Mena couple arrested on possession charges
Mena couple arrested on possession charges
Local coverage since 1951 MONTGOMERY COUNTY NEWS Merry Christmas Remembering the reason for this special season USPS 361 - 700 • 75¢ • Vol. 62 • Issue 52 •Thursday, Dec. 26, 2013 • 1 Section • 10 Pages • Published in Mount Ida, Arkansas “News” to print a day early Raid results in drug, gun seizures Next week The Montgomer y County News will print on Mon., Dec. 30 and will be distributed Tues., Dec. 31 due to the Christmas holidays. All submissions and ads must be in by 12 p.m. Fri., Dec. 27. DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY Editor Caddo Hills Christmas Classic kicks off Friday DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY Editor The Caddo Hills Christmas Classic will kick off Fri., Dec. 27 with Centerpoint, Mount Ida and Foreman joining the Indians in jr. high and sr. high roundball action. Each school will face two opponents with Caddo Hills and Foreman starting things off at 11 a.m. with jr. girls action. The sr. girls will follow at 12:15 p.m. and the sr. boys will play at 1:30 p.m. Centerpoint and Mount Ida will matchup at 2:45 p.m. with the jr. girls game, followed by the jr. boys at 4 p.m., the sr. girls at 5:15 p.m. and the sr. boys at 6:30 p.m. Saturday will begin with Foreman and Mount Ida jr. boys at 11 a.m., followed by the sr. boys at 12:15 p.m. and the sr. girls at 1:30 p.m. Caddo Hills and Centerpoint will wrap things up with the jr. boys at 2:45 p.m., the jr. girls at 4 p.m., the sr. girls at 5:15 p.m. and the sr. boys at 6:30 p.m. MC officers involved in high speed pursuit DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY Editor Members of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office were involved in a high speed pursuit which spanned four counties and ended in the arrest of two people. According to a statement issued by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, they received a BOLO Dec. 14 issued by the Yell County Sheriff’s Office for a 2006 grey Ford car driven by Joseph Jester of Hot Springs. They were advised that Jester had been involved in an incident that had resulted in two officers being dragged a short distance as he fled a traffic stop. At approximately 11 p.m. Montgomery County Sheriff David White radioed in that he had observed a vehicle matching the description in the BOLO entering Montgomery County on Hwy. 27N. the vehicle was headed southbound at speeds well over 100 miles per hout. C o r p o r a l J o e SPEED, page 6 SUBMITTED PHOTO | Montgomery County News An investigation involving members of the Group Six Drug Task Force, 18th West Drug Task Force, Arkansas Department of Community Corrections, Arkansas State Police and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Ofice resulted in the seizure of over four ounces of “ice”, 15 irearms and cash during a raid on Old Mount Ida Highway. Pictured left to right: Bernie Soliz, Neal Thomas, Jeremy Lea, David White, Mike May, Jarrett Scott. An investigation involving five law enforcement entities resulted in the seizure of a large amount of the drug known as “ice” and a cache of guns in Montgomery County According to a statement released by the 18th West Drug Task Force, Sheriff White initiated an investigation into the possible sale of methamphetamine in southern Montgomery County. The investigation culminated in a raid on a structure located on Old Mt. Ida Hwy. that resulted in the seizure of over four ounces of “ice”, valued at over $12,000. Fifteen firearms and some cash were also seized in the raid. Sheriff White indicated that two arrests had been made and others were expected as the investigation continues. The arrests and seizures were the result of a joint investigation involving Group Six Drug Task Force, 18th West Drug Task Force, Arkansas Department of Community Corrections, Arkansas State Police and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Technology upgrades next for Mount Ida schools Superintendent Jeanne Smith told those in attendance at the annual distirct facilities master plan meeting that Mount Ida will be focusing on technology upgrades in the near future. Smith stated during the meeting that the broadband capabilities needed to be improved upon, but the district would need to upgrade their internal infrastructure first. Common Core testing has been a factor in the need for improve- ments with the school preparing for online testing. Smith also stated that the district would like to add a second distance learning center for the students. This would allow the district to offer a wider variety of AP classes. District buildings are in line with state mandates and will not need any major renovations in the near future. The Board voted NEXT, page 6 SHERRY ELLISON | Montgomery County News Montgomery County Chief Deputy Jarrett Scott stares down Maddie Summitt during a chess event held at Mount Ida Elementary School Tues., Dec. 17. The event was hosted by the Mount Ida Gifted and Talented Program. Mena couple arrested on possession charges Jody Carter Jamie Goodner DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY Editor MOUNT IDA – A routine traffic stop resulted in a pair of arrests for a Mena couple, with both being charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. According to a statement issued by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Sergeant Jeremy Lea observed a green ford Mustang driving erratically while traveling on Hwy. 270 E. The statement indicates that a traffic stop was initiated after Sergeant Lea observed the car cross the center line more than once. It also indicated that the car had a brake light out. Sheriff David White, Chief Deputy Jarrett Scott and Deputy Andrew Thompson arrived on scene to assist in the traffic stop. Sergeant Lea stated that he could smell a faint odor of marijuana on the driver Jody Lee Carter, age 29 of Mena. It was also discovered that Carter was driving on a suspended license for which he was arrested in placed in a patrol vehicle. The passenger, identified as Jamie Lee Goodner, age 26 of Mena, was asked to step out of the vehicle for questioning. As she was exiting the vehicle, Chief Deputy Scott saw what he believed to be marijuana in the passenger seat of the Mustang. Goodner was taken into custody, at which time she informed the officer that she was concealing methamphetamine and a pipe in her undergarments. She was transported to Montgomery County Jail and was searched by a female jailer. Officers also found other items of drug paraphernalia during a subsequent search of the vehicle. Carter was transported to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Of- MENA, page 6 DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | Montgomery County News Oden students and alumni participated in the 32nd Oden High School Living Nativity Play. The event is sponsored by the Oden Fellowship of Christian Students. The play was originally held outside until the FCS took over the production. Page 2 - Montgomery County News - Thursday, December 26, 2013 COMMUNITY NNOUNCEMENTS Yarn Workers, an Extension Homemakers Club: knitting, crocheting, and weaving each Friday at 3:30,Assisted Living Center Craft Room. We love yarn donations. We give away 100’s of items each year.Come join us any Friday. For more information call Carol Stanfill at 501-538-5816, or Betty Prince at 870-8673894. ~~~ Veterans and Veterans Families Need Help. Contact your local disabled American Veterans Ofice @ 401 Mid America Blvd. Hot Springs, AR. (501) 7604648. Hours are Tuesday-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. or the Montgomery County Veterans’ Service Ofice @ (870) 867-3033. ~~~ EHC Snap Crackle and Pop exercise class will be having gentle exercise on Tuesday and Thursday’s morning starting at 9:00 a.m. at 19 Graham Court Mount Ida. For more information please call Barbara at (870) 867-5222. ~~~ The Christmas lights on Camp Tula Road (Highway 70 West of Daisy) will be back on this year. They will begin Thanksgiving night and go through New Years. Hours will be 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This years new addition will be “The Twelve Days of Christmas!” Thank you from the Jenkins family. ~~~ The Montgomery County Master Gardeners, sponsored by the University of Arkansas Extension Ofices, would like to invite all gardeners to join our club. Training classes are required, and they are only offered once a year in our area. The next class will be held on ive consecutive thursdays at the garland County Fairgrounds. the irst meeting is January 30, 2014, and the last is February 27, 2014. The cost of $110 covers all speakers, a wonderful notebook, lunches, and your Master Gardener pin. During your irst year as an active Master gardener, you must agree to work at least 40 hours on our gardening projects and gain another 20 hours of education after the training classes. Our projects include gardens at the Nursing Home, Extension Ofice (tasty Acre), Heritage House Museum, Montgomery County Courthouse, Lake Ouachita Vista Trail (LOViT), Caddo Indian Memorial, and several other areas. The local club is active year round with trips, garden tours, educational workshops, and volunteer work. All adults interested in gardening are welcome to join. For more information contact Carol Stanill, membership chair at 501-538-5816, and brad Mcginley at the Extension Ofice, 870-8672311. See Vickie brakeield, Extension Secretary for an application any time until the end of the year. You can learn more about the Arkansas Master Gardener program at gardener.htm. ~~~ Cookbooks for sale Project Pink Rolling Pins, Measuring Cups and Pink Ribbons Volume II cookbooks on sale for $14. These cookbooks make Obituary POlicy the Montgomery county News will not run any obituary without notiication from the funeral home. if you have any questions, please call Donna at 1-888-845-6397. great Christmas presents! You can purchase a cookbook at the Montgomery County Health Unit, Bates Sales & Service and Hair & All That Jazz. All proceeds from the cookbook sales will go to Project Pink to help fund breast cancer educational and prevention programs. ~~~ Ouachita Artists Gallery & Studio, 135 South West St., Mt, Ida, will have extended hours on Fridays until Christmas. Hours are 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. We have lots of handmade, affordable ornaments, created by our members as a fundraiser for our gallery. They are perfect for stocking stuffers or gifts. For more info, call (870) 334-3264. ~~~ The Montgomery County Conservation District annual fundraiser Nut Sales is underway. At this time we still have available: Pecan Halves, Pecan Pieces, Cinnamon Spiced Pecan Halves, Honey Roasted Pecan Halves, Honey Roasted Peanuts, Double Dipped Chocolate Peanuts, Whole Cashews, Chocolate Almonds, Sliced Almonds, Whole Almonds, English Walnuts, Pistachios & Deluxe Mixed Nuts. The District ofice is open tuesdays, Wednesdays & thursdays 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM at 154 So. George Street, Mt. Ida. Should you have any questions, you’re welcome to call Cheryl Barrett at 870-867-2671 or 870-490-0177 (cell). ~~~ The Montgomery County Solid Waste Department Transfer Stations at Mt. Ida and Norman will both be closed December 24 & 25 in observance of the Christmas holiday. Both stations will re-open on Thursday, December 26. Both stations will close again on January 1 in observance of the New Year’s Day holiday. Both stations will resume normal operations on Friday, January 3, 2014. ~~~ All Healthy Connections, Inc., will be closed December 24th and 25th, in observance of Christmas Holiday. The clinic will be open Monday Dec. 23rd and Thursday Dec.26th, Walk-ins only. Patients please make sure to get your prescription reills prior to the holidays. We will reopen on Monday, December 30th at 8:00 a.m. In case of emergency please proceed to the nearest Emergency Room or call 911. ~~~ Oden ABC Preschool is still taking applications for the 2013-2014 school year. ~~~ This is the last week for half price sale on clothing, shoes, purses, belts, and kitchen wares at the Gretta Lane Thrift Shop in Norman. The Thrift Shop will be closed on Dec. 26th, 27th, and 28th, and Gretta Lane Food Pantry will be closed on Dec. 28th. ~~~ A community Christmas Eve service will be held at Barr Memorial Presbyterian Church in Norman on December 24th, beginning at 5:30 p.m.. Everyone is invited to take a few minutes to worship and remember the reason for Christmas. ~~~ The Montgomery County Nursing Home Auxiliary will be closed December 24-26 and New Year’s Day. Your patronage is appreciated. This Christmas, our Year Of Hope begins. As the Catholic Church observes this Year of Hope, we seek to deepen our relationship with Jesus, Our Lord. Please allow Him to give your life meaning, direction, and the opportunity to start over, no matter what your circumstances. We invite you to join us during Advent and for our Christmas celebration: Ado Him! Merry Christmas!Christmas Regular Mass Schedules: Wednesday 10:00 a.m. th Sundays 12:00 noon Mass: Dec. 25 9 a.m. Montgomery County News Published since 1951 Mike Graves • CEO/Publisher Dewayne Holloway • Editor Andrea Sheffield • Advertising/Office Manager Jimmie Jackson • Emeritus PHONE: (870) 867-2821 Fax: (870) 867-2010 E-mail: (USPS 361-700) Published by Graves Publishing Company weekly each Thursday at Mount Ida, Arkansas. Periodicals postage paid and mailed at Mount Ida, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to: Montgomery County News, P.O. Box 187, Mount Ida, AR 71957. Member Arkansas Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce. Subscription rates: Within Montgomery County, $38 per year. In Arkansas outside Montgomery County, $47 a year. Outside Arkansas within the 48 contiguous states, $55 a year. Rates outside the continental United States upon request. All Saints Catholic Church Located in Mount Ida, Hwy 270 across from Dairy Parlor Montgomery County Rehab ERRORS: Advertisers should check their ads the irst time they appear. The Montgomery County News shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad or the typographical errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the ad for the first insertion. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of the portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. Jeff and Brenda Love announce the marriage of their daughter Amanda to Matthew Norman, son of Barry and Ruth Norman on Saturday, January 4th at 3 pm. The wedding will take place at the Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Mena. Ouachita Artists Highlights by Allie Graves Its the end of the calendar year, and sales may be slowing down but there is plenty to do to prepare for 2014 and make it our best year ever. We can learn how to be more organized as a group of artists working together to have a gallery we will be proud to be a part of. We have a choice in what our art stands for. We can choose to uplift and enrich others lives with beauty and goodness. Everyone endures hardships and bad times in this life, no one is immune. But joy and happiness does exist. We must choose to embrace the good even as we experience the bad. So much of life has negativity and harshness but we as artists don't have to dwell on it or promote it. Our art can depict beauty and make the world a little bit better. Our talents should be used to the best of our ability. We will never know how many have received enjoyment from our art. Ouachita Artists wish each and everyone of you that have come through the door of our gallery a Happy New Year filled with good health, love and prosperity. We will begin the New Year with a slate of new officers. The new president , Martha Koelemay, is ready to hit the road running with new ideas and new possibilities for 2014. May we all be ready to be of assistance as we are needed. The business meeting is January 6, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. New board members will be voted on at this meeting. All members are asked to attend. The program meeting is January 20, 3:30 p.m. Our special guest is a well known artist from Denver, Co, now living and working in Hot Springs, A r. C a ro l e K a t c h e n i s talented in oils, pastels and other mediums. As a last reminder, our Board of Directors meeting is December 30 at 1 p.m. as we finish our second year and begin our third year in the gallery. What a wonderful year it has been! A special thanks to Montgomery County News, Mike Graves and Dewayne Hollaway. Creative Tip: Talent is 10% and practice is 90% to anyone that has a desire to be creative! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Montgomery County News!! Guns For sale Henry • Browning • Remington • Smith & Wesson • Sig Sauer • Colt • Savage • Ruger • Cricket • Mossberg • Beretta ALL iN STOCk Pistols rifles shotguns Hrs.: 6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Daily Gun Repair Available Mike’s Gun Shop 1279 Polk Creek Rd., Norman (1 mile past Golf Course) 870-490-0539 Owner, Mike Vines WATER WELL DRILLING 2013 MEMBER Arkansas Press Association Free Press • 1873 Free People 741 South Drive, Mount Ida (870) 867-2156 Montgomery County News - Thursday, December 26, 2013 - Page 3 Nursing Home News by Deanne Sieh Sunday morning Sunday School was held in the chapel with Betty Prince doing the lesson. to . In the afternoon Church Service was held in the chapel with James Williams and Wanda Damazio leading the singing. Deanne read The Christmas Guest. Monday morning Prayer Group was held in the front lobby , then met in the main dining room for Group Exercise. In the afternoon we made Angel Pencil Holders. Tuesday morning we made Mice Ornaments, they turned out really cute. In the afternoon we played Wheel of Fortune. Wednesday morning we had Prayer Group in the front lobby. We then met in the chapel for Bible Study. In the afternoon we had the Resident's Birthday Party in the activity room. Family and Friends were in attendance. Holly Brown played the piano. Thursday morning the kids from Caddo Hills School came and sang for us, we really enjoyed. In the afternoon we did Christmas Symbols. Friday morning Prayer Group was held in the front lobby. Later we gathered in the dining room for Christmas Jingo Trivia. In the afternoon we had the Residents Christmas Party in the main dining room. Family and Friends along with the Jolly old Elf himself.(Santa Claus). Holly Brown played a variety of Christmas Songs. Saturday morning we met in the dining room. In the afternoon we read some Christmas Stories. Our Condolences go out to the family of Bernice France. Thank you to all of our Volunteer's, we really appreciate each and very one of you. Until next time please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Feed My Sheep by Brenda Forga We at the Montgomery County Food Pantry wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We had the Christmas Blessing Friday and what a blessing it was for the clients but also for all the volunteers. I am so proud of our county for responding to the need for these people. Several churches and individuals made this blessing possible. We handed out food to 274 families and there are more that called and asked if they could get theirs Monday and they will. We had helpers from the Agri class at Oden that came and helped hand out the food on Friday. We had students from Oden and Mount Ida that helped bag the food on Thursday afternoon. I think they all enjoyed helping. Brother Paul Burke from Faith Tabernacle came and prayed with us before we handed out the food. We appreciate him doing this for us. After all the collecting of food and working so hard to pull this off one more time we were all tired but joyful. It is truly a joy to help the people that need it. All were so appreciative, thanking us and wishing us Merry Christmas. It takes all of us to do this and I am thankful to everyone that did help. God is good all the time, he provides through his people and we are thankful, Praise be to God. Everyone enjoy your families and your Christmas. Thank you and love to all. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. Hittin’ the Trails... By Leslie Coopman Monday we began our week off the usual way with our daily exercise program and then we went into the activity room to play one of our house favorites, you guessed it, bingo!! We played right up until lunchtime and then after eating lunch we listened to Christmas carols as we warmed by the fire, while others of us got a domino game going. Tuesday we had our morning exercise program and then we spent the entire rest of the day baking cookies and making cookies, and as we baked we talked about cooking with our mothers and grandmothers as the wonderful aromas filled the air and brought so many fond memories back for us. Wednesday we postponed our exercise class for a bit so we could enjoy a visit from the Mt Ida second graders who came and read their favorite Christmas books to us and it was really a lot of fun and we truly enjoyed their visit. We had our exercise class afterwards and then did a little bowling on the wii as well. We had our weekly Bible study group meet in the activity room after lunch and a group of us went over to the nursing home to visit some of our friends there and brought them some of our goodies. Thursday after exercise a group of us met up front and loaded up on the big van and headed to Hot Springs where we ate at Coltons steak house and then went and did some Christmas shopping before coming home. Those of us who stayed home had a nice visit from Caddo Hills’ elementary and they sang Christmas carols and I heard that they were a ver y talented group!! Everyone really enjoyed their visit. We had a good domino game going in the dining room and some of us watched a Christmas movie in the auditorium. Friday we had a very inspiring Christmas program that really touched everyone and put us all in such a festive spirit! We had a special lunch with a beautiful table setting with lots of finger foods and Hot Apple Cider to enjoy. We also had a visit from Santa and he had gifts for everyone! We also revealed to our “secret pals” who had been there secret pal all through the year on this day and told them all how much fun it was as well as a blessing for us. We loaded up on the big van and went to the dollar store and did some “last minute” shopping after lunch and got home just in time to see our good friends the yarn workers. Saturday we had our morning exercise and then we had a little pampering with nail polishing and manicures to make us feel special. We enjoyed another Christmas movie complete with snacks in the auditorium to help fill our afternoon hours. Sunday we had our Sunday school class aft e r b re a k f a s t a n d o u r devotional hour in the afternoon and they both always leave us feeling as if we can face the week ahead with a smile! We want to thank all the various Christmas carolers we have had throughout the month and let you know that we truly have enjoyed each and everyone one of you because you have helped make our holiday season a very special time. We hope that each and everyone of you have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year from our home to yours. We want to thank all our volunteers for your time and many talents and remind you if you would like to become a volunteer please feel free to contact myself or Sherrie Morris at 870-867-2159. Jerry Shields “ The Long Route” The lure of the west has been the catalyst for many adventures in our travels. The uncluttered space, rolling prairies, distant mountains and a myriad of wildlife are powerful draws to the road traveler. We explore almost any road marked scenic. This method of travel often opens up some unplanned adventure not found in any travel guide. Driving west through Wyoming after departing the Devil’s Tower for our next stop at Great Falls, Montana, we avoided the lure of a speedy one-day sprint on I-90 and I-15. Instead we choose the challenging US 16 route from Buffalo, Wyoming, to the quiet foothill town of Worland. This mountainous route traverses the Bighorn National Forest quickly rising to the bald summit of the Powder River Pass at 9,665 feet. We drove for miles above the tree line where some forty Years earlier we had the rare opportunity to see a legendary Wolverine dart across this remote roadway. US 16 winds its way through a series of steep canyons with colorful rock cliffs seemingly changing colors as the suns rays search the deepest recesses for the last of the past winter’s snows. This National Forest was rich in robust stands of Ponderosa Pine and Aspen in contrast to the Asian Beetle and fire ravaged forests we had experienced farther south. A night in Cody, Wyoming, introduced us to all things Buffalo Bill. Hotels, cafes, drug & grocer y stores, and even a muffler shop, were all tagged with the old bison slayer’s name. I’m sure he would have been proud. This colorful town is the gateway into the unforgettable 60-mile trip through the Shoshone Valley leading to the east entrance of Yellowstone National Park. Driving through the rolling hills of this valley, in an area known as the North Absaroka Wilderness, is the perfect introduction for first time visitors to the wonders of the Yellowstone region. Once again it is one of the pathways you hope never ends as you see Osprey nesting atop light poles and eagles soaring over the sparkling waters of Buffalo Bill Lake. Elk grazed in its highlands and the elusive Big Horn Sheep nimbly danced across the rocky slopes of this ancient valley as they have for centuries. It was difficult to keep your eyes on the narrow and precipitous roadway. Our lunch stop was at one of our favorite National Park Lodges, near the centrally located Fishing Bridge area of the park. The inviting 100-year old Lake Lodge, built from ancient Ponderosa Pine logs, is a perfect destination for a growling stomach. Located on the northern shore of the vast waters of Yellowstone Lake it has a cavernous dining room with a wall of towering windows facing the cold, clear waters of the lake. As always their lunch buffet is a chowhound’s delight. A wide variety of steaming entrees featuring stomach warming fare like fresh, flaky crusted chicken pot pies followed by their famous eight inch high carrot cake are sure fire waist expanders. Since we were just passing through the park we only stopped at a few of the most famous spots. At Observation Point we took the short hike to the overlook for the cavernous, golden walled Yellowstone Canyon. From this popular point you can see both the upper and lower Yellowstone Falls as they crash over their rocky precipices into a cloud of mist and spray at the floor of the valley. Just before departing the park we took a brief hike up to the steaming terraces of the breathtaking Mammoth Hot Springs located just inside the famous North Gate. Our possible oneday interstate trip to Great Falls had developed into a wandering three to four day exploration. It is a tradition in our home around Christmas time to spend some time discussing the coming year’s possible adventure destinations, always a tonic for the dreary winter months. We hope each of you in our community have a blessed Christmas and a New Year full of adventure. CEO in Training/ Millcreek Behavioral Healthcare Facility Millcreek Behavioral Health and Acadia Healthcare Inc. are pleased to announce this psychiatric hospital “COO/CEO in training” opportunity. This position involves an 8-12 month training period, wherein the candidate will become prepared to take on a permanent CEO role at an Acadia Healthcare Inc. hospital following successful completion of training. During the training period, the candidate will function as the hospital’s Chief Operating Officer, and will work closely with the facility’s CEO in all aspects of the leadership role, including administration, operations, fi nance, business development, public relations, regulatory compliance, etc. The selected candidate will become an employee of Acadia Healthcare, Inc., Franklin, TN, and will be placed at Millcreek Behavioral Health in Fordyce, Ar during the training period. Minimum Qualifications Include: A minimum of five years experience in management and supervision of Psychiatric Residential Treatment behavioral healthcare services, with at least two years at the senior management/executive level. Prior experience in a for-profit behavioral healthcare company is strongly preferred. A Masters or Doctoral Degree in behavioral healthcare business adminstration, or closely related field is a plus but not required. A willingness and ability to relocate following the training period to another Acadia Healthcare Inc. facility, which may be anywhere in the continental United States. If interested contact the Human Resources Department (870) 352-8203, for more information, go to and complete application on line. Completed applications may be mailed to: Millcreek of Arkansas, attn: Human Resources Department, P. O. Box 727, Fordyce, Ar. 71742-0727 EOE Employer SUBMITTED PHOTO | Montgomery County News The Montgomery County Yarn Workers have spent another year knitting and crocheting items to donate in our area. This year they donated 405 hats, scarves, afghans, slippers, and many other items to local seniors and school children. Generous people donate yarn, so the club can make things and give them to folks who will enjoy them. They always welcome yarn donations. They meet each Friday at the Assisted Living Center in Mt. Ida at 3:30 p.m. Come join them if you would like to learn a new skill or if you would enjoy great companionship while you work on your projects. For more information, call Carol Stanill at 501-538-5816. One Visit Back Hurt? Have Neck Pain? Can Change Your We are a full service chiropratic clinic offering treatment for: We have options for you regardless of your medical condition. Low back pain Neck pain Headaches Auto or work injuries Sciatica Arm/hand pain Degeneration Wellness/nutrition and MUCH MORE! CALL TODAY! Neck & Back Clinic 307 N. George Street Mount Ida (870) 867-0172 Dr. Eric Carson Chiropractic Physician Most insurance plans accepted. Sex Life... › Erectile Dysfunction › Premature Ejaculation › Low Testosterone $199 - No Results, your office visit is FREE It’s not just sexual health it’s TOTAL HEALTH For more information & to schedule your private exam with our doctors, call now! (501) 229-9300 Walk-Ins Welcome 5800 W. 10th Street, Ste. 402, Little Rock, AR 72204 501.708.1950 | Page 4 - Montgomery County News - Thursday, December 26 ,2013 Every year on December 25 people around the globe celebrate Christmas Day. Christmas is perhaps the biggest holiday of the year for some people. Many families and cultures have their own special traditions during the holidays, including celebrating the birth of Christ, hanging wreaths and holly, decorating cut ir trees, baking cookies and special foods, singing Christmas Carols, hanging strands of bright Christmas lights, sending out cards, exchanging gifts with loved ones, and preparing for Santa Claus, or Saint Nicolas. This legend began several hundred years ago with Saint Nicholas, a man who was credited with performing many miracles. In Germany, he is known as Kris Kringle. In many other parts of the World, including the U.S., he is known as Santa Claus. His legend spread across Europe and then to the rest of the World, because he gave children gifts and performed miracles on Christmas Eve! HOLIDAY TIME Circle the words hidden below. WORD SEARCH CHRISTMAS CROSSWORD Hidden Words: Angels, Bells, Bows, Candy Canes, Cards, Carols, Cookies, December, Gifts, Holly, Lights, Mistletoe, Ornaments, Pudding, Ribbons, Santa Claus, Snow, Star, Stocking, Tree ACROSS CLUES: Solve the puzzle using the clues provided. CHRISTMAS COOKIE CUTOUTS Follow the directions below to make Christmas Cookies. You will need: 1 package pre-made sugar cookie dough, cookie cutters, cookie sheet, rolling pin or round object to roll with, lour, and sprinkles or colored sugars Directions: Place a small amount of lour on rolling surface. Rub some lour on rolling pin and place 1/3 of the dough down. Roll out with rolling pin. Place cookie cutters on top of dough and press down. Place cutout on cookie sheet. Repeat until sheet is full. Place sprinkles and colored sugars on cookies before baking. Place in oven and bake until golden brown around the edges. (Around 7-10 minutes) Remove and allow them to cool. Enjoy! 1. Santa Claus will ill this. 3. Red and white candy stick. 5. Given at Christmas time. 10. Many people host what? 11. Decorated at home. 12. Put on trees and houses. DOWN CLUES: 2. Hung on Christmas trees. 4. The night before Christmas. 5. Popular holiday plant. 6. Delivers toys to children. 7. Special holiday songs. 8. Mailed at Christmas time. 9. Sometimes hung on door. GIVING SEASON List 8 things that you can give to OW ANY ORDS AN someone in need OU PELL ROM HE this season. 1. ____________ ORD 2. ____________ _______________________ 3. ____________ _______________________ 4. ____________ ___________________ 5. ____________ ___________________ It could ________________ 6. ____________ ________________ 7. ____________ be as small as 8. ____________ a smile or big as a gift! H M W C Y S F T W CHRISTMAS? A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS! City Plumbing Heating & Electric Fryar’s Heating & Air 318 Third St., Hot Springs, AR Commercial Refrigeration & Residential Heating & Cooling Sales & Service • 501-991-3301 Bob’s Food City Deli 742 Hwy. 270 East Mount Ida, AR 71957 870-867-3551 Riser Ford Lincoln Mercury 4201 Central Avenue Hot Springs 1-501-623-8844 1-800-264-6676 deQueen-dierks-glenwood-Hope-Hot Springs Mena-Mineral Springs-Mt. Ida-Murfreesboro-Nashville First Step School Bates Communications Bates Sales and Service, Inc. 430 U.S. Hwy 270 E Mount Ida, Ar 71957 (870) 867-2811 • (870) 867-2112 Montgomery County Nursing Home On the square 70 West (870) 867-3721 Free estimates on all repairs! business hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Under New Management!! Jimmy gwinn - Manager We are glad to announce our newest mechanic to 3529 Hwy. 270 East Mount Ida, AR 870-867-2009 New Look•New Faces•One Stop MONTGOMERY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE In the Community...All Along 870-867-2156 741 South drive, Mount Ida Call 911 for Emergencies 105 Hwy 270 E Ofice 870-867-3151 Mount Ida Fax 870-867-3485 Sheriff David White “Supporting Education” R. MEEKS CONStRUCtION, INC. Mount Ida Pharmacy 167 South Spur 8 RANdy MEEKS glenwood, AR • 870-356-3622 NORMAN, AR ages 18 months and pre-K 870-223-1667 501-516-0187 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mount Ida Tire and Service Center Lake Ouachita One Stop Mt. Ida Service Center Auto Repair, New & Used tire A/C 24 hour Wrecker Service Call Wendall to set up an appointment (870) 867-3332 COMpARE OUR pRICE bEFORE yOU bUy Since 1946 John Plyler COMpLEtE LUMbER & HOME CENtER GAS & ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL MONdAy-SAtURdAy • 7AM- 6pM 356-3312 • 101 W. bROAdWAy, gLENWOOd Dr. Mike Tannehill “Optometrist” 138 South George On the Square Mount Ida • 870-867-2814 211 Luzerne St. • Mount Ida 870-867-2001 “Supporting Education!” 1-800-664-3881 356-4795 100 E. Cassady Nashville, We’re Chicken AR Murfreesboro Rehab &Nursing 734 Hwy. 270 East Mount Ida 870-867-3174 Laura Wagner Thornton Funeral Home Ouachita Mountain Spring Water Co. 110 W. 13th Street • Murfreesboro (870) 285-2186 John yeargan, Jr., Attorney at Law General Practice Appointment Phone 870-867-4910 (870) 867-4998 For any comments, questions or concerns about this page Call Linda Morgan at A to Z Kids at 770-536-6375 Montgomery County News - Thursday, December 26, 2013 - Page 5 Larry Teague Senator The Arkansas Economic Development Commission is a relatively small state agency whose work has a big impact. The AEDC employs 90 people who recruit new industries to Arkansas and who work with existing industries to encourage them to expand their operations. The entire community gets excited about announcements of new industries that create new jobs. It’s equally important when an existing industry expands and adds new jobs, but those announcements don’t always generate as many headlines. In the past few weeks there has been a steady stream of good economic news throughout Arkansas. In Mountain Home 50 new jobs will be created by Hamilton Scientific-Epoxyn Products, which manufactures laboratory equipment and supplies. In Pine Bluff, Summit Foods will acquire a poultry processing plant that closed in the summer and will restore 100 jobs, beginning in mid-January. In Conway, Hewlett-Packard announced its plans to add about 200 jobs, most of them demanding technical, engineering and technical skills. The company had laid off about 500 people earlier in 2013, and the creation of 200 well paid jobs will bring the company’s total work force in Conway to more than 600. In Malvern, a 17-year-old company named PrimeLine, will add 50 new jobs after a $6.7 million investment in a new facility. The firm manufacturers fiberboard molding and millwork of varying densities. The expansion will bring the total work force at the Arkansas-based company to about 100. Vinh Long, a company based in Viet Nam, will invest $5 million in a Morrilton plant and create about 75 jobs making storage furniture and kitchen cabinets. The head of the company said during the announcement that Arkansas was a good location to build a wood products company because of the availability of material. American Tubing will invest $3.2 million in a Springdale plant that makes copper tubing for air conditioners and refrigerators, and will add 50 employees. In Batesville, Ozark Mountain Poultry will expand its operations to add 250 jobs and possibly more when production increases. The company sells chickens that are free of antibiotics. In October, Hino Motors announced that it would spend $55 million to expand its manufacturing facility in Marion and add 200 jobs. Hino has been in Arkansas since 2004. It manufactures axles and components for suspensions in Toyota vehicles. Thermold Magazines, a maker of parts for firearms, announced that it was moving its U.S. headquarters from North Carolina to Fort Smith. The move entails a $7 million investment and the creation of 65 jobs in Fort Smith. Earlier in the year Vikon Farms announced that it would locate a poultry plant in Arkadelphia and eventually hire 170 people to work in a facility that had been shut. In Lonoke, Remington Arms broke ground on an expansion of its ammunition plant, which has been in Arkansas since 1969. The AEDC administers numerous grant programs to promote small business, filming movies and TV shows in Arkansas, minority-owned firms, the training of workers for high-tech fields and job creation in poor areas. Its annual operating budget is about $10.4 million. Story News by Melba Reed We wish each of you an enjoyable Christmas with family and friends. L e t u s n e v e r f o rg e t Christmas is the time to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. He was born in a bor rowed manger; he died on a cross; he was born and laid a tomb; he arose from the grave in three days and ascended to God his father and lives forever more. This was so people could be saved. Salvation is the greatest gift a person can receive and anyone who believes repents their sins and lets him be Lord of their life can be saved. Dawn Marshal and her brother, Ray Vaughan Reed JR. visited in the house of their Uncle Paul Dee Reed and John Harrison and Melba Reed on December 14th. They also were going to see their mother, Ruby Reed at the Montgomery County Nursing Home. Happy Birthday to Me- gan Whisenhunt Beggs and Melody Housley Hill on December 31. Happy Anniversary to Bert and Ruby Johnston on December 31. John Harrison Reed and Melba Reed’s 63rd wedding anniversary is also December 31. Among those on our prayer list includes: Danny Glen Noles, William Pedro Hackney, Betty Elder, Ernestine Sheppard; Dell Qualls, Mary Gibbs, Lavern Rayn, Ann Mitchell, Virgil Aldridge, Bro. Bill and Lois Singleton, Don Shrout, family of Dwayne Austin, Elva Clenney, Blue Hughbanks, Paul Dee Reed, Berniece Irons, al the nursing home residents, all the sick, bereaved, unsaved, our military, our officials and everyone. Let’s never forget “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. James 5:16 Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. Norman News with Dee Card REWARD being offered to help family get Kodiak, the German shepherd, home. Lost along Hwy 8 in Norman.. He may or may not be wearing a brown leather collar. He is micro chipped and has been missing since Monday December 16th. Please call Lauren at 501 303 0587 or Cindy 501 276 2079, 870 356 3033. CHHS cheerleaders placed third at State in Hot Springs on the 21st. Congrats, you worked hard for it ! The Caddo Gap Fire Department held their Christmas dinner on the 18th. The following is by Shirley Manning and is from the Norman High School page on the internet. “Great way to start a new day--Had a call from two of our NHPP, Inc. members who have received their newsletters and want to help us save the school. One will give the amount we asked for from each person, and the other will give $500 now and more if the rest of the membership steps up to the plate to save the school. They challenge all of you to give your "mite" whatever it might be, to help keep the school in the hands of local people. Thanks to these generous people. For those that don't know, we have the school property listed for sale, and need to raise the money to pay of the property so that we can take it off the market and keep it in local ownership. The plan is to pay off the buildings and hire a director to do the "legwork" of day to day operations. If you would like to help we would be happy to have your 'two bits' how ever many of them you can afford to give. Every penny is tax deductible, as long as it is a donation, not something you buy, like books, t-shirts, flea market items. Thanks to these two families, we are on a good start to reaching our goal. I'll keep you informed as to how we are doing with our goal to reach $45,000. Merry Christmas to our school!” So if you can help or have any ideas please get hold of Shirley. And don’t forget CCHS Christmas Classic is the 27,28 and 30th at the gym. Norman City Hall will be open Monday, Thursday and Friday this week and next due to the holidays. Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine! May your house and heart be full of all the things you cherish most. Metal on Metal Hip Implant Patients who have received a metal hip implant should be aware of symptoms which may indicate that their device is not functioning properly. Symptoms may include: • Regular and prolonged pain in the groin, hip or leg • Swelling at or near the hip joint • A limp or change in walking ability LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HIP RECALL FROM YOUR ARKANSAS MEDICAL DEVICE INJURY ATTORNEY Sean Keith | 479-621-0006 or 1-800-698-3644 Keith Miller Butler Schneider & Pawlik, 224 S. 2nd Street, Rogers, AR 72756 Highway 270 E. Mount Ida, AR (870) 867-1200 Hwy 27 Fishing Village 214 Fishing Village Road Story, AR 71970 870-867-2211 FAITH TABERNACLE Community Outreach Ministries Paul Burke, Pastor (870) 867-4936 or (870) 867-2594 1224 Hwy 27 S, Mount Ida PO Box 1263 Mount Ida Sunday School: 10 Sunday Worship:11 Sunday Evening: 6 Wednesday Night: 7 Pastor Josh Harper 870-356-8871 On the square in Mt. Ida STORY CHURCH OF GOD Brian McKenna (870) 867-6255 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship 6 p.m. Sun. Night Service • 6 p.m. Wed Bible Study 109 Dragover Road, 1961 Hwy 88 East, Sims Reaching the world around us for Jesus! 7:00 Sunday School:10:00 Worship: 11:00 Sunday Evening: 5:00; Wednesday: Page 6- Montgomery County News - Thursday,December 26,2013 SPEED From Page 1 Weston and Deputy Jacob Cogburn attempted to intercept the vehicle at Whittington Cemetery on Hwy. 27N and Hwy 270. The vehicle avoided their efforts and headed westbound toward Pencil Bluff MENA From Page 1 f i c e a n d w a s c h a rg e d with careless and prohibited driving, defective equipment, driving on a suspended license, possession of schedule VI controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Carter was arraigned Fri., Dec. 20, at which time Circuit Judge Jake Looney stated that the prosecuting attorney’s office had indicated that they were also charging Carter as an habitual offender, which could result in an extended sentence if convicted. A not guilty plea was entered on Carter’s behalf and Judge Looney set a NEXT From Page 1 during their regular meeting to not aply for partnership in the upcoming biennium for building projects. at speeds in excess of 115 miles per hour. During the pursuit Jester was seen turning off his lights and driving on the wrong side of the road in an attempt to elude officers. The pursuit continued into Polk County on Hwy. 71S toward Mena. Polk County Officers joined the pursuit and took lead as the chase continued toward Queen Qillamena State Park. Jester’s vehicle began to slow and came to a stop at approximately 11:53 p.m. on Hwy. 270W, at which time the subject pulled his two daughters into his lap and informed officers that he had a bomb in the trunk of the car. trial date for Feb. 25, 2014. Bond was set for $20,000. Goodner was charged with possession of schedule II controlled substance methamphetamine and possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia. A not guilty plea was entered on her behalf Friday with a trial date set for Feb. 25, 2014. In other court news: Zachrey Cogburn, age 26 of Norman, pled not guilty to Domestic Battery 3rd degree, a class D felony. Cogburn was arrested Nov. 22 after officers responded to a domestic disturbance call involving Cogburn and Katelyn Fant. According to court documents, Fant told officers that she and Cogburn had been in an argument when he through a bag containg groceries, which hit her in the face. She also informed the officers that she was six months pregnant. Cogburn’s trial date was set for Feb. 18, 2014. Nicole Marie Fields pled not guilty to charges of nonfinancial fraud. Court documents stated that Fields had been accused of obtained another person’s identifying information without their consent for the purpose of obtaining goods and/or services from Progessive Direct Insurance. The alleged incident occured between Aug. 2, 2011 and May 1, 2012 while acting alone or as an accomplice to Valerie Smith knowingly Her trial date was set for Feb. 25, 2014. In other business: Board members were informed that the jr. high district basketball tournament would be hosted by Mountain Pine and the sr. high tournament would be hosted by England. B o a rd m e m b e r s a p - proved a student transfer to the Two Rivers School District. B o a rd m e m b e r s re v i e w e d t h re e b i d s f o r cleaning the gym after home basketball games. Tammy Wingfield submitted the lowest bid at $125 per game. At approximately 12:03 p.m. Jester was seen lighting something in the car. At this time officers rushed the vehicle and took Jester into custody. Lora Lee Short, a passenger in the vehicle, was also taken into custody. A search of the vehicle resulted in the discovery of drugs and drug para- phernalia. The report did not indicate if a bomb was found in the car. The two children were removed from the vehicle and placed into DHS custody. The two police officers, Yell County Deputy Michael Spears and Detective Gary Morrison, who were injured at the onset of the pursuit were treated and released following the incident. Both suspects were charged with Fleeing, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor and Terroristic Threatening and are facing charges in Yell and Montgomer y County at this time. EQIP application deadline January 17 USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Accepting 2014 EQIP Applications through Jan. 17, 2014 LITTLE ROCK, Dec. 16, 2013 – Farmers and landowners in Arkansas have until Jan. 17, 2014, to submit applications to receive financial assistance to implement conservation activities through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for the 2014 program year. Applicants in Montgomery County can sign up at the Mena USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service field service center or the Montgomery County Conservation District office at 154 S. George Street, Mount Ida. Call Cheryl Barrett, District Secretary for more details. 870-867-2671 (office) or 870490-0177 (cell). Individuals and other entities actively engaged in agricultural production are eligible to participate in EQIP. The EQIP deadline is for consideration in the local and state funding categories. LOCAL & STATEWIDE FUNDING The local categories are intended to focus on the primary resource issues in a localized area, as identified by the locally-led conservation workgroup representatives for each county. The statewide categories are designed to address the resource concerns of water quality issues related to animal manure management and sedimentation, improved management of irrigation water and reduction in ground water use, forestland enhancement, pasture management, reduction of erosion, and improvement of wildlife habitat. All applications will be evaluated for funding based on a state and national developed procedure to optimize environmental benefits. Applications ranking highest in a funding category will be funded subject to availability of program funds. Applications competing for statewide funding must be eligible, evaluated and ranked by Feb. 14, 2014. Funding selections of eligible applications will be completed by Feb. 18, 2014, and obligations must be finalized no later than April 1, 2014. Applications not received by Jan. 17, 2014, will not be considered during this ranking period. For more information, contact the Mena USDA/NRCS field service center at (479)394-1782x3 or the Montgomery County Conservation District office at (870)867-2671. Wilson earns 3rd in state sewing contest SUBMITTED PHOTO | Montgomery County News Marissa Pate, a 9th grade student at Oden passed the Microsoft Ofice Specialist Word 2010 exam. December is Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Month .... SHERRY ELLISON | Montgomery County News Jayden Warden, daughter of Jeff and Jennifer Warden, competed in the Pepsi Challenge Gymnastics meet held in Hot Springs. Phoenix Youth and Family Services wants you to rethink your holiday drinking. JUMPSTART YOUR NEW YEAR WITH Among drivers with BAC levels of 0.08 percent or higher involved in fatal crashes in 2010, more than one out of every three were between 21 and 24 years of age (34 percent). Remember prevention matters!!! DANCOR TRANSIT We offer Regional, Local & Dedicated Positions Longevity Bonus paid annually Quarterly Safety Bonus • Excellent Benefits Package Family Owned since 1983 Class A CDL with 2 yrs OTR Call 866-677-4333 Did You Know? For more information on alcohol and other drug related topics, contact your Regional Prevention Representative. Christie Lindsey Hank Wilkins, V 310 North Alabama Street 900 University Drive Crossett, AR Pine Bluff, AR (870) 364-1676 (870) 835-0038 Paid for by funding from Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health Services. Water & Sewer Gas Line Installation Sewer System Installation Gerald Abernathy BACKHOE & DOZER Work 870-867-0122 870-867-7665 Cell # Landscaping 870-867-7777 Driveways House Footing Basements Mount Ida After winning the Montgomery County Sew with Cotton contest, Sue Wilson of Pencil Bluff went on to finish third place in the special division of the state contest held in Little Rock Dec. 5. The Sew with Cotton Contest is conducted by the University of Arkansas Extension Ser vice and sponsored by Farm Bureau. In Montgomery County the contest is sponsored by the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee. Becky Gaston, chair of the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee presented Wilson with a $25 check for winning the county contest. Wilson received a gift card for her win at the state level. Wilson has entered the contest numerous times and enjoys her hobby of sewing. She is also an avid smocker. Her granddaughter, Rachel Wilson, modeled the dress made by her grandmother. The white dress had a bodice covered in lace and ribbon. An overlay of cotton organza was also trimmed with lace. Rachel’s planning to wear this dress to church. Rachel is the daughter of Phillip and Kristi Wilson of Mena. Rachel Wilson wears the 100 percent cotton winning dress made by her grandmother, Sue Wilson. Submitted Photo Start the new year off with a subscription to The Montgomery County News Back Hurt? Have Neck Pain? We are a full service chiropratic clinic offering treatment for: Low back pain Neck pain Headaches Auto or work injuries Sciatica Arm/hand pain Degeneration Wellness/nutrition and MUCH MORE! CALL TODAY! We deliver Top Soil Gravel & Shade Fill Dirt Neck & Back Clinic 307 N. George Street Mount Ida (870) 867-0172 Dr. Eric Carson Chiropractic Physician Most insurance plans accepted. Montgomery County News - Thursday, December 26, 2013 - Page 7 Aaron Carmack (21) manouvers around a pair of Acorn defenders for the score. Acorn came out on top with a 74-46 victory in the interdistrict battle. Basketball Roundup Photo by Dewayne Holloway Jr. Girls 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Cutter Morning Star 2 0 0 0 2 Mount ida 9 6 4 11 33 MI: Lauren Wingield-8, Mattie Fiorello-7, Melody Hoskins-6, Byalea Cannon-6, Kendra Burke-4, PattyAnne Whisenhunt-2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Oden 2 2 6 8 18 Acorn 11 16 7 8 42 Oden: Kate Cox-4, Taylor Tarkinton-4, Jamie Carmack-3, Shawna Van Horn-2, Keira Thomas-2, Alli Hughes-2, Sarah Morrison-1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Oden 3 6 10 5 24 Cossatot River 11 11 7 14 42 Oden: Katie Cox-6, Sarah Morrison-5, Kandy Simmons-5, Shauna Van Horn-4, Taylor Tarkinton-3 Sr. Girls MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENTION TO SELL YOU MAY LOSE YOUR PROPERTY IF YOU DO NOT TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION. IF YOUR PROPERTY IS SOLD, YOU WILL REMAIN LIABLE FOR ANY DEFICIENCY WHICH THEN EXISTS AND AN ACTION FOR COLLECTION MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST YOU. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR SUCH PURPOSE. This Instrument Prepared by: WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C. 1521 Merrill Drive, Suite D-220 Little Rock, Arkansas 72211 (501) 219-9388 WHEREAS, on November 13, 2007, Lisa L. Balch and David L. Shelby executed a mortgage conveying certain property therein described to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, its successors and assigns; and WHEREAS, said mortgage was duly recorded November 19, 2007, as Instrument No. 07R02553 in the real estate records of Montgomery County, Arkansas; and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness and the same is now, therefore, wholly due, and the holder of the debt has requested the undersigned to sell the property to satisfy said indebtedness, the party initiating this action is Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 350 Highland Drive, , Lewisville, TX 75067, (888)480-2432; WHEREAS, the mortgagee or beneiciary has provided the undersigned a copy of the letter required to be sent to Lisa L. Balch and David L. Shelby by Act 885 of 2011; the party initiating this action is Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 350 Highland Drive, , Lewisville, TX 75067, (888)480-2432; WHEREAS, the mortgagee or beneiciary has provided the undersigned a copy of the letter required to be sent to Lisa L. Balch and David L. Shelby by Act 885 of 2011; and WHEREAS, there may be tenants that claim an interest in the real property herein based upon said tenancy. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable, and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Attorney-in-Fact, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Attorney-in-Fact will, on January 7, 2014, at or about 11:30 A.M. at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Mount Ida, Arkansas, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder for cash, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the mortgage, said property being real estate situated in Montgomery County, Arkansas, and being more particularly described as follows: The West 330 feet of even width of the Northwest 1/4 Northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 4 South, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in Montgomery County Arkansas, Less and Except the South 30 feet taken by Parallel Lines running East and West of the West l/2 West 1/2 Northwest 1/4 Northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 4 South, Range 24 West whose South Line is shown on Survey Plat recorded in Survey Book A at Page 74 by Sim Pintado for Al Vaugh. More commonly known as: 1289 Thunder Mountain Road, Caddo Gap, Arkansas 71935 UNLIKE JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALES, THIS STATUTORY FORECLOSURE SALE WILL BE HELD AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE Montgomery County Courthouse OR, IF THERE IS NO AREA COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE FRONT DOOR, THEN THE SALE WILL BE HELD AT THE PLACE AT SAID VENUE WHERE FORECLOSURE SALES ARE CUSTOMARILY ADVERTISED AND CONDUCTED. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a ixture iling; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Attorney-in-Fact’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THE SALE OF THIS PROPERTY WILL BE AUCTIONED WITH RESERVE. THE TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH THE DAY OF SALE. W&A No. 52-183509 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., 1521 Merrill Drive, Suite D-220, Little Rock, Arkansas 72211 (501) 219-9388, Heather Martin-Herron (2011136), Agent for Mortgagee, DNoticeofDefaultMortgageeAR_dmonroe_131024_ 908. For more information regarding this foreclosure sale, visit WWW.MYFIR.COM, or for general information call 501-224-5239 (FPS:49-52) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Cutter Morning Star 14 14 14 15 57 Mount ida 8 19 20 20 67 MI: Callie VanHorn-15, Bailey Carr-15, Hannah Vines-12, Casey Trantham-9, Hannah Ross-5, Jordan Farmer-4, Reagon Jones-4, Jessica Settles-2, Ashley Settles-1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Oden 14 11 9 7 41 Acorn 26 24 18 7 75 Oden: Kelsey Simmons-21, Eden Singleton-10, Caitlin Kennedy-5, Madison Vincent-3, Megan Morrison-1, Katie Philpot-1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Oden 9 8 11 9 37 Cossatot River 15 9 6 22 52 Oden: Kelsey Simmons-21, Kaitie Philpot-8, Madison Vincent-4, Megan Morrison-2, Shelbi Kennedy-2 Sr. Boys DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | Montgomery County News Kelsey Simmons (55) scores two of her 21 points against Acorn Monday night. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Cutter Morning Star 17 15 8 11 52 Mount ida 6 10 11 10 37 MI: Cody Robertson-12, Dakota Barrett-9, Brady Rutledge-8, Ethan Davis-3, Keifer Colgrove-3, Taylor Collum-2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Oden 7 15 10 14 46 Acorn 24 21 16 13 74 Oden: Matt Vincent-14, Drayton Hughes-14, Aaron Carmack-6, Lane Davis-5, Tyler Fair-3, Jasper Rose-2, Billy Joe Damazio-1, Brady Hobbs-1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final Oden 8 12 11 1 32 Cossatot River 31 15 12 5 63 Oden: Matt Vincent-8, Aaron Carmack-7, Drayton Hughes-7, Lane Wagner-4, Tyler Fair-3, Billy Joe Damazio-2, Brady Hobbs-1 DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | Montgomery County News Katie Cox (32) dribbles past a Cossatot River Jr. Lady Eagle defender Friday night. PUBLIC NOTICE Public Meeting for Sewer Rate increase 12/30/13 @ 5:00 PM Mount Ida Civic Center- Mayors ofice meeting room. CMT:52,w18 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ARKANSAS DOMESTIC RELATIONS Michael David Settles, Jr., Plaintiff, v. Case No. DR2013-72 Lorraine Dianna Settles, Defendant WARNING ORDER The defendant, Lorraine Dianna Settles, is hereby warned to appear in this Court within 30 days and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and upon failure of defendant to do so, the complaint iled herein will be deemed to be admitted, entry of judgment by default, or otherwise barred from asserting her interest. WITNESS my hand and seal as Clerk of the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Arkansas, this 13th day of December, 2013. We will help you with your Wellness Gym is open to physical therapy needs for: the public for $25 per • Neck & shoulder pain month membership • Balance and walking instability Monday to Friday • Sports injury 8 A.M. to 5 p.m. herapeutic Massage with Shelly Boyd, LMT Weekly YOGA CLASS with Pamela Bird We are a SILVER SNEAKERS accredited facility Debbie Baxter Montgomery County Circuit Clerk JYLO:51-52,w105 DEWAYNE HOLLOWAY | Montgomery County News Lauren Wingield (31) pulls down a rebound in a recent victory over Poyen. Wingield scored eight in a Mount Ida 33-2 victory over Cutter Morning Star Tuesday. • Fibromyalgia • Neurological condition (Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, etc.) • Surgery Rehabilitation We accept Medicare, AR Kids and most insurances. 135 South East Street (Masonic Lodge Bldg.) Phone: 870-867-4654 Mount Ida Page 10 •GLENWOODHERALD•Thursday,December26,2013 ClassifieDs 870.356.2111 (Glenwood) 870.867.2821 (Mount Ida) for Rates, Dates or Questions ... 867-2000 Chris Ray, Owner/Broker 870-867-7644 Bryan Whisenhunt 870-867-7457 Edwenna Rowland 870-490-1678 Kenny McGrew 870-356-8957 Merry Christmas from all of us at Action Realty. Why pay rent when you could own your own home? An investment in your future! Qualiied agents happy to help you Visit our homepage on the internet E mail us at REAL ESTATE MISC. FOR SALE - 3 bdrm./ 2ba. doublewide on 5 acres. 479646-1205. G19-tfc FOR SALE - Electric wheel chair. Portable, light weight, likenew,low$orperhapsfree tosenior,888-442-3390. tfc *** FOR SALE - Ward Shavings LLC/dry,shavings$1,350per vanload.870-285-3377. G45-tfc *** FOR SALE - 2009 KZ Spree 323 RLS Travel Trailer, $16,500.00.479-883-4071. M14-tfn *** FORSALE-Screenprint&vinyl graphics business. Printa Systems 4 color process, 4 station complete with light table, belt dryer, lash dryer, lots of screens, blackout table, blacklit wash out station, Vinyl cutter, heat press, tons ofsupplies&designs.$8,500 irm.Call870-356-8269. G52-2tp FOR RENT FOR RENT-3br/2ba home and 3br/1ba home in Mount Ida. Call(501)282-4703.M52-1tp *** FOR RENT - Partially furnished older 3 bdr. house near Hopper. $350 mo., $200 dep. 870-356-2657.G52-1tp *** MOBILE HOME FOR RENT - 218 Slate Mill Rd., Caddo Hills District. 2bdrm., porch, back closed porch & open porch, lg. unattached garage &carport.$400mo./$200dep. Citywater.870-356-2660. G52-1tp Village Apartments Announcing No Income Restrictions Available to Public 1 & 2 Bedroom Units 1 bedroom $400.00 2 bedroom $450.00 $250.00 Security Deposit Vacant Now 428 Luzerne Street ( Right next to Mt.Ida Mercy) Central Heating & Cooling All Electric Refrigator & Range Mini-Blinds, Carpet & Vinyl On site Laundry Facility Handicap Accessible Security Cameras Yard Work by Management Call now (870) 867-3128 or come by our ofice at 502 Highway E. Mt. Ida Glenwood Athletic Club 24 HOUR ACCESS 870-356-2288 YARD SALES Flea Market in Mount Ida. 224 Hwy 270 W - Next to Subway. Open Thur-Fri-Sat 10:00-6:00. For appointments call 870-867-7549 or 870-867-7200. See Facebook. New arrivals daily. NEW ARRIVALS - -DVD Movies, Pampered Chef items, framed kitchen prints, shot glasses, HD roll roofing, large and small plastic barrels. Sell it! Classiied listings are just $8 for 20 words or less. Class display ads 1 column wide by 1” long are just $10. Goes into Glenwood Herald & Montgomery Co. News. That’s TWO papers for the NEED AN AD? CONTACT KARETH AT THE GLENWOOD HERALD 870-356-2111 OR ANDREA AT MONTGOMERY COUNTY NEWS 870-867-2821 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Bail Bond Agent Wanted (Part Time); Mt. Ida: Looking for a motivated, local, hometown person that hasalexibleschedule.Applicant must have a clean criminal history. We will pay for licensing, training, etc. Send resume to bailagentwanted@ gmail.comM51-4tp Page8•MONTGOMERYCOUNTYNEWS,Thursday,December26,2013 FURNITURE HAY FOR SALE - A new mattress set w/warranty.Twin Set $88, Full Set $108, Queen Set $138, King Set $168. Call Sandyat903-276-9354. G47-4tp FORSALE-Bales$5.00;4x4 round$25.00.Call356-2657. G52-1tp Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our families to yours! SERVICES AUCTION SCHEDULE Sat.,Jan11thEstateAuction,Arkadelphia,AR Sat.,Jan18thPikeCountyFairGrounds,Glenwood, AR.Guns,qualityfurniture,householditems. Detailsweekofauctionordetailsandpicturesnowat AALB59McGrew’s Auction Service AALB512 870-356-3029 Kenny & Kenny Ray McGrew 870-356-2103 McGrew Auctions “Just a “BID” better” Mike’s Heating and Air Conditioning ~ Fast & Reliable ~ Heating & Cooling Help Your comfort is just a phone call away. system sales • installation • repair • maintenance 1104 S. Crystal Srings Rd • Royal • (501) 991-3290 Tell Southwest Arkansas what your business has to ofer! Graves Publishing Co. Approximately 10,000 subscribers combined! Members of: We’ve got the readers, You reap the beneits; Advertise with us! Call Kareth at 870-356-2111 Email: Fax: 870-356-4400 BUSINESS CARDS $28 FOR 500 B&W $36 FOR 500 COLOR $38 FOR 1000 B&W $58 FOR 1000 COLOR Most orders filled within 2 weeks or less. Just bring your card information by any Glenwood Herald & Montgomery County News Jerry’s Storage Boat•RV•Mini Carport & Enclosed 7 sizes 5’ x 15’ up to 12’ x 34’ 870-223-3737 Hwy.70East,Glenwood of our offices. GRAVES PUBLISHING CO. Glenwood Herald- Montgomery County News- Murfreesboro Diamond CARPET CLEANING Truckmountsteammethod• Freedeodorizing•Upholstery, window&chimneycleaning• Exteriorhousewashing/power washing•Carpetstretching Week of 12-23-13 STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS Call Eva or Linda at 1-800-569-8762 to place your ad here! OUACHITA CLEANING CO. HELP WANTED Since 1980 HOLTGER BROS., INC. 870-867-2728 UTILITY CONTRACTOR Glenwood Auto Supply Up To $2,000 Sign On Bonus Available for Qualified Candidates Immediate Career Opportunities for: Foremen & Operators Experienced in Aerial or Underground Telephone Cable Placement. Competitive Pay with Full Benefits. or Call 501-410-0209 to apply! 326 N. 1st St. (Next to H&R Block) 870-356-3414 or 870-356-2118 Serving the area since 1951 EOE by AA Glenwood Mini Storage SECURITY - POST CAPTAIN for McGehee Area $10 - 13 an hour. Will train Rolling prices back! 10x12, only $40 mo., 10x20, only $60 mo. Call 870-356-4848. Call Brad 7 days a week 866-840-2086 for appointment HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVERS DRIVERS- OWNER OPERATORS/HOME WEEKENDS. Regional End Dump Division. FREE base plates and permits. Weekly Settlements. Call us today!! Oakley Trucking. (888) 725-4175. Check out CoMe CheCk ouT our sPeCials DRIVER- Arkansas Regional Drivers Needed immediately! Paid Weekly. Up to .40¢/Mile. Average 1800-2500 miles per week. Limited Spaces Available! Call Now! 877.BIG.PAYDAY. Full Service Mechanic & Welding Shop Glenwood Service Center 63 Hwy 70 E. (870)356-3344 (Across from sale barn) Smoked Ribs, Brisket, Pork, Ham & Turkey Charles’ Tree Service 870-557-1003 Specialty Dishes Tree trimming •Tree Removal Professional Tree Service Bucket Trucks • Stump Grinding Daily Lunch Specials Fully insured for all your tree trimming needs Free Estimates and years experience. Call ahead for drive-thru pick up for take out AlAn Moore’s Tree service We have a: Manlift, Skid Steer, Demolition Equipment, etc. (870) 828-0700 Glenwood Herald & Montgomery County News Shared Classiied Page Over 4,200 Readers! Ron’s Barbecue 327 Hwy 70 E. Glenwood 870-356-5250 In i’s Ultimate Studio m ge *Dance Lessons * *Party Planning * *Birthday Parties * Tanning* *Photography* Located at 205 East Broadway (across from Woodard Drug) Call or come by and check us out!! 870-356-7905 or 870-356-8920 DRIVERS... 12 Pro Drivers Needed! Full Benefits + Top 1% Pay Recent Grads Welcome. CDL-A Req. 877-258-8782 DRIVERS- Train to be a TRUCK DRIVER through Prime's Student Driver Program. Obtain your Commercial Driver's License, then get paid while training! 1-800-277-0212. COMPANY DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS WANTED! No touch freight, 90% drop & hook, dedicated opportunities available. Call 888-710-8707 Also seeking Recent Grads Call Lavonna 877-440-7890 Apply online: DRIVERSCDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED. Now hiring solos & teams in your area! Small Company, BIG Benefits! Top Pay for Hazmat. CDL Grads Welcome. 888-928-6011. DRIVERSTransfer Drivers. Need CDL A or B Contract Drivers, to relocate vehicles to and from various locations throughout U.S.-No forced dispatch: 1-800-501-3783 or under Careers. DRIVERS- CRST offers the Best lease Purchase Program! SIGN ON BONUS. No Down Payment or Credit Check. Great Pay. Class-A CDL required. Owner Operators Welcome! Call: 866261-6532. **BUYING GOLD & SILVER** Estate Buyers - We make House Calls • Diamonds • Costume Jewelry • Sterling Silver Flatware • Scrap Gold • Wheat Pennies • Ammunition • Gold Coins • Watches • Guns • Silver Coins • Gold Filled items • Knives 7 Days a Week by appt. only! Call 501-529-3826 DRIVERS - Jumpstart Your New Year with Dancor Transit We offer Regional, Local & Dedicated Positions, Longevity Bonus paid annually , Quarterly Safety Bonus, Excellent Benefits Package, Family Owned since 1983, Class A CDL with 2 yrs OTR, Call 866-677-4333. Have fun and find a genuine connection! The next voice on the other end of the line could be the one. Call Tango 1-800-9553137. FREE trial! MISCELLANEOUS GUN SHOW Dec. 28-29, Sat. 9-8 & Sun. 9-4. Jacksonville Expo Center, Former Walmart Building (612 JP Wright Loop Rd) LRAFB Exit, US 67/167. BUY-SELL-TRADE. Info: (563) 927-8176. MULTI - ESTATE AUCTION Home Furnishings ~ Guns ~ Collectibles ~ Tools ~ Glassware Appliances & more, Sunday January 1st, 10 am. 3707 Rhinehart Rd. Pine Bluff, AR For terms, info pictures and details please visit: Tracy Robinson Auctioneers ATTN: Arkansas Homeowners!! 50% OFF INSTALLATION, and $250 discount certificate! 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PINE BLUFF TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL, INC. CALL TODAY! 1-800-954-4981 The RIGHT TRAINING for today’s trucking industry lic. by ASBPCE MOBILE/ MANUFACTURED HOMES TAX TIME IS HOME BUYING TIME! Call and set up PRE-APPROVAL Appointment 870-862-4305. Got 5 minutes? I can make you a homeowner! Call 870-862-4305. ALL AROUND ARKANSAS... Reach over One Million Readers Advertise with the APS Newspaper NETWORKS! Experts in Saving You Time & Money Reach your Target Market Statewide or Regionally • Classified & Display ads • Employment • Services • Events • Auctions • Real Estate Make one call — we’ll do the rest! Call this newspaper or Linda or Eva 1- 800-569-8762 Montgomery County News - Thursday, December 26, 2013 - Page 9 Arkansas: the Unnatural State Thank God for Mississippi. We Arkies are fond of saying that every time some study shows us at the bottom or near the bottom of something like education or income, our neighbor state frequently bails us out from being named and shamed as the absolute worst by finishing dead last. Now comes a study by United Health Foundation which ranks states as being the healthiest and the least healthiest. Mississippi is ranked the least healthy and Arkansas is next. Hawaii is ranked as the healthiest state. The study found that Arkansas has the third highest percentage of its popuation ranked as obese, due mostly to physical inactivity. The ``Unnatural State’’ has the fourth highest percentage of deaths from cardiovascular disease in the nation with 319 deaths per 100,000 related to heart disease. As a state we are not doing quite as bad in the number of physicians per 100,000 with our ranking as being 11th lowest, but Arkansas ranks dead last (pun intended) in the percentage of people visiting a dentist in 2012 with only 55 percent seeing one. Arkansas also has one of the highest rates of smoking by adults with one in four smoking cigarettes. One thing Arkies can do immediately is walk more. Studies show that just walking 45 minutes to an hour each day will help you lose weight and fight off the risk of dementia. I’m not saying you should walk the Camino Frances as I did, going 500 miles by foot from southwestern France to Santiago, Spain in about 40 days. True I lost 25 pounds and four inches off my waist line, but there are easier and much less expensive ways to trim up. I think people should start walking groups and head out, going from Dierks to Nashville or vice versa. How about a stroll to the top of Mary Stewart Hill (apologies if I misspelled ``Stewart”)? Fitness experts say you have to get 45 minutes of aerobic exercise to keep your heart healthy and your weight down. On the Camino, I met a woman from Florida who probably weighed 300 pounds and she was walking the Camino. She told me, (and I didn’t ask) that she lost 50 pounds before she flew over to Spain. When we met she had already shed 25 pounds in just a few days of walking. Her strategy was walk as many miles as she could and then call a cab to pick her up and take her to the nearest place to stay the night. On the Camino one can stay in alberques or hostels which are basically barracks for about $15 to $20 a night and that includes a simple sup- per and coffee and toast for breakfast. I don’t know whether she finished or not, but Rachelle was so respected and admired on the Camino. The Camino has its own gossip circuit, especially in the email age, and Rachelle was a person ever yone talked about or wrote. She inspired us all with her courage and tenacity. At the end of day, my walk was spiritual and it was not about losing weight or getting fit, but those were just side benefits the Good Lord gave me for walking the Way like millions of pilgrims who have gone before. Montgomery County District Court MONTGOMERY COUNTY DISTRICT COURT COMPILED BY ANDREA SHEFFIELD District court cases from Wed., December 11 & 18: Johnny Dale Bailey, 50, of Pearcy, forfeited $245 for contempt of court for failure to pay fines. Mirbek Akyev, 25, of Seattle, WA, forfeited $150 for unsafe vehicle-defective equipment. Sam Allen, 25, of Hot Springs Village, fined $160 for improper passing on left, $420 for DWI suspended license, $1520 for DWI2nd, $270 for fail to appear on violation and $351.47 for hot check -1st offense. Jason Ray Ammann, 26, of Hot Springs, forfeited $121 for speeding (70 in 55 mph). Amber Denee Baker, 25, of Mount Ida, forfeited $245 for contempt of court failure to pay fines. Jeremiah Landon Brown, 32, of Glenwood, forfeited $245 for contempt of court failure to pay fines. Terry Allen Carter, 53, of Oden, fined $120 for refusal to submit to chemical test, $720 for DWI-1st, $129 for speeding (58-45 mph) and $70 for no seatbelt. Silas S. Compton 4th, 36, of Hot Springs, fined $220 for driving on suspended license. Stephen Garrel Divers, 41, of Hot Springs, forfeited $116 for speeding (65 in 55 mph). Phillip Arlando Evans, 38, of Pearcy, fined $150 for fictitious tags, $345 for no liability, and $320 driving on suspended license. Casey Aaron Fendley, 33, of Mena, forfeited $245 for contempt of court for failure to pay fines. Jesus Aberto Galaviz,JR, 23, of West Minister, CA, forfeited $245 for contempt of court for failure to pay fines. Steven Ray Hogan, 39, of Mena, forfeited $320 for driving on suspended, $121 for speeding, $270 for fail to appear and $270 for fail to appear. Caitlyn Leigh Kennedy, 18, of Sims, forfeited $116 for speeding (55 in 45 mph) and $270 for fail to appear. Christopher John Kirchhoff, 36, of Glenwood, fined $320 for DWI- and $220 for littering -1st. Dickie Leo Lambert, 48, of Amity, fined $245 for fail to pay fines, $220 for public intoxication, $320 for DWI and $119 for speeding (68 in 55 mph). Maurice Manasco, JR., 42, of Cove, forfeited $70 for no seatbelt. Courtney L. McMillan, 36, of Mount Ida, fined $185 for careless and prohibited driving. Erik Noyola, 18, of Glenwood, fined $170 for no driver license or license expired and $345 for no liability insurance. Daniel W. Scrimshire, 33, forfeited $150 for no child passenger restraint. Robert W. Smith, 38, fined $320 for driving on suspended license and $220 for fail to appear. Caitlin Renea Trantham, 19, of Hot Springs, fined $100 for provide minor tobacco. Kathleen Alice VanHorn, 57, of Pencil Bluff, fined $95 for driving without tags. Bobby J. Webb, 38, of Hot Springs, fined $965 for possession controlled substance. Steven Lee Chandler, 32, of DeQueen, forfeited $127 for speeding (72 in 55 mph). Justin Gene Cogburn, 23, of Mount Ida, fined $340 for harassing communications. Nopal Faustino, 47, of Glenwood, forfeited $170 for no driver license and $150 for defective/improper head lamps. Larry Gregory Hale, 38, of Little Rock, forfeited $129 for speeding (73 in 55 mph). Jeremy Clint Honnoll, 33, of Conway, forfeited $70 for no seatbelt. Christopher John Kirchhoff, 36, of Glenwood, forfeited $320 for driving on suspended license and $140 for littering-1st offense. Noah E. Lambert, 37, of Mount Ida, forfeited $116 for speeding (65 in 55 mph). Alexis Jannette Lawson, 22, of Mena, forfeited $70 for no seatbelt and $270 for fail to appear. Charles L. Liggett, JR., 66, of Hot Springs, forfeited $160 for improp- er passing on left. Kristi Hamilton McCaslin, 40, of Benton, forfeited $125 for speeding (71 in 55 mph). Kayla Noel Pringle, 18, of Mena, forfeited $139 for speeding (73 in 55 mph) and $270 for fail to appear. George C. Rickards, 58, of Mount Ida, forfeited $70 for no seatbelt. Patricia Renea Trantham, 39, of Mount Ida, forfeited $125 for speeding (71 in 55 mph). Cindy Ann Williams, 42, of Hot Springs, fined $320 for driving on suspended license, $185 for carless and prohibited driving and $270 for fail to appear. Carter Chet Crossett, 39, of Hot Springs, forfeited $116 for speeding (55 in 45 mph). Timothy C. Palmer, 31, of Mena, fined $720 for DWI-1st. CALL NOW 1-800-542-4972 50% OFF INSTALLATION! AND CALL TODAY TO RECEIVE A $250 DISCOUNT CERTIFICATE! RO AD TO 500 D ECEM BER D EALS New 2013 Cadillac SRX $ 00 R b Rebate 4,000 plus Parker D iscount MSRP start @ $38,420, rebate in lieu of 0% APR. In stock units only. Does not apply to previously negotiated deals. Offer ends 1/2/14. New 2013 Cadillac ATS $ Rebate 5,000 plus PRIDE HOMES & REAL ESTATE 939 Hwy 270 East, Mount Ida, AR 71957 Parker D iscount 000 New 2013 Cadillac CTS $ 000 Phone: 870-867-0101 MSRP start @ $34,430, rebate in lieu of 0% APR. In stock units only. Does not apply to previously negotiated deals. Offer ends 1/2/14. 6,000 plus Check out my blog at Rebate Parker D iscount MSRP start @ $40,430, rebate in lieu of 0% APR. In stock units only. Does not apply to previously negotiated deals. Offer ends 1/2/14. Parker 1700 N. Shackleford • Little Rock, A R • 501-224-2400 - “And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.” Luke 1:14 Call us for fast and understanding handling of your divorce proceedings. Next-Day Filing Real Estate • Estates • Wills • Corporations Robin Smith Law Firm, PA “On the Square” in Mount Ida 870-867-5297 Deana Clenney Cole Principal Broker/ Owner 870-867-7177 Montgomery County News - Thursday December 26, 2013 - Page 10 Holiday scenes from around Montgomery County Members of the Oden FCS portray Mary and Joseph as they participate in the Oden living Nativity play Wed., Dec. 18. Jasper Rose depicts the arcangel Gabrial during the Oden living Nativity play Photo by Dewayne Holloway Photo by Dewayne Holloway Principal William Edwards passes the light to brady Hobbs during the candle lighting part of the Oden living Nativity play Wed., Dec. 18. Photo by Dewayne Holloway SHERRY ELLISON | Montgomery County News BRANDY WINGFIELD | Montgomery County News Members of Faith Tabernacle sang Christmas carols for the residents of the Montgomery County Nursing Home and the Assisted Living Center. The Puddle Jumpers 4-H Club sang Christmas carols for the residents at the Montgomery County Nursing Home. Members of the Montgomery County 4-H Clubs enjoyed hot dogs grilled on a new cooker donated by Mount Ida True Value Submitted photo Montgomery County 4-H Lights Up the Holiday Montgomer y County 4-H lit up the courthouse square Thurs., Dec. 19 as they gathered to make luminaries for the wall surrounding the courthouse lawn. After battling the evening wind, the group managed to keep a few of the lights going long enough to get a photo. A c a ro l i n g h a y r i d e proved to be the evenings SHERRY ELLISON | Montgomery County News Members of 1st United Methodist Church in Mount Ida participated in a living Nativity Tues., Dec. 17. The production was held in front of the church. highlight with about 40 singers visiting a few homes, apartments, and the nursing home. Spreading Christmas cheer is what this group was all about. The event also included popcorn, hot cocoa, marshmallows and hot dogs grilled on the new Weber charcoal grill donated by the Mount Ida True Value. SUBMITTED PHOTO | Montgomery County News Area 4-Hers gathered at the Montgomery County Courthouse to light luninaries on the courthouse lawn. They also enjoyed a hayride and caroling. Village HealthMart Pharmacy, Compounding, Home Medical Equipment & Oxygen 4440 Hwy 7 North • Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 800-794-0770 • 501-922-0777 Higdon HealthMart Pharmacy 1340 Higdon Ferry Rd. Hot Springs, AR 71913 50-623-3777 320 N 1st Street, Glenwood, AR 71943 870-356-4520 HealthMart Home Medical Equipmen & Oxygen 3840 Hwy 7 North Hot Springs Village, AR 501-620-4053 Village HealthMart Drug #2 399 Ponce de Leon Dr. Hot Springs Village, AR 501-922-0909 Mount Ida Home Medical Equipment & Oxygen 134 South George Mount Ida, AR 71957 870-867-0106