Spring 2015 Newsletter
Spring 2015 Newsletter
Message from the CEO page 3 A Successful Tablescapes Fundraiser page 4 Keeping Lost Island Beautiful page 6 providing limitless opportunities horizons-unlimited.net unlimited POSSIBILITIES holding their own: our members working in the community "We hired Travis last summer and Leonard last fall," says Don Joyce, manager of the Emmetsburg Dyno's station. "Kathy Jackson [job placement specialist] from Horizons wrote me a letter about supportive employment, and then we followed up with meetings. Dyno's decided that it was the right thing to do for the community, and a great Below: Travis Spoo has developed a decision for our company. All it talent for organizing merchandise displays. took was a little openmindedness." Before working at Dyno's, Leonard Swalve and Travis Spoo worked at the Horizons recycling center. They enjoyed it, but when the opportunity arose to work in downtown Emmetsburg, they decided to take a chance. "I always wanted to work at a gas station," says Leonard. "I like seeing new faces every day and getting to meet people." Leonard works alongside CONTINUES PAGE 2 the newsletter of horizons unlimited spring-summer 2015 mark your calendar UnWined wine tasting fundraiser Jack Kibbie Room The Shores at Five Island 3—6 pm, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015 Super Sunday Pancake Breakfast Emmetsburg VFW 8 am—12:30 pm, Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016 Tablescapes theme table gala Wild Rose Ballroom Wild Rose Casino, Emmetsburg 5—8 pm, Thursday, Apr. 28, 2016 connect with us horizons-unlimited.net Above: Leonard Swalve and fellow Dyno’s employee, Patty, work together to stock shelves at the Emmetsburg location. coworkers and independently, and can always be seen with a smile on his face. "My favorite day is Wednesday—'truck day'. I like taking in the new inventory off the truck." "The best thing about working at Dyno's is earning my own paycheck," says Travis. "A couple weeks ago, I used my money to buy a 2009 Chevy Trailblazer that I drive to work." Travis works at both the Emmetsburg and Pocahontas locations. "It feels good to earn a living, Leonard Swalve enjoys making sure and I like the people I work with." the premises are clean and tidy. In early March of this year, Horizons job placement specialist Kathy Jackson led the Northwest Iowa Job Developers Coalition in obtaining a $1500 grant from IowaWORKS to Dyno’s Oil Company. “The grant subsidizes efforts to train Dyno’s management, supervisors, and staff who “My advice to other employers train and work alongside adults with disabilities,” in the area is to says Jackson. “In recent months, Dyno’s created just be opencustomized jobs in 3 out of their 11 locations in minded.” northwest Iowa, and has plans to create new jobs Don Joyce, in all of their locations in the coming year.” Manager of “This plan will make a huge difference for the Emmetsburg people that are getting employment in the commuDyno’s station nity,” says Amber Nelson, Disability Resource Coordinator for IowaWORKS. “I think it says something wonderful about Dyno’s Oil Company as a whole, that they would embrace this initiative so fully.” Says Don Joyce: "Leonard and Travis's customized employment here has been a big success. It was pretty easy to train them. They work hard, show up on time every day, and are a great help to the rest of the staff. Changing people's ideas about this is a gradual process. My advice to other employers in the area is to just be open-minded." PAGE 2 DEAR FRIEND Medicaid covers 546,000 people in Iowa, which is 18 percent of the population. In Iowa, Medicaid expenditures by the state and federal government top $4.2 billion annually, which includes $1.5 billion of state money. Horizons Unlimited receives over $170,000 a month in Medicaid reimbursement providing services to persons with disabilities. Managed care is already in place in many states, and is expected to expand to even more states. This is in order to help cut Medicaid costs. Managed care is described as a set of techniques to be used for reducing unnecessary health costs while improving the quality of care. Governor Terry Branstad has introduced plans to hire private managed care companies to help run Iowa’s Medicaid program. Managed care is expected to be implemented January 1, 2016. Private companies are involved in managed care arrangements to help oversee health care programs and share the savings they obtain by making care more efficient. Governor Branstad believes if the government is able to spend less on Medicaid, the quality of care should improve greatly by lowering medical costs and hospital visits. Branstad is projecting it would save $51.3 million during the first six months after implementation. Legislators are being careful to make sure this shift won’t lead to cuts in services or payment rates to medical providers. HOW DOES THIS IMPACT HORIZONS? Managed care is likely to present both challenges and opportunities for service providers. There will be an emphasis upon the development of natural supports, with the dual goal of integrating into the community and quality of life while managing costs. Managed care companies will look beyond just mental health, but also focus on physical health. Preventable health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, are among the conditions that will be managed. A focus will be on integrating into the community and providing services in smaller groups. Horizons Unlimited’s Board of Directors and the Horizons management team are currently working on strategic planning that will help ease Horizons into this new world of managed care. Ron Askland CEO, Horizons Unlimited PAGE 3 Above: The “Anyone for a Game of Scrabble?” themed table tied for first place, along with the “Life is Better at the Beach!” table. The Scrabble table was decorated by Laurie Schneider and sponsored by West Bend Red Power. The beach-themed table was decorated by Lecia Berven and Tammy Christensen and sponsored by Kingston Life & Health. O n Thursday, April 23rd, two hundred people gathered at the Wild Rose Ballroom in Emmetsburg for Horizons Unlimited’s fifth annual Tablescapes themed table gala fundraiser. Thirty tables were sponsored by area businesses and organizations, and decorated in a variety of creative themes. Attendees enjoyed a chicken cordon bleu and cheese cake dinner, along with the musical entertainment of pianist Glenn Henriksen. The event raised over $13,700 for Horizons Unlimited members, which was even more than the event raised last year. To see a slideshow of this year’s Tablescapes event, visit our website at Horizons-Unlimited.net, and go to “Past Events” under the “News & Events” menu. THANK YOU TO OUR TABLESCAPES 2015 SPONSORS: WILD ROSE CASINO & RESORT BUILDING CENTER—EMMETSBURG EMMETSBURG DAN COOPER BUILDERS WILDROSERESORTS.COM EMMETSBURG KINGSTON LIFE & HEALTH EMMETSBURG CHIROPRACTIC WEST DES MOINES EMMETSBURG MUNICIPAL UTIL. KINGSTONLIFEANDHEALTH.COM EMMETSBURG.COM DAVIS BROWN LAW FIRM E’BURG REPORTER/DEMOCRAT EMMETSBURG EMMETSBURGNEWS.COM DAVISBROWNLAW.COM FAREWAY—EMMETSBURG A&W—EMMETSBURG FAREWAY.COM AWRESTAURANTS.COM FARMERS NATIONAL CO. ALUMA TRAILERS—EMMETSBURG EMMETSBURG ALUMAKLM.COM EMMETSBURGFORSALE.COM ASI CONTRACTING—EMMETSBURG FARMERS STA. BANK—WEST BEND FSBIOWA.COM PAGE 4 HOMETOWN CONVENIENCE EMMETSBURG HOMETOWN ELECTRIC EMMETSBURG HUGHES, BRENNAN & WIRTZ EMMETSBURG HUGHESBRENNANWIRTZ.COM HUGHES PHARMACY EMMETSBURG HEALTHMART.COM IOWA LAKES COMM. COLLEGE EMMETSBURG/ESTHERVILLE IOWALAKES.EDU IOWA TRUST & SAVINGS BANK EMMETSBURG IOWATRUSTBANK.COM JOHNSON REALTY—EMMETSBURG EMMETSBURGHOMES.COM KAMPEN FOODS & CATERING WEST BEND KAMPENFOODS.COM KIESLING ASSOCIATES EMMETSBURG KIESLING.COM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMMETSBURG/WEST BEND HOLYFAMILYEMMETSBURG.ORG K&W ELECTRIC—EMMETSBURG K-WELECTRIC.COM LOUSCHER FAMILY DENTISTRY ALGONA/E’BURG LOUSCHERDENTAL.COM MANSMITH PHARMACY/NWIC EMMETSBURG MANSMITHRX.COM MANWARREN EXCAVATING EMMETSBURG MIDWESTERN MECHANICAL EMMETSBURG MIDWESTERNMECHANICAL.COM MOLYNEAUX RISK SOLUTIONS DAVENPORT MOLYNEAUX.COM NORTHLAND AUTO & MARINE EMMETSBURG NORTHLAND-AUTO-MARINE.COM PALO ALTO COUNTY HEALTH SYS. EMMETSBURG PACHS.COM POET BIOREFINING—EMMETSBURG POET.COM QS LAWN & PEST CONTROL EMMETSBURG QSLAWNANDPEST.COM RE/MAX (BARBARA WORKMAN) EMMETSBURG REMAX.COM ROTARY CLUB—EMMETSBURG DISTRICT5970.ORG RUTHVEN METHODIST CHURCH FACEBOOK.COM/RUTHVENUMC SLASH POINT SALES EMMETSBURG SLASHPOINTSALES.COM THRIVENT FINANCIAL EMMETSBURG THRIVENT.COM WEST BEND RED POWER REDPOWERTEAM.COM Thank you also to the donors, volunteers, attendees, judges, and Wild Rose staff who helped make our event a success! UN WINED horizons board room join our fall wine tasting fundraiser revamped Come enjoy a variety of wonderful wines from area wineries at Horizons Unlimited’s UnWined wine tasting fundraiser. This year’s event will be held in the Jack Kibbie Room at the scenic Shores At Five Island community center in Emmetsburg, from 3—6 pm on Sunday, September 13th. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased at the Second Hand Thrift Store (corner of Broadway & Main, Emmetsburg), or by calling Horizons development coordinator Josiah Schmidt at (712) 852-2211 ext. 106. On April 16th, Horizons completed significant updates to its board room, thanks to a $4,159 grant from the Palo Alto County Gaming Development Corporation. Updates include a new 55” Samsung smart TV and a Lenovo desktop computer system. Says Horizons CEO Ron Askland: “Due to the generosity of the PACGDC, our board room has the capability to use current technology to make our meetings more efficient and to provide quality trainings to our employees and members.” horizons unlimited is hiring now Job Coaches Hours: 40/wk. (full time) Starting pay: $9.50/hour with excellent benefits Description: Helping Horizons members train, maintain, and retain employment. Residential Direct Support Professionals Hours: 20—40/wk. (evenings/overnights/weekends) Starting pay: $10.00/hour with excellent benefits Description: Developing and maintaining the wellbeing of adults with disabilities. Apply: Call (712) 852-2211, visit www.horizons-unlimited.net/currentopenings.php or stop in at 3826 460th Ave., Emmetsburg, Iowa. horizons employee milestones Thank you to our valuable and hard-working employees for your many years of service! 10 Years of Service Lonnie Hansen 5 Years of Service Irene Conlon Corrie Schacherer deb anderson (1954-2015) We are remembering our dear friend and member of the Horizons Unlimited family, Debra Anderson, who passed away on Friday, April 24th, 2015. Deb was born in Iowa City on October 11th, 1954, the daughter of Leonard Dickson and Kathy Goss. She enjoyed going on trips, doing arts and crafts, and watching Disney movies. She loved sports and always rooted for the Hawkeyes, Vikings, and 49ers. Left to remember her fondly are her mother, her four children, her grandchildren, and many friends. Horizons extends its condolences. PAGE 5 E ver notice how there are no weeds on the beach at the Lost Island Nature Center in Ruthven? Or how the walking trails are so free of branches and litter? Or even how the restrooms at the Nature Center are so clean? A lot of this is thanks to the hard work of Horizons members like Lauren Ketelsen (pictured above). Each Wednesday, a couple Horizons members and area high school students meet early in the morning at the Nature Center. This week, Jade Colling from Emmetsburg High School joins. "They begin by walking the three trails, sometimes up to five miles, removing tree branches from the path, picking up litter, and notifying park rangers of any fallen trees or hazards," explains Horizons job coach Carnie Fitzgerald. "It's a beautiful place to work, and you will usually see animals like deer while you're out on the trail." Next, the workers clear fallen tree branches and sticks from the common area between the Nature Center and the lakefront. They then move on to the beach, which they keep clean and scenic by pulling weeds and disposing of trash. Vacationers especially appreciate our members' hard work. After breaking for lunch, the workers tidy up inside the Nature Center facilities and clean the bathrooms. On some days, the members might clean the turtle tanks or tend to the bird feeders. "It's fun!" says Jade with a cheerful smile. Lauren considers this good practice for her next job that she is eager to start. "I'm going to be working in hospitality at the casino hotel in Emmetsburg. That's what I really want to do." "Every 5 weeks, we rotate a new team of members out here to work at the Nature Center, so that everybody who wants to get work experience here has a chance to participate," says Carnie. CONTINUES PAGE 7 PAGE 6 “The work study program gives the members a sense of pride and identifies their strengths for employment opportunities in the community,” says Nature Center manager Mary Barrick. “They are able to socialize and partake in different job duties, such as cleaning inside the center and picking up sticks and garbage in the park. They take great interest in what we do Lauren and Jade keep the here at the Nature Center. Lost Island beach clean It is very gratifying to see their accomplishments during the 5 week work period.” Please head out to the Lost Island Nature Center this summer, and when you do, take note of the great condition the park is in, thanks in large part to the diligent service of Horizons Unlimited members. 10 benefits of a horizons-funded work experience Benefits to Benefits to Employer Job Candidate 1. Get to meet new prospective job candidate. 2. No financial cost associated with 20— 25 hours of completed work. 3. No liability; covered by Horizons Employment Services. 4. Ability to assess the prospective job candidate’s skills performing the job tasks. 5. Engage in proactive community integration movement. 1. Better assess whether or not this type of work is a good fit. 2. Assess if they have the skills and interest to continue pursuing this type of work. 3. Integration; working alongside individuals with and without disabilities. 4. Paid experience. 5. Assess, through the experience, the job candidate’s strengths and needs. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 find out more: Horizons member Lauren Ketelsen (left) and Emmetsburg High School student Jade Colling (right) Contact Kathy Jackson Horizons Employment Specialist 712.852.2211 ext. 123 KathyJackson@horizons-unlimited.net P PA AGGE E 7 7 horizons unlimited of palo alto county Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Emmetsburg, IA 50536 PERMIT NO. 4 3826 460th Avenue, PO Box 567 Highway 4 South Emmetsburg, IA 50536 Horizons Unlimited is a 501(c)(3) organization Address Service Requested Make a Difference — Be Their Hero Wish List 3826 460th Ave., PO Box 567 Emmetsburg, IA 50536 (712) 852-2211 www.horizons-unlimited.net Board of Directors Cindy Magee, President Kevin Banwart, Vice President Karen Brown Cindy Chapman Robert Cozine Bill Frevert Jane Hoyman Sue Joynt Sean Solberg Aaron Steffen Jeremy Ward 15th St. & Pleasant St. Homes New A/C units New locking doorknobs 21st St. Home New windows Refrigerator New baseboards Front landscaping Kitchen utensils 2 new computers King St. Apartments New gutters & downspouts New windows Upgraded breaker panels New boiler Monroe St. Duplex New kitchen flooring New carpeting New stove Shelving in garage New front screen door Laptop computer Office equipment Copy machine Horizons Office Building New computer for maintenance staff Van iPads for members If you have something you would like to donate to Horizons, please call us at (712) 852-2211 and let us know what you have, its age, and its condition. You can also donate money via mailed check or our website: www.horizons-unlimited.net