June 2014 - Kaysville City


June 2014 - Kaysville City
Uroh's Homerown
23 Eau Center Street
~ Kaysville, Utdh
84037 - Phone 801.546.1235 - www.kaysvillecity.com
City Council Message
from Jared R. Taylor
June 2014
l s there anything I can do to be water wise as a resident,
property, o r b usiness owner in Kaysville?
Yes. Here are a few ideas:
It's finally my favorite time of year. The warm
air is upon us, yards and gardens are blooming
and the beautiful residences and businesses are
on display. As a C.Ouncil Member, I get a
front row seat to see all of the wonderful
things happening and work with so many great
people to make Kaysville Utah's Hometown!
One of my favorite assignments is working
with a group of volunteers on the Yard and
Garden Gvic C.Ommittee. They are responsible for helping beautify the Gty, recognizing outstanding yards, creating our community garden, and helping identify ways to be more efficient in water use.
DO NOT water during the hottest part of the day. Water
after 6 p.m. and before 10 a.m. The School District has an
exception to this. They water during the day to avoid negatively impacting the water pressure for all other users on the secondary systems.
Water outdoors only when needed. For example, watch the
weather and tum off your water when rain is expected, when it
is raining, or when it has just rained.
Use drip irrigation in your garden (visit the Kaysville community garden east of Gty Hall to learn more about drip irrigation
and gardening with }'Our neighbors).
With the summer months upon us, V."e all have our secondary
water systems running and using great amounts of water. Did you
know that Kaysville is served by three different entities that pn:r
vide secondary water for our use? We all have many questions
about being more water wise. A sub-committee of the YGO:,
chaired by Kaysville resident Blake Walker, has worked to identify
a FAQ which is presented below:
Get a free water check. The WBWCD will come to }'Our residence, business, or property and measure the amount of water
}'Our sprinkler system distributes, identify your soil type to
determine actual water needs, and advise }'OU on how to use
this infonnation to set }'Our water time schedule.
Add a smart timer to }'Our water system. Smart timers use a
soil probe on your property to deteremine when }'Our system
needs to run. The WBWCD is offering a 50% rebate to all
Kaysville residences, property, and business owners for approved timer purchases this ~·
Add an Evapotranspiration (El) C.Ontroller to your existing
S)'Stem. These systems use local weather station data to automatically determine when to run }'Our system.
Sh ould we be wise with our secondary water u sage?
Yes. Water is a scarce resource and with the population in our
area expected to double by 2050, demand will be increasing. Reducing our water usage now will help reduce future project costs
required to capture and deliver water from other areas.
M c we using more secondary water than we need n ow?
Yes. Based on an extensive study by the Weber Basin Water C.Onservancy District {WBWCD), the average unmetered yard uses
220% of the water actually needed. Actual need is calculated using
evapotranspiration data. Did }'OU know that Kaysville already uses
this data to manage watering schedules for public buildings and
Gty parks? It is one way Kaysville ensures that those areas are
watered only when needed and for only the needed amount of
rime. We also have the ability to manually override the system and
use even less water when water shonages arise.
Members of the Yard and Garden Gvic C.Omminee will continue
to work with the Gty to identify water wise opportunities. Please
contact YGCC chair Ron Zollinger at rz.ollinger@kaysvillecity.com
with }'Our ideas or suggestions. Oieck out the YGCC website
(kaysvilleyards.com) and learn more about the great things this
committee is doing.
Mayor Steve A. Hiatt • Council Members Mark Johnson, Ron Stephens, Jared R. Taylor, Brett Garlick, Susan lee
Nancy Duke Retires
Arts & Music Festival
Kaysville Gty Utility Billing Oerk, Nancy Duke,
retires on June 13 after 27 years of service. Nancy alv.iays has a friendly smile and positive attitude to share with everyone who comes into Gty
Hall. Nancy's duties included all functions relating to billing services. She entered meter readings into the computer, checked for accuracy,
and prepared utility bills that were mailed to customers each month. She also processed moveins and move-outs and garbage can work orders.
Her dedication and loyalty to the Gty is admirable. Nancy has
seven children and 20 grandchildren. Her husband, Warren, affectionately calls her Nancy My Fancy. She enjoys doing things with
her family and spending time outdoors on her ATV. We thank
Nancy for her many years of dedicated service and wish her good
health and happiness in her retirement years. She has been a delightful person to work with. An open house will be held on Friday, June 13, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Gty Hall The public is invited to attend and wish her well.
Heritage Park
250 North Fairfield Road
Saturday, June 14
11:00 a.m . to 10:00 p.m.
Join us for Kaysville's 5th annual Arts & Music Festival celebrating and showcasing a diverse blend of music, an, cuisine, culture
and community. Quilt exhibit and Bowman's an contest will be
on display. Performances by local artists, High School Battle of
the Band winners, Grassroots Shakespeare, Firefly, and headliner
Nathan Osmond at 7:30 p.m. The movie "Frozen" will show at
Medicare Information
Are you turning 65 or preparing to retire and found yourself asking these questions: How, When and Where do I sign up for
Medicare? A free seminar will be held to discuss these topics and
answer your quesrions on June 11 at the Centerville Library (45
South 400 West) or June 17 at the Layton Library (155 Wasatch
Drive). Classes are sponsored by Davis C.ounty Senior Services.
Classes will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m For more information,
contact Marie at 801-525-5087.
3rd Annual Yard and Garden Tour
Kaysville's Yard and Garden Tour will be held on June 20 from
4:00 to 8:00 p.m and June 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Information on the homes that will be on the tour will be available at
Gty Hall after June 15.
Free Fill Dirt
Excess dirt from the cemetery is available occasionally. The consistency of the dirt is clay. Loads are delivered during normal
business hours Monday through Friday. Residents must take the
entire delivered load (approximately three cubic yards) and indicate the exact location where it should be dumped. The load will
not be dumped in the street or on a public sidewalk. If you would
like a load delivered, call Dave at 801-807-9805 during business
hours. The Gty is not responsible for any inadvertent damage to a
resident's property. No loads will be delivered outside the Gty
July 24th Breakfast
Please join us for this annual event to raise funds for the Park and
Recreation scholarship program The scholarship program is the
only v.iay for some children to participate in city sporting events.
The menu includes ham, eggs, pancakes, fruit, juice and milk
Held in Bowman's (or Lee's) parking lot (326 North Main) 6:3010:30 am.
$3 children (12 and under)
$5 adults
$20 Family (up to 6)
Nathan O sm ond
Festival highlig hts:
6:00 am Latin Jam
11:00 a.m. Ma~r's Welcome
11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Food, an and artisan booths open
4:00-4:40 p.m. Utah High School Battle of the Bands
5:00 p.m. Grassroots Shakespeare "As You Like It"
6:45 p.m. Firefly
7:30 p.m. Nathan Osmond
8:30 p.m. Movie in the Park (Frozen)
Water Restrictions
With rivers and lakes still recovering from the drought, Davis and
Weber C.ounties Canal C.ompany (Dwo::x:.i is encouraging property owners to voluntarily follow the same watering schedule as
last season until further notice. The schedule will be based on the
last digit in your house number.
House number tnd.r in 0, 1, 2, 3 water on A1ondt!J and Thum/'!)·
House number tnd.r in -I, 5, 6 waler on T ue.rday and Friday
House number ends in 7, 8, 9 waler on lf7ednesday and Saturday
If voluntary conservarion pracrices are found not to be effective
enough to reduce v.iater demands, DWCX::C may be forced to resort to enforcement with restrictions. Overv.iatering or wasting
can be reported to the office of DWCX::C (801-774-6373). Permits
for exceptions can be requested at the DWCX::C office.
No watering between the hours of 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p m
~------ - ----------------- - ------------- - ----- - ----------~
Yard and Garden Nomination Form
Kaysville's Yard and Garden C.Omminee would like to recognize citizens for their effon in beautifying the community by developing their yard, garden and grounds with enhanced tree and plant selection, care and management, creative landscaping
design, becoming 'Water wise and climate sensitive in design and plant selection, and promoting self-reliance with yards and
patios supponing fruit and vegetable production.
If )'QU know someone -who deserves recognition for putting hard 'WOrk into maintaining and keeping beautiful ycirds in
Kaysville, please nominate them for the Yard or Business of the Month a'W'Md. Wmners will receive a cenificate, a sign placed
in their yard, and photographs may be taken of their yard or garden to be placed on the City ~bsite. Submit nomination form
co the City Office, anencion C.Ouncil Member Jared Taylor.
Brief description of v.ihyth.is yard or business should be considered: - - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -
-------------------------- - ----------------------------~
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