Mac 2013 Handbook - Khalifa University


Mac 2013 Handbook - Khalifa University
Mobile Application Contest
Sunday May 5, 2013
Organized by
Khalifa University of Science,
Science, Technology and Research
Sponsored by
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Table of Contents
1. Welcome note from MAC 2013 steering committee
2. Program
3. Contest Objectives and Overview
a. Organization
b. Eligibility
c. Assessment
4. MAC 2013 Overview
a. Training Seminar
b. MAC Agenda
5. MAC 2013 Committees and Speakers
a. Steering Committee
b. Organizing Committee
c. Judges Committee
d. Speakers
6. Participants
a. Universities/Students
b. Supervisors/Universities/Applications
c. Timetable for Presentations
7. Mobile Applications
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Welcome Message from MAC 2013 Steering Committee
On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Seventh Mobile Application Contest 2013 (MAC
2013), I welcome you all to this year’s Contest which is sponsored by Emirates Advanced
Investments (EAI), Khalifa Fund, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), and
Samsung. The event is organized by Khalifa University of Science, Research and Technology
(KUSTAR) in partnership with Khalifa Fund.
The Mobile Application Contest is an excellent opportunity for students from all UAE, Arab
and North African universities and colleges to demonstrate and sharpen their mobile
applications developing skills. It may actually bring to the market compelling mobile phones
applications to meet the demands of today'
s mobile customers.
The Steering Committee is particularly overwhelmed with the level of support that the
contest has received this year from our Partner Khalifa Fund, EAI (Platinum Sponsor), TRA
(Gold Sponsor), and Samsung (Gold Sponsors). In particular, we are indebted to Khalifa
Fund, EAI and TRA for the continuous support throughout this and the previous MAC
events. Also it is pleasure to have Khalifa Fund as partner who is promising to raise the
contest to a new level by offering support for students of winning and promising projects by
offering training and financial support to help them take their products to the market if this is
feasible. Samsung also helped in introducing new technologies like the S-Pen Technology,
All Share and Smart TVs.
This year three 2-day training sessions in developing mobile applications through Android,
Windows Phone and iOS were offered free of charge for students of registered teams. About
55 teams registered for training and at least one member from each team was offered a
training place on one of these three platforms. It is clear that the training session reflected
well on the number of submissions this year. Samsung also offered 4 free training sessions on
their Smart TV apps and S-Pen and All Share Technologies.
It is really gratifying to see academia and industry collaborate in this way which is beneficial
to both communities. It is an opportunity for students and academics in all computing and
telecommunication related disciplines in the region to consider the local and regional market
needs in this field. Also, industry may benefit by uncovering innovative ideas presented by
the students and by discovering good application developers.
The Steering Committee is also indebted to Khalifa University of Science, Technology and
Research (KUSTAR) management for their generous support. The KUSTAR Organizing
Committee members have worked really hard preparing for this year’s contest and we really
thank them for the great efforts they have committed to make sure this contest is a success.
Thanks also are due to all students and supervisors who worked hard to participate this year.
Finally, we wish you all the best.
Dr. Jamal Zemerly, Chair
MAC 2013 Steering Committee
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
2. Program
Sunday May 5, 2013
Park Rotana Hotel, Abu Dhabi
08:30 AM – 09:00 AM
09:00 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
11:30 AM – 03:00 PM
03:00 PM – 03:30 PM
Registration and Coffee break
Projects Presentations/Demos
Coffee break
Projects Presentations/Demos
Judges Meeting and Prayer
03:30 PM – 05:30 PM
Award Ceremony & Lunch
Verses from Quran
Welcome Speech by Dr. Jamal Zemerly, Chair Steering Committee
Speech from Khalifa University Management
Speech from Khalifa Fund (Partner)
Speech from EAI (Platinum Sponsor)
Speech from TRA (Gold Sponsor)
Speech from Samsung (Gold Sponsor)
Presentation of certificates trophies by Sponsors and KUSTAR
Steering Committee (certificates and gifts)
Organizing Committee (certificates and gifts)
Judging Committee (certificates and special gifts)
Universities (trophies)
Presentation of certificates/trophies to Sponsors
Presentation of awards by KF, EAI, TRA, Samsung and KUSTAR
4th place, 3rd place, 2nd place, then 1st place
4:30 – 5:30 PM
Lunch (buffet)
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3. Contest Objectives and Overview
The Mobile Application Contest (MAC) is a yearly competition event held in the
United Arab Emirates. The contest solicits submissions in the form of original and
culturally focused applications designed to run on mobile devices such as smart
tablets. Participation in the
is open to all
University/College students (subject to an eligibility criterion) in the UAE.
Submissions from the ME/GCC regions are also welcome. The objectives of the
competition are:
To promote an environment which fosters the creation of innovative mobile
applications in the UAE and the region.
To provide participants with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their
mobile computing skills.
To assist participants in the business development phase needed to transform
selected applications into commercial products.
The contest is also meant to be a good opportunity for students and academics in all
computing and telecommunication related disciplines in the UAE to consider the
local and regional market needs in this field. This Contest may actually bring to the
market compelling mobile phones applications to meet the demands of today's
mobile customers.
The organization of the contest is overseen by a Steering Committee formed by
renowned members from promoting institutions. The Committee sets the policy and
general rules for the contest and interprets these rules in unforeseen situations. It
also forms, every year, a judging committee consisting of five experienced judges
selected from local industries and higher education institutions. The Judges are
responsible for evaluating and ranking the applications according to evaluation
rubrics specified by the Steering Committee. In addition, it manages the numerous
day to day phases of the event and meets regularly. The Steering Committee invites
the participating teams, judging committee members, sponsor representatives and
local media to a closing ceremony. Winning projects are announced and
corresponding team members are invited to the stage to receive their certificates and
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
The contest calls for submissions from Colleges and Universities in the UAE.
Participation from universities in the region (ME, GCC) is also welcomed. An
institution may submit a maximum of three entries. A representative of the
sponsoring institution, typically a faculty member, must serve as an official contest
contact. The faculty should also certify the eligibility of the contestants. Normally, a
team of one to three students may be associated with each submission. Each
contestant must be a student enrolled in a degree program at the sponsoring
institution with at least a half-time load. This rule is not to be construed as
disqualifying co-op students, exchange students, or students serving internships. A
student may compete for only one institution during a contest year.
All contestants must be at the undergraduate level or have just finished their degree
in the same semester of the contest (i.e. final year student). No contestant may hold
a Bachelor Degree. Contestant eligibility is determined during the academic term
ending closest to the date of submission as set by the Steering Committee.
Applications may fall in any type and category of services such as lifestyle,
entertainment, business, professional, etc. Applications must however be original.
Also applications focused to the Islamic, and/or Arabic cultures are encouraged.
They may be programmed to run on all mobile devices or on specific phones using
special APIs.
At least one member per team must be present at the contest day in order to
demonstrate and run the submitted application. It is the responsibility of the teams to
bring and setup the required software and hardware needed to successfully present
the various applications. Failure to run an application successfully will result in
automatic disqualification and withdrawal from the competition.
The judges are solely responsible for evaluating and assessing the applications
based on the specified rubrics below. The judges rank the entries and determine the
first four winners of the contest. The judges are empowered to adjust for or
adjudicate unforeseen events or conditions. Their decision is final and cannot be
challenged. It is the responsibility of the Steering Committee to specify any tiebreakers. Tie-breaker policies are announced to the contestants before the contest
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The judges will evaluate and grade each application based on the following criteria:
Culturally focused
The Steering Committee seeks sponsorships from interested parties such as local
organizations, telecommunications providers, regulatory authorities, investment
incubators, mobile application vendors, mobile handset manufacturers. The amount
of sponsorship levels are defined below with the corresponding sponsor benefits.
Category Number Amount
in AED
Platinum 1
Logos on all web pages, promotional
and published material, press releases
(name only), and contest handout.
10 minute speech time at the award
Large display area with own
promotional material at the
contest/ceremony day.
Logos on all web pages, promotional
and published material, press releases
(name only), and contest handout.
5 minute speech time at the award
Small booth with own promotional
material at the contest/ceremony day.
Same as Gold but without the Booth.
The amount of sponsorship of the gold and silver categories could be offered as
cash or in-like as gifts to the participants, committee members and contest winners.
It could also be offered as training costs paid directly to the training institute (training
could be in any of the mobile application platforms/languages such as
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
accommodates about 20 students).
For investment incubators they can have first-hand look at the presented
applications and may hold business meetings directly with the winners or any other
team they choose to promote.
For mobile application vendors also they can have exclusive access to the
applications after negotiation and consent of the mobile application owners.
For mobile manufacturers they can negotiate directly with the winners in order to
provide their handsets with the chosen applications.
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4. MAC 2013 Overview
This year, Emirates Advanced Investments (EAI), Khalifa Fund, Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority (TRA), and Samsung, are generously sponsoring the Mobile
Application Contest 2013 (MAC 2013). While the Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department in Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTARSharjah and Abu Dhabi) is organizing the event.
Training Seminar
Contestants received a two-day training sessions on Android and Windows Phone
8.0 at Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research premises in Abu
Dhabi. The sessions was held on the 9th and 10th of March 2013. One training
session about iOS development was held on the 16th and 17th March on Khalifa
University premises in Sharjah. The training is aimed at introducing the participating
contestants to the cutting-edge and widely used as well as new technology. The
training was provided by instructors from AsgaTech (Egypt). Trainees were also
introduced to different examples and exercises in writing mobile application
programs in order to enhance their skills, which will lead to better quality projects in
the contest. Samsung Also offered 2 training session on their Smart TV apps on 27th
and 28th March one in Abu Dhabi Campus and the other in Sharjah Campus. Similar
arrangement for training on S-Pen and All-Share Technologies were made on 3rd
and 4th April.
Training Registration
Free Training Sessions
Applications Submission
Award Ceremony
2nd March 2013
9th -10th & 16th – 17th March 2013
27th - 28th March 3rd - 4th April 2013
28th April 2013
5th May 2013
Note: Registration is only required to attend the training. The contest does not
require any registration. Students who attend training sessions are expected to
participate in the contest and submit an application. Students who register for any of
the training sessions and do not show up on the training days will be disqualified
from the contest. Their supervisors will be prevented from registering any students
the following year.
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5. MAC 2013 Committees and Speakers
Steering Committee
Dr. Jamal Zemerly, Chair, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research
Dr. Ghassan Qadah, American University of Sharjah
Dr. Wael Bazzi, American University in Dubai
Mr. Saif Bin Ghelaita, TRA (Also Chief Judge)
Dr. Farag Sallabi, UAE University
Dr. Naveed Ahmed, University of Sharjah
Prof. Wathiq Mansoor, American University in Dubai
Dr. Ashraf Khalil, University of Abu Dhabi
Organizing Committee
Dr. Jamal Zemerly, Chair (Khalifa University-SHJ)
Dr. Youssef Iraqi (Khalifa University -SHJ)
Dr. Amjad Gawanmeh (Khalifa University -SHJ)
Mr. Tarek El Far (Khalifa University -SHJ)
Dr. Ahmed Bentiba (Khalifa University -SHJ)
Dr. Paul Yoo (Khalifa University -AD)
Judging Committee
Mr. Saif Bin Ghelaita (Chief Judge), Director Technologies & Standards, TRA
Mr. Ali Jaber, Sr. Director ICT Services, Emirates Advanced Investments Group
Dr. Wael Bazzi, American University of Dubai
Mr. Raed Daoudi, Manager Learning & Development, Khalifa Fund
Mr. Ralph Dagher, Manager Regional Content & Services, Samsung
Khalifa University Representative
Khalifa Fund Representative
EAIG Representative
TRA Representative
Samsung Representative
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6. Participants
Participating Universities/students
Abu Dhabi University
Rania Hatem Hamouda
Mariam Ajili
Nur-A-Zarin Nishat
Amnah AlNammi
Mahdi Dibbouza
Ahmed Musleh
Hamed El Moussalli
Mohammed Farooq
Mohammed Hassen Al Tohamy
Assem Marwan
Hassan Abdel-Sabour
Muhammad Obaidullah
Sifat Sultan
Mohamed Hassen Mohamed
AlHosn University, Abu Dhabi
Yasmin Grisi
Dima Soufi
Dalya Mohanad
Arab American University-Jenin, Palestine
Belal Ghanem
Awab Zaid
Cairo University
Mohammed Hussein Ghazali
Gulf College of Oman
Shaher Al Junaibi
Kanwal Shabbir
Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research
Hussam Mohsineh (
Dina Atia
Fatma Mohamed
Aamna Alhammadi
Mustafa Hammad
Abdallah Zoubir Ourad
Omar Abduljaleel
Nasser Al Rayhi
Shaimaa Al Hefaity
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Abdulrahman Almousa
Albara Hakami
Omar Alessa
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Mohammad Albarrak
Abdullah Altukhais
Abdullah Al-Harbi
Abdullah Al-Jabri
Salem Al-Harbi
Qatar University
Khansa Chemnad Abdul Jaleel
Yasmin Alaeddin Halwani
Maryam Rageb Sayed
The Hashemite University
Noor nofal
Manar maayah
Shorouq al-raggad
Saba Mohammad
Sahar Doudeen
Somaya Zuiter
Manal Ali AL-husban
Salma Osama Abu Nimeh
Shayma Issam Samarah
Sundus Alsmadi
Manar Aleishan
Sara Ali
University of Bahrain
Abdullah Buhadod
Ali Darwish
United Arab Emirates University
Khalid Al Shehhi
Ahmad Al Jaberi
Ahmad Al Zarooni
Hamad Al Badi
Rashed Al Seraidy
Mohammed Al Bahri
Kalthoom Al Awar
Mouza Al Neyadi
Amna Al Dhaheri
Nujood Al Sayari
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Participating Supervisors/Universities/Applications
Project Title
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal
Abu Dhabi University
Smart Waiting Room: Advanced Queue
Management Mobile Application
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal &
Eng. Ahmed Sweleh
Abu Dhabi University
Green Socket: Mobile Based Power Monitoring
and Management System
Dr. Hassan Hajjdiab
Abu Dhabi University
Traffic Center
Dr. Ashraf Khalil
Abu Dhabi University
SkinScan: a mobile app for skin cancer
monitoring, screening, and awareness
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal
Abu Dhabi University
Angry Birds Real
M-Vote: A Reliable and Highly Secure Mobile
Voting System
Dr. Adel Khelifi
Al Hosn University
Dr. Muath Sabha
Arab American University-Jenin, Palestine
Dr. Hesham N. Elmahdy
Cairo University
Dr. Mohaned Al Obaidy
Gulf College, Muscat (Oman)
IPhone Application Constructions Details
Dr. Jamal Zemerly
Khalifa University of Science, Technology
and Research (Sharjah Campus)
myVOW: my Voluntary Organization Work
Dr. Paul Yoo &
Kin (Danny) Poon &
Dr. Jason Ng
Khalifa University of Science, Technology
and Research (Abu Dhabi Campus)
iVisit: Intelligent AR-Supported Mobile Visitor
Guide Application
Dr. Jamal Zemerly
Khalifa University of Science, Technology
and Research (Sharjah Campus)
Safe Journey
Dr. Mohammad Alshayeb
King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Penguins Game
Dr. Mohammad Alshayeb
King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Sout Albayan
Dr.Mohammed Samaka
Qatar University
Cairo Metro
Robot Control Application with Networking
Features - Lykabot
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Oqily
The Hashemite University
Set Al Habayeb a Pregnancy System
Dr. Fadi Wedyan
The Hashemite University
You Are The Chef
Dr. Fadi Wedyan
The Hashemite University
Dr. Fadi Wedyan
The Hashemite University
Dr. Adel Kamal &
Dr. Faisel Al-Qead
University of Bahrain
Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
United Arab Emirates University
Diet Assist: Mobile NFC Enabled Nutritional
Shopping Assistant
Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
United Arab Emirates University
ChildGuard: Tracking Children According to an
Activity Schedule
Dr. Jose Lopez Berengueres United Arab Emirates University
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Developing a cars’ traffic analyser mobile App
for Bahrain by using the cross-platform
Cooking Time (Game)
5 May, 2013
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Timetable for MAC 2013 application presentations Sunday 5th May 2013
Park Rotana Hotel – Abu Dhabi – Ballrooms 1&2
08:30 -09:00
09:00 – 09:15
Dr. Jamal Zemerly
09:15 – 09:30
Dr. Paul Yoo &
Kin (Danny) Poon &
Dr. Jason Ng
09:30 – 09:45
Dr. Jamal Zemerly
09:45 – 10:00
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal
10:00 – 10:15
Dr. Sanja LazarovaMolnar
10:15 – 10:30
Dr. Sanja LazarovaMolnar
10:30 – 10:45
Dr. Hassan Hajjdiab
10:45 – 11:00
Dr. Jose Lopez
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 11:45
Dr. Adel Khelifi
11:45 – 12:00
Dr. Ashraf Khalil
12:00 – 12:15
Dr.Mohammed Samaka
12:15 – 12:30
Dr. Fadi Wedyan
12:30 – 12:45
Dr. Fadi Wedyan
12:45 – 13:00
Dr. Fadi Wedyan
13:00 – 13:15
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Oqily
13:15 – 13:30
Dr. Adel Kamal &
Dr. Faisel Al-Qead
13:30 – 13:45
Dr. Mohammad
13:45 – 14:00
Dr. Mohammad
14:00 – 14:15
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal
& Eng. Ahmed Sweleh
14:15 – 14:30
Dr. Mohaned Al Obaidy
14:30 – 14:45
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal
14:45 – 15:00
Dr. Muath Sabha
15:0 0– 15:15
15:15 – 15:30
15:30 – 17:00
Dr. Hesham N. Elmahdy
Project Title
Khalifa University of Science,
Hussam Mohsineh
myVOW: my Voluntary Organization Work
Technology and Research (SHJ)
Dina Atia
Khalifa University of Science,
iVisit: Intelligent AR-Supported Mobile
Fatma Mohamed
Technology and Research (AD)
Visitor Guide Application
Aamna Alhammadi
Abdulla Zoubir
Khalifa University of Science,
Mustafa Hammad
Safe Journey
Technology and Research (SHJ)
Omar Abdul Jaleel
Rania Hatem Hamouda
Mariam Ajili
Smart Waiting Room: Advanced Queue
Abu Dhabi University
Nur-A-Zarin Nishat
Management Mobile Application
Amnah AlNammi
Khalid Al Shehhi
United Arab Emirates
Diet Assist: Mobile NFC Enabled Nutritional
Ahmad Al Jaberi
Shopping Assistant
Ahmad Al Zarooni
Hamad Al Badi
United Arab Emirates
ChildGuard: Tracking Children According
Rashed Al Seraidy
to an Activity Schedule
Mohammed Al Bahri
Hamed El Moussalli
Mohammed Farooq
Abu Dhabi University
Traffic Center
Mohammed Hassen Al Tohamy
Kalthoom Al Awar
Mouza Al Neyadi
United Arab Emirates
Cooking Time (Game)
Amna Al Dhaheri
Nujood Al Sayari
Yasmin Grisi
M-Vote: A Reliable and Highly Secure
Dima Soufi
Al Hosn University
Mobile Voting System
Dalya Mohanad
Assem Marwan
SkinScan: a mobile app for skin cancer
Abu Dhabi University
Hassan Abdel-Sabour
monitoring, screening, and awareness
Khansa Chemnad Abdul Jaleel
Robot Control Application with Networking
Yasmin Alaeddin Halwani
Qatar University
Features - Lykabot
Maryam Rageb Sayed
Saba Mohammad
Sahar Doudeen
The Hashemite University
You Are The Chef
Somaya Zuiter
Manal Ali AL-husban Salma
Osama Abu Nimeh
The Hashemite University
Shayma Issam Samarah
Sundus Alsmadi
Manar Aleishan
The Hashemite University
Sara Ali
Noor Nofal
Manar Maayah
The Hashemite University
Set Al Habayeb: a Pregnancy System
Shorouq Al-Raggad
Developing a cars’ traffic analyser mobile
Abdullah Buhadod
University of Bahrain
App for Bahrain by using the cross-platform
Ali Darwish
Abdulrahman Almousa
Albara Hakami, Omar Alessa King Fahd University of
Sout Albayan
Mohammad Albarrak
Petroleum & Minerals
Abdullah Altukhais
Abdullah Al-Harbi
King Fahd University of
Abdullah Al-Jabri
Penguins Game
Petroleum & Minerals
Salem Al-Harbi
Mahdi Dibbouza
Green Socket: Mobile Based Power
Abu Dhabi University
Ahmed Musleh
Monitoring and Management System
Shaher Al Junaibi
Gulf College, Muscat (Oman)
IPhone Application Constructions Details
Kanwal Shabbir
Muhammad Obaidullah
Sifat Sultan
Abu Dhabi University
Angry Birds Real
Mohamed Hassen Mohamed
Belal Ghanem
Arab American UniversityTEJWAL
Awab Zaid
Jenin, Palestine
Mohammed Hussein Ghazali Cairo University
Cairo Metro
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7. Mobile Applications
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my Voluntary Organization Work (myVOW)
Hussam Mohsineh, Supervisor: Dr. Jamal Zemerly
Khalifa University (Hussam@my
1. Introduction
Human quality of life can be improved through voluntary work that is about providing services for
individuals or communities without financial recompense. It takes a variety of forms such as;
environmental volunteering, online volunteering, skills
skills-based volunteering
teering and volunteering in an
emergency. Voluntary work is arranged by a broad spectrum of organizations, however, the technique
being used is not very efficient where in most cases organizations approach volunteers through a
broadcast email of the job along with its details to all the available mailing list and waiting for the
volunteers to respond back. Fortunately, with new technologies and mobile phone features regular
tasks could be improved through a more systematic and reliable design providing additional
additional features
and more targeted content for different volunteering interests.
myVOW is an intelligent voluntary organization work application that reinforces the values of
voluntary work among communities providing a more optimized method of organizi
organizing voluntary
work as well as easy-to-use
use user interface where the application is intended to be cross-platform.
2. Project Description
myVOW brings the voluntary work to a new stage by using a mobile application that allows
volunteers to create profiles and
d specify their interests and also offers volunteering organizations an
access to post, manage voluntary work and award achievers reward points. Volunteers can simply
download the application and create an account with the following details:
Profile picture
Date of birth
About me
First name
Mobile number
Last name
Blood group
Volunteers can also enjoy enhanced volunteering experience as they
can view available matching posts, receive direct notifications for new
posts, reference for completed voluntary work, distance calculation
form the last known user GPS location to the available
voluntary work,
number of views along with each post, voluntary work location map as
well as sharing feature over many social networks as Twitter and
ganizations can use a specially designed website to register and login
to their voluntary
ry organization panel where they can:
Post a volunteering job
Manage the volunteering job
Access contact information of the interested volunteers
Award reward points upon completing the job
Whenever there are volunteers with matchin
matching volunteering interests within a 20 km range from the
location of the job specified by the latitude and longitude a notification will be sent along with the full
job description.
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Once some volunteers accepted the volunteering job, their contact
information will appear in the organization panel for further
arrangements. After completing a voluntary work, organizations
can award up to 50 points to each of those who helped them.
myVOW points are stored in the same shared database along with
the users profiles where the users can navigate within the
application to the “Ranks” tab and get a feedback about their
standing among the top five achievers as for weekly, monthly and
yearly records.
System administrator will have a special website to access all
provided users data, add new users, send messages to them (which
appears in myVOW “message” tab) as well as modifying available
volunteering interests and update them
whenever needed.
There are also some filters added in the
admin panel along with a search feature to
simplify the system administration as well as
facilitating more features.
The system architecture is as shown below
where it includes a shared database to hold all
volunteers accounts and interests along with
PHP server put on the cloud to ensure the
availability of services along the hour for
organizations and volunteers to help in projects for the benefit of the community.
System Architecture
3. Conclusion
This application along with the features it provides is the only of its kind for voluntary work that can
be labeled as made in UAE and used globally with no boundaries. Future improvements include:
support for different mobile device platforms, language support and an extended features to become a
social network.
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
iVisit: Intelligent AR-Supported Mobile Visitor Guide Application
Dina Atia, Fatma Mohamed, Aamna Alhammadi
Advisors: Drs. Paul D. Yoo, Kin (Danny) Poon, Jason Ng
Khalifa University for Science Technology & Research, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Etisalat BT Innovation Center (EBTIC), Abu Dhabi, UAE
{100020242, 100020254, 100020202}
1. Introduction
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that augments the real world objects interactively with the aid
of computer-generated information displayed in real time environment. AR aims to supplement the
real world and bring information into the user’s environment rather than taking him/her to a virtual
environment as in Virtual Reality [1]. There are a variety of AR-based applications ranging from
smart education, medical visualization and annotation, robot path planning to military aircraft
navigation. Most AR systems have been built on a high-performance PC because of the intensive
computational power required for 3D image rendering and calculations. However, due to recent
advancement and popularities in handheld computers (i.e. smartphones and tablet PCs), these portable
devices have become an increasingly attractive platform for AR applications.
2. Project Description
The objective of this project is to develop an AR application for Android platform that enriches the
visiting experience of the user when visiting a museum or an exhibition centre.
iVisit application provides the following features:
Allows visitors to have a self-tour in the exhibition and explore each booth/section with ARenhanced user’s experience via multimedia, image or 3D model …etc.
Allows the user to interact with a smart brochure that replaces the ordinary, printed ones to:
a. Make a direct phone call automatically to the help desk by capturing the ‘phone’ symbol
identification without the need of entering the number manually. This prevents users from
making mistakes while copying the phone number. It also provides kind of transparency
in which the user can still call the exhibition center even if its phone number has changed.
b. Send an email directly by capturing the ‘email’ symbol identification without the need of
memorizing or copying the email address.
c. Visit the exhibition'
s website directly by capturing the ‘website’ symbol identification
without the need of memorizing or copying the HTTP address.
Guides the visitor to the museum/exhibition center by drawing driving directions from his/her
current location -based on the built-in GPS feature- to the museum/exhibition center.
Enables users to view the opening hours of the museum/exhibition center and the available
booths/sections and make a reservation for a visit.
Supports both Arabic and English languages, depending on the phone language.
Supports speech commands in Arabic and English, depending on the phone language, as
another type of controlling the application especially while driving.
3. Conclusion
The ideas used in iVisit can have wide application in many areas. The Intel Discovery Centre at
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, provides an excellent opportunity to experiment our AR application.
Visitors of Discovery Centre can make good use of the interactive environment to explore different
booths/sections of the centre with the guide and support provided by iVisit by themselves at their own
pace. This will not only help us to overcome the staff resources problem at the Discovery Center, but
also aid to provide 3D augmented and visualized information of a particular booth/section to the
visitors whenever necessary. This idea can also be applied to other areas such as public museums or
exhibition centers to offer personalized self-guided tour for their visitors. In addition, iVisit not only
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supports greener/paperless environments but also resolves resource update issues with the provision
of effective web-links to the latest e-resources (i.e., e-brouchures). The speech-driven feature for
traffic navigation embedded in iVisit will also help to reduce the car accidents rate in the UAE
undoubtedly – the UAE is the 9th in the traffic-related accident world rank [2].
T. H. Höllerer and S. K. Feiner, "Chapter Nine: Mobile Augmented Reality," in
Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services, 2004. [Online]. Available:
World Health Organization, Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013 – Supporting A Decade
of Action
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Safe Journey
Mustafa Hammad, Abdallah Zoubir Ourad, Omar Abduljaleel, Dr. Jamal Zemerly
Khalifa University (Sharjah),,,
1. Introduction
Safe Journey app is still a fresh start up to launch in the world of
business and offering services to public. The concept is to maintain
safety for passengers when using public transportation especially
ladies, children and the elderly. The objectives of this mobile app
- Maintain safety, mobility and cost of passengers when
using public transportation means.
- Assists parents in monitoring children when they are in
public transportation.
- Assists in the reduction of crimes like robbery, kidnapping
and raping by providing full information of passenger’s
2. Project Description
Safe Journey is a mobile app that maintains follow uup
p on passengers using public transportation
means by assigning a designated contact to be aware of passenger’s trip. The user will run the app and
provide some information about his trip such as vehicle number, current location, desired location,
estimated trip time and designated contact. The app is fully sustainable such that it can operates in
both online and offline mode. In online mode, the user is capable of getting his current location using
GPS technology and the desired location can be viewed from the map and added to the desired
location field. While in the offline mode, most information that the user provides are typed manually.
After submitting trip’s information, an SMS will be sent to the designated contact with trip’s
information. There are two
o possible ends for passenger’s trip illustrated in the next sections.
2.1 Arrive to destination safely
If the passenger arrived to his desired destination safely, the user will press the “arrived” button and
an SMS will reach his guardian that he arrived safely to his destination
2.2 Emergency situation
In this case the user can press the emergency button if he feels unsafe. A SMS will be sent to the
guardian informing him that his not safe with last location information. As a result, the guardian will
take appropriate action by contacting the authorities. Moreover, this will save time and effort which
willl help in increasing the probability of rescuing the victim.
3. Conclusion
As explained earlier, the app achieves the proposed purpose app features can be enhanced in
order to make Safe Journey more intelligent and reliable
Originality: the application has been developed in three days in NYUAD International Hackathon for
Social Good in the Arab World (2013) by the team.
Usability: the application is easy to use since every step is clear and obvious for the user. In addition,
it is fully sustainable since that if the user uses it, he will get the most benefit of it.
Quality: The application matches user expectation by fulfilling the required tasks. Furthermore, the
app is considered to be reliable since it operates normally most of the time.
Culture Focus: The application is intended to be used globally since it uses a global technology such
as Global Positioning System (GPS).
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Smart Waiting Room: Advanced Queue Management Mobile Application
Rania Hatem Hamouda, Mariam Ajili, Nur-A-Zarin Nishat, Amnah AlNammi
Dr. Mohammed Asaad Ghazal
Abu Dhabi University,,,,
1. Introduction
Perhaps the most common component in almost every institute is a waiting room. The
objective of our project primarily purposes the improvement and technologization of waiting
room. Basically, this project extends the functionality of mobile application by integrating
with hardware. Chiefly, our goal is to introduce NFC tags instead of paper tokens that are
used to organize the queuing system using IP. This NFC tags provides the customer with
Application in their smart phone, which updates them about the queuing system. The
performance of the stuffs and the efficiency of the ongoing system can be evaluated by
keeping a track of the system using this functionality, resulting in a better customer service.
Moreover, the customers now no longer have to waste time while waiting for their turn there
by utilizing that time for other activities. Thus, it increases the productivity of both the
customers and the organization. Furthermore, it aims to entertain the customers by providing
the facility of listening to media elements that are broadcasted in TVs which is typically
subsumed in waiting rooms. In addition, it facilitates business organization by including
advertisement and viewing pamphlets facility along side. This project also accounts for the
environmental awareness since introduction of NFC tags will eliminate the typical paper
tokens enhancing the mission of “Green Vision” launched by the Prime minister’ Office in
2012.[2]. As the NFC tags are reusable, this will prove to be cost effective as well.
Additionally, it reinforces local culture by enabling Arabic version of the application.
Consequently, this project especially meets the vision of ‘eGovernment Strategy’ which was
initiated under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan in
2005. It visions for government service modernization by ensuring effective and efficient
modern services to the customers by performance improvement, process simplification, and
use of IT.[1] Therefore, this project is accomplished while considering three vital prospective
such as productivity, local cultural and environmental awareness, and benefit of organization.
2. Project Description
This project is branched into two sections since it encompasses almost all the components
required to develop a smart waiting room. The systematic diagram of the project is illustrated
by figure: 1. An overview of the given diagram is delineated in the later two sections.
2.1 Preliminary Components
From figure 1, we see that first, the customer collects the NFC tag which contains the token
number; however, prior to that the number is activated in the system database when scanned
on a device. After getting tag, it is again scanned on a phone which launches the mobile
application. Now, on completion of the service a push button is pressed from service desk
which removes the current number from the database and requests for the next token number.
Finally, the queue information is taken from database and displayed on a LCD monitor and
mobile application. The application provides the customer with the facility of hearing audio
of the TV which is done by streaming the audio using a device and sending to the mobile
application. The mobile application is constantly updated using database. Moreover, the
employees have to login to database and specify which counter they are currently working
from so that they can start receiving the next clients as soon as they press a service button on
their profile page.
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2.2 Mobile Application
On launching the application, it provides the customer with option of choosing between
English and Arabic language. After that an activity starts with text and audio of the chosen
language. This page gives the queuing system update w
hich arrays the ticket number,
ongoing numbers and the servicing desks along with three buttons, advertising facility and
the scanned token number. One button allows the user to get the expected approximated
appearance time of the token number. Another but
ton switches to another activity which
plays the audio of the TV. The last button switches to another activity which allows the user
to view Magazines or pamphlets. The main page of the application is illustrated by figure 2.
Figure 1:: System Diagram of Smart Waiting Room
Figure 2: Main Activity Page
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, this project covers all the components to build a smart waiting room by
enhancing the mobile application. Implementation of this system will benefit both the
customer and the owner. It will increase the productivity of the entire system; con
improving the national growth.
growth. Moreover, it focuses the environmental and cultural
awareness. Additionally, it will inspire the young generation to involve and contribute to
technology since they will experience better service and efficient use of
o time.
Abu Dhabi Government. (2013) eGovernment Strategy. [On
line]. Available:,did=69698.html
Al Nisr Publishing LLC. (2013) Green Vision launched to create env
ironment awareness.
[Online]. Available: vision-launchedto-create-environment-awareness
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Diet Assist: Mobile NFC Enabled Nutritional Shopping Assistant
Khalid Al Shehhi, Ahmad Al Jaberi, Ahmad Al Zarooni, Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
1. Introduction
Today, food diets are becoming increasingly popular. People follow healthy food diets to improve
health, lose weight or even gain weight. In addition, some people are allergic to certain foods, and
have medical problems so they need to follow specific food diets. Some religions imply certain diets
too. It is essential to find a convenient way to filter food products based on these diets. As a solution,
we have developed an Android application for smartphones that helps people to decide whether a food
item is suitable or not. The application utilizes Near Field Communication (NFC), an RFID
technology, to provide a fast and simple way to scan products and get nutritional information from the
tags. In this report, there will be a detailed description of the mobile application.
2. Project Description
Our project - DietAssist is an Android application for smartphones that helps people choose suitable
food products in accordance with their diets. DietAssist allows users to select specific diets and food
items to which they have allergies. Islamic diet filters food based on Halal and non-Halal food as in
the religion of Islam. This implies that food containing pork, lard and alcohol will be categorized as
not suitable. Other diets in the application concentrate on weight control and health. For example,
low-fat diet checks the fat calories percentage of a product. If
the percentage of fat calories per serving is more than 30% the
product is considered not suitable [1]. Same goes for the highprotein diet which is suitable for people looking to build
muscles. DietAssist considers products with 40% or more
protein calories per serving as high-protein food. For
vegetarians, the application provides 2 different diets: vegan
and vegetarian. Vegan diet considers any ingredients coming
from animals as not suitable, while vegetarian allows vegan
food plus food containing eggs, honey and diary ingredients
such as yogurt and milk. For people facing medical issues such
as diabetes the application has a diet specifically for this
situation. Also, the application contains a list of the most
common allergens. The user can choose multiple diets and
allergens at the same time as shown in Figure 1. The
application filters each product based on the selection. The
database of the application contains ingredients that are
prohibited or unsuitable with the diets in the application. The
application checks the ingredients of the product needed and
compares it with the ingredients of the diet chosen. Moreover,
the application checks the nutrition facts of the product chosen
Figure 3: Diet Selection
to see if it is suitable with the diets.
2.1 Near Field Communication Tags and Nutrition Facts Template
In DietAssist the way to transfer food label information from products to a smartphone is enabled by
near field communication (NFC). NFC is a short-range wireless technology similar to Bluetooth but
it has a range of 1 to a few centimeters [2]. It can transfer small amount of data quickly by taping two
NFC-enabled devices or an NFC device with an NFC tag. NFC tags are used in the application to
store information found on food product labels. For this, we have also designed a template for storing
all nutrition facts and ingredients of a certain product on a single NFC tag. Information is saved on
tags as NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) records [3]. Product information will be saved on
several NDEF records on each tag. When an NFC enabled Android smartphone is taped to a tag the
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
information is sent to the smartphone and displayed in the
application. The application notifies the user if the product is
suitable with the diets and allergies chosen, as shown in Figure
2. In addition, the user can see the nutrition facts and ingredients
of the product scanned. If the product is not suitable for the user
he/she can see what ingredients
or nutrition amounts made this product unsuitable.
2.2 Shopping Cart Functionality
Once DietAssist displays information of a certain product, the
user has a choice of adding the product to the shopping cart,
even if it is not suitable as seen in Figure 2. The cart contains all
products that the user adds and it displays the quantity of each
product and the total price of all items, as shown in Figure 3.
This is a useful additional functionality to avoid surprises at the
cashier. The user can change quantities of products as well as
checking nutrition information for each. Deleting items from the
cart can be done at any time and all items of the cart can be
removed from the settings.
All items added to the cart are
added automatically to the
Figure 4: Product Information
database of the application
with their nutrition information. In addition, the user can check
nutrition information of any product in the cart.
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, DietAssist is developed to help people choose food
items that are beneficial to their health in a simple and friendly
way. Using NFC to enable the scanning of products simplifies the
process because it works by barely touching the smartphone with a
tag without need of synchronization passwords. It is also fast
because transferring data from tags to smartphones takes less than a
few seconds. This is certainly far less than the time needed to
manually read and scan a nutrition facts table. The application
combined with NFC technology not only makes reading food label
information easier, but it also helps in decision making and saves a
lot of shopping time.
Figure 3: Shopping Cart functionality
J. Anderson, L. Young and S. Perryman1 (12/10). Understanding the Food Label. [Online].
Available: April 27, 13.
About NFC. (n.d.). NFC Forum. [Online]. Available: April
27, 13.
NDEF Records (n.d.). Android Developers. [Online]. Available: April 27, 13.
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
ChildGuard: Tracking Children According to an Activity Schedule
Hamad Al Badi, Rashed Al Seraidy, Mohammed Al Bahri, Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
UAE University,,,,
Child safety is an important aspect to any parent in the World, especially when children are
out of home or away from their family. In the UAE, most families rely on drivers and maids
to accomplish their children’s transportation from home to school and vice versa, as well as
to any extracurricular activities that they may be attending (such as music lessons, sports,
etc.). This may release families from extra burdens, but at the same time it surely adds the
burden of concern about whether their children are safe or not. With the rising numbers of
news about accidents, kidnapping and child harassments, most parents are worried about their
children. This motivated us to design an Android mobile application ChildGuard that allows
parents to be informed about the location of their children according to a predefined schedule.
Unlike other existing applications that obtain the GPS location on request (such as “Where is
my child?” [1] and "SMS Child Locator" [2]), our application allows parents to create an
event-location schedule for their children, and the application tracks locations according to
this schedule. In this way, parents can have their peace of mind and focus on their daily
commitments without feeling the need to constantly check. In addition, our application
notifies the parent once the child has reached a scheduled destination, as well as if he/she is
late or did not show up.
2. Project Description
The ChildGuard application consists of two parts: one main application (ChildGuard), and
one auxiliary application (FindMe) which enables the GPS tracking. In the following we
provide detailed description of their functioning, as well as screenshots of its running.
Figure 5: Illustration of ChildGuard
2.1 ChildGuard Functionalities
Visualization of the use and functioning of ChidGuard are illustrated in Figure 1. Thus, the
main functionalities of ChildGuard are:
1) Allow parents to schedule events, along with time, location GPS coordinates, and driver’s
mobile number.
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2) Notify parents that “The child is on time” when the child is
in within distance of less than 100 meters from scheduled
position, and the current time among the scheduled period of
the time.
3) Notify parents that “The Child is not on time” if the child is
within distance of more than 100 meters, and enable the parents
to call the driver on his mobile which stored with the event in
web database.
4) Keeps track of late events; if the child was late for any
event, the application will save it in the “Late” History.
2.2 Application in Action
Here we present screenshots of the main functionalities. “Add
Event” button sends you to the event screen (shown in Figure
3), where you can chose the child ID (as it can be used for more
than one child) and set the event name with time (from - to),
chose if the event is reoccurring or one-off event, as well as set
Figure 2: ChildGuard main
the remaining data. Figure 4 shows the notification when the
child has reached a scheduled destination. The history screen,
shown in Figure 5 allows the user to view events history by inserting the child ID.
Figure 3: Set Events screen
Figure 4: Notification message
Figure 5: History screen
3. Conclusions
Although there are applications that can send you the position of child by SMS for instance,
this application differs by relating the position of a child with scheduled events. This would
prevent parents from constantly checking locations, as the application would take care of that.
This would give piece of mind to parents. We did our best to make the application as userfriendly as possible and made sure it uses simple controls.
[1] Where is my child? ; Available from:
[2] SMS Child Locator. Available from:
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5 May, 2013
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Traffic Center
Hamed El Moussalli, Mohammed Farooq, Mohammed Hassen Al Tohamy
Supervised by: Dr. Hassan Hajjdiab, Chair, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Technology
Abu Dhabi University,,,
1. Introduction
Traffic in UAE has become a major issue lately. However there is still a lack for a single source of
reporting and distributing traffic information to UAE citizens. The police use social media to post
traffic alerts while people call radio stations to report traffic. Traffic Center bridges the gap between
the traffic police and UAE citizens. While existing “traffic” mobile apps are navigation apps, traffic
center is solely dedicated to reporting and push traffic information to mobile users. Formally, Traffic
Center is a ‘Software as a Service for reporting and pushing real-time traffic information.’ Currently,
mobile applications for iOS, Windows Phone and Android have been developed in addition to an
HTML5 Client. All communications between various clients happen in real-time. To prevent
distracting users from using the application while driving, the application announces traffic as it
becomes relevant to the user in order to notify him and to allow him to take appropriate action. Data is
fed into the Traffic-Center through 3 main sources. User-input, Bus traffic data from the Department
of Transport, and traffic reported by Abu Dhabi Police. All these inputs are then fed into an algorithm
that determines which users this information is relevant to and is pushed in real-time to users.
2. Project Description
Traffic Center, as a technology, is divided into 3 main parts. First, an open HTTP API that allows
reporting and fetching of traffic data. Second, a Push API that allows pushing of real-time traffic
information to mobile apps and also low level clients like navigation systems and microcontrollers.
Third, mobile apps that showcase rich traffic information.
All mobile apps display rich traffic information by showcasing traffic within 15 kilometers of the
current user’s location on a map. When the application is in the background, the application switches
to using Cellular network to determine location instead of GPS in order to save battery. In
background, the server pushes traffic information, using the push algorithm that the researchers have
developed, as it becomes relevant and available to the user instead of maintaining a persistent
connection to the server in order to save battery and reduce data usage. The server also sends audio
that announces the traffic, so that the mobile application can announce it in the background instead of
distracting the user.
In order to report traffic information, the user simply shakes his/her phone. Initially, the traffic is in
the ‘unverified state’. As the user reports traffic, in real-time, a push notification is sent to the Police.
The Police have an HTML5 client that shows the pin live on a map. The police then sets this pin to
the verified state if there was traffic, in which case this information is pushed, in real-time to all users
who are in a 15km radius to the traffic. Distances on the globe are obtained by using the Haversine
algorithm. This algorithm was also implemented on the server. The following sections outline to main
corner-stones of the Traffic-Center Application.
2.1 Development of a proprietary low-level Client-Server push protocol
Developing network efficient application has always been the prime importance of mobile application
developers. To achieve this the researchers implemented a server that serves as an engine of the
application and has exposed chief functionalities as services that clients can listen to. The main
problem with traditional client-server applications present in the market is that they require a
persistent connection with the server. This causes the battery to drain faster and also utilizes the data
connection. To make the application more efficient and stand out from traditional applications, the
researchers implemented an innovative protocol which helps establish a connection with the server
only when it is required. Using this propriety algorithm, we ensure that we have quality of service for
the clients by keeping their data-usage low whilst ensuring that we are not draining the user’s battery.
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The API not only works with mobile clients, but also with lower level clients like navigation systems
and HTML5 clients.
2.2 Development of Reverse Geocoding and Text-to-Speech
Our application'
s primary distinguishing factor was to give our application an interactive interface,
that being making the application speak to the user after having detected to be in motion in order to
prevent user distraction.
ction. This feature distinguishes the traffic application from existing in
apps. Using ourr push protocol (see section 2.1)
2.1) the client informs the server whenever his location
changes which is then fed into our traffic algorithm (see section 2.
2.1) which
ch computes the nearest
traffic location to the client. The nearest location is then fed into a reverse geocoding algorithm to
obtain a human readable address. The human readable address is then converted into speech which is
broadcasted to the client (and all clients that have this traffic information relevant to). The text is
converted to speech and which is how the application “speaks” or notifies the client application of the
traffic location. By doing this we ensure that the user does not get distracte
d while driving.
2.3 Development of Clients
The researchers’ main goal was to have the apps running on as many platforms
as possible. By designing an HTTP API and the Push Algorithm, traffic center
can run on a variety of platforms. Currently native applications have been
developed for Android, Windows
ows Phone, and iOS. These applications work in
the background and foreground and display an interactive map to the user
through which he can see various traffic. The following are the screen shots of
the Windows Phone and iOS applications.
Figure 6: App running on iOS & WP
2.4 Integration with Department of Transport and Traffic Police Department
Currently the researchers have approached the Department of Transport in order to allow inputting
live traffic data from the busses into the system. This way live and accurate traffic information can be
made available to people in real-time.
time. We are also in the process of initiating talks with the Abu
Dhabi Police so that they can provide traffic verification via our free HTML5 client. Upon
verification, user submitted traffic can be made more accur
accurate and available to users.
2.5 Future Plans
The researchers are planning to further push the limits of innovation by developing 2 additional
algorithms. First, is an automatic rout
route generation that avoids all traffic.. This can be developed by
implementing an algorithm similar to the network packet routing. This will allow the application to
automatically generate a path that avoids all traffic. In addition, when more and more data become
available an algorithm for automatic traffic detecting using AI. This will make it even easier to gather
information without users actually reporting traffic.
3. Conclusion
Traffic Center gives the UAE citizens and authorities to report and fetch traffic information in real
realtime. It provides revolutionary features like text
speech to prevent user distraction, reverse
geocoding to fetch landmark names instead of raw location co
co-ordinates, a real-time
time push API that
allows as many clients as possible, various accurate sources of traffic data and a simple way for users
to report traffic and for the police to verify it. Traffic Center solves the most fundamental problem of
traffic in the UAE and allows users to reach their destination on time.
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Cooking Time (Game)
Kalthoom Al Awar, Mouza Al Neyadi, Amna Al Dhaheri, Nujood Al Sayari,
Dr. Jose Lopez Berengueres
UAE University,,,,,
1. Introduction
Lately, Technology invaded people lives quickly and became part of the existence of their daily
activities. As part of the huge technological development some got lost in the globalization and forgot
their cultural fundamentals. Everyday some groups of locals are being formed up in a try to preserve
the identity of each country by distributing awareness of the value of traditions and heritage.
However, it is not an easy job to force people to look back at their culture willingly, especially the
younger generations who are always thirsty for exciting new out of routine things. They started to
change the way they talk, dress, eat and make choices which although can be toward the good, but
mostly is a negative for being far away from what the country is raised upon and conflicting with their
traditions. To be more specific about this wide problem, we focused our attention to food and
youngsters experience as well as skill in cooking traditional food. Due to surveys results of 100 local
girls and boys we figured out that our community is really facing a threatening situation that needs an
urgent yet exciting step to influence this slice of people.
Therefore, we as local IT students decided to use our knowledge and skills to help protecting the old
and precious and drag the generations’ attention back to their heritage. As an initiative move from our
team, our project was decided to be mobile game application about cooking traditional food. The
game will have different levels with a variety of Emirati dishes to simulate in an exact cooking steps
kind of game. We believe it has a lot of potential to be successful in the mobile application market
because it is the first Arabic cooking game. Also, from our look at the market there is a huge shortage
in cooking games section. Moreover, it will represent our Arabic culture globally in a way that is
easily receivable by others unlike some difficult nongaming applications that are too traditional to be
understood by nonlocals. As games can be really attractive and educational at the same time, it is
better to deploy our game to indirectly plant traditional knowledge in the minds of young generations.
2. Project Description
2.1 Story
The game is about a girl called Meera who does not know how to cook the Emirati cuisine. One
day, her grandmother decided to move into Meera’s parents’ house. The grandmother was
shocked by the fact that Meera does not know how to cook Emirati cuisine, so she decided to
teach and train her till she becomes a fine lady in her grandmother’s eyes.
2.2 Project Goal
To develop an Arabic cooking game for mobile devices that teaches the new generation the
Emirati cuisine and how to cook it in an entertaining way.
2.3 Project Objectives
Build a mobile application (cooking game) in the local Arabic language at UAE.
Teach the young generation how to cook UAE traditional food.
Increase the number of Arabic games on the market.
Enter the market of tablet applications, especially iOS and Android.
Represent the UAE culture.
Blend the education within the entertainment theme.
2.4 Success Criteria
The widespread of smart mobile devices between young people.
The need of Arabic applications on the market.
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The ability to build simple user interface
The ability to design characters that represent the new generation in an attractive way.
2.5 Engineering Environment and Methodology
The game designed such that it can be deployed on multiple devices, i.e. Apple’s iPad and iPhone,
Samsung’s tablets and phones. In order to develop it, we used laptops that run under different
operating systems: Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Mac OS X Lion, and Windows XP. Furthermore,
we used an Apple’s iPad and Samsung phones for testing purposes. The game developed using
Lua scripting language. Through our search, we found that it is one of the well-known languages
for game development [1]. As for the game engine, we used Gideros Mobile.
2.6 Snapshot from the game
Some snapshot from the implemented game are below:
Figure 8 main menu
Figure 7 main majlis of dishes
Figure 9 A phase on balaleet dish
3. Conclusion
Preserving part of our culture that got affected heavily because of the different reasons, which is food,
is one of our main concerns as locals of UAE. As Jean Anthelem said “Cooking is one of the oldest
arts and one that has rendered us the most important service in civic life"[2]. We trust our passion and
motivation to do a service to our culture. Therefore, we noticed the need of representing UAE culture
and heritage, and we agreed to set our project aim to build up an application for people to learn how to
cook the traditional food in an interesting way. As we have found, the proposed solution of
developing simulation mobile application to teach cooking showed a great potential in the Arabic
market based on people’s feedback. The “Tabekh Time” game (
) will educate users on how to
cook traditional dishes indirectly while getting indulged in an interactive game. The game was
favored to be in the Emirati local dialect and with some sense of humor in order to be a great source
of attraction and benefit. The game will not only be an entertainment mean but an educational one in
an indirect way by indulging the user in an amusing cooking experience following the correct cooking
steps. In the end of this project, we plan to conclude our hard efforts by implementing a complete
game that is ready to be launched in the market and achieve huge fame and success.
Wikipedia. (2012, May 7). Lua (programming language) [Online]. Available: [2012, May 8].
Wikipedia. (2012, April 7).Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. [Online]. Available: [2012, March 14].
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
M-Vote: A Reliable and Highly Secure Mobile Voting System
Yasmin Grisi, Dima Soufi, Dalya Mohanad, Dr. Adel Khelifi
ALHOSN University, {ykelabd01, dmabdulrahman01, dmsoufi01},
1. Introduction
The critical issue in elections is choosing a leader who will represent his nation and preserve its
citizens’ rights with the threat of a criminal element attempting to influence the outcome of the
election. Unfortunately, such disruptions have occurred at many paper-based voting stations, and also
in some electronic voting systems. To avoid the mistakes made by both manual and electronic voting
systems, we have developed the M-Vote system to try to achieve the desired goal, which is to
preserve the integrity of elections. M-Vote is a mobile phone application that uses three level of
security, which are username, password and national ID, fingerprint, and a strong dedicated security
algorithm. These techniques prevent votes from being deleted or changed, enhance integrity and put
an end to criminal acts. The results showed that M-Vote is a highly secured mobile application that
facilitates the vote process for most of people, since they only need a mobile phone and an Internet
connection to participate in the election process.
2. M-Vote System Description
M-Vote provides the ability to conduct the voting process without the direct intervention of polling
stations, as simply as possible, and voters can cast their votes via a mobile phone. With its
contribution to a fair and accurate election process, will constitute a successful step toward achieving
democracy. Moreover, little or no resistance to change is expected with the implementation of this
system, as no particular skills are required to administer the biometric voter registration process.
Furthermore, since a fingerprint can be captured by anyone, there is no concern about the concept that
forbids or restricts physical contact with a member of the opposite gender. Changes in biometric
characteristics, such as a fingerprint is being altered by a scratch or by a work-related change is not an
issue for M-Vote, since the voter will have scanned all his/her fingers during registration. In addition,
no new equipment or systems is needed to achieve the required standards and to facilitate the voting
process. Finally, M-Vote is being developed for many uses, varying from students’ representative
selection to government elections and other formal response-based procedures.
2.1 Requirements analysis
The analysis phase was conducted based on three methods of gathering requirements for our M-Vote
system. We called on the knowledge of people who had already participated in the election process.
We also elicited requirements elicited from qualified people in this domain who are election officers
who manage the voting process. In addition, because of the widespread use of many different
electronic voting systems, we were able to gather information based on the methodology and
requirements implemented by those systems. As a result, we benefited from the experience of their
users, both positive and negative. This information also helps us to avoid mistakes that have been
made in the past.
2.2 Voting operation details using M-Vote
M-Vote has client/server architecture. The client of M-Vote is the mobile phone (figure 1). The
registration process determines the identity of the voters. If their identity is authenticated, the voters
are allowed to exercise their responsibility to participate in elections. There are techniques available
that facilitate the registration process to ensure the identity of voters, and that each voter votes only
once, using voters’ digital information. One of these is a database, on the server side, that stores and
records the required data. The second technique is one of the best known and most widely publicized
biometrics, fingerprint recognition. Because of their uniqueness and consistency, fingerprints have
been used for identification for over a century. According to UNDP Task Force “The use of
automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) that record, store, search, match and identify
finger prints is rapidly expanding. AFIS can be integrated in a suite of applications that work together
to provide comprehensive fingerprint and palm print identification solutions to accommodate the
needs of voter registration systems, as well as voter authentication and voter identification systems
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used at voting time”. In a production scenario, M-Vote server side (figure 2) has a database, which is
connected to the government identity authority server to check the voter’s identity. If the person is 18
or over and wishes to participate in the election process and elect a candidate, he must participate in
the registration process. Through M-Vote, the voter provides information such as his/her national ID
number and fingerprint. Then, this information is transmitted directly to the government server to
verify the identity and age of the voter. If the information entered by the voter conforms to the
information in the government database, the voter information is recorded on the system database
server. The registration process is now complete, and he/she can participate in the voting process.
Otherwise an error message is displayed, stating that there is no such information in the database.
Later, if the voter wishes to modify his information, he/she has the ability to do that, but without the
authority to change the vote.
Figure 1. M-Vote Client Side
2.3 M-Vote Security Mechanism
Figure 2. M-Vote Server Side
Of the many objectives associated with information security systems; privacy or confidentiality, data
integrity and authentication are the framework objectives, and the remaining ones can be derived from
these. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is an approved algorithm which uses a 128/192/256
bit key to generate cipher text. This is one of the strongest encryption algorithms available, and has
been evaluated on software as well as hardware platforms, like FPGAs and ASICs. It has been found
that the mix-column in encryption and inverse mix-column in decryption are most computational and
hence consumes large amount of clock period time. This reduces the throughput and also increases
the dynamic power consumption. Hence we implemented in M-Vote, a modified algorithm for AES,
in which substitute byte, shift row will remain as in the original AES and mix column operation is
replaced by 128 permutation operation followed by add round key operation.
3. Conclusion
Throughout the long history of the democratic process, and with the progress of time and changes in
people’s needs, the election is a powerful tool for peacefully resolving conflicts, whether political,
religious, or economic, based on the will of the majority. As such, an election leads to a period of
transition in any country. Security, integrity, and availability form the cornerstone of any voting
process, and the nature of that process can affect both the actual and perceived legitimacy of electoral
outcomes. During the development of our M-Vote system, the previous experience of the participants
in the field of manual and electronic voting systems was considered, as were the vulnerabilities and
weaknesses of the manual and e-voting systems in use today. M-Vote is designed to improve on
current voting processes by allowing voters to cast their ballot via mobile phones, streamline the
registration process by requiring simply the voter’s national ID number to check his/her eligibility and
scanned fingerprint to ensure integrity, eliminate vote tampering, and increase voter confidence in the
voting process. The results show that M-Vote is a secured mobile application that increases the
accuracy and efficiency of the voting process. In fact, it accommodates very large numbers of voters,
since the process doesn'
t require a great deal of effort and it can be completed quickly. Finally, with
more enhancements and publicity, M-Vote could be an ideal solution for voting, it is a method that
demands integrity on the part of both nation and government.
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SkinScan: a mobile app for skin cancer monitoring, screening, and awareness
Assem Marwan, Hassan Abdel-Sabour, Ashraf Khalil,,
1. Introduction
Skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer. According to WHO (World Health
Organization) one in every three cancers diagnosed is a skin cancer incidence. Currently, between 2
and 3 million non-melanoma skin cancers and over 132,000 melanoma skin cancers occur globally
each year with more than 65,000 patients every year dying because of melanoma [1]. There are many
risk factors associated with skin cancer people but residence of hot countries such as UAE have
higher chances to be affected by skin cancer given the long hours of exposure to the sun light and the
excessive heat of the sun. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America has published a research that found that people who are exposed to the afternoon sun light
regularly are 5 times more subject to suffering from skin cancers [2].
Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells that often develops on areas of the skin exposed to the
sun’s rays. It affects people of all colors and races, although those with light skin who sunburn easily
have a higher risk. The most common warning sign of skin cancer is a change in the appearance of the
skin, such as a new growth or a sore that will not heal.
2. Project Description
Skin cancer often starts from benign moles or freckles and
develops for a long time without showing any serious symptoms
that may alert the patient to seek advice from a specialist. This
often leads to discovering skin cancer in late stages where the
chances of survival are very low for an otherwise very easily
treatable cancer requiring a minimal amount of intervention. The
harmless start of cancerous moles combined with the large
number of moles many people have often leads to negligence
from the side of the patient. Patients often feel hesitant visiting a
dermatologist for consultation given the low probability of any
given mole turning cancerous, along with other factors such as
long waiting time to see a dermatologist, lack of access to
specialists and often the significant cost involved.
Our SkinScan application tries to address all of the above limitations by significantly decreasing the
cost and effort of accessing a specialist’s advice and feedback. SkinScan connects users with
dermatologists by email, sending photos of suspicious moles for review by a specialist, who responds
with advice and rates the moles according to a scale that we will develop. While the specialists’
advice is significant, the most important part of the application is the awareness component, by which
the app provides users with all kinds of information about skin cancer and how they can stay healthy.
Information ranges from tips, advice, Q&A, and recent advances in the field of skin care in general
and skin cancer in particular. SkinScan is not designed or marketed to replace face-to-face visits with
specialists; on the contrary, the app aims to better educate users on when to seek an appointment and
make physical visits more efficient and effective. In addition, a main feature of the app is to provide
users with a list of nearby specialists that they can visit. SkinScan will ultimately serve as a portal for
everything related to skin cancer prevention and awareness.
SkinScan is a mobile application that anyone can use to take a picture of a suspicious growth on their
skin and report it back to the doctors. All they have to do is take an image with their mobile phone of
a mole on their body, and upload the picture to our cloud database using a secure connection with the
cloud. Once uploaded to our database, certified doctors can check the picture of the user and give it a
comment and a rating from 0 to 5 depending on patient medical condition. Once a specialist posts a
comment about the image, the patient receives a notification on his mobile phone and he can easily
view the comment. The user can also provide additional information about the uploaded picture to
guide the efforts of the doctor.
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SkinScan takes special care to provide people with reliable advice given the sensitive nature of cancer
screening and diagnosis, which can have serious implications of people’s health. This is achieved
through successive steps. Firstly, special care will be taken in recruiting qualified skin specialists
(dermatologists) by invitation only. At a later stage, other mechanisms can be put in place to ensure
quality but allow for scalability at the same time, such as allowing reliable specialists to invite others.
Secondly, every picture submitted to the system will be reviewed by at least two specialists, and, if
there is a significant difference in their assessment of a suspicious mole, a third independent specialist
will be consulted, and the user will be informed of the different assessments given by the specialists.
Thirdly, in case of any doubt, the system will inform the user to visit a specialist and provide him or
her with contact information for nearby specialists.
The application also provides a timeline reference to the patient where the patient takes a photo of a
spot in his body and tag it to the corresponding spot in the body image in the application with a very
efficient user interface experience where he/she can look at the changes over a specific timeline. This
helps the patient to monitor their skin status over time; as a result, the users can keep track of growths
and changes that occur over time, helping to assess the risk factor associated with a mole’s changing
3. Advantages over other Apps
Our application has many advantages over other apps that are available in the market:
• Our app does not try to substitute a doctor. There are many apps in the market that attempt to
do so. Most of these apps have been misdiagnose fatal melanoma incidents.
• Our app has timeline features that allow both the patient and the doctor to keep track of the
changes that occur to the patient condition. This makes the doctors provide the patient with
better diagnostics.
• Our application allows the picture to be checked by more than one doctor to be more
confident. Should conflicting ratings arise between doctors, the patient is asked to go the
nearest clinic to be examined.
• Our application maintains the anonymity of the user since it does not require from the user to
provide any personal details unless they desire to do so.
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Robot Control Application with Networking Features - Lykabot
Khansa Chemnad Abdul Jaleel, Yasmin Alaeddin Halwani, Maryam Rageb Sayed,
Dr.Mohammed Samaka
Qatar University,,,,
1. Introduction
The system architecture designed and developed in this project integrates a number of communication
protocols in creating a novel mobile application used as an entertaining game. The various protocols
used in this system architecture provide communication tools, including; VoIP and Instant Messaging
that are integrated in an innovative mobile game. The system was extended using Machine-tomachine communication to demonstrate the integration of robot control. The mobile game developed
aimed to increase the interest in robotics through entertainment. The robot was configured and
programmed to suit the needs of the application being developed. The system developed in this
project could also be adapted, and deployed in various industrial situations.
2. Project Description
The existing communication network is complex with a lot of protocols, gateways, security
constraints, and quality of service issues. SIP has the ability to unify all the protocols and make the
communication system as simple as it can. The project will break new ground toward understanding
methods in which end devices and Machine-to-machine applications can interact with a platform. The
integration of Machine-to-machine along with robotics through a SIP platform would take the gaming
experience into a whole new level. The idea could form an open-source community for developers to
add games to our gaming network. This project ignites a spark to the potential usage of SIP in various
domains. The game being developed is called “RobAmbulance”. It is inspired from the mission of an
ambulance driver who should reach the patient in a hospital in the shortest time, following the shortest
• Game Scenario: The player should find the shortest distance in the shortest time.
• Challenge Request Scenario: A player sends a friend a challenge request to compete in a game to
claim trophies.
2.1 High Level Architecture
Figure 10. High Level Architecture of the System
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SIP Server Layer:
Game Server: Provides services to allow users to manage the list of friends and the list of games
through adding, removing and modifying activities. Maintains a game session and receives
the scores for each client in real
time. Then updates the trophies won after each game session
to the Game Info Storage in the database.
M2M Level:
This layer is subdivided into two more layers:
User Application: The application is the user’s interface to the system. It handles interfacing
gaming and robot interaction, voice calls, instant messaging, editing list of friends.
Game Hardware: The hardware used for our application is mainly the Boebot robot, along with its
sensors and motors.
rs. The communication between the robot and the user application is done
through Bluetooth.
2.2 Mobile Application Interface
Figure 11. Mobile Application Software Components
• SIP Client: It is responsible for the SIP
SIP-related communication
ication in the application. The
component is important to initiate requests to the server VoIP sessions. The session is
initiated between two clients, namely the two friends. The user has to have someone listed
as a friend in the application in order to be able to start a VoIP session with him or her.
• Robot Control: Responsible for sending instructions to the robot and receiving sensor
readings from the robot through Bluetooth connection.
• Friends Management: Responsible for managing the friends list in tthe
he app, enabling
functionalities such as adding, removing friends, sending game challenges, viewing friends’
trophies, etc.
• Games Management: Responsible for downloading, installing, deleting and initiating game
• Profile Management: Responsible fo
forr managing the user’s profile such as changing presence
and viewing own game trophies.
• Temporary data storage: Storing data temporarily until sent to the server, such as storing a
game session’s scores temporarily until updated to the database through the server.
3. Conclusion
The application developed is one that combines networking with hardware additions for entertainment
industry. However, the entire system has been designed keeping in mind the needs of a system that
can be deployed in industry as well. The application used makes use of different protocols to provide
the best service possible in each of its features. The mobile application has been designed keeping in
mind reusability, modularity, high cohesion, low coupling and abstraction. The same application can
be deployed
ed on a tablet, a PC, and a mobile phone as well. The system has potential future in the field
of entertainment industry, and with a few modifications in the interface - a possibility of being
deployed in manufacturing industries.
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
You Are The Chef
Saba Mohammad, Sahar Doudeen, Somaya Zuiter, Supervisor Dr. Fadi Wedyan
The Hashemite University,,,,
1. Introduction
Smartphones are gaining more popularity due to their mobility capabilities, increasing
computational power, and decreasing prices. In this project, a smartphone application called
“You are the Chef” is developed. The application aims at serving women and cooking
enthusiasts in the Arab world by providing recipes from the Middle East and other parts of
the world. The application is provided with an Arabic interface that is easy to use, and
various categorization techniques for the recipes (e.g. alphabetical, country, ingredients,…).
The application also has two features that distinguishes it from other applications in the
market: (1) it gives users the ability to select ingredients available to them and then the
application gives suggestions for some recipes that can be prepared using the available
ingredients, and (2) It provides the users with a scheduler for recipes that they can use for
planning what to cook for a given period of time. The application also gives health advices
for healthy people and advices related to the kitchen. “You are the Chef” is the only
application that has all these features in one place. The current version of the application is
built with Android while the server side is programmed with Java.
2. Project Description
The functional requirements for You Are The Chef describe the functionality or services
provided by our system.
Functional Requirements:
1. Choose the recipe: There are four main categories for recipes the user can choose of
them, these categories are:
• All recipes: view all recipes in the database and arranged them alphabetically.
• Recipes according to country: recipes were collected from several Arab and
foreign countries.
• Diverse recipes: in this section recipes were divided in groups of main dishes,
soups, salads, sandwiches, desserts and appetizers
• Special recipes: in this section recipes were divided in groups of diet recipes,
healthy recipes, recipes for children, vegetarian recipes, Ramadan recipes, Eid
al-Fitr recipes and the Eid al-Adha recipes.
2. Components of the kitchen: it gives users the ability to select ingredients available to
them and then the application gives suggestions for some recipes that can be prepared
using the available ingredients.
3. Adding the recipe to the favorites list: ability to add any recipe to the favorite list to
be available for the user when he\she need it.
4. Adding the recipe to the weekly schedule:” You Are the Chef “provides the users
with a scheduler for recipes they can use for planning what to cook for a given period
of time (week).
5. Videos and Images: the application provides videos and images that facilitate
preparation of recipes, these videos are loading from application channel on
6. Questions: ability to send questions by sending them to the application email and
then the admin answers them later.
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7. Sharing recipe: the Application enable the user to share the recipes in different ways
(e.g. Facebook , Bluetooth , Email ,… )
8. Pecks and standards conversions: Enables the user to convert the weights from a
gram or milliliter to cup.
9. Set of variety tips: providing a set of tips related to the kitchen.
10. Cooking terms: Kitchen of terms: This feature provides a table of terms that have
different names in Arab countries.
11. Calories table: This feature provides a table that contains the calories in some foods
in general.
Non-functional Requirement
Non-functional requirements, they may relate to the emergent system properties such as
reliability, performance and usability. Many non-functional requirements relate to the system
as a whole rather than to individual system features.
• Reliability
You Are The Chef system returns the required information that required by enduser in a reasonable amount of time.
• Usability
Usability is the ease of use and learns ability of human made object. The design of
different screens in the You Are The Chef system is very simple and encourages
any user to use it.
• Accessibility
Accessibility is the degree to which product or service is available to as many
people as possible. Smartphone’s have become spread widely in the whole world
and Jordan in a particular and You Are The Chef is a free program that anybody
can simply download it and use it anywhere and it had simple GUI that anyone can
simply use it.
• Effectiveness
Effectiveness is the capability of producing desired result. The interface of our
system provides a rapid way for experienced user to perform common tasks in a
minimum number of key strokes
3. Conclusion
We have developed an application for smart phones respect to the kitchen. It offers
many of the recipes that have been collected from sites interested in the kitchen and
cooking, these recipes have been classified to meet user needs. You Are The Chef
provides the user with many features facilitate cooking and make it easy and
[1] Java Eclipse,
[2] (SDK) android,
[3] Microsoft office word,
[4] Photoshop,
[6] Manal al Aalem,
[7] Microsoft Visio,
[8] Balsamiq,
[9] MySQL Workbench:
[10] Netbeans:
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Manal Ali AL-husban, Salma Osama Abu Nimeh, Shayma Issam Samarah
Supervisor: Dr.Fadi Wedyan,,,
1. Introduction
Pharma Droid is a smartphone application that allows customers to locate pharmacies and
request information about available medications. In Jordan and most of the Middle East
countries, the majority pharmacies are run by small business owners. While that have a
positive impact on the economy and helps in developing the middle class, it raises a challenge
when building an application that retrieves information about available medications. This is
because these pharmacies run different types of database systems and different types of
programs that use variety of technologies. Therefore, there is no uniform interface with which
an application can deal with in order to retrieve medications information. Pharma Droid
provides a solution to this problem by plugging a software component on the pharmacy
machine, called Pharma Demon. The component interacts with the local Database and sends
retrieved data to the server of the Pharma Droid application. Pharma Demon can be
customized with the local sitting of each pharmacy and therefore masking the complexity of
having different technologies locally. The application on the smartphone sends requests about
available medications to the server, which handles the request by retrieving the requests info
from participant pharmacies. Therefore, the application on the phone is decoupled from the
pharmacies components and does not to be updated when new pharmacies are added or
deleted. Pharma Droid provides several services to the customers including a list of available
pharmacies that carries the requested medicine within a domain provided by the client, a list
of pharmacies that covers a health insurance plan the client asks about, and search
capabilities on the name of the medicine whether in Arabic or English. The smartphone
application is developed with Android, while the server side and the pharmacy component are
developed with C#.
2. Project Description
PharmaDroid: it'
s a Smartphone application that we developed for searching for pharmacies and
PharmaDemon: its desktop application we developed for the pharmacy'
s PC, used as an interface to
deal with different Databases in the pharmacies.
Distributed Databases: A database that consists of two or more data files located at different sites on
a computer network. Because the database is distributed, different users can access it without
interfering with one another, in our project the distributed Database.
Function of the system:
1. Search medicine by name (Arabic and English language).
2. Search nearest pharmacies in town shown in map.
3. Check pharmacies which support health insurance.
4 Modify pharmacist account from web site.
Non functional requirement :
1. Easy to use: the application gives user simple and easy steps to search to any medicine,
through friendly user interface, clear button and sequences of action.
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2. Portability: the application can install in any smart phone device using android O.S version
2.1 or greater than, as we know android O.S is applied in too many smart phone devices so
that the application will be offer to many people.
3. Accessibility: application website available to any pharmacist (public) in any time to
register his pharmacy.
3. Conclusion
A useful and easy to use Smartphone application for ANDRIOD OS has been developed in
this project. The application enables users to search medications and pharmacies by medicine
name. The main feature of the developed system is the ability to search from anywhere in
easy way. In this system, we implemented a searching system for medications and
pharmacies that make this process easier, we achieve this result by implement web service
that connect different databases related to many pharmacies. A website has also been
developed to pharmacies to register its information so the users can search for his wanted
medicine depends on this information.
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Sundus Alsmadi, Manar Aleishan, Sara Ali, Dr. Fadi Wedyan
Hashemite University, {sundus.alsmadi,, sna09},
1. Introduction
Questionnaire System is a web and Smartphone application aims at distributing
questionnaires to a targeted audience electronically. Customers (i.e., questionnaire owners)
can reach a wide range of their target audience in a fast and easy manner without the need to
distribute paper questionnaires. The filled questionnaire can be easily handled by for
statistical packages since the data is already available in electronic format. The system can be
used for political, scientific, educational or business purposes. We expect the system to be
helpful for people performing studies in these sectors.
2. Project Description
Questionnaire systems are known systems since a long time; they used to be the best way to
do any statistical study helping in improving any system whether it was political, scientific,
educational or even business. The old systems were missing accuracy in targeting the needed
sample to get accurate results. Accordingly there was a need to develop an application that
reaches most of the people easily through a mobile application since it'
s the latest modern
technology used by the majority of people.
Through Questionnaire System after creating a questionnaire, the system will distribute it to
the targeted sample, users who will answer the questionnaire will have to use the mobile
application after they download it on their mobiles, and when questionnaire is answered,
some statistical operations are applied on it to devise the waiting outcome of this study. This
process is a very quick, flexible and easy to be performed through Questionnaire system.
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3. Summary
Every single day a new type of technology is being introduced to the world. Technology has
improved a lot over years, and it is a great thing these days, because it can be very helpful. I
think life is impossible without cell phones and laptops! This phrase sounds shocking but
reality is reality.
Modern technology created or invented to help us do works and make our life easier. We
should perfectly understand that modern technology can make our life more convenient and
safes a great deal of our time.
As we can see these days Android operating system swept the world and spread dramatically
to the extent that most devices are now running on the android Operating System. For this we
have tried very hard to develop a system of questionnaires and we have created a website
linked it with Android application to exploit the benefits and features of Android to help the
researcher, or any customer who wants to help him to create the questionnaire and distribute
it to the desired groups and then get the results.
[1] Meier, Reto. professional android 4 application development. Copyright c 2012 by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
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5 May, 2013
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Set Al Habayeb a Pregnancy System
Noor Nofal, Manar Maayah, Shorouq Al-Raggad, Supervisor: Dr. Ibrahim Al-Oqily
The Hashemite University,,,
1. Introduction
Pregnant woman needs help and support through their pregnancy phases, and there is no application
that connects all the needed services helping the pregnant woman from all the aspects in each phase,
in addition to that none of them works with the culture type in our countries, and due to the wide of
mobile devices and systems, building such system for mobile devices will be a great help for pregnant
woman. Pregnancy System is a system that helps women in guiding them through their pregnancy
phases, providing them with comprehensive information concerning every important aspect at each
phase from clothing, child clothing, baby ultrasound pictures, and family planning. Women also are
able to manage their doctor visits schedule over the Pregnancy system, helping them in affording the
needed information that cannot be found anywhere else.
Being a mother is the most exciting period in a woman'
s life. Pregnancy is a period of 1 up to 9
months, typically, in which a woman carries a fetus inside herself. In order to improve the women and
s health, we prepared "Sit Al Habayeb" project which is an Android application project
focusing on taking care of the pregnant.
2. Project Description
Sit Al Habayeb is a mobile application that aims to help women in pregnancy period to make this
period easier and to eliminate any difficulties that may face them .Sit Al Habayeb Consists of four
parts: women guide, doctor, pregnancy calendar, and Hayati Ahla. The system is developed in Arabic
due to the lack of arabized mobile applications especially for pregnant woman.
2.1 Women Guide
The first one is a women guide; we divide the pregnancy period to four stages which are 1-3 months,
4-6 months, 7-9months, and 40 days after birth. In each stage, we focus on clothes, sport, nutrition,
and the pregnant and her baby.
The clothes'part, we give advices for pregnant to choose comfortable clothes during
and give her many styles that suit her in every stage of the pregnancy.
The pregnant should be able to enjoy her sport at some level throughout most of her pregnancy. So we
provided her with many kinds of sports that are suitable to her in every stage of pregnancy. And give
her some precautions that she has to take in to consideration while playing sport.
In nutrition part we give advice about what food the pregnant should eat and give guidelines to eating
in healthy way during pregnancy.
In the pregnant and her baby part we describe baby growth (starting from fertilized egg until fetus
growth is complete), Emotional and Physical symptoms that appears in the pregnant and give her
some guidelines.
2.2 Doctor
The second one is a doctor, by using it the pregnant will be able keep track of her doctor information
and know information about medical tests that she needs in addition she can keep her medical tests
and their results.
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2.3 Calendar
The third one is pregnancy calendar it helps the pregnant to organize her Doctors'visits by giving her
alert to remind her. And it contains the important date to the pregnant such as Due date.
2.4 Hayati Ahla.
The forth one is "Hayati Ahla" which focuses on family planning methods, it reminds the pregnant
woman to take one of the family planning methods by explain to her all types of family planning
methods and help the woman to select the suitable family planning method that suite her.
3. Conclusion
We have designed our program to provide all the useful services to pregnant women. We have worked
hard to collect and verify this huge amount of information and make it in one hub and represent it as
shown in our program as shown in Figure 3.1. Set alhabayeb guides pregnant women from the first
day up to 40days of pregnancy. Many important issues were discussed in our program. For instance,
we discussed the sequence of changes that happened to the baby during pregnancy, safe and useful
treatment, and fitness during the pregnancy, the kinds of sports that can be useful, fashion, pregnancy
calendar, and doctor and family planning.
Figure 3.1 Menu in App
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Developing a cars’ traffic analyser mobile App for Bahrain by using the
cross-platform framework
Abdullah Buhadod, Ali Darwish, Dr. Adel Kamal, Dr. Faisel Al-Qead
University of Bahrain (
1. Introduction
The following is a description for developing traffic analyser mobile application for Bahrain. Traffic
analyser is a small application used to detect the congestion on the streets. Many popular applications
such as Waze and Google map developed to detect traffic, they are very useful to reduce the traffic
conjunction in the streets, but most of them don’t support our country. The aim of this project is to
develop a traffic analyser to make life easier for the motorists using modern technology in Bahrain.
2. Project Description
2.1 System’s Function
The application has several functions.
Function 1
Sending Car Floating Data (CFD).
Description: Retrieve geolocation information of the device, analyse them and send the accurate
information to the server.
Activities: The application will automatically get the current position, speed, heading and accuracy
of the GPS mobile. Check the accuracy and determine which segment that user are currently in.
Function 2
Detect traffic based on signals using DO-Matrix
Description: Apply the DO-Matrix algorithm on the collected data and determine the segment status.
Activities: The server will calculate the traffic level using DO-Matrix algorithm. It will calculate it
periodically from the participant geolocation information. The traffic level is categorized in five level
(Free, Normal, Alert, Busy and Overdue).
Function 3
Update the application with latest traffic data
Description: Get the traffic data that generated on the server periodically.
Activities: The application will send a request to the server asking for new update. If there is a new
update the application will retrieve it. Else the application will wait for next update to ask.
Function 4
Find the most free route from user current
position’s to a specified destination.
Description: display the most free route from user current position to a specified destination with
respect to Google map direction service and traffic data that our server produce.(require math
Activities: send a request to Google map direction service to obtain all possible route from user
current position’s to destination. Then we compare all possible routes that intersect the segments with
respect to traffic level and determine the most free route.
2.2 Research analysis
The main challenge of developing traffic analyser is finding a suitable algorithm to detect the traffic
accurately and it depends on different parameters such as speed, heading and location of the cars and
number of car enter or exit the street. Zhang , Gong , Xu ,Tang and Liu claim that it can detect traffic
using the speed of the car and the timestamp. They also claim that enough number of cars in street as
neighbours using the app will lead to predict the traffic conjunction [2]. We believe that the speed is
not enough to detect the traffic. According to Zhang and Xue they state that the speed cannot be the
only parameter to detect the traffic. They state that speed is influenced by many factors such as
behaviour of the driver, traffic lights delay and condition of the road. They define an algorithm that
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detect the traffic based on number of cars enter and exit the street, average speed, number of lanes and
length of the street. Zhang and Xue’s algorithm is based on Spatio-Temporal OD Matrix which is a
mathematical approach. They derive from this approach a formula to calculate the traffic rate which is
more accurate than depending only on the speed (Figure .1) [1] . This application uses this algorithm to
detect traffic conjunction.
Figure 12. Accuracy of Traffic-Rate and mean speed of cars
2.3 Design of Application
To enhance the usability of the application, the application represents the traffic congestion as an
overlay on the Google Map layout. The congestion overlays are simply represented by coloured
segments depending on the traffic level. Moreover, Instead of using any form of user input, the
application used touch events to achieve their purpose. Some actions are done in the background such
as sending GPS report and updating the map to reduce the complexity of the application.
2.4 Implementation
For this application, it is required to build an application that supports most mobile platforms. It is
difficult to learn all mobile application programming language including the use of GPS and Google
map API for each platform. Moreover, Google Map API has different in functionality in each
platform (e.g. Android is still use Google API v.2). The ideal solution for these problems is to use
mobile framework. PhoneGap mobile framework is one of the best frameworks for mobile
development. It supports IOS, Android and Windows 8 and other platforms. All that is needed to have
knowledge of basics of native mobile platform programming language and web languages. It supports
most mobile sensors such as (GPS , Camera and Accelerometer ).The application is built using this
framework in order to increase the number of participants that use the application.
3.0 Conclusion
In the end, this Traffic analyser idea is based on the CFD approach. It determines the traffic
congestion from the cars through the phone GPS –report using OD-Matrix algorithm for research. It
achieves usability through minimising the user input and hiding the complexity for the end-users. We
try to develop this application for Bahrain to reflect our culture.
[1] K. Zhang and G. Xue, "A Real-Time Urban Traffic Detection Algorithm Based on,"
Wireless Sensor Network, vol. 2, pp. 668-674, 2010.
[2] X. Zhang, and et al. "JamEyes: A Traffic Jam Awareness and Observation," International
Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, pp. 1-9, 2012.
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5 May, 2013
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Sout Albayan
Abdulrahman Almousa, Albara Hakami, Omar Alessa, Mohammad Albarrak,
Abdullah Altukhais, Supervisor: Mohammed Alshayeb
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
{s200823940, s200823280, s200858080, s200820520, s200821280}
1. Introduction
Applications should always make our lives easier, especially when it comes to daily life activities.
People nowadays are seeking fast and effective ways to do whatever they want through their mobiles.
Our application is designed exactly for that reason. As we know the Holy Qur’an has many recitations
and sometimes you might like one reciter more than the other, but the problem is how do you know
the reciter immediately? Maybe the Soura too? Or even the Aaya! Sout Albayan application will give
you the ability to identify all the needed information about the reciter and the part of the Qur’ an that
he is reading. So whether you are listening to the Qur’ an through radio or TV, you will be able to find
the information about it in seconds.
2. Project Description
Sout Albayan is an iOS-based application that is dedicated to identify the reciter, Soura, and Aaya.
Firstly, the user has to record audio of the Quran using the application. Then, the recorded audio will
be sent to the server. Once the server has received the audio file, it will try to match the audio record
against a large database to determine the reciter and the exact Aaya that was recorded by the user. In
addition, the user will have the ability to play the Aaya or the Soura with the found reciter within the
application. All the previous records will be saved in a history list and can be easily accessed by the
user for future needs. The goal is to provide an efficient, fast, and easy to use application for that
2.1 User Environment
Environmental constrains
Current platform
Future platforms
Current Language
Future Language
iOS operating system, internet connection.
A casual user, experience with other iOS applications.
iPhone, iPad.
Android, Windows phone, and BlackBerry.
Figure 13. User Environment
2.2 System Architecture
The application is divided into two high level layers, where the user interactions take place in the top
level, and the application interacts with a second layer in the server side. The interactions are
bidirectional as shown in the following figure:
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Operating System
Quran Audio Library
(3rd party service)
Figure 2. System Architecture
The user interacts directly with the application through the supported operating system, the
application bounded within the user environment should handle the user requests and deliver them
immediately. If the request needs to be handled with the use of the server-side application, the
required data will be sent to the lower level (server-side) and then receives the results, process them
and finally deliver them to the user.
3. Conclusion
As Muslims, technology must be used to make us closer to the Qur’ an. From that perspective, it is our
pleasure to introduce Sout Albayan application, which will serve Muslims around the world to explore
different Qur’ an recitations. The main goal was always to provide an easy to use and also an efficient
application in terms of time and accuracy. We hope that this new idea will be the start of many useful
applications for the Islamic community in the future.
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Penguins Game
Abdullah Al-Harbi, Abdullah Al-Jabri, Salem Al-Harbi, Dr. Mohammad Alshayeb
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,,,,
1. Introduction
This project is done by a team of software engineer students at KFUPM with the help of our
supervisor Dr. Mohammad Alshayeb. Penguins Game is a mobile puzzle game for both iOS and
Android devices and it targets all ages. A main objective for us as team is to have an experience with
mobile game development, and encourage people with the same interest in our environment to try to
do the same thing and show their ideas and creativity to the world. Penguins game is a puzzle game,
meaning; it helps people who play it to think of how to solve the problem they are facing, and how
can they solve it in a better way. We see our game as beneficial for our society and for the new
generation in particular. For example, a mother with her iPad can play the game with her 7-year-old
son together and encourage him to think and solve the puzzle. The challenging part of the game
encourages people in general and kids in particular to continue solving the puzzles and improve how
they think of solving a problem in indirect way.
2. Project Description
Penguins game is a 1 player puzzle game and is targeted for mobile. The game is level-based and its
concept is very simple: In every level you have 3 Penguins in one side of an ice island, and your aim
as a player is to successfully move all penguins to the other side of the ice island, and base on your
number of moves you get 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are rocks between the ice islands, and the way you
move each penguin is by letting it jump on a rock and then move it until you have all three penguins
next to each other, at this point the player let the penguins jump to the other side and he/she wins the
level. In subsection 2.1 we illustrate the game by providing different print screens for it. About the
game development, we used C# programming language, Unity3d game engine, and both Autodesk
3ds Max and Adobe Photoshop for graphics.
2.1 Project print screens
(Main menu of the game)
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(Levels menu)
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(A level in island 1)
(A level in island 2)
(Wining screen)
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, Penguins game was done by our team from A-Z. Starting from the idea, collecting
requirements, implementing the game and doing the art and the user interface design. We tried as
much as we could to make the game original, very easy to use and understand, looks pretty, and at the
same time, we tried to make it suitable for different age range.
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Green Socket: Mobile Based Power Monitoring and Management System
nts’ name: Mahdi Dibbouza, Ahmed Musleh,
Supervised by: Dr. Mohammed Ghazal, Eng. Ahmed Sweleh,
Abu Dhabi University
1. Introduction
Nowadays, energy is one of the most important issues in the word. People all around the world are
looking for methods to discover new energy sources and reduce the consumption of power as much as
possible. Also, they are looking for the best ways to use existing energy source
sourcess efficiently.
efficientl The idea
of our application “ Green Socket” comes from this perspective as it will help in increasing the public
awareness toward their energy consumption
consumption especially in UAE as it was ranked as the seventh
worldwide in its electricity consumption
per capita [1]. The outcome of our project will have a great
ge in the energy saving manner.
The aim of this project is to produce an electric socket application that will enable us to control and
monitor any socket wirelessly (through Wi
Wi-Fi) using a smartphone. The project is divided into ttwo
parts. First, the main socket body which consists of an embedded board,, a current sensor and a
microcontroller. Second, we have the actual application which is based on Android operating system.
Through this application, the user can switch the socket on and
nd off, see how much the appliances are
consuming energy, calculate the cost corresponding to that energy consumption, compare energy
consumption in different periods, compare energy consumption of differe
nt appliances, and set
schedule of operation for the socket. Consequently, the user will be able to decide the best operation
of a device for the sake of power conservation.
2. Project Description
As discussed earlier, our project had two parts: the main mo
bile application and the actual socket. The
difficulty of our project comes from this perspective as we did not make only the application, but we
had to create and design a new socket that can communicate with our application.
2.1 The Mobile Application
In our project, we wanted to make an interesting application that could be easily and efficiently used.
The application has to be simple in the way that everyone can handle it and get used to it. At the same
time, it has to accomplish its purposes such as controlling the socket and monitoring the energy
consumed. In our project, we preferred to use android based application for its wide range of usage
compared to other operating systems. Using this Application, the user can switch on or off the socket,
see the instantaneous power of the appliance as well as the cost, see the total power and cost, make
comparisons of power usage among different periods of time, make comparisons of power usage
among different sockets, and change the name and the type of the ssocket.
ocket. Figure 1 shows some screen
shots of Green Socket application.
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
2.2 The Socket
For our system to work as mentioned earlier, we had to make a special, sophisticated socket that is
capable of connecting wirelessly to the mobile application via Wi-Fi. To implement our desired
socket, we had to use multiple
chips and components as
shown in Figure 1. First, we
started by using a current
sensor in order to measure the
current through the socket.
However, the output signal of
the current sensor was not
ready to be sampled by the
microcontroller, so we had to
circuit to handle that problem.
After that, we have the
ATMega16 microchip whose
purpose is to receive the
analog current readings from
the current sensor through the
rectification-amplification circuit
Figure 2. System Architecture
and change these analog values
to digital values and send it to the Embedded Linux board. Also, the microchip is used to control AC
switch which is a Solid State Relay [2]. The Embedded Linux Board was provided to give the socket
the attribute of wireless connectivity.
Finally, we had to make a test to validate the
accuracy of our energy measurement and
calculations. We brought our system against a
real power system (Power Systems Lab) and
started to take power readings of different loads
using our system and the power system’ s
wattmeter. Then, we constructed the table
shown beside and concluded the average
accuracy of our system which is 98.4%.
3. Conclusion
Table 1. Accuracy Measurements
As last words, Green Socket is the new generation of energy saving techniques. It will help the public
and guide them to reduce their electricity consumption by showing them their consumed energy and
its corresponding cost. Besides, it will enable the user to make comparisons of energy consumption
between different periods and appliances. An advantage of our system is its ease of usage. The user
has only to get some sockets, place them in the house and start using our application. Also, Green
Socket is a good choice compared to other smart sockets and home automation systems for its wide
range of options in its application and for its low cost. Furthermore, using this system, we can collect
data such as power readings and use it for further power related researches and applications such as
smart grids. Hopefully, Green Socket will increase the awareness of energy conservation in UAE and
will guide its people to reduce their electricity consumption.
Index mundi, Electricity consumption per capita, [online] Available
Sharp Microelectronics. S108T02 Data Sheet. [Online]. Available:
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
IPhone Application Constructions Details
Shaher Al Junaibi, Kanwal Shabbir, Mohaned Al Obaidy(supervisor)
Gulf College, Muscat (Oman),
1. Introduction
This project named “ Construction Details” is an iPhone Application software that is using iOS as
operation system and Objective-C as programming language. The project is simple in the procedure
process of planning and building by doing all the calculation via your mobile device in very easy and
useful way. This software will be used to calculate the construction material needed to be purchased
for a building. In particular, this software system will allow the user to know the materials required
for constructing a building such as the amount of steel tons, Blocks, cement.etc. The construction in
Oman is on its peak these days and there is no such application which is covering these calculation
details specifically so this application will be very useful for the use in industry.
1.1 Aims of the project
Simplify the construction process:
The system will simplify procedures for any construction project. The process is to enter a data
required and then the application will estimate materials needed in addition when the required data are
entered correctly.
Increase the possibility of working on several construction projects at the same
Most of the problems that the contractors of building can face is the numbers of projects that they
have to deal with at the same time, this software will enable them to deal with several projects in
same time and simple way. This software will be available with them anytime and anywhere because
it will be published in the AppStore of iPhone.
Cover a large segment of society by making all these processes in IOS devices.
Simplify the Planning and budget control Processes.
The Advantages of this software is that to cover the needs of many people in different position in our
life. Wherever when you are young or adults studied the constructions or not it does not matter, this
software will break many of the difficulties. As iPhone devices are very popular these days so anyone
who owns an iPhone can use this application.
Bad Planning for the construction project will result many problems. The biggest problem is the
failure of the project. Bad planning for anything absolutely will cause project failed, if not in near
future distant future will be. Secondly the time will be wasted for planning the project again. Third
point is losing of the money. However this software will help to organize for a good planning and to
adjust the budget to come with successful project without any problems.
2. Project Description
The construction is the one of important aspect in our daily life. As you know all of us need home to
live in, office to work, markets to buy food and goods, etc. the word construction will enter all these
I interviewed from people around me and found out that the way of purchasing materials of building
(a house, and office etc) is big challenge and it is too complicated. Further, once a customer contact
with a contracting building company (CBC) to build building for him he should make architect for the
building and give it to contractor to get total costs from them. On other hand, the details and the way
of how the material has been calculated for the building will not be shown to the customer or a
person can say that it is very difficult for normal people to get these details from the contractor and
hence the customer will not know whether the cost required is true or not. The other point is once
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customer want to bring some materials for his building, he will face problem in knowing the amount
and the quantity which is another challenge for the customer.
In this project, the idea that has been presented will help many of segments of society under names of
customer, contractor, engineers, CBC, and many more. The project which I am going to make is about
a small calculation will gives the user all details of his construction materials like the numbers of steel
tons, cement bags, blocks etc.
2.1 Project Requirements
2.1.1 User requirements:
This system has been built using good foundation and very useful for all users. Anyone can
access to this application without any pass codes and this application is very easy to handle
because the front end designed for the users is very labeled and organized.
The following are the user requirements of the system. Wall estimating section:
1- Calculate the Numbers of Blocks
2- Calculate the cement required in terms of bags and kgs.
3- Calculate the Sand required in term of cubic meter. Slab concrete estimating section:
1. Calculate the steel needed in three available types, which are 14mm, 16mm and
2. Calculate the cement needed in slab construction in term of bags and kgs.
3. Calculate the sand needed in slab construction in cubic meter
4. Calculate the aggregate needed in slab construction in cubic meter
3. Conclusion
Construction details is a common method in our daily life and very important for all of us. This
system is all about how you can estimate the very common materials in every construction. The
system will be very useful for the construction market of Oman as it is performing all the major
calculations which are very regular in the cost estimation of building materials. This system is handle
for both the normal user and engineers and in same time it will give more benefits which was very
complicated and hard to do it separately in traditional way. The quality of the application is very good
as it is taking care of all kinds of users from a layman to a professional engineer.
Finally, I hope that this application would really strike the judges and this application will get
nomination for first prize in the MAC2013.
[1] Wentk, Richard (2009). Cocoa: Volume 5 of Developer Reference Apple Developer Series. John
Wiley and Sons,. ISBN 0-470-49589-8.
[2] Biancuzzi, Federico; Warden, Shane (2009). Masterminds of Programming. O'
Reilly Media, Inc.
pp. 242–246. ISBN 0-596-51517-0.
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5 May, 2013
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Belal Ghanem, Awab Zaid, Muath Sabha
1. Introduction
Our project is a mobile application that could be used in many applications including tourism,
shopping, and many others. The application is made as a start to be used by a tourist, where he/she
can take a picture for a monument using the mobile camera, the application will recognize the image,
and gives the entered information about this land mark.
Some techniques are used for image (pattern) recognition, and some are used to reduce the search
We have chosen to use a mobile application (WPA) so everyone at any time in many places can know
much information using popular way without using tourist guide.
TEJWAL is a WPA that uses photo capturing as a way for gathering information about special places
around the world.
The application gives the user information about many places using a new and easy way to match
these places with a captured image from the user’ s mobile and comparing it with a saved image in a
database, which has been created earlier.
2. Project Description
The application contains these main components:
Images: the image that will be compared to.
Position: Latitude and longitude coordinates.
Audio: Sound description for the place.
Description: some information about the place. There are keywords in the description so
the user can search about place by name.
The description can contain video, graphs and any other multimedia format.
The database is stored on a cloud server and the application can interact with data and attributes in it.
The Azure cloud database [1] is good for our application because it gives us a lot of features that
make the using of cloud database being so easy and pretty simple. If the captured image matches any
image in the database, it will be automatically inserted to database to increase the search space.
Image Comparison:
The application compares the image into another one that can be compared with the database.
The filtering process based on the GPS location, which is obtained from the mobile, which can reduce
the time of image comparison.
If the image comparison failed, the application can show more than one location so the user can
choose the correct one or can look for another near place.
Audio description:
This feature allows the user listen to an instruction placed in the database previously and this could
help the user getting the information correctly.
Microsoft windows Blend help us to design an advanced interface that appears user friendly and
simple. [2]
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We choose a part of place'
s name to be keywords which improves the search for the places that we do
not have their exact names.
2.1 Problem Statement & Motivations
Due to the widespread of mobile devices nowadays, especially smartphones and tablets, users want to
get the most value out of them.
WP is arising mobile OS which has many capabilities that makes it a new competitor in the
smartphone operating systems world market.
Tourism now is very important because it attracts the sources of income for states, and therefore the
interest in tourists has become a priority for countries to increase their income. However, with the
increase in tourism in some countries, some tourists suffer from lack of interest to identify
archaeological sites in the state; from this, we have the idea of our application to solve it.
2.2 Information Gathering
Many information gathering methodologies were available to develop our new mobile application, the
first mechanism we used was our experience in the Palestinian tourism and noticing the problem with
providing correct information for the tourists while visiting specific places. We made some interviews
with some tourists and tourism companies to gather some information about historical and cultural
places [3, 4].
3. Conclusion
After the completion of the program, it could be a template for any application including tourism, and
even can be adapted for special landmark places.
References (12pt, Italic, Bold)
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8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Cairo Metro
Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Ghazali, Dr. Eng. Hesham N. Elmahdy
Cairo University,,
1. Introduction
This application “ Cairo Metro” in Egypt includes the plan that helps anyone in anywhere outside of
metro line in Cairo Region. It gives the passenger the nearest metro station however his location,
names and numbers of stations, time of his trip to his destination, images guide album shows what
metro passenger interested in, guide videos show all places around each station and station guide
include details of three lines linking the capital districts with the center of the city and more.
The application aims to develop underground transportation system services to encourage the use of
public transport.
It was carried out with cooperation between faculty of computers and information science and The
National Authority for Tunnels that support us with valuable data used in application.
2. Project Description
Application was designed by modern style and for windows 8 OS .
It supports some important features such as share image or Text on Facebook, twitter, can sent by
mail and Search on more than 80,000 Landmarks And Streets Around Metro Stations, Sematic Zoom,
Live Tiles and Notifications .
3. Conclusion
Application introducea a high quality service to people in Cairo and provides a smooth, reliable and
fast moving means. It has powerful Data and Unique Functionalities. It also helps tourists, describes
regions around metro stations and reflects the modern culture in Egypt.
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5 May, 2013
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
Angry Birds Real
Muhammad Obaidullah,Sifat Sultan, Mohamed Hassen Mohamed
Dr. Mohammed Ghazal, Eng. Ahmed Sweleh
Abu Dhabi University,,,,
1. Introduction
Android has a variety of powerful features. It has an array of sensors and it comes with a powerful
and an ever updating OS that is just what one needs to enjoy developing an amazing interface.
We have all heard of the game called Angry Birds if not played it and it needs no introduction. It is a
very addictive and fun game. So, we wanted to introduce something with this app that would increase
the interaction level of the players while at the same time add an exciting touch to it. We basically
wanted to take the idea of an object on a slingshot
hitting a target and fuse it with Android OS and
embedded networks.
We ended up altering the thing quite a bit. A game which was just played on the screen of your smartsmart
phone could now be played in real-time
time and physically, making it a fun activity for friends and family.
This projectt aims to design a model that act as a slingshot to throw objects to a target placed in any
specific coordinate. The user gets to hold the mobile and aims the slingshot by adjusting the
s angle vertically on the scre
screen and then move slingshot horizontally
izontally by tilting the mobile
either way!
2. Project Description
Our project consists of two aspects;
aspect hardware and software.
Hardware consists of our own custom designed slingshot
and some targets to take down with the slingshot. Software
consists of an interface which enables the users to have
absolute control over the slingshot with Wi-Fi. Our project is
a system that aims to turn something lonely and isolated into
something that engages family and friends. It’ s entertaining and a
great mean of socializing.
ing. Our concept aims to create the most
beautiful fusion between real world and virtual world. The joy of
engaging the real world from a tablet or a smart
smart-phone is outstanding.
2.1 Hardware
The hardware comprises of four actuators to feature maximum con
trol of the slingshot
platform. It contains three servo motors to control angle of release, force given to
projectile, and release along with one stepper motor to control the 3D rotation of
the slingshot. All the actuators are connected Micro
Micro-controller which is then
connected to Raspberry Pi for receiving http requests from the mobile device.
2.2 Software
The software calculates the amount of change user is
making to different parameters and if the change is
higher than certain value, it proceeds to send the http
request to the platform. These parameters are Force,
Angle, Release Status, and 3D Rotation. These are
intelligently calculated from the user’ s finger position on
screen and the amount of gyroscope tilt. As the user
stretches the slingshot and reaches
aches the maximum force,
the vibration of the device increases. This haptic
vibration feedback for the user makes the slingshot
control even more realistic. This kind of feedback can
8th Mobile Application Contest, May 5, 2013
be drastically improved by using technologies as Senseg where the user ca
n not only touch but feel
the texture of the control. (Senseg Home Page)
After the user has played a couple of shots, the score screen appears
with many features embedded in it. The exciting and bold mixture
of various attractive colors makes an everlasting impression on the
player while makes him curious to play the game over and over
again. The app blends many features for sharing on social
networking sites such as sharing scores, challenging his friends for
a score, and sending invitations inviting them home for playing.
This feature makes it even more interesting and nerve jjangling
when the players are engaged in it.
3. Conclusion
This project was based on the possibility of adaptation of a well
known android application-oriented
oriented game. As mentioned earlier,
this game serves the purpose of socializing as well as that of
enhancing aiming skills just as any other skill like table tennis or
These types of applications take the human computer interaction to
another horizon. Many similar attempts can be seen around the
globe as the Human Computer Interaction is a very ac
active field.
One such research is where Johnny Chung Lee demonstrates a
wide range of applications on how a Wii remote can be used
for controlling computer applications. (Lee, 2007).
A few light and small modifications can be done on both
hardware and software side; adding background music and lighting when a user hits a target and when
one misses it, and making android interface more realistic. A large number of currently famous games
played throughout the globe can be brought into reality through the use of appropriate hardware
accompanied by http sending application.
1. Lee, J. C. (2007, November 8). Wii Remote Hacks.. Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from
Johnny Lee .Net:
2. Senseg Home Page.. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 28, 2013, from Senseg: