Neighbor Neighbor to
Neighbor Neighbor to
New Hope Community Board of Directors Brianne Goldstein, Chair Marianne Goldman, Vice Chair Russ Heyman, Treasurer Mary Alan Leni Binder Morton Bleetstein Noah Ingber Kenneth Kloper Michael Linden Annabel Lindenbaum Lorraine Stroh Abby Wasserman NHC Foundation Board of Directors Marianne Goldman, Chair Patricia Bleetstein, Vice Chair Leni Binder, Treasurer Russ Heyman Daniel Jaffe Kenneth Kloper Michael Linden Eugene Metz Neighbor toNeighbor 7th Annual Autumn Affair November 13, 2014 New Hope Community Executive Director A. James Forbes, Jr. Supporting individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities since 1975. Join us as we honor NYS Assemblywoman (845) 434-8300 5 New Hope Community Dr. Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759 Aileen Gunther The 7th Annual Autumn Affair “We challenge ourselves to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.” Please, join us. November 13, 2014 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Neighbor toNeighbor Maxie’s Place at New Hope Community Route 52 Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759 $75 per person Refreshments & Hors d’Oeuvres Silent Auction RSVP by November 5th using the enclosed card, or by phone or email to Anya Novikov: (845) 434-8300, x244 / 2014 Neighbor of Distinction Award honoring NYS Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther Name: Business: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: ADDITIONAL GUESTS 1) Name: 2) Name: 3) Name: Neighbor toNeighbor 7th Annual Please RSVP by November 5, 2014 Autumn Affair See reverse... TICKETS - $75 ea Individual Tickets SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ___ Event Sponsor - $3,500 2 event tickets; Signage at event, media recognition, inclusion in event speeches & email event reminder, logo on event program card ___ Refreshment Sponsor - $1,750 Logo on refreshment table, highlight on event program card ___ Hors d’Oeuvre Sponsor - $1,000 Logo on Hor D’Ouevres table, highight on event program card ___ Dessert Sponsor - $500 Logo on dessert table, highlight on event program card ___ Gift Sponsor - $250 Highlight on event program card, information included with each event gift PAYMENT Check Enclosed Credit Card Circle: MC Visa Discover AMEX Card #: Exp. Date: I am unable to attend; please accept my donation of $ Make checks payable to: NHC Foundation PO Box 289 Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759 Please RSVP by November 5, 2014 For more information, contact Anya at (845) 434-8300, ext. 244, or by email to A portion of your donation is tax deductible.