Agenda - Latrobe Council
Agenda - Latrobe Council
LATROBE COUNCIL AGENDA & Attachments COUNCIL MEETING MAY 9TH, 2016 Commencing at 5.00pm. I certify that with respect to all advice, information or recommendations provided to Council with this Agenda: 1. The advice, information or recommendations are given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation; and 2. Where any advice is given directly to Council by a person who does not have the required qualifications or experience, that person has obtained and taken into account in that person’s general advice the advice from an appropriately qualified or experienced person. 3. Councillors are reminded of their obligations under Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1993 in respect to Interests. General Manager GENERAL MANAGER NOTES: S.65(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 requires the General Manager to ensure that any advice, information or recommendations given to the Council (or a Council committee) is given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation. S.65(2) forbids Council from deciding any matter that requires the advice of a qualified person without considering that advice. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 1 AGENDA NOTICE is hereby given that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Latrobe Council will be held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on Monday, May 9th, 2016 at 5.00pm at which the following items are listed for discussion. ITEM NO SUBJECT PAGE 14650 APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE:.................................................................. 4 14651 PECUNIARY INTEREST-LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MEETING PROCEDURES) REGULATIONS 2015 – CLAUSE (7): ................................................................... 4 14652 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 18TH APRIL, 2016: ..................................................................................................................... 4 14653 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND QUESTION TIME: .............................................. 4 14654 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS: .................................................................................... 4 14655 COUNCIL DECISION STATUS REPORT: ............................................................ 5 14656 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 3RD MAY, 2016: 15 14657 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 4TH MAY, 2016: ....................................................................... 16 14658 PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 21ST APRIL, 2016: ....................................................................................................... 16 14659 PORT SORELL ROAD – PROPOSED REVIEW OF EXISTING SPEED LIMIT: 16 14660 COUNCILLOR’S MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT:............................................... 17 14661 FINANCE REPORT – APRIL 2016: .................................................................... 17 14662 DOG REGISTRATION FEES FOR 2016/2017: .................................................. 17 14663 COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 19TH APRIL, 2016: ................................................................................................................... 18 14664 BUILDING – APPLICATIONS ISSUED – APRIL 2016:....................................... 18 14665 PLANNING – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS – STATUS REPORT – APRIL 2016: ................................................................................................................... 19 14666 NAMING OF NEW ROAD CREATED BY STAGE 3 OF A 86 LOT SUBDIVISION ON CORNER OF COTTON AND STANLEY STREET, LATROBE ...................... 21 14667 CLOSED MEETING: ........................................................................................... 21 14668 14669 14670 14671 14672 14673 14674 14675 14676 14677 14678 Apologies........................................................................................................................................ .21 Leave of Absence .......................................................................................................................... .21 th Confirmation of Minutes – Closed Meeting held 18 April, 2016 ................................................... .21 Council Decision Status Report April, 2016– Closed Meeting ....................................................... .21 th Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Meeting Minutes held 24 March, 2016 ............................... .21 th Cradle Coast Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 12 April, 2016............................................ .21 th Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc. Caravan Park Meeting held 19 April, 2016 ................................... 22 th Dulverton Waste Management Authority Minutes held 27 April, 2016 ........................................ 22 th Mersey-Leven Municipal Emergency Management Meeting Minutes held 9 March, 2016 ......... 22 Closed Meeting Item Confidentiality .............................................................................................. 22 OPEN COUNCIL: ................................................................................................ 22 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS INDEX ANNEXURE “A” ...................................................................................................................24 TH CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 18 APRIL, 2016...................................24 ANNEXURE “B” ................................................................................................................... 31 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 3 RD MAY, 2016...........................................31 ANNEXURE “C” ...................................................................................................................38 TH LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 4 MAY, 2016 ........................................................................................................................................................38 ANNEXURE “D” ...................................................................................................................44 PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 21 ST APRIL, 2016.............................44 ANNEXURE “E” ................................................................................................................... 45 PORT SORELL ROAD – PROPOSED REVIEW OF EXISTING SPEED LIMIT...........................................45 ANNEXURE “F” ................................................................................................................... 48 COUNCILLOR’S MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT .........................................................................................48 ANNEXURE “G” ................................................................................................................... 67 FINANCE REPORT – APRIL 2016 ................................................................. .............................................67 ANNEXURE “H” ..................................................................................................................126 DOG REGISTRATION FEES FOR 2016/2017 ...........................................................................................126 ANNEXURE “I”....................................................................... ............................................128 TH COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 19 APRIL, 2016 ..................................128 ANNEXURE “J” ...................................................................................................................131 NAMING OF NEW ROAD CREATED BY STAGE 3 OF A 86 LOT SUBDIVISION ON CORNER OF COTTON STREET AND STANLEY STREET, LATROBE .............................. ............................................131 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 3 14650 APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Nil. 14651 PECUNIARY INTEREST-LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MEETING PROCEDURES) REGULATIONS 2015 – CLAUSE (7): The Chairperson is to request whether Councillors have a pecuniary interest in any item on the Agenda. 14652 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 18TH APRIL, 2016: Author General Manager Annexure “A” Minutes of meeting held 18/04/16 Recommendation That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Latrobe Council, held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on 18th April, 2016 copies of which have been printed and circulated on Annexure “A” of the Agenda, be taken as read and confirmed. 14653 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND QUESTION TIME: Questions and comments will not be accepted in relation to Planning Authority items. GOVERNANCE UNIT 14654 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS: Author General Manager General Manager’s Comments i. Council Workshops were held on 18th April and 26th April, 2016. The following subjects were discussed; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Regional Governance Review Reiby Street Pipe Open Drain Community Information Evenings Tarleton/Spreyton Land Use Review Public Open Space – Revised Proposal Plan James Street Laneway – Proposed Takeover Special Workshop – Statewide Planning Scheme Cotton Street Footpath – 2015/16 Capital Project LGAT General Meeting Agenda – Items for Discussion Port Sorell Main Road Budget Estimates for 2016/2017 Marram/Rice Grass (Helene Sankey) Lighting – Hill Street Carpark AFL 2016 NAB Challenge New Code of Conduct Rules for Councillors 9th May, 2016 Page 4 ii. Councillor’s Workshops were held on 30th March and 2nd May, 2016. The following subjects were discussed; • Public speaking • Meeting procedures • Contributing to committees • Feedback from sub-committees • Strategic Workshop • Council Agenda input / timeframes • Public art • Reporting back to Councillors • Review of EPU’s / potential further development • Latrobe CBD report • Proposed ‘Planning Prospectus’ • Review of Port Sorell EBD • Bosworth Park • Elected Member Workshops The above information is listed as required by Clause 8 (2) (c) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. Recommendation That information on topics discussed at the 30th March, 18th April, 26th April and 2nd May, 2016 Council Workshops be received. 14655 Date COUNCIL DECISION STATUS REPORT: Min Ref 13/10/14 14041 Details Action Required Action Status Officer LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD OCTOBER 1ST, 2014: That the Latrobe Sport and GM Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated October 1st, 2014 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; 1) That the following recommendations contained therein be endorsed: GM to raise and clarify benefit with this. e) That an access ramp be constructed in the kerb to allow wheelchair bound patrons to access the Perkins Park area from the Latrobe Recreation Ground Preferred option: checking disabled access within ground. Access to be installed. 09/06/15 14298 PLANNING SCHEME That the report by the Planning AMENDMENT Officer dated 1 June 2015 as 01/2015 (Hawley circulated on Annexure “G” be Esplanade) – Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 MPS Section 39 report and modified amendment sent to TPC on 11 Page 5 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer CONSIDERATION OF received and the Council resolve to: REPRESENTATIONS 1. Forward the required Section : 39 report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission with a copy of the submissions from the representors and a recommendation that the Amendment be modified to: June 2015. Hearing commenced on 30th July, 2015 and adjourned pending submissions from the applicant and Council, due September, 2015. a. Redefine the boundaries of the land to be included in the Port Sorell and Environs Specific Area Plan by excluding the landscaped berm to a width of 10m along its northern edge; Submission from Council sent to TPC on 21 September, 2015. b. Include an additional Standard for the requirement of landscaping with development; and Decision of TPC required amendment to be substantially modified c. Correct the typographical errors identified. Council directed to prepare modified amendment and lodge with TPC for certification. Modified Amendment certified by TPC and placed on public exhibition for 28 days from 13 February 2016. Refer item 14611 13/07/15 14329 PORT SORELL FORMER LANDFILL SITE DEVELOPMENT Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda That the Council receive the report prepared by the General Manager and: 1. Submit the endorsed 9th May, 2016 GM Council has IPD Consulting appointed to progress with the EPA. GM and Page 6 Date 9/11/15 Min Ref 14446 Details Action Required PLAN: Development Plan to the EPA for approval. 2. Prepare a decommissioning and rehabilitation plan for the establishment of a regional park in line with the Development Plan and in accordance with EPA requirements. 3. Develop a staged plan and budget for implementation of the Development Plan, maximising external funding sources. 4. Prepare a planning scheme amendment for the site to provide an appropriate zoning for the implementation of the Development Plan. 5. Consult with the Port Sorell community to decide on detailed design elements and identify a name for the future site. That the Port Sorell Advisory GM Committee minutes dated 27th October, 2015 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 27TH OCTOBER, 2015: a) That a sign stating, “Shearwater Village …metres” with an arrow to the right be erected on the bank leading into the Industrial Estate on Alexander Street; Action Status Officer ESM met with IPD and EPA in November, 2015. IPD Progressing. IPD Progressing with EPA, status report being prepared and an appropriate budget allocation for 2016/17 discussed. Proposal developed and considered at the December PSAC meeting. Further considered at PSAC March meeting. Aged care and medical centre to be included. Await Council approval of PSAC minutes. Proof and quote being finalised by sign maker prior to approval, manufacture and Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 7 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer installation. 14/12/15 14491 PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT PAINTBALL FACILITY – 37 SPEEDWAY DRIVE, LATROBE: That the report by the Planning PBSM Officer dated 8 December 2015 concerning Draft Amendment 04/15 and DA 184/2015 be received and Council: 1. Approve the proposed amendment as presented; and 4. Approve the proposed paintball facility with conditions: Amendment certified and placed on public exhibition with draft permit for 28 days from 19 December 2015 not including period from 25 December 2015 to 3 January 2016. No representations received. S39 report lodged with TPC. 15/02/16 14556 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD – 2ND FEBRUARY, 2016: That the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 2nd February, 2016 be received and noted and; a) GM That John Bowden and Anne Lockett be the representatives of a subcommittee to discuss beach accesses with Council’s Engineering staff; b) 15/02/16 14559 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda That Council consider the establishment of a Youth Council in lieu of spending funds on reviewing Council’s Youth Policy. That the report by Council’s Tourism and Economic Development Officer dated 4th February, 2016 concerning Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Progressing. PSAC and staff reps have met on site and reported back to PSAC. Works have commenced at sites. 9th May, 2016 GM Council has called for expressions of interest with regards to Page 8 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer Plan, be received and that Council; 2. Continue negotiations with: (i) state government land managers (Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania) plus Cement Australia in the Kentish Municipality, with a view to securing a lease agreement over the required land. (ii) continue negotiations with the Tasmania Trail management committee for access to their infrastructure. 15/02/16 14565 21/03/16 14584 AMENDMENT 03/15 (WILMOT,STREET) ANALYSIS AND CONSIDERATION OF MERIT OF REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED DURING STATUTORY PUBLIC EXHIBITION PERIOD: PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 8TH MARCH, 2016: That the report by the Manager PBSM Planning Services dated 9 February 2016 as circulated be received and the Council resolve to: 1. Forward the required Section 39 report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission with a copy of the submissions from the representors and a recommendation that the Amendment be modified Refer to minutes for detailed motion That the Port Sorell Advisory GM Committee Meeting Minutes dated 8th March, 2016 be received and noted and; c) 21/03/16 14585 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 9TH MARCH, 2016: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Plan placed on public exhibition. Negotiations commenced with land managers. Refer to item 14589 S39 report lodged with TPC. Hearing to be held on 7 April. Hearing held on 7th April, 2016 awaiting TPC decision. Progressing. Database prepared That letters be posted to offenders informing them of the regulations in relation to “A” frame signs being placed within the road reserve. That the Latrobe Sport and GM Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 9th March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) construction of a flying fox. Cricket Club to apply for grant, refer to item 14622 That prior to commencement of the 2016/17 cricket season a grant application be submitted to Cricket Tasmania to gain funding for 9th May, 2016 Page 9 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer the proposed netting cover. 21/03/16 14586 BANKSIA CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 2ND MARCH, 2016: That the Banksia Centre GM Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 2nd March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; c) 21/03/16 14588 CAMP BANKSIA CONTROLLING AUTHORITY – PROPOSED CHANGE TO A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Progressing. Signage Policy to go to a Council Workshop That Bendigo Banks proposal be received and the advertising sign be installed with no additional charges subject to review by Mr. Poulton of Councils signage policy and location approval by Mrs. Bell and Mr. Poulton. That the report of the General Manager dated 8th March, 2016 relating to the transfer of Camp Banksia Controlling Authority to a special committee of council be received and that Council: 1. Abolish the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority in accordance with Section 29(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 as from 30th June, 2016; 3. Implement the Camp Banksia Special Committee as from the 1st July, 2016; 4. Appoint the current Chairman of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority, Mr. Robert Atkinson to the Committee for an initial period of twelve months and pay him a retainer fee of $3,760; 6. Request Camp Banksia Controlling Authority to allow members of the proposed Camp Banksia Special Committee to observe their May and June meetings prior to the formal takeover of management as from the 1st July, 2016; 8. Present a Certificate of Appreciation to the current 9th May, 2016 GM Letters sent Noted. Certificate to be Page 10 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer Controlling Authority members to recognise their contribution and long term commitment to Camp Banksia. 21/03/16 14589 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN: That the Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan, prepared by TRC Tourism and dated January 2016, be endorsed, and that Council: a) Continue negotiations with the state government land managers (Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania) plus Cement Australia in the Kentish Municipality, with a view to securing a lease agreement over the required land. presented in June when Controlling Authority will cease to operate. GM Letters sent 2/05/16 b) Continue negotiations with the Tasmania Trail management committee as required, though a formal lease is not required. Progressing c) Allocate an amount of $7,000 in the current budget for the survey and design development of the proposed Latrobe Mountain Bike Trail Flying Fox, d) Seek the following contributions towards development of stage 1 of the combined Latrobe and Kentish Mountain Bike Plans: 3 expressions of interest were received and BridgePro engaged to undertake survey and design. Initial discussion held. Commonwealth Government -$300,000 State Government -$150,000 Letters sent Latrobe Council - $100,000 Kentish Council -$50,000 e) Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Continue discussions with those detailed in point d) above with a view to securing their funding contributions in the 2016-17 financial year and seek a general agreement to complete funding over future stages 9th May, 2016 Page 11 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer covering three financial years. 21/03/16 14591 AUDIT PANEL COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 23RD FEBRUARY, 2016: That the minutes of the Audit Panel CSM Committee Meeting dated 23rd February, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) 04/04/16 14611 18/04/16 14622 MODIFIED AMENDMENT 01/15 HAWLEY ESPLANADE, HAWLEY BEACH – CT 160889/1 ANALYSIS AND CONSIDERATION OF MERIT OF REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED DURING STATUTORY PUBLIC EXHIBITION PERIOD: LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 6TH APRIL, 2016 That the balance sheet be included in the financial reports on a monthly basis. That the report by the Planning Officer dated 29 March 2016 regarding modified Amendment 01/15 (Hawley Esplanade - CT 160889/1) to the Latrobe Interim Planning Scheme 2013 be received and the Council resolve to: Noted. Hearing held on 8th April, 2016. 1. Forward the required Section 39 report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission with a copy of the submissions from the representors and a recommendation that the Amendment be modified Refer to minutes for detailed motion That the Latrobe Sport and GM Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 6th April, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That a member of the proposed Croquet club be invited to attend future Latrobe Sport & Recreation Management Committee meetings with ongoing discussions being between the Croquet members and Council to negotiate a formal agreement for use of the facilities; Progressing b) That the following projects be included in the 2016/17 budget. a. Replace Glazing to Cricket Club windows. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Allocation included in draft Page 12 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer $15,000 budget b. Replace goal posts. $20,000 c. Nets over practice wickets. $18,000 d. Upgrade & Replacements of Switchboards. $ 9,600 e. An allocation for structural investigations and any high priority works that may be uncovered within this process. $50,000 f. Power assessment works (carried forward from 2015/16) $60,000; c) That prior to commencement of the 2016/17 Cricket season a grant application be submitted to Cricket Tasmania to gain part funding for the proposed netting cover; and d) That a letter thanking Mr. Pearce for his hard work, commitment to Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee and recognition of the success in building the Latrobe Tennis Club in the time he was President be forwarded to Mr. Pearce. 18/04/16 14623 BELLS PARADE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTAITON COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 15TH MARCH, 2016 Letter sent to Mr. Pearce That the Bells Parade Development GM Plan Implementation Committee Meeting Minutes dated 15th March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That the amount of $4,500.00 be included in the 2016/17 budget proposal to pour coloured concrete and cast shingle/rock beneath the Platypus representing a river bed in Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Cricket Club to apply for grant 9th May, 2016 Allocation included in draft budget Page 13 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer lieu of existing bark garden 18/04/16 14625 LATROBE ELDERLY PERSONS UNIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 6TH APRIL, 2016 That the Latrobe Elderly Persons GM Units Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 6th April, 2016 as tabled for the information Councillors be received and noted; a) That the laminex on the kitchen bench tops in all units be inspected for wear and tear and, if necessary, a program for staged replacement be implemented in future budgets; b) That line marking be undertaken on Hamilton Street in front of Council’s Hamilton Street units allowing for sufficient vision from driveway entrances. Appropriate linemarking will be undertaken when marking spaces for the Reliquaire relocation into Hamilton Street. 18/04/16 14627 DULVERTON REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY – RULES AMENDMENT That the report by Manager GM Corporate Services dated 6th April, 2016 concerning amendments to the Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority Rules be received and that Council authorise the proposed amendments as endorsed by the Owner Representatives on 19th February, 2016 and advise Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority accordingly. Letter of advice sent to Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority 18/04/16 14628 LGAT MOTION – SAVE THE DEVEIL That Council submit the following GM motion to the General Meeting of the Local Government Association of Tasmania being held in Hobart on the 20th July, 2016: Motion sent 29/04/16 “That the Local Government Association of Tasmania and member councils; i. Work with the State and Federal Governments and key stakeholders to undertake a coordinated approach to reduce the instances of Tasmanian Devil and native wildlife fatalities on Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 14 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer Tasmanian roads through informed installation of emergent virtual fencing technology and community programs to inspire a change in driver behaviour. ii. Support coordination initiatives such as installation of virtual fencing in Devil roadkill hotspot areas, to assess effectiveness and make informed decisions about the installation pattern.” N.B. Grey shaded areas are completed and will be deleted off the next report. Recommendation That the April 2016 status report of Open Council Meeting decisions be received. 14656 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 3RD MAY, 2016: General Manager Author Annexure “B” Minutes of meeting held 03/05/16 Recommendation That the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 3rd May, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and that; a) It be recommended to Council that two signs identifying the direction of the School and the Banksia Centre be erected at the locations of Port Sorell roundabout and on the corner of Wilmot Street and Kermode Street. b) The General Manager investigate the initial reason as to why the Port Sorell Shopping Centre carpark was designed with a no exit; c) It be recommended to Council that a Policy be developed to manage signs located within the road reserve; d) i. Anne Lockett and Jo Holland (to be confirmed) be endorsed as the nominated Committee members to review dog signage; and ii. The General Manager investigate the pros and cons of appointing Anne Lockett as an Authorised Officer under the Dog Control Act 2000. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 15 e) Council investigate current strategies being utilised in other communities to assist mobile scooters operating within road reservations. 14657 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 4TH MAY, 2016: General Manager Author Annexure “C” Minutes of meeting held 04/05/16 Recommendation That the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Meeting Minutes dated 4th May, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and that; a) i. The agreement for utilisation of premises at the Latrobe Hockey Club facilities between Latrobe Croquet Club and Council be finalised; and ii. The hockey honour board be installed in the Junior/Softball Club rooms. b) It be recommended to Council: 14658 i. The ground lighting on the existing tower not be lowered. ii. The possibility of installing a separate tower on Perkins Park be discussed with Optus. PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 21ST APRIL, 2016: General Manager Author Annexure “D” Minutes of meeting held 21/04/2016 Recommendation That the Port Sorell Memorial Hall Committee Meeting Minutes dated 21st April, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. 14659 PORT SORELL ROAD – PROPOSED REVIEW OF EXISTING SPEED LIMITS: Author Engineering Services Manager Annexure “E” Report dated 29/04/2016 Recommendation That the report by the Engineering Manager dated 29 April 2016 concerning the Port Sorell Road – proposed review of existing speed limits be received and Council: Request that the Traffic Engineering Branch of the Department of State Growth: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 16 14660 i. Fully assess the existing speed limit along Port Sorell Road between Appleby Road and Northdown where there have been nine documented crashes and near misses in a five month period, with a view to making a recommendation to the Transport Commissioner to reduce the existing 100km/h section to 80km/h; and ii. Commence determining and forward planning upgrades along Port Sorell Road based on traffic type, volume, growth, accesses and to confirm appropriate current and future achievable speed limits between Port Sorell and the Bass Highway. COUNCILLOR’S MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT: Corporate Services Manager Author Annexure “F” Report dated 28/04/2016 Recommendation That the report by Manager Corporate Services dated 28th April, 2016 concerning the introduction of a Model Code of Conduct be received and; a) Council adopt the Latrobe Council Model Code of Conduct as presented; b) Provide a copy of the Code to the Director of Local Government within 14 days; and c) Review the Code within three months of the next ordinary election. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14661 FINANCE REPORT – APRIL 2016: Author Corporate Services Manager Financial Report Annexure “G” Recommendation That the financial report for the period ending April 30th, 2016 as tabled by the Corporate Services Manager be received. 14662 DOG REGISTRATION FEES FOR 2016/2017: Author Corporate Services Manager Report dated 29/04/2016 Annexure “H” Recommendation That the report by Manager Corporate Services dated 29th April, 2016 regarding dog registration fees for 2016/17 be received and that the fees as proposed be approved. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 17 14663 COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 19TH APRIL, 2016: Author Engineering Services Manager Annexure “I” Minutes of meeting held 19/04/16 Recommendation That the Community Road Safety Committee Meeting Minutes dated 19th April, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14664 BUILDING – APPLICATIONS ISSUED – APRIL 2016: A total of 19 building applications were submitted to Council for approval during the month of April 2016. The conservative construction cost for these applications is $2,453,000. The following are the categories of which the applications comprise – dwellings; dwelling extensions; outbuildings and industrial/commercial. Dwellings Number of new Dwelling Applications Individual New Dwellings -10 Change of Class applications Demolition of dwelling Estimated cost of construction 10 Latrobe – 8 (8 Dwelling & 0 Units) Port Sorell –2 (2 Dwellings & 0 Units) 0 0 $2,115,000 Dwelling Additions/Alterations Number of applications Number of joint applications Estimated cost of construction 1 0 $120,000 Outbuildings Number of outbuilding only applications Number of joint applications Individual # of New Outbuildings Demolition outbuilding Estimated cost of construction 5 2 7 0 $188,000 Commercial & Industrial Total Number of applications Estimated cost of construction 1 $5,000 Other: Building Certificates Estimated cost 2 0 2 $25,000 Total applications (# in bold) 19 Substantial Compliance Listed below are the Commercial & Industrial building applications received: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 18 Names Address Type of Works Amount G Tahu 5 Elliston Road Change of Use – Farmgate $5,000 Recommendation: That the report advising of Building Applications submitted for the month of April 2016 be received. 14665 PLANNING – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS – STATUS REPORT – APRIL 2016: The following details the development applications received and their status: April 2016 – New applications Number Developer 49/2016 E J Stuart 50/2016 51/2016 L T Rand & T A Smith & Others LR Foster 52/2016 J K Smith 53/2016 L Millington 54/2016 K Sheahan 55/2016 R S Ritson 56/2016 H R Beach 57/2016 C S Howe 58/2016 A Garrigan 59/2016 Cumulus Studio Architects 60/2016 J P Coward 61/2016 Easy Way Homes 62/2016 A J Wilson 63/2016 KCB Developments Pty Ltd Existing Applications 43/2010 HJ&AJ Ruuskanen 61/2012 L Hyatt Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Address 89 Moriarty Road, Latrobe 202 Mersey Main Road, Spreyton Ballahoo Road, Latrobe (CT141237/2) 2a Banksia Rise, Shearwater 12 Cabernet Court, Hawley Beach 10 Cowrie Court, Port Sorell 4 Cockers Creek Road, Spreyton 37 Joyce Street, Hawley Beach 2/22 Blackwood Court, Port Sorell York Street, Latrobe (CT238565/2) 1 Shearwater Esplanade, Shearwater 27 Paradise Place, Hawley Beach 3 Phillips Court, Latrobe 26 Champ Street, Tarleton 7 Speedway Drive, Latrobe Proposal Proposed garage extension Proposed tackroom and horse shelter Proposed carport and containers x 2 Decision Pending Proposed dwelling Approved Proposed dwelling Approved Proposed shed Pending Proposed cool storage & machinery shed Proposed verandah roof Pending Proposed awning Pending Contractors depot Pending Proposed dwelling Pending Proposed dwelling Pending Subdivision – 2 Lot Pending Proposed dwelling extensions Proposed shed Pending 1 Castle Drive, Tarleton Increase in Statutory Floor Area for a Building Incidental to a Residence in the Rural Residential Zone Proposed shed and reduced minimum building setback – hay shed Pending Frankford Road, Harford (CT151175/1) 9th May, 2016 Approved Approved Pending Pending Pending Page 19 102/2013 SR & MJ Reeves 5 Merlot Court, Hawley Beach Reduced minimum building setback for proposed garage & upper floor deck Approved 88/2014 Mr T V Burford & Mr C W Wall Dr J Joubert 87A Gilbert Street, Latrobe 105 Blacks Road, Wesley Vale 15 Ponsonby Court, Port Sorell Visitor accommodation Pending Proposed controlled environment agriculture Proposed 2 lot subdivision Pending Reibey Street, Latrobe (CT168803/1) 130 Wesley Vale Road, Wesley Vale 3 Herbert Place, Port Sorell Bass Highway, Sassafras (CT 158261/1) 73 Gumbowie Drive, Port Sorell 67 Alexander Street, Shearwater 11 Fairway Crescent, Shearwater 11 Twiss Street, Latrobe 31 Cherry Hill Road, Latrobe 373 Brooke Street, East Devonport 78 Shearwater Boulevard, Shearwater 27 Rubicon Rise, Northdown 5 Arthur Court, Shearwater 212 Palmers Road, Latrobe 14 Griffiths Court, Port Sorell 22 Wescombes Road, Moriarty 308 Parkers Ford Road, Squeaking Point Milldam Road, Squeaking Point (CT 164811/4) Milldam Road, Squeaking Point (CT 164811/5) 10 Mountain View Rise, Latrobe 7 George Street, Latrobe 21 Panatana Drive, Port Sorell Proposed 2 unit development Pending Proposed sawdust storage shed Proposed dwelling Approved Proposed oil & protein extraction plant Pending Proposed dwelling extension Proposed verandah & extension of carport Proposed 2 unit development Proposed caravan park extension Proposed tractor shed Approved Proposed shed Approved Proposed dwelling extensions Approved Proposed shed Approved Proposed garage and dwelling Proposed dwelling addition Proposed shed Approved Proposed shed Approved Proposed shed Approved Proposed dwelling Approved Proposed dwelling Approved Proposed garage Pending Proposed garage Approved Proposed shed Approved 167/2014 71/2015 152/2015 Planning Development Services Mr & Mrs I J Jones 13/2016 M J & M C Blokker 25/2016 W A & RC Kelly 27/2016 Huon Aquaculture Group 28/2016 H P Justice 29/2016 D F & K M Dunham 30/2016 Adams Building Design G Imlach 31/2016 32/2016 33/2016 D L Stone & K J Linegar S Michell 34/2016 C L Riggs 35/2016 C R & A M Treloar 36/2016 37/2016 Adams Building Design M L Saville 39/2016 S C & H M Barnard 40/2016 L R Mitchell 41/2016 P J & J M Hayes 42/2016 P J Atkinson 43/2016 P J Atkinson 44/2016 I H Murray 45/2016 C B & L M Gallard 46/2016 Mr P L Dutton Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Pending Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Page 20 47/2016 Mr P K Wescombe 48/2016 N D & J C Oliver 5 Callista Court, Port Sorell Parkers Ford Road, Squeaking Point (CT 109132/1) Proposed garage Pending Proposed dwelling and shed Approved N.B. Grey shaded areas are completed and will be deleted off the next report. Recommendation That the status report of development applications for the month of April, 2016 be received. 14666 NAMING OF NEW ROAD CREATED BY STAGE 3 OF A 86 LOT SUBDIVISION ON CORNER OF COTTON AND STANLEY STREET, LATROBE Author Statutory Planning Officer Annexure “J” Report dated 28/04/2016 Recommendation That the report by Council’s Planning Officer dated 28 April 2016, as circulated on Annexure I, be received and that Council resolve to name the new street off Stanley Street, Latrobe, Ash Street. CLOSED MEETING 14667 CLOSED MEETING: Recommendation That the following items be discussed in Closed Session: 14668 Apologies 14669 Leave of Absence (Section 15 (2) (h) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14670 Confirmation of Minutes – Closed Meeting held 18th April, 2016 (Section 34 Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14671 Council Decision Status Report April, 2016– Closed Meeting Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14672 Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Meeting Minutes held 24th March, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14673 Cradle Coast Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 12th April, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14674 Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc. Caravan Park Minutes held 19th April, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 21 14675 Dulverton Waste Management Authority Minutes held 27th April, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14676 Mersey-Leven Municipal Emergency Management Meeting Minutes held 9th March, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14677 Closed Meeting Item Confidentiality 14678 OPEN COUNCIL: Recommendation That Council now revert to Open Council. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 22 Attachments Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 23 Annexure "A" LATROBE COUNCIL MINUTES of an Ordinary Meeting of the Latrobe Council held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on Monday 18th April, 2016 at 5.00pm. ATTENDANCE: Councillors: Mayor P. Freshney in the Chair, Deputy Mayor R. Rockliff, Crs. L. Young, G. Sims, M. McLaren, G. Brown, J. Perkins and G. Wicks. Council Officers: Mr. G. Monson (General Manager), Mrs. J. Febey (Manager Corporate Services), Mr. J. Magor (Manager Engineering and Works), and Mrs. S. Collins (Executive Assistant). Revd Chris Stafferton opened the meeting in prayer. 14613 APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Cr. Dennison was granted leave of absence for today’s meeting. 14614 PECUNIARY INTEREST-LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MEETING PROCEDURES) REGULATIONS 2015 – CLAUSE (7): The Chairperson requested whether Councillors have a pecuniary interest in any item on the Agenda. 14615 PRESENTATION –MR BOB DICKSON: Mayor Peter Freshney presented Mr Bob Dickson with a Certificate of Appreciation for his commitment to the Latrobe community and long service and dedication on the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Committee. 14616 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 21ST MARCH, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Sims seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Latrobe Council, held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on 21st March, 2016 copies of which have been printed and circulated on Annexure “A” of the Agenda, be taken as read and confirmed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14617 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – SPECIAL MEETING HELD 4TH APRIL, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Brown seconded that the minutes of the special meeting of the Latrobe Council, held at the Banksia Centre, Port Sorell on April 4th, 2016 copies of which have been printed and circulated on Annexure “B” of the Agenda, be taken as read and confirmed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 24 14618 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND QUESTION TIME: Revd Chris Stafferton advised that Geneva Christian College recently held an opening for the refurbished school kitchen and thanked Mayor Freshney and Cr. Young for their attendance. He also advised that the school kitchen garden program had been operating for 3-4 years and it involved 130 students each week growing, harvesting and preparing produce. GOVERNANCE UNIT 14619 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Young seconded that information on topics discussed at the 21st March and 4th April, 2016 Council Workshops be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14620 COUNCIL DECISION STATUS REPORT: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that the March 2016 status report of Open Council Meeting decisions be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14621 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 5TH APRIL, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Perkins seconded that the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 5th April, 2016 be received and noted and; a) That a subcommittee be formed to consider signage requirements and the dog management issues for the Port Sorell area. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14622 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 6TH APRIL, 2016: Cr Rockliff moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 6th April, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That a member of the proposed Croquet club be invited to attend future Latrobe Sport & Recreation Management Committee meetings with ongoing discussions being between the Croquet members and Council to negotiate a formal agreement for use of the facilities; b) That the following projects be included in the 2016/17 budget. a. Replace Glazing to Cricket Club windows. b. Replace goal posts. c. Nets over practice wickets. d. Upgrade & Replacements of Switchboards. e. An allocation for structural investigations and any high Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 $15,000 $20,000 $18,000 $ 9,600 $50,000 Page 25 f. priority works that may be uncovered within this process. Power assessment works (carried forward from 2015/16) $60,000; c) That prior to commencement of the 2016/17 Cricket season a grant application be submitted to Cricket Tasmania to gain part funding for the proposed netting cover; and d) That a letter thanking Mr Pearce for his hard work, commitment to Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee and recognition of the success in building the Latrobe Tennis Club in the time he was President be forwarded to Mr Pearce. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14623 BELLS PARADE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 15TH MARCH, 2016: Cr Rockliff moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the Bells Parade Development Plan Implementation Committee Meeting Minutes dated 15th March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That the amount of $4,500.00 be included in the 2016/17 budget proposal to pour coloured concrete and cast shingle/rock beneath the Platypus representing a river bed in lieu of existing bark garden; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14624 LATROBE AND DISTRICTS YOUTH CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 1ST MARCH, 2016: Cr Young moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 1st March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14625 LATROBE ELDERLY PERSONS UNITS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 6TH APRIL, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Sims seconded that the Latrobe Elderly Persons Units Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 6th April, 2016 as tabled for the information Councillors be received and noted; a) That the laminex on the kitchen bench tops in all units be inspected for wear and tear and, if necessary, a program for staged replacement be implemented in future budgets; b) That line marking be undertaken on Hamilton Street in front of Council’s Hamilton Street units allowing for sufficient vision from driveway entrances. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 26 14626 PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 25TH FEBRUARY, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Young seconded that the Port Sorell Memorial Hall Committee Meeting Minutes dated 25th March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14627 DULVERTON REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY – RULES AMENDMENT: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that the report by Manager Corporate Services dated 6th April, 2016 concerning amendments to the Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority Rules be received and that Council authorise the proposed amendments as endorsed by the Owner Representatives on 19th February, 2016 and advise Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority accordingly. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14628 LGAT MOTION – SAVE THE DEVIL: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that Council submit the following motion to the General Meeting of the Local Government Association of Tasmania being held in Hobart on the 20th July, 2016: “That the Local Government Association of Tasmania and member councils; i. Work with the State and Federal Governments and key stakeholders to undertake a coordinated approach to reduce the instances of Tasmanian Devil and native wildlife fatalities on Tasmanian roads through informed installation of emergent virtual fencing technology and community programs to inspire a change in driver behaviour. ii. Support coordination initiatives such as installation of virtual fencing in Devil roadkill hotspot areas, to assess effectiveness and make informed decisions about the installation pattern.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14629 TERMS OF REFERENCE – CAMP BANKSIA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Cr Sims moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the report by Manager Corporate Services dated 11th April, 2016 be received and that Council adopt the terms of reference for Camp Banksia Management Committee effective 1st July, 2016, as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14630 WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY QUARTERLY UPDATE – 31ST MARCH, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Young seconded that the report by Council’s Risk Management and Work Health and Safety Officer dated 7th April, 2016 concerning March, 2016 quarterly update on Risk and Work Health Safety matters be received and noted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 27 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14631 FINANCE REPORT – MARCH 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Wicks seconded that the financial report for the period ending March 31st, 2016 as tabled by the Corporate Services Manager be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14632 COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 15TH MARCH, 2016: Cr Young moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the Community Road Safety Committee Meeting Minutes dated 15th March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14633 BUILDING – APPLICATIONS ISSUED –MARCH 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Sims seconded that the report advising of Building Applications submitted for the month of March 2016 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14634 PLANNING – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS – STATUS REPORT – MARCH 2016: Cr Sims moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the status report of development applications for the month of March, 2016 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PLANNING AUTHORITY In accordance with Clause 25(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 the Chairperson advised that Council will now act as a Planning Authority. 14635 NAMING OF NEW ROAD CREATED BY 16 LOT SUBDIVISION OFF LAST STREET, LATROBE (CT’S 123057/28 & 123057/10) Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that the report by Council’s Planning Officer dated 6 April 2016, as circulated on Annexure “N”, be received and that Council resolve to name the new cul-de-sac off Last Street, Latrobe, Phillips Court. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 28 14636 PLANNING AUTHORITY: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that Council cease to act as a Planning Authority CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Council moved into closed session at 6.15pm CLOSED MEETING 14637 CLOSED MEETING: Cr Perkins moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the following items be discussed in Closed Session: 14638 Apologies 14639 Leave of Absence (Section 15 (2) (h) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14640 Confirmation of Minutes – Closed Meeting held 21st March, 2016 (Section 34 Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14641 Council Decision Status Report March, 2016– Closed Meeting Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14642 Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Meeting Minutes held 25th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14643 Cradle Coast Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 8th March, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14644 Dulverton Waste Management Audit and Risk Meeting Minutes held 18th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14645 Dulverton Waste Management Representatives Meeting Minutes held 19th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14646 Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc. Caravan Park Meeting Minutes held 16th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14647 Gilbert Street and Victor Street, Latrobe Roundabout Construction Tender (Section 15 (2) (d) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14648 Closed Meeting Item Confidentiality CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 29 14649 OPEN COUNCIL: Cr Rockliff moved and Cr McLaren seconded that Council now revert to Open Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY As there was no further business the meeting was declared closed at 6.48pm. Confirmed……………………………………………MAYOR Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 30 Annexure "B" Minutes of the Port Sorell Advisory Committee held in the Meeting Room of the Port Sorell Memorial Hall on the 3rd May, 2016 commencing at 4.04pm. 1. PRESENT Cr Dayna Dennison (Chairman), Keith Moylan (Vice Chairman), Mayor Peter Freshney, Gerald Monson (General Manager), Simone Collins (Minute Secretary), Rita Boevink, John Bowden, Steve Bush, Hayley Crack, Anne Lockett, Glen Miles, Keith Moylan, Dudley Parker, Barry Richardson, Russell Townsend, and Rebecca West. Marie Barnes - Observer 2. APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE Sue Moylan, Chris Moles (Observer) 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – 5th April, 2016 Dudley Parker moved and Keith Moylan seconded that the minutes of a meeting of the Port Sorell Advisory Committee held 5th April, 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the business transacted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4.05pm Steve Bush joined the meeting. 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) Rubicon Estuary Management Plan (Including Weed Eradication) Gerald Monson advised that he has spoken to various Members of Parliament in an attempt to try to secure federal funding for a Rubicon Estuary Management Plan. The Engineering Services Manager advised that an additional round of Green Army funding for the Rubicon area has been approved and work will commence towards the end of the year. It was resolved that this information be received. b) Police Report The Police Crime Report was not received at the meeting. 4.07pm Mayor Freshney joined the meeting. c) Community Road Safety Committee (CRSC) The General Manager advised that Council would ask that the Department of State Growth review their decision taking into account recent crash history data. The General Manager advised that Ghost Rock Vineyard owner Colin Arnold attended the April 26, 2016 Council Workshop to discuss extending the 80km/hr speed limit on the Port Sorell Main Road to include the entry to Ghost Rock. Mayor Freshney spoke on the Port Sorell Road Speed Limit and Safety Concerns – A presentation of facts document prepared by Mr Arnold. The document detailed at least nine known crashes and near misses in the last five months along the 2km section of 100km/h speed limit between Appleby Road and Northdown alone. Mr Arnold timed the difference between travelling this section of road at 80km/h and 100km/h as twelve seconds. The presentation also highlighted the recent and ongoing growth in the area, limited sight distances, inappropriate use of the limited opportunities to overtake, and highly variable machinery types using the road. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 31 It was resolved that this information be received. d) Stormwater Management Mr Jonathan Magor advised that the Consultant has the ‘model’ running and is now refining it and is in the process of shortlisting potential priority projects to be considered by Council in the 2016/17 financial year. The Engineering Services Manager, Mr Jonathan Magor advised that the two priority sites identified by CSE Tasmania for Councils 2016/17 budget include adjacent the open drain at 9 Poyston Drive and 125 / 127 Alexander Street opposite the shopping Centre. The model is still being refined prior to Mr Martin being in a position to prepare his report and recommendations. The General Manager advised that stormwater management is a one of Councils priorities and that the projects listed have been put into the draft 2016/17 capital works budget for consideration. Mr Martin’s stormwater model has been reviewed by the software producer, Dr. Geoffrey O'Loughlin and a number of suggested refinements are being made prior to being in a positon to rerun the model and confirm system deficiencies and determine priority works. Further system details will be entered regarding the Poyston Creek catchment that passes through the golf course. It was resolved that this information be received. e) Community Bushfire Mitigation Plan The Engineering Services Manager advised that TasFire is working with a number of property owners in the area to undertake fuel reduction burns. Some adjoining Council land has been identified and agreement made to include it in the scope of works. It was noted that a community forum was held on Wed 23 March, 2016 at Port Sorell by TasFire and their Fuel Reduction Unit (FRU) representatives and was attended by approximately 23 community members. The FRU will be progressing priority autumn burns in the area and will include some Council owned land. It was resolved that this information be received. f) Port Sorell Former Landfill Site Development Plan A meeting was held between Council Officers, Consulting Engineers IPD and representatives of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in Launceston on Wednesday, 11th November. IPD in consultation with Council staff will now prepare a preliminary rehabilitation development plan for consideration by the EPA. Mr Monson advised that the rehabilitation costs will be significant and Council will seek a period of 6 years to undertake the works. Council’s Engineering Works Coordinator, Mr Jason Bellchambers advised that Consulting Engineers IPD are currently progressing the rehabilitation plan. The General Manager advised that rehabilitation of the site could cost 3.5 to 10 million dollars. Council has identified a likely budget allocation of $195,000 for the 2016/17 to progress this matter. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 32 It was resolved that this information be received. g) Directional Signage Mr Monson previously advised that Councils Tourism and Economic Development Officer, Chris Frankcombe is working on the Shearwater Village sign to be erected at the entrance, (Alexander Street near the Industrial Estate). The Chairman tabled a report at the October meeting from Mr Chris Frankcombe in relation to Shearwater Village signage. Mr Frankcombe advised that the Shearwater Village retailers had requested either the Alexander Street or Club Drive signs contain a list of the shops in Shearwater Village (generic title like supermarket, pharmacy, etc., not the actual shop name). Mr Monson advised that a sign stating, “Shearwater Village…metres” with an arrow to the right will be erected on the bank leading into the Industrial Estate on Alexander Street. Melissa Jemison stated that a better sign is needed for the Banksia Centre as people end up going to Camp Banksia instead due to the difficulties in locating the Banksia Centre. Mr Jason Bellchambers advised that the Shearwater village sign will be ordered and erected and that the Banksia Centre signage is still being investigated. Mr Jonathan Magor noted that signage for the Banksia Centre should be further considered after the completion of the kerb and channel works along the frontage currently in Councils budget. Members discussed the various sign options. The preference of Council is a) the sign located at the top left as it more closely resembles the road layout. Option c) showing Age Care and Medical Centre is inappropriate as they are individual business activities. The committee resolved that option c) is the preferred and most appropriate sign as members stated that healthcare is not thought of as a business and that residents new to the area need clear signage to locate medical care. The concept proposal selected by PSAC has been forwarded to the supplier to generate a proof (copy attached) and quotation. Staff are awaiting a second quotation for the supply and installation and once received an order will be issued. Cr Dennison advised that she was speaking with Michelle Hamilton of Port Sorell School who commented that there is no signage that points to the direction of the school. It was resolved that this information be received and that it be recommended to Council that two signs identifying the direction of the School and the Banksia Centre be erected at the locations of Port Sorell roundabout and on the corner of Wilmot Street and Kermode Street. h) Proposed Community Noticeboard Cr Dennison previously advised that she had spoken with the Manager of the Bendigo Bank, Phil Martin regarding the possibility of having a community noticeboard displayed inside. Phil Martin is presenting this proposal to the board for approval. Waiting on the decision from the board. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 33 At the October meeting, the Chairman referred to an email received from Cr Dennison by Keith Haines at the Men’s Shed in Port Sorell requesting that Cr Dennison meet with Peter French to discuss costs and various ways of constructing the noticeboard. Cr Dennison advised that a meeting has not yet taken place with Peter French but will arrange a meeting prior to the next PSAC meeting. Keith Moylan updated the committee on information he received from Peter French in relation to the noticeboard. Peter French put forward a proposal for a stand on wheels with a large whiteboard in either metal or timber at a cost of approximately $350.00. The board would be portable with locking castors and useable on both sides. Committee members are happy with the design concept. Dayna to have discussions with Peter French to proceed with the next stage. It was resolved that this information be received. i) Beach Accesses Initial discussions have been held with Replas regarding the design and use of hardwearing recycled plastic products rather than timber or steel. The Engineering Services Manager, Mr. Jonathan Magor previously advised that he is waiting to get quotes back. Mr. Magor advised that; (i) the beach and sand levels continue to change and a number of the proposed sites no longer justify works at the moment; and (ii) beach accesses have been reviewed again and discussed with John Bowden. Improvements were recently made to the access at Anderson Street. Council will endeavoùr to have other accesses improved prior to the school holidays. Council’s Engineering Works Coordinator, Mr Jason Bellchambers advised that beach accesses are currently programmed to be constructed during March, 2016. At the last meeting it was decided that John Bowden and Anne Lockett will be the representatives of a sub-committee in relation to beach access issues as required. John Bowden and Anne Lockett will meet with the Engineering Services Manager initially to discuss the pontoon access. The Engineering Services Manager, Jonathon Magor and Works Team Leader, Peter Dawson met with Anne Lockett, Mary Buchanan, John Bowden and Eugene Holloway to review the proposed pontoon access on Friday, 26 February, 2016. John Bowden updated members on the meeting held with Council employees and that the discussion revolved around solutions to the problem. One solution is to place an access or a walkway over the top of the drains so that even if the tide is full you will still be able to walk over the top. Works will commence after Easter. Mr Jonathon Magor advised that works are well underway at the priority sites and are likely to be completed by the May PSAC meeting. It was discussed that this should also be considered for Hawley. It was resolved that this information be received. j) Youth Council At the 15 February, 2016 Council Meeting, Council adopted the recommendation; “That Council consider the establishment of a Youth Council in lieu of spending funds on Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 34 reviewing Council’s Youth Policy.” Membership of the Committee and draft terms of reference is currently being researched. The General Manager advised that Council’s Community Development Officer is currently undertaking research and discussions with other councils. Once all the feedback is received, information will be reported back to the committee for discussion. It was resolved that this information be received. k) Woolworths Car Park (Steve Bush) The Woolworths car park has extended parking bays for caravans, boats, trucks etc. which are needed and well used, particularly with 4 wheel drives towing long vans. These vehicles all face the Salvos shop which is really the only way they end up facing. Unless they break the law and go through the “no exit” sign to the right of the Salvos they can’t get out. (There is a fine for this.) So for the third time in the last 2 weeks I’ve watched them try to get out. They can’t back out because the cars park around them and restrict their swinging room. They can’t go forward and turn. The only way out is through the no exit or in the bigger tow trucks over the curb. Just a really stupid situation which needs fixing and quickly. The Engineering Services Manager advised that this is a private carpark and is not managed by Council as such the Bendel group would need to be approached. At the March meeting Council approved the recommendation that issues associated with parking at the Woolworths complex be brought to the landowner’s attention. The General Manager advised that Council’s Engineering Services Manager has taken up this issue with the landowner. Keith Moylan tabled the proposed sign put forward by Alex Zarnowski, the Facilities Manager of the Port Sorell Shopping Centre. The sign reads; “No Exit Trailers Exempt”. The committee questioned the word “trailers” suitability and decided that they would like the wording reviewed. Suggestions of wording to replace “Trailers” are large trucks and caravans; or vehicles over certain metres. The Manager Engineering Services raised the query regarding final wording of the sign with the landowner for further consideration. It was discussed that perhaps it would be better to make the entrance point wider and remove the no exit sign. It was resolved that this information be received and that the General Manager investigate the initial reason as to why the Port Sorell Shopping Centre carpark was designed with a no exit. l) Kerbside Signage (Glen Miles) Over recent weeks it has become obvious that businesses have been blatantly ignoring the fact that a permit is required from Council to place signs outside business premises. The signs placed on the kerbside along Alexander Street represent a potential hazard to traffic, apart from being unsightly and untidy. Has the time come for council to notify all the offenders in writing, informing of their obligations to apply for permits and warning them that council has the right to remove any signage that does not meet with the regulations and is placed on the kerbside which is council land? In the past, Council officers have dealt with problematic signs on a case by case basis in a manner similar to parking infringements. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 35 Glen Miles advised that she had spoken with Council’s Engineering Technical Assistant, Nigel Rist who informed her that Council has the option to remove the signs if they are located on council land. At the 21 March Council Meeting, it was agreed that Council write to all owners of businesses in Shearwater and advise of the requirements for signs within the road reservation. The General Manager advised that the database of property owners has been prepared and consideration is being given on the best way to move forward. He noted that under the current planning scheme a discretionary Planning Application is required for the signs. The proposed new Statewide Planning Scheme will exempt these signs and leave it to Council to manage signs/structures located within the road reservation (reserve). Glen Miles moved and Anne Lockett seconded that this information be received and that it be recommended to Council that a Policy be developed to manage signs located within the road reserve. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY m) Signage at Roundabouts (Glen Miles) With the new signage in place indicating industrial areas, shopping precincts, medical centre, and aged care centre and after consultation with Council Officer Nigel Rist the poles at the roundabouts at the end of Port Sorell Road and Alexander Street and Club Drive have largely become redundant. They are unsightly, bearing too many signs and drivers entering the roundabout should not be looking at small signs for direction and with the aid of GPS, and other devices most people seem to be able to find directions. Council’s Engineering Services Manager, Mr Jonathon Magor advised that the pole blade signs indicate individual businesses and can be readily changed from time to time. The recent installations are to highlight locations rather than specific operators. As such it is considered that there is merit for both. Council’s Engineering Services Manager advised that an assessment will be undertaken and that redundant signs will be removed and poles straightened. An internal request has been raised to generally straighten poles in the Port Sorell area. The redundant accommodation signs at the Browns Rd intersection with Port Sorell Main Rd have been removed. PSAC members are encouraged to report any signs of operators that are no longer in existence. It is suggested that this item be removed from the agenda. It was resolved that this information be received and that this item be removed from the agenda. n) Dogs on Non-Dog Beaches (Anne Lockett) At the March Council Meeting, Council agreed to consider increasing the 2016/17 budget to cover increased Animal Control patrols over peak holiday seasons. It was decided to form a subcommittee with membership to be discussed at the next PSAC meeting to consider signage requirements and the dog management issues for the Port Sorell area. Members to be nominated to the Committee. Anne suggested it would be a good idea to have someone who is more familiar with the Port Sorell end to join the committee to review the dog signs. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 36 Dudley Parker moved and Russell Townsend seconded that this information be received and that; i. Anne Lockett and Jo Holland (to be confirmed) be endorsed as the nominated Committee members to review dog signage; and ii. The General Manager investigate the pros and cons of appointing Anne Lockett as an Authorised Officer under the Dog Control Act 2000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. OTHER BUSINESS o) Mobility Scooters crossing opposite Rubicon Grove (Steve Bush) Steve Bush discussed the increased number of mobility scooters in the area and suggested a flashing light system to advise traffic that a scooter is approaching the crossing near Rubicon Grove be investigated. Steve Bush moved and Anne Lockett seconded that this information be received and Council investigate current strategies being utilised in other communities to assist mobile scooters operating within road reservations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. MATTERS PENDING / ACTION LIST DATE ISSUE September Alexander Street / Port 29th, 2015 Sorell Main Road Entrance to Shearwater and Port Sorell Areas April 5th, Shearwater Clock 2016 April 5th, 2016 Town Planning Review April 5th, 2016 Security Cameras – Burgess Drive Industrial Estate, Shearwater COMMENT Cr Dennison mentioned that this topic should be considered in 2016 when discussions on forward strategic planning are taking place. The clock tower proposal will be placed on hold for now; Mayor Freshney stated that this needs to be a project primarily for a community group to fund. The General Manager agreed a major review is appropriate and this item has been added to a future Council Workshop for discussion. It was generally agreed that it was a responsibility of the private sector to install security cameras to monitor their premises. This item has also been added to a future Council Workshop for discussion. PLEASE NOTE: Shaded items will be deleted off the next Action List. 7. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – 31 MAY 2016 Agenda items will be accepted by the Secretary up until 19 May 2016. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 5.10pm. ………………………….. SIMONE COLLINS MINUTE SECRETARY Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 37 Annexure "C LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Minutes of the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee held at the Function Centre, Latrobe Recreation Ground on Wednesday 4th May, 2016 commencing at 5.30pm. 1. Attendance: Deputy Mayor Rick Rockliff - Chairman (Latrobe Council) Cr Gerrad Wicks - Acting Chairman (Latrobe Council) Wes Poulton - (Latrobe Council) Jason Sims - (Latrobe Works) Jeanice Hinds - (Latrobe Football Club) Donna Gillam - (Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre Management Committee) Adrian Ryan - (Latrobe Bicycle Race Club - Proxy) – Until 6.18pm Shelley Dodd - (Softball Club) Darren Nicolle - (Latrobe Cricket Club) David Richards - (Latrobe Federal Band) Wayne Jaffray - (Caretaker) Adam Jeffery - (Sassafras Cricket Club) – Arrived 5.46pm Ursula Klug - Observer (Softball Club) Rob Beveridge - (Community Representative) Chris West – Observer (Croquet Club) 2. Apologies: Gerald Monson - (General Manager – Latrobe Council), Paul Smith - (Latrobe Swimming Pool Committee) and Carolyn McLennan – (Community Representative) 3. Confirmation of Minutes – 6th April, 2016 Mr Ryan moved and Cr Wicks seconded that the minutes of the LSRMC meeting held on 6th April, 2016 as circulated be confirmed as a true record of the business transacted. CARRIED 4. Finance Report The finance report to the end of April, 2016 was circulated. It was resolved that the finance report to the end of April, 2016 be received. 5. Latrobe Hockey Club Facilities – Future Use It was carried unanimously by Councillors during the 18th April 2016 Latrobe Council meeting that a member of the proposed Croquet club be invited to attend future Latrobe Sport & Recreation Management Committee meetings with ongoing discussions being between the Croquet members and Council to negotiate a formal agreement for use of the facilities. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 38 Mr. Poulton has provided the Croquet Club with a draft agreement and will develop in conjunction with Mr. Sims a service level agreement and set out of the initial 2 lawns in partnership with the club. The Croquet Club has provided their Certificate of Currency (Public Liability) to Council and has received their Incorporation of an Association. It was resolved that this information be received and that it be recommended to Council that; 6. i. The agreement for utilisation of premises at the Latrobe Hockey Club facilities between Latrobe Croquet Club and Council be finalised; and ii. The hockey honour board be installed in the current Junior/Softball Club rooms. New Lease Agreements Draft lease agreements have been distributed to the Latrobe Tennis Club Tasmania, Latrobe Federal Band, Latrobe Bicycle Race Club of Tasmania, Latrobe Cricket Club and the Latrobe Football Club and the Latrobe Softball Club. Latrobe Tennis Club have returned their signed agreement and negotiations are ongoing with Latrobe Football Club. Club representatives are encouraged to discuss any concerns with Council’s Building and Facilities Officer, Wes Poulton. It was resolved that this information be received and all clubs are encouraged to complete and return new lease agreements as soon as practically possible. 7. 10 Year Draft Capital Works and Maintenance Program It was carried unanimously by Councillors during the 18th April 2016 Latrobe Council meeting that the following projects be included in the 2016/17 budget and the Latrobe Recreation Development Plan – Budget Priority List be updated to reflect these projects: a. Replace Glazing to Cricket Club windows. $15,000 b. Replace goal posts. $20,000 c. Nets over practice wickets (to be reviewed August 2016) $18,000 d. Upgrade & Replacements of Switchboards. $ 9,600 e. An allocation for structural investigations and any high f. priority works that may be uncovered within this process. $50,000 Power assessment works (carried forward from 2015/16) $60,000 Clubs were requested at the April 6th, 2016 meeting to review their storage items and work in conjunction with Mr Sims in removing any items that are not being used to free up additional space. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 39 Mr Poulton is working through options and costings regarding possible relocation or upgrades required for the Latrobe Federal Band rooms. This will be discussed with the Latrobe Band upon completion prior to listing at the Latrobe Sport & Recreation Management Committee. It was confirmed that the clean out of the Latrobe Football Club and Latrobe Cricket Club storage areas has now been completed. Mr Sims will now liaise with the Latrobe Bicycle Racing Club and Latrobe Softball Club to complete their respective storage areas. It was resolved that this information be received. 8. Latrobe Football Ground Usage Latrobe Football Club and the Council have met and discussed 3 additional games and training during this season. These include senior ladies, junior ladies and under 12 sides. Council have been requested to investigate possible options for this to move forward. Possible options put forward are: a. b. Perkins Park Junior Grounds - $18,500 (excluding new goal posts) $17,800 (excluding new goal posts) The projected ongoing maintenance cost per field would be estimated in the vicinity of $5,800.00 per annum. Mr Sims voiced his concerns with use of the main ground as all divisions and ages currently training on it. It was resolved that this information be received and that; i. Mr Sims meets with Mr Rod Walker (LFC) and the respective coaches to discuss usage requirements of the main ground at the Latrobe Football Ground. ii. Mr Poulton review costs to install existing lighting on top of the media box illuminating the Junior Ground for evening training. iii. Costs be provided to install ground lighting around Perkins Park to ease usage on the main oval. 9. Reseal of Car Park Carpark resealing works are nearing completion. Mr Poulton encourages any feedback from users on how this was delivered by Council. It was resolved that this information be received and note that line marking requires completion. 10. Optus Communication Tower Optus have made contact with Mr Jonathan Magor – Manager of Engineering Department, Latrobe Council for initial discussions to provide a communication tower in the Latrobe area. It would be Councils preference that Optus co-locate if possible with the existing tower in lieu of erecting a new structure. Feedback from Optus is that the existing ground lighting would be required to be lowered from 20m to 18m in height for their equipment to be installed above. Communication has been ongoing with Optus visiting site and providing 2 options in locating their 6 bank outdoor unit (images below). Optus have requested approval for further preliminary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 40 investigations and designs to be commenced. It has been noted that option 2 would be Councils preferred location due to the visual aspect from the road frontage and option 1 would reduce car parking. 4 bank outdoor units Plan location Option 1 Option 2 It was resolved that this information be received and the committee recommend to Council that; i. The ground lighting on the existing tower not be lowered; and ii. The possibility of installing a separate tower on Perkins Park be discussed with Optus. 11. Change of Meeting Frequency It has been mentioned by committee members that the frequency of the meetings should be changed to bi-monthly in lieu of monthly. It was resolved that the Latrobe Sport & Recreation Management Committee meetings frequency be changed to bi-monthly in lieu of monthly. 12. Caretaker’s Report Mr. Jaffray advised the Committee that further problems have risen with the gas hot water system. Mr. Poulton has been reviewing this with Mr. Peter Dawson and will seek further advice from a qualified Plumber. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 41 There have been continual faults with the electronic scoreboard. Mrs. Hinds advised that Solid Scoreboards had been to site and a new manual was handed to the Latrobe Football Club. Mr. Poulton will follow up to ascertain if all has been fixed. 13. Groundsman’s Report Nil. 14. Club Reports 14.1 14.2 Latrobe Federal Band Mr. Richards offered Latrobe Softball Club to store their items in the band room where the junior kitchen flooring is removed and replaced. Latrobe Football Club Mrs. Hinds queried the status of the letter being completed by Council to the AFL. The Chairman, Deputy Mayor Rick Rockliff advised that he would follow up with Mayor Freshney and advise progress. It was reported that all Latrobe teams were progressing well and all look in good place to finish in the finals. It was also advised that Women’s Football would be playing three (3) games this coming Friday night 6th May 2016. 14.3 Softball Club Mrs. Dodd thanked the Latrobe Federal Band for allowing them to temporarily store their items while works were being completed in the junior rooms. The Softball Club queried why they are required to cover the wicket when other clubs using the grounds do not. Mr. Sims advised others that use the grounds complete training structured drills and should not be initiating games that play over the wicket. Mr. Sims will meet and review with the Softball Club any of their requirements. 14.4 Sassafras Cricket Club Nil. 14.5 Latrobe Cricket Club Nil. 14.6 Latrobe Bicycle Race Club Nil. 14.7 Latrobe Tennis Club Nil. 14.8 Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre 14.9 Mrs. Gillam queried how the recreation ground secured a defibulator. It was advised to make application for a Council grant and that Mrs. Michelle Dutton could be of some assistance with this. Latrobe Swimming Pool Nil. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 42 14.10 Community Representatives Nil. 14.11 Latrobe Croquet Nil. 15. Pending / Action Items DATE ISSUE COMMENT Sept 15 Honour board. It was agreed that the Honour board be installed in the Junior Club Rooms of the Latrobe Hockey Club facilities. 4th May, 2016 Agreement for use of Latrobe Hockey Club premises. It was agreed that the Agreement between the Croquet Club and Latrobe Council be finalised. 4th May, 2016 Clean out of storage areas Mr Sims will liaise with the Latrobe Bicycle Racing Club and Latrobe Softball Club to complete their respective storage areas. 4th May, 2016 Latrobe Football Ground Usage It was agreed that Mr Poulton review costs to install existing lighting on top of the media box illuminating the Junior Ground for evening training. 4th May, 2016 Latrobe Football Ground Usage It was agreed that costs be provided to install ground lighting around Perkins Park to ease usage on the main oval. 4th May, 2016 Reseal of carpark adjacent to Band Rooms Line marking to be completed PLEASE NOTE: Shaded items will be deleted off the next Action List. 16. Next Meeting The next meeting for 2016 will be held on Wednesday, 29th June, 2016 at 5.30pm. There be no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 6.26pm. Wes Poulton Secretary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Back to Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 43 Annexure "D" PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE MINUTE OF MEETING HELD ON APRIL 21st - 2016 PRESENT: A & R Donoghue, R Townsend, J Nicholls, E Woodcock, C Smith, M Badcock & D & L King. APOLIGIES: Cr. D. Denison & C. & J .Mulligan. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: As read, moved A Donoghue seconded M. Badcock carried MATTER ARISING: • Budget submission wasn’t submitted as Council have allotted $35,000 for cladding the Hall. • Historic photo’s - R Townsend mentioned the Men’s Shed could make the frames to hang photo’s in the Hall and the committee would pay the costs. • R Donoghue to place oven operating instructions, up on the wall. • Quotes for cladding were asked from Mecon, Oliver, Kelly, Fairbrothers & Overton Roofing. Only one quote received back from Overton $25,982 Inc. It was also mentioned to clad over the middle eastern door as it is not used. • FINANCIAL REPORT: Distributed by C. Smith, moved C. Smith seconded D. King carried CORRESPONDENCE: INWARD: • Application for hire - (Haven yoga & Meditation) • “ “ “ (Glen Jordon - birthday party) • Thank you note from the Historic Group. • Quote for cladding the Hall from Overton’s. OUTWARD: • Letter of thanks & well wishes to the Mulligans. • E-Mails to Council & D. Dennison (Feb meeting notes) Moved by C. Smith, seconded M. Badcock carried GENERAL BUSINESS: • Heaters are not working, R. Donoghue to get in touch with Mike Henwood. • Thanks to J. Nicholls for sorting clock batteries and adjusting the time. Meeting closed - 7.33pm. NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 16th 2016. 7pm. Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 44 Annexure "E" SUBJECT: PORT SORELL ROAD PROPOSED REVIEW OF EXISTING SPEED LIMITS AUTHOR: ENGINEERING MANAGER – JONATHAN MAGOR DATE: 29 APRIL 2016 ATTACHMENTS: 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To determine if Council wish to approach the Department of State Growth (DSG) to fully assess all criteria in relation to appropriate speed limits on Port Sorell Road between Appleby Road and Northdown. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Port Sorell Road is a State Government maintained road and provides the main access for the wider Port Sorell community between the nearby township of Latrobe, the city of Devonport and further afield. Port Sorell continues to grow significantly, as it has over the last decade, and a series of partial upgrades have been undertaken by DSG during that period through the upgrading of junctions, bus pull over bays, sealed shoulder widening, edge lines and improving the vertical and horizontal road alignment. These projects have improved the road overall, however no specific measures have been made to increase the network efficiency and its ability to carry more traffic or provide additional opportunities to overtake slower moving vehicles including cyclists. The undertaking of these projects alters the road environment and allows the subsequent reassessment of speed limits and their suitability. Following the upgraded section of road between Port Sorell and Appleby Road the speed limit was reduced from 100km/h to 80km/h. Upgrades along the section from Appleby Road to Wesley Vale resulted in the speed limit being reduced to 80km/h from Northdown to Wesley Vale. The approximately 2km section between Appleby Road and Northdown remains at 100km/h. At the January 2016 Ordinary Council Meeting the following recommendation from the Community Road Safety Committee (CRSC) meeting held on the 1st December, 2015 was endorsed by Council: That Latrobe Council write to the Department of State Growth requesting they extend the existing 80km/h speed limit from near Appleby Road to include the access for the Ghost Rock Vineyard as an interim measure until the access to the vineyard can be upgraded. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 45 Fig 1 – Port Sorell Road (Port Sorell to Wesley Vale) showing Ghost Rock in blue Council believed this was a sound initiative and were in full support of this suggestion and subsequently wrote to DSG’s Manager Traffic Engineering Branch. Correspondence was received from the Department of State Growth on 23 March, 2016 stating that they had reviewed the proposal but were not supportive of extending the 80km/h speed limit to include the access to Ghost Rock Vineyard. Ghost Rock Vineyard owner, Mr Colin Arnold and daughter-in-law Alicia Arnold presented a highly professional and thorough case to elected members at a Council Workshop on the 26 April 2016 outlining concerns with road safety on Port Sorell Road and requested a reduction in speed limit from 100km/h to 80km/h between Appleby Road and Northdown. If approved this would result in a speed limit of 80km/h between Port Sorell and Wesley Vale and there would still remain a significant section of 100km/h road between Wesley Vale and the Bass Highway. A similar presentation is understood to have recently been made to the Hon. Rene Hidding MP as Minister for Infrastructure. The DSG assessment was most probably founded substantially on their database of recorded crashes; however the presentation made by the Arnolds documented at least nine known crashes and near misses in the last five months along the 2km section of 100km/h speed limit between Appleby Road and Northdown alone. They timed the difference between travelling this section of road at 80km/h and 100km/h as twelve seconds. The Arnolds also highlighted the recent and ongoing growth in the area, limited sight distances, inappropriate use of the limited opportunities to overtake, highly variable machinery types using the road in addition to presenting a number supporting statements and past correspondence form others residing in the local area. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN Relates to Council’s Roads Objective under the 2012 to 2017 Strategic Plan to provide an appropriate, safe and well-maintained road network that caters for all road users throughout the municipality. More specifically related to Roads Strategy 1.1.3 to Lobby governments for the continued upgrade of Port Sorell Road. 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no known financial implications for Council other than officer time. 5. RISK ISSUES A risk has been identified for Council residents, ratepayers and those visiting the municipality. It is considered appropriate for Council to see that the agency in charge of the infrastructure is fully aware of the matter and can adequately assess and mitigate accordingly. 6. CONSULTATION Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 46 In addition to the Arnolds, the Latrobe Council’s combined Community Road Safety Committee with the Kentish Council is supportive of the reassessment of speed limits. 7. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS None identified. 8. OPTIONS FOR COUNCIL To allow those concerned with any aspect of Port Sorell Road to deal directly with the Department of State Growth. 9. OFFICER’S COMMENTS It is considered appropriate that the recent decline received from DSG to lower the speed limit from Appleby Road to include the entry of the Ghost Rock Vineyard be further questioned and the Department of State Growth also be requested to undertake a review of the crash history on Port Sorell Road together with an analysis of the traffic types, volumes, sight distances and other relevant information. 10. RECOMMENDATION That the report by the Engineering Manager dated 29 April 2016 concerning the Port Sorell Road – proposed review of existing speed limits be received and Council request that the Traffic Engineering Branch of the Department of State Growth: i) Fully assess the existing speed limit along Port Sorell Road between Appleby Road and Northdown where there have been nine documented crashes and near misses in a five month period, with a view to making a recommendation to the Transport Commissioner to reduce the existing 100km/h section to 80km/h; and ii) Commence forward planning upgrades along Port Sorell Road based on traffic type, volume, growth, accesses and to confirm appropriate current and future achievable speed limits between Port Sorell and the Bass Highway. Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 47 Annexure "F" SUBJECT: COUNCILLOR’S MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT AUTHOR: MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES – J. Febey DATE: 28th April, 2016 ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Latrobe Council Model Code of Conduct Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2016 (S.R. 2016, No. 23) 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to approve a new Code of Conduct for Councillors. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Since 2006, the Local Government Act 1993 has required Council to have a Code of Conduct in place. At the time this requirement was introduced there was no standard or model code and each Tasmanian council worded and adopted individual Codes. Each Council was also required to appoint a Code of Conduct panel comprising two members. One member, to be appointed as chairperson, was to be a person of good standing in the community who had not been a councillor or employee of that council within the previous five years. The other member was to be a councillor, other than the mayor. The appointed Panel were to hear and determine any complaints received in respect of the alleged failure of a councillor to comply with a provision of the code of conduct. During this period, Latrobe Council has not received any code of conduct complaints. In 2014 the Local Government Division prepared a draft Local Government Amendment (Code of Conduct) Bill. The Bill proposed amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 to provide a new councillor code of conduct framework and process, and stronger sanctions in relation to code of conduct complaints. The draft was subject to a public consultation process in October, 2014 and the th subsequent legislation became effective on 13 April, 2016. The new code of conduct framework has been developed in consultation with local government to provide a more rigorous, efficient and streamlined process for the making and determination of code of conduct complaints. The draft Bill removed the need for councils to establish code of conduct panels and replaced these with a single independent panel made up of two members, drawn from a pool of appropriately skilled people appointed by the Minister for Planning and Local Government. Key aspects of the new code of conduct framework include; - a Model Code of Conduct (made by order of the Minister for Planning and Local Government) which prescribes the standard of behaviour that all Tasmanian councillors are required to meet when performing their role; - that code of conduct complaints are lodged with the general manager of the relevant council, and can be made within six months of the councillor allegedly contravening the code of conduct; - new powers for the Panel to suspend councillors for serious breaches of the code of conduct; Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 48 - new ability for the Panel to dismiss frivolous and vexatious complaints; - new power for the Minister to remove a councillor from office if he/she has received a suspension sanction for three code of conduct breaches during one term of office or two consecutive terms of office; - a new offence provision providing that if a councillors fails to comply with a sanction imposed by the Panel, that councillor may face a penalty of a fine not exceeding 50 penalty units, which currently equates to $7,700; and - an appeal right from a Panel determination to the Magistrates Court (Administrative Appeals Division) on the basis that the Panel failed to comply with the rules of natural justice. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN Governance objective 3.2; “To provide consistent, accountable, transparent and effective governance of the Council.” Strategy 3.2.2 “To promote awareness of Council’s Code of Conduct to elected members. 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Whilst there is no additional operating cost to Council to implement the code of conduct, should a complaint be received Council is responsible for payment of the costs of the Panel and Executive Officer in relation to the complaint. Section 28 O of the Local Government Act, 1993 provides that the Minister determines the remuneration and allowances of the Panel and Executive Officer. The complainant and respondent councillor pay their own costs. The lodgement fee for a complaint is prescribed at 20 fee units (a fee unit is currently $1.51) the referral fee is 50 fee units and the fee for lodging an appeal is 100 fee units. 5. RISK ISSUES Council must adopt the Model Code of Conduct (with or without modification) in order to comply with the statutory requirement to do so. A Model Code of Conduct for all Councils provides a more rigorous and streamlined process for the making and determination of code of conduct complaints. Awareness of the code should be incorporated within Council’s induction processes for new Councillors. 6. CONSULTATION Since 2010 there has been significant consultation with Tasmanian councils via LGAT in relation to the model code of conduct. The legislation was subject to a public consultation process in October, 2014. Councillors considered the new Code of Conduct at a workshop held on 26th April, 2016. A copy of the Code is to be made available for public inspection at the Council office during office hours and on the Council’s website. 7. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The local government code of conduct framework is prescribed under Part 3, Division 3A (Code of conduct, complaints and complaint resolution) of the Local Government Act 1993. The Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2016 makes the Model Code of Conduct for Tasmanian councillors under section 28R (Model code of conduct) of the Act. The amendments to the Act commenced on 13th April, 2016 and under section 28T (Code of Conduct), all councils must adopt the Model Code of Conduct, with or without permitted variations by 12th July, 2016. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 49 8. RECOMMENDATION That the report by Manager Corporate Services dated 28th April, 2016 concerning the introduction of a Model Code of Conduct be received and; a) Council adopt the Latrobe Council Model Code of Conduct as presented; b) provide a copy of the Code to the Director of Local Government within 14 days; and c) review the Code within three months of the next ordinary election. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 50 Latrobe Council -Model Code of Conduct 1. Introduction Purpose of code of conduct This Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected of the councillors of the Latrobe Council, with respect to all aspects of their role. As leaders in the community, councillors acknowledge the importance of high standards of behaviour in maintaining good governance. Good governance supports each councillor’s primary goal of acting in the best interests of the community. Councillors therefore agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the standards of behaviour set out in the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct incorporates the Model Code of Conduct made by Order of the Minister responsible for local government. Application of code of conduct This Code of Conduct applies to a councillor whenever he or she: - conducts council business, whether at or outside a meeting; conducts the business of his or her office (which may be that of mayor, deputy mayor or councillor); or acts as a representative of the Council. A complaint of failure to comply with the provisions of the Code of Conduct may be made where the councillor fails to meet the standard of conduct specified in the Model Code of Conduct. Standards of conduct prescribed under the Model Code of Conduct The model code of conduct provides for the following eight standards of conduct: 1. Decision making A councillor is to bring an open and unprejudiced mind to all matters being considered in the course of his or her duties, so that decisions are made in the best interests of the community. 2. Conflict of interest A councillor effectively manages conflict of interest by ensuring that personal or private interests do not influence, and are not seen to influence, the performance of his or her role and acting in the public interest. 3. Use of office Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 51 A councillor uses his or her office solely to represent and serve the community, conducting himself or herself in a way that maintains the community’s trust in the councillor and the Council as a whole. 4. Use of resources A councillor uses Council resources and assets strictly for the purpose of performing his or her role. 5. Use of information A councillor uses information appropriately to assist in performing his or her role in the best interests of the community. 6. Gifts and benefits A councillor adheres to the highest standards of transparency and accountability in relation to the receiving of gifts or benefits, and carries out his or her duties without being influenced by personal gifts or benefits. 7. Relationships with community, councillors and council employees A councillor is to be respectful in his or her conduct, communication and relationships with members of the community, fellow councillors and Council employees in a way that builds trust and confidence in the Council. 8. Representation A councillor is to represent himself or herself and the Council appropriately and within the ambit of his or her role, and clearly distinguish between his or her views as an individual and those of the Council. Principles of good governance By adopting this Code of Conduct, councillors commit to the overarching principles of good governance by being: Accountable – Explain, and be answerable for, the consequences of decisions made on behalf of the community. Transparent – Ensure decision making processes can be clearly followed and understood by the community. Law-abiding – Ensure decisions are consistent with relevant legislation or common law, and within the powers of local government. Responsive – Represent and serve the needs of the entire community while balancing competing interests in a timely, appropriate and responsive manner. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 52 Equitable – Provide all groups with the opportunity to participate in the decision making process and treat all groups equally. Participatory and inclusive – Ensure that anyone affected by or interested in a decision has the opportunity to participate in the process for making that decision. Effective and efficient – Implement decisions and follow processes that make the best use of the available people, resources and time, to ensure the best possible results for the community. Consensus oriented – Take into account the different views and interests in the community, to reach a majority position on what is in the best interests of the whole community, and how it can be achieved. 2. Legislation The code of conduct framework is legislated under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). The Act is available to view via the Tasmanian Legislation Website at Code of conduct Tasmanian councillors are required to comply with the provisions of the Council’s Code of Conduct while performing the functions and exercising the powers of his or her office with the council. The Code of Conduct incorporates the Model Code of Conduct (made by order of the Minister responsible for local government) and may include permitted variations included as attached schedules to the Model Code of Conduct. Making a code of conduct complaint A person may make a code of conduct complaint against one councillor in relation to the contravention by the councillor of the relevant council’s code of conduct. A person may make a complaint against more than one councillor if the complaint relates to the same behaviour and the same code of conduct contravention. Code of conduct complaints are lodged with the general manager of the relevant council and must comply with legislative requirements, as outlined below. A complaint may not be made by more than two complainants jointly. A code of conduct complaint is to – - be in writing; state the name and address of the complainant state the name of each councillor against whom the complaint is made; Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 53 - - state the provisions of the relevant code of conduct that the councillor has allegedly contravened; contain details of the behaviour of each councillor that constitutes the alleged contravention; be lodged with the general manager within six months after the councillor or councillors against whom the complaint is made allegedly committed the contravention of the code of conduct; and be accompanied by the code of conduct complaint lodgement fee. Once satisfied that the code of conduct complaint meets prescribed requirements, the General Manager forwards the complaint to the Code of Conduct Panel. Code of conduct complaint lodgement fee The code of conduct complaint lodgement fee is prescribed under Schedule 3 (Fees) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2015. The lodgement fee is 50 fee units ($75.50 in 2015/16). 3. Further assistance Councillor dispute resolution Councillors commit to developing strong and positive working relationships and working effectively together at all times. Prior to commencing a formal code of conduct complaint, the councillors who are parties to any disagreement should endeavour to resolve their differences in a courteous and respectful manner, recognising that they have been elected to act in the best interests of the community. A council’s internal dispute resolution process should be the first step that is taken when there is a dispute between councillors. A councillor who is party to any disagreement should request the Mayor (or Lord Mayor) or the General Manager to assist that councillor in resolving the disagreement informally. If the informal assistance does not resolve the disagreement, the General Manager may, with the consent of the parties involved, choose to appoint an external mediator to assist in the resolution of the disagreement. If an external mediator is appointed, councillors who are party to the disagreement must strive to cooperate with the mediator and use their best endeavours to assist the mediator and participate in the mediation arranged. Where a matter cannot be resolved through internal processes, the next step may be to lodge a formal code of conduct complaint. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 54 Councillors should only invoke the provisions of the Code of Conduct in good faith, where it is perceived that another councillor has not complied with the provisions or intent of the Code of Conduct. Complaints under the Local Government Act 1993 The Director of Local Government is responsible for the investigation of complaints regarding alleged breaches of the Act. Any person can make a complaint to the Director, via the Local Government Division (contact details below), in accordance with section 339E of the Act, where it is genuinely believed that a council, councillor or general manager may have committed an offence under the Act or failed to comply with the requirements of the Act. To make a complaint, it is recommended that you first contact the Local Government Division to discuss whether the matter is something that the Division can assist with. Public Interest Disclosure Any instances of suspected corrupt conduct, maladministration and serious and substantial waste of public resources or substantial risk to public health or safety or to the environment should be reported in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002. Disclosures may be made to the Tasmanian Ombudsman or the Tasmanian Integrity Commission. Key contacts Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Local Government Division Executive Building, 15 Murray Street, HOBART TAS 7000 GPO Box 123, HOBART TAS 7001 Phone: (03) 6232 7022 Fax: (03) 6232 5685 Email: Web: Local Government Association of Tasmania 326 Macquarie Street, HOBART TAS 7000 GPO Box 1521, HOBART TAS 7001 Phone: (03) 6233 5966 Email: Web: The Tasmanian Integrity Commission Surrey House, Level 2, 199 Macquarie Street, HOBART TAS 7000 GPO Box 822, HOBART TAS 7001 Phone: 1300 720 289 Email: Web: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 55 Ombudsman Tasmania NAB House, Level 6, 86 Collins Street, HOBART TAS 7000 GPO Box 123, HOBART TAS 7001 Phone: 1800 001 170 Email: Web: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 56 MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT Part 1 – Decision Making 1. A councillor must bring an open and unprejudiced mind to all matters being decided upon in the course of his or her duties, including when making planning decisions as part of the Council’s role as a Planning Authority. 2. A councillor must make decisions free from personal bias or prejudgement. 3. In making decisions, a councillor must give genuine and impartial consideration to all relevant information known to him or her, or of which he or she should have reasonably been aware. 4. A councillor must make decisions solely on merit and must not take irrelevant matters or circumstances into account when making decisions. Part 2 – Conflict of Interest 1. When carrying out his or her public duty, a councillor must not be unduly influenced, nor be seen to be unduly influenced, by personal or private interests that he or she may have. 2. A councillor must act openly and honestly in the public interest. 3. A councillor must uphold the principles of transparency and honesty and declare actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest at any meeting of the Council and at any workshop or any meeting of a body to which the councillor is appointed or nominated by the Council. 4. A councillor must act in good faith and exercise reasonable judgement to determine whether he or she has an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest. 5. A councillor must avoid, and remove himself or herself from, positions of conflict of interest as far as reasonably possible. 6. A councillor who has an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest in a matter before the Council must – (a) Declare the conflict of interest before discussion on the matter begins; and (b) Act in good faith and exercise reasonable judgement to determine whether the conflict of interest is so material that it requires removing himself or herself physically from any Council discussion and remaining out of the room until the matter is decided by Council. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 57 Part 3 – Use of Office 1. The actions of a councillor must not bring the Council or the office of councillor into disrepute. 2. A councillor must not take advantage, or seek to take advantage, of his or her office or status to improperly influence others in order to gain an undue, improper, unauthorised or unfair benefit or detriment for himself or herself or any other person or body. 3. In his or her personal dealings with the Council (for example as a ratepayer, recipient of a Council service or planning applicant), a councillor must not expect nor request, expressly or implicitly, preferential treatment for himself or herself or any other person or body. Part 4 – Use of resources 1. A councillor must use Council resources appropriate in the course of his or her public duties. 2. A councillor must not use Council resources for private purposes except as provided by Council policies and procedures. 3. A councillor must not allow the misuse of Council resources by any other person or body. 4. A councillor must avoid any action or situation which may lead to a reasonable perception that Council resources are being misused by the councillor or any other person or body. Part 5 – Use of information 1. A councillor must protect confidential Council information in his or her possession or knowledge, and only release it if he or she has the authority to do so. 2. A councillor must only access Council information to perform his or her role and not for personal reasons or non-official purposes. 3. A councillor must only release Council information in accordance with established Council policies and procedures and in compliance with relevant legislation. Part 6 – Gifts and benefits 1. A councillor may accept an offer of a gift or benefit it if it directly relates to the carrying out of the councillor’s public duties and is appropriate in the circumstances. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 58 2. A councillor must avoid situations in which the appearance may be created that any person or body, through the provisions of gifts or benefits of any kind, is securing (or attempting to secure) influence or a favour from the councillor or the Council. 3. A councillor must carefully consider – (a) the apparent intent of the giver of the gift or benefit; and (b) the relationship the councillor has with the giver; and (c) whether the giver is seeking to influence his or her decisions or actions, or seeking a favour in return for the gift or benefit. 4. A councillor must not solicit gifts or benefits in the carrying out of his or her duties. 5. A councillor must not accept an offer of cash, cash-like gifts (such as gift cards and vouchers) or credit. 6. A councillor must not accept a gift or benefit if the giver is involved in a matter which is before the Council. 7. A councillor may accept an offer of a gift or benefit that is token in nature (valued at less than $50) or meets the definition of a token gift or benefit (if the Council has a gifts and benefits policy). 8. If the Council has a gifts register, a councillor who accepts a gift or benefit must record it in the relevant register. Part 7 – Relationships with the community, councillors and Council employees 1. A councillor – (a) must treat all persons with courtesy, fairness, dignity and respect; and (b) must not cause any reasonable person offence or embarrassment; and (c) must not bully or harass any person. 2. A councillor must listen to, and respect, the views of other councillors in Council and committee meetings and any other proceedings of the Council, and endeavour to ensure that issues, not personalities, are the focus of debate. 3. A councillor must not influence, or attempt to influence, any Council employee or delegate of the Council, in the exercise of the functions of the employee or delegate. 4. A councillor must not contact or issue instructions to any of the Council’s contractors or tenderers, without appropriate authorization. 5. A councillor must not contact an employee of the Council in relation to Council matters unless authorised by the General Manager of the Council. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 59 Part 8 – Representation 1. When giving information to the community, a councillor must accurately represent the policies and decisions of the Council. 2. A councillor must not knowingly misrepresent information that he or she has obtained in the course of his or her duties. 3. A councillor must not speak on behalf of the Council unless specifically authorised or delegated by the Mayor or Lord Mayor. 4. A councillor must clearly indicate when he or she is putting forward his or her personal views. 5. A councillor’s personal views must not be expressed in such a way as to undermine the decisions of the Council or bring the Council into disrepute. 6. A councillor mush show respect when expressing personal views publicly. 7. The personal conduct of a councillor must not reflect, or have the potential to reflect, adversely on the reputation of the Council. 8. When representing the Council on external bodies, a councillor must strive to understand the basis of the appointment and be aware of the ethical and legal responsibilities attached to such an appointment. Part 9 -Variation of Code of Conduct 1. Any variation of this model code of conduct is to be in accordance with section 28T of the Act. POLICY NUMBER DATE CODE ADOPTED AMENDMENT DATE & MINUTE NUMBER RESPONSIBLE MANAGER General Manager 9 May, 2016 Minute reference: xxxx RELATED POLICIES /LEGISLATION Local Government Act 1993 Model Code of Conduct Order 2016 (SR 2016, No 23) th Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 POLICY TYPE Council STRATEGIC PLAN REFERENCE 3.2 Governance To provide consistent, accountable, transparent and DATE OF NEXT REVIEW Within 3 months of next ordinary election Page 60 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 61 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 62 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 63 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 64 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 65 Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 66 Annexure "G" Latrobe Council Financial Report 30 April 2016 Contents Finance Report - Summary Cashflow, Investment, Rate Collection & Debtors Reports Operational Summary Capital Report Capital Works Construction Program Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 67 Latrobe Council Finance Report April 2016 – Summary Cash balance at 30 April 2016 was $8.27m compared to $8.58m at 31 March 2016. Weighted average return on cash (including term deposits) was 2.88% for April. Rates outstanding at 30 April 2016 were $94,589 (1.4%) compared to the previous year: $154,052 (2.4%). After adding back rates received in advance, rates outstanding at 30 April 2016 was $232,735 of which $263,479 relates to arrears from prior years. Comparisons to budget within this report are to the revised budget adopted at the Council meeting held on the 15th of February 2016. Operating budget variances identified for April: There are some instances where the actual timing of income and expenditure varies from the budgeted timing. Favourable variance ‐ Port Sorell Caravan Park year to date income exceeds the annual budget of $327,000 by $6,130. Favourable variance – Latrobe Visitor Information Centre year to date retail sales are $12,500. There was no budget set for this item. Favourable variance – Reimbursements for resource shared positions exceed the year to date budget by approximately $30,000 (Engineering, Building, Risk Management, Planning). Operating budget variances identified in previous reports: The majority of previous budget variances have been addressed in the first and second quarter budget reviews. There are some instances where the actual timing of income and expenditure varies from the budgeted timing. Interest received exceeds the YTD budget by $24,775. Storm and flood damage expenditure YTD is $10,155. There was no budget set for this item. Site maintenance at the Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station exceed the YTD budget by $15,054 of which $10,400 relates to temporary backhoe hire to replace the unit which was burnt. Due to a decrease in commodity prices for steel, metal recyclers are now charging to remove scrap metal from the Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station. The YTD budget variance is $4,975. Costs to operate Camp Banksia are $21,187 less than YTD budget; however the expected income for the operation was also revised downwards in the second quarter by $45,000. Capital budget variances identified in previous reports: The majority of previous budget variances have been addressed in the first and second quarter budget reviews. Roads: Chapel Road – Stage 3. The project is currently $273,447 or 55% over budget. As discussed at the Council workshop held on 29/02/2016 the total cost of the project was expected to be Latrobe Council Finance Report April 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 68 around $750,000 including additional costs for earthworks, road base, land acquisitions and payments for non‐council assets such as fencing and power pole relocation. The project has been substantially funded by Roads to Recovery grants of $634,237. The project has been completed. Greens Creek Road Safety Improvements. A number of reported single vehicle incidents at the Greens Creek crossing prompted a recent inspection of the site by Engineering Officers. The proposed solution to reduce the risk of future incidents included installing steel guard rail at the creek crossing and appropriate warning signage on the approaches. Works are to be completed during April. The project was not budgeted for and is expected to cost $18,500. It is likely that the operational bridge maintenance budget of $7,592 will not be used this financial year. Station Square – Reseal Carpark. The carpark was resealed with a 7mm bitumen seal. Due to issues with the bitumen seal 40% was re‐treated with a thin asphalt layer at a reduced cost offered by the contractor. The project is $6,088 over budget. Plant: The trade on Plant 30 – Truck (Tipper) is yet to be received and accounted for. Footpaths: Wilmot St – Rice St to Kermode St. Telstra pit relocations and variations to the original scope of works have resulted in this project being $9,268 over budget. Variations to the original scope of works include the installation of a stormwater pit to service a low‐lying area and upgrades to several driveways. Private works reimbursements relating to this project amount to $3,782. Latrobe Council Finance Report April 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 69 The following report shows the year to date Income Statement of the Council compared to the year to date budget and annual budget. It should be noted that Council does not accrue all income and expenses on a monthly basis. Also, this report does not include committed costs. Latrobe Council Finance Report April 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 70 The following report shows the Financial Position of the Council compared to the position at the end of the previous Financial year. The report includes work in progress that has not yet been capitalised, excluding committed costs. Latrobe Council Balance Sheet Report as at 30 April 2016 30/04/16 30/06/15 $ $ Current Assets 700 Cash 7,935,229 7,416,963 701 Cash - Special Committees 331,840 171,016 702 Receivables 236,106 234,883 703 Inventories 49,392 47,105 704 Tax Assets 1,079 31,579 8,553,647 7,901,546 705 Other Current Assets 104,902 194,642 720 Work in Progress 285,590 285,590 15,416 21,583 0 0 757 Investments 30,242,293 30,242,293 771 Road Base 41,516,984 43,764,354 772 Road Seal 6,782,305 6,782,305 883,641 883,641 774 Footpaths 7,482,248 7,482,248 775 Kerb & Channel 8,582,618 8,582,618 776 Bridges 5,590,702 5,590,702 860,250 860,250 778 Road Reserve Land 19,624,406 19,624,406 789 Stormwater 17,957,592 17,957,592 791 Land 17,103,927 17,103,927 2,619,126 2,619,126 22,127,502 22,127,502 129,962 129,962 Non-Current Assets 755 Other Non-Current Assets 756 Intangible Assets 773 Other Road Assets 777 Carparks 792 Land Improvements 794 Buildings 796 Office Furn & Equip 797 Motor Vehicles 798 Plant 799 Minor Plant Work in Progress - Capital Works Program Total Assets 366,631 366,631 1,335,078 1,335,078 109,759 109,759 3,115,526 186,836,459 186,064,209 195,390,105 193,965,755 Latrobe Council Finance Report April 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 71 Latrobe Council Balance Sheet Report as at 30 April 2016 Current Liabilities 800 Payables 207,945 802 Interest Bearing Liabilities (Loans) 750,347 13,056 25,706 806 Tax Liabilities -33,980 -41,186 807 Provisions 812,959 848,267 808 Other Current Liabilities 556,394 447,047 950 Holding Accounts 11,003 0 1,567,377 2,030,181 276,267 276,267 Non-Current Liabilities 852 Interest Bearing Liabilities (Loans) 857 Provisions 718,840 718,840 858 Other Non-Current Liabilities 482,005 485,380 1,477,112 1,480,487 3,044,489 3,510,668 192,345,616 190,455,087 900 Reserves 90,501,755 90,501,755 910 Retained Profits 99,953,832 78,857,268 Surplus/(Deficit) 1,890,028 21,096,064 192,345,616 190,455,087 Total Liabilities Net Assets Equity Total Equity Latrobe Council Finance Report April 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 72 Latrobe Council 2015/16 Financial Year CASH FLOW BUDGET 2015/2016 ACTUAL 30-Apr-16 Cash Receipts $ 12,124,047 $ 11,225,685 Cash Payments $ 12,354,130 $ 10,546,596 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $ $ 679,089 OPENING CASH 1-JUL-15 CLOSING CASH (230,083) $ 6,632,619 $ 7,587,980 $ 6,402,536 $ 8,267,069 INVESTMENT SUMMARY Opening Balance Movement YTD Special Committee $ 187,580 $ Cash Floats & Petty Cash $ 1,155 $ At Call Cash Accounts $ 1,813,371 $ Term Deposits $ 6,146,648 CLOSING CASH $ 8,148,754 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 144,260 Closing Balance $ 331,840 $ 1,155 (379,297) $ 1,434,074 $ 353,352 $ 6,500,000 $ 118,315 $ 8,267,069 - Page 73 Latrobe Council Investment Summary 30 Apr 2016 CASH AND INVESTMENTS BY INSTITUTION Institution Number Investment of Term Rating (S&P short/long term) Deposits AMP TD ANZ TD BOQ TD BOS TD CBA TD ME Bank TD Mystate TD NAB TD Westpac TD A1 / A+ A1+ / AA A2 / A‐ Govt. Guaranteed A1+ / AA A2 / BBB+ A2 / BBB+ A1+ / AA‐ A1+ / AA‐ Total Term Deposits At Call Deposits 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 11 $ 6,500,000 $ 167,994 A1+ / AA Total Funds YTD Average Term Interest (Days) Earned Current Amount Invested $ 21,614 $ 28,317 $ 14,755 $ 1,808 $ 1,673 $ 5,492 $ 29,292 $ 46,177 $ 18,866 $ 1,436,624 $ 38,869 11 Average Interest Rate 182 182 3.02% 2.97% 206 182 182 2.98% 3.13% 3.12% % of Total Funds Investment Policy Maximum 12.60% 12.60% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 31.50% 12.60% 12.60% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 81.90% n/a $ 7,936,624 $ 206,863 18.10% 45% 100.00% CASH AND INVESTMENTS BY RISK CATEGORY Investment Rating (S&P Short term) Current Amount Invested % of Total Funds Investment Policy Maximum A1+ $ 4,436,624 55.90% 100% A1 $ 1,000,000 12.60% 100% A2 $ 2,500,000 31.50% 60% A3 $ ‐ 0.00% 20% Unrated $ ‐ 0.00% 0% Govt. Guaranteed $ ‐ 0.00% 100% Total Funds $ 7,936,624 100% Reconciliation to Cashflow Report Investment Balance Above Cash Floats & Petty Cash Special Committee Balances Bank Reconciliation ‐ unpresented items Closing Cash per Cashflow Report Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda $7,936,624 $1,155 $331,840 ‐$2,550 $8,267,069 9th May, 2016 Page 74 Latrobe Council Investment Report 30 Apr 2016 Investment Details Interest Accrued 30/06/2015 Investment Body Investment Rating (S&P Short / Long Term) Date Lodged CBA TD A1+ / AA 6/02/2015 6/08/2015 $500,000.00 181 3.30% 3.33% $1,673 $0 $0 $1,673 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 7/02/2015 7/08/2015 $509,326.03 181 3.30% 3.33% $1,750 $0 $0 $1,750 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 10/02/2015 10/08/2015 $500,000.00 181 3.31% 3.34% $1,859 $0 $0 $1,859 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 12/02/2015 12/08/2015 $509,174.79 181 3.31% 3.34% $1,986 $0 $0 $1,986 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 7/05/2015 7/11/2015 $1,000,000.00 184 2.90% 2.90% $7,310 $3,019 $0 $10,329 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 18/05/2015 18/11/2015 $583,163.47 184 2.90% 2.90% $4,263 $2,270 $0 $6,533 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 25/05/2015 25/11/2015 $595,771.43 184 2.90% 2.90% $4,355 $2,651 $0 $7,006 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 29/06/2015 29/12/2015 $500,000.00 183 2.95% 2.95% $3,718 $3,718 $0 $7,436 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 2/07/2015 29/12/2015 $250,000.00 180 2.95% 2.97% $1,818 $1,859 $0 $3,677 BOQ TD A2 / A‐ 14/07/2015 14/01/2016 $500,000.00 184 2.92% 2.92% $3,120 $3,680 $560 $7,360 ME Bank TD A2 / BBB+ 14/07/2015 12/10/2015 $750,000.00 90 2.97% 3.00% $4,760 $732 $0 $5,492 BOS TD Govt. Guaranteed 16/07/2015 12/10/2015 $250,000.00 88 3.00% 3.03% $1,562 $247 $0 $1,808 Maturity Date Amount Invested Term (Days) Quoted Interest Rate Effective Annual Interest Balance 31/03/2016 Q1 Q2 Q3 Apr‐16 May‐16 Jun‐16 Total YTD AMP TD A1 / A+ 4/08/2015 2/02/2016 $500,000.00 182 2.90% 2.92% $2,264 $3,655 $1,311 $7,230 AMP TD A1 / A+ 6/08/2015 2/02/2016 $500,000.00 180 2.90% 2.92% $2,185 $3,655 $1,311 $7,151 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 7/08/2015 7/02/2016 $517,660.84 184 2.95% 2.95% $2,259 $3,849 $1,590 $7,698 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 10/08/2015 10/02/2016 $500,000.00 184 2.90% 2.90% $2,026 $3,655 $1,629 $7,310 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 19/08/2015 19/01/2016 $500,000.00 153 2.90% 2.92% $1,668 $3,655 $755 $6,078 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 19/08/2015 19/01/2016 $500,000.00 153 2.90% 2.92% $1,668 $3,655 $755 BOQ TD A2 / A‐ 12/10/2015 12/04/2016 $500,000.00 183 2.95% 2.95% $0 $3,233 $3,677 $484.93 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 15/10/2015 15/05/2016 $500,000.00 213 2.95% 2.95% $500,000 $0 $3,112 $3,677 $1,212.33 $8,001 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 7/11/2015 7/05/2016 $1,000,000.00 182 2.95% 2.97% $1,000,000 $0 $4,364 $7,355 $2,424.66 $14,144 $6,547 $6,078 $7,395 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 20/11/2015 20/06/2016 $500,000.00 213 2.95% 2.95% $500,000 $0 $1,657 $3,677 $1,212.33 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 26/11/2015 26/06/2016 $500,000.00 213 2.95% 2.95% $500,000 $0 $1,414 $3,677 $1,212.33 $6,304 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 8/01/2016 7/07/2016 $500,000.00 181 3.08% 3.10% $500,000 $0 $0 $3,502 $1,265.75 $4,768 20/01/2016 21/07/2016 $1,000,000.00 183 3.05% 3.05% $1,000,000 $0 $0 $5,933 $2,506.85 $8,440 2/02/2016 2/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.00% 3.02% $500,000 $0 $2,384 $1,232.88 $3,616 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ AMP TD A1 / A+ AMP TD A1 / A+ 2/02/2016 2/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.00% 3.02% $500,000 $0 $2,384 $1,232.88 $3,616 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 11/02/2016 11/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.10% 3.12% $500,000 $0 $2,081 $1,273.97 $3,355 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 11/02/2016 11/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.10% 3.12% $500,000 $0 $2,081 $1,273.97 $3,355 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 13/04/2016 13/10/2016 $500,000.00 183 3.15% 3.15% $500,000 ANZ Online Saver Account A1+ / AA at call CBA Online Saver Account A1+ / AA at call CBA Working Account A1+ / AA Working a/c Totals Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda $1,214,768.14 365 2.80% 2.84% $1,214,768 $733.56 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,697 $10,573 $8,124 $0 $0 $2,791 $33,185 $5,683 $101.56 365 1.50% 1.51% $102 $0 $0 $0 $221,754.33 365 1.40% 1.41% $221,754 $1,682 $1,438 $1,987 $576 $7,936,624 $63,623 $66,090 $58,449 $19,434 $1,436,624.03 9th May, 2016 $0 $0 $0 $206,863 Page 75 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 76 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 77 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Apr 2016 2016 Monthly Variances Master Level Account Number 1101 1102 1112 1122 1132 1142 1151 1152 1162 1172 1181 1182 1261 1262 1271 1272 1301 1302 1311 1312 1322 1331 1332 1342 1401 1402 1411 1412 1421 1422 1431 1432 1441 1442 1491 1492 1502 1511 1512 1521 1522 1532 1542 1551 1552 1561 1562 1571 1572 1581 1582 Account Description Roads General ‐ Revenue Roads General ‐ Expenditure Urban Sealed Streets ‐ Expenditure Urban Unsealed Streets ‐ Expenditure Rural Sealed Roads ‐ Expenditure Rural Unsealed Roads ‐ Expenditure Footpaths ‐ Revenue Footpaths ‐ Expenditure Kerb & Channel ‐ Expenditure Carparks ‐ Expenditure Bridges ‐ Revenue Bridges ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Stormwater Scheme ‐ Revenue Latrobe Stormwater Scheme ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Memorial Hall ‐ Revenue Latrobe Memorial Hall ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Youth Centre ‐ Revenue Latrobe Youth Centre ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Swimming Pool ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Recreation Ground ‐ Revenue Latrobe Recreation Ground ‐ Expenditure Hampden Street ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Hall ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Hall ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Tennis Club ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Tennis Club ‐ Expenditure Camp Banksia ‐ Revenue Camp Banksia ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Recreation Ground ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Recreation Ground ‐ Expenditure Banksia Centre ‐ Revenue Banksia Centre ‐ Expenditure Moriarty Hall ‐ Revenue Moriarty Hall ‐ Expenditure Council Chambers ‐ Expenditure Elderly Persons Units ‐ Revenue Elderly Persons Units ‐ Expenditure Regional Arts Building ‐ Revenue Regional Arts Building ‐ Expenditure Historic Centre ‐ Expenditure Senior Citizens Club ‐ Expenditure Sherwood Hall ‐ Revenue Sherwood Hall ‐ Expenditure Lewis Street Property ‐ Revenue Lewis Street Property ‐ Expenditure 1317 Port Sorell Main Road 1317 Port Sorell Main Road ‐ Expenditure Australian Axemens Hall of Fame ‐ Revenue Australian Axemens Hall of Fame Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget ‐1259180 240510 465207 9380 1079835 268022 0 211058 169488 34938 ‐20160 175704 ‐500 162340 ‐500 264586 0 57261 ‐13141 105252 162998 ‐67548 311748 6108 ‐8499 33383 ‐9200 18044 ‐339000 416580 ‐500 22945 ‐11500 100386 ‐1500 16035 144585 ‐449999 421246 ‐3600 12575 7535 22303 ‐749 27139 ‐11000 12707 ‐10200 9272 ‐79001 208940 ‐604387 196397 392452 5352 870396 297199 0 149453 143085 26051 ‐15120 145863 0 136335 ‐500 223908 0 49004 ‐6038 83342 148831 ‐44799 250448 4886 ‐4292 28749 0 12000 ‐316624 348052 ‐500 18119 ‐9584 83347 0 11569 120765 ‐375722 348678 ‐3000 10730 6682 18706 ‐749 22359 ‐8800 8876 ‐8408 7766 ‐79001 171452 YTD Actual ‐929039.91 174549.43 303349.54 4662.83 863488.12 221524.09 0 189834.96 135636.45 27460.47 ‐15121.62 131915.81 ‐1050 129159.2 ‐2150 205014.03 ‐100 38563.23 ‐11185.71 79719.2 143209.96 ‐27072.81 244333.63 3023.18 ‐8774 28100.92 ‐8261.78 16098.27 ‐322674.14 304030.67 ‐500 10878.33 ‐18576.89 89851.95 0 7138.6 103848.95 ‐384730.25 325231.62 ‐1558.06 6877.91 1787.56 12406.63 ‐466.94 9661.9 ‐9240 5029.95 ‐7986.94 9936.36 ‐78175.82 176496.12 Previous ‐929039.91 157428.68 272482.53 4526.39 791556.65 192721.34 0 177078.44 122883.45 25312.47 ‐15121.62 117315.2 ‐1050 116753.11 ‐2150 184008.15 ‐100 35266.95 ‐9849.89 75281.99 133124.6 ‐26710.72 219437.48 2830.18 ‐8519 26669.1 ‐8261.78 11643.47 ‐293849.18 272218.89 ‐500 10009.33 ‐16840.19 82220.33 0 6705.6 94668.32 ‐347998.07 302231.41 ‐1558.06 6303.34 1671.56 11235.32 ‐466.94 9004.85 ‐8360 4505.39 ‐6789.91 9539.54 ‐77775.82 167385.91 Movement This Month Variance ‐ YTD Budget ‐ 17,121 30,867 136 71,931 28,803 ‐ 12,757 12,753 2,148 ‐ 14,601 ‐ 12,406 ‐ 21,006 ‐ 3,296 (1,336) 4,437 10,085 (362) 24,896 193 (255) 1,432 ‐ 4,455 (28,825) 31,812 ‐ 869 (1,737) 7,632 ‐ 433 9,181 (36,732) 23,000 ‐ 575 116 1,171 ‐ 657 (880) 525 (1,197) 397 (400) 9,110 (324,653) (21,848) (89,102) (689) (6,908) (75,675) ‐ 40,382 (7,449) 1,409 (2) (13,947) (1,050) (7,176) (1,650) (18,894) (100) (10,441) (5,148) (3,623) (5,621) 17,726 (6,114) (1,863) (4,482) (648) (8,262) 4,098 (6,050) (44,021) ‐ (7,241) (8,993) 6,505 ‐ (4,430) (16,916) (9,008) (23,446) 1,442 (3,852) (4,894) (6,299) 282 (12,697) (440) (3,846) 421 2,170 825 5,044 9th May, 2016 Variance % 53.72% ‐11.12% ‐22.70% ‐12.88% ‐0.79% ‐25.46% 0.00% 27.02% ‐5.21% 5.41% 0.01% ‐9.56% 0.00% ‐5.26% 330.00% ‐8.44% 0.00% ‐21.31% 85.26% ‐4.35% ‐3.78% ‐39.57% ‐2.44% ‐38.13% 104.43% ‐2.25% 0.00% 34.15% 1.91% ‐12.65% 0.00% ‐39.96% 93.83% 7.80% 0.00% ‐38.30% ‐14.01% 2.40% ‐6.72% ‐48.06% ‐35.90% ‐73.25% ‐33.68% ‐37.66% ‐56.79% 5.00% ‐43.33% ‐5.01% 27.95% ‐1.04% 2.94% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Check Check Check Ok Ok Check Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Comments Timing varies to budget, yearly allocation of Roads to Recovery funds have been received in full. Timing varies to budget, street lighting Timing varies to budget, base maint, profiling, overheads Timing varies to budget, surface maintenance Timing varies to budget, footpath maintenance Timing varies to budget, bridge maintenance Timing varies to budget, consultants Timing varies to budget, maintenance, water & sewerage rate, overhead Possible budget variance ‐ reimbursements from Community groups Possible budget variance ‐ Lower staff costs, power, minor equipment Timing varies to budget ‐ Maintenance, power Timing varies to budget ‐ Building maintenance Timing varies to budget ‐ Building maintenance Page 78 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Apr 2016 Account Number 1592 1601 1602 1612 1622 1632 1682 1692 1702 1712 1722 1732 1742 1752 1762 1782 1792 1801 1802 1812 1822 1831 1832 1852 1862 2101 2102 2201 2202 2211 2212 2221 2222 2301 2302 2311 2312 2321 2322 2331 2332 2342 2352 2402 2411 2412 2431 2432 2501 2502 2512 3101 3102 Account Description 37 Faulkner Drive Bells Parade ‐ Revenue Bells Parade ‐ Expenditure Atkinson/Thompson's Parks ‐ Expenditure Kings Park ‐ Expenditure St Georges Park ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Town Walking Tracks ‐ Expenditure Other Latrobe Reserves ‐ Expenditure Rubicon Reserve ‐ Expenditure North Freers Reserve ‐ Expenditure Shearwater Park ‐ Expenditure Panatana Family Park ‐ Expenditure Pitcairn Bush Reserve ‐ Expenditure Lucks Reserve ‐ Expenditure Squeaking Point ‐ Expenditure Town Walking Tracks ‐ Expenditure Other Port Sorell Reserves ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Town ‐ Revenue Latrobe Town ‐ Expenditure Station Square ‐ Expenditure Post Office Park ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Cemetery ‐ Revenue Latrobe Cemetery ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Towns ‐ Expenditure Addisons Reserve ‐ Expenditure Elected Members ‐ Revenue Elected Members ‐ Expenditure Executive Management ‐ Revenue Executive Management ‐ Expenditure General Operations ‐ Revenue General Operations ‐ Expenditure Government Contributions/Levies ‐ Revenue Government Contributions/Levies ‐ Expenditure Community Development ‐ Revenue Community Development ‐ Expenditure Community Grants ‐ Revenue Community Grants ‐ Expenditure Cultural Events ‐ Revenue Cultural Events ‐ Expenditure Community Newsletter ‐ Revenue Community Newsletter ‐ Expenditure Youth Services ‐ Expenditure Community Participation ‐ Expenditure Tourism ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Visitor Information Centre ‐ Revenue Latrobe Visitor Information Centre ‐ Expenditure Caravan Park ‐ Revenue Caravan Park ‐ Expenditure Land Development ‐ Revenue Land Development ‐ Expenditure Business Development ‐ Expenditure Corporate Services ‐ Revenue Corporate Services ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual 10395 9613 6399.49 ‐400 ‐400 ‐86.81 105728 82662 84548.08 12410 9154 8028.57 65607 54786 59742.87 2099 1511 1634.29 38423 27566 15276.28 11973 8502 11280.16 91347 68563 83498.61 1877 1518 2053.98 13953 9817 14571 33105 26085 31437.58 4074 3112 516.02 2895 2523 758.69 14157 9504 8876.5 4256 2096 1347.11 23467 19573 21246.24 ‐1500 ‐632 ‐3543.64 205366 143493 164304.68 27212 21414 19579.62 6857 5061 6973.62 ‐3200 ‐2683 ‐1609.09 12896 11004 12114 116792 107963 112459.04 23367 15411 19723.97 0 0 ‐1304.78 259441 195209 185849.13 ‐116152 ‐96850 ‐95342.42 383310 296048 289829.88 ‐2764360 ‐622129 ‐621574.07 191926 182878 164824.57 ‐358452 ‐355006 ‐355990.92 344660 258495 255972.75 0 0 ‐224.7 67923 51313 44814.1 0 0 ‐3600.91 48642 45642 37204.45 ‐4300 ‐4300 ‐5655.74 74107 56800 48719.15 0 0 ‐2460 27195 21127 23027.6 13361 10530 1681.33 8292 5019 3721.35 75146 54789 46476.22 ‐801 ‐653 ‐13679.49 68442 44653 42474.13 ‐333701 ‐293303 ‐343588.64 320394 260815 275143.15 ‐1280000 0 ‐3665.78 1269727 42162 21668.32 13250 10224 9011.98 ‐390931 ‐311339 ‐233728.61 390935 311803 241358.54 Previous 2841.58 ‐86.81 77894.18 7659.47 46121.29 1525.69 13029.97 11068.45 73900.23 1406.17 13728.37 29181.49 479.88 585.46 8196.9 1192.82 20543.49 ‐3543.64 149079.77 17632.77 5735.38 ‐1609.09 11517.07 102932.67 17682.55 ‐1304.78 168416.94 ‐85815.53 267378.55 ‐598514.88 147672.27 ‐352456.38 170648.5 ‐224.7 41487.61 ‐3600.91 37187.98 ‐5311.19 46807.69 ‐2460 22110.61 1681.33 3444.19 39858.69 ‐10202.61 37797.25 ‐321890.01 236753.38 ‐3665.78 21104.06 8300.38 ‐233728.61 233828.61 Movement Variance ‐ This Month YTD Budget 3,558 (3,214) ‐ 313 6,654 1,886 369 (1,125) 13,622 4,957 109 123 2,246 (12,290) 212 2,778 9,598 14,936 648 536 843 4,754 2,256 5,353 36 (2,596) 173 (1,764) 680 (628) 154 (749) 703 1,673 ‐ (2,912) 15,225 20,812 1,947 (1,834) 1,238 1,913 ‐ 1,074 597 1,110 9,526 4,496 2,041 4,313 ‐ (1,305) 17,432 (9,360) 1,508 (9,527) 22,451 (6,218) (23,059) 555 17,152 (18,053) (3,535) (985) 85,324 (2,522) ‐ (225) 3,326 (6,499) ‐ (3,601) 16 (8,438) (1,356) (345) 1,911 (8,081) ‐ (2,460) 917 1,901 ‐ (8,849) 277 (1,298) 6,618 (8,313) (3,477) (13,026) 4,677 (2,179) (21,699) (50,286) 38,390 14,328 ‐ (3,666) 564 (20,494) 712 (1,212) ‐ 77,610 7,530 (70,444) 9th May, 2016 Variance % ‐33.43% ‐78.30% 2.28% ‐12.29% 9.05% 8.16% ‐44.58% 32.68% 21.78% 35.31% 48.43% 20.52% ‐83.42% ‐69.93% ‐6.60% ‐35.73% 8.55% 460.70% 14.50% ‐8.57% 37.79% ‐40.03% 10.09% 4.16% 27.99% 0.00% ‐4.79% ‐1.56% ‐2.10% ‐0.09% ‐9.87% 0.28% ‐0.98% 0.00% ‐12.67% 0.00% ‐18.49% 31.53% ‐14.23% 0.00% 9.00% ‐84.03% ‐25.85% ‐15.17% 1994.87% ‐4.88% 17.14% 5.49% 0.00% ‐48.61% ‐11.85% ‐24.93% ‐22.59% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Comments Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, development work, tree maintenance Check Ok Timing varies to budget, general & amenities maintenance Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, consultants Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, insurance, legal fees, CCA Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, commision sales Check Ok Budget variance ‐ Accomodation Check Timing varies to budget, water and sewerage rates Check Ok Timing varies to budget, land development costs, Land Tax Check Ok Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Possible budget variance ‐ Accounting Services overhead Check Page 79 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Apr 2016 3211 3212 3221 3222 3502 3512 3521 3522 3901 3902 3911 3912 3921 3922 4101 4102 4201 4202 4211 4212 4221 4222 4232 4241 Accounting Services ‐ Revenue Accounting Services ‐ Expenditure Accounts Payable/Receivable ‐ Revenue Accounts Payable/Receivable ‐ Expenditure Council Payroll ‐ Expenditure Council Employee Development ‐ Expenditure Council Human Resource Management ‐ Revenue Council Human Resource Management ‐ Expenditure Council Overheads ‐ Revenue Council Overheads ‐ Expenditure Council Employee On‐costs ‐ Revenue Council Employee On‐costs ‐ Expenditure Council Plant Hire ‐ Revenue Council Plant Hire ‐ Expenditure Development Services ‐ Revenue Development Services ‐ Expenditure Building Services ‐ Revenue Building Services ‐ Expenditure Planning Services ‐ Revenue Planning Services ‐ Expenditure Health Services ‐ Revenue Health Services ‐ Expenditure Regulatory Services ‐ Expenditure Animal Control ‐ Revenue ‐190806 168195 ‐90680 90684 48064 30069 ‐1999 17468 ‐791660 791660 ‐589231 589231 ‐77880 77877 ‐8311 8311 ‐268626 320232 ‐234398 435873 ‐18500 111089 3184 ‐63678 ‐152258 135560 ‐69526 68725 26447 19921 ‐1728 15477 ‐589884 627971 ‐431585 498617 ‐64900 65550 ‐7834 7682 ‐230729 251920 ‐189091 427742 ‐16883 90864 2689 ‐71019 ‐107589.47 116386.17 ‐54941.73 60072.01 35319.52 24925.5 ‐1551.85 9733.51 ‐463452.99 463453.25 ‐470007.5 431205.28 ‐46281.98 57616.49 ‐15076.73 15151.36 ‐252671.93 213603.63 ‐243921.01 318342.87 ‐20951.52 83516.03 2739.91 ‐66330.75 ‐104760.54 104760.54 ‐54941.73 54941.73 33451.29 24723.03 ‐1551.85 8960.51 ‐463452.99 463453.25 ‐423158.04 383870.96 ‐43167.38 52732.74 ‐15006.03 15006.03 ‐223912.61 201838.13 ‐210647.04 289491.87 ‐20293.57 73884.35 2739.91 ‐63315.05 (2,829) 11,626 ‐ 5,130 1,868 202 ‐ 773 ‐ ‐ (46,849) 47,334 (3,115) 4,884 (71) 145 (28,759) 11,766 (33,274) 28,851 (658) 9,632 ‐ (3,016) 44,669 (19,174) 14,584 (8,653) 8,873 5,005 176 (5,743) 126,431 (164,518) (38,423) (67,412) 18,618 (7,934) (7,243) 7,469 (21,943) (38,316) (54,830) (109,399) (4,069) (7,348) 51 4,688 ‐29.34% ‐14.14% ‐20.98% ‐12.59% 33.55% 25.12% ‐10.19% ‐37.11% ‐21.43% ‐26.20% 8.90% ‐13.52% ‐28.69% ‐12.10% 92.45% 97.23% 9.51% ‐15.21% 29.00% ‐25.58% 24.10% ‐8.09% 1.89% ‐6.60% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Comments Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, valuation costs, rate enquiries Check Possible budget variance, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, software licences / subscriptions Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Budget variance ‐ interest Check Ok Timing variance ‐ includes reimbursement of staff positions from labour hire arrangements and overhead reallocations Check Possible budget variance ‐ includes Kentish Accounting labour Check Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, oncost allocation Check Timing varies to budget, annual leave and superannuation Check Timing varies to budget, allocations Check Ok Ok Ok Possible budget variance, reimbursements Check Possible budget variance ‐ Building Surveyor, Plumbing Inspector Check Budget variance ‐ Planning charges, public open space contributions Check Possible budget variance ‐ Planning staff & IT overhead allocation Check Ok Ok Ok Ok 4242 4401 4402 4411 4412 4421 4422 5101 5102 5201 5202 5211 5212 5402 5411 Animal Control ‐ Expenditure Waste Management Services ‐ Revenue Waste Management Services ‐ Expenditure Household Collection ‐ Revenue Household Collection ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station ‐ Expenditure Engineering Services ‐ Revenue Engineering Services ‐ Expenditure Technical Services ‐ Revenue Technical Services ‐ Expenditure Asset Management ‐ Revenue Asset Management ‐ Expenditure Natural Resource Management ‐ Expenditure State Emergency Service ‐ Revenue 98259 ‐789069 264237 ‐100 572331 ‐66501 221871 ‐455173 455170 ‐155837 155842 ‐134130 99335 27436 ‐16630 62636 ‐789069 125116 ‐100 434392 ‐60615 165453 ‐362002 360483 ‐126530 126900 ‐108380 64097 18586 0 77051.95 ‐796884.22 121669.51 ‐82.7 433060.66 ‐59912.56 218135.85 ‐286249.27 293766.25 ‐113869.62 124553.59 ‐51551.92 58204.61 9850.11 0 65645.03 ‐796718.82 119594.11 ‐82.7 386781.89 ‐56426.19 203616.32 ‐282277.13 282464.75 ‐113869.62 113869.62 ‐51551.92 51551.92 9314.12 0 11,407 (165) 2,075 ‐ 46,279 (3,486) 14,520 (3,972) 11,302 ‐ 10,684 ‐ 6,653 536 ‐ 14,416 (7,815) (3,446) 17 (1,331) 702 52,683 75,753 (66,717) 12,660 (2,346) 56,828 (5,892) (8,736) ‐ 23.02% 0.99% ‐2.75% ‐17.30% ‐0.31% ‐1.16% 31.84% ‐20.93% ‐18.51% ‐10.01% ‐1.85% ‐52.43% ‐9.19% ‐47.00% 0.00% Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Check Check Check Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Account Number 3111 3112 3121 3122 3131 3132 3141 3142 3152 3162 3201 3202 Account Description Office Operating Costs ‐ Revenue Office Operating Costs ‐ Expenditure Property & Rates ‐ Revenue Property & Rates ‐ Expenditure IT Services ‐ Revenue IT Services ‐ Expenditure Risk Management ‐ Revenue Risk Management ‐ Expenditure Customer Service ‐ Expenditure Records Management ‐ Expenditure Financial Services ‐ Revenue Financial Services ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual ‐400 ‐368 ‐226.1 76962 61276 65419.04 ‐5540632 ‐5386394 ‐5394636.44 307007 243166 295681.8 ‐332960 ‐281820 ‐201092.3 286495 243227 228983.17 ‐30276 ‐25230 ‐32132.47 89364 64571 71491.59 119740 104709 98683.73 58799 45852 42364.47 ‐304152 ‐259109 ‐281577.14 173711 143083 142621.14 Previous ‐211.37 58432.3 ‐5391908.57 285828.9 ‐201092.3 203779.39 ‐29832.12 65810.13 85078.26 39174.57 ‐254584.71 131211.4 Movement This Month (15) 6,987 (2,728) 9,853 ‐ 25,204 (2,300) 5,681 13,605 3,190 (26,992) 11,410 Variance ‐ YTD Budget 142 4,143 (8,242) 52,516 80,728 (14,244) (6,902) 6,921 (6,025) (3,488) (22,468) (462) Variance % ‐38.56% 6.76% 0.15% 21.60% ‐28.65% ‐5.86% 27.36% 10.72% ‐5.75% ‐7.61% 8.67% ‐0.32% 9th May, 2016 Possible budget variance ‐ Development serv.overhead, contracted expenses Timing variance, greenwaste, site maintenance, scrap metal removal Budget variance ‐ includes Asset Management position re‐allocation Budget variance ‐ includes Asset Management position Timing varies to budget, allocations Budget variance ‐ Asset Management position re‐allocation Page 80 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Apr 2016 Account Number 5412 5422 6101 6102 6111 6112 6121 6122 6131 6132 6201 6202 6211 6212 6501 6502 6511 6512 6521 6522 6531 6532 6811 6812 6901 6902 6911 6912 6921 6922 Account Description State Emergency Service ‐ Expenditure Special Projects/WFTD ‐ Expenditure Works Manager ‐ Revenue Works Manager ‐ Expenditure OH&S Co‐ordinator ‐ Revenue OH&S Co‐ordinator ‐ Expenditure Team Leaders ‐ Revenue Team Leaders ‐ Expenditure Administrative Support ‐ Revenue Administrative Support ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Depot/Workshop ‐ Revenue Latrobe Depot/Workshop ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Depot ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Depot ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Works Payroll ‐ Revenue Latrobe Works Payroll ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Works Employee Development ‐ Revenue Latrobe Works Employee Development ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Works HRM ‐ Revenue Latrobe Works HRM ‐ Expenditure Protective Clothing/Uniforms ‐ Revenue Protective Clothing/Uniforms ‐ Expenditure Private Works ‐ Revenue Private Works ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Works Overheads ‐ Revenue Latrobe Works Overheads ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Works Employee On‐costs ‐ Revenue Latrobe Works Employee On‐costs ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Works Plant Hire ‐ Revenue Latrobe Works Plant Hire ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual Previous 36760 33689 22774.59 21975.21 2050 ‐1472 232.43 232.43 ‐69671 ‐52251 ‐44014.3 ‐44014.3 69676 51334 51599.82 45094.22 ‐1350 0 0 0 1354 420 0 0 ‐167860 ‐129731 ‐114850.39 ‐114850.39 167863 129847 125286.34 116141.72 ‐69781 ‐50661 ‐59130.2 ‐59130.2 69757 51651 66345.81 61704.64 ‐75379 ‐56206 ‐45593.8 ‐45593.8 75382 53534 48794.1 45204.18 ‐14480 ‐13628 ‐5417.14 ‐5417.14 14480 10395 6347.65 5861.61 ‐28181 ‐20580 ‐18999.34 ‐18999.34 28184 20048 20681.58 19230.61 ‐17310 ‐13441 ‐13774.99 ‐13774.99 14303 10854 13826.55 13728.26 ‐10051 ‐9014 ‐6032.51 ‐6032.51 10043 5048 6309.7 6179.26 ‐10781 ‐8849 ‐10451.14 ‐10451.14 10781 9074 10519.73 10493.73 ‐25001 ‐16993 ‐24014.59 ‐21662.92 20193 17380 32342.13 32342.13 ‐461589 ‐380187 ‐311257.01 ‐311257.01 461590 361201 311257.03 311257.03 ‐358950 ‐193007 ‐229346.07 ‐208742.73 358952 288015 355550.61 321856.24 ‐389772 ‐324810 ‐303844.34 ‐276619.16 389774 312599 340326.07 310623.34 (2,388,604) (973,612) (1,753,674) (2,442,299) Movement This Month 799 ‐ ‐ 6,506 ‐ ‐ ‐ 9,145 ‐ 4,641 ‐ 3,590 ‐ 486 ‐ 1,451 ‐ 98 ‐ 130 ‐ 26 (2,352) ‐ ‐ ‐ (20,603) 33,694 (27,225) 29,703 688,624 Variance ‐ YTD Budget (10,914) 1,704 8,237 266 ‐ (420) 14,881 (4,561) (8,469) 14,695 10,612 (4,740) 8,211 (4,047) 1,581 634 (334) 2,973 2,981 1,262 (1,602) 1,446 (7,022) 14,962 68,930 (49,944) (36,339) 67,536 20,966 27,727 (780,062) 9th May, 2016 Variance % ‐32.40% ‐115.79% ‐15.76% 0.52% 0.00% ‐100.00% ‐11.47% ‐3.51% 16.72% 28.45% ‐18.88% ‐8.85% ‐60.25% ‐38.94% ‐7.68% 3.16% 2.48% 27.39% ‐33.08% 24.99% 18.11% 15.93% 41.32% 86.09% ‐18.13% ‐13.83% 18.83% 23.45% ‐6.45% 8.87% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Comments Timing varies to budget, allocations Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, allocations Check Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, administration staff costs Check Timing varies to budget, allocations Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Budget variance ‐ offset by Private Works Reimbursements Check Possible budget variance, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, includes leave variances Check Timing varies to budget, re‐allocations, insurance reimbursements Check Timing varies to budget, annual leave, AL loading, LSL, personal leave Check Timing varies to budget, plant hire allocations Check Timing varies to budget, plant maintenance Check Page 81 Operating Revenue and Expenditure - April 2016 Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget 1,374,802 1,606,741 Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 191,117 1,076,621 31,639 1,108,260 498,481 266,542 Movement this Month 11 - Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 1,211,053 12 - Services (Surplus)/Deficit 425,926 425,926 359,743 33,412 301,469 29,504 330,973 28,770 94,953 13 - Buildings (Surplus)/Deficit 1,056,402 1,122,000 906,457 66,106 710,280 33,041 743,321 163,136 378,679 16 - Parks & Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 786,261 812,761 627,603 68,877 664,478 10,253 674,731 (47,128) 138,030 163,463 138,128 (3,635) 6,965 3,331 70,449 (4,914,374) 12,471 20 - Governance (Surplus)/Deficit (2,017,326) (1,691,950) 30 - Corporate Services (Surplus)/Deficit (4,932,296) (5,025,346) (4,898,186) (4,901,903) 160,132 (1,695,281) 3,717 (123,443) 40 - Development Services (Surplus)/Deficit 623,704 586,204 203,154 55,245 20,409 7,031 27,440 175,714 558,764 50 - Engineering Services (Surplus)/Deficit 69,127 14,823 5,371 26,001 57,265 446 57,711 (52,340) (42,888) (4,824) (7,824) 52,042 39,290 197,457 5,004 202,461 (150,419) (210,285) (973,612) 688,624 (1,890,028) 780,062 (634,930) 60 - Latrobe Works (Surplus)/Deficit Operating (Surplus)/Deficit (2,781,973) (2,388,604) 136,354 (1,753,674) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 82 Operating Revenue and Expenditure - April 2016 11 - Roads Original Budget Revised Budget (1,399,299) (1,259,180) YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (929,040) 324,653 (330,140) 21,848 65,961 110 - Roads General Total Roads General - Revenue Total Roads General - Expenditure 110 - Roads General (Surplus)/Deficit 238,310 240,510 (1,160,989) (1,018,670) (604,387) - (929,040) - 196,397 17,121 174,149 400 174,549 (407,990) 17,121 (754,890) 400 (754,490) 392,452 30,867 301,551 1,799 303,350 89,102 161,857 392,452 30,867 301,551 1,799 303,350 89,102 161,857 5,352 136 4,663 - 4,663 689 4,717 5,352 136 4,663 - 4,663 689 4,717 870,396 71,931 856,989 6,499 863,488 6,908 216,347 870,396 71,931 856,989 6,499 863,488 6,908 216,347 346,500 (264,180) 111 - Urban Sealed Streets Total Urban Sealed Streets - Expenditure 111 - Urban Sealed Streets (Surplus)/Deficit 465,207 465,207 465,207 465,207 112 - Urban Unsealed Streets Total Urban Unsealed Streets - Expenditure 112 - Urban Unsealed Streets (Surplus)/Deficit 9,380 9,380 9,380 9,380 113 - Rural Sealed Roads Total Rural Sealed Roads - Expenditure 113 - Rural Sealed Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 1,079,835 1,079,835 1,079,835 1,079,835 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 83 Original Budget 11 - Roads Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 114 - Rural Unsealed Roads Total Rural Unsealed Roads - Expenditure 114 - Rural Unsealed Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 268,022 268,022 268,022 268,022 297,199 28,803 208,634 12,890 221,524 75,675 46,498 297,199 28,803 208,634 12,890 221,524 75,675 46,498 - - 115 - Footpaths Total Footpaths - Revenue 0 - - - - - - Total Footpaths - Expenditure 211,058 211,058 149,453 12,757 179,881 9,954 189,835 (40,382) 21,223 149,453 12,757 179,881 9,954 189,835 (40,382) 21,223 143,085 12,753 135,539 97 135,636 7,449 33,852 143,085 12,753 135,539 97 135,636 7,449 33,852 26,051 2,148 27,460 - 27,460 (1,409) 7,478 26,051 2,148 27,460 - 27,460 (1,409) 7,478 (15,122) - (15,122) 115 - Footpaths (Surplus)/Deficit 211,058 211,058 116 - Kerb & Channel Total Kerb & Channel - Expenditure 116 - Kerb & Channel (Surplus)/Deficit 169,488 169,488 169,488 169,488 117 - Carparks Total Carparks - Expenditure 117 - Carparks (Surplus)/Deficit 34,938 34,938 34,938 34,938 118 - Bridges Total Bridges - Revenue (41,590) (20,160) (15,120) - 2 (5,038) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 84 Original Budget 11 - Roads Total Bridges - Expenditure 175,704 Revised Budget 175,704 118 - Bridges (Surplus)/Deficit 134,114 155,544 11 - Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 1,211,053 1,374,802 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 145,863 14,601 131,916 - 131,916 13,947 43,788 130,743 14,601 116,794 - 116,794 13,949 38,750 1,606,741 191,117 1,076,621 31,639 1,108,260 498,481 266,542 1,050 550 126 - Latrobe Stormwater Scheme Total Latrobe Stormwater Scheme - Revenue Total Latrobe Stormwater Scheme - Expenditure 126 - Latrobe Stormwater Scheme (Surplus)/Deficit (500) 162,340 161,840 (500) 162,340 161,840 - - (1,050) - (1,050) 136,335 12,406 123,159 6,000 129,159 7,176 33,181 136,335 12,406 122,109 6,000 128,109 8,226 33,731 1,650 1,650 127 - Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme Total Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme - Revenue Total Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme - Expenditure (500) 264,586 (500) 264,586 127 - Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme (Surplus)/Deficit 264,086 264,086 12 - Services (Surplus)/Deficit 425,926 425,926 (500) - (2,150) - (2,150) 223,908 21,006 181,510 23,504 205,014 18,894 59,572 223,408 21,006 179,360 23,504 202,864 20,544 61,222 301,469 29,504 330,973 28,770 94,953 359,743 33,412 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 85 13 - Buildings Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 130 - Latrobe Memorial Hall Total Latrobe Memorial Hall - Revenue 0 - - - Total Latrobe Memorial Hall - Expenditure 57,261 57,261 49,004 3,296 38,563 - 49,004 3,296 38,463 130 - Latrobe Memorial Hall (Surplus)/Deficit 57,261 57,261 (100) - (100) 100 100 38,563 10,441 18,698 - 38,463 10,541 18,798 131 - Latrobe Youth Centre Total Latrobe Youth Centre - Revenue Total Latrobe Youth Centre - Expenditure 131 - Latrobe Youth Centre (Surplus)/Deficit (13,141) (13,141) (6,038) (1,336) (11,186) - (11,186) 5,148 (1,955) 101,902 105,252 83,342 4,437 79,719 - 79,719 3,623 25,533 77,304 3,101 68,533 - 68,533 8,771 23,578 148,831 10,085 143,037 173 143,210 5,621 19,788 148,831 10,085 143,037 173 143,210 5,621 19,788 (17,726) (40,475) 88,761 92,111 132 - Latrobe Swimming Pool Total Latrobe Swimming Pool - Expenditure 132 - Latrobe Swimming Pool (Surplus)/Deficit 162,998 162,998 162,998 162,998 133 - Latrobe Recreation Ground Total Latrobe Recreation Ground - Revenue Total Latrobe Recreation Ground - Expenditure 133 - Latrobe Recreation Ground (Surplus)/Deficit (67,548) (67,548) (44,799) 311,748 311,748 250,448 24,896 241,495 2,839 244,334 205,649 24,534 214,422 2,839 217,261 244,200 244,200 (362) (27,073) - (27,073) 6,114 (11,612) 67,414 26,939 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 86 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 134 - Hampden Street Total Hampden Street - Expenditure 134 - Hampden Street (Surplus)/Deficit 6,108 6,108 6,108 6,108 4,886 193 3,023 - 3,023 1,863 3,085 4,886 193 3,023 - 3,023 1,863 3,085 (255) (8,774) - (8,774) 4,482 275 140 - Port Sorell Hall Total Port Sorell Hall - Revenue Total Port Sorell Hall - Expenditure 140 - Port Sorell Hall (Surplus)/Deficit (8,499) (8,499) (4,292) 33,383 33,383 28,749 1,432 27,655 445 28,101 648 5,282 24,457 1,177 18,881 445 19,327 5,130 5,557 - - 12,000 24,884 24,884 141 - Port Sorell Tennis Club Total Port Sorell Tennis Club - Revenue Total Port Sorell Tennis Club - Expenditure 141 - Port Sorell Tennis Club (Surplus)/Deficit (9,200) (9,200) 18,044 18,044 8,844 8,844 (8,262) - (8,262) 8,262 (938) 4,455 16,098 - 16,098 (4,098) 1,946 12,000 4,455 7,836 - 7,836 4,164 1,008 142 - Camp Banksia Total Camp Banksia - Revenue Total Camp Banksia - Expenditure 142 - Camp Banksia (Surplus)/Deficit (384,000) (339,000) (316,624) (28,825) (322,674) - (322,674) 6,050 (16,326) 416,580 416,580 348,052 31,812 304,031 - 304,031 44,021 112,549 31,428 2,987 (18,643) - (18,643) 50,071 96,223 32,580 77,580 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 87 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 143 - Port Sorell Recreation Ground Total Port Sorell Recreation Ground - Revenue Total Port Sorell Recreation Ground - Expenditure 143 - Port Sorell Recreation Ground (Surplus)/Deficit (500) 22,945 22,445 (500) 22,945 22,445 (500) - (500) - (500) - - 18,119 869 10,878 - 10,878 7,241 12,067 17,619 869 10,378 - 10,378 7,241 12,067 - (18,577) 8,993 7,077 144 - Banksia Centre Total Banksia Centre - Revenue Total Banksia Centre - Expenditure 144 - Banksia Centre (Surplus)/Deficit (11,500) (11,500) (9,584) (1,737) (18,577) 100,386 100,386 83,347 7,632 88,120 1,732 89,852 (6,505) 10,534 73,763 5,895 69,543 1,732 71,275 2,488 17,611 - - - - - - 11,569 433 7,139 - 7,139 4,430 8,896 11,569 433 7,139 - 7,139 4,430 7,396 120,765 9,181 101,741 2,108 103,849 16,916 40,736 120,765 9,181 101,741 2,108 103,849 16,916 40,736 88,886 88,886 149 - Moriarty Hall Total Moriarty Hall - Revenue Total Moriarty Hall - Expenditure 149 - Moriarty Hall (Surplus)/Deficit (1,500) (1,500) 16,035 16,035 14,535 14,535 (1,500) 150 - Council Chambers Total Council Chambers - Expenditure 150 - Council Chambers (Surplus)/Deficit 144,585 144,585 144,585 144,585 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 88 13 - Buildings Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 151 - Elderly Persons Units Total Elderly Persons Units - Revenue Total Elderly Persons Units - Expenditure 151 - Elderly Persons Units (Surplus)/Deficit (449,999) (449,999) (375,722) (36,732) (384,730) 421,246 421,246 348,678 23,000 300,906 (27,044) (13,732) (28,753) (28,753) - (384,730) 9,008 (65,269) 24,326 325,232 23,446 96,014 (83,825) 24,326 (59,499) 32,455 30,746 (1,558) - (1,558) (1,442) (2,042) 152 - Regional Arts Building Total Regional Arts Building - Revenue Total Regional Arts Building - Expenditure 152 - Regional Arts Building (Surplus)/Deficit (3,600) (3,600) (3,000) 12,575 12,575 10,730 575 6,878 - 6,878 3,852 5,697 7,730 575 5,320 - 5,320 2,410 3,655 6,682 116 1,788 - 1,788 4,894 5,747 6,682 116 1,788 - 1,788 4,894 5,747 18,706 1,171 12,407 - 12,407 6,299 9,896 18,706 1,171 12,407 - 12,407 6,299 9,896 8,975 8,975 - 153 - Historic Centre Total Historic Centre - Expenditure 153 - Historic Centre (Surplus)/Deficit 7,535 7,535 7,535 7,535 154 - Senior Citizens Club Total Senior Citizens Club - Expenditure 154 - Senior Citizens Club (Surplus)/Deficit 22,303 22,303 22,303 22,303 155 - Sherwood Hall April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 89 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Total Sherwood Hall - Revenue Total Sherwood Hall - Expenditure 155 - Sherwood Hall (Surplus)/Deficit (749) 27,139 26,390 Revised Budget (749) 27,139 26,390 YTD Budget (749) Movement this Month - Actual Costs (467) Committed Costs - Total Cost (467) YTD Variance Budget Remaining (282) (282) 22,359 657 9,553 109 9,662 12,697 17,477 21,610 657 9,086 109 9,195 12,415 17,195 156 - Lewis Street Property Total Lewis Street Property - Revenue Total Lewis Street Property - Expenditure 156 - Lewis Street Property (Surplus)/Deficit (11,000) (11,000) (8,800) (880) (9,240) - (9,240) 12,707 12,707 8,876 525 5,030 - 5,030 3,846 7,677 (355) (4,210) - (4,210) 4,286 5,917 (1,197) (7,987) - (7,987) 1,707 1,707 76 440 (1,760) 157 - 1317 Main Road Port Sorell Total 1317 Port Sorell Main Road Total 1317 Port Sorell Main Road - Expenditure 157 - 1317 Main Road Port Sorell (Surplus)/Deficit (10,200) (10,200) (8,408) (421) (2,213) 9,272 9,272 7,766 397 9,936 - 9,936 (2,170) (664) (642) (800) 1,949 - 1,949 (2,591) (2,877) (400) (78,176) - (78,176) (825) (825) (928) (928) (5,001) (79,001) (79,001) 208,940 171,452 9,110 175,187 1,309 176,496 (5,044) 32,444 92,451 8,710 97,011 1,309 98,320 (5,869) 31,619 158 - Australian Axemens Hall of Fame Total Australian Axemens Hall of Fame - Revenue Total Australian Axemens Hall of Fame 158 - Australian Axemens Hall of Fame (Surplus)/Deficit 117,692 112,691 129,939 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 90 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 159 - 37 Faulkner Drive Total 37 Faulkner Drive 10,395 10,395 159 - 37 Faulkner Drive (Surplus)/Deficit 10,395 10,395 13 - Buildings (Surplus)/Deficit 1,056,402 1,122,000 9,613 3,558 6,399 - 6,399 3,214 3,996 9,613 3,558 6,399 - 6,399 3,214 3,996 710,280 33,041 743,321 163,136 378,679 906,457 66,106 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 91 16 - Parks & Reserves Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 160 - Bells Parade Total Bells Parade - Revenue Total Bells Parade - Expenditure 160 - Bells Parade (Surplus)/Deficit (400) 105,728 105,328 (400) 105,728 105,328 (400) - (87) - (87) (313) (313) 82,662 6,654 84,408 140 84,548 (1,886) 21,180 82,262 6,654 84,321 140 84,461 (2,199) 20,867 9,154 369 8,029 - 8,029 1,125 4,381 9,154 369 8,029 - 8,029 1,125 4,381 54,786 13,622 50,743 9,000 59,743 (4,957) 5,864 54,786 13,622 50,743 9,000 59,743 (4,957) 5,864 1,511 109 1,634 - 1,634 (123) 465 1,511 109 1,634 - 1,634 (123) 465 27,566 2,246 15,276 - 15,276 161 - Atkinson/Thompson's Parks Total Atkinson/Thompson's Parks - Expenditure 161 - Atkinson/Thompson's Parks (Surplus)/Deficit 12,410 12,410 12,410 12,410 162 - Kings Park Total Kings Park - Expenditure 162 - Kings Park (Surplus)/Deficit 65,607 65,607 65,607 65,607 163 - St Georges Park Total St Georges Park - Expenditure 163 - St Georges Park (Surplus)/Deficit 2,099 2,099 2,099 2,099 168 - Latrobe Town Walking Tracks Total Latrobe Town Walking Tracks - Expenditure 38,423 38,423 12,290 23,147 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 92 16 - Parks & Reserves 168 - Latrobe Town Walking Tracks (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 38,423 Revised Budget 38,423 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 12,290 23,147 27,566 2,246 15,276 - 15,276 8,502 212 11,171 109 11,280 (2,778) 693 8,502 212 11,171 109 11,280 (2,778) 693 68,563 9,598 83,373 126 83,499 (14,936) 7,848 68,563 9,598 83,373 126 83,499 (14,936) 7,848 1,518 648 2,054 - 2,054 (536) (177) 1,518 648 2,054 - 2,054 (536) (177) 9,817 843 14,571 - 14,571 (4,754) (618) 9,817 843 14,571 - 14,571 (4,754) (618) 169 - Other Latrobe Reserves Total Other Latrobe Reserves - Expenditure 169 - Other Latrobe Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 11,973 11,973 11,973 11,973 170 - Foreshore Reserves Total Rubicon Reserve - Expenditure 170 - Foreshore Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 91,347 91,347 91,347 91,347 171 - North Freers Reserve Total North Freers Reserve - Expenditure 171 - North Freers Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 172 - Shearwater Park Total Shearwater Park - Expenditure 172 - Shearwater Park (Surplus)/Deficit 13,953 13,953 13,953 13,953 173 - Panatana Family Park April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 93 16 - Parks & Reserves Total Panatana Family Park - Expenditure 173 - Panatana Family Park (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 33,105 33,105 Revised Budget 33,105 33,105 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 26,085 2,256 31,422 15 31,438 (5,353) 1,667 26,085 2,256 31,422 15 31,438 (5,353) 1,667 3,112 36 516 - 516 2,596 3,558 3,112 36 516 - 516 2,596 3,558 2,523 173 759 - 759 1,764 2,136 2,523 173 759 - 759 1,764 2,136 9,504 680 8,877 - 8,877 628 5,281 9,504 680 8,877 - 8,877 628 5,281 2,096 154 1,347 - 1,347 749 2,909 2,096 154 1,347 - 1,347 749 2,909 174 - Pitcairn Bush Reserve Total Pitcairn Bush Reserve - Expenditure 174 - Pitcairn Bush Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 4,074 4,074 4,074 4,074 175 - Lucks Reserve Total Lucks Reserve - Expenditure 175 - Lucks Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 2,895 2,895 2,895 2,895 176 - Squeaking Point Total Squeaking Point - Expenditure 176 - Squeaking Point (Surplus)/Deficit 14,157 14,157 14,157 14,157 178 - Town Walking Tracks Total Town Walking Tracks - Expenditure 178 - Town Walking Tracks (Surplus)/Deficit 4,256 4,256 4,256 4,256 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 94 16 - Parks & Reserves Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 179 - Other Port Sorell Reserves Total Other Port Sorell Reserves - Expenditure 179 - Other Port Sorell Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 16,967 16,967 23,467 23,467 19,573 703 20,576 670 21,246 (1,673) 2,221 19,573 703 20,576 670 21,246 (1,673) 2,221 2,912 2,044 180 - Latrobe Town Total Latrobe Town - Revenue Total Latrobe Town - Expenditure 180 - Latrobe Town (Surplus)/Deficit (1,500) 185,366 183,866 (1,500) 205,366 203,866 (632) - (3,544) - (3,544) 143,493 15,225 164,305 - 164,305 (20,812) 41,061 142,861 15,225 160,761 - 160,761 (17,900) 43,105 21,414 1,947 19,580 - 19,580 1,834 7,632 21,414 1,947 19,580 - 19,580 1,834 7,632 5,061 1,238 6,908 65 6,974 (1,913) (117) 5,061 1,238 6,908 65 6,974 (1,913) (117) (1,609) (1,074) (1,591) 181 - Station Square Total Station Square - Expenditure 181 - Station Square (Surplus)/Deficit 27,212 27,212 27,212 27,212 182 - Post Office Park Total Post Office Park - Expenditure 182 - Post Office Park (Surplus)/Deficit 6,857 6,857 6,857 6,857 183 - Latrobe Cemetery Total Latrobe Cemetery - Revenue (3,200) (3,200) (2,683) - (1,609) - April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 95 16 - Parks & Reserves Total Latrobe Cemetery - Expenditure 183 - Latrobe Cemetery (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 12,896 9,696 Revised Budget 12,896 9,696 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 11,004 597 12,114 - 12,114 (1,110) 782 8,321 597 10,505 - 10,505 (2,184) (809) 107,963 9,526 112,345 114 112,459 (4,496) 4,333 107,963 9,526 112,345 114 112,459 (4,496) 4,333 15,411 2,041 19,711 13 19,724 (4,313) 3,643 19,711 13 19,724 (4,313) 3,643 664,478 10,253 674,731 (47,128) 138,030 185 - Port Sorell Towns Total Port Sorell Towns - Expenditure 185 - Port Sorell Towns (Surplus)/Deficit 116,792 116,792 116,792 116,792 186 - Addisons Reserve Total Addisons Reserve - Expenditure 23,367 23,367 186 - Addisons Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 23,367 23,367 15,411 2,041 16 - Parks & Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 786,261 812,761 627,603 68,877 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 96 20 - Governance Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 210 - Elected Members Total Elected Members - Revenue 0 - - - Total Elected Members - Expenditure 259,441 259,441 195,209 17,432 185,518 331 195,209 17,432 184,214 331 210 - Elected Members (Surplus)/Deficit 259,441 259,441 (1,305) - (1,305) 1,305 1,305 185,849 9,360 73,592 184,544 10,665 74,897 220 - Executive Management Total Executive Management - Revenue Total Executive Management - Expenditure 220 - Executive Management (Surplus)/Deficit (116,152) (116,152) (96,850) (9,527) (95,342) 383,310 383,310 296,048 22,451 289,329 267,158 199,198 12,924 193,987 (2,764,360) (622,129) (23,059) (621,574) - (621,574) 182,878 17,152 164,825 - 164,825 (439,251) (5,907) (456,750) - (456,750) 267,158 - (95,342) (1,508) (20,810) 501 289,830 6,218 93,480 501 194,487 4,711 72,671 221 - General Operations Total General Operations - Revenue Total General Operations - Expenditure 221 - General Operations (Surplus)/Deficit (3,069,931) 191,926 191,926 (2,878,005) (2,572,434) (555) (2,142,786) 18,053 27,101 17,499 (2,115,685) 222 - Government Contributions/Levies Total Government Contributions/Levies - Revenue Total Government Contributions/Levies - Expenditur (358,452) (358,452) (355,006) (3,535) (355,991) - (355,991) 344,660 344,660 258,495 85,324 255,973 - 255,973 985 2,522 (2,461) 88,687 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 97 20 - Governance 222 - Government Contributions/Levies (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget (13,792) Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month (13,792) (96,511) 81,790 (100,018) - (225) - Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (100,018) 3,507 86,226 (225) 225 225 230 - Community Development Total Community Development - Revenue 0 - - - Total Community Development - Expenditure 67,923 67,923 51,313 3,326 44,654 160 44,814 6,499 23,109 51,313 3,326 44,429 160 44,589 6,724 23,334 (3,601) 3,601 3,601 230 - Community Development (Surplus)/Deficit 67,923 67,923 231 - Community Grants Total Community Grants - Revenue 0 - - - Total Community Grants - Expenditure 48,642 48,642 45,642 16 35,704 1,500 37,204 8,438 11,438 45,642 16 32,104 1,500 33,604 12,038 15,038 (5,656) 1,356 1,356 231 - Community Grants (Surplus)/Deficit 48,642 48,642 (3,601) - 232 - Cultural Events Total Cultural Events - Revenue Total Cultural Events - Expenditure 232 - Cultural Events (Surplus)/Deficit (4,300) (4,300) (4,300) 99,107 74,107 56,800 1,911 48,207 512 48,719 8,081 25,388 52,500 1,567 42,551 512 43,063 9,437 26,744 - - 2,460 2,460 94,807 69,807 (345) (5,656) - 233 - Community Newsletter Total Community Newsletter - Revenue 0 - (2,460) - (2,460) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 98 Original Budget 20 - Governance Total Community Newsletter - Expenditure 233 - Community Newsletter (Surplus)/Deficit 27,195 27,195 Revised Budget 27,195 27,195 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 21,127 917 23,028 - 23,028 (1,901) 4,167 21,127 917 20,568 - 20,568 559 6,627 10,530 - 1,681 - 1,681 8,849 11,680 10,530 - 1,681 - 1,681 8,849 11,680 5,019 277 3,721 - 3,721 1,298 4,571 5,019 277 3,721 - 3,721 1,298 4,571 54,789 6,618 46,476 - 46,476 8,313 28,670 54,789 6,618 46,476 - 46,476 8,313 28,670 (3,477) (13,679) - (13,679) 13,026 12,878 4,677 42,121 42,474 2,179 25,968 234 - Youth Services Total Youth Services - Expenditure 234 - Youth Services (Surplus)/Deficit 13,361 13,361 13,361 13,361 235 - Community Participation & Contributions Total Community Participation - Expenditure 235 - Community Participation & Contributions (Surplus)/Deficit 8,292 8,292 8,292 8,292 240 - Tourism Total Tourism - Expenditure 240 - Tourism (Surplus)/Deficit 60,146 60,146 75,146 75,146 241 - Latrobe Visitor Information Centre Total Latrobe Visitor Information Centre - Revenue Total Latrobe Visitor Information Centre - Expenditu (801) 58,442 (801) 68,442 (653) 44,653 353 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 99 20 - Governance 241 - Latrobe Visitor Information Centre (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 57,641 Revised Budget 67,641 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs 44,000 1,200 28,442 Committed Costs 353 Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 28,795 15,205 38,846 (343,589) 50,286 9,888 243 - Caravan Park Total Caravan Park - Revenue (333,701) (333,701) (293,303) (21,699) (343,589) Total Caravan Park - Expenditure 300,589 320,394 260,815 38,390 271,534 3,609 275,143 (14,328) 45,251 243 - Caravan Park (Surplus)/Deficit (33,112) (32,488) 16,691 (72,054) 3,609 (68,445) 35,957 55,138 - - (3,666) - (3,666) 3,666 (1,276,334) 1,248,059 (13,307) - 250 - Land Development Total Land Development - Revenue Total Land Development - Expenditure 250 - Land Development (Surplus)/Deficit (1,280,000) (1,280,000) 1,269,727 1,269,727 42,162 564 21,668 - 21,668 20,494 (10,273) 42,162 564 18,003 - 18,003 24,159 10,224 712 9,012 - 9,012 1,212 4,238 10,224 712 9,012 - 9,012 1,212 4,238 6,965 3,331 (10,273) (28,276) 251 - Business Development Total Business Development - Expenditure 251 - Business Development (Surplus)/Deficit 20 - Governance (Surplus)/Deficit 13,250 13,250 13,250 13,250 (2,017,326) (1,691,950) 163,463 138,128 (3,635) 160,132 (1,695,281) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 100 30 - Corporate Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (233,729) (77,610) (157,202) 70,444 149,576 310 - Corporate Services Total Corporate Services - Revenue Total Corporate Services - Expenditure 310 - Corporate Services (Surplus)/Deficit (390,931) (390,931) (311,339) 390,935 390,935 311,803 7,530 241,259 100 241,359 4 464 7,530 7,530 100 7,630 (400) (368) 4 - (233,729) - (7,166) (7,626) (142) (174) 311 - Office Operating Costs Total Office Operating Costs - Revenue Total Office Operating Costs - Expenditure 311 - Office Operating Costs (Surplus)/Deficit (400) 70,962 70,562 76,962 76,562 (15) (226) - (226) 61,276 6,987 65,419 - 65,419 (4,143) 11,543 60,908 6,972 65,193 - 65,193 (4,285) 11,369 8,242 (145,996) 312 - Property & Rates Total Property & Rates - Revenue Total Property & Rates - Expenditure 312 - Property & Rates (Surplus)/Deficit (5,540,632) 307,007 (5,540,632) (5,386,394) 307,007 243,166 (5,233,625) (5,233,625) (5,143,228) (2,728) 9,853 (5,394,636) 295,682 7,125 (5,098,955) - (201,092) - (5,394,636) 295,682 - (5,098,955) (52,516) 11,325 (44,273) (134,670) (201,092) (80,728) (131,868) 228,983 14,244 57,512 313 - IT Services Total IT Services - Revenue Total IT Services - Expenditure (332,960) (332,960) (281,820) 332,945 286,495 243,227 25,204 219,379 9,604 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 101 30 - Corporate Services 313 - IT Services (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget (15) Revised Budget YTD Budget (46,465) Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs (38,593) 25,204 18,286 9,604 Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 27,891 (66,484) (74,356) 314 - Risk Management Total Risk Management - Revenue Total Risk Management - Expenditure 314 - Risk Management (Surplus)/Deficit (30,276) (30,276) (25,230) (2,300) (32,132) 89,364 89,364 64,571 5,681 70,292 39,341 3,381 104,709 59,088 59,088 - (32,132) 6,902 1,856 1,200 71,492 (6,921) 17,872 38,159 1,200 39,359 (18) 19,729 13,605 98,684 - 98,684 6,025 21,056 104,709 13,605 98,684 - 98,684 6,025 21,056 45,852 3,190 42,364 - 42,364 3,488 16,435 45,852 3,190 42,364 - 42,364 3,488 16,435 22,468 (22,575) 315 - Customer Service Total Customer Service - Expenditure 315 - Customer Service (Surplus)/Deficit 119,740 119,740 119,740 119,740 316 - Records Management Total Records Management - Expenditure 316 - Records Management (Surplus)/Deficit 58,799 58,799 58,799 58,799 320 - Financial Services Total Financial Services - Revenue Total Financial Services - Expenditure 320 - Financial Services (Surplus)/Deficit (274,152) (304,152) (259,109) (26,992) (281,577) - (281,577) 173,711 173,711 143,083 11,410 142,621 - 142,621 (116,026) (15,583) (138,956) - (138,956) (100,441) (130,441) 462 31,090 22,930 8,515 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 102 30 - Corporate Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 321 - Accounting Services Total Accounting Services - Revenue Total Accounting Services - Expenditure 321 - Accounting Services (Surplus)/Deficit (200,806) (190,806) (152,258) (2,829) (107,589) - (107,589) (44,669) (83,217) 200,795 168,195 135,560 11,626 116,386 - 116,386 19,174 51,809 (16,698) 8,797 8,797 - 8,797 (25,495) (31,408) - (54,942) - (54,942) (14,584) (35,738) 5,130 60,072 - 60,072 8,653 30,612 5,130 5,130 - 5,130 (5,931) (5,126) 26,447 1,868 35,320 - 35,320 (8,873) 12,744 26,447 1,868 35,320 - 35,320 (8,873) 12,744 19,921 202 24,926 - 24,926 (5,005) 5,144 19,921 202 24,926 - 24,926 (5,005) 5,144 (11) (22,611) 322 - Accounts Payable/Receivable Total Accounts Payable/Receivable - Revenue Total Accounts Payable/Receivable - Expenditure 322 - Accounts Payable/Receivable (Surplus)/Deficit (90,680) (90,680) (69,526) 90,684 90,684 68,725 4 4 (801) 350 - Council Payroll Total Council Payroll - Expenditure 350 - Council Payroll (Surplus)/Deficit 48,064 48,064 48,064 48,064 351 - Council Employee Development Total Council Employee Development - Expenditure 351 - Council Employee Development (Surplus)/Deficit 30,069 30,069 30,069 30,069 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 103 30 - Corporate Services Revised Budget Original Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 352 - Council Human Resource Management Total Council Human Resource Management - Reve (1,999) (1,999) (1,728) Total Council Human Resource Management - Expe 17,468 17,468 15,477 773 8,894 839 9,734 5,743 7,734 13,749 773 7,342 839 8,182 5,567 7,287 352 - Council Human Resource Management (Surplus)/Deficit 15,469 15,469 - (1,552) - (1,552) (176) (447) 390 - Council Overheads Total Council Overheads - Revenue Total Council Overheads - Expenditure 390 - Council Overheads (Surplus)/Deficit (791,660) (791,660) (589,884) - (463,453) - (463,453) (126,431) (328,207) 791,660 791,660 627,971 - 463,453 - 463,453 164,518 328,207 38,087 - - - - 38,087 - - - 391 - Council Employee On-Costs Total Council Employee On-costs - Revenue Total Council Employee On-costs - Expenditure 391 - Council Employee On-Costs (Surplus)/Deficit (589,231) (589,231) (431,585) (46,849) (470,008) - (470,008) 38,423 (119,224) 589,231 589,231 498,617 47,334 431,205 - 431,205 67,412 158,026 67,032 485 (38,802) - (38,802) 105,834 38,802 - (46,282) (18,618) (31,598) 57,616 7,934 20,261 - - 392 - Council Plant Hire Total Council Plant Hire - Revenue Total Council Plant Hire - Expenditure (77,880) (77,880) (64,900) (3,115) (46,282) 77,877 77,877 65,550 4,884 56,889 727 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 104 30 - Corporate Services 392 - Council Plant Hire (Surplus)/Deficit 30 - Corporate Services (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget (3) Revised Budget (3) YTD Budget 650 (4,932,296) (5,025,346) (4,898,186) Movement this Month 1,769 Actual Costs 10,607 70,449 (4,914,374) Committed Costs 727 Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 11,335 (10,685) (11,338) 12,471 (4,901,903) 3,717 (123,443) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 105 40 - Development Services Revised Budget Original Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 410 - Development Services Total Development Services - Revenue Total Development Services - Expenditure 410 - Development Services (Surplus)/Deficit (8,311) (8,311) (7,834) (71) (15,077) - (15,077) 7,243 6,766 8,311 8,311 7,682 145 15,151 - 15,151 (7,469) (6,840) (152) 75 75 - 75 (227) (75) - - 420 - Building Services Total Building Services - Revenue Total Building Services - Expenditure 420 - Building Services (Surplus)/Deficit (268,626) (268,626) (230,729) (28,759) (252,672) 320,232 320,232 251,920 11,766 213,426 21,191 (16,994) 51,606 51,606 - (252,672) 21,943 (15,954) 177 213,604 38,316 106,628 (39,246) 177 (39,068) 60,259 90,674 - (243,921) 54,830 9,523 421 - Planning Services Total Planning Services - Revenue Total Planning Services - Expenditure 421 - Planning Services (Surplus)/Deficit (234,398) (234,398) (189,091) (33,274) (243,921) 435,873 435,873 427,742 28,851 316,570 1,773 318,343 109,399 117,530 238,651 (4,423) 72,649 1,773 74,422 164,229 127,053 (20,952) 4,069 2,452 83,516 7,348 27,573 201,475 201,475 422 - Health Services Total Health Services - Revenue Total Health Services - Expenditure (18,500) (18,500) (16,883) 111,089 111,089 90,864 (658) 9,632 (20,952) 79,017 4,499 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 106 40 - Development Services 422 - Health Services (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 92,589 Revised Budget 92,589 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 11,416 30,024 73,981 8,974 58,065 4,499 62,565 2,689 - 2,540 200 2,740 (51) 444 2,689 - 2,540 200 2,740 (51) 444 (66,331) (4,688) 2,653 423 - Regulatory Services Total Regulatory Services - Expenditure 423 - Regulatory Services (Surplus)/Deficit 3,184 3,184 3,184 3,184 424 - Animal Control Total Animal Control - Revenue Total Animal Control - Expenditure 424 - Animal Control (Surplus)/Deficit (63,678) (63,678) (71,019) (3,016) (66,331) 98,259 98,259 62,636 11,407 76,752 300 77,052 (14,416) 21,207 (8,383) 8,391 10,421 300 10,721 (19,104) 23,860 (165) 34,581 34,581 - 440 - Waste Management Services Total Waste Management Services - Revenue Total Waste Management Services - Expenditure 440 - Waste Management Services (Surplus)/Deficit (789,069) (789,069) (789,069) 264,237 264,237 125,116 (524,832) (524,832) (796,884) - (796,884) 7,815 7,815 2,075 121,670 - 121,670 3,446 142,567 (663,953) 1,910 (675,215) - (675,215) 11,262 150,383 (100) - (83) - (83) 441 - Household Collection Total Household Collection - Revenue Total Household Collection - Expenditure (100) 572,331 (100) 572,331 434,392 46,279 433,061 - 433,061 (17) 1,331 (17) 139,270 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 107 40 - Development Services 441 - Household Collection (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget Revised Budget 572,231 572,231 YTD Budget 434,292 Movement this Month 46,279 Actual Costs 432,978 Committed Costs - Total Cost 432,978 YTD Variance Budget Remaining 1,314 139,253 442 - Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station Total Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station - Revenue (29,001) (66,501) (60,615) (3,486) (59,913) Total Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station - Expenditu 221,871 221,871 165,453 14,520 218,054 82 218,136 (52,683) 3,735 104,838 11,033 158,142 82 158,223 (53,385) (2,853) 20,409 7,031 27,440 175,714 442 - Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station (Surplus)/Deficit 192,870 155,370 40 - Development Services (Surplus)/Deficit 623,704 586,204 203,154 55,245 - (59,913) (702) (6,588) 558,764 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 108 50 - Engineering Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (286,249) (75,753) (168,924) 66,717 161,404 510 - Engineering Services Total Engineering Services - Revenue Total Engineering Services - Expenditure 510 - Engineering Services (Surplus)/Deficit (455,173) (455,173) (362,002) (3,972) (286,249) 455,170 455,170 360,483 11,302 293,579 188 293,766 (1,519) 7,329 7,329 188 7,517 - (3) (3) - (9,036) (7,520) 520 - Technical Services Total Technical Services - Revenue Total Technical Services - Expenditure 520 - Technical Services (Surplus)/Deficit (155,837) (155,837) (126,530) 155,842 155,842 126,900 370 5 5 (113,870) - (113,870) (12,660) (41,967) 10,684 124,554 - 124,554 2,346 31,288 10,684 10,684 - 10,684 (10,314) (10,679) (51,552) - (51,552) (56,828) (82,578) 5,892 41,130 521 - Asset Management Total Asset Management - Revenue Total Asset Management - Expenditure 521 - Asset Management (Surplus)/Deficit (134,130) (134,130) (108,380) 134,135 99,335 64,097 6,653 58,205 - 58,205 (44,283) 6,653 6,653 - 6,653 18,586 536 9,592 258 9,850 8,736 17,586 18,586 536 9,592 258 9,850 8,736 17,586 5 (34,795) - (50,936) (41,448) 540 - Natural Resource Management Total Natural Resource Management - Expenditure 540 - Natural Resource Management (Surplus)/Deficit 27,436 27,436 27,436 27,436 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 109 50 - Engineering Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 541 - State Emergency Service Total State Emergency Service - Revenue Total State Emergency Service - Expenditure 541 - State Emergency Service (Surplus)/Deficit (16,630) (16,630) 36,760 36,760 20,130 20,130 - - - - - - (16,630) 33,689 799 22,775 - 22,775 10,914 13,985 33,689 799 22,775 - 22,775 10,914 (2,645) (1,472) - 232 - 232 (1,704) 1,818 - 232 - 232 (1,704) 1,818 57,265 446 57,711 (52,340) (42,888) 542 - Special Projects/WFTD Total Special Projects/WFTD - Expenditure 21,554 2,050 542 - Special Projects/WFTD (Surplus)/Deficit 21,554 2,050 (1,472) 50 - Engineering Services (Surplus)/Deficit 69,127 14,823 5,371 26,001 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 110 60 - Latrobe Works Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 610 - Works Manager Total Works Manager - Revenue Total Works Manager - Expenditure 610 - Works Manager (Surplus)/Deficit (69,671) (69,671) (52,251) 69,676 69,676 51,334 5 5 (44,014) - (44,014) 6,506 51,600 - 51,600 (266) 6,506 7,586 - 7,586 (8,503) - - - - - - (917) - (8,237) (25,657) 18,076 (7,581) 611 - OH&S Co-ordinator Total OH&S Co-ordinator - Revenue Total OH&S Co-ordinator - Expenditure 611 - OH&S Co-ordinator (Surplus)/Deficit (1,350) (1,350) 1,354 1,354 420 - - - - 420 1,354 4 420 - - - - 420 4 4 (1,350) 612 - Team Leaders Total Team Leaders - Revenue Total Team Leaders - Expenditure 612 - Team Leaders (Surplus)/Deficit (167,860) (167,860) (129,731) 167,863 167,863 129,847 9,145 125,214 116 9,145 10,363 3 3 - (114,850) - (114,850) (14,881) (53,010) 73 125,286 4,561 42,577 73 10,436 (10,320) (10,433) 613 - Administrative Support Total Administrative Support - Revenue Total Administrative Support - Expenditure (69,781) (69,781) (50,661) 69,757 69,757 51,651 4,641 (59,130) 64,365 1,981 (59,130) 8,469 (10,651) 66,346 (14,695) 3,411 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 111 60 - Latrobe Works 613 - Administrative Support (Surplus)/Deficit Revised Budget Original Budget (24) (24) YTD Budget 990 Movement this Month 4,641 Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 5,234 1,981 7,216 (6,226) (7,240) (45,594) (10,612) (29,785) 620 - Latrobe Depot/Workshop Total Latrobe Depot/Workshop - Revenue Total Latrobe Depot/Workshop - Expenditure 620 - Latrobe Depot/Workshop (Surplus)/Deficit (75,379) (75,379) (56,206) 75,382 75,382 53,534 3,590 48,001 793 48,794 4,740 26,588 (2,672) 3,590 2,408 793 3,200 (5,872) (3,197) - (5,417) (8,211) (9,063) 3 3 - (45,594) - 621 - Port Sorell Depot Total Port Sorell Depot - Revenue Total Port Sorell Depot - Expenditure 621 - Port Sorell Depot (Surplus)/Deficit (14,480) (14,480) (13,628) 14,480 14,480 10,395 486 5,939 409 6,348 4,047 8,132 (3,233) 486 521 409 931 (4,164) (931) - (1,581) (9,182) - - (5,417) - 650 - Latrobe Works Payroll Total Latrobe Works Payroll - Revenue Total Latrobe Works Payroll - Expenditure 650 - Latrobe Works Payroll (Surplus)/Deficit (28,181) (28,181) (20,580) 28,184 28,184 20,048 3 3 (18,999) - (18,999) 1,451 20,682 - 20,682 (634) (532) 1,451 1,682 - 1,682 (2,214) (13,441) - (13,775) - (13,775) 7,502 (1,679) 651 - Latrobe Works Employee Development Total Latrobe Works Employee Development - Reve (14,310) (17,310) 334 (3,535) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 112 60 - Latrobe Works Total Latrobe Works Employee Development - Expe 651 - Latrobe Works Employee Development (Surplus)/Deficit Revised Budget Original Budget 14,303 (7) 14,303 (3,007) YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 10,854 98 13,827 - 13,827 (2,973) 476 (2,587) 98 52 - 52 (2,639) (3,059) - 652 - Latrobe Works HRM Total Latrobe Works HRM - Revenue Total Latrobe Works HRM - Expenditure 652 - Latrobe Works HRM (Surplus)/Deficit (10,051) (10,051) (9,014) 10,043 10,043 5,048 (8) (8) (6,033) - (6,033) (2,981) (4,018) 130 6,310 - 6,310 (1,262) 3,733 (3,966) 130 277 - 277 (4,243) (285) - 653 - Protective Clothing/Uniforms Total Protective Clothing/Uniforms - Revenue Total Protective Clothing/Uniforms - Expenditure 653 - Protective Clothing/Uniforms (Surplus)/Deficit (10,781) (10,781) (8,849) 10,781 10,781 9,074 225 - - (10,451) - (10,451) 1,602 (330) 26 10,520 - 10,520 (1,446) 261 26 69 - 69 156 (69) (24,015) 7,022 (986) 681 - Private Works Total Private Works - Revenue Total Private Works - Expenditure 681 - Private Works (Surplus)/Deficit (25,001) (25,001) (16,993) 20,193 20,193 17,380 (4,808) (4,808) 387 (2,352) - (2,352) (24,015) - 32,208 134 32,342 (14,962) (12,149) 8,193 134 8,328 (7,941) (13,136) 690 - Latrobe Works Overheads April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 113 Original Budget 60 - Latrobe Works Total Latrobe Works Overheads - Revenue Total Latrobe Works Overheads - Expenditure 690 - Latrobe Works Overheads (Surplus)/Deficit Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (461,589) (461,589) (380,187) - (311,257) - (311,257) (68,930) (150,332) 461,590 461,590 361,201 - 311,257 - 311,257 49,944 150,333 (18,986) - - - - 1 1 (18,986) 1 691 - Latrobe Works Employee On-Costs Total Latrobe Works Employee On-costs - Revenue (358,950) (358,950) (193,007) (20,603) (229,346) - (229,346) 36,339 Total Latrobe Works Employee On-costs - Expenditu 358,952 358,952 288,015 33,694 355,551 - 355,551 (67,536) 95,008 13,091 126,205 - 126,205 (31,197) (126,203) - (303,844) (20,966) (85,928) 691 - Latrobe Works Employee On-Costs (Surplus)/Deficit 2 2 (129,604) 3,401 692 - Latrobe Works Plant Hire Total Latrobe Works Plant Hire - Revenue Total Latrobe Works Plant Hire - Expenditure 692 - Latrobe Works Plant Hire (Surplus)/Deficit 60 - Latrobe Works (Surplus)/Deficit Operating (Surplus)/Deficit (389,772) (389,772) (324,810) (27,225) (303,844) 389,774 389,774 312,599 29,703 338,712 1,614 340,326 (27,727) 49,448 (12,211) 2,478 34,868 1,614 36,482 (48,693) (36,480) 197,457 5,004 202,461 (150,419) (210,285) 780,062 (634,930) 2 (4,824) 2 (7,824) (2,781,973) (2,388,604) 52,042 39,290 (973,612) 688,624 (1,890,028) 136,354 (1,753,674) April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 114 2,016.00 Capital Expenditure April 2016 Original Budget Revised Budget Total Cost 1,009,998 1,122,963 1,256,605 80,001 95,001 21,794 73,207 72 - Reseals 364,300 417,300 440,214 (22,914) 73 - Footpaths 507,999 536,335 311,759 224,576 74 - Kerb & Channel 500,000 500,000 291,596 208,404 75 - Bridges 177,000 177,000 187,688 (10,688) 76 - Carparks 79,499 89,199 55,890 33,309 92 - Miscellaneous 10,000 - - - 2,728,797 2,937,798 2,565,547 372,251 433,702 464,999 379,805 85,194 433,702 464,999 379,805 85,194 84 - Buildings 429,780 488,423 136,491 351,932 91 - Land Improvements 224,500 278,217 121,149 157,068 62,539 67,944 29,103 38,841 716,819 834,584 286,744 547,840 93 - Furniture & Equipment 61,000 71,714 62,369 9,345 94 - Motor Vehicles 88,000 88,000 65,525 22,475 94 - Plant 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 95 - Plant 82,000 234,736 274,211 (39,475) Program Total 246,000 409,450 402,104 7,346 Total Capital 4,125,318 4,646,831 3,634,200 1,012,631 71 - Road Reconstructions 72 - Asphalt Overlay Program Total 83 - Stormwater Program Total 92 - Miscellaneous Program Total April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Budget Remaining (133,642) Page 115 Capital Expenditure April 2016 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining A - Roads 71 - Road Reconstructions 1113 3720 Frederick Street - Reconstruct & Improve 1113 3722 New Roundabout - Gilbert/Victor Streets 1113 3813 Club Drive - Reconstruction 1113 60,000 172,509 171,233 - 2,409 171,233 173,642 (1,133) 300,000 291,707 11,451 643 218,720 12,094 230,814 60,893 40,000 40,000 27,296 - - 27,296 27,296 12,704 3814 George St - traffic calming near pool 20,000 20,000 10,133 - - 10,133 10,133 9,867 1113 3815 Alternate exit rear of 152 Gilbert St 34,999 34,999 - - - - - 34,999 1113 3817 Faulkner Drive / Speedway Road Access 20,000 20,000 9,436 - - 9,436 9,436 10,564 1113 3818 Weld Street and Hamilton Lane 34,999 34,999 - 31 - 31 31 34,968 1133 3732 Chapel Rd - Stage 2 Widen/Reconstruction - 8,749 8,565 - - 8,565 8,565 184 1133 3812 Chapel Rd - Stage 3 500,000 500,000 690,148 77,810 28,730 767,958 796,688 (296,688) 1,009,998 1,122,963 928,261 78,484 249,860 1,006,745 1,256,605 (133,642) 80,001 80,001 - 2,487 630 2,487 3,117 - 15,000 18,676 - - 18,676 18,676 Category Total 80,001 95,001 18,676 2,487 630 21,164 21,794 73,207 1113 3822 Coal Hill Rd - Corner to end of seal 16,100 - - - - - - - 1113 3824 Hawkins St (West) - Monaghan St to Twiss 17,800 17,800 18,006 - - 18,006 18,006 1113 3825 Last St (West) - River Rd to Eastern End 8,800 15,300 8,784 - - 8,784 8,784 6,516 1113 3826 Manouka Drive - Parkers Ford Rd to S/End 11,500 11,500 14,070 - - 14,070 14,070 (2,570) 1113 3827 Monaghan St - Forth St to Hawkins St W 8,300 34,800 35,533 - - 35,533 35,533 (733) 1113 3831 Parkers Ford Rd - St Louis Dve to Bush H 20,200 20,200 22,663 - - 22,663 22,663 (2,463) 1113 3832 Percival St - Fenton St to width change 8,800 8,800 7,466 - - 7,466 7,466 1,334 Category Total 72 - Asphalt Overlay 1113 3816 Lat Rec Ground - Reseal carpark 1113 3892 Gilbert St - Asphalt 76,884 (3,676) 72 - Reseals April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 116 (206) Original Budget 1113 3834 St Louis Dve Parkers Ford to Western end 1113 Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 18,500 18,500 18,960 - - 18,960 18,960 (460) 3835 Twiss St - Last St (West) to N'thern end 2,000 2,000 2,633 - - 2,633 2,633 (633) 1133 3819 Ballahoo Rd - Coal Hill Rd to End of sea 4,100 4,100 5,279 - - 5,279 5,279 (1,179) 1133 3820 Bush Haven Drive - Parkers Ford Rd to We 10,000 10,000 11,302 - - 11,302 11,302 (1,302) 1133 3821 Churchills Rd - Corneilius Rd to Native 45,100 65,100 70,207 - - 70,207 70,207 (5,107) 1133 3822 Coal Hill Rd - Corner to end of seal - 16,100 18,761 - - 18,761 18,761 (2,661) 1133 3823 Craigie W - Oppenheims Rd to End of seal 1,800 1,800 2,178 - - 2,178 2,178 (378) 1133 3828 Native Plains Rd - Bass Highway to Churc 59,700 59,700 65,787 - - 65,787 65,787 (6,087) 1133 3829 Oppenheims Rd - (Driveway) 439 to Beveri 32,400 32,400 31,854 - - 31,854 31,854 546 1133 3830 Oppenheims Rd - Bass Highway to (Drivewa 31,500 31,500 32,113 - - 32,113 32,113 (613) 1133 3833 Redhills Rd - Wescombes Rd to Southern E 11,900 11,900 12,560 - - 12,560 12,560 (660) 1133 3836 Wescombes Rd - Moriarty Rd to (Driveway) 29,000 29,000 33,176 - - 33,176 33,176 (4,176) 1133 3837 Wesley Vale Rd - Darbys Rd to Frankford 26,800 26,800 28,882 - - 28,882 28,882 (2,082) 364,300 417,300 440,214 - - 440,214 440,214 (22,914) Category Total April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 117 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 73 - Footpaths 1153 3747 Archer St - Rice to Darling (240m) 1153 28,001 39,390 37,426 - 1,257 37,426 38,683 707 3748 Forth to William St Pathway (150m) - - - - - - - - 1153 3751 Shearwater Park - Widen existing to 2.5m - - - - - - - - 1153 3753 Gilbert St - Tactile Indicators 20,000 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 1153 3754 Hamilton St - Reibey to New Subdivision 32,000 39,946 38,508 - 788 38,508 39,296 650 1153 3756 Cotton St - Stanley to Existing (300m) - - - - - - - - 1153 3811 Torquay Rd - Pedestrian Crossing - - 59 - - 59 59 (59) 1153 3838 Alexander St - Footpath (Western Side) 50,000 50,000 - 53 - 53 53 49,947 1153 3839 Alexander St - Info Bay to Roundabout 55,000 55,000 5,023 29,484 3,512 34,507 38,019 16,981 1153 3840 Cotton St - Footpath 30,000 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 1153 3841 Gilbert St - Paving or alternative 50,000 50,000 338 - - 338 338 49,662 1153 3842 Gilbert St - Install curved seats 10,000 10,000 769 - 6,056 769 6,825 3,175 1153 3843 Lewis St - Bonney's Creek to Reiby St 33,000 33,000 23,204 - - 23,204 23,204 9,796 1153 3844 Lewis Street - Reiby St to Benny St 21,999 21,999 25,061 - - 25,061 25,061 (3,062) 1153 3845 Monaghan St - Forth St to Northern end 25,001 25,001 12,632 - 100 12,632 12,732 12,269 1153 3846 Moriarty Rd - Percival St to Palmers Rd 23,000 23,000 16,767 - - 16,767 16,767 6,233 1153 3847 Provisional Projects 15,000 15,000 2,475 - - 2,475 2,475 12,525 1153 3848 Short St - Wilmot St to Edward St 44,999 54,000 5,441 10,495 40,831 15,936 56,767 (2,767) 1153 3849 William St - Replace seal with concrete 30,000 30,000 338 - - 338 338 1153 3850 Wilmot St - Rice St to Kermode St 39,999 39,999 50,501 - 639 50,501 51,140 507,999 536,335 218,543 40,033 53,184 258,576 311,759 224,576 Category Total 29,662 (11,141) 74 - Kerb & Channel 1163 3851 Bradshaw/Benny/Lewis St - Kerb & Channel 130,000 130,000 124,544 - - 124,544 124,544 5,456 1163 3852 Pitcairn St - Anderson St to Road Res. 220,000 220,000 3,916 21,227 14,872 25,143 40,015 179,985 1163 3853 Short St - Wilmont St to Edward St 150,000 150,000 126,226 172 640 126,398 127,038 22,962 500,000 500,000 254,685 21,399 15,512 276,085 291,596 208,404 Category Total April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 118 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 75 - Bridges 1183 3854 Bakers Beach Rd- Sheepwash Creek 1183 3898 Greens Creek Rd - Greens Creek Category Total 177,000 177,000 165,251 - 5,000 165,251 170,251 6,749 - - 4,063 12,399 975 16,463 17,437 (17,437) 177,000 177,000 169,314 12,399 5,975 181,714 187,688 (10,688) 57,499 55,247 24,884 - - 24,884 24,884 30,363 - 11,952 2,919 - - 2,919 2,919 9,033 22,000 22,000 28,088 - - 28,088 28,088 (6,088) 79,499 89,199 55,890 - - 55,890 55,890 33,309 10,000 - - - - - - - 10,000 - - - - - - - 2,728,797 2,937,798 2,085,584 154,802 325,160 2,240,387 2,565,547 372,251 76 - Carparks 1173 3762 Perkins/Pool/George St - Prep & Reseal 1173 3763 Youth Centre/Skate Park - Prep & Reseal 1173 3855 Station Square - Reseal carpark Category Total 92 - Miscellaneous 1113 3856 Signage - Shearwater Village Category Total Program Total April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 119 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining B - Services 83 - Stormwater 1263 3136 River Rd - Madeline St to Caravan Park 1263 - - - - 140 - 140 (140) 3579 Reibey St - Divert Open Drain (c/fwd) 19,700 18,997 20,991 - - 20,991 20,991 (1,994) 1263 3676 Moriarty Road drainage improvements 20,001 20,001 14,766 - - 14,766 14,766 5,235 1263 3678 Provisional Projects - Stormwater - - - - - - - - 1263 3857 Bowls Club & 47 Gilbert St Latrobe 10,000 10,000 3,739 - - 3,739 3,739 6,261 1263 3858 Continue existing in Reiby St to Joeseph 100,000 100,000 79,612 2,642 1,319 82,254 83,573 16,427 1263 3859 Provisional Projects 20,000 20,000 1,063 - - 1,063 1,063 18,937 1263 3860 Stanley St - Opposite High School oval 12,000 12,000 7,861 - - 7,861 7,861 4,139 1273 3861 Alexander St - Opposite supermarket 20,000 20,000 10,919 - - 10,919 10,919 9,081 1273 3862 Alexander St / Hawk Hill Rd intersection 200,000 232,000 234,146 2,146 363 236,292 236,655 1273 3863 Quinlan Crescent near Estuary Views 25,001 25,001 - - - - - 25,001 1273 3864 Short Street, Port Sorell 7,000 7,000 99 - - 99 99 6,901 Category Total 433,702 464,999 373,196 4,788 1,822 377,983 379,805 85,194 Program Total 433,702 464,999 373,196 4,788 1,822 377,983 379,805 85,194 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 120 (4,655) Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining C - Property, Parks and Reserves 84 - Buildings 1313 3769 Lat Youth centre- Remove/Block up N Wall 40,000 40,000 - - - - - 40,000 1313 3865 Lat. Youth Centre - Reclad N Wall & Sign 80,000 80,000 - 928 - 928 928 79,072 1313 3866 Lat. Youth Centre - replace lighting 30,000 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 1323 3771 Lat Swim Pool - Concrete Under Shelters - 2,382 2,470 - - 2,470 2,470 (88) 1323 3772 Latrobe Swim Pool - Fence Toddlers Pool 8,000 8,000 7,100 - - 7,100 7,100 900 1323 3773 Lat Swim Pool - Heating Toddler Pool - 11,674 9,352 - 2,635 9,352 11,988 (314) 1323 3774 Lat Swim Pool - Shade Prot Toddler Pool 10,000 10,000 9,472 - - 9,472 9,472 528 1323 3775 Lat Swim Pool - Play Equip/Pump Upgrade 8,000 7,955 3,246 4,115 - 7,360 7,360 595 1323 3867 Latrobe Swim Pool - HWC, shower timers 20,000 20,000 206 - - 206 206 19,794 1333 3591 Rec Ground - Construct Skate Park - - - - - - - - 1333 3681 Lat Rec Ground-Replace Jun.Cricket Floor 7,380 7,380 - - - - - 7,380 1333 3777 Lat Rec Ground - Redevelop U Grandstands 39,200 45,599 45,493 3,950 - 49,443 49,443 (3,844) 1333 3805 Lat Rec Ground - Convert Scout Hall - - 24 - 240 24 264 (264) 1333 3868 Lat Rec Ground - Electrical wiring 60,000 60,000 - - - - - 60,000 1403 3869 Port Sorell Hall - Cladding 36,000 36,000 - - - - - 36,000 1503 3870 Council Chambers - LED Lighting/Air Pear 15,000 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 1513 3783 EPUs - Replace Formaldehyde Insulation - - - - - - - - 1533 3784 Insulate Roof - Library/Historic/Online 2,500 9,898 - - 3,210 - 3,210 6,688 1583 3787 Axemans Hall - Refurbish Museum 23,700 23,787 11,192 - - 11,192 11,192 12,595 1583 3893 Axemans Hall - Install gutter guard - 8,718 698 7,766 - 8,464 8,464 254 1583 3894 Axemans Hall - Hieght saftey system - 8,615 840 - 8,495 840 9,335 (720) 1603 3871 Bells Parade toilets 50,000 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 1793 3896 Port Sorell Reserves - Hot Water System - 6,200 5,829 - - 5,829 5,829 371 6203 3891 Council Depot - Council Office IT Link - 7,215 9,230 - - 9,230 9,230 429,780 488,423 105,152 16,759 14,580 121,911 136,491 Category Total April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 (2,015) 351,932 Page 121 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month (1,344) Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 949 41,232 42,182 7,819 91 - Land Improvements 1333 3872 Lat Rec Ground - Meter rationalisation 50,001 50,001 42,576 1443 3873 Road frontage carpark / bollards 44,999 44,999 - - 6,419 - 6,419 38,580 1603 3874 Bells Parade - Interpretation signage 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 1603 3875 Bells Parade - Repair damage to Weir 10,000 25,000 3,137 - 24,712 3,137 27,849 (2,849) 1603 3876 Bells Parade - Restore bronze plaques 5,000 5,000 825 6,499 - 7,324 7,324 (2,324) 1603 3877 Bells Parade Playground equip and fence 35,000 35,000 - - - - - 1693 3900 Mersey River MTB Flying Fox - - - - 7,000 - 7,000 1703 3897 Foreshore Reserve Erosion Control - 12,300 - - - - - 12,300 1723 3696 Shearwater Park-Seats,Picnic tables,BBQ 20,000 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 1723 3878 Shearwater Park Development Plan 16,000 16,000 6,869 2,171 - 9,040 9,040 6,960 1853 3856 Signage - Shearwater Village - 10,000 180 - - 180 180 9,820 2503 3793 PS Landfill Site - Rehab Consultancy 30,000 44,985 13,098 - 5,847 13,098 18,946 26,039 6123 3800 Lock Replacement - Depot/Tfr Station etc 3,500 4,932 2,209 - - 2,209 2,209 2,723 224,500 278,217 68,896 7,326 44,927 76,222 121,149 157,068 5,197 5,197 6,023 - - 6,023 6,023 (826) - 5,547 5,695 - - 5,695 5,695 (148) Category Total 35,000 (7,000) 92 - Miscellaneous 1423 3879 Camp Banksia - Commercial Washer Dryer 1443 3680 Banksia Centre Capital 1443 3880 Electronic Scoreboard 8,500 8,500 - - 7,136 - 7,136 1,364 1443 3881 Backboard Raising/Lowering Mechanism 8,500 8,500 10,249 - - 10,249 10,249 (1,749) 1803 3671 Gilbert St-Pedestrian Refuges (2) 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 1833 3697 Lat Cemetery-New Plinth/Headstones 5,342 5,200 - - - - - 5,200 4423 3614 PS Transfer Station Design for new site 25,000 25,000 - - - - - 25,000 Category Total 62,539 67,944 21,967 - 7,136 21,967 29,103 38,841 Program Total 716,819 834,584 196,014 24,085 66,644 220,100 286,744 547,840 April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 122 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining D - Plant & Equipment 93 - Furniture & Equipment 1503 3882 Audio Visual Equipment 3133 4,000 4,000 - - - - - 4,000 3795 IT Services - Councillors I-Pads 10,000 10,000 9,998 - - 9,998 9,998 2 3133 3796 Replace Telephone System 30,000 35,714 41,980 - 390 41,980 42,370 (6,656) 5203 3883 Survey instruments 7,000 12,000 10,000 - - 10,000 10,000 2,000 5213 3884 Asset Management Software Upgrade 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Category Total 61,000 71,714 61,979 - 390 61,979 62,369 9,345 3923 3885 Plant 9 - Planning Services Manager 22,000 22,000 - - - - - 22,000 6923 3886 Plant 71 - Utility - Parks 22,000 22,000 19,178 - - 19,178 19,178 2,822 6923 3887 Plant 73 - Utility - Parks 22,000 22,000 19,178 - - 19,178 19,178 2,822 6923 3888 Plant 76 - Utility - Parks 22,000 22,000 27,169 - - 27,169 27,169 (5,169) 88,000 88,000 65,525 - - 65,525 65,525 22,475 15,000 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 15,000 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 7,000 7,000 9,561 - - 9,561 9,561 (2,561) 75,000 90,736 12,324 - 124,657 12,324 136,981 (46,245) - 137,000 127,669 - - 127,669 127,669 9,331 Category Total 82,000 234,736 149,554 - 124,657 149,554 274,211 (39,475) Program Total 246,000 409,450 277,057 - 125,047 277,057 402,104 7,346 4,125,318 4,646,831 2,931,851 183,675 518,673 3,115,526 94 - Motor Vehicles Category Total 94 - Plant 6123 3801 Plant 1 - Replace Ford Falcon XT Category Total 95 - Plant 1423 3889 Camp Banksia - Replace ride on mower 6923 3890 Plant 30 - Truck (Tipper) - Roads 6923 3895 Plant 90 - JCB Backhoe Total Capital April 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 3,634,199.54 1,012,631 Page 123 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 124 Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 125 Annexure "H" SUBJECT: DOG REGISTRATION FEES FOR 2016/2017 AUTHOR: MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES – Jan Febey DATE: 29th April, 2016 ATTACHMENTS: Nil 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to set dog registration fees for 2016/2017. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Dog Control Act 2000 requires that all dogs aged from 6 months must be registered. Registrations fall due on 1st July and expire on 30th June each year. For the current registration year, Council increased all registration categories, except the dangerous dog category, by $1. Kennel licence fees were increased by $3. An increase for 2016/17 is not proposed however due to the additional monitoring required for a dangerous dog, it is recommended that this fee be increased $20 to $220. There are currently 4 dangerous dogs registered in the Municipality. Dogs registered 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 1726 1762 1806 2027 2014/15 2081 2015/16* 2151 * Year to date figure Residents with animals already registered in the Municipality will receive a renewal of registration by 30th June. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN Animal Control and Regulatory Services objective: “To encourage and recognise responsible animal ownership and provide a high level of compliance services.” 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS In the current financial year animal control revenue is budgeted to fund approximately 64% of annual operating costs (including overheads) for the animal control function compared to 60% the previous year. As at 29th April, 2016 revenue received is $66,126 and expenses $77,052 (86%). The operational costs include a $15,000 contribution to Dogs Home of Tasmania for operation of a pound at Spreyton. Additional revenue to budget has been achieved via increased registration and kennel licence numbers. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 126 5. RISK ISSUES Registration renewal reminders are forwarded annually to current dog owners. The requirement to microchip and register dogs is also communicated to residents via Council’s newsletter and webpage. 6. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Part 2, Dog Control Act, 2000 Dog Registrations Description Male/Female dog Working dog Purebred dog (registered) Greyhound (registered) Hunting dog owned by member of NW Hound Owners Assn. Dog that has completed accredited Training course Dog owned by pensioner (one only) Neutered dog Dangerous dog Guide Dog/Medical response dog Tag replacement Kennel licence application Kennel licence renewal Current Proposed Current Proposed If paid before 31st July, 2015 $45.00 $25.00 $25.00 If paid before 31st July, 2016 $45.00 $25.00 $25.00 If paid after 31st July, 2015 $50.00 $30.00 $30.00 If paid after 31st July, 2016 $50.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 $17.00 $20.00 $200.00 Nil $2 $75.00 $35.00 $17.00 $20.00 $220.00 Nil $2 $75.00 $35.00 $22.00 $25.00 $200.00 Nil $22.00 $25.00 $220.00 Nil The registration fee for persons wishing to register newly acquired dogs after 31st December, 2016 will be half the applicable rate. 7. RECOMMENDATION That the report by Manager Corporate Services dated 29th April, 2016 regarding dog registration fees for 2016/17 be received and that the fees as proposed be approved. Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 127 Annexure "I" MEETING MINUTES 9:30AM 19 APRIL 2016 LATROBE COUNCIL Present Cr Penny Lane (Kentish Council), Cr Lesley Young (Latrobe Council), Chris Clark (CDYO), Amanda Hicks (School Bus Driver), Const. Tyrone Myers (Tas Police), Cadel Myers, Jonathan Magor (MES) & John Perkins (Latrobe Primary School). Apologies Ken Geeves (Neighbourhood Watch Port Sorell), Kellie Parker (Horse Riders) & Norman Targett (Tasmanian Motorcycle Council) Confirmation of Minutes Amanda Hicks moved and Cr Lane seconded that the minutes of the meeting held 15 March were a true and accurate representation of what occurred. CARRIED CURRENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. BUSINESS ARISING 1.1 DISABLED PARKING BAY HIGH STREET MES advised that a disabled parking bay needs to be nearly flat and quite a bit wider then a normal parking bay. They cannot generally be accommodated on the street unless infrastructure changes are made including kerbing and reshaping the road and footpath. It is generally much more successful to devote extra spaces in offstreet parking areas. Note that many people with a disabled permit do not require the dimensions and flatness of a compliant disabled bay. 2. SAFER ROADS 2.1 ENGINEERING 2.1.1 Spring Street Intersection An initial sketch plan was provided by the Department of State Growth. The junction was also highlighted during the Sheffield township project and community meetings held with the assistance of Wendy Morris of ESD. The junction is being considered as part of this project together with the southern town entry upgrade of Spring St, Honey Shed expansion, Redwater Creek Railway, streetscape extension from the school to Spring St, kerbing works at the junction etc. Council has a current budget allocation towards implementing the proposal once determined but will be seeking funding from the Department of State Growth as both roads are theirs. 2.1.2 Nook Road Traffic Counter The traffic counter is in place on Nook Road measuring traffic volumes and the speed of vehicles. Analysis will be available at a future meeting. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 128 3. SAFER SPEEDS 3.1 SCHOOL BUSES Const. Myers noted he has been on leave recently and unable to progress the request to target motorists speeding around school buses. An effort will be made in term 2 to conduct an operation. At this stage it has been difficult to conduct the same operations in the Latrobe municipality. Action: Const. Myers to progress 4. SAFER PEOPLE 4.1 MOTORCYCLISTS MES provided a report on the road works undertaken to improve the safety of motorcyclists throughout Kentish. The work was possible due to a grant provided by the Dept. of State Growth with improvements including corner widening, sections of line marking on narrow roads and rub rail installation on a small section of existing guard rail. The priorities were chosen by the Tasmanian Motorcycle Council. 4.2 REQUEST FOR HORSE SIGNAGE A request for signage indicating the presence of horses on Vinegar Hill Road and Formby Road was made by a Kentish resident. The committee considered the request and agreed signage was unwarranted on the following basis: The relative low volume of traffic on the roads that consist predominantly of local traffic; and The wide road verges on Vinegar Hill Road and the fact it is a no through road. Action: MES to respond to the request 5. SAFER VEHICLES No current actions. 6. PROJECT UPDATES 6.1 FACTOR THE TRACTOR AND SEE US SAFELY Cr Lane distributed a copy of a flyer targeting tourists that includes a number of safe driving tips. The brochure was developed by the Road Safety Advisory Council and includes a photo of the Bridlestowe Bear which is popular among Asian tourists. The brochure aligns well with the committee’s See us Safely campaign targeting tourists on local roads. The committee believed that in light of the existence of a brochure targeting the same group of motorists with a road safety message, that the See Us Safely brochure should not be developed. The committee believe that considering the large audience possible through radio advertising, it would reallocate the $1000 set aside for the brochure towards extending the radio advertising. Cr Lane moved and Amanda Hicks seconded that $1000 be reallocated to continue with the radio advertising of the projects. Carried Action: CDYO to organise additional radio advertising for the projects. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 129 7. GENERAL BUSINESS 7.1 MEETING SCHEDULE & LOCATION CDYO raised the proposal of changing the meeting schedule to bimonthly rather than the current monthly schedule. The reasons for the proposed change relates to the opportunity to progress issues raised at meetings as often matters are complex and require consultation with other departments/external agencies that takes time. Furthermore, with the little representation from the Port Sorell area, it was suggested that meetings be held at Sheffield or Latrobe only. Cr Young moved and Cr Lane seconded that meetings of the Community Road Safety Committee be held bimonthly alternating between Latrobe and Sheffield. Carried unanimously Action: CDYO to send out new meeting schedule Meeting closed 10:45am NEXT MEETING 21 June 2016 at Kentish Council Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 130 Annexure "J" SUBJECT: NAMING OF NEW ROAD CREATED BY STAGE 3 OF A 86 LOT SUBDIVISION ON CORNER OF COTTON AND STANLEY STREET, LATROBE AUTHOR: STATUTORY PLANNING OFFICER – LEE-ANNE RYAN DATE: 28 APRIL 2016 FILE REF: DA 151/2010 ATTACHMENTS: NIL 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to assign a name for a new road created as a result of stage 3 of subdivision development of land off Stanley Street, Latrobe. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Council approved an 86 lot staged residential subdivision of land contained in CT128536/1 and located on the corner of Stanley and Cotton Streets, Latrobe on 9 November 2010. At the October 2011 meeting, Council resolved to name the street constructed as stage 1 of this subdivision as Elm Street. At the September 2012 meeting, Council resolved to name the street constructed as stage 2 of this subdivision as Maple Street. The report to Council for the September 2012 meeting proposed that the naming of all new streets running east west and developed as part of the subdivision should follow a botanical theme, and more specifically the names of deciduous tree species. Stage 3 of this subdivision included the development of a third road that runs in an east-west direction off Stanley Street. This road is shown as New Road in blue on the whole of subdivision plan shown in Figure 1. This stage also included the continuance of Stanley Street and Robert Street on the eastern side of the subdivision, both of which run north-south. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Figure 1 – Whole of subdivision plan 9th May, 2016 Page 131 3. COMPLIANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendation provides support to the following objective of the Latrobe Council ‘Our Place, Our Plan’, A Strategic Direction 2012 - 2017. To effectively manage land use planning and building issues. 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The purchase and erection of an appropriate street sign will result in a cost of approximately $200.00 per sign, which will be met by the developer. 5. RISK ISSUES Not applicable. 6. CONSULTATION As per Council’s Policy, the developer was invited to submit two preferred names to be placed before Council for a decision on the matter. The developer put forward the name ‘Acacia’ for the new street. 7. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS It is Council’s statutory responsibility to assign names to urban streets within the boundaries of its local government area. When a new street name is assigned within their area, Council is bound to notify the Nomenclature Board of the assignment within forty days. 8. OFFICER’S COMMENTS The guiding principles for the naming of new streets, as set out by the Nomenclature Board, state that where no previous names exist, primary consideration will be given to a name in keeping with the character and tradition of the area; with historical or local significance; being suggestive of any peculiarity of a topographical feature; or being of aboriginal derivation, and having an appropriate meaning. The report to Council for the September 2012 meeting proposed that the naming of all new streets running east west and developed as part of the subdivision should follow a botanical theme, and more specifically the names of deciduous tree species. The developer is suggesting that the street be named Acacia Street. Acacias are not a deciduous tree species. It is Council’s Planning Officer’s view that the names ‘Oak’, ‘Ash’ and ‘Birch’ are appropriate, being the names of other deciduous tree species, and are in keeping with the previous street names issued for the first and second stage of the subdivision, Elm Street and Maple Street. The developer has agreed with Ash Street. 9. RECOMMENDATION That the report by Council’s Planning Officer dated 28 April 2016, as circulated on Annexure J, be received and that Council resolve to name the new street off Stanley Street, Latrobe, Ash Street. Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9th May, 2016 Page 132