5. October 2012
5. October 2012
INTERNATIONAL MASONIC ORDER “DELPHI” NEWSLETTER No 5 / OCTOBER 2012 B I M O N T H LY E D I T I O N NEWSLETTER No5 / OCTOBER ΜΕΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ/ «ΕΙΣ ΑΙΩΝΙΑΝ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΝ» PASSAGE TO THE ‘ETERNAL ORIENT’ OF THE MOST ILLUSTRIOUS AND MOST PUISSANT BR.: VASSILIOS PATKAS 33o 2012 SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER AND GRAND MASTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL MASONIC ORDER “DELPHI” In Memoriam Brother Vassilios Patkas 33o was the Most Illustrious and Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, founder and President of the International Masonic Order “DELPHI”. He was also founder and first Grand Master of the National Mixed Lodge of Greece, where he held the title of Honorary Life Grand Master. He was also honoured with the title of Honorary Life Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS”. He was born in Drama, Eastern Macedonia, Greece, on 1st November 1946. He studied economics at the faculty of Economics in Athens University of Economics and Business (former ASOEE) and held a post-graduate degree in Business from McGill University in Canada. He was married to Ioulia-Helen Halkidou and had three children. He worked as a higher officer for the Hellenic Bank for Industrial Development (ETVA) wherefrom he retired in 1995. His multifarious Masonic career started on 16 December 1968 with his initiation in the Symbolic Lodge ‘Osiris’, which operated under the aegis of the of the International Masonic Order “LE DROIT HUMAIN” whose seat was in Paris, France. On 25th May 1970, he participated in the establishment of the Symbolic Lodge ‘Apollo’, of which he was the Worshipful Master between 1978 and 1986. Thereafter, he was the Thrice Potent Master of the Lodge of Perfection ‘Alitheia’ (‘Truth’) between 1986 and 1988 and the Most Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix ‘Phoebus’ between 1988 and 1990. He was the founding Worshipful Master of the Symbolic Lodge ‘Eleusis’, the founder of the Lodge of Perfection ‘Adelfopoiisis’ (‘Fraternisation’) and the founder of the Chapter of Rose Croix ‘Phaethon’. tbc. p. 4 . 1/11/1946 - 4/9/2012 1 INTERNATIONAL MASONIC ORDER “DELPHI” NEWSLETTER No 5 / OCTOBER 2012 Upon the announcement of the unfortunate event, the Supreme Council of the Order met extraordinarily, led by the Deputy Sovereign Grand Commander Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Emmanuel Delakis 33o who, in accordance with the regulations, undertook the position of the deceased and succeeded him as the Sovereign Grand Commander and President of the International Masonic Order “DELPHI”. – – " " __________________________________________________________________________ . . 5729 , 6 2012 :. :. : - - :. :. :. , , , , : “ ” :. :. :. , :. :. :., :. :. “” :. :. :. (), “ ” :. :. , , “”. “”, : 1 . 2 :. :. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 “ ” . 8 :. :. , , :. . 9 6 2012. , , 33° Thereafter, the following decree was made: – After the official announcement, the Grand Mixed Lodge of Greece, led by the National Grand Master Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o, and the Grand Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS”, led by the Grand Master Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Stefanos Paipetis 33o, as well as all the autonomous organisations made similar decrees. – Our Brethren in France, in the presence of members of the Council of the Grand Orient of France, performed a ceremony at the Institut Médico-Légal before the remains of the Sovereign 2 Grand Commander and Grand Master of the International Masonic Order “DELPHI” Br.: Vassilios Patkas, where a eulogy was given before their transportation to the airport and the return flight to the Greek land. – All leaders of the Grand Lodges and autonomous organisations operating under the aegis of the International Masonic Order in Greece and abroad jointly attended the funeral service at the First Cemetery of Athens, together with a large number of brothers and sisters who wanted to express their condolences to the family of the deceased and bid farewell to their leader, fully paying homage to him as necessary. – Eulogies were given by: • The Sovereign Grand Commander Most Illustrious and Most Puissant Br.: Emmanuel Delakis 33o, • The National Grand Master of the National Mixed Lodge of Greece, Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o, • The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS”, Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Stefanos Paipetis 33o, • The Former National Grand Master of the National Mixed Lodge of Greece, Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Dimitrios Lymberis 33o, • The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Perfection Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Panagiotis Papanelopoulos 33o, • The Grand Master of the Most Serene Grand Orient of Greece Most Illustrious and Puissant Br.: Theodoros Kozyris 33o, • The Most Illustrious and Puissant Sr.: Ina Piperaki 33o, President of COMALACE • The son of the deceased, Most Illustrious Br.: Kimon Patkas • The Worshipful Master Sr.: Margarita Vortelinou of the Symbolic Lodge ‘Apollo’ no 1380 • Finally, the former Sovereign Grand Commander of Spain, Most Illustrious and Most Puissant Br.: Ramon Salas 33o, who attended the ceremony as a delegate of the Grand Lodge of Spain, of the Grand Master and of the Sovereign Grand Commander of Spain, expressed his condolences and in his brief speech he praised the deceased by highlighting some of his actions that were pivotal both to the Greek and the international freemasonry. • – Furthermore, the following organisations also expressed their condolences through their delegations at the funeral service: • The Grand Lodge of Switzerland, • The Supreme Council of the A.:A.:S.:R.: of Turkey, • The Liberal Grand Lodge of Turkey, • The Grand Lodge of Greece and the Supreme Council, • The Women’s Grand Lodge of Greece. – Telegrams and letters expressing their condolences and their participation in our mourning were sent by the following Masonic Powers, brothers and sisters: INTERNATIONAL MASONIC ORDER “DELPHI” ORDER NEWSLETTER No 5 / OCTOBER 2012 NAME GODF JOSÉ GULINO GODF GODF JEAN-PIERRE CORDIER ALAIN DE KEGHEL GODF CHRISTIAN DANIOU GWU, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNION GWU, George Washington Union PORTUGAL SUPREMO CONSELHO CLIPSAS CLIPSAS CLIPSAS SC DU RITE ECOSSAIS POUR LA BELGIQUE SC DU SCRE POUR LA BELGIQUE SCRE POUR LA BELGIQUE GRANDE LOGE DE BELGIQUE BELGIE BRUNO PENNANEACH DIDIER MINNECI JOÃO ALVES DIAS ANTÓNIO REIS MARC-ANTOINE CAUCHIE JOCELINO FREITAS ARMAND GHYSSENS JEAN-MARIE STASSART DANIEL SONCK JEAN SERVAÍS-LEEMANS DIMITRI SFINGOPOULOS SC D' ITALY, G.: L.: D.: ITALIA DROIT HUMAIN, Fedération française GRANDE LOGE UNIE DU LIBAN SUPREME CONSEIL UNI DU LIBAN GRAND ORIENT DE LUXEMBOURG MOST WORSHIPFUL OMEGA GRAND LOGE LUIGI PRUNETI JACQUES SAMOUELIAN RAMI HADDAD JAMIL SAADE ALAIN CHANTRAINE LOUIS DALY GRAN LOGIA CENTRAL DE COLOMBIA GRAN ORIENTE DE LA FRANCMASONERIA DEL URUGUAY - GOFMU SUPREMO CONSEJO DEL GRADO 33o DEL REAA PARA LA REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY GRANDE LOGE CENTRALE DU LIBAN GRANDE LOGE CENTRALE DU LIBAN GRANDE LOJA UNIDA DO PARANA LOGE "ATHENA" No 2009, SLC, USA SC POUR LA CONFÉDÉRATION HELVÉTIQUE SUPRÊME CONSEIL POUR LA TURQUIE GLL TURKEY GRANDE LOJA ARQUITETOS DE AQUÁRIO -GLADA GRANDE LOJA ARQUITETOS DE AQUÁRIO -GLADA GRANDE LOJA ARQUITETOS DE AQUÁRIO -GLADA GREMIO LUSITANO GLOPERU "GOLAC Grands Orient & Loge Associés du Congo " GLBFM, Grande Loge de Belgique GRAND LOGE BET -EL GRAND LOGE BET -EL GRAND LOGE BET -EL GLDI, Gran Loggia d’Italia Degli A.L.A.M GRAN LOGIA SIMBOLICA ESPANOLA GRAN LOGIA SIMBOLICA ESPANOLA GRANDE LOGE NATIONALE DU CANADA GRAN LOGIA SOBERANA DE LIBRES Y ACEPTADOS MASONES DE VENEZUELA GRAN LOGIA SOBERANA DE LIBRES Y ACEPTADOS MASONES DE VENEZUELA GRANDE LOGE MIXTE DES PAYS BAS NGGV SC REAA DU CANADA GRAN LOGIA MIXTA DE CHILE IVÁN HERRERA MICHEL MYRIAM TARDUGNO GARBARINO GRAND MAÎTRE, PRÉSIDENT DU CONSEIL DE L'ORDRE SGC PASSÉ SGC DU SC, GCDREAA, MEMBRE D'HONNEUR DU SC DELPHI PASSÉ GRAND CHANCELIER, GARDE DES SCEAUX GRAND MAÎTRE DES CÉRÉMONIES DU SC DU REAA SGC GRAND MAÎTRE SGCREAA PRESIDENT DU CLIPSAS PRÉSIDENT D' HONNEUR VP CLIPSAS EX GR.CHANC. DU SCRE EX SGC EX SGC PASSÉ GRAND MAÎTRE EX GRAND DELEGUE AUX RELATION INTERNATIONAL DU SCRE IL SOVRANO GRAN COMM:. GRAN MAESTRO PRESIDENT DU CONSEIL NATIONAL GRAND MAÎTRE, 2e VICE PRÉSIDENT DU CLIPSAS GRAND COMMANDEUR GRAND MAÎTRE GRAND MASTER, SECRÉTAIRE GENERAL DU CLIPSAS GRAN MAESTRO PASADO GRAN MAESTRA DEL GOFMU ELBIO LAXALTE TERRA SOB:. GRAN COMENDADOR DEL SC ARAM NAZARIAN RAFIC ANTOUN JOSÉ APARECIDO GOMES ELAINE BELL ANDRÉ ARN HÜSEYIN ÖZGEN TANSU SALMAN ANTONIO FACCIOLLO NETO VERA FACCIOLO KAREN GISELE FACCIOLLO FERNANDO LIMA WALTER VARGAS PORTOCARRERO GABRIEL NZAMBILA GR:.SEC:. OF FOREIGN AFF:. GRAND MASTER GRÃO-MESTRE W:.M:. SGC SGC GRAND MASTER GRAND MAÎTRE GRAND MAITRESSE ADJOINTE GR:.SÉCR:. DES AFFAIRES ÉTRANGÈRES GRÃO-MESTRE GRAN MAESTRO GRAND MAÎTRE PASSÉ OSCAR EDMOND F. CHALHOUB JAMIL NAJJAR AURINE-YOUNAN NAJJAR MARCO GALEAZZI RAMÓN SALAS ROIG NIEVES BAYO FADI GHORAYEB WILFREDO MUNOZ GRAND CHANCELIER GRAND MAÎTRE PRÉSIDENT DU CONSEIL FÉDÉRAL GRANDE CHANCELIÈRE AUX AFF:. EXT:. GRAN MAESTRO AGGIUNTO SGC GRAN MAESTRE PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL COUNCIL SOBERANO GRAN COMENDADOR HERMÁN J. BETHELMY I. GRAN CANCILLER SECRETARIO GENERAL MONICA VAN DER HOFF PIERRE BÉDARD ODILE DE TESTA PINCZUK SUPREME CONSEIL DES GAULES CHRISTIAN ROBERT GRAND ORIENT D' AUTRICHE GRAND ORIENT D' AUTRICHE G:.C:. REAA D'AUTRICHE G:.C:. REAA D'AUTRICHE GOLA GRAN ORIENTE LATINOAMERICANO GOLA GRAN ORIENTE LATINOAMERICANO GLFR SERENISIMA GRAN LOGIA Serenísima Gran Logia de la Lengua Española para los Estados Unidos de Norte America “ SERENISIMA GRAN LOGIA SERENISIMA GRAN LOGIA GRANDE LOGE DES CÉDRES GRANDE LOGE DES CÉDRES GRANDE LOGE DES CÉDRES "S.EU.RE Société Européenne d’Etudes et de Recherches Écossaises " SC DU MAROC GLISRU GRANDE LOGE INDÉPENDANTE ET SOUVERAINE DES RITES UNIS TRIÂNGULO DE SOLON - SAO PAULO, BRASIL RENATE HOFFMANN-DORNINGER BERNHARD NEUMAYR RENATE HOFFMANN-DORNINGER MARCO HOFFMANN ROBERTO BELTRÁN EVELIA PERALTA ANCA NICOLESCU JOEL CHAVIANO G:.M:. NGGV the Netherlands GR:. SEC:., CANC:. POUR L'AMERIQUE LATINE PRÉSIDENTE DU DÉPT. DES RELATIONS EXTÉRIEURES SGC DU SUPRÊME CONSEIL DES GAULES PASSÉ GM DE LA GLISRU GRAND SECRÉTAIRE AFFAIRS EXT. SGC GRAND SECRÉTAIRE GÉNÉRALE SGC GRAN SECRETARIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES GRAN MAESTRO GRANDE MAITRESSE GRAND MASTER LILLY RONZI RODRIGUES ALVES PRESIDENTE DO AREOPAGE DO BRASIL GRANDE LOGE HAΪTIENNE DE ST. JEAN DES ORIENTS D'OUTRE MER NADJA GORDON GRAND MAÎTRE RENE MOLINA LUIS MIGUEL RUIZ RIOS ANTOINE SALEH RAYMOND TABET ROGER HADDAD JACQUES VAN DER OUDERAA BELABBES ABDERRAHMANE STÉPHANE BAÑULS GRAND SECRETARY GRAND CHANCELLOR GRAND COMMANDEUR GRAND MAITRE VICE PRESIDENT DU CLIPSAS ANC SGC DU SCREB VICE PRÉSIDENT EXÉCUTIF DE S.EU.RE AISBL SGC GRAND MAÎTRE PRÉSIDENT DU CONSEIL FÉDÉRAL 3 INTERNATIONAL MASONIC ORDER “DELPHI” On 5th February 1989 he became the President and National Grand Master of the National Council of the Hellenic Federation of Lodges which operated under the aegis of “LE DROIT HUMAIN”. On 24th January 1993, the Supreme Council of “LE DROIT HUMAIN” conferred upon him the 33rd and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Being a highly dynamic National Grand Master, he organised the 1st PanHellenic Masonic Conference in Athens in 1994, in which participated leaders and representatives of other masonic federations, almost concurrently with the establishment of new Lodges in the Balkan countries. His activity was the reason for the disruption of the harmonious relationship with the French Order. Vassilios Patkas’s reaction, as well as the reaction of the Hellenic Federation, was the opportune vis-à-vis the historic circumstances at that time. On 14th December 1996, before all Worshipful Masters of the Symbolic and Philosophical Lodges, he proposed that the Hellenic Mixed Masonry, which had been consistently and continuously operating since 1926, should become independent and be re-established as a selfgoverning and independent body. His proposal was triumphantly voted for and he personally undertook the duty to establish the International Masonic Order “DELPHI” and its Supreme Council, taking the title of the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander and the Most Illustrious Grand Master of the International Order. On that same day, the Supreme Council took its first resolution to re-establish the Grand Mixed Lodge of Greece as an independent organisation under the aegis of the International Masonic Order “DELPHI”, which would administer all the matters related to the Symbolic Lodges in the territory of Greece, as well as its property. Br.: Patkas was the first National Grand Master of the Grand Mixed Lodge of Greece, a position that he held until December 1999. In 2001, he established the Grand Lodge of Perfection of Greece as an autonomous organisation with the purpose of administering all issues concerning the Lodges of Perfection in Greece. Since 1989, when he became National Grand Master, he endorsed the establishment and proceeded with the Lighting of the Fires of 24 Symbolic and 9 Philosophical Lodges, which account for the 60% of the Order’s current force in Greece and worldwide. We should particularly mention the establishment of Lodges in the United States of America, Brazil, and Cyprus, which required his continuous presence despite his health problems at the time. His engagement in charitable activities was considerable. We should especially mention two cases, where his visit had put his life in danger: 1. His repeated humanitarian aid towards Albania during the years of hardship 1993-1994, and 2. The humanitarian aid towards Serbia, imme- 4 NEWSLETTER No 5 / OCTOBER 2012 diately after the cease of bombarding. He also engaged actively in the support to the local people during the bombardment of Lebanon and the natural disaster in Haiti. Our brother Vassilios Patkas was a pioneer in the promotion of international relations between a multitude of Liberal Masonic Powers all over the world, having personally signed a Treaty of Amity and Cooperation with 27 Orders in the International Masonic world. Moreover, and thanks to the successful efforts of himself and his associates on international affairs, the International Masonic Order “DELPHI” has participated in numerous international organisations and specifically: – in CLIPSAS – in SIMPA – in UMM – the Mediterranean Masonic Union of which we are a founding member – in RMI – the International Masonic Conference – in the Meetings of Luxembourg – in COMALACE – a gathering of the great est Masonic Orders for the construction of Europe – in Echanges – the European Masonic website – in the International Union of Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite – in BEPA – the European Commission’s Bureau of European Policy Advisers. The highest recognition came with his participation, together with the Grand Masters of nine important Masonic Orders of Europe, in the meeting with the President of the European Commission Mr Barroso and the President of the European Parliament Mr Petering at the European Union seat in June 2009. In continuation of the first dialogue, he was again invited, in November 2011, to the seat of the European Union in Brussels by the President of the European Commission Mr Barroso together with other officials of the European Philosophical and Non-Confessional Organisations as well as higher executives of the European Union to a meeting focusing on: “A Partnership For Democracy And Shared Prosperity With The Southern Mediterranean”. The meeting with Mr Barroso was co-chaired by Messrs Jersy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, and Herman Van Rompuy, Chairman of the European Council. In early September 2012, he went to Paris, having been officially invited to the installation of the new Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France and the Sovereign Grand Commander of France. Paris was his favourite destination, as it was the place where his entire successful masonic career started. All his friends and colleagues were there. And there it was, when the celebrations came to an end, where he chose to set out on his lonely path of the ultimate initiation towards the Eternal Orient. Farewell our Grand Master. We’ll meet again! The editorial board of the Newsletter published by the International Masonic Order “DELPHI” was formed by virtue of the resolution No 5491 dated 11th January 2012. Members of the board are: Co-ordinator:Br.: Iordanis Poulkouras Deputy Co-ordinator:Sr.: A. Voudouri Member:Br.: Athanasios Pyrgaroussis Lodges and other organisations can communicate with the editorial board for news and reports through electronic mail at: newsletter@delphiorder.org. ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES AVAILABLE AT: http://www.delphiorder.org/gr/html/ethsio.php?page=30