featured builder - Mid-Minnesota Builders Association
featured builder - Mid-Minnesota Builders Association
featured builder: October 2015 Featured This Month… • Builder Member: Streeter & Associates • New Member: Trussworthy Components • Associate Member Pro Build • and More!! MMBA’s 9th Annual LD’EM O H S FUN XA E T November 17, 2015 @ The Legacy Pavilion at Cragun’s Sponsored by: Published monthly by the Mid-Minnesota Builders Association phone 218-829-4982 www.midmnba.org 2015 Half Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 1 2015 Half Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 2 Our Showroom makes the difference… Choosing the right style, design or species of wood can be complicated unless you can see, touch and feel the cabinetry. We can help, we have over 23 display vignettes in our Showroom, whether you or your customer are remodeling, planning new construction, looking to revitalize an outdated kitchen thru refacing or looking to get multi function use in a room with a Murphy Wall Bed, you can see it here. At Showplace Kitchens we have an experienced team of designers to work with you and your customer to ensure that all details are attended to, that this part of the project is On Time and On Budget while offering Quality, High End Flexibility in our cabinetry at competitive prices. Stop in and see why we are the Builder and Customer Cabinetry Showroom of Choice! 15860 Audubon Way, Baxter 218-824-4228 Visit us on-line at showplace kitchens .com Employee Owned, Always Free Glazing 2 October 2015 www.midmnba.org 2015 Full Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:07 PM Page 2 218.829.4982 October 2015 3 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 1 16603 State Hwy 371 North · Brainerd, MN 56401 218-829-3624 · www.schroedersappliance.com · Working with contractors and customers for over 50 years. · We have our own in house service and parts departments to ensure our customers satisfaction. · We have a modern spacious showroom with over 180 products on display, including a live kitchen and laundry room. 2015 Half Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/23/14 3:38 PM Page 3 4 October 2015 www.midmnba.org In This Issue President’s Message.............................................................. 6 Mark Your Calendar.............................................................. 7 Executive Officer’s Message................................................ 8 New Member Orientation Breakfast..................................... 9 Getting to Know the GMM Sponsor Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity.................................... 11 Getting to Know a Builder Streeter & Associates....................................................... 12 Getting to Know a New Member Trussworthy Components................................................ 13 Getting to Know an Associate Member Pro-Build......................................................................... 14 BAM Update....................................................................... 15 NAHB Member Benefits.................................................... 16 Meet The Leadership.......................................................... 17 Fall Lakes Area Home Tour................................................ 19 September GMM ........................................................20 - 21 Holiday Party...................................................................... 22 Texas Hold’em Fun............................................................. 23 Spike Club........................................................................... 26 MMBA Directory................................................................ 27 Directory Update................................................................. 40 MMBA Mission Statement................................................. 41 MMBA Code of Ethics, MMBA Disclaimer, Helpful Websites Advertiser Index.................................................................. 42 2015 MMBA Association Officers Executive Board President: Gerry Traut, Xcel Energy Associate Vice President: Sam Horn, Brainerd Savings & Loan Builder Vice President: Ray Austin, Kuepers Secretary/Treasurer: Matt Radniecki, Baratto Brothers Construction Past President: Mike Scott, Superior Mechanical BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Ray Austin, Kuepers, Inc. Tim Bement, Nor-Son, Inc. Larry Geschwill, Simonson Lumber Margie Goebel, GPS Restoration Solutions Warren Haberman, First Supply, LLC Sam Horn, Brainerd Savings and Loan Jeremy Johnston, Northland Construction Shayna McCulloch, Elite Title & Escrow Corporation Severin Neumann, Neumann Construction Matt Radniecki, Baratto Brothers Construction, Inc. Mike Scott, Superior Mechanical Gerry Traut, Xcel Energy COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Education, Kori Busho Golf, Becky Butcher & Jim Falconer Home Show, Jim Falconer Home Tour, Connie Kaz Membership, Cindy Carlson National Directors, Pat Goff Personnel, Jody Harting Programs, Joey Steiger Scholarship, Jody Osterloh State Directors, Ray Austin, Sam Horn Matt Radniecki, Gerry Traut STAFF: Executive Officer, Colleen M. Faacks Administrative Assistant, Laura Large (218) 829-4982 2015 Sixth PageCommercial Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 8 17068 Park Road Hours:2:10 9:00-3:00 m-f13 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout Office 1 12/19/14 PM Page mmba@brainerd.net • www.midmnba.org Brainerd, MN 56401 CARPET • HARDWOOD LAMINATE • VINYL • TILE BETTER FLOORS BETTER PRICING 14317 Edgewood Drive, Baxter, MN Baxter 3855 Independence Rd. 218-454-5027 www.mcicarpetonebaxter.com Interior Designers on Staff 218.829.4982 October 2015 5 MMBA Presidents Message _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gerry Traut 17246 State Highway 371 North Brainerd, MN 56401 Office: 218-825-2305 • Fax: 218-828-9830 Cell: 218-838-2127 • gerold.traut@xcelenergy.com The Fall Lakes Area Home Tour was a huge success with seven homes on the tour and good weather the turnout was great. Many builders reported 200 people each day viewing their home and many received good leads for future projects. I want to thank BrockWhite Co. and W.W. Thompson Concrete for once again sponsoring this event. Our September General Membership Meeting (GMM) was sponsored by Pella Windows and Doors and held the annual Board of Directors Election. This year we had one Builder Board seat open and three Associate seats with terms up for renewal. We voted in three Associate incumbents and one new Builder Board member. I would like to welcome Cory Hendricks with KC Companies to the MMBA Board of Directors as the New Builder Board Member. I want to thank everyone that attended the GMM and thank the nominating committee for everyone’s input on the 2016 MMBA Board of Directors. If you would like to get more out of your membership please consider joining a committee, attend one of the many events, and attend the GMM’s. MMBA is continually looking at ways to meet the member’s needs. In 2016 we are looking at several changes that include having Lunch and Learn Meetings, adding more excitement to the General Membership Meetings, and we are looking into changing the location of the MMBA Home Show to help bring more potential customers to the event. Please watch for updates coming soon. Gerry Traut 2015-2016 President Xcel Energy Senior Territory Representative Office: 218-825-2305 Cell: 218-838-2127 gerold.e.traut@xcelenergy.com 6 October 2015 www.midmnba.org _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Looking Ahead 2015 November 2015: 1: Daylight Savings Time Ends 4: Membership Meeting 8:15-9 am 4: Program’s Meeting 9-10 am 5: Executive Board Meeting 8-9 am 10: The Talk 100 Morning Show 100.1 FM 8:30-9 am 11: Veterans Day 17: General Membership Meeting Texas Hold’em Located: The Legacy at Cragun’s Sponsor : Jim’s Electric Company 5:30-8:30 pm 26: Thanksgiving - Office Closed DECEMBER 2015: October 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12 3 OAll meetings are held at the mmba Office unless noted.O 4 5 6 7 Membership Meeting 8:15-9 am Program’s Meeting 9-10 am 11 2: Membership Meeting 8:15-9 am 2: Program’s Meeting 9-10 am 3: Executive Board Meeting 8-9 am 4: Holiday Classic Christmas & Awards Party Location: The Woods Time: 6:00-10:00 pm Entertainment: River Rats Dueling Pianos 7: Pearl Harbor Day 1941 (USA) 8: The Talk 100 Morning Show 100.1 FM 8:30-9 am 21: Winter Begins 24: Christmas Eve 25: C hristmas Day - Office Closed Mark Your Calendar 12 Columbus Day 13 14 The TALK 100 Morning Show 100.1 FM 8:30-9 am 8 9 10 16 17 Executive Board Meeting 8-9 am New Member 15 Orientation Breakfast 8:00-9:00 am Located: Greater Lakes Association of Realtors Sponsored by: American Door Works Neumann Construction The Builders Group 1819 20 21 2223 24 Board of Directors Meeting 4:30-5:30 pm General Membership Meeting 5:308:30 pm Located & Sponsored by: Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity 2526 27 28 293031 Halloween Note: Board of Ads.qxp_Layout Directors Meeting 2015 Sixth Page 1 12/19/14 To be determined 2:10 PM Page 9 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 15 Mattson C O M PA N Y Hwy. 371 South, P.O. Box 149 Nisswa, Minnesota 56468 3 MILES SOUTH OF NISSWA ON HWY 371 • FREE ESTIMATES • FREE DELIVERY “Quality Materials To Serve You Better” We carry a full line of building materials for all your construction needs. Marvin Windows ~ Acclimated Doors & more! Mon.- Fri. 7 am - 5 pm Sat. 8 am - Noon THE WATER EXPERTS® Phone: (218) 963-7470 Fax: (218) 963-7480 218.829.4982 8240 Industrial Park Road Baxter, Minnesota 56425 (218) 829-5137 · 1-800-568-8946 ©1995 Culligan International Company. Since Culligan Dealers are independently operated, offers and participation may vary. October 2015 7 Executive Officers Message _________________________________________________________________________________ Pella Windows & Doors Sponsor the September GMM: FALL HOMETOUR: September 11-13,2015 Special thanks to Pella Windows & Doors for sponsoring the September General Membership Meeting. Pella’s direct to contractor, or consumer method of distribution, makes Pella unique in the industry. They do not rely on someone else’s employee to make the sale. Jeff is the local person who handles it all. Jeff Hoag is a lifelong resident of the lakes area; he has been in the building material business since 1988, 4th generation in his family in the industry. Jeff is a Trade Sales Consultant and has worked for Pella Windows & Doors for two years. Jeff says the move was a great one, as Pella offers great products, with innovative features, as well as great service, and people. ELECTION RESULTS: Elections for Board of Directors were held at the September 15 General Membership meeting. Congratulations to the following Board of Directors who were elected to serve on the MMBA Board of Directors. The following Board Members will be serving on the MMBA Board of Directors, which will run from January 2016-December 2018: Associate Board Member: We couldn’t have asked for a better weekend to hold the Fall Lakes Area Home Tour, the weather was picture perfect!! All of the Builders that participated in this year’s tour were very pleased with both the Quantity and Quality of the attendee’s. See page 19 for photos from the Fall Home Tour. Builder’s Participating in the Fall Lakes Area Home Tour: B-Dirt Construction Baratto Brothers Construction Brainerd Lakes Build & Remodel Dotty Brothers Construction/ Whitebirch Village Townhomes Lakes Area Home Tour E.L. Builders KC Companies Lumber One - Avon Special thanks to BrockWhite and W.W. Thompson Concrete Products for Sponsoring the Fall Lakes Area Home Tour HOME TOURLaht Larry Geschwill (Simonson Lumber) *Incumbent Shayna McCulloch (Elite Title & Escrow) *Incumbent Gerry Traut (Xcel Energy) *Incumbent Builder Board Member: Cory Hendricks (KC Companies) The 2016 Board of Directors will be installed at the MMBA Holiday Party on Thursday · December 4, 2015, which will take place at The Woods in Brainerd. See page 17 of the newsletter to Meet the Leadership. OCTOBER MEMBERSHIP MEETING • When: Tuesday ~ October 20, 2015 • Where: ReStore @ Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity • Catered by: Ernie’s on Gull Lake • Time: 5:30-8:30 pm – See Page 10 for details • Theme: Fall Lakes Area Home Tour BEST-IN-SHOW Winners Announced • Sponsored by: Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Opportunities: If you are interested in becoming more involved with the MMBA whether it’s volunteering for an upcoming event, joining a committee, or serving on the Board of Directors, please Colleen for more details. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in YOUR Association. Thank You for making a difference and strengthening our association. Colleen Colleen M. Faacks Executive Officer Mid-Minnesota Builder’s Association Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives. 8 October 2015 www.midmnba.org New Member Orientation Breakfast October 15, 2015 – Thursday 8:00-9:00 am Where: Greater Lakes Association of Realtors 15344 Pearl Drive • Baxter, Minnesota 56425 Time: 8:00-9:00 am Cost: Free Sponsored by: American Door Works ~ www.americandoorworks.com Neumann Construction ~ www.brainerdroofing.com The Builders Group ~ www.tbgmn.com RSVP by Noon Monday | October 12, 2015 to MMBA Phone: 218-829-4982 • Email: mmba@brainerd.net Are you a relatively New MMBA Member? Did you join with in the last 24-36 months? Do you want to learn the “Ins” and “Outs” of the Association? Not a New Member, but would like to get more involved in the Association? This is a great opportunity to get started. INVOLVEMENT IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS. We invite All New Members to join us for this networking event. During this fabulous event, you will meet other New Members and have a chance to network with your fellow colleagues. MEMBERSHIP IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT. Let us personally greet you and help you develop lasting business relationships with fellow members so you can make the best of participating in the MMBA. 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 5 Serving the Entire Lakes Area Tree Removal • Lot Clearing Brush Chipping • Stump Removal Pruning/Trimming • Bucket Truck Work Insured/ Certified COMPLETE TREE CARE • Deep Root Fertilization • Injections • Root Regeneration • Disease Recognition PROMPT YEAR ROUND SERVICE Michael A. Schwarze Certified Arborist/ Horticulturalist 218.825.8207 218.829.4982 October 2015 9 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING October GMM – LAHT Winners | BAM Update October 20, 2015 – Tuesday 5:30-8:30 PM Where: L akes Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore 1110 Wright Street • Brainerd, Minnesota 56401 Time: 5:30-8:30 pm 5:30-6:30 pm Social Hour, 6:30-7:15 pm Dinner, 7:15-8:30 pm Program Sponsored by: Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity ~ www.lakesareahabitat.org Cost: $ 20 per person before Thursday, October 15, 2015 $25 per person after Thursday, October 15, 2015 RSVP to MMBA at: Phone: 218-829-4982 • Email: mmba@brainerd.net BAM Update: Our Associations are a great tool to get Cities, Counties, Towns, and Legislators to respond to member’s needs, request or problems. Special guest Remi Stone, BAM’s Executive Vice President, will be talking about local and state government advocacy. Ms. Stone has more than 20 years of extensive experience with the Minnesota state government and the construction industry having worked as a lobbyist, practicing attorney, and director of government affairs for organizations in 23 states and Washington D.C. Payment Policy: Pay at the Door (Cash, Check or Credit Card) or Pre-Pay with a Punch Card. Contact Laura @ the MMBA Office for more information. NETWORK! ATTEND A GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING!!! We surveyed, the #1 reason members join is for the networking. Here’s your chance, RSVP today! NO SHOW POLICY 2015 Sixth Page If Ads.qxp_Layout PM PageMeeting 16 you RSVP for1a 12/19/14 General 2:10 Membership 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 12/19/14 and are unable to attend, you MUST call1 and cancel2:10 no PM Page 12 later than 12:00pm on the day of the meeting, or you will still be invoice for the dinner. We can keep your basement dry and warm with our state of the art waterproofing technologies and systems. It’s that simple …It’s all we do!! NEW CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL WATERPROOFING, DAMPPROOFING, MEMBRANE PROTECTION WITH AN INSULATION/DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 10 October 2015 www.midmnba.org _________________________________________ Scott Hall, Mary Zimmermann & Kevin Pelkey GMM Sponsor Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope”. Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity (LAHFH) has been building homes in Cass, Crow Wing and Hubbard counties since 1990. This year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary and recently completed our 100th home! The number of homes we build depends on the amount of support we have from individuals and businesses in the community. One of the most notable resources for our affiliate is the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. The Habitat ReStore is a retail store that sells new and used donated building materials. Items are sold to the public and all proceeds help support the mission of LAHFH. Much of the material we receive at the ReStore comes in the form of a referral from a local contractor or business. The constantly changing inventory of the Habitat ReStore consists of, but is not limited to: cabinets, appliances, furniture, doors, windows, flooring, plumbing, electrical and other building material supplies. 1110 Wright Street Brainerd, MN 56401 (218) 828-8517 www.lakesareahabitat.org The ReStore team provides FREE services to you and your clients that include: • Removing unwanted materials from the home, which reduces labor costs • Picking up the material to save you time • Loading material into our truck instead of your dumpster, saving on disposal fees If you have a project we can help out with, please don’t hesitate to contact us! 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 11 WE MAKE FINAN NCING EASY Y.. Competitive raates • Locaal decision making & lo l an processing • We’’ll make it haapp ppen NEW CONSTRUCTION DELING REMOD LAND PURCHASE HOMES S & CABINS JERRY GRAHAM MALISSA A TANDESKI TANDESKI NMLS 769572 NMLS 769614 9614 Real Esttat atte Lender Residentiaal Real Esttat atte Manager CA120814 frandsenban nk.com Member FDIC 218.829.4982 BAXTER 218.855.1320 CROSSLAKE 218.692.2455 NISSWA 218.963.3316 2 October 2015 11 Getting to Know a Builder Streeter & Associates ______________________________________ Streeter & Associates 18312 Minnetonka Blvd. Wayzata, MN 55391 jwill@streeterhomes.com Jake Wille & Bob Near Streeter & Associates is the Twin Cities premier architectural home builder of exquisitely designed homes. Our family owned and operated company began 30 years ago and is founded on the uncompromising character and enduring values that inspire all of our Associates to act with integrity and embrace the highest industry standards. We are thrilled to partner with the Mid-Minnesota Builders Association and showcase this reputation in the Brainerd Lakes Area. At Streeter & Associates, we take great pride in a personalized level of attention that coincides with skilled and sophisticated project management expertise. Our personal approach with our clients builds lasting relationships and collaboration built on trust. Homes built by Streeter & Associates have consistently been recognized and highly awarded due to our commitment to craftsmanship and structural integrity. We are committed to bringing this exceptionally high level of service and detail to the Brainerd Lakes Area. sive knowledge base of the finest craftsmen in the area. Together, they will bring Streeter’s unparalleled reputation and sophistication as proven in the Twin Cities to the Brainerd Lakes Area. Our Brainerd Lakes team is led by the highly skilled and experienced group of Senior Project Management Bob Near and Project Manager, Jake Wille. Together, Bob and Jake share a passion for architecture and with a combined 30 plus years of experience in building and managing custom home and renovation projects, they bring a proven track record to producing exquisite homes and extremely satisfied homeowners. Both Bob and Jake have strong ties to the area and bring an exten- Streeter & Associates understands the value of working with an association and is excited to join the MMBA, as they are the main organization committed to supporting the homebuilding industry and subcontractor network in the area. We look forward to our upcoming projects and MMBA partnership as we expand our client network and custom homebuilding capabilities in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Enjoy visiting www.StreeterHomes.com or call 218.513.3883 for more information. 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 7 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 5 TRI-CITY READY MIX plants “Three ” Serving Brainerd 218-829-8820 Little Falls 320-632-5435 Toll Free 800-862-0365 • Washed Sand & Gravel • Road Gravel & Fill Dirt • Drain Rock • Landscape Rock • “Lawn Friendly” 52’ Conveyer Truck • Crushed Granite Products 12 October 2015 www.midmnba.org _____________________ Getting to know a New Member Trussworthy Components Trussworthy Components Team Trussworthy “Quality is in the details” 1339 Roosevelt Avenue Pine River, MN 56474 (218) 587-8787 www.trussworthycomponents.com Trussworthy Components began manufacturing roof and floor trusses in April of 2006, almost to the month when the housing market began its downward slide. Some people have said that was such poor timing, but President Craig Anderson says, “The depressed market forced us to focus on the things people wanted, namely impeccable quality and great service. Our motto is “Quality is in the details”. During the recession, good key people and the grace of God allowed us to grow while 25% of the truss plants closed their doors.” Trussworthy’s office staff has a combined experience of over 200 years in the building industry of which 100 years is in the truss industry. Trussworthy is located at 1339 Roosevelt Avenue, on the Trussworthy has grown from a small operation working east edge of Pine River. They joined MMBA because in a 50-mile radius to a manufacturer that ships trusses of the quality members they represent. Trussworthy beto all the surrounding states. They employ 45 people lieves that MMBA and their affiliates do a great job of working two shifts and recently added on to their facility representing all aspects of the building industry – includto house a state-of-the-art linear saw to help take them ing truss manufacturers. Although Trussworthy Compoto the next level. Trussworthy builds everything from nents is a wholesaler to lumber yards, they still welcome small additions to multimillion dollar homes and com- area builders to stop in. “We want to be a partner in your projects,” Anderson says. mercial buildings. No job too big or too small. 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 10 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 6 218.829.4982 October 2015 13 Getting to Know an Accociate Member Pro-Build _________________________________________ BUILDING ProBuild Brainerd 401 S 8th St. Brainerd, MN 56401 Mon – Fri: 7 am – 5 pm Sat – 8 am – 12 pm Sun - CLOSED ProBuild, a professional building materials suppliers, has been operating in the Brainerd Lakes market since 1989 with lumber yards in Brainerd and Pequot Lakes. ProBuild’s collective skills and knowledge combines unmatched national market coverage with local focus, benefiting production builders, local builders and contractors. “We definitely possess the company strengths at our two locations,” said Pequot Lakes and Brainerd General Manager, David Lester “but have our own areas of expertise here in the Brainerd market. A majority of our staff has been in the community all or most of their professional careers, and they have the product knowledge to prove it. Our locations have a large and diverse product selection that makes us a one stop shop for most projects, and our fleet of trucks suitable for any delivery situation.” MATERIALS ProBuild Pequot Lakes 4326 E Sibley St. Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Mon – Fri: 7 am – 5 pm Sat – 8 am – 12 pm Sun - CLOSED matched national market coverage with local focus, benefiting production builders, local builders and contractors. But all the services in the world don’t make a difference if you don’t have the customers to use them. “We try our best to be a part of the appropriate networking and industry associations,” Dave says. “We are out in the community with our customers and associations like The Mid-Minnesota Builders Association help us to do that. Connecting with community members and industry professionals helps us stay focused on getting things done right and on building a successful future, for everybody.” Probuild was recently acquired by Builders FirstSource, creating the nation’s largest professional building materials supplier and distributor. To learn more about ProBuild or Builders FirstSource you ProBuild sells a broad selection of building materi- can visit their websites, www.Probuild.com or www. als, has manufacturing facilities and offers installa- BLDR.com, or visit either of their locations. 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 7untion construction services. ProBuild combines Let Le L et ProBuild et ProBuild IINSTALL NSTALL for ffo or y you... ou... • iinsulation nsula attion •w atterprro a ooffiing waterproofing • sseamless eamless g utt tterrss gutters Worry-free Installed Insulation featuring Johns Manville Corbond Closed-Cell Spray Foam Existing homeowners can affect their energy usage, save money and help the environment at the same time by investing in energy-efficient Johns Manville Corbond Spray Foam, a premium high-yield closed-cell spray foam insulation. Adding Johns Manville insulation provides continued payback to the homeowners, not only in dollars and cents, but also in more enjoyable and comfortable living, and is perhaps the best investment a homeowner can make. Acting as a subcontractor for our builders on their new construction and remodeling projects, we will do all the phases of installing insulation including estimating, job prep and scheduling. We guarantee every installation with a full one-year warranty on all products and labor. Let ProBuild take the worry out of your next installation project. Give us a call today. w w w . p r o b u i l d . c o m 4326 East Sibley • Pequot Lakes, MN • 218-568-4040 • Hours: M-F 7:00-5:00, Sat. 8:00-12:00 14 October 2015 www.midmnba.org _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Forrest Cyr BAM Communications & Government Affairs Associate “If You Can’t Touch It, What’s Its Value?” The value of a good defense cannot be overstated. From a government affairs perspective, the value of stopping a bad bill now is greater than the costs related to repealing a bad law later – both in terms of cost to your business and the expenditure of our industry’s political capital. The value of a good offense is equally important. Bringing new ideas to the legislature, instead of always saying no, solidifies our industry’s place at the table. These two approaches complement each other, and are essential to a successful advocacy strategy. Engaged membership, however, is of the greatest value to the Builders Association of Minnesota. The credibility, insights, and relationships each member of BAM brings to the table are essential to BAM’s ability to execute a strong defense and effective offense. The act of participating in advocacy may feel like an intangible, as it may have no material being and no intrinsic value. However, ideas set in motion often become a tangible law with real impacts – positive or negative – to your business. That is where you come in! As of September 8, 2015, BAM’s policy adoption survey is open to all association members, and will run through mid-October. The survey is divided into three categories: Local Governments & The Environment, Construction Codes and Licensing, and Legal, Contracts and Business Transactions. From Appraisals to BAM Update Builders Association of Minnesota 525 Park Street, Suite 120 St. Paul, MN 55103 651-646-7959 www.bamn.org Water Permitting, the survey is populated with policy items vital to our industry. BAM staff will compile all of our members’ responses! In two meetings – one in October and one in November -- the Government Affairs Committee will select and approve BAM’s policy platform based on survey responses and political insight from the policy team. Recommendations from the Government Affairs Committee will be sent to the Board of Directors for final approval. We look forward to seeing what our members and Government Affairs Committee set as our priorities for the 2016 legislative session! BAM’s government affairs program is taking full advantage of the stabilized economy to lean into its contemporary and sustained government affairs program. BAM is executing its member-to-legislator in-district grassroots plan, expanding its member-driven policy adoption process, emphasizing industry communications to internal and external stakeholders, and focusing on building out the association’s political tools as we go into the 2016 election cycle. At the end of the day, however, the tools that are the industry’s most valuable advocacy assets are your credibility and your relationships with policy makers. BAM is here to help you make the most of your passion for the future of the industry. 2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Proud Member of MMBA for 14 years! David S. Clausen, CFP® Financial Advisor Sr. Vice President - Investments 866-299-2042 david.s.clausen@stifel.com www.stifel.com Est. 1980 “Fine Architectural Millwork” • • • • • Mouldings Radius Millwork Custom Doors Stair Parts Paneling & Flooring Contact: Joe Paine (JP) Phone: (218) 828-4824 Cell: (218) 820-1222 Fax: (218) 828-0720 jpaine@brainerdhardwoods.com www.brainerdhardwoods.com 13844 White Pine Drive, Brainerd, Minnesota 56401 218.829.4982 October 2015 15 NAHB MEMBER BENEFITS____________________________________________________________________________________________ National Association of Home Builders 1201 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 800-368-5242 www.nahb.org As a benefit of being a member of the Mid-Minnesota Builders Association (MMBA), you have access to discounts and savings opportunities offered by many top companies. All programs, rates and prices are subject to change without notice. site listed below. National Association of Home Builder’s (NAHB) members can access each program using the co-branded links, or download a one-page overview of all discounts including phone numbers and program codes at the web- Your membership entitles you to discounts on vehicles, shipping, cell phone plans, computers, car rentals, office supplies and more. NAHB’s purchasing power means big savings! Go to www.nahb.org/ma for details! When using these programs please identify yourself as a member of the National Association of Home Builders. You member number is available at the MMBA office 218-829-4982. Register now and save 2% on your Lowe’s Accounts Receivable purchases. Plus, get free delivery on purchases of $500 or more. To register an existing Lowe’s Accounts Receivables account or to apply for the LAR account,visit LowesForPros.com/NAHB or call 877-435-2440. 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 View more discounts at www.nahb.org/ma 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 2 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 4 API GARAGE DOOR STORE SERVING CENTRAL MINNESOTA Competitively priced for builders and lumber yards Garage Doors • Openers • Service • Parts • Installation • Sales Residential and Commercial 800-864-3816 • 320-251-7000 visit our website at www.gdsmidwest.com 16 October 2015 (218)692-3025 or (218)838-0795 (Install Services) www.midmnba.org _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Meet the Leadership Getting to know the Leadership: Cory Hendricks is the Construction Division Vice President of Operations for KC Companies Inc., which is based out of Pequot Lakes. Cory has been in the residential construction industry for 25 years. His experience started in the field as a construction laborer and has progressed from a carpenter, foreman/ superintendent, project manager to his current position. He has also owned his own residential construction business. His dedication to exceptional service, quality Cory Hendricks and performance has earned him respect and trust by his clients and colleagues. In addition, Cory treats all co-workers, subs and vendors with dignity and respect. Cory has been an active member of the MMBA for several years throughout his career participating in a lot of the events and recognizes the amount of work and energy that it takes to make them successful. Cory would like to become an active member of the MMBA Board of Directors and help make a difference for all in the construction industry. Shayna McCulloch has been in the title and mortgage industry since 2005. She is the co-owner and Escrow Officer of Elite Title & Escrow, Corp. Shayna displays great expertise and thorough knowledge of residential and commercial real estate closing transactions. She has served on her first term as Board Member, is on the Programs, Golf, and Home Show Committees. Shayna joined MMBA in order to establish a networkShayna McCulloch ing system with our area builders and associates. She strongly believes in doing business with members and she encourages her clients to do the same. The advice Shayna would like to pass on to both members and non-members is to get involved and be active. You get back in return what you give. The effort and time you put into things is what you get out of them. Shayna would like to continue to serve a second term as an Associate Board Member. Gerold Traut is a Senior Territory Representative for Xcel Energy. Gerry has worked for Xcel Energy for 25 years starting in the gas construction department in St. Paul, MN and in 1999 he moved to Brainerd Lakes Area taking on his current position with Xcel Energy. Gerry has a Bachelor of Science Degree from St. Cloud State University in Environmental Technology and Construction Management. Gerry has been an active member of MMBA since 1999 participating in many events and committees. Gerry has been a board member since 2010 and current MMBA President. Gerry also is a member of the Executive Committee for the Builders Association of Minnesota (BAM). Gerold Traut My name is Larry Geschwill I have been married for 22 years to my lovely wife Kristin. We have two wonderful daughters Jordan 18 and Kaitlyn 11. Jordan is our dancer and Kaitlyn is our little sports All Star. I have been in the building industry for 34 years and started working construction with my father in 1981. From 1984 – 2002, I worked for a Home Improvement Warehouse where I held positions from P.T. Sales to Store Management. I left in 2002 and did my own Larry Geschwill landscaping, light construction, and Real Estate appraisals in the Brainerd Lakes area until 2006 when I joined Stock Building Supply. Stock Building Supply closed their doors in 2008, and I went back to Construction and Landscaping until 2010 when I joined Simonson Lumber, where I currently Manage the Baxter and Crosslake locations. Simonson Lumber celebrated our 102nd year in business in 2015 and our philosophy of putting our Employees 1st has helped make Simonson Lumbers longevity something of a rare occurrence in this industry. If we take care of our Employees they will take care of our Customers. Simonson Lumber has been a member of the MMBA since 1991. We joined the MMBA as a duty to our industry. We strongly feel, that the investments in our local and National associations are a must in keeping the association strong and our voices heard. The rewards, including friendships and camaraderie are an added value. 2015 has been pretty good to our industry, this fall, and the Spring of 2016 look even better! Thank You to all our Customers and Employees and I wish everyone a safe and successful Fall and Winter! 2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM 2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM 2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM WELL DRILLING & REPAIR WATER PUMP SALES AND SERVICE Triangle Oil Locations Hwy 371 North Baxter Hwy 210 West Baxter 421 NE Washington Street Brainerd 321 Washington Street Brainerd Merrifield • Pequot Lakes Staples • Garrison Interior / Exterior Painting Wallcovering / Prefinishing Parking Lot Striping Power Washing Sandblasting www.geospaint.com 888-820-4370 218.829.4982 FAST PROMPT SERVICE MODERN ROTARY DRILLING Residential Wells • Commercial • Test Drilling 4-12” Wells Drilled • Lake Cabins • Farms Monitoring Wells • Well Abandonment • Irrigation Complete Well Systems • Bonded & Insured TOLL FREE 888-300-9355 Brainerd 218-828-1719 Crosslake 218-692-2696 Randall 320-749-2695 Serving You Since 1976 Family Owned & Operated Free Estimates October 2015 17 18 October 2015 www.midmnba.org _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Fall LAHT Home Tour HOME TOURLaht Lakes Area Home Tour Special Thanks to the Builder’s that participated in the Fall Lakes Area Home Tour: B-Dirt Construction Baratto Brothers Construction Brainerd Lakes Build & Remodel Dotty Brothers Construction/Whitebirch Village Townhomes E.L. Builders KC Companies Lumber One - Avon B-Dirt Construction Baratto Brothers Construction Brainerd Lakes Build & Remodel Whitebirch E.L. Builders KC Companies Lumber One – Avon Fall Lakes Area Home Tour is sponsored by: 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 10 218-454-8900 | GerhardsStore.com 18078 State Highway 371 | Brainerd, MN | 218-829-6910 | 1Supply.com 218.829.4982 October 2015 19 September GMM Highlights____________________________________________________________________________________ September GMM at Sponsored by: Windows & Doors Jeff Hoag and Bill Clemen Jeff and Lori Johnson Larry Geschwill, Gerry Traut and Pat Goff 2015Margie Third Goebel, Page Ads.qxp_Third 2:09 PMKelley Page 3 Jeanne Gaffney,Page Ads 12/19/14 Jenny and Travis Carol Donato & Larry Geschwill Asphalt Paving Concrete brainerd (218) 829-1768 | 20 October 2015 Gravel Roads Jody Osterloh and Rhonda Strand Joey Steiger and Chris Schucker Site Development DETROIT LAKES (218) 346-6004 | Underground Utilities walker (218) 547-1952 | www.midmnba.org Pat Goff and Warren Haberman Aggregates andersonbrothers.com ___________________________________________________________________________________ Wes and Gloria Mink Gerry Traut, Jeremy Johnston and Sev Neumann September GMM Highlights Gene Haverkamp and Herry Beckman Travis and Jenny Kelley & Ivanna and Mark Buchite 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 6 Gloria Mink and Pat Goff Carol Donato Rhonda Strand Arrowwood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes is Proud to be a member of the Mid-Minnesota Builders Association! 218-822-5634 Our full service hotel offers a corporate rate for lodging to MMBA members at the rate of $79.00 (sgl/dbl occupancy) + tax per night from Sunday through Thursday nights and $129.00 per night + tax for Friday or Saturday night. Ask for the MMBA rate when making reservations! www.arrowwoodbrainerd.com 6967 Lake Forest Road · Baxter, MN 56425 218.829.4982 Baxter’s Bar & Grill is here to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner daily! October 2015 21 Save The Date ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Mid-Minnesota Builders Association cordially invites you to join us Friday-December 4, 2015 to our Christmas Classic | Holiday Party 6:00 – 10:00 pm The Woods in Brainerd Seasons Greetings The MMBA and its Board of Directors encourages you to extend an invitation to your employees and have your Christmas Party with us. A variety of Holiday Sponsor Packages will be available! Entertainment: Jim Steinworth & Cal Spooner 2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/22/14 12:09 P2015 Ninth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING “Serving The Area Since 1974” • GAS FURNACES • HEAT PUMPS • AIR CONDITIONING • IN FLOOR HEATING • FIREPLACES • AIR EXCHANGERS & HUMIDIFIERS 218-829-4721 218-692-2177 301 NW 6th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 1-800-692-2177 clsmpenny@crosslake.net South Highway 3 • Crosslake, MN www.crosslakesheetmetal.com 22 October 2015 www.midmnba.org _____________________________________________________________________________ MMBA’s 9th annual Texas Hold‘em MMBA’s 9th Annual L D O ’ E H M S F A U X N E T November 17, 2015 @ The Legacy Pavilion at Cragun’s Sponsored by: CALLING ALL TEXAS HOLD’EM PLAYERS: ALL SKILL LEVELS are Welcome!! You Do Not need to know how to play – This is the perfect place to learn how. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a TABLE – OR – PRIZE SPONSOR. A total of 15 Texas Hold’em Table Sponsors are Needed. Registrations are handled on a first come – first serve basis. TABLE SPONSOR: (limit 15) Provide a $50 Door Prize ~ Minimum of (1) Door Prize, No Maximum Amount. (Be sure to place a business card on your Door Prize so we know who to give recognition to.) Each Table Sponsor is required to: • Provide a DEALER ~ A brief meeting covering rules will be held prior to the tournament. (Contact Colleen if you need a Dealer.) • Provide (1) deck of cards. • Each Table Sponsor has the opportunity to decorate your Table. Be Creative!! ~ Show off your company’s logo when decorating your table!! • Sponsors may start Setting Up at 4:30 pm PRIZE SPONSOR: Provide a $50 Door Prize (Minimum of (1) Door Prize – No maximum amount.) (Be sure to place a business card on your Door Prize so we know who to give recognition to.) • Y ou Do Not Need to be Present, feel free to drop off the door prize at the MMBA office by Monday November 16, 2015 at 4:00 pm. RESERVATIONS are handled on a First come – First come basis! Call OR Email the MMBA Office to let us know if you are interested in participating Office: (218) 829-4982 OR Email: mmba@brainerd.net 218.829.4982 October 2015 23 Look Who’s Talking Gerhards The Kitchen & Bath Store_________________________ 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 2 24 October 2015 www.midmnba.org 2015 Full Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:07 PM Page 1 218.829.4982 October 2015 25 Spike Club___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPIKE CLUB-BUILDING OUR FUTURE ONE MEMBER AT A TIME! Who is your 1 New or Re-Newing Member? Spike Club members are the true champions of NAHB. By recruiting, involving, and retaining members, Spikes strengthen and build both our association and the entire industry. Being an NAHB spike has its exclusive awards, including these benefits: • Nationwide prestige as a distinguished Spike Club Member increased visibility, recognition, and networking opportunities among industry peers. • Valuable NAHB rewards for each level of achievement. • Local and State VIP events, prizes and awards. To retain Spike Status and become a life Spike, you must earn a minimum of (1) Spike (new or renewing member) each membership year until you reach a total of 25 credits. SPIKE CANDIDATES 1-5 CREDITS Candidates Qualifying Credits Dave Ackerman 1.0 Steve Arends 1.0 Scott Bonfig 1.0 Pam Braland 1.0 Jack Chisholm 1.0 Chuck Deutsch 1.0 Mitch Feierabend 1.0 Julie Gowen 1.0 Tom Hanson 1.0 Bruce Janowiec 1.0 Travis Kelley 1.0 Dan Lindstrom 1.0 Matt Nornberg 1.0 Mark Prueher 1.0 Tom Tscheu 1.0 Mark Buchite Dan Egan Jesse Grant Beth Hansen Mike House Mark Korte Doug Kuepers John Majka Jody Osterloh Matt Radniecki 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Matt Balmer Barry Frieler Wayne Harting Sam Horn Julie Kletscher Karl & Penny Skog Janie Weston 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Eric Gjerde Scott Kneeland Ken Nornberg Chris Schucker Terry Swanson 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 David Clausen Joey Steiger 3.5 3.5 Jeremy Anderson 4.0 Margie Goebel 4.5 BLUE SPIKES John Dotty Joe Ranweiler Ginger House Jim Baratto Gerry Traut Warren Haberman Jake Huser Jeanne Gaffney Dave Beyer Cindy Carlson 6-24 CREDITS 6.0 7.0 7.5 12.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 20.5 23.0 Focus your energy on recruiting and retaining MMBA Members!! 25-49 CREDITS 28.0 28.5 32.0 36.5 42.5 GREEN SPIKE Brent Gunsbury Dale Bolt Dave Peterson Patrick Goff 50-99 CREDITS 52.0 61.0 67.5 80.0 RED SPIKE Mike Scott 100-149 CREDITS 106.0 ROYAL SPIKE 150-249 CREDITS SUPER SPIKE Tom Bercher 250-449 CREDITS 441.0 SPIKE LEADERS Larry Geschwill, Gerry Traut and Pat Goff Over and over again, it’s been proven that active participation can help members achieve the goals they’ve set for their business and themselves. Get involved in the life of the Association. With your support, the MMBA will continue to grow. Help shape the future of the industry that supports your career and your business. Lonnie Faacks 3.0 2015 Third Page Ads.qxp_Third Page Ads 12/19/14 2:09 PM Page 4 26 October 2015 LIFE SPIKES Larry Geschwill Bill Mattson Jody Harting Chuck Hiltner Terry Quick www.midmnba.org __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General Contractors Ameribuilt Buildings, Inc. Lon Isaacson & Terry Petersen 904 West Division Street Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone 320/259-7701 Toll Free 800/547-8188 Fax 320/259-0226 sales@ameribuiltbuildings.com lon@ameribuiltbuildings.com www.ameribuiltbuildings.com License# BC116509 B-Dirt Construction Greg Ranweiler & Joe Ranweiler 4706 Wilderness Ct. Suite 1 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/821-5243 Fax 218/822-5920 Greg Cell 218/821-5243 Joe Cell 218/232-1360 greg@b-dirt.com joe@b-dirt.com www.b-dirt.com License# BC328737 Baratto Brothers Construction Ben Baratto & Matt Radniecki 13872 Shafer Road Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-1070 Fax 218/692-1071 Ben Cell 218/851-6702 Matt Cell 218/820-8049 benb@barattobrothers.com mattr@barattobrothers.com barattobrothers.com License# BC322437 Bercher Design & Construction Brent Gunsbury 7676 Design Road, Suite 100 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1381 brent@bercher.com www.bercher.com License# BC004461 Brainerd Lakes Build & Remodel Steven May 7726 White Overlook Drive Breezy Point, MN 56472 Cell 612/369-8392 steve@brainerdhomebuilder.com www.brainerdhomebuilder.com License# BC682638 Castle Rock Construction Company, LLP. Gregory Cameron 8120 Whitstrom Road Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-7689 Toll Free 888/707-7650 Fax 218/961-7689 castlerock@nisswa.net License# BC002524 Collete/Parks Construction, LLC Steve Collete & Ben Parks 1126 Poplar Drive East Gull Lake, MN 56401 Phone 218/821-1483 Fax 218/829-8033 cpconstruction@hotmail.com www.colleteparksconstruction.com License# BC366294 Cygnet Mina, Inc. Alex Hering 12355 Lower Sylvan Road SW Pillager, MN 56473 Office: 218-824-6095 Cell: 218-270-0509 build@cygnetmina.com www.cygnetmina.com License# BC456737 Diversified Construction of the Lakes Area, LLC David Peterson 1107 South 6th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/820-7841 Fax 218/824-2323 Cell 218/820-7841 dpeterson6@live.com License# BC637261 Dotty Brothers Construction, Inc. John Dotty 4593 Morehouse Drive Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-6160 Fax 218/568-6108 Cell 218/820-4464 john@dottybrothers.com www.dottybrothers.com License# BC062426 KLW Construction Kerry Watkins 955 – 75th Avenue NE Outing, MN 56662 Phone 218/792-5994 Fax 218/792-5994 klwcon@brainerd.net License# CR004612 Kuepers, Inc. Architects & Builders Ray Austin 17018 Commercial Park Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-0707 Fax 218/829-0383 raya@kuepers.com www.kuepers.com License# BC002599 Lake Country Builders, LTD Renee Aldecocea 339 2nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone 952/474-7121 Fax 952/474-7957 raldecocea@lakecountrybuilders.com www.lakecountrybuilders.com License# BC349679 Economy Garages Gary Roth 23815 Front Street P.O. Box 487 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/534-5408 Toll Free 800/837-5506 Fax 218/534-9229 Gary Cell 218/838-3900 gary@economygarages.net www.economygarages.net License# BC222825 Lands End Development Matt Balmer 13817 County Road 36 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-5263 Fax 218/692-5585 Cell 218/831-0831 matt@landsenddev.com www.landsenddev.com License# BC454356 E.L. Builders, LLC Eric Larson 1840 Hidden Loon Trail SW Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Eric Cell 218/839-4158 llarson@tds.net www.e-lbuilders.com License# BC626648 Foote Construction, Inc. Tim & Cindy Foote 26423 Old Mill Road Merrifield, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-3613 Fax 218/765-8387 Cell 218/821-8533 footeconstruction@hotmail.com www.footeconstructioninc.com License# BC385335 HY-TEC Construction of Brainerd, Inc. Craig Feierabend & Brad Arnold P.O. Box 621 11360 Business 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-8529 Fax 218/829-5383 office@hytecconstruction.com www.hytecconstruction.com License# BC050648 ISPIRI Design • Build • Remodel Eddie Near 7779 Afton Road Woodbury, MN 55125 Office: 651-578-0122 Cell: 612-812-0562 enear@ispiri.com www.ispiri.com License# BC627402 KC Companies, Inc. Kent Marthaler & Cory Hendricks 31079 Front Street P.O. Box 379 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-6610 Fax 218/568-6642 kent@kccompaniesinc.com cory@kccompaniesinc.com www.kccompaniesinc.com License# BC517204 Lumber One, Avon Inc. Chuck Brandes P.O. Box 7 Avon, MN 56310 Phone 320/356-7342 Toll Free 888/525-7342 Fax 320/356-7631 cbrandes@lumber-one.com www.lumber-one.com License# BC001820 Majka Construction, Inc. John & Laurie Majka 6367 Lendee Drive Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-1367 John Cell 218/820-3078 Laurie Cell 218/820-2413 lmajka@hotmail.com majkacon@nisswa.net www.majkaconstruction.com License# BC003300 Miller Built Custom Homes, Inc. Greg & Tina Miller P.O. Box 424 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/838-9761 Fax 218/828-1164 Greg Cell 218/838-9761 Tina Cell 218/825-9681 gtmiller9796@msn.com millerbuiltcustomhomes.com License# BC384628 Nor-son, Inc. Tim Bement 7900 Hastings Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-1722 Fax 218/828-0487 Toll Free 800-858-1722 Tim Cell 218/820-1238 tim.bement@nor-son.com www.nor-son.com License# BC001969 218.829.4982 Directory Nornberg Builders, Inc. Ken Nornberg & Matt Nornberg 24785 Cove Trail Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-0879 Fax 218/963-0879 Ken Cell 218/820-4009 Matt Cell 218/838-4287 matt@nornbergbuilders.com nornbergbuilders@yahoo.com www.nornbergbuilders.com License# BC001980 North Country Custom Builders, Inc. Barry Frieler 2432 76th Street SW Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-7765 Fax 218/568-6628 Cell 218/820-7795 nccb@tds.net www.nccbuildersmn.com License# BC273423 Northland Buildings, Inc. Steve Imholte 15831 16th Street N.E. Little Falls, MN 56345 Phone 320/616-2100 Fax 320/616-2101 imholtes@northlandbuildings.com www.northlandbuildings.com License# BC048615 Northland Construction, Inc. Jeremy Johnston 15496 Sorenson Lake Road Merrifield, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-4015 Fax 218/765-8368 Cell 218/838-4010 nci@brainerd.net www.northlandconstructionmn.com License# BC460780 Quick Construction, Inc. Terry Quick 12478 Whiteley Creek Trail Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6203 tnquick@charter.net License# BC320749 R & R Schultz Custom Homes, Inc. Ryan Schultz & Ron Schultz 8890 Ruttger Road Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218-543-4266 Fax 218-543-4766 Ryan’s Cell 218-821-0841 Ron’s Cell 218/820-7360 rrschultz@tds.net www.rrschultzhomes.com License# BC629259 RetroGreen Energy Chris Froelke 315 Franklin, Ave. North East St. Cloud, MN 56304 Phone 320/252-8888 Fax 320/230-3927 chris@retrogreenenergy.com www.retrogreenenergy.com License# BC631810 Rural Renewable Energy Alliance Jason Edens & Roger Garton 2330 Dancing Wind Road SW Ste 2 Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218/587-4753 Fax 218/547-4753 Jason Cell 218/839-7732 info@rreal.org jason@rreal.org roger@rreal.org www.rreal.org License# BC629837 NABCEP# 032407-39 October 2015 27 Directory ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spitzack Builders, Inc. Mark Spitzack P.O. Box 1500 Walker, MN 56484 Phone 218/547-3565 Fax 218/547-2924 Mark Cell 218/820-6226 mspitzack@spitzackbuilders.com www.spitzackbuilders.com License# BC379982 Start to Finish Builder & Remodelers John Koupal & Wes Mink 17025 Commercial Park Road Unit# 4 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-0585 Fax 218/454-9004 John Cell 218/330-4422 Wes Cell 218/82-0204 starttofinish@brainerd.net wes@starttofinishbuilders.com www.starttofinishbuilders.com License# BC637395 Streeter & Associates Bob Near & Jake Wille 18312 Minnetonka Blvd. Wayzata, MN 55391 Phone 952/449-9448 Fax 952/449-5784 Bob Cell 612/819-1679 Jake Cell 612/212-3007 bnear@streeterhomes.com jwill@streeterhomes.com www.streeterhomes.com License# BC001380 Timberwood Construction, Inc Brett Jans & Leila Jans P.O. Box 133 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/831-7004 Toll Free 866/831-3074 Fax 218/963-7786 Brett Cell 218/831-7004 Leila Cell 218/831-7009 janslb@msn.com www.timberwoodconstructioninc.com License# BC525448 TJ Specialty Construction, LLC Kevin Kleinschmidt 10914 Country Lane Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-8024 Fax 218/270-2368 Kevin Cell 218/232-4990 kevin@tjspecialty.com www.tjspecialty.com License# BC636178 Vercon, Inc Jay Helgren 13794 Bluestem Court P.O. Box 2810 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-2040 Fax 218/824-2041 Cell 763/248-1972 jay.helgren@verconinc.com License# BC688124 Wausau Homes Larry Oaks 24400 Smiley Road Suite 12 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/961-0566 Cell 218/831-3854 oaksl@wausauhomes.com License# BC464857 Wes Hanson Builders, Inc. Tom Hanson & Todd Hanson P.O. Box 456 34103 County Road 3 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-1760 Fax 218/692-1770 Cell 218/820-7103 tom@weshansonbuilders.com todd@weshansonbuilders.com www.weshansonbuilders.com License# BC003452 Abstract & Title Elite Title & Escrow Corporation Shayna McCulloch 13954 Cypress Drive Suite 200 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-4450 Fax 218/829-4617 Cell 218/330-0996 shayna@elitetitle.co www.elitetitle.co Accounting CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP Bill Potvin & Jon Weston 14275 Golf Course Drive, Suite 300 Baxter, MN 56425 P.O. Box 648 Brainerd, MN 56401-0648 Phone 218/828-0100 Fax 218/828-9503 Bill Cell 218/820-3534 Jon Cell 218/821-5033 william.potvin@claconnect.com jon.weston@claconnect.com www.CLAconnect.com Advertising / Marketing Brainerd Dispatch Linda Hurst 506 James Street P.O. Box 974 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-4705 Fax 218/829-7735 linda.hurst@brainerdispatch.com www.brainerddispatch.com GR Promotions, a Vernon Company Pam Braland 13979 Cherrywood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Cell: 218-393-3310 Fax: 952-736-1919 pam.braland@vernoncompany.com www.grpromotions.com Hubbard Radio Brainerd/Wadena, LLC. Mike Boen & Joan Petersen 13225 Dogwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-1244 Fax 218/828-1119 mike@brainerdradio.com jpetersen@hubbardradio.com www.brainerdradio.net Lake Country Journal Magazine Kim Wood and Dave Anderson P.O. Box 978 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-6424 Fax 218/825-7816 Kim Cell 612/876-0110 Dave Cell 218/829-5982 kimw@themskgroup dave@lakescountryjournal.com www.lakecountryjournal.com P & J Promotions Kristy Blix 6934 Old Whiskey Rd Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 877/975-9600 Fax 763/432-0198 Cell 763/670-7982 kblix@pandjpromotions.com 28 October 2015 Red Rock Radio Mike Melenich P.O. Box 140 Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/828-9994 Fax 218/828-8327 Cell 218/820-1031 mikeradio@embarqmail.com www.redrockradiobrainerd.com Appliances Ferguson Enterprises Bruce Crocker & Ian Misenko 8188 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-9794 Fax 218/829-5667 Bruce Cell 218/839-1801 Ian Cell 218/330-9594 bruce.crocker@ferguson.com ian.misenko@ferguson.com www.ferguson.com Schroeder’s Appliance Center Charles Schroeder 16603 State Hwy 371 North Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-3624 Fax 218/829-0874 schroedersappliance@gmail.com www.schroedersappliance.com Sears Hometown Store - Baxter Mary Kolkind & Scott Moellman 15910 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-9313 Toll Free 866/824-9313 Fax 218/824-9494 Mary Cell 218/839-0472 mary@searsbaxter.com scott@searsbaxter.com www.searshometownstores.com Architecture / Design Bercher Design & Construction Brent Gunsbury 7676 Design Road, Suite 100 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1381 Fax 218/829-6785 brent@bercher.com www.bercher.com License# BC004461 Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Castle Rock Construction Company, LLP. Gregory Cameron 8120 Whitstrom Road Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-7689 Toll Free 888/707-7650 Fax 218/961-7689 castlerock@nisswa.net License# BC002524 Dan J. Heid - Planning & Design, LLC Dan J. Heid 22463 Otremba Road Pierz, MN 56364 Phone 218/851-7091 Cell 218/851-7091 djhplanning@centurylink.net www.djhplanning.com www.midmnba.org HY-TEC Construction of Brainerd, Inc. Craig Feierabend & Brad Arnold P.O. Box 621 11360 Business 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-8529 Fax 218/829-5383 office@hytecconstruction.com www.hytecconstruction.com License# BC050648 Kuepers, Inc. Architects & Builders Ray Austin 17018 Commercial Park Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-0707 Fax 218/829-0383 raya@kuepers.com www.kuepers.com License# BC002599 Nor-son, Inc. Tim Bement 7900 Hastings Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-1722 Fax 218/828-0487 Toll Free 800-858-1722 Tim Cell 218/820-1238 tim.bement@nor-son.com www.nor-son.com License# BC001969 RemWhirl Jason Bassett & Joe Scheffler 33816 County Road 3 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-6700 Fax 218/692-6701 jasonb@remwhirl.com Joes@remwhirl.com www.remwhirl.com Asphalt & Sealcoating Repair Anderson Brothers Const. Co. Scott Mudgett 11325 Hwy 210 P.O. Box 668 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-1768 Fax 218/829-7607 smudgett@andersonbrothers.com www.andersonbrothers.com Tri-City Paving, Inc. Jack Surma P.O. Box 326 Little Falls, MN 56345 Phone 320/632-5435 Fax 320/632-5436 tcp@tri-citypaving.com www.tri-citypaving.com Attorneys Gammello, Qualley, Pearson, & Mallak, Pllc. Steven Qualley & James Gammello 14275 Golf Course Drive Suite 200 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-9511 Fax 218/824-8545 steveq@gqlaw.net jgammello@gqlaw.net www.gqlaw.net Automatic doors Brainerd Glass Company Charles Deutsch & Greg Meller 624 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5430 Toll Free 800/317-5430 Fax 218/829-0038 Charles Cell 218/330-6670 Greg Cell 218/330-8470 chuck@brainerdglass.net greg@brainerdglass.net www.brainerdglass.net __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gull Lake Glass, Inc. Nate Tuomi & Kerri Vastila 18441 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, Mn 56401 Phone 218/829-2881 Fax 218/829-1228 glglassinc@gmail.com www.gulllakeglass.com Automotive Radco Truck Accessory Center Bob Joyce & Jim Falconer 14366 Dellwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1447 Fax 218/829-2345 Bob Cell 218/821-1924 Jim Cell 218/232-7766 rjoyce@radco.com jfalconer@radco.com www.radco.com The Bodyworks Andy Dosser 14742 Dellwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/825-3500 Toll Free 800-991-9039 Fax 218/825-3510 andyd@millsauto.com www.thebodyworks.com Awnings / Solar Screens Better Living Concepts, Inc. Renewal by Andersen of Brainerd Dan & Julie Kletscher 11316 State Hwy 210 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5590 Toll Free 888/829-5590 Fax 218/824-1587 jkletscher@betterlivingconcepts.net dkletscher@betterlivingconcepts.net www.betterlivingconcepts.net License# BC060845 G & J Awning & Canvas, Inc Beth Brenny 1260 10th Street North Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Phone 320/255-1733 Toll Free 800/467-1744 Fax 320/255-0130 Beth Cell 320/420-1030 beth@gjawning.com www.gjawning.com Blinds and Shutters Budget Blinds of Brainerd Jane Larsen 17150 Dewes Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Cell 218/252-2695 jlarsen@budgetblinds.com www.budgetblinds.com/brainerd Brick & Stone Facing BrockWhite Company Merry Rohloff 3855 Independence Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1929 Toll Free 800/201-1929 Fax 218/829-0802 mrohloff@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.com W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Co. Brett Thompson & Todd Thompson P.O. Box 87 702 Industrial Park Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-9674 Toll Free 800/422-3470 Fax 218/828-1161 brett@wwthompson.com todd@wwthompson.com www.wwthompson.com C & D Granite, LLC Brad Steil P.O. Box 219 767 1st Street SE Richmond, MN 56368 Office: 320-597-2398 brads@cdgranite.com www.cdgranite.com Building Science GPS Restoration Solutions Dan Stanifer P.O. Box 2615 Baxter, MN 56425 Office 218/454-0805 Cell 218/330-8550 dans@gpsrsmn.com www.gpsrsmn.com License# BC678734 Crow Wing Cabinets, Inc. David Beyer & Ben Beyer P.O. Box 465 17753 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-0620 dbeyer@crowwingcabinets.com bbeyer@crowwingcabinets.com www.crowwingcabinets.com Building supplies Build-All-Lumber Diana Gallaway 13204 Fawn Lake Road Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-3047 Fax 218/692-3029 Toll Free 800/235-9774 Store 218/692-3025 Cell 218/838-8222 dianagallaway@crosslake.net www.buildalllumber.com License# BC003690 Home Depot Sheila LeBlanc 7207 Foley Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-0341 Fax 218/855-8482 prodesk_2818@homedepot.com www.homedepot.com Pro-Build - Brainerd Bill Desrocher 401 South 8th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2891 Fax 218/829-6496 www.probuild.com Simonson Lumber Larry Geschwill 3855 Independence Road# 200 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5798 Fax 218/829-6761 Cell 218/270-0687 larryg@simonson-lumber.com www.simonson-lumber.com W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Co. Brett Thompson & Todd Thompson P.O. Box 87 702 Industrial Park Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-9674 Toll Free 800/422-3470 Fax 218/828-1161 brett@wwthompson.com todd@wwthompson.com www.wwthompson.com Cabinets / Countertops Acorn Millwork, Inc. Tim & Colleen Duffney 25175 State Hwy 18 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/678-3121 Toll Free 800/383-3639 Fax 218/678-2205 Cell 218/838-3833 info@acornmillwork.com www.acornmillwork.com Cambria Lisa Weck 11000 West 78th Street Suite 200 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone 952/944-1676 Fax 952/826-6290 Cell 612/598-3346 lisa.weck@cambriausa.com www.cambriausa.com Fabricators Unlimited, Inc. Kris Thompson and Tim Pashcall 828 NP Avenue Fargo, ND 58102 Phone 701/235-1185 Fax 701/237-0270 kris@fabricatorsunlimited.com tim@fabricatorsunllimited.com www.fabricatorsunlimited.com Granite Services Jeff Burg and Angie Hill 30736 Pearl Drive St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320-363-4640 Fax 320-363-4503 Cell 320-249-1172 jburg@graniteservicesllc.com angie@graniteservicesllc.com www.graniteservicesllc.com Hudrlik Carpet & Tile, Inc. Jason Vignieri 505 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-5009 Fax 218/828-0981 Cell 218/851-3349 info@hudrlikcarpet.com www.hudrlikcarpet.com Directory Wood Products Unlimited, Inc. Alan Andres & Don Andres 15909 Inglewood Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-4353 Fax 218/829-0067 Alan Cell 218/838-4040 Don Cell 218/838-4041 info@woodproductsonline.com www.woodproductsonline.com Cable Installation Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Carpentry Majka Construction, Inc. John & Laurie Majka 6367 Lendee Drive Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-1367 John Cell 218/820-3078 Laurie Cell 218/820-2413 lmajka@hotmail.com majkacon@nisswa.net www.majkaconstruction.com License# BC003300 Spitzack Builders, Inc. Mark Spitzack P.O. Box 1500 Walker, MN 56484 Phone 218/547-3565 Fax 218/547-2924 Mark Cell 218/820-6226 mspitzack@spitzackbuilders.com www.spitzackbuilders.com License# BC379982 Catering Ivy Woodcraft, Inc. Scott & Julie Bonfig 26068 Cody Lane Merrified, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-4151 Scott Cell 763/238-6439 scott@ivywoodcraft.com julie@ivywoodcraft.com www.ivywoodcraft.com Ernie’s on Gull Lake, Inc. Chris Foy & Mike Foy 10424 Squaw Point Road East Gull Lake, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-3918 chris@erniesongull.com www.erniesongull.com JAG Interior Solutions, LLC Julie Gowen 35762 County Road 3 P.O. Box 638 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-4521 Fax 218/692-4522 Cell 218/820-3800 jgowen19@hotmail.com www.jaginteriorsolutions.com www.jaginteriorsolutions.net Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Ron’s Cabinets, Inc. John Packert & Duwayne Cottew 380 Industrial Blvd East Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Phone 320/252-7667 Fax 320/257-0158 john.packert@ronscabinets. comduwayne.cottew@ronscabinets.co ronscabinets@cloudnet.com Showplace Kitchens Bruce Janowiec 15860 Audubon Way Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-4228 Toll Free 877/824-4229 Fax 218/824-4230 Cell 218/839-7360 brucej@showplacekitchens.com www.showplacekitchens.com 218.829.4982 Central Vacuum Systems Chiropractic Care HealthSourse Chiropractic Dr. Dillon Remmick 7656 Design Road Suite# 100 Baxter, MN 56425 Office: 218-454-9355 Fax: 218-454-9356 Cell: 218-838-3335 E-mail: drremmick@gmail.com Website: www.healthsourceofbaxter. com Hedlund Chiropractic, P.A. Dr. Bryan Hedlund 17025 Commercial Pk Road# 8 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/824-3737 Cell 218/330-3398 Fax 218/824-3738 doctorhedlund@yahoo.com www.hedlundchiro.com October 2015 29 Directory ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cleaning / Restoration ServiceMaster Clean Ken & Jackie Retka 7611 College Road P.O. Box 2805 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-4076 Fax 218/829-9577 jackie@servicemasterretka.com www.servicemasterclean.com Servpro of Brainerd and Park Rapids Laura Arends 33029 South Upper Hay Drive Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-6923 Fax 218/568-7274 Cell 218/851-5993 servpro9046@tds.net www.servpro.com Close Circut Television People’s Security Company Jason Cave & Tim Davis P.O. Box 467 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4828 Toll Free 800/735-1440 Fax 218/828-0098 Tim Cell 218/820-1201 peoplessecuritymail@cwpower.com cave@peoplessecurity.com tdavis@peoplessecurity.com www.peoplessecurity.com Communications CTC Andy Isackson & Jason Atwater 14385 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-1234 Toll Free 800/753-9104 Fax 218/829-6071 Andy Cell 218/851-0938 andy.isackson@connectctc.com jason.atwater@connectctc.com www.ctctelcom.net Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Computer Services CTC Andy Isackson & Jason Atwater 14385 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-1234 Toll Free 800/753-9104 Fax 218/829-6071 Andy Cell 218/851-0938 andy.isackson@connectctc.com jason.atwater@connectctc.com www.ctctelcom.net Concrete & Masonry BrockWhite Company Merry Rohloff 3855 Independence Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1929 Toll Free 800/201-1929 Fax 218/829-0802 mrohloff@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.com 30 October 2015 Knife River Greg Ringler & Dave Grausam P.O. Box 2746 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-4726 Toll Free 800/450-4726 Fax 218/829-3250 Greg Cell 218/821-6891 Dave Cell 218/330-3173 greg.ringler@kniferiver.com dave.grausam@kniferiver.com www.kniferiver.com Fresco Decorative Concrete Jason Anhorn 1101 22nd Avenue North St. Cloud, MN 56303 Cell 320/291-8804 Fax 218/828-1564 frescopolishing@charter.net www.frescopolishing.com License# IR679186 Tri-City Paving, Inc. Jack Surma P.O. Box 326 Little Falls, MN 56345 Phone 320/632-5435 Fax 320/632-5436 tcp@tri-citypaving.com www.tri-citypaving.com Whitebirch Inc. Jeff Johnson 9252 Breezy Point Drive Breezy Point, MN 56401 Phone 218/562-7593 Fax 218/562-4510 jjohnson@whitebirchresort.com www.breezypointresort.com W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Co. Brett Thompson & Todd Thompson P.O. Box 87 702 Industrial Park Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-9674 Toll Free 800/422-3470 Fax 218/828-1161 brett@wwthompson.com todd@wwthompson.com www.wwthompson.com Concrete resurfacing / underlayment Floor Technologies, Inc. Matt Strand 900 Hamel Road Hamel, MN 55340 Phone 763/478-9670 Toll Free 888/234-3335 Fax 763/478-2135 Cell 612/490-8163 matt@floortechinc.com www.floortech-inc.com Fresco Decorative Concrete Jason Anhorn 1101 22nd Avenue North St. Cloud, MN 56303 Cell 320/291-8804 Fax 218/828-1564 frescopolishing@charter.net www.frescopolishing.com License# IR679186 KMAC, Inc. Don Martin & Scott Ryan P.O. Box 548 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone 320/587-9697 Fax 320/587-0650 Don Cell 320/583-9165 Scott Cell 612/290-0938 don@kmacmn.com scott@kmacmn.com DÉCORATIVE CONCRETE FLOORING Developer doors Brainerd Hardwoods, Inc. Joe DesMarais & Joe Paine 13844 White Pine Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4824 Fax 218/828-0720 joed@brainerdhardwoods.com jpaine@brainerdhardwoods.com www.brainerdhardwoods.com Marvin Windows & Doors Travis Kelley 794 32nd Ave. NW Backus, MN 56435 Phone 218/838-6195 traviskelley@marvin.com www.marvin.com MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Construction Clean-up Service Nisswa Rolloff Service Jason & Rani Kitzman 26525 State Highway 371 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218-820-5140 Cell 218-963-0014 jasonrani@hotmail.com www.nisswarolloff-norlakedock.com Construction-Heavy Equpment Midwest Machinery Dan Vogt & Matthew Hunnicut 7045 Foley Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5356 Fax 218/829-4306 Dan Cell 218/838-8111 Matt Cell 218/821-4033 dvogt@mmcjd.com mhunnicut@mmcjd.com www.midwestmachineryco.com Drywall Geo’s Paint & Finish, LLC. George Erickson & Deb Eatros 26392 State Hwy 18 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 320/692-2027 Toll Free 888/820-4370 Fax 320/692-2031 geopaint@frontiernet.net deb.eat@frontiernet.net www.geospaint.com Warner Drywall, LLC. Craig & Tricia Warner 10002 St. Mathias Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Craig Cell 218/838-3835 Tricia Cell 218/838-1308 ctwarner@brainerd.net www.midmnba.org Education Builders License Training Institute Teri Francis 5112 US 31North Williamsburg, MI 49690 Toll Free 800/727-7104 Fax 231/938-3374 Cell 231-409-1282 builders@torchlake.com www.licensetobuild.com Central Lakes College Kori Busho 501 West College Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/855-8139 Fax 218/855-8141 kbusho@clcmn.edu www.clcm.edu/business Electricians Electric Etc., Inc. Bruce Toftness & Greg Grondahl 1014 Laurel Street# 100 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-4112 Toll Free 800/396-4112 Bruce Cell 218/330-9570 Greg Cell 218/330-9277 Fax 218/829-1540 bruce@electricetc.com www.electricetc.com License# EA002196 Jim’s Electric Company, Inc. Jesse Grant & Jim Grant 8296 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-0250 Toll Free 877/380-7676 Fax 218/828-4531 Jesse Cell 218/820-9775 Jim Cell 218/820-9774 jesseg@jimselectric.com jimg@jimselectric.com www.jimselectric.com License# EA000933 Magnum Electrical Contractors, Inc. Rick Zetah & Eva Kreiling 522 11th Avenue NE Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-7226 Fax 218/829-7835 Rick Cell 218/851-7000 Eva Cell 218/851-0471 eva.magnum@brainerd.net magnum@brainerd.net www.magnumelectrical.mn.com License# EA002700 Electronics System Contractor Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Employment Services Employment Resource Center, Inc. Jody L. Harting & Chad Harting 607 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/824-9675 Fax 218/824-0626 Jody Cell 218/851-0909 Chad Cell 218/839-0778 jody@ercstaffing.com chad@ercstaffing.com www.ercstaffing.com Energy Efficiency Rural Renewable Energy Alliance Jason Edens & Roger Garton 2330 Dancing Wind Road SW Ste 2 Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218/587-4753 Fax 218/547-4753 Cell 218/839-7732 Jason Cell 218/839-7732 info@rreal.org Jason@rreal.org roger@rreal.org www.rreal.org License# BC629837 NABCEP# 032407-39 Epoxy Floor Coating Erlandson Epoxy, LLC Scott Erlandson 13311 Red Pine Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Cell 218/820-0183 erlandsonepoxy@yahoo.com Fresco Decorative Concrete Jason Anhorn 1101 22nd Avenue North St. Cloud, MN 56303 Cell 320/291-8804 Fax 218/828-1564 frescopolishing@charter.net www.frescopolishing.com License# IR679186 Erosion Control BrockWhite Company Merry Rohloff 3855 Independence Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1929 Toll Free 800/201-1929 Fax 218/829-0802 mrohloff@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.com Excavating Anderson Brothers Const. Co. Scott Mudgett 11325 Hwy 210 P.O. Box 668 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-1768 Fax 218/829-7607 smudgett@andersonbrothers.com www.andersonbrothers.com Borden Excavating, Inc. Matthew Borden 13110 Borden Road Merrifield, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-3397 Fax 218/765-8346 Cell 218/821-6531 mcborden@brainerd.net Pratt’s Affordable Excavating, Inc. Shawn & Laura Pratt 23069 Swan Ln Merrifield, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-4244 slpratt@brainerd.net Rasinski Excavating, Inc. Dave Rasinski 10775 Pinewood Drive SW Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/825-8609 Fax 218/825-8609 Cell 218/820-3403 rasinecx@brainerd.net www.rasinskiexcavating.com Ruyak Enterprises, Inc. Marc Ruyak 6909 State 6 NE Reamer, MN 56672 Phone 218/566-2913 Fax 218/566-3411 changemyland@hotmail.com www.changemyland.com Brainerd Savings & Loan - Baxter Sam Horn 14244 Dellwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-2303 Fax 218/828-9212 sam.horn@brainerdsavings.com www.brainerdsavings.com Schrupp Excavating LLC Raymond & Wendy Schrupp 3003 36th St. SW Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218-587-4038 Fax 218-587-3473 schruppex@uslink.net www.schruppexcavating.com License# PB645685 Brainerd Savings & Loan - Brainerd Carol Donato 524 South 6th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5183 Fax 218/828-9212 carol.donato@brainderdsavings.com www.brainerdsavings.com Welk Excavating, Inc. John Welk 767 Woodduck Lane NE Longville, MN 56655 Cell 218/820-0483 jjwelk@hotmail.com License# 3018 Bremer Bank - Aitkin LeeAnn Hohenstein 101 Minnesota Avenue North Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/828-5143 lahohenstein@bremer.com www.bremer.com Fencing & Decking Oberg Fence Company Brian Norwood P.O. Box 118 23251 County Hwy 12 W Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/534-3118 Toll Free 800/755-3118 Fax 218/534-3119 sales@obergfence.com www.obergfence.com Finance & Investments American National Bank of MN Kurt Muesing & Todd Brown 7638 Woida Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1484 Fax 218/829-8249 kmuesing@anbmn.com tbrown@anbmn.com www.anbmn.com Bremer Bank - Baxter Becky Butcher 7558 Design Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/855-5546 Fax 218/824-1501 Cell 218/839-1680 bjbutcher@bremer.com www.bremer.com Bremer Bank - Brainerd Gary Johnson 321 South Seventh Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-5153 Fax 218/829-5583 Cell 218/838-1401 gljohnson@bremer.com www.bremer.com American National Bank of MN PJ Smith 31279 Brunes Street Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4999 Fax 218/568-5433 pjssmith@anbmn.com www.anbmn.com BlackRidgeBANK - Baxter Sandy Bebler & Darlene Hardy 14084 Baxter Drive Suite 16 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-8712 Toll Free 888/829-8712 Fax 218/829-1788 Sandy Phone 320-295-9714 Darlene Phone 218-838-4426 sandy.bebler@blackridgebank.com dar.hardy@blackridgebank.com www.blackridgebank.com BlackRidgeBANK - Crosslake Sandy Bebler & Darlene Hardy 35563 County Rd 3 Crosslake, MN 56444 Phone 218/692-2828 Toll Free 888-692-2838 Sandy Phone 320-295-9714 Darlene Phone 218-838-4426 sandy.bebler@blackridgebank.com dar.hardy@blackridgebank.com www.blackridgebank.com BlackRidgeBANK - Nisswa Sandy Bebler & Darlene Hardy 5411 Lakers Lane Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-7325 Sandy Phone 320-295-9714 Darlene Phone 218-838-4426 sandy.bebler@blackridgebank.com dar.hardy@blackridgebank.com www.blackridgebank.com Deerwood Bank - Baxter Becky Eckelman 14986 Lynwood Drive P.O. Box 2905 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 888/909-8946 Fax 218/825-8732 beckye@deerwoodbank.com www.deerwoodbank.com Deerwood Bank - Brainerd Becky Eckelman 611 NE Washington St P.O. Box 527 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 877/828-2111 Fax 218/828-8248 beckye@deerwoodbank.com www.deerwoodbank.com Deerwood Bank - Deerwood Casey Kannel 21236 Archibald Road P.O. Box 520 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 800/291-6597 Fax 218/534-3896 caseyk@deerwoodbank.com www.deerwoodbank.com Deerwood Bank - Garrison Casey Kannel 9451 Madison St. P.O. Box 366 Garrison, MN 56450 Phone 320/692-4336 Fax 320/692-4337 caseyk@deerwoodbank.com www.deerwoodbank.com Directory Frandsen Bank & Trust Malissa Tandeski P.O. Box 2690 7429 Excelsior Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/822-3355 Fax 218/855-1379 mtandeski@frandsenbank.com www.@frandsenbank.com Mid Minnesota Federal Credit Union Jill Carlson & Ginger House 13283 Isle Drive P.O. Box 2907 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-0371 Fax 218/822-2455 jcarlson@mmfcu.org ghouse@mmfcu.org www.mmfcu.org Neighborhood National Bank - Aitkin Matt Dickinson 15 Minnesota Ave. South P.O. Box 329 Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/825-8800 Fax 218/825-8917 Cell 218/330-1288 mdickinson@pnbmora.com www.pnbmora.com Neighborhood National Bank - Brainerd Matt Dickinson 601 West Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-8800 Fax 218/825-8917 Cell 218/330-1288 mdickinson@pnbmora.com www.pnbmora.com Neighborhood National Bank - Crosby Matt Dickinson 23 West Main Street P.O. Box 158 Crosby, MN 56441 Phone 218/825-8800 Fax 218/825-8917 Cell 218/330-1288 mdickinson@pnbmora.com www.pnbmora.com RiverWood Bank - Baxter Jaime Rowlette P.O. Box 2947 14633 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-8400 Toll Free 877/488-8400 Fax 218/316-3796 jamie.rowlette@riverwoodbank.com www.riverwoodbank.com RiverWood Bank - Crosslake Bart Taylor P.O. Box 899 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-6663 Fax 218/692-6665 bart.taylor@riverwoodbank.com www.riverwoodbank.com Stifel Financial David Clausen 117 Sixth Street, Unit 7 P.O. Box 1237 Walker, MN 56484 Phone 218/547-3526 Toll Free 866/299-2042 Fax 218/547-3774 Cell 218/820-1671 david.s.clausen@stifel.com License# 20085003 First National Bank of Walker Cami Haberman & Dave Elsenpeter P.O. Box 366 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4473 Fax 218/568-5358 dave.elsenpeter@fnbwalker.com cami.haberman@fnbwalker.com www.fnbwalker.com 218.829.4982 October 2015 31 Directory __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Finished Carpentry Flooring Majka Construction, Inc. John & Laurie Majka 6367 Lendee Drive Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-1367 John Cell 218/820-3078 Laurie Cell 218/820-2413 lmajka@hotmail.com majkacon@nisswa.net www.majkaconstruction.com License# BC003300 Acorn Millwork, Inc. Tim & Colleen Duffney 25175 State Hwy 18 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/678-3121 Toll Free 800/383-3639 Fax 218/678-2205 Cell 218/838-3833 info@acornmillwork.com www.acornmillwork.com A-1 Concrete Leveling Fred VanDeVenter 22522 165th Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 Office: 763-262-2827 Fax: 763-262-2826 Cell: 612-817-9587 vande@connections-etc.net www.a1concrete.com Aitkin Hardwoods Dave Schaefer & Brian Knettel 45216 State Hwy 210 Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/927-6515 Toll Free 888/927-6515 Fax 218/927-1736 Dave Cell 218/766-5318 Brian Cell 218/308-0301 dave@aitkinhardwoods.com brian@aitkinhardwoods.com www.aitkinhardwoods.com American Door Works Chad Billig 10727 Brent Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-8365 Toll Free 800/247-8815 Fax 218/829-3131 chadb@americandoorworks.com www.americandoorworks.com License# BC001005 Fire Protection People’s Security Company Jason Cave & Tim Davis P.O. Box 467 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4828 Toll Free 800/735-1440 Fax 218/828-0098 Tim Cell 218/820-1201 peoplessecuritymail@cwpower.com cave@peoplessecurity.com tdavis@peoplessecurity.com www.peoplessecurity.com Foundation Repair & Mudjacking Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street RESI-FIRE St. Paul, MN 55101 Steve Hinson Phone 651/298-8776 6238 Ojibwa Road Fax 651/298-0639 Brainerd, MN Cell 651/270-8879 Cell 218/820-3903 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com shinson@fireconstructionservices.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com www.resi-fire.com License# BC602612 Fireplaces Brainerd Hardwoods, Inc. Joe DesMarais & Joe Paine BrockWhite Company 13844 White Pine Drive Merry Rohloff Brainerd, MN 56401 3855 Independence Road Phone 218/828-4824 Baxter, MN 56425 Fax 218/828-0720 Phone 218/829-1929 joed@brainerdhardwoods.com Toll Free 800/201-1929 jpaine@brainerdhardwoods.com Fax 218/829-0802 www.brainerdhardwoods.com mrohloff@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.com Hudrlik Carpet & Tile, Inc. Jason Vignieri Crosslake Sheetmetal, Inc. 505 Washington Street Karl & Penny Skog Brainerd, MN 56401 33735 County Road 3 Phone 218/828-5009 P.O. Box 191 Fax 218/828-0981 Crosslake, MN 56442 Cell 218/851-3349 Phone 218/692-2177 info@hudrlikcarpet.com Toll Free 800/692-2177 www.hudrlikcarpet.com Fax 218/692-2178 penny@crosslakesheetmetal.com JAG Interior Solutions, LLC karl@crosslakesheetmetal.com Julie Gowen www.crosslakesheetmetal.com 35762 County Road 3 P.O. Box 638 Up North Fireplace Gallery Crosslake, MN 56442 Gregory Pearson & Kevin Pietz Phone 218/692-4521 P.O. Box 2567 Fax 218/692-4522 14322 Dellwood Drive Cell 218/820-3800 Baxter, MN 56425 jgowen19@hotmail.com Phone 218/454-1040 www.jaginteriorsolutions.com Fax 218/454-1043 www.jaginteriorsolutions.net Greg Cell 218/839-2232 Kevin Cell 218/251-0321 M.C.I. Carpet One Floor & Home greg@upnorthfireplacegallery.com Harold Loch & Tom Steiger kevin@upnorthfireplacegallery.com 14317 Edgewood Drive www.upnorthfireplacegallery.com Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-5027 floor sanding & finishing/ Fax 218/454-5029 refinishing hloch@mcicarpetone.com Wood for Life tsteiger@mcicarpetone.com Joshua Garard mcicarpetone.com 25625 Lower Dean Lake Road Wood for Life Aitkin, MN 56431 Joshua Garard Phone 218/838-1423 25625 Lower Dean Lake Road Fax 218/546-2705 Aitkin, MN 56431 josh@woodforlifemn.com Phone 218/838-1423 www.woodforlifeinc.com Fax 218/546-2705 josh@woodforlifemn.com www.woodforlifeinc.com 32 October 2015 Garage Doors API Garage Door Store Gary Illies & Jeff Carlson 900 West Division Street Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone 320/251-7000 Toll Free 800/864-3816 Fax 320/251-0945 Gary Cell 320/267-5976 Jeff Cell 320/267-0842 gary.illies@gdsmidwest.com jeff.carlson@gdsmidwest.us www.gdsmidwest.com License# IR651741 Brainerd Door Service John Nelson 1010 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Cell 218/821-3667 Fax 218/828-5038 wwwbrainerddoorservice.com Garbage Removal Nisswa Sanitation Paul B. Fischer P.O. Box 780 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-4758 Fax 218/927-3338 questions@nisswasanitation.com www.nisswasanitation.com Waste Partners, Inc. Eric Loge & Wayne Harting P.O. Box 677 Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218/824-8727 Toll Free 866/602-8727 Fax 218/587-8727 Wayne Cell 218/831-2056 erlo@tds.net wayneharting@wastepartnersinc.com www.wastepartnersinc.com Gas & Oil Triangle Oil Company Craig Holland P.O. Box 2777 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1766 Fax 218/829-9431 craig@triangleoil.com www.triangleoilco.com www.midmnba.org Geothermal Supplier All Season Heating & A/C of Brainerd, Inc. Ryan & Lisa Czech 11502 Thiesse Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-0513 Fax 218/825-0516 czechs3@msn.com License# 2490595 SCR - Northern Division Trina Fitch & Brian Doucette 7674 College Road Suite 115 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-4337 Fax 218/825-4966 Brian Cell 218/839-2446 trina.fitch@scr-mn.com brian.doucette@scr-mn.com www.scr-mn.com Golf Services Legacy Courses at Cragun’s Chuck Klecatsky 11000 Cragun’s Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-2789 Fax 218/825-8275 golf@craguns.com www.craguns.com Gutters A-1 Roofing Terry & Corinne Drahosh 43716 Conifer St. Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/678-2493 Fax 218/678-2493 Terry Cell 218/839-6548 Corinne Cell 218/838-8242 tdrahosh@embarqmail.com www.goa1roofing.com License# BC636806 ABC Seamless of Brainerd, Inc. Bruce Erickson P.O. Box 451 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5999 Toll Free 800/590-5855 Fax 218/828-1564 abcbrd@brainerd.net www.abcseamless.com License# BC385330 Advantage Seamless, Inc. Cory Jay 7419 Forthun Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/870-2663 Cell 218/851-5737 Fax 218/828-1564 advantage.rs@gmail.com www.advantageseamlessgutters.com Gates General Contractors Bruce Gates 3500 Vicksburg Lane Suite# 400-351 Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone 763/550-0043 Fax 763/498-7710 Cell 612/723-6345 bruce@gatesgeneralcontractors.com www.gatesgeneralcontractors.com License# BC006793 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Pro-Build David Lester 4326 East Sibley P.O. Box 365 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218568-4040 Fax 218/568-5437 Cell 320/232-0396 david.lester@probuild.com www.probuild.com Heating/Air Conditioning People’s Security Company Jason Cave & Tim Davis P.O. Box 467 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4828 Toll Free 800/735-1440 Fax 218/828-0098 Tim Cell 218/820-1201 peoplessecuritymail@cwpower.com cave@peoplessecurity.com tdavis@peoplessecurity.com www.peoplessecurity.com Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Home Designers Bercher Design & Construction All Season Heating & A/C of Brainerd, Inc. Brent Gunsbury Ryan & Lisa Czech 7676 Design Road, Suite 100 11502 Thiesse Road Baxter, MN 56425 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-1381 Phone 218/825-0513 brent@bercher.com Fax 218/825-0516 www.bercher.com czechs3@msn.com License# BC004461 License# 2490595 Castle Rock Construction Company, LLP. Crosslake Sheetmetal, Inc. Gregory Cameron Karl & Penny Skog 8120 Whitstrom Road 33735 County Road 3 Nisswa, MN 56468 P.O. Box 191 Phone 218/963-7689 Crosslake, MN 56442 Toll Free 888/707-7650 Phone 218/692-2177 Fax 218/961-7689 Toll Free 800/692-2177 castlerock@nisswa.net Fax 218/692-2178 License# BC002524 penny@crosslakesheetmetal.com Dan J. Heid - Planning & Design, LLC karl@crosslakesheetmetal.com Dan J. Heid www.crosslakesheetmetal.com 22463 Otremba Road SCR - Northern Division Pierz, MN 56364 Trina Fitch & Brian Doucette Phone 218/851-7091 7674 College Road Suite 115 Cell 218/851-7091 Baxter, MN 56425 djhplanning@centurylink.net Phone 218/828-4337 www.djhplanning.com Fax 218/825-4966 Lumber One, Avon Inc. Brian Cell 218/839-2446 Chuck Brandes trina.fitch@scr-mn.com P.O. Box 7 brian.doucette@scr-mn.com Avon, MN 56310 www.scr-mn.com Phone 320/356-7342 Superior Mechanical Toll Free 888/525-7342 Mike Scott Fax 320/356-7631 4709 Morehouse Drive cbrandes@lumber-one.com Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 www.lumber-one.com Phone 218/568-4709 License# BC001820 Fax 218/568-4713 Nor-son, Inc. Cell 218/232-9480 Tim Bement mscott@superiormechanical.us 7900 Hastings Road www.superiormechanical.us Baxter, MN 56425 Thelen Heating & Roofing, Inc Phone 218/828-1722 John A. Thelen, Jr. Fax 218/828-0487 1717 13th St S.E. Toll Free 800-858-1722 Brainerd, MN 56401 Tim Cell 218/820-1238 Phone 218/829-1491 tim.bement@nor-son.com Fax 218/829-2059 www.nor-son.com john@thelenheating.com License# BC001969 www.thelenheating.com Home improvement License# BC638397 License# MB003283 American Door Works Chad Billig & Connie Kaz Home automation 10727 Brent Drive Digital Horizons, LLC Brainerd, MN 56401 Chris Schucker & Scott Johannes Phone 218/829-8365 Brainerd, MN 56401 Toll Free 800/247-8815 Chris Cell 218/330-4140 Fax 218/829-3131 Scott Cell 218/296-0570 Connie Cell 218/838-4293 chris@digitalhorizonsmn.com chadb@americandoorworks.com Scott@digitalhorizonsmn.com conniek@americandoorworks.com License# TS668884 www.americandoorworks.com License# BC001005 Home Depot Sheila LeBlanc 7207 Foley Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-0341 Fax 218/855-8482 prodesk_2818@homedepot.com www.homedepot.com United Products Corp., Inc. Mark Cekalla 1006 Wright Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-2988 Cell 320/980-4032 Fax 218/828-1499 Toll Free 800/947-5374 mark.cekalla@alliedbuilding.com www.unitedproducts.com Your Home Improvement Company, LLC Steve Little 3900 Roosevelt Rd., Ste 125 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320/230-9182 Fax 320/230-9189 Toll Free 800/557-2701 slittle@yhic.com www.yourhomeimprovementco.com License# BC506363 Home Theatre Systems People’s Security Company Jason Cave & Tim Davis P.O. Box 467 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4828 Toll Free 800/735-1440 Fax 218/828-0098 Tim Cell 218/820-1201 peoplessecuritymail@cwpower.com cave@peoplessecurity.com tdavis@peoplessecurity.com www.peoplessecurity.com Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Insulated Concrete forms BrockWhite Company Merry Rohloff 3855 Independence Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1929 Toll Free 800/201-1929 Fax 218/829-0802 mrohloff@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.com W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Co. Brett Thompson & Todd Thompson 702 Industrial Park Road P.O. Box 87 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-9674 Toll Free 800/422-3470 Fax 218/828-1161 brett@wwthompson.com todd@wwthompson.com www.wwthompson.com 218.829.4982 Directory Insulation Build-All-Lumber Diana Gallaway 13204 Fawn Lake Road Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-3047 Fax 218/692-3029 Toll Free 800/235-9774 Store 218/692-3025 Cell 218/838-8222 dianagallaway@crosslake.net www.buildalllumber.com License# BC003690 Expert Insulation of Brainerd, Inc. Eric Gjerde & Luke Hines 7775 Brians Way Brainerd, MN 56401 P.O. Box 187 - Mailing Address Merrifield, MN 56465 Toll Free 877/888-2780 Fax 218/828-6492 Eric Cell 218/838-8820 Luke Cell 218/821-1257 luke@expertinsulation.com expert@expertinsulation.com License# BC636924 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Minnesota Spray-Foam Insulation - Albany Jay Engelmeyer & Patricia Holland 1201 Shamrock Lane Albany, MN 56307 Phone 320/845-7750 Toll Free 866/456-3626 Fax 320/845-7751 Jay Cell 320/241-3626 mnsprayfoam@albanytel.com jay@mnspray.com patti@mnspray.com www.minnesotasprayfoaminsulation.com Minnesota Spray-Foam Insulation - Baxter Jay Engelmeyer & Dan Lindstrom 13534 Cypress Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-0168 Toll Free 866/456-3626 Fax 218/454-0169 Jay Cell 320/241/3626 Dan Cell 218/821-0029 jay@mnspray.com dan@mnspray.com www.minnesotasprayfoaminsulation.com October 2015 33 Directory ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pro-Build David Lester 4326 East Sibley P.O. Box 365 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4040 Fax 218/568-5437 Cell 320/232-0396 David.lester@probuild.com www.probuild.com RetroGreen Energy Chris Froelke 315 Franklin, Ave. North East St. Cloud, MN 56304 Phone 320/252-8888 Fax 320/230-3927 chris@retrogreenenergy.com www.retrogreenenergy.com License# BC631810 Insurance Aflac Trudy Laabs 12370 County Road 6 Park Rapids, MN 56470 Cell: 701-318-1015 Fax: 218-319-7983 tudylaabs@gmail.com AgencyOne Dale Bolt & Eric Bolt 13968 Cypress Road, Suite 4 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-2844 Fax 218/829-7945 Dale Cell 218/820-9268 Eric Cell 218/820-3862 daleb@agencyonemn.com ericb@agencyonemn.com agencyonemn.com Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. Matt Hanneken P.O. Box 313 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-3251 Fax 218/829-3003 matt@hannekeninsurance.com www.hannekeninsurance.com Weizenegger-Engel Insurance Jake Huser & Brent Nelson 301 NW. 6th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-4721 Toll Free 888/829-4721 Fax 877/829-0594 Jake Cell 218/330-9848 Brent Cell 218/232-4080 jjhuser@we-ins.com bmnelson@we-ins.com www.we-ins.com Interior Design Ideaz Galore, LLC Beth Hansen 1557 Stonybrook Lane SW Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Office 218/568-8884 Cell 612/718-3874 beth@ideazgalore.com www.ideazgalore.com JAG Interior Solutions, LLC Julie Gowen 35762 County Road 3 P.O. Box 638 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-4521 Fax 218/692-4522 Cell 218/820-3800 jgowen19@hotmail.com www.jaginteriorsolutions.com www.jaginteriorsolutions.net 34 October 2015 M.C.I. Carpet One Floor & Home Harold Loch & Tom Steiger 14317 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-5027 Fax 218/454-5029 hloch@mcicarpetone.com tsteiger@mcicarpetone.com mcicarpetone.com Integration systems Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Land development Close-Converse Properties Rod & Jody Osterloh 521 Charles Street# 201 P.O. Box 327 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-3334 Fax 218/828-4330 Cell 218/831-1301 osterloh@closeconverse.com jody@closeconverse.com www.northcentralminnesota.com Grand View Lodge Lonnie Faacks & Mark Ronnei 23611 Woodward Avenue Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963- 2234 Fax 218/967-8632 Toll Free 866/801-2951 lonnie.faacks@grandviewlodge.com mark.ronnei@grandviewlodge.com Lonnie Cell 218/851-5572 www.grandviewlodge.com Lumber One, Avon Inc. Chuck Brandes P.O. Box 7 Avon, MN 56310 Phone 320/356-7342 Toll Free 888/525-7342 Fax 320/356-7631 cbrandes@lumber-one.com www.lumber-one.com License# BC001820 RemWhirl Jason Bassett & Joe Scheffler 33816 County Road 3 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-6700 Fax 218/692-6701 jasonb@remwhirl.com Joes@remwhirl.com www.remwhirl.com The Woods Landscaping, Inc. Reid Price P.O. Box 727 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4332 Fax 218/562-4590 Cell 218/831-8088 reid@thewoodslandscaping.com www.thewoodslandscaping.com W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Co. Brett Thompson & Todd Thompson 702 Industrial Park Road P.O. Box 87 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-9674 Toll Free 800/422-3470 Fax 218/828-1161 brett@wwthompson.com todd@wwthompson.com www.wwthompson.com Landscape Architecture Backyard Reflections Andrew Ralsanen 5370 Merril Avenue Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/454-1065 Cell 218/821-4603 Toll Free 877/365-4043 info@backyardmn.com www.backyardmn.com Lawn and Garden Equipment Midwest Machinery Dan Vogt & Matthew Hunnicut 7045 Foley Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5356 Fax 218/829-4306 Dan Cell 218/838-8111 Matt Cell 218/821-4033 dvogt@mmcjd.com mhunnicut@mmcjd.com www.midwestmachineryco.com Lawn Care Trugreen Scott & Wendy Snyder 4657 Morehouse Drive Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4008 Toll Free 866/249-9264 Fax 218/568-5699 Cell 218/838-1404 trugreen@tds.net www.trugreenupnorth.com License# 20024628 Landscaping Backyard Reflections, Inc. Andrew Raisanen 5370 Merril Ave Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/454-1065 Cell 218/821-4603 Toll Free 877-365-4043 info@backyardmn.com www.backyardmn.com BrockWhite Company Merry Rohloff 3855 Independence Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1929 Toll Free 800/201-1929 Fax 218/829-0802 mrohloff@brockwhite.com www.brockwhite.com lighting Olsen Groundeffex Brett Olsen 13968 Trails End Lane Brainerd, MN 56401 Cell: 218-851-3135 olsengroudeffex@ymail.com Ferguson Enterprises Bruce Crocker & Ian Misenko 8188 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-9794 Fax 218/829-5667 Bruce Cell 218/839-1801 Ian Cell 218/330-9594 bruce.crocker@ferguson.com ian.misenko@ferguson.com www.ferguson.com www.midmnba.org Nexlight Josh Cameron & Neal Senst 7877 College Road, Suite 105 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-3700 Fax 218/824-1568 Neal Cell 651/253-8114 jcameron@nexlight.com nsenst@nexlight.com www.nexlight.com Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622 Log Homes HY-TEC Construction of Brainerd, Inc. Craig Feierabend & Brad Arnold 11360 Business 371 P.O. Box 621 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-8529 Fax 218/829-5383 office@hytecconstruction.com www.hytecconstruction.com License# BC050648 R & R Schultz Custom Homes, Inc. Ryan Schultz & Ron Schultz 8890 Ruttger Road Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218-543-4266 Fax 218-543-4766 Ryan’s Cell 218-821-0841 Ron’s Cell 218/820-7360 rrschultz@tds.net www.rrschultzhomes.com License# BC629259 Red Pine Log Works, Inc. Bill & Rene Sawyer 147 State Hwy 371 SW P.O. Box 27 Backus, MN 56435 Phone 218/947-3666 Fax 218/947-4555 rplhomes@uslink.net www.redpinehomes.com License# BC227598 Log railings Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Lumber Supplies Pro-Build - Brainerd Bill Desrocher 401 South 8th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2891 Fax 218/829-6496 www.probuild.com Simonson Lumber Co, Inc Larry Geschwill 3855 Independence Road# 200 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5798 Fax 218/829-6761 Cell 218/270-0687 larryg@simonson-lumber.com www.simonson-lumber.com __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lumber Yards Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Build-All-Lumber Diana Gallaway 13204 Fawn Lake Road Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-3047 Fax 218/692-3029 Toll Free 800/235-9774 Store 218/692-3025 Cell 218/838-8222 dianagallaway@crosslake.net www.buildalllumber.com License# BC003690 Deerwood Lumber, Inc. Terry Swanson 20498 State Hwy 6 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/534-3145 Fax 218/534-3356 terry@deerwoodlumber.com www.deerwoodlumber.com Home Depot Sheila LeBlanc 7207 Foley Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-0341 Fax 218/855-8482 prodesk_2818@homedepot.com www.homedepot.com Lumber One, Avon Inc. Chuck Brandes P.O. Box 7 Avon, MN 56310 Phone 320/356-7342 Toll Free 888/525-7342 Fax 320/356-7631 cbrandes@lumber-one.com www.lumber-one.com License# BC001820 Mattson Lumber Company Bill Mattson 22386 State Hwy 371 P.O. Box 149 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-7470 Fax 218/963-7480 info@mattsonlumber.com www.mattsonlumber.com Menards, Inc. Joe Kadolph 15236 Dellwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/825-7400 Fax 218/825-9365 baxtmcam@menards.com www.menards.com Pro-Build - Brainerd Bill Desrocher 401 South 8th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2891 Fax 218/829-6496 www.probuild.com Pro-Build David Lester 4326 East Sibley P.O. Box 365 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4040 Fax 218/568-5437 Cell 320/232-0396 david.lester@probuild.com www.probuild.com Simonson Lumber Larry Geschwill 3855 Independence Road# 200 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5798 Fax 218/829-6761 Cell 218/270-0687 larryg@simonson-lumber.com www.simonson-lumber.com Meetings Accommodations & Lodging Arrowwood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes Melissa Welshons & Karolyn McCarte 6967 Lake Forest Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/822-5573 Fax 218/822-4044 melissa.welshons@arrowwoodbrainerd.com karolyn.mccarte@arrowwoodbrainerd.com www.arrowwoodbrainerd.com Millwork Viking Land Harley Davidson Ed Livingston 7915 Highway 210 North Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/822-4434 Fax 218/822-3435 ed@vl-hd.com www.vl-hd.com License# DLR37390 Organizations Brainerd Lakes Chamber Mary Gottsch & Matt Kilian 224 West Washington St Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2838 Fax 218/829-8199 mgottsch@explorebrainerdlakes.com mkilian@explorebrainerdlakes.com www.explorebrainerdlakes.com Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity Mary Zimmermann& Scott Hall P.O. Box 234 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-8517 Fax 218/825-4867 mary.zimmermann@lakesareahabitat.org scott.hall@lakesareahabitat.org www.lakesareahabitat.org Acorn Millwork, Inc. Tim & Colleen Duffney 25175 State Hwy 18 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/678-3121 Toll Free 800/383-3639 Fax 218/678-2205 Cell 218/838-3833 info@acornmillwork.com www.acornmillwork.com Paint Geo’s Paint & Finish, LLC. George Erickson & Deb Eatros 26392 State Hwy 18 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 320/692-2027 Toll Free 888/820-4370 Fax 320/692-2031 geopaint@frontiernet.net deb.eat@frontiernet.net www.geospaint.com Aitkin Hardwoods Dave Schaefer & Brian Knettel 45216 State Hwy 210 Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/927-6515 Toll Free 888/927-6515 Fax 218/927-1736 Dave Cell 218/766-5318 Brian Cell 218/308-0301 dave@aitkinhardwoods.com brian@aitkinhardwoods.com www.aitkinhardwoods.com Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Brainerd Hardwoods, Inc. Joe DesMarais & Joe Paine 13844 White Pine Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4824 Fax 218/828-0720 joed@brainerdhardwoods.com jpaine@brainerdhardwoods.com www.brainerdhardwoods.com www.brainerdhardwoods.com Mirrors Brainerd Glass Company Charles Deutsch & Greg Meller 624 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5430 Toll Free 800/317-5430 Fax 218/829-0038 Charles Cell 218/330-6670 Greg Cell 218/330-8470 chuck@brainerdglass.net greg@brainerdglass.net www.brainerdglass.net Gull Lake Glass, Inc. Nate Tuomi & Kerri Vastila 18441 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2881 Fax 218/829-1228 glglassinc@gmail.com www.gulllakeglass.com Motorcycles Hirshfield’s Decorating Center Jeff Lewis 7447 Clearwater Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-0926 Toll Free 866/444-0926 Fax 218/824-0927 store09@hirshfields.com jlewis@hirshfields.com www.hirshfields.com Sherwin Williams Paint Company Lauren Kampa & Leon Rudnick 11451 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5705 Fax 218/829-4694 Leon Cell 218/820-0603 sw3991@sherwin.com swrep5991@sherwin.com www.sherwin-williams.com Painter Directory Warner Drywall, LLC. Craig & Tricia Warner 10002 St. Mathias Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Craig Cell 218/838-3835 Tricia Cell 218/838-1308 ctwarner@brainerd.net Plumbing / heating Ferguson Enterprises Bruce Crocker & Ian Misenko 8188 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-9794 Fax 218/829-5667 Bruce Cell 218/839-1801 Ian Cell 218/330-9594 bruce.crocker@ferguson.com ian.misenko@ferguson.com www.ferguson.com Finken Water Solutions Tom Finken & Aaron Rieland 3423 Co. Road 74 P.O. Box 7190 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Phone 320/258-2005 Fax 320/258-2006 Toll Free 877/346-5367 Tom Cell 320/980-2308 Aaron Cell 320/980-7711 tfinkin@finkens.com arieland@finkens.com www.finkens.com License# 057888-PM First Supply LLC Warren Haberman 18078 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6910 Fax 218/828-9152 Toll Free 800/448-7867 Warren Cell 218/330-7930 whaberman@1supply.com www.1supply.com Goodin Company Jeff Trouten & Rhonda Strand 902 Thiesse Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4242 Toll Free 800/292-1212 Fax 218/828-4210 jeff.trouten@goodinco.com rhonda.strand@goodinco.com www.goodinco.com License# 092127 Lundberg Plumbing & Heating Thomas Lundberg & Kim Jones 1075 2nd Street NW Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/927-3248 Fax 218/927-3593 tom@lundbergph.com kim@lundbergph.com License# 58587-PM Geo’s Paint & Finish, LLC. George Erickson & Deb Eatros 26392 State Hwy 18 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 320/692-2027 Toll Free 888/820-4370 Fax 320/692-2031 geopaint@frontiernet.net deb.eat@frontiernet.net www.geospaint.com SCR - Northern Division Trina Fitch & Brian Doucette 7674 College Road Suite 115 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-4337 Fax 218/825-4966 Brian Cell 218/839-2446 trina.fitch@scr-mn.com brian.doucette@scr-mn.com www.scr-mn.com Melissa & Company, LLC. Melissa Schindel 15266 Birch Narrows Road Crosslake MN 56442 Cell: 218-831-7513 schindel@crosslake.net R & R Schultz Custom Homes, Inc. Ryan Schultz & Ron Schultz 8890 Ruttger Road Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218-543-4266 Fax 218-543-4766 Ryan’s Cell 218-821-0841 Ron’s Cell 218/820-7360 rrschultz@tds.net www.rrschultzhomes.com License# BC629259 218.829.4982 October 2015 35 Directory ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Superior Mechanical Mike Scott 4709 Morehouse Drive Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4709 Fax 218/568-4713 Cell 218/232-9480 mscott@superiormechanical.us www.superiormechanical.us Plumbing Showroom Gerhards - The Kitchen & Bath Store Joey Steiger 18078 Hwy 371 North Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/454-8818 Fax 218/828-9152 joelynns@gerhardsstore.com www.gerhardsstore.coms pole buildings Ameribuilt Buildings, Inc. Lon Isaacson & Terry Petersen 904 West Division Street Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone 320/259-7701 Toll Free 800/547-8188 Fax 320/259-0226 sales@ameribuiltbuildings.com lon@ameribuiltbuildings.com www.ameribuiltbuildings.com License# BC116509 HY-TEC Construction of Brainerd, Inc. Craig Feierabend & Brad Arnold 11360 Business 371 P.O. Box 621 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-8529 Fax 218/829-5383 office@hytecconstruction.com www.hytecconstruction.com License# BC050648 Morton Buildings, Inc. - North Bret Wick 34838 Hwy 2 Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Phone 763/295-3939 Fax 218/326-1255 Cell 218/341-1504 bret.wick@mortonbuildings.com www.mortonbuildings.com Liscense# BC004862 Morton Buildings, Inc. - South Bret Wick 113 Thomas Park Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Phone 763/295-3939 Fax 218/326-1255 Cell 218/341-1504 bret.wick@mortonbuildings.com www.mortonbuildings.com Liscense# BC004862 Northland Buildings, Inc. Steve Imholte 15831 16th Street N.E. Little Falls, MN 56345 Phone 320/616-2100 Fax 320/616-2101 imholtes@northlandbuildings.com www.northlandbuildings.com License# BC048615 Pools & Spas Midnight Sun Pools N’ Spas Abbey Nyhusmoen & Travis Yost 17147 State Hwy 371 N Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/833-1000 Fax 218/822-3147 abbeyn@mnspas.com www.mnspas.com 36 October 2015 Rejuv Sauna Dustin Lampert 9272 Wetherbee Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Office 218/380-7767 Cell 218/761-0283 rejuvsauna@gmail.com www.rejuvsauna.com Insty Prints Ron Morris 220 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4248 Toll Free 800/950-4821 Fax 218/828-1398 Cell 218/330-7931 ron@brainerdinsty.com www.brainerdinsty.com porches Better Living Concepts, Inc. Renewal by Andersen of Brainerd Dan & Julie Kletscher 11316 State Hwy 210 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5590 Toll Free 888/829-5590 Fax 218/824-1587 sunroom@uslink.net www.betterlivingconcepts.net License# BC060845 Lake Country Journal Magazine Kim Wood & Dave Anderson P.O. Box 978 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-6424 Fax 218/825-7816 Kim Cell 612/876-0110 Dave Cell 218/829-5982 kimw@themskgroup dave@lakescountryjournal.com www.lakecountryjournal.com Screen Area Enclosures Marilyn Peters 17407 Dewes Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-1809 Fax 218/829-1809 Cell 218/851-0325 screenarea@charter.net www.screenareaenclosures.com Lakes Printing, Inc. Kevin Thesing 1223 Oak Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-7790 Fax 218/829-0977 kthesing@lakesprinting.com www.lakesprinting.com Sunspace-Brainerd Lakes William Forsythe 34283 County Road 3 Crosslake MN 56442 Cell 218/821-3028 info@sunspace-brainerd-lakes.com www.sunspace-brainerd-lakes.com Portable Bathrooms Fyle’s Portables Jeremy Fyle P.O. Box 125 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/820-3693 Cell 218/820-3693 jeremyfyle@tds.net www.fylesportables.net Portable Buildings MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Printing Brainerd Dispatch Linda Hurst 506 James Street P.O. Box 974 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-4705 Fax 218/829-7735 linda.hurst@brainerdispatch.com www.brainerddispatch.com Real Estate Edina Realty, Inc. Jim Eisler & Chris Struwve 15354 Dellwood Drive, Suite 100 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-7000 Fax 218/825-3636 Jim Cell 218/825-3632 jimeisler@edinarealty.com chrisstruwve@edinarealty.com www.jimeisler.edinarealty.com Greater Lakes Association of Realtors Janie Weston 15344 Pearl Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-4567 Fax 218/829-8178 janie@greaterlakesrealtors.com www.greaterlakesrealtors.com Weichert/Tower Real Estate, Inc. Kevin Goedker 17122 State Highway 371 North Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-7787 Fax 218/824-8236 Cell 218/839-9122 kevin@goedker.com info@wtower.com www.wrtower.com Reclaimed Lumber/Antique Building Materials Acorn Millwork, Inc. Tim & Colleen Duffney 25175 State Hwy 18 Deerwood, MN 56444 Phone 218/678-3121 Toll Free 800/383-3639 Fax 218/678-2205 Cell 218/838-3833 info@acornmillwork.com www.acornmillwork.com Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 www.midmnba.org Remodeling Bercher Design & Construction Brent Gunsbury 7676 Design Road, Suite 100 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1381 Fax 218/829-6785 brent@bercher.com www.bercher.com License# BC004461 Foote Construction, Inc. Tim & Cindy Foote 26423 Old Mill Road Merrifield, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-3613 Cell 218/821-8533 footeconstruction@hotmail.com www.footeconstructioninc.com License# BC385335 KLW Construction Kerry Watkins 955 - 75th Avenue NE Outing, MN 56662 Phone 218/792-5994 Fax 218/792-5994 klwcon@brainerd.net License# CR004612 Lake Country Builders, LTD Renee Aldecocea 339 2nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone 952/474-7121 Fax 952/474-7957 raldecocea@lakecountrybuilders.com www.lakecountrybuilders.com License# BC349679 Lumber One, Avon Inc. Chuck Brandes P.O. Box 7 Avon, MN 56310 Phone 320/356-7342 Toll Free 888/525-7342 Fax 320/356-7631 cbrandes@lumber-one.com www.lumber-one.com License# BC001820 Majka Construction, Inc. John & Laurie Majka 6367 Lendee Drive Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-1367 John Cell 218/820-3078 Laurie Cell 218/820-2413 lmajka@hotmail.com majkacon@nisswa.net www.majkaconstruction.com License# BC003300 Miller Built Custom Homes, Inc. Greg & Tina Miller P.O. Box 424 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/838-9761 Fax 218/828-1164 Greg Cell 218/838-9761 Tina Cell 218/825-9681 gtmiller9796@msn.com millerbuiltcustomhomes.com License# BC384628 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Nor-son, Inc. Tim Bement 7900 Hastings Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-1722 Fax 218/828-0487 Toll Free 800-858-1722 Tim Cell 218/820-1238 tim.bement@nor-son.com www.nor-son.com License# BC001969 Spitzack Builders, Inc. Mark Spitzack P.O. Box 1500 Walker, MN 56484 Phone 218/547-3565 Fax 218/547-2924 Mark Cell 218/820-6226 mspitzack@spitzackbuilders.com www.spitzackbuilders.com License# BC379982 Start to Finish Builder & Remodelers John Koupal & Wes Mink 17025 Commercial Park Road Unit# 4 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-0585 Fax 218/454-9004 John Cell 218/330-4422 Wes Cell 218/82-0204 starttofinish@brainerd.net wes@starttofinishbuilders.com www.starttofinishbuilders.com License# BC637395 Stonehenge Properties, LLC. Mike Rodahl P.O. Box 2528 Brainerd, MN 56401 Cell: 218-839-7296 Fax: 218-825-4843 stonehengeproperties@live.com www.stonehengeremodelingbrainerd.com License# BC638918 Rental Brainerd General Rental & Storage Steve Mau 15248 State Hwy 371 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-2815 Toll Free 800/450-2848 Fax 218/828-4634 Cell 218/851-6381 steve@brainerdrental.com www.brainerdrental.com Retail Cub Foods/S&R Quisberg, Inc. Chris Quisberg 14133 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-4601 Fax 218/828-3735 chris.t.quisberg@supervalu.com www.cub.com Rolloff Services Nisswa Sanitation Paul B. Fischer P.O. Box 780 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-4758 Fax 218/927-3338 questions@nisswasanitation.com www.nisswasanitation.com Nisswa Rolloff Service Jason & Rani Kitzman 26525 State Highway 371 Nisswa, MN 56468 Office: 218-821-5140 Cell: 218-963-0014 jasonrani@hotmail.com nisswarolloff-norlakedock.com Roofing A-1 Roofing Terry & Corinne Drahosh 43716 Conifer St. Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/678-2493 Fax 218/678-2493 Terry Cell 218/839-6548 Corinne Cell 218/838-8242 tdrahosh@embarqmail.com www.goa1roofing.com License# BC636806 Pro-Build - Brainerd Bill Desrocher 401 South 8th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2891 Fax 218/829-6496 www.probuild.com Thelen Heating & Roofing, Inc John A. Thelen, Jr. 1717 13th St S.E. Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-1491 Fax 218/829-2059 john@thelenheating.com www.thelenheating.com License# BC638397 License# MB003283 United Products, A Division of Allied Building Products Mark Cekalla 1006 Wright Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-2988 Cell 320/980-4032 Fax 218/828-1499 Toll Free 800/947-5374 mark.cekalla@alliedbuilding.com www.unitedproducts.com Security Systems Fiks-Con, Inc. Jason Fiksdal P.O. Box 928 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/556-4026 Fax 218/562-5425 jason@fikscon.com www.fikscon.com Gates General Contractors Bruce Gates 3500 Vicksburg Lane Suite# 400-351 Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone 763/550-0043 Fax 763/498-7710 Cell 612/723-6345 bruce@gatesgeneralcontractors.com www.gatesgeneralcontractors.com Liscense# BC006793 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Neumann Construction, Inc. Severin Neumann & John Hayes 3552 44th St SW Pine River, MN 56474 Severin Cell 218/270-0009 John Cell 218/838-1083 sev@brainerdroofing.com www.brainerdroofing.com Midwest Security and Fire.Com Harry Brodmarkle & Jared Heldt 1003 Wright Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-8844 Fax 218/825-8860 Harry Cell 218/330-0050 Jared Cell 218/821-8392 harry@midwestsecurityandfire.com jheldt@midwestsecurityandfire.com www.midwestsecurityandfire.com License# TS673378 People’s Security Company Jason Cave & Tim Davis P.O. Box 467 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4828 Toll Free 800/735-1440 Fax 218/828-0098 Tim Cell 218/820-1201 peoplessecuritymail@cwpower.com cave@peoplessecurity.com tdavis@peoplessecurity.com www.peoplessecurity.com Septic Tank ManufactureR Wippler Precast, Inc. Gary Wippler P.O. Box 93 Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218/587-5209 Fax 218/587-4377 Cell 218/820-8598 gwippler@uslink.net Sewer Contractors Borden Excavating, Inc. Matthew Borden 13110 Borden Road Merrifield, MN 56465 Phone 218/765-3397 Fax 218/765-8346 Cell 218/821-6531 mcborden@brainerd.net shower doors Brainerd Glass Company Charles Deutsch & Greg Meller 624 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5430 Toll Free 800/317-5430 Fax 218/829-0038 Charles Cell 218/330-6670 Greg Cell 218/330-8470 chuck@brainerdglass.net greg@brainerdglass.net www.brainerdglass.net 218.829.4982 Directory Gull Lake Glass, Inc. Nate Tuomi & Kerri Vastila 18441 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, Mn 56401 Phone 218/829-2881 Fax 218/829-1228 glglassinc@gmail.com www.gulllakeglass.com Siding A-1 Roofing Terry & Corinne Drahosh 43716 Conifer St. Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/678-2493 Fax 218/678-2493 Terry Cell 218/839-6548 Corinne Cell 218/838-8242 tdrahosh@embarqmail.com www.goa1roofing.com License# BC636806 ABC Seamless of Brainerd, Inc. Bruce Erickson P.O. Box 451 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5999 Toll Free 800/590-5855 Fax 218/828-1564 abcbrd@brainerd.net www.abcseamless.com License# BC385330 Advantage Seamless, Inc. Cory Jay 7419 Forthun Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/870-2663 Cell 218/851-5737 Fax 218/828-1564 advantage.rs@gmail.com www.advantageseamlessgutters.com Gates General Contractors Bruce Gates 3500 Vicksburg Lane Suite# 400-351 Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone 763/550-0043 Fax 763/498-7710 Cell 612/723-6345 bruce@gatesgeneralcontractors.com www.gatesgeneralcontractors.com License# BC006793 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Pro-Build - Brainerd Bill Desrocher 401 South 8th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2891 Fax 218/829-6496 www.probuild.com October 2015 37 Directory___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ United Products, A Division of Allied Building Products Mark Cekalla 1006 Wright Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-2988 Cell 320/980-4032 Fax 218/828-1499 Toll Free 800/947-5374 mark.cekalla@alliedbuilding.com www.unitedproducts.com Western Products Ray Blaha & Chris Morse P.O. Box 2426 Fargo, ND 58108 Phone 701/293-5310 Fax 701/232-6666 Toll Free 800/743-3632 info@westernproducts.com chrism@westernproducts.com www.westernproducts.com License# 71623258 Signs Action Graphics, Inc. Gary Walton & Ryan Parker 6899 Forthun Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-7958 Fax 218/824-0919 Toll Free 800/450-7958 gary@actiongraphics.net ryan@actiongraphics.net www.actiongraphics.net solar Energy systems Rural Renewable Energy Alliance Jason Edens & Roger Garton 2330 Dancing Wind Road SW Ste 2 Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218/587-4753 Fax 218/547-4753 Cell 218/839-7732 Jason Cell 218/839-7732 info@rreal.org jason@rreal.org roger@rreal.org www.rreal.org License# BC629837 NABCEP# 032407-39 Spray Foam Build-All-Lumber Diana Gallaway 13204 Fawn Lake Road Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-3047 Fax 218/692-3029 Toll Free 800/235-9774 Store 218/692-3025 Cell 218/838-8222 dianagallaway@crosslake.net www.buildalllumber.com License# BC003690 Stair Systems Wood for Life Joshua Garard 25625 Lower Dean Lake Road Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/838-1423 Fax 218/546-2705 josh@woodforlifemn.com www.woodforlifeinc.comˆ Storage Brainerd General Rental & Storage Steve Mau 15248 State Hwy 371 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/828-2815 Toll Free 800/450-2848 Fax 218/828-4634 Cell 218/851-6381 steve@brainerdrental.com www.brainerdrental.com 38 October 2015 Fyle’s Portables Jeremy Fyle P.O. Box 125 Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/820-3693 Cell 218/820-3693 jeremyfyle@tds.net www.fylesportables.net Storm Damage Fiks-Con, Inc. Jason Fiksdal P.O. Box 928 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/556-4026 Fax 218/562-5425 jason@fikscon.com www.fikscon.com North Country Custom Builders, Inc. Barry Frieler 2432 76th Street SW Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-7765 Fax 218/568-6628 Cell 218/820-7795 nccb@tds.net www.nccbuildersmn.com License# BC273423 tree Removal Structural Insulated Panels Advanced Building Systems / Enercept SIPs Dave Puetz & Neal Mack 12455 County Road 1 SW Pillager, MN 56473 Phone 218/746-3154 Toll Free 800/658-3303 Fax 218/746-8379 Dave Cell 218/838-3600 dpuetz@brainerd.net nmack@enercept.net www.enercept.com Miller Built Custom Homes, Inc. Greg & Tina Miller P.O. Box 424 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/838-9761 Fax 218/828-1164 Greg Cell 218/838-9761 Tina Cell 218/825-9681 gtmiller9796@msn.com millerbuiltcustomhomes.com License# BC384628 SUNROOMS Sunspace-Brainerd Lakes William Forsythe 32483 County Road 3 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/821-3028 info@sunspace-brainerd-lakes.com www.sunspace-brainerd-lakes.com surveying Stonemark Land Surveying, Inc. Cynthia Hidde P.O. Box 874 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4940 Fax 218/568-5404 Cell 218/232-8046 cindy@stonemarksurvey.com www.stonemarksurvey.com License# 44881 Technologies Contractor Tom’s TV, Inc. Deb Sampson & Dana Ulrich 25 NE Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-6179 Fax 218/829-8800 deb@tomstv.com dana@tomstv.com www.tomstv.com License# TS00622T Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Mike’s Tree Company, LLC Mike Schwarze 1400 Oakridge Road SW Pillager, MN 56473 Phone 218/825-8207 Fax 218/825-9447 mike@miketreecompany.com www.mikestreecompany.com Truck Accessories Radco Truck Accessory Center Bob Joyce & Jim Falconer 14366 Dellwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-1447 Fax 218/829-2345 Bob Cell 218/821-1924 Jim Cell 218/232-7766 rjoyce@radco.com jfalconer@radco.com www.radco.com The Bodyworks Andy Dosser 14742 Dellwood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/825-3500 Toll Free 800/991-9039 Fax 218/825-3510 andyd@millsauto.com www.thebodyworks.com Trusses Trussworthy Components, Inc. Craig Anderson 1339 Roosevelt Ave P.O. Box 398 Pine River, MN 56474 Phone 218/587-8787 Fax 218/587-8791 Cell 218/251-0519 craig.anderson@ trussworthycomponents.com www.trussworthycomponents.com Utilities Crow Wing Power Patrick Goff 17330 State Hwy 371 N P.O. Box 507 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2827 Fax 218/825-2209 goff@cwpower.com www.cwpower.com License# CA00436 Xcel Energy Gerry Traut 17246 Hwy 371 North P.O. Box 2778 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/825-2305 Fax 218/828-9830 gerold.e.traut@xcelenergy.com www.xcelenergy.com WallPaper/ install Geo’s Paint & Finish, LLC. George Erickson & Deb Eatros 26392 State Hwy 18 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 320/692-2027 Toll Free 888/820-4370 Fax 320/692-2031 geopaint@frontiernet.net deb.eat@frontiernet.net www.geospaint.com www.midmnba.org Water / Fire / Storm / Mold Damage Restoration GPS Restoration Solutions Margie Goebel P.O. Box 2615 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-0805 Cell 218/851-3446 margieg@gpsrsmn.com License# BC678734 ServiceMaster Clean Ken & Jackie Retka 7611 College RD P.O. Box 2805 Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-4076 Fax 218/829-9577 jackie@servicemasterretka.com www.servicemasterclean.com Servpro of Brainerd and Park Rapids Laura Arends 33029 S. Upper Hay Drive Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-6923 Fax 218/568-7274 Cell 218/851-5993 servpro9046@tds.net www.servpro.com Water Systems/ Analysis Culligan Water Conditioning LoAnn Reponen & Dan Egan 8240 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/829-5137 Toll Free 800/568-8946 Fax 218/829-0667 lmreponen@culliganwater.com dan.egan@culliganwater.com www.culliganwater.com EcoWater Systems Jesse Huber 1309 South 6th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 320/251-2505 Toll Free 800/279-8290 Fax 320/251-5565 Cell 218/831-7228 jessehuber68@gmail.com www.treatmywater.com Finken Water Solutions Tom Finken & Aaron Rieland 3423 Co. Road 74 P.O. Box 7190 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Phone 320/258-2005 Fax 320/258-2006 Toll Free 877/346-5367 Tom Cell 320/980-2308 Aaron Cell 320/980-7711 tfinkin@finkens.com arieland@finkens.com www.finkens.com License# 057888-PM Kinetico of Brainerd Dave Marusak 511 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/855-1938 Toll Free 800/743-2181 Fax 218/824-7839 Dave Cell 218/820-9586 davem@kineticomn.com www.KineticoMN.com Range Water Conditioning Loren Moody 29621 Highway 371 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Office: 218-327-1144 Fax: 218-327-3181 Cell: 218-398-0614 loren.moody@rangewater.com www.rangewater.com __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Superior Mechanical Mike Scott 4709 Morehouse Drive Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4709 Fax 218/568-4713 Cell 218/232-9480 mscott@superiormechanical.us www.superiormechanical.us Waterfront Equipment Brainerd Sports Outlet Brian Halverson 13377 State Hwy 25 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/828-4728 Fax 218/829-1488 Cell 218/820-2933 brian@brainerdsports.net www.brainerdsports.net Waterproofing Brainerd Waterproofing, LLC Donald Kolarsky 14136 State Highway 18 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-3596 Cell 218/820-2770 kolarsky@brainerd.net Pro-Build David Lester 4326 East Sibley P.O. Box 365 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-4040 Fax 218/568-5437 Cell 320/232-0396 David.lester@probuild.com www.probuild.com W.W. Thompson Concrete Products Co. Brett Thompson & Todd Thompson 702 Industrial Park Road P.O. Box 87 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-9674 Toll Free 800/422-3470 Fax 218/828-1161 brett@wwthompson.com todd@wwthompson.com www.wwthompson.com Well Drillers Blue Water Wells, Inc. David Ackerman P.O. Box 406 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/568-7793 Fax 218/568-8801 Cell 218/851-4505 bww123@tds.net www.bluewaterwells.com North Star Drilling Group Mark Prueher 29621 State Highway 371 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Phone 218/829-0892 Toll Free 888/829-0892 Fax 218/829-6601 Cell 320/266-8485 mprueher@nsdrilling.comdrilling.com www.nsdrilling.com License# 3246 North Star Drilling Group Milo Backowski 14950 Iris Road Little Falls, MN 56345 Milo Cell 320/232-5193 mbackowski@nsdrilling.com www.nsdrilling.com License# 3246 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - Brainerd Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp 17677 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/822-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 218/822-3692 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Northland Drilling, Inc. Rick Hines & Geri McLennan 9214 Hwy 115 Randall, MN 56475 Phone 320/749-2695 Phone 218/692-2696 Toll Free 888/300-9355 Fax 320/749-2694 Rick Cell 320/360-5523 Geri Cell 320/630-4065 northlanddrilling@gmail.com www.northlanddrillingmn.com License# MR081316 MN Home Improvements Inc./LeafGuard - St. Joseph Tom Borresch & Stephanie Huerkamp P.O. Box 248 8850 Ridgewood Ct St. Joseph, MN 56374 Phone 320/363-4435 Toll Free 888/363-3305 Fax 320/363-4405 mnhomeimprovements@gmail.com leafguardsc@gmail.com www.mnhome30.com License# BC319433 Windows & Glass ABC Seamless of Brainerd, Inc. Bruce Erickson P.O. Box 451 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5999 Toll Free 800/590-5855 Fax 218/828-1564 abcbrd@brainerd.net ww.abcseamless.com License# BC385330 Better Living Concepts, Inc. Renewal by Andersen of Brainerd Dan & Julie Kletscher 11316 State Hwy 210 Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5590 Toll Free 888/829-5590 Fax 218/824-1587 sunroom@uslink.net www.betterlivingconcepts.net License# BC060845 Brainerd Glass Company Charles Deutsch & Greg Meller 624 Washington Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-5430 Toll Free 800/317-5430 Fax 218/829-0038 Charles Cell 218/330-6670 Greg Cell 218/330-8470 chuck@brainerdglass.net greg@brainerdglass.net www.brainerdglass.net Eagle Window Distributing Co. Scott Nelson 19300 Linden Drive P.O. Box 385 Rogers, MN 55374 Phone 763/428-2883 Fax 763/428-4256 Cell 612/363-2247 scott@eaglewindowtc.com www.yourwindowsolution.com Gates General Contractors Bruce Gates 3500 Vicksburg Lane Suite# 400-351 Plymouth, MN 55447 Phone 763/550-0043 Fax 763/498-7710 Cell 612/723-6345 bruce@gatesgeneralcontractors.com www.gatesgeneralcontractors.com Liscense# BC006793 Gull Lake Glass, Inc. Nate Tuomi & Kerri Vastila 18441 State Hwy 371 Brainerd, Mn 56401 Phone 218/829-2881 Fax 218/829-1228 glglassinc@gmail.com www.gulllakeglass.com Marvin Windows & Doors Travis Kelley 794 32nd Ave. NW Backus, MN 56435 Phone 218/838-6195 traviskelley@marvin.com www.marvin.com Pella Windows & Doors Jeff Hoag 27300 Sunset Valley Road Pequot Lakes MN 56472 Cell# 218-232-3150 hoagjm@pellamn.com www.pella.com Pro-Build - Brainerd Bill Desrocher 401 South 8th Street Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-2891 Fax 218/829-6496 www.probuild.com Screen Area Enclosures Marilyn Peters 17407 Dewes Road Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone 218/829-1809 Fax 218/829-1809 Cell 218/851-0325 screenarea@charter.net www.screenareaenclosures.com Structures International Scott Roesner & Gary Severson P.O. Box 150 24530 Hazelwood Drive Nisswa, MN 56468 Phone 218/963-3401 Fax 218/963-7503 info@sinisswa.com www.sinisswa.com Directory M.C.I. Carpet One Floor & Home Harold Loch & Tom Steiger 14317 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/454-5027 Fax 218/454-5029 hloch@mcicarpetone.com tsteiger@mcicarpetone.com mcicarpetone.com Weather Queen Shades Carla Ingram W4057 Church Road Sarona, WI 54870 Office: 715-354-7012 E-mail: carla@weatherqueenshades. com Wood Flooring Aitkin Hardwoods Dave Schaefer & Brian Knettel 45216 State Hwy 210 Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone 218/927-6515 Toll Free 888/927-6515 Fax 218/927-1736 Dave Cell 218/766-5318 Brian Cell 218/308-0301 dave@aitkinhardwoods.com brian@aitkinhardwoods.com www.aitkinhardwoods.com Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Woodworking Big Wood Timber Frames, Inc. Dave LePage 447 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 651/298-8776 Fax 651/298-0639 Cell 651/270-8879 bigwood@bigwoodtimberframes.com www.bigwoodtimberframes.com License# BC602612 Window treatments & accessories Hirshfield’s Decorating Center Jeff Lewis 7447 Clearwater Road Baxter, MN 56425 Phone 218/824-0926 Toll Free 866/444-0926 Fax 218/824-0927 store09@hirshfields.com jlewis@hirshfields.com www.hirshfields.com JAG Interior Solutions, LLC Julie Gowen 35762 County Road 3 P.O. Box 638 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone 218/692-4521 Fax 218/692-4522 Cell 218/820-3800 jgowen19@hotmail.com www.jaginteriorsolutions.com www.jaginteriorsolutions.net 218.829.4982 Yo Mem ur is Ap bership pr and eciated Valu ed October 2015 39 Directory Update_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applying for Membership: COMMENTS REQUESTED. The Following Companies are applying for membership with the MMBA. Welcome to the MMBA. Your membership is a value to us! MMBA Members: This is your association we encourage your comments! Please review the preceeding company and send us any comments you have regarding the applicants. Your comments will be confidential. Renewing Members: YOU’VE MADE A SOLID BUSINESS DECISION! Thank you for being a committed member of the MMBA and renewing your membership for another year. Borden Excavating, Inc. Brainerd Lakes Build & Remodel Central Lakes College Deerwood Bank Eagle Window Distributing Co. Greater Lakes Association of Realtors Gerhards-The Kitchen & Bath Store Hanneken Insurance Agency, Inc. MAJKA Construction, Inc. Welcome to the MMBA Upcoming Renewals: MEMBERSHIP IS AN INVESTMENT NOT AN EXPENSE! The following businesses are up for renewal. If you know any of these members, please call and ask them to renew their membership. September 2015 Renewals Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. KC Companies, Inc. October 2015 Renewals Action Graphics, Inc. Brainerd Waterproofing, LLC Ruyak Enterprises, Inc. Screen Area Enclosures November 2015 Renewals Blue Water Wells, Inc. Crow Wing Cabinets, Inc. Dan J. Heid-Planning & Design 40 October 2015 First Supply Frandsen Bank & Trust Geo’s Paint & Finish Lake Country Journal Magazine Midwest Security and Fire .Com Neighborhood National Bank Pratt’s Affordable Excavating, Inc. Quick Construction, Inc. Thelen Heating & Roofing, Inc. Up North Fireplace Gallery ~ Baxter Warner Drywall www.midmnba.org 2015 Non-Renewals January Baxter Insurance Group Kalina, Wills, Gisvold & Clark, PLLP Tim Johnson Construction February Brainerd Lakes Furniture Sprint by Allstate Wireless March Brainerd Country Power Equipment Jacobson Excavating Langer Custom Builders Westwood Professionals June Backwoods Furniture Concrete Countertops by J&J Design _________________________________ MMBA Mission Statement / Code of Ethics / Disclaimer MMBA newsletter disclaimer: www.commerce.state.mn.us/pages/energy mainifocenter.htm The MMBA newsletter is the official publication of the Energy Center for information on energy code issues. Mid-Minnesota Builders Association. This newsletter is www.dli.mn.gov 17068 Commercial Park Road 800.342.5354 published and distributed monthly to its members and Brainerd, Minnesota 56401 others associated with the building industry. Neither the Minnesota State Department of Labor and Industry Phone: 218-829-4982 which regulates the home building industry. advertisers, nor MMBA will be responsible or liable for Fax: 218-828-3739 www.egov.state.mn.us/ misinformation, misprints, typographical errors, etc., mmba@brainerd.net • www.midmnba.org herein contained. Suggestions and comments are wel- Commerce/license_lookup.do? action=lookupForm come. Builders License Look-up. Helpful Websites: www.fwdodge.com www.doli.state.mn.us/CCLD/CCLDContactUS. MMBA Mission Statement: F.W. Dodge Report. Contains multiple sources of aspMN Department of Labor & Industry The Mid-Minnesota Builders Association (MMBA) information. Construction Codes and Licensing of Crow Wing, Wadena and lower Cass Counties, www.ihireconstruction.com fundamental purpose is to foster a healthy business www.10klakes.org For resumes of individuals who are qualified for the Lake Country Chapter of Building Officials environment for the home building industry, and to construction industry. engage in activities that strengthen competitiveness, www.arcat.com/index.cfm www.kitchen-bath.com professionalism, and the public’s confidence in the For building material news from For information on the construction and remodeling of manufacturers and other sources. industry. The MMBA represents over 220 members, kitchens and baths. involved in and supporting all phases of the home www.bls.gov www.pathnet.org building industry. Bureau of Labor statistics The Partnership for Advancing Technology in www.builderbooks.com Housing (PATH) is a voluntary initiative that seeks Buy construction related books from Builder Books, to accelerate the creation and widespread use of admmba code of ethics: and a portion of your purchase will go back to the vanced technologies to radically improve our Nation’s Members of the Mid-Minnesota Builders Association. housing. Association subscribe to the following Code www.b4ubuild.com www.rsmeans.com of Ethics: Information for anyone in the business of residential Accurate, timely cost information for the new construction. • Members shall constantly seek to provide better construction industry values for the customers they serve. www.census.gov www.umass.edu/bmatwt/bm_links.html. For Census results The building materials and wood technology depart• Members shall at all times share their knowledge ment of the University of Massachusetts has a good www.census.gov/const/www/ with fellow members and the public in the best list of sites to view relating to the building industry. newresconstindex.html interest of those they serve. U.S. Census Bureau www.ssa.gov • Members shall not obtain any business by New Residential Construction Site Social Security means of fraudulent statements or by use of www.contractors.com www.state.mn.us implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable Check here for construction news. Lists all Minnesota State Agencies and Legislators. probability. www.contractorresource.com www.homeenergyresourcemn.com • Members shall comply, both in spirit and letter, Offers free business forms and licensing requirements Home Energy Resource with rules and regulations prescribed by law for all 50 states. www.smartbuildingmn.com and government agencies for health, safety and www.contractors-license.org Best Building Practices progress of the community. Provides links to test and prep book www.moldtips.com information in all 50 states. • Members shall not perform or cause to be Houshold Mold Resource Center performed any act which would tend to reflect www.commerce.state.mn.us www.epa.gov/Radon Look up information on a specific builder to find out on or bring into disrepute any part of the Environmental Protection Agency if they are licensed or not. industry served by this Association. 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 11 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 14 218.829.4982 October 2015 41 Advertiser Index______________________________________________________________________________________________________ American Door Works................................................ 43 American National Bank............................................. 13 Anderson Brothers Construction................................. 20 API Garage Door Store............................................... 16 Arrowwood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes......................... 21 Brainerd General Rental and Storage........................... 2 Brainerd Glass Company............................................ 42 Brainerd Hardwoods................................................... 15 Brainerd Waterproofing.............................................. 10 Bremer Bank............................................................... 42 BrockWhite Company.................................................. 5 Build-All Lumber........................................................ 16 CliftonLarsonAllen..................................................... 10 Crosslake Sheetmetal.................................................. 22 Consolidated Telephone Company............................. 24 Culligan Water Conditioning........................................ 7 Deerwood Bank.......................................................... 26 Deerwood Lumber...................................................... 22 First Supply................................................................. 19 Frandsen Bank & Trust............................................... 11 Geo’s Paint & Finish................................................... 17 Goodin Company.......................................................... 3 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 1 HyTec Construction.................................................... 15 Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity............................... 12 Mattson Lumber Company........................................... 7 MCI Carpet One Floor & Home................................... 5 Mike’s Tree Company.................................................. 9 North Star Water Wells............................................... 25 Northland Drilling....................................................... 17 Peoples Security / Crow Wing Power......................... 23 Pro-Build..................................................................... 14 Schroeder’s Appliance.................................................. 4 Sears Home Town Store............................................. 13 Showplace Kitchens...................................................... 2 Simonson Lumber......................................................... 6 Stifel Financial............................................................ 15 Stonemark Land Surveying, Inc................................. 41 Tri-City Paving, Inc.................................................... 12 Triangle Oil Company................................................ 17 Up North Fireplace Gallery.......................................... 4 W.W. Thompson Concrete Products........... Back Cover Weizenegger Engel Insurance..................................... 22 Wippler Precast, Inc.................................................... 41 Xcel Energy................................................................ 18 2015 Sixth Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:10 PM Page 3 Locally Owned Quality Service Mortgage Solutions “Serving the lakes area for over 65 years” from Bremer Bank Commercial • Residential • CUSTOM TUB & SHOWER DOORS • MIRRORS & TABLE TOPS • Thermopane & Insulated Units • Handicap Operators • Windows & Screens • Aluminum Store Fronts & Doors You only think about home financing a few times in your life. We think about it every day. Call us today to put Bremer’s Mortgage solutions to work for you. Gary Johnson Brainerd NMLS #757034 828-5153 Becky Butcher Baxter NMLS #757030 855-5546 Brainerd 829-8781 • Baxter 828-5191 Aitkin 927-3794 800-908-BANK (2265) • Bremer.com Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. 42 October 2015 Lee Ann Hohenstein Aitkin NMLS #960614 927-7702 www.brainerdglass.net 218•829•5430 800•317•5430 624 WASHINGTON ST. BRAINERD NEAR THE HISTORIC WATERTOWER www.midmnba.org 2015 Full Page Ads.qxp_Layout 1 12/19/14 2:07 PM Page 3 218.829.4982 October 2015 43 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Brainerd, MN Permit No. 471 17068 Commercial Park Road Brainerd, Minnesota 56401 d in intereste ly If you are BA Month M M e h t g in ing advertisin contact Curt Thes er Newslett Printing at Lakes 824-8152 44 October 2015 www.midmnba.org
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