OQA Newsletter Spring 2011 - Old Queenian`s Association


OQA Newsletter Spring 2011 - Old Queenian`s Association
Monday May 2nd
Prize Draw, at Queen’s. 1.30pm at the Café des Amis
Friday May 13th
London Dinner, Army & Navy Club, Pall Mall. 7.15pm
Saturday July 3rd
OQs Cricket Dinner
(More details to follow in Summer newsletter)
SUNDAY July 4th
OQs Summer BBQ
OQs v Queen’s XI Cricket
Proud To Be A Royal Marine
eremy Blake (1999-2008) has successfully
completed 32 weeks training to become
a Royal Marine. He officially passed out in
February. He described the training programme
as a real challenge and very testing and he
considers himself lucky to have survived it all
without injury.
The experience brought the best out of Jez as
he did not fail any part of the course. Indeed,
he was awarded the King’s Badge for being the
best recruit in his troop. This is only presented
to recruits who measure up to the exacting
standards required by the Royal Marines. We wish
Jez well as he starts service with 40 Commando
in Taunton.
2nd May 2011 at Queen’s
in support of
Tel No
Repair of Hard Courts
This isn't any draw ticket, this is a
Queen's College draw ticket! Don't let
your tickets sit in a drawer, sell them
this week and post them to Kim.
Queen's Lodge
A small group of friends (2006 leavers) have recently joined Queen's Lodge.
Stuart Doyle (1996-06) became a member in 2009. He has been joined
recently by Si Stewart (1999 - 06) and Tom Ware (2000 - 06), both of whom
graduated in 2010.
On 15th January, Jamie (of
marathon fame) had the greatest
pleasure in welcoming his son, Tom,
into the lodge, during which meeting
over £450 in Alms was collected to
be donated to 40 Commando Royal
Marines Welfare Fund, based at
Norton Manor Camp Barracks, just
outside Taunton.
James D Jones, (1964 -71), Old Queenians Association
irstly, as President it gives me great pleasure to take on the post and
may I wish all the members, present pupils of Queen’s and members
of staff a happy and prosperous New Year. I hope the school and the
Association move from strength to strength.
I would also like to thank Chris Bradnock for his guiding hand and his
lead over the last two years and his considerable help to me and to the
Committee. I believe he has now perfected the art of being President of
the Association and he is now moving on to be President of his old School
Association and I would like to wish him every success and hope that we
have provided him with a suitable example. It was sad to see that we were
only just quorate for the AGM and it would be helpful to the Officers if
people would make a special effort to turn up to attend the AGM.
Nevertheless, prior to my year of office I would like to thank both Rob
Francis and Geoff Batchelor for their efforts and their bringing together of
my particular year group of leavers for what was a very successful evening,
assisted greatly by the School. A tremendous evening was had by all and we
are all now in email contact with each other and I believe another event is
being talked about. It is so nice after all these years to catch up with good
friends. It was also strange to note that everybody regretted the fact that they
had not made contact earlier and after a discussion of this nature it really
gives the Association added impetus to drive these sort of events forward.
Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather I was unable to attend the Exeter
Christmas Dinner but I am informed a good time was had by all.
I managed to attend the London lunch at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower Hotel,
Knightsbridge and the evening meal for the younger members at Little
Venice. Both events were rewarding in their own way and Kim had made
a huge effort to encompass all age groups. However, the older members
retired early from Little Venice as the day had taken its toll.
In conclusion I would like to encourage you to support the Association and
remind you that we are all here to help and assist with any events you may
wish to put on and equally we would hope that you would support us with
the events that we arrange.
David Jones
Newsletter Spring 2011
Much emphasis has been placed by
the Lodge this year on supporting
non-masonic charities in the Taunton
area, thus complementing fund
raising efforts by the School. Other
charities to benefit were Taunton
Deane Scout Council (in support of
the 22nd World Scout Jamboree to be
held in Sweden in 2012), Royal British
Legion Poppy Appeal, and Taunton
Association for the Homeless.
Through sponsorship and the Gift Aid Scheme Jamie Ware, (1968 - 76),
the current Master of Queen's Lodge, raised £4250 for our local hospice, in
memory of his late mother who received so much loving care there during
her last weeks before her death in February 2009.
Jamie, an asthmatic and Type 1 diabetic, completed two 1/2 marathons, at
Bristol and at the Great North Run in Newcastle. He said afterwards, "Bristol
was a much smaller event than Newcastle, was very well organised and,
despite the rain, was extremely enjoyable. The most challenging part was
Union Street, which is a steep hill 11 miles into the course which literally took
my breath away, but I was pleased to finish in 2hrs 11mins.
Catastrophe then struck in the week following the Bristol event as a heavy
cold developed, rendering me unable to do any of my planned preparation
for Newcastle but, with all the sponsorship kindly provided, Newcastle had
to be completed!
I struggled from the first mile, but managed to run 9 miles before having
to walk for a bit, managing to complete the run in 2hrs 23mins. On
completion of the race, the heavens opened but that did not spoil what is a
truely memorable sporting event for thousands of participants".
In addition, the Lodge collectively gave £580 to the hospice in memory
Sidney Haynes, while many members made substantial individual donations.
Richard Baker (1955 - 65)
The Prize Draw: An Update
• We would like to thank all those who have bought tickets. Your support is appreciated hugely. You have given yourself a chance to win one of the many
fabulous prizes available. Here they are - with a few photo highlights
A flight in a vintage
Auster Spotter plan
Two tickets for a Rug
International (OQ
A Henry Hunt Hoo
(Phoebe Garlick
Aromatherapy and
ures Way,
Treatments at Nat
Taunton (Anne Bro
The Prizes
A Case of Cava
eirah Carlton Tower
A weekend in the Jum
e, London
Hotel, Knightsbridg
r (Sheppy’s Cider)
A Selection of Cide
rl Earrings
Freshwater Pea
(Sezzys Crafts)
three local
Rounds of Golf at
Taunton &
courses: Woodbury,
e Manor
Pickeridge and
Home in
A week in a Holiday
Two tickets to a
Match (OQA)
A week in a Cot
in France
A night at The Tree
(Lavender Hill Holi
Two tickets to all
the Quartz Festiva
events, 2011
the Royal Enclosu
Two tickets for
at Ascot (The Hea
, Taunton,
n’s College, Trull Road
Geoffrey Bisson, Quee
r the age of 16
n.gov.uk. Promoter:
to any person unde
or by post.
ts are not to be sold
and Wales). Ticke
Gambling Act, www
notified by telephone
ity, 1093
treated as a donation.
Gambling Commiss
a Registered Char
s: licensed by the
Late entries will be
Foundation. This is
right to any prize.
Terms and condition
n’s College Taunton
matically forfeits the
on behalf of Quee
16 years of age auto
Somerset, TA1 4QS
found to be under
years of
date: 2 May
unsold tickets. Draw
Please return any
at Queen’s
at at
• We are still some way from reaching our goals, however, and we would like to encourage those who have yet to participate to do so. Perhaps the tickets
we posted to you have been left on the desk or in a cupboard and been forgotten despite your original intention to deal with them later? If so, please do
ofof tickets to be sent out. If you have already
in support
of ofbook
so now. Perhaps you have mislaid them but, if so, please contact Kim at Queen’sin
and support
arrange for a new
bought some tickets but think you can persuade family and friends to buy some please contact us. Every ticket sold will make a difference!
of Hard
Kim Boalch and Geoff Bisson
These are the projects
Tennis courts
Newsletter Spring 2011
Silver Medal
for Natalie
OQs First Hong Kong Ambassador
The Racketlon World Championships took place
in Zooetemeer in Holland in November 2010
and is the most prestigious racketlon event of the
year, with players coming from all over the world
to compete to become world champion.
n September 2001, I came to England for
the first time, arriving at Queen’s as a Year
7 student and started my new school life.
I must admit I did not enjoy it thoroughly at
the beginning as I was still getting used to
the lifestyle and environment which were all
completely new to me – living with schoolmates
in a boarding house, my parents being on the
other half of the globe. Luckily, all the staff
and students were very friendly and I started
enjoying every moment. I became more
involved with Queen’s, participated in the
Chinese New Year Assembly, the School Choir
for seven years, in which I was chosen to share
the responsibility of the Head of Choir with
a best friend of mine in my final year, and
assisted in the Quartz Festival, etc.
Natalie is currently ranked 1st in England and
3rd in the world.
Racketlon is a sport which involves table tennis,
badminton, squash and tennis. For further
information please visit: www.racketlon.net.
Natalie Lawrence (1988 - 1998)
Queen’s College
Sustainability Show on
Sunday 19 June
10am-4pm at Queen's
College Conference
I really miss Queen’s for the most precious
memories of all from this lovely place.
Although I am studying in Hong Kong, I still
try to pay a visit whenever I can. I feel very
honoured to be invited to be the ambassador
for Hong Kong and it makes me feel I still
have a close connection with Queen’s.
Hong Kong Dinner
This was the first OQ event that I attended and I felt excited to be able to assist in organising it.
It was an enjoyable evening in which I met OQs who came from Japan, England and, of course,
Hong Kong. We all left Queens at different times over the last three decades. We still had a
pleasant chat about the school, its transformation, some of the teachers who taught us those who
are still teaching or just recently retired. The conversation brought back a lot of memories which
seems like it just happened yesterday. The Headmaster shared with us some of his time at Queen’s,
like the trip to Gambia, which was an amazing experience and also some development plans of
Queen’s College.
Vivian Li
Attendees of the
Hong Kong Dinner:
Chris Alcock
Adrianne Trythall
Vivian Li
Feat & Mrs Szeto
Tomi Kirymama
Emma Bevan
Eddie Wing Chuen Ho
Newsletter Spring 2011
England Racketlon player Natalie Lawrence
excelled herself at the 2010 World Racketlon
Championships in Holland getting a Silver Medal
for England.
The aim of the Sustainability Show
is to promote sustainable living at
the local level (individual, family,
community) with an emphasis on
involving (and promoting) initiatives
and organisations based in the south
west. We plan to include exhibitors
and demonstrations covering a wide
range of aspects, such as building
design, energy, smallholding, food
and drink and waste management.
We very much intend for it to be a
good family day out but with a serious
undercurrent . . education! We hope
to have some practical activities
particularly aimed at young children.
If there are any OQs out there in
this line of business and you are
interested in taking part in the show
please contact Simon Ross on 01823
News on OQs
erry Van De Linde very kindly met me at
the airport when I arrived at Brisbane for
the first Test and subsequently the two of
us met for dinner one evening. After the Test had
finished we had a day together when he took me
to his house on the Gold Coast where I met all
his family and he also took me to his business
which was very interesting. Although he lives
70km south of Brisbane, where I was, none of
this was any trouble to him and it was great for us
both to catch up and spend some time together.
Naturally Gerry was delighted with the Test Match
results as he was able to quieten his staff who had
been revelling in the success of Australia in recent
times; in fact, virtually all the time since he has
been in Australia.
When the two of us went out for dinner by pure
coincidence we were virtually wearing identical
clothes which the waitress commented on so
we got her to take a photo of us and I enclose
one in case you need to fill out the newsletter,
although I do not think you are short of material
these days.
Also at the cricket I bumped into Ian Morrell,
who I expect you know was going to all the
I can also report that my daughter Emma
Francis (nee Powell) - (1990 - 1996) - had a
son, Albert, last summer and we attended his
christening last weekend. His godmother is
Jessica Shirley-Smith who was at Queen’s with
Emma, (1990 - 1996).
Michael Powell (1958 - 1967)
Michael Powell (1958 - 1967)
Gerry Van De Linde (1960 - 1967)
hristopher Jewson (1952-58) emails
thanking me for information about
Pearce whom he will be
contacting. They sat the common entrance
exam for Queen’s together and were in the
same class throughout their time at Queen’s.
He was sorry he could not make the summer
reunion as he missed John Cullis; maybe next
year! He has been busy with his Coast Watch
at St Agnes and his interest in the history of
Poldark mine.
oger Shire (1953-58) e mails saying he
is sorry that he could not make the Exeter
dinner as he was otherwise engaged. He
called back to Queen’s in the summer for the
first time since he left. He has retired and is
living in Cyprus but comes to England to see
his sister and his four children. He filled me in
with his time since leaving Queen’s. He started
work with the Somerset County Gazette, then
he worked for the Western Daily Press in Bristol,
followed by other papers in Sussex. He then
started PR work as Chief Press Officer with British
Rail, progressing to London Underground and
then London Transport. Since then he moved
to Railtrack where he headed up the PR to take
them into the private sector and finally for five
years as a freelance consultant and managing
the PR for Metronet when it won the contact
to refurbish the London Underground. A very
varied and interesting carreer, Roger. His
retirement interests are now being captain of
the Louis Phaethon Bowls Club (five years), and
being international Executive Officer for Bowles
Cyprus. He tells me his wife is a keen golfer so
they both keep busy in retirement. It was good
to hear from you, Roger, and I hope to see you
back at Queen’s one day.
John Elford
O Q s C hr i s t m a s
Lo ndo n Lu n c heo n
F r i day, 10 t h December 2 0 1 0
O n F r i d a y, 1 0 t h D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0 , t h e O Q s C h r i s t m a s L u n c h e o n w a s
h e l d a g a i n a t t h e J u m e i r a h C a r l t o n To w e r H o t e l i n K n i g h t s b r i d g e .
It is an impressive venue and Kim Boalch must be commended for
organising the event and ensuring that everyone was welcomed
a n d w e l l l o o k e d a f t e r. T h e b e a u t i f u l l y d e c o r a t e d t a b l e s a n d
C h r i s t m a s Tr e e a d d e d t o t h e f e s t i v e s p i r i t . M a n y n o t a b l e O Q s w e r e
present and stories, reminiscences and anecdotes were the main
topics of conversation, especially from the Headmaster - a true
Memories of the past and prospects for the future were shared
whilst the excellent food and wine did more than justice to the
occasion. It was a great opportunity to renew friendships that for
most had stood the test of time.
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o K i m B o a l c h f o r h e r s p l e n d i d h o s p i t a l i t y. I l o o k
forward to many such occasions in the future.
John Cullis (1952-60)
Those present at the lunch were: Joe Lulham, Roger and Ann
S a w t e l l , A l a n H a n c o c k , B r y a n C h a p p l e , T o n y a n d A n n e S u t e r, H u g h
S u t e r, D a v i d H a n c o c k , L i o n e l F r e w i n , J o h n a n d R o s P a r k e r, N i g e l
Bostock, Clive Clarke, Alstair Forbes, Nigel and Shelia Marks, David
S a r g i s o n, P h i l J u b b , D a v i d J o n e s , Fr o m s c h o o l C h r i s A l c o c k , G e o f f
Bisson, Kim Boalch
Newsletter Spring 2011
Christmas Party Night - London
ver thirty recent leavers joined in the Christmas celebrations at
The Summerhouse, Little Venice on Friday 10th December. The
venue was perfect; although not in central London it was easy
to find by taxi and not too long a stroll from the underground!
OQs were greeted with glasses of champagne before sitting down to
a delicious three-course dinner. Many OQs had travelled up from the
South-west to join their friends in London for the weekend.
Josh Phillips and Daniel Cole accepted our invitation to join us as guests of
Queen’s in recognition of their achievement. They walked from Lands End
to John O’Groats in aid of Help for Heroes raising in the region of £10,000.
A big thank you must also go to Cesi Bower for all her time and effort in
helping with the organising of this event. Thanks to Cesi’s connections in
Newsletter Spring 2011
London OQs ended the evening in one of the top nightclubs in Mayfair.
Cesi Bower
Hattie Blackburn and guest
Becky Read
Jonathan Edwards
Alex Smith
Marcus Brown
Ed Khodabandehloo
James Khodabandehloo
Chloe Todd
Anna Humphreys
Ally Panayiotou
Harriet Lewis
Ellie Clowes
Josh Philips and Daniel Cole
Petrina Cox
Alex Hewlett
Sam Day
Jo Steele
Henry Loudon Griffiths
Henry Faun
Simon Alcock
Max Pike
Henry Biss
Esther Yeung
Simon Perham
David Jones (OQA President)
Chris Alcock
Geoff Bisson
Kim Boalch
Thank you for supporting this event and, hopefully, we can do it all again
next year! Kim Boalch
Exeter Christmas Dinner
held at the
Exeter Golf and Country Club
Equally, there were many OQs present who
were attending for the first time, amongst
whom were Mike Gough and his daughter,
Lucy, an indication of the way Queen’s has
become a co-educational school in recent
years. It was delightful to see the Head Boy,
Sam Monks, and the Head Girl, Gemma Sear,
there representing the school as it is today.
or many, the Christmas dinner has been
a regular event in their social calendar.
Tom Roseveare, now 94 years of age, has
been attending for as long as he can remember
and the sustained support of many others is an
indication of the continuing success of this event.
It is an opportunity to meet old friends and share
a pleasant evening together in very convivial
John Elford acted as master of ceremonies
welcoming everyone at the beginning of the
evening and later inviting the Headmaster
to speak. Chris Alcock entertained the party
with recollections about his recent trip to
Russia and Hong Kong and the hazards of
travelling alone in countries where not only is
the language impenetrable but the alphabet
itself is unintelligible. Stephen Lawson, who
had hosted the event for so many years,
was delighted to enjoy an evening free of
responsibility, and all agreed that Kim Boalch
deserved our thanks for organising the event
with her usual attention to detail.
Geoff Bisson
Stephen & Susan Lawson
Marcus & Elaine Paul
Brian & Zenah Rowe
Colin & Sue Grabham
John Crocker & Michele Course
Simon Johnson
Mark Holley
Roger Westoby
Michael & Sheila Platt
Michael & Margaret Randall
Diane Rowe
Adrian Dodd
Geoff Bisson
Rodney & Stephanie Baker
John & Faith Elford
Peter Skinner
Tom Roseveare
Chris & Linda Alcock
Paul & Shirley Palmer
Graham and Ginny Ten Broeke
Maurice & Maureen Bendle
Ian & Sue Marfell
Michael & Debbie Gough
Lucy Gough
Nicholas & Suzanne Mayled
Kim & Timothy Boalch
Gemma Sear
Sam Monks
Newsletter Spring 2011
1971 Reunion
very enjoyable reunion of the 1971
leavers took place in the Old Library/
Music Room on Friday 15th October
2010. Organised by Geoff Batchelor, Robert
Francis and Simon Parsons a good number of
20 pitched up from all over the UK and abroad.
Unfortunately, we were unable to track down
Ian Robertson
Geoff Batchelar
Mehboob Jivraj
Melvin Dickson
Nigel Vince
Simon Parsons
Robert Francis
Nick Hitchcock
Nick Harvey
Nick Ritchie
Mike Whittle
Neil Biffen
Peter Allin
Martin Logsdon
Richard Gothard
David Jones
Nick Bater
Denis Sartain
Rick Main
Geoff Bisson
Anil Karunaratne
Newsletter Spring 2011
some of the crew but, hopefully, we will add a
few more when we do the next one, preferably
sooner than the forty years since many of us had
last seen each other. I liaised with Kim Boalch at
Queen’s in making the arrangement. The school
was represented at the dinner by Geoff Bisson.
We were shown around by senior pupils, which
brought back many memories and Headmaster,
Chris Alcock, spoke very impressively about
where the school is currently and its hopes and
aspirations for the future.
A great evening was had by all, with a surprise visit
from unofficial photographer Anil Karunaratne
and special entertainment from one of our midst,
who will remain nameless, who had a very happy
evening and kept us amused at the Castle Hotel
in Taunton until the very small hours!
Robert Francis
November Supper
n the evening of Saturday, 13th November, over forty OQs
gathered back at school for an informal supper in the PAC. It was
lovely to see some of last year’s leavers supporting this event along
with others that had left in recent years. There was lots of catching up to be
done as many are now at different universities and others are working away
from the area. Over dinner there was much discussion about team tactics
for the match the following day. My table, may I say, were full of the team
spirit and introduced me to a couple of new games!
Although it was great to see so many of you back, please may I remind you
that if you commit to saying ‘yes’ on a facebook invitation then please do
turn up as we had catered for you so a lot of food was wasted!
Kim Boalch
November Matches
he old boys rugby match took place against Wellington old boys on
Sunday the 14th of November and was played at Wellington School.
Queen’s fielded a full side but the previous evening’s socialising
showed as the game progressed and we lost 29-0. Thanks to Matthew Lee
for arranging the side. The following represented Queen’s in the matchPhil Triggol, Lee Denslow, Mark Davenport, Ed Furnival, Will Jones, Alex
Hudson, Paul Morrell, Sam Saunders, John Saunders, Si Stewart, Aaron
Priscott, Alex Peacock, Will Venn, Alex Pegg, Dan Gooding, Matthew Lee, Ed
Kodabandehloo, Zecky Cheng and Benjamin Rowe. Many thanks to all who
turned out on the day to support the team. Let’s see if we can win back the
Bradnock Cup next year when the game will be played at Queen’s.
At the same time as the rugby the OQ girls played Wellington OW girls at
hockey. I am pleased to report that Queen’s won 5 goals to 3. Well done to
all and thanks to Amy Alger-Green for arranging the team this year. Many
thanks to the Bradnock brothers who produced another cup, which was
presented to Queen’s. Well done ladies.
The Old Queenians and teams were invited to lunch at Wellington following
the matches when we were regally wined and dined after which the rugby
and hockey cups were presented to the winning captains by James Bradnock.
John Elford
Members of the ladies
hockey team:
Mary Venn
Ele Morley
Amy Alger-Green
Kim Hannam
Nikki Barrington
Alice Wills
Kirri Purssey
Newsletter Spring 2011
trip to
am studying Biomedical Science at university
and to help me gain some insight into what
it is like to work in a medical environment
in a developing country, I joined a volunteer
orgnaisation which is involved in medical work in
parts of Africa. I was lucky enough to receive £250
funding from the Old Queenians’ Association to
help me with some of the expenses.
For two months during the summer holidays I
spent my time working in Northern Tanzania in
a small hospital in a village very close to Mount
Kilimanjaro. I stayed in a small village called
Usa River, east of Arusha where I lived with three
Tanzanian university students, with whom I soon
became close friends. They taught me how to
cook “Tanzanian” food on the single gas ring we
had perched in the middle of our kitchen floor
and I taught them how to cook “bangers and
mash”! The house was extremely basic; it was very
common in Tanzania for the shells of houses to be
built and then for the money to run out and the
buildings to be left unfinished. The infrastructure
for basic living, such as electricity and running
water, just wasn’t there or was very unreliable.
Every morning I would walk to the nearest stream
and collect some water to boil for my “shower”.
After a breakfast of mountains of fruit, I had to
walk to the nearest road through fields where
children were playing before the start of school.
At the dusty road I caught the 12 seater bus or
“Daladala”, Tanzania’s local transport, which was
jam-packed with up to 30 Tanzanians, also on
their way to work. After about half-an-hour I would
Newsletter Spring 2011
reach the West-Meru District Hospital in the small
village of Tengeru.
The hospital has four main wards - Male ward,
Female ward, Paediatric and Maternity wards. I
spent my first two weeks mainly in the Maternity
ward and then moved onto Minor Theatre where
patients would come in with broken bones and
infected wounds. I assessed X-Rays and plastered
broken limbs and stitched and dressed wounds.
By the end of my time in the hospital I had helped
to deliver about 40 babies, not only assisted in,
but also performed, numerous minor operations
including caesareans, appendix removals, a
finger amputation and a circumcision.
Rehabilitation through physiotherapy is important,
too, but most of the doctors performing
physiotherapy treatment had had no training. I
have done several work experience placements
in UK physiotherapy departments and so felt
that I had a little useful knowledge. A patient
taking medication for tuberculosis suffered side
effects which seriously affected her joints and
ability to walk or move. I felt enormous emotion
and satisfaction when the physical exercises I
performed with her every day and the physio
treatment I gave her eventually enabled her to
stand alone and begin to walk.
Obviously, AIDS and HIV are huge problems in
Tanzania. The prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS in
Tanzania is 7% effecting over 2.5 million people
from all walks of life. I had the opportunity to help
in some areas of counselling although this mostly
takes place in the larger hospitals and medical
One weekend I was lucky enough to be taken on
safari by Tanzanian friends around the Serengeti
National Park and into the Ngorogora Crater.
Their local knowledge meant I saw an incredible
variety of wildlife in a very short time.
Living and working in the foothills of Mount
Kilimanjaro was just too tempting for me! So, at
the end of my medical placement, I joined a group
of other volunteers and we set off with guides to
climb to the summit (5,895m). On the night of the
fourth day of the climb we set off at 11 pm, walking
through the night to reach the summit at sunrise.
Somehow it had never really occurred to me that I
wouldn’t reach the top but I suffered terribly from
altitude sickness, so much so that almost after
every 5 steps, I would collapse. However, I did
make it to the Uhuru Peak for the sunrise. It was
a most surreal and incredible achievement and
I am grateful to the Old Queenians for their
financial support which allowed me to have
such a wonderful time. I passionately feel that,
through volunteer organisations, students such
as myself can contribute so much to countries less
advantaged than our own and, at the same time,
to learn about and experience different ways of life
as well as having fun!
Lucy Whitley (1998 - 2008)
Teaching and Learning in Tanzania
(English, R.E., Health Education and Sport)
and gave health-talks in the villages where we
gave out 240 mosquito nets, one per family.
One of our favourite activities was helping in
an orphanage, cuddling and playing with the
toddlers and babies - so cute and just so wanting
some love and attention.
It wasn't all hard slog though; we spent every
Sunday afternoon without fail on the beach and
went on a two-day safari holiday in the middle,
which was incredible! We learnt some Swahili,
had team Bible studies and made friends with the
most welcoming and generous people I've ever
met. We learnt a huge amount; about God, the
poor and ourselves too. It was a life-changing
experience and most of us got the 'Africa bug'! I’m
extremley grateful to the OQA for donating £250
towards my costs. Their help was invaluable.
rom October to December 2010, I went
with the Christian charity Go MAD (Go
Make a Difference) which is partnered with
Tearfund, to Tanzania. It was the greatest time of
my life and I can't wait to go back in April to help
lead the next team!
As an all-girl group we were all a bit nervous to
start with, especially worried about our lack of
building knowledge and lack of strong guys to
help us! However, thanks to God and everyone
who was praying for us at home, we bonded as
a group better than we could ever have imagined
and there was nothing we weren't able to do
The first week was jam-packed with learning all
the skills we needed to be builders and then we
were off! Over the eight weeks, we managed to
build and install five mosquito-proof windows
and two doors for a pastor's house; we built a pit
latrine toilet in a poor village, with secure doors
and separate 'ladies' and 'gents'; and we helped
repair two water tanks which now collect clean
water for many families who would otherwise
struggle to find even muddy, diseased water.
Annie Venn (1995 - 2010)
We joined our village each Sunday for church,
worshipping with them and teaching Sunday
school. We also taught some lessons in a school
7.15 pm
Drinks Reception
The Marlborough Room
Old Queenians
London Dinner
8.00 pm
Friday 13th May 2011
The Pall Mall Room
at the
Army and Navy Club,
Pall Mall
Salad of Parma Ham, Avocado, Tomato & Mozzarella
served with a Basil Dressing
Roast Sirloin of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding,
served with Carrots, Peas and Roast Potatoes
Sponsored by
Major General Michael Shellard
(1948 - 1954)
Dress Code: Black Tie
Carriages: Midnight
Raspberry Creme Brûleé with Crisp Tuile Biscuits
£39.50 per head, guest are welcome
Tickets have been subsidised by Queen’s College
Newsletter Spring 2011
Contact Details
The OQA Committee (Elected Nov 2010)
Vice President
Governors Rep.
Tr e a s u r e r We b s i t e M a n a g e r M e m b e r s Ex Officio
A r c h i v i s t James D Jones
G r a h a m Te n B r o e k e
John Elford
M i k e Po w e l l
Mike Randall
B e n Po r t e r
Jim Darlington, Claire Scanlon
Roger Westoby, Aletta Warne
D a v i d W O J o n e s , P h i l l i p J u b b , C h r i s A l c o c k (Headmaster),
Samuel Monks (Head Boy), Gemma Sear (Head Girl),
Kim Boalch (Alumni Relations Manger)
John Hellis
I am sorry to advise that the proposed Old Boys golf
match against Wellington OBs, provisionally arranged
for the 20thMay, has had to be cancelled. I am trying to
rearrange the fixture but am struggling to find players.
Please contact me on wyvern9@tiscali.co.uk if you would
like to play if another date can be arranged. John Elford
OQs Blues
Proud father Brian Rowe popped into the Development Office to pass on
some news about his sons, Alex and Charles.
Alex is studying for his Masters in Chemistry at the Queen's College, Oxford.
He was picked for the Oxford v Cambridge Varsity Match on 9th December
2010. His impact play helped secure a win for Oxford against the odds!
Final score 21 - 10.
Queen’s College
would like to invite you
to the
Charles is also studying for his Masters in Chemistry at Exeter College,
Oxford, and has gained a 'Blue' through playing rugby league for the
university on two occasions.
25th Anniversary
Kim Boalch
of the
Sir Garfield Sobers
Schools Cricket Tournament
Friday 15th July to Friday 22nd July 2011
If you would like to know more
please contact Kim Boalch (see details below)
2nd May 2011 at Queen’s
in support of
Tel No
Repair of Hard Courts
This isn't any draw ticket, this is a Queen's College draw ticket! Don't let
your tickets sit in a drawer, sell them this week and post them to Kim.
Alumni Relations Manager, Kim Boalch.
It is important for me to have your most up to date contact details, I would appreciate it if you could contact me with any changes.
Te l 0 1 8 2 3 3 4 0 8 3 9 E m a i l k m b @ q u e e n s c o l l e g e . o r g. u k
T h e O l d Q u e e n i a n s A s s o c i a t i o n , T r u l l R o a d , Ta u n t o n , S o m e r s e t T A 1 4 Q S
Te l e p h o n e : + 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 8 2 3 3 4 0 8 3 9 F a x : + 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 8 2 3 3 3 8 4 3 0 E m a i l : i n f o @ o l d q u e e n i a n s . c o m We b : w w w . o l d q u e e n i a n s . c o m