Univision Radio Connecting Hispanic Consumers with Your Brand Why Radio? Radio is Tactical, Mobile, and a Great Promotional Medium Tactical Targeted Radio can pinpoint specific consumers by age, gender, geography, and acculturation, therefore providing a gateway to your marketing “hot” spots. The frequency of radio spots allows repetition of an ad message to reinforce shopping behavior or consumer action. Promo tional Mobile Closest to POP - Radio stays closer to consumers for longer periods during prime buying hours than any other medium. Radio and its personalities create events. It can easily go on-site or in-store to attract customers and create excitement. Retail Driven Flexible From content to copy, radio is flexible to the needs of the advertiser in terms of both media and creative. Whether consumers are buying clothes, shoes, or appliances, Radio reaches them in all key retail categories, right before they are ready to buy. 3 Radio Reaches Consumers Right Before They BUY 53% 35% 28% 19% 15% Listen To Radio See Ad on BB Watch TV Use The Web Read Newsp 12% Read Mag % Who Used Medium Within 30 Min of Last Purchase Source: Arbitron/Edison Research “The Road Ahead” June 2011 P18+ Based: Bought something at supermarket, department store, or any other type of store in past 24 hours 4 Radio Lifts Brand Advertising Results! Key Branding Attributes Experience A Significant Lift When Consumers Are Exposed To A Radio Campaign +13% Brand Awareness +20% Purchase Consideration +14% Purchase Intent +13% Brand Likeability Average % Lift (Exposed to Radio Ad Schedule vs. Not Exposed) Source: Arbitron Radio Today by The Numbers – Spring 2012 (Using Results from Radio Advertising Effectiveness Program, Ipsos OTX, 2010-11 – Ad Schedules for fast food restaurant, insurance, automobile, movies, office supply retailer, and bank). 5 Radio Reaches Over 95% of Hispanics Radio Reaches more than 9 in every 10 Hispanic Adults every week Total Market Hispanic 96.0% 94.7% 95.0% 92.7% 94.8% 96.2% 94.7% 92.7% A18+ A18-34 A25-54 A35-64 Source: RAB Radio Marketing Guide, based on RADAR ® 114, September 2012 (Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimates) / %Reach across demos 6 Hispanics Continue To Drive Radio Listening Growth “ …The demographic headwinds facing radio’s core 18-49 and 25-54 demos are being softened by the booming Hispanic population. Arbitron says the number of Hispanic weekly radio listeners grew across nearly every demographic segment. Overall, the number of Hispanics (12+) who listened to radio each week was up 2.5 million compared to a year ago. The biggest gains were among Hispanic teenage listeners which grew by 300,000 compared to last September. Overall, radio reaches nearly 95% of all Hispanics… ” Source: Arbitron and Inside Radio, September 18, 2012 7 Brands and Marketers Are Increasingly Investing on Hispanic Radio Spanish Radio Advertising is Growing at A Faster Rate Investment on Hispanic Spot Radio (Millions) 2010 Investment on Total Spot Radio (Millions) 2011 2010 $666 $14,181 2011 $14,060 $598 Hispanic Spot Radio Ad Spend Has Increased +11% vs. the Previous Year Total Spot Radio Ad Spend Has Decreased -5% vs. the Previous Year Source: 2012 Ad Age Hispanic Factpack (Hispanic Dollars), RAB Radio Revenue Report (Total). Hispanics are Very ENGAGED with Spanish Radio Nearly 2-3x More Time with Spanish Radio Across Major Markets, Hispanics Spend More Time Listening to SL Radio! Time Spent with EL Radio Time Spent with SL Radio % Advantage Los Angeles 3:15 5:30 +69% New York 3:30 6:00 +71% Miami 3:15 5:15 +62% Houston 3:15 9:00 +177% Chicago 4:00 8:45 +119% Source: Arbitron PPM Q2 2012, Hispanic A18-49 AWTE (TSL), Total Week (Top 5 SL Stations vs. Top 5 EL Stations among A1849) 9 Radio is The Original Social Network – Truly Connecting with Hispanic Consumers Hispanic Weekly Users A18-49 18.1 MILLION 9.9 million 9.6 million About 72% of Hispanic A18-49 invite Radio to be part of their lives. On a typical day-- • 82% more will use Radio than will go to Facebook • 88% more will use Radio than will go to Google Search 8.6 million • 111% more will use Radio than will go to 3.1 million • 476% more will use Radio than will go to 1.3 million • 1218% more will use Radio than will go YouTube Pandora to Twitter Source: Simmons NHCS Spring 2012 FY, Hispanic A18-49 – Radio Cume Listening Total Week, Actual Websites Visited Last 7 Days 10 The Effectiveness Of In-Culture Advertising Culturally Connected Hispanics Actively Research Brands and Products % Of Hispanics That Agree HA18-34 High CCI HA18-34 Hispanic A35+ 57% 59% 52% 43% 35% 32% I often look up product reviews online before I purchase a product at the store I often sign up via email or text message for sales at my favorite stores They are more open to brand messaging… Source: 2012 Univision’s Cultural Connection Study, conducted in collaboration with Burke. 12 Commercial Impact and Ad Effectiveness Is Higher With Spanish Radio “I Often Pay Attention to the Ads on Radio” 40% Ads on Spanish Radio are 23% 74% More Likely 12% Non-Hispanics to Ads on English Radio to impact their audience compared to English Radio ads heard by Hispanics. Hispanics to Ads on English Radio Hispanics To Ads on Spanish Radio Source: Univision Media Habits Study 2010 (top 2 boxes: very descriptive, descriptive; Spanish Index is derived as follows… Hispanic listen to SL-radio/Hispanic listen to EL-radio x 100, and Hispanic listen to SL-radio/non-Hispanic listen to EL-radio x 100) 13 Spanish Radio Ads Influence Purchase Behavior! Hispanic listeners are 53% more likely to purchase products advertised on Spanish Radio compared to Hispanic listeners of English radio. Purchase Because of Ads: 26% 17% 11% I AM MORE LIKELY TO PURCHASE PRODUCTS ADVERTISED ON RADIO NON-HISPANIC: LISTEN TO ENGLISH RADIO HISPANIC: LISTEN TO ENGLISH RADIO HISPANIC: LISTEN TO SPANISH RADIO Source: Univision Media Habits Study 2010 (top 2 boxes: very descriptive, descriptive) 14 The Univision Radio Connection Univision: A Large and Influential National Audience Unique Weekly Audience 16.4 MILLION National Univision Radio Coverage Seattle Total US Hispanic Coverage 94 Percent* Portland Minneapolis Boston Boise UNIVISION Radio Stations: 69 O&Os, 100+ Affiliates Sacramento San Francisco/SJ Omaha Salt Lake City Fresno 13 stations ranked among the Top 5 with total A18-49, regardless of language. Indianapolis Kansas City Wichita Cincinnati Nashville Los Angeles Amarillo Albuquerque San Diego Memphis Dallas Lubbock El Paso Atlanta Birmingham San Antonio Charlotte Columbia Wilmington Jacksonville Austin New Orleans Univision Radio stations are #1 or #2 among Hispanics in All Top 10 Markets. Washington D.C Richmond Springfield Phoenix Tucson New York Philadelphia Sioux City Denver Las Vegas Bakersfield Prov. Chicago Reno Houston Corpus-Christi Orlando Tampa Ft Myers Miami McAllen /Brownsville Univision Radio O&O States and Markets Additional Affiliate States and Markets* Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012A18-49 DMA Rankings MSu 6a-12m (including PR), *Coverage based on Univision, plus Envision, Monitor Latino, Mediabase, and Piolin Affiliates , Highest Ranked = #1 or #2 Hispanic Rank with A18-49 Puerto Rico 16 An Audience As Large as The Next Three Competitors Combined Total Weekly Cume Listeners: 16.4 MILLION 8.7 million 4.4 million 3.2 million 2.7 million 2.2 million Source: Arbitron Spring 2012 (DMA) - Unduplicated P12+ Cume MSu 6a-12m (incl. PR and Spill). Unduplicated Cumes for competitor groups, include non UVN markets also. Entravision, Liberman, Clear Channel Hispanic and CBS Radio Spanish include Spanish Formatted Stations Only 17 Total Market Leader Top Ratings Performance in Key Hispanic Markets Regardless of Language Total Market Rank: A18-34 Total Market Rank: A18-49 Total Market Rank: A25-49 Total Market Rank: A25-54 Market Station Los Angeles KLVE 6 4 3 4 New York WXNY 7 10 7 8 Miami WAMR 9t 8 6t 7 Houston KLTN 2 2 2 1 Chicago WOJO 6 6 3 4 Dallas KLNO 2 2 2 2 San Francisco KSOL 3t 4 5 7 Phoenix KHOT 4 3t 3 3t San Diego KLQV 7 5 4 4 San Antonio KBBT 2t 2 3 3 San Antonio KROM 5 5 2 2 Las Vegas KRGT 3 4 5t 10 Austin KLQB 5t 5t 2t 9 Fresno KOND 3t 3 3 4t Mc Allen KGBT-F 4 2 1 1 Albuquerque KKSS 1 1 4 5 Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012, Total Market Demos, DMA Rankings, M-Sun 6a-7p 18 TOP 10 DMAs Univision Stations Are #1 or #2 Among Hispanic Consumers The Top DMAs HISPANIC Rank: A18-34 HISPANIC Rank: A18-49 HISPANIC Rank: A25-49 HISPANIC Rank: A25-54 Market Station Los Angeles KLVE 2 1 1 1 Los Angeles KSCA 4 2 2 2 New York WXNY 2 2 2 2 Houston KLTN 1 1 1 1 Miami WAMR 4 2 2 1 Chicago WOJO 1 1 1 1 Dallas KLNO 1 1 1 1 San Francisco KSOL 1 1 1 1 San Francisco KBRG 2 2 2 2 San Antonio KBBT 1 2 2 2t San Antonio KROM 2 1 1 1 Phoenix KHOT 2 2 2 2 Mc Allen KGBT-F 4 2 1 1 San Diego KLQV 1 1 1 1 Las Vegas KISF 3 2 2 2 Fresno KOND 2 2 2 2 Albuquerque KKSS 1 1 1t 2t 19 Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012, Hispanic Demos, DMA Rankings MSu 6a-7p Univision Radio Leads with P18-49 Across Top Markets Compared To Other Spanish Groups TOP 10 DMAs Persons 18-49 Los Angeles 39% 19% 22% 20% -- void -- -- void -- New York 42% 59% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- Miami 41% 28% -- void -- -- void -- 21% -- void -- Houston 60% -- void -- 1% 23% -- void -- 16% Chicago 69% 18% -- void -- -- void -- 13% -- void -- Dallas 40% -- void -- -- void -- 39% -- void -- 20% San Francisco 69% 17% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- San Antonio 75% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- Phoenix 54% -- void -- 31% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- McAllen 57% -- void -- 23% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- Las Vegas 46% -- void -- 21% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- Albuquerque 48% -- void -- 14% -- void -- -- void -- -- void -- Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012 DMA, Hispanic P18-49 / Total Week / Share of Spanish AQH by Group Owner Univision Radio Has The Largest Share of Spanish Listening In Key Radio Markets Univision Radio is the only group with stations in all the Top 10 Markets, and in these markets collectively, Univision delivers over 50% of Spanish Radio Listening Among A18-49 SF 69% LA 39% NY 42% CH 69% PX 54% DAL 40% Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012, Adults 18-49 / Total Week / Univision Share of Spanish AQH SAT 75% HOU 60% MIA 41% Univision Radio Delivers Their Listeners Too! With the Univision Radio Network, You Also Reach The Vast Majority of Listeners on Other Radio Groups (i.e. 64% of Liberman’s audience in LA is found on Univision Radio) Adults 18-49 UR Los Angeles 60% UR New York 53% UR Miami 58% 67% 58% UR Houston UR Chicago 87% 78% 80% 71% UR Dallas UR San Francisco 64% 71% 64% 81% UR San Antonio* 93% UR Phoenix 77% UR Las Vegas 76% Indicates no presence for the group in the market Source: Arbitron PPM Q3 2012, P18-49 Duplication / Total Week / Based on 1+ Hours of Listening Each Week. *San Antonio groups include Spanish Stations Only; CBS and CC include Spanish formats only. Our Exclusive Content Platforms Targeted Radio Formats Regional Mexican Sp. Adult Hits (Recuerdo) Spanish CHR Hot AC Tropical Latin Rhythmic Plus additional Music and Talk Formats 24 Formats That Reflect Our Audience Relevant. Engaging. Our music and talk formats deliver people of multiple countries of origin. Of multiple races and religions. Celebrate their strong cultural traditions and Hispanic heritage. And cover a broad spectrum of acculturation. Top Ranked Morning Drive Personalities Among Hispanic Listeners Los Angeles Univision Radio is the home of today’s most popular Latin radio hosts, whose talent wins over the airwaves across major U.S. cities. Univision’s EXCLUSIVE personalities consistently deliver top audiences in #1 AM Drive nationally and at the local market level. #1 New York Dallas #1 San Francisco #1 #1 Miami Phoenix #1 #1 Houston San Antonio #1 #1 Chicago McAllen #1 #1 Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012, Hispanic P18-49 MF 6a-10a 26 “Influencer” FM Personalities 81% listen to their 55% listen to their favorite 69% follow their favorite favorite personality wherever they can personality via computer or mobile device when away from a radio personality and or/station on social media Source: University of Southern California, “Parasocial Interaction Between On-air Radio Personalities and Listeners,” 2012. 27 Radio Personalities Provide A Very Strong Cultural Connection 75% More than 3/4 of Listeners turn the radio on because they know their favorite personality is on the air …And listen longer because of them! Source: University of Southern California, “Parasocial Interaction Between On-air Radio Personalities and Listeners,” 2012. 28 Univision America Network Launch Date: July 4, 2012 New AM radio network designed to inform, entertain, and empower Hispanic Listeners It includes radio stations in top Hispanic markets across the country and features local, national and international news, weather and traffic updates, as well as shows focused on the issues that matter most to Hispanics, including current events, health and family, finances, education, sports, and entertainment More Listeners More Shows More Exposure 29 Univision America Network The largest Spanish AM network in the U.S. National delivery of U.S. and international news leveraging the power of the Univision brand in America Consumer targeting via specific content areas, such as local news, weather and traffic updates, and/or specific category environments Younger, more dynamic audience, not reached by English language media On-air (in-show) integration and programming solutions leveraging some of Hispanic media’s most influential personalities Digital extensions including Streaming, SMS/Mobile, Social Networking and other interactive platforms Customized Events and Retail Activations 30 Univision America A Network of Powerful SL AM Stations Across the U.S. Univision America Stations KTNQ WQBA KLAT WRTO KFLC KCOR KGBT KQBU KLSQ WADO Los Angeles Miami Houston Chicago Dallas San Antonio Mc Allen El Paso Las Vegas New York* Univision America covers 8 of the Top 10 Hispanic DMA’s And more than 51% of U.S. Hispanics live in the Top 10 markets Source: Arbitron Nationwide Spring 2012, Hispanic A18-49 * New York’s WADO not rebranded as UA, but airing the Univision America programming 31 Univision America Targeted On-Air Environments Weekday Programming Univision America M-F 6a-9a Local, National, and International News Dra. Isabel Show M-F 12 p – 2 p Self Empowerment Helen Aguirre M-F 4p-6p National Issues and Politics Locura Deportiva M-F 6 p – 7p All Sports Show El Colmillo M-F 8 p – 9 p Entertainment Talk Program Times Listed are Eastern Standard Times Fernando Espuelas M-F 2 p-4p Current Events and Politics Sanísimo M-F 7 p – 8 p Health and Nutrition 32 Univision America Targeted On-Air Environments Weekend Programming El Garaje De Autozone Sat. 9a – 10a Automotive Talk Tu Dinero con Julie Stav Sat. 12n – 2p Financial Literacy Hit Parade de America Sun. 3p – 5p Music Countdown Dra. Aliza Sat. 11 a– 12n Family Health Cuentas Claras Sat. 10a – 11a Finance 101 El Show de Alfonso Aguilar Sat. 2p– 4p Political Commentary/Analysis Locura Deportiva Sun. 5p– 7p All Sports Show El Handyman Sat. 4p – 5p Home Improvement Sunday and Monday Night Football Scheduled Times Live Play by Play 33 Program Times Listed are Eastern Standard Times “Influencer” Personalities on AM 52% of Dra. Isabel’s 1 in every 2 of Listeners are likely to buy a product she talks about on her show Julie’s Listeners are likely to buy a product she talks about on her show 54% feel comfortable asking doctors about prescription medications advertised Sources: GfK National Hispanic Omnitel, May 2011 2010 Yankelovich MONITOR Multicultural Marketing Study, HA18+ Fernando brings the rare perspective of a person who respects the heritage of the past, but who has touched the future. As a result, his opinions have a timely resonance” Henry Cisneros 34 El Show de María Marín Self Empowerment Opportunities Maria Marín voice is a tidal wave sweeping over millions of women around the U.S. and Puerto Rico. • National commercial inventory Inspiring, motivating and entertaining with music and talk, she speaks, and listens, to what women care about: love, family, career, and personal success. Ride this wave, and your brand will do the same. Recognized as one of the 25 Most Powerful Women in the U.S. by People en Español. • Customized Client vignettes • Segment Sponsorships • Live Reads available • Talent Appearances available • Digital Program Extensions: Streaming, Mobile, Online and Social Networking • Caller-Line Sponsorships She is a Trusted Resource About 1 in 4 Hispanics regularly listen to Maria’s show on Spanish radio. Most Current Book Release, 2012 – “If I’m so Fabulous, Why Am I Single?” And more than half of her listeners (52%) are likely to buy a product or service if she talks about it on her show! Source: GFK/NOP National Hispanic Omnitel/ May 2011, Base A18+ 35 National Football League Hosted by Rafael Hernández Brito National Football League Monday Night, Conference Playoffs, and Super Bowl Sunday Night, Monday Night Every Sunday and Monday night, broadcasts on Radio America the NFL Primetime game of the week “live.” Univision Radio hosts cover all the action from start to finish with pre-season games, all primetime, and post season games, including the Pro Bowl in Hawaii and The Super Bowl. Schedule of NFL Games Hall of Fame Pre-Season Kickoff Classic Prime Time Sunday Night Games Prime Time Monday Night Games Thanksgiving Day 10 Play-Off Games Super Bowl Pro Bowl Univision Radio Delivers Bilinguals Eight in Ten Univision Radio Listeners are Bilingual Univision Radio Hispanic A18-49 Total Week 80% of Univision Radio listeners speak both Spanish and English, or are Bilingual. Span & Engl, 80% And just 2% of the audience speaks English Only Span Only, 17% Engl Only, 2% Source: Simmons NHCS Spring 2012 FY, Hispanic A18-49 Listen to Univision Radio, M-Su 6a-12m Univision Radio Listeners Do NOT Engage with Top Ranked English Radio Stations Univision Radio Hispanic A18-49 % Missed by English Stations Univision Radio New York Univision Radio Los Angeles 75% Do not listen to WKTU-FM 79% Do not listen to KXOL-FM 84% Do not listen to WLTW-FM 79% Do not listen to KAMP-FM 86% Do not listen to WHTZ-FM 80% Do not listen to KIIS-FM 86% Do not listen to WWPR-FM 81% Do not listen to KPWR-FM 86% Do not listen to WXRK-FM 88% Do not listen to KOST-FM Source: Arbitron PPM Jul-Aug-Sep (Q3) 2012, Hispanic P18-49 MSu 6a-12m Univision Radio Duplication (based on at least 1 or more hours of listening each week) 39 Bilingual Hispanics Prefer To Listen To Univision Radio Stations In All Top Markets “ I speak Spanish, I speak English, Y a veces, I speak BOTH” 1 # in Key Markets Including: New York* -- Miami Houston -- Chicago Dallas -- San Francisco San Antonio -- San Diego Albuquerque -- Las Vegas* Source: Arbitron PPM Q3 2012, Hispanic P18-49 Bilingual AQH Rank M-Su 6a-12m (based on 1+ hours of listening each week) - * indicates #2 Ranking 40 Univision Radio Delivers Valuable Consumers Meet The Univision Radio Listener UVN Listener 19% 26% 19% 16% 15% 26% 22% 17% 16% 71% 13% 17% 69% 12% 60% 63% 51% 52% 47% 54% 46% 48% AGE Listener Age 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 Median: 38 yrs old 44% All Hispanics 56% LANGUAGE Spanish Only Bilingual English Only EMPLOYMENT Full or Part Time HOME OWNERSHIP Own a Home CHILDREN IN HH Any EDUCATION Graduated H.S. College or More Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 FY, A18+ Listen to Univision Radio I am Two Cultures Combined Into A New One! I’m An Individual I Embrace Collaboration I’m Proud Of My Heritage I Love America I Listen to Mana I Listen to U2 I Am on Facebook I Post in English & Spanish I Have a Twitter Account I Tweet in Span & Eng I’m A Mobile Consumer 95% of Univision Radio’s weekly audience owns a cell phone I want more from my phone 51% I use my phone in many different ways to get the information that I need My phone allows me to stay connected in many ways 43% My cell phone connects me to my SOCIAL world Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 FY, A18+ Listen to Univision Radio I Like To Shop and Set Trends I really like to go shopping frequently! - Index 136 I am an Early Adopter 53% I am the first new fashions, gadgets, food products, or new stores! Index 134. I am an Influencer 48% Friends often ask for advice before buying new things like electronics, or financial products. Index 108. Source: Simmons Spring 2012 NHCS Adult Survey Full-Year, A18+ who listened to Univision Radio Music is “My Culture” Music is a HUGE hobby for me 71% Listen to music as a main hobby and source of entertainment Music is ingrained in my daily life 65% Believe that Music plays an important part of my life. Love to go out, seek live music for entertainment 43% Enjoy going out to bars, nightclubs, dancing or attending live concerts and events Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 FY, A18+ Listen to Univision Radio Event Marketing Platforms 47 Music Resonates With Our Consumers and Influences Mainstream Culture Maná Jumps Past Britney Spears In Record 11 Shows at L.A.'s Staples Center “Mexican rock band Maná, the biggest-selling and touring Latin rock group, last year tied Britney Spears with eight sold-out shows at Los Angeles' Staples Center, but this week return to the Southland for another career milestone: three more nights, giving the rock act a total of 11 unprecedented sold-out shows at the venue…” Redefining the Meaning of “Crossover” “For years music executives have assumed that Latin American musicians would have to record in English to achieve major success in the United States, like Shakira or Ricky Martin. But Maná, with its mix of love songs and more pointed political material about immigration and the environment, has been playing sold-out concerts across the United States for decades, selling millions of records in the process. And while it has attracted fans with no connection to Latin America with its Police-style reggae and pop-influenced rock, the band has no plans to begin singing in English…From Maná’s perspective, crossing over may be an anachronism. It has simply redefined what crossover means.“ Sources: Billboard “Mana Jumps Past Britney Spears In Record 11 Shows at L.A.'s Staples Center” Apr 16, 2012 / New York Times “Redefining the Meaning of Crossover” May 16, 2012 Univision Radio Music Marketing Event Overviews H20 Privado Concert Series For the past ten years, Univision Radio has produced the quarterly Private Concert Series, the most recognized, intimate and exclusive Latin music experience featuring the most well-known and chart topping artists. Beginning in 2013, we will extend our highly successful and established H20 music brand to this outstanding marketing platform to proudly present the “H20 Privado Concert Series”! H20 Music Festival In 2012 Univision Radio launched the inaugural H20 Music Festival featuring A-List Latin and General Market Artists performing at the same event. The H20 Music Festival is a one-of-a-kind targeted marketing platform designed to engage the Total Market consumers who share the same passions: The Universal love of great music and unique entertainment experiences with the flavor of the Latin culture! H20 Privado Concert Series Past Artist Performances Have Included: Enrique Iglesias Paulina Rubio Ricky Martin Pitbull Mana Marc Anthony Juanes H20 Music Festival 2012 Artist Performances Included: Mana Gym Class Heroes Ozomatli Snoop Dogg Juanes John Legend Prince Royce Intocable Wisin y Yandel Weezer Damian Marley 2013 Univision Radio Music Marketing Platform Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 H20 Privado Concert Series H20 Privado Concert Series H20 Privado Concert Series H20 Music Festival H20 Privado Concert Series Miami New York Miami Los Angeles Las Vegas February May July August November Guzman Theatre Roseland Ballroom Guzman Theatre LA State Historical Park House of Blues Attendance: 2,000 Attendance: 2,000 Attendance: 2,000 Attendance: 15,000 Attendance: 2,000 Artist TBD Artist TBD Artist TBD Artists: TBD Artist: TBD 2013 Univision Radio Music Marketing Sponsorship Opportunities National, Regional and Local Media Promotion • Radio, TV & Interactive National, Regional and Local Sweepstakes Consumer Promotion • Consumer VIP Fly-Away Promotion Retail Activation Promotion • Drive-to-Retail Promotion Digital Promotion • • • • Local Univision Radio Station Web-Site Promotion Audio Streaming, Banner & Pre-Roll Promotion H20MusicFestival.com Promotion Univision Radio/H20 App Promotion Social Networking Promotion • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. On-Site Event Activation • • • • • • • • Branded Consumer/Sponsor VIP Area Consumer VIP Artist Meet and Greet Digital Main Stage Signage Live Streaming Sponsorship Stage Mentions Free-Standing Exhibition Area Product Sampling/Display/Distribution And much, much more! Fillmore. Miami Beach Univision Radio Private Concerts Univision Radio Private Concerts Custom Retail Activation Programs 56 Consumer Impact Beyond Radio Influencer Marketing Retail Activation High-profile Local & National personalities promote & create brand alignment via content integration & product endorsement platforms Customized, strategic and tactical Retail Activation programs utilizing our Local promotional marketing divisions to drive distribution, channel traffic, create brand awareness and move product Experiential Marketing Cinco de Mayo Fiestas Patrias Private Concert Series Latin Grammy Street Parties Award Shows Women/Family Expos 57 Attracting Consumers and Moving Product In-Store and Retail Activations Opportunity to Drive Traffic and Move Product at The Local Level Spanish Language POP and Univision Radio Media Drives Consumers To Redeem Offers Product Sampling and Giveaways For Consumers In-Store Talent Meet & Greets at Retail Locations 58 Beyond Broadcast Radio 59 TECHNOLOGY IS A CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ENABLER Smartphones: A Hub For Hispanics 72% of Hispanics own smartphones that’s 29% more likely than white Non-Hispanics Video Messaging VoIP Mobile Video Streaming audio Photo messaging Game downloads Mobile Internet 149 146 134 128 116 114 106 61 Source: Nielsen Mobile Media Marketplace, Q3 2012, U.S. A13+; Base: Smartphone Owners Only Univision Radio’s Audio Streaming Univision Radio's popularity continues to grow on traditional broadcast, and now through Audio Streaming as well. Univision Radio streams are available via our local Station web sites, the award-winning Univision Radio App, and iHeartradio. Adding Audio Streaming to your Radio schedule allows you to: 1. Stay with our most engaged listeners throughout the day 2. Offer consumers a ‘click’ for more information, coupons, etc Audio Streaming: A Fast Growing Opportunity Streaming Cume Growth October 2010 – October 2012 811,548 Univision Radio’s Streaming impressions continue to show impressive double-digit growth: +61% Growth Year Over Year 505,270 458,305 +77% Growth vs. 2010 Oct-10 Oct-11 Oct-12 Sources: Triton Digital Webcast Metrics August 2012. Univision Radio Streaming Cume. 63 Univision’s Audio Streaming Delivers The Tech Savvy Hispanic Consumer Monthly Streaming Cume: 811,548 Avg. Time Spent: 34 minutes Active Sessions: 9,485,593 Sources: Triton Digital Webcast Metrics October 2012. Univision Radio Streaming Totals 64 Video Streaming/Pre -Roll Univision delivers your message to an engaged audience with the Univision Radio audio and video player. Your :30/:15 second pre-roll spot runs before online users stream Univision Radio stations online. These spots also feature a 300x250 companion ad banner linking listeners to your website Video Pre Roll and Sync’d Banners run along with streaming units on the streaming sites for the full Univision Network Streaming 46 Univision Radio Stations in 17 Markets Chicago WOJO WPPN WVIV San Francisco KSOL KVVF New York WXNY WQBU WADO Las Vegas KISF KRGT Fresno KOND KLLE Phoenix KHOT KQMR El Paso KBNA Los Angeles KSCA KLVE KRCD KTNQ Recuerdo* Amor Celestial San Antonio KXTN KBBT KGSX KROM Dallas KESS KLNO KFZO KDXX Miami WAMR WRTO WAQI UnivisionAmerica* Albuquerque KIOT KKSS San Diego KLNV McAllen KGBT Austin KLJA KLQB *Network feed Houston KLTN KAMA KOVE KQBU Puerto Rico WKAQ-FM WKAQ-AM Radio App – Mobile Streaming Extend the power of your message to over 1.1 MILLION mobile users via influential station brands and high profile personalities Total Downloads 1,167,134 iPhone: 461,685 Android: 705,449 iPhone Launch Date: August 2011 Android Launch Date: November 2011 Did You Know? Hispanic Consumers are more likely to download Entertainment or Radio Apps 43% of Hispanics vs. 39% of Total Adults use Radio apps on their smartphones or tablets!¹ Sources: UIM Intranet + Apple Reports October. 2012 ¹IAB Hispanic Consumers & Digital Media Report, Oct. 2012 Best Socially-Savvy Radio App 2011 Media Vanguard Awards: Broadcast to Digital • The Univision Radio App has been recognized as the Best Socially-Savvy Radio App from the 2011 Media Vanguard Awards. More than 200,000 users have signed on since the launch in August 2011, • Univision Radio App lets mobile fans tune into 45 Univision stations and connect with DJs through Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging-all on their mobile device. Advertising Age, November 14, 2011 68 Video Opportunities Personality Endorsements Why not use the power of Univision Radio personalities to increase brand awareness and/or drive sales of your product, in a culturally relevant way? Hispanics Watch More MORE DIGITAL VIDEO They watch 11% more digital video through mobile devices, and watch 38% more digital video online than white non-Hispanics. click here to visit video gallery online Source: Nielsen Cross-Platform Report Q2 2012 Monthly time spent in hours : minutes by ethnicity and race 69 Univision Radio is Home To Our Listeners Anytime, Anywhere Via Digital Connections Tuned-in to Our Stations Latinos LIVE on Univision Radio Attending Our Events Interacting with Our Personalities Anytime, Anywhere We Can Do Things That You Just Can’t Do Anywhere Else Extending the power of your message. radio 71 Univision’s Media Platforms Combined Deliver The Majority of Hispanic P18-49 In Top DMAs radio Weekly Cume Reach Watch Univision or Telefutura Listen to Univision Radio Visit Univision. com Univision Radio + TV + Online Combined Los Angeles 54% 50% 9% 70% New York 51% 66% 16% 80% Miami 45% 67% 14% 79% Houston 63% 75% 14% 86% Chicago 52% 72% 10% 82% Dallas 56% 57% 11% 73% San Francisco 58% 69% 11% 81% San Antonio 25% 75% 14% 80% Phoenix 43% 52% 6% 62% San Diego 43% 55% 7% 67% Hispanic P18-49 Source: Scarborough Release 2 2012 FY, Hispanic P18-49 Qualitative Cume Reach / DMA Total Week *San Antonio Online includes all Radio Station Websites Appendix 73 Univision Radio Markets and Stations – 2012 STATION AMFM FREQ. MARKET FORMAT STATION AMFM FREQ. MARKET FORMAT KJFA FM 105.1 ALBUQUERQUE REGIONAL MEXICAN KSCA FM 101.9 LOS ANGELES REGIONAL MEXICAN KKRG FM 101.3 ALBUQUERQUE SPANISH HOT AC KTNQ AM 1020 LOS ANGELES NEWS/TALK/SPORTS KKSS FM 97.3 ALBUQUERQUE RHYTHMIC CHR (ENGLISH) KBTQ FM 96.1 MCALLEN SPANISH ADULT HITS KIOT FM 102.5 ALBUQUERQUE CLASSIC ROCK (ENGLISH) KGBT FM 98.5 MCALLEN REGIONAL MEXICAN KLJA FM 107.7 AUSTIN REGIONAL MEXICAN KGBT AM 1530 MCALLEN NEWS/TALK/SPORTS KLQB FM 104.3 AUSTIN REGIONAL MEXICAN WAMR FM 107.5 MIAMI SPANISH CONTEMPORARY WOJO FM 105.1 CHICAGO REGIONAL MEXICAN WAQI AM 710 MIAMI NEWS/TALK/COMMENTARY WPPN FM 106.7 CHICAGO SPANISH CONTEMPORARY WQBA AM 1140 MIAMI NEWS/TALK/SPORTS WRTO AM 1200 CHICAGO NEWS/TALK/SPORTS WRTO FM 98.3 MIAMI SPANISH HOT AC WVIV FM 103.1 CHICAGO SPANISH HOT AC WADO AM 1280 NEW YORK NEWS/TALK/SPORTS WVIX FM 93.5 CHICAGO SIMULCAST WITH WVIV-FM WQBU FM 92.7 NEW YORK SPANISH TROPICAL KDXX FM 107.1 DALLAS SPANISH HOT AC WXNY FM 96.3 NEW YORK SPANISH HOT AC KESS FM 107.9 DALLAS RHYTHMIC CHR (ENGLISH) KHOT FM 105.9 PHOENIX REGIONAL MEXICAN KFLC AM 1270 DALLAS NEWS/TALK/SPORTS KHOV FM 105.3 PHOENIX SIMULCAST WITH KHOT-FM KFZO FM 99.01 DALLAS REGIONAL MEXICAN KKMR FM 106.5 PHOENIX SIMULCAST WITH KOMR-FM KLNO FM 94.1 DALLAS REGIONAL MEXICAN KOMR FM 106.3 PHOENIX SPANISH ADULT HITS KAMA AM 750 EL PASO NEWS/TALK/VARIETY KQMR FM 100.3 PHOENIX SPANISH HOT AC KBNA FM 97.5 EL PASO REGIONAL MEXICAN KBBT FM 98.5 SAN ANTONIO RHYTHMIC CHR (ENGLISH) KQBU AM 920 EL PASO NEWS/TALK/SPORTS KLLE FM 107.9 FRESNO SPANISH CONTEMPORARY KCOR KGSX AM FM 1350 95.1 SAN ANTONIO SAN ANTONIO NEWS/TALK/SPORTS SPANISH HOT AC KOND FM 92.1 FRESNO REGIONAL MEXICAN KROM FM 92.9 SAN ANTONIO REGIONAL MEXICAN KRDA FM 107.5 FRESNO SPANISH ADULT HITS KVWG FM 95.3 SAN ANTONIO SIMULCAST WITH KXTN KAMA FM 104.9 HOUSTON SPANISH CHR KXTN FM 107.5 SAN ANTONIO TEJANO KLAT AM 1010 HOUSTON NEWS/TALK/SPORTS KLNV FM 106.5 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL MEXICAN KLQV FM 102.9 SAN DIEGO SPANISH ADULT HITS KLTN FM 102.9 HOUSTON REGIONAL MEXICAN KBRG FM 100.3 SAN FRANCISCO SPANISH ADULT HITS KOVE FM 106.5 HOUSTON SPANISH ADULT HITS KSOL FM 98.9 SAN FRANCISCO REGIONAL MEXICAN KPTY FM 105.3 HOUSTON SIMULCAST WITH KAMA KSQL FM 99.1 SAN JOSE SIMULCAST WITH KSOL-FM KQBU FM 93.3 HOUSTON REGIONAL MEXICAN KVVF FM 105.7 SAN JOSE SPANISH HOT AC KISF FM 103.5 LAS VEGAS REGIONAL MEXICAN KVVZ FM 100.7 SAN FRANCISCO SIMULCAST WITH KVVF-FM KLSQ AM 870 LAS VEGAS NEWS/TALK/SPORTS WKAQ FM 104.7 SAN JUAN TOP 40 HITS KRGT FM 99.3 LAS VEGAS SPANISH HOT AC WUKQ FM 99.1 MAYAGUEZ SIMULCAST WITH WKAQ-FM KLVE FM 107.5 LOS ANGELES SPANISH AC WKAQ AM 580 SAN JUAN NEWS/TALK/SPORTS KRCD FM 103.9 LOS ANGELES SPANISH ADULT HITS KRCV FM 98.3 LOS ANGELES SIMULCAST WITH KRCD-FM WYEL WUKQ AM AM 600 1420 MAYAGUEZ PONCE TRIMULCAST WITH WKAQ-AM TRIMULCAST WITH WKAQ-AM As of 11.26.2012 2012 Event Participating Sponsors Radio Plays A Vital Role In The Media Mix For Hispanics Impressive Increases in Audience Share Spanish Radio’s national avg. quarter hour shares have seen double digit growth over the past 9 years! Significantly Outpacing Population Growth Spanish Radio Listening Outpaces Hispanic Population Growth in the Last Decade Almost 3x Media Share of Hispanic Media Radio accounts for 1 in 5 dollars spent in Spanish media, while only 7% of Total Media mix. P12+ National AQH Share / Spanish Formats 12.4 7.7 Spr ‘02 Spr ‘11 Population Growth 2010-2000 +43% Hispanic Pop. Growth +56% Spanish Radio Share Growth % Of Total Media Dollars Allocated to Radio 7% Total Media Sources: 2011 Hispanic Radio Today (National Spanish Format Share Aggr.) , 2010 Census – Hispanic Population Growth Media Allocations: Total Ad Spend: Kantar Media Jan-Jun 2011 / SL Ad Spend: 2010 Hispanic Factpack (excl. Network) 18% Spanish Media 76
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