Primary French - European Schoolbooks Ltd


Primary French - European Schoolbooks Ltd
Resources for
Welcome to our 2011 Catalogue of
Resources for Primary French in Scotland!
This is our new catalogue for primary French language learners in Scotland. Everything
here is distributed or published by European Schoolbooks Ltd. (ESB) and is available
nationally by mail order from Cheltenham, online via our website:
and to personal callers at our Young Europeans Bookstore (YEB), the children’s
department of The European Bookshop, 5 Warwick Street, London W1B 5LU.
Using this Catalogue
Age ranges and descriptions are as accurate as we can make them but are only a guide:
for further advice on any product please contact either The Young Europeans Bookstore
or the Marketing Department at ESB head office.
Prices are correct as of 01.10.2011 but are subject to change without
notice if raised by publishers or affected by exchange rate movements.
+ after a price indicates that VAT must be added.
Please check our website for up-to-date price information.
Educational Discounts may be considered for bulk orders.
Picture Books
ELI Magazines
Music, Song & Rhyme
Big Books
Bilingual Dictionaries
Monolingual Dictionaries
Classroom Aids
Catherine Cheater
Schemes of Work
Resources for Teachers 12
Inspection Copy Service for Teachers
We will gladly send you an inspection copy of any textbook (sorry, not audio-visual
materials) you are thinking of buying in class sets. If you buy 12+ copies of textbooks
direct from ESB or the YEB you may keep the inspection copy free-of-charge. If you buy
20+ copies you may be entitled to a discount. Please ask for details.
Other Services
We offer a range of other services to the language-teaching community ­– ASTs,
Advisers, Inspectors, and Heads of Establishments or Departments, especially Language
Colleges and Links Regional Centres. If you are planning any kind of languages event or
promotion, we can attend ourselves or send an appropriate boxed selection of relevant
books and materials. With suitable notice we can arrange presentations and workshops.
And we are open to all other suggestions. For more information please contact the
Marketing Department on 01242 245252, option 4.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Our Scottish
Please feel free to contact our
Scottish Representative
Seonaid Cooke
(based in Edinburgh)
Tel: 0779 2715089
ESB's mission is to make the best of the huge range of materials produced by the many
European publishers who specialise in the learning and teaching of their respective
languages available to UK language teachers.
In particular, we believe it is in every pupil's interest that UK language learning should
be aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which
all the best new materials produced within the 47 member countries of the Council of
Europe now incorporate.
Contacting us:
European Schoolbooks Ltd, The Runnings, Cheltenham, GL51 9PQ.
phone: 01242 245252 email:
Young Europeans Bookstore, 5 Warwick Street, London, W1B 5LU.
phone: 020 7734 5259 email:
All trade enquiries should be directed to our Cheltenham Head Office.
The Young Europeans Bookstore is a division of European Schoolbooks Ltd.
orders o P on
ver £50!
316640 Ma Maman
A book that uses comparisons and
descriptions to celebrate mothers.
Picture books
This collection includes many of our bestselling
picture books. We have included a mixture of
translated titles and original literature, which
introduce a wide range of everyday vocabulary
relevant to the world of young children. Every title is
filled with fun, from colourful illustrations to rhyming
text. For a full list of all our picture books, please
visit our website. (Titles marked ** are used, along
with lots of other picture books, in the Catherine
Cheater Scheme of Work for Primary French and
can be bought in separate book packs - see page 5).
translated titles
Beginners / False Beginners (Basic vocabulary,
simple sentences)
317899 Bébés chouettes
Martin Waddell’s Owl Babies in French.
003865 Bernard et le monstre
Not Now Bernard in French. This story tells
the tale of a boy called Bernard who, even
when faced with a monster, doesn’t get much
attention from his parents.
074655 Bonjour Mimi £9.65
The French version of the popular series
Maisy which has captivated young children all
over the world.
363279 Bonsoir Lune £5.70
A translation of the bestselling Goodnight Moon
by Margaret Wise Brown.
244062 La chasse à l’ours £12.75
The classic We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, in
which the main verse is repeated on every
other page and sounds are used to accompany
the actions.
071112 La chenille qui fait des trous Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
328884 Dear Zoo
A bilingual edition of Dear Zoo in French and
221857 Devine combien je t’aime
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam Mc Bratney.
074304 Elmer
Elmer is different to the other elephants: he
is multi-coloured, and he doesn’t like it. But
he discovers that uniqueness does not change
who he is in the eyes of his friends.
318653 Enfin la paix
Jill Murphy’s Peace at Last. Will Mr. Bear find a
quiet place to sleep?
004103 Je veux mon p’tipot!**
The Little Princess does not want to use her
potty but then she discovers what fun it can
be and cannot be without it.
074300 Madeleine
The delightful rhyming tale of Madeline set in a
boarding school in Paris.
247860 Max et les Maximonstres
Where the Wild Things Are in French.Young Max
gets into mischief with his wild friends.
304748 Meg & Mog
Meg and Mog go to a party where a magic
potion explodes, turning the witches into mice.
071771 Mon Papa
A second book by Anthony Browne, this time
celebrating fathers.
002647 Où est Spot, mon petit chien?
A popular Spot the Dog book. £13.75
289284 Ours blanc, dis-moi...
Polar Bear, Polar Bear,What Do You Hear?
327825 Ours brun, dis-moi...
Brown Bear, Brown Bear,What Do You See? A
book children are familiar with that repeats
two simple sentences, and teaches animals and
002774 Pierre Lapin £6.60
Beatrix Potter’s classic, The Tale of Peter Rabbit
in French.
002633 Le Roi Babar £6.60
An adventure of the renowned gentleman
elephant and “pere de famille” Babar.
Intermediate (longer, more complex
004097 Alice racontée aux petits £6.20
The blue caterpillar, baby pig and the Cheshire
cat are all present in this text that Lewis
Caroll wrote specifically for younger children.
The text is accompanied by John Tenniel’s
original illustrations from 1890.
356255 Et Hop! Dans les nuages £12.25
Julia Donaldson’s Room on the Broom. The
witch and her cat fly happily over forests,
rivers and mountains on their broomstick until
a stormy wind blows away the witch’s hat.
078819 Gruffalo
The Gruffalo in French. Follow the mouse
into the deep dark wood and discover what
happens when the quick-thinking mouse
comes face to face with an owl, a snake and a
hungry gruffalo...
318921 Les Bizardos £6.60
Funnybones in French. Three skeletons go out
at night to see if they can find someone to
101150 Petit Gruffalo
One dark night the Gruffalo’s child disobeys
her father’s warnings and ventures out into
the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn’t
really exist, does he?
213275 Prune, pêche, poire, prune
Janet and Allan Ahlberg’s famous classic Each
Peach Pear Plum in French.
Les Aventures de Tintin
The Adventures of Tintin in French, illustrated in
full colour:
074395 Crabe aux Pinces d’Or
The Crab with the Golden Claws.
074404 Le Secret de la Licorne
The Secret of the Unicorn.
074412 Le Trésor de Rackham le Rouge £12.50
Red Rackham’s Treasure.
Authentic French
073406 Je ne veux pas changer de maison!**£12.75
The Little Princess has to cope with the
trauma of moving house.
Beginners/False beginners (Basic Vocabulary,
simple sentences)
074329 Je veux grandir!**
The Little Princess wants to grow up but what
must she be to reach that stage?
311033 Aaaarrgghh, une araignée! £13.25
A spider tries to become part of a human
family. The simple text uses comparisons and
repeated constructions such as ‘I am going
to…’ and ‘l love to…’
071969 Je veux ma dent!**
One of the Little Princess’s prized teeth falls
072851 Aboie, Georges!
An exasperated mother tries to teach her pup
to bark, but Georges will only meow, quack
and oink... what has he been eating?!
071967 A plus tard Gérard!
A simple conversation with rhyme and rhythm
in which Toto isn't too keen to help out with
the chores... until it's too late!
004013 A quoi tu joues?
A book that challenges conventional ideas
about games ‘suitable’ for girls/boys.
004041 L’automne arrive**
The little rabbit goes out for the day and,
without warning, autumn arrives.
287039 Bon appétit, Monsieur Lapin!** £5.15
Mr. Rabbit has had enough of eating carrots, so
he finds out what other animals eat.
004073 Cache cache cochons**
Lots of little pigs play a game of hide and
seek, but the seeker cannot find any of them
until he has a bright idea.
325583 Je veux une petite sœur!**
The Little Princess can’t always get what she
073408 Lave-toi les mains!**
The Little Princess loves getting her hands
dirty. The only problem is she hates washing
334425 Je veux une maman-robot
A boy with a busy working mother decides to
make his own made to measure mum...
071005 Léon le camion
Leon is a lorry that changes colour and cargo
according to the seasons.
331493 Loup, loup y es-tu?**
Learn the daily routine and a nursery rhyme Promenons-nous dans les bois.
286909 Maman!** £10.25
Numbers and animals are the subjects of this
prize-winning book.
074652 Chapeau!**
'If I had a hat like this, I would be...' A
wonderful book which introduces children to
job titles.
072678 Ma journée dans la savane
In the course of a day 1 leopard, 2 ostriches, 3
giraffes (and so on) are seen in the Savannah.
This lovely book also has some information
about Tanzania, the animals of this country, the
Maasai people, Swahili names and the numbers
1 - 10 in Swahili.
240256 La grenouille qui avait une
grande bouche
A beautifully illustrated pop-up book about a
frog, that is perfect for reading to a class.
072632 Non mais ça va pas!
A sly crocodile tries unsucessfully to get
a little elephant to play close to the water
074651 Une histoire sombre très sombre** £11.75
This dark, dark story uses repetition to
capture the imagination and teach simple
075102 Par une sombre nuit de tempête**
Discover what happens in an abandoned
house on a stormy night.
074523 Homme de couleur
A popular African story which has been retold
over generations and tackles racism.
325585 Il y a un cauchemar dans mon placard**£5.70
The story of how a little boy deals with the
nightmare in his closet.
072992 Jacques a dit
A nicely illustrated version of 'Simon Says'.
074317 Le jardin des couleurs
Discover the colours of the garden. A little bit
of happiness is associated with each flower.
003809 Je m’habille te croque**
See the Big Bad Wolf put on all of his clothes
before he is ready to get you!
The Little Princess Stories
325580 Je ne veux pas aller à l’hôpital!** £5.70
The Little Princess gets something stuck up
her nose but refuses to go to hospital.
325582 Je ne veux pas aller au lit!**
The Little Princess will not go to bed. She
doesn’t see why as she isn’t even tired.
074303 Petit-bleu et petit-jaune**
A book that has become a classic thanks to its
original illustrations and themes of friendship
and difference.
073237 Pirouette Cacahouète
Everything that you would expect is in this
book: la maison en carton, les escaliers en papier,
le facteur, son nez cassé et le joli fil doré... but
with an added twist.
004148 Plouf!**
The story of a very hungry wolf who sees a
wheel of cheese in a well one night, and his
subsequent attempt to rescue it!
325577 Pourquoi?**
The questions of an inquisitive baby rabbit,
containing simple verbs and parts of the body.
352685 Prout de Mammouth et autres petits bruits
d’animaux £13.75
‘Prout d’escargot, coquille en morceaux! Prout de
pou, cheveux tout fous!’ A fun collection of fauxserious sayings, relating to the consequences
of different animals passing wind - incongruous
but not vulgar!
076357 4 petits coins de rien du tout £16.50
From the author of Homme de couleur comes
another very simple and effective book about
identity and difference.
072623 La tototte**
Benny the litle pig yearns for his baby brother’s
dummy but his mum says that he is too big
now to have one of those.
072908 Loup y es-tu?**
It’s fun to go for a walk in the woods singing
‘Loup y es-tu?’... but when the wolf appears,
watch out!
338482 Lulu et le loup!**
The little rabbit is being chased by a wolf.
338964 Mon trésor!**
Lulu the rabbit finds some treasure and decides
to share it with friends.
071122 Quelle heure est-il M. le loup?
What’s the time Mr Wolf? Through this book
pupils learn daily routines as well as how to tell
the time.
299438 Quel radis dis donc!
A variation on the story of The Giant Turnip.
074588 Qu’est-ce que tu aimes?
In this list of things that Uki likes to do, we see
that Uki takes pleasure in being grown up, but
also in still being little.
076189 Qui conduit?**
Who can drive a fire engine, a racing car, a jeep
or an aeroplane? An elephant, a hare, a pig?
Where are all these animals going, and who will
get there first?
075103 Roule galette...**
A tale of a runaway pie through the forest.
074810 Le secret
Mouse’s secret grows and grows!
074682 Si le loup y était
A tactile book for younger children based on a
popular French nursery rhyme.
074583 Les couleurs avec Uki
074584 Les saisons avec Ukii
074585 La semaine d’Uki
A series of board books where Uki introduces
simple everyday vocabulary.
330064 Toc, toc, Monsieur Croc!
A fun pop-up book to teach pupils the time
and the morning routine.
004111 Toutes les couleurs** £5.70
See how the little rabbit gets into all kinds of
mischief and the colours he gets covered in
because of it.
074327 Les trois ours £12.75
A version of The Three Bears for very young
074616 Un papa sur mesure
A mother and daughter put together a list of
all the qualities they would like a new father to
have, then put out an advert.
329751 Une année avec Mamouna £14.25
Each month the child-narrator visits Mamouna
for a different reason. In January she visits for
‘la galette des Rois’.
329471 Uki et ses amis: Les 10 boutons £13.75
Learn parts of the body and how to count in
French. 074650 Va t’en Grand Monstre Vert**
A superb book which uses humour to
introduce words related to parts of the body
and physical descriptions but which also
looks at the serious issue of fear and how to
overcome it.
Intermediate (longer, more complex
073407 L’apprenti loup**
A young wolf grows up without realising what
type of animal he is.
071583 Au lit petit monstre!**
What do little monsters do when it is time
for bed? They run all over the house, refuse
to give mummy a kiss goodnight, play with
the toothbrush and dance the Samba on their
332953 Au Loup!**
A little rabbit learns that he shouldn’t ‘cry
333050 C’est comme ça chez moi... les vacances**£7.45
During their holidays the children use their
imagination to build cities, climb trees and
travel far away.
332951 C’est moi le champion!**
A small boy dreams long and hard about
becoming a celebrated footballer ... or maybe a
drummer in a band?
071584 C’est moi le plus fort**
When Wolf needs to be reassured, what does
he do? He asks all of the inhabitants of the
forest one simple question: ‘Dis-moi, qui est
le plus fort?’ One day a toad replies with a
different answer.
073411 Cette nuit-là**
The forest animals have moved into an
abandoned house at the top of the hill.
072616 Chapeau rond rouge**
A story about a little girl who lives in a forest.
She never goes anywhere without her round,
red hat. One day she decides to visit her
332950 Le château du petit prince**
The King tells the Prince it’s time for him to
live in his own castle.
004010 Le déjeuner des loups**
When Lucas catches a pig in the forest, he
quickly phones his mother to invite the family
for Sunday lunch. But he discovers that the pig
- Maurice - is by no means an ordinary pig.
306507 Je mangerais bien un enfant £11.25
This banana-eating crocodile will need to grow
a bit more before it can change its diet to
include children!
072912 Je suis revenu!**
After some exercises to get back in shape, the
terrible Wolf is ready for his big return to the
forest. His victims, including the Three Little
Pigs and the Seven Little Goats have already
been chosen, but are nowhere to be found.
345930 Un jour affreux
A fun cartoon-style book in which a
grandfather tells his grandchildren about his
own first day at school!
004048 Le loup est revenu!**
Monsieur Lapin is too scared to go to bed
because he has just read something terrifying
in the paper: the Wolf is back.
004053 Le loup sentimental**
Lucas the wolf is very sentimental, and decides
against eating a succulent goat and her 7 kids,
Little Red Riding Hood, 3 fat little pigs and
even the horrible Pierre... But what can he do
to calm his hunger?
075080 Loupiotte**
Loupiotte is not scared of anyone. She’s not
even scared of crossing the forest to take a
tartiflette to her grandfather. But on the way,
she meets a big ugly ogre who suggests a game
of hide and seek...
306212 Ma culotte**
A wolf captures a sheep for his lunch but the
sheep eats his only pair of pants!
072942 Ma mère £10.50
A book about a multitasking, but very ordinary
mother, in which she is compared by her child
to an octopus, kangaroo, owl etc.
073410 La nuit de l’étoile d’or**
A golden star is spotted in the sky by three
little rabbits on a snowy night.
318649 Oh la la!
A little pig makes the hungry wolf think about
Little Red Riding Hood, but try as he might, he
can’t remember what happens in this story.
333048 Papa!**
A boy wakes up to a monster lying next to
him in bed!
072832 La princesse et le dragon £12.75
In this story it is the Princess who saves the
Prince from the dragon.
332952 Patatras!**
A wolf goes hunting down a rabbit hole but
ends up having a surprise birthday party there!
074312 Le Petit Chaperon Vert**
Le Petit Chaperon Vert is a friendly courageous
girl who’s enemy is the naughty Red Riding
332948 Le pot de Tom**
Tom doesn’t like using his potty.
072054 Le roi, sa femme et le petit prince £11.95
An amusing story which would appeal to
older primary school children with days of the
week, animals, short sentences and frequent
075104 Silence, Père Noël!**
A very jolly Father Christmas needs to keep
quiet so he doesn’t wake the children with his
singing on Christmas Eve.
332954 Superbouquin**
Jules the Pig loves reading comics especially
about his favourite superhero Supercochon. His
brothers laugh at him, but Supercochon’s skills
save the day!
332949 Trois courageux petits gorilles** £5.70
Three young gorillas struggle to sleep because
they are afraid of the dark.
004054 La vie de chapeau
Ten very short stories, each starts with: ‘Il était
une fois un monsieur avec un chapeau’.
Non - Fiction /
Ages 5-7
305055 Des Goûters toute l’année avec
mes copains** £9.95
This children’s cookbook has clear and wellillustrated instructions for 12 traditional French
recipes, one for each month of the year. Recipes
include ‘la galette des rois’, ‘les crêpes’, ‘le gâteau de
Pâques’, ‘le clafoutis’ and ‘la tarte aux abricots’.
302845 Je crée avec mes 5 sens
Easy to follow instructions for lots of creative
activites to develop the 5 senses, including
kaleidoscopes, rainsticks, button caterpillars and
paper windmills.
Ages 8-10
076337 Comment c’était avant £12.95
A picture book about life in France. It introduces
some of the developments that have occured
since the days of our great-grandparents. Each
scene (la rue, la maison, la campagne) is depicted
at different points in time - the twenties, fifties
and seventies, as well as the present day.
076338 Comment c’était avant:
Les vacances
Many changes have occurred over the years.
This book winds the clock back to observe a ski
resort, a beach and a rural village as they were in
the twenties, fifties, seventies and compares them
to how they are now.
333064 L’Univers**
This book of questions and answers provides
bite-sized chunks of information about all aspects
of the Universe.
002034 Avions et bateaux en origami £6.70
A creative book full of step-by-step guides for
creating origami aircraft and boats. Fun and
practical, ideal to be used in a school or even at
002907 Méthode de lecture syllabique pour apprendre
à lire pas à pas £7.65
This method of learning to read enables children
to recognise letters and decipher syllables, then
read words, phrases and finally stories. This
traditional method is well illustrated, meticulously
planned and motivating, allowing children to enter
gently into the written world by discovering the
pleasure of reading.
073420 Ma première Histoire de France** £14.75
A first introduction for young children which
concentrates on the key moments in French
history. This large book is arranged in clear
double-page spreads, each covering one epoch,
from prehistoric to modern times. A chronological
frieze runs along the bottom of the pages, giving
young readers their first sense of the elapse of
historical time and, in the case of children in
Britain, a first chance to map the events of French
history to their own.
Primary 5 (year 4)
A saving of £14.59 for the pack. Titles included:
Les docs des incollables
These informative books give an overview of
a range of subjects. The visual layout helps with
understanding and memorisation. Each book has a
quiz and two pages of stickers. They are best suited
for pupils who have a quite good understanding of
Each volume 339505
Je veux ma dent!
Collins First Time Dictionary
Loup y es-tu?
Le Manuel Phonique
Va-t’en grand monstre vert
Bon appetit! Monsieur Lapin
Des Goûters toute l’année avec mes copains
Je ne veux pas aller à l’hôpital!
Je ne veux pas aller au lit!
Je veux une petite soeur!
Il y a un cauchemar dans mon placard
Lulu et le loup!
Mon trésor!
eli magazines
ELI magazines have been a familiar medium
for language learning worldwide for more
than 20 years. With their help, millions of
pupils, many of them reluctant learners,
have come to enjoy a foreign language and
appreciate some of the similarities and
differences between cultures. By integrating
ELI magazines into their lesson plans,
thousands of teachers have found a new and
rewarding means of motivating their pupils.
There are 6 issues per year (September to
May). These magazines have been designed
for a range of age groups and abilities, but
the following are best suited for primary
De la Matière à l’Univers
La génétique
La Géographie de la France
La météo et les climats
La musique et ses métiers
La protection de l’environnement
L’empire Romain
L’Egypte des pharaons
L’Union Européenne
Le corps humain
Le Moyen Age
Les dinosaures
Les planètes
Primary 6 (year 5)
A saving of £9.80 for the pack. Titles included:
Picture Book
These picture book packs contain a range of
authentic French children’s books. They have been
selected according to age and can be used along
with the Catherine Cheater Schemes of Work (see
page 11). Descriptions of these titles can be found
on the previous pages. Look for titles with **.
Primary 4 (year 3)
Méthode de lecture syllabique
Petit-Bleu et Petit-Jaune
Silence Père Noël
Qui conduit?
Ma culotte
Loup, loup y es-tu?
Le pot de Tom
Trois courageux petits gorilles
Le château du petit prince
C’est moi le champion!
Au loup!
C’est comme ça chez moi... les vacances
095341 Voilà
A fun and effective introduction to
French. Voilà is full of attractive features:
interactive illustrated vocabulary pages,
games, cartoons and project pages.
Aspects of culture are introduced with
eye-catching photos and short, simple
False beginners
095258 C'est facile!
C’est facile! is suitable for the next level up
and can be used by pupils in Primary 6 or 7
who have learnt a language for a couple of
years. The magazine includes a double-page
picture dictionary, articles on current events,
music, cinema and lots more. Each issue
comes with a poster, stickers and art and
craft activities.
To request a brochure, send us an email:
A saving of £5.34 for the pack. Titles included:
Je m’habille te croque
L’automne arrive
Cache-cache cochons
Je veux mon p’tipot!
Toutes les couleurs
Collins First Time French Dictionary
La tototte
Je veux grandir!
Par une sombre nuit de tempête
Roule galette
Silence Père Noël
Primary 7 (year 6)
A saving of £14.25 for the pack. Titles included:
Le déjeuner des loups
Le loup est revenu
Le loup sentimental
Au lit petit monstre!
C’est moi le plus fort
Chapeau rond rouge
Je suis revenu!
Je ne veux pas changer de maison!
L’apprenti loup
Lave-toi les mains
La nuit de l’étoile d’or
Cette nuit-là
Ma première Histoire de France
Le Petit Chaperon Vert
Une histoire sombre, trés sombre
Sample magazines can be
viewed and downloaded
Ages 7-10 ~ Primary 3-6
Alex et Zoé
Ages 5-7 ~ Primary 1-3
The simplicity and bright colours of Gaston
will instantly captivate primary-aged children.
Each short story in the 12 units is centred on
Gaston, a mischievous clown doll who comes to
life in the company of a few close friends. The
accompanying CDs contain the dialogues from
the stories and all the songs in the pupil’s book.
000467 Pupil’s book 1 000758 Activity book 1 000468 Teacher’s book 1 000469 Audio CD 1
000750 Pupil’s book 2 000753 Activity book 2 000751 Teacher’s book 2 000752 Audio CD 2
Further levels: Advanced
This is a revised edition of the popular primary
course Alex et Zoé updated and with some
additional components. It is designed for 7-10
year olds, in 3 levels, with each level providing
50-80 hours of French.Bright cartoon stories
form the basis of the wide range of dialogues,
activities and games. The books are clearly laid
out, with the emphasis on visual stimuli and
each lesson ends with a cartoon strip using the
vocabulary learned in a simple written format.
001280 Livre de l’élève et livret de civilisation +
CD-ROM 1 £12.95
001281 Cahier d’activités 1 + CD-audio
001282 Guide pédagogique 1
001283 CD audio pour la classe 1
001284 CD audio individuel 1
001285 Ressources numériques pour TBI £58.00+
False Beginners
001288 Livre de l’élève et livret de civilisation +
CD-ROM 2 £13.45
001289 Cahier d’activités 2 + CD-audio
001290 Guide pédagogique 2
001291 CD audio pour la classe 2
001292 CD audio individuel 2
001293 Ressources numériques pour TBI £53.00+
Vitamine is a lively course which concentrates
on communication. Pupils learn through the
adventures of Pauline, Clément, Métallix and
Fanny la Fantôme. Each level provides 40-60
hours of teaching time. The methodology is
straightforward, with a lot of fun activities, and
a good selection of complementary materials
(posters, flashcards, CDs, portfolios and CDROMs, which can also be used on interactive
008811 Livre de l’élève 1 008812 Cahier + CD + portfolio 1 008813 Guide pédagogique 1 008814 CD audio pour la classe (2)
008816 CD-Rom 1
008815 Mallette pédagogique 1
(4 posters + 225 flashcards)
Further levels: False beginners
Tip top!
Further levels: Intermediate
Tip Top! is a fun and innovative course suitable
for children aged between 9-11 learning beginners
French and can be used to prepare for the primary
DELF exam. This course takes a communicative
approach and the wealth of exercises provided
gives young learners the opportunity to hone
these skills in an enjoyable way. Children learn the
language through classroom games, art and craft
activities and songs, along with listening and speaking
exercises. The course is available in 2 levels and also
comes complete on CD to be used on interactive
Hélico is a preparatory course for the learning
of basic vocabulary and structures in the
French language. Hélico is a friendly koala bear
who, together with his friends and his magic
helicopter, features in fun-to-follow cartoon
008930 Pupil’s book 1 008931 Activity book 1 008932 Teacher’s book 1 008933 CD 1
008934 Pupil’s book 2 008935 Activity book 2 008936 Teacher’s book 2 008937 CD 2
Further levels: Advanced
Jojo is the nickname of Georges, an unlucky but
extremely likeable boy, who has magic powers
that he uses without realising. Jojo is based on
recent educational advances and contains songs,
chants, drama and other interactive elements.
The teacher’s guide offers step-by-step support,
and the CD contains recordings of the stories
and songs, and class listening activities.
000400 Pupil’s Book 1 000402 Activity Book 1 000404 Teacher’s Book 1 & audio CD 000405 Flashcards 1
000407 Pupil’s Book 2 000409 Activity Book 2 000414 Teacher’s Book 2 & audio CD 000424 Flashcards 2
000503 Livre de l’élève 1 £9.15
000542 Cahier d’activités 1 £6.85
000544 Guide pédagogique 1 £16.95
000543 CD audio pour la classe 1 £17.75+
000545 Pack numérique pour la classe 1 £128.00+
False beginners
000547 Livre de l’élève 2 £8.55
000555 Cahier d’activités 2 £6.75
000558 Guide de classe 2 £15.95
000554 CD audio pour la classe 2 £17.25+
000557 Pack numérique pour la classe 2 £128.00+
Ages 11-14 ~ Primary 7
Zigzag is a new French language textbook
for children aged 7 and above. Zigzag takes a
dynamic and fun methodological approach and
covers the 5 skills outlined in the Common
European Framework of References for
Languages: listening, comprehension, interacting,
speaking and writing. Its clear and attractive
design, friendly and cheerful characters, and
themes of interest to children, make their first
experience of learning French motivating and
001330 Livre de l’élève + CD audio 001331 Cahier d’activités 001332 Guide pédagogique 001333 CD audio pour la classe
001334 Version numérique pour TBI
Amis et compagnie
Amis et compagnie is an innovative course that
reinforces the four main skills as important
tools for communication. This course is perfect
for those pre-adolescents who have already
touched on the basics of the French language
at primary level. The course is available in four
levels, gradually taking students up to grade
B1 of the CEFR. This course provides a range
of varied exercises (including many designed
to develop intercultural understanding and
also prepare students for DELF examinations)
which are clearly laid out and easy to follow. A
unique aspect of this course is that each level
introduces students to a French literary classic
in the form of a manga-style cartoon e.g. Les
trois Mousquetaires (level 1). The teacher’s guide
includes photocopiable materials and suggests
ideas for activities to complement the course.
001226 Livre de l’élève 1 001227 Cahier d’exercices 1 001228 Guide pédagogique 1 001229 CD classe 1 (3) 001230 CD élève 1 £11.25
Further levels: False beginners, Intermediate
& Upper intermediate
3, 2, 1... Partez!
This bright, colourful and effective package
allows students to learn and improve their
language skills in an organised and progressive
way using task-based activities. Each level
consists of 3 self-contained modules working
on a theme, with each concluding in a large, fun,
final task. Listening to recordings, speaking with
classmates, painting, singing and working on
subjects that interest children the most make
this course a success. 3,2,1 Partez challenges and
stimulates a student to encourage both learning
and fun in the French classroom.
000485 Livre de l’élève 1 000480 Cahier d’exercices 1
000482 Guide pédagogique + CD 1 False Beginners
000483 Livre de l’élève 2 000490 Cahier d’exercices 2
000488 Guide pédagogique + CD 2 £15.25
pourquoi pas!
A new generation course designed around
the recommendations of the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
The coursebooks are attractively illustrated with
a mixture of photos and drawings in full colour
throughout, and introduce cultural similarities and
contrasts from the start. Both coursebooks and
workbooks include CDs for the pupils, so they
are never without good models of the spoken
language. The teacher’s manuals are supplied
as CD-ROMs, to be printed as needed and, if
required, adapted to the specific needs of the
class. Les évaluations de Pourquoi Pas! presents
photocopiable and printable resources for the
teacher in the form of a CD-ROM.
001240 Livre de l’élève + CD 1 £18.90
001241 Cahier d’exercices + CD 1
001242 Guide pédagogique + CD-ROM 1 £20.75+
001340 Les évaluations + CD-ROM 1
001250 DVD 1
001347 Pack de ressources pédagogiques £203.00+
Further levels: False beginners
Super Max
Ligne Directe
Developing students’ communication skills is
central to this course, and emphasis is placed on
the student being at the centre of the learning
process. In order to make the course appealing
and relevant to teenagers, Ligne Directe focuses
on forms of communication preferred by today’s
adolescents. The coursebook is structured
as a series of challenges leading to an end of
unit ‘mission’, a task which requires student
interaction and collaboration. Intercultural
awareness is integrated into the course, by
encouraging students to compare and contrast
008144 Livre de l’élève + CD-audio 1 £15.75
008207 Cahier d’éxercices + CD-ROM 1 £11.25
008337 Guide pédagogique 1 £17.50
Further levels: False beginners
Super Max is an imaginative course for children
and pre-adolescents. This vibrant course will
keep students entertained as they follow the
story of Max, who has just moved to Paris and
finds himself in Mme. Lafleur’s class. He learns
French very quickly and it is up to the students to
discover why! This exciting course is filled with
a variety of games, activities and projects, which
will engage the student in a creative way and
help to consolidate learning. Attention is paid to
developing all four major skills, (reading, writing,
listening, speaking) and grammar is introduced
in an inductive way using colour coding to help
students memorise grammar rules and conjugation
patterns. The teacher’s guide can be downloaded
free from the publisher’s website.
070014 Livre de l’élève 1 070121 Cahier d’activités 1 070129 Guide pédagogique 1
070128 CD-audio 1 070230 Manuel numérique 1
Further levels: Intermediate
Français!Français! 101 Comptines
Music, Song
& Rhyme
Ages 5-7 ~ Primary 1-3
Comptines à
These popular sing-along nursery rhymes are
an extremely effective and fun way of introducing
young children to language learning. The colourful,
hardback books are packed full of illustrations, as
well as containing the song words and the scores to
the music.
074189 Book & CD-audio 1
074009 Book & CD-audio 2
074619 Book & CD-audio 3
Français! Français! is an award-winning resource
which puts emphasis on speaking and encourages
language learning through listening to and mimicking
the rhythms, rhymes and songs on the accompanying
CDs. The full colour A4 book features 30 topics
including Family, Hobbies,Town, Pets, Bedroom etc. The
Resources CD-Rom contains a folder full of ideas
for photocopiable games and worksheets and is also
suitable for use with classroom projectors. Resource
items include flashcards, display songs & raps which
can be used as posters in the classroom, activity and
games cards, and assessment sheets.
These books have a large selection of nursery
rhymes and poems. The subjects of the first book
are animals, the seasons, daily life, free time and school.
The second book has rhymes and short poems from
Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia.
Book & CDs (3)
Book, CDs (3) & CD-Rom Resources CD-Rom
Interactive Disc 1
Pack & Interactive Disc 1 273787 101 Comptines à Mimer et à Jouer £15.25
323325 101 Poesies et Comptines tout
autour du monde
Comptines Pour
Doigts et MenotteS
This charming collection of 30 rhymes ‘for fingers
and small hands’ has been chosen by Catherine
Cheater for Year 4 of her bestselling Scheme of
Work. Beautifully illustrated and strongly bound, it
is very suitable for Primary 3-5, whatever scheme is
used, but also for parents and children at home.
002750 Book & CD
les plus belles
comptines des
petits Lascars
mon Âne - 30
A collection of 30 traditional French songs and
rhymes with sub-titles. Karaoke is also available on
this DVD making learning fun in the classroom or
at home.
072913 DVD
A collection of traditional rhyming songs sung by a
lone voice initially, with a chorus of children joining
in. All the rhymes are repetitive so children quickly
pick up the words and are soon singing along.
Each title contains a book and CD.
073674 Book & CD
This title contains nursery finger rhymes and
action songs with guidance for teachers on how
to use them.The CD allows the children to hear
native speakers saying these rhymes.
The very best of...
A collection of music from France’s best
composers on audio CDs which help to develop
cultural understanding..
Each volume
The Very Best of Debussy
The Very Best of Ravel
The Very Best of Satie
The Very Best of Chopin
Les plus belles comptines anglaises £22.75+
Les plus belles comptines italiennes £25.95+
Les plus belles comptines allemandes £22.95+
Les plus belles comptines espagnoles £22.75+
Each of the above books contains nursery rhymes
in French and a second language.The ryhmes are
all country-specific, therefore no two are the same.
Explanations and finger actions are at the back
of the book.
Ages 7-10 ~ Primary 3-6
Pierre et le loup
The famous muscial tale by Sergei Prokofiev.
The music on the CD is by the Geneva Chamber
Orchestra and the interspersed story is told by
Michel Galabru. It is suitable for pupils at an upper
intermediate level.
071008 Book & CD
Henri Dès
Henri Dès is a well-known French singer
song­writer. His songs for children have been
incorporated into the Catherine Cheater Schemes
of Work, and introduce pupils to the sound of
French. This selection of his CDs is popular for use
in primary French classes.
Each volume
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No. 1 Cache-cache
No. 5 Dessin Fou
No. 12 Du soleil
Les trésors de notre enfance 2 £11.50+
Bibliothèque de
Bibliothèque de Ratus is written by French children’s
authors with a native readership in mind, making
it particularly relevant as a source of authentic
reading material. Following the adventures of Ratus,
an irascible, green rat, the series is humorously
illustrated, with the added feature of a question
linking picture and text to check comprehension. A
key is provided at the back of the book and there
is a simple glossary explaining the less familiar
vocabulary. Level 1 would suit pupils who have prior
knowledge of French. Further titles and levels 2 and
3 can be found on our website.
Ages 5-7 ~ Primary 1-3
Facile à lire
Super-mamie et le dragon Les champignons de Ratus Ratus et la télévision Ratus et le sapin-cactus Ratus et les puces savantes Ratus se déguise £5.90
Beautifully illustrated readers in 5 levels for
primary school children of different ages. These small
books allow children to slowly start to discover the
pleasure of reading in a foreign language and can all
be easily adapted for drama. The series has a mixture
of original stories and traditional fairy tales which all
contain an illustrated dictionary, games and activities,
and access to online audio downloads.
Each title
big books
Ages 5-7 ~ Primary 1-3
Graine de lecture
A fun and educational resource, these books teach
simple sentence structures and vocabulary whilst
telling an adapted version of a well-known story.
They offer a steady progression in the language, with
more grammar and vocabulary added at each level.
Each title
Beginners (200 words)
002260 Le petit chaperon rouge
002262 Le Petit Poucet Intermediate (300 words)
002263 Barbe Bleue
002265 Merlin l’Enchanteur
Upper intermediate (500 words)
002267 Le Chat Botté
A charming and bright series of six graded short
stories presented in both narrative and song form.
Each book comes as a teacher’s set; the large-format
(A3) book is for front-of-class use and allows pupils
to follow the story visually, with large colourful
pictures of the characters on the right hand side
and the text in large print on the left. Each book
comes with a CD which provides the story in song
and drama form encouraging correct pronunciation
through repetition and acting out the story. Each title (including CD)
Dorothée (Level 1)
Le grand gros navet (Level 1)
Le vilain petit canard (Level 1)
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Level 2)
Cendrillon (Level 3)
Le Chat botté (Level 4)
Aladin (Level 5)
raconte et
327972 Cache cache à l'école
Uki and his friends play hide and seek during their
break. Lift the flaps to find out where they are.
074849 La Maison des bisous £12.25
Uki’s journey around the house looking for
someone to kiss. On the way he encounters lots of
different animals hiding under the flaps on each
318954 Le Rêve de Mimi £12.75
A colourful book in large format that recounts
Mimi’s dream using simple nouns, adjectives and
070112 Une journée dans ma ville £14.50
Follow Uki over the course of a day to find out
where he is at different. times. Lift the flaps to
discover where other people are whilst Uki is at
school, in the park etc.
008106 À la mer 008107 Les amis de la ferme
008105 Anniversaire à la ferme
008113 Plic...plic tombe la pluie
008122 Un pique-nique
008126 Monsieur l'arbre et la petite fille
Ages 5-7 ~ Primary 1-3
072584 Collins First Time Dictionary £7.99
Designed to meet the needs of younger pupils
learning French, especially at primary level, this
dictionary provides full coverage of all the core
vocabulary for this stage.
072598 Collins French Dictionary Pocket edition £7.99
A reliable reference source for all the words pupils
are likely to look up as their French progresses.
Ages 7-10 ~ Primary 3-6
Ages 5-7 ~ Primary 1-3
ELI Dictionnaire
Illustré de
Français Junior
This Junior Picture Dictionary is full of colourful, lively
illustrations which helps make learning fun. Each
double-page spread (there are 35 in all) depicts an
aspect of school, family or everyday life relevant to
younger children and special sections illustrate useful
verbs and adjectives.
000602 Picture Dictionary Junior 000604 Cahier d'activités
Classroom Teddy
Pair of Bears: £28.20 (including VAT)
ELI Flashcards
Please order direct from Golden Daffodils:
A set of 240 A5 flashcards each showing a picture
with the relevant word written on the back of the
card. The topics covered are: Animals; Food; Clothes;
The House;The Town; Forms of Transport;The Human
Body; Seasons;Weather;The Sea; Shapes; Prepositions;
Adjectives and Actions. The teacher’s guide includes
ideas and suggestions for games and activities to use
with the cards.
000791 ELI Flashcards - Français Primary 7
Active Posters
Ten attractive posters illustrating a series of
essential everyday words on one of the following
themes: Verbs, Food and Drink, On the Farm,The
Human Body, Adjectives, Animals, Clothes, Prepositions
and Weather. Active learning of these words is
encouraged through word-picture association and
the words and phrases are printed on electrostatic
labels, which can be stuck time and time again to
the colourful, fun illustrations. A key to the correct
associations is also provided.
007347 French Active Posters £26.25+
Mon Premier
Illustré de
A simple, yet thoroughly effective way to learn
vocabulary both in the classroom and at home.
Consisting of 60 picture cards and 60 matching
word cards, Bis helps students to learn over 100
words and enjoy the process. Although suggestions
are given for games to play, the cards can be used
in a variety of ways to practise and revise language
structures and vocabulary.
Bis - French £13.50
Designed to teach children their first 100 words
in a fun way, the 16 full-colour pages of each
volume contain simple but colourful illustrations
which will make learning vocabulary easy. The child
is also encouraged to take part in various games
and activities such as matching word and image,
observation, comprehension and colouring. The
use of stickers throughout increases the child’s
participation and adds to the fun of learning.
A l’école La maison Les vacances La ville
Flip Posters
A very useful teaching aid consisting of 30
attractive, large (50 x 70 cms) photographs for
front-of-class use, offering a novel and stimulating
way to help teach pupils about the culture of France.
The teacher’s guide, supplied with the posters,
gives background information and suggestions for
Each volume
Albert and Annick
Our teddy bears enjoy participating in circle games,
helping with greetings and farewells at the start
and end of each lesson, and are particularly keen
on teaching children how to spell their names. They
very much enjoy being cuddled by the children. Our
bears are looking forward to finding a new home
with you and your children, where they can be loved
and know that they are helping children to learn and
have fun.
008132 Flip posters (50x70cm) 008153 Flip posters (70x100cm) L’Enfant au
This award-winning children’s film will provide
children with an opportunity to watch a French
DVD whilst listening to the audio track in French.
There are optional French subtitles, and the option
also of listening to the audio track in English.
0071465 L’enfant au grelot £20.00+
Catherine Cheater Schemes of Work for Primary French
an introduction
Catherine's widely acclaimed Schemes of Work for
French are being used in primary schools the length
and breadth of Britain. Written for language learners
in the primary school, these innovative and easily
adaptable schemes progressively develop children's
language learning skills and reinforce their literacy.
The schemes are easy to follow with step by step
guidance and comprehensive language support for
specialist and non-specialist teachers alike. The lesson
plans, challenging and fun, can be copied and adapted
to meet the school's particular needs.The work
is based on authentic resources (children’s books,
CDs and much more) and the activities are cleverly
planned to integrate with other aspects of primary
work, e.g., phonics, gist reading, the transition from
words and sentences to narrative, some geography
and, in the later years, some science. The exhaustive
teacher’s manuals are easy to follow, with step by
step guidance and comprehensive language support
for both primary class teachers and specialist
language teachers.
The two underlying principles are:
• for children to enjoy their early years of learning
French and to value the sights and sounds of France,
the rhythm of the language and the real pleasure that
can be gained from contact with the written word
• for children to make real and measurable progress
in their learning through the innovative activities, the
challenging tasks and the desire to understand more
and more as they hear, speak and read French.
These highly acclaimed Schemes of Work:
• save you lots of planning and preparation time
• engage and excite your children
• provide stimulating, enjoyable and challenging
• reinforce and enhance literacy
• provide opportunities for regular language
• open windows onto other cultures
Formerly a CILT Senior Language Teaching Adviser,
Catherine Cheater has taught languages across a
broad age and ability range, from nursery to A level,
and for many years worked in an advisory capacity
for languages in the primary phase. Steve Haworth is
also an experienced teacher, trainer and Language
Adviser in French and Spanish. Both have been
awarded the Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes
Académiques by the French Government in
recognition of their contribution to French language
teaching over many years.
• Specialist Teachers with some background in
studying and teaching French
• Class Teachers who are just starting out with
primary languages
• Higher level Teaching Assistants and other nonteaching assistants
• 30 detailed lesson plans including rhymes, songs,
games, memorisation techniques and language
learning strategies fully linked to the primary
• a series of innovative, cross-curricular practice
parcels to reinforce the 30 minute lesson (and to
help deliver the full 60 minute weekly entitlement)
• useful websites and a guide to authentic
• a CD-ROM featuring sound files of all the
French required, web links, photos, PowerPoint™
presentations, a glossary of useful phrases, etc. A
version of the Scheme in Word™ allows the Scheme
to be adapted to meet the school’s
particular needs.
For each year there is a Scheme of Work, a Book
Resource Pack, and some additional resources.
The Book Resource Pack, supplied by European
Schoolbooks Ltd, contains the core pack of picture
books. The addtitional resources are mainly audio
materials. They are all referred to in the Scheme.
Because some are used for more than one year they
have not been included in the core Resource Pack.
Sample lessons, practice parcels and sound files can
be found on the Golden Daffodils website. This site
also has information about training and a useful
forum for teachers: www.
(formerly TLP). The books and Schemes can be seen
at a number of primary conferences and training days
throughout the year. If you are in London you can
see these resources in the Junior Department of The
European Bookshop (5 Warwick Street , W1B 5LU).
Primary 3-4 / Year 3
002899 Year 3 Scheme of Work (3rd ed.) £100.00
002898 Year 3 Resources Pack (13)
002910 Year 3 Upgrade CD £50.00+
For teachers using earlier editions of the Year 3 Scheme
of Work, this upgrade CD-ROM offers PowerPoint
presentations and voice recordings to support each
weekly lesson plan and set of parcels.
Additional resources:
072913 Mon Âne DVD
073782 Henri Dès no.5: Dessin Fou CD £11.50+
073784 The very best of Debussy
073674 Les plus belles comptines des
petits lascars
Primary 4-5 / Year 4
002900 Year 4 Scheme of Work
002897 Year 4 Resources Pack (15) Additional resources:
008009 The very best of Ravel
008011 H. Dès No.12: Du soleil CD
072913 Mon Âne - DVD
002750 Comptines pour doigts
et menottes
002935 Year 4 Upgrade CD-Rom
For teachers using earlier editions of the Year 4 Scheme
of Work, this new upgrade CD-ROM offers PowerPoint
presentations, voice recordings, and extensive additional
help to support each weekly lesson plan and set of
Primary 5-6 / Year 5
002905 Year 5 Scheme of Work
002906 Year 5 core pack (16)
Additional Resources:
071465 L’enfant au grelot DVD
072913 Mon Âne DVD £20.00+
073788 The very best of Satie
008002 France Gall: Évidemment CD £10.21+
008008 Henri Dès No. 1: Cache-cache CD £11.50+
002034 Avions et bateaux en origami
072598 Collins Pocket dictionary
Primary 6-7 / Year 6
002928 Year 6 Scheme of Work 002929 Year 6 Resources Pack (16)
Additional resources:
073412 The very best of Chopin
073413 Histoire de Loups DVD
008016 Henri Dès: Les trésors de notre
enfance CD
072598 Collins Pocket dictionary
002907 Méthode de lecture syllabique
072909 Le Manuel Phonique
008003 French Dance in the Primary
Classroom £45.00+
Five simple French dances which are fun to learn, and
link in well with intercultural understanding and P.E.
The music is provided by a talented folk musician, Robin
Please see page 5 for the Resource Packs
Resources for
These dictionaries are also available in
German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
See page 22 for more information about
progressive du
A lively and practical study of French phonetics.
The beginner level students start with the study of
rhyme and intonation. The intermediate book studies
sounds in connection with a poem or text, whilst
the advanced level looks at prosody, sounds and
expressive intonation.
J’Écoute et je lis
A brand new resource pack for Primary 7
students designed to build capability and confidence
in listening and reading. J’écoute et je lis consists
of nine teaching and learning Séquences focusing
on ecology. The resource pack is made up of an
authentic DVD Ma petite planete chérie specially
adapted for use with J’écoute et je lis, 16 copies of the
reader that accompanies the DVD, teachers’ notes,
CD-ROM with PowerPoint and sound files, and
photocopiable sheets for students. Ma petite planete
chérie was originally devised to raise awareness of
environmental matters among 8-12 year old French
speakers and looks at the following themes: les
insectes, les animaux, les arbres, l’eau and les déchets.
The nine Séquences are made up of 1 introductory
unit, 1 unit based on the DVD material, 1 unit based
on the accompanying reader and 6 units using both
DVD and booklet material.
Designed for maximum flexibilty, the Séquences can
be used for for a series of lessons, a one-off session,
after school clubs or to supplement existing units
of work.
002979 J’écoute et je lis
False Beginners
009050 Livre débutant 009053 CDs audio (3) débutant
The following are some suggestions for teachers
who would like to brush up on their own French.
009018 Livre intermédiaire
009024 CDs audio (3) intermédiaire
009274 Livre avancé
009275 CD audio (3) avancé
A series of essential reference books that are very
well-known in France. The most useful for primary
teachers are:
004951 Bescherelle école
This reference book is composed of 4 parts:
grammar, spelling, vocabulary and conjugation.
The concepts are explained in simple French, with
examples taken from popular French children's
books.Tables, lists of words and recap sections
help with memorisation. It is a useful guide to
remind teachers of the French they have learnt in
the past.
004970 Bescherelle (English edition) - The
complete guide to conjugating
French verbs
This verb reference book lists and classifies some
12,000 verbs with explanatory notes in English
and a complete French-English index.
du français Nouvelle édition
A revised, colour edition of an essential beginner
level grammar book for adolescent and adult
learners. This new edition has taken into account
comments made by previous users and is now
closer to your needs. The layout and organisation of
the book is clear with grammatical explanations on
the left-hand page, and exercises on the right. It can
be used for personal or classroom study and follows
the natural progressive learning of French grammar.
The book gives an adequate coverage of grammar
for various examinations and assesses the learner
thoughout. The audio CD has 38 sound recordings
in addition to 10 grammatical songs.
006998 Livre + Audio CD (niveau débutant)£16.50
007105 Corrigés (niveau débutant)
004888 Livre intermédiaire 004889 Corrigés intermédiaire
Vite et bien
This course is aimed at adults who want to learn
French quickly but it can also be used by those
looking to refresh their knowledge of French.
Everyday vocabulary is used to cover a variety of
themes to enable the learner to cope with day-today and work situations. Whilst providing language
skills, this course imparts knowledge about life in
France and cultural differences. By the end of the
course the learner will have acquired a sufficient
grounding in grammar and vocabulary to feel at ease
in speaking and writing French.
008826 Livre & CD audio & corrigés 1 008831 Livre & CD audio & corrigés 2
For more information
about these or any of our
other products, please
visit our website
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