Charter of The Richard Linn American Inn of Court
Charter of The Richard Linn American Inn of Court
The Richard Linn American Inn of Court 2014-2015 Membership Handbook Contains Confidential Information. Do Not Distribute. © 2014 Richard Linn American Inn of Court. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS Message From The President .....................................................................................1 Meeting Dates and Logistics ......................................................................................2 Member Responsibilities ...........................................................................................5 Officers and Administrators .......................................................................................6 2014-2015 Program Schedule ....................................................................................8 Membership and Dues ...............................................................................................9 SECTION 1: MEMBER INFORMATION ...............................................................9 SECTION 2: DUES ..................................................................................................9 SECTION 3: PAYMENT .........................................................................................9 Mentoring .................................................................................................................10 The Mark T. Banner Scholarship for Law Students ................................................12 Application Form ..................................................................................................14 Origins of the Mark T. Banner Scholarship .........................................................17 Diversity ...................................................................................................................18 Charter of The Richard Linn American Inn of Court ..............................................19 Background ..............................................................................................................25 The American Inns of Court .................................................................................25 The Richard Linn American Inn of Court ............................................................27 Linn Inn Alliance .....................................................................................................30 Judge Richard Linn ..................................................................................................32 Membership List ...................................................................................... Appendix A Pupilage Group List ................................................................................. Appendix B THE RICHARD LINN AMERICAN INN OF COURT C HICAGO , I LLINOIS OFFICERS Judge Matthew F. Kennelly President United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois September 17, 2014 Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer Judicial Counselor United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Dear Linn Inn Members: Robert A. Surrette Immediate Past President McAndrews, Held & Malloy Welcome to the Richard Linn American Inn of Court's 2014-2015 program year! I have been a member of the Inn and its Board since the Inn was founded in 2007, and I have the privilege of serving as its President this year. July A. Katz, President Elect Katz Group, LLC Olivia T. Luk, Executive Director Niro, Haller & Niro Matthew W. Walch Vice President Latham & Watkins Merle S. Elliott, Secretary McAndrews, Held & Malloy Christopher Freeman, Treasurer Blackbird Technologies Wasim K. Bleibel Membership Chair Locke Lord LLP Debbie K. Wright, Programs Chair Thomas J. Filarski Linn Inn Alliance Liaison Steptoe & Johnson Paul D. Margolis, CLE Chair Jenner & Block Kristina Swanson Scholarship Chair Wood Phillips Carolyn Blessing, Events Chair Locke Lord LLP Cory Spence, Mentor Chair Ungaretti & Harris LLP Since the Linn Inn's first full meeting in January 2007, we have achieved extraordinary success in advancing the organization’s goals of improving the skills, professionalism, and ethics of the Chicago intellectual property law community. Our success has not gone unnoticed. The Linn Inn has been awarded Platinum Level Distinction from the American Inns of Court – the highest level of distinction available – for the past five years. In addition, the American Inns of Court have honored our programs with Outstanding Program Awards and our members with Distinguished Service Medals, as well as the Sandra Day O’Connor Award and the A. Sherman Christensen Award. This does not mean, however, that we can simply stand pat. We must continue to strive to be a model Inn of Court and a leader in the Linn Inn Alliance, which our Inn helped establish. We must redouble our efforts to promote excellence in ethics, professionalism, and legal skills and to mentor the next generation of leaders among Chicago intellectual property lawyers. Your continued commitment and support are essential to our achievement of these goals. We have planned another interesting and exciting slate of programs for the upcoming year. I look forward to working with all of you to continue to achieve the excellence for which the Linn Inn is known. Sincerely, Matthew F. Kennelly President 1 Meeting Dates and Logistics I. Monthly Meetings The Linn Inn generally meets once a month from September through May. Meetings are typically held at either the Everett McKinley Dirksen Federal Building or at the offices of a hosting law firm. Meetings are typically on Thursdays and generally follow the schedule below: 5:30-6:00: Cocktails 6:00-7:00: Program 7:00-8:30: Reception Either a board member, program chair, or Linn Inn administrator will circulate an email to all members approximately 1 week before each meeting. The email will contain specifics about the meeting location, time, and program. Members must RSVP for each meeting according to the instructions in the email. A. Monthly Meeting Dates The monthly meetings for the 2014-2015 term are currently scheduled for: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Thursday, October 16, 2014 Monday, November 17, 2014 ~ No meeting in December ~ Thursday, January 15, 2015 Thursday, February 12, 2015 Thursday, March 12, 2015 Thursday, April 23, 2015 Thursday, May 14, 2015 2 B. Meetings Held at the Dirksen Building One or more monthly meetings for the 2014-2015 term will be held at the Dirksen Building at 219 South Dearborn Street. Due to building security requirements, members must arrive before 6:00 p.m. and have government issued identification in order to enter the building. Receptions following meetings held at the Dirksen Federal Building are held at a different location. Please check the program schedule for details. C. Attire Business attire (business suit) is required for all monthly meetings. D. Guests Members are encouraged to bring guests to monthly programs. If you wish to bring a guest, please inform the Inn Administrators of the guest’s full name and affiliation prior to the meeting and bring a $25 guest fee to the meeting via cash or check. A reduced $15 guest fee is due for student guests. Checks should be made payable to the “Richard Linn American Inn of Court.” Guest fees are donated to the Mark T. Banner Scholarship Fund. CLE credit is not available to guests in the 2014-2015 term. E. CLE Credit CLE credit is available for all monthly programs for active Linn Inn members. Each member wishing to receive CLE credit must sign the attendance sheet and provide an ARDC number in order to receive credit. Within approximately two weeks of each program, the CLE chair will send each member a Certificate of Attendance for the program. Each member should sign the record of attendance and keep it for 3 years after the end of the relevant 2 year CLE reporting period. In the event the member is audited by the Illinois MCLE Board, the member may be required to submit the record of attendance. F. Name Tags Each inn member will receive a reusable plastic name badge, which must be worn at meetings. Name badges should be returned to the administrators following each meeting for safekeeping. A $25 fee is required for lost name tags and may be paid via cash or check. Please deliver payment to the Linn Inn administrators at the 3 beginning of one of the monthly meetings or via mail at the address listed on the “Officers and Administrators” tab below. II. Annual Holiday Party The Linn Inn often hosts a holiday party in lieu of a December meeting. Information about the holiday party is typically announced both via email and at the November monthly meeting. III. Annual Dinner The Linn Inn typically hosts an annual black tie dinner each summer. Invitations for the dinner are typically sent in the spring. 4 Member Responsibilities Attendance: Each Pupil, Associate, Barrister and Master must attend at least 5 of the 8 monthly meetings during the September-May term. If a member is unable to attend at least 5 meetings, membership may not be renewed the next year to allow room for more active members. Emeritus members are exempt from this requirement, but should sign in at each meeting to receive CLE credit. Pupilage Group Participation: Members should participate in preparing their pupilage group’s presentation. Pupilage group participation will be a consideration when membership is evaluated each year. Dues: Members must pay annual dues before the first meeting of each SeptemberMay term. Dues should be sent to the Linn Inn Treasurer with the “Membership & Dues Form” located at page 9 of this Handbook. RSVP: Members will receive an email approximately one week before each monthly meeting containing specifics about the program. Members must respond to that email regarding whether they plan to attend the meeting at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Contact Information: Members should notify the Membership Chair of any change in address, phone number, facsimile number or email address. 5 Officers and Administrators The officers for 2014-2015 are as follows: President: Judge Matthew F. Kennelly Judicial Counselor: Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer President-Elect: Julie A. Katz Executive Director Olivia T. Luk Vice President: Matthew W. Walch Secretary: Merle S. Elliott Treasurer: Christopher Freeman Membership Chair: Wasim K. Bleibel Programs Chair: Debbie K. Wright Linn Inn Alliance Liason Thomas J. Filarski CLE Chair: Paul D. Margolis Immediate Past President: Robert A. Surrette Olivia Luk Charles W. Shifley Meredith Martin Addy Judge James F. Holderman Mark T. Banner Scholarship Chair: Kristina Swanson Events Chair: Carolyn Blessing Mentor Chair: Cory Spence Past Presidents: 6 Please direct any questions for the Officers to the Linn Inn Administrators: Alexandra Manolas (312) 245-3446 Jeanne Scaramella (312) 245-3408 Officers are subject to vote once each year. Please contact the current President if you are interested in serving as an officer for the following term. 7 2014-2015 Program Schedule All Program Meetings are 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Check-in/CLE sign-in begins at 5:30 p.m. Post Program Reception begins immediately after the Program Meeting. Date Wedneday Sept. 17 Topic Judicial Can(n)ons 2 Thursday Oct. 16 The Real World: Clients 3 Monday Nov. 17 @LinnInn #buzzkill 4 Thursday Jan. 15 5 Thursday Feb. 12 6 Thursday Mar. 12 7 Thursday Apr. 23 1 8 Thursday May 14 Chairs Paul Korniczky Molly MosleyGoren James Sobieraj Mansi Shah Monica Thompson Sara Dale Eugene Happy 3BD, PTAB! Goryunoz Jennifer Bauer Adam Kelly Apportion This! IP Kori Anne Damages Bagrowski Back of the House – Appeals Margaret Duncan Charles Shifley Through Judges’ Eyes [Joint Meeting with IPLAC] Magna Carta Celebration [Joint Meeting with Chicago Inn of Court] 9th Annual Oral Advocacy Challenge 8 Location Mid-America Club 200 E. Randolph Dr. Brinks Gilson & Lione NBC Tower 455 Cityfront Plaza Drive DLA Piper 203 North LaSalle Kirkland & Ellis 300 North LaSalle Loeb & Loeb 321 North Clark Street McDermott Will & Emery 227 West Monroe Street Russ Cass David DeBruin Hosted by Sidley Austin Joseph Shipley Aaron Barlow Dirksen Federal Building 219 South Dearborn Street Membership and Dues The Richard Linn American Inn Of Court 2014-2015 Membership & Dues Form SECTION 1: MEMBER INFORMATION Full Name Firm/Organization: Address: City State______________ Zip Phone: Fax: Email: Year Admitted to the Bar: Primary area of practice within IP: YES, I want to be a member of The Richard Linn American Inn of Court (Organization) for 2014-15 (check box). In accepting this membership, I agree to attend at least five programs* during the Inn year and to submit the dues indicated below by September 12, 2014. (*Emeritus members are exempt from the attendance requirement.) If I do not timely submit the dues, then I am not considered a member by the Organization. If I do not attend at least five programs then the Organization need not invite me to be a member for the following year. SECTION 2: DUES $400 $350 $325 $200 $125 $75 Master (15 years of practice or longer; Founders) Emeritus (34 years or longer on an individual basis) Barrister (9-14 years of practice) Associate (8 years of practice or less) Academic/Government/In-House (Regardless of years of practice) Pupil (law student) Total Amount Enclosed: $ Please provide any suggestions for program topics: _____________________________ SECTION 3: PAYMENT If your firm is issuing a check on your behalf, please make sure that your name is referenced somewhere on the check. Make the check payable to The Richard Linn American Inn of Court and mail it with this completed form to: The Richard Linn American Inn of Court c/o Jeanne Scaramella or Alexandra Manolas Brinks,Gilson & Lione NBC Tower, Suite 3600 455 North Cityfront Plaza Drive Chicago, IL 60611-5599 9 Mentoring THE RICHARD LINN AMERICAN INN OF COURT MENTOR/PROTÉGÉ, PUPIL GROUP AND ISCCP LAWYER-TO-LAWYER MENTORING PROGRAMS One of the purposes of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court is to facilitate the development of private “one-on-one” mentoring relationships between members of the Inn outside of the regularly scheduled Inn meetings. To this end, the Inn has established three mentoring programs, the Mentor/Protégé Program, the Pupil Group Mentor Program and the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program. (1) The Mentor/Protégé Program provides a special opportunity for an experienced practitioner and new attorney to meet and discuss specific practice experiences, exchange professional insights, and share candid perspectives about “everyday” practice issues and concerns. Protégés are expected to contact their Mentors within two weeks of announcement of the pairings to propose a getacquainted meeting (e.g., lunch or dinner). The initial get-acquainted meeting counts as one of the four meetings, which absent extraordinary circumstances, should occur within one-month of the announcement of pairings. Each mentor pair is expected to meet a minimum of four times outside of the regularly scheduled Inn meetings. (2) The Pupil Group Mentor Program pairs two Inn members (at least one of which is a recent law graduate) with the Pupil members from each of the Inn’s participating law schools. The idea is to provide an informal forum in which Pupils (and possibly even other students from their schools) can explore their questions regarding preparation for and transition to professional practice. Pupil Group Mentors need not be alumni of the law school to which they are assigned. Pupils are expected to contact their Mentors within two weeks of announcement of the pairings to propose a getacquainted meeting (e.g., lunch or dinner). The initial get-acquainted meeting counts as one of the four meetings, which absent extraordinary circumstances, should occur within one-month of the announcement of pairings. Each mentor pair is expected to meet a minimum of four times outside of the regularly scheduled Inn meetings. (3) The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism (“ISCCP”) Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program is an opportunity for an experienced lawyer (practicing no less than six years) to provide professional guidance and share practical knowledge and skills with a new lawyer (licensed for no more than two years) during the critical transition from law student to legal practitioner. The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is proud to be an approved plan provider. The ISCCP Lawyerto-Lawyer Mentoring Program qualifies for six (6) non-traditional, professional responsibility CLE credits for reporting periods ending on June 30 of either 2015 or 2016, in which 30 hours of CLE are required. The ISCCP Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program requires that mentor(s)/mentee(s) sign a mentoring agreement, prepare and pledge to follow an individualized mentoring plan (template will be provided), attend an orientation (to be held 10 in person or by conference call) and engage in a minimum of eight (8) in-person meetings over the course of the mentoring term (which includes the opportunity to meet at regularly scheduled Linn Inn receptions). The mentor is responsible for scheduling the first face-to-face meeting with new lawyer mentee within two weeks of announcement of the pairings to propose the first in-person meeting. The initial meeting counts as one of the eight meetings, which should occur as quickly as possible. In addition, mid-year surveys will be collected. Upon completion of the Lawyer-to-Lawyer Mentoring Program, mentors and new lawyers will sign the Plan Completion Attestation and submit it to the Program Administrator (Cory Spence). At this time, mentors and new lawyers must also complete the Commission’s online Attorney Application: Mentoring CLE Certificate to obtain professional responsibility CLE credit. Note – NO partial credit will be given. Mentor pairings will be assigned by the Officers of the Inn. In determining the pairings, the Officers will do their best to accommodate the interests of the Protégés, Pupils and New Lawyers by pairing them with Mentors having experience in one or more of the areas of interest indicated on the registration form. The subject matter of the mentoring relationship and the individual meetings, however, e.g., personal, professional, career-development oriented, is at the sole discretion of the participants. Normally, the formal term of the mentoring relationship is nine months, beginning with the announcement of the pairings at the end of September. Since this program lasts only nine months, the program begins as soon as mentors and protégés are paired up. (RETURN BELOW PORTION) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RL MENTORING PROGRAMS REGISTRATION FORM ~ 2014/2015 NAME: _________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________________ E-MAIL: ________________________ YEAR OF LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION: _______ MEMBERSHIP STATUS: EMERITUS MASTER BARRISTER ASSOCIATE PUPIL LAW CLERK I AM INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING AS (check as many that apply): MENTOR PROTÉGÉ PUPIL GROUP MENTOR PUPIL GROUP MENTEE NEW LAWYER MENTEE (ISCCP LAWYER-TO-LAWYER MENTORING PROGRAM) MENTOR (ISCCP LAWYER-TO-LAWYER MENTORING PROGRAM) PRACTICE AREAS OF INTEREST: PATENT LITIGATION __________________ TRADEMARK PROSECUTION COPYRIGHT OTHER MY IDEAL MENTOR, NEW LAWYER, PROTÉGÉ, OR PUPIL) WOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE IN: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER COMMENTS/PREFERENCES: ___________________________________________________________ Please return to Cory Spence, Mentor Chair, 312-977-4398; Ungaretti & Harris LLP, 1165 N. Clark St., Suite 402, Chicago, Illinois 60602 11 The Mark T. Banner Scholarship for Law Students The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is proud to offer the Mark T. Banner Scholarship. This scholarship is part of The Richard Linn American Inn of Court's commitment to fostering the development of intellectual property lawyers of high ethics, civility and professionalism, and especially those from diverse backgrounds. Eligibility Law students who have entered into a JD program at an ABA-accredited law school in the United States and who will continue in that program through the Fall semester 2015 are eligible to apply for the Mark T. Banner Scholarship. Selection Criteria Scholarship recipients will be selected by the Mark T. Banner Scholarship review board based on the following criteria: Commitment to the pursuit of a career in IP law. An ability to demonstrate commitment to the pursuit of a career in intellectual property law is an essential requirement. Commitment, qualities and actions toward ethics, civility and professionalism. Academic merit (undergraduate, graduate and law school). Written and oral communication skills determined in part through a telephone interview for finalists. Leadership qualities and community involvement. Member of a historically underrepresented group in IP law (including race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability). The application should discuss how diversity has impacted his or her pursuit of a career in IP law and how the applicant has faced and overcome the challenges associated therewith. Diversity is considered, but is one element among several in the award decision. Financial Award The recipient of the Mark T. Banner Scholarship will receive $5,000 payable for the Fall 2015 semester of law school. 12 Application Process Applications will be accepted from now through November 12, 2014. The winner will be notified by April 2015 and the award will be announced at the Linn Inn of Court's annual dinner in Summer of 2015. Applicants will submit the following documents for consideration: Completed Mark T. Banner Scholarship Application Form Resume Academic transcripts (law school, undergraduate/graduate school) Three-page statement describing (a) how ethics, civility and professionalism have been a focus of the candidate; (b) how diversity has impacted the candidate; and (c) the candidate's commitment to the pursuit of a career in IP law Contact information for three references Finalists for the scholarship will be interviewed in the Spring of 2015. 13 Application Form 14 15 16 Origins of the Mark T. Banner Scholarship 17 Diversity The Linn Inn is a member of the American Inns of Court. The Linn Inn supports and furthers the American Inns of Court Diversity Policy. The American Inns of Court Diversity Policy 1 The American Inns of Court Embraces and Encourages Diversity and Inclusiveness. More than just an organization, the American Inns of Court is the embodiment of an ideal. We are dedicated to upholding the standards of the legal profession, to practicing law with dignity and respect, and to encouraging respect for our system of justice. Achieving a higher level of excellence and developing a deeper sense of professionalism occur only with an abiding commitment to the goals of diversity and inclusiveness. The American Inns of Court firmly believes that personal diversity in all its aspects is essential to our ability to accomplish our mission. Diversity embodies all those differences that make us unique individuals and includes people of different race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age, personal style, appearance, physical ability as well as people of diverse opinions, perspectives, lifestyles, ideas and thinking. We value the differences in views and perspectives and the varied experiences that are part of a diverse membership. Diversity enriches and broadens our membership, which in turn leads to more creative and meaningful programs. For the same reasons, the American Inns of Court values professional diversity. Legal professionals and law school faculty, administrators, and students, from all disciplines, from all practice types, from both the public and private sectors, from all economic strata, and from the least experienced to the most seasoned are vital to maximizing the Inn experience. Only by drawing and retaining a diverse membership will we guarantee the success of our unique organization as well as our respective professional pursuits. Therefore, the American Inns of Court are committed to creating and maintaining a culture that promotes and supports diversity not only throughout our organization, but in our profession as well. 1 The information below is reproduced from the website of the American Inns of Court, 18 THE AMERICAN INNS OF COURT FOUNDATION Charter of The Richard Linn American Inn of Court Article I. Objectives The objectives of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court are as follows: 1. To establish a society of judges, lawyers, legal educators, law students and others, to promote excellence in legal advocacy in accordance with the Professional Creed of the American Inns of Court; 2. To foster greater understanding of and appreciation for the adversary system of dispute resolution in American law, with particular emphasis on ethics, civility, professionalism and legal skills; 3. To provide significant educational experiences that will improve and enhance the abilities of lawyers as counselors and advocates and of judges as adjudicators and judicial administrators; 4. To promote interaction and collegiality among all legal professionals in order to minimize misapprehensions, misconceptions and failures of communication that obstruct the effective practice of law; 5. To facilitate the development of law students, recent law school graduates, and less experienced lawyers as skilled participants in the American court system; 6. To preserve and transmit ethical values from one generation of legal professionals to the next; and 7. To build upon the genius and strengths of the common law and the English Inns of Court and to renew and inspire joy and zest in legal advocacy as a service worth of constant effort and learning. Article II. Organization 1. Nature of Organization. The Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall be and remain chartered and affiliated with the American Inns of Court Foundation and shall be an unincorporated association composed of judges, practicing lawyers, law school educators, recent law school graduates, and law students who accept an invitation to membership, as hereinafter described. 2. Governing Body and Officers. The officers of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall be a President, a Vice President, a Counselor, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Administrator, a Program Chair, a Membership Chair, a Mentor 19 Chair, a Scholarship Chair, an Events Chair and such other officers as the Masters, by majority vote of those present at a meeting duly called for that purpose, may deem necessary. The President and Counselor must be selected from among the Masters and shall be elected by vote of a majority of the Masters present at a meeting called for that purpose. All other officers, may be selected from any category of membership and shall be elected by a majority vote of all members present at a meeting called for that purpose. Whenever possible, either the President or the Counselor should be a judge. The officers, and such other members as may be selected by majority vote of those present at a meeting duly called for that purpose, shall constitute an Executive Committee. a. Terms of Office. The term of each office shall be established by the Richard Linn American Inn of Court. Officers may succeed themselves. b. Duties of the Officers. The Officers shall be responsible for the general operation of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court in accordance with this Charter, any Bylaws adopted by this American Inn of Court and by the Article of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policies and Directives of the American Inns of Court Foundation, including The Officer’s Manual. c. Duties and Authority of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, acting by majority vote of its members, shall: (1) Take such action as may be necessary to carry out or assist the officers in carrying out the responsibilities imposed by this Charter, any Bylaws adopted by this American Inn of Court and by the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policies and Directives of the American Inns of Court Foundation; (2) Determine the size of each membership category in the Richard Linn American Inn of Court, ensuring that total membership shall be approximately one hundred and fifty (150); (3) Establish, collect and remit local and national membership dues assessments as described hereinafter; (4) Appoint a representative to attend the annual meeting of the American Inns of Court Foundation; (5) Appoint a representative to serve as the development contact with the American Inns of Court Foundation; 20 (6) Confer and terminate memberships in the Richard Linn American Inn of Court; and perform such other duties as may facilitate proper operation of the organization. 3. Relationships with Courts. The Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall be and remain outside the jurisdiction of the courts but shall endeavor to work in close cooperation with the trial and appellate courts. Federal, state, and local trial and appellate judges will enjoy full participation in the organization. Article III. Membership 1. National Membership in the American Inns of Court Foundation. Each person who is an active member of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court is also a member of the American Inns of Court Foundation. An inactive or former member of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court may, upon application and payment of dues, be granted national membership in the American Inns of Court Foundation. 2. Invitations to Membership. Membership in the Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall be conferred upon those accepting invitations extended by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee’s discretion in extending invitations to membership is absolute and non-reviewable. Invitations may be extended on the basis of recommendations made to the Executive Committee by any member of the American Inn of Court or in response to written application filed with any officer. Membership shall not be denied to any person on account of race, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin. 3. Maximum size of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court. Total active membership (i.e., all categories of membership other than Honorary and Emeritus Members) shall be approximately one hundred and fifty (150). Members shall be given suitable certificate of their membership in the Richard Linn American Inn of Court. Membership in any category may be terminated in the sole discretion of the Executive Committee. 4. Designation of Categories of Active Membership. There are four categories of active membership in an American Inn of Court: (1) Masters of the Bench (“Masters”); (2) Barristers; (3) Associates; and (4) Pupils. Membership in the Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall consist of Masters, Barristers and either Associates or Pupils or a combination of Associates and Pupils, as determined by the Executive Committee. 21 a. Masters of the Bench. Membership as Masters of the Bench or “Masters” may be held by judges, lawyers and law teachers who have demonstrated superior character, ability, and competence as advocates. Retention of status as a Master is contingent upon reasonable participation in the Richard Linn American Inn of Court, periodically reviewable by the Executive Committee. Any Master granted emeritus status may be invited to serve again in an active capacity. b. Barristers. Active membership as Barristers may be held by attorneys who have some experience but do not yet qualify as Masters and who have demonstrated good character and a desire to improve and refine their skills as advocates. c. Associates. Membership as Associates shall be held by lawyers who are recent law school graduates but who do not yet meet the Richard Linn American Inn of Court’s minimum experience requirement for Barristers. d. Pupils. Membership as Pupils shall be held by persons who are third year law students. Tenure of membership for Pupils shall be not more than one (1) year. 5. Designation of Categories of Inactive Membership. The Executive Committee may confer Emeritus and Honorary memberships as follows: a. Emeritus Members. Emeritus membership may be conferred upon active Masters of the Bench on the basis of long and distinguished service to the Richard Linn American Inn of Court or the Chicago intellectual property community. Emeritus Masters shall be under no obligation to pay dues, attend meetings or participate in other programs of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court but shall enjoy all privileges of active membership except the right to vote. b. Honorary Members. Honorary membership may be conferred upon individuals, whether they are lawyers or not, on the basis of distinguished service to the bench or bar, furtherance of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court objective or other noteworthy achievements. Honorary Masters shall be under no obligation to pay dues, attend meetings or participate in other programs of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court but shall enjoy all privileges of active membership except the right to vote. Article IV. Finances 1. Financial matters for the Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall be managed and controlled in accordance with policies and directives established by the American Inns of Court Foundation and this Charter. 2. The Executive Committee is empowered to levy and collect assessments in this form of dues in amounts which it may deem appropriate in order to conduct its 22 meetings and otherwise meet its operating needs. It shall also collect from each of its active members, such amount as is assessed by the American Inns of Court Foundation as national membership dues. Failure to pay assessments and dues within a reasonable time and after reasonable notice may be considered by the Executive Committee as a ground to terminate membership of the person in default. 3. The Executive Committee shall remit annually to the American Inns of Court Foundation that portion of dues which corresponds to the number of active members of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court. 4. The fiscal year of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court, for financial reporting purposes, shall be the same as the fiscal year of the American Inns of Court Foundation. Article V. Meetings and Activities 1. Schedule for Meetings. The Executive Committee shall designate the dates for the commencement and termination of the operative year. Meetings shall be held at least six times per year at such times as the Executive Committee may determine. 2. Content of Meetings. The main themes and subject matter of regular meetings shall be practical legal skills, with emphasis on ethics, civility, professionalism and excellence in the practice of the profession. Programs should present, demonstrate, teach, and explain the principles, skills, techniques, and relationships involved in the courtroom and in activities preliminary to courtroom appearances and should involve critique and questions from the membership of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court. These meetings shall be designed to assist members in better discharging their duties to clients and society. Programs should ordinarily be presented by previously assigned pupilage groups. Article VI. Pupilage Groups As an American adaptation of the pupilage system, which is basic to the English Inns of Court, each Barrister, Associate and Pupil will be assigned to work with a Master (who is a practicing attorney) during meetings and at other times throughout the year. At least one (1) Active Master who is a practicing attorney, one (1) Barrister, one (1) Associate, and one (1) Pupil, appropriate to the membership composition of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court, shall comprise the pupilage group. Each pupilage group shall be assigned to a Master who is a judge, who shall exercise general supervision over the group assigned to him or her and shall monitor the group’s 23 attendance at meetings, encourage its meaningful participation at meetings and at schedule pupilage events, and oversee presentation of assigned meeting topics. All Active Masters should strive to make contact with Barristers, Associates and Pupils between scheduled Richard Linn American Inn of Court meetings to advise them about the practice of the profession. Article VII. Other American Inns of Court The Richard Linn American Inn of Court shall promote or cooperate in the establishment of similar American Inns of Court in the same or different localities of the state or elsewhere to more widely achieve the objectives of the American Inns of Court Foundation. Article VIII. Adoption of Local American Inn of Court Bylaws and Amendment and Interpretation of Charter The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is authorized to adopt Bylaws which are not consistent with this Charter. Any such Bylaws must be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Board of Trustees of the American Inns of Court Foundation. This Charter may be amended only with the written approval of the Board of Trustees of the American Inns of Court Foundation following a two-thirds vote of the American Inn of Court members present at a meeting called and reasonably noticed for such purpose, or upon written consent of at least two-thirds of such membership. Any question as to the interpretation of this Charter or the meaning of any of its terms shall be resolved by the Board of Trustees of the American Inns of Court Foundation. Article IX. Revocation of Charter This Charter may be revoked by the Board of Trustees of the American Inns of Court Foundation upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: (1) the Richard Linn American Inn of Court does not become organized and operational within one year of the issuance of said Charter; (2) conduct on the part of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court which jeopardizes the tax exempt status of the American Inns of Court Foundation; (3) violation of the provisions of this Charter; (4) conduct on the part of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court which subjects the American Inns of Court to public ridicule, scorn or opprobrium; and (5) violation of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaw, or Policies of the American Inns of Court Foundation. 24 Background The Linn Inn is a member of the American Inns of Court. When the Linn Inn was founded in January 2007, it was the fifth Inn of Court focused on intellectual property law. The American Inns of Court2 American Inns of Court are designed to improve the skills, professionalism and ethics of the bench and bar. An American Inn of Court is an amalgam of judges, lawyers, and in some cases, law professors and law students. Each Inn meets approximately once a month both to "break bread" and to hold programs and discussions on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism. Looking for a new way to help lawyers and judges rise to higher levels of excellence, professionalism, and ethical awareness, the American Inns of Court adopted the traditional English model of legal apprenticeship and modified it to fit the particular needs of the American legal system. American Inns of Court help lawyers to become more effective advocates and counselors with a keener ethical awareness. Members learn side-by-side with the most experienced judges and attorneys in their community. An American Inn of Court is not a fraternal order, a social club, a course in continuing legal education, a lecture series, an apprenticeship system, or an adjunct of a law school’s program. While an AIC partakes of some of each of these concepts, it is quite different in aim, scope, and effect. American Inns of Court actively involve more than 25,000 state, federal and administrative law judges, attorneys, legal scholars and law students. Membership is composed of the following categories: Masters of the Bench—judges, experienced lawyers, and law professors; Barristers—lawyers with some experience who do not meet the minimum requirements for Masters; Associates—lawyers who do not meet the minimum requirement for Barristers; and Pupils—law students. The suggested number of active members in an Inn is around 80. Most Inns concentrate on issues surrounding civil and criminal litigation practice, and include attorneys from a number of specialties. However, there are several Inns that specialize in criminal practice, federal litigation, tax law, administrative law, whitecollar crime, bankruptcy, intellectual property, family law, or employment and labor law. 2 The information below is reproduced from the website of the American Inns of Court, 25 The membership is divided into “pupilage teams,” with each team consisting of a few members from each membership category. Each pupilage team conducts one program for the Inn each year. Pupilage team members get together informally outside of monthly Inn meetings in groups of two or more. This allows the less-experienced attorneys to become more effective advocates and counselors by learning from the more-experienced attorneys and judges. In addition, each less-experienced member is assigned to a more-experienced attorney or judge who acts as a mentor and encourages conversations about the practice of law. Mission of the American Inns of Court The Mission of the American Inns of Court is to foster excellence in professionalism, ethics, civility, and legal skills. Goals of the American Inns of Court Foundation To promote the American Inns of Court mission by encouraging members of the legal profession to participate in an American Inn of Court. To help ensure the vitality and continuity of local Inns. To communicate a culture of excellence in professionalism, ethics, civility and skills to the legal community and generally. To ensure the long-term financial viability and growth of the American Inns of Court. History of the American Inns of Court The American Inns of Court concept was the product of a discussion in the late 1970's among the United States' members of the Anglo-American exchange of lawyers and judges, including Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit J. Clifford Wallace. Chief Justice Burger subsequently invited Rex E. Lee (then Dean of the J. Reuben Clark School of Law at Brigham Young University and later United States Solicitor General) and Dallin Oaks (then president of Brigham Young University and later Justice of the Utah Supreme Court) to test the idea. At the suggestion of Rex Lee, a pilot program was entrusted to Senior United States District Court Judge A. Sherman Christensen, who honed the idea into a feasible concept. The first American Inn of Court was founded in 1980 in the Provo/Salt Lake City area of Utah, and included law students from Brigham Young University. Within 26 the next three years, additional American Inns formed in Utah, Mississippi, Hawaii, New York, and Washington, D.C. In 1983, Chief Justice Burger created a committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States to explore whether the American Inn concept was of value to the administration of justice and, if so, whether there should be a national organization to promote, establish and assist American Inns, and promote the goals of legal excellence, civility, professionalism and ethics on a national level. The committee reported to the Judicial Conference affirmatively on the two questions and proposed the creation of the American Inns of Court Foundation. The Judicial Conference approved the reports and, thus, endorsed the American Inn concept and the formation of a national structure. In 1985, the American Inns of Court Foundation was formally organized. The Richard Linn American Inn of Court Overview of the Linn Inn The Mission of the American Inns of Court is to foster excellence in professionalism, ethics, civility, and legal skills. The Linn Inn’s focus is on intellectual property law, including copyright, patent, trademark and trade secret law. The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is made up of judges, lawyers, law professors, and law students who meet approximately once a month in Chicago both to “break bread” and to hold programs and discussions on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism surrounding the practice of intellectual property law. The Inn provides a unique opportunity for members to hone their legal skills in a social setting with no agenda other than collegiality and with a shared interest in professionalism and excellence. It also provides an opportunity for the younger lawyer and student members to gain experience and insight from member judges and experienced lawyers from among the best of the Chicago IP community. The Linn Inn includes the following categories of members: Emeritus Master Barrister Associate Pupil Government, In-House, Academic Senior Attorney 15 years of practice or more 8-15 years of practice 1-8 years of practice Law Student 27 Additional information about the Inn is located on the Richard Linn Inn’s website at History of the Linn Inn3 The inaugural meeting of the newly formed Richard Linn American Inn of Court was held on January 18, 2007 at the Everett McKinley Dirksen Building in the ceremonial courtroom hosted by Chief Judge Holderman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. It was an exciting evening with over one hundred of the most prominent intellectual property attorneys and professors in Chicago. Also in attendance, were special guests from the D.C. area - the Inn's namesake, the Honorable Richard Linn of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, his wife Patti Linn, daughter Debbie Linn, Hal Wegner from Foley & Lardner in D.C., William Herbert from Staas & Halsey in D.C., past president of the Giles S. Rich Inn of Court, David Akridge, Deputy Executive Director and Phyllis Doak, Director - Chapter Relations - Midwest Region from the American Inns of Court Foundation, and Jim Brookshire, Executive Director of the Federal Circuit Bar Association, and his wife Peggy Brookshire. After Chief Judge Holderman's welcome remarks, the Inn's first president, Meredith Addy, introduced the Inn's founders and officers. An overview of the American Inns of Court Foundation were given by the Deputy Executive Director, David Akridge. Lastly, Judge Linn was presented with the official charter of the Inn and framed remarks written by Chief Judge Michel. After the ceremonial program, members adjourned to the Union League Club of Chicago for food, drinks, and a presentation on the history of Intellectual Property Law in Chicago presented by Ray Niro, Sr., Harry Roper, and George McAndrews. Founding Members of the Linn Inn Judge Amy St. Eve Judge James Holderman Judge Richard Linn Meredith Martin Addy Timothy Holbrook Roberta Kwall Olivia T. Luk 3 The information below is reproduced from the website of the American Inns of Court, 28 Sasha Mayergoyz Charles W. Shifley Jonathan Spivey 29 Linn Inn Alliance In joining the Richard Linn American Inn of Court, individuals are also joining a larger intellectual property organization within the Inns of Court umbrella – the Linn Inn Alliance. As first reported in the May/June 2009 issue of The Bencher, the Linn Inn Alliance was begun through the work of a dedicated ad hoc committee consisting of Circuit Judge Richard Linn, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Hal Wegner of Foley & Lardner, and Olivia Luk of Jenner & Block. The inaugural event for the new Inn Alliance was a reception at the historic Dolley Madison House in Washington D.C. This reception was attended by members of the six then-existing IP Inns of Court, members of the judiciary, and David Carey, Executive Director of the American Inns of Court. The Linn Inn Alliance serves to extend the excellence of existing IP Inns of Courts to new and emerging ones. The Linn Inn Alliance does so by creating a nationwide network which offers assistance and information between the IP Inns of Court and their members. The Linn Inn Alliance maintains a list of all members of all IP Inns and sends email notices of all meetings to all members (who do not opt out). As one can imagine, visiting an IP Inn of Court meeting at an IP Inn other than the one you belong to could be a unique way in which to develop extended professional relationships or contacts when on travel to a city where a participating IP Inn of Court is located. The Linn Inn Alliance is also working diligently to coordinate the activities of the program chairs of all IP Inns and serves as a central repository of all program materials. Thus, all IP Inns can benefit from the creation of an outstanding program and its materials created within one IP Inn. Lastly, as a corollary to providing e-mail notices of all meetings to all Linn Alliance members, a commitment is made by all participating Inns that each Inn will welcome the attendance of any IP Inn member at all Inn meetings. As of the start of the 2014-2015 Inn of Court year, twenty-one IP Inns are participating in the Linn Inn Alliance. They are: Inn Arthur J. Gajarsa Atlanta IP Austin IP Barbara M. G. Lynn Benjamin Franklin Boston IP Location Concord, New Hampshire Atlanta, Georgia Austin, Texas Dallas, Texas Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Boston, Massachusetts 30 Colorado IP Giles S. Rich Houston IP IP and Innovation Inn John C. Lifland Michigan IP Paul R. Michel IP Pauline Newman IP Q. Todd Dickinson Richard Linn San Francisco Bay Area IP Seattle IP Thomas Jefferson IP Tokyo IP William C. Conner Denver, Colorado Washington, D.C. Houston, Texas Albany, New York Westfield, New Jersey Detroit, Michigan Los Angeles, California Alexandria, Virginia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Chicago, Illinois Silicon Valley, California Seattle, Washington Richmond, Virginia Tokyo, Japan New York, New York At the inaugural reception for the Linn Inn Alliance, Judge Linn announced his goal of having ten IP Inns as members of the Linn Inn Alliance by the year 2010. The Linn Inn Alliance achieved its “10 by 2010” goal with the establishment of five new inns in the 2009-2010 year. Not content to sit at thirteen, the Linn Inn Alliance continued its outreach efforts in the 2010-2011 year, resulting in the formation of three new inns: the Thomas Jefferson Intellectual Property American Inn of Court in Richmond, Viriginia, the Pauline Newman Intellectual Property American Inn of Court in Alexandria, Virginia and the Honorable Barbara M. G. Lynn American Inn of Court in Dallas, Texas. In the 2011-2012 year, five new inns were established. In the 20122013 year, an additional five new inns were established, including the Q. Todd Dickinson American Inn of Court in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Tokyo Intellectual Property American Inn of Court in Tokyo, Japan, the Michigan Intellectual Property American Inn of Court in Detroit, Michgan. The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is proud to be a part of the Linn Inn Alliance. We look forward to the continued growth of the Linn Inn Alliance and the many benefits it will bring to our Inn and its members, the American Inns of Court, and the IP profession as a whole. 31 Judge Richard Linn The Linn Inn is fortunate to have Judge Richard Linn of the United States Court of Appeals as one of its founding members. Message from Judge Linn4 The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is the fifth Inn of Court focused on intellectual property law. It is altogether fitting that the city of Chicago, with its rich history of excellence in intellectual property matters, should have an Inn of its own in this important area of the law. I am humbled and honored that the Inn bears my name, and I am proud to be associated with its outstanding members. I am also pleased with the leadership role the Inn is playing in fostering an alliance with the other IP Inns around the country and in working with leaders of the bar in other cities to form new intellectual property Inns in the future. Reflections on Judge Linn5 By Judge Paul R. Michel As its President, Circuit Judge Richard Linn led the Washington, D.C. Intellectual Property Inn of Court named in honor of our late colleague, Giles Sutherland Rich, to the 2005 Model of Excellence award as the best Inn in America. He strongly supports the American Inns of Court in its mission to promote civility, professionalism, and excellence in the practice of law, and regularly participates in meetings of the Giles Rich Inn, the IP based Ben Franklin Inn in Philadelphia, and the appellate practice Edward Coke Inn, which meets at the Federal Circuit. A life-long patent lawyer, a patent examiner, a private practitioner and an electrical engineer, he also served as leader of the electronics practice group of Foley and Lardner’s intellectual property department, and prior to that, the leader of the intellectual property practice of Marks & Murase, now part of Bingham McCutchen LLP. He is, in short, a very well-rounded lawyer and judge. The author of major patent decisions, he is well respected by all his colleagues on the Court of Appeals for the 4 The following was presented by Judge Richard Linn of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit at the inaugural meeting of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court and Presentation of Charter in January 2007. 5 The following “Reflections on Judge Linn” was written by Chief Judge Paul R. Michel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for the inaugural meeting of the Richard Linn American Inn of Court and Presentation of Charter in January 2007. 32 Federal Circuit, which he joined in the first minute of the new millennium, January 1, 2000. In addition to his contributions to the development of the patent law, Judge Linn has contributed to putting the Federal Circuit at the vanguard of automation. For the last two years, he has led the court’s Task Force on Information Technology, designing new systems for electronic circulation, commenting and voting on proposed opinions and for electronic filing of briefs by counsel. Both initiatives will be put into operation in 2007. A leader in the larger intellectual property community and on the court, he is widely-recognized as a down-to-earth man who is good, generous, and great company. I think it is entirely fitting that Judge Linn, who succeeded Judge Giles Rich on the court and who has played and continues to play an active role in the Inn named after Judge Rich, now is honored to have an Inn in his own name. I am confident that it will be a resounding success. About Judge Linn Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; nominated by President Clinton on September 28, 1999; confirmed by the Senate on November 19, 1999; assumed duties of the office on January 1, 2000; born, Brooklyn, New York, April 13, 1944; B.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1965; J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, 1969; patent examiner, U.S. Patent Office, 1965-68; patent agent, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, 1968-69; private practice, specializing in intellectual property litigation, 1970-99; admitted to the Virginia Bar in 1969, the District of Columbia Bar in 1970, and the New York Bar in 1994; member, founding Board of Governors, Virginia State Bar Section on Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law, Chairman, 1975; recipient, Rensselaer Alumni Association Fellows Award for 2000; honored for dedication, service, and devotion to justice in 2006 by the Austin Intellectual Property Law Association; Adjunct Professor and Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University Law School, 2001-03; member, Intellectual Property Advisory Board, George Washington University Law School; past president, Giles Sutherland Rich American Inn of Court 2004-05; member, Richard Linn American Inn of Court. Judge Linn began his career in intellectual property law in 1965 as an examiner at the U.S. Patent Office while attending evening classes at Georgetown. He worked as an examiner for three years. He then moved to the Office of Naval Research where he wrote and prosecuted patent applications while completing his last year in law school. After receiving his law degree, he continued to prepare and prosecute patent and trademark applications in private practice for about eight years. In 1977, Judge Linn 33 was invited to join the Washington office of Wender, Murase & White as a partner to establish an intellectual property capability in what was essentially a corporate and general business practice firm based in New York City. At Wender, Murase & White (which later became Marks, Murase & White and then Marks & Murase, L.L.P.), Judge Linn’s practice expanded beyond the Patent and Trademark Office to the courts, and he became more involved in the enforcement of intellectual property rights, in the counseling of clients in intellectual property matters, and in the defense of clients charged with violating the intellectual property rights of others. Initially, he counseled the firm’s Japanese and European clients on U.S. patent and trademark law and handled a number of trademark matters before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and various U.S. District Courts. He then continued to handle litigation matters, concentrating on patent infringement suits, counterfeit actions and trade secret misappropriation cases. He also represented musical groups and songwriters in royalty dispute and copyright cases. Judge Linn was the head of the intellectual property department for the entire 20 years he was a partner of the Marks & Murase firm. During that time, he acted as lead or senior counsel in over 30 litigations in the United States. In 1997, he joined Foley & Lardner to manage and direct the Electronics Practice Group of the firm’s Intellectual Property Department. At Foley, he continued to concentrate his practice in counseling clients in patent, trademark, and trade secret law. Judge Linn developed a number of programs to assist major corporate clients in complying with intellectual property laws and in managing intellectual property assets. He also rendered opinions in patent and trademark matters and provided strategic guidance to clients in multinational intellectual property disputes. He resigned from the practice of law at the end of 1999. Prior to taking the oath of office at the stroke of midnight, January 1, 2000, to become the first federal judge of the 21st century, Judge Linn participated in local and national bar association activities and worked as a volunteer for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, serving as a member of the Board in 1994-96, as vice-president for government relations in 1996-98, as president of the Board in 1998-99, and as president-emeritus in 1999. 34 Last Name Adamo Alex Aly Anagnos Applegate Assmus Bagrowski Bahr Barlow Bauer Bauer Belvis Bennett Bleibel Blessing Bowland Brandt Breisblatt Burns Carani Carroza Cass Copeland Croll Dahlin Dale Daniel Darch David De Bruin Delsman Dixton First Name Ken John Imron T. Themi David Richard Kori Anne Jessica Aaron A. Michael Jennifer Glen David Wasim Carolyn Robyn Michael Robert Patrick Chris Michael Russ Trevor Mark Lucah Sarah Jeremy Matt Dawn David Shane Jennifer Richard Linn American Inn of Court 2014‐2015 Membership Firm Level Kirkland & Ellis Emeritus Cook Alex Emeritus Schiff Hardin Barrister Continental Automotive In‐House Williams Montgomery & John Emeritus Mayer Brown LLP Master Brinks Gilson & Lione Barrister Leo Burnett USA/ Re Sources USA In‐house Jenner & Block LLP Master Counsel at Hospira In‐house Quinn Emanuel Associate Steptoe & Johnson Master Direction IP Law Master Locke Lord LLP Associate Locke Lord LLP Associate Ackerman LLP Associate Leydig Voit & Mayer Associate Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Emeritus Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd. Emeritus McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Barrister McAndrews Held & Malloy Associate Sidley & Austin Master Brinks Gilson & Lione Barrister Illinois Tool Works Inc. In‐house Chicago‐Kent College of Law Student McDonald's Corporation Associate Gov't Latham Watkins Associate Brinks Gilson & Lione Associate Schopf & Weiss LLP Master Godfrey Kahn S.C. Associate Department of Justice Gov't Appendix A Page 1 of 5 Last Name Duncan Elliott Feldman Felicetty Filarski Filippo Fink Fleming Fox Frankel Frederick Freeman Gehrke Gelwicks Gillen Goryunov Gupta Halligan Hart Hartmann Hartzell Hawkins Helms Ho Hofer Holderman, Jr. Horton Hubbard Irwin Richard Linn American Inn of Court 2014‐2015 Membership First Name Firm Level Margaret (PegMcDermott Will & Emery Master Merle McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Barrister Mark DLA Piper, LLP Emeritus Stephanie BP America, Inc. In House Thomas Steptoe & Johnson Master Angelina Angelina M. Filippo, Attorney at Law Associate Karl Fitch Even Master David Brinks Gilson & Lione Master Deirdre Scharf Banks Marmor LLC Master William Brinks Gilson & Lione Master Clare McCracken Frey & Gillen LLC Associate Christopher Blackbird Technologies In House Tiffany Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP Associate Dan Loyola University School of Law Student Daniele Brinks Gilson & Lione Associate Eugene Kirkland & Ellis Associate Damon Rakoczy Molino Mazzochi Siwik LLP Associate Mark Fisher Broyles Emeritus Robert The Eclipse Group LLP Master Michael Leydig Voit & Mayer Emeritus Julianne Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Barrister Brent McDermott Will & Emery LLP Master Brandon Steptoe & Johnson Associate Cynthia Loyola University School of Law Academic Roy Law Offices of Roy E. Hofer Emeritus James Northern District of Illinois Judicial/Eme Sara Jenner & Block LLP Associate Associate Ryan Kirkland & Ellis Barry Irwin IP, LLC Master Iverson Jacover Lisa Jerold Neal & McDevitt Foley & Lardner LLP Master Emeritus Appendix A Page 2 of 5 Last Name Janas Katt Katz Kelly Kelly Kendall Kenneally Kennelly Korniczky Kressel Kucala Labbe Langdon Lee Lesinger Linn Lovsin Luk Lydigsen Mahoney Malloy Manson Manzo Marek Margolis Martin Addy McAndrews McAndrews McCracken McGrath Melton Melvin First Name Joe William Julie Matthew Adam Virginia Laura Matthew Paul Lucas Joe John Julie Christopher Felisa Richard James Olivia Laura Marron Timothy Andrew Edward Michelle Paul Meredith George Matthew William William David Emily Richard Linn American Inn of Court 2014‐2015 Membership Firm Level Foley & Lardner LLP Associate Latham & Watkins Associate Katz Group LLC Master Chicago Mercantile Exchange In‐house Loeb & Loeb Barrister Northern District of Illinois Judicial Niro, Haller & Niro Associate Northern District of Illinois Judicial Leydig Voit & Mayer Master The John Marshall Law School Student Norvell IP LLC Barrister Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Barrister Loeb & Loeb Associate Niro, Haller & Niro Master Holland & Knight Associate CAFC Judicial McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff Associate Niro, Haller & Niro Master Brinks Gilson & Lione Associate Illinois Appellate Court Judicial McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd Emeritus The John Marshall Law School Husch Blackwell LLP Emeritus Kaye Scholar Associate Jenner & Block LLP Barrister Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Master McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Emeritus Niro, Haller, & Niro Master McCracken Frey & Gillen LLC Master JMLS ‐ Acting Director, IP Center Emeritus Emeritus David Melton Law Latham & Watkins Associate Appendix A Page 3 of 5 Last Name Monco Mosley‐Goren Mueller Naik Nielsen Niro, Sr. First Name Dean Molly Wesley Khurram Matthew Raymond Pallmeyer Pimentel Pioli Pritikin Rein Remus Rice Roper Ropski Rosborough Rozenblat Ruben Rupert Samz (Pall) Sarnoff Schermerhorn Schwartz Schwartz Shah Shifley Shipley Singer Sobieraj Spence Spingola Rebecca Eligio Janet David Tom Edward Edward Harry Gary Benjamin Alexander Philipp Don Stephanie Joshua Ryan David Lauren Mansi H Charles Joe Chris James Cory Peter Richard Linn American Inn of Court 2014‐2015 Membership Firm Level Wood Phillips Emeritus IPD Analytics Master Leydig Voit & Mayer Master Polsinelli, PC Associate Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Barrister Niro, Haller & Niro Emeritus Northern District of Illinois McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Brinks Gilson & Lione Sidley Austin Sidley Austin Freeborn & Peters Jenner & Block LLP Brinks Gilson & Lione Chicago‐Kent College of Law Eligo Energy DePaul University College of Law Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. DePaul University Law School Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP Chicago‐Kent College of Law Northern District of Indiana Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Banner & Witcoff, Ltd. Fitch Even Tabin Flannery LLP McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd. Brinks Gilson & Lione Ungaretti & Harris LLP Chapman & Spingola, LLP Judicial Master Master Emeritus Master Emeritus Emeritus Emeritus Student In‐house Student Emeritus Associate Academic Associate Academic Judicial Associate Emeritus Master Barrister Master Barrister Master Appendix A Page 4 of 5 Last Name St. Eve Steinmeyer Sternstein Streff Streff, Jr. Surrette Swanson Teichner Thompson Thompson Tottis Truner Vickrey Walch Warnecke Weiner White Wong Wright Yuan Richard Linn American Inn of Court 2014‐2015 Membership First Name Firm Level Amy Northern District of Illinois Judicial Heather Wellpoint In‐house Allan Lathrop Gage Emeritus Amenda Mayer Brown LLP Associate William Kirkland & Ellis LLP Emeritus Robert McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd. Master Kristina Wood Phillips Associate Caroline McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Associate Monica L. DLA Piper, LLP Master Eley Leydig Voit & Mayer Master Kevin Tottis Law Master Camielle Loyola University School of Law Student Paul Niro, Haller & Niro Master Matthew Latham & Watkins LLP Master Michael Perkins Coie LLP Emeritus Michael Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Master James Husch Blackwell LLP Emeritus Karina Yuen Brinks Gilson & Lione Associate Debbie In‐house Arthur JMLS ‐ Chinese IP Resource Center Academic Zagel Zanfardino Ziegler Zubick Zuziak James Dominic Amy Crout Marc Matthew Northern District of Illinois Brinks Gilson & Lione Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd. Latham & Watkins DePaul University College of Law Judicial Master Barrister Associate Student Appendix A Page 5 of 5 Richard Linn American Inn Of Court 2014‐2015 Pupilage Groups Group Last Name First Name 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anagnos Belvis Brandt Elliott Felicetty Frankel Halligan Ho Janas Kendall Korniczky Melton Melvin Mosley‐Goren Sternstein Swanson Themi Glen Michael Merle Stephanie William Mark Cynthia Joe Judge Virginia Paul David Emily Molly Allan Kristina 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bennett Burns Carani Fleming Helms Lesinger Luk Mahoney McAndrews McCracken Nielsen Ropski Rosborough Shah Singer Sobieraj Surrette Wright David Patrick Chris David Brandon Felisa Olivia Marron George William Matthew Gary Benjamin Mansi H Chris James Robert Debbie Firm September Continental Automotive Steptoe & Johnson Leydig Voit & Mayer McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. BP Brinks Gilson & Lione Fisher Broyles Loyola University School of Law Foley & Lardner LLP Northern District of Illinois Leydig Voit & Mayer David Melton Law Latham & Watkins IPD Analytics Lathrop Gage Wood Phillips October Direction IP Law Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd. McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Brinks Gilson & Lione Steptoe & Johnson Holland & Knight Niro, Haller & Niro Illinois Appellate Court McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. McCracken Frey & Gillen LLP Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Brinks Gilson & Lione Chicago‐Kent College of Law Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd. Brinks Gilson & Lione McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd. Level In‐House Master Associate Barrister In‐House Master Emeritus Academic Associate Judicial Master Emeritus Associate Master Emeritus Associate Master Emeritus Barrister Master Associate Associate Master Judicial Emeritus Master Barrister Emeritus Student Associate Barrister Master Master In‐house Appendix B Page 1 of 4 Richard Linn American Inn Of Court 2014‐2015 Pupilage Groups Group Last Name First Name 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Alex Aly Dahlin Dale David Iverson Jacover Kelly Kucala Langdon Pioli Pritikin Rozenblat Ruben Samz (Pall) Spence St. Eve Thompson Weiner White Yuan Zuziak John Imron T. Lucah Sarah Dawn Lisa Jerold Matthew Joe Julie Janet David Alex Philipp Stephanie Cory Judge Amy Monica L. Michael James Arthur Matthew 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Adamo Bauer Croll Darch Frederick Gelwicks Goryunov Hawkins Hofer Irwin Kenneally Linn Niro, Sr. Pimentel Streff, Jr. Tottis Truner Walch Zubick Ken Jennifer Mark Matthew Clare Dan Eugene Brent Roy Barry Laura Judge Richard Raymond Eligio William Kevin Camielle Matthew Marc Firm November Cook Alex Schiff Hardin Chicago‐Kent College of Law McDonald's Corporation Brinks Gilson & Lione Neal & McDevitt Foley & Lardner LLP Chicago Mercantile Exchange Norvell IP LLC Loeb & Loeb Brinks Gilson & Lione Sidley Austin Eligio Energy DePaul University College of Law McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Ungaretti & Harris LLP Northern District of Illinois DLA Piper, LLP Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Husch Blackwell LLP JMLS ‐ Chinese IP Resource Center DePaul University College of Law January Kirkland & Ellis Quinn Emanuel Illinois Tool Works Inc. Latham McCracken Frey & Gillen LLC Loyola University School of Law Kirkland & Ellis McDermott Will & Emery LLP Law Offics of Roy E. Hofer Irwin IP, LLC Niro, Haller & Niro CAFC Niro, Haller & Niro McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Kirkland & Ellis LLP Tottis Law Loyola University School of Law Latham & Watkins LLP Latham & Watkins Level Emeritus Barrister Student Associate Associate Master Emeritus In‐house Barrister Associate Master Emeritus in‐house Student Associate Barrister Judicial Master Master Emeritus Academic Student Emeritus Associate In‐house Associate Associate Student Associate Master Emeritus Master Associate Judicial Emeritus Master Emeritus Master Student Master Associate Appendix B Page 2 of 4 Richard Linn American Inn Of Court 2014‐2015 Pupilage Groups Group Last Name First Name 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Bagrowski Bowland Copeland Delsman Feldman Fox Gillen Holderman, Jr. Horton Kelly Marek Martin Addy McAndrews McGrath Rupert Streff Thompson Wong Ziegler Kori Anne Robyn Trevor Shane Mark Deirdre Daniele Chief Judge Sara Adam Michelle Meredith Matthew William Don Amanda Eley Karina Yuen Amy Crout 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Applegate Assmus Bleibel Daniel Duncan Fink Freeman Gehrke Katz Kressel Labbe Lovsin Malloy Rein Remus Schermerhorn Shifley Zagel Zanfardino David Richard Wasim Jeremy Margaret (Peg) Karl Christopher Tiffany Julie Lucas John James Timothy Tom Edward Ryan Charles Judge James Dominic Firm February Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione Ackerman LLP Brinks Gilson & Lione Godfrey Kahn S.C. DLA Piper, LLP Scharf Banks Marmor LLC Brinks Gilson & Lione Northern District of Illinois Jenner & Block LLP Loeb & Loeb Kaye Scholar Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Niro, Haller & Niro JMLS ‐ Acting Director, IP Center Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Mayer Brown LLP Leydig Voit & Mayer Brinks Gilson & Lione Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd. March Williams Montgomery & John Mayer Brown LLP Locke Lord LLP Level Barrister Associate Barrister Associate Emeritus Master Associate Judicial/Emeritus Associate Barrister Associate Master Master Emeritus Emeritus Associate Master Associate Barrister Emeritus Master Associate Gov't McDermott Will & Emery Master Fitch Even Master Blackbird Technologies In‐House Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP Associate Katz Group LLC Master The John Marshall Law School Student Barrister Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP Associate McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd Emeritus Sidley Austin Master Emeritus Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP Associate Banner & Witcoff, Ltd. Emeritus Northern District of Illinois Judicial Brinks Gilson & Lione Master Appendix B Page 3 of 4 Richard Linn American Inn Of Court 2014‐2015 Pupilage Groups Group Last Name First Name 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Bahr Blessing Breisblatt Cass De Bruin Dixton Filarski Gupta Hart Hubbard Lee Lydigsen Manzo Margolis Pallmeyer Roper Schwartz Spingola Steinmeyer Jessica Carolyn Robert Russ David Jennifer Thomas Damon Robert Ryan Christopher Laura Edward Paul Judge Rebecca Harry Lauren Peter Heather 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Barlow Bauer Carroza Filippo Hartmann Hartzell Katt Kennelly Manson Monco Mueller Naik Rice Sarnoff Schwartz Shipley Teichner Vickrey Warnecke Aaron Michael Mike Angelina Michael Julianne William Judge Matthew Andrew Dean Wesley Khurram Edward Joshua David Joe Caroline Paul Michael Firm April Leo Burnett USA/RE Sources USA Locke Lord LLP Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Sidley & Austin Schopf & Weiss LLP Department of Justice Steptoe & Johnson Rakoczy Molino Mazzochi Siwik LLP The Eclipse Group LLP Kirkland & Ellis LLP Niro, Haller & Niro Brinks Gilson & Lione Husch Blackwell LLP Jenner & Block LLP Northern District of Illinois Jenner & Block LLP Northern District of Indiana Chapman & Spingola, LLP Wellpoint May Jenner & Block LLP Counsel at Hospira McAndrews, Held & Malloy Angelina M. Filippo, Attorney at Law Leydig Voit & Mayer Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP Latham & Watkins Northern District of Illinois The John Marshall Law School Wood Phillips Leydig Voit & Mayer Polsinelli, PC Freeborn & Peters DePaul University Law School Chicago‐Kent College of Law Fitch Even Tabin Flannery LLP McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd. Niro, Haller & Niro Perkins Coie LLP Level in‐house Associate Emeritus Master Master Gov't Master Associate Master Associate Master Associate Emeritus Barrister Judicial Emeritus Judicial Master In‐house Master In‐house Associate Associate Emeritus Barrister Associate Judicial Emeritus Master Associate Academic Academic Master Associate Master Emeritus Appendix B Page 4 of 4