Agenda - Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District
Agenda - Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District
2009 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA /i~I~ ' ( " • RlI'lTD~), '. ..•. :'~-. -"~.. \ ~: \~~,~;:Y; Tuesday Dec. 1, 2009 4:00 PM 98880 Overseas Hwy Key Largo, FL 33037 Norman Higgins Robert Majeska Susan Hammaker Andrew Tobin Charles Brooks Chair Vice Chair Secretary- Treasurer Commissioner Commissioner ........................................................................ Charles F. Fishburn Thomas Dillon Carol Walker General Manager District Counsel District Clerk PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED. that if any interested person desires 10 appeal any decision of the KLWTD Board, with respcct to any matter considered at this meeting, such interested person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is 10 be based. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate in the meeting should contact the District Clerk at 30-43-804 at least 48 hours in advance to request accommodations. 14:00 A. CALL TO ORDER - PLEASE MUTE CELL PHONES 14:01 B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 14:02 C. ROLLCALL 14:03 D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA WITH ANY ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, OR CONTINUANCES 14:05 E. BOARD ELECTIONS KLWTD Agenda Dec. 1,2009 14: 15 1 14:30 F. PUBLIC COMMENT G. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT 1 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15:30 15:50 COMMISSIONER'S ITEMS 7. Islamorada Inter-Local (Commissioner 16:10 16:30 17:00 TAB 2 Tobin) Action I I. BULK ITEMS Action 8. Pending Payments for Dec. I, 2009 9. Minutes of Oct. 19, Nov. 3, & Minutes of Nov. 17,2009 TAB 3 J. ENGINEER'S REPORT 10. Status Report TAB 4 1 II. Sunset Acres Change Order 16:10 Action I H. 15:45 TAB 1 CDBG Change Presentation by Liz Wood Presentation by FKWAF "The Good Water People" FDEP Letter Package Plant Status Vacuum Stations Changes Laguna Drive Update Action I I K. FINANCIAL REPORT L. LEGAL COUNSEL REPORT 12. Legislative Update M. COMMISSIONERS N. ADJOURNMENT I I KLWTD Agenda Dec. 1,2009 ROUNDTABLE TABS ·····TAB 1 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec.12009 Agenda Item No. / [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] RESOLUTION [] DISCUSSION [] BID/RFP AWARD [] GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [] CONSENT AGENDA [] Other: SUBJECT: CDBG Change Presentation by Liz Wood RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: APproveJ by General Manager Date: Z Y-{i'L J- Approval G<:f!z 1/ Originating Department: General Manager Costs: Approximately Source: Acct. Department Review: [ ] Engineering __ []Clerk __ [ ] District Counsel ~ ~ ~eneral Manage ----+ [] Finance Attachments: Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required Summary Explanation/Background: Resulting Board Action: Q..Approved Q.Tabled Q Disapproved Q... Recommendation Revised6 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: [1 Dec. 1 2009 Agenda Item No. (). PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [1 GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: /~ SUBJECT: Presentation by FKWAF "The Good Water People" RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Approved by General Manager Date: _ Originating Department: General Manager Costs: Approximately $9,000 Source: Accl. Department Review: [ ] Engineering __ []Clerk __ [I District Cou nsel PK;eneral Manager/ I _ [I Finance - .(;,;;;r;:z. =c -:;:.:.. '- Attachments: Minutes, Letter Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required Summary Explanation/Background: Ray Rbash, Chairman ofFKWAF Inc. will address the KL WTD Board and request ajoint partnership to address low income lateral assistance. The Board at a meeting on July 1,2009 committed $10,000 to FKW AF, $1,000 has been funded. Resulting Board Action:, ~Approved l;LTabled Q Disapproved J;;LRecommendation Revised6 Chairman manager. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bauman explained that Mr. Fishburn is a construction manager not an operations Mr. Fishburn explained that the options the District has are: Hire an operating firm with minimum District Staff (Key West Model). Hire complete operating staff (Full Utility). Join "FGUA" and share overhead with other Districts. Turn District over to FKAA for operations. County wide wastewater utility. Commissioner Tobin agreed that there needs to be a transition. Commissioner Hammaker pointed out that the District is no"" a mlill utility and a major construction company. Commissioner Higgins stated that he would never be in favor of bringing in an outside firm to run the utility. Commissioner Bullock agreed with Commissioner Hammaker that the District is a utilir)'. He does not support an independent company to run the District. Charles Fishburn stated that the District should start considering new management next year. Policy and Procedures, Whistle Blower Policy The Board reviewed the procedure and it wilJ be brought back to the next meeting for action. Florida Keys Wastewater Assistance Foundation Update and request for lateral construction support. Chris Sante gave an update on the Foundation. He reported that 13% of the Keys make less than $15,000 a year. The Foundation educates the public and organizes the people who need grants and organizations that can donate to the Foundation. The Foundation is in the process of getting a $] 00.000 loan that they wilJ provide loans at 4.5% to property owners of low income. The loan will be used on an 80/20 set up meaning the Foundation has to come up with 20% of the loan amount to qualify for the loan. Motion: Commissioner Tobin made a motion to approve a pledge of $10,000 with an immediate payment of $1,000 to the Florida Keys Wastewater Assistance Foundation. Commissioner Higgins seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Chairman Bauman Commissioner Hammaker Commissioner Higgins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Bullock Motion passed 4 to 0 Yes X No Other Recluse X X X Letter to Key West Botanical Society. KL WTO Board of Commissioners Board Meetiog July 1,2008 2 '. ~..••.•... Y.::':::-:":::': ,;.. ,,~. .•. '. - 1- •.... - ~·:.:~~·t V:"C::·::~~H;::'t.'S',' l._~·-:lE-..:.1C: ?C'-.=:~:.::'::::-. FLORIDA KEYS WASTEW ATER ASSISTANCE FOUNDA nON, INC., "Taking care of what matters most - our people, our islands ". Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District P.O. Box 370454 Key Largo, FL 33037 Dear KL WTD Commission: November 20, 2009 On behalf of the Florida Keys Wastewater Assistance Foundation (FKWAF) I wanted to thank you for the opportunity we will have to make a presentation at your upcoming December 1 meeting regarding the work we do and a potential partnership. FKWAF is prepared to begin distributing grants to residents of Monroe County who are low income or disabled and who have been negatively impacted by the costs associated with mandatory hook up to the central sewer system. We need your help to make these grants available. As you are all aware, the financial bw-den created for Key Largo residents by the mandatory hook up to the sewer system is substantial. The lateral hook ups will cost, on average, $4500. This is on top of the assessments homeowners have already faced. Most low income residents and many people with disabilities will find it impossible to bare these costs. Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District (KL WTD) has repeatedly expressed interest in assisting low income residents in Key Largo - both because it is "the right thing to do" as well as to fulfill the district's obligations under the State Revolving Loan Funds program. I applaud you for wanting to address this issue and in so doing lessen the burden on your neighbors and the people you serve. I believe that KL WTD can best address the need by partnering with FK WAF. FKWAF has developed grant criteria and will be reviewing applications to distribute funds to those who qualify. While KL WTD has discussed developing a similar program, we believe there is no need to duplicate services. Instead, we suggest that KLWTD donate any funds available for this purpose to FKW AF. As a private, non-political, non-profit organization, FKW AF will be able to distribute the funds in an impartial manner without the issue being seen as political. We will also be able to leverage the funds to receive matching grants from the government and/or other foundations, and we will be able to POBox 370454 Key largo, FL 33037 (305) -35-3364 iufofj floridake) 'S\\'3~et\ demonstrate to community businesses the KLWTD's commitment to this issue which we believe will result in greater interest by businesses in contributing financially to help with this issue. 1 suggest that KL WTD can best fulfill their desire to assist low income residents by partneling with FKW AF in the following ways: 1.) Approve immediate release of the $9,000 previously committed to FKWAF for grants to low income residents of Key Largo. 2.) Create a line item in the KLWTD's budget to support FKW AF's low-income lateral hook up grants program. (the creation of the line item shows community partners that KLWTD is committed to this issue and will help gamer additional support from the community. The line item could be funded at a later date when the system is fully up and running and a surplus is available). 3.) Approve FKWAF as the beneficiary of funds to be received in the future from the sale of the tanks no longer being used, with these funds being specifically earmarked for grants to low income residents in Key Largo 1 have attached here for your review information about our organization, bios of our selection committee, and information regarding our selection criteria and process. We will be presenting much of this information to you during the December 1 meeting, and are available to address any questions or concerns you many have at any time. Again, thank you for your time, and for your commitment to serving all residents of Key Largo, but especially those who are less fortunate. Sincerely, '------) ~ ,~ay f(:t~A __Ray Rhash, Chairman PO 80\ 3?0~5.j Key largo. FL 33037 (305) 735-3364 infan flolidakeyswasetwater,org ~r' J'-'C._.<. 1. __._ ',--", _ \ 1_' .;. \~"!... FLORlDA KEYS WASTEW ATER ASSISTANCE FOUNDA TION, INC., "Taking care of what matters most - our people. our islands ". LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE INFO SHEET Who We Are and What We Do The Florida Keys Wastewater Assistance Foundation (FKWAF) is a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) private non-profit corporation that exists to assist people who are low income, and those who have disabilities, to overcome the financial burden created by the states mandate to hook up to an advanced wastewater treatment facility. FK WAF makes grants to homeowners who are low income and those who are disabled to help pay for the hook up to the new system. OUR VISION is a healthy environment, which supports an ever-improving life for Florida Keys residents and visitors. quality of OUR MISSION is to promote good stewardship of our natural environment by devising and facilitating innovative wastewater solutions and cost effective lateral connections for our financially challenged population. Background The Florida Keys are a 130-mile island chain, south of mainland Florida and the nation's largest water quality restoration project The Everglades, at the center of a federally protected vulnerable unfenced National Marine Sanctuary and the nation's largest barrier coral reef The Florida Keys are home to 74,000 citizens and 4 million annual visitors who deposit sewage that is state mandated to be collected in central sewer systems to standards fourtimes stricter than the United States Clean Water Act by June 30, 2010 or suffer severe financial penalties from the Department of Health and Environmental Protection. FKWAF was formed in 2007 in anticipation of the state mandate FS 99-395 which will require all homes and businesses to be connected to advanced wastewater treatment systems by July 1, 2010. However, the cost of the advanced wastewater treatment system (sewer) for the Florida Keys is staggering. It is estimated that the total cost will be approximately $939 million. PO Bo.\ 370~5~ Key largo. FL 33037 C'05) '35-3364 \\ \\ ~\\'.fl ori dakeys\\ 'astc\\ -ater. org In addition to the massive installation costs is the cost of connecting homes and businesses to the sewer. These connection costs are estimated to be an additional $240 million and will be borne by homeowners and business owners of the Florida Keys. These connection costs will not be part ofthe annual tax bill, amortizable over a certain period. These costs, which average around $4,100 per connection, will be payable to a contractor upon completion of the sewer connection. Another issue related to the connection costs is the annual household income level of the residents in Monroe County. It is estimated that 33% of all Monroe County households have an annual income of$35,000 dollars or less. This gives relevance to the need for an organization such as FKWAF to provide grant-funding assistance to qualified residents. How to Apply J f you are interested in applying for grant funding assistance please click here to download our criteria and application materials FKW AF's Board of Directors will review your application and award grants based on applicants that meet the established criteria. Grant funding is also based on the amount of funding that is currently available toFKWAF PO 8m 3704:14 Key largo, FL 33037 (305) 735-3364 \\\\"\\ OOlidakeys\\'3stC\\ -'=-;'"' _. ,s' ...•••...• .,-- \( , - \ .--=.; - ,f :'" _. - ~- " .. - -:::0: ~..~ !~ ~":-:: 77,"'"':..!' .::=7-'::'~: ,"::.:,i!:~:-:'?:::.d~_:i~,:::. FLORIDA KEYS WASTEW ATER ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION, INC., "Taking care of what matters most - our people, our islands ". LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE GRANT REQUIREMENTS Requirements You MUST meet the following requirements to be considered: • • • • • • • • Property must be the primary residence of the applicant Applicant must be up to date on all mortgage payments or own the home outright. Two years of residence in Monroe County. Must be low income and/or a person with a disability. Mandatory hook up must be within 12 months. Must be willing and able to pay for 5% of the hook up costs. Must be willing to accept a declining balance, no interest, no payment mortgage for a period of 5 years. Must be willing and able to select a contractor and oversee the project, or appoint someone to do this on your behalf. FKW AF is a granting entity only and cannot perform this function. Selection Criteria Selection will be impartial and based on a point system with the following items being considered: • • • Income Assets Disability \\1.\"\\ tloJidakcys\\'a~te\\'aterorg Application Process • • • • • • • PO Applicant returns all materials listed on the application checklist by the deadline. FKW AF Board reviews applicants and makes selections Applicants are informed that they have been selected Within 30 days of notice of acceptance, applicant presents FKWAF with the following: a 3 bids from licensed contractors (must be on FKWAF bid sheet) a A check for 5% of the lowest bid a Signed mortgage documents a Power of attorney if needed for construction oversight. FKWAF will provide the applicant with a letter of intent to pay and sign the bid letter for the contractor. Applicant will: a Hire contractor a Oversee the lateral hookup process to completion a Sign and submit to FKWAF the Satisfactory Completion of Job document a Sign and submit to FKWAF the final invoiced signed by contractor FKWAF will submit final payment directly to contractor Bo, :'70454 Key largo, FL 33037 (305) 735-336-l \\"\\ ",Y. floridakeys\\"ClstE'\\ _r.., _.-:-._.. _ ._ ..- '. to j-==,....:\ j-' ~-.:.~.:.:..:.~ ~:.~:~;: i7' r..:..",:::,,·_;:t-:;.:. ;5::3~:"z: ?:}:n::2:.CC~ FLORIDA KEYS WASTEW ATER ASSIST ANCE FOUNDATION, INC., "Taking care of what matters most - our people, our islands". FKW AF GRANT SELECTION COMMITTEE BIOGRAPHIES Ray Rhash, Chairman Ray Rhash serves as Chairman of FKWAF Ray is 49 years old and is a lifelong resident of the Florida Keys. He has been employed at the Florida Keys Electric Cooperative for the past 22 years and currently holds the position of Planning, Rate, and Budget Analyst. His educational background includes, a Bachelor of Arts (cum laude) in Accounting from Saint Leo University and is currently completing coursework toward an MEA at Saint Leo University. Ray has been committed to the Florida Keys and has been an active part of the following organizations: Board of Directors Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce, City of Marathon Affordable Housing Task Force, Leadership Monroe County, and a Member of the Upper Keys Rotary Club. Dr. Brenda Pierce, Vice Chairwoman Dr. Brenda Pierce is a Florida native who is passionate about poverty eradication in all parts of the world. She is a long time advocate for disenfranchised populations and has worked for the past five years as the Executive Director of the Center for Independent Living of the Keys. Her previous employers include the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Delphi International, and the Florida Legislature. Brenda has worked with Leukemia patients in Costa Rica; with polio-survivors in West Africa; and has done research on maternal and child health in Thailand and Cote d'Ivoire. Dr. Pierce currently serves as the President of the Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living, Board Member ofthe Good Health Clinic, active fundraiser for the Upper Keys Rotary, and is a member of Leadership Monroe County's Class XVIII. PO Do, 370-154 Key largo. FL 33037 (305) 735·3364 Richard Casey, Jr. Mr. Casey has eleven (11) years experience in the field af cammunity develapment and nan-profit management. Far the past five years, Mr. Casey has been the Executive Directar afthe Middle Keys Cammunity Land Trust, a lacal nan-profit affardable hausing pravider. Priar to. being hired for this pasitian, he served an the arganizatians BaaJ:d of DiI:ectms .. In.addition, ML Casey presently serves .as.President forHeron~ . Peacack Supported Living, a nan-prafit praviding hausing and suppartive services to. mentally ill adults Mr. Casey recently campleted three terms (six years) an the Baard af Directars afthe Flarida Cammunity Laan Fund, a nan-profit institutian with assets af mare than $9 millian far lending to. Flarida nan-profit arganizatians warking an affardable hausing, ecanamic develapment and essential sacial services acrass the State. P,;ar to. his current emplayment, Mr. Casey was Programs Administratar at the Special Programs Office, Manroe Caunty Hausing Autharity where is respansibilities included the administratian af multiple hausing pragrams far lacal gavernments, including the State Hausing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) and Cammunity Develapment Black Grant (CDBG) Programs. Callectively, Mr. Casey has written grants far, campetitively secured and/ar administered aver $22 millian in public, carparate and private faundatian funding far affardable hausing. PO Bo" 370454 Key largo. FL 330r (305) -35-3364 W\\,\\ KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1,2009 Agenda Item No. [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION [Xl DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [1 GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: SUBJECT: FDEP Letter RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Discussion Approved by General Manager ,I' .' . .~_ .' Date: / ... ,2":0 ---._.'/ ," Originating Department: General Manager Costs $100, 000 Funding Source: Department Review: [ 1 Engineering __ [ 1 District []Clerk __ Counsel General Manager ~lt ~} /." ., /' Attachments: Letter Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required ~ . [] Finance I I Summary Explanation/Background: The FDEP was planning to provide onsite wastewater systems for their properties on SR 905 and at Pennekamp. These properties can be served by grinder pumps. The Board has indicated that central wastewater service will be provided to these areas. FDEP has requested a letter confmning that the District will provide central wastewater service to these properties. District staff will confirm that all nine properties can be served. Resulting Board Action: Q...Approved Q..Tabled Q Disapproved fL. Recommendation Reviscd6 December 1, 2009 Mr. Scott Cannard Bureau Chief FDEP Div. of Parks & Recreation Bureau of Design and Construction 3540 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL 32309 F Dear Mr. Cannard, The purpose of this letter is to confirm our intention of providing central sewer service to the seven Dagney Johnson residences located along Route 905 and the two residences at John Pennekamp prior to 2015. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call my office at (305)451-4019 Sincerely, Charles F. Fishburn General Manager KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Reguest Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1 2009 Agenda Item No. 'I [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION [1 DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [1 GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: SUBJECT: Package Plant Status RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Approval / Approv~d by General Manager D ate.. I. ./ - ,.-.- ? ",' •.• ,_,r , Originating Department: General Manager Costs: Approximately Source: Accl. Department Review: [ ] Engineering __ []Clerk __ [ ] District Counsel General Manager ~~. q .," Attachments: Charts Advertised: Date: Paper: [X] Not Required [] Finance Summary Explanation/Background: KL WTD staff is in direct contact with all sixty five package plants that have been assessed and will be connected to the Central Sewer System. All sixty five plants have been issued a one year notice to connect. Ninety Day "Courtesy" Notices have seen sent to selective package plant owners. Resulting Board Action: o Tabled fLApproved Q Disapproved Q...Recommendation Revised6 PACKAGE I BREAKDOWN AS OF 11/19/09 (of the 65 package plant in our service area) Projects 6 (Big Chill, Senior Frijoles, Murray Nelson Community that are connected: Center, EI Caribe Plaza, Waffle House and KLWTO plant) 4 (Calusa, Pennekamp, Captain Jax, Key Largo Kampgroundl Projects under construction: Number of Package Plants without 17 (8 are dragging feel, 8 are actively screening engineers, 1 awaiting KLWTD Board decision) engineers: Number of Package Plants with engineers: 38 Of the 38 that have contracted 16 have submitted Of the 16that have submitted engineers: drawings: drawings 13 have been reviewed & returned 22 are in design 3 a re in review BUSINESSESWITH PACItAGE PLANTS OUTSIDE CURRENT SERVICEAREA Cross Key, Inc. Manatee Bay Marina Latin American Restaurant Family Paradise Island Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club North Key Largo WWTP (Ocean Reef) Key Largo Long Key & Cujoe Key Residual Transfer Stations BUSINESS Key largo Harbor NAME MM FLOW 99.7 Marina 0.0022 CONTACT Brian Leavell 451-0045 Paradise Point Mobile Home Park Paradise Pub 95 0.0032 lO2.4 0.0036 John Carpenter 852-3121 Trailer Park Condo Trailer Park Holiday by the Sea Condo none under KLWTD board review - Patriot Mgt none dragging their feet none dragging their feet... "we'll start in May" Doug Prew 394-0541 0.005 Glen Boe under engineering design Jim Cutcher 451-5388 92.1 0.005 Glen Boe waiting ree 100.2 0.0005 US Water under engineering 102 0.0043 Fish House Restaurant Coastal Waterway 101.6 Waffle House for review design 100 0.0005 none dragging their feet Lake Surprise II Condo 107 0.0065 none under KlWTD required? changed ownership none actively interviewing 97.6 Legion Coral Sands Trailer Park 0.0075 94 0.0075 Murray Nelson Community Center Winn-Dixie Key largo P.O.Box 7807, Amarillo, TX 79114 Sanctuary at Key Largo Condo Key Largo Wastewater Performance Marine KLWTD to redraw engineers Joe Angelo 451-1113 John Carpenter 852-3121 Harry Haroun 394-0416 harryharoun57 Chris Sante 451 3389 csante@bellsouth.nel selected an engineer 11/17/09 Rick Young 350-9800 in engineering Mark Boalch 852-0401 Jim Teegarden 305 2101 Claudia 393-0005 92.7 0.009 Bluewater 101 0.009 Glen Boe reviewed, design letter sent out CONNECTED TO CENTRAL SEWER McCain in engineering 0.Ql none screening 0.01 none actively 99 00095 lO34 Harbour 92 Condo review- Glen Boe Plant Florida Bay Club board CONNECTED TO CENTRAL SEWER 106 0.0085 Anchor Condo 92 design engineers in earnest. interviewing engineers 101.6 0.0012 none in hiding, BILLING STARTS11/09 Peter Rosasco 345-745-4077 Pennecamp 103.4 0.0014 cns connecting Randy Strange Cafe largo 99.5 0.0015 Glen Bce in engineering design 850-488-3621 451-1314 lO6 0.00l5 business Tradewind Hammocks Florida Keys RV Resort Harborage Condo Koblick Marine Resources Foundation Pilot House Restaurant Tamarind Bay Club at Easter none not an active Glen Boe massive 0.0015 none dragging their feet 99 0.0015 95 00015 Sunset Acres Mobil Home Park 102.5 trouble with existing lines S Barbara none dragging their feet George Wilson US Water will get central Hector 0.0015 Lamberson submitted 997 0.0015 none dragging feet Key West Inn 100.2 0.02 Lamberson reviewed, reviewed sewer drawings to KLWTD letter Sosa flabayclub@atLnet puncha ndbarb92 Browne Ginetle Hughes 0.0015 104.5 Cove Pat Digiorgio 92.8 Waldorf Pla,a Campers EMAll CONNECTED TO CENTRAL SEWER Ocean Divers American PHONE CONNECTED TO CENTRAL SEWER Senior Frijoles Driftwood STATUS dragging their feet ENGINEER none ginett 305-887-6920 Wm. Atkinson III 954-925-5501 sent out - comments to engineer BUSINESS NAME MM FLOW ENGINEER Gary Bauman none trouble Vince Cicchino Bluewater just awarded to engineer 11/09 0.02 McCain submitted drawings to KLWTD 0.02 Glen Boe reviewed· letter 988 0.02 tv'cCain Mariner's Hospital 91.5 0.02 103 0.02 97.6 94.2 Pin, Plaza Rock Harbor Club Sunset Hammock Condo CONTACT STATUS drawings have not been suhmitted Ke\ Largo Yacht Club Condo BigChil1 with Baptist insurance requirements PHONE 731-9014 786-596-5940 EMAIL Vincentc@Q;! sent out CONNECTED TO CENTRAL 5FWER EI caribe Plaza Tradewind CONNECTED TO CENTRAL SEWER Plaza 101.5 002 Bohler Largo RV Park 101.6 reviewed - comments 0.022 Glen Boe drawings have not been suhmitted Moon Bay Condo 104.3 0.024 McCain FDEP ap signed and returned to engineer to engineer Kimco John Wolf 743-9858 101 0.024 none dragging feet, 90 day notice given Manuei Castillo 104.5 0.025 self? laterals in I place, assessment appealed Jeff Barrow 853-1930 jeff. barrow Holiday Inn Key Largo 99.7 0.03 yes) close to an engineering Richard Rhode 561-279-9900 RlChard. Rhode@oplhotels.col11 Key Largo Kampground 101.5 0.03 Lamberson reviewed, Newport Village Apartments Key Largo Elementary School letter selection 451-1431 sent out 97.5 0.03 Harding awarded to engineer 10/09 John Carpenter 852 3122 99.7 0.03 yes? made engineering Richard Rhode 561-279-9900 102.1 0.035 ncne change in ownership Bayside Inn 99.6 0.035 none dragging feet Blue Water Trailer Village 92.7 0045 Glen Bce drawings 101.5 0049 McCain under construction 98.5 0.049 Lamberson drawings 100 0.049 91.5 Mariner's Club Resort Ramada Resort and Marina Double Tree at Manatee Bay Calusa Campground Landings of Largo Condo Marina Del Mar Hotel Ocean Pointe Condo 92.5 0.05 0.065 Key Largo Ocean Resort 94.8 007 103.8 0075 Tavernier Marriott Towne Center Key Largo Kawama Yacht Club Key Largo Grande Hilton Silver Shores Mobile Home Park Buttonwood Bay Condo selection 11/13/09 to Hampton Inn Adrian Basil under selection 11/13/09 Ted Yarboro McCain under review Jan Aboudara Milelli waiting Jim Brush on review 453-4420 i have ria fees none made an engineering selertion 98.8 0.08 McCain under engineering 97 0.08 none close to selecting 95.8 0.083 Glen Boe Margaret to review 96 0.09 Lamberson drawings under review 11/13/09 design an engineer draWings Kings Kamp 103.5 Glen Boe will begin construction 103.5 Glen Boe construction McCain drawings Tarpon BaSin Villas inlo@bavsidekev lar~o .co m Richard Rhode getting started on drawings 10/09 US Water 451-4450 Cruz not yet submitted made an engineering Captain Ja)( Victor review Richard. Christina Gilbert 451-1400 in 3/10 near completion being reviewed by Jim Brush John Havarias Jan Aboudara Jeff 5chleinden leff reyschlelnd en Bill Crofts Gino Angello angella @kingskam Gino Angello ;1l)ggj]a@kln~ska KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1,2009 Agenda Item No. S [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION [1 DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [Xl GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: SUBJECT: Vacuum Station Changes RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Approval Approved Date: by GelJ.eral Manager /1 -- 2~j- c S-- Originating Department: General Manager Department Review: [ 1 DistrictCounsel ,['}-GeneralManagen....f-'"j: , [] Finance --- Costs:Approximately$92,000 Source: Accl. [ ] Engineering __ []Clerk __ ..-' Attachments: ChangeOrder Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl NotRequired Summary Explanation/Background: The attachedchangeorder is a credit of$62,000 dueto direct purchasesby the District. There are however $92,000 in changesdue to District requests. Resulting Q...Approved Board Action: Q..Tabled Q Disapproved ~Recommendation Revised6 Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District. Vacuum Station Basin D - Project Manual CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change in No. Description Contract Price 1 Buffer tank and piping installed $13,650.00 2 Relocate existing 4" water main $8,757.26 2A Install 4" water main. $1,407.88 3 Add main underground incoming feeder. $9,190.65 4 Upqrade to galvalume roofing. $1,050.00 Replace SDR21 with 01 pipe. 5 $7,210.14 5A Linkseal at pipe penetrations. $4,256.63 Replace qlass block with air louvers. 6 $3,490.83 Correct direction of pipinq bells. 7 $1,008.00 8 Odor Control deduct. ($99,000.00) 9 Paint skids and tank. $3,406.43 10 Ductile iron pipe for VAC header. $28,011.29 10A Add butterfly valves. $3,402.18 11 RESERVED 12 Generator deduct. ($55,358.59) 13 Add drain from odor control to sump pump. $780.71 14 RESERVED 15 Relocate qauqes and provide washdown. $812.57 16 Tie-in carbon filter for JAWS system. $1,337.70 17 Clean and paint brackets and pipe. $923.70 18 Prepare and coat floor with epoxy. $3,084.64 TOTAL ~ -($62;577.98) . - - 00950-8 Change in Contract Time Days I WAIVER This Change Order constitutes full and mutual accord and satisfaction for the adjustment of the Contract Price and Contract Time as a result of increases or decreases in cost and time of performance caused directly and indirectly from the change. Acceptance of this Waiver constitutes an agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR that the Change Order represents an equitable adjustment to the Agreement and that CONTRACTOR shall waive all rights to file a Contract Claim or claim of any nature on this Change Order. Execution of this Change Order shall constitute CONTRACTOR's complete acceptance and satisfaction that it is entitled to no more costs or time (direct, indirect, impact, etc.) pursuant to this Change Order. March 2008 Change Order Form Key Largo Wastewater Treatment 00950-1 District. Vacuum Station Basin D - Project Manual SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER FORM Change Order No. Project Title 4 Vacuum Station Basin D Bid No. Owner: Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Contractor: Overholt Construction Company Agreement Date: This Change Order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Agreement. The GENERAL CONDITIONS, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, and STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS apply to and govern all work under this Change Order. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE MADE TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Original Contract Price Current Contract Price (Adjusted by Previous Change Orders) Total Proposed Change in Contract Price New Contract Price (Item 2 + Item 3) Original Contract Time Current Contract Time (Adjusted by Previous Change Orders) Total Proposed Change in Contract Time New Contract Time (Item 6 + Item 7) Original Contract Substantial Completion Date New Contract Substantial Completion Date March 2008 $961,267.00 $3.845,068.00 ($62,577.98) $3,782,490.02 240 Days 840 Days Days 480 Days 09/17/09 05/15/10 o Change Order Form KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1 2009 Agenda Item No. c;. [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] RESOLUTION [] DISCUSSION [] BID/RFP AWARD [] GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [] CONSENT AGENDA [] Other: SUBJECT: Laguna Drive Update RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Approval .J -,-,- J' " Approved by General Manager Date: I" - ""- .' -'-" "! / ,.' -y '-_- "- '. ( . .--"; Originating Department: General Manager Costs:Approximately Source: Accl. Attachments: Department Review: [ ] DistrictCounsel [~GeneralManager__ [l Finance [ 1Engineering __ [lClerk __ Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl NotRequired Forms Summary Explanation/Background: Customer service and the inspector for Laguna are implementing the procedure for lateral relocations on Laguna Drive. Resulting Board Action: o Tabled Q..Approved 12 Disapproved Q....Recommendation Revised6 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT P.O. BOX 491; KEY LARGO, FLORIDA 33037 (305) 451-4019 FAX (305) 453-5807 SEWER CONNECTION LOCATION CHANGE REQUEST Property Owner(s) _ Property Address Contact Information Property AK # _ (phone) _ (email) Date I (we) hereby request that an additional length of 6" gravity lateral piping be installed by the District in the right of way bordering my (our) property to change the engineered connection location for service to the above referenced property. I (we) have sketched a general description of the location change requested on the attached form. Additional Piping feet @ $35 / ft of pipe $ _ I (we) understand this Location Change Request is subject to the following conditions: I. Restoration of the excavation required for installation is limited to filling the trench with 57 stone and compacting to the original surface elevation. 2. Improvements in the right of way (such as a concrete driveway) will be removed as necessary to perform the installation. Except as set forth above, restoration of such improvements will be the responsibility of the owner. 3. This request is subject to final acceptance and approval by a representative of the District Engineering Department. I (we) herewith have submitted our non-refundable payment in full for installation of the additional lateral piping to change the connection location for service to my (our) property. However, if upon investigation it is determined that the request cannot be approved for engineering reasons, our owner's payment will be refunded. Property Owner(s) _ Signature(s) Received By _ Customer Service Representative Acceptance & Approval _ Engineering Department TAB 2 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT DESCRIPTION OF SEWER CONNECTION LOCATION CHANGE REQUESTED Property Owner(s) _ Property AK # _ R B a c k F r HOUSEl or TRAILER I G H T R 0 A D 0 n 0 t F W A Y W A Y Please place this symbol at the location in the right of way that you are requesting your connection box be placed. D Please show all significant landmarks and improvements between the house or trailer and the roadway in relation to the location you are requesting for your connection box, such as driveways, fences, walls, gates, trees, hedges, mailboxes, power and light poles, etc. Property Owner(s) _ (Signature) KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1, 2009 Agenda Item No. ? [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION J-L DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [1 GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: SUBJECT: Good Faith Inter-local with Islamorada. RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: ./ . , , I Approved by General Manager I :; .-, ., Date: " ~ '", ) -- ::.',y Originating Department: Commissioner Tobin Costs: Department Review: [I Engineering __ [ ] District Counsel [~General Manager []Clerk __ [] Finance l';' '-'" Attachments: Fundinq Source: ?- Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required Summary Explanation/Background: AliI would like to suggest that it is time for the Village and District enter into a non-binding inter-local agreement that pledges good faith and cooperation in negotiations leading to a long term binding and joyous contract between the parties. Resulting Board Action: o Tabled Q...Approved Q Disapproved It- Recommendation Revised6 TAB 3 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: December 1, 2009 Agenda Item No.3 [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION [1 DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [Xl GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: SUBJECT: Pending Payments Schedule RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: contingent upon availability of funds. Approved by General Mana,ger Date: ;' / '-2'--/ - ~.7 l~' Approve Pending Payments Schedule, < Costs: Originating Department: Finance Attachments: Pending Payments Schedule Funding Source: Accl. # [ ] Engineering __ []Clerk __ Department Review: [ J District Counsel ['t-General Manager f;(Finance / ..-~'. . . - J1/lAll parties that have an interest in this agenda item must be notified of meeting date and time. The following box must be filled out to be on agenda. Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required Yes I have notified everyone or Not applicable in this case Please initial one. Summary Explanation/Background: Pending Payments Schedule. Resulting Board Action: Q.. Approved Q.Tabled Q Disapproved o Recommendation Revised Key Largo Wastewater '\1,111t~ : .•[lInll..••.. ;,.;-...•... -a. -~ Payments ,::,z::-~-::::...;;/ CONSOLIDATED Administration Prepared CASH BALANCE Treatment District Pending 12/01/2009 by: S. T. Lankford Date: 11/25/2009 $ (8,769,155.73) FORWARD & Operations Cash Balance A&O Account Forward $ (308,13251 Plus: Service Charges Wastewater Revenue Total Revenue 2,830.00 13,802.90 16,632.90 Less: Administration Grau and Associates - Fiscal Year 2009 Audit A,T & T - Telephone The Reporter - Legal Advertisements TIB Bank - Loan Interest State of Florida - Phones Weiler Engineering - Engineering and Consulting Thomas M. Dillon, P.A. - Legal fees 3,000.00 59.29 1,192.80 1,558.88 210.00 2,736.25 13,331.26 Less: Shared Expenses VISA Chase Card Services - Credit card UniFirst - Employee uniforms Federal Express - Shipping costs Office Depot - Supplies - Hub, Ink cartridges, Comcast - Internet services State of Florida - Telephone service Services ) 6,846.91 192.35 213.26 785.69 94.90 144.36 supplies Less: Operations Mike Pravata - Expense report - AirVac school travel Pat Mitchell - Expense report - Lodging Jesse Lewanski - Expense report - Airvac school Shiloh Tire and Lube - Front tires - Ops and Collection Sys. Vehicles Southeast Trailer Sales - Hitch installation - Operations vehicle USA Bluebook - Marking paint Eye Catcher signs - Graphics - Operations vehicles Sunshine State One Call - Location tickets DuMont Company - Chemicals Sweetwater Environmental - Sludge hauling 123.20 122.57 544.61 743.98 537.80 216.41 300.00 20.54 2,793.00 2,400.00 Sub-total Invoices 38,168.06 (21,535.16) Cash Balance A&O Account If All Paid MSTU Draw #36 Submitted 06/11/09 $ $195,666 (329,66767) South Components $ (1,380,178.88) Cash Balance KLSC Account Forward Plus: No Receipts Sub-total Receipts Less: Richard Sante - Lot Maintenance - Vac Station G ArborTech - Tree cleaning, stump removal - Vac Station I Monroe County - Mitigation - Vac Station G Dept. of Environmental Protection - Permitting fees Yellowbook - Used furnishings Meridian of the Keys - Network upgrade and phone service FKEC - Electric - Vac Station I AirVac - Pits and pit packs Weiler Engineering - Engineering and Consulting Services W. F. McCain - Basins G/H - App #12 100.00 2,593.50 1,923.76 870.00 125.00 1,650.00 210.57 97,650.00 5,448.75 42,123.06 152,694.64 Sub-total Invoices (152,694.64) $ (1,532,873.52) Cash Balance KLSC If All Paid $20M Grant Draw #17 Submitted 10/8/09 $ 323,744 North Components $ (7,080,844.34) Cash Balance KLNC Account Forward 511,883.62 3,631,932.93 4,143,816.55 Plus: ACOE Grant Draw #6 RWA Loan Draw #3 Sub-total Receipts Less: Richard Crow - Expense report - Mileage Timothy Bricker - Expense report - Mileage Ted Beighey - Expense report - Mileage Tiger Direct - Computer and monitor Cottrell Welding and Fabricating - Tool customization Meridian of the Keys - Network upgrade and phone service FKAA - Water Service - Vac Station D Thomas M. Dillon P.A. - Legal fees Overholt Construction - Vacuum Station D - App #6 Arcadis - RTP Construction Support - App #2 Arcadis - Injection Well - App #7 BioRem Environmental - Odor Control System Weiler Engineering - Engineering and Consulting Services Sub-total Invoices 221.11 45.10 206.25 707.00 380.00 3,750.00 13.94 1,375.00 59,624.60 84,195.00 9,272.00 28,500.00 138,733.40 327,023.40 3,816,793.15 Cash Balance KLNC Account If All Paid $20M Grant Draw #17 Submitted 10/08/09 CONSOLIDATED CASH BALANCE NOTE: $ (3,264,051.19) $ 416,795 IF ALL PAID $ (5,126,592.38) A TOTAL OF $ 616,461 REQUESTED Approved Norman Higgins, Chairman FOR REIMBURSEMENT IS OUTSTANDING for payment: Susan Hammaker, Treasurer KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1,2009 Agenda Item No.1 [l PUBLIC HEARING [l RESOLUTION [l DISCUSSION [l BID/RFP AWARD [Xl GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [l CONSENT AGENDA [l Other: SUBJECT: Minutes of Oct. 19, Nov. 3 & Nov. 17,2009 RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: ' I Approved, bj' Gene~1 Manager Date: I - ]..'f ~ ';2 /' ,. C/ \...---- ,.::. _. i -c ~ :.-, J . / _ I' Originating Department: District Clerk Costs: Department Review: ~..-r-I /,r [ ] Engineering __ [] Clerk __ t,.J-Pistrict Counsel '~1'/ r ., 'K.-.,General Manager -, i ~ ';L.r.'. • , Attachments: Minutes of 11/03, 11/17,2009 Funding Source: Advertised: Date: Paper: [X] Not Required [] Finance Summary Explanation/Background: Resulting Board Action: o Tabled ~Approved Q Disapproved ];L.Recommendalion Revised lUll Y. MINUTES KEY LARGO WASTEW A TER TREATMENT DISTRICT (KLWTD) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING & ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS JOINT MEETING /1ii1-jjillllli iJiIir;-, I i} .• KLWTD..• ~i' (L· I\~~ :~~. . .,,-/ ~'~h~'-~~'/~ October 19,2009,2009 98880 OVERSEAS HWY, KEY LARGO, FL 33037 The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Board of Commissioners met for a joint meeting at 5:30 PM. Present were Commissioners Norman Higgins, Andrew Tobin, Charles Brooks. Robert Majeska, and Chairwoman Susie Hammaker. Also present the General Manager Charles F.--Fi-shifum,-Thomas Dillon, District Counsel, Margaret Blank, P.E. Construction Manager, Chief Financial Officer Martin Waits, and District Clerk Carol Walker. The Islamorada Village of Islands Council met for a joint meeting at 5:30. Present were Mayor Don Achenberg, Vice Mayor Michael Rockwerdt, Council members, Dave Boerner, and Deb Gillis. Also present were Village Manager Kenneth Fields, Village Attorneys, ina Boniske and Lillian Arango, Director of Finance, Cindy Lawson, and Village Clerk Beverly Raddatz. Council member Jill Zima Borski arrived at 7: 13 pm_ Mayor Achenberg led the Pledge of Allegiance Chairwoman Hammaker and Mayor Achenberg made opening remarks. Charles Fishburn, KL WTD General Manager and Chief Financial Officer Martin Waits made a presentation about the District. In response to Islamorada's question about the District expanding their boundaries Chairwoman Hammaker advised that the KLWTD Board voted not to expand the curre!1tKLWTD bowldaries. The District infonned jslamorad-a that the- Board -envisioned that there would be a contractual relationship\¥Itl1 -the Village as a customer. There was a discussion on technical specifications for connection to the KL WTD pipeline. A discussion on rate setting and what the District would do about pipeline breaks ensued. Thomas Dillon reviewed the District's responsibilities in case of contractual failure. KL WTD Board of Conunissioners Board Meeting OCI. 19_2009 MINUTES Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District (KLWTD) Board of Commissioners Meeting / / /\lIIt~~ • .1/ ::~ •• Kl.WTD... ~.,.••. '": .~- ~ 2')~ (,¥-. ,I ~-"::,,._s.~/ November 3. 2009 98880 OVERSEAS HWY, KEY LARGO, FL 33037 The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting at 4:00 PM. Present were Commissioners Norman Higgins, Andrew Tobin, Charles Brooks, Robert Majeska, and Chairwoman Susie Hammaker. Also present the General Manager Charles F. Fishburn, Thomas Dillon, District Counsel, Synthia Lankford, Acting District Clerk. and other appropriate District Staff. Commissioner Brooks led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROV AL OF AGENDA Chairwoman Hammaker requested that Items G6 and G7 be combined. Motion: Commissioner Commissioner Tobin made a motion to approve Brooks seconded tbe motion. Vote on Motion Member Cbainvoman Hammaker Commissioner Hi~~ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X No the agenda as amended. Otber PUBLIC COMMENT: The following persons addressed the Board: Burke Cannon, Tavernier. FL commented that the Hammer Point Board is opposed to several parts of the Integra Proposal and the Islamorada update. Ron Miller, Key Largo, would like to help the District get the monies from the County to pave roads. Kay Thacker, Key Largo, does not agree with the Integra proposal. A letter from James and Celia VanCampen was read into the record, see Exhibit "N·. MANAGER'S REPORT integra Presentation A presentation was made by Integra. KL WTO Board of Commissioners Board Meeting oV.3.2009 ISLAMORADA UPDATE The Board and Staff discussed the proposal. Motion: Commissioner Tobin made a motion to direct staff to continue to negotiate with Islamorada in good faith but not to make any binding commitment and to report back to the Board of the progress that is being made. Commissioner Brooks seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Chairwoman Hammaker Commissioner Hi22ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X No - ~- ~~ ~ . Other --- Conunissioner Brooks pointed out that there is no conunitment for an inter-local agreement. Motion: Commissioner Brooks made a motion that as the both the KLWTD Board members and Councilmember be provided with a paper trail negotiations. Commissioner Higgins seconded the Vote on Motion Member Chairwoman Hammaker Commissioner Hi22ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner - BrooksCommissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X No negotiations progress that the Islamorada Village of the ongoing status of motion. Other WWTP Generator Purchase Staff reported that there were no responsive bids. Motion: Commissioner Brooks Made a motion to authorize staff to purchase a WWTP Generator not to exceed $500,000.00 Commissioner Higgins seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Chainvoman Hammaker Commissioner Higgins KL WTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeling Nov. 3, 2009 Yes X X No Other 2 Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Motion passed Tobin Brooks Majeska 4 to 1 Abstain X X Lateral Location Complaints (Laguna) The Board discussed the issue of moving connections at property owner's request. Motion: Commissioner Brooks made a motion to follow the General Managers recommendation for Laguna properties to develop a standard for cost to relocate lateral connections (with a minimum of $1,000 charge). Commissioner Higgins seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Chainvoman Hammaker Commissioner Hi22ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X No Other Paving Coordination in Monroe County The Board discussed requesting the BOCC to designate $1.8 million for paving roads in the KL WTD District. Wharton Smith Time Extension Charles Fishburn added this item. Mr. Fishburn and District Counsel Thomas Dillon discussed a draft letter to Wharton Smith. The Board directed Mr. Fishburn to talk to Wharton Smith and to send the letter at his discretion. LEGAL REPORT Deep Well Legislation Ms. Henderson called in and gave the Board an update on the Bill. She recommended to the Board that the Bill be done as a Local Bill. Mr. Dillon advised against this recommendation. RESOLUTION 31-11-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DlSTRJCT, REQUESTING THE ASSISTANCE OF REPRESENTATIVE RON SAUNDERS AND SE ATOR LARCENIA BULLARD TO AME D 1999 FLA. LAWS CH. 395 REGARDING WASTEWATER DISPOSAL WELLS Motion: Commissioner Commissioner KLWTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeting Nov. 3. 2009 Tobin made a motion adopt Higgins seconded the motion. Resolution No. 31-11-09. 3 Vote on Motion Member Chairwoman Hammaker Commissioner Hi~~ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Maieska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X COMMISSIONER'S ITEMS Townhall Update/Completed Phases/or Chairman Hammaker gave an update. No Other "Approval to Proceed Lefler" Additional Office Space Moved to Transition Meeting Customer Service Staff can commurucate to the public even if they say they are getting a lawyer. Assistance to Low Income The Board discussed loans to low income property owners. Additional Office Space in Honda Building Moved to Transition Meeting. BULK ITEMS Minutes o/October 20, 2009 Pending Payments 0/ November 3, 2009 Motion: Commissioner Brooks made a motion to approve Bulk Items with Pending Payments as amended and contingent upon the availability of funds. Commissioner Higgins seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Chainvoman Hammaker Commissioner Higgins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Ma.ieska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X No Other ENGINEER'S REPORT Monthly Status Report. __ KL WTO Board of Commissioners Board Meeting NO'. 3.2009 4 The written report was presented to the Board. FINANCIAL REPORT N/A COMMISSIONER'S ROUNDTABLE N/A ADJOURNMENT The KLWTD Board adjourned the Board Meeting at 7:44 PM. The KL WTD meeting minutes of ov. 3,2009 were approved on Dec. 1.2009. Chairwoman Hammaker Carol Walker, CMC District Clerk KL WTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeting Nov. 3. 2009 5 MINUTES Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District (KL WTD) Board of Commissioners Meeting /(J\\!iII!I!I! hl~ .:. KI.WTDA ~~ / ~.. ,.~ '." \ )) " (~." \"" ."_ .•r/ ~~.~~?~ November 17,2009 98880 OVERSEAS HWY, KEY LARGO, FL 33037 The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Board of Commissioners met for a regular meeting at 4:00 PM. Present were Commissioners Norman Higgins, Andrew Tobin, Charles Brooks, Robert Majeska, and Commissioner Susie Hammaker. Also present the General Manager Charles F. Fishburn, Thomas Dillon, District Counsel, Carol Walker, District Clerk. and other appropriate District Staff. Commissioner Tobin led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Charles Fishburn requested that Item 2 (Vacuum Station Changes) taken off the agenda; and that KLWTD Transition Customer Service be added to the General Manager's Report. He also asked that an item on Sunset Acres be added. Martin Waits, CFO introduced an amended Pending Payments. Motion: Commissioner Commissioner Vote on Motion Member Commissioner Hammaker Chairman Hi22ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 Majeska made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Tobin seconded the motion. Yes X X X X X No Other OFFICER'S REPORT Chairwoman Hammaker gave a report of some of what she has done during her year as Chairwoman. See Exhibit "A·'. KLWTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeting Nov. 17. 2009 BOARD ELECTIONS Commissioner Brooks nominated Commissioner Higgins for Chairman. Commissioner Majeska nominated Commissioner Majeska for Chairman. Commissioner Brooks pointed out that when Commissioner Majeska and Commissioner Higgins were nominated for Chairman he felt that both Commissioners were qualified and in that case the weight should go to the senior Commissioner who has served as Vice Chairman. Chairman Higgins was elected Chairman with a 3 to 2 vote, Commissioner Majeska was elected Vice Chairman 5-0, and Commissioner Hammaker was ejected Secretary Treasure 5-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following persons addressed the Board: John Grech, Boyd Drive spoke about speeding contractors. Jack Hudder, Lorelane Place spoke about purring his assessment in an escrow account. He also spoke about what happens to deserted properties. Bruce Yanda. Lorelane Place spoke about final restoration. Burke Cannon, Tavernier spoke about working with Monroe County on paving. He also spoke about Sunset Acres. Dr. Brenda Pierre and Ray Rhash spoke about providing grants to low income property owners. Janet Lee, Bayside Plumbing spoke to the District about moving laterals. Julio Rodriguez, Port Largo. spoke about the Inspector fixing a problem at no cost. MANAGER'S REPORT Paving Coordination with Monroe County Mr. Fishburn reported that the KL WTD District will make a presentation to the BOCC at their meeting Wednesday. Sunset Acres Motion: Commissioner Hammaker made a motion to connect Sunset Acres to the central sewer but the cost and the method have not been determined yet. Commissioner Majeska seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Commissioner Hammaker Chairman Hi22ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Ma.ieska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes No Other X X X X X KLWTD Transition Customer Service Mr. Fishburn explained that customer service is now under the Finance Department. KL WTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeting Nov. 17. 2009 2 COMMISSIONER'S REPORT Low Income Lateral Installation Assistance Mr. Dillon pointed out that the District has a requirement to help low income homeowners. District could do this by not charging a monthly charge until they are connected. The BULK ITEMS Pending Payments of November I7, 2009 Motion: Commissioner Majeska made a motion to approve Bulk Items with Pending Payments and contingent upon the availability of funds. Commissioner Brooks seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Commissioner Hammaker Chairman Hil?:l?:ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 Yes X X X X X No Other E GINEER'S REPORT Monthly Status Report Ed Castle from Weiler Engineering made a verbal report. He said that the plant will be usable in May 2010. Lateral Location Options Mr. Castle reviewed what Marathon has been doing to move homeowner's laterals. Motion: Commissioner Tobin made a motion to adopt a pilot project for Laguna Avenue only to move lateral connections at propert)' owner request and to adopt the fee chart (Exhibit "B") on the low side except for the vacuum pit which will be on the average side; also, giving the District Staff authority for final approval and collection of payment in advance. Commissioner Brooks seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Commissioner Hammaker Chairman Hil?:l?:ins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Majeska Motion passed 5 to 0 KL WTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeting Nov. 17.2009 Yes X X X X X No Other 3 FINANCIAL REPORT FY 2009 Performance of Wastewater Service Operations Mr. Waits reviewed his report. LEGAL COUNSEL REPORT Legislative Update District Counsel, Thomas Dillon gave a report on the Legislative Bills. Motion: Commissioner Brooks made a motion to authorize support for District Counsel, Thomas Dillon's proposal to change the pending legislation proposal. Commissioner Brooks seconded the motion. Vote on Motion Member Commissioner Hammaker Chairman Higgins Commissioner Tobin Commissioner Brooks Commissioner Ma.ieska Motion passed 3 to 2 Yes X No Other X X X X See Exhibit "C" for proposal. COMMISSIONER'S N/A ROUNDTABLE ADJOURNMENT The KL WTD Board adjourned the Board Meeting at 7:55 PM. KL WTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeting Nov. 17. 2009 4 The KLWTD meeting minutes of Nov. 17,2009 were approved on Dec. 1,2009. Commissioner Hammaker Carol Walker. CMC District Clerk KL WTD Board of Commissioners Board Meeling Nov. 17. 2009 5 EXH IBIT "A" Summary 11-17-09 Susan Ford Hammaker, Chair 1. Positive Internal and External Communication A. Internal - Perfect attendance (left one meeting early to speak for KLWTD) Reviewed staff to learn how work issues impact policy; be a positive "cheerleader" for employees and management Ongoing review of GM according to goals he stated previous year Reviewed legal documents for understanding and minimize bd mtg questions Upgraded Employee Handbook and Policies -- ongoing Created unanimously passed "4-Way Test" for ethical conduct B. External - Public Diplomacy and Community Presence - Role Modeling Leadership thru various forms of PR 4-Way Test for Ethical Conduct (has been ciculated by others Keyswide) Represented KLWTD at KL C of C; attended Isla C of C for my business and FKNMSAC; attended Council and Bd meetings KW, Marathon, Isla, FKAA, Summits, Rotary Clubs in Upper Keys and Marathon, FKWQIP and other presentations and powerpoints;Upper Keys Tourism member of FKNMSAC giving updates on Keys wastewaterlstormwater issues Focus on Customer communication and service - attendance at our Town Hall Meetings, Neighborhood meetings, availability to public for questions and referrals, presentations to homeowners, Chambers; defining and promoting customer service as key to successful operation of a utility Facilitated 5 on 5 with Islamorada re participation as customer Coordination work with KW, Marathon, Isla, MC, Ocean Reef, KLWTD, State FDOH/FDEP, legislative advocates for KLWTD-Marathon-Key West, DC Congressional delegation esp. Congo IRL and Sen Nelson, Jacksonville and DC Army Corps re federal appropriations and successful EI Construction Stimulus funds award (1st prize -- highest award) Follow up Emails all contacts within 48 hours or less. Wrote articles/lts 2. Preparing for the Future-Transition Planning and Exploration Researching other utilities, pros and cons of public-private partnerships with implications and impacts for our District. Use of office space study/pwrpt for greater efficiency and effectiveness 2. A few Goals as Commissioner to Nov. 15,2010: (Keep On Keeping On) Assist new Chair with "committee work" if and when called upon Research and present sample mission statements, goals, job descriptions of utilities and their boards and staff Offer weekly short piece to media to better public understanding. Continue multilevel PR and to increase grant funding Key Largo Wastewater 1, "dtment District Unit Price List - Item 6" Gravity Lateral 6" Gravity C1eanout 6" Dedicated Breather Horizontal 3" Vacuum Lateral 4" Vacuum Main Vacuum Pit LimerocK Trench Restoration Asphalt Patch low $36.00 $400.00 $36.00 $29.00 $32.25 $2 800.00 $34.50 $13.00 Unit Cost Ui.9..h _~'i3.35 ..13!iO.00 $53.35 . ..150.00 $46.00 -- i·4J;oo.oO .j}4.50 $53.00 Averaae $49.01 $525.00 $47.34 $42.25 Y42.06 $4,050.00 $34.50 $42.25 m >< I CO -l - CO EXHiBIT "C" MEMORANDUM FROM: Thomas M. Dillon, Attorney at Law Board Certified in Construction Law PO Box 370736 Key Largo, Florida 33037-0736 Tel 305-240-1767 305-853-2693 lawtmd@gmailcom Fax: E-mail To: Charles F. Fishburn, General Manager Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Date: November 17, 2009 Subject State Legislative Proposal The purpose of this mernorandum is to sl..!rTHiiarize the e:bgnges in State la"vvthat would result from enactment of the legislative proposal now under discussion between the State and Monroe County and to discuss suggested revisions. The current form of the legislative proposal follows this memorandum. Conclusions The State's effort to impose wastewater standards and require construction of central sewers in the Florida Keys by 7/1/2010 without significant financial assistance has largely failed. As of the date of this memorandum, most of the local governments have not shown that they will be able to meet the deadline. C!early. thare is a need to exte:ld the deadiine a"d to ~rovid6 financial assistance 10 the local governments. The current !egis1ative proposai purpori.s to achieve these goals. t--:cv~eve:-l by G!langins the rule., r8gard!ng mandotc'ry c:ollnect~on tel central sO?vvsr systems, the State has introduced uncertainty triat could seriousiy cr~ect the G:Jility of local governments to complete their central sewer systems. A simpler approach to extending alternatives are suggested below. the deadline would be beneficial to all Two Existing Law - ch. 99-395, Laws of Florida. Chapter 99-395 established special wastewater treatment rules for Monroe County, briefly summarized as follows: ' c Did not mandate that local governments provide central sewer facilities. Instead, imposed wastewater treatment standards. and provided a method to force all wastewater treatment facilities to connect to central sewers. The change in the legislative proposal of greatest concern to the District is that the legislative proposal provides relief for those owners of sewage facilities (package plants) and OSTDS whose facilities meet the treatment standards established in 99395. The relief takes the form of a "connection holiday" in that those facilities cannot be required to connect to central sewer until 2030. During this holiday, those facilities could not be assessed for their fair share of construction costs, and it is possible that those facilities would never pay any share of the costs of construction of the central sewer facilities. Finally, the legislative proposal revises the disposal well provisions in ch. 99-395. This revision should be deleted in favor of the provisions already introduced as SB 422 by Senator Bullard. A. OSTDS Section 3 of the legislative proposal amends Paragraph (4)(1) of section 381.0065, Florida Statutes, which governs OSTDS. The provisions of the legislative proposal are identical te en. 9g~395 in terms of treatment standards. Hu~VeV&r, the ov"ner of an OSTC!S can apt out of ine centr-a! ·sewer system and -receive a 8onne:tion no!:day IJntil no"',.... v k" "7!1 f I t/~' •.••• LJy B. Sewage "-9'-'~'"';n'" u~ 10 •••..• 11 ~ t' v. ~ ~npo; 1_··-,"1.. the ne'"\IV ~-e~tment -tan'"'a-"do •.. " -.!L::::II !v~. l I I •.•• 2 Facilities Section 4 of the legislative proposal adds a new subsection (10) to section 403.086, Florida Statutes, which governs wastewater treatment facilities regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection. The provisions of the legislative proposal are identical to ch 99-395 in terms of treatment standards. New or expanded wastewater Prop., § 4, Para. 10(b)) For wastewater treatment treatment facilities facilities in existence must meet the new standards. on 7/1/2010, their operating (Leg. permits are extendEd until i2/3'1/2015. and they are not requirea to connect te ceritra! sevIer unt,: 1/1/2016, unless central ",ewer is avaiiab!8 earlier (LEg Prop., § 4. Para. 10(9)) 2 The legislative proposal includes the following 6. The county, each municipality and those special districts established for the purpose of collection, transmission, treatment, or disposal of sewage may require connection of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems to a central sewer system within 30 days of notice of availability of service However, an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system that meets the reqUIrements of subparagraph 2. shall not be reqUIred to connect to a central sewage system until July 1. 2030 unless the department determines that the onsite system IS unable to maintain compliance with subparagraph 2. Leg. Prop. § 3 Paragraph (4 )(1)(6) (Emphasis added.) Legislative Proposal Page 3 of 21 A Simply extend the deadlines. Alternative For OSTDS: c> Revise Section 3, Paragraph 4(1)(3) of the legislative proposal to read 3. After July 1, 2010 December sewage treatment and disposal required under subparagraph 2. c> Delete the second proposal For wastewater c> treatment sentence 31,2015, systems of Section all new, modified and repaired onsite shall provide the level of treatment 3, Paragraph 4(1)6 of the legislative facilities: Revise Section 4, Paragraph 1O(b) of the legislative proposal to read: (b) After December 31, 2015, all new New or expanded domestic wastewater discharges shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (d) and with the ruies of the departrr;e~t. () Delete Section 4, Paiagr~ph 10(!) of the ieg~s:3tj've proposa!. 1~lternative B. Exter.d the deadline fer facilitles that v::H be ser-.!ed by centr3: sev..'er. For OSTDS " Revise Section 3, Paragraph 4(1)( 1) of the legislative proposal to read 1. Subject to receipt of the funding authorized under Subsection (1 )(b) of section 215619, Florida Statutes, the county, each municipality and those special districts established for the purpose of collection, transmission, treatment. or disposal of sewage, shall ensure, in accordance with the specific schedules adopted by the Administration Commission under s. 380.0552, the completion of of'~ite sevJage treat~ont and 0!Sposal ~ysterT1 upg~ades Ie meet the requirements of this pa~agraph On C~ before Dacember 3 -: 2010, each liiun::iDality and these special districts established for :he PUn:;~5e of :onection. 1ransm!ssion. treatment, (lr di 'pcsa! of se'vvane, shan adopt, publ::::~. and file v\/~!h the department documentation showing the area(s) within which it intends to provide central sewer service. Such areas shall include, the wastewater collection, treatment and disposal facilities within its jurisdiction designated as hot spots in the Monroe County Sanitary Master Wastewater Plan, dated June 2000, specifically listed in Exhibits 6-1 through 6-3 of Chapter 6 and mapped in Exhibit F-1 of Appendix F, and all parcels upon which the municipality or special district has levied non-ad valorem assessments. Such areas may include such other and further areas as the municipality or special district elects, in its discretion, to provide central sewer service. fl Revise Section 3, Paragraph 4(1)(6) of the legislative proposal to read 6. The county, each municipality and those special districts established for the purpose of collection, transmission, treatment. or disposal of sewage may require connection of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems to a central sewer system within 30 days of notice of availability of service However. an onsite Legislative Proposal Page 5 of 21 treatment and disposal system is located sewer service under subparagraph (c)(2) within an area designated for central There undoubtedly are other means to achieve the goal of the legislative proposal to extend the time to meet the new wastewater effluent standards I leave those efforts to others. Legislative Proposal Page 7 of 21 REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 32 33 34 Section ~. Subsections amended (2). (4). (7). and (9) of section 380.0552. Florida Statutes. are as [ollo\\s: 380.0552 Florida Keys .Area: protection and designation as area of critical state concern.- 35 36 (2) LEGISLA TI\'f 37 (a) To establish a land use management 38 39 40 41 !'-.TEl\'T.--It is hereby declared that the intent of the Legislature is: system that protects the natural environment of the Florida Kevs. (b) To establish a land use management communit) system that conseryes and promotes the character of the Florida Keys. (c) To establish a land use management system that promotes orderly and balanced grc\\'lh in 3cc:ur:al~~e v·;ith the !_':::paci:) of fi\"3!:able and pl:mned public f?~iljtles ,and st':-\-ice~. i" (d) 1 (I proyiae for af[ordahie huusing c!ose p~JillT!i!ytJ) pla.:.:e~,Qf enlpio~ ment il-; In th~ 44 45 46 (e) To establish a land use management ound economic base. 47 (D 48 their real property. 49 50 system that promotes and supports a diverse and To protect the constitutional (g) To promote coordination permitting jurisdiction (hi T a. prOr110lE" rights of property 0\\11erS to own. use. and dispose of and efficiency among governmental agencies with over land use activities in the Florida Keys. a.ii anprcpriate la~~dacgui:.~uorJ and C'! otectioii strHle2:' f01 52 53 (i) To protect and improve nearshore water qualil\ of the Florida Keys through the 54 construction 55 381.0065(4)(1) and s. 403.086( 10). as appropriate. and operation of wastewater 56 (j) 57 (4) REMOVAL 58 (a) The designation To assure the population of s. of the Florida Kevs can be safelY e\·acuated. of the Florida Keys Area as an area of critical state concern under this section ma\' be recommended 60 completion '32 facilities that meet the requirements OF DESIGNATION.-- 59 61 management for removal upon fulfillment of the legislative intent and upon of all the work program tasks as set forth in Administration (b) Beginning September written report to the Administration Commission Rules. 1. 201 1. the state land planning agenc\ shall submit annual" Commission describing 9 the prOQress of the Florida Ke\s a REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 94 be remoyed October J, 2009. unless the Administration 95 state land planning agencJ" report, that substantial progress has not been achieved toward 96 accomplishing 97 area of critical state conceTA is removed. the Administration 98 removal of the designation, 99 relating to the designation of the Florida Keys Area as an area of critical state concern. If. after Commission finds, after receipt of the the tasks of the work program. If the designation of the Florida Keys Area as an Commission, within 60 days after shall initiate rulemaking pursuant to chapter 120 to repeal an) rules 100 receipt of the state land planning agency's report. the Administration 101 substantial 102 the Administration 103 Commission 104 pTogra::-: tk, m:':Sl b,~a~compEshed 105 nmn ] 2 m::::Hhs. 107 removed in accordance ','"ith paragraph (a). the state land p.lanning agenc: shall submit a '\Tinen 108 annual report to the Administration • 09 the designation 110 accomplishing 111 whether substantial progress toward accomplishing 112 achieved. 115 critical state concern under this section shall be removed unless the Administration 116 finds that substantial progress has been achieved toward accomplishing 117 program. If the designation of the Florida Keys Area as an area of critical state concern is 118 removed, the Administration 119 initi~te f1l1emaking pursuant to chapter 120 to repeal any rules relating to the designation of the 120 Florida Keys Area as an area of critical state concern. If the Administration 121 that substantial progress has not been achieved, the Administration 122 the Monroe Countv Commission, 123 tasks under the work program that must be accomplished progress toward accomplishing Commission Commission finds that the tasks of the \lmrk program has not been achieyed. shall proyide a written report to the Monroe County within 30 days after making such finding detailing the tasl(s under the v,'Orl( -~' '24 achie\ed ;n ur:el'---feH~: bst&nlialpfr;r~ss to be~';;(hfe'(ed v.ilhin the '~;: /« ~,;;;// Commission on Noyember ] of each :,eaL until such time as is removed, describing the progress of the Florida Keys .'\rea to'Nard remaining tasks under the work program and providing a recommendation The Administration Commission Commission, as to the tasks of the work program has been shall determine. within 45 da:,'s after receipt of the Commission the tasks of the work within 60 days after removal of the designation, shall Commission finds Commission shall proyide to within 30 days after making its finding, a report detailing the within the ne)d 12 months. 11 in order for substanrial progress to be REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 155 m The Administration Commission ma) adopt rules or revise existing rules necessary to carn out the pro\'isions of this subsection. 157 (7) PRINCIPLES FOR GUDI1\G DE\'ELOPMEI\'T.--State. regional. and local 158 agencies and units of gO\'ernment in the Florida Keys Area shall coordinate their plans and 159 conduct their programs and regulator) 160 development 161 August 23. 1984. which chapter is hereby adopted and incorporated 162 purposes of re\'iewing consistenc) 163 principles for guiding development 164 construed as a whole and no specific pro\'ision acti\'ities consistent with the principles for guiding as set forth in chapter 27F -8. Florida Administrative Code. as amended effecti\'e herein by reference. For the of the adopted plan or any amendments and an) amendments to that plan with the to the principles. the principles shall be shall be construed or applied in isolation from the 165 166 168 169 Florida Admjnistrati'\it amendments Code. as e~recli\'e .A.uglJSt23':"'1:)-,84. are fepeaJec 1X months --".. (a) To strengthen local gO\ ernment capabilities so that local government 171 of critical state concern designation. 173 174 ; " ~/ must be consistent: '70 172 .. for managing land use and development is able to achieve these objectives without the continuation of the area (b) To protect shoreline and marine resources. including mangro\·es. coral reef formations. seaQrass beds. wetlands. fish and wildlife. and their habitat. (c i To protect upland resour~es. tl nplcaJ biologic=ti conUTitiil illes. freshwater \\elJaIlds. ; 7I:. I, v 176 177 178 179 180 181 beaches. wildlife. and their habitat. (d) To ensure the maximum well-being sound economic de\elopment. (e) To limit the adverse impacts of dewlopment on the qualit) oh~ ater throughout the Florida Keys. (f) To enhance natural scenic resources. promote the aesthetic benefits of the natural 182 em ironment. and ensure that de\ elopment 183 Florida Ke\ s. 184 of the Florida Ke) s and its citizens through is compatible \\ ith the unique historic character of the (g) To protect the historical heritage of the Florida Ke) s. 13 REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 ~ 16 the state land planning agenc). The state land planning agenc) shall re\iev, the proposed change _ 17 to determine 218 chapter 27F-8. Florida Administrati\e 219 either apprO\e or reject the requested changes within 60 days of receipt thereof. .Amendments to 220 local comprehensi\e 221 subparagraphs 222 if it is in compliance with the principles for guiding de\elopment Code. as amended effecti\e August 23. 1984. and shall plans in the Florida Ke\'s Area shall also be re\'ie\\'ed for compliance with I. and 2. I. Construction schedules and detailed capital financing plans for wastewater 223 management 224 for the construction 225 meet or exceed the criteria of s. 403.086(] 0) for wastewater 22e ::..; _ \...i\Jb)( 'CI-~"'\"- set forth in improvements 4 ,( l! in the annualh of wastewater adopted capital impro\'emenrs element and standards treatment and disposal facilities or collection systems that d!spOSa 1 . tor 0!1s1te 3e\A'age lr::atlnent ~ .. ~~n{j treatment and disposal facilities or s, :3vst:;',ms. ~ ~ . 2. Go"Js. ooiectj'Ies. imd policies to prOlect publiJ.hli2fetv a~dwel;a:re in !he e\e!!l of a 227 • 229 no more than 24 hours. The hurricane e\'acuation 230 hurricane ~31 and approved e\'acuation U:U L32 stud\' conducted "~;;;', 'b clearance time shall be determined by a in accordance with a professional" accepted methodology b\' the state land planning agency. further. Ihe state land planning agency. after consulting \\ ith the appropriate local 233 gO\ ernmem. may. no more often than once a year, reCOlTU11endto the Administration 234 Commission 237 recommendation, 238 changes. Any such local development 239 principles the enactment. amendment. or rescission of a land development or accept it with or without modification regulation or and adopt it. b) rule. including an) regulation or plan shall be in compliance \\'ith the for guiding developmem. 240 Section 3. Paragraph (4)(1) of section 381,0065. rJorida Statutes. is amended to read: 241 (4) PERMITS: fNST ALLATJON: AND CONDITIONS,-, A person may not construct. 242 repair. modify. abandon, or operate an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system without first 243 obtaining 244 this section. but shall not make the issuance of such pernlits contingent upon prior appro\al b) 245 the Department l6 a permit appro\'ed b) the department. of El1\ironmental sea\\ ard of the coastal construction Protection. The department ma\. issue permits to carry out except that the issuance of a permit for \\wk control line established 15 under s. 161.053 shall be contingent REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 ':?78 (I ) For the Florida Ke~ s. the department shall adopt a special rule for the construction. L79 installation. 280 treatment and disposal systems which considers the unique soil conditions and which considers 281 \\'ater table eie\'ations. densities, and setback requirements, 282 75 feet from surface ""aters. saltmarsh. and buttoTI\\ood association habitat areas cannot be met. 283 an injection well. appro\'ed and permined 284 effluent from onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems, 285 requirements 286 modification. operation. repair. maintenance. and performance of onsite sewage On lots where a setback distance of b) the department. ma~ be used for disposal of The following additional shall apph to onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems in Monroe Count\: ], The count\'. each municipalit\ and those special districts established for the purpose of 287 collection. 288 specii~(: schedL!le~ ::tcoPtec l.-n the .~...(h~1.;nistiat~c~~ COIr.t1""11issiiJrl lLnde~s. 380.0552., th~ ccn1plct!!)D transmission. treatment. or disposal of sewage. shall ensure. in accordance with the . of (inSile se'Nage iieatmeni and dispcs~J system upgrades _-")0,....• ..... Dzr:graph. 291 //, ;7 289 '...; -~, w.JTieel tlletreqLiin;ment~ of this 2, Onsite sewage treatment and disposal s\ stems shall cease discharge no later than 292 December 3]. 2015 or shall com ph \\ ith the rules of the department and proyide the le\'el of '93 treatment that will produce an effluent that contains not more. on a permitted armual a\'erage 294 basis. than the followim! concentrations: 295 a, Biochemical 296 lLSuspended Oxvgen Demand ((BODS) of] 0 mg/1. Solids of J,Lm2/1. l c. Tota~ ~:itrogen. expressed as l'-.i oi' 10 mg :' 298 c. Total 299 e, in addition. onsite sewa2e treatment and disposal S\'stems dischargin2 to injection well 300 301 302 303 304 305 Phosphurus, exnres~ed as P. uf 1 ni2 'L shall pro\'ide basic disinfection as defined by department rule, 3, .Mer Juh I. 20] O.all ne\\. modified and repaired onsite se\\age treatment and disposal systems shall provide the level of treatment required under subparagraph 2, 4, Onsite sewage treatment and disposal svstems shall be monitored for lotal nitrogen and tOtal phosphorus concentrations as required b\ department rule, 5, The department shall enforce proper installation. operation and maintenance of onsite 306 se\\'age treatment and disposal s\'stems pursuant to this chapter. includin2 ensurin2 that the 307 appropriate leyel of treatment required under subparagraph 17 2 is met. REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 339 dated June 2000. specificallv ..540 Exhibit F-I of Appendix 341 required 342 completed 343 Administration listed in Exhibits 6-1 through 6-3 of Chapter 6 and mapped in F. The required facilities and connections. b\ rules adopted bv the Administration 344 no later than December Commission and am additional facilities under s. 380.0552. shall be 31. 20 IS. pursuant to specific schedules established bv the Commission. Cd)I. Wastewater treatment facilities with design capacities 345 100.000 gallons per day shall pro\ide 346 level of treatment that will produce an efOueI1l that cOI1lains not more. on a permined annual 347 average basis. than the following basic disinfection greater than or equal to as defined by department rule and the concentrations: 348 a. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) 349 b. Susper:ded Solids c·f 5 mg/l. of 5 mg/I. 350 351 d. Total Phosphorus. exp1'essed us P. of 1 ~}lg?1. 352 2. Wastewater treatment facilities with design capacities as defined by department less than 100.000 gallons per rule and the level of treatment that 353 dav shall provide basic disinfection ~54 will produce an effluent that contains not more, on a permined annual average basis. than the 355 following concentrations: 356 a. Biochemical Oxygen Demand ((BODS) 357 b. Suspended 359 d. T UI~1 Phosphorus. expre~sed as F. uf 360 (e) Class V injection wells, as defined by departmeI1l or Department Solids of 10 m,,!) 361 meet the following requirements 362 Health rules. as applicable: 363 of 10 mg'l. J n1g/1. and shall otherv,ise comply with department or Department of 1. If the design capacity of the facility is less than 1.000.000 gallons per day. the injection 364 well shall be at least 90 feet deep and cased 365 cased depth and total well depth as may be required bv department 366 2. Except as pro\ided 367 faciJin 368 cased ,9 of Health rule. shall is equal 10 10 a minimum in subparagraph 10 a minimum depth of 60 feet or 10 such greater rule. 3. for backup wells. if the design capacit\ or greater than 1.000.000 gallons per da\. each priman injection v,ell shall be depth of 2.000 feet or to such greater depth as ma\ be required bv department. 19 of the REVISED DRAFT KEYS LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE - OCTOBER 26, 2009 401 government -+02 operation 403 central v.'astewater Sl'stem, whichever is earlier. Waste\later after December 31. 2015 shall meet the requirements (h) If it is demonstrated 404 subsection'II'[1I 405 shall: cause-or that a discharge, ontribute'to ,niotation treatment facilities in of paragraphs e\'en if it is othenl'ise afstate-'w'ater--qualit' (b), (d) and (e). in compliance standards. II ith this the dcpartment 406 1. Require more stringent effluent limitations: 407 2. Order the point or method of discharge changed: 408 3. Limit the duration or volume of the discharge: 409 4. Prohibit the discharge. 410 (i) All sewage treatment facilities shall monitor effluent for total rutroQen and total 411 or phosp!~orus ccncen!:-a!iun as ;'eouired b\ cepaI1.menl r~l!e. "": Q ~ The depaI lment sh~!]. 1 egiJire the 413 ie- ensure JfOper 414 415 :]per~tjO!1c~'"1d ma:~lenan~e (k) The department (I) The count\'. each municipality of collection. 418 wastewater 419 of notice of availability 420 ~'equirCffients of C'8!"agrapl: (g, sha.ll July 1.2030 '?'W f3.::!:i~ies. to carrv out the prOl'isions of this transmission. treatment, and those special districts established [or the purpose or disposal of sewage mal require connection o[ treatment facilities owned bl other entities to a central seller svstem within 30 davs of service. However. BPi a facilitl be rec:..:ired to owned bl another entitl meeting the c,:!nflcCl to c;.central :,c\\'a0p. 's°,'-stem unti: lllJess the depadrnent jetem-ll11es tnal the facil1tv is u!1ab~c to rnaifitail! (oni}Jli~rlce with this subsection. 423 425 operat?;'cec~~fl'CatJon aha slaHir:g )!I:,cessary or se\\'a~ mal' adopt rules necessan 417 424 1)[ subsection. '16 422 levelS Section 5. Sections 4. 5 and 6 of chapter 99-395. Laws of Florida. as amended. are repealed. Section 6. This act shall take effec1 upon becoming 426 427 428 429 430 31 ~I a lall. TAB 4 KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1, 2009 Agenda Item No. /0 [ 1 PUBLIC HEARING [1 RESOLUTION [xl DISCUSSION [1 BID/RFP AWARD [1 GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [1 CONSENT AGENDA [1 Other: SUBJECT: Monthly Projects Status Report RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Discussion Approved by General Manager i / --.., . Date: . i - .;:./...,-'-C -; Originating Department: Weiler Engineering Costs: $ Department Review: t>p;ngineering [] Clerk __ [ 1 District Counsel .' "[] ..•..General Manager, ~ [1 . /"' c .. " -. Attachments: Funding Source: _. ~:: (-' .. / Report & Maps Advertised: Date: Paper: [X] Not Required Finance Summary Explanation/Background: A representative from Weiler Engineering will answer questions on the written monthly status report. Resulting Board Action: o Tabled ILApproved Q Disapproved Q....Recommendalion Revised "Excellence in Engineering" THE WEILER EN!JINEERING 20020 Veterans Boulevard., Suite 7 Port Charlotte, FL 33954 (941) 764-6447 ph (941) 764-8915 fax CORPORATION Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Engineering Status Report Period Ending 11120/09 KL TV Treatment Plant The treatment plant continues to operate in compliance with all parameters ofthc FDEP operating permit. The volume of sludge hauled has approximately doubled over the past year while flows remained nearly constant. The Operation Department had received a large order of alum that contained phosphorus and disposed of it by running it through the plant. This would account for a shortterm increase in sludge hauling, but not the entire year. It is thought that operation of the digester can be enhanced to further thicken the sludge. The addition of polymer prior to settling and decanting has been shown at other facilities to provide for significantly enhanced thickening of the sludge. reducing the volume to be hauled. North Component Projects Collection System Design Basin E & F Design Design of Basins E and F collection system pipelines has been completed. Based on an analysis by Weiler Engineering, the District has requested that EckJer Engineering provide a proposal to extend the vacuum collection system to serve the private road at Ocean Cay. The proposal was received on November 19th and is under evaluation. A quick turn-around is needed since one of the previously designed vacuum lines in Basin F will need to be increased in size. Design of the upgrade ofthe existing vacuum pump station and design of the remote vacuum station continue. The 90% design drawings for the vacuum station upgrade and for the remote vacuum station were received in mid-November and are currently under review. A review meeting will be held in late November. Basin G & H Design McCain has submitted the 90% designs for Basin G Phase 1. 2 and 5 and for Basin H collection systems. Weiler Engineering and District Staff provided comments on the Phase 1 drawings and held a review meeting in November. Are-submittal of the Phase 1 90% drawings is expected. We are also awaiting the submittal of the 90% drawings and the final loss calculations for Phases 3 and 4. The FDEP permit applications and the FDOT permit applications for the collection system for Phases I, 2 and 5 have been submitted. The Basin G/H vacuum station 90% design drawings were submitted by McCin and have been reviewed by staff. A design review meeting to discuss the comments was held in November. The design will be modified as required to address the comments. The FDEP permit application for the vacuum pump station was submitted along with the collection system permit applications. However, the ERP application has not yet been submitted. No construction can take place until the ERP is issued by FDEP. Basin 1. J & K Design The 90% design drawings for all phases of Basin 1 have been submitted to the District for review. The majority of the area will be served by a vacuum collection system with a smaller remotely located area being served by a gravity collection system. We continuing with final design while awaiting comments from the District on the 90% submittal. The design of the Basin 1 vacuum pump station is nearing completion. The 90% design will be submitted for review in the first week of December. The ERP application was submitted in October and a Request for Additional Information was received from FDEP. A response is being prepared. It is anticipated that the ERP will be issued before the end of the year, at whjch time site work and subsequent construction can begin. WEC has submitted drawings for all phases of Basins J and K for District review. Design continues as we await comments from the District on the submitted drawings. The US I corridor design in J and K is complicated by the narrow ROWand the presence of water mains, communjcations cables and FDOT storm water infrastructure. Weiler Engineering staff went to Miami and researched the FDOT archives and have located drawings that appear to be record drawings for the FDOT storm water system. These, in conjunction with soft digs. have provided more reliable detail around wruch to design. The vacuum mains will need to be in the parking lanes of US 1 for a signjficant length of roadway. The Basin JIK vacuum station site has not yet been cleared, so the needed topograprucal survey has not been completed. The limited area that can be cleared may create problems with the District's plans to have each vacuum pump station building be of identical size and configuration. Due to storm water retention needs, it is possible that the size of the building may have to be reduced. Topograprucal survey will be needed to make the final determination. Force Main Design and Construction The contract for construction of the South Transmission Main has been awarded. The Notice to Proceed has not been issued as of this date. The NTP will be issued once the FOOT permit is received. The Contractor, Metro Equipment Services, Inc., has been submitting proposed substitutions for the pipe and for the centralizers to be used in the sleeved portion of the project. The initial submission of OR 21 HOPE pipe was rejected by CPH. Metro has submitted a proposal to use DR 18.5 HOPE pipe. That submittal is under review at this time. The plans call for use of fusible PVC pipe with a 250 PSI rating. The initial submittal for substitute centralizers was rejected and a second set is currently under review. WWTP Expansion Tanks The construction of the three SBR tanks and the effluent equalization tank has been completed. The remaining punch list items are being addressed by the Contractor. A small number of concrete bosses needed for mounting of pipe brackets inside the SBR tanks were not installed during the shotcrete construction ofthe interior walls. Uncertainty of the location of the pipes was cited as the reason that they weren't installed. Weiler Engineering has review and approved a stainless steel and epoxy grout system for providing the needed mounting points. Pre-Con will install these brackets in the near future. Final completion will be certified after completion of all punch list items. Wells The deep injection well project is complete. Treatment Plant A major milestone for the treatment plant project was completed in November. The slab-ongrade for the Control Building was poured. The slab could not be poured until the electrical and plumbing issues in the ARCAOIS plans were resolved. Although there will continue to be some items that need clarification, the electrical plans were the biggest stumbling block to keeping the construction project moving forward. ow that those issues have been resolved and the slab has been poured, the Control Building will be going vertical at a good pace. Interior block walls were being· placedduring.the third week of ovember .and columns to support the second floor were in place. The head works is structurally complete and the equipment is being placed. The grit mechanisms and bar screens have been placed and wiring and plumbing continues. The headworks structure is the highest point on the hydraulic profile of the treatment facility. The foundation for the disk filters has been placed and the chlorine contact chanlbers have bee constructed. The problems with cold joints and honeycombing on the CCCs have been corrected and the interior and exterior have been coated with a water-proofing epoxy approved by Weiler Engineering. Final leak testing is scheduled to be performed during the week of ovember 23'd. The chambers were to be filled beginning on November 20th• The Aqua Aerobics disk filters have been received on site. The SBR equipment was received and installation has begun, placing the decanters, mixers and fine bubble diffusers within SBR #1 and SBR #2. The equipment for SBR #3 has also been received but must be stored until the sludge holding tank is built. The sludge facility must be built in the location of the current Fluidyne treatment plant. The phased construction and operating plan calls for SBRs #1 and #2 to be used for treatment with SBR #3 being used as a sludge holding tank for the initial phase. Once the flow is transferred to the new tanks, the Fluidyne tanks can be removed and the sludge processing facility can be built. Basin A Construction. Basin A collection system construction in all phases is completed. The constructienof the Basin AfBvacuum purtipstatiol1hasbeen awarded- by ctmnge order to _ Overholt. Submittals and shop drawings are under review at this time. Due to the lower elevation. Overholt is having difficulties with dewatering the excavation for the vacuum sump. They hired a consulting to propose a method to allow for dewatering of the excavation. The proposed method has been approved by CPH and Overholt has submitted a proposed change order to be compensated for the dewatering effort. The proposed change order is currently under revIew. Basin B Construction All pipeline work in Basin B is completed. Restoration is completed in all areas except B-6 where Fountain is currently working on completing the restoration. Please see the Construction Progress Maps for details Basin C Construction The work by Metro in Phase 2 including restoration has been completed. Metro has also completed pipe work in Phase I, with restoration currently in progress. In Phase 4, Metro is approximately 35% complete with pipe work. Fountain has completed pipe work and is working on restoration in Phase 3. Please see the Construction Progress Maps for details Basin D Construction Work in Basin D is complete with the exception ofD-4. Work on the Basin C/D vacuum pump station by Overholt is nearing completion. Basin E Construction Redland has begun work in E-l with the US 1 crossing and work on Hibiscus. There has been no pipe installation to date by Redland in E-2. Please see the Construction Progress Maps for details Basin F Construction Redland has not begun laying pipe yet in Basin F Phase 1. LaRocco is approximately 40% complete with pipe work in Phase 2. Metro has completed mainJine work on Bahama and Marina in Phase 3. Please see the Construction Progress Maps for details GPS/GIS Work on the GPS/G1S project continues. C-90S No further update at this time. Glossary of Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AWT - Advanced Wastewater Treatment. This is the level of treatment required by tbe year 2010 for all WWTPs in tbe Keys with capacities of 0.100 MGD or greater. This corresponds to levels of 5 mg/I CBOD, 5 mg/I TSS, 3 mg/l TN and I mg/I TP BA T-~ Best Achievable Treatment. Tbis is_the-'.eyel.qf treatment required bythe year 20 I0 for all wastewater treatment systems in the Keys with capacities of less than 0.1 00 MGD, including on-'siie treatment units. This corresponds to levels of 10 mg/I CBOD, 10 mg/I TSS, 10 mg/I TN and I mg/I TP CHOD - Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand. Tbis is a measurement of the level of organic pollutants (food) in wastewater CMMS - Computerized Maintenance Management System. This is a program that schedules and tracks preventive and corrective maintenance tasks and tracks inventory and costs. FDEP - Florida Department of Environmental Protection FKAA - Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority GPD - Gallons Per Day 1&/- Inflow & Infiltration. Inflow is non-sewage water, typically rain water, that enters a sanitary sewer system through lids on structures such as manholes. Infiltration is non-sewage water, typically groundwater or rain water that has soaked into the ground, that enters a sanitary sewer system through cracks and joints in bUTiedpipes and structures. MGD - Million Gallons per Day mgll- milligrams per liter (same as parts per million). This is the unit of measurement typically used to repon the concentration of pollutants in wastewater ROW-Publicly owned Right of Way SSOCOF - Sunshine State One Call of Florida, the state agency tbat coordinates underground utility construction. Anyone who intends to dig must call SSOCOF to request locates. SSOCOF then relays the construction information to all members in the construction area with instructions to mark the location of their underground utilities in the work area prior to the start of construction. SRF - State Revolving Fund. A source of low-interest loans for utility planning and construction TN - Total Nitrogen. This is a measurement oftbe level of nitrogenous pollutants in wastewater TP- Total Pbosphorus. This is a measurement of the level of phosphate and organic phosphorus pollutants in wastewater TSS- Total Suspended Solids. This is a measurement of the level ofpaniculate matters in suspension in wastewater WWTP- Wastewater Treatment Plant ( Vacuum Main Installed Vacuum Pits Installed Vacuum Pits and Vacuum SUMMERlAND BAHIA HONDA ~, 0 , ' 1::''<1 ,,"-,-, VACA , // ----------------------------~--MANGROVE LN " / ~ ,/ / ~, ~)o,(Q~ // rf / /' /. ,~Z 'Ig' !~ /Q' ',r-"5R-f---ty' / / GARIl>'EN jtOVE I , ,I~ I nR I o '"w RD '":>::> EAGLE OR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ § / ~ :> '"w ~ ~ ~(, / /'" , '1'"h Q ~ J; o-r ~ I~ (I 81 -<:',V is l-_-2?RTLJGA~oj I ~! ~r RD 10 ANDROS BIMINI RD ~/~, '.f' i?~' g /'1 RD ~ ,/ z OSPREYDR / , Phase 1 Ocean Estates END RO EXUMA <!J 01>-'y" /<fj 'I<; ,~et '8 LAKE NORTH >\;! 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'\ '" U.S. NO.1 ' \:\/ \, '" . ,~/ ;'./ <\.~' V· --1''/ t>"".A ,aI;./ \/ '\\,,/' ./ 1&lA.'«:l DR 'A ,/ \ '.>\ .••. ~ V-'. "'>,/ oS!' ~ \,/ !ot'OIl.EVI'lO 0" '\ ~ '''A,/ \<T //~~ ~ ._ \.A \'<.'" ~o::/ '<\,..'!'/ ~','" -'-''''. .(? ,,~' . >1 ~.,/ "')~ <'J;' 1ti;f"-; " OVERSEAS - . 'P..... f/ U.S. NO.1 /' ./ /' ~ - LATEST UPDATE:1IJ.28-09 KLWTD 8EFMCEM'EA 'S' WEe ~!!PYf.•P?T~! ~800 OVERSEAS HIGHlIAY sum: 38 IlARATHON, noRmA 330110 (30~) 288-'181 JIti•. " ......--Le..• I.... r --!£ 1' •• ••• • 'I ~!~T~2!!?_ BARRACUDA ('" , NARRAGANSETT LN ~! " ior,;;JTElN .~ S. 1/ /./ ~. '7 '~~ ' :ll W /• i / I ~! , ! / ~.... / f?'~/ "'~ '>'" '</1 .' ! ' SNAPPER TRANSYLVANIA , BASS I , I i BONE FISH i AVE I to! I; 'z I, "I ~IAVE I I AVE i~ \ . ~ i ! I ,"" Iw ~ ,r lAVE I~ I I ~\. AVE ~ i 1 PIMILICO LN AVE I , 1 MARLIN ~i k---- JEWFISH / ~, -\ / 0"'''';' \~. ~! ""' .... / / ,/ ,/ I ~LMONTLN\ , 251 251 .__-\ "/ / " ---§f"I--J ; BLVD / ,,:--. ""'..,1 .I / .' •..'I / I • "'I / ~1J!' oj. ~ . , ~.,~"""", <$"~ // ~,~ I ~~ I :5 3 l! Vacuum or Gravity Main Installed Vacuum Pits Installed ~ BROWNST Vacuum PIts and Vacuum maIn installed Vacuum Pits and Vacuum Main Installed and 1st Lift Asphalt or Patching I LATEST UPDATE: 11·23-09 Permanent - - I<LWTO eaMCENEA 'C' Restoration Is Complete WEe 'tiC;!!'lD! !H9lNmtlN~ 6800 OVBRSBAB H1GII1t'AY SUlTI 36 IWlATHON, rLORiDA 33060 (306) 268-'161 Mia•• ":r I ":" I -:"' ,..~ " , •.. , . "'\ ,\ "...•..; / ,/\ /' \~, •••• ,/\, /( """ \ 0, \v' \ t.'?, \ ',<>: / \, \,,, ~o \ '\ <.' 'y ,~\ ~ It \\\ \ \~ \~.• >\. '", ." ••.. \\ \\~ 'v",- \' ',\ \~. \ .p' \'<'0, \~, i '» \ \ \p'" '>" \ ,/ ItlG'1'.J-It '\ , ,./ -----~-~- ,./ 1:>, "~~A>Y '~A~~ o~\-" ~ .,0"" SSIl<4G U.S.~NO. ~~ -L( '---~--- \ I \ OVERSEAS HWY -----------,--- <t- \ \' ",\ \\" 1>" "'M\~\.O \~\ '", \, '\ \ i ,/ \ ,/ '\ ' \\ ' \ \ \ \ ~ k~' \"'0 \ , ~,• \ '). ""~ ""Go ~~ ~ \~~ \"" ' \ _ , \ \ \\ \ '< \ '\" > '~\, , \, \':::'<- - Vacuum or Gravity Main Installed Vacuum Pits Installed \~q" '~ \'" Vacuum Pits and Vacuum Main Installed Vacuum Pits and Vacuum Main Installed wfTemporary Asphalt Installed Permanent Asphalt Restoration Complete Pretrenchlng In Progress - LATEST UPDATE: 11-23-09 KLWTD SEfMCEN'EA '0' WEe 6800 1l!< ""ID! co.'oNAT ••••••••••••• I ON OVBRSBAS IDGIIWAY SUlTI 38 IWlATBON, PLORlDA 33050 (300) 2ll8-4181 , ••••• ":'" 111.•••• .• I ":" 1-:- ,'.- ,..- / (, ," ,~ ) ;:.- ••.~'''' ",' /.f ",' ",' ......... o~ ~ ~ ,;'Oi ,~< "oi~"""' <. ~ .i-' / . ~''''''fl'''"''''''-'-'''~ . '~-. -.-... .... •.. , ..... , .-.-._" '- '-.~ '-'_. ....'-. '..,...f ",' .•..-. -'.... .-...... 111,/ '\ /C;: . \,\ , \\- ......•... <. ~ ",'.....--....... U "- \ . •.-(" -" ":\.-. - /, \\ '>;, • .-.-.- ". . './ ~ ' " , """'-,';;;;0; •••• "'" ~-'-'-. ._. , q,\, ~.-\ \~. 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K'~~. ~ '<--'" '.-<.. /,/ ''\i." .' .' \ ' r- / '-. -< .? \ Vacuum Main Installed _ ~ Vacuum Pits Installed // Vacuum f'lts and Vacuum Main Installed Vacuum Pits and Vacuum Main Installed wlTemporary Asphalt Installed ____ Permanent Asphalt Restoration Complete ,-/' ( Pretrenchlng In Progress ,/ ~ ,(/ ,/<?- //-. /(,''''~ ,r-'-' #"~~ ,,,.L;,_._. ,,/,/--.=':00<" /.~-;-",:::..:,.. ;/ L ;oc;--SLVeR-'- ~PIlN)S '" -~~ fWlI~-~-- A ""","'9'U">~~,t,H", ~'. ~">~ -...QA..._ h'" , " r / /~·v ,~"" -",·-l'....A /"l/;'f"., ~.'I"X)I.' / ~"i /?~ 1" -'J.,. ,,-, '/. ,~*A., ~', "\"', p \ .#,/ "<v' , ::x ", / ~"'," "" ',', ' ' '~">" ' " .;"">'. ,/ / ./ V. LATEST UPDATE: 11-23-09 ,/ •' " ',' "" ti~" \4-" / / , / ,.l ", ,~ ,. ,v ""~' /'. " '¥"''''', " " )Z'" "" "" p~/ ',.,./,,~ "'v (, <>', "" "'" " , '?', " " J? ~, \. ~/ /' ", V , .""', , , " q}" "'" " ", ~'l:, " "',, " -rio, ",-rio, , 01", " '" ,,' " ~~" " ';X' . , .#<fr/ "~'" "'" ." , ~~/' , <'''~''"' ,. '""'oj "', <9..', , ...•. , W,' "'/' "i~" 'Ir" r/ '".0,''( l'~ e,L._~~, _.""" " ". y "0:' " " -;;~, " .-t,?--'., '. '" .-'.- --....... " " '. ~<;. &~ " ~"", -r~ "'''''.', "'''''', <~, ~;~, ~ " ", '. '. '. ,,/ '" '~',' ~,,/.;;,", +~ • ", ", '" (' ~ " "0"/·'" .X. <$, ">-'" "'" "", '" '. :K<' " ' .., ~"'v.:f." "" ,', '/,',>( ~', ' / " " ~'¥, s..'t-~'" ~.'¥",~ ' v' \,. ·v ". "'.,,/~ ", \' '. / ,/ ~' ,\:, ';~", :'<" ~, '~' ", ", "'". ( ,/ <~" "'x";'? "', '" '<;;".. '~ ", /Q~ "" ~ , """ -r~ <;/ , - - KLWTD saMCENEA: 'F" WEC~'~~~~~IW&l&~ ":rl-:-I-:eoMpoMitloH 5300 OVERSEAS H1GIllIAY S\IITII 38 MARATHON, FLORIDA 330M (308) 288-4181 I~ " KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Dec. 1,2009 Agenda Item No./ / [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] RESOLUTION [] DISCUSSION [] BID/RFP AWARD [X] GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [] CONSENT AGENDA [] Other: SUBJECT: Sunset Acres Change Order RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Approved by General Manager Date: ' ~', -', Discussion (C---... "'".....~ /,... Originating Department: Weiler Engineering Costs: $20,000 Department Review: J'lEngineering []Clerk __ Funding Source: ,.. ' [ 1 District 'H. Counsel General Manager ,/ ~ [l Finance ~ -C. ., , '--. , .;':. . - .' Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required Summary Explanation/Background: Weiler Engineering authorization to"design the collection system for Sunset Acres. Resulting Board Action: o Tabled Q..Approved Q Disapproved o will reqwre a work Recommendation Revised .,Excellence in Engineering ,. 5800 Overseas Highway, Suite 36 Marathon, Florida 33050 (305) 289-4) 6 ) ph (305) 289-4) 62 fax MEMORANDUM To: Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District From: Ed Castle Date: Re: ovember 24, 2009 Sunset Acres Weiler Engineering has investigated 3 types of collection system alternatives for the Sunset Acres subdivision. The collection system analyses included vacuum system, gravity system, and grinder pump system. Sunset Acres is a subdivision with private streets located on the bay side at approximately mile marker 94.5 and is directly adjacent to Highway US 1. Sunset Acres includes 73 single family homes and no commercial properties. The collection system design for this area has a vacuum main on the opposite side of the US I corridor. An additional US I vacuum main crossing would need to be provided. The vacuum collection system option for this area was the most cost effective option at $731,900 and is recommended for this area. The grinder pump option came in at $1.028.900 and the gravity option total was $1.168, I00. Project: KLWTD Wastewater Project Collection Alternative Analysis Ocean Cay, Coral Coast, & Seven Acres Construction Cost Options Property Sunset Acres Estimated Construction Vacuum Option Grinder Pump Option $731,900 $1,028,900 Costs Gravity Option $1,168,100 · . -- . -_. - .. - .. -- - TABS KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT Agenda Request Form Meeting Date: Deco 1,2009 Agenda Item Noo ) ;. [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [] RESOLUTION [X] DISCUSSION [] BID/RFP AWARD [] GENERAL APPROVAL OF ITEM [] CONSENT AGENDA [] Action SUBJECT: Deep Well Legislative Update RECOMMENDED /,-, MOTION/ACTION: / Approved by General Manager Date: ;,o,..;.~ ~ co" .., " ' Originating Department: Legal . Department , J ~ =-. Costs: Attachments: Funding Source: [ J Engineering __ Review: -;,,'0 0' Il-Gistrict Counsel ['J..General Manager o 0 []Clerk __ I / - Advertised: Date: Paper: [Xl Not Required [] Finance Summary Explanation/Background: Resulting Board Action: o Tabled fLApproved Q Disapproved Q....Recommendation Revised