CE MAG SUMMER 2014_V3__ 03/06/2014 18:16 Page 1 THE No.1TRADE MAGAZINE FOR TODAY’S SHOE REPAIRER SUMMER 2014 LOTS OF IDEAS TO HELP YOU UNLOCK THOSE EXTRA PROFITS inside! the Remember NATIONALN EXHIBITI1O5 on 14 & r Septembe Plus: YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £1000 – see page 2 SOLE COLUMN DON’T MISS Welcome to Summer! ‘Flaming’ June is here at last. I’m not sure if the weather will help this month live up to its optimistic name, but I’m certain that you will find some ‘hot stuff’ in this issue (groan !!). Unfortunately we only received 2 answers – yes that’s right TWO... and neither of them were printable so I’m afraid there will be no prize this time. Before you get too excited though, I’m afraid you won’t find any suggestive photos of scantily clad beauties (or hunks, depending on your preference) with raunchy stories to tell. I did try, but they got cut by the Committee! I have to say that it surprises me that we don’t get more input from within the trade. Cutting Edge is after all the magazine for the shoe repair trade and with thousands being sent out free every time I would have expected that there would be hundreds of entries, along with regular requests to be featured in these pages. Don’t be shy next time. Get in touch. We would like to hear your stories and your comments - good or bad. Seriously though, there IS news of some great new innovative products - including one that is set to revolutionise the way that you sell car keys to your customers. Also inside you will find several really interesting stories about people in the trade as well as an insight into perhaps the biggest manufacturer of keys and machinery in the world to keep you flicking through the pages. There is also another reminder about the eagerly anticipated Cutting Edge National Exhibition in September. Make a note of the venue – it’s back at the successful Kettering Conference Centre – and especially of the date. This year’s event is a little earlier than those of the last few years, so make sure your late Summer holiday bookings don’t conflict with the Exhibition. Benidorm can wait, Kettering can’t!! It looks like there will be even more exhibitors there this year and there may be some exciting news about Cutting Edge... There will definitely be the announcement of the winner of this year’s Shoe Repairer of the Year, who this year will walk away with the biggest ever prize awarded by J Rendenbach and Cutting Edge. We hope that YOU entered and you ARE A WINNER in 2014 ! By the way, you have entered haven’t you? No? Well you’re in luck. There is still time – and there should also be an entry form in the package with your Cutting Edge magazine. So what are you waiting for? Maybe a couple of sunny days in a row? The odds of you winning are probably better than that so do yourself a favour get ‘in it to win it’! There is still time to enter the fabulous 2014 JR competition! Could it be YOU who wins the top prize of £1000 and the title of Shoe Repairer of the Year 2014? We look forward to meeting you at the Cutting Edge Exhibition in Kettering. Even if you are not lucky this time both you and your customers will always be winners every time you use JR quality soles and heels. Come and see us or find our more from our website. Like I always say – Cutting Edge is your magazine. Help us make it even better for you. We know the magazine IS well liked, well respected and well read by a readership who really want to receive it. It only goes to those people who ask to be on the free mailing list. So Cutting Edge is also THE magazine for suppliers to get in touch with their customers, existing and, just as important, prospective! Yet still it seems that not everyone who knows about Cutting Edge, THE shoe repair trade magazine, realises the potential it can offer. If YOU want to take advantage of real potential then you too need ‘to be in it to win it’! Our contact details are at the bottom of this page. We’re waiting to help you. All the best (yes I do mean what’s in the magazine) and I look forward to talking to you again in a couple of months’ time. Bye for now Talking of winning, those of you who regularly read Cutting Edge will remember that in the Spring issue Cherry Blossom offered £200 of quality shoe care products to the winner of their caption competition. WIN £1000 incorporating The Shoe Repairer. 4000 copies distributed FREE throughout the Shoe Repair trade to a regularly updated subscribers’ list. Editorial in this magazine does not represent the views and policy of The Cutting Edge Organisation, nor can the editor, production company or Cutting Edge accept any responsibility for advice given or product claims made throughout the magazine. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Tony Driver, Editor, 5D Publicity Gary Unwin, Davenport-Burgess Robin Healy, E. Healy & Sons Paul Lister, Grangers International Tim Wilford, Glenway Products Ltd Matt Davenport, Davenport-Burgess Nick Clark, Cobblers & Keys Cutting Edge Magazine is designed & produced by 5D Publicity. Cutting Edge, c/o 5D Publicity Ltd, 56 North Park Grove, Leeds LS8 1EW. For editorial & advertising enquiries phone: 0113 225 1546 or email: info@5dpublicity.com KETTERING CONFERENCE CENTRE SUNDAY 14th & MONDAY 15th See SEPTEMBER pages 4&5 Inside this issue... NATIONAL TRADE EXHIBITION INFORMATION P4 & P5 KEY NOTES FROM THE CHAIRMAN P6 SOLE TRADER P12 COMPANY PROFILE SILCA P14 & 15 A SHINING EXAMPLE Cromer Trophies & Engraving Ltd P20 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION P22 SPOTLIGHT on Andrew James P27 BOB MITCHELL Man of Mystery ? P32 EUROTROPHEX Preview P36 WEB DIRECTORY P38 CLASSIFIED ADS P39 Plus Product & Company News throughout!! SUNDAY 14th & MONDAY 15th SEPTEMBER Sun 9.30 - 5pm Mon 9.00 - 3pm KETTERING CONFERENCE CENTRE THURSTON DRIVE, KETTERING, NN15 6PB WE’RE BACK! It’s the turn of the Midlands to host the National Exhibition this year. So where better than The Kettering Conference Centre? Many of those at the event when we first visited this superb venue in 2011 agreed it was the best show of recent years. EVEN BETTER ! Lots of famous name suppliers to the trade have already told us they’ll be there and there are bound to be plenty of new names there to make the event even better than last time... EVEN MORE ! All the latest products and machines will be on show, with more great deals than ever before. To make sure you don’t miss out there are two chances for you to be there. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday or Monday... or both ! HOW TO GET THERE... Sat Nav: NN15 6PB GPS reference: 52.39N 0.74W Close to the A14 at Junction 8, which links the A1, M1 & M6 – both only 25 miles away, Kettering Conference Centre is ideally placed in the Heart of England. 55 minutes from St Pancras International and Eurostar and only 15 minutes walk from Kettering Station and has parking for 600 cars. CALL 01858 465376 FOR DETAILS cut_edge@btconnect.com FREE ENTRY FREE PARKING One Trade Fair not to be missed!!! 4 5 KEY NOTES from the Chairman It is almost a year since I became Chairman of Cutting Edge and I have noticed many changes within the trade. In my role I see much thought and effort going into organising the trade shows, charity events and generally promoting the trade and what we need is feedback, suggestions and most of all support. The committee represents a good cross section of suppliers, all of whom rely on effective communication with their customers. Cutting Edge (in my opinion, one of the best trade magazines being published today) provides an excellent platform from which ALL suppliers can promote their goods and services. So why don't ALL suppliers do so? I want the whole trade to benefit so suppliers, if you don't advertise here - give it a go, and everyone please give us your articles, your suggestions, and your support. During the next year there are likely to be some big changes within the trade so let's see more dialogue happening. We need good ideas to help to promote our industry and raise awareness with the public of what we can offer to them. Show them they need us...We certainly need them ! Gary Unwin S STOP PRES CHARITY GOLF DAY 20TH JUNE Calling all Golfers! There are still a few spaces left as we go to print... CALL 01858 465376 or email cut_edge@btconnect.com From behind the Wheel by Gary Unwin From time to time incidents occur that you could never make up. A certain Southern Area sales person was visiting a customer in South London and, as all reps know the perils of too much tea or coffee and the total lack of open or clean public toilets, a request to use a customer’s toilet was necessary. Well, that’s when the problem began. After doing all his selling, he went to use the customer toilet, which happened to be downstairs in the cellar. Down he went, almost falling over the customer’s son’s bike that was stored out of the way on the landing. On completing his business and wanting to be on his way he pulled back the bolt, twisted the door handle ... and it came off in his hand! GETTING FLUSTERED Realising he’d left his phone upstairs in his briefcase he began to bang and shout to draw attention to his dilemma. After almost 45 minutes with no response he was almost in panic mode ! Eventually one of the shop workers needed to pay a visit and he was surprised to find a rather flustered trapped salesman. After been released and retrieving his case, etc, from behind the counter where the shop owner had put it thinking our man had simply forgotten it as he left, the poor chap hurried off to where he had parked his car only to find it had been replaced by another vehicle! It then dawned on him that he had long over stayed the permitted time in this busy spot and his car had been towed away to the compound. A check with the local authorities located the car a few miles away. Using his initiative he dashed back to the shop and came out a couple of 6 Answer: An aglet minutes later with the bike and pedalled off to collect his car. On arrival at the compound after an eventful cycle ride, he suddenly realised the only ID he had was his car keys and that his wallet and any payment method was inside his jacket in the boot of the vehicle. SPENDING MORE THAN A PENNY! His customer had been wearing them on a local shoot and had accidently fired his rifle straight through the toe cap of his boots. Luckily the boots were too big for him and he had missed his toes by millimetres! He eventually persuaded the officials to approach the car and open it with his keys and he retrieved his jacket inside the vehicle so he could pay the £100 recovery fee. Then he had to load the bike into boot and return to the customers shop - much to everyone’s amusement. The shop owner asked if he needed the loo before he left ... his answer is not printable! All that can be said is that he is now very careful where he pays a call! STRANGE REQUESTS Every shop over the years must have strange requests, but this one must be one of the strangest. Andrew from Calceus Shoe Repairs in Hedon near Hull was asked to do a repair on a pair of boots that he knew he had only repaired a few weeks before. Concerned his work may not have been up to his usual high quality he was both relieved and amused to see the problem as the owner took them out of the bag he was carrying them in... The moral of the story is...You should never fill your boots! If you have an amusing story please tell our editor, Tony Driver whose contact details are on page 3. IT’S A PUZZLE Oh, and before I go here’s a puzzle for you... What is the name for the plastic or metal ends of shoe laces? The answer is at the bottom of this page. DON’T FORGET - DRIVE SAFELY 7 C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S DAVIES ODELL REVEAL A NEW LOOK GETTING PERSONAL... After a busy Winter Davies Odell have confirmed the latest update to their increasing on-line presence with a new look web site that matches their newest product range brochure. By embossing the head of the key blank with your company details, the key advertises your business to all who see it. The key you present to your customer after cutting will be in their possession for a long time, so why not remind them who supplied it. Other than its size, there are no limits to what can be coined on the head of a key, including logo and graphics. However, the more simple designs are often the most effective. Featuring all of the available current products from ITSHIDE, Comtesse, Commando, Phillips, SuperDark and repair products from Vibram the web site is in its first phase of development with further updates including, news, social media and a host of new products due later in the year. Having your company details on the key encourages repeat business as well as being a method of identifying keys cut by your company. hydraulic press. Subject to a moderate initial order quantity, there are no additional costs involved in customising key blanks with your company details, so you can be sure you continue to pay regular prices but with the benefits that coined keys can bring your business. For further information, please contact the Davenport Burgess sales team on 01902 366448 or alternatively, send your details to sales@davenport-burgess.com for a no obligation proof drawing. As the title suggests, coining is the same process employed and produce currency coinage, so the embossing is permanent and to a high standard. To view the new web site visit www.daviesodell.co.uk or call 01933 410818 to receive a copy of the Davies Odell product brochure. Coining is part of the manufacturing process when the head of the key blank is pressed between two dies by a 50 tonne THE MAGNIFICENT 7… CHERRY BLOSSOM PREMIUM SHOE POLISH OXBLOOD NAVY LIGHT TAN OXBLOOD, NAVY, LIGHT TAN, MID TAN, DARK TAN, NEUTRAL & BLACK Cherry Blossom Premium stock the main range of colours to SERVICE THE REQUIREMENTS of your customers. The Company has invested in producing a range of Shoe Polish that is targeted to the Shoe Repair and Footwear Specialist Channels. EXPLODING THE GROCERY SUPERMARKET MYTH….. These superior formulations including Carnauba Wax and the exclusive Cherry Blossom Premium Livery are not available in the Grocery Supermarkets. MADE IN BRITAIN… MID TAN DARK TAN The Cherry Blossom Premium Brand enjoys 68% Consumer Recognition in the UK so your Customers already know and trust the brand. (Source: One Poll 2011). NEUTRAL BLACK CONTACT YOUR LOCAL WHOLESALER AND MAKE THE SWITCH NOW…. www.cherryblossom.co.uk Telephone: 01773 521521 Email: info@cherryblossom.co.uk Now is the time to stock the complete Colour range from the original and only British Shoe Polish Manufacturer based in Alfreton, Derbyshire. 8 9 PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS SIMPLY THE BEST NEW COUNTER TOP TESTER BOOSTS TRANSPONDER SALES SVIG STICK TO THEIR PROMISE THE WRITE OF INNOVATION STUFF FROM The TDB004 Counter Top Transponder Key Tester offers a simple way to check that a key or remote control has a working transponder fitted. VULKOSVIG, introduced to the UK by top Italian firm SVIG a few months ago in the Spring issue of Cutting Edge is already proving to be very successful. The Tester gives you the ability to show your customers that their car, truck or motorcycle key has an electronic transponder inside it. The TDB004 has a large aperture to allow most keys and remotes to be checked, and gives an indication by way of LEDs and a sounder that data is being sent by the transponder and the frequency at which the transponder is communicating. Following a very successful exhibition, Siserve have sold several new model HARDO finishers and presses. Their powerful extraction systems combined with the latest technology and loads of useful options mean you can have the best in machinery at a good price. For up to date information on all Hardo products call 0116 271 7152 or go to www.siserve.co.uk. See also their ad on page 36. PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS This simple piece of equipment will help to boost sales of replacement transponder keys. You can then explain to your customer the need to have a spare key due to the cost of lost key replacement from their dealers when transponders are involved. The TDB004 Tester is available for just £65.00 + VAT from Hickleys. Full details available from www.hickleys.com or diagnostics@hickleys.com The SVIG Export Department told us recently “This is because of the excellent comfort combined with great abrasion resistance that Vulkosvig offers and also because being made of polyurethane and rubber it can easily be stuck with a Universal glue.” “SVIG knows how important a strong, easy to use glue is to today’s shoe repairers. So now we have extended our ADESVIG range of specialist glues to include not only the original Top Quality Adesvig but also ADESVIG ‘E’ and ADESVIG TRANSPARENT which are ideally suitable for rubber based products. We are also aware of the importance of plastic products in the shoe repair trade so we have also developed ADESVIG PVC specially for this sector of the market. We would like also to highlight the fact that our intention is to always offer a complete service to our customers, that’s why we keep also Adesvig PVC in our stock, because we would like to face all the shoe repairers’ needs.” To find out more about the growing range of SVIG products go to www.svig.it or simply ask your wholesaler. Remember to check out the SVIG display at the Cutting Edge Exhibition in September. Who knows what else they will have on offer by then ?! STERLING Sterling Locks has launched a ‘Write on Me’ padlock kit to make it easy to identify your property. Whether its a tool box in the workplace, or a locker in the changing room, a personalised padlock offers a quick, easy and secure way of making what’s yours stand out from the crowd. Sterling’s Love Locks allow retailers to make the most of this growing worldwide trend. Attractive but strong and durable, it’s no surprise the growing range of Sterling aluminium padlocks is loved by retailers and consumers alike. For more information on locking up sales contact Sterling on 0113 391 1293 or visit www.sterlinglocks.com. Sterling’s ‘Write on Me’ padlock kit contains a quality 40mm aluminium padlock, featuring a strong but lightweight anti-corrosion aluminium body with a hardened steel shackle. The double locking mechanism is released by a brass cylinder and the kit comes with two keys. The padlock’s protective plastic sleeve is available in either red and blue colours and can be easily written on using the silver paint pen included in the pack. As well as being practical, Sterling’s ‘Write on Me’ Padlocks also have a more romantic use. Couples are increasingly demonstrating their love for one another by writing their names on a padlock and attaching it to a symbolic or significant object. FLIPPING MARVELLOUS! OUTSTANDING DESIGN DISTINCTIVE HIGH QUALITY LONG LASTING & RELIABLE BAG & POCKET FRIENDLY Available exclusively from www.charlesbirch.com 10 11 Waiting is over. The future is now. Cutting remarks from the SOLE TRADER Both establishments are run by tenants, but one team definitely own the pub whilst the other team - well they are just running it. Efficient they may be but they don’t manage to add any value to the product they are selling. DO YOU REALLY OWN YOUR BUSINESS? Easy to answer but I’m not talking about whose name is on the lease. It might be clearer if I change the question - do you own the business you work in. Do you own the problems, the successes and the challenges? You don’t have to be the business owner to own these and not all business owners realise that they don’t own them either. I was asked the other day to give an opinion on whether a particular hostelry I recently visited had improved and was it now better than its competitor 4 miles away. It had improved, the food was better and the service too, but in my opinion it wasn’t as good as its rival. Let’s be clear, neither are competing for Michelin Stars or even gastro pub of the year, but both are competing for visiting tourists and locals too, so top quality pub food is the order of the day. Why is one better than the other? The menus are quite similar and both have different physical but equally appealing qualities. The main difference is ownership. at least inflation or, more importantly, about your complaints or other factors that you think are making your by the inflation that the particular business is facing. If you don’t do it business life difficult. each year you will eventually be ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR faced with a much harder to justify CUSTOMER RELATIONS large increase instead of regular small IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE That attitude of “ownership” increments. You also need to This kind of “ownership” is very permeates all customer facing consider that giving small services for apparent in retail; John Lewis is one attitudes from how you greet free may not be worth the goodwill outstanding example and so to is customers, to how you advise them, generated. Remembering the adage ASDA, both massive organisations to how you say goodbye. “that which is given free is rarely who have managed by differing It effects your attitude to maximising valued” could be good for business. methods to transfer “ownership” to A tough call when times are hard I customer spend, introducing new customer facing staff. In our own know, but most of us have a great services and that old problem- price industry Timpson, by extensive deal of difficulty charging what we increases. training and giving their managers the are worth and give in too easily when autonomy to “amaze” a customer no If you introduce a new service lets facing customer price complaints. say locks (as it’s topical to this matter what the cost, have also issue), do you do it with conviction or If you “own” the price increase it is a succeeded in allowing “ownership”. lot easier to justify to the customer do you have an apologetic display So what difference does it make? I you need to maintain quality of that you put up because the rep or own my business that’s enough the boss said they were good sellers, materials, up to date equipment in surely? No not for the customer it good condition to maintain a safe but that you barely understand. Do isn’t. The customer wants to deal environment and high quality you hand a new product over to the with someone who is engaged in the customer with no comment or worse workmanship so that the customer business not someone who just receives a good product etc etc. That still a denigrating remark. Or do you works in it. This is always best is so much better than blaming the engage them with helpful advice on demonstrated by how you deal with a its areas of use, security quality, power supplier, the council or the complaint. Do you own the complaint fitting technique and a question as to wholesaler who’s allegedly screwing or do you blame some other whether the two keys it comes with you in to the ground. circumstance, be it Head Office, will be enough? Owning your business and management or a supplier’s short GETTING VALUE FROM YOUR comings? I promise you ANY importantly getting your staff to own BUSINESS complaint is yours and yours alone. it is good for business. Get the ownership right and you can be a star The customer wants you to deal with Let’s talk about prices – I’m one of of the High Street. those business people who believe it and provide a solution right there Sole Trader and then and they don’t want to know prices should increase every year by PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS FLEX IS A BIG HIT When new items enter the market place we all think that we have sure-fire winners. The truth is none of us have a crystal ball and we all have to go with our instincts. Sometimes our instincts aren’t always right (except at Glenway ...where we never get anything wrong of course !). This new computerised key cutting machine which is designed and manufactured in Italy, is set to revolutionise the way we cut keys. It combines code cutting functionality with the facility to copy all types of keys including cylinder, car, laser and dimple blanks – at an affordable price. OPTICAL LASER READER in front of cutter for precise cylinder key copying and automatic calibration, ensuring a perfect cut every time. ELECTRONIC TRACER POINT for automatic decoding of laser and dimple keys with automatic contact calibration. 4 WAY ROTATING JAW for cylinder keys and interchangeable jaws for laser and dimple keys. ADDITIONAL JAWS for Citroen SX9P, Ford Tibbe, VW, Ford available in discounted pack. CROSS REFERENCE OVER 80,000 key blanks for residential, Now that the ‘manic’ trophy season is on us it is a good time to see what the big sellers will be. However, in the past plastic figures have had a thread which meant the retailer had to have hardware (nuts & ferrules etc) to be able to attach them. Flex has a heavy duty adhesive pad which sits inside a recess at the base of the figure. Although this means a little extra work for the retailer it is just that. Instead of putting a centre and plate onto a trophy they now attach a Flex as well. There are 20 different Flex figures so they suit most sports can be made into numerous sizes. The big advantage is they are more competitively priced than resin, and travel a lot cheaper. From the Glenway point of view stocking is a dream, as they take up such little space compared to bulky resin items. Dispatching is also a lot easierand a lot cheaper for the customer, as the packages are smaller. Well its early days yet, but Flex is already looking like the number 1 hit of the season. So when Glenway the UK’s no.1 supplier of trophies & awards, decided to introduce Flex, it was a bit of an unknown. For the last 10 years resin has been the mainstay of the mass trophy market. To suddenly bring an item to the table that wasn’t a completely finished unit, or resin, was alien to most people. However, when this innovative product was created by the Glenway Development team, it ticked an awful lot of boxes. Tim Wilford Flex itself is a plastic figure. Nothing new there you may think. Glenway Products Ltd. 12 Reserve your Futura. office and automotive use stored in the Silca database. VISUAL IMAGE of the key on the screen. HDMI ANDROID TABLET linked to the machine by blue tooth and Wi Fi connection. SOFTWARE INTEGRATED and eighteen months licence included in price. LIGHTWEIGHT AND COMPACT: Weight 20 Kg: Dimensions Width 310 mm, depth 413mm, height 340mm ( with tablet 529mm) AFTER SALES SERVICE AND SUPPORT from online Silca Remote Service (SRS) via the tablet and Silca Services UK telephone support team. For more information or to reserve your new Silca Futura call Silca Services on 0113 200 3926 or contact your local Charles Birch representative. Flat keys Optical Reader 01V interchangeable clamp with rotating solution and 01R interchangeable clamp Light and compact www.charlesbirch.com Tablet-integrated solution 13 COMPANY PROFILE + COMPANY PROFILE + COMPANY PROFILE + COMPANY PROFILE COMPANY PROFILE + COMPANY PROFILE + COMPANY PROFILE + COMPANY PROFILE CONSTANT INNOVATION FORWARD THINKING IS THE KEY TO WORLDWIDE SUCCESS AT SILCA Take a ring of keys and check the names on them. Chance is you will see the name Silca. This multi national based in Vittorio Veneto near Venice in Italy is the world’s leading manufacturer of key blanks and key cutting machines with a production of 200 million blanks per year. WHERE DID THIS SUCCESS BEGIN? 40 years ago in 1974 a group of artisan craftsmen formed the Societa Italiana Lavorazione Chiavi e Affini which means the Italian Company for Manufacturing Keys and Related Products – (sounds so much better in Italian!!). Over the next 12 years the company changed from being an artisan business run by a collegiate of skilled workers to becoming an industrial company, increasing its production of key blanks and introducing a complete line of key cutting machines. In 1986 Silca opened its first business unit abroad Silca UK Ltd run by Phil Burford based in South London. A year later Silca Deutschland GmbH was founded in Heiligenhaus and was then moved to Velbert in the lock and security heartland of Germany. Silca became truly multi national when it opened a production plant in Twinsburg, Ohio and in 1996 moved to its current state of the art 30,000 square metre site in Vittorio Veneto. 14 Every day Silca adds at least two new sections to its key catalogue and their new developments in the automotive market with GTI (Glass Technology Innovation) and Flip Keys are testament to their creative research. On the machinery side it is clear that the new Silca Futura is the most exciting new innovation in the world of key cutting machinery since the Triax Quattro and Bravo Professional several years ago. AN UNRIVALLED DEDICATION TO QUALITY The following year in 1997 Silca merged with the Unican Group which then over the next four years acquired several companies including Ilco Orion which in turn had taken over CEA which were well known brands in the UK. In 2001 Silca – Unican itself was acquired by the Swiss multinational security company KABA making it the third largest security company in the world. locksmiths, while as regards the industrial manufacturing, our customers are the most important locks and automotive manufacturers who can rely on worldwide recognised test certifications that attest the quality and trustworthiness of our products and manufacturing processes”. In the UK, Silca UK has moved to Crawley in Sussex and is run by Lee Young who is supported by his onsite engineer Matt Vince. In 2011 the Charles Birch Group were appointed as exclusive distributors to the UK shoe repair trade whilst Aldridge Security continue as their long standing partners in the locksmith sector, both companies working alongside Silca UK. Silca employ over 400 people in Vittorio Veneto and have a turnover of over 50 million euros producing over 230 million key blanks per year with over 66,000 different sections. The emphasis is always on quality and innovation. SILCA EXPORT TO OVER 130 COUNTRIES... Silca MD, Stefano Zocca Managing Director Stefano Zocca explained “We are present in over 130 countries worldwide and our products are targeting both the key replacement business and the industries. As for the key replacement business we sell our products to key cutters and Silca’s dedication to quality standards is unrivalled in the industry. Every key blank is made from “easy cut” steel which is a specially forged steel with a high lead content that gives maximum strength whilst being easy on the cutters. Every batch of keys is manufactured using the latest state of the art machinery and is rigorously checked by especially trained personnel and also by their new laser technology. In addition all cylinder keys are back bevelled to ensure that they work smoothly in the lock. Valentino Colussi, Silca's Head of Marketing shows off just some of the raw materials used to make over 230 million key blanks HIGHLY COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS THAT PERFECTLY SUIT THEIR MARKETS Their future strategy is to carry on innovating as outlined by Stefano Zocca; “Our product strategy is to develop highly competitive products that perfectly respond to the needs of the markets we are addressing”. As one would expect from a forward thinking company like Silca, they have embraced the world internet. Their easy to use website offers customers a comprehensive source of customer information and interactive tools including their new Electronic Key Catalogue (EKC) simply log on to https://ekc.silca.biz. Here you not only find Silca’s entire stock range but you can even personalise it to your own key system. 15 PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS RETIRING THE VENERABLE 464 TWIN BULB HEATER SAFECAN – THE PASSWORD TO SUMMER SALES In recent years, the number of security log-ins required for every day life has escalated. From online shops to social media sites and laptops to mobile phones, they all need one and experts recommend a different password for each. They also recommend these are not stored on the PC or mobile phone. Few people have the memory power to recall each one without writing them down. As a result sales of Sterling Locks SafeCans are growing as they are increasingly used as the perfect place to hide coded lists of passwords and valuable items. SafeCans are an exact imitation of every day top branded items - such as a can of Heinz Baked Beans. However, instead of beans, they have a secret storage area for keys, cards, or cash and increasingly, passwords. PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + THE GRAVOMOBILE TAKES TO THE ROAD AGAIN From June to September Gravograph will be once again touring the UK with their mobile showroom. An opportunity to discover the latest lasers and engraving machines. They’re a great gift for students to store back-up keys, credit cards or cash in their digs. The De-Icer SafeCan is ideal for storing spare keys in garages or sheds, while you can hide valuables in plain sight in the Heinz Tomato Soup SafeCan stored alongside other groceries in a food cupboard. If you want to look at the newest lasers and computerised engravers on the market without having to travel to busy exhibitions then make the most of Gravograph’s 2014 Roadshow. To stock up on SafeCans or to find out more about Sterling Locks range of innovative super secure KeyMinders contact Sterling on 0113 391 1293 or visit www.sterlinglocks.com. Gravograph’s mobile showroom (aka the ‘Gravomobile’) comes to your premises at a convenient time and is operational within minutes of arrival. Step aboard and discover a new range of machinery. How does it work? What is there to see? The Gravomobile is equipped with the latest lasers (C02 and Fibre) as well as small and large size computerised engraving machines. A new innovative fully automated Braille sign making system will also be presented for the first time in the UK. Last but not least, companies taking part in the roadshow had the opportunity to discover the new M20J compact engraving machine, an all-in-one innovative system featuring laser pointer as well as inside / outside ring engraving. For more information on the 2014 Roadshow call 01926 884 433 or email info@gravograph.co.uk. For many years the 464 Twin Bulb Heater has been the mainstay of shoe repair shops across the Country as an essential part of their workshop. Obviously it’s most popular function was to warm up the repairer’s bacon sarnies on a cold morning or keep your tea warm! Additionally, back in the day, the 464 twin bulb was the only source of heat available to warm your hands! Another useful task the device performed, when not helping to feed the faces and warm the cockles of cobblers, was warming up stick-on-soles that have been pre-solutioned or drying leather soles covered in copious amounts of glue. A consequence of the multi-faceted uses for the twin bulb heat lamp was that these appliances are left permanently ‘on’ and using up your hard earned cash! Most often because you ‘forget’ to turn them off or that the switch has broken, not uncommon for this kind of machine. Whilst there’s seemingly not much else required from your heater, we would like you to consider the differences between the old and the NEW options available to the Trade. The main difference, some would argue, is the cost! Flash activators are more expensive to buy, but are they more expensive when you balance the issue and consider running costs? The older style heaters, of which the 464 is one, have one very basic operation, ‘On and Off’. Now there’s nothing wrong with that, it did the job and that’s what every repairer wanted. But the NEW Cement Activators offer a little more for the end user that we believe can make a difference to your working day. Activator’s are designed to give the operator more choice in how they work, mainly by offering a timed ‘Boost’ option to speed up the drying/activating process, invaluable when running a busy repair outlet. But more than that, they can be more easily integrated within your machine set up and there are two Take a look at our new easy-to-use website The new slimmer 465A options for you to choose from. The mainstay of our range is the ‘Mini Hica.’ Hica, for the uninitiated, is an acronym for High Intensity Cement Activator. You see, you do get to learn something new every day! The Mini Hica is used in most of the busiest shoe repair shops in the Country and beyond. A solid, wellbuilt item that puts more control in the hands of the operator. It uses a timer on the ‘Boost’ section which allows more control over how you use the heat generated. It also includes a new addition, a timer on the ‘on/off’ button, set at 10 minutes, to make sure that your device is not left on any longer than need be, keeping your electric bills to a minimum! In addition, we offer another model, the 465A, a slimmer, wider design that better integrates with the contemporary layout of shoe repair outlets. This model also includes the same spec as above but is more suited to our modular machine set ups. It is wider to allow for long soles and is higher to allow for bulkier materials/footwear to be placed under the heater tubes. Along with the timers on both ‘on/off’ and ‘boost’ buttons, we believe, your NEW activator will more than pay for itself by saving you money on your electricity bills and keeping your workshop a little neater. In fact, we’ll go one further, we reckon that they will pay for themselves in the first two years of their life! ...for simply great value www.edwardhealy.co.uk FREE PHONE 0800 328 0709 CASH AND CARRY At our busy depot we’ve got the very best in shoe repair and shoe care products. All at very special prices. And now we can supply them direct to your door when you order and pay with your ACCESS/VISA/SWITCH card So, to recap, the NEW activators are: More energy efficient • More adaptable • Ergonomically designed in line with our modular design ethos • Colour matched if required Now ask yourself again, are NEW activators really more expensive? 16 FREE PHONE 17 GET THE SKILL OF THE NINJA ON YOUR SIDE Until recently, those who wanted to invest in a computerised key cutting had to part with a small fortune in order to obtain such a machine. The machines were often large and would require a lot of keys to be cut on them to warrant the space and outlay required. However, as with all things technical and computerised, the technology that was only available to a select few is now accessible to all. The Keyline Ninja not only addresses these issues, but wraps them up in a portable sleek design that would grace the bench of any key cutting establishment. The Ninja’s ability to copy, cut to code and de-code single and double sided cylinder keys is second to none. The Keyline Ninja machine has been in the market for just over 2 years and continues to keep abreast of the constant changes in the key cutting market. Its small footprint means that it doesn’t take up precious space in any key cutting set up, in fact it only occupies slightly more space than a conventional cylinder machine such as the Rekord 2000 or Keyline Carat. Its all-encompassing touch screen console means that there is no additional PC required to run the hardware. The console is designed to be placed on the work bench, on the wall or on the optional adjusting support arm. STILL SCEPTICAL ? Those still sceptical about running a computerised code cutting machine should consider the Ninja’s copy function that it offers its users. Just place the original key and the blank in the opposing jaws and press the copy button located on the top of the machine. The Ninja will then automatically duplicate the key in a cycle time of just 21 seconds meaning that it can be used as a conventional key cutting machine and not as an expensive “just in case” machine. Depth adjustment dial conveniently located on the side of the machine The Ninja runs using Instacode software and is kept updated FOC via downloads from the Keyline website. A one year’s subscription to Instacode is included with every Ninja machine to run on a PC independently. It addition to the Instacode software, the Ninja’s next generation software includes several very useful functions, including the management of multiple users, the ability to save cut keys, the importing of customised data, communications via Instacode and Promaster, an on board user manual and the possibility of downloading the updates from the net. The Ninja also features a card making facility allowing the user to Input the details of their own key section, proving invaluable for those who supply their own master suite systems. Familiar cylinder machine layout In addition to the Ninja Cylinder machine are the Ninja Laser with the capability of reproducing automotive and household cylinder, Laser and Tibbe keys and the Ninja Vortex. The Ninja Vortex decodes, cuts and engraves the high security, laser and dimple keys. 4-way jaw system allows all types of cylinder key to be held securely For further information on the Keyline Ninja machine range, please contact Davenport-Burgess on 01902 366448 or sales@davenport-burgess.com. We operate a national sales force and are happy to arrange a no obligation demonstration at your premises. Alternatively come and see us at the Cutting Edge Exhibition, Kettering on 14th & 15th September where our team will be happy to demonstrate the Ninja’s capabilities. 18 A SHINING EXAMPLE In our Winter 2012 issue we featured Cromer Trophies & Engraving Ltd in one of our 'Best Foot Forward' articles. Since then, quite a lot has changed for owner Steven Burbidge so we thought we’d go back to find out how things are going. Here is what Steven had to tell us: “For a while now we have been running out of space in the current shop premises, and with our shop lease due to expire at the end of 2013 we had been on the lookout for larger premises within the town that we could expand into. The only shop premises that were up to rent were either too small or too expensive. Then the stroke of luck that we needed came when the shop next door to ours became available. Initial enquiries with the estate agent (as he was outside taking photos for the property details) suggested that the combination of the two properties was right at the top of what we could afford, but we investigated the possibilities nonetheless. Added to this was the slight complication that at that time we were also renting a second shop opposite ours. We had taken that on a short, 2 year lease when it came available (to help with storage) and when the shop next door became available, we needed to move fast to ensure we didn’t miss out on the opportunity provided. We contacted the landlords of the property, who were happy for us to do the required works to combine the two shops into one and following much negotiating with the estate agents, eventually the deal was done. So on the 1st August 2013 (the day of my 10th wedding anniversary, no less) we got the keys to our new shop.” ALL SYSTEMS GO ? “With a week’s holiday booked in the middle of August, I had visions of 20 getting the builders in, work progressing and me coming back off holiday to find the work nearly done... How wrong I turned out to be! Following an assessment of the building by a structural surveyor, most of the builders we talked to were suddenly unavailable, or GETTING BUSY Once the basic building work was completed, we could then get the electrician and carpenter in to do the rest of the skilled work, meanwhile I was busy doing the painting & decorating. We still have a few little finishing touches to do now to complete the However, the main reason for getting this system is because one of the cameras is pointed at the engraving machines, and specifically our U-Marq Quest flat bed engraver. This has manual switching to activate the spindle motor & extractor, and quite often when we are engraving a larger sign, the job isn’t finished by closing time at the end of the day. I can now log into the CCTV via the iPhone or iPad app to view whether the engraving is completed. Assuming it is, I can then use the second bit of neat technology, a remotely controlled double socket (search Lightwave RF) and remotely switch off the machine, again using an app. Previously I’d have either just left the motors running overnight, or returned to the shop to switch the machine off, but with a round trip of around 30 miles, the cost of the technology will soon be recouped. NOT YOUR AVERAGE SHOP... unwilling to take on the job. What I thought would be a simple hole in the wall & beam across was complicated by the fact that there was a pillar in the offices above, supporting the entire weight of the roof, which was positioned directly above the middle of the section of wall we wanted to remove. To cut a long story short, the builders eventually started work at the end of November, a simple lintel turned into a full 4 sided steel frame round the opening, and the building work finally finished in mid January. As you might expect, the final cost was somewhat in excess of what I had originally budgeted for, but sometimes in life you just have to take these things in your stride I guess! refit, but basically, we are all sorted, and have been up & running in the new extended premises now since around the middle of March. LITTLE LUXURIES We took the opportunity to incorporate a few little details that weren’t strictly necessary, but that will assist with day to day life. Firstly, we installed a new CCTV system, which has 4 cameras covering the shop. This is connected to a DVR which records 24/7 and stores footage for about a month before it is overwritten. This is not only useful for security purposes, but it also caught the moment I fell off the ladder whilst putting some shelves on the wall, ensuring much entertainment at my expense! So that is where we are, doubled in size, wonderful large workshop space - I don’t think I will ever tire of finding it so easy to cut full size sheets of laminate, and plenty of room to work. We certainly don’t conform any more to the stereotype of how a shop in our trade should look, but I’m really excited as to what the future has to offer, and I think we are well placed to build on the foundations laid in the previous 18 years that the business has been running. It sounds as though all the hard work and expense has been worth it. Steven deserves to be able to put his feet up – even if he is still checking on his work! THINKING OF A NEW LOOK FOR YOUR SHOP ? If you are going to be refurbishing your shop in the near future why not tell us how you got on and if you can send us some before and after photos just like Steven did and we could even feature your place in a future issue of Cutting Edge. In the meantime if you are looking for inspiration for the decor and style of your new-look premises and you want to stand out from the crowd of Timpson wannabes you might consider going for the ‘retro’ style of this place we were recently told about. You probably wouldn’t guess from the old-fashioned style of this shop interior with traditional accessories from a bygone age of quality but this is actually a new shoe repairers going by the name of ‘Brass’ ... in Tokyo of all places ! It is one of four ‘Brass’ shops across Tokyo that along with others under the name of ‘Union Works’ are offering traditional ‘British’ quality and craftsmanship to an eager Japanese market. Apparently, the Japanese, particularly those who are more wealthy and fashionable can’t get enough of all things British and they are happy to pay prices for repairs like these typical examples: Leather through sole 15-20,000 yen = £85 - £115 Dainite Studded sole/heel 15,000 yen = £87 Vibram Unit Commando style 10,000 yen = £58 Leather quarter rubber heel 4000 yen = £23 Rubber heel 3000 yen = £17 Stiletto heel 1500 yen = £9 If this has inspired you let us know, and of course if you are so taken with the idea of this new Japanese phenomenon that you decide it isn’t just a new look but a new life for you in Japan – remember to let us know your new address so that we can still mail your Cutting Edge magazine to you, won’t you !? Sayonara ! 21 ...HOW I WONDER WHAT YOU ARE Material Identification, the key to reliable bonding We are pleased to introduce the first of what we hope will be a series of articles giving advice on shoe repair by Dr Rainer Buchholz of Renia Adhesives: Progress can be a wonderful thing – or not. Over the past decades, many new and exciting materials have become available and have been used in shoe manufacturing. But while these new materials have enabled the shoe industry to create some amazing new products (or at least cut their costs on existing ones), the shoe repairer is often faced with a challenge: once those shoes have been worn down, how can they be repaired? It’s not just leather and rubber any more – many new materials require a special pretreatment or a certain adhesive to bond them. But how do you find out which is which – without consulting a chemical laboratory each time? Material Identification made easy There are many material properties you can determine easily with the means every shoe 22 repairer has available: everyone has a sanding machine, thinner, and besides that the hands, eyes, and nose can come in handy (the ears are a little less useful here). Does the material look or feel greasy? Does it have a certain smell? Does it melt or produce dust when you sand it? How does it react if you put on a drop of thinner? Usually, this will at least give you a very good idea what you are working on, and what you have to do to create a lasting and reliable bond. General tips There are some general rules that apply most of the time: the greasier a material is, the less likely it is that a regular Neoprene adhesive will work. It might at first, but in the long run, the bond will open again. So you need to use something that is more resistant to such conditions, like a PU-based adhesive, or make the adhesive more resistant with a cross-linker. If the material is very soft and foamy, and already crumbling a bit, how should it stand up to the wear and tear during walking? In that case, the only way to create a lasting bond is to reinforce the material (Primer for PUR). If the material is sensitive to solvents, it needs to be protected against them – by a special chemical Primer in a little yellow bottle (Rehagol). Look out for the next part in the next issue of Cutting Edge: how to identify and handle leather and rubber – it’s not always as easy as you may think! Dr. Rainer Buchholz, Renia Adhesives Cologne PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS CAPITALISE ON STRONG STILETTO SHOES FASHION THIS SUMMER Introduce Starlettos !! than straining on tippy-toe all day, wearers can relax, smile and concentrate on enjoying themselves. Discreet pairing of form and function Cupping the base of the heel like a flower, Starlettos are mostly clear, and are barely noticeable when worn on grass. Easy to clean and store Starlettos can be worn a number of times and come with a little silk purse for protection and easy storage. Easy to clean simply slide them off the heels, rinse under cold water to remove grass or dirt and store in their little pouch inside a purse or handbag. The essential shoe accessory for race days and weddings. Avoid sinking into the turf and give star appeal to stiletto heels. Starlettos are ultra-cute and clever shoe accessories designed to stop heels sinking at garden parties, outdoor weddings and race-days. Not only can sinking heels cause damage to beautiful shoes, they might cause your customers to have their day spoilt by an accident with a glass of champagne or a fall at the first post ! Designed for peace of mind The ingenious, patented design of Starlettos has been carefully developed for strength, security to stay on all day and versatility to fit most slender heels or stilettos (8mm-14mm). That means, rather Shoe Repairer Opportunity: “Now that you have had your Stiletto heels repaired, we have this unique product called Starlettos to protect them...” Please contact your local Wholesaler for details. Products supplied by Cherry Blossom. Starlettos Retail Display - Counter Display Carton of 15. Zed-FULL OF SPECIALIST SOFTWARE The new Zed-FULL from IEA is the first all-in-one programming tool for the diagnostic or auto locksmith professional, now offered with a huge range of specialist software and purchasing options. The new Zed-FULL is a top quality computerised tablet with a large full colour touch screen, huge memory and easy to use software. It also comes with a range of cables, adapters and accessories all in a strong carry case. The Zed-FULL combines an exceptional range of software that until now has only been available in separate tools. It combines key cloning, transponder management, OBD key and remote programming, EEPROM programming with features such as a remote tester, voltage and continuity tester, Bluetooth communication and a PC software package. So for the first time you can have your cloning machine, key programmer and EEPROM package all in one great toolall for the great price of £2750 +VAT from Hickleys. The latest course added to our range of accredited courses is the Zed-FULL users course. This 2 day course covers Transponder Management, Remote Emulating and Virginizing, OBD Programming, Eeprom Programming and software updating. The courses being run in the next three months are: Description 10 Day Auto Locksmith Training Electronic Keycutting & Instacode Key & Remote Programming Advanced Key & Remote Programming Understaning Transponders & Cloning (AD900Pro) Zed-FULL Users Course Eeprom & Micrprocessor Programming Advanced Eeprom & Micrprocessor Programming Vehicle Opening Auto Key Impressioning Jun 23rd 9th 10th 11th 16th 18th 19th 20th Jul Aug 25th 28th 30th 29th 21st 23rd 24th 31st 1st Full details available from www.hickleys.com or diagnostics@hickleys.com 24 25 PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS + PRODUCT NEWS GOOD LOCKING AND SO REFINED... JUST THE TICKET Burg-Wächter is launching the Alutitan 770 range to help retailers capitalise on the growing trend for aluminium padlocks. The new Alutitan 770 exploits the inherent strength and lightness of a special aluminium alloy to deliver a strong padlock that is light on weight yet still delivers good all round performance. The solid aluminium body and rustproof interior offers a superior level of corrosion resistance making it ideal for use both indoors and out. Available in a variety of sizes from 20mm to 60mm, the combination of a hardened shackle and double-locking mechanism (from 30mm upwards) offers a robust security solution for all manner of items from lockers and toolboxes to sheds and garden gates. The Alutitan 770 range is available on an eye-catching display stand, making it an attractive security proposition for retailers and customers alike. Burg-Wächter has been manufacturing padlocks for over 100 years and its name is synonymous with high quality and innovative product development. Following its acquisition of Sterling Locks in 2013, Burg’s extensive selection of security products, including the new Alutitan 770 range, are available to UK retailers from the Sterling Sales Team on 0113 391 1293. 26 is to jump in the car with my wife and head off to the coast and wander around a harbour. There’s nothing I like more than being by the sea watching the world go by. Or if I just fancy getting away from it all I’ll jump on my motorbike and take a ride out to the countryside. Do you have a favourite piece of music, film or TV programme? SPOTLIGHT Printed repair tickets, sequentially numbered and two part perforated. New state of the art technology allows us to put YOUR name, YOUR phone number and YOUR advertising text on to your repair tickets. Supplied on rolls of 500 tickets in white only, the minimum order is for just one roll. You can use them to promote your other services or to advertise a promotion or simply to say “Have a Nice Day “. Contact Edward Healy & Sons on 01709 543335 for more details. “Flaming June? Flaming liberty I call it! When’s the Summer going to start?” exclaimed Fairweather looking glumly out through the rain streaked window of the Cutting Edge office. “What you need is a trip to the seaside old chap” said the Editor brightly. “Really? Aww, thanks Boss. I could do with a break” said Fairweather with the hint of a smile “Actually it’s work” said the Editor, “The man in the Spotlight loves messing about on the water so I’ve arranged for you to meet him there...” “That’s good I love the seaside too, I think most of us Brits do. It’s something that goes way back...In fact most of our current perceptions of the British seaside are all the stronger for having Victorian roots. Indeed, despite changing tastes and intensifying competition at home and abroad, the seaside owes much to positive associations of the ‘traditional’ summer holiday...” “Whoa, Fairweather don’t go on...” “What do you mean? It’s actually very interesting.... Most of these attributes, or their identification with enjoyment, are invented Victorian traditions. Buckets, spades, cockles and whelks...” “STOP! Now listen... Andrew James is a good guy, likes nothing better than spending time on his boat or water skiing when he’s not running his business with his brother David. He’s agreed to meet you on his local Wharf but one thing he can’t stand is boring people...so DON’T go on like that with him. We need this interview so I don’t want you messing it up...” “Oh, OK. So which Wharf is it?” “Canary.” “AWWW Boss! You said the seaside! Canary Wharf’s in London. On the Thames...” “Oops... Geography was never my strong subject” chuckled the Editor. “It’s by the water at least ... and it’ll be a trip out for you anyway!!” Andrew James, of James Shoecare loves nothing better than being on the water. What was your first paid job? My first paid was putting clutches in cars at the age of 14 We had a family friend who sold second hand cars and would bring them to our house for me to do. How (and when) did you become involved in the shoe repair trade? As my family has been repairing shoes for 100 years it was inevitable I would end coming into the business. I would come home from school and help my father in his workshop we would work to around 9pm most nights and as a treat we would stop off at the local pub for a shandy and a packet of crisps. How would you like to earn a living if you were not in the job you are in at the moment? I would like think the most significant changes I’ve made is to concentrate on our brand image, I have spent the last few years branding all of the shops along with our web site so they are instantly recognisable to the public as a brand they can trust. What do you consider has been your best achievement? Apart from my daughter... having the foresight to take a gamble on opening a shop in Canary Wharf. I had to sell a high street shop to pay for the fit out but was worthwhile in the end. Not sure where I went wrong though!!! That’s a hard one I know and admire so many people in the trade so I think I’ll have to pass! Although shoe repair is basically a traditional trade it has changed a lot, even in just the last few years. What is the biggest change in your business as far as you are concerned? That’s easy ! Live every day as if it’s your last ... and the worst? I’d give it to charity What in your opinion is the best thing a shoe repairer can do to improve their business? ... and your worst mistake? I went to an auction and bought a house on a whim without viewing it. A costly mistake but a lesson well learnt. What was your favourite subject at school, and has it been useful in later life? Didn’t have one... I never went to school much! Where is your favourite place? ...and in the Shoe Repair trade in particular? Probably a lift engineer as I don’t like being confined in small places. Other than that someone interesting. I can’t stand boring people What is the best piece of advice that someone has given you? Some of Chris Wilson’s off the wall idea’s to increase sales ‘lol’ If you were given £1000 to spend on yourself what would you do with it? I’ve always been interested in criminal law, maybe I could have been a lawyer if I’d put a bit more effort at school! Who do you admire most in Business today? Alan Sugar. Much like me, he started out as a kid trying to make a few quid after school. ‘Life on Mars’ having such a busy work life it’s quite nice to slip into a bit of make-believe and I can relate to the show and have great memories of growing up in the Seventies. If you were to get stuck in a lift who would you want in there with you, and why? I love being on my boat with my family in the sun with a nice cold beer watching the sun go down after a day spent water-skiing. What makes your ideal day away from work? You need to keep one step ahead the game by continually reinventing the business, updating machinery and embracing new technology. Diversifying into new products and services is a must and never take your eye off the ball. How do you see the future for your business & for the Shoe Repair trade? Over the past few years my two nephews have taking more responsibility in the day to day running of the business so hopefully with their help we’ll be around another 100 years. ...and finally, how would you like to be remembered ? I think I’m an OK guy but whatever people think of me is fine by me! My ideal day away from work 27 NEVER A BETTER TIME TO CODE AND CUT TRANSPONDER CAR KEYS MICK SHARPE RETIRES Mick Sharpe who will be known to all the shoe repairers in the North West, especially the Manchester area has finally decided to retire at the age of 78. A traditional “old school” wholesaler Mick took over the business from his father when he was demobbed out of the army in 1960. His father had started the business in Hardwick and then moved to Denton in Manchester. He was forced to move from Denton “when the roof fell in” in 1987 when he moved to his current location in Hyde. Since his only employee Peter Ellis,retired twelve years ago Mick has done everything. His day would consist of ordering and putting away his stock, phoning customers for their orders, picking and packing the orders, delivering them and then coming home in the evening… in time to do the invoicing and paperwork . With his brown overall literally falling apart at the seams, he told a customer, “It’s not worth buying another one” a hint that he was considering retirement several years ago but couldn’t quite bring himself to do it. With an impending hip operation he has finally decided enough is enough. “I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all my customers and friends in the trade for their wonderful support over the last 54 years” said Mick. Mick will not be leaving the trade completely he will be working part time for Charles Birch to support their local representative Nicola Zimnoch. HADRIAN’S WALL CHALLENGE On Friday 13th June Chris Wilson and his “Layton Drive” team including his son Steve will attempt to walk the whole length of Hadrian’s Wall in just three days - a distance of 85.7 miles. “Following the success of our National Three Peaks Challenge two years ago we decided it was time to do another one. Walking Hadrian’s Wall takes us over some very challenging but also some of the most beautiful countryside in Britain, but at over a marathon per day for three days this will certainly be no picnic!” said Chris. The group are walking in aid of the Jimmy Mizen Foundation and all donations will be gratefully received on http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ChrisWilson34 It can be argued that there has never been a better time to be coding and cutting transponder car keys. In the past the technology seemed to be too far behind the car manufacturers so that you could only read and write the codes on what seemed to be a small number of vehicles. When on the seemingly odd occasion you could the read the codes you had to then choose from over 15 different transponder chips, hope that you had the right one in stock and had not miss filed them. Often a lottery at best! More recently technology has improved with clever electronic heads being able to code all Phillips Crypto and Texas transponders. The only problem then was the price. With the clever electronic head costing the key cutter over £20.00 plus VAT and the blade costing over £3.00 plus VAT the package was costing over £30.00. It became a massive stumbling block when you said to a customer; “That’ll be £59.95 please!” when most customers expect everything in the shop to be under a tenner! In the main they simply shook their heads with that “You’re having a laugh” half smile on their faces, said they would “think about it” and never returned with their car key again. Mostly they only wanted a spare, so they often went without and took their chances. This has all changed with the revolutionary Silca GTI chip. Not only does it do the job of 14 of the 18 transponder chips making it much easier to select and stock the right chips but it also costs a little over half the price of the old technology. With the Silca GTI chip, blade and pod coming in complete under £15.00 plus VAT the key cutter can drop his selling price accordingly. With easy to install regular free updates for the RW4 Plus and Fast Copy Plus, Silca will keep the key cutter up to date with the latest technology in the automotive market. The latest update, number 71, even enables the reading and coding of some Megamos transponders for Kia and Hyundai. Stop Press Finally if that wasn’t enough Silca have produced three ranges of keys so the retailer and customer has a choice: The MH-TA two part key, the Look a Like key and the new Flip key. In addition Silca have even produced Keyless keys to replicate the BMW, Fiat and Volvo originals. 28 Point of sale is always an issue for customers, so Silca in partnership with their distributors the Charles Birch Group have produced some stunning posters in three different sizes and a window sticker to promote the transponder car key Silca are pleased coding and cutting to announce the service. launch of their With easy to use and reliable technology, lowest ever prices, great choice of key designs and dramatic posters there really has never been a better time to invest in car key cutting. brand new Car Key Catalogue No 4, which is downloadable free of charge from www.charlesbirch.com and www.silca.biz 29 C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S ONE JASON PUNCHEON... THERE’S ONLY ONE JASON PUNCHEON! Professional sport and shoe repairing machinery don’t seem to be the most natural bedfellows, but, over the years Standard have dabbled very occasionally with this glamorous world. Many years ago, presumably when funds were on the low side, we often sold cops of stitching thread to Leicester City FC which they required back then to re-stitch their training footballs. Oh, the degradation! In the last few years we have sold a number of shoe-stretching devices to some very big football clubs. In the past a player might use the same pair of boots for game after game and season after season. The boot becoming moulded to the foot through continued use. It would seem that in the present footballing climate boots are worn and discarded more regularly. 30 I guess this explains the proliferation of different coloured boots and player’s habits of chopping and changing the colour and design. More than likely, boots also need replacing these days to reflect the colours on the players latest arm-length tattoo! Football clubs have realised that with boots now needed to be readily playable much quicker that they needed outside assistance. This is where Standard Engineering comes in. Mindful that a footballer’s feet are the “tools of their trade”, we will invariably get a call from a minion at the training ground about a shoe/boot stretching device, and we would sell and ship the goods direct. That team’s players would soon be benefitting from comfortable football boots, allowing their skilful feet to dance merrily around the glorious rectangles of hallowed turf around the Premier League and winning games for fun. At least that’s the theory! In reality, the last few clubs we have dealt with include Reading, QPR and Wigan who have all tumbled from the Premier League! We also supplied Manchester United, who have just suffered their worst season since the mid-15th Century. The only team who seem to have benefitted from our assistance are Southampton who have bought several of our stretchers and have been rewarded with a great season, culminating in an appreciable number of their players travelling with the England squad to win the World Cup in Brazil this year (note to self – this sentence may need a slight revision). We aren’t necessarily saying that Standard are responsible for Southampton’s upturn in fortunes, or that the winning of the World Cup (see above) is something we can claim for ourselves, but it’s nice to be a (very small) part of a greater success story! One afternoon we were contacted by our contact at “The Saints” asking if we were prepared to sell one of our stretchers direct to a player. A pretty dumb question really! Of course we’d sell direct to a Premier League footballer! In many ways they are the perfect customer – the delivery van can easily find their place of work, and, given they think nothing of buying a new car/house every month, they don’t complain about the cost of our little machine! The player in question was Jason Puncheon, who had just gone out on loan to Crystal Palace, who, at the time, were on a one-way trip back to the Championship. Within weeks of us delivering his shoe-stretcher Jason started to turn in some match-winning performances for the “Eagles” who suddenly gave themselves a fighting chance of beating the drop. Leaving aside Jason’s ahem, distinctly underwhelming penalty kick at White Hart Lane (which may still not have come down!) he put in a number of great performances at Selhurst Park, scoring several vital goals. This upturn in form had two noticeable effects. For one, Palace eased up the league table and finished the season well clear of the relegation dog-fight. The other result of Palace’s improvement on the pitch was that our Managing Director Keith Malyon suddenly remembered he was a lifelong Eagles supporter, and every Monday the rest of the office were treated glowing praise of the continued brilliance of his “boys”. Gary Lewis Standard Engineering C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S + C O M PA N Y N E W S QUALITY IS NOT A LUXURY Edegem, a suburb of Antwerp (Belgium) has the tranquillity of a village with the advantages of a large city nearby. Although it is not really known for its shopping facilities, many people come from Antwerp, Brussels and beyond, specially to have their shoes repaired here at Van Laer Shoe Repairs. Marc van Laer and his wife have run their shop in the Central Square in Edegem for 13 years, with the help of one employee. Recently they were joined by their son, Daan, who also works in an orthopaedic workshop for three days a week since finishing his College training in orthopaedics. The repair shop has recently been completely overhauled and equipped with new machines. The Van Laers had a clear vision of how they wanted the ‘new’ shop to look. Marc told us that he wanted to get away from the idea of "a tiny shoe repairer hidden away in a dirty corner" and after redesigning and decorating came the serious part - then choosing new machines for work area. As soon as customers enter through an extra wide revolving door Marc’s preference for sleek industrial design is obvious. He used his practical skill to construct the impressive new counter himself from a clever combination of wood and concrete. The top is actually composed of robust wooden beams fastened together in a simple but effective way. The new work area again shows Marc’s desire for quality and fine materials. He has always been fascinated by Flexam machines and meeting representatives of Jos America at the trade show in Affligem, Belgium and again at a Techno Shoe day (one of the in-house trade shows at Jos America in Nieuwkuijk) convinced him to buy. As his health and that of his family and staff is important to Marc, an effective dust extraction unit was a must. The simple answer was the V80 dust extraction system that assures him of a clean and healthy working environment. The external dust extraction system is placed outside the workshop on an outside wall, with an isolated cubicle built around it. Inside, the Flexam S75, SCL-I 105 and RSBP 140 Dynamic get all the attention they deserve. Marc’s new machine is equipped with a wide centre section so several people can work on the machine simultaneously and the height adjustment is also a welcome option. The whole, finished in silver grey with black accents, seamlessly fits in the design of the shop and workshop. It is quite obvious that here is a talented craftsman with a real sense of quality. “Many customers will drive an extra block for craftsmanship. Most of them immediately notice the new machines”, says Marc proudly. For more details of how you can modernise your shop with Flexam machines go to www.josamerica.com 31 BOB MITCHELL – MAN OF MYSTERY? “I was almost 17 and was planning to start a course at my local Technical College in the Autumn. Actually I was just looking forward to a lazy Summer! However, at the time I was staying with my uncle who was the MD of Odell Leather company, as the company was called then and he simply told me “We can’t have you waiting around doing nothing until then, we’ll find something for you to do!” Now this isn’t what you might think...there will be no tabloid revelations here! However, those of you who know Bob Mitchell of Davies Odell will perhaps be surprised to read that he recently celebrated 51 years with the company that he joined as a teenager ...on a temporary basis. Despite his vast experience in the shoe repair trade Bob doesn’t seem to relish being in the limelight, and rarely gives interviews. I have suggested to him in the past that he would make a good candidate for our regular ‘Spotlight’ feature but he has always politely turned the offer down. International Connections He is something of a ‘Man of Mystery’ with International connections and apparent notoriety (more of which later!), so I was pleased to hear that as he has now almost reached the end of his career with Davies Odell he was willing to share with us just a few of his memories of the shoe repair trade and of some of the people he has worked and in many cases have remained his firm friends for decades. I have only known Bob for six years since I became editor of Cutting Edge but whenever we meet he always makes me feel that I am a friend too. I was first introduced to him at the last of the Cutting Edge Exhibitions to be held at the old Wicksteed Park venue in Kettering. I was immediately struck by his self-effacing manner, his polite charm and his ready smile. It is unfortunately quite rare to meet a true gentleman in business these days but in Bob’s case I think everyone who has been lucky enough to meet him will agree that he is just that. But that’s enough of the schmaltz (I’ll bet you agree Bob?) and on with the story... So where do we start? I thought it was probably best to let Bob tell us in his own words so I recently spent a pleasant hour chatting to him and first I asked him how he got his job at the company. 32 “So within days I had joined the company and soon my ambitions to travel and see the world were put to one side – at least for a while. Before my uncle intervened I’d applied for a job at a local Travel Agency but heard nothing until about six weeks later I got an invitation for an interview. I went along confident I’d get the job. In fact I’d told Uncle that I wouldn’t be staying with Odell much longer. Unfortunately my dreams were shattered when I was told I was too old – at 17! They wanted someone sixteen and a half so that they didn’t have to pay them full whack and the delay in getting to see them meant I had had another birthday. So I had to stay with my job ... just until something better came along, of course!” Mindful of his reputation I asked “ I heard you were involved in some sort of a coup early in your career, Bob?” “A coop. Not a coup.” He said with a smile. “I spent my early years helping to look after 40,000 egg laying chichens! Even back in the Sixties all was not great in the leather trade and so although Odell’s core business was leather tanning the Board decided to diversify and as one of my cousins who also worked there had a background in agriculture it seemed like a good idea. Unfortunately the project fell ‘fowl’ of problems – mainly in the shape of a huge pile of chicken poo..! In 1966 the holding pit was almost overflowing and locals were complaining bitterly about bowsers dropping piles of the stinking stuff on their way down the High Street so the department just had to close...There was some good news in ‘66 though. A fantastic footballing victory made my year...” “Yes, England won the World Cup. ”I commented. “Much better than that...” he explained. Bright lights of Paris “My local team, Northampton Town (The Cobblers) got their first win in the old first division against West Ham 2-1 away! I’ll never forget hearing the news on my transistor radio on the train travelling back from the Shoe Repair Exhibition at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool. That was the last of those exhibitions for over 10 years but by the late Seventies I’d become quite used to exhibitions, and I’d started to achieve my ambition to travel. The best of the junkets... sorry, the trade and fact finding missions ... was the Semaine de Cuir in Paris. It was literally ‘a week of leather’, the most important event in the for Bob, or Robert John Mitchell as the US Immigration officials know him. He has been stopped and interrogated six times and has missed several internal flights in an ongoing case of mistaken identity. Apparently there is an ‘undesirable character’ at large and wanted by the USA by the name of Robert John Mitchell. Bob assures me it is not him. I think I believe him ! His visits to Russia have been much more successful. It is there that he met his fiancée! A poignant but joyful time Many of these friends and colleagues in the trade were brought together recently for what was apparently a poignant but joyful occasion. calendar for everyone in the leather trade. The evenings in at The Moulin Rouge weren’t bad either!” Exciting Times The Seventies were an exciting time for Bob. He had become used to travelling far and wide but one business trip sticks out for him. “I’ve been going to Ireland for about forty years and I love the place and the people. I have to admit I was scared though when I was sent to Belfast at the height of ‘The Troubles’ to visit three wholesalers. One was on the Crumlin Road not far from the infamous Gaol. I was staggered to see the premises wreathed in barbed wire! As far as I know I was one of just three salesmen from England who made the trip to Northern Ireland. One other was Eric Wilson. I’m pleased to say he and I became friends and that same connection continues with his son Chris who has taken the Charles Birch Group to great things. About seven years ago Bob underwent an operation to remove a malignant spot from behind his ear. All seemed to have gone well and he continued to work enthusiastically past his ‘official’ retirement age. I remember visiting him two years ago at Davies Odell when he joked “They just don’t seem to be able to get rid of me!” However, some of you might know that in October last year Bob was diagnosed with what he was told is late phase melanoma. It was discovered that the disease had spread through his blood system to his liver. Despite this, Bob has continued to work on a part time basis while undergoing experimental treatment at Oxford Churchill hospital. NOW SUPER DARK GETS BESPOKE COLOUR OPTION Personalised colours now available for high quality pin tops. Northamptonshire based manufacturer and repair trade suppliers Davies Odell have now added the option to choose bespoke colours to their Super Dark Pin Top range for that extra special personalised finish! The high quality PU Super Dark pin tops are available to order in any colour by request and with the ability to manufacture at the Rushden factory, lead times and minimum quantities are being kept to a minimum. host of other new products the Super Dark colour option was an obvious choice to add to the product line up, we have already received orders with some really exciting and vibrant colour variations” Commenting on the new coloured Super Dark finishes Davies Odell sales manager Tim Soloman said “We have had a busy winter and after numerous requests from customers decided that amongst a For more information on the colour Super Dark pin tops or to receive a copy of the new product brochure please contact Davies Odell on 01933 410818 or www.daviesodell.co.uk He has already surpassed the original prognosis. Professor Mark Middleton, leads an international research team at Oxford, Bob’s lead doctor is Australian and main research nurse is from Spain. To celebrate this milestone Bob recently invited over 100 of the people who mean most to him from which 82 – family, friends, neighbours as well as customers and suppliers who he has known and liked for many years – to join him at his favourite hotel , The Ballymascanlon House Hotel near Dundalk for three days of ‘craic’. Young Bob way back when ! In the Seventies the company diversified again into producing leather handbags as well as providing materials for quality shoe manufacturers and repairers. Bob spent ten years with handbags in hand (!) going around stores mainly in the West End in London. “That was until Margaret Thatcher, ironically famous for her handbags, increased purchase tax from 8% to VAT on them at 15% and the buyers at Selfridges, Debenhams, etc., decided to switch allegiance to Italian manufacturers.” The Vibram Connection Bob is on friendly terms with some Italians though. He has had an excellent long relationship with Vibram who supply Davies Odell with their famous soles. He has travelled the world with Davies Odell (the company merged with Davies & Co in the mid Nineties) and he has made dozens of business contacts – and friends – in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, China, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong, Hungary, Cyprus, South Africa, Russia, the USA and many more. Recent visits to the USA have not been so good “I was just sorry I couldn’t ask more to join us. I’ve been going there for more than thirty years and have seen it grow from a place with a dozen rooms to a 90 room hotel and spa with its own 18 hole golf course, pool and tennis courts. It was the perfect venue for a get together. I hope everyone enjoyed the event as much as I did. There were guests from ten nationalities and many had never met before but everyone got on well. I think it was best summed up with the sight of my Russian fiancée’s son being taught how to play golf, a Scottish game, by an Italian speaking English on an Irish golf course!” An absolute delight “I was glad to be able to thank the owners for their hospitality over the years, but more importantly I was able to thank many of the friends I’ve made during my time at Davies Odell... and it gave them the opportunity to tell me what they really think about me! Am I really so bad at time keeping and directions? OK maybe those forty unfortunates who followed me up the Cooley Mountains might just have been right..!” “Despite what some people said about me...” said Bob with a wry grin as we finished our conversation, ”although I’ve worked for one company there have been many aspects to my job and I’ve worked with various trades - from poultry farming to fashion leather handbags, to sport body armour - there is nothing to compare with working with the Shoe Repair Industry. It might be quirky, but it certainly has been an absolute delight.” I am sure we all wish Bob all the very best and all the luck in the world as he continues his treatment and I for one hope we will still be encouraged and entertained by one of the nicest characters in the business for a long time to come. Cheers Bob ! 33 Shoe Dynasty After two decades career in the shoe industry, when Caroline Collins founded Shoestring in 1989 she had always known that she was the 3rd generation in the family to work in the shoe industry. But after some digging around and with the assistance of her father, she discovered that her grandfather had played a more important role in the lives of so many people. Here she shares a little of the family history and the connections that it has made with the industry over the decades. John Marriott, Caroline Collins' father, holding the engraved silver tray that George was presented with upon his retirement 34 Caroline’s Grandfather, George Marriott was born in September 1906 and although he started a family tradition of working in the shoe industry, that was not necessarily how it might have worked out. His father was a professional footballer and cyclist. But when George was approached to play professionally by several football clubs, he turned them down flat. It might seem a strange decision Some families have deeper connections to the shoe industry than others. nowadays but there wasn’t quite so much money in the game in those days - in 1920 the maximum wage for football players stood at £4.50 a week. After leaving school at 14 he worked for several firms building up experience within the financial sector. In fact at that early age George had become the main wage earner because his father was suffering from ill health and had to abruptly halt his career at a relatively early age. For the next 9 years he worked with different firms in various financial roles. But it was not until 1929 that he started working within the shoe industry – although he started off through the back door. Eaton and Co a Northampton based shoe firm was deemed to be only ‘marginally profitable’ and so its bank, The National & Provincial, appointed George to act on their behalf and issue regular financial statements. As fate would have it he spent the rest of his career there. But the growth caused by prosperity and peace did not last for long. After the outbreak of war in 1939, production was switched from domestic shoes to mainly military production. The factory helped out in the war effort by working for the RAF. Its speciality was footwear for aircrew where they supplied fur lined boots for mainly pilots. One innovation that the firm designed was that the boots contained a knife blade in the heel so that if the plane was shot down, it could be used to cut / convert the boot into a walking shoe. The decade after the war proved to be a golden era for the firm. Through mixture of innovation and acquisition by 1955 it employed over 1,000 staff across 7 factories. Caroline and her Grandad By 1933 he was appointed General Manager of Eatons and the next 5 years proved a very successful time because by 1938 the firm had doubled in size. It was a time of rapid expansion in UK manufacturing with good times returning after the great depression and mechanisation improving production methods and profits. As a representative on behalf of the footwear industry he took up several positions. In 1945 he was elected to the labour & industrial committee, becoming its chair in 1950. It was a position he held for the next 25 years until he retired. Upon retiring he was presented with a silver tray that was signed by all the MDs and owners from the major shoe manufacturer and suppliers in the country at the time (see photo on page 34). The tray reads like a who’s who of the British shoe industry from the 1950s Like Eatons it has many names on there that were familiar at the time but have long since disappeared. After his retirement from the shoe industry, George took an active part in local government and was elected as an independent to Northamptonshire County Council. His work in organising their finances and long service earned him a CBE. When George Marriott passed away in March 1987 warm tributes were paid to him by many senior industry figures within the shoe industry. And despite his success within the shoe industry and his various industry honour, one of his proudest achievements was setting a new record at Rushden Golf Club when he was 79 years of age. Caroline Collins is MD of Shoestring, based in Market Harborough. Leicestershire. The company, specialises in manufacturing a wide range of shoelaces and are the exclusive UK and Eire distributors for the brands Woly and Silver Shoe Care products. TIMPSON AND TESCO MAKE HISTORY A landmark event took place at Baguley, Wythenshawe, on Monday 20th January, when Timpson open their latest branch in conjunction with Tesco. This was Timpson’s 1,000th shop, located in the car park near to the Tesco store’s main entrance, which, in a remarkable coincidence is on the precise spot occupied by the Timpson Shoe Warehouse from 1963 until 1987 before the shoe shops were sold, the warehouse demolished and then replaced by the Tesco store. Timpson Chairman, John Timpson comments, “I worked there for 24 years, it feels like coming home”. The services have proved popular with Tesco customers and the two companies plan to strengthen the partnership this year. Commenting on the tie up with Tesco John Timpson said, “Our partnership with Tesco works well for us, works well for Tesco and most of all is popular with their customers.” Timpson started as a shoe shop business in the 1865 when John’s Great Grandfather opened his first shop in Oldham Street, Manchester, almost 150 years later it is still a family business. Tesco and Timpson have worked together for some time, with Timpson’s Shoe Repairs, Dry Cleaning, Key Cutting, Watch Repairs and Engraving already present in 125 Tesco supermarkets. 35 EURO TROPHEX SHOW 2014 THE PTA, Amsterdam 25th - 27th October Awards. engraving and much more On October 25th Euro Trophex will open its doors. This prestigious exhibition takes place every other year and is Europe’s largest trophy, awards and personalisation event. Euro Trophex runs over three days and with everything under one roof it’s the perfect opportunity to see new technology months ahead of hitting the market, find the newest trends for the coming season and compare the latest machines and innovations in the industry. Euro Trophex attracts international decision makers and buyers making this event the ideal place to source the latest products and services and get the inspiration you need to make your business stand out from the crowd. 36 EURO TROPHEX 2014 MORE EXHIBITORS AND NEW AREAS ADDED TO EURO TROPHEX 2014! Euro Trophex takes place from 25th to 27th October 2014. The show returns to the PTA in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The PTA is set in an ideal location within walking distance of the city centre. It can be easily reached by car, train or tram and is just a 20 minute car journey from Schiphol airport. A new area at the show this year will be the Industry Awareness Zone. This area was first introduced at Trophex back in January of this year. Here a number of seminars took place over the course of this exhibition and proved very popular with visitors. A similar programme will be put in place at Euro Trophex 2014 with CorelDRAW, TheMagicTouch and SignSeen already signed up to take part in this with more companies to be confirmed! A new exhibitor to the show for 2014 is Yiwu Phoenix Trophy Co., Limited. Based in Yiwu in China, the company is a professional manufacturer and exporter of trophies, medals, arts and crafts. Known for its small commodities, the company can provide customers with high quality products at very competitive prices. Committed to meeting customers’ needs, they have an extensive range of products featuring excellent craftsmanship, reasonable prices and prompt delivery. Yiwu Phoenix Trophy Co. strictly observes international trade rules and regulations, and believes in honest and ethical business practices. Besides this, they also believe in high-efficiency business management principles and are always seeking like-minded companies to cooperate with. Returning to the show is Acris Sportpokal GmbH. The company last exhibited in 2010 and are specialists in producing and refining glass trophies. They offer high quality custom products and a comprehensive assortment of trophies and awards in glass including golf trophies, clocks, medals and awards and prestige gifts. Versatility in Print are newcomers to Euro Trophex, although they have in the past exhibited at Trophex, our UK show. They have 20 years of experience, specialising in digital printing, graphic design and hot foil printing. A family run company, they target both small and medium size companies. Their ethos is to give good value for money and advice to their customers to fulfil their requirements without having to spend a fortune, and to ensure that they get the right style of printed media to suit their particular business needs. So don’t miss out on this great opportunity - register and book your space today! Pre-register online at: www.eurotrophex.com and visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ EuroTrophex or Twitter @Eurotrophex. For further information about either visiting or exhibiting at Trophex 2014, please contact the organisers: Visitors Contact: Alison Cyster-White, Tel: +44 (0) 1442 826826 E-mail: alisoncwhite@aol.com Exhibitors Contact: Colin Gallimore, Tel: +44 (0) 1442 826826 E-mail: colingallimore@aol.com www.eurotrophex.com 37 Classified Web Directory ADHESIVES KEYS & KEY CUTTING REQUIRE TOP CLASS STAFF www.quickfixadhesives.com Full details of Quickfix’s range of adhesives for the Shoe Repair trade including a number of video demonstrations. SHOE CARE To work full or part-time in their prestigious London shops www.davenport-burgess.com www.keyprint.co.uk Davenport - Burgess are the UK’s leading specialist suppliers key blanks (over 18million in stock !), keys, key cutting equipment and locksmith’s tools plus a wide range of locking devices. We specialise in every aspect of our trade and not only offer the best, most reliable products with excellent support, but also have a next day delivery service available. Keyprint is a leading trade only supplier to the UK’s lock and key cutting industry with over 25 years experience. Over 9000 products in stock including leading global brands such as Silca, Assa, Schlage and Briton, as well as exclusive brands of quality security products 2000+ Premier, Esla, WKS, Wendt and Peterson Tools. Must have good experience in any of the following skills: • Engraving • Quality Shoe Repair • Patching • Key Cutting • Zip Replacement • Locksmithing • Watch & Jewellery Repairs • Dry Cleaning TO SELL OR NOT TO SELL THAT IS THE QUESTION! SHOECARE WILL BE PLEASED TO SPEAK TO ANYONE WHO IS SELLING THEIR QUALITY SHOE REPAIR BUSINESS CALL RICHARD TAYLOR 07786 980397 Good rates of pay plus bonus for the right applicants Send your CV to info@jamesshoecare.co.uk or call 020 7476 2722 to arrange an interview. ENGRAVING MACHINES WANTED www.dunkelman.com The DASCO website – full details of the comprehensive range of shoe care products for cleaning, protecting and maintaining the appearance of footwear and accessories, plus a wide selection of insoles, laces, shoe trees and bootshapers www.shoestringuk.co.uk Full e-commerce online purchase of a massive range of laces and a full range of shoe care. Information on displays and point of sale material too. WHOLESALERS www.nwkeys.co.uk www.skskeys.co.uk Full range of keys, security products and machinery. Order online with a unique add to your order each day system. If it’s keys online you want this site has them all. Dedicated lock and key supplies site with e-commerce on machines, accessories, padlocks and specialised security and locksmith products. If you know your Keys and are looking for a career change, we have a vacancy for a sales rep in the following area :Southern England Package includes a good basic salary, commission, car, phone & all expenses Please contact Richard Hawkins for further information 01442 291400 or richard@sks.co.uk Manual & computerised machines complete or incomplete by Gravograph, Suregrave, Mastergrave, Signature, U-Marq, Newing Hall, Dahlgren, etc. Please contact: RONA MACHINES tel: 01992 899 255 email: sales@ronamachines.co.uk REPAIR MACHINERY www.standardgroup.co.uk www.algeos.com Algeos (A. Algeo Ltd) is the UK’s leading supplier to the orthopaedic, shoe making, and footcare industries. Our product portfolio totals over 7000 product lines and includes several key European agencies for high-technology footwear materials and components. Europe’s premier manufacturer of new shoe repair machinery. We build bespoke new and fully reconditioned equipment in the UK for sale here and abroad. We offer nationwide service cover, backed-up with the country’s largest parts and consumables stores. Our website features complete machinery brochures, offers, tips and advice and is regularly maintained and updated. www.charlesbirch.com Full details of the product range covering shoe care, machinery, keys, engraving, watch straps and batteries plus monthly special offers and a full range of Zippo products to order on-line. INDUSTRY ORGANISATIONS www.leatherandgrindery.com For all your Shoe Repair, Shoe care & Key cutting needs plus fantastic monthly offers the Leather & Grindery have it all. Our new easy to use website is just a few clicks away from saving you a bundle & discovering all the latest products available. 38 www.tcolledgeandson.com With over 20,000 lines in stock and an easy to use search facility, everything for the modern shoe repairer is a click-away. As well as offering a comprehensive range of shoe repair materials, a full range of shoe care products, key blanks, key machines, leather goods, watch straps and batteries, engravable products and gifts are available. www.msauk.biz www.shoerepairer.info SoMSR and MSA site with full information for members, code of practice downloads and membership search engine. Online community forum site for all members of the trade. Not linked with any trade body, manufacturer or supplier. Run by Lee Ffrench on a voluntary basis to provide for an exchange of ideas and thoughts. Footwear Independents Territory Manager South of England. Ideally Based M4 Corridor Cherry Blossom was established in 1906, is the only British Shoe Polish manufacturer and enjoys 68% consumer recall in the UK. The award winning Cherry Blossom Premium Shoe Care range was launched in early 2011 and is currently enjoying meteoric growth within its target market, the Footwear Specialist trades. As part of an aggressive growth plan we are now seeking an ambitious, driven and energetic individual that will form part of a dynamic team focused on increasing our market share within the Footwear Independents sector. The ideal candidate may already be servicing this market channel and looking for the right opportunity to develop their career within field sales territory management. For the right candidate we can offer an exciting career path within a fast growing and dynamic business. The role comes with a Competitive Salary, Company Car, Mobile, Laptop and usual benefits. If you have passion and are hungry for success then please forward your CV and covering letter to; info@cherryblossom.co.uk. HR Department, Granger’s International, Grange Close, Clover Nook Industrial Park, Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 4QT. BUSINESS FOR SALE BUSINESS FOR SALE Business for sale due to Retirement Shoe Repair, Key Cutting Engraving & Watch Repairs. Established for 20 years in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Well maintained flat above the shop. Confidential sale. Initial details to Genuine parties only Email: work@comfootandkeys.co.uk Established & profitable leasehold business for sale. Market town location. Shoe Repairs, key cutting, trophies, leather goods. Average weekly turnover £1,600 with potential to do more. Offers around £65,000 Details to genuine parties Email: P4MYH@yahoo.com Tel: 07581 140217 39 (r.r.p.) www.charlesbirch.com