The Rover Reporter
The Rover Reporter
The Rover Reporter The Newsletter of the Susquehanna Rovers Volksmarch Club 2014 Executive Officers President Sue Wheeler 614-7540 Vice Presidents Lester Miller 938-3488 Amy Trommer 991-5232 Vacant Secretary Regina Zapotosky 939-2077 Treasurer Gloria Grabenstein 652-1607 Executive Committee Members After Action Pat Eby 379-8945 Historian Vacant Membership Mary Watts 234-7765 Newsletter Pat Eby Publicity Vacant Sales Manager Amy Trommer 991-5232 Trailmasters Lester Miller 938-3488 Bill Rhoat 733-6915 Volunteer Coordinator Alice Eckardt 599-5033 Webmaster Regina Zapotosky 939-2077 December 2014 - January 2015 Edition President’s Message I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank each and everyone of you for all that you do for the Susquehanna Rovers. Recently, we sponsored the Hershey Walkfest. Many of you volunteered your time and much needed energy to make this event a success. As your club president I want to say thank-you. At 10:11 AM on 12/13/14 where will you be? Hopefully you will be on a Volksmarch. Lititz is sponsoring an event that specific day please come out and join us there. AVA is promoting this day as a national day of Volkssporting. Please come out and join us for a holiday gathering on December 21 at 6pm. We will meet at Little Buffalo State Park to enjoy the lighted trail. Then, we will travel to Louise's home for a time of fun. Please bring a dish to pass and a small gift to contribute towards our annual Rover auction. The new year is soon upon us! Come out and join us for our annual New Year's Day walk. If your not able to make it how about joining us for a walk on January 3rd, 2015 in Camp Hill. After the walk, we will enjoy a gathering at Pat Eby's home for a time of food and socializing. Take time this holiday season to ponder on what your goals and challenges are for 2015! Please remember the Rovers meet the last Tuesday of the month at 6pm at Gander Mountain. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. Bring your personal walk challenges and goal ideas to the meeting. Let's work together and help each other to achieve success while having fun! Happy Holidays to all of you! Inside this issue: Meeting Times, Time to Walk, 20/10 Challenge Program, New Members Page 2 Hershey Walkfest Report Page 3 Idita-Walk and Carlisle Report Page 4 Awards, Bus Trips, Joyce Krow Page 5 AVA National Conv., Phoenix Festival, PA State Parks and Forest Prog. Page 6 Schedule of Events Page 7 T HE R O V E R R E P O R T E R PAGE 2 New Members Meeting Time and Location Welcome to: Club meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM in the meeting room at Gander Mountain, 5005 Jonestown Rd (Route 22), Harrisburg. 717 -671-9700. Everyone is welcome to attend! The next meetings will be: John and Lori Satterlee of Carlisle Mike and Carol Quinlan of Bowie MD January 27, 2015 February 24, 2015 March 31, 2015 Time to Walk! Dec. 13 10-11-12-13-14 National Event 20/10 Challenge Pictured to the left is the award for the 20/10 Challenge. The 1 1/2 x 1” pin is “Philadelphia Phillies” Red and Blue. The Keystone State Volkssport Assn is sponsoring this special challenge once again to encourage participation in Pennsylvania member club AVA sanctioned events. Out of state walkers only have to walk 10 events in PA to obtain the award. Walkers that live in PA have to walk 20 events in PA to obtain the award. You can download the record book from the KSVA website: or the AVA website: Then go to Clubs, pick PA, then Keystone State Volkssport Assn. That will take you to the choice of the 20/10 Challenge. There is no fee to participate, but there is a fee to obtain the award. Once you complete the book, you can pay $4 or $5 to receive the award. If your award needs to be mailed, it will cost you the higher amount. Hand in your record book at a York White Rose Wanderer traditional event or a KSVA event, it will only cost you $4. The POC is Tom Jackson, 1287 Shippensburg Rd, Biglerville, PA 17307. Email: or Phone: 717677-6511 or 717-309-6088 Try it - you will be amazed at how quickly you walk 20 events. Set this as one of your goals for 2015! AVA would like all of us to get out and walk on a special date and time. This year we can all be walking at 10-11-1213-14. In other words, at 10:11 on Dec 13 2014. The Penn Dutch Pacers have agreed to hold their Christmas event in Lititz on that date so we can join in on the fun. The walk will start at Bruno’s Old Style Hoagies, 11 Kleine Ln, Lititz. (across the street from Wiblur’s Chocolates, but it sits back off the street.) You can start anytime between 8 and 1, but try to be there so you can be walking at 10:11. The trail is rated 1A and is entirely within the boundaries of Lititz Boro and Warwick Township. It is on sidewalks, paved trails, and a section of narrow roadway. There is a 3x4 award depicting the Chapel at Linden Hall Girls College Prep School. There will also be a “Time to Walk “ Patch. There are only 50 of each patch. This trail qualifies for Bakeries, Main St, Rainbow Colors, Fraternal Organizations, Golden Cinema, Honoring Our Flag, and National Register of Historic Places Special Programs. As of now, there are 25 states hosting events as part of the national event. There is a special stamp slug available for the event. If you can’t be there, do a year round, but be on the trail 10-11-12-13-14. It will be fun! T HE R O V E R R E P O R T E R Hershey Walkfest Report November 28 & 29, 2014 Hershey, PA PAGE 3 very early on Friday morning. Then the other volunteers showed up to run the start and finish points, sales, checkpoints and food sales. This included Louise Clouser, Julie Geyer, Mary Watts, Earl and JoAnn Henry, Pat Lacasse, Marcy Lucas, Dave Berry, Sue Peck, Jane Snurr, Rich and Paula Bergstrasser, Nancy and Bob Ickes, Ken Schoener, Sue Adams, Tom Leaver, Leroy and Janice Copenhaver, Grant Bollen, Sue and Rose Yeich, Virginia Conklin, Roy and Sis Clugston, Bev Vogelsong, Cookie Little, Ellen Buller, Sue Wheeler, Lynn Hafner, Gloria Rudacille, Alice Eckardt, Joan Lampart, Susan Osborn, Amy Trommer and Pat Eby. Many of these people worked several shifts and both days. Our special gratitude to Gloria Rudacille for her being the checkpoint at Karns Grocery Store for all shifts on both days. Grant Bollen stuck around to help where needed and then stayed to the end of each day so we were safe. Bob Gambert and Bill Rhoat worked off and on as Trailmasters. Marcy Lucas, Susan Osborn, Grant, Bob Gambert and Bill Rhoat helped to get the Rec Center back into order and the stuff back into cars at the finish of the event. For anyone that walked, you know it was a cold two days. That did not stop 486 participants from walking our four trails. I want to thank all of the walkers that brought snacks for us to sell. We were overwhelmed by the participation. Our food sales usually about cover our Hershey Rec Center rent for the two days. It did this time too. Thanks to Cookie Little that donated the great tasting hot dogs and buns; we have never had so many people tell us how good they were and wanting to know what kind they were. Sam Myers couldn’t be there but she donated the hot dog dishes and the condiments. Sue Wheeler and Pat Eby donated the ham and bean soup and the vegetable soup. They both helped to thaw cold walkers on their return to the Rec Center. Our food sales table took in $445.50. Thank you again to all of those that brought goodies for us to sell and for those that bought. We also want to thank all of you that brought pet supplies for Rover to take to an animal shelter. The shelter will enjoy your donations. Dogs 37.01 lbs, Cats 46.98 lbs. Cat products have been the leader for two of the three events this year. Way to go cat people. We also had donations of towels and old blankets. Those are needed too. It takes so many people to pull off this event. But in reminiscing, we are glad that we didn’t need volunteers to help park cars as we did for many years before coming to the Rec Center. Bob Gambert met me on the rainy/snowy Wednesday at our storage garage in New Cumberland to load up our cars with all of the stuff needed to run this walk. Bob Gambert, Bill Rhoat and Bev Vogelsong set up the tables and helped to unload the cars of all the stuff We need to thank the Hershey Fire House for allowing us to use their facility as a check point as well as Karn’s Grocery Store. We also used to have out door check points. It is so nice of these two places to allow our volunteers to be indoors. Now for some numbers. We had 578 walkers last year, this year it was 486. So try to bring some friends with you next year. If you have any ideas on how to get more walkers, please let me know. Candylane was our biggest trail. We had 223 walkers with 52 free, 35 getting the award and credit and 136 walking for IVV credit only. There were 42 Rovers. 39 came from MD and 24 from VA. 1/3 of the walkers walked the 5K. South Hershey Trail had a total of 106 with 15 free, 8 for award and credit and 83 for IVV credit. 29 rovers walked. 8 walkers did the long trail (20/22K). 33 did the 5K and 85 the 10K. Annville Trail had 74 walkers with 8 for award and credit, 61 for IVV Credit and 5 for free. About 1/4 of the walkers did the 5K. 30 Rovers walked this trail. Cleona Trail had 83 walkers with 5 for award, 1 free and 77 for IVV Credit. Not quite 1/3 walked the 5K. 33 Rovers walked this trail. We also had a donation jar for the Ronald McDonald Charities. We collected $112.85. Again thanks to all that came and or helped. Hope to see you next year. - Pat Eby PAGE 4 T HE R O V E R R E P O R T E R Carlisle Oktoberfest October 11, 2014 Bob Gambert and friend at the festival! It is time to support the Boy Scouts Troup #298 of Nome Alaska and give ourselves an incentive to get out and walk in the cold of February and March. The Idita-Walk 2015 starts the first day of February, and we are currently gathering registrations. The Idita-Walk is an event to promote physical fitness in the spirit of the Iditarod Dog Sled Race. The Iditarod race is 1049 miles long beginning at Anchorage, Alaska and finishing in Nome Alaska. Completing the Idita-Walk is much easier, simply walk an average of 30 minutes a day for 35 days between Feb 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 for a total of 1049 minutes. (Any combination of minutes and days will work-just reach 1049 during the 59 day event.) The exact dates for the 2015 event are 1 February 2015 - 31 March 2015. Upon registration, you will immediately receive a walking contract (print-signdate-post), later you'll also receive a commemorative pin for your paid entry, as well as a finisher certificate upon completion. You may also purchase t-shirts, sweatshirts, dog collars, and pins in the online IditaWalk 2015 store (opening real soon). Please join us today and tell a friend, neighbor, dog, acquaintance. We wish you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a very prosperous, healthy, and Happy New Year! The Idita-Walk 2015 Team Visit Idita-Walk Today. At to be a part of the Great Walking Adventure! All proceeds go to Camp Bronson maintenance, scholarships and Nome youth-related programs. All paid registrants receive a collectible Idita-Walk 2015 lapel pin. This is great fun– try it! As you can see, there is great fun at the festival. It started out as rather cold and dampish, but by the time our walk was over the sun came out and it warmed up. There was music to listen to, lots of food choices, rides to ride and of course a 5 or 10K volksmarch. We had 92 walkers, 24 of them were free walkers. We did have 2 from MD, 1 from NJ, 5 from VA, 1 from Indiana, 1 from Iowa, 2 from Mass, and 2 from S Dakota. So a nice variety. Thanks to all that helped: Louise Clouser, Sam Myers, Charlie Johnson, Sue Wheeler, Sue Adams, Marcy Lucas, Sis and Roy Clugston, Rich and Paula Bergstrasser, Cookie Little, Alice Eckardt, Bob Gambert and Pat Eby. We also want to thank the US Army and Kevin Small for their help and allowing us to be there. Shown below: Sam Myers, Louise Clouser and Charlie Johnson are ready for walkers. T HE R O V E R R E P O R T E R PAGE 5 Bus Trips Liberty Bell Wanderers at Niagara Falls May 28 thru May 31, 2015 Passport or Passport Card Required Thursday May 28 - leave the Vereinigung Erzebirge Club, 130 Davisville Rd, Warminster PA at 7 am and travel to Binghamton NY for their City walk (5/10K). After lunch, travel to Niagara Falls NY and the hotel (Hampton Inn on Rainbow Blvd) Friday May 29 - drive to nearby Buffalo for their 5/6/10K trail. In the afternoon, return to Niagara Falls for the exciting “Maid of the Mist” boat ride. Saturday May 30 - stay in Niagara Falls for the US/ Canada walk (6/15K) passing attractions on both sides of the river. In the afternoon, don raingear for the “Cave of the Winds” tour near the falls. Sunday May 31 - After hotel checkout, make the 90 minute drive to Canandaigua, a charming town on Lake Canandaigua (the westernmost “major” finger lake). Three walks are available (5/6/10K). After lunch begin the six hour ride back to the VE Club and should arrive about 8 pm. Prices depend on occupancy but includes bus, bus driver tip, snacks enroute, lodging for 3 nights, 3 breakfasts, four walks, tickets for “Maid of Mist” and “Cave of the Winds”. Prices range from $350 to $770. Non Liberty Bell Wanderers have an extra $10 fee. Questions and form: contact Bill Ridge 215-2569629 or email: A deposit is due as soon as possible. Full payment by 4-15-15. Events 250 Tim Krow 275 Joyce Krow 500 Jan Lardizabal 1100 Sue Peck Susquehanna Rovers, AVA, Curves? What do the Susquehanna Rovers, AVA and Curves International have in common? The answer is Joyce Krow! After finishing second in Curves 2013 Summer Step Challenge, Joyce vowed to win the annual Curves contest. With the help of the many AVA walks and other various walks, she completed her goal and won the Curves 2014 Summer Step Challenge with a total of 2,380,044 steps over the York White Rose Wanderers See the Lighthouses. three month period from May 1 - May 3 2015 June 9th to Sept. 8th. 6 walks in 3 days She is planning her next year’s victory, so look Philadelphia, Cape May, Atlantic City, Barnegat Light, for her on the trails. Anyone for a walk? Spring Lake and Asbury Park. Hotel accommodations are at a Casino on the boardwalk in Atlantic City with plenty of vouchers for Joyce Krow, Midd-West Middle School Congrats! meals of your choice. Price includes walk fees, transportation, 2 nights lodging, luggage handling, $25 slot voucher, $60 food vouchers, taxes, Dinner at Vuca Di Beppo in Exton PA on way home. Leave from York at 6 am Friday and return about 9:30 pm on Sunday. Prices range from $327 to $577 depending on occupancy. $50 due as soon as possible. Questions and form? Please contact Keith Choiniere at PAGE 6 T HE R O V E R R E P O R T E R Victoria Volkssport Phoenix Festival Victoria, British Columbia, Canada April 17-19, 2015 This exciting festival is held every two years in beautiful Victoria, located on Vancouver Island, just off the west coast of British Columbia Canada. The Hershey start point in need of walkers! Julie Geyer, Marie Miller, and Judy Reed got their pictures in the Lebanon Daily News because they were caught checking out the directions for Annville on a bone chilling day by Jeremy Long. Guess he thought they were a tad crazy. Way to go ladies! AVA National Convention June 1321, 2014 Salem Oregon There will many activities and walks to keep you busy. The brochure is not out yet, but the host hotel is already filled. So get your plans in action if you want to attend. The walks sound great! 13th walk in Bend Oregon 14th Clear Lake 15th Silver Falls State Park with 10 waterfalls 16th Vancouver Washington 17th Eugene Oregon 18th Lincoln City Oregon (ocean front) 19th Salem Oregon - Capital 20th Mt Saint Helens 21st Portland Oregon There is a new venue so the walks will all be new. The festival will take place at the Victoria Greek Community Centre at 4648 Elk Lake Drive. It will be providing delicious Greek and Italian cuisine throughout the festival. The walks range from 5K to 42K. The first walk starts late Friday morning - 5/12K Beaver and Elk Lake. At 4 will be the 6/10K Broadmead Trail. On Saturday the feature walk is 5/10/21/32/42K Ocean View Walk. Sunday will feature a 5/10/21K Saanich Trail. There will also be a pre -festival walk on Thursday and a post-festival walk on Monday hosted by local clubs. The festival also has a meet and greet and a banquet. These Canadian Festivals are always a fun thing to attend. Visit the festival website for more information: PA State Parks and Forest Challenge 2015-2016 Keystone State Volkssport Assn is sponsoring this challenge program to encourage participation in events in our State Parks and State Forests. You will only need to complete 10 qualifying events. As of this moment, there are 20 year round or seasonal events scheduled with some more traditional ones to be scheduled. All of them have a lovely and colorful patch. Are you up to the challenge! We have so many wonderful parks and forests and this will be the year to get out and enjoy them. But be sure to wear bug spray. Many of these walks can be snow shoed. So that would be a new adventure. There is even a swim. Plus three year rounds that start at the hotel and three more that are close. Pick up a KSVA Year Round and Seasonal Booklet and the tear off the covers. These are your booklets for this challenge and the 20/10 Challenge. This program is also run the same as the 20/10 Challenge. You can walk your socks off! Get started. 2015 is almost here! PAGE 7 T HE R O V E R R E P O R T E R 2014 - 2015 ATLANTIC REGION CALENDAR of EVENTS AVA Calendar as of 12-1-2014 December 12-14 12-13 13 13 13-14 20 31 31 S NW W W W NW W 2W Williamsburg VA (Clarion Hotel) Williamsburg VA (Clarion Hotel) Lititz PA (10-11-12-13-14 Walk) Annapolis MD (Lighted Boat Parade) Williamsburg VA (Clarion Hotel) Fredericksburg VA (Holiday Lights) Smithfield VA (New Years Eve) Columbia MD (New Years Eve) Peninsula Pathfinders of VA Peninsula Pathfinders of VA Penn Dutch Pacers Annapolis Amblers Peninsula Pathfinders of VA Germanna Volkssport Assn Gator Volksmarsch Club Freestate Happy Wanderers 757-814-1417 757-814-1417 717-625-3533 301-509-6748 757-814-1417 540-455-0772 757-421-8070 410-437-2164 Harrisburg PA (Year Round) Columbia MD (New Years Day) Smithfield VA (New Year Day Camp Hill PA (Year Round) Cabin John MD (C&O Canal) Harrisburg PA (Gander Mtn - 6) Susquehanna Rovers Freestate Happy Wanderers Gator Volksmarsch Club Susquehanna Rovers and lunch Seneca Valley Sugarloafers Susquehanna Rovers 717-379-8945 410-437-2164 757-421-8070 717-379-8945 301-385-0054 717-614-7540 WS M W M York PA (Winter Walk & Swim) York PA Beltsville MD (UM Church) Harrisburg PA (Gander Mtn - 6) York White Rose Wanderers KSVA Freestate Happy Wanderers Susquehanna Rovers 717-292-3777 215-529-5686 301-572-5574 717-614-7540 W 2W W M Columbia MD (Cedar Lane Park) Baltimore MD Hampton VA Harrisburg PA (Gander Mtn - 6) Columbia Volksmarch Club Baltimore Walking Club Virginia Vagabonds Susquehanna Rovers 410-290-6510 410-592-3171 703-766-3065 717-614-7540 W W W W W M Richmond VA (Zacharias Ganey HI) Charlottesville VA (The Park) Victoria British Columbia Canada Laurel MD (Montpelier) Hampton VA (Parker Pavilion) Harrisburg PA (Gander Mtn - 6) Lee Lepus Volksverband Cavalier Volkssporting Club Phoenix Festival 2015 Freestate Happy Wanderers Peninsula Pathfinders Susquehanna Rovers 804-768-0055 434-924-3791 W W W W W W M W Westminster MD (Ascension Church) Quantico VA (USMC Museum) Newport News VA (Newport News Pk) Stuarts Draft VA (Hardees) Monterey VA (Haps High Rest) Harrisonburg VA (Universalist Church) Harrisburg PA (Gander Mtn - 6) Glouchester VA (Pavilion 606) Seneca Valley Sugarloafers Germanna Volkssport Assoc Virginia Vagabonds Virginia Volkssport Assn Virginia Volkssport Assn Virginia Volkssport Assn Susquehanna Rovers Peninsula Pathfinders 301-926-0915 540-455-0772 703-766-3065 703-766-3065 703-766-3065 703-766-3065 717-614-7540 757-357-5355 W Salem OR AVA National Convention January 1 1 1 3 17 27 GRP 2W W GRP W M February 7-8 7 21 24 March 21 28 28 31 April 11 12 17-19 25 25 27 301-490-5850 757-851-9252 717-614-7540 May 2 2 9 23 24 25 26 30 June 13-21 Legend: W=Walk, GRP= Group Walk, GW=Guided Walk, NW=Night Walk, M=Meeting, S= Swim Susquehanna Rovers Volksmarch Club 1820 Brentwood Drive Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-3477 December 2014 - January 2015 The Rover Reporter Dated Materials
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