Brook Eggart - Ohio - West Virginia District Exchange Clubs
Brook Eggart - Ohio - West Virginia District Exchange Clubs
THE LINK April - June 2014 THE OFFICIAL QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE OHIO -WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICT EXCHANGE CLUBS From The President Well, our Exchange year is almost over! I know that you have achieved fabulous things this year and I hope that you take the time to report all of the activities that your club has done throughout the year to National so that your club can receive the National Service Award. It is really easy to achieve this award. It is really important to take the time to send this information. Your club simply needs to do a project in each of the four service areas (Youth, Community Service, Child Abuse Prevention and Americanism) and sponsor any two additional projects. You can report this information to National by submitting a program and activities application for each of the six projects. These applications can be found on the National Exchange Club website ( under the member resources tab and click awards. National uses this information to help them receive grants. And you should receive recognition for all of the hard work your club has done throughout the year. Our Ohio/West Virginia District convention was held the weekend of May 30 & 31. We had an amazing time! We had great speakers, fabulous educational sessions and delicious food. Keep reading for more details on the convention. Try new and fresh ideas for rush parties or social gatherings to keep people involved. Keep working on growing your clubs by recruiting new members and retaining the members you currently have. Read through the newsletter and see what other clubs are doing. I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity to serve as your District President. I have learned a great deal over these past two years. I have made many good friends, plus gleaned countless leadership skills. Larry Sewell will be taking over as District President for next year. I am excited to see all the new and fresh ideas that he will bring! Please remember that the District Board and myself are always here to offer a helping hand in any way that you need. Do not hesitate to contact one of us if you have questions or need help. And for the remainder of the year, don’t forget to keep PARADING THE SPIRIT OF EXCHANGE WITH PASSION AND COMMITMENT! '95-'96, '98-'99, '01-'02, ‘06-’07 ‘10-’11 ‘13-’14 JUDGE'S AWARD & SUPERIOR RATING '94-'95, '97-'98, '04-'05 ‘05-’06, ‘08-’09, ‘09-’10 Brook Eggart District President The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter From Your Regional Vice President This is my last article as your Regional Vice President. My second two-year term on the National Board will be coming to an end. I’ve enjoyed the four years I’ve spent on the board. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many talented and dedicated Exchangites. Although we have many challenges ahead of us I am encouraged because Exchange is needed now, more than ever, in our communities. As I reflect on what I’ve learned over the last four years what stands out is the potential of the individual Exchangite. It’s the energy and dedication of Exchangites just like you that will move this great organization forward in the future. The society we live in is changing. We are all distracted by competing priorities each day. As a member of Exchange we can sometimes get sidetracked due to everyday life. However, if we stay focused on our Exchange Club mission of making our communities better places to live, then I believe we can move forward and Exchange will grow and flourish. The future of Exchange also depends on good leadership. Thank you to those that have served in leadership positions already. I encourage you to investigate all the leadership opportunities in your club, our District and at the National level as well. Filling a leadership position in Exchange can be one of the most rewarding experiences you will have. I am optimistic about the future of Exchange because of YOU. As a member of Exchange you can achieve extraordinary things. You just have to set your mind to it and stay focused. I believe that anything is possible with Exchange. In fact, the sky’s the limit with Exchange because this great organization has so much to offer. I challenge you to explore the possibilities in your club and our District. Share your Exchange experience with everyone you know. Together we will grow Exchange to improve our communities. I look forward to seeing you in the future. THANK YOU for all you do! Russ Finney Region 8 Vice President 2013-2014 ACE Award Kelsy Iler, Fremont St. Joseph’s C.C. Parent: Robert Iler Sponsored by The Exchange Club of Fremont 2013-2014 Youth of the Year David Henniger, Lake H.S. Parents: David and Helen Henniger Sponsored by The Exchange Club of Greater Maumee Bay 2 The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter Exchange Club ‘CLICKS’ By: National Exchange Club National Exchange Club Foundation E l e v a t o r S p ee c h Ohio/West Virginia District Exchange Club Voices of Freedom We are a National Community Service Organization making communities better places to live through projects focusing on Americanism, Youth, Community Service and our National project of Child Abuse Prevention. Our membership is open to all those who share the same passion. Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome Which area most interests you? Exchange Club’s National Project Believe in the Blue National Exchange Club On-Line Store Ohio – West Virginia District Exchange Clubs Other Exchange Club ‘CLICKS’ Facebook Virtual Freedom Shrine – Exchange Club of Salem, NH Individual Club Links Bowling Green Dayton Eastern Hills Dover Northwest Cincinatti Mt Vernon/Knox County Lima Fremont **The following clubs have Facebook pages: Bowling Green Clyde Greater Maumee Bay West Toledo Toledo Maumee Lima Fremont Springfield Findlay To find their page search for the name of their club i.e. Exchange Club of Toledo, etc 3 Info Exchange The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter Division 1 Wauseon President Sara Feldbauer Our President, Sara Feldbauer, moderated the Freedom Shrine Speech Contest at Wauseon High School on May 13, 2014. There were four contestants and Brenden Kost was declared the winner. This is the 56th year that W.H.S. has held the Speech Contest We have ordered a Freedom Shrine for Swanton High School. We have an ongoing collection of pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Toledo. There has been such a need for this home that there will be a new, larger home built soon near Toledo Hospital. We purchased the Crying Code brochures that will be distributed at the Fulton County Health Center. April 23 was the first of four trash pick ups that our club will complete for two miles along State Route 108 north of Wauseon.. Our club donated money toward the Wauseon Community Meals. These meals are held each Thursday evening and the food is prepared by six of the churches in Wauseon. It is a very good way for the citizens of Wauseon to meet each other. Submitted by Mary Behnfeldt Wauseon Excel Club No information submitted. Greater Maumee Bay President Stephany Below No information submitted. West Toledo President Jackie Lewis No information submitted. Division 2 Toledo President Steven Edwards No information submitted. Fremont President Dianne Clary Dee made some great comments at the Golden Deeds awards when she asked Mike Davey to get up and present the award to guest of honor Denny Setzler. Denny resides here in Fremont with his wife 4 Josie. The Setzler’s have 4 children Eric, Cathy, Brian, and Autumn. Denny has dedicated over sixty years of his life to scouting. Dee stopped at Dollar General store and found that the manager had a box set out for the Food Pantry. The lady said that she is collecting food till the end of the month. So Bob and Dee got bags out and took over a dozen bags to the Food Pantry. The service is from the Dollar General store and Fremont Exchange Club. Barb Krzewinski presented the Law Officer of the Year. This year our receipient came from the Sandusky County Parks District. She said it was a great honor to present this award to Andy Brown who is a Law Officer for the Parks District. He is the Chief Ranger for the district. His name was presented by one of his subordinates. Andy said that he started out emptying trash barrows and worked his way up from there. Ben Hickey and Mary Nossaman presented David Detweiler the Student of the Year. In David’s essay which he read to the club he said that at a very early age he found out how important public service and spirit was. He organized a musical benefit at his school and over the course of 4 events he raised over $2000 to help benefit people. A benefactor donated approx 200 new flags for our display at the court house. It really looked nice for Memorial Day. Pres Dee thanked all that volunteered at the Parade on Monday. The group ran out of flags at the turn on Tiffin St. They gave out over 13 gross of flags. Many people also complimented us on the new banner that was carried at the parade. Mary Shafer presented several programs at Ross regarding Shaken Baby Syndrome. Thanks to Mary. We would like to congratulate all the members of our Excel club at SJCC for their wonderful community service. Some will be graduating. We wish them great success. Thanks for being members. Kelsey Iler who was our ACE award winner earlier this past year has been chosen as the District ACE award winner. This is a very nice young lady that has a very important story to tell. She was at the District Convention at Miamisburg this past weekend. There she received $1000 toward her education. The Maumee club won the award for Volunteerism. Floyd Culver won the Lifetime Achievement Award It was announced that next year’s District and National Convention will be held in Columbus. Mary Shafer held an induction ceremony bringing into the club both Bob Clary, and Jim Stendara. Submitted by Ken Dumminger Fremont Excel Club President Hunter Harrison No information submitted. Division 3 Bellefontaine President Bridget Hawkins No information submitted. Springfield President Mike Larson Our club installed five new members at an evening meeting gala event, Connie Kearns, Mark Sullivan, Rob Pollock, John Buffenbarger, and Andy Kittles. The club honored three members at the event with Exchange Club membership numeral pins of 50 years service for Jon Holland, 40 years service for Wayne Smith, and 30 years service for Don Lynam. Congratulations to all! The club presented our Youth of the Year, Gillian West of Emmanuel C h r i s t i a n Mike Larson, President Academy, at a Springfield Exchange, Gillian club meeting West, 2014 Springfield Youth of and awarded a the Year, Steve Klipfel, Youth of $1,000 college the Year Award Chairman scholarship. Miss West will attend Cedarville University in the fall. Special thanks to Steve Klipfel, chairperson Youth of the Year. We selected Emmanuel Christian Academy to receive a Freedom Shrine, which was delivered and will be installed this summer and dedicated in the fall. Special thanks to Pam Meermans for storing and then delivering the shrine documents to ECA. We distributed 7,500 flags for the GIVEAKIDAFLAGTOWAVE Program at the Springfield Memorial Day Parade, 26 May. We presented Jim Nolan, Executive Director of the Tecumseh Council of the Boy Scouts with a check for $1,000 to continue their good work. We participated in the Time Out Teddy Program, purchasing 100 for distribution to The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter the Child Advocacy Center, County Sheriff, and Springfield Police Division. We presented Wendy Holt, Director of the Clark County Child Advocacy Center with a check for $5,000 to assist the agency in their work. The CAC helps children deal with abuse while holding offenders accountable. In 2013 the CAC served 259 children, 155 females and 101 males who were victims of sexual abuse, exploitation, felony level physical abuse, or witnessed a violent act. We co-sponsored the Armed Forces Appreciation Day Luncheon, honoring past and present members of the armed forces in Springfield and Clark County. We are preparing for the Cancer Relay for Life June 13 & 14th. The club sells Famous Cabbage Rolls, hand made personally by our President Mike Larson, and known far and wide as the best this side of Budapest. All proceeds will be donated by Team Exchange to the Relay for Life. We are preparing to attend the District Convention in Miamisburg, Ohio May 30 & 31st, hosted by the Exchange Club of Dayton, Ohio Submitted by Larry Sewell Division 4 Findlay President Kelly Greene Our 20th Annual Awards Celebration was held at our luncheon meeting on May 6th. We gave away the following awards: Fireman of the Year, Tim Hassan, Findlay Fire Dept.; Law Officer of Peggy Turner and the Year, Don Dawson, Youth of the Year. Findlay Police; Proudly We Hail, Findlay-Hancock County Public Library; Youth of the Year, Hiromasa Alex Harada, Findlay High School; Book of Golden Deeds, Gene and Evelyn Kelsey, Hancock Christian Mary Borer with Book of Clearinghouse. We Golden Deeds winner. also handed out flags at the Memorial Day Parade. Bowling Green President Vernon Hansen Our Club carried out several spring projects for 2014. Zac Shoup created a great Exchange Club chili entrée for the BG Winter Fest Chili Cook-off in mid-February. Our Exchange table is always the best decorated. This year the theme was “Fifty Shades of Exchange Chili” with a wink and a nod to the Valentine’s Day weekend event. Our Annual Pancake Breakfast was held on March 15 in the Bowling Green High S c h o o l c a fe t e r i a . T h i s Exchange Club President Vern Hansen is shown with Exchange Scholarship recipient fundraiser Erin Graves (second from right) and must once Awards of Excellence recipients Joe Cohen, a g a i n Hortencia Perez and Nicole Castor. acknowledge the leadership of the chair, Luci Gernot, who does an outstanding job coordinating our club’s efforts. Profits were slightly decreased by the decision to move the silent auction to the Reverse Raffle evening in November. As in past years, Chris Cakes launched the pancakes into the air to soar onto the plates of kids and adults. A club committee, headed by Michael Penrod, reviewed the scholarship awards and available funds and revised policies for this year. Two scholarships were given based on need and overcoming adversity. Our local Exchange Club gave more in scholarship dollars than any other service club this year in the Bowling Green School District. Two activities were undertaken this spring which fall into Exchange Club’s Americanism Project Area. Our Vice President, Sean Brennan, investigated the cost of providing pocket copies of the Constitution for seniors at BG High School. The club also approved funds to sponsor youth for Boys’ State and Girls’ State at the request of our President, Vern Hansen. We also continue to support a Pee Wee League ball team. BG Exchange has sponsored a club for over 50 years. Paul Nusser was honored by National Exchange for years of membership at an evening reception for area clubs. Three other members, Bill Culbertson, Sr., Clif Boutelle, and Steve McEwen, received certificates but could not attend. Dick Powers, our club’s longest term member and several others also attended the ceremony and appreciated the culinary efforts of the National staff and the tours of building. Positive Start, a recognition of good citizenship and scholarship for middle school students, was held on Tuesday, April 8. Fiftyeight students from public and private schools were honored. The chairperson for the event, Roger Grant, was supported by an outstanding team of member volunteers. Barbara Keller wrote the student activity sections for the local newspaper, the Sentinel-Tribune. Kate Sommerfeld collected the information Dr. Sidney Childs, & student pictures and a member of the got it to the newspaper. BG Exchange Club, Ann McVey sent out welcomes students to the letter of invitation Positive Start. to students and parents. Jill Carr identified the keynote speaker, the President of BGSU’s Black Student Union, and prepared the programs. Roger Grant and Jim Rebar photographed the event. Mayor Edwards issued a proclamation which was delivered by Kristin Otley. Sidney Childs, Ann McVey, Roger Grant, Vern Hansen, Barbara Keller, Jill Carr, & Kate Sommerfeld helped with the presentation of awards. Other members helped to serve pizza and beverages to the students, greeted parents, and/or sat with students. Recently, our club was honored to be recognized by National Exchange for our Positive Start Program. Roger Grant attended the district convention to accept the award on the club’s behalf. Submitted by Sue Clanton Division 5 Clyde President Cynthia Cullen No information submitted. Maumee President David Huner No information submitted. Perrysburg President Brent Swartzmiller No information submitted. Sandusky President James Tann No information submitted. Division 6 Eastern Hills-Cincinnati President Chandra Mathews-Smith We meet on Fridays at the Anderson Twp. Senior Center. At our recent meetings we have been recognizing our High School Youth Winner for local schools. We have a lot to be thankful for: We have a great community to serve. Our new site can be found at: http://www.eheconline. org We have wonderful friends and family. Our annual projects for our community support are well attended. As always our club stays busy in the community, some of our recent Member Speaker and planned activities include; Spring Social – Dinner Event, Forest Hills 5K Walk, Adopt-A-Highway, Make A Difference Day, and Quarters for Kids Program, and our Membership Drive. Recently USA Flags were given out at a Pumpkin Fest for Kids at Berger 5 The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter Farm and our Adopt-a-Highway project keeps us busy on Saturdays. We had our annual Fall Golf Outing and everything went great, Thanks everyone. Our club is in the midst of a recruiting blitz. We have a strong base to work from, great speakers and wonderful camaraderie. We just need to add some new blood to help with our projects and to help raise awareness of our club and our good deeds. Submitted by Bob Garfield West Chester President Jessie Niesen Our Club continues to support organizations such as RASKALS, and One Way Farm, a home for abused, abandoned and neglected children. The group also supports the Butler County Parent Aide programs and about 100 Exchange Club Abuse Prevention Centers in the United States. At a recent meeting we presented “Proudly We Hail” plaques to individuals and companies who proudly and correctly fly the Newest Members American flag. Club members Russ Finney and Bob Garfield plan to attend the 2014 District Convention to be held in Dayton, Ohio on May 30th and 31st and these club members are also planning to attend the National Convention in New Orleans, LA in July. Submitted by Bob Garfield NW Cincinnati President John Torbeck We are pleased to announce we are on the web. Our new site can be found at: We continue our programs of service for our communities. The Celebrity Bartending Event was held and so was our second annual bowling fundraiser. We continue to honor our Student of the Month. Planned Community Events: Community Partners for Education Golf Outing, Dearborn Country Club; Golf Outing, Clippard Family YMCA; Exchange Club Bowling Fundraiser, Heid’s Lanes; Celebrity Bartending Event. Submitted by Bob Garfield Division 7 Dayton President Eric Price President Eric Price arranged speakers for the District Convention that include the Dayton club’s major project on strengthening civics education in Ohio. A big step is the formation of a committee 6 under U.S. District Judge Walter Rice that includes club representatives, Bar Association members and, eventually, educators. President Price’s initiative was inspired by a statewide effort in New Hampshire led by retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Souter. Judge Rice said he hopes to see real progress in overcoming what he calls “political illiteracy” resulting in low voter turnout, misunderstanding of local, state and national issues and often complete lack of knowledge about the nation’s founding principles and structure olf government. “I would welcome the participation of other Exchange clubs in the state,” he said, “so that our leaders in Columbus will see the way to action .” Submitted by Bill Wild Lima President Diane Bishop Lima Exchange Club’s annual Youth of the Year and A.C.E. banquets were held in March. Students from all twelve Allen County high schools were in attendance for Youth of the Year. The annual A.C.E. award banquet was chaired by Angie Herzog. The event was nicely attended. April, Child Abuse Prevention month, is a very busy month for the Lima Exchange Club’s Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) committee. During this month, they organized Child Safety Awareness Day’s at Freedom Elementary School. Students in preschool1st grade heard a presentation regarding safety and received coloring books, “My Body is Mine”, purchased by the committee. Students in 2nd - 4th grade watched a video, “Believe Me” that addressed not giving up when telling adults about abuse. The video emphasized the fact that children have the right to be safe and to tell an adult in their support system if someone hurts them. After the video, discussions were held in small groups. The students had the opportunity to sign a pledge stating, “I am Somebody. I have the right to be Safe from Harm.” Also during April, five billboards were on display around Lima. The CAP Committee also participated in Believe in the Blue, Saturday May 3rd at the Lima Public Library. This was held in conjunction with the library’s Touch a Truck event. Committee members played games with kids, popped popcorn and distributed parenting information to parents. To highlight Child Abuse Prevention, the committee organized a luncheon that featured guest speaker from Bluffton University. At this luncheon, the CAP committee gave a $500 scholarship to a local student who had applied and fulfilled all required qualifications. Multiple members participated in the Memorial Day parade, handing out flags for “Give a Kid a Flag to Wave”. About 5,000 flags were handed out to children along the parade route. Submitted by Brook Eggart Canton President James Knight No information submitted. Division 8 Orrville President Darlene Morrison Our Club has had a variety of excellent programs and continued with their financial support of non-profit agencies in Orrville the Orrville Area Boys and Girls Club, Orrville YMCA, Salvation Army, Wayne Co. Children Advocacy Center, OrrViews, 88 Keys for Orrville High School project, etc. During the March 20 meeting, Steve Slifko, owner of Red Run Bison Farm in Marshallville, raises between 350 and 270 buffalo a year and sells meat from their farm. Buffalo, or bison as it is often called, is lower in fat and cholesterol than select beef, pork or even skinless chicken. Jeff Iula, known as Mr. Derby, of Cuyahoga Falls, talked March 27 about the Akron AllAmerican Soap Box Derby, which began in 1933 in Dayton. It was moved to Akron in 1941. Cindy O’Donnell, marketing and public relations manager of Goodwill Industries of Wayne and Holmes Counties, said at the April 3 meeting that Goodwill International began in 1902. Goodwill in Wayne County began in 1979. The local Goodwill has five locations: Orrville, Wooster, Rittman, Millersburg and Loudonville. Carol Ubelhart, general manager of OrrViews, a local community newspaper and Bob Hershey, OrrViews advisoary board member and sponsorship chairman, talked April 10 about the papers 13-year history. It only exists through donations from individuals, businesses and organizatons. This year’s budget is $75,365. During the April 17 meeting four new members and 14 members who have 35plus years of service with the club were recognized. New members Sherri Bowman, Mary Alterio, Susan Tucker and Erica Piatt received framed certificates and Exchange Club pins. Recognized for 35 plus years of service were: Gene Horst, 61 years; Bob Gresser, 53; Jim Davis, 51; Alan Auble and P. Dean Waltman, 48; Jerry Amstutz, 47; John Kropf, 44; Ralph Keplar, 43; Bob Snyder, 40p; Steve Seifried, 38; Doug Brown and Jay Augspurger, 37; Steve Hines, 36 and Jeff Wiles, 35. Each new member and veteran members The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter received gifts (shirts, jackets, hats with Exchange Club logos.) At the April 24 meeting, Kent Smith, Orrville High School Athletic Director and boys tennis coach and spring sport coaches gave Exchange Club their latest update on spring sports. Prior to the meeting Students of the Month introduced by Jim Mankins, (a volunteer with OHS) introduced Sara Landis and Cody Marshall, seniors at OHS. Lori Reinbolt, president of the Orrville Area Chamber of Commerce since last November, gave a review May 1. She said she sees her position as a visonary leader striving to see what’s in the future and what’s next. She said she looks forward to being challenged in her new position. She passed out 150th Orrville anniversary wooden coins to members. During the May 8 meeting, Sara Patton, executive director of the Wayne County Community Foundation said the foundation was established in 1978 with Bill Baer of Orrville, former CEO of the Will-Burt Co., who donated the first $1,000. Today, the Foundation has $54 million under management. Linda Runion, gave an informational presentation May 22 about the 88 Keys for Orrville High School Project. The newly renovated auditorium at OHS houses the piano that was purchased after the fire in 1977. Because of the hard use and the harsh environment, is is very difficult for the piano to stay in tune. The goal of the campaign is to raise $60,000. Orrville Exchange eventually made a donation to this project. During the May 29 meeting, Morgan Winget and Bob Hershey, both of Orrville gave an informative program on General Douglas MacArthur. As a fundraiser the club will be holding a reverse raffle/dinner on Aug. 1. Money is used for high school scholarships and community events. Submitted by Darlene Morrison Wooster President Gil Ning The Youths of the Month from the Village Network and Christian Childrens Home were presented on 4/1 and 4/8 respectively a plaque, gift certificate and polo shirt that designates being chosen for outstanding performance. Presentations were done at a luncheon at the Wooster Inn honoring them. The Club enjoyed gourmet hamburger night at the Martin Cabin on 4/15. The Wooster High School Pride and Spirit Award was presented to Brooke Hemphill (softball) for efforts as recognized by her Coach on 4/22. The Club attended the Children’s Breakfast with Youths of the Month to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month on 4/3. Young Citizenship Awards were presented to Aiden Call/Anna Nacci/Angelina Fox/Landon Rice/ Emily Hill/Alec Pauley/Gabbi Stern/Molly Schneider/Harley Nordick/Pheonix Utesch from Edgewood Middle School. Sydney Wright (St. Mary) and Dawn Drake (Ida Sue School) also received awards. All award winners received a framed certificate and dictionary. The Youths of the Month from the Village Network and Christian Childrens Home were presented on 5/6 and 5/13 respectively a plaque, gift certificate and polo shirt that designates being chosen for outstanding performance. Presentations were done at a luncheon at the Wooster Inn honoring them. The Club enjoyed Omaha Bob’s chicken at the Martin Cabin evening meeting on 5/20. The Wooster High School Pride and Spirit Award was presented to Brandon Defibaugh (football) for efforts as recognized by his coaches on 5/27. On 5/17 the Club put out flags at veteran gravesites at St. Mary Cemetery honoring veterans for the upcoming Memorial Day. A dictionary and certificate was awarded to Hannah Watson from St. Mary School for exceptional citizenship. Submitted by Gil Ning Division 9 Dover President Terry Auman No information submitted. Mt. Vernon/Knox County President Dick Porter Our club has been very active doing all our great projects and community service. The year is coming to an end for our President Dick Porter but we are ending strong. We entertained a guest speaker from the “Joy of Living” summer camp for our Knox County children and from that meeting, Dick has been on the move to help the camp with funding, finding inner tubes for the creek and many other things for these children to have fun. Our Youth of the Year program was fantastic and rewarding. Our student this year, Alex Keen, has many aspirations in the field of Margaret Ann Ruhl and Alex Sports Medicine Keen, KCCC YOY 2014 and will take this talent with him when he joins the U S Marines. The selection this year for our ACE Award was abounding with the choice of seven students, one each from the county’s seven High Schools. All the students were exceptional and the student from East Knox HS, Jessica McFadden was our selection. She is a determined young lady who with physical disabilities never let that stop her from succeeding. The Memorial Day Parade was special this year with the float being a smaller version of the Monument of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We had members and four Airmen from Wright Patterson AFB passing out our flags for the GIVEAKIDAFLAGTOWAVE project. The weather was beautiful and the parade honored our fallen heroes. An extra money making pork chop dinner was served June 13th in Mansfield and we had great fellowship and a tragedy. Five of us members served about 60 meals at a small park and for children we grilled hot dogs. We loaded Mr. Dick Porter’s beautiful, large, heavy grill in the back of Ginny’s truck. All went well with the dinner and coming home was where all the excitement happened. You will only need to know that the grill never made it home. Flag day is an annual event that we enjoy on the square of our town. The program this year, as in all years, was very respectful and emotional by honoring the Flag of our great Nation. Karen Conard did a wonderful program along with other members. The last program of the year is fast approaching and that is our getting together for a pot luck dinner at Ed Cosby’s home. We love this time as many friends and members meet before the long summer really begins and we install officers, recognize achievements, have a White Elephant Sale, eat great food and this year the Mansfield CAP Center, Lori Daugherty will be coming to fellowship with us. What a great Club Mount Vernon/Knox County is and we have a wonderful future! Submitted by Ginny Williams Painesville President James Kalis No information submitted. Division 10 Brooklyn-Cleveland President Jeffrey Borsz No information submitted. Oberlin President Marilyn Jalowiec No information submitted. 7 The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter Clockwise from above: ~Lorie Daugherty, Director of Mansfield CAP Center ~Goodies collected for the CAP Center ~JROTC presents the colors ~Anthony Talbot, Abolition Ohio ~Judge Patrick Fischer and Debe Tehar talk Civics ~District Pin Design winner Andy Kittles, Springfield ~Dining at the Youth Awards Luncheon ~Essence Five performs before dinner ~Attendees at the Awards and Installation Banquet ~Cheryl Verhoff presented the Exchangite of the Year ~Bev Sewell accepts a Gold Club Award for Springfield ~Joe Wade receives a Top Recruiter Award ~Larry Sewell recognized for recruiting 5 new members ~Roger Grant accepts Best Community Service Project ~Dayton members pose with DP Brook Eggart ~Floyd Culver wins Lifetime Achievement Award ~Brook presents a Resolu- 8 2013-2014 OH/WV District Convention, May 30-31, Dayton, OH The Annual Convention of the OH/WV District was held at the Wyndham Garden Dayton South in Miamisburg on May 30-31, 2014. The event got started on Friday afternoon with a Board of Director’s Meeting, followed by dinner and then the fun and games that always comes with a hospitality room. The convention officially got underway on Saturday morning with the Child Abuse Prevention Breakfast. After an Invocation by Floyd Culver, Wauseon, and the Pledge, led by Jackie Lewis, West Toledo, District President Brook Eggart welcomed the group and presented pins to all of the First Timers. The Exchange Club of Toledo received recognition for the Best CAP Project Award for their Champions for Children Award Project. Lorie Daugherty of the Mansfield CAP Center gave an update on the center and all of their projects. The center is doing well, but there are still families on a waiting list for their services. A Panel Discussion was held on the lack of Civics training in our schools and the fact that much of our country’s history is no longer being taught in our schools. Panelists were Debe Tehar, who serves on the State Board of Education, and Ohio First District Court of Appeals Judge Patrick Fischer. We were also privileged to have Anthony Talbot speak to our group. Mr. Talbot is Co-Founder of Abolition Ohio, and spoke on the current slave trade in Ohio, also known as Human Trafficking. He shared some startling statistics on the matter and how Toledo ranks #1 in trafficking per capita. Brook Eggart gave a State of the District address and shared the district is within reach of attaining positive growth for the year. Ann Culver, Wauseon, presented the Treasurer’s Report and noted the district is fiscally sound. Secretary John Fetters, Findlay, reported on our clubs at growth and attaining the National Service Award. A Power Point presentation was shown recapping the district and national leadership over the past 21 years. President Eggart then appointed Bob Garfield, West Chester, to review the minutes of last year’s convention and report back to the convention. Clubs were recognized for earning the National Service Award to date. They included Fremont, Greater Maumee Bay, Sandusky, Wauseon, West Chester, West Toledo, Findlay, Springfield and Clyde. It was also noted that the deadline for the award is June 30th. The Youth Awards Luncheon was held as we honored this year’s recipients. After an Invocation by Larry Sewell, Springfield, and the Pledge by Cindy Cullen, Clyde, the 2013-2014 Youth of the Year Award, and $1000 scholarship, was presented to David Henniger from Lake High School. He was sponsored by The Exchange Club of Greater Maumee Bay. The Accepting the Challenge of Excellence Award and scholarship was given to Kelsy Iler of Fremont St. Joseph Central Catholic High School, and was sponsored by The Exchange Club of Fremont. After lunch, the Roll was called and the Elections of Officers took place. The officers The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter County; Cindy Cullen, Clyde; Marie Perkins, Fremont; and serving as Interim Directors: Floyd Culver, Wauseon; Mary Shaffer, Fremont; Angie Herzog, Lima. Larry Sewell presented a Memorial Service for members lost since our last convention. Honored were Bonnie Franks, Findlay, and Larry Skelly, Lima. After the service, complete with bagpipes, there were several educational sessions held. Tom Wild and Vince Lewis spoke on the Anti Bullying Million T Shirt March. They stressed the importance of promoting awareness and engagement in the efforts to curb bullying. Russ Finney, Region 8 Vice President, led a session entitled “The Top Two Questions of the Day” where attendees were asked to submit the most burning questions they had to help better their clubs. Much of the discussion that followed was on ideas to grow our clubs, and diversify by getting younger members. Our national rep, Bill Trimble, RVP Region 11, made a presentation entitled “Leadership In Action.” Members split into small groups and shared ideas. John Fetters led in some fun training with “Who Wants to be an Exchange Millionaire” with questions on our great organization. The day concluded in a big way, with the Awards and Installation Banquet. Past DP Jim Suddath, Dayton, gave an Invocation and Dayton’s Bill Wild led us in the pledge. Essence Five performed prior to dinner, led by Carol Suddath, Dayton. Plenty of awards were given out after dinner. Lima’s Cheryl Verhoff won the Exchangite of the Year. The District Bulletin of the Year was won by Springfield, Larry Sewell, Editor. In the Club Membership Growth Awards, Springfield won for the clubs under 30 members (+5) and Painesville in the over 30 member class (+4). Top Recruiter Awards were recognized with certificates, but also received money for their efforts. Larry Sewell, Springfield, and Ted Lindsley, Toledo and Maumee, each recruited 5 new members. Joe Wade, Dayton, and Jim Addis, Greater Maumee Bay, were rewarded for bringing in 3 new members each. District President Club Award patches were presented to Springfield (Gold) and West Chester (Bronze). The 2013-2014 District Rookie of the Year was awarded to Lima’s Tiffany Kayser. She was unable to attend, but the award will be presented at one of her local club meetings. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Floyd Culver, Wauseon, for his 40 plus years in Exchange and his willingness to always help the district. Floyd served as national president in 2008-2009. The Best Community Service Award was given to Bowling Green for their “Positive Start” program. Dr. Roger Grant accepted the award for the club. Resolutions were passed for the following: Exchange Club of Dayton for hosting the convention, Region 11 Vice President Bill Trimble for serving as our national representative and to outgoing District President Brook Eggart for her two years serving as president. RVP Trimble installed the new officers and directors for the 2014-2015 Exchange year. 9 The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter New Members (as of 5/31/14) New Member Timothy Bartczak Joseph Sekeley III Tracy Troxel Troy Hager Jason Rankin Shad Helle Carol Steward Larry Caffro Otis Sonnenberg Kevin O’Brien Dominic Wolfer Greg Harshfield Kelly Gries Shelley Crossley Aaron Jones Maureen Skeldon Jerry Sewell Jr. Donald DeWitt Micha Grubaugh Mark Hill Tracy Murray Nick Edwards Kathy Sabbagh Club Brooklyn Cleveland Dover Fremont Painesville Painesville Greater Maumee Bay GMB Maumee Bowling Green Eastern Hills EH EH EH Toledo Toledo Toledo Springfield Mt. Vernon/Knox Cty MT V Toledo West Toledo GMB GMB TOP OHIO/WEST VIRGINIA RECRUITERS Member Club Ted Lindsley, Larry Sewell, Tom Abercrombie, Jim Addis, Joe Wade. Darlene Morrison, Judy Baker, Dick Porter, Tracey Edwards, Russ Finney, Donald Fillipski, Toledo and Maumee +6 Springfield +5 NW Cincinnati +3 Greater Maumee Bay +3 Dayton +3 Orrville +2 Eastern Hills +2 Mt Vernon/Knox County +2 Greater Maumee Bay +2 West Chester +2 Painesville +2 10 Robert Gillingham John Micelli Unknown Donald Filipski Doris Moss Jim Addis Jim Addis Ted Lindsley Paul Nusser Judy Baker Judy Baker Joshua Gerth Ron Cooke Jr. Ted Lindsley Ted Lindsley Mary Skeldon Larry Sewell Dick Porter Dick Porter Ted Lindsley Jackie Lewis Tracey Edwards Bob Bochi WAY TO GROW (As of 5/31/14) Sponsor # The following clubs showed membership net growth as of 5/31/14 Springfield NW Cincinnati Painesville Canton Dayton Dover West Chester Brooklyn Cleveland Toledo +5 +4 +4 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 The Link – OH/WV District Newsletter DistrictOhioInformation West Virginia District Mission Statement The Ohio/West Virginia District exists to help build new clubs and to help grow and strengthen existing Exchange clubs through training, education, and inter-club fellowship. I will do my best, with your help, to let people know about the great things Exchange members are doing for their communities and the wonderful projects we are involved with. The deadline for future issues are: National President & Past President National President Don Wright 3643 Meadowwood Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37128 P (615)896-9460 C (615)904-4807 From the Editor, Past National President Lou Molitor 3805 30th Street Kenosha, WI 53144 Res. 262-654-4013 Bus. 262-654-1234 Cell 262-237-2316 Aug. 12, 2014 Oct. 13, 2014 Marcia C. Rojas, editor s n o i t a l u Congratulations Congrat These clubs are celebrating anniversaries April 2014 - September 2014. Western Hills, Cinci 4/16/77 Maumee 4/23/02 Findlay 4/29/30 Fremont 5/31/39 Dover 5/15/59 Lima 5/23/59 Eastern Hills Cincinnati 5/31//74 Bowling Green 7/13/46 Northwest Cincinnati 7/13/68 Bellefontaine 7/17/46 Perrysburg 7/26/26 Painesville 8/2/38 Wooster 8/18/73 Greater Maumee Bay 8/20/87 Wauseon 8/27/91 Canton 9/6/22 Orrville 9/9/24 Mt Vernon/Knox County 9/19/46 Dayton 9/22/19 47 12 84 75 55 55 40 68 44 68 88 76 41 27 23 92 90 68 95 Thank you for your continued service in your communities! NEXT ISSUE COMING IN NOVEMBER Information deadline 5/15/14 The LINK News Bulletin Editor Send your club information and photos to . . . Bulletin Editor, Marcia Rojas Page One Group 19270 Scott Road Mount Vernon, OH 43050 Phone: 740-397-0262 Fax: 740-397-2760 We can accept Articles/Information Adobe® InDesign, Pagemaker, Acrobat - .pdf Microsoft® Word, Excel, Publisher (photos/artwork must be sent as separate attachments) Photos/Artwork .jpg, .tif, .pdf (.pdf Hi-resolution – 300 & up) Should you mail hard copy and want photos/artwork returned, please enclose a S.A.S.E. 11 National Exchange PH: 1-800-XCHANGE (924-2643) Fax: 419-535-1989 www. 3050 Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43606-1989 National President: Don Wright Ohio-West Virginia District Exchange THE Bulletin Editor Marcia Rojas Page One Group (W) 740-397-0262 19270 Scott Rd. Mount Vernon, OH 43050 LINK 19270 Scott Rd. Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 For change of address, or error on mailing label CONTACT NATIONAL EXCHANGE 2013 - 2014 District Officers District President Brook Eggart P.O. Box 614 Lima, OH 45802 (H) 419-230-7043 (W) 419-226-5197 x2005 District Secretary John Fetters 5945 Twp. Rd. 246 Findlay, OH 45840 (W) 419-425-3743 (H) 419-423-3224 e-mail: Immediate Past President Angie Herzog 212 Seriff Drive Lima, OH 45807 (H) 419-999-5750 (C) 419-235-5412 District Treasurer Ann Culver 1330 Pinehurst Drive Defiance, OH 43512 (H) 419-782-9052 (C) 419-439-2355 e-mail: Region 8 Vice President Russ Finney 5668 Glen Brook Court Mason, OH 45040 (W) 513-942-7000 (H) 513-398-3747 e-mail: District President Elect Larry Sewell 1535 Briarwood Terrace Springfield, OH 45504 (H) 937-390-1467 email: 2013 - 2014 This Publication is printed on recycled paper. Please Recycle! District Directors Division 1 Wauseon Greater Maumee Bay West Toledo Wauseon Excel Club Don Price 4261 Pickle Road Oregon, OH 43616 (H) 419-693-1778 (C) 419-350-1596 Division 5 Sandusky Clyde Maumee Perrysburg Position Open! Bob Gabel Mary Shaffer Mary Borer Sue Jaros Division 9 Dover Mt. Vernon/Knox County Painesville Ginny Williams 14673 Dunlap Road Utica, OH 43080 (H & C) 740-485-0864 (W)740-397-8999 Division 2 Toledo Fremont Fremont Excel Club Bob Gabel 59 Adams Drive Fremont, OH 43420 (H) 419-334-9621 (W) 419-334-4468 Division 6 Eastern Hills-Cincinnati West Chester NW Cincinnati Bob Garfield 13038 Coopermeadow Lane Cincinnati, OH 45242 (H) 513-791-6300 (C) 513-652-6300 Division 10 Brooklyn - Cleveland Floyd Culver, Past NP 1330 Pinehurst Drive Defiance, OH 43512 (H) 419-782-9052 (C) 419-439-2355 Division 3 Bellefontaine Springfield Beverly Sewell 1535 Briarwood Terrace Springfield, OH 45504 (H ) 937-390-1467 Mary Shaffer, Past DP 113 Woodside Lane Fremont, OH 43420 (H) 419-332-7276 Mary Borer PO Box 609 Findlay, OH 45839 (H) 419-427-8425 (C) 419-722-7967 Angie Herzog 212 Seriff Drive Lima, OH 45807 (W) 419-221-1226 (C) 419-235-5412 Division 10 Oberlin Division 4 Bowling Green Findlay Division 7 Dayton Lima Canton Division 8 Orrville Wooster Sue Jaros, VFR 160 Rosedale Place Rossford, OH. 43460 (H) 419-696-7314