Clearcast Newsletter Spring 2014


Clearcast Newsletter Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Hello from Chris Mundy
Eleanor Bonnet
Anna Morris
Barry Noone
Chris Mundy
Elliot Lord
Guy Cubitt
James Morgan-Yates
Joanne Walker-Davidson
Jonathan Laury
Kirsty McKillop
Kristoffer Hammer
Michael Haydon
Niamh McGuinness
Seb Lynch
Guest writer
Lindsey Clay of Thinkbox
Cover photograph
We Made This
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
A bumper year for Clearcast
A Training update
Advertising abroad?
How tech has fertilised TV – by Lindsey Clay, Thinkbox
CopyCentral – are you ready?
CopyCentral FAQs
Smoke & Vapour – an update on E-Cigs
A bespoke clearance for Red Bull
The less obvious restrictions for film ads
HEINEKEN: A Copy Development Case Study
Hellos, Goodbyes, Promotions & Babies
Inny & Outty
Death Ship 666 – A theatre review
Dear Jackie
Did you know…?
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Already this year, nine of us went to Dublin to do a Q&A with Irish agencies. Although we visit regularly, this was the first open meeting for some
time. It was packed and we had an excellent interactive session; I’d like
to take this opportunity to thank those that gave up their time to attend,
and IAPI and Sky who helped organise the session.
Chris Mundy
Managing Director
2013 was a big year for Clearcast. We considered a record 36,600 scripts
and 65,000 VTRs. We increased our service level for turning round
scripts to 85% and exceeded this throughout the year. We achieved
“Outstanding” 2 Star Status in the Best Small Companies Accreditation.
Our training programme won the gold at the EASA Best Practice awards.
Our Copy Development (renamed from Campaign Planning) and TV
Admin services continued to grow clients, the former getting tricky ads
to air in the UK and the latter helping agencies get their copy to air both
at home and abroad. We also undertook far more “live” and bespoke
clearances than ever before.
Looking forward, 2014 is a big football year; we’re expecting lots of event
commercials and with that in mind in this newsletter we show how
bespoke clearances can work for you. We also tell the story of how our
Copy Development service helped HEINEKEN get their responsible
drinking message out in the face of stringent restrictions on how such
stories may be told. It’s fair to say that E-Cigs presented us some challenges in 2013 but with ASA adjudications and legislation, things are
becoming clearer and we explore this as well.
So there’s plenty to read this edition, including (not for the faint hearted)
our very own Jackie explaining the rules round advertising sex toys.
In keeping with a long tradition of such things, you’ll find it in the
back pages.
2014 will be an even bigger year as we launch CopyCentral, our new copy
clearance system, in the second quarter. We will be migrating all of our
3,500 plus users to the new system, so if you use Adway watch out for
communications in this issue and elsewhere to make sure that process
goes seamlessly. We’ll also be refreshing our website in order to help
both regular and occasional visitors find what they need more easily.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
A bumper year for Clearcast
A Training update
Advertising abroad?
How tech has fertilised TV – by Lindsey Clay, Thinkbox
CopyCentral – are you ready?
CopyCentral FAQs
Smoke & Vapour – an update on E-Cigs
A bespoke clearance for Red Bull
The less obvious restrictions for film ads
HEINEKEN: A Copy Development Case Study
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
A bumper year
for Clearcast
Niamh McGuinness
Head of Copy Clearance
In 2013, Clearcast considered the highest ever number of scripts and
In total we considered just over 36,600 scripts, a 6% increase on the
number considered in 2012 and over 65,000 films which amounts to
a 4% increase over the previous year.
We undertook to respond to 85% of script submissions within four
working days and we are pleased that we comfortably achieved the target having averaged 86% of responses in four days over the whole year.
Our target for responding to film submissions is 95% within two days;
we achieved an average of 96%.
With the introduction of our new clearance system, CopyCentral this
year, we will be doing our best to maintain this performance throughout 2014.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Training Team:
we had a great 2013…
but 2014 might top it
Our courses continue to sell out each year and the delegate feedback
goes from strength to strength:
‘Great course, should be standard that anyone using Clearcast
should do it.’ Mark at Feref, Agency Certificate, October 2013
‘Really insightful day, well presented and was good to have an
interactive opinion of your own.’
Michael Haydon
Training and New Business Manager
Jessica at Fox International Channels, Creative Certificate, March 2013
‘Really enjoyed the day. Fun, interactive and laid back.
I will definitely recommend to my colleagues.’
Carly at Superdrug, Advertiser Certificate, November 2013
‘Excellent! Good Trainer.’
Karl at Channel 5, Advanced Certificate, October 2013
With a Gold win at the EASA Alliance Best Practice awards in April for
our work in developing professional standards in the ad industry and
the successful sell-out two day International course demystifying the
rules in six countries across eight sectors in October, we couldn’t have
asked for more. Oh and did you hear that 100% of 2013 delegates
would recommend our certificate course to a colleague? That was nice
We thought it probably best to hit the ground running with 2014. As
you’d expect, we have the usual jam-packed year of certificate course
dates for people all across the ad industry, each individually designed
to make the clearance process smoother and more efficient than ever
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
‘Excellent and best training I have had so far.’
Puja, at BskyB, Broadcaster Certificate, April 2013
We also offer bespoke training at your offices with an agenda to suit you.
This is specifically tailored to your organisation’s needs, whether you
are an agency, advertiser, broadcaster or university. Last year we trained
teams from across the UK, Europe and America. You’ll find loads more
about our programme on our website, including more great feedback,
course content, dates and online booking. But hurry, the first two
Agency courses of 2014 have already sold out in record time. With all
that ahead of us, we’re betting this will be another brilliant year, where
our commitment to high standards and professionalism will continue
to help you get your ads to air and keep them there. I look forward to
welcoming you to Clearcast Towers in 2014!
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Michael Haydon
Training and New Business Manager
Want to see your ad on air in another country, but wondering what the
advertising rules are? Look no further than our International Video
You’ve already read about the sell-out International Training Day we
ran at Channel 4 in October. Whilst we were busy planning the event,
we realised it would be rather silly of us to confine the rare occasion of
having expert speakers from six different countries in the same room
to those two afternoons in October.
So we decided to film both afternoons for anyone who didn’t make it!
You willl soon be able to access videos of these incredibly useful presentations by expert speakers from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the
Netherlands and the USA where advertising rules are demystified
across eight sectors (Misleading Advertising, Harm & Offence, Automotive, Environment, Advertising to Children, Food & Drink, Gambling and Alcohol).
‘The course outline was very clear and the speakers offered a
great insight into what is acceptable in their region.’
Mark at Fox International Channels, International Certificate, October 2013.
And we’ll be offering free access to bite size introductory clips which
will give you a helpful general overview of what the processes are in
each country, from our very own TV Admin guru Danny Turner.
You will be able to access as much or as little of the training as you like
online, be it a certain sector across all six countries, just one country’s
rules across all sectors or even smaller chunks which are divided by
sector and country, for example Advertising to Children in Germany.
Keep your eye on our website, and we’ll be sending you out an email
alert about this soon.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
There is an encyclopaedia of ways in which technology has enhanced TV
– not least the ever-increasing quality of the sets on which we watch the
vast majority of our TV and the magnificent TV delivery technology we
now know the internet to be. But one hugely significant technological
development has been the ability to watch TV with an internet-connected
companion screen to hand or ‘multi-screening as it is often known. It
has brought benefits to TV broadcasters, viewers and advertisers.
How tech has
fertilised TV
Lindsey Clay
Thinkbox Chief Executive
Thinkbox’s ‘Screen Life: the view from the sofa’ research examined multi-screening and revealed many of these benefits, such as how
it encourages viewers to stay in front of the TV set during ad breaks
and encourages more TV viewing. It also showed that multi-screeners
are even more open, welcoming and positive about advertising than
single-screeners. Broadcasters have recognised this and launched an
array of multi-screen opportunities for advertisers.
The truth however is that technology has watered and fertilised the
land of TV, helping it to expand and flourish in ways it had only
dreamed of.
The pace of change is breath-taking. Recent developments revolve
around giving TV viewers the ability to chat, play, discover and buy.
They include ITV launching Ad Sync, which enables an advertiser to
launch a second screen takeover when its TV ad is broadcast; Channel
4 launching a dedicated second screen app for all its content called
4Now, which offers viewers real-time voting, games and quizzes to play
and enables advertisers to target them with interactive ads which are
synchronised with the broadcaster's commercial breaks. Sky has invested in Zeebox – the interactive second screen app that enables viewers to discover, connect, share and interact with live TV as they watch
– and has also launched its own second screen app called Sky Share, a
Facebook app that lets Sky viewers share their favourite shows with
friends on Facebook and discover other Sky shows based on what their
friends are watching, what's trending and personal recommendations.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
It sounds odd now, but there was a time when people suspected that
new technologies might be gloomy news for TV.
Things like ‘the internet’ and new screens like tablets and smartphones
were a threat some thought. This new tide of technologies was set to
sweep TV away or at least flood its lowlands.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
And alongside the broadcaster offerings are independent second
screen apps such as Shazam, which uses innovative audio-recognition
technology in TV ads to enable viewers to access extra content. Viewers
who have Shazam installed on their smartphones, currently more than
10 million in the UK, can use the app to interact with enabled adverts
to enter competitions, get additional information about a brand or
product, and view or download additional content. In the UK, Shazam
has partnered with ITV to offer advertisers the chance to have their
spots Shazam-enabled. Thinkbox recently created 60 second Shazamenabled ads and placed them in programmes where we knew viewers
were involved in higher than average multi-screening. Each was preceded in the same break by a 10 second ‘Get ready to Shazam’ spot and
viewers who had downloaded the Shazam App on their smartphone
were able to discover a range of extra content. The results of this trial
saw over 40,000 viewers Shazam our ad with an interaction rate
of 58%.
Multi-screening is one of the best examples of how TV has soaked
up the tide of technology and found a way to use it that enhances the
experience for both the viewer and advertisers.
Clearcast says:
Thinkbox have lots of useful and nickable stuff on their website:
It’s well worth a look!
Alongside these commercial innovations, perhaps the greatest benefit
of multi-screening to broadcasters and advertisers is something more
organic: the ‘drive to live’. This is when online social comment – on
Twitter, Facebook et al – boosts TV viewing as viewers seek out what
they hear other people are enjoying. Social comment also makes live
viewing even more imperative – miss the show when it is broadcast
and friends who have been multi-screening may spoil it. Just as catchup TV services from the broadcasters (another technological boon for
TV) can increase viewing to live linear TV channels (because they help
more viewers to avoid ‘missing out’), so social media on companion
screens are making live TV even more appealing.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
1 Return a signed Agreement
A person of the appropriate level of authority in your organisation
needs to sign and return the agreement to use CopyCentral.
CopyCentral –
are you ready?
By the time you read this we should already have made contact with
every organisation who submits ads to us (and there are about eight
hundred of you!) to find out who the best person for that job is and
have sent registration agreements to most of these people.
James Morgan-Yates
Chief Technology Officer
If you are concerned that your organisation hasn’t received an
agreement yet, please ask around internally and if you still have
concerns email us at
2 Nominate Super Users
The person who is completing the registration agreement will also
be asked to nominate at least one Super User who can administer
the account. See the related FAQ on the next page for more info
about Super Users.
Do you use Adway? Its replacement, CopyCentral is
coming… make sure you’re ready.
We hope by now most of you will have heard about our next generation
online submission system, called CopyCentral, which will replace
Adway this summer. Any organisation who has an existing Adway account and needs to continue to submit ads to us for clearance will need
to sign up to the new system.
Please read on to find out what you can do to make sure your organisation is on board and will have a smooth transition from Adway to
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Once we have your signed agreements back and the details of your
nominated Super User(s), we can start the next phase of the process,
which is sending the Super User information about online training, instructions on how to register other Super Users and Users and the date
your organisation will switch from Adway to CopyCentral.
We will not be able to clear your ads if your organisation hasn’t returned a signed agreement and nominated Super Users in advance of
the Go-Live process, which begins (with a phased approach) at the end
of April.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
What will happen to work in progress on Adway when
I switch to CopyCentral?
You will need to use both systems for a short period of time. On the
switchover date you will only be able to upload new scripts and TVCs
on CopyCentral. There will be a period of time while we complete the
clearance process for scripts that have previously been uploaded on
James Morgan-Yates
Chief Technology Officer
When will CopyCentral go live?
We’re starting the migration process at the end of April and this will
be staggered over the 4 weeks that follow, so every organisation that
uses Adway should be on board CopyCentral by the end of May/start
of June. It’s very important the Contracts have been signed and returned and the Super User has been assigned well in advance of this.
What is a Super User?
At least one Super User will be nominated by someone of the appropriate level of authority in your organisation during the registration
process. Super Users will then be able to administer their CopyCentral
account and:
Add additional Super Users
Add current users of Adway
Add new users when people join your organisation
Remove users when people leave
Create teams within their account and allocate users
to those teams
Who is building CopyCentral?
Hogarth Worldwide was chosen to develop and build CopyCentral because it successfully demonstrated to us that it is able to outreach our
on-going requirements; its systems are used by some of the world’s
largest advertising agencies and large advertisers such as Nike and
Unilever who entrust Hogarth to handle their video assets on a global
Will our confidential information be secure?
We recognise the paramount importance of keeping confidential
information secure, and have ensured contractually, functionally and
procedurally that CopyCentral will do so. Amongst the safeguards in
place, Hogarth is required to meet strict requirements for data security
as well as to comply with the Data Protection Act.
I still have questions, how do I find out more
about CopyCentral?
Please go to where you
will find more extensive FAQs and contact details, should you have
any questions.
This gives you control over who has access to your account and submissions.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
2013 changed all that. Although for a couple of years we have been seeing the odd script for e-cigarettes, which allow users to inhale liquid
nicotine and exhale an odourless vapour, the increasing number of
products on the market led to an increased number of submissions.
Smoke and
Niamh McGuinness
Head of Copy Clearance
The Code rules prohibit advertising for tobacco but also state that ads
for non-tobacco products should not include designs, colours, imagery,
logo style etc. that might be associated with a tobacco product. So far
so hard for Clearcast and e-cigarette advertisers; most of the products,
and at least some of the packaging, are reminiscent of tobacco cigarettes and so these could not be shown in any advertising. Clearcast
spent much of the early part of 2013 working with e-cigarette advertisers and their agencies finding an effective way of advertising while
trying to ensure any cleared ads complied with the strict rules of the
Code. We got ads to air and waited for the inevitable viewer challenges
and the ASA’s adjudications.
Since early 2003 it has been illegal to advertise tobacco and as far back
as 1965 tobacco advertising on TV has been banned. So far so easy for
Clearcast; the nearest we got to tobacco advertising is deciding
whether or not it’s acceptable to show historical figures such as Winston Churchill holding or smoking the cigar without which he was
rarely seen. Our eagle-eyed copy clearance staff can spot a cigarette
from afar and we regularly, for example, ask for film trailers to be
edited to remove shots showing cigarettes.
So where do we now stand with e-cigarette advertising? Well, the ASA
concluded that the products could be called what they are and so we
now accept references to e-cigs or e-cigarettes although we still advise
that the products should not be shown because their design can be associated with a tobacco product. Provided they are not too similar to
cigarette packets, we allow packs to be shown. To comply with the
ASA’s adjudications and to ensure the ads are not misleading, we ask
for a statement to be included indicating whether or not the products
contain nicotine (not all do) and to state that they are restricted for
sale to those over 18. In line with the ASA adjudications, we allow references to smoking provided they are not positive about the habit and
any ads that refer to smoking should not be of particular interest to
children or teenagers.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
There can be a tendency, because the products do not contain tobacco,
for e-cigarette advertisers to claim that their use is safer than traditional smoking. So far no robust evidence to prove that has been accepted and Clearcast rejects any claims of that nature. Although legal
to use, many establishments have declined to allow their use and
Clearcast will not accept claims that they can be used legally anywhere.
Separately, there is ongoing regulatory activity. To support the European Commission’s draft Tobacco Products Directive the Medicines
and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) announced in
July that from 2016 all nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes, will be regulated as medicines and will need to be registered
and obtain a medicine licence. Further debate of the Tobacco Directive
has confirmed that after 2016 any e-cigarettes not licensed as medicines will be prohibited from being advertised.
While the regulators continue to cogitate, Clearcast will continue to
advise on and clear e-cigarette advertising that falls in line with the
Code and the ASA’s adjudications as they currently stand. All this
could, however, go up in a puff of smoke… or vapour.
If you would like advice on how to advertise e-cigarettes, it could be
well worth while to make use of our Copy Development Service. We
can give you sound advice on how to progress advertising, before formal script stage to ensure pitfalls are avoided.
Click here to find out more about what we offer.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
A bespoke clearance:
Red Bull Revolutions
in Sound
Oliver Golden and Anna Morris from Clearcast visited the OB truck
outside the London Eye, to clear an advert promoting the show, presented by DJ Annie Mac. The OB truck was buzzing with excitement,
tension and nerves as the crew prepared for a long night of ground
breaking broadcast.
Although the advert was a small part of the huge event, it was crucial
to keep the timing to 30 seconds, and deliver it to Channel 4 in time
for the broadcast. We watched nervously as Annie Mac delivered a
seamless and perfect 30 second script to camera, promoting the
evening’s events. We were in awe of how professional, calm and slick
she was. There were multiple takes to get the timing and the wording
just right, and the script, which we’d agreed was fine for compliance,
was delivered perfectly. Once we were all satisfied with the ad, and
gave the go ahead, it was delivered to Channel 4 and broadcast.
Anna Morris
Copy Group Executive
To find out more about bespoke clearances at Clearcast, please contact Seb Lynch, Copy Development Manager:
Clearcast were delighted to be involved in the bespoke clearance of an
ad for Red Bull Revolutions in Sound, at the London Eye on 14th
November. For one landmark night, 30 of the most legendary UK club
nights took over a capsule each in this iconic tourist attraction. Clubs
included Fabric and Cream, and performers included Katy B and Lily
Allen. Each club experience was broadcast live, simultaneously on for the UK, and on YouTube for the rest of the world.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
The less obvious
restrictions for film ads
Following some new adjudications in 2013, we felt it was timely to talk
about some of the elements of film and TV releases that attract scheduling and timing restrictions for less obvious reasons.
Our clearance ethos is to work with advertising agencies to help get
ads to air and keep them there, by ensuring they comply with the
Jo Walker-Davidson
Senior Copy Group Executive
See No Evil,
Hear No Evil,
Speak No Evil!
Very little of what we do is black and white and those of you who have
attended one of our Training Sessions, and participated in a Mock
Morning Viewing, will know that getting a group of people to reach a
consensus about an appropriate timing restriction can be challenging!
We do our best, but we don’t always get it right.
We take our role very seriously; if we are judged to get an ad clearance
wrong by the ASA, then we review the process taken to reach that decision and take that adjudication into account for future clearances.
The recent adjudication relating to complaints made about advertising for the release of the film Evil Dead (2013) has shown us that
you don’t necessarily have to “see evil” to be upset or frightened by it.
Blood! Fangs! Zombies! Bendy creatures on the ceiling! There are
some things you see in the films that (literally) screeeeeeeeeaammmm
We approved two of the adverts in question with an ex-kids restriction,
with the rationale that the content was very mild in comparison to
other edits we had seen and it amounted to only announcement copy
and went no further.
But, there are some things that are less obvious which might not give
you the willies (see Dear Jackie for better innuendo) but could easily
upset those of a more delicate disposition, children in particular.
We approved the other two adverts in question with a TS (post-19:30)
restriction as they felt more ramped up but to the extent they required
one of the harsher watersheds.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
The ASA agreed with us on the latter two, but felt the wrong call had
been made on the first two. Whilst a couple of small visual elements
were cited – ‘girl in the bloodied dress’ and the ‘log cabin burning’, the
ASA felt the overall tone warranted a higher restriction than we had
originally awarded – “we considered that the voice-over stating, ‘Evil
is coming’ along with the use of swift cuts, darkly lit scenes and eerie
music created a sinister and tension-filled atmosphere.” So, it’s important to take into account the cumulative effect that tone and editing
can have.
There was another ASA adjudication in July relating to complaints
made about advertising for the release of the film Mama.
Of the two ads in question, the ASA agreed with our application of a
TS (post-19:30) restriction for the first one. Whilst the advert didn’t
contain any interpersonal violence, it did contain some elements that
might be considered as more likely to upset children, such as a ‘ghostly
figure’. However, the ASA also cited some tonal aspects that ramped
up the overall tone, such as “the use of swift cuts, dramatic sound effects and dark scenes suddenly illuminated by lightning, created a
charged and tense atmosphere which was also likely to upset younger
Of the second advert, at the time of approval we considered a PK (exkids) restriction was sufficient, on the basis that the advert contained
‘very little disturbing imagery’ and had a lighter tone of the first ad investigated. However, the ASA noted that “towards the end of the ad, a
voice whispered, ‘I don’t want you to get hurt’. This was followed by a
scene showing a woman asking a young child, ‘What's under the bed?’,
after which the camera panned downwards.”
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Whilst nothing is actually seen under the bed, the ASA considered that
“the idea of something dangerous hiding under the bed was a common
childhood fear” and the suggestion was sufficient to consider that a TS
(post-19:30) would have been more appropriate to keep the advert
away from younger children, who would be particularly susceptible to
being disturbed by this, as complainants had indicated.
It’s a timely reminder that careful consideration should be given to the
psychological aspects of film/tv trailers and the sensibilities of the audience who might be exposed to it before the watershed. Speak to your
Copy Clearance Exec here at Clearcast if you have any questions about
an ad that you think might fall into this category.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
A Copy Development
case study
Seb Lynch
Copy Development Manager
Clearcast were sent this ad for approval but had not been shown a preproduction script, and we rejected it based on BCAP code guidance
which states that any commercial telling a responsible drinking story
should not also promote an alcohol product or brand. Furthermore,
there were various other scenes in the global edit that were likely to
breach the BCAP code.
May 2013
The global brewer HEINEKEN International produced a TV commercial called ‘Sunrise’ for its Heineken beer brand, which depicted a man
enjoying a night in a club, and was designed to encourage moderate
In the original global edit, the man drinks one bottle of Heineken but
then drinks only water. He encounters a number of drunk people,
dances with female twins and finally leaves with the female DJ. The
tag line at the end read ‘Sunrise belongs to moderate drinkers’.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
HEINEKEN were keen to activate the film in the UK, including TV
broadcast, and they wanted to understand whether it would be possible to adapt their copy to make it acceptable whilst retaining some
aspect of the story they wanted to tell.
I met with the HEINEKEN communications team and presented two
possible routes. The first maintained the responsible drinking context
and removed any promotion of Heineken beer. This option meant that
elements normally prohibited in alcohol adverting, like showing drunk
people, would be acceptable. The second route involved de-emphasising the responsible drinking message but adapting the visuals so that
they would comply with all the rules regulating alcohol advertising.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
HEINEKEN decided that it would be necessary to keep references to
their product in the commercial, so the challenge was to find a way of
rewriting the tag line to something less overtly about responsible
drinking. As per my advice HEINEKEN removed anyone who looked
drunk and removed any suggestion of sexual success, thereby bringing
it in line with the normal alcohol rules. I then met with HEINEKEN to
view the edit and discuss options for the tag line. HEINEKEN suggested that the new global campaign would be using the tag line ‘Dance
more. Drink Slow’, so from a corporate point of view it would be ideal
to use this line. I presented this at the Policy and Copy Meeting at
Clearcast and it was deemed acceptable.
Through using the Copy Development service, HEINEKEN were able
to adapt their existing copy to produce an ad which promoted their
product while retaining the essence of their original story. The final
clocked ad was approved by Clearcast and has been broadcast without
complaint with the final end line ‘Enjoy the Sunrise. Dance More.
Drink Slow’. Without the involvement of the Copy Development service it is very unlikely that the copy would have appeared on UK television.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
‘The BCAP rules for alcohol are rightly stringent and ensure
that we, as responsible advertisers, operate to the highest standards.
There are some occasions where a far more detailed assessment
of copy versus code is necessary, either at an early stage of planning or where international material is being considered for
UK broadcast. The ability to sit down one-to-one with the Copy
Development Manager is a major benefit and helps us ensure,
as best we can, that we are fully compliant with The Code.
Of course, often interpretation can be subjective, and having
independent advice is a very useful contribution to the decision
making process.
The Clearcast Copy Development service is definitely something that we will make further use of in the future.’
Nigel Pollard
Head of External Communications, HEINEKEN
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Hellos, Goodbyes, Promotions & Babies
Inny & Outty
Death Ship 666 – A theatre review
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Hellos, Goodbyes,
Promotions and Babies
Guy Cubitt
Copy Group Manager
The Clearcast Internal Staff Replenishment Initiative (CISRI) continues to bolster numbers of future staff. We are happy to announce that
infants are being born at a rate consistent with forecasts. We are delighted to welcome 2 new proto-starters to the fold.
Young James has been recruited by Copy Group Manager Catherine
Preece and will take over from me in 2032. And young Finley has
been recruited by our Ingest Operator Greg Clement. Finley will take
Greg’s place in 2038. (Any staff member creating their own replacement gets a 2% discount on our on-line photosensitivity test. Maximum 2 per staff member.)
Primary School
Speaking of which, due to Cathy’s maternity leave I have been promoted to Copy Group Manager until her return.
James Leyland (left) and Finley Clement
And Micky Vansittart has also been promoted to Senior Copy Group
Executive and sits in my old seat. Not the actual seat, as that had to be
Sports Day
Congratulations to all of the above. Especially me.
Elliot Lord has also been promoted to Copy Group Manager to
replace Alice Shelley, who moves into co-management of the Cover
Team. Matthew Stevens was promoted to Senior Copy Group Executive to replace Elliot.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Inny & Outty: we throw the same questions to a
Clearcaster and an external buddy.
Eleanor Bonnet
Mandy Laws
Compiled by Kirsty McKillop Copy Group Executive
Ellie Bonnet is the Communications Executive at Clearcast and has been
here for six and a half years.
Mandy Laws is an Account Manager at Kindred – she has been there for
4 years.
Who was your best boss and why?
My dad was my boss for a very short while… and I was overpaid and underworked so
I’m inclined to say him.
Who was your best boss and why?
Pete Gooch – the man, the legend.
Weirdest thing you’ve eaten on holiday?
Fried Grasshoppers in Bangkok, for a dare and “the experience”. Ridiculous idea.
If you had a time machine when would you travel to and why?
It’s got to be the Mad Men era – 1960s New York. Amazing fashion, second-wave
feminism and incredible artists like Andy Warhol. So much going on!
What is the best thing about your job?
The variety. One day I could be gathering the Clearcast troops to put this newsletter
together and the next I could be writing a press release or developing our website.
Who would play you in the film of your life?
When American Pie first came out, a few people compared me to Alyson Hannigan
(yes, the girl with the flute). Although her character’s a bit dizzy, she was likeable
enough and she doesn’t take herself too seriously.
Your favourite TV ad of the last few months?
The latest Guinness ad, “Sapeurs” (Society of Elegant Persons of the Congo) is brilliant.
I like all Guinness ads, but this one is so unique. Love the Sapeurs’ colourful suits!
What would you change about the advertising industry in the UK?
Removing from my commercial breaks ads that are completely irrelevant to me… a
prayer that Sky are already starting to answer with their new Adsmart service.
Weirdest thing you’ve eaten on holiday?
An ostrich steak that I had to cook on my very own hot stone – delicious, even if I do
say so myself.
If you had a time machine when would you travel to and why?
Is there anyone who works in advertising that wouldn’t pick the Mad Men era?
What is the best thing about your job?
Working with creative people.
Who would play you in the film of your life?
Alyson Hannigan or Lindsay Lohan. I sometimes get compared to Alyson Hannigan
(although I don’t personally see it) so for visual accuracy, she’d get the job. However,
I am rooting for Lindsay to turn things around and get back to her Mean Girls prime,
so I think passing any work her way would be a good deed.
Your favourite TV ad of the last few months?
I’m hesitant to choose it as it’s a little bit irritating, but my god that KFC Christmas
advert ‘The taste that unites’ is catchy – that song would be stuck in my head for days.
Bonus points for the overenthusiastic child actor.
What would you change about the advertising industry in the UK?
Digital advertising creativity. There is a huge amount of creative talent in the UK, yet
there are so many online adverts that blend in like wallpaper. Surely we can be doing
more with those MPUs, skyscrapers and leaderboards.
If you had a super power what would it be?
In light of all the rain and wind we’ve had, I’d have to say Atmokinesis, the ability to
change the weather. Snow at Christmas, sunshine on weekends, rain once you’re
tucked up in bed… you get the idea.
If you had a super power what would it be?
Flight – have you seen how much international flights cost?
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Murder! Mayhem!
Copy Executive!
A Theatre Review with a Difference
Jonathan Laury Copy Group Executive
At Clearcast Towers the build up to Christmas is the busiest and, dare
I say it, most stressful time of year. In need of extra-curricular joy, we
didn’t have to search very far as Copy Exec and comedian-extraordinaire Anna Morris spent three weeks starring in Death Ship 666 at the
Jermyn Street Theatre.
Despite the rather ominous title we’d been promised an evening of
laughter and the crew of Death Ship 666 didn’t disappoint. A cast of
six tackled upwards of forty characters as we followed the doomed
eponymous ship on its maiden voyage to the Bermuda Triangle.
The heroic architect, attempting to save the half-built supposedly
unsinkable ship from doom had to contend with everything from
scheming super-villains, to teenage sleuths, to rampaging killer bears.
Our lass Anna bounced from evil millionaire to American tourist, via
a variety of sailors and passengers sometimes changing characters and
costume in the space of a few words. By the time the cast burst into a
Les Mis-style flag-waving anthem, somehow managing to top the earlier high point of the Charleston dance-off, there was not a dry eye left
in the house – everyone was crying with laughter.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Suffice to say, we enjoyed the show immensely and it was clear why it
had been a smash hit at the Edinburgh Fringe. That Our Anna was involved in such a quality show came as no surprise either, as over the
course of the last year one of her comedy characters, Georgina The
Bride, was a viral success and her solo show had received another victorious revival. Her plans for 2014 include World Domination, and I
for one reckon she can do it.
You can find one of Anna’s alter egos on YouTube, just search for
Georgina’s Wedding Video Blog.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Dear Jackie
Did you know…?
back page
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Dear Jackie…
Your ad problems solved by our resident agony aunt
Compiled by Elliot Lord, Copy Group Manager
They decided, however, that to show the toys would be shock worthy
enough to incur a post 23:00 restriction.
Now, I’m not talking about showing those joyful insertables that are
clearly meant to look like someone’s manhood, minus the useless bit,
i.e. the man. A depiction of those would still be unacceptable because,
quite frankly the giggles and squeals of a nation united in watching
those ads would render us all with a serious case of tinnitus.
Dear Jackie,
A dicky bird told me that Clearcast are approving the advertising of
sex toys now. Is this true? Are our TV screens going to be awash with
adverts for insertables and lubes?
Passionately yours,
Richard Hardd
Don’t get your edible knickers in a twist, Dickie darling.
I won’t lie to you, this area is challenging and is still under discussion
within the hallowed walls of Clearcast; but don’t let that worry you.
You won’t find a plethora of advertisers doing battle and crossing
swords in a bid to get their latest eight speed knee trembler or nip-slip,
lace-lined, over-the-shoulder bolder-holder on the box at half-past tea
time. Not yet anyway.
What is true is that, for now, Clearcast and the broadcasters have
agreed to oral references for sex toys being acceptable with a post
21:00 restriction.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
I’m talking about the ‘personal massager’ type products that you could
purchase to alleviate that tight hamstring of yours but may also find
useful for stimulating other, let’s say, intimate areas. When I was a girl
of 17, I remember finding such a product in aunt Millie’s closet. I
thought nothing of its mundane plastic sterility at the time… I salute
you aunt Millie.
Anyway, I digress as usual. In short, no, they won’t be shoving it down
your throat but, yes, you will find bed time fun products on air after 9
but it’ll be tastefully done… at least until 11pm when they’ll push the
boat out, and show the Pumpety 5000 ‘Neck Massager. Wink wink.
Gin time, toodles.
Jackie xx
Got a question for Jackie?
Well then, Ms Stone would love to hear any questions
you have about Clearcast. Please keep it general and
talk to your exec if it relates to a particular clearance.
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Did you
Kirsty McKillop
Copy Group Executive
· After 10 months of hard work Christian Bew and Justyna Shala
both successfully completed the IPA Advanced Certificate. The
course gave both a great insight into the advertising media where we
have little experience, like digital and radio. They were also able to
follow up on the results of campaigns to find out whether goals and
targets of various exciting campaigns had been achieved. They gained
a better understanding of the issues facing the ever-changing advertising industry and took part in various debates across topics, sharing
their own experience of copy clearance at Clearcast HQ.
· Copy Executive Barry Noone had a great opportunity to show off
his skills at the Red Bull Revolutions in Sound event on the London
Eye in November. He arranged a media pass that gave him access to
the press and artist’s boats docked below the Eye for the evening.
From there he got speaking to the Cream club DJs who invited him
along into their capsule for the main event. A lucky break for him as
he got to play some of his favourite trance tunes high above the London sky during the sound check.
After four complete revolutions his journey had ended, a journey that
had set a new world record for the most number of live streams at
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
Barry Noone DJing at the Red Bull Revolutions in Sound event (top)
Xmas jumpers: Louise Glover (left), Steve Austin (middle), Mark Hynes and Rosie Miller (above)
· Micky’s much loved Christmas jumper competition made a comeback this year with a sterling effort from all at Clearcast. Joint third
place went to Rosie Miller and Mark Hynes, second to Steve
Austin, and first place to Louise Glover. Louise couldn’t contain
her joy and was “thrilled” at the prospect of proudly displaying the
Christmas jumper trophy on her desk for the whole year.Third place
winner Mark was even happier with his win after he beat colleague
Christian Bew to the prize, despite both wearing the same jumper!
Micky awarded an extra (much disputed) “Recognition Prize” this
year to Jo Walker-Davidson following two written objections to
her non-knitwear entry. Congratulations to all!
Clearcast Newsletter · Spring 2014
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