Then - Hammer


Then - Hammer
CEO Evelyn Carlson with
Peter Ferguson and
James McKune (far right)
in the 1960s.
Providing a Lifetime of Care
Peter Ferguson celebrating his
62nd birthday in 2012.
James McKune and Michelle
Mack-Bohnhoff at Hammer
bowling in June 2013.
Ninety Years of Compassionate Care
I often think about Alvina Hammer. It was 1923 when she quit a good job to do
something that most everyone around her must have thought was foolish. I wonder
if she ever had lonely nights when the voices of the “sensible” made her question
her decision? What a strong and determined woman she must have been. To believe
that people living with disabilities could lead productive lives in the community
was unheard of at that time (and for many decades later). Miss Hammer believed
in the dignity of every person. She, and the organization that still bears her name,
has made it possible for thousands of people to experience life to the fullest.
Hammer residents
and staff sharing
meals together in the
congregated dining room
in the 1960s.
While Alvina Hammer has become a hero to me, I also fully understand that
she did not do all this on her own. There were others who caught her vision
and pitched in to help. Family members, neighbors, former co-workers became the first
volunteers at Hammer School. Alvina was the inspiration, but it takes many hands to make
such a dream become reality.
CEO John Estrem meeting with
Leah Misner in her home in 2012.
Ninety years later, Hammer Residences still believes in the dignity of every person. We work
hard every day to provide a pathway to a full life in the community for people living with a disability. We strive to be
innovative (within the bounds of regulation) and creative in response to people’s needs.
We now have 36 group homes and 10 apartment programs where we serve 275 people. We also have four programs that
serve 1000 people in one aspect of their lives (Customized Support Services). All this work is made possible by a dedicated
staff of almost 500 employees. In addition we have around 630 volunteers who gave 14,000 hours of service in 2012.
While we remember where we have come from, we stay focused on the present and the future. We are committed to
providing quality services every day. Our field is changing rapidly. Funding, regulation and oversight are all shifting.
Families are more and more involved and demanding innovative services for their child and sibling. Technology is helping
people to be more independent. Even with all of this change it still really comes down to people. Families, Staff, volunteers,
community members are all critical to our mission. Every day I am grateful to all who join us on this mission of love.
The impact we make is incalculable.
John Estrem, CEO
Hammer Residences, Inc. 2012 Financial Statements
Statement of Operations
Operating Revenue and Support
Programs and
Operating Expenses
Programs and
Revenue, support and grants
Resident service revenues
Contributions and public support
Total revenue and support 20,710,169
Property related
Fundraising expenses
Net assets released from restriction to
fund operations
Operating income -209,921
Investment, other income and expense
Investment activities
New business development
Other income and expense
Change in net assets
Net Assets
Beginning of year
End of year
“If you’d like an audited 2012 financial statement, stop by Hammer’s main office during regular business hours.” – Jim Landt, Chief Financial Officer
Board of Directors
*Barbara Tuckner, President
Tuckner Consulting
William Young, Vice President
Sales Fitness LLC
Joe Reis, Treasurer
Coldwell Banker Burnet
Don Smithmier, Secretary
Rumble LLC and GoKart Labs
John Matejcek, Immediate Past
Dashe and Thomson
Gregory Anderson
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
*Jerry Caruso
University of Minnesota
Lisa Dongoske
Cushman and Wakefield/
*Rebecca Furnival
Family Member
*Joe Koltes
U.S. Home Source Realty
Michelle Lureen
The Business Bank
*Kevan Nitzberg
Anoka-Hennepin School District
Nino Pedrelli
Real Estate Advisory Services
Tom Silver
Hawkins & Jahnke Associates
Bruce Volkart
Volkart, May &
*Alan Wilensky
*Indicates Hammer family
Jon Leverentz was the featured guest at our annual Reach for
Ralph event. With his amazing artwork, he helped highlight
our Quality of Life Fund – one of the many areas fundraising
and donations make a difference to those we serve. Jon was
thoroughly impressed with his experience at Reach for Ralph,
and he would like to “thank everyone for their big hearts!”
Through the donations from that night, as well as other
generous investments throughout the year, he hopes to be able
to buy a new bicycle or apple tree for his backyard.
Meet Jon Leverentz here:
Due to the amazing work and dedication of Hammer’s
many volunteers, we continued the long tradition of our
summer bowling league. Residents like Michelle Rivard,
staff and volunteers packed Texa-Tonka Lanes two nights
each week and thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie and
competition. Clearly one of the most popular outings in
the Hammer community, this is a fun and easy way for
volunteers to get involved and impact the lives of those
we serve.
Meet Michelle Rivard here:
The Annual Don Pearson Memorial Fishing Extravaganza,
now in its eighth year, was a huge success again this summer.
Organized by Hammer Travel, the trip consisted of two,
three-day excursions up in the Minnesota north woods.
Both sessions were full and received rave reviews. This past
year, more than 160 travelers experienced one of 50 trips
offered year round building self-confidence and a sense of
independence. Check out this video for a glimpse of the fun.
Meet Jim Davis here:
Despite physical challenges, Amy Gardner’s competitive
spirit burns brightly. Earlier this year, Amy was recognized
with the Wilma Rudolph Courage Award for her courage
in athleticism, ability to overcome adversity and her
contributions to bring adapted sports to her school. A born
winner, Amy and her staff have found many ways to stay
active both at home and in the community. Like any smart
team, they work together to come up with programming
that works for Amy.
Meet Amy Gardner here:
We would like to thank the following Legacy Contributors
for their extraordinary
lifetime contributions. Your leadership and commitment is vital to Hammer and those we serve. Our Lifetime
Giving Societies are named in honor of key individuals from Hammer’s history.
Evelyn Carlson Society
Members have contributed more
than $1,000,000.
Bill Bieber and Kathy O’Connor
Reuben Lindh Society
Members have contributed
between $750,000 and $999,999.
Anonymous (2)
Ralph Rosenvold Society
Members have contributed
between $500,000 and $749,999.
Patrick + and Alice + Rogers/The Patrick and Alice Rogers Family Foundation
Bill McGlinch Society
Members have contributed
between $250,000 and $499,999.
James + and Margaret Argall
John and Nancy Berg
Robert M. Reed Trust +
Marshall + and Elaine Siegel
Mrs. Mary Wesley
Jenny Malmgren Society
Members have contributed
between $100,000 and $249,999.
Anonymous (3)
Argall/Hibbs Foundation
Bieber Family Foundation
The Cargill Foundation
Plymouth Housing and
Redevelopment Authority
TCF Foundation
Josephine Robinson
Members have contributed
between $50,000 and $99,999.
Bruce and Celeste Amlicke
Anchor Bank
B & H Way Foundation
The Barry Foundation
Rae Carlson + Trust
General Mills Foundation
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
Patricia and Michael Houston
Mark and Judith Jones
Knights of Columbus #3758
Thomas and Margaret Lowe
Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP
Martinson Clinic Foundation
Mark and Diane McMorrow
Lewis and Jill Mithun
Scherer Bros. Lumber Company
Karl Stoltenberg
Paul + and Florence + Voetmann Trust
Wayzata Community Church
Village Automotive Group
Mildred Thomson Society
Members have contributed
between $25,000 and $49,999.
Anonymous (2)
Leonard Aase + Trust
Marshall and Dru Anderson
The Steven Argall Trust
Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong
Elaine and Robert Bache
Dorothy A. Bailey
Lawrence and Jo Ann Barbetta
The Caridad Corporation
Carolyn Foundation
Tom and Nicky Carpenter
John and Andrea Casey
Michael and Beverly Cleary
Coldwell Banker Burnet
Bob and Joan Cummins
The Jaye and Betty Dyer Foundation
Peter + and Carolyn + Ferguson
Linda and Kenneth Holmen
ING Community Matching Gifts Program
Kopp Family Foundation
Kraus-Anderson Construction Co.
Lake Community Bank
Lions Club of Wayzata
Lyman Lumber Company
Solveig Misner and Leigh Wold
The Minneapolis Foundation
Mary and Franklin D.
Newell III
E.B. Osborn Charitable Trust
Bruce and Merry Jo Parker
John and Lois Rogers
Susan W. Seymour +
Siegel Family Foundation
Pam and Mike Sime
Sit Investment Associates Foundation
Drs. Mary and Jan Tanghe
Marie and Jerome + Tuckner
Joyce and Michael + Urbanic
Valspar Corporation
Wayzata Amoco BP Service Center
Wells Fargo Bank, Wayzata
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Assoc.
Consecutive Giving Society
Members have contributed for 15 or more consecutive years.
Margaret Argall
Argall/Hibbs Foundation
Dorothy A. Bailey
John and Nancy Berg
Bill Bieber
Alfred Colling
Richard and Judith Corson
Patricia and Dennis Fleming
Shirley and Ted + Freeman
Ida and Donald Hanna
Bernice J. Jorgensen
LeJeune Family Foundation
Wally Lentz and Susan Nixon
Jean and Tim + Nelson
Betsy and Bruce Pankonin
Mary Patterson
Rose Rizzi
Greg and Lisa Rye
Marshall + and Elaine Siegel
Loretta Solinger
Kay A. Tart
Marie Tuckner
Mark and Kathy Wallraff
Mary Wesley
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Assoc.
Alvina Hammer Heritage Society
Hammer is proud to honor these visionary individuals who have
made a Legacy Gift by naming Hammer in their will, charitable
trust or other planned giving vehicle. On behalf of all those we
serve, thank you for your extraordinary commitment to our mission.
Anonymous (2)
**Leonard Aase +
Lisa M. Anderson
Margaret and James + Argall
Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong
Dorothy A. Bailey
Kevin Borer and Ellen Timmerman-Borer
Richard and Judith Corson
Judith and Kent Davidson
Rosemary and Marvin Fish
Shirley and Ted + Freeman
Jean and Bill Gjetson
Kay and William + Hempel
**Claire and Don + Hinrichs
Beulah and Ingvald + Hongerholt
Pat and Michael Houston
Mary Ann and Jack + Huddleston
Laura Langer
Jill and Lewis Mithun
Jean and Tim + Nelson
**Robert M. Reed + Trust
LaVonne and Allen Ribbe
**Clara Schonlau +
Elaine and Marshall + Siegel
Deloris + and Wallace + Solseth
Dr. Barbara Tuckner
**Grace M. Voetmann +
* Matching Gift Company
+ Deceased
**Legacy gift received
Blue type indicates those new to the society in 2012.
“Have you included Hammer
in your will, trust or other
estate plans but your name is
not listed? On behalf of those
we serve, thank you! Please
call me to be included in the
Alvina Hammer Heritage
Society and help Hammer
plan for the future. If you
prefer, your gift may remain
If you don’t have a will,
now is a great time to start
planning. Please consider
including a bequest to
Hammer in your estate
plans. If you are interested in
learning more, visit
for suggested bequest language
and our tax ID to share with
your attorney or call me at
– Ellen Timmerman-Borer,
Chief Officer of Development
A heartfelt thanks to all our Donors. Your gifts make a significant impact on the people served
by Hammer. We especially want to thank our monthly donors (noted in blue) who have chosen to give a designated amount
from their checking or savings account. If you would like to become a monthly donor, please call Ellen at 952.277.2433.
$25,000 or More
Leonard Aase+
Margaret Argall
Bieber Family Foundation
Plymouth Housing and
Redevelopment Authority
$10,000 - $24,999
The Steven Argall Trust
Argall/Hibbs Foundation
James P. Bebo
Bob and Joan Cummins
Mark and Diane McMorrow
Solveig Misner and Leigh Wold
Bruce and Merry Jo Parker
* Pohlad Family Foundation
Siegel Family Foundation
Karl Stoltenberg
Drs. Mary and Jan Tanghe
John and Judy Vosika
Warners’ Stellian Company Inc.
Mary Wesley
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Gregory R. Anderson
Elaine and Robert Bache
The Barry Foundation
John and Nancy Berg
John Casey
Coldwell Banker Burnet
Dan and Jessica Egan
Dave Freeman and Patricia O’Rourke Freeman
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Pat and Michael Houston
Thomas and Margaret Lowe
Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP
Popp Communications
Mike and Pam Sime
Sit Investment Associates
Charles and Ellen Swanson
*TCF Foundation
Michael and Barbara Tenney
James and Wynona Warner
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Mable Aaser+
Absolute Sourcing, Inc.
ACI Asphalt Contractors, Inc.
Alerus Financial
Allegra Print & Imaging
Allina Health System
Ambient Consulting
James and Patricia Amlicke
Joel and Mary Amundson
Kevin and Barbara Amundson
Janet and David Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Marshall and Dru Anderson
The Ankeny Foundation
Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong
Arthur Murray Charity Fund
Avtex Solutions, LLC
Dorothy A. Bailey
Leigh Bailey
Garry and Shannon Banks
Lawrence and JoAnn Barbetta
John and Sheila Barbetta
John and Sally Battaiola
Lester and Barbara Bauer
Tom and Angela Blanchette
Blue Rock Advisor
Dan and Katie Bottiger
John and Maryann
E.W. Brehm Family Foundation
Burdick Family Fund
The Business Bank
Rae Carlson Trust
Jerry Caruso
Sarah Caruso
City Club Foundation
Coborns Delivers
CocoLaPalm Seaside Resort
John and Pauline Coleman
Peggy and George Crolick
Cummings Mobility Conversion
Mary Jo Curry
Thomas and Charlene Cusick
Elizabeth Dablow
Joe and Sondra Dahmer
Joe and Sondra Dahmer Charitable Fund
Dashe & Thomson
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton
Gerry and Vicki Degner
Lisa and Scott Dongoske
Steve Dore
Enterprise Holding Foundation
Esch Construction Supply, Inc.
John Estrem
T. A. Estrem
Marvin and Rosemary Fish
The Flannery Family
Patricia and Dennis Fleming
John and Deborah Fox
Jaime Frischmann
Marilyn Fryer
Rebecca and Ron Furnival
Keith Gasner and Janet Benway
Genoa Healthcare
Jean and Bill Gjetson
Debra and David Gjoraas
Nancy Gleason
Kathryn H. Glen
Go Kart Labs
Samuel Goad
Graham Jewelers
Gray Plant Mooty
Becky and Don Gromek
Martha and Edward Gschneider
Susan Argall Haas and Brian Haas
Don and Heidi Haberman
Denis and Caroline Harrington
David Hess and Theresa
Mary Hilgert
Mary Hill
Claire Hinrichs
Paula Hirschoff and Chuck Ludlam
John and Cindy Hitt
Linda and Kenneth Holmen
Pam Howe
Imaging Path
Sherri and Steve Johnson
Julie Jurrjens Design LLC
Brian Kelly
Dorothy Keprios
Kim Keprios
Key Medical Supply, Inc.
Knights of Columbus #13096
Knights of Columbus #13359
Knights of Columbus #3758
Jo Ann Koltes
Kopp Family Foundation
Bill Krippner
James and Gayle Landt
Barbara Lebowitz
Virgil and Patricia Leih
LeJeune Family Foundation
*Lexus Pursuit of Potential
Michael and Karen Linn
Lions Club of Plymouth
Lions Club of Wayzata
Hosain Lipson
Michele and Bob Luke
Mary K. Lund
Philip and Barbara MacNeill
Deane and Nancy Manolis
David and Kimberly Marrone
Elmer Marrone
Martinson Clinic Foundation
Jon P. Matejcek
John and Molly McDonald
McGlynn Family Foundation
Medco Health Solutions
Mary Metzler
Millennium Hotel
Minnesota Twins
Mintahoe Catering and Events
Chuck and Cyndie Misner
Lewis and Jill Mithun
Patty and Mike Molden
Shawn Moren
Matt and Marty Mueller
William and Gail Munsell
John A. Murray and Geraldine H. Murray Estates
Kenneth and Marilyn Murray
Denny and Mary Newell
David and Jari Norris
Northwestern Mutual Wealth
Mgmt Co.
Kathy O’Connor
Al and Vicki Olson
Lillian Orenstein
Clifford Otten
Mary Patterson
Nino and Susan Pedrelli
Penfield Creative
Tim and Teresa Perisic
Bill G. Perrine
Jennifer Peterson and Bill Forsberg
Greg Petryszyn
Douglas and Pam Plocek
Polaris Industries, Inc.
Chris Poppe
Dan and Katherine Poppe
Susan and Andrew Rein
Heather Reinert
Joseph and Kathleen Reis
Roger Fazendin Realtors
Rotary Club of Wayzata
Jeanne and William Rouch
Colleen Ryan
Rita Schofield
Kent and Traci Scholten
Randy Schuft
Select Comfort
William and Joyce Sexton Family Foundation
Jane and Don Shaffer
Cari and Jeff Sheley
Don and Ann Smithmier
Loretta Solinger
Renee E. Solinger-Audette
Marjorie and Bob Spanjers
St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
Steele Personal Training
Trevor and Traci Studanski
Randy and Judy Swanson
Michelle Harris and Peter Tanghe
Alan and Barbara Tennessen
Jeff and Sandy Thoele
Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc.
Ted and Erin Wentink
John Wetterlund and Laurel Feddema
Whitney Foundation
* Karole Whipps
Alan and Connie Wilensky
Diane and Timothy Williams
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Assoc.
Pamela Wright
William and Bonnie Young
$500 - $999
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
Nancy and Richard Timp
Barb Tuckner
Marie Tuckner
Darla and Chris Twomey
Ullr Foundation
David and Jan Usset
Village Gives Back
Bruce Volkart
Ron and Michele Wald
Mark and Kathy Wallraff
Carla Warner
Wayzata American Legion
Post 118
Wayzata Amoco BP Service Center
Wayzata BP/Glen Lakes
Service Center
Wayzata Community Church
Anonymous (3)
Tim and Wanda Aaser
Anchor Bank
Mary Joy Anderson
Robert Anderson
Judi and Jerry Andresen
Richard and Joan Baker
Justin Bell
Bell Mortgage
Bertelson Total Office Solutions
Amy Binning
BMO Harris Bank
Bob’s Shoe Repair, Inc.
Bremer Bank
BridgePoint Medical Inc.
Kate Budd
Charles and Mary Carlsen
Charles and Deb Carlson
Sandra C. Carlson
Clifton Larson Allen LLP
Community Charities of Minnesota
Richard and Judith Corson
David and Debra Czech
Lynne Dablow and Connie Schultz
Judith and Kent Davidson
John Dennis
Wayne Duerschmidt
Erickson Enterprises
Faribault Foods, Inc.
Kristin Finberg
Forte Fitness by Hamish the
Shirley Freeman
Gen Olson Volunteer Committee
Kim and Pat Gharrity
Kim, Bruce, and Kevin Gillespie
Gladdy’s Seasonal Outdoor Services
John Greener
Sue and Ilja Gregor
Debby Grote
Shirley Hammes
Trish Hannah
Kim Hansen
Kay Hempel
Ronald E. Hovda
Amy and Craig Jensen
Regina Johnson
Lane Jorgensen
Julie Jurrjens
Hugh and Julie Kirsch
Barbara and David Kleist
Knights of Columbus #13506
John and Terry Kruse
Karen Lafferty
Lakeside Fine Wines & Spirits
Susan and Jeffrey Lambert
Stephen and Susan Lang
Gregg and Stephanie Larsen
Kathleen and Kevin Leighton
Sher and Roger Leksen
Steve and Katie LeVoir
Herbert and Kathie Levy
LH Hendrickson Company
Michelle and Jimmy Lureen
Markwest Inc.
Pat and Victoria McConnell
Taya Mergott
Dennis and Beverly Meyer
Fredrick and Christine Meyer
Midwest Financial Search
The Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Gold Meats Inc.
National Christian Foundation
Jean Nelson
Carol M. Nikolai
Kevan and Laurie Nitzberg
Mary and Michael Ongstad
Susan and Michael Oreck
John and Gigi Ossanna
Park Tavern
Paustis Wine Co.
Peter and Mary Ann Pearson
Dan and Linda Pelak
Jamie Peters
David and Sharon Petterson
Susan and Greg Pfeiffer
John and Vicki Pink
Playnetwork, Inc.
Plymouth Holiday Station
Christine and Joseph Porcelli
Gary & Susan Rappaport
Family Fund
Wayne and Jennifer Rosengren
Mindy Rudd and John Craynock
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell
Robert and Bonnie Scheer
Audrey and George Schultz
The Shared Fund
Tom and LeeAnn Silver
Joni Slack
Harriet and Edson Spencer
Mark and Gayle Stage
Anne and Brian Stanchfield
Tom and Lisa Stevens
Arnulf and Deni Svendsen
Toast Wine Bar & Cafe
Ellen Timmerman-Borer
Toro Company
John, Cheryl and Cory Tuckner
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
UnitedHealth Group Dollars for Doers Program
The UPS Store
Tom and Ginger Venable
Richard and Lynn Voelbel
Sue Walker
Suzanne Wanous
Margaret Warner
John and Kathryn Wesley
Julia Wesley
Michael and Mackie Wesley
Xcel Energy
$250 - $499
AirMaxx Trampoline Park and
Fun Center
AV for You
John and Patricia Bailey
Pat and Sophia Baisley
Susan Baker
Katie and Richard Barrett
Jake Bauer
Teri Bennett
Dianne Berg
Josephine Berge
Irv and Kay Bergsagel
Big Top Liquors
Gary and Sally Bluem
Lance Bolson
Bomardo Initiative LTD
Dave Brand
Business & Estate Advisers
Sharing Foundation
Robert and Susan Burns
Candlelight Floral & Gifts
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres
Brian Clark
Cliff Foundation
Alfred Colling
Community Shares of Minnesota
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Conneely
Continental Property Group
Darlene and Lonnie Cooper
James Cox
Edward Cracraft
Gary and Susan Cramer
Crowne Plaza
Jim Damiani
Eclipse Global Transportation
Justin Edin
Randy and Sheila Edin
Christina Fair
Feldmann Imports
Steve Feldman
Beth Fondell and Charles Schreffler
Food Perspectives, Inc.
James and Diane Gardner
Joan Gecik
Judy Gelina
Thomas and Susie Gillespie
Lindsay Grome
Leota Hales
Marty and Janice Halvorson
Sharon and Jack Hammang
Tom Harding
Ronald and Janet Haskvitz
Robert A. Hensel
Jan Hopper
Kent and Marilyn Howe
Dick and Sandy Hume
Melissa Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jackson
Kelly Jacobson
Wojciech and Katie Jedynak
Denise Johnson
Margaret and Roger Jones
Heidi and Jeff Jopps
Bernice J. Jorgensen
Dan H. Klein
Vicki Klima
Knights of Columbus #3949
Millie and Tim Kosiek
Wally Lentz and Susan Nixon
Steve Lerch
Lexus of Wayzata
Patsy Lillehei
Paul and Janice Lindbloom
D’Angela Mantovani
Marriott City Center
Massage Energy Therapy Inc.
Darlene and Thomas McCarthy
Terry and Mark McFarland
Ross and Darcy Miller
Minnehaha Liquors
Minnesota Swarm Lacrosse
Minnesota Vikings
Moses Agbonkhese
Robert and Taylor Moor
Mike and Phyllis Aho
Terry Morse
Al Vento
Renee Mueller
Judy Alexander
Colleen Nelson
Laura Kay Allen
Paul Nelson
Ann Althauser
Olseth Foundation
Orville and Vonnie Olson
Parasole Restaurant Holdings, Inc.
Joe Parker
Doug and Marilyn Paul
Heather and Richard Pfeiffer
Aaron and Peggy Pouliot
Kristin and Duane Pyka
Sue Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivers
Rose M. Rizzi
Angela Rodgers
Bradley and Kelly Roles
Julane Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Seppanen
David Shimota
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shroyer
Skin Therapease
Gary and Gwen Solseth
Southview Design
Marie A. Altman
Lloyd Sorensen
*Ameriprise Financial
Dean and Ruth Spatz
Dr. J. David Amlicke
Carrie Sporer
Thomas and Susan Amlicke
Christine and Allen Strande
George and Romona Anderson
Target Center
Gervae Anderson
United Hardware Distributing
Gina Anderson
Jody L. Anderson
Elizabeth Urness
Patty Anderson
James and Sandra Warner
Ronald and Glorian Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber
Shelby Andress
Bill and Doreen West
Greg Andrews
Amelia Wiley
Linda Armstrong
Judith and David Willits
Jean Aslakson
Maryann and John Wolters
B Original Custom Made Zealand Apartments
Zerorez Carpet Cleaning
Mary Bachman
Wilma Jane Balick
Under $250
Jane Balster
Anonymous (7)
John and Kandi Banasiak
45th Parallel Spirits, LLC
Jordan Kortmansky and
Aaron and Roxane Abbott
Sarah Barthel
Jean Ackerman
Dr. Harold Bass
Acme Comedy Company
Janet Bast
Administrative Sunshine Fund
Margaret Bauman
Advantage Sales and William Beattie
Susan Becker
Virginia Beckett
Jim and Sandy Beckman
Darrell and Kenwyn Beckstrom
Thomas P. Bedard
Terry and Kelly Bellinger
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Laura Berger
Berkley Technology Underwriters
Angela and George Bernhardt
Rodney Bernu
Berry Blendz
Dennis and Marty Berry
Mercedes Beuning
Timothy Beversdorf
Joan Biegert
Chris Biehle
Barbara and Edward Bies
Bikram’s Yoga College of India
The Binning Family
Peter and Julie Birgersson
Stephen and Janet Blake
Mary and Jaye Blanshan
Mark Blazei
Richard and Lin Bleck
Margot Blewett
Margaret M. Bloomer
Conrad and Mary Bloomquist
Blue Plate Restaurants
Bruce and Christie Boeder
Joan Boerschinger
Paul Boettner, D.D.S.
Earl Borene
Earl and Margaret Borer
Linda A. Borrell
Kelly Bosch
Kim Bossmann
Elizabeth Anne Boyer
Steve and Tracy Boylan
Peter and Cindi Boynton
Barbara L. Brauch
Breadsmith of The Twin Cities
Sarah and Thomas Brice
Aaron Briggs
Beth Brink
Becky Brooks
Joan and Quincy Brown
Kristina Bruggeman-Maag
Brunswick Zone XL Eden Prairie
Bryant Lake Bowl
Michael Bryant and Phelomina Silva-Bryant
Wes Bue and Denise Eng
Buehler Family
Kathy and Timothy Buggy
Bukhara Indian Bistro
Lance and Julie Burma
Sharon Burnham
Andrea Bursaw
Mary Buschette
Business Choice, Inc.
Clara Butler
Jay Butler
Paul and Mayone Byron
Cafe Latte
Brian Campbell
Christopher Campbell
Agnes Campeau
Cannon River Winery
Canvas on Demand
Vikki Carik
Catherine and C. Owen Carlson
Jean C. Carlson
CGI International, Inc.
Tomeko Champion
Nancy Cherry
Chez Daniel
Chicago Lake Liquor
Joann Christian
Jamie Christianson
Kristine Cinealis
Clare ‘N Al Enterprises, Inc.
Mike Clark
Cloud 9 Car Wash
Billy and Peggy Cohn
Susan Colstrup
David and Holly Colwell
Shirley Comier
Glenda Condon
Helen Conroy
Patrick Conry
Pearl Cook
Tom Cook
Sue and Denny Cota
Jeff and Peggy Cotter
Chris Coughlin
Country Inn & Suites
James and Kae Crawford
Kari Cribbs
Crimpers Corner
Margaret Cronin
Jean Cronje
Vince Cronje
Cub Foods - Plymouth
Deb Cunningham
Richard and Tammy Dahl
Candy and David Davis
Margaret M. Davis
Owen Davison-Edwards
Jackie Deda
Audrey Dehn
Dennis Deppa
Gary and Mitzi Diamond
Jerry and Irene Diedrich
Matthew and Patti Dion
Ditter Cooling & Heating
Loretta Docken
Louis Doelz
Gail Dorsey
Peggy Douglas
Nancy Downey
Tiffany Dreher
Gailend Drew
Randy and Lori Dukek
Matt Dunn
Kevin and Chris Dunning
Daniel Duty
Mary Dymond
Deanna Edeh
Eric Eischens
Elements Therapeutic Massage
Marjorie and Charles Elliott
Julie Emery
Jack and Bernice Engdahl
Mariah Engelun
Marilyn Engle
Paula Engstrom
Derek Enhert
Deborah Rea Erickson
James Erickson
Tim Eshelman
AnnMarie Eustice
Helen Evans
Mike and Bobbie Evavold
Excelsior 10 O’Clock Coffee Group
Excelsior Brewing Company
Exotic Nails
Kirsten and Mark Fahlin
Diane Falken
Chris Faris
Curtis and Karen Farmer
Faye’s Facial Clinic
Dr. Elizabeth Fazendin
David Feiler
Janet Fimmen
Mitchell and Marjorie Fink
Gary and Debra Finn
Fish on Kids Books
Robert and Mary Ann Fisher
Tom Flicker
Jessica Florek
Fleurish LLP
Michael and Sandra Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fong
Jeanne Forbes
Denny and Teresa Forsgren
Thomas and Cynthia Forster
Dana Fox
David Fox
Steve Franke
Steve and Jeane Franta
Joel and Nancy Franz
Terry and Vicki Franzen
John Frederickson
Bruce and Paula Freidson
Mark Freidson
Greg and Michelle Friess
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Frommelt
G. Everett Enterprises, Inc.
Gyslyaire Ganga
Michael and Sue Gardner
John and Mary Gaudette
Phyllis Genest
Phyllis Genest-Stein
LeRoy and Darlene Gilbert
Sara Givand
John Givogre
Victor Glantz
Rosemary and Lawrence Gleason
Michael and Cindy Gleysteen
Robert and Patti Glumack
Esther Goldberg
Stanley and Luella Goldberg Family Foundation
David Golden
Shelly Golden
Ben Goldish
Nancy Gordon
Darrell and Charnell Goring
Donna Gorski
Sara K. Gove
Theresa Graham
Grand Casino Mille Lacs/
Michelle Grassmann
Sharon Ann Green
Green Mountain Coffee
Percy and Bernice Greenberg
Rita Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Greenberg
Howard E. Grodnick
Shirley and Lowen Grodnick
Andrea M. Gronberg
Adam Grote
Sally Grundman
Guthrie Theater
Mark and Traci Haagensen
Arvid Haas
Gary Haberman
Gary and Kathleen Hadley
Susan Hageman
David and Sharon Hall
Jack and Linda Hallberg
Rosanne Halloran
Thomas Halter
Donald and Ida Hanna
Kay Hannemann
Linda Hanner
Mark and Libby Hansen
Ron and Linda Hanson
Dan and Susan Hartman
Dr. Daniel Hartnett
Marg Hartung
Patricia and Ben Hastings
Judi and Jim Hathaway
Janice Hathaway-Ott
John and Connie Hattle
James and Brook Haubner
Carol Hauschild
Gwyn Hausman
Bob Hebrink
Michele Hechanova
Melvin Heckt
Scott Hedberg
Roger and Marge Heegaard
Annie Heggernes
Carl and Sharon Hendrickson
Robert and Kathy Hendrickson
Hennepin Theatre Trust
Suwaporn Heuer
Cole and Katherine Hickman
Jack and Colleen Higgins
Robert B. Hill
Mark and Molly Himmer
D. Hintermeister
Jon and Mary-Michelle Hirschoff
Joseph and Shelly Hoesley
Ruth Lange Hoffman
Nancy and Charles Holden
Cheryl Holds
Norman and Ilene Holen
Jane M. Hollis
Colleen Holm
Paul Hook
Hopkins Center for the Arts
Richard and Julie Horberg
Roger and Terry Hork
Alan and Diane Horner
Dave Hornung
Hot Plate
Doug and Maureen Hovda
Roger and Elaine Hovda
John Hovren
Richard and Meredith Howell
Mary Ann and Jack+ Huddleston
Robert and Janet Huddleston
Ron and Lori Hume
Ichiban Japanese Steak House
Chris and Pam Ilangaratne
Peter Irvine
Jennifer Iverson
Vicki C. Jackman
Robert and Ann Jackson
Judith Jacobson
Janet Jaffe
Noel and Ruth Jagolino
Erin James
Gena Janetka
Tim Janssen
Bobbi Jasper
Katie and Wojciech Jedynak
Constance S. Jennison
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches
Kip Johansen
Beverly Johanson
Amy Johnson
Dale and Janice Johnson
Danielle Johnson
Judith M. Johnson
Karen Johnson
Melissa Johnson
Momo J. Johnson
Pat and Clifford Johnson
Paul and Kimberly Johnson
William Jokela and Mary Lipinski
M. J. and Patricia Jossart
Mike and Kerry Joyce
Kimberly Julen
Stephen and Cynthia Julkowski
Winifred Jurrjens
Mary Kaasa
Tina Kaehn
Aljahi Kamara
Richard and Nancy Kaner
Jeff and Raleigh Karatz
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Karlen
Karen Karnowski
Jay Kasdan
Steven and Jacklynn Kastendieck
Charlie and Linda Kelly
Deb Kelly
Jill and Michael Kelly
Timothy and Ann Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. George Kemp
Gregory Kemp
Chip and Debbie Kemppainen
Keyedin Solutions
KeyStone Search
Nancy Kin
Michael and Mary King
John and Jodi Kirchner
Terry and Nancy+ Kirsch
Elisa and Kevin Klein
Elizabeth Klein
Louise Kloner
Bruce and Terry Knutson
Richard Koepp
Joe and Gina Koltes
Kay Krafka
Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Kraske
Liz Krauter
Mark and Mary Kreger
Ron and Gina Krippner
June Kuntze
Jill Kunze
Mark and Sharon Kurtz
Erika and Jesse LaDousa
Nancy Lagermeier
Richard and Barbara Lambert
Scott and Cindy Lambert
Ron and Kelly Landsverk
Alison Lang
Liz Langley
Kelly Larmon
Deb Larsen
Javan and Larry Larson
Karen Larson
Kurt and Constance Larson
Steve Larson and Joan Breslin Larson
Jolene Lauer
Tara LaVigne
Candace Lawton
Joshua Chuong Lee
Roxanne Leitzke
David Lenss and Anne Bruley Lenss
Gary and Mary Lessard
Let’s Dish
David and Karen Leverentz
Jon Leverentz
Paul and Karen Leverentz
Joel and Mary Levin
Jay and Cynthia Levine
Marcia and Fred LeVoir
Bryan Lewis and Sara Kidd-
Patrick and Kathy Lewis
Liberty Diversified International
Anne Liebeck
Phil and Barb Lindblad
John Lindgren
Lions Tap
Mary Lou Loacker
Cherryl Lofgren
Richard C. Longhway
Dr. Antonio Lopez
Travis Lorge
Jed and Jody Lund
Joseph Lund
Sarah and James Lundquist
Terri Lynas
Ardell Mack
Barbra Ann and Christopher Mack
Marie Mack
James Madich
Mark and Lynne Mahowald
Kat Maidi
Mall of America Management Office
Marsha Mallet
Tamara Malloy
John and Jan Malmberg
Kathi Malone
Elizabeth Mansfield
Gloria March
Marco V Cigars
Robyn Mariska
Marriott Properties
Robert Marshall
Josh Martin
Robert and Ann Martinka
Maslon Edelman Borman &
Brand LLP
Massage Envy Edina
Terriann Matejcek
Howard Mathison
Millie Mathison
Barb Matter
Margaret Mattson
Michael Mattson
Peter and Janelle Mattson
Tony and Karen Mattson
Tyrone and Darcy Mattson
Tyson and Amber Mattson
Jay and Jan Matykiewicz
Maynard’s Restaurant
Joan McArdle
Dan and Lisa McChesney
Jeanette McChesney
Cheryl McCollam
Judy McConico
Jennifer McDonald
Kathleen McDonald
Larry and Barbara McDonald
Mike and Jennifer McDonald
Michael and Julie McGlynn
Kathryn McKinley
Kevin McLaughlin
Preston and Betsy McMillan
Roberta Boller McMonagle
Arlou McPherson
Tom Medcalf
Ken and Bernadine Meier
Joe Meinhardt
David and Shirley Mellen
Jo Mendoza
Pete and Renee Merges
Sheila Merzer
Danforth Messerly
Gary and Marilyn Messner
Don and Jeanne Michel
Mid America Festivals
Jan Miesen
Barry and Mary Jo Miller
Emily Miller
Kristine K. Miller
Rebecca Miller
Richard and Nancy Miller
Stefanie Miller
Linda Minarik
Minnetonka Family Chiropractic
Minnetonka Travel & Cruises
MNC Stribbons
Beryl Moenga and Wicliffe Ongige
Jessica Moland
Anne and Derrick Monroe
Judy Moran and Earl Behning
Marlene Moreno
Alissa and Matthew Movern
Quinn and Elizabeth Moynihan
Kristina Mucklow
Joe Mueller
Larry Mueller
Tim Mueller
Daniel and Carol Mulheran
James and Kathryn Murphy
Judith Gahn Murphy
Dr. Mark Murphy
Richard and Kay Musil
Jan and Tim Myslajek
Mystic Lake Hotel and Casino
Nancy and Mike Nafziger
Nasim and Mark Namy
Stacy Natzel
Andy and Karen Nelson
Brent and Karen Nelson
Erik Nelson
Jennifer Nelson
Mildred Nelson
Jo Jo Nemec
Frank and Marcia Nemeth
Danielle Newman
Stuart and Joyce Newman
Danny Ngo
Neh Ngosong
Christine and Thomas Nickels
Greg and Robin Niemann
Elaine Niman
The Noblet Family
Joanne Nolan
Jon and Kathleen Nordeen
Donna Norling
Sylvia Nudler
Rukayat Oba
Elizabeth O’Connor
Ralph and Syrie Officer
Old Log Theater
Darcy Olson
Gen Olson
Dr. Susan Olson
Valerie Olson
Donald and Virginia Olstad
Florence Olund
Stephanie Oreck
Diane Orenstein
Otten Bros. Nursery
Debra Page
Leonard and Serene Paletz
Betsy and Bruce Pankonin
Sylvia Pannkuk
Paradise Charter Cruises of
Lake Mtka.
Maima Parker
Barbara Pass
Bradley and Kathleen Pass
Dan and Nancy Patsey
Carol R. Patterson
Stephanie Paul
Wendy and Bruce Paulson
Rondi Persaud
Julie Peters
Leo and Donna Petroske
Mary Kaye Pfau
Betsy Pfeifer
Don Piche
Mary Jo Pickering
Chris and Becky Pierson
Gerald and Sharon Pipes
Pizzeria Lola
Mary Plant
David Plocek
Plymouth Police Department
Patricia Pocrnich
Joy Pohland
Katy Polski
Betty Pomerleau
Michael and Paula Pomerleau
Phillip Poppler
Nancy Porte
Dale and Nancy Potthast
Andrew Prickette
Gayle and Robert Prokupek
Jacqueline Tschida Punch
Mary and Robert Putnam
Dan Pysno
Q Cumbers Restaurant
Larry and Kaye Raffensparger
Lisa Ragozzino
Raising Canes
James and Elizabeth Ramsland
Randy’s Environmental Services
Barbara Raport
Allen and Lori Rausch
Rebecca Reber
William Rebholz
Nancy Recibe
Debbie Reece
Russ Reinbold
Sharon Reinert
Frank and Madaline Renshaw
Jennifer and John Repella
John and Louann Retica
Rachel Revels
William Reynolds
Al and Vonnie Ribbe
James and Judy Rice
Rice Paper
Scott and Ruth Rich
Linda and Michael Richardson
Brent and Pam Richter
Dick and Jaye Richter
Kate Ricketts
Nandi Rieck
Dean and Barbara Riesen
Thomas and Diane Rifkin
Carolyn Riley
Ellen Riley
Rinata Restaurant
Ristorante Luci
Sally Ritchey
Edwin and Christina Ritchie
Roasted Pear
Barb Rodgers
Wallace Roles
Kathy Rolf
Jessica Rolph
Jean and Frits Roozendaal
Stanley Rosaves
Phil and Sheryl Rose
Audrae Rosenzweig
Betty V. Rudquist
Georgann Rumsey
Thomas L. Russeth
Mary Rutkowski
Max and Linda Rutman
Thomas Ryan
Greg and Lisa Rye
Marvin and Judy Saarela
Eric Salonen
Nathaniel Sand
Cate Saracen-Peters and
Gordon Peters
Mary Schabel
Peter Schaffran
Ann Schenkel
Gregory and Linda Scherer
Marilyn Schmit
Lindsay Schmitt
Arnie Schribman
Bridget Schultz
Catherine Schulz
Nancy Schwalen
Carolyn and Jim Schwantes
Anna Schwartz
Michael J. Schwarz
Elizabeth Senne
Josh and Jessica Senso
SuAnn Senso
Paul Serber
Barbara H. Serbin
Ruth Shaltis
Merton and Leslee Shapiro
Ina Shaughnessy
Lori and Ron Shelby
Brianna Shelstad
Bill and Diedre Shinn
Shout House Dueling Pianos
Elaine Siegel
Paul and Melissa Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Lex Silbernagel
Heidi Sill
Mike Sivanich
Skyzone Indoor Trampoline
Steve and Cynthia Slocum
Richard Smaciarz
Catherine Smith
Douglas and Kathryn Smith
Jeffrey and Kathryn Smith
Jacob Snell
James Sneltjes
Betty L. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. M. Philip Snyder
Cynthia Sonntag
Jane Soshnik
Nancy Sousa
David Sovell
Jayne Spain
Cindy Spangler
Warren Spannaus
Sparks Restaurant
Kathryn Sparks
Mary Ellen Sparrow
Carrie Squires
St. Bonaventure Catholic
St. Paul Hotel
Mary Stage
Stages Theatre
Starbucks Coffee Company
Margaret Starr-Knox
Dr. Vernon Steffens
Peter Steichen
Christa Steiner
Roger and Beverly Stenson
Ben and Mary Stephens
Katherine Steward
DeeAnn and Michael Stinebaugh
Lowell and Amy Stoltzfus
Greg Stone
Joel and Marcia Stone
Kevin and Jane Stuessy
Arvind and Meena Subramanian
John and Nancy Sullivan
Summit Brewing
Sun & Ski Clothing Outfitters
Carol and Roy Sund
Sunsets on Wayzata Bay, Inc.
Bob and Carole Swales
Peggy Swanson
Brenden Swedzinski
John and Diane Sweeney
Esther Swen
Constance Swenson
Jill Swift
Bruce and Julia Taber
Andy Tanghe
Howard and Janet Tarkow
Kay A. Tart
Robert and Peggy Terhune
Robert and Louise Terry
Terri Terry
Sue Teska
Texa Tonka Lanes
Three Rivers Park District
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thode
Art and Mary Thole
Beth Thompson
Dewey and Dorothy Thompson
Mark and Lisa Thompson
Tom Threlkeld
Fred Tigas and Paula Mitzel
Don and Marlene Tombers
Karen Tomcheck
Tonkadale Greenhouse
Jerry Towianski
Trader Joe’s
Becky Treb
Andy and Carole Truchinski
Jill Tuchtenhagen
Sandee Turner
Clay and Adele Tutland
Tuttles - Eat Bowl Play
Bridget Ulrich
Leslie and Marie Urlaub
Gay Urness
Mark and Tamara Utley
Karrie Van Zielen
Liz VanderAarde
Anne and Nolan Vaughan
Claudia Vendel
Stephanie Verdoorn
Ann Vermeer
James Vest+
Vicksburg Liquor
Vic’s Restaurant
John and Marjorie Vigoren
Village Chevrolet
Village Meats & Deli
Robert and Beth Vorpahl
Paul and Kathy Waletich
Alan and Joy Wallace
Kathy and Mark Wallraff
Lisa Walsak
Linda Waltenberg
Barb Ward
Dylan and Sonja Warkentin
David Waterhouse
John and Gina Waterhouse
Wayzata Country Club
Wayzata Wines & Spirits
Jeff Webb
Arthur and Elsie Weisenbacher
Denise Weiss
Wellspring Health Center
James and Joan Welters
Liesel Werch
Todd and Barbara Wermerson
Gayle Weslander
Barbara Wheeler
Annie White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitman
Karen Wichmann
Paul and Janice Wicklund
Denise Widstrom
Elaine Wiener
Peter Wiering
Patrick Wight
David and Jean Wikoff
Wild Mountain Recreation Area
Wildfire Restaurant
Kristin Wilk
Deb Williams
Joyce Williams
Patricia Williams
Richard and Sandra Willis
Dr. David and Nancy Wilson
Whitney Windmiller
Lois Wixon
Jon Woidylla
Lon and Patricia Wojtowicz
Perry Wolff
Claire Wolters
John and Jan Wood
Tim and Judy Woolcott
Linda and Ben Worel
Xcel Energy Foundation
Julie Young
Kelly Yrjana
Kate Zehren
Dennis Zelee
Ed and Labelle Zeller
Jeremy Zellman
Matthew Zeltwanger
Tony Ziebol
While every effort is made
to ensure the accuracy of
our donor records, errors
occasionally occur. If your
name has been omitted,
misspelled or misplaced,
please accept our apologies
and contact Cari at
Blue type indicates
a monthly donor
* Matching Gift Company
+ Deceased
Hammer’s dedicated volunteers make a difference every day in the lives of those we serve.
Thank you for your time and talent!
Mary Abbott
Louisa Abdi
Sami Achterkirch
Joy Adedeji
Claire Alber
Kathryn Barrett
Rich Barrett
Kara Bayse
Anna Beddor
Kelly Beeman
Robert Alber
Brandon Allen
Amcom Software
Joel Amundson
Mary Amundson
N’namdi Andersen
Cassie Anderson
Dru Anderson
Gregory Anderson
Janet Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Marshall Anderson
Steve Anderson
Margaret Argall
Mark Armstrong
Amy Arnold
Jeanne Aufderheide
Abdoulaye Ba
Andrea Bader
Chhavi Bang
Sandeep Bang
David Banks
Mark Banks
Samantha Banks
Erica Barlow
Calvin Barrett
Kallie Barrett
Alicia Bell
Stefanie Bell-Egge
Benilde-St. Margaret
Nancy Berg
Robert Berg
Kristin Bergeson
Steve Berglund
Jenn Berkopec
Christine Bermel
Jessica Berns
Shelly Berry
Barbara Bies
Edward Bies
Dennis Bilski
Londa Bilski
Amy Binning
Catherine Binning
Doug Binning
JoJo Binning
Mattie Binning
Peter Birgersson
Margaret Bloomer
Brian Boche
Allison Bolgrean
Jerome Bolte
Brynn Borer
Kevin Borer
Kelly Bosch
Pat Bottiger
Kathy Bougie
Amanda Brandon
Kathleen Brayman
Maria Brekke
Russel Bruner
Susan Brust
Lucille Buehler
Nancy Buehler
Patrick Buehler
Robert Buehler
Cara Buettner
Meredith Bundul
Whitney Burley
Jessica Burns
Ryan Burt
Katherine Busch
Angie Butterbrodt
Bob Butterbrodt
Jill Cameron
Rich Camp
Virginia Carpenter
Andrea Carroll-Glover
Katherine Caspers
Marie Cassidy
Archanaiyer Chandramowleeswaran
Teresa Chicoine
Kay Christianson
Church of St. Joseph
Church of the Open Door
Jan Cincoski
Mackenzie Clark
Kim Cole
Bethany Collins
Karen Conavatti
Tracy Corbett
Cheryl Cowan
Jack Cowan
Joan Cox
Janey Creps
Peggy Crolick
Michael Cuellar
Nicholas Cuellar
Lynne Dablow
Sondra Dahmer
Austin Dale
Edward Davis
Marianne Davis
Nancy Deno
Melissa Diamond
Phil Diers
Dave Dittrich
Liz Dittrich
Nick Dittrich
Patty Dittrich
Loretta Docken
Tammy Domeier
Lisa Dongoske
Mark Dooley
Colleen Duffert
Eric Duffert
Bridget Duffy
Jackson Durand
Mary Ebnet
Mc Kenna Eckerline
Brandon Eddy
Dan Egan
Jessica Egan
Madeline Ekblad
Lindsay Felien
Bob Fern
Julie Fern
Thea Fern
Tiffany Fern
Tyler Fern
Rosemary Fish
Thomas Fitzpatrick
Debbie Flannery
Julie Flannery
Mark Flannery
Patricia Fleming
Jessica Florek
John Flynn
Matt Foley
Molly Foley
Beth Fondell
Teresa Forsgren
Sheila Foss
John Frederickson
Ryan Frisbie
Kate Fruth
Rebecca Furnival
Mary Gaasch
Amy Gardner
Kathleen Erlandson
Michael Ernhart
Theresa Ernhart
Tim Eshelman
Mariah Eskew
Danielle Esterley
Renee Falkum-Youngberg
Loretta Farnsworth
Cynthia Garin
Kim Gharrity
Pat Gharrity
Will Gharrity
Cassie Gierczewski
Mikayala Gierczewski
Kevin Gillespie
Kimberly Gillespie
Susie Gillespie
Debra Gjoraas
Sophie Glaeser
Carli Gonderinger
Lori Goodsell
Donna Gorski
Carol Gottschalk
Maureen Grazzini
John Grecula
Karen Grecula
Nancy Greenberg
Dennis Gregor
Sue Gregor
Kalbi Jo Grogan
Lindsay Grome
Becky Gromek
Don Gromek
Group Cares
Martha Gschneider
Dennis Guptil
Julie Gurewitz
Kevin Gurewitz
Sarah Haerle
Courtney Halverson
Matt Hanratty
Heather Harmer
Devin Harrington
Joe Harrington
Sue Harrington
Mary Hauff
Brian Haugen
Charlie Hautman
Brittany Heaser
Jessica Hehl
Danielle Heitz
Brooke Hendricks
Laura Herman
Latawnie Hernandez
Jessica Hickok
Mary Hill
Carol Hiltz
Claire Hinrichs
Amber Hipsag
April Hipsag
Marshall Hipsag
Kimberly Hoffman
Ryan Hoffman
Madeline Hoffmann
Stephanie Hogenson
Nancy Holden
Linda Holmen
Sandy Hongerholt
Patricia Houston
Janet Huddleston
Robert Huddleston
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Eden Prairie
David Ingham
Jennifer Iverson
Vicki Jackman
Kelly Jacquot
Dominic Jadrich
Sally Jaffray
Cynthia Jahnke
William James
Anne Janotta
Will Jarvis
Mark Jeans
Lauryn Job
Lisa Jobin
Alice Johnson
Blaine Johnson
Gina Johnson
Jodene Johnson
John Johnson
Karie Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Michael Johnson
Anne Marie Jones-Yenger
Marie Josie-Smith
Marie Jubert
Julie Jurrjens
Yerbol Kanatraliyen
Mary Karpinen
Ann Katzmarek
Dan Keniston
Christine Kim
Hugh Kirsch
Stephanie Kisch
Barbara Kleist
Ben Kleist
David Kleist
Chris Klug
Peggy Klug
Tracy Klug
Robin Knaeble
Ravonya Knight
Norman Knowles
Adam Knox
Bob Knox
Darin Knox
Garret Knox
Ann Koerner
Jill Kohler
Elizabeth Koltes
Jo Ann Koltes
Joe Koltes
Steve Korf
Jamie Korzan
Kay Krafka
Pete Kramer
Paul Krause
Rhonda Krolak
Jillian Kruger
Alyssa Kuglin
June Kuntze
Jill Kunze
Erika LaDousa
Nancy Lagermeier
Jeffrey Lambert
Riley Lange
Kendra Langmade
Javan Larson
Lee Anne Larson
Bridget Layne
Cindy Lea
Bruce Leach
Barbara Lebowitz
Jeffrey Lee
Rachel Lee
Samuel Lee
Terry Lee
Kathleen Leighton
Kevin Leighton
Austin Lemke
Steve LeVoir
Shannon Lisowe
Mindy Luecke
Michele Luke
Mary Lund
Kathy Lundeen
Ginger Luoma Anderson
Michelle Lureen
James Madich
Joshua Maki
Luke Maki
Tess Marconie
Peggy Markee
Levi Martinka
Robert Martinka
Jon Matejcek
Margaret Matejcek
Susie Matejcek
Nicholas Matko
Shannon Matko
Christiane Matuszak
Martha McAuliffe
Paige McAuliffe
Darlene McCarthy
Jeff McClure
Catherine McComb
Marcy McComb
Judy McConico
Victoria McConnell
Sarah McCutchen
Jennifer McDonald
MIke McDonald
Matthew McDougle
Theresa McNeill
Joe Miatech
Jason Miller
Kristine Miller
Solveig Misner
Lorna Mitchell
Jean Modjeski
Mike Molden
Patty Molden
Daniel Monahan
Paula Moon
Cindy Morton
Jean Nelson
Jessica Nelson
Lacey Nelson
Jo Jo Nemec
Naomi Neubauer
Lindsay Neuville
Franklin Newell
Hanh Nguyen
Christine Nickels
Kevan Nitzberg
Laurie Nitzberg
Travis Nitzberg
Lydia Nkurruna
Cathy Noblet
Kenneth Noblet
Nicole Noblet
Tami Noblet
Alexandra Norell
Cole Norell
Grant Norell
Louis Oberhauser
Claire Oberle
Barbara O’Byrne
Sharon Ohland
Christine Olsen
Amy Olson
Shannon Olson
Mary Ongstad
Michael Oreck
Susan Oreck
Katherine Oritz
Elizbeth Pankonin
Bruce Parker
Joe Parker
Merry Jo Parker
John Parod
Kristeen Parod
Mary Patterson
Clint Pauly
Elizbeth Payne
Pauli Payne
Darryl Payton
Yavonne Payton
Abby Pearson
Ellen Pearson
Jeff Pearson
Betty Pederson
Muril Pederson
Nino Pedrelli
Susan Pedrelli
Bill Perrine
Rondi Persaud
Ashley Pettingill
Mark Pfeiffer
Emily Phelps
Collette Pickel
Marti Pierson
Joe Pint
Megan Pint
Kimberly Plante
David Plocek
Randi Pool
Rona Pool
Elizabeth Poppe
Nancy Porte
Alyssa Porubcan
Benjamin Porubcan
Andrea Puckett
Justin Puckett
William Pugh
Kristin Pyka
David Quam
Brittany Raddatz
Laura Rahm
Amritha Ramsankar
Shane Raymond
Lindsay Redepenning
Ross Redepenning
Sydney Redepenning
Tracy Redepenning
Valerie Reek
Nate Reinhardt
Gina Reis
Joseph Reis
Kathleen Reis
Mike Remole
Frank Renshaw
Madaline Renshaw
Elizabeth Reschenberg
Mandy Reuter
Teresa Richardson
Alice Sanders
Kari Sass
Abby Sauer
John Sauer
Debra Schaust
Cindy Scheller
Benjamin Scherer
Geri Scherer
Kent Scholten
Daniel Schoolman
Luke Schroeder
Jamison Schuh
Audrey Schultz
Bridget Schultz
Connie Schultz
George Schultz
Catherine Schulz
Michael Schwarz
Gary Scott
Sue Scott
Elizabeth Senne
SuAnn Senso
Jane Shaffer
Janice Shay
Michael Shay
Ron Sheldon
Sean Sheldon
Veronica Sheldon
Jeff Sheley
Madolyn Sheley
Jim Siemers
LeeAnn Silver
Thomas Silver
Sheldon Rinehart
Rose Rizzi
Matt Rohman
Alex Rubash
Mary Rutkowski
Greg Rye
Amy Sabes
Dominic Simonetti
Kelly Sinton
Stephen Slocum
Cassi Smiley
Arden Smith
Michele Smith
Patty Smith
Rory Smith
Donald Smithmier
James Sneltjes
Maren Solheim
Loretta Solinger
Austin Sparkman
Rebecca Sparkman
Bridget Sperry
Pam Spitznagle
Anna Spratt
St Barnabas Lutheran Church
Nicole Stanaway
Angela Stanton
Margaret Starr-Knox
Vikki Steward
Christine Strande
Trevor Studanski
Michelle Suomela
Blayn Swenson
Callie Taralson
Joseph Taralson
Tyler Textor
Elizabeth Thompson
Leigh Threlkeld
Katie Thune
Carolyn Tibbetts
Trevor Timko
Ellen Timmerman-Borer
Nancy Timp
Richard Timp
Hank Todd
Gregory Tolkinen
Lois Torgerson
Jennifer Bao Ngoc Tran
John Traul
Tree Trust
Jay Tschetter
Lisa Tschetter
Barbara Tuckner
Cory Tuckner
Haley Tuckner
John Tuckner
Max Tuckner
Paul Tuckner
Peter Tuckner
Samantha Tuckner
Lisa Turnblad
Ryan Tuura
Bridget Ulrich
Patti Hodel UPS
Lisa Vala
Warren Vala
Nicolaas Van Oss
Peggy VanSickle
Jessica Varnado
Audrey Vaughn
Kathleen Velner
Ann Vermeer
Maddie Voigt
Bruce Volkart
Carolyn Wahtera
Frederick Wahtera
Dar Wait
Ashley Wald
Kathleen Wald
Michele Wald
Ron Wald
Romelyn Walker
Sue Walker
Kathy Wallraff
Annie Wang
Steven Wanous
Suzanne Wanous
Barbara Ward
Wayzata High School,
YES Program
Kevin Weber
Cynthia Wedmore
Henry Wehrmann
Kari Wehrmann
Kurt Wehrmann
Kevin Weiser
Greg Weitzel
Kelsey Weitzel
Max Weitzel
Tina Weitzel
Mathew Weld
Liesel Werch
Joshua Werkmeister
Julia Wesley
David Westlin
Kathryn White
Alysa Wiesner
Alan Wilensky
Connie Wilensky
Debra Wilensky
Laurie Wilkinson
Whitney Windmiller
Erica Winters
Christopher Wipson
Leigh Wold
Claire Wolters
Mary Wolters
Ruth Wong
Natalie Woodey
Molly Wootten
Pamela Wright
Davey Wright Walstrom
Derek Wright Walstrom
Sarah Wright Walstrom
Kelly Yang
Allison Young
Bonnie Young
Joe Young
Judy Young
William Young
Lisa Yue
Tim Yue
Courtney Yung
Patricia Zeddies
Kate Zehren
Patience Zelee
Yuemei Zhang
Elza Zuyeva
Hammer Residences, Inc.
1909 East Wayzata Blvd.
Wayzata, MN 55391

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