-Ho Cherry-O by yourself. At first, it was entertaining, but I quickly realized there was no point. I found a plethora of attractive females on all three sites (personals.yahoo.com, www.americansingles.com and www.okayamigo.com), but I guess I’m more like ground chuck surrounded by the K.C. strips. The ones who actually tried to initiate conversation tended to lack some of the basic things needed for a relationship. I got a couple of baby mamas living in other states not bordering Missouri (i.e. Ohio and Pennsylvania). I also found my own personal Mrs. Robinson on Americansingles — some 30-year-old in Ohio looking for a young buck. Others just weren’t my type physically (not to be arrogant, but we all have our own taste in the opposite sex). The positives were always there: the chance to meet an attractive girl that lives near you that you could possibly start a relationship with — either romantic or friendly. I just found it exceedingly difficult. If you didn’t have that certain look the person was after, you didn’t get the time of day. The world of internet dating is all about looks and superficial judgements of the person you see. You’d better make sure you have a style or look that can impress through a picture, or you’re going to find yourself wasting $19.95 per month on americansingles.com or $24.95 a month on Yahoo. The positive side of okayamigo is that right now, the service is free to the public while the operators are in Beta Testing — a service that gives you full access until the test period is over. This means you don’t have to pay to send emails or chat which is very convenient, not to mention dirt cheap. The one problem with that site is because it is relatively new (it’s only been up since October), there is a very limited amount of people signed up for the service. I can only find six girls between the ages of 18-23 within 50 miles of St. Joseph. That’s a problem. There are definitely some very cool people that are fun to talk to — I’ve found two that I’ve been talking to for a couple of weeks. But it seems that most are located hella far away, and no one seems to want a relationship, just friends. So instead of finding a date for Friday night, it looks like I’ll be talking to my newly found friends from Texas and British Columbia. At least I’m not out the $25 to talk to no one. For Online test altered my view love By MELISSA WADDELL type: Many options for people seeking computer matchmaking Melissa Waddell Assistant Editor When taking the initiative to go online and try one of those online dating services, it is a good idea to have an inkling of what you are getting yourself into. There are many out there that cater to all types of people and what they are looking for. R e c e n t l y, www.americansingles.com has gained popularity. The site started up in 1998 and is owned by a company created by Joe Shapira and Alon Carmel called MatchNet, which also owns nine other dating services, one of them being c o l l e g e l u v. c o m . While they have foregone reaching people through TV commercials, they are one of the thousands of popups that come onto the screen every time you log on to the internet. This singles network is pretty different from the others because it has a lot of different options. You start out like the others, filling out your profile for free , and you have the option of downloading up to four pictures that everyone can view. For free, you are also able to send teases to other people on the network, reply to instant messages online, and receive invitations to exclusive events and travel adventures. On this site you can also see who has been viewing you, which can be helpful. They also offer different services that you can pay for. In order to e-mail others, you have to pay around $25 per month, or you can pay in bulk: $59.95 for three months, $99.95 for six- months or $199.95 for a year. They also have the option of having a guaranteed monthly renewal rate. The price goes down to $19.99 for the three-month option, $17.50 for six months and $16.50 for one year. The site has been featured on talk shows such as Rikki Lake and magazines such as Business 2.0, Good Housekeeping and Men’s Health. Then there is yahoo.com. This site offers the match e-mails and teasers that you can send people for free. You also get a free profile and the option of posting a couple of pictures without paying. Like the others, in order to e-mail you have to pay a monthly fee of $19.95. One of the sites that is free right now is okayamigo.com. This site is a spinoff from LiquidGeneration.com and is mainly geared to the younger generation. Again, you have the profile to fill out and the picture option, but the profile also serves as a questionnaire to categorize each person as an angel, devil or in between, wherever you happen to fall. The profile includes questions that center around sex and the nitty-gritty of human nature, e.g. bodily excretions and borderline morbid sexual fantasies. In a nutshell, there is something out there for everyone, depending on if you are willing to jump in the online dating bandwagon. Internet dating can really work Melissa Waddell Assistant Editor Opinions on internet dating can vary from feeling like it’s one of the greatest things in the world to believing that it is the last ditch effort by those who have nowhere else to turn. The stereotype of the poor and pathetic has been the one to ring out the loudest among all the others. “I feel it is a little desperate and a little sad,” Western sophomore Amy Tinker said. “If you are not outgoing enough to meet people, that reflects on your personality.” And while Tinker’s opinion may be shared by many, there is an ever-growing mass of people who see this as a positive thing, and a tool that may even yield a future spouse. For instance, Western senior Brenda Dale met her husband, Mike, online. They met after she had been using the ICQ messaging client for about a year and a half when she was about 18 years old. The process started in March of 1999 and then they began speaking on the phone in May of 1999, meeting each other in person in June. Although Dale was living in Texas at the time, Mike lived in Missouri. “After we met in person, we decided we really did have something going,” Dale said. “After he had flown down to Texas to meet me and my family, about a month later I flew to Missouri to do the same.” After the initial meeting, Mike moved down to Texas to be with Dale, but in June of 2000 they moved to Missouri to be closer to his family, and they were married in 2001. Even with her positive outlook on this form of meeting people and her success story, Dale still gives warning that caution should be taken with online dating. “I would say that internet dating should be treated very carefully, just as one would treat a personal ad,” Dale said. “When you answer a personal, there is no way to be sure if the person that placed the ad has put the truth in there. Online, it is much the same.” Regardless, she would still recommend online dating to anyone. “If both people are truthful, then it is a great way to ‘meet’ someone, because online you really meet them from the inside out,” Dale said. “You judge the person inside before you judge the person outside.” There are also instances where people use online services just to try to expand their immediate social circle. “I think it is a cool way to meet people around your area that you normally wouldn’t meet,” Western sophomore Drew Horne said. “It is easier to start conversations with people that you don’t know when it is online.” There are others that would certainly agree with Dale and Horne. St. Joseph resident Brent Wasko, 24, met his current girlfriend Renee Parker, also a St. Joseph resident, through the online dating service americansingles.com. Wasko was aware of the stigma that surrounds online dating, but felt he had nothing to lose after breaking up with his girlfriend of two and a half years. “My roommate’s sister had some good experiences online,” Wasko said. “When I broke up with my girlfriend, he thought it would be a good idea that I do that to get my name out there.” Taking the first step paid off for Wasko. He put his profile on two sites and ended up paying See Success Stories page 8 After about a month and a half of researching internet dating, I have come to one conclusion… it is just a bunch of people reaching out for a soul to squeeze, friend or otherwise. I went into this thing with the view that internet dating was the last ditch effort of people who couldn’t seem to hack it in the real world. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that this situation is one of the best examples of the real world. There are so many different types of people on these sites that there is every aspect of human nature displayed before you. But one thing I noticed was that the types of people also varied greatly, depending on the site that you visit. I decided to go balls out and try three sites, so I went to the ones with the free profile: www.Americansingles.com, yahoo.personals.com, and okayamigo.com. On americansingles.com, I noticed a lot more people who were searching for something more tangible. They are really out there trying to find someone to date and marry, which I thought was kind of strange, but I guess it makes sense. The person already knows what they are in for when they respond to your email or e-mail you themselves. I also noticed that though there were people of many ages, I got a lot of e-mails from people who were a little older. There also seemed to be a correlation with age and bitterness, which is extremely stereotypical of me to say. But the older they were, the more bitter their message was, and that kind of verified my initial reaction to these Web sites. I am not going to lie to you, it wasn’t the most attractive thing in the world. Then there was the site that I visited that seemed more middle of the road. At yahoo.com the ages and desires of the participants went from the extreme need to find a relationship (and I mean NOW) to just looking for new people to party with. The best thing about this site is you could respond to icebreakers for free. That way the guys could e-mail me their normal address and I didn’t have to pay. Which is much better than forking over the $19.95. Although, some were pretty slow on the uptake, and I had to respond three times before they got the hint. On this one, I noticed that there were a lot of people from this area. There were even a few that went to Missouri Western. Of course, I saved the best for last, okayamigo.com. Not only is it free as of right now because of beta-testing, but there are quite a few awesome people logged on. There were quite a few from other countries and a hella lot of people from Canada, which I haven’t quite figured out. Depending on what you are looking for, this could be a bad thing, but I saw it as an advantage. Talking to people from all over the world is definitely cool. I don’t know if I could work up the gall to actually meet a person I had been emailing face to face. I mean, when you have profiles that ask you questions like, “what would you do with a dog, a jar of peanut butter and a lawn mower,” you know that you are in for a good time, or at least a laugh or two. I would have to say this site was my favorite. Because I wasn’t really looking for anything, the sarcastic, laid-back attitude of the site was refreshing. It was fun to read the profiles and the funny stuff people could come up with. I even happen to know that guys would enjoy this site also. My counterpart highly enjoyed the T&A that some girls displayed. Boobs and booty everywhere. I especially got a kick out of a girl that emailed him, saying that she was an 18year-old Sunday school teacher, but had a picture on her profile that focused directly on the size of her breasts in a tight shirt, that convienently cut off her neck and face. Which were huge by the way, I could have used one cup of her bra as a yamika, maybe even a beanie, it’s touch and go. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 7 Kiss and Tell Morgan Perry Lifestyles Editor A kiss is something you cannot give without taking and cannot take without giving. -AnonymousYou may conquer with the sword, but you are conquered by a kiss. -Daniel Heinsius The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender. -Emil Ludwig That farewell kiss which resembles greeting, that last glance of love which becomes the sharpest pang of sorrow. -George Eliot [Mary Ann Evans] The moment eternal - just that and no more - when ecstasy’s utmost we clutch at the core. While cheeks burn, arms open, eyes shut and lips meet! -Robert Browning There is the kiss of welcome and of parting, the long, lingering, loving, present one; the stolen, or the mutual one; the kiss of love, of joy, and of sorrow; the seal of promise and receipt of fulfillment. -Thomas C. Haliburotn The sunlight claps the earth. And the moonbeams kiss the sea: What are all these kissings worth. If thou kiss not me? -Percy Bysshe Shelley ...then I did the simplest thing in the world. I leaned down... and kissed him. And the world cracked open. -Agnes de Mille Last week during a conference with one of my professors I was asked, “Do you have a sweetheart for Valentines Day?” Taken quite off-guard, I answered, “No, but hey, I’ve got a lot of work.” After I left the office, the Ghost of Valentine’s Past came to visit me, bringing with it the memory of kisses. O ver the years, I have kissed GDI’s, frat boys, actors, younger men, older men, gay guys and straight guys aplenty, but it all started with the tutelage offered by the World Wide Web. That’s right. Like any other hard-core nerd, I had to look it up. Everyone’s first kiss is a special time of life, including imaginary music and prepubescent youth pressed against vinyl upholstery. Sadly, yet characteristically enough, mine happened to come many years after the national average. At 21 years old when I first came to Western, I still had not enjoyed the fruits of any labor including the opposite sex. After only three days on campus and one audition, I discovered I was going to be cast as a morally loose waitress with a pension for Picasso and one hell of a kissing scene. Unfortunately, not only was I cast opposite of a man just as afraid of me as I was of him, but I also had absolutely no experience in the field. After days of freaking out and overdosing on breath mints, I finally realized I was just going to have to ask how to get the job done. Being the connoisseur of humiliation that I am, I confessed my ignorance and began my study of the art of stage kissing. At 50 feet away, a couple of head tilts and a sweep of the hand can create the stirring illusion of a passionate kiss. I was safe...for a while. But a little over a year later, I took on a role that required a complex choreography of emotions manifesting themselves in kisses and only two feet away from the audience. The close proximity demanded actual physical contact and left no room for acting tricks. The director suggested intoxication and low-cut blouses at parties, but that would just end in not remembering the lesson. My best friend thought watching romantic comedies and porn would help, but my best friend was a guy that owned framed Hustler posters. Eventually, it even got around to my grandmother. She took me aside and in that sympathetic grandma tone said, “Oh honey, just put on some makeup and find a nice boy to practice on.” So after that insightful advice, I decided to ask Jeeves. He sent me to one of the many Web sites available to Americans in need of catching up. Virtual Kiss offers 18 different kissing-related sections in addition to the kissing school that will take a novice to new heights. The step-by-step program has directions on using the physical parts involved and the psychological aspects like mindset and feedback. The drawback to seeking instruction is the tendency to judge the quality of the kisses you engage in. Kissing is like social dancing. Some partners are better than others and someone is always trying to lead. A jackhammering tongue move or yanking of the hair could be taboo to a dance partner that learned by the book. Personal flair is often unattractive to a conservative liplocking cohort. Such moves should be introduced slowly. Whether you are looking forward to your first kiss, preparing for a special one or just wanting to sharpen your game, it’s always a good idea to get instruction. I was afraid I couldn’t make my scene look realistic. I wanted the audience to be pulled into the emotion of the characters, not just their favorite romantic comedy. At the Friday performance, I finally got the reassurance I was searching for. During the climax of the scene, as the two characters face each other for the first time and magnetically collide into a kiss, I heard a voice that sounded suspiciously like my Grandma gasp and then say, “Oh, that’s hot. Close your eyes Beth.” 7 habits of highly effective kissers #1 - The Golden Rule always applies. Keep your lips at the same level of softness that you would want your kissing accomplice to. Crusty pizza is good, crusty lips are bad. #2 - There is a time and a place for everything, even jumping someone. Intermingle soft kisses with passionate kisses to keep your partner guessing. #3 - No one likes the taste of gel and hairspray. Keep your coif under control or learn to use it to your advantage. If your ponytail does go array don’t freak out when he chokes. Laugh! That’s funny. #4 - Tongues are a privilege that is sometimes abused. Proceed with caution and suspend your inner sheepdog. #5 - Breath is just as important as mood. If one has beer breath, you had better make sure you both do. Warm breath on skin can be very stimulating. #6 - Know your market. Pay enough attention to the person that you want to kiss that you already have an idea of what will make their mouth water. No pun intended. #7 - Talking is a good thing. Random thoughts can cause laughter at any moment--why not share? By keeping the verbal communication open, both participants can then guide each other to a most enjoyable experience. Pick-up lines for fellas with absolutely no game 10 Come back to my house and I got a leftover piece of chicken for you. 7 Damn, you’re at least a 12-pack. Sure, I have standards, but I never turn down a fattie. 9 8 6 5 4 Here drink this. Your name must be Campbell, because you’re mmm, mmm good. Nice shoes. Want to fornicate? 3 I respect what you’re saying, but you’re making it really hard to get your bra undone. Pancakes or waffles? Just let me know before tomorrow morning. What do you say? You plus me minus the clothes. We’ll see what adds up. 2 1 What?!? I don’t see anyone else talking to you. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 8 Just FYI: Helpful information for you Nothing to do on V-Day? Maybe this will help out the lonely students. What’s the date? Has it really been a year? Please God, no. If you’re single, maybe that was your first thought when you realized that National Hallmark Appreciation Day, uh…I mean Valentine’s Day, was again upon us. I asked one single gal pal, who shall remain anonymous, how she spends V-day? “When I’m single on Valentine’s Day, I like to get dressed up, see or play or something like that, maybe have a nice meal…and then go get tanked.” If your solution sounds something like that, as I know mine has, you might as well have all the info on how to do it best. Starting your single affirmation/ sorrow-drowning (whatever you choose to call it) by taking in the theatrical stylings of the very popular “Vagina Monologues” which will be shown right here on our very campus at 7 p.m. Then follow it up with a classy dinner spot. I’m not a native, so I asked around. Two names for fine dining were mentioned over and over again as having the best grub in all of St. andieschmitt Joe. The first was Boudreaux’s Louisiana Seafood and Steaks, and the other was 36th Street restaurant. After telephoning both popular eateries, I had little good news. After explaining that, dammit not every- one has a special someone on V-day, and that I was looking for the establishment that could cater to that audience. Manager Jake Hendricks of Boudreaux’s replied, “Well, we’re going to be pretty booked with cou ples.” He added gleefully, “I bet we’d be able to squeeze a few in at the back bar though.” That’s right Jake. Hide us in the back, so none of your couples have to lay eyes on the singles. Although I suppose we could skip right to step three with an offer like “back bar” and just get tanked. I explained the same scenario to Scott, manager at 36 th Street restaurant. He took a minute before continued from page 6: Success Stories agina Monologues coming to Western this weekend John Grogan and Morgan Perry Lifestyles Writers “If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?” Dr. Stacia Bensyl answered, “Scuba gear, I’m thinking flippers.” At a conservative school where only two members of the administration (deans, vice presidents and president) are female, it could be considered risky to take on a show that uses a socially taboo word like vagina. This Friday and Saturday, Western will be holding its first-ever performance of Eve Ensler’s play, The Vagina Monologues. This year it is estimated that over 2,000 productions will be shown in over 1,000 locations around the world. Ensler has claimed February 14th as standing for “Victory, Valentine and Vagina” in an effort to main- stream terms so the vagina will not be seen as a “dirty” or “bad” word. Director and Missouri Western student Lauren Spencer got the idea to hold a performance here at Western after participating in a similar V-Day event at Truman State University last year. She felt Western didn’t have enough activism, and this would be a good project to get involved in. The Vagina Monologues in essence is a celebration of womanhood. It involves women speaking about sexuality, struggle and perseverance. Spencer said, “Come prepared to hear a lot of stories that will affect you.” The monologues concentrate on telling the story. This means you can find your mother’s, sister’s, girlfriend’s, wife’s and daughter’s sense of humor in these women and their experiences. Western professor Dr. Stacia Bensyl will be making her acting debut in The Vagina Monologues. She thought it was important have a faculty presence, especially because of the philanthropic aspect. Western’s Center for Multicultural Education assisted in sponsoring this event. Karl Bell, the department’s director, strongly supported bringing The Vagina Monologues to Western. The C.M.E. will be hosting a week of activities in late March, including a panel discussion, poetry reading and celebratory festivities. With Western ever approaching the elusive university status, learning opportunities such as The Vagina Monologues help to prove that this campus is just as progressive as our peers in higher education are. Truman State University sponsors a showing each year through their women’s resource center. replying, “Well, we are having a great couples-only menu.” Poor guy. I don’t think I even scratched the surface, unless he’s implying I bring my cat, that is. But hey, who are we trying to kid. A nice meal to your average Joe and Jane College is probably Top Ramen followed by a Pop Tart (strawberryflavored in honor of the birth of Cupid). So yes, let’s collectively skip step two. I think a play with the word “vagina” in it and a little bar fun are in order this V-day. The Vagina Monologues will be held on Friday and Saturday in MC101 at 7 p.m. Admission is $3 at the door for both students and the public. The proceeds generated by the performance will go to The Window, a local women’s shelter that assists unmarried mothers. for americansingles.com after making contact with Parker. “It didn’t take very long,” Wasko said. “It ended up being a week and a half. There was one night where I randomly e-mailed some girls, and she was one of the ones to respond. We talked for awhile and I proposed we either meet in person or talk on the phone. She ended up giving me her number, so one night I blindly called her, and we had a three-anda-half-hour conversation.” These kinds of success stories have led to the release of the bad connotations that have a tendency to go along with online dating. Although there are people who are prodigious on these sites, there are also many that are just looking for the right person and prefer the shortcut that only the World Wide Web could afford them. “I think that these sites are really a wonderful way to connect with people,” Dale said. “The sites bring a different avenue to love and romance. It has now gotten to when someone has an online love, no one laughs.” tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 9 Computer center offering help desk Additional office hours also added to help students, faculty with problems Lindsay Tremayne Co-News Editor A new service is being offered to Missouri Western computer users. Western’s computer center has added a new help desk in response to the increase in classes that are dependent on web-based technology such as WebCT. Computer center microcomputer technician, Bill McCarthy, recognized the need for the new service. “We are seeing an increased demand for support for faculty and students on all fronts,” McCarthy said. The new help desk will be manned by current staff technicians. McCarthy said it is important to have professionals available at the help desk. “It is not just a person reading a how-to screen step by step,” McCarthy said. “This is so important to problem resolution and timely solutions that both enhance the end user’s experience and productivity.” Goals of the new help desk are to provide a single point of contact for I T-related problems, successfully resolve all relevant and reported problems in a timely and professional m a n n e r, to help all Western employees use technology to the fullest extent possible through end-user training and to maintain the level of technical proficiency and expertise needed to resolve the majority of employees’ t e c h n o l o g i c a l network problems. In addition to the help desk, the computer center has extended office hours: 7 a.m. -7 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 7 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Friday; and 9 a.m.-noon Saturday. The computer center has been very busy lately, adding many different features to Western’s computer system. It has installed over 200 new computers since the summer and has also undergone a comprehensive upgrade to the administration software during the fall semester. Western also fought a rash of viruses over the summer and music piracy investigations during the early parts of last semester. All questions can be reported to the help desk at 4354 or the new extension 4555. E-mail requests can be sent to service@mwsc.edu or help@mwsc.edu. THE WAIT IS ON Students pack the business office windows on Tuesday Jan. 27, the first official day to pick up student loan and reimbursement checks. The lines stretched all the way down the hall at some points, and the next two day also featured long waits for those trying to get the checks. (Photo by Jayna Shirley -- Staff Photographer) continued from front: Weather Problems budget cuts, this causes many procedures to take longer and can result in many areas that aren’t as clean as the physical plant would prefer. According to Chad Elifrits, coordinator for student activities, approximately 80% of the student body live off campus. With so many students commuting, inclimate weather poses an increased risk and threatens students with more trouble in getting to class. But even if the highways are clear, that doesn’t mean that the St. Joseph streets are clean. “They need to take into consideration that a wide majority of students are commuters and nontrads who have kids,” Western student Cathy Mahoney said. “ They also need to look at the weather conditions in surrounding areas because it’s crazy sometimes trying to FREE “Secrets of Internet Millionaires.” Thousands are cahsing in on the Internet. So can YOU! Our free package shows you how and includes: FREE book, FREE audio cassette, FREE CD-ROM, 6 FREE Special Reports, and much MORE. Total value is over $585. NO obligation so order today at http://www.ezinforcenter.com/8406677/SIM George Bailey, hook1@stjoelive.com (local) local contact info is on the website drive in.” Also many students can trudge uphill with a foot of snow, but walking from the PE building to the Student Union with a negative wind chill is different. Children waiting for a school bus shouldn’t be the only ones considered here. Even though most students are adults, it’s not like a job or high school where you sit all day in one place, most students have to switch buildings at least two times a day, and walk to their dorm, or cars. Missouri Western is a higher learning facility, so it shouldn’t close for the millions of reasons public schools do. But certain circumstances should be taken into consideration, or at least better care of sidewalks, roads and parking is needed. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 10 continued from front: Slogan mission and goals,” Hill said. Callahan Creek was hired in March 2003 to aid Missouri Western in the project. Callahan Creek conducted research in the form of surveys and focus groups in order to gain information about the college. Approximately 200 faculty and staff and 200 students were surveyed during the research process, Hill said. Some of the questions that students were asked on the survey attempted to discover student awareness of the “Western Advantage” and selected two statements that the student associated with the “Western Advantage,” according to the student questionnaire given to the students. Below are some of the findings of the student and faculty/staff surveys: • 50% of students said that the Western Advantage meant affordability • 42% of students said the Western Advantage reflected excellence in student development and community leadership • 32% of students said it reflected applied learning opportunities • 69% of employees said the Western Advantage reflected affordable education • 60% of employees said it reflected excel- Yeager set to retire in May lence in student development and community leadership • 55% of employees said the Western Advantage meant strong academic programs After reviewing the results of the surveys, Callahan Creek created two options of how Missouri Western could creatively express its brand, Hill said. Callahan Creek then tested both strategies by interviewing faculty/staff, alumni, students and community leaders. From that feedback, they presented a creative strategy to the Public Relations and Marketing Committee. Open meetings were held to discuss this new creative strategy with students and faculty/staff to come up with a final creative strategy. Callahan Creek delivered their final report to Missouri Western last December. “The Public Relations and Marketing Committee and I have been reviewing the document and finalizing the creative look and message associated with the brand concept,” Hill said. The new brand concept and brand strategy will most likely become public at the February Board of Regents meeting. Food service makes changes to Web site Tracy Johnson Copy Editor Now everyone will know when it’s chicken nugget day. Food services has recently updated their Web site (www.mwsc.edu/dining) to allow students to view the menu before deciding whether or not it’s worth trudging through snow and slush to eat dinner. Food services office manager Sheri Tee said that the housing office requested an update to their website for the convenience of students living in the residence halls. “Now the menu is right there at their fingertips,” Tee said. According to Mary Shoemaker, director of food services, the food court and cafeteria together serve approximately 550 students each week night. Now those students are able to find out in advance if one of their favorite foods is being served. “Before, when students walked in and saw we were having fried chicken, the cell phones would come out,” Shoemaker said. “That’s when we knew we were in for a rush.” The updated menu now features meals for the entire week instead of just daily selections. This also benefits the faculty and staff at Western who take advantage of the meal options available during their lunch hour. Assistant Director of Bands to step down after 24 years Jean Easter News Writer Richard Yeager, assistant director of bands with both a bachelor of arts and master’s degree in music, is retiring effective May 15, 2004. At this moment, his upcoming retirement seems to be the furthest thing from his mind. He is trying to find a misplaced Conn baritone saxophone. He is wearing school colors--all black with a gold sweater. An assistant is trailing behind him, rattling off locker numbers in the Fine Arts building. She calls out a number and the reaction is startling as Yeager pounces on a nearby computer terminal to discover the owners’ information. He whirls towards the door of the music office, finding the misplaced “barry” sax on the way to his office. Cleaning off two chairs of what appears to be another baritone saxo-Richard Yeager phone in its case, the Asst. Director of Bands interview begins. His office has awards and degrees hanging on every available wall space around shelves and shelves of music. A metal clarinet converted to a lamp is perched on top of a file cabinet. An old sign which proudly declares ‘Saxman Via Co. ‘ indicates by an arrow that the said town is somewhere in the direction of the offices’ back wall. “You could probably find some antiques in here,” Yeager jokes, leaning back in his chair, appearing completely comfortable in the office as if it is an old friend. In a way, the office might be. Twenty-four years ago on July 1, 1980, Yeager started his career at MWSC, having received his bachelor of arts from the Dana School of Music in Youngstown, Mass., and his master’s from the Cincinnati CollegeConservatory of Music. He also served with the 81st U.S. Army Band and a number of other schools before coming here from Kentucky University. “The job at Eastern and the job here were basically the same, but MWSC paid more money,” Yeager said. “Rich or poor, it’s nice to have.” His motivation for a career in teaching was not only financial. “I get a great deal of personal satisfaction having ‘light bulbs go on’over students’heads,” Yeager said. He hadn’t planned on teaching, but found out that he liked it and it was a good thing to do. Adam Tervort, a bass player in the Jazz Ensemble, sticks his head in the doorway as Yeager speaks. “Great sax player,” Yeager said. Tervort grins, “Fun guy.” Yeager takes the teasing and compliments in stride. Yeager’s decision to retire is family related. His wife has worked almost 17 years at a law firm and wishes to be closer to her mother in Myrtle Beach, S. C. When asked if he had ever thought about retiring before this year, Yeager is frank. “Sometime you get frustrated, and any job has its up and down sides, “ Yeager said. “I just get on with it.” Any memorable experiences? “I’d fill your notebook if I started with that,” Yeager said with a grin. “Good memories, good kids, I’ll miss them and my colleagues. The only thing I won’t miss is the weather (here).” After his retirement, Yeager plans to work part-time for North Carolina University and find other part time work playing music in Myrtle Beach. Missouri Western regrets Yeager leaving for the gourmet meals that he sometimes would fix for them. Secretary Nadyne Justin in the Music Department main office sums up working with Ricihard Yeager in one word, “Delightful.” tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 11 Griffons beef up o-line, d-line Partridge gets adds linemen to Griffon squad with 2004 recruits Chris Montgomery 6-2, 270 lbs., offensive/defensive line downs last year. Jason Julian From: Arnold, Mo./Seckman High School Props: Recorded 50 total tackles, including for 5-11, 270 lbs., defensive lineman tackles for lost yardage in 2003. From: Blue Springs, Mo./Blue Springs South High Danny Stooksbury Patrick St. Louis Sports Editor 6-3, 275 lbs., offensive line Missouri Western coach Jerry Partridge announced the newest members of the Griffon football squad on nationl signing day last We d n e s d a y. This year Partridge and his staff foucused on putting some more size on the offensive and defensive lines, as well as trying to find a good combination of size and speed in the wide out positions. “I don’t ever get too excited about signing day,” Partridge said. “To be honest with you, I think it’s one of the most over-rated things in sports. Yo u just never know who is going to play and who isn’t. We feel like going in that we wanted to sign some young linemen, we wanted to get ourselves depthed up at that position. We felt like we signed some big guys, who are going to be players.” The Western staff didn’t have to go far to find one of their six new linemen. The 6-foot-3, 260-pound St. Joseph Central standout A d a m Merritt played on both the offensive and defensive lines in high school. Partridge said that he expect Merritt to make an impact at guard for the Griffons in the near future. Partridge added some size to the defensive line with the 5-11, 270pound Jason Julian from Blue Springs South High School. Julian was selected to the Class 6 all-state team this year and should be a solid contributor in the coming years. The Griffons most significant playmaker in the 2004 signing class is probably wide reciever Landen Fitzgerald. He is 6-2, and180 poounds from Webster Groves High School in St. Louis. He was a First-Te a m Missouri Class 5 All-State receiver Props: Rushed for 899 yards and scored 11 touch- School Props: Named 1st team all-state in Class 6. From: Belton, Mo./Belton High School Props: Selected 1st-team Missouri Class 5 AllState selection at center. Nicholas Wymore 6-3, 275 lbs., defensive/offensive line From: Arnold, Mo./Oakville High School Travis Kinkade Missouri Class 6 wrestling at 275+ category. Jeff McNemee 6-4, 200 lbs., wide receiver From: Troy, Kan./Troy High School From: Centralia, Mo./Centralia High School Props: Selected to the 1 st team Class 2 all-state team and he was a key player on Centralia’s 14-0 state championship team last year. Sean Cummings 6-3, 200 lbs., quarterback From: Kansas City, Mo./Rockhurst High School Props: Led Rockhurst deep into the Missouri Class 6 State playoffs in 2003. Cory Elmendorf Props: He was selected to the Kansas Class 2-1a 5-11, 190 lbs., defensive back all-state team. Adam Merritt 6-3, 260 lbs., offensive/defensive lineman From: St. Joseph, Mo./Central High School From: St. Charles, Mo./Duchesne High School Props: Rushed for 587 yards and was selected to the 1st team Class 3 all-state team. Props: Has ability to play on both sides of the ball, Landen Fitzgerald and selected to the All-Suburban Mid-8 team. Vince Hulett 6-2, 180 lbs., wide receiver 5-10, 170 lbs., running back/wide receiver From: St. Louis, Mo./Webster Groves High School. From: Fenton, Mo./Rockwood Summit High Props: Led the Suburban North League with 51 School receptions for 1,104 yards. and selected as The St. Louis Post D i s p a t c h ’s top prospect at that positon. “As far as needs we didn’t address, we wanted to get some young linebackers. That didn’t get done,” Partridge said. “We lost guys we wanted; there’s no doubt about it. But we got some good ones, and we lost some good ones. If you ranked the guys that you thought would be good rossmartin 6-2, 240 lbs., offensive/defensive lineman Props: Received all-conference honors on both sides of the ball and he is currently ranked No. 5 in 2004 recruiting class has a lot to follow after Class of 2003 players, a lot of times the ones ranked 11 or 12 turn out to be good players. Signing day five years ago I w a s n ’t talking about Eric McDowell or Piere T h o m a s . ” This recriuting class will have some big shoes to fill, the 2003 Western squard finished the season 9-3, giving them the most victories in school history. is seeking talented minority college students in the following majors for career-related $$PAID$$ internship opportunities: RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT (Chili’s – sophomores/juniors) BUSINESS & INSURANCE (American Family Ins. – sophomores/juniors) (St. Joseph, Springfield and Jefferson City, MO areas) MARKETING & FINANCE (Hallmark Cards - sophomores & juniors) Where we’re always initiating new members. Visit us today in the SS/C room No. 221 (3.0 cumulative and prior marketing experience forthe marketing internship) (3.0 cumulative & 3.5 GPA within major forthe Finance internship) CIVIL/ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (Black & Veatch - freshmen, sophomores and juniors) (2.75 is the minimum cumulative GPA for this internship) CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE ENGINEERING (J.E. Dunn – sophomores and juniors) ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Hallmark - freshmen, sophomores and juniors) *Students MUST graduate ON or AFTER December 2005 to be eligible* *Unless stated otherwise applicants MUST have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.80 or higher* Internships are in KCMO unless stated otherwise For more information, please call: Melissa Amaya (816) 561-2383 ext. 34 or (800) 788-0234 ext. 34 Apply on line: www.inroads.org DEADLINE to apply: February 27, 2004 The mission of INROADS is "to develop and place talented minority youth in business and industry and prepare them for corporate and community leadership." Western grabbed up its newest crop of Griffons last week on the signing day for colleges nationwide. Though this year’s group seems to be as solid as ever, it lacks the big names and punch that last year’s group supplied. In 2003, Western brought in defensive end Travis Frogge and tight end Gijon Robinson. Both have made big impacts on this year’s squad. Add in wide receiver Jarrett Brooks and you have a very productive freshman class that contributed greatly to the Griffons’ first-ever, nine-win season. Everything at this point is purely speculation, but this year’s recruiting class seems to be more project players than anything else. One exception to that may be Landen Fitzgerald. He has great size and played in two State Championship games at the Class 5 level, playing a key role in one of his team’s victories. Western sorely missed hav- Join Today! SS/C 221 ing a big-play receiver last year, and Fitzgerald may be able to bring that dimension. Pair him with Brooks and Erick Fields, plus the steady possession receiving of Jonathon Schoonover, and Western may find itself throwing the ball a lot more next year. Hopefully by then they canfigure out who will be doing the throwing, but that’s neither here nor there. Coach Jerry Partridge put a lot of emphasis on both lines in his recruiting as well. He even brought a little local flavor by bringing in Central High School standout Adam Merritt. One signing that was a little puzzling was quarterback Sean Cummings from Rockhurst since the Griffons will have senior Michael Cooper next year, plus youngsters Michael Burton and Kyle Westerberg. That position seems to be pretty well stacked for years to come, but I guess you can never have too many quarterbacks. tuesday, february 10, 2004 • page 12 Smith gets win No. 500 Men’s head coach picks up milestone win in a blowout over SWBaptist Danny Stooksbury Sports Editor Even before the game started it was clear things would not be going Southwest Baptist’s way, as Western’s coach Tom Smith picked up his 500th win in a 85-57 rout. “I will say that it has really played on me,” Smith said. “You know in a normal year we would have had it a month ago probably. It just weighs on you, it’s a special number. “If you know anything about my career, I spent 8 years in purgatory at Valpo (Valporaiso) with no chance to compete, and still to get 500, I am very, very fortunate.” After the referees called a technical foul on Baptist for hanging the rim during warmups, the Bearcats found themselves down 2-0 before a second had came off the clock. That wasn’t their biggest problem as the game began, however. They were facing a Griffon squad that knew this would be it’s best chance to get its head coach his 500th win. “This is the first night that I could hear them say lets get 500 tonight,” Smith said. “It’s been kind of a don’t say anything about it thing.” The Griffons allowed Southwest Baptist to hang in with them for the fist few minutes before breaking out on a 17-3 run that put the Griffons up 29-14 with under 10 minutes to go in the first half. At that point, the Griffons began to play much more conservatively, passing the ball around and eating away at the clock. They were able to maintain the 17-point advantage at the break by a score of 46-29. “That offense is extremely difficult to catch up with,” Smith said. “Now it’s not very good to use to catch up, but when we get a lead it’s really frustrating for them to have to run around and guard us.” It was more of the same in the second half as the Griffons continued to get good looks. Perhaps the most tremendous display of athletic ability came with about 5 minutes remaining from 6-foot-6 junior forward Langston Grady. He picked off a pass at the top of the key and sprinted across midcourt all alone. The crowd watched as his two-handed windmill dunk attempt clanked off the back of the rim. By that time, the Griffons had broken out to a 20-point lead. Grady looked over at the bench to see a rare sight, Smith smiling at the missed attempt. It would have taken a lot more than a missed dunk to wipe the smirk off the face of a coach who knew he was about to get his 500 th win. “As we got into that last media timeout, I started to realize it was going to happen,” Smith said. “Maybe the fact that it was so hard, we took so long, maybe I’ll appreciate it more.” After the game Smith was greeted by Missouri Western president James Scanlon who told Smith that we’re all looking forward to the next milestone, 1,000. Western was led in scoring by Grady’s 21 points on 6 of 8 shooting. Senior guard Matt Grove provided some production off of the bench scoring 15 points on 6-of-12 shooting from the field. Western will try for 501 tommorow night at 7:30 when they travel to take on the Gorillas of Pittsburg St. Warren Ingram/Photo Editor Western coach Tom Smith looks on intently during Western’s game with Northwest Missouri State on Jan. 7. Smith finally reached win No. 500 on Saturday night. Carly “ Hustle” provides entangibles in victor y Danny Stooksbury Sports Editor There are no statistics for blocking out, diving for loose balls or just being in the right place at the right time, but those are the things that the Western women have grown to expect from junior guard Carly Lee, who has taken charge was the difference in Saturday’s 52-49 win over Southwest Baptist. The Griffons jumped out to an early 18-9 lead over the Lady Bearcats with 8 minutes remaining in the first half. Realizing that they could not contain Western in man-toman, Southwest Baptist coach Jim Middleton switched to a 2-3 zone. In the final 8 minutes of the first half the Griffons made just one basket. Meanwhile the Lady Bearcats were finally able to find some rhythm on the offensive-end, as they took a 24-20 lead at the half. “The zone kinda took us out of offensive mode,” Lee said. “The second half we came back through it and started working on the inside with our post players.” Although they still were not able to get many baskets in the paint, the inside ball Warren Ingram/Photo Editor movement did draw defenders away from Western guard Carly Lee scored 11 points in Western’s 52- the perimeter, which made for some clean 49 win over Southwest Baptist on Saturday at MWSC looks away from the basket. With the score Fieldhouse. tied at 26, freshman guard Alisa Blasdel found an open Lee, who sunk a 3-pointer to give the Griffons back the lead for the first time in the second half. Just minutes later they did it again as Lee put the Griffons up 36-30 with just under 12 minutes remaining. From there it was a back and forth struggle. The Lady Bearcats continued to inch closer, as the Griffons fought to preserve their lead. With 22 seconds left, following a pair of free throws by Southwest Baptist guard Amber Wheeler, the Griffons, who led 50-49, opted not to inbound the ball conservatively. Instead they threw the ball down the court to senior guard Danielle McKinley, who missed a contested layup, giving the Lady Bearcats the ball with 18 seconds left. “I’d say 99 times out of 100 you’re probably going to get a foul called on that play, “ Western coach Dave Slifer said. “Unfortunately we had the one out of 100 that it didn’t get called.” The Lady Bearcat’s got the ball to Wheeler at the top of the key. She drove the ball hard into the lane where she was met by Lee, who was straining to get into position. The shot went up, Wheeler went down and whistles went off. While Southwest Baptist was celebrating that shot that went in, Lee had her eyes on the referee calling Wheeler for the charge. “I saw the girls all jumping up and down, and I looked straight at the ref and saw the charge,” Lee said. “I was in shock kinda, I felt like it was a charge, but I didn’t fall back. Usually they don’t call charge unless you fall back. They could have called it either way.” Lee was fouled on the inbound pass WESTERN with 3 seconds left. 52 She hit both free throws as the Griffons closed out 49 the victory. SW BAPTIST “ I t ’s scary to leave a game up in the hands of the officials, which we did,” Slifer said. “We put ourselves in position and fort u n a t e l y, we got the right whistle in the end. We’d have given our win away from Emporia if we didn’t win this one. Now we should be seventh in the region after this one.” MISSOURI WESTERN WOMEN’S SCHEDULE AND RESULTS MISSOURI WESTERN MEN’S SHEDULE AND RESULTS Nov. 21 vs. Ferris State L 70-65 Nov. 22 vs. Rockhurst W 96-52 Nov. 28 vs. Lincoln (Mo.) W 74-37 Nov. 29 vs. St. Mary’s (Texas) W 75-71 Dec. 7 vs. St. Gregory’s (Okla.) W 99-42 Dec. 13 vs. College of St. Mary W 91-40 Dec. 16 vs. Central Oklahoma W 73-62 Dec. 17 vs. Texas A&M - Kingsville W 82-63 Dec. 30 vs. Washburn L 68-53 MIAA Season Begins Jan. 3 at Missouri Southern W 65-57 Jan. 7 vs. Northwest Mo. State L 69-53 Jan. 10 vs. Central Mo. State L79-72 Jan. 12 vs. Peru State (Neb.) W 102-42 Jan. 14 at Truman W 86-69 Jan. 17 vs. Missouri-Rolla W 78-61 Jan. 21 vs. Pittsburg State W 79-72 Jan. 24 at Southwest Baptist W 72-67 Jan. 28 vs. Emporia State L 71-56 Jan. 31 at Washburn L 56-40 Feb. 4 at Emporia State W 81-77 Feb. 7 vs. Southwest Baptist W 52-49 Feb. 11 at Pittsburg State 5:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at Missouri-Rolla 1:30 p.m. Feb. 18 vs. Truman 5:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at Central Mo. State 1:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at Northwest Mo. State 5:30 p.m. Feb. 28 vs. Missouri Southern 5:30 p.m. Results are current through Feb. 8 Nov. 17 vs. Central Bible (Mo.) W 111-75 Nov. 20 at Park (Mo.) W 64-60 Nov. 28 vs. Lincoln (Mo.) W 87-78 Nov. 29 vs. Northeastern Oklahoma W 63-48 Dec. 2 at Rockhurst L 71-65, OT Dec. 5 vs. Lincoln (Mo.) L 69-65 Dec. 6 vs. Drury W 87-81, OT Dec. 19 vs. Central Oklahoma W 93-89, OT Dec. 20 vs. Cameron L, 88-84 MIAA Season Begins Dec. 30 vs. Washburn L 67-64 Jan. 3 at Missouri Southern L 78-63 Jan 7 vs. Northwest Mo. State L 74-65 Jan 10 vs. Central Mo. State L 71-65 Jan. 14 at Truman W 67-61 Jan 17 vs. Missouri-Rolla W 92-76 Jan 21 vs. Pittsburg State L 71-54 Jan. 24 at Southwest Baptist L 73-72 Jan. 28 vs. Emporia State W 73-69 OT Jan. 31 at Washburn L 76-68 Feb. 4 at Emporia State L 73-50 Feb. 7 vs. Southwest Baptist W 85-57 Feb. 11 at Pittsburg State 7:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at Missouri-Rolla 3:30 p.m. Feb. 18 vs. Truman 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at Central Mo. State 3:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at Northwest Mo. State 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28 vs. Missouri Southern 7:30 p.m. Men’s Basketball Standings Team Washburn NW Missouri St. Emporia St. Cent. Missouri St. Pittsburg St. Missouri Southern Missouri Western Missouri-Rolla Truman St. SW Baptist W 11 10 9 6 6 6 4 3 3 2 MIAA L Pct. 1 0.917 2 0.833 3 0.750 6 0.500 6 0.500 6 0.500 8 0.333 9 0.250 9 0.250 10 0.167 Overall W L Pct. 19 1 0.950 19 2 0.905 17 4 0.810 14 7 0.667 14 7 0.667 13 8 0.619 10 11 0.476 10 11 0.476 6 15 0.286 5 16 0.238 Women’s Basketball Standings Team Emporia St. NW Missouri St. Washburn Missouri Western Cent. Missouri St. Missouri Southern SW Baptist Pittsburg St. Truman St. Missouri-Rolla W 11 10 9 7 6 5 5 5 2 0 MIAA L Pct. 1 0.917 2 0.833 3 0.750 5 0.583 6 0.500 7 0.417 7 0.417 7 0.417 10 0.167 12 0.000 W L 18 1 17 4 18 3 15 6 13 8 14 7 13 8 10 10 8 12 4 17 Overall Pct. 0.947 0.810 0.857 0.714 0.619 0.667 0.619 0.500 0.400 0.190
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Bob Bergland
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viva la revolucion!! viva la left field!! viva la three-man one-y!!