Annual Report - Jazz Aspen Snowmass
Annual Report - Jazz Aspen Snowmass
Jazz Aspen Snowmass 2013 CONTENTS 3 2013 Board of Directors & Chairman Letter 4 Letter from the President/CEO & Staff Listing 5 National Council & Band Members 6-8 JAS Education Initiatives 9-12 June & Labor Day Festival Overviews 13-15 JAS Café Overview 16-17 Special Events 18-20 Financials 21-23 Donors & Sponsors THE MISSION of JAS is to present and preserve jazz and related forms of music through world-class performances, events and education programs. A 501c3 not-for-profit organziation, since 1996 JAS has donated over $6 million to music education in the Roaring Fork Valley and beyond. » 2 « j a z z a s p en s n o wm a s s 2013 Board of Directors James Horowitz Founder President & CEO Community Board Members Chris Bank Helen Klanderud Marianne Elmasri Buchholz Chairman Ex-Officio Members Bill Boineau David Chazen Richard Goodman Co-Development Chairs JAS Advisory Board Liasion David Cook Charles Cunniffe Governance Chair Kathryn Fleck Peisach Strategic Planning Chair Marc Goldstein Treasurer Tim LaRose Programming Chair Douglas Paley At-Large Chairman Emeritus James G. Fifield Shelly Friedstein John Provine Geoff Barker Rick Crandall Susan Crown David Daniels Carol Dobson Edouard Gerschel Kitzia Goodman Scott Harper Dean Singleton Thad Smith JAS Lifetime Trustees Charles & Angela Cunniffe James G. Fifield & Betsy Fifield Kathryn Fleck Peisach & Harry Peisach Shelly & Golda Friedstein Bill & Marilyn Getz John & Catherine Anne Provine Harold & Dorothy Thau Lantz & Laura Welch Letter from the Chairman It is with great pleasure that we present the 2013 Annual Report for Jazz Aspen Snowmass. 2013 marked the second consecutive year of strong positive momentum across all of our production and education activities. Jim Horowitz, JAS’ CEO and founder has detailed the highlights of the 2013 season in his letter that follows. It has been my privilege to serve as your Board Chairman this year. Recapping the 2013 season serves to remind us that JAS is creating music experiences in Aspen that far exceed the standards for communities of our size. From our live music June and Labor Day Experiences to our more intimate JAS Café shows, JAS enriches our community and provides cultural opportunities rarely found outside of major metropolitan cities. During 2013 JAS produced 38 events that served 45,415 audience members. Our 2013 line-ups were amazing and brought record crowds of enthusiastic music fans. Momentum also grew across JAS’ various student music education initiatives. In 2013 JAS continued to serve as the musical lifeline to our budget strapped public schools from Aspen to Rifle. We donated $125,000+ to support music programs, instruction, instrument purchases, and tickets for live performance education. With JAS’ support the enrollment in local music education courses has more than doubled to serve over 1400 students that have never been more inspired. We feel that our efforts in the schools and for students across the Roaring Fork Valley and beyond are more important now than ever and we are committed to increasing our support year over year. I thank our performers, donors, sponsors, National Council members, ticket buyers, staff and Board Members who have made this season such a success. We are pleased with our progress over the past year and enter 2014 with great enthusiasm for what lies ahead. With warm regards and sincere thanks. Marianne Elmasri Buchholz Chairman 2013 annual report » 3 « Letter from the President/CEO In 2013, Jazz Aspen Snowmass (JAS) experienced continued positive financial results coupled with critically acclaimed programs across all core operations. A significant turnaround, first achieved in 2012 after a few very challenging years during the height of the economic downturn, continued in 2013 with a net operating surplus of $400k+. The most important trends of 2013 can be summarized as follows. • JAS FUNDRAISING: Individual donors grew significantly in 2013 particularly through Patron Passes for its annual Labor Day weekend event, fueled by an advance sell-out. • JAS CAFÉ DOWNSTAIRS AT THE NELL: In 2012, JAS expanded its Mission driven new winter/ summer jazz series into a year-round consistent bi-weekly presentation from December through March and June through August. The Program achieved continued growth in 2013 with the addition of bigger artists and more performances, and continued its trend of sold-out shows in both winter and summer. The JAS Café has dramatically increased JAS’ year-round presence, » 4 « j a z z a s p en s n o wm a s s and helped introduce new audiences and donors to the organization. The JAS Café has given JAS a real, permanent home for jazz programming for the first time in its 24 year history. The JAS Café has also given JAS an ongoing platform for “educating audiences”, one of our principal Mission objectives. “A Cultural Home Run” –Aspen Sojourner • MUSIC EDUCATION PROGRAMS: JAS Local Education Initiatives continued to grow steadily in the Roaring Fork Valley with increased instrument donations; Pays to Play private music lessons; JAS InSchool residencies with professional musicians and the Battle of the Bands. In 2013 over 1400 students were reached through JAS Education Initiatives. Annual funding for LEI grew 10% in 2013. • COLLABORATION WITH AEG FOR LABOR DAY FESTIVAL BOOKINGS: In 2012, JAS set a record for its gross general admission ticket revenues at its Labor Day weekend event. In 2013, JAS set a record for gross Patron revenues on Labor Day weekend, helping to counter-balance the loss of certain corporate sponsorship dollars from 2012. In the third year of JAS’ collaboration with concert industry giant AEG, we are seeing continued growth in the stature of artists performing, and the benefits of marketing support AEG has been able to bring. • STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE: In 2013, JAS completed an update of its new Strategic Plan, which was adopted by its Board of Directors in January of 2013. The project involved rigorous internal analysis of our strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth, involving staff, Board and key constituents of JAS. The resulting document is a detailed road map for JAS through our 25th Year Anniversary in 2015. Best regards, Jim Horowitz, Founder President & CEO JAS Staff James Horowitz Founder President & CEO Andrea Beard Director of Marketing, PR & Sponsorship Mindi VanMoorsel Finance Director Holly Upper Development Manager Corree Isley Administrative Assistant 2013 National Council Jon & Jennifer Anda Gerhard & Jeanne Andlinger Anonymous Anonymous George E. Bagwell, DDS - Aspen Valley Prosthodontic Dentistry Geoff Barker Bill Boineau Scott & Ella Brittingham Don & Marianne Buchholz Tony & Terri Caine Dennis Carey Caribou Club - Richard Edwards & Billy Stolz Greg & Rhonda Casillas David Chazen Tom & Megan Clark Frank Cohen Rick Crandall & Pamela Levy Steve & Nancy Crown Susan Crown & William Kunkler Laurie Crown & Rick Ortega Charles & Angela Cunniffe David Daniels Lawrence F. DeGeorge & Suzanne Niedland John & Selene Devaney Donna Di Ianni & Peter Rispoli Jon & Susie Diamond Carol Dobson Donald Drapkin David & Holly Dreman Bruce Etkin & Tania Dibbs Matt & Karen Fairbairn Art & Marcy Falcone James G. Fifield Aaron & Barbara Fleck Kathryn Fleck Peisach & Harry Peisach Paul & Alejandra Foster Shelly & Golda Friedstein David & Sheila Fuente Georgia Gatoura Edouard & Brooke Gerschel Bill & Marilyn Getz Stevie Gillman Marc & Carol Goldstein Richard & Kitzia Goodman Jordan & Danielle Goodman Andi & Jim Gordon - The Edgewater Funds Arjun Gupta Scott Harper Donna Harper Toby & Elizabeth Hatfield Henry & Angela Hite Dave & Ruthie Hoff Woody L. & Gayle Hunt Liba Icahn Jim & Michele Jackoway Tom & Mary James Patricia & Howard Jenkins Jeff & Erica Keswin Scott & Elizabeth Kimple Steven & Sue Kinney Gary & Linda Krat Tim LaRose & Lorrie Wright Stuart Lasher Kelly Lasher James S. & Suzann Levine Mark & Robin Levinson Toby Devan Lewis Suzanne Leydecker Libby Anschutz Brown Foundation Monty & Paula Loud Lee & JoAnne Lyon Paul & Laurie MacCaskill Bob & Nancy Magoon Robert & Judy Mann Steve Marcus Mike & Monica Maroone Larry & Susan Marx Alec & Gail Merriam Earl Michie Elizabeth Milias Elizabeth & Josh Mondry Richard Morris Sara & Don Nelson Wally Obermeyer & Helen Ward Doug Paley Robert Pew & Susan Taylor Doren Madey Pinnell Robert & Lexie Potamkin William C. Powers John & Monika Preston Allen & Kelli Questrom Richard & Nancy Rogers David & Meg Roth Andy & Ivette Rothschild Michael Rudin Patrick & Mary Scanlan Wido Schaefer Robert & Deborah Newman Sharpe George & Teena Shaw Jacqueline & Neal Shear John H. & Patsy Shields Dean Singleton Thad & Sarah Smith Walker & Jenna Stapleton William & Laura Thomas Ben & Ricki Tischler Duer Wagner, III Michael & Adelaide Waters K.C. & Randa Weiner Lantz & Laura Welch Wells Fargo Private Bank Eric Whitney & Mattie Roberts Larry & Lorrie Winnerman Joe Wise William & Heather Wrigley, Jr. Christine Benedetti Brooke Casillas David Cook Virginia Edelson David Garrison Ben Genshaft Melina Glavas Leticia Hanke Dustin Hite Janice Louthis Danielle & Kris Myers Rochelle Obechina Shawna & Henning Rahm Kevin & Jenny Roberts Kirsten Schmit Heather Sinclair 2013 annual report » 5 « AVERAGE ROARING FORK VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC BUDGET: $1,400 2013 JAS EXPENDITURE: $125,000+ $6 Million to Music Education Since 1996 “If all you know about Jazz Aspen Snowmass (JAS) is that they bring pop acts like Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow to the valley in the summer, or that they stage intimate jazz shows in the basement of the Little Nell in the winter, you don’t know half the story.” —Aspen Daily News February, 2013 » 6 « j a z z a s p en s n o wm a s s JAS In-Schools 2013 Educating Students Letter from Tami Suby Glenwood Springs Middle & High School Band Director When I took over the flailing band program in Glenwood 3½ years ago I had no idea what I was committing to. Band students had been through three directors in three years and numerous sub’s. They were very behind musically and didn’t know how a Band rehearsal was supposed to work. After about a week of trying to go at it alone, and many evening tears, I met JAS InSchools Director Chris Bank. He walked in and introduced himself and said he was with Jazz Aspen Snowmass and was there to help me in any way possible. I might have shed a different kind of tear right then. Chris came almost every day and worked with individuals, taught sectionals, gave me thoughtful advice, and basically helped me to reshape the middle school band program. He also brought in other valley musicians to help bridge the learning gaps that those young musicians had from months of a substitute and consecutive yearly changes in directors. It may sound melodramatic, but I would not have come back the next year without Chris Bank and JAS’s help. The next year we had an increase in student numbers and needed instruments badly. JAS stepped in and bought a baritone saxophone, a tenor saxophone, and helped with several other instruments we could not afford on our annual budget. In addition, Chris and JAS started a Jazz Band at the Middle School that met once a week. Last year JAS provided three different teachers to support in the classroom, took over the High School Jazz Band which had been cut, and offered the support of an online resource from Berklee School of Music that teaches Music Theory and practice in an engaging and fun way. This in-class help is invaluable to us as our numbers have continued to grow and I cannot meet the needs of every student. During the summer many students put their instruments under their bed or in a closet. Now, they are taking advantage of the awesome opportunity to participate in one of the Summer Music Camps offered by JAS. It is a great way to keep growing in those months when it is easy to forget what they have learned. Our student numbers in Glenwood have gone from around 110 in 2010 to 275 in 2013. A huge part of that success and enthusiasm comes from the support JAS has given to our students. They are excited about music and now see the depth of opportunity, joy, and pride that can come from their continued commitment and effort. To those of you that support JAS financially, thank you. You make a difference in my life and the lives of 275 musicians and their families in Glenwood. Many of those students cannot afford private lessons, instruments, or the other opportunities that JAS offers. Music programs around the country are being cut and because of the support that you give, our local programs are stronger than they have been in decades. TAMI SUBY JAS Local Education Initiatives JAS Local Education Initiatives complement existing public school music programs and replace programs where schools suffer losses in music education. The goal is to ensure that these schools maintain band and music programs in their curriculum. In 2013 over 1400 students were reached through JAS LEI programming. JAS IN-SCHOOLS FACULTY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Provides funding to bring local musicians into classrooms to offer student assistance in an instrument that is not their teachers discipline, or in classes that are too large for the teachers to provide individual instruction. 976 hours of faculty assistance provided in 2013 to the following schools: Aspen Middle & High Schools, Basalt Middle School, Carbondale Middle School, Glenwood Springs Middle & High Schools, Rifle Middle & High School, Yampah Mountain High School, Riverside Middle School and Coal Ridge High School. PAYS TO PLAY. Allows youth to take private music lessons in any discipline from an instructor recommended by JAS. JAS pays for the first three hours of lessons to increase opportunities for music education while supporting the economy of local musicians. 202 hours of instruction provided to 70 students. Instruments taught: alto sax, bassoon, brass, cello, clarinet, euphonium, flute, guitar, piano, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, violin and vocals. 100% of parents were satisfied with their child’s Pays to Play experience! STUFF FOR STUDENTS. Supports local schools through instrument and equipment donations and funds to repair broken instruments throughout the school year. 2013 Donations: acoustic guitar, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, electric bass guitar, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, tuba, clarinets (3), mini-cello and drumset. JAS DISTRICT 8 HONOR JAZZ PROGRAM. Students from across the Western Slope of Colorado are nominated by their instructors to attend a weekend of workshops, sectionals and public performance concerts with a faculty from accredited music programs at CU, DU and Mesa State College 95 student participants UNC/GREELY JAZZ FESTIVAL TRIP. Each year JAS sends a group of deserving jazz music students to the Greely Jazz Festival. The largest event of its kind, the Festival brings together internationally recognized artists, jazz lovers, award-winning clinicians, and over 250 college, high school, and middle school big bands, combos, and jazz vocal groups from across the country. Each year, over 7500 participants enjoy the main stage concerts, after-hours sessions, daytime performances, and the many educational workshop sessions. BAND BATTLE. Students from elementary, middle and high schools from throughout the Valley and beyond compete in four hours at this popular annual event. 2013 winners of Garage Band, Big Dog & the Midnite Badgers were given a day’s worth of recording time at Great Divide Studios and the opportunity to play on the JAS Village Stage during the Saturday and Sunday of the Labor Day event. 65 student participants JAS SUMMER CAMPS. Three sessions of camps including beginner, intermediate and advance each summer. Students from the first session opened the Glenwood Springs Free Summer of Music concert featuring Wil Campa Y su Gran Union, while students from the second session could be seen performing at Strawberry Days in Carbondale. 45 student participants TICKETS FOR TEACHERS. Provides complimentary performance tickets to teachers and students throughout the Roaring Fork Valley school districts to JAS June and Labor Day events, JAS Café Downstairs @ the Nell programs, and more. 500 tickets distributed JAS STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Implemented in 2012, the program provides grants for public music teachers to receive administrative assistance from an upper level student, thereby allowing them more time to focus on teaching vs. the administrative tasks that are often so overwhelming. 6 students assisting at 7 schools reaching over 500 students. JAS STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Karla Enriquez - 11th Grade, Basalt High School Karla Enriquez is one of six students who participated in the 2013 JAS Student Assistance Program. A flute player, Karla assists Nick Lenio (Basalt Middle & High School Music Instructor) with his 5th grade woodwinds class, helping the beginners learn notes and offering individual help where she can. Karla is also able to assist Mr. Lenio with administrative tasks which allow him more free time with the students. We met up with Karla recently to learn more about her experiences. What is your favorite thing about music? It makes people feel emotions they wouldn’t otherwise feel. What is your favorite part of the Teacher Assistant Position? Getting to help the 5th graders improve. In what ways can you use this experience in your future plans? I could use it to be an assistant teacher in college. Also in kitchens since I would like to become a Chef. I’ve learned great organizations skills that will help me in the kitchen. How has music helped you outside of the Band Room? Playing has helped me with math and staying focused. What got you interested in music? A musician visited my kindergarten class and played the flute which sparked my interest. 2013 annual report » 7 « JAS OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARDS. Provided three exceptional Middle School and three High School students a $250 gift certificate for music supplies, plus a Teacher of the Year Award which was given to Steve Heldt from Aspen Middle and High School. Interview with Steve Heldt, Aspen Middle & High School Band Director 2013 JAS Music Instructor of the Year What attracted you to the Band Director position in Aspen? When my last position was restructured, my wife and I saw it as an opportunity to do something drastic with our lives. When the opportunity to start a life here in Aspen presented itself, it seemed meant to be. The lifestyle, the culture, the landscape, it all seemed to make sense. My wife left her job in the fashion industry, we sold our house that same day, we jumped on a plane and we began what has been a fantastic adventure. What have you found different about teaching in Aspen vs. your prior experiences? Well, there is a steep learning curve when it comes to the local tradition and feeling out the values of the community, but the amount of support, openness, and lack of political effect on educational decisions is a breath of fresh air, coming from the Chicagoland area. People here (from parents, to administration, to students) honestly want the best experiences for the students. They are willing to listen to different perspectives and work slowly but purposefully toward positive change. » 8 « j a z z a s p en s n o wm a s s What have you enjoyed most about your first year in the Valley, both professionally and personally? Professionally, I love that there are organizations like Jazz Aspen Snowmass and the Music Festival here willing to contribute so deeply to the educational side of music. I love that my students get to work with and witness great musicians on a regular basis. With a community so steeped in a culture of musical excellence, there is no good reason our school music program should not be on the same level. The more the music community connects with our school music program, the faster we realize that goal. Personally, going out and experiencing all the valley has to offer has been the most enjoyable aspect of living here. This valley is not just a long road with skiing on one end and hot springs on the other. Just this past weekend, my wife and I were exhausted from the work week and took our first bike ride of the year to clear our minds - and it was the best bike ride ever! Just simply biking down by the river, we were turned right back into tourists, taking videos of the amazing scenery to send back to our jealous flat-lander friends back home. What made you decide to become a Band Director? (How much time do you have?) To keep things short, becoming a Band Director became my focus when a number of stars aligned. I knew that I wanted to help as many people as I could. I knew the way music made me feel, and I wanted to feel that way as much as I possibly could. I also wanted to share that feeling with as many people as I could. The real decision came when I had to choose between performer and educator. Although there were a lot of factors to consider, the one that stuck out the most was the old saying about giving a man a fish versus teaching a man to fish. As a performer, I could give people musical moments, but as an educator, I can teach people to make them for themselves. I believe that music is the true universal language. I believe that the product of music education is people - problem-solving, critically-thinking, empathizing, disciplined, open-minded, cultured people (who happen to be musicians). I believe that Beethoven was right when he said that “Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents.” I became a band director to spread electricity. ALLIANCE WITH BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Jazz Aspen Snowmass is a member of the Berklee College of Music’s “Berklee City Music”, a nonprofit music education program that harnesses the energy of contemporary music to reach underserved 4th to 12th graders across the country. The heart of this music education program is the Berklee PULSE, or “Pre University Learning System Experience,” which supports guided teaching and learning of popular music through the innovative use of an online music education resource. Tami Suby represented JAS in the spring of 2013 at the Berklee School of Music PULSE training program in Boston, and became an official PULSE-Certified Instructor later that year. Chris Bank was able to represent JAS last fall at the Berklee City Music Conference in Nashville, TN. June Festival Highlights of the 2013 June Festival included not just outstanding performances on the main stage but the huge success of the JAS Free Lawn Party on the Benedict Music Tent grounds. JAS spent $25,000 to host the lawn party, which included two bands playing for two hours each evening, as well as multiple food vendors and bars. The concept enabled JAS to draw new audiences to the June Festival: 57% of whom had never been to a concert at the Benedict Music Tent. It also drew younger audiences with attendees under 50 increasing 31% from 2012! JAS Aspen Snowmass June Festival Benedict Music Tent, Aspen, CO Friday, June 21 Jackson Browne w/special guest Sara Watkins SOLD OUT - 2,000 Saturday, June 22 Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite 1,800 attendance Sunday, June 23 Tedeschi Trucks Band w/special guests Naturally 7 1,500 attendance Saturday, July 6 Pink Martini 1,700 attendance 2013 annual report » 9 « JAS June Festival Demographics GEOGRAPHICS EDUCATION 8% 8% 13% 22% 14% 43% 40% 56% Out of State Roaring Fork Valley Denver Metro Area Elsewhere in CO High School Grad Some College INCOME 12% 44% 44% Less that $99,000 $100,000 - 299,999 $300,000+ Other Fun Facts: » 10 « j a z z a s p en s n o w m a s s • • • • • • 50% are home owners of one property (50% of whom own in the Roaring Fork Valley) 28% are home owners of multiple properties 85% are married or in a relationship 74% do not have children living in the home 45% purchase ONLY organic & natural products 92% have a Facebook account vs. 33% with a Twitter account Undergrad Degree Graduate Level Labor Day Festival Despite the rainfall on Friday and Saturday, thousands came out for an all-star lineup highlighted by Saturday’s sell-out performances from Keith Urban, Train and Little Big Town. In fact, it was a record breaking wet weekend in which JAS experienced its highest ever 3-day event ticket sales at 25,700 people. JAS went into 2013 with a goal of increasing three-day pass sales. Once again focusing on the “72 Hottest Hours of the Summer” campaign, JAS was able to increase total 3-day sales 48% from 2012. A huge accomplishment that assisted in filling area hotels and increasing retail dollars spent in the community. Overall feedback from attendees was very positive, and luckily most didn’t mind the rain based on the quality of the performances they saw (all but one of which were rated 5 out of 5 in satisfaction!). JAS Aspen Snowmass Labor Day Festival Snowmass Town Park, Snowmass, CO Friday, Aug. 30 Jason Mraz Grace Potter & the Nocturnals 6,000 attendance Saturday, Aug. 31 Keith Urban Train Little Big Town SOLD OUT - 11,000 Sunday, Sept. 1 Journey Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros Paper Bird 8,700 attendance 2013 2annual report 0 1 2 a nnua l re p ort »» 11 1 1 «« Labor Day Demographics GEOGRAPHICS AGE 13% 16% 24% 15% 44% 34% 26% Out of State Roaring Fork Valley Denver Metro Area Elsewhere in CO INCOME 28% 29 & Younger 30-39 40-49 50 & older EDUCATION 5% 11% 23% 16% 25% 36% 30% Less that $50,000 $50,000 - 99,999 Want to Know More? • • • • • • 58% are home owners of one property 22% are home owners of multiple properties 75% have a full-time job 51% invest through brokers/advisors 92% consider outdoor activities important to their lifestyle 98% consider traveling/vacations important to their lifestyle » 12 « j a z z a s p en s n o w m a s s 54% $100,000 - 199,999 $200,000+ High School Grad Some College Undergrad Degree Graduate Level • • • • 45% plan to buy a car within the next year 35% purchase organic & natural foods ONLY 60% spend over $500 on outdoor gear annually While visiting the Roaring Fork Valley over Labor Day weekend: 63% went hiking 26% went mountain biking 78% dined out in local restaurants 57% went shopping at local businesses JAS Café Downstairs @ the Nell The JAS Café Downstairs @ the Nell has virtually exploded in popularity in just its third full season, attracting a growing audience of both locals and visitors enthusiastically attending the intimate and sophisticated concerts. As of March 2014 attendance and earned revenues had shown solid doubledigit growth from 2013, including spectacular sold out performances from jazz fusion pioneers Spyro Gyra in February. influences of America’s classical music, jazz. JAS has quickly morphed into a year-round cultural presence while affirming its core Mission of broadening the appreciation of and audience for jazz. After 23 years of nomadically presenting jazz in the Roaring Fork Valley in locations as diverse as the Silvertree Hotel Cabaret Room, the Hotel Jerome Ballroom, The Wheeler, Harris Hall and L’Hostaria Ristorante, JAS has finally found a seemingly permanent home for world-class jazz on a year-round basis, that should only grow in audience and popularity with time. The JAS Café has quickly become JAS’ most important Programming Initiative in years, enabling the organization to educate thousands of attendees annually about the wide The series is called “Jazz Spoken Globally” as JAS has presented a majority of these concerts highlighting artists from around the world who create uniquely cross-cultural 2013 annual report » 13 « blends of their indigenous music through the language of jazz improvisation. Artists from countries including Brazil, France, Italy, Cuba and Jamaica have been seen side by side with American musicians. The international imprint of the JAS Café seems ideally suited to a community which boasts a disproportionately large number of international visitors and, whose perspective as a modern community has been heavily influenced by the stream of year-round visitors to its globally minded institutions like the Aspen Institute, Aspen Music Festival & School and Aspen Art Museum. The JAS Café is increasingly fielding inquiries from major agents and artists who have heard very positive feedback about the concerts and audiences and are seeking performance opportunitites at the venue, a solid indication of the program’s growing national reputation. JAS anticipates that the JAS Café will play an increasingly important role in the future as a bridge to other important not for profit organizations and their constituencies, whom JAS believes will increasingly become Café attendees, opening the door to future productive collaborations between JAS and Aspen’s other leading not for profit organizations. “A cultural home run!“ —Aspen Sojourner snow »» 114 4 «« j a z jzaazszpaens psen no wma ssm a s s 2013 JAS Café Performances January 11-12 Rose Max & Ramatis January 25-26 Catherine Russell February 8-9 Eliane Elias February 15-16 Curtis Stigers Feb. 28-March 2 Monty Alexander Harlem-Kingston Express March 15-16 Tony Monaco Soul-Jazz Hammond B3 Organ Summit March 29-30 Pedrito Martinez June 26 Raul Midon & Karrin Allyson June 28-29 Jon Cleary July 3 Jeff Hamilton Trio July 5 Wil Campa Y su Gran Union July 18-19 Tony DeSare August 7 Vieux Farka Toure August 9-10 Nicole Henry August 17-18 Roberta Gambarini December 20-21 Stacey Kent December 28-30 Gypsy Allstars – Return to Rajasthan 2013 annual report » 15 « Special Events JANUARY 31 The Band Kickoff Party The year kicked off with a lively party at the Sky Hotel. Talented student musicians in the JAS Allstar Band performed to a room full of people. The party was graciously hosted by Mila, Big Truck Hats and Suzanne Leydecker. » 16 « j a z z a s p en s n o w m a s s MARCH 15 National Council Kickoff Party This year JAS switched it up and held the National Council Party at the JAS Café Downstairs at the Little Nell. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres were served in the foyer followed by a Tony Monaco Soul Jazz Hammond B3 Organ Summit putting on a very soulful performance for a packed house. JULY 5 July Pre-Concert Patron Party Yet another great July Pre-Concert Party was hosted by Suzanne Leydecker. Caribou Club Catering gets more inventive every year with their cuisine and their delivery. Since Pink Martini was performing later that evening at the Benedict Music Tent the theme was all things Pink Martini, which were served with a pineapple popsicle. JULY 26 Prada Event For the 4th year JAS was fortunate to collaborate with PRADA for a private cocktail reception with a portion of the proceeds benefiting JAS. It was a great success with everyone shopping and enjoying the music of the Sammy Figueroa Latin Jazz All Stars. JULY 27 JAS 2013 Lucky Lounge This was a fun year with the Greenwald Pavilion being transformed into a hip lounge atmosphere with white couches surrounding the dance floor and neon lighted high top tables. The hosts, Richard and Kitzia Goodman, and all the attendees looked stunning and set the mood by dancing the entire night to the jump jive music of Steve Lucky and the Rhumba Bums. The auction was brief but generated substantial funds that will enable JAS to grow the In-Schools music education programs. The night was complete when JAS had the great honor to recognize longtime friends and supporters Alec and Gail Merriam for their years of dedication to the organization. AUGUST 29 Labor Day Kickoff Party Presented by Patron Spirits Company, Labor Day Weekend kicked-off on the luxurious roof top lounge of the Dancing Bear. Guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and Patron cocktails, including specialty drinks from their unique tasting wall. The wind played a factor in the beginning of the evening but subsided so that party goers enjoyed an Aspen evening on the deck. DECEMBER 7 National Council Party In Fort Lauderdale The Levinson’s graciously opened their home to host a National Council / Friendraising Party in Fort Lauderdale that was co-hosted by Gerry & Ellen Greenspoon and Mark & Robin Levinson. The stunning Nicole Henry put on a phenomenal performance for the crowd, while Chef Steve Martorano prepared an elegant multi course dinner including his famous meatballs. It was a beautiful evening of music and food. 2013 Snowmass Summer of Free Music Series In 2013 JAS was asked by the Town of Snowmass to once again book their free Thursday night concert series. The result was an eclectic mix of music crossing over many genres throughout the summer. June 20 Freddy Jones Band June 27 The Dunwells July 5 C.J. Chenier and the Red Hot Louisiana Band July 11 The Revivalists July 18 Mountain Standard Time July 25 J. Boog August 1 Tab Benoit August 8 Nigel Hall August 15 Robert Walters 20th Congress 2013 annual report » 17 « Financials Jazz Aspen Snowmass 2013 Statement of Financial Position [Non-GAAP] JAZZ ASPEN SNOWMASS 2013 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION1 – December 31, 2013 [NON-GAAP] January JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2013 ASSETS 2013 ASSETS: Cash and cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable Prepaid items and Deposits Inventories Property and Equipment , Net Beneficial Interest @ ACF 1,029,650 16,905 100,778 26,449 90,250 39,485 TOTAL ASSETS 1,303,517 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Deferred Revenues Note(s) Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS snow »» 118 8 «« j a z jzaazszpaens psen no wma ssm a s s 187,138 836,238 328,530 1,351,906 100,000 -148,389 -48,389 1,303,517 Jazz Aspen Snowmass 2013 Statements of Activities [Non-GAAP] January 1 – December 31, 2013 JAZZ ASPEN SNOWMASS 2013 STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES [NON-GAAP] JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2013 REVENUES CONTRIBUTED REVENUES Contributions Sponsorships Host Sponsorships & Underwriting Corporate Sponsorships Municipal Sponsorships Total Sponsorships Grants TOTAL CONTRIBUTED REVENUES Educational Programs & JAS Café June Festival Labor Day Festival Management & General Fundraising 166,624 210,039 823,709 156,256 71,570 10,000 100,000 22,500 159,875 44,339 81,570 57,500 305,694 122,500 144,500 131,500 195,000 471,000 204,214 332,539 1,294,709 360,470 0 30,000 445,738 204,879 499,580 1,847,318 20,245 225,124 63,124 562,704 321,490 2,168,808 91,617 2,162 93,779 91,781 91,781 TOTAL REVENUES 530,818 895,243 3,463,517 454,249 537,519 EXPENSES PROGRAM EXPENSES Production Programming Ticketing Marketing TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES 100,369 317,407 15,761 35,525 469,062 397,209 386,544 38,539 46,949 869,241 1,212,153 1,523,226 129,940 161,799 3,027,118 0 0 79,600 47,760 258,952 389,037 79,600 47,760 258,952 79,600 246,981 326,581 TOTAL EXPENSES 548,662 917,001 3,286,070 326,581 389,037 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS -17,844 -21,758 177,447 127,668 148,482 EARNED REVENUES Patron & General Ticketing Special Events Concessions, Merchandise and, Other Revenues TOTAL EARNED REVENUES SUPPORTING SERVICES Management & General Fundraising TOTAL SUPPORTING SERVICES 415,738 389,037 2013 annual report » 19 « OWMASS 2013 FINANCIAL CHARTS JAZZ ASPEN 1% SNOWMASS 2013 FINANCIA 2% Jazz Aspen 2013 Financial Charts JAZZSnowmass ASPEN SNOWMASS 2013 FINANCIAL CHA 53% Individual Contributions (includes NC, Board, 2013 Contributed Reve contributions) 2013 2013 CONTRIBUTED/EARNED REVENUES 2013 CONTRIBUTED REVENUES ContributedJAZZ / Earned ASPEN SNOWMASS Grants 2013 FINANCIAL CHARTS 47%2013 - Foundations JAZZRevenues ASPEN SNOWMASS FINANCIAL CHARTS 2013 Contributed / Earned Revenues 53% Total Contributed Total Earned 47% 2013 2013 Revenues Contributed / Earned Contributed / Earned Revenues 53% 47% 32% Grants - Municipal 1% 2013 Contributed Revenues 2013 Contributed Revenues 65% 32% 1% Individua 65% contribu 1% Total Contributed Total Earned 2% 2% 1% Grants Individual Contributio 2% Individual Contributions (includes NC, Board, Patron contributions) Total Contributed Total Earned Individual Contributions contributions) (includes NC, Board, PatIndividual Contributions (includes NC, Board, PatronGrants Total Contributed Total Earned Grants - Foundations Grants - Foundations 53% 53% Total Contributed 47% 16% 16% 3% Grants - Municipal 2013 16% 3% General/Patron Ticketing 81% 2013 16% Earned Revenues 81% 16% Special Events Ticketing General/Patron 7% 6% Earned Revenues 2013 Earned Revenues 3% 81% 2% Grants - Municipal 2013 EXPENSES es 3% 32% 65% contributions) contributions) Grants - Foundations Grants - Municipal Grants - Foundations Grants - Municipal Total Earned 2013 EARNED REVENUES 3% 32% 81% 2013 7% Earned Revenues 6% 10% 7% 60% 60% 2013 Earned Revenues 17% 6% 10% 2013 Expenses 17% 17% 60% Education Programs 81% General/PatronGeneral/Patron Ticketing Ticketing 10% June Festival Education Programs June&Festival Education ManagementPrograms General Concessions,Events Merchandise Special & Other Revenues Management & General June Festival General/Patron Ticketing Special Events Special EventsConcessions, Merchandise & Other Revenues » 20 « j a z z a s p en s n o w m a s s Concessions, & Other Revenues Concessions,Merchandise Merchandise & Other Revenues 7% 6% 60% Labor Day Festival Concessions, Merchandise & Other Revenues Special Events nues 2013 Expenses 7% Labor Fundraising Day Festival 6% 10% Fundraising 17% Labor Day 60% Festival Education P June Festiv Labor Day Manageme Donors for the 2013 Season $100,000+ Richard & Kitzia Goodman Richard & Nancy Rogers $25,000 – $99,999 Anonymous Ascent Performance Group Don & Marianne Buchholz Greg & Rhonda Casillas City of Aspen Donald Drapkin David & Holly Dreman Bill & Marilyn Getz Marc & Carol Goldstein Henry & Angela Hite Tim LaRose & Lorrie Wright Bob & Nancy Magoon Steve Marcus Earl Michie Robert Pew & Susan Taylor Robert & Lexie Potamkin William C. Powers Monika & John Preston Allen & Kelli Questrom $10,000 – $24,999 Aspen Community Foundation Geoff & Susan Barker Robert & Cara Barnes Edward P. Bass R.C. Buford David Chazen Thomas J. Coates Colorado Creative Industries Comcast Spotlight Rick Crandall & Pamela Levy Steve & Nancy Crown Susan Crown & William Kunkler Charles & Angela Cunniffe David Daniels John & Selene Devaney Jon Diamond Carol Dobson Art & Marcy Falcone Kathryn Fleck Peisach & Harry Peisach Shelly & Golda Friedstein Edouard & Brooke Gerschel Arjun Gupta Donna Harper Woody L. & Gayle Hunt Liba Icahn Patricia & Howard Jenkins Key Bank Steven & Sue Kinney Gary & Linda Krat Kelly Lasher Mark & Robin Levinson Toby Devan Lewis Libby Anschutz Brown Foundation Monty & Paula Loud Larry & Susan Marx Michael & Debbie McNamara Alec & Gail Merriam Richard Morris Brooks & Sherry Reed Robert & Deborah Newman Sharpe Jacqueline & Neal Shear Dean Singleton Thad & Sarah Smith Daryl & Dallas Snadon Walker & Jenna Stapleton Viceroy Hotel Lantz & Laura Welch Tana Wood $5,000 – $9,999 Lawrence & Joan Altman Jon & Jennifer Anda Gerhard & Jeanne Andlinger Jeff & Evelyn Angelovich Anonymous Carl Ashkin Brad Beckworth Karen Bering Terri & Tony Caine Dennis Carey Tom & Megan Clark Frank Cohen James & Paula Crown Laurie Crown & Rick Ortega Lawrence F. DeGeorge & Suzanne Niedland Donna Di Ianni & Peter Rispoli Bruce Etkin & Tania Dibbs Matt & Karen Fairbairn Steven Feiner Jim Fifield & Helen DeFrance Paul L. & Alejandra Foster David & Sheila Fuente Wheatie Gibb Diane Gibson Stevie Gillman Adam Goldsmith Andi & Jim Gordon The Edgewater Funds Mathew Gorson Robert Graham Jim & Pamela Graham Carey Graham Richard & Eileen Greenberg Bill Greenfield Toby & Elizabeth Hatfield Jim & Michele Jackoway Tom & Mary James Jeff & Erica Keswin Scott & Elizabeth Kimple Helen Klanderud Stuart Lasher James S. & Suzann Levine Suzanne Leydecker Paul & Laurie MacCaskill Robert & Judy Mann John & Sandy Miller Andrew & Margaret Paul Michael Penegor Ed & Pat Peterson John & Amy Phelan Doug Phelps Doren Madey Pinnell Marc & Sheri Rapaport Byron & Anda Roach Scott Robertson David & Meg Roth Patrick & Mary Scanlan Wido Schaefer John H. & Patsy Shields Tracy Shopkorn Steve & Deborah Smith Charif Souki John Special Steven & Sandy Stay Ben & Ricki Tischler Vicki Treadwell James Valerio Duer Wagner, III Michael & Adelaide Waters Jay & Patti Webster K.C. & Randa Weiner Eric Whitney Dan & Staci Wilks Larry & Lorrie Winnerman William & Heather Wrigley, Jr. $2,500 – $4,999 Raul Abuchaibe Joyce Amico Aspen Highlands Partners George E. Bagwell, DDS - Aspen Valley Prosthodontic Dentistry Jeb & Lora Ball David Barnes Michael Baumann Erin Becker John Beeson Sarah Belshaw Kevin & Jane Berg Donna Kay Berger Marc Bern Pamela Bernhardt Scott & Ella Brittingham William Cameron Cathy Carly John Contois Kim Cortez Michael F. & Dr. Veronica Selinko Curran Lin Davis Kevin Donohoe John Dorsey Merle Dulien Andrew Dunigan Ralph Eads Lisa Eads Burke Edwards Mike Erikson Steven & Kiki Esrick William & Francesca Fender Jodee & Jason Ferree Jon Fiore & Moira Wolofsky First Bank Aaron & Barbara Fleck Amber & David Flint Bram & Susan Flynn Patrick Forte Michael & Barbara Gamson Betty Gates Georgia Gatoura Greg Gibson Jordan Goodman Dale Goodman Gerald & Glenda Greenwald Mary Harutun Lita Heller Dave & Ruthie Hoff Russell & Helen Hoffberger J.D. & Kathy Hoyt James Huffines Bill Hunckler Scot & Barbara Hunter Tony & Stephanie Ingram Ricky Jenkins Holly Jensen Kimberly Jones Greg & Ann Jones & Family Paula Kadison Mindy Karl Jeff & Olivia Kearney Christopher Kliefoth William Knopf Mimi Kuppin Glen & Tracy Larner Heather Leck Reid Lederer Diane Leede Russell Libby 2013 annual report » 21 « Donors for the 2013 Season Warren Lichtenstein Leandro Liuzzi Elizabeth & Sam Logan Rob Lyon Lee & JoAnne Lyon Michael & Kristin MacDermott Brenda Mahone Reagan & Debra Majoria Angela Marion Patrick Markert Mike & Monica Maroone Tony & Mona Look Mazza Charles & Alison McAdam Michael & Sarah McConnell Brett McKenzie Sara McNeil Meg Meade Joseph Mello Elizabeth Milias Esther Miller Josh & Elizabeth Mondry Mike & Deborah Montgomery Ronnie Morgan Diane Morris Bobby Nail Don Nelson Tom Niedermeyer Wally Obermeyer Dan O’Connell Jeffrey & Karen Oddo Janet O’Grady Christyne Olson John Olson Lisa Owens Andy Parker Esther Pearlstone David & Dawn Phillips Alan Potamkin Jodee Rager Tony Ressler Martha Robinson Andy & Ivette Rothschild Michael & Sabrina Rudin Michael & Tricia Sakich Nathan & Karen Sandler Milton Schneider » 22 « Lee Schumacher Phyllis & David Scruggs George & Teena Shaw Ronda Shrewsbury Weybright David Simonds Millinda Sinnreich Kristi Southard Dennis & Patty Southwick Richard & Maria Stafford Tina Staley Warren Stickney Andy & Susan Stone William & Laura Thomas Laurie Tisch Kelly Wagner Jay Warren Terri Waughtal Wells Fargo Private Bank Mark & Eve Whiston Kim White Wendalin Whitman Joe Wise Traci Wodlinger Judith Wolpert Ryan & Bethany Wood Sheryl Wyman Jeffery Zander Carole Zeigler $1,000 – $2,499 Jeff & Rita Adler Richard Agett Julie Angelini John Arnoldy Lisa & George Baker Thomas Benjamin Randy Bennett Karen Bennett Amy Margerum & Gilchrist Berg Bruce & Barbara Berger Mica Bergman Judy Berman Archer & Sandie Bishop Bruce Blakemore Carolyn Block j a z z a s p en s n o w m a s s Robert & Constance Hughes Bonczek Allison Bone Bruce Bowen Debbie Braun Jack Brooks John Bryant Bill & Jess Budinger Sharon Cain Orbry Chamblee Eric & Katie Choi Timothy W & Kara A Clark Michael & Sandy Collins Ugo Colombo Page Cook Lorrie Croft A. Scott Davidson Mark & Yoly Davis Claire Davis Jeff Davis Tom Dean Steve Dehan Dale DeLeo Jim Dicke, III Robert & Susan Donatelli Lori Dresner Ann Foster & Kurt P. Duldner Stefan & Gael Neeson Edlis Kareem Edwards Judy & Dennis Egan Tracy Eggleston Holly & Sheldon Eike Michelle Eisenberger Michael Eisner Joe Emanuel Sheldon & Clayton Erikson Jon Ervin Jim Farmer Tom & Darlynn Fellman Debbi Fields Cliff & Jean Findeiss David Flake Christine Fox Kelli Gardner Austin Gardner Julie Garside Jeff Geller Bruce & Lori Gendelman James Gettel Beth & Larry Gies Kristi Gilliam Ellen Glimcher Michael Goldberg Alfred Goldstein Laura Gottesman Michael Gugenheim Kevin Hall Steve & Sally Hansen Sara Haryman Dawn Henderson Jane Hire Alan & Deborah Hodes Don & Lanthia Hogg Michael & Lisa Holthouse Matt Horvitz Sue Hostetler Ellen Hunt Gerri Kahnweiler Kyle Klein David Kudish Jimmy Lackie Karyn Lamb Rickey Lamitie Land Rover Roaring Fork Tim Laney Isaac Lapciuc Madeleine Larson Thomas & Margi Wilkinson Levitt Adam & Melony Lewis Ginger Lopez John & Rosemary R. Lowenberg Roberty & Patty Mack Rita Madden Kristen Maley Lilly Manderachia Janis Mark Chip Marks Robert & Andrea Miller Maria Morris Bob & Susan Morrison Andy Moszynski Mountain Beverage Karen Nern Tim Nichols Nick & Zelma Nichols Marian Nilsen Steve Niprako Raymond P. Niro Marian Oleksy Nancy Paley Paul & Erin Pariser Robbie & Linda Patman Kevin Patrick & Andrea Wendel Alexa Person Brooke Peterson Bill Pope Charlynn Porter Jol Quennville Dennis Ratner Steve & Sachi Reynolds Jeff & Katie Rhodes Niki Rookis David & Valerie Ross Heidi Rumsey Jay Schmitz Bob & Barbara Sheldon Tracy Simmons Rona Smith Patrick Smith & Jennifer Burrows Nancy Snell & Rodney Knutson Art & Sandy Soares Tim & Kelly Spitzley Marty Sprinzen & Julie Nini Edward St. John III Gail Stanger Daryl Stegall David & Linda Stein Erin Steiner James & Connie Steiner Jr. Suzanne Stern Bill Stevens Angie & Gary Stewart Jeannie Terilli Pete & Shelly Thigpen Greg Topper Stuart & MarrGwen Townsend Umbrella Roofing Britt & Jason Urband Dale & Melissa Waldorf Corporate Sponsors HOST SPONSORS Nancy Walsh Sam & Tillie Walton William Warshaw Keith & Margie Weber Pepper Weinglass Susie Wells Mindy Wexler & Dr. Ken Small George Steve & Lydia Whipple John Wilke Lonna Williams William & Marie Figge Wise Brett Wyard Nina & Milton Zale $50 - $999 Wendy Aresty Rick & Bridget Balentine Julio Beaton Steve Brown Marian & Buzz Brown Brooke Casillas Courtney Clark Pat Cooper Danielle Davidson Clayton Day Helen DeFrance Annie Denver Jamie Emmer Maurice Emmer David Fehr Stuart Fine Ed Freeman John Galante Becky Gilbert Constance Golder Louisa Goldsmith Richard Gordon Chiara Grant Ronald & Jan Greenberg Howard & Marcy Gross Giora & Rachel Hahn Margret Harris Bunny & John Harrison Craig Horwich Peter & Sandy Johnson Sylvia & Richard Kaufman Samantha Klanac John Knox John LaSalle Sigrid Lee John Leeder Tom Levett Carol Loewenstern Pete Louras Wendy Lucas Laura Mathews Anne McNulty Nalin Mehta David & Barbara Fosco Missner Denise Monteleone Terry Murray Patricia Neeb Marie D. O’Neill Charles Patti Dabney Pierce Jeff Posey E. Alden Richards James & Judy Rifkin Herb Rosenblum Damon Roth Ann Samuelson Christine Sare Arno & Danner Schefler Tyler Siegel John Silberman Martha Singleton Todd & Casey Slossberg Kenny & Robin Smith Rusha Smith Nancy Spears Tracy Straus Shelly Summers Theory LLC Cheryl Towning Dana Underwood Thomas Van Straaten Reid Walker Sally Ann Wekstein Joseph & Carrie Wells David Wesson Brenda Wild & Tony Coia Emily Wilson MAJOR SPONSORS ADDITIONAL SPONSORS 2013 annual report » 23 « premier events since 1991 entertain• educate• preserve Jazz Aspen Snowmass 110 E. Hallam, Suite 104 Aspen, CO 81611 970.920.4996 JAS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
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Best regards,
Jim Horowitz
Founder, President & CEO