Th. Scra.rch$h. et - Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
Th. Scra.rch$h. et - Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
I I I !ql lir The Official Publication of the Maine Coon l;,'; Winter Th. Scra.rch$h. et 2OOO s(n Inside this issue: Rebecca's Story 1-2 Short Sheets Bits and Pieces 2 Winners Gallery! 3 McBreeders Quiz 4 Overseas Winners 5 Family Album 6 Hevengift Rescue 7 Mikey. A couple of months later, our pets were due for spa)4llg and neutering. Gerqr came over, looked at our'pets'and then asked what we thought about an up and coming Atlanta cat Visiting my sister in Maine where she operated a Bed and Brealdast Inn on Isleboro Island, we met our first coonie. Not being used to cats (having trained Brittany Spaniels) it was a sqprise to have their cat, Raleigh, jump into myanrls-me, perfect stranger. Usually what show. VOV! After our second kitten show in Louisville where Rebecca and Mikey took 17 finals, saying we were merely'hooked' was an understatement. \fle were in delighted shock Nowcame decision time. We needed a cattery name and we had a 6 hour drive to put it together. \fle had been asked many times at those first few shows what was the price of a Maine C-oon. I saw were littie furrJ' creatures From the Rainbow Bridge Ten lean ago we didnl know what a Maine C.oon was. Nowtheylive here and tolerate us in theirhome. a s(&tenture! Un exltectee{ 9 Mission Impossible 10 running quicklyunder a bed. I didn't expect such boldness in a mere cat. But this cat enchanted us. Retuming to Atlanta after our visit, we set out to do some research on the Maine Coon car. Ve alreadyknewwe were Sometimes our answer had been: "\il/hat do you think IYalnu Rehra a coon's worth?" Flence our catteryname. TICA OD C}] Milrey eventually went on to become a Reeionai Kinen tX/rnner in 1992 and then , deciding shows weren't his cup of tea, he was retired. (That's whywe onlyplace pets: ycu can't guarantee showcats. $fle have alwap let the owners decide whether to go on and show). CFA DM CIT €, PR hooked. Now came the hard part. Acat showwas nowin order f CmltuDrth and it took several to determine what breeder of Maine C-oons we might relate to-and this was most important. Luckily, we met Gerry'Walsh of Valmet C,anery. She eventuallybecame our best friend, mentor and MCBFA sponsor. But let's not jump ahead of the Rebecca story. After a few months, Gerr;rcalled: were we still interested in a Maine C-,oon? Crrtain$ And to reduce the boredom factor. we decided q/e needed two kiftens since we were both working people. Mind you: we oniywanted'pets.' The happy day finaliy came n July of 1992 and we acquired Rebecca and her litter mate, Vell, that's history and this is the story of Rebecca's achievements, possibly the only certified Maine Coon to have kinened at least 5 Grands in'2 different organizations. Yes, Coonsworth is very proud of Rebecca and very grateful to GerryValsh for giving us the opportunityto reach such loftyheights so quickly. Details about Becky include: Sire: TGC !flalmet Caleb of Gralee. (Continued ftont Page I Page Winter 2000 The Scratch Sheet ) r 2 TICA DGC Tipsnnrfts Bella of Alafair Dam: TICA RW SGC and CFA GCMedievil Madame of Chaudvant Born: April 12,l9g2 (a Rebecca was awarded CFA Distinguished brown classic tabby) Merit (DM August 14,1999 Her lines include many Regional'Winners, Grand Champions, Outstanding Sires and Dams: she is a paternal granddaughter of CFI \flaimet Suzette, TICA's first Outstanding Dam' She is a matemal great granddaughter of SGC Walmet Daniel Coon of Cowtown, OS' (Daniel C-oon is still the highest ranked Maine C-oon in TICAhistory) She had at least one Grand Champion in every one of her litters save one. Son CH Coonswonh Tut of Chattacoon was a Regional Some of the other 15 'W4nner in the Northwest. males among her offspring' went on to receive the following awards (and she was awarded Outstanding Dam on JulY 28,1997): o R\X/GCA C,oonsworth Tabasco C-at . QGCA C-oonsworth Indiana Jones . GCA Coonsworth Ezekiel r DGCA C.oonsworth CuPid . @C Coonsworth Runninbear of Tipsntufts GC & GP Coonsworth Indiana Jones GPC.oonsworthJack-O-Lantern GP C-oonsworth Generai Panon GP C-oonsworth Cupid GC C-oonswonh Nigel of Hissinghunt Nigel has sired these CFA'Grand" kids for Rebecca R\7, GC, GP ltrssinghurst Charles R\( GP Hissinghurst of Nandi SkiPPer Rau GP Ffusinghunt Scout Finch GP Flssinghurst Jim Finch GP Hissinghunt l{arPer Lre Daughter CH Coonswonh Meritaten produced our first CFA "One-shov/' Grand: GP C,oonsworth T. Tl was never shown as a kitten, he CFA Premiered (winnen ribbon$ in his first show and Granded in his second' (lnterestingly, we also entered grandma Rebecca in the same show, her fint in 3 lean after being altered, causing TJ to have to go one more ring because she finaled-at the age of 7 Runninbear has sired these TICA CFA'grand'kids' f or Rebecca: TICASGCand CFAGC 1/2 ) A small lesson in humbling your descendants! bought a only not 'pet' kitten from Gerry \X/alsh that would we have the pleasure of her companybut the whole new wodd of the C-at Fancy, its TICA TGC TiPsnnrf ts Hunter I-aceY 6' Litle did we 'Tipsntufts Chandler TICA TGC TiPsnnrfts . . . . . of Mainstasia realize when we gits end tieces oAfter a cat has been show bathed-and You don armor for the blow-drying. consider this instead: beforehand put a bunch of clean towels in the dryer. As soon as the Tasmanian Devil comes out of the sink, start wilh a warm. dry towel. rub- bing him/her brisklY all over. Then brush awhile. Then repeat the towelingalways with WARM towels. He will be fluffY in the end. Without all the trauma of the noisy blow dryer. trials and triumphs-and a real matriarch to SF{ORT SFIEETS Hi List: This isn't serious, just a little amusing' Can anyone relate? years I have a half-bred MC brown maciwlwhite female, 3 and she has recently (always) amazed me' The other day, she ran up to me with her paw (I thought) at me caught in her collar. She promptly fell over and looked got poor babying' and oohing. piteiusly. I irnmediately began same again: it happened it. Well, irer foot out and forgot about cudresult. This morning, after my alarm went off-which was my out blearily looked and button dle time-I hit the snooze -door. She didn't think I could see her' (I guess) and I ;;1.;;. it into saw her bite her rabies tag and lift her foot and put room' up the into ran then She kidding. not I am her collar. injured had she like me at looking over, fell and bed the to herself again. Well, I was so surprised I just repeated what I'd done earlier and took her foot out again' Is this some sort of weird MC behavior I was unaware of? I swear, she seemed to follow a thought process to its conclusion! Has anyone experienced this before? Just wanted to share... Anna From the online MCList and Anna Arrowood' Comments, anYone?? Ed' -*. The Scratch Sheet Page Winter 2000 rry I O n n GP Coonsworth's TJ Brown Classic with white DOB: 1/18/99 e rS Dam: CH Coonsworth Meritaten Sire: GC Honeycoon johnny Angel of Big Meow Breeder: Jack and Darlene Sweeney Owner: Larry & Joanne Huff GRC Rurnford's Emberrose of Classycoon Red classic tabby female Breeder: Caron and Steven Gray Owners: Judith and David Harvey C a I I SGC Luvpaws A Torrid Affair of Pinecoon Brown classic with white female TICA's 6th Best International Alter 19981999 Breeder: Richelle Godfrey/ Rob Goodall Owners: Elizabeth Tinney and Rob Godfrey e f We# v _--ri::::-: - Best GRP Purrdefurs' Little Big Foot Brown classic with white alter MC in Premiership and fifth Best LH Alter the 1999 CFA International November 1999 Breeder: Tara Lanier Owners: Tara Lanier & Deborah Williams at 3 Winter 2000 The Scratch Sheet Hcbroo)ct Quiz collected,zedited,zwritten by Janet Marr It is the intention of this article to present genetic concepts in an easy to understand and practical form. If you have any questions, answers, comments or ideas, please send them to me at furkats@ole-net a. If you breed a brown patched tabby to a brown classic tabby male and they produced 2 brown classics, 1 blue patched tabby girl, 1 red classic tabby boy and 1 cream classic tabby boy and if the mother cat's sister who is a brown classic tabby, was bred with a brown mctabby, and produced solid blacks and brown tabby kittens, can you say that the mother cat carries the dilute gene (true or false) and her sister carries the solid gene (true or false)? And if so, does that mean that because one sibling carries solid and dilute then the other must also (true or false)? The Mother cat's parents were a brown patch tabby w/white female & a Blue Mctabby male' (Question Asked by: Jake & Corinna Miller <j Could carry the gene and still not produce solid kittens. You can be 100% sure a cat carries arecessive if either it produces a recessive kitten or one ofits parents expresses the recessive. With repeated test breedings you can get good odds it does not cal'ry a recessive, but it never reaches 100% certainty. That's why some breeders use the adage "a recessive is forever." You can never be sure it is not there. Answered by George Eigenhauser, Eigenkatz Maine Coons & CFA SW Regional Director : Booholthe Geigehauser@ixpres-com, Source a Cat Ifyou have a halfbrother and sister pair that has the same father and unrelated mothers, the mating of these two individuals will be an out cross because the mothers give all the genetic information in a breeding (all traits are sex linked). True or False Answer: False (An established breeder stated this in order to sell a halfbrother and sister pair for breeding.) Source: Book olthe CaJ a. "The Y chrornosolne has few genes on it other than those involved in sex determination, but the X carries genes for many other traits as referred to as sex-linked. cmaine@wbellnet.on ncats@oleli st-com list> True/False, True/False, True/False Page 4 . . well. Such traits are " True or False Answer: True (Source: The ComellBook of Cats) Answer: True, True and False. You already knew before the breeding that the mother cat and her sister each carry the di- a. lf you breed a red tabby male to a brown tabby female lute gene. You now know that the sister who produced a solid carries that gene and the dilute gene. You also know the sire you used with your girl carries dilute himself. Whether your girl carries solid is unknown, but possible. Answer: True (Source: Rook of the Cat) you will not get any red tabby males. True or False a. You already knew your girl's sire carries dilute (because he's So both girls rnust have inherited the dilute gene from him. There is no other choice. To express it he must carry two copies of the gene, so he must pass it to his offspring. blue). Since neither girl is dilute herself, they could not have inherited a second copy of the dilute gene from their dam. If they had two copies of the gene they would be dilute, but they are not. So both of the girls got the dilute gene from the sire and not the dam. least one of their parents carried solid. It is even possible that both parents canied it (that may be proven by more test breedings, such as ifa repeat ofthe breeding between the parents produces a solid.) At That your girl did not produce solid could mean: A. The father of her litter does not carry the gene, B. She may not carry the gene, or C. They both carry the gene but luck of the draw. With a I in 4 chance of a solid between two carriers, both The best known mating systems are inbreeding and outbreeding or hybridizing. True or False Answer: True (Source tion) a. : lntroduction tolivestockProduc- Heterosis is breeding strength gained by crossbreeding. True or False Answer: True (Source: The{ornellBook ofCats) a. a Mackerel tabby pattem that produced a Classic tabby pattern in one of their kittens is considered to be homozygous for pattem. True or A breeding cat with False Answer: False (The breeding cat would be heterozygous for pattern: Source Book of the Cat) References available upon request Page Winter 2000 Scratch Sheet rv n n - T e rS C a I I SGC Willowplace Nautilus of Moulincrecy TICA Best International Maine Coon Cat 7th Best International Cat of All Breed Silver classic with white male Breeder: Barbara Ray Orvners: Jacques & Evelyne Berneur e f v Masaitana Puma of Hispanocoon. MCO Male, black tabby blotched, adult. The number one cat in Spain's FIFe for 1991 and 1998 Breeder: Marianne Simon Owner: Hannalore SPahn SP Wrevenik Pinball Wizard Brown McTabby alter lOth Best Neuter in South Africa Cat Club (all breeds) for 1999 Breeder: Vikki Spacey Owners: Kim and Dave Hawkins Masaitana Milva of Hispanocoon MCO female, black tabby blotched, 6-10 months. The Number two ranking cat in Spain's FIFe for 1998 Breeder:Marianne Simon Owner: Hannalore Spahn 5 The Scratch Sheet M|(ffiljYYlWlg# 5^.' Winter 2000 Page 6 ",y**.3g11;* KT t W, *6;:" TSfm iqdijt R-xm{:r sl{d},t{/cA {iu "BY S {}F(;AI, Available in mesh *itn fiastic front * Cat can be seen clearly but NoT touched Can also be used for breeding and "feut birthing * Non-toxic material with solid a-lurninum shape hoops No one else uses the cage but you cat * Very lightweight and porlable * Easy to set up ..IT'S AN OPEN AND SHUT CASE" Holyfold Enterprises Ph#770-346-g4g6 Stephanie Smith Child of Fortune Keegan, a red tabby boy, is another Hevensgift rescue kitten Makanacoon's Foxfire Ali'I at Roanoke. VA Undercover Cat "Yes: those are all my ribbons..." "And, yes, you may interview me now..." FA]V{NLY ALBUN4 We blew his cover, as it were: This is the guy behind the CIA* files on Page l0: GC Pawtalk's Aroostook of Acadiacoons il "Crash? What crash? I bin here alla time..." Walter, the Masked Marauoer of Panther Hill The Scr"alch Sheet Wi nter Page 2000 T}IIIE WON]D]ER OF FRON4 THIE E]DNTOR'S ]DESK General Information 7 ; There are several MCBFA lpublications available to help lyoo pto-ote our wonderfi.rl lbreed as well as our Associa- Some are free, others a lhave nominal charge. Please lavail yourself of these re- Ition. I so.t...t. these from: Deborah Hall I lo.d", Karol S\7 lAlbuquerque, NM 87121 lPhotte' 505-873-2704 14405 I I t-MCBFA I Information Booklets ofdrae booldes to arryinquira about a kfttsr, loneu.{ro or bu),s a kimr fiom you MCBF,\ I I Gir,e one Thryprovi& great publicity and (occept for posage) FREE! dre;.re I I I s*a +:.oo (wi$in fie us) or $6.00 I (oletseas) for eadr bundle of 25 lU*la*. PqabletoMCBEA All +d)zmqrts must be in US finds. 7 [T AN-]-.", When I was a kid growing up in a small West Tennessee country town, farmers and sharecroppers hitched their cotton wagons up every Saturday for a trip to town. They bought supplies, had new shoes put on their mules and learned what was going on in a wider world. They had no cars, no radios, no electricity and no phones. lf you were lucky enough to live in town and had all these marvels, you called the operator to make a call-and phone numbers were rarely more than two digits. I worked as a 'printer's devil,' for the county newspaper, running errands, delivering handbills and manipulating the newspaper's page cutting machine. All type was made on a monster machine called a 'Linotype' and I always marveled at my boss/edito/s ability to read upside down and backwards as he set the type in big trays, preparing it for the press. Nobody had a better or more interesting childhood than l. Fast forward to 1965. My husband was an Air Force pilot in Viet Nam, not flying his beloved fighters but an aircraft as old as he was: the DC-3. lt was a waiting time for me and my children. And not an easy waiting time. That's when my old boss/editor called me and asked if l'd write a weekly column for him. I grabbed at it for a lifeline, something to keep my mind occupied and off a war that wasn't a war. "What do you want me to write about?" I asked. "Whatever you wanf to write about," he replied. So I named my column 'Motherhood and Apple Pie' and kept at it for '16 years, picking up other small weeklies in time and doing freelance magazine work as well. (The only fly in the ointment being that, try as I might, I could not type: l'd get all the letters in the word, but rarely in order. My hands and my brain are just not in sync). But I persevered because it kept me sane. My husband had come back from Viet Narn--but not as the same man. Eventually he would mix valium with his vodka and it would kill him. I didn't write a word after that for ten years. But at the end of that ten years, two more wondrous things happened. I remarried and a deep mahogany mackerel tabby named Deuteronomy came into our lives. My husband says he isn't quite sure which event was the more influential in turning my life around, but turn it did. At this moment in time, we have 15 of the woolly rascals, a new litter of six and we're cardcarryin' members of the Maine Coon Cat Fancy. Now l've taken on the editor's job for The Scratch Sheef and to tell the truth, l'm enjoying myself immensely. No linotypes, no presses, no paper cutters-or a hated typewriter. Dunceworth, my contrary computer, does it all. One editorial assistant keeps my CPU warm, another keeps close watch on the printer while a third makes sure my papers are properly scattered and a fourth does the same for my pens and pencils. None of these furry persons can correct my typos, but no matter. Forthat I havea mouse. Amouse??l Ah, the wonder of it all: Welcome to the 21st centuryl Hevengift Rescue Moving? Send us your new address on the RENEIW'AB LE/AD D RESS CHANGE form inside the back cover. You don't want to miss a single issue! Letters To The Editor The Scratch Sheet will publish letters and articles at the discretion ofthe Editor (no letters defamatory to particular persons or catteries will be published), but right to edit letters and articles in the name of clarity reserves the and space. lrtters must be igned in order to be published ,although narnes can be withheld lfrom the printed article or letter. I Most everyone in the Maine Coon Fancy is aware that a lady named Marge Beebe (Hevengift Cattery) recently died in New York, leaving some 80 cats orphaned and homeless. This is the start of a diary about one of those that was rescued by Sheila Foster. Ed. Hunter has passed his 3-way test. Fleas are minimal. He was not at all bitten up and flea infested. There was some flea dirt near the base of his tail, but it was not dropping off his coat as it will in heavily infested cats. His coat is actually quite good; no mats or tangles and it appears he will be a fluffy boy. He was given a flea bath immediately and handled himself well. I received one small scratch. A stool sample was tested this morning and no worms of any kind were found. I really expected roundworms and tapeworms, but all was clear Hunter is using his litter box. lf he is out of his cage, he will return and use the litter box. He has not sprayed. He is extremely hungry. His weight on Wednesday was 3.9 lb. And his age is estimated to be 4-6 months. He does not understand what dry food is, but dry food is available to him at all t times. He is eating a large tablespoon of Hills Feline Growth about every two hours. I think he would eat until he burst so it is better for him to eat small amounts several times a day. His urine output and stools are normal. He is being treated for a URl. His eyes and nose are clear, but he does sneeze. He has no fever and there is no flying goop when he sneezes. He is quite co-operative about being given pills. The first night with us was hell. He screamed all night. Last night after lights out, he settled down quickly And is beginning to accept Continued on page 8... \Winter 2000 The Scratch Sheet Page 8 t!! l!!!t!! Itr!!!!fLl ! ongratulates F urkats 0n their contribution to another CFA National Winning Polyl nk C : L l ! ::::::::::::::: :::::"w: : I :t::::::::::::::::: :: : L i l L ! ! ! !l f ! fl ! ! l Furkats Outcrossing NationalWinning Lines to Polydactyl /Foundation Lines CFA Cattery of Excellence, MCBFA Breeder Member Near Cincinnati, Ohio phone: 606-282-819 Http://fpw. isoc. net/polyi n k/fk/ http://fpw. isoc. neUpolyi n ! L] ! k/ I !!!!!tttatL!r: Continued from page 7... Hunter's Rescue Diary... the fact that he is going to be confined. Hunter is outgoing and affectionate. He follows me closely when I am with him; lots of bumps and purrs. He shows no sign of fear. Does not hide and loves to be in someone's lap. Loud noises do not upset him. He is beginning to play and is quite interested in the ring with the ball inside (never can remember its name!) My shoelaces are also a favorite. He loves exploring. My children spent some time with him last night and he seemed glad to see more people, again showing no fear. He does need to learn not to dig his claws into people and he will climb your legs. I don't think this is uncommon behavior for a kitten. I have brought a scratching post for him and have begun introducing it to hlm. The word "no" is unknown to him. Hunter seems quite intelligent and is eager to please. Today I will be spending more time with him, one on one. I :L-! :: !!l!l!tl.aL What he will be like when he is able to join the family, I don't know. I don't know what genetic health problems we may face. He is a young cat and I think he will be able to fit into a family. Should he become hostile and aggressive and/or develop a serious genetic illness we would have to make a difficult decision. Not all cats become good citizens, but Hunter shows great potential and he'll be given every chance. Most of all Hunter needs to be watched medically, given lots of love and good food. My biggest concern with Hunter right now is how much his lack of nutrition will impact his health. Our vet says he will make progress, but it will be some time before we know how much it will imoact his bones and overall health. The situation with the Hevengift cats is aMul. Without a doubt there will be some who cannot be saved. But rumor and opinion are not helping the cats who might be rehabilitated. Taking in one of these cats requires extra effort but it's not an impossible situation. Sheif a Foster b be continued... abcats@nycap@nycap. Hevengift's Hunter P.S: Betsey Piper and'$7endy McGbnn were both involved in the Flevengift Cats rescue effon and certainly deserve much credit. This tragedy has pointed up the need for more of us to be involved with Maine Coon rescue. We hooe to have an article on the LMCRL and efforu to broaden its base in tlre next issue of Tlx Scratdt Jb@L I:d Winter 2000 The Scratch Sheet IFRON4 I|HE RNNBOW BRMG]E..""" Page 9 A LOV]E SIIORY GC/NW Terrificats P.C. Gambit was the second NationalWinning Maine Coon in championship in CFA. In the 1987-88 show season, he attained the rank of 14th Best Cat and Best of Breed nationally and 2nd Best Cat in the Gulf Shore Region in CFA. He was a brown classic tabby with white male...'high'white to the East Coasters! With an inverted v blaze that was perfectly symmetrical. At his peak, while being shown, he weighed about 1B pounds. In his retirement he once weighed 22 pounds for a couple of years. Gambit was the result of an accidental breeding between a young male cat I was babysitting (didn't think he knew what females were for): GC Unicoon's Pine Cone, and Pine Cone's 9 year old grandmother, GC/GP/RW Jaidee's Panda of Terrificats, DM. Panda had delivered a small litter by c-section within the last 4 months and was about to be spayed when Pine Cone bred her. lt was considered too risky to spay her at that time due to her age, so the pregnancy continued. There were two kittens, a male (Gambit) and a female, GP Terrificats P. L. Tango. P.C. Gambit stands for "Pine Cone's Gambit"..a gambit being an opening move in chess in which something is was Pine Cone's first litter and we "sacrificed* Panda's grand championship for a few more months. P.L. Tango stands for "Panda's Last Tango" as it was definitely her last litter! Gambit was a rather extreme, gawky kitten. I only had hopes of granding him in order to make his mother a distinguished merit dam. I almost sold him to Carla Blair (Carlacats) to show in premiershiol Gambit did fairly well in the show ring as a kitten but was born at the wrong time of year for a regional kitten win. He went along as I campaigned GC/RW Terrificats Joint Venture to his regional win and rank of National Second Best of Breed for 2986-87. Gambit was bigger than the cats I had been showing: JV and Tom Terrificat. He was easy to show and bathe, but pretty heavy. He had some favorite judges who loved him dearly and nearly always gave him BEST CAT. They were Jimmy Thompson (who said "Karen, get out the check book and run," when Gambit granded in Wichita, KS in July 1987 with over 400 points), Donna Jean Thompson (who helped sneak him out of a tiny air port in Sioux City, lA),Georgette Warwyzn Melotik and Leta Williams. Leta would carry him around the ring upside down in her arms. Gene Darrah was also one of his fans. Gambit was awarded BEST CAT 33 times in about 130 rings during his nationalwinning season. Showing Gambit to his nationalwin was a very thrilling experience. There were those who said it couldn't be done. But he did it. He was showy, easy to handle and loved being in the ring. Gambit made lots of friends for our breed. Before Gambit, there were judges who never let a Maine Coon's feet touch the table. They'd just whip them out of the cage, graze the table and throw them back in the cage. Gambit wouldn't stand for thatl He was a happy camper that demanded to be petted on the table and shown off. His jaw could have been squarer and his chin a bit stronger but he had a great profile and big, beautiful expressive eyes. He was always balanced and kept his show condition easily. He ate like a horse without coaxing. His body was rock hard; his chest broad; his flanks filled out. He was as wide at the hips as he was at the shoulders. His nature was gentle and loving, especially to the women judges Gambit was also a good traveler and didn't object to flying weekend after weekend. He never made a sound on the plane. Once I was on Delta (which didn't allow cats in the cabin at the time) so he was in baggage. He was not taken off the plane by the baggage handlers when we returned to Houston. The plane and Gambit continued on to Las Vegas! Needless to say, I was hysterical. However, Delta Airlines flew him home the next day and delivered him to me at work by taxi. Gambit was the sire of the first Maine Coon show grand: GC/GP/RW Magicoon's Batmaine. Gambit himself had been to one other show and gotten 198 grand points before earning over 200 points in Wichita. Gambit was the grandson of the first Maine Coon male distinguished merit sire, GC/RW Lovabacon's Tom Terrificat, DM, (National Best of Breed in 1985-86). Gambit was the sire of GC/NW Groovycats Alexander the Great and grandsire of GC/NW Bangor's Eskimo Pie. He has at least 3 daughters who are distinguished merit dams: GC/RW Terrificats La Joya Negra, Groovycats Ticket to Ride and GC Lagunacoon On the Button of Bangor. (Eskimo Pie's mother). I need a printout from CFA to count his Grand offspring; I am sure there are close to 30, many of whom are regional winners. He produced several remarkable offspring, both grand champions, grand premiers and regional winners for Groovycats, Purrtigers, Magicoons, Buctales, Lagunacoons and others. I have lots of great memories from showhalls across the US with Gambit. And lots of close memories with him at home. He was a wonderful stud male who would woo his girls with his cute little "meerrraaanch." He didn't like the nails clipped on his left rear foot-something that bothers many of his male offspring, too. Must be some kind of nerve sensitivity. This photo of him at 9 was taken by one of his greatest fans, Cathy Conley of Lovepurries in Garland, Texas. I really can't believe he's gone. He was the last kitten born for my first Maine Coon, Panda. Her first born, GP/RW Lovabacon's Miguel of Kreidcats lived to be almost 18. I had hoped to have 5 more years with Gambit. Purr on and sniff the Flowers at the Rainbow Bridge, Gamby. Your kittens will try to fill your footsteps. KAREI{ CROOK]E TERRNFNCA:|S HOUSTON,TX : The Scratch Sheet il?frl 3'-tJfit3-rlH:S- Winter 2000 con so li d ated M ain e coo n B Page reed er '10 Listin g Your mission, Claire, should you decide to accept it, is to write a short article-on ar"ua",n, a list of Maine Coon Breeders (preferably by state; where everybody (not just MCBFA members) can be found. nny ideas? This email will self-desrrug in 5 .1il:1"#i#li"Til;1fl:"'"JJ5Tfi[l?i:i,];TLllill!:,f: 'J;:l#if ."*o,,ins a da,abase or :"i^Hi;i:;i:ffil,|l o'"lxi,ll;#,lT,x:'"::ff:#".T:Jfi:,iT11'l:'l#ffij'#:,;:';:f ;$I::J[l i::,ffiT,;:l'',; ,..*,*o i,o info,marion on howtocontactlhem! Ah,butthatcanchange!!l All ilwouldtakeisadetective.oodlesofhourstofindthevitalstatisticsoneach breeder. and their cooperation in compiling it. Simple! (Oh-oh! | feel Kit is clicking on the reply burton to give me ybt another challenge?????) Here is what I've found - information on breedeis is iiaernented. and accessibility varies: THE MAJOR CAT,REGISTRIES: The two *aj:lTegis-tri", ,ron,u.,.O lCFA and TICA) do not give out breeder referrals unless thebreederhaspaidtobeonthe"referral list",'CFA-will sendyoualreereferral listofMaineCJonbreeders. TICA'sYearbook has a referral listing -- or you can call rhe maiiir.p,ffi;e ior the in ion if you don't have,:orre; MACAZINE.ADVELTI_SEM.ENTS: Popular cat magazines thrive or breeder adverlisernents. Breed magazines, such as the Maine Coon Internalional, will also;advemi I subscribe to so'|ne of these' so I have access to those ads' THE WEB: Here you can nno ro ;-""*, ild.';:, ;:: r"rr."BT;, ffi.:"".e' informarion. i ,l BREED CLUB WEBPAGES - ,or.rirrllir,,,members. i Two I've lound are the Native-Maine Coon CatAssociarion : http://www.agate.neti*dirigolnmcca,html and:fulaine-CaanBreeder,andfancierAssociation.http:1/ ', JJ;***#;;il,:" J-]:,*lffi INDIVIDUAL COLLECTIONS - One l!,!aiii'e * :f#,H'"ffi1;::T,llT:s{iilil.l:: #UilT:,1T,--'lt ".' a wondertu' uouu*r'r,*o- Uo"F;" r;0 .,::; ]?-*t*"'sites,hat il,:::'. il;:* ;;:T.:';n ,;':#:::::ffi,::;'"**"*'nBreederl oNLTNE -:. r are ', srhnn' r",*.;" Fanciers Breeder nefettat ACme Pet Cat Breed Links . or e R' * 'I ' : l/ac rn epet. pel s m a fi . com L';1H" " n /fe Ii n e/l i brary / le b re ed * :: ;: " "'''fry*:1-****:T:f1 -*='{:::'::3: breeders. t-ook at itre" cr t-ocat Cat Ciubs - Il tin enttat ha c'n io"tuct ac'"" can trelrl Veterinaiians and jk-i a neat frle ofbreeddii ar U" r.pUtuUf. breeders or ..",r p 1H1,H#i1ff#:9ffiff Ji,3:F';'" *'' "" " HE t il[ji,:[*i,i:;:; :# ;; ::' ;;il ; - : ;::. r";;t;y' I " j - T . :, ::: ;,, ". Advertising Scratch Sheet ITRES,IDENT Mary Armentrout RR 1 Box 3076 Camden, Maine 04843 207-236-CATS Fax: 207-236-2594 Only full Breeder Members may advertise cats or kittens for sale, stud service, catteries, or any other service related to animals, Any member may submit listings and photos for the Grand or \Tinners Gallery. No one may run more than one ad per issue (excluding "Cat Link," "Grand Gallery," "Lonesome Toms" and "Ior"ly Hearts" listings and merchandise ads.) Payments must be received with ads. Ads may be sent camera-ready or we will set yorrr ad for you. Please send your ads and payments to t}le Editor: all checls made payable to MCBFA. CatteryAd Rates time $35lyr. time $65lyr. 1/8 pg. $10.00/one pg. $20.00/one ll4 ll2 pg. $40.00/one time/limit 2 per year Full pg. $85.00/one time/limit I per yr. Merchandise Ad Rates I/4 pg. $25.00 per issue l/2 pg. $50.00 p issue Full pg. 9100 per issue Photographs Please NO laser color copies; they do not reproduce well. Photos will be returned if accompanied by selfaddressed stamped envelope. Scratch Sheet Submissions Anyone may submir anicles, pioures, and stories to the Scratch Sheet; however only a Breeder, Provisional or Fancier member may submit $Tinners Gallery information Reprint Permission C"pyrght 1998 by MCBFA. No part of the Snatch Sheet may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise copied with the writ- N4Cts]FA O]F]FNC]ERS PROV.BR.EEDER SEC'Y Joan Gaudet Rt 1 Box 61BM Marrero, LA70072 504-689-4535 V]CI_PR[51DINT vacant FANCIER M[I\4tsER SEC'Y Liz Flynn 208 Kings Chapel Road Augusta, cA 30907 TRIASURER 706-860-'1521 Karen Mclnchak 27590 Via Sereno Carmel, CA 93923 408-622-0819 Fax: 408-622-0814 Wendy McGlynn 39 Broadway St Pembroke, NH 03275 603-485-5074 MCWISKERS@prodigy. net NORTHENST DTRECTOR F,ECORDING sICF.I rI-ARY Sandy Stirling 36762 Charles Towne Pike Purcellville, V A 201 32-27 43 540-668-6836 Fax: 540-608-61 44 COF,RESPONDINC S[CR. Taelcat00l Deborah Hall SOI]THIASII DTRECTOR Rebekah Cumbie 1000 Tammy Anne Dr Birmingham, AL 35235 205-853-7905 Acrith@world net. att. net 11 SOUTH CENTB.A]- D]R, Karen Crooke PO Box 35407 Houston, fX77235-5407 WTSTTR.N DlRilCTOR Helen Johns PO Box '1983 Julian, CA 92036-1983 31 0-548-6896 Fax: 760-765-3968 Pedropurrs@earthlink. net OVERSEAS D]RECTOR Misha Peersman Spoorwegstraat 42 8-2600 Berchem, Belgium 32-3-230-9373 Dorsai@pop3.203. M]D'ATLANTIC DIR, JoAnn Genovese 541 First Ave #4 Linthicum, MD 21090 41 0-850-0574 4405 Karrol SW Albuquerque NM 87121 508-873-2704 tsRIEDIR MTMBER sEC'Y MJDWTST DiRICTOR Edith Dunford 9 Cliff Street Stonington, CT 06378 860-535-291 7 Coonstone@aol. com Page Susan Lee 4795 Arapaho Trail Okemos, Ml 48864-0043 517-332-2184 Coo ns cross@ a o l. com AIPOINTID OFF]CERs ARCHIVIST Catherine Glynn 424 Shelbyville Road Knoxville, TN 37922 423-769-0322 EDITOR, SCRATCH S]_JEET Kit Mounger 485 Cottontail Lane Afton, TN 37616 423-639-1 585 Mou nta inma ines@aol. com Has anyone seen the lrish Bog Cat lately? MEMBERSHIP DUIS & POSTAI RATES Fancier Membership: ( payable in US funds only) us: $20.00/one year, $35.00/2 years, $50.00/3 years (this incrudes first class postage) Canada: $15.00 + $6.00 postage per year (total; $21-00) All other countries: $3 1.00 per year: International Money orders only. No Bank checks Please send membership fees and addresses to the Fancier membership secretary: DO NOT SEND TO THE TREASURER OR EDITOR. Always use a cunent application/renewal form from the masazine. Provisional Breeder membership: First; write to the Provisional Breeder Secretary for information and application o o packet. Do not send money at this time. Second: Follow instructions in the application packet. Then send dues ($3g/first year; $25 subsequent years.) and address changes to the Provisional Breeder Secretary, address above. Breeder Members: $25.00 per year to Breeder v".b..rhip se.rcrury A copy of a cuffent litter registration must be included to enable you to stay on the Active Breeder list. Four little Dutch girls belonging to Tonja de Waard the inremet -from $20.00 charge on all retumed checks! .i I The Scratch Sheet Fandier DUes Jan uary'Februar14, Allaire, R/M Maurice Alklison, Jan Anderson, Joan Bennett, MiM Harry Besch, Robert Brady, Jane Burgo, Eloise Burton, Ron Clardy,Jill/David Crain, Helen Czyz, Penny Delony, Sherry Fenwick, SAr'/ Haines, Eleanor Hawkins, Charles KR Ann Hilburn, M/M Huff, Mary Charleen Karkut, Kristin Kwiatowski, Sara Provo-Kangas, Robin Rogers, Lisa Lichtenstein, Henry Rush, Robert Sharistanian, Janel Mccauley, Mary Silber, Linda McKean. Susan Simmer, Peggy/Edward McNeil, Lisa Martin, Mary/Lyn Stewart, Diane Stilner, Gloria/Roy Merz, Noreen Morgan, Melissa Svetich, B/L Murphy, Rhonda/ Thompson, Jacque Tirabasso. Mia Michael Nowakowski, Sue Todd, Molly Magnus, Joan/Orin Meehan/ KathY/P Milling, Howard Mitchell, Karen Faustman, Dr. Filomena, Forney, Goss-Baker, Graham, C/ B Joann Jennifer April M Vargas, Amy Walton, Julie Ward, Mary Pat Watts, Kay Brunet, Jean-Pierre Gass, Kenneth Jouhtinen, Ritva Oliver,Nikola Palmen, Maarit Saris-van Dijk, G M Nov. 13-14, 1999 Andover, MA. At left: Debbie May with Maycoons Brassua, brown tabby female who got her winners ribbons t0nt Kerr, Jessica Anne Sandra Gray Drennon,Linda Ehrler, Mrs. Paul William snowiimer rrninuleman Feline rancieii p.h 2000 Oexman, Carla Ortiz, M/M Carlos Cagle,CathyiBenny Lawlor,Claudia Dailey, Dheilly, Dixon, Annie Jt71s Jordan,Eve/Ralph Pesce,Elizabeth Fan ier Dues lPiil-MaY';Ju6a Hagen, Tonya Alpert, Gary Johnson, Shari/C Barton, Carole Keleher, M/D Bernhard, Arlene Brundage, Page 12 Winter 2000 Summers, K/R Tackett, Ruth Ellen Thompson, Jean S Threet, Karma Weidner, Katherine Wilson, John Woldt, Wendy Wright,Patricia Zavecz, Kathleen Nachmias-Kedesdy Nissen-Foley, K. Osgood, Darlene Riley, Ann Corbin, Barbara Green,Diane Hill, Victoria CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR lOTH YR. FREE! Adams, Linda Allen, Paula/Jeff Battifarano, Mrs. R Jameson, B/J Pretzer, E/A Philipsen, Birgitte At right: Molly Maynard with Punmayne's Bethany, seven month old female brown Classic with white kitten Sailors, Carol lr*.r **re #* * At Left: Paul Shuba with Shubacoon's Jonesy, 6month-old male brown mactabby kitten Membership Application (or Change of Address Form) New Fancier membership, Renewal, Address Change Liz Flynn 208 Kings Chapel Rd. Augusta, Ga30907-3730 706-860-1521 Tankopje@ Breeder Member Address Provisional Breeder Member & Address Change: Change & membership Information: Edith Dunford 9 Cliff Street Joan Gaudet Stonington, CT 06378 860-535-2917 RRl Box 618M Marero, L1..70072 504-689-4535 Address State-- City Zip-- Phone _Please send me information on how to become a Breeder New Fancier member_ Fancier Renewal_ Change of Address_ Member of MCBFA have included the extra postage required to mail the Scratch Sheet Io my overseas country This is a new address. Please Change on MCBFA mailing list, _l Edith Dunford & Coonstone's Augusta, best Longhair Champion Cheryl Komino with Tabbyroad Martha My Dear,2ndbest longhair Champion, both Br. mactabbies (in Walter Hutzler's AB ring) .i }J