Market Share Reporte1; 25th Edition Yankee Doodle Candle Company Yankee Doodle Candle Company Inc., 1-720 Yanmar, 1-599 Yantal North Andre Juice Co., 1-1983 YaoShengji, II-2394 Yara International, I-56, 1375, 1377 Yaskawa, II-2861 Yazaki, 1-293, 309-310, 977-978 Yellow Van Handyman, 1-1729 Yellowstone Landscape Group, I-2019 Yihe Corp., II-2939 Yili, II-2230 Yingli, II-2627 YKK, II-3539 YogaWorks Inc., Il-2628 Yogen Fruz, 1-1879 Yogurtland Franchising, 1-1879 Yokohama Tire Corp., II-2871, 3315 Yomohama Rubber Co. Ltd., II-3313 Young & Rubicam, 1-23 Young Men's Christian Association, II-2378 Young Pecan Sales Corp., II-2399 Youngor Group Co. Ltd., 1-188, 1347 YouTube, 1-1935, 1950, II-2245 You've Got Maids, II-2133 YP (Yellow Pages), 1-34 YRC, II-3390, 3396 Yulong, 1-766 Yum! Brands, I-27, II-2824 Yurun Group, II-2689 Yutong, 1-689 Zaic Corp., 1-1973 Zaxby's, II-2823 Zebra, 1-366, 514, U-3590 Zep, 1-858 ZF Friedrichshafen, I-293, 328 ZF Lcnksysteme, 1-321-322, 341 ZF Sachs, I-327, 349-350 Zhangjiagang Guotai-Huarong, 1-524 Zheijiang Haijiang, 1-1198 Zhejiang Aquarium Investment, 1-129 Zhejiang Haizhong Zhou Group, I-1198 Zhejiang Material Yuantong Auto Group, I-275 Zhejiang Tea Group Ltd., I-1836 Zhengho, 1-689 Zhcnlong, I-527 Zhongsheng Group Holdings, I-275 Zicgcnfelder Ice Cream Co., I-1511 Ziggo NV, II-2562 Zimmer, I-1142, II-2181, 2484, 2488-2489, 2491 Zions First National Bank, I-474, 506 Zippo Manufacturing, I-2066 Zirkle Fruit, I-1558 Zoetis, I-1957 Zone Pe1fect Nutrition Co., I-1741 Zong, II-3571 Zoomlion, I-985, 1094 Zoosk, I-1129 Zotek, I-743 ZPMC, I-1094 ZPU Gorzynski, II-2634 ZPU Jonca, U-2634 ZTE, I-766-767, II-2357, 2460, 3038 Zukcn, II-2721 Zurich Financial Services, I-1390, 1905, 1912-1913, 1922, U-3237, 3584-3586, 3588-3589 Zurich Insurance Group, 1-1258 Zynga, II-2448 970 BRANDS INDEX This index shows 3,386 brands-including names of periodicals, television programs, popular movies, and other "brandequivalent" names. Each brand name is followed by one or more numerals; these are entry numbers; they are a1Tanged sequentially, with the first mention of the brand shown first. Roman numerals indicate volume number. 123,1-1034, II-2456 17u, II-2456 The 20120 Experience, Justin Timberlake, II-2309 3 in One, 1-2107 36 I Degrees, I- I 99 3M Filtrete, II-3507 3M Nexcare, II-2201 3M Nexcare Tegaderm, II-2201 3M Scotch, I-13, II-3255 5 Hour Energy, I-1301 5th Street, I-178 8th Continent Soymilk, II-2232 9 Lives, II-2614 9 Lives Daily Essentials, II-2607 Al steak sauce, II-2908-2909 AARP The Bulletin, II-2131 AARP The Magazine, Il-2131 Abbott, I-1220 ABC, I-176 AbeBooks, I-1940 Abilify, I-1230 Absolul, I-2091, 2097 Accu-Chek Avivia Plus, I-593 Accu-Chek Compact, I-593 Accu Clear, II-2715 Ace, II-2193, 2198 Aciphcnex, I-1239 Acme, Il-2938 Acnefree, I-130 ACT II, II-3049 ACT II Butter Lovers, II-3049 Act Total Care, II-2466 Acu Life, II-2333 Acu LifeAcu Strap, I-150 Adamas, II-2574 Adidas, I-171, 176, 187, 196, 199, 206, 1480, 1483, 1486, 1489, II-3163 Admiral Nelson, I-2096 Advanced Beauty Systems, I-1479 Advate, I-1217 Advil, I-131 Advil PM, I-I 31 AFC, I-1453 Africas Best, I-1714 Africas Best Organics, I-1714 Afrin, II-2334 Afrin No Drip, II-2334 Against the Grain Gourmet, I-1540 Aglic, I-1036 Aida, II-2457 Aimer, I-209 Air, II-2335 Air Heads, I-965 Air Wick, I-64 Air Wick Aqua Essences, I-64 Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra, I-64 Airborne, II-3480, 3482 Ajax, I-1187 AJM, II-2540 Alacer Emergcn-C, II-3480 Alcon Opti-Free Express, I-1335 Alcon Opti-Free Pure Moist, I-1335 Alcon Opti-Free Replenish, I-I 335 Alcon Systane, I-1335 Alcon Systane Ultra, I-1335 Aldells, II-2919 Aleve, I-131 Alibris, I-I 940 Alimta, I-1217, 1222 Alka Seltzer Plus, I-138 All, I-2029 All Hershey's Products, I-811, 815, 967 All Mars Products, 1-815 'All Mighty Pacs, I-2030 Allary, I-1053 Allegiant (Divergent 3), I-620 Allegra, I-138 Allegro, I-1058 The Allens, I-722 Alli, II-35 I 9 971 Almay Clear Complexion, I- I 065 Almay Intense Color Shimmer, I-1068 Almay Intense Color Smoky, I-1068 Almay Intense I Color, 1-1070 Almay Smart Shade, I-1074, II-2583 Almaz, II-2574 Alouette, I-791 Alpen, II-3043 Alpha Keri, II-3075 Alpine, I-1001-1002 Alpine Lace, I-790 Alteri!, 1-151, 1240 Always, I-1365, II-2893 Always Infinity, II-2893 Amazing Spider-Man Super Smile, Il-3344 Amazon, I-1943 Amazon Kindle, 1-1255 American Beauty, II-2385, 2557 American Crew, I-1713 American Crew Fiber, I-1713 American Crystal, II-3222 American Eagle Outfitters, I-186 American Girl, II-3362 American Greetings, I-1804 American Greetings Designwarc, I-1804 American Horror Story, II-3280 American Idol, II-3281 American Standard, II-2899, 3343 America's Original Double Bubble, I-1694 Amgen, I-1216, 1220 Amoy, II-2913 Amp Energy, I-1300 Amport Foods, I-969 Amscan, I-1804 Amy's, I-1532 Analog, II-2132 Anbesol, II-2471 And l,I-197 • AandD A and D, I-410 Andersen, II-3057 Andre, U-3547 Andrea Modlash, I- I 073 Andrea Redi Lash, 1-1073 Android, Il-3118-3121 Angel Soft, II-3338 Angie's Kettle Corn, II-3059 Angostura, I-2095 Ang1y Orchard, 1-2090 Angstram, I-1802 Animal Crossing: Jump Out, 11-3467 Ann Taylor, I-205 Annabelle Big Hunk, 1-973 Annie, I-675 Annie's Home Grown, I-1455 Anni!, I-176 Annwa, II-2899 Ansell, II-2873 Ansell Vinyl Touch, Il-2873 Answer, Il-2715 Anta, I-199 AOL, I-1943, 1946, 1948 AOL Email, II-3108 Apache Mills, I-1425 Apothecary Products, II-3083 Apple, I-1003, 1010, II-3036, 3246 Apple & Eve Fruitables, I-1977 Apple iOS, II-3107, 3122 Aprilia, II-2280 Aqua Chem, II-2685 Aquafina, I-647 Aquaphor Baby Advance Therapy, 1-410 Ardell Double Up, 1-1073 Ardell Duraflash, I-1073 Ardell Fashion, 1-1073 A1go, I-1247 Arizona, I-636 Arizona Arnold Palmer, I-636 Ark Floors, I-1427 Arm & Hammer, I-2029, II-3440 Arm & Hammer Crystals Burst+ Ox, I-2030 Arm & Hammer Essentials, I-856 Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh, Il-3440 Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean, 1-2029 Arm & Hammer Simply Saline, II-2334 Arm & Hammer Toss 'n Dance, I-2030 Arm & Hamn1er Whitening Booster, II-2474 Armani, I-1727 Armour, I-724, 727-729 Armour Lunch Makers, I-2116 Armour Lunch Makers Cracker Crunchers, I-2116 Armour Star, 11-3002 Armstrong, I-851, 1420, 1426 Arnold Sandwich Thins, 1-688 Arnold Select, I-685, 688 Anow, I-1881, 11-2899 Arrow Eczy Out, 1-1881 Arrowhead, I-649, 651 Artstyle, 1-1804 Ashley Furniture, I-1579 Asics,I-196, 1483 Asilnov's Science Fiction, 11-2132 Ask Network, I-1943, 1948 Asmanex Twisthaler, 1-1234 Aspercrcme, I-143 Assets by Sara Blakely, I-194 Assure, 1-1256 Astroglide, II-2593 AT&T, II-3270 Athenos, II-2143 Atkins, II-3520 Atkins Advantage, I-1740, 11-3518 Atkins Day Break, I-666 Atkinson's Chick-0-Stick, I-973 Atlanta Cheesecake Co., 1-448, 455 Atlanta Journal-Constitution, II-2368 The Atlantic, 1-1944 Atorvastatin calcium, 1-1233 Audi Q7 Diesel, 1-386 Aunt Jemima, I-1516, 1544, II-3245 Aunt Millie's, I-685 Aunt Sue, 1-1820 Aura Dd, I-1257 Aussie Instant Freeze, I-1715 The Austin Chronicle, II-2365 Autoguard, I-384 Avastin, 1-1222, 1230 Avccno, Il-2595 Aveeno Active Naturals, I-136 Aveeno Active Naturals Clear Complexion, I-130 Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moist, II-3028 Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant, Il-3026-3027 Aveeno Baby, 1-409, II-3072 The Avengers, Il-2272 Axe, Il-2590 Axe Detailer, Il-2582 972 Market Share Reporter, 25th Editio Volume II Axe Liquid, ll-3076 Azithrmycin, 1-1221 AZO Ycasl, I-1365 Azteca Buena Vista, II-3346 Azlcca Foods, ll-3346 Baby King, 11-2333 Baby Magic, 1-409, 11-3072 Baby Orajel, II-2471 Bacardi, I-2091, 2095-2096 Bacardi Silver, 1-2089 Bachman Jax, II-3044 Badia, 11-3153 Bagel Bites, I-1513 Bagels Forever, I-433 Bah Trang, I-1465 Baidu, I-1939 Baileys, 1-899, 2087 Baked Cheetos, II-3044 Baken-Ets, II-3051 Bakers, I-808, II-2610 Baker's Joy, II-2226 Balabala, 1-176 Balaji, II-3054 Baleno, I-206 Ball Fruit Fresh, II-2719 Ball Park, I-685, 1534 Ball Real Fruit, II-2719 Balmcx, 1-410 Barna, I-1963 Banana Boat, II-3235 Baley, II-3222 Battlefield 4, II-3466 Bausch & Lomb Ocuvite, II-3482 Bausch & Lomb Preservision, II-3482 Bausch & Lomb Renu Fresh, I-1335 Bayer, I-131 Bayer Contour, 1-593 Bayer Contour Next, 1-593 BBM, I-255 BC, I-131 Be Kool, JI-2193 Bear Creek Country Kitchens, Il-3134 Beats, I-1736 Beaulieu, I-1415 Beautiful Creatures, I-621 Becks, 1-561 Bed Buddy, II-2193 Beechnut Stage 2, I-416 Behold, I-853 BelGioioso, I-788-790 Belkin, ll-3246 Belle, I-1490 Ben & Jerry's, 1-1547, 1876 Ben & Jerry's FroYo, I-1547 Ben Gay, I-143 Benadryl, 1-136, 138, 140 Bendon, 1-1097 Bengal, II-2600 Beringer, II-3548 Bertolli, I-1036, 1523, II-2912 Best Brands, II-3217 Best Case and Access, I-761 Best Foods, II-2907 Best Home Furnishings, I-1579 Belis, I-1036 Better Homes and Gardens, II-2131 Betty Crocker, 1-682, 707 Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot, I-958 Betty Crocker Fruit Gushers, 1-958 Betty Crocker Fruit Roll Ups, 1-958 Betty Crocker Fruil Roll Ups Gushers, 1-958 Betty Crocker Muffin Mixes, I-661 Betty Crocker Ocean Spray, I-958 Betty Crocker Scooby Dao, I-958 Betty Crocker Super Moisl, I-707 Beyaz-28, I-1226 Beyond, Beyoncc, II-2309 BFGoodrich, II-3309, 3311-3312 The Bible, II-3280 BJC, 1-2065, II-2771 Banana Boat Sport Performance, II-3235 Banana Boat Ultra Mist Sport Performance, II-3235 Band Aid, II-2201 Band Aid Comfmt Flex, 11-2201 Band Aid Tough Strips, II-2201 Banquet, 1-450, 1523-1524, 15451546 Baoxiniao, I-192 Bar-S, 1-428, 2118 Barbasol, Il-2595 Barber Foods, 1-1520 Barbie, Il-3362 Barcei Takis Fuego, II-3065 Barefoot, 11-3548 Barefoot Bubbly, II-3547 Barilla, II-2557 Barilla Plus, Il-2557 Barnes & Noble, I-1940 Barsotti, I-1976 Based on a True Stmy, Blake Shelton, II-2309 Basta, I-1490 Briggs Bob's Sweet Stripes, II-2241 BIC Classic, I-2065 Boca, I-1536 BlC Hybrid Advance, II-2770 Body Benefits, ll-2582 BIC Limited Edition, I-2065 Body Fantasies Signature, I-1503 BIC Special Edition, I-2065 Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey BICWite Out, 1-1053 Protein, 11-3518 BIC Wile Oul Extra Coverage, Body Image, 11-2582 I-1053 Body Image Body Benefits, II-2582 BJC Wile Out QuickDry, I-1053 Bolina, II-2899 BIC Wite Out Shake N Squeeze, Holthouse Farms, Il-3042 I-1053 The Big Bang Themy, II-3281 . Holthouse Farms Perfeclly Protein, I-638 Big Duro, II-2540 Bona, I-851 Big Sexy Hair Spray & Play, I-1715 Bond Street, II-3332 Bigs, Il-3063 Bonine, 1-150 Bimbo, I-452 Bonne Maman, I-1963 Binaca Aero blast, I-670 Boogie Wipes, Il-2247 Binaca Fast Blast, 1-670 The Book of Mormon, I-675 Bingo, II-3054, I-1952 Biofreeze, I-143 Boost, II-3518 Biore, II-3026 Boppy, I-407 Biotenc, II-2466 Borax 20 Mule Team, I-2023 Biotene Oral Balance, Il-2472 Borden, I-789, 792, 11-2231, 2236 Biotene Xylitol, II-2472 Borovichi, 1-1802 Birds Eye, I-1518, 1521, 1537, 1539 Bose, I-1004-1007, 1736, 1738 Birds Eye C&W, 1-1521 Bosideng, I-187, 206 Birds Eye Steamfresh, I-1518, 1521, Botox, 1-1348 1537, 1539 Bottle Crew, II-3344 Birds Eye Steamfresh Premium ScBottle Crew Igo, Il-2643 lects, I-1521 Boudrcaux's Butt Paste, 1-410 Birds Eye Voila!, I-1523 Bounce, 1-2022 Black & Decker, I-1856, 2041 Bounce 4 in 1, 1-2022 Black Flag, Il-2602 Bounce Free and Sensitive, 1-2022 Black Pearls, I-731 Bounce With Fcbreze, I-2022 Black Vclvel, I-2098 Boundless, 1-1940 BlackbcITy, II-3036, 3118-3122 Bounty, Il-2547 The Blacklist, II-3281 Bounty Basic, Il-2547 Blender Bottle, II-2643 Bounly DuraTowel, II-2547 Blistex, I-1479 Boursin, I-791 BLU, I-1252 Bowers & Wilkins, I-1006 Blue Bell, I-1510, II-2991 BR-111, I-1426 Blue Bell Creameries, 1-1876 Brach's, I-975 Blue Bird, 1-1437 Brahma, I-541 Blue Bonnet, II-2140 Branston, II-2913 Blue Diamond, 11-2398 Braun Thermoscan, II-2199 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, Brawny, II-2547 Il-2232 Breaking Bad, 11-3280 Blue Dragon, 11-2913 BMW, 1-386, 389, 401, II-2278-2279 Breakstoncs, 1-695, 1079, 11-3141 Breath RX, I-670 Bob Evans, II-2917 Breathe Right, Il-2335 Bob Evans Farm Fresh Goodness, Brew Rite, I-902 Il-2917 Breyers Grand Ice Cream, I-1876 Bobble, II-3507 Bridgestone, II-3309-3312 Bobs, 1-975 Briggs, II-3343 Bob's Red Mill, I-780, 1437 973 I 00 j;l [ ~ !;' .. ~ Briggs & Stratton Briggs & Stratton, I-2041 Brioschi, I-133 Bristol-Myers Squibb, I-1220 Brita, II-3507 Britney Spears Fantasy, I-1503 Brooks, I-196, 1483 Brother, I-923, 926 Brownben-y, I-656 Brummel & Brown, II-2140 Bubba Burger, I-1534 Bud Light, I-539, 541 Bud Light Lime, l-2089 Buddig, I-2118 Budesonide, I-1234 Bud's Best, I-1092 Budweiser, I-539, 541 Bueno, I-1463 Bugler, II-2862 Bugles, II-3046 Buick, I-401 Bulls-Eye, II-2909 Bunn, I-902 Burbeny, I-1727, 2120 Burke Mercer, I-1425 Burlesons, I-1820 Burlington Comfort Power, I-197 Burts Bees Lip Shimmer, I-1077 Busch, I-539 Busch Light, I-539 Bush's Best, I-721 Busy Bee, I-1820 Butcher's, Il-2610 Butler GUM, II-3344 Butterball, Il-3412 Butterball Everyday, I-428, ll-3412 Byrsa, I-1036 Bystolie, I-1219 C. Banner, I-1490 Caboodles, I-1058 Cabot, I-695, 788 Cabot Ve1mont, I-788, 1098 Cadaeo Big Draw, I-782 Cadbury's, II-3043 Cafe Valley, I-452 Cal Maine Sunup, I-1265 Cal Oak, I-1394 Calbee, II-3055 Caldesene, I-411 Calgon, II·307 5 Calico, I-2065 California Hotwood, I- I 394 California Innovations, II-2540 California Pizza Kitchen, I-1541 Calise & Sons Bakery, I-688, 1540 Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition; Call of Duty: Ghosts, ll-3466-3467 Ccntrum, ll-3482 Calphalon, I-1855 Centrum Silver, II-3482 Calvin Klein, I-178, 202 CeraVe, II-3026-3028 Calvin Klein Eternity, I· 1503 Certo, II-2719 Camel, I-832 Cesar Canine Cuisine, II-2615 Camelbak, II-3507 Cetaphil, II-3026-3028 Camclbak Eddy, ll-2643 Challenge Butter, I-695 Campbell's, I-681, 724, 729, Chance at Romance, ll-2268 II-3137 Chandon, ll-3547 Campbell's Batman, II-3137 Chanel, I -1727, 2120 Campbell's Danny Phantom NickelCharmin Basic, II-3338 odeon, II-3137 Charmin Freshmates, II-3558 Campbell's Disney Phineas and Fcrb, Charmin Ultra Soft, II-3338 II-3137 Charmin Ultra Strong, II-3338 Campbell's Disney Princess, ll"3137 Charms Blow Pop, I-960 Campbell's Healthy Request, II-3137 Chattem, I-1479 Campbell's Light, II-3137 CheapOair, I-1952 Campbell's Scooby-Doo, II-3137 Cheerios, I· 777 Canadian Classics, I-831 Cheers, I-1579 C&Affandus (Tarkett), I-1415 Cheesecake Factory, I-448 C&H, II-3222, 3224, 3226 Cheetos, II-3044 Canine Carry Outs, II-2606 Cheetos Naturals, II-3044 Canon, I-714, 923, 926, 1000 Cheetos Simply Natural, ll-3044 Cape Cod, II-3053 Chef Craft, I-1881 Capri Sun, I-1977 Chegg, I -1940 Capri Sun Super V, I-1977 Chesters, II-3046 Captain Morgan, I· 2091, 2096 Chester's, II· 3050 Carefree Acti Fresh, II-2893 Chevrolet, I-389, 401, II-3399 Caribou, I-896 Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid, I-388 Carl Zeiss, I-1341 Chevrolet Silverado, I-402 Carlo Rossi, ll-3548 Chevrolet Volt, I-387 Carter's, I-175 Chevron Supreme, II-2274 Carvel, I -1509 Chex Mix, II· 3050 Carvel Snickers, I-1509 Chi-Chi's, I-2095, II-2884 Casa Di Bertacchi, I-1534 Chicago Reader, II-2365 Cascade, I -1186 Chicago Tribune, ll-2368 Cascade Action Pacs, I-1186 Chicken of the Sea, II-2938 Cascade Complete, I-1186 Chico, I-205 Cascade Extra Action, I-1186 Children's Place, I-175 Cascade Ice, I-651 Chili Bowl, I-1463 Cascadian Farm Organic, I-1531 The Chimney Sweeping Log, I-1391 Casio, ll-2574 Chinese Zodiac, II-2272 Castillo, I-2096 Chine!, I-1190 Castrol GTX, II-2274 Chinet Comfort Cup, I-1190 Catchrnastcr, ll-2602 Chips Ahoy!, I-1031 Catnapper, I-1579 Chiquita, I-1554 CBS Interactive, I-1943 Chobani, II-3594 Ce De Smarties, I-967 Chock Full o'Nuts, I-889 Cedar's, ll-2143 Chojung, I -646 Cefdnir, I-1221 Chongqing Xiaotiane, II-2828 Celebrate, I-1509 Christian Dior, I-1727 Celebration Foods Oreo, I -1509 ChristianBook.eom, I-1940 Celebration Station, II-3217 Chromebook, I-930, I-1940 Chrysler, I-401 974 Cruz Volume II Ciao Bella, II-2991 Ciba Vision Clear Care, I-1335 Cinch 2 in 1, I-854 Cinderella, I-675 Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 1-777 Ciroc, I·2097 Citizen, I-594 Citracel, I -146 Citromax, II-2601 Citrucel, I-147 Claim Jumper, I-450 Claim Jumper Restaurant, I-450 Clairol Natural Instincts, I-1716, 1719 Clairol Nice 'NEasy, I-1719 Clairol Nice 'N Easy Root Touch Up, I-1719 Claritin, I-138 Claritin D, I-138 Classico Signature Recipes, II-2912 Classico Traditional Favorites, II-2912 Claussen, I-733 Clean & Clear Advantage, I-130 Clean & Clear Morning Burst, II-3026 Clean Flame, I-1391 Clean Ones, II-2873 Clean Up, I-855 Clear Eyes, I-1335 Clear Passage, II-2335 Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy, I-1711, 1717 Clcarasil Daily Clear, I-130 Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action, I -130 Clearblue, II-2715 Clearblue Easy, II-2715 Clif, I-1740, 1742 Clif Builder's, I-1740 Clif Luna, I -1740 Clif Shot Bloks, I· 706 Cl inere, I-1256 Clockwork Princess (The bifemal Devices), I-620 Clorox, I-848, 861, 1470 Clorox 2, I-846, 2023 Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface, I-859 Clorox Clean Up, I-844 Clorox Green Works, I-854, 856 Cloud 9, II-2268 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, II-2270 CLR, I-857 Club Cadet, I-2040 Cnice, II-2468 CNN .com, I· 1945 Coach, I-2120 Cobblestone Mill, I-688 Codeine, I-1223 Coke, II-3091 Coke Zero, II-3091 Colace, I-147 Coleman, II-2496 Cole's, I-664 Colgate, II-2468, 2475 Colgate 360, II-2465 Colgate 360 Optic White, II-2465 Colgate Extra Clean, II-2465 Colgate Max Fresh, II-2475 Colgate Optic White, II-2475 Colgate Plus, II-2465 Colgate Total, II-2475 Colgate Wave, II·2465 Colief, I-133 Colman's, II-2913 Colonial, I-685 Combat Source Kill, II-2602 Combat Source Kill MaxR3, II-2602 Combos, II-3057 Comet, I-861 Comfort Scanner, II-2199 Compound W, I-154 Compound W Freeze Off, I-154 Conair, II-2930 Concord Double Bubble, I-1694 Confetteria Raffaelo, I-973 Contents, I-1058 Continental, II-3310-3312 Converse, I-199, 1483 Cook's, II-3547 Cool Gear, II-3507 Cooper, II-3309-3311 Coors Light, I-539, 541 Copaxone, I-1217 Coppertone, II-3235 Coppertone Sport, II-3235 Corona, I-541 Corona Extra, I-539, 561 Corona Light, I-561 Cortizone 10, I- I 36 Cortizone 10 Plus, I-136 Cosco, I-407 Cosmopolitan, I-1944 Country Fresh, II-2236 Cover Girl & Olay Simply Ageless, I-1074, II-2583 975 Cover Girl Brow & Eyemakers, I-1069 Cover Girl Checkers, I-1062 Cover Girl Classic Color, I-1062 Cover Girl Clean, I-1071, 1074 Cover Girl Eye Enhancers, I -1068 Cover Girl Lash Blast, I-1078 Cover Girl Lash Blasl Clump Crusher, I-1078 Cover Girl Lash Blast Fusion, I-1078 Cover Girl Lip Perfection, I-1077 Cover Girl NatureLuxe, I-1076 Cover Girl Outlast, I-1077 Cover Girl Perfect Point Plus, I-1070 Cover Girl Professional, I-1071 Cover Girl Smoothers, I-1065 Cover Girl Trublend Mineral, I-1071 Cra-Z-Art, I-782, 906, 1097 Cracker Jack, II-3059 Craftsman, I-2040-2041 Crafty, I-13 Crane, I-242 Crash My Party, Luke Bryan, II-2309 Crayola, I-266, 782, 906, 1097 Crayola Glow, I-782 Crayola Metallic FX, I-906 Crayola My First, I-1097 Crayola Sidewalk, I-782 Crayola Telescoping, I-1097 Crayola Twistables, I-906, 1097 Cream of Wheat, I-780-781 Creamettc, II-2385, 2557 Creative Loafing, II-2365 Crest, ll-2475 Crest 3D White, II-2466, 2475 Crest 3D White Whitestrips, II-2473-2474 Crest 3D White Whitesttips Advanced SL, ll-2473-2474 Crest Pro-Health, II-2466, 2475 Crest Pro-Health Complete, II-2466 Crest Whitening Plus Scope, II-2475 Crestor, I-1230, 1233 Cricket, I-1941 Crisco, I-1034, II-2226, 3002 The Cmods, II-2270 Crossville, II-3296 Crown, I-973 Crown Royal, I-2091, 2098 Crunch 'n Munch, II-3059 Crunch Pak, I-1554 Crunchablcs, I-1515 Cruz, II-3346 • ,.,l:>O "'8.,,, S' ~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cruzan Iii l!I Cruzan, I-2096 Cryo Max, II-2193 Crystal Farms, I-695, 788-790, 792, 1098 Crystal Geyser, I-649 Crystal Sugar, II-3222, 3226 Ctrip, II-2456 Cubicin, I-1221 Culligan, II-35 IO Culturelle, I-147 Cupcake Vineyards, II-3547-3548 Curad, II-2873 Cutter Citro, II-2601 CWP, I-!034 Cymbalta, I-1230, 1241 d-CON, II-2602 d-CON Mouse-Prufe II, II-2602 Dadada, 1-176 Daily Mail, I-1947 Daily's, I-2095 Daisy, II-3141 Dakota Style, II-3063 Dal-Tile, Il-3296 Dallas Morning News, II-2368 Dancing with the Stars, II-3281 Dannon, Il-3594 Dannon DanActive, II-3593 Dannonc Danimals, Il-3593 Danskin Now, I-197, 201 Darigold, II-2231 Darlie, II-2468 DaITell Lea, I-962 Dart, I-1190 Das Dutchman Essenhaus, II-2385 Dasani, I-647 David, II-3063 Davidoff Cool Water for Women, I-1503 Dawn, I-1187 Dawn Plus Hand Renewal, I-I 187 De Boles, 1-1621 De Cecco, II-2557 De Wafclbakkcrs, I-1516 Dean's, I-1182, II-2235-2236 Dean's Country Fresh, II-2991 Dean's TruMoo, II-2231 Debrox, I-1257 Deepwoods OFF!, II-2601 Deer Park, I-647 Definitive, I-1006 Degree Men, II-2586 DeKuyper, I-2087 Del Monte, I-681, 721-722, 726, 730, 1519 Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition· Del Monte Fresh Cut, I-721-722 Del Monte Fresh Cut Specialties, I-721-722 Delallo, I-732 Delimex, I-1513 Delta, I-1952 DeMet's Turtles, I-822 Dcntck, II-2463 Dcntync Ice, I-1696 Denver Post, II-2368 Depend, I-17 Depend Real Fit, I-17 Depend Silohuette, I-17 Der, I-1421 Deschutes, I-558 Desitin Creamy, I-410 Desitin Maximum Strength, 1-410 Despicable Me 2, II-2270-2271 Detmit Free Press, II-2368 Dexilant, I-1239 Dezhuang, II-2828 Di Gel, I-133 Di Giorno, I-789 Dial All Day Freshness, II-3077 Dial Round the Clock, II-3077 Diamond, II-2644, 3217 Diamond Brilliance, II-2644 Diamond Crystal, II-3510 Diamond Daily, II-2644 Diamond Entertaining, II-2644 Die Fiedertnaus, Strauss, 11-2457 Diet Coke, II-3091 Diet Mountain Dew, II-3091 Diet Pepsi, II-309 l Diet Snapple, I-636 DiGiorno, I-1541 Dimetapp, I-140 Dinty Moore, I-729 Dippin' Stix, I-1554 DirecTV, I-1013 Dirty Jobs, I-859 Disney, II-3362 Disney Winnie the Pooh, I-242 Diverligo, 1-149 Dixie, I-1115, 1190, 1415, II-2644 Dixie Crystals, II-3222, 3226 Dixie Pe1fect Touch Grab'n Go, I-1190 Dixie Perfectouch, I-1190 Dixon, I-906 Django Unchained, I-1247 DM Tekstill, I-1802 Dockside Classics, II-2938 976 Doctor's Nightguard Advanced Cornfort, II-2463 Dodge, I-401 Dodge Ram, II-3399 Dodge Regupol/ECORE, I-1425 Dole, I-726, 1531 Dole Ready-Cut Fruit, I-1531 Dole Real Frnit Bites, I-951 Dolores, I-1463 Domino sugar, II-3222, 3224, 3226 Don Giovanni, II-2457 Don Marcos, II-3346 Donato's, I-1464 Donut House, I-894 Doritos, II-3065 Doritos Jacked, II-3065 Doritos Sabritas, II-3065 Doryx, I-1221 Dos Equis XX Lager Especial, I-561 Double Coin, II-3310 Double Mint, I-1692 Doublcshot, I-900 Dove, I-822 Dove Deep Moisture Liquid, II-3076 Dove Liquid, Il-3076 Dove Men Plus Care, Il-2582 Dove Men Plus Care Liquid, Il-3076 Dove Promises, I-811 Dover Hair Therapy Style + Care, I-1715 Downy, I-2022, 2024 Downy Infusions, I-2024 Downy Unstopables, I-2024 Downy With Silk Touch, 1-2024 Downy Wrinkle, I-2026 Doxycycline hyclate, I-1221 Dr. Katz Therabreath, II-2472 Dr. Miracles, I-1714 Dr. Pepper, Il-3091 Dr. Scholl Clear Away, I-154 Dr. Scholl Freeze Away, I-154 Dr. Smiths, I-410 Dr. Teals, I-1313, II-3075 Dramamine, I-150 Drano, I-849 Drano Dual Force, I-849 Drano Max, I-849 Drano Max Gel, I-849 Dream Water, 1-152 Dreyer's/Edy's, I-1510, Il-2991 Drcycr's/Edy's Slowchurned, I-1547 Drudge Report, I-1945, I-1942 Drye!, I-2030 Filter Pure Volume II Du Maurier, I-831 Duck, II-3255 Duck Clean Release, II-3255 Duck Dynasty, II-3280 Duck Ez Start Frustration Free, II-3255 Duck Tape, II-3255 Dulcolax, I-145, 147 Duncan Hines, I-682, 707 Duncan Hines Signature, I-707 Dungeons & Dragons, II-3357 Dunkin' Donuts, I-889, 891 Duplex, II-2274 DuPont Real Touch, I-1420 Durabelt, II-3440 Durable Foil, I-123 Duracell, I-528-529 Duracell CopperTop, I-517 Duracell Easytab, I-529 Duracell Ultra, I-517 Duracell Ultra Advanced, I-517 Duraflame, I-1391 Duraftame Colorlog, I-1391 Duraftame Cracklellame, I-1391 Duraftame Stax, I-1391 Dutch Farms, I-1098, 1265 Dvonex, I-1217 E-land, I-204 Eagle Caremates, Il-2873 Early California, I-731 Early Times, I-2086 EarPlanes, I-1256, 1337 Earth Friendly Products, I-856 Eastou, I-1939 Easyway, Il-2540 Eat Natural, II-3043 EBOHR, II-3493 Echo Falls, II-2938 Eckrich, II-2919 Eckrich Smok Y, II-2917 Eclipse, I-1692 Ecotools, II-25 82 Edge, II-2595 Edwards, I-450 Edwards Singles, I-450 Efferdent, II-2464 Efferdent Plus, II-2464 Effexor XR, I-1241 Eggland's Best, I-1265 Eight O'Clock, 1-889, 896 Bisker, II-3073 El Mexicano, II-3593 El Monterey, I-1513, 1532 El Viajero, II-3593 I Elegant Prosper (EP), I-204 Eli Lilly, I-1220 Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds, I-1503 Elmer's, 1-13, 266 Elmer's Craft Bond, I-13 Elmer's Glue All, I-13 Blong, II-2456 Eloxatin, I-1222 Embry, 1-209 Emerald, II-2398 Emerald Breakfast On-The-Go, I-969 E1neraldalicious (Pinkalicious), I-620 Emergen-C, II-3480 Emergen-C Immune Plus, II-3480 Emetrol, I-149 Enbrel, I-1230 Endocct, I-1223 Endust, I-853 Ener-G, I-1621 Energizer, I-517, 528-529 Energizer EZ Change, I-529 Energizer Max, I-517 Energizer Recharge, I-528 Enfagrow Premium, I-420 Enfamil Gentlease, I-420-421 Enfamil Nutramigen Lipil, I-419 Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol, Il-3480 Enfamil Premium, I-419-421 Enfamil Prosobee, I-419, 421 Engineered Floors, I-1415 Enjoy Life, I-1621 Ensure, II-3518 Ensure Plus, Il-3518 Entenmann's, I-446, 452 Entenmann's Little Bites, I-452 Entenmann's Pop 'Ems, I-446 Entenmann's Soflees, 1-446 Entertainment Weekly, I-1944 Enviro Log, I-1391 Epic, II-2270 Epson, 1-923 EPT, II-2715 Equal (Mcrisant), II-3231 , Equista Tortillas, II-3346 Erbitux, I-1222 Escape Fmm Planet Earth, Il-2270 ESI, I-761 ESPN, II-3276 Essilor, I-1341 Estel, II-2574 Estonian Forest, I-1394 Estric (Am. Biltrite), I-1425 Estroven, I-144 Estroven Energy, I-144 Etalon Jenavi, II-2574 Etam, I-206 Eucerin Aquaphor, I-410 Eureka, II-3440 Evan Williams, I-2086 Evenfto, I-407 Evercare, II-2873-2874 Eveready, I-517, 528-529 Eveready Gold, I-517 Everyday By Leggs, I-194 Everyday Health, I-1942 Evriholder, II-3018 Ex Lax, I-147 Examiner, I- l 947 Excedrin Migraine, I-131 Expedia, I-1952 Expert Gardener, II-2492 Export A, I-831 Expressions from Hallmark, II-2540 Extra, I-1692 Fabuloso, 1-844 Facebook,I-1943, 1946, 1950 Page, II-3594 Falken, Il-3311 Family Circle, II-2131 Family Finest Make N Bakes, I-1464 Fancy Feast, II-2614 Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers, II-2614 F&SF, Il-2132 Fanta, II-3091 Fantasia, 1-1713 Farm Rich, I-1513 Farmer John, I-428 Farmhouse, I-1265 Farmland, I-428 Fast & Furious 6, Il-2271 The Father's Table, I-455 Faultless, I-2025, II-2333 FDS, I-1365 Febreze, I-64, 66, II-3440 Febreze Set & Refresh, I-65 Fels Naphtha, I-2030 Fendi, I-1727 Ferrero Collection, I-820 Ferrero Rocher, I-820 Felix, II-2610 Fiber Choice, I-147 Fiber One, I-443, 1740 FIFA Soccer 14, II-3467 Fiji, I-647 Filter Pure, I-902 ..,,i5. l:O ~ ;' ~ 977 .~1 Finagle A Bagel l 1I Finagle A Bagel, I-433 Finish, 1-1186 Finish Gelpacs, I-1186 Finish Jet Dry, I-I 186 Finish Powerball, I-1186 Finish Quantum, I-1I86 Finishing Touch, II-2930 Finishing Touch Smile, II-2473-2474 Fireball, I-2087, 2098 Firestone, II-3309-3312 First Response, ll-2715 First Response Gold, II-2715 First Response Rapid Resull, II-2715 First Years, II-2333 Fisher-Price, I-407, II-3362 Fitbits, 1-1397 Fiyta, II-3493 Flav-R-Pac, I-1537 Fleet, I-146 Fleet Enema, I-146 Fleet Pedia-Lax, I-146 Flents, I-149 Flents Quiet Time, I-1256 Flcxsteel, I-1579 Flintstones, II-3482 Flipz, I-953 Florida Crystals, II-3222, 3226 Florida Tile, II-3296 Florida's Natural, 1-1976, 1985 Florim USA, Il-3296 Flovent HFA, I-1234 Flowers in the Attic, II-2268 Fluticasone Propionate, I-1235 Folgers, I-889, 891 Folgers Gourmet Selections, 1-894 Folgers Simply Smooth, I-891 Forbes, 1-1944, 1947 Ford, I-389, 401, II-3399 Ford C-Max Energi, I-3 87 Ford C-Max Hyblid, I-388 Ford Escape, I-402 Ford F-Series, I-402 Ford Focus EV, I-387 Ford Fusion Energi, I-387 Ford Fusion Hybrid, 1-388 Forecast Optics, I-1338 Forema, I- I802 Forever 21, 1-205 Formica, I-1420 Formula 409, I-844 Formula Shell, II-2274 Fortune International, I-832 Foster Farms, I-1532, 1546, II-3410, 3412 Four Lake, I-2089 Fox News, I-1945 Francesco Rinaldi, ll-2912 Franklin Furniture, I-1579 Franz, I-431 Franzia, II-3548 Frappuccino, I-900 Frappuccino Light, I-900 Freedent, I-1694 Freestyle, I-593 Freestyle Lite, I-593 French's, II-2908, 2910-2911 Freschetta, 1-1541 Fresh Frozen, I-1515 Fresh Pack, 1-1394 Friendly Ice Cream, I-1876 Friendlys, I-1509 Friendlys Rceses, I-1509 Frigidaire, I-60 Friskies, Il-2614 Friskies Prime Fillets, II-2614 Friskies Seafood Sensations, Il-2607 Friskies Tasty Treasures, II-2614 Frito-Lay, I-969, II-3063 Fritos, 1-1181, Il-3046 Fritos Flavor Twists, II-3046 Fritos Scoops, II-3046 Frog Prince, II-2468, 3073 Froot Loops, I-777 Frosted Flakes, I-777 Frosted Mini-Wheats, I-777 Fmzen, II-2270-227 I FruitoftheLoom,1-175, 197,202 Fruit of the Loom Tuff N Comfy, I-197 Frusion, II-3593 Funyuns, II-3050 Furby, I-1015 Futuro, II-2198 Futuro Sport, II-2198 G Series Gatorade Prime, 1-706 The Gabby Douglas Stmy, II-2268 Gain, I-1187, 2022, 2024, 2029 Galaxy Nutritional Foods Veggie, I-792 Gallo Family Vineyards, II-3548 Game Informer Magazine, II-2131 Game ofThmnes, II-3280 Gamesa Saladitas, I-1092 Gap, I-171, 175, 186, 205 Garan, I-175 Garanimals, I-201 Gardein, I-1536 Gardcnburger, I-1536 978 Market Share Rep01'/e1; 25th Edition Volume II GardenTech Sevin, II-2601 Garmin, II-2355 Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine, I-1711 Garnier Fructis Style, I-1715 Ga111icr Fructis SLylc Pure Clean, I-1713 Garnier Nutlisse, I-1719 Gillette Custom Plus, II-2770 Gillette Custom Plus 3, II-2770 Gillette Foamy, II-2595 Gillette Fusion, II-2590 Gillette Fusion Hydra Gel, II-2595 Gillette Fusion ProGlyde Style, II-2930 Gillette Good News, II-2770 Gillette Mach3, II-2770 Gillette Sensor 3, II-2770 Gillette Venus, II-2770 Girdear, I-204 Girl Tech, I-1015 Giuliano, I-731 Glaceau Fruitwater, I-651 Glaceau Smartwater, I-647 Glaceau Vitaminwater, I-647 Glad, I-1469 Glad Cling Wrap, II-2652 Glad Press'n Seal, II-2652 Glade, 1-64, 66, 859 Glade Plugins, 1-64 Glade Plugins Lasting Impressions, I-64 Glam Gloves, ll-2874 Glam Media, 1-1943 Glass Plus, I-854-855 Gleevec, 1-1217, 1222 Global Brands, I-1092 Glory Foods, I-722 Glucerna, Il-3518 Glutino, I-1621, II-3057 Go Ahead!, II-3043 Go-Cat, II-2610 GoldAtrnw, I-1394 Gold Bond, I-136, 411 Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion, II-3028 Gold Medal, I-1437 Gold Peak, I-636, 638 Gold Star Chili, I-1463 Gold Toe, I-197 Golden, II-3493 Golden Blossom, I-1820 Golden Flake, I-832, II-3051 Goldlion, I-189, 192 Gold'n Plump, I-1520 Good & Plenty, 1-962 Good Cook, II-3083 Good Housekeeping, II-2131 Good Humor/Breyers, I-1876 Good Seasons, Il-2880 Good Sense, II-3063 Good Times, I-I 394 Goodnites, 1-1172 Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew, I-1072 Garnier Olia, I-1719 Garnier Skin Renew, I-1074, II-3025 Gas X, 1-134, 145 Gatorade, II-3181 Gatorade Cool Blue, II-3182 Gatorade Frost, II-3181-3182 Gatorade G2, II-3182 Gatorade G2 Perform, ll-3181-3182 Gatorade Perform, II-3182 Gaviscon, I-133 G.E., 1-2063 G.E. Energy Smart, I-2063 G.E. Longer Life, I-2063 G .E. Reveal, I-2063 G.E. Soft White, 1-2063 General, II-3309, 3311-3312 General Electric, I-60, 1013, 1739 General Mills Chex Mix, Il-3050 General Mills Fiber One, I-443, 1740 General Mills Motts Medleys, I-958 General Motors, 1-401 Geratherm, II-2199 Gerber, I-416 Gerber First Foods Nature Select, I-416 Gerber Good Start Gentle, I-419-421 Gerber Good Start Soothe, 1-420 Gerber Good Start Soy, I-419-420 Gerber Graduates, I-416 Gerber Graduates Lil' Crunches, I-416 Gerber Graduates Lil' Entrees, I-416 Gerber Second Foods, I-416 Gerber Second Foods Nature Select, 1-416 Gerber Third Foods Nature Select, 1-416 Gevalia, I-889, 891 Geya, II-3493 Ghirardelli, I-682, 808 G.I. Joe, II-3357 Giants, Il-3063 Gianvi, I-1226 Gillette, II-2590, 2595, 2771 Hefty OneZip Goodyear, II-3309-3312 Goody's, I-131 Google, I-1943, 1945-1946, 1948, 1950 Google Android, II-3107, 3122 Google Gmai1, II-3108 Google Maps, I-1952 GoPro, I-712, 1000 Gorilla Glue, I-13 Gorilla Tape, II-3255 Got 2B Glued, I-1713 Gourmet, II-2610 Gourmet Dining, I-1523 Goya, I-731, 1531, II-2856 Graco, I-407 Graco Nasal Care, II-2333 Graco Nautilus, I-407 Grand Theft Auto V, II-3467 Grandma Molasses, II-3245 Grandma's, I-1031 Granitifiandre, II-3296 Gravity, II-2271 Gravy Train, Il-2615 Great Day Farmers Market, 1-1265 Great Western, Il-3222 Grecian Formula 16, I-1716 The Greek Gods, II-3594 Green Giant, I-721-722, 1518-1519, 1537 Green Giant Antioxidant Blend, I-1537 Green Giant Kitchen Sliced, 1-722 Green Giant Mexicom, 1-721 Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers, 1-1518 Green Mountain, 1-894, 896 Grey Goose, I-2097 Grey Poupon, II-2910-2911 Griffin Technology, II-3246 GT's Kumbucha Synergy, I-638 Guard Spectracidc, Il-2601 Gucci, I-1727, 2120 Gudang Garam, I-832 Guerrero, II-3051 Guess, II-2574 Guinness Draught, I-561 Gulden's, II-2910-2911 Gulf Lite, I-784 GUM Canker X, Il-2471 Gumout, I-384 Gunk Solder Seal Liquid Wrench, I-2107 Gurla, II-2574 Gutterplans, 1-1540 979 Gwaltney, I-428 Gymboree, I-175 Haagen-Dazs, I-1510, II-2991 Haggar, I-184 Haier, I-60 Haiermian, II-3073 Hallmark Party Express, I-1804 Halls Refresh, 1-975 Hampton Farms, II-2398 Hampton Farms Premiere, II-2398 Handi Foil, 1-123 Randi Foil Bake America, I-123 Randi Foil Cook N Carry, 1-123 Handi Foil Ultimates, I-123 Hanes, I-186, 194, 197, 201-202 Hanes Premium, I-197 Hankook, II-3309-3312 Hanlin, I-1255 Hanover, I-722 Hanwang, I-1255 The Happy Face Killer, II-2268 Harbin, I-540 Hard Luck - Diary of a Wimpy Kid 8, I-620 Harley-Davidson, II-2278-2279 Harmony, 1-407 Harson, 1-1490 Harvestland, II-3412 Havoline, II-2274 Hawaiian Punch, I-1978 Hawaiian Tropic, II-3235 Head & Shoulders, I-1708 Head & Shoulders Classic Clean, I-1708 Head & Shoulders Classic Clean 2in l,I-1708 Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp Care, I-1708 Head & Shoulders Hair Endurance FRMN, I-1708 Head & Shoulders Itchy Scalp Care, I-1708 Health Guru Condition, I-1942 Health Plus, I-594 HeallhGrades, I-1942 Healthy Choice, 1-1524, 1547 Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers, 1-1524 Hearos, 1-1337 Hefty, I-1469, 1847, II-3378 Hefty Easy Grip, I-1190 Hefty EZ Foil, I-123 Hefty EZ Foil Elegance, I-123 Hefty OneZip, I-1469 • ...l;l;j "8. 00 !;" ~ ~ Heineken II Heineken, I-539, 541, 561 Heineken Premium Light Lager, I-561 Hcincr's, I-685 Heinz, ll-2906, 2913 Heinz 57, II-2908-2909 Hellman's, II-2907, 2913 Heluva Good, I-1182 Hengyuaxiang, I-189 Herbalife, ll-3520 Herceptin, I-1222 Hercules, II-3310 Hcrdez, II-2884 Here's to the Good Times, Florida Georgia Line, II-2309 Hermes, I-1727 Herr's, II-3053, 3057 Hershey's, I-810-811, 815, 822 Hershey's Bake Shoppe, 1-808 Hershey's Bake Shoppe Health, I-808 Hershey's Bake Shoppe Reese's, I-808 Hershey's Cookies N Creme, I-810 Hershey's Kisses, I-811 Hershey's Nuggets, 1-811 Hershey's Pot of Gold, 1-820 Hershey's Special Dark, I-822 Hewlett-Packard, I-923, 926, ll-2913 Hexbugs, I-1015 Hi C, 1-1977 Hidden Valley Ranch, I-1181, II-2879-2880 Higeta, II-2914 Highashimaru, ll-2914 Hiland, Il-2231, 2235-2236 Hillandale Fmms, I-1265 Hillshirc Farm, II-2919 Hillshire Farm Deli Select, I-2118 Hilton, II-2938 Hiram Walker, I-2087 Histmy channel, Il-3276 HMS Hefty, II-3378 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 1-1247 11ie Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, II-2271 Hogs Heaven, II-3051 Holloway House Quick Shine, I-851 Hollywood Life, 1-1944 Holmes, I-242 Home Care, Il-3440 Home Logic, l-862, II-3378 HoMedics, 1-594 HoMedics Mybaby, 1-242 HoMedics Thera-P, I-594 Homekist, I-1091-1092 Homestyle Two Bite, I-443 Homz, I-1847 Honda, 1-389, 401, 2041, II-22782280,2596 Honda Accord, 1-402 Honda Civic, I-402 Honda CR-V, I-402 Honest Kids, I-1977 Honey Bunches of Oats, 1-777 Honey Nut Cheerios, I-777 Honeysuckle White, II-3412 Hongdou, I-189 Hood, II-2235 Hood Lactaid, Il-2235-2236 Hoover, Il-3440 Hoover Vac, II-3440 Horizon, I-266 Horizon Organic, II-2231, 22352236 Hmmel, 1-428, 724, 2116 Hormel Always Tender, II-2164 Hormel Black Label, I-428 Hormel Natural Choice, I-2118 Hormel Party Tray, I-2116 Hormel Simple Ideas, II-3410 Hornsby, 1-2090 Hostess, I-443, 452 Hostess Donettes, 1-446 Hostess Twinkies, I-443 Hot Pockets, I-1517, 1532 Hot Shot, II-2600-2601 Hot Wheels, II-3362 Hotel Bar, 1-695 Hotel Trannsylvania, I-1247 The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4), I-620 House of Pasta, I-1540 Houston Chronicle, II-2368 Howes Lubricator, l-384 HTC, II-3036 HTH, Il-2685 HTH Algae Guard, II-2685 HTH Super Sock It, Il-2685 Huawei, II-3036 Hubao, 1-189 Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape, I-1694 Hubba Bubba Max, 1-1694 The Huffington Post, 1-1945 Huggies Little Movers, 1-1169 Huggies Lillie Movers Sip, 1-1169 Huggies Little Snugg, I-1169 980 Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition Volume II Huggies Natural Care, 1-425 Huggies One & Done Refresh, I-425 Huggies Pull-Ups Learning, I-1172 Huggies Pull-Ups Night Time, I-1172 Huggies Simply Clean, I-425 Huggies Snug & Dry, I-1169 Huggies Soft Skin, 1-425 Huggies Supreme One & One, 1-425 Humco, I-635, 1313 Humira, 1-1216, 1230 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, II-2271 The Hunger Games, I-621 Hungry Jack, II-3245 Hungry-Man, I-1524 Hunt's, I-730, ll-2906, 2912 Hursts Hambeens, II-3134 Husqvarna, I-2040 Hydrocodone/acetaminophen, 1-1223 Hydroxycut, II-3519 Hydroxycut Advanced, II-3519 Hydroxycut Hardcore, II-3519 Hydroxycut Max, II-3519 Hyland's, I-1257 Hyland's Calms Forte, 1-1240 Hyundai, I-389 Hyundai Division, I-401 Hyundai Sonata, I-388 I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, ll-2140 I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light, II-2140 I Love, II-3075 lams, Il-2610 lams Proactive Health, II-2607-2608 lee Age: Continental Drift, II-2272 lee Breakers Ice Cubes, 1-1696 Icy Hot, I-143 iHealth, I-594 iHome, I- I 004 IHOP at Horne, 1-1517 IKEA, I-1802 iLive, I-1004 Imodium, 1-142, 145 ImodiumAD, I-141-142 Imperial, ll-2140 Imperial Sugar, II-3222, 3226 In Style, 1-1503 Incipio Technologies, 1-762 Inn Maid, II-2385 Instagram, I-1950 Interceramic, Il-3296 Interdesign, II-3083 Interface, I- 1415 International Delight, I-899 International Delight Coffee House lnsp., I-899 International Delight Cold Stone, 1-899 Invanz, I-1221 iOS, II-3118-3121 iPad, I-930, 1011-1012 Irene Gari Cover Your Gray, I-1716 Irish Spring, II-3077 Irish Spling Liquid, II-3076 iRiver, 1-1255 iRobot, 1-1406 Iron Man 3, II-2271 Isuzu, II-3399 It's A IOMiracle,I-1711 Ivory, 1-1187 J abra, I-1738 Jack & Jones, I-178, 187-188 Jack Daniel's, I-2086, 2098, II-2909 Jack Daniel's Black Label, 1-2091 Jack Link's, II-3048 Jack Link's Matador, II-3048 Jack's Original, 1-1541 Jagermeister, 1-2087 Jameson, 1-2098 J&Ds, II-2880 Jaru, 1-782 Java Monster, 1-1300 Jawbone, I-1738 Jay Franco Mickey Mouse, I-1115 JayBird, I-1736 Jays 0-Ke-Doke, II-3059 Jeanswest, l-206 Jeep, 1-401 Jennie-0, II-3412 Jennie-0 Turkey Store, II-2917, 3410, 3412 Jensen, 1-1534 Jergens, II-3028 Jergens Natural Glow, Il-3028 Jergens Ultra Healing, II-3028 Jei;,ey Boys, I-675 Jet Alert, I-706 Jif, II-2391, 2566 JifTo Go, II-2566 Jiffy, I-661 Jim Beam, I-2086, 2091, 2098 Jimmy Dean, 1-1516-1517, II-2917 Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowls, 1-1516 Jimmy Dean Delights, I-1517 Kenmore Jiuzi, I-204 JL Audio, I-I 001 J.M. SMuckcr, 1-896 Jockey, I-202 John Deere, I-2040-2041 John Frieda Precision Foam Co1or, 1-1719 John Mon-ell, 1-428 Johnnie Walker, I-2098 Johnson & Johnson Red Cross, II-2201 Johnsonite, 1-1425 Johnson's, 1-409, 411, 1086, 1220, 1470, II-3072, 3075 Johnson's Baby, 1-409, II-3073 Johnson's Bedtime, II-3072 Johnson's Bedtime Bath, II-3072 Johnson's Bedtime Lotion, I-409 Johnson's First Touch, II-3072 Johnson's Head to Toe, II-3072 Johnson's Moisture Care, II-3072 Johnsonville, II-2917, 2919 Joint Juice, II-3480 Jolly Rancher, 1-960, 965, 975 J oily Rancher Crunch 'N Chew, I-960 Jon Donaire, I-1509 Jones, I-205 Jones New York, 1-1491 Jonone, I-192 Jordan, 1-161, 1480, 1483 Jordans, II-3043 Jordon, I-199 Jos. A Bank Clothiers, I-184 Jose Cuervo, I-2095 Jose Cuervo Especial, I-2091 JoseOle,I-1513, 1532 Joseph Campione, I-664 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, II-2272 Joy, I-1187 Juanita's, 1-721 June & Daisy, I-201 June in Janumy, II-2268 Just for Men, 1-1716 Just for Men Autostop, 1-1716 , Just for Men Touch of Gray, 1-1716 Just My Size, I-194 Just Wireless, 1-761 JVC, I-1000, 1002 K-Y, II-2593 K-Y Essentials, I-1366 K-Y Liquid, II-2593 K-Y Ultragel, II-2593 981 K-YWarming Jelly, II-2593 K-YWarming Liquid, II-2593 K-Y Yours Mine, ll-2593 Kaboom Foam Tastic, I-861 Kahlua, 1-2087, 2095 KaiKai, 1-189 KakaoTalk, 1-255 Kank A, II-2471 KankA Softbrush, Il-2471 Kaopectate, 1-141 Kaopectate Extra, I-141 Kapota, I-1036 Kappa, I -199 Karo, II-3245 Kar's, I-969 Kashi, 1-1544, 1629 Kashi TLC, I-1629 Kaukauna, 1-791 Kawasaki, II-2278, 2596 Kaz, I-242 Kaz Vicks, I-242, II-2199 Kaz Vicks Comfort Flex, II-2199 Kaz Vicks Speed Read, II-2199 Keebler, I-953, 1091 Keebler Club, 1-1089 Keebler Fudge Shoppe Right Bites, 1-953 Keebler Grahams, I-1091 Keebler Scooby Doo, I-1091 Keebler Townhouse, 1-1089 Keepos, 1-732 Keeway, II-2280 Keller's, 1-695 Kellogg's, I-958, Il-3043 Kellogg's Eggo, 1-1544 Kellogg's Eggo Nutri-Grain, 1-1544 Kellogg's Eggo Thick and Fluffy, 1-1544 Kellogg's Eggo Wafflers, I-1544 Kellogg's Eggos Mini, 1-1544 Kellogg's Fiber Plus, l-1629 Kellogg's Nutri Grain Bars, I-666 Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats, I-666 Kellogg's Special K, I-1517, ll-3046, 3520 Kellogg's Special K Bar, I-666 Kellogg's Special K Pastry Clisps, I-666 Kellogg's Special K Protein, 1-1740, 1742 Kemps, I-1547, 1876, II-2991 Kenda11 Jackson Vintner's Reserve, Il-3548 Kenmore, I-60, 236 • .,t= § Q. 00 S' "' Q. " Kent Kent, I-832 Kenwood, I-1001-1002, II-2355 Kcnygold, I-695 Ketel One, I-2097 Kettle, 11-3053, 3055 Keurig, l-902, 1115. Keystone Light, I-539 Kia, I-401 Kibbles 'n Bits, 11-2608 Kicker, I-I 001 Kiddie Time, II-3493 Kidgets, I-405 Kik, l-255 Kikkoman, 11-2914 The Killing, II-3473 Kindle, I-1011, 1255 King Arthur Flour, I-1437 Kings Hawaiian, I-688 Kingsford, l-784 Kinky Boots, I-675 Kinnikinnick Foods, l-1540, 1621 Kipone, I-178 Kiss, I-1073 Kisscat, I-1490 Kit Kat, l-810, 815 Kitchenaid, 11-3018 Kiwi, II-3000 Kiwi Express Shine, II-3000 Kiwi Outdoor, II-3000 Klaussner Furniture, I-1579 Kleen-Tcx,I-1425 Kleenex, 1-1351, II-3558 Kleenex Cottonelle, II-3558 Kleenex Cottonelle Clean Care, II-3338 Kleenex Cottonclle Gentle Care, II-3558 Kleenex Cottonelle Ultra, II-3338 Kleenex Ultra Soft, I-1351 Kleenex Viva, II-2547 Klipsch, I-1006 Klondike, I-1510 Kncipp, 11-3075 Knorr, 11-2880, 3134 Knorr Lipton Rice Side, Il'2856 Knudsen, 1-1079, II-3141 Kodak, 1-923 Kohler, II-2899, 3343 Kona, I-558 Kool-Aid Bursts, I-1978 Kool-Aid Jammers, I-1977 Korbel, II-3547 Kotcx Natural Balance, 11-2893, 3247 Kraft, I-788-790, 792, 896, 964, 1079, 1455, 11-2879-2880, 2909, 3141 Kraft Big Slice, l-790 Kraft Cheez Whiz, l-1181 Kraft Cool Whip, II-3531 Kraft Cool Whip Frosting, 11-3531 Kraft Cracker Barrel, I-788 Kraft Deli Deluxe, I-792 Kraft Deluxe, I-1455 Kraft Miracle Whip, 11-2907 Kraft Philadelphia, I-789, 1098 Kraft Singles, I-792 Kraft Velveeta, I-792, 1455 Krascvetmct, II-2574 Krave, II-3048 Krazy Glue, I-13 Kretschmer, I-781 Krispy Kreme, I-446 Krusteaz Muffin Mixes, I-661 Kubota, I-2040 Kumho, 11-3311 Kurio, I-1015 LaAbuela Mexican Foods, II-3346 La Boheme, II-2457 La Choy, I-1453 La Traviata, Il-2457 LA Weekly, II-2365 La-Z-Boy, 1-1579 Labatt Blue, I-561 Labrada, II-27 46 Lacroix, I-651 Lactaid, II-2235 Lactaid FastAct, I-134 Ladies' Home Journal, II-2131 Lagunitas, I-558 LALA, II-3593 Lami, II-3217 Lancaster Colony, I-1425 Lance Fresh, I-973 Land O'Frost Premium, I-2118 Land O'Lakes, I-695, 790, 792, 1265, II-2235-2236 L&M, 1-832 Lane, I-1579, 11-2862 Lansoprazole, 1-1239 Lanius, l-1230 Larabar, I-666 Las Palmas, I-1460 The Last of Us, II-3467 Laughing Cow, I-791 Laughing Cow Mini Babybel, I-788 Lawler's, I-448 Lawn Boy, I-2041 982 Market Share Reportei; 25th Edition Volume TI Lawry's, II-2909 Lay's, I-1181, 11-3053-3055 Lay's Kettle Cooked, 11-3053 LD, II-3332 Le Saunda, I-1490 Lea & Perrins, 11-2908-2909, 2913 Lean Pockets, I-1517, 1532 Lee, I-178-180 L' eggs, l-201 Leggs Sheer Energy, I-194 Leggs Silken Mist, I-194 Lego, Il-3357 Lenard, I-782 Lender's, I-433 Les Enphants, I-176 Les Miserables, I-1247 Lever 2000, 11-3077 Levi's, I-178-180, 186 Lcxar Media, II-2203 Lexmark, I-926 Lexus, I-389, 401 Lexus ES Hybrid, I-388 LG, I-60, 999, 1003, 1005, 11-3036 Li Ning, l-199 Libby's, I-721-722, 727 Lice Freec, I-148 Lice Shield, I-148 Life of Pi, II-2272 Life Savers, I-960, 975, 11-2241 Life Savers Gummies, I-965 LifoProof, 1-762 Lifescan OneTouch Ultra, I-593 Lifescan OneTouch Ultra Mini, I-593 LifcSourcc, I-594 Lifeway Kefir, 11-2232 Light 'n Fluffy, II-2385 Lightlife Smart Dogs, 1-1536 Lilang, I-187 Lily O'Brien's, I-820 Lime A Way, I-857 Lime Out Extra, I-857 Lincoln, I-1247 Lincoln Logs, 11-3357 Lindsay, I-731 Lindt, I-820 Lindt Lindor, l-811 Lindt Petits Desserts, 1-820 Linc, I-255 Linkcdin, I-1950 The Lion King, 1-675 Lipitor, I-1233 Lipozene, 11-3519 Lipton, I-636 Lipton Brisk, I-636 Lipton Cup A Soup, II-3134 Lipton Diet, I-636 Lipton Pure Leaf, I-636, 638 Lipton Recipe Secrets, 11-3134 Lipton Soup Secrets, 11-3134 Liqui Mark, I-906 Liquid Plumr, I-849 Liquid Plumr Double Impact, I-849 Liquid Plumr Foaming Pipe Snake, I-849 Liquid Plumr Pcnctrex, I-849 Liquid Wrench, I-2107 Listerine, 11-2466 Listerine Pocketmist, I-670 Listerine Total Care, II-2466 Listerine UltraC!can, II-2466 Little Debbie, I-443, 446, 452, 1031 Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies, I-443 Little Debbie Little Muffins, I-452 Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, I-443 Little Hug Fruit Barrels, I-1978 Little Sheep, II-2828 Little Trees, I-66 Little Tummy's, 1-133 Livalo, I-1233 Lizzie Borden Took an Ax, 11-2268 Lo Loestrim Fe, I-1226 Loctite, 1-13 Loctite Naval Jelly, I-857 Loctite Super Glue, I-13 LOCUS, 11-2132 Loestrin 24 Fe, I-1226 Lofthouse, I-1031 Log Cabin, II-3245 Logic, I-1252 Logitech, I-913, 1013, 1739 London Soho New York, I-1058 Longjia, II-2280 Longmire, 11-3280 L'Oreal Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5, I-1711 L'Oreal Brow Stylist, I-I 069 L'Oreal Colour Riche, I-1077 L'Oreal Colour Riche Le Gloss, I-1076 L'OrCal Dermo Expertise Age Perfeet, I-1072 L'Oreal Double Extend, I-1078 L'Oreal Elnett Satin, I-1715 L' Orea! Excellence, I-1719 L' Orea I Feria, I-1719 L'Oreal Hair Expert Everstyle, I-1713 Marisfrolg L'Oreal Infallible, I-1068, 1076 L'Oreal Infallible Eye, I-1070 L'Or6al Infallible Never Fail, I-1070 L'Oreal Magic Skin Beautifier BB, I-1074 L'Oreal RevitaLift, I-1072, II-3025 L'Or6al RevitaLift Triple Power, II-3025 L'Or6a1 Studio Secrets Professional, II-2583 L'Oreal Studio Secrets Professional Magic, Il-2583 L'Oreal Sublime Bronze, 11-3235 L' Orea! Superior Preference, 1-1719 L'Oreal Telescopic, I-1070 L' Orea! True Match, I-1 062, I 065, 1071, 1074 L' Orea! True Match Lu mi, I- I 074 L'Or6al True Match Naturale, I-1062 L'Oreal Visible Lift Scrum Absolute, I-1074 L'Oreal Voluminous, I-1078 L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes, I-1078 L'Oreal Wear Infinite Soft, I-1068 Lorex, I-913 Loryna, 1-1226 Los Angeles Times, I-1947, II-2366, 2368 Lost in Thailand, II-2272 Lotrimin AF, I-136 Lotrimin Ultra, I-136 Lots to Cuddle Babies, I-405 Lou Ana, I-1034 Loubutin, I-2120 Louis Kemp Crab Delight, II-2938 Louis Vuitton, I-1727, 2120 Love Your Assets, I-201 Lucas, I-384 Lucky Charms, I-777 Luhoa, I-1036 Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, 11-3467 Lumber Liquidators, 1-1426 Lunchablcs, 1-2116 Lunchables Uploaded, I-2116 Lunchskins, 11-2540 Luster Premium White, II-2473-2474 Lusters Pink Smooth Touch, I-1714 Lusters Scurl, l-1714 Lu vs, I-1169 Luvs Ultra Leakguards, I-1169 Luxottica, I-1341, I-1940 983 Lysol, I-844, 848, 859, 861 Lysol Complete Clean, I-844, 861 Lysol Dial Action Complete Clean, I-848 Lysol Neutra Air, I-859 Lysol Power Complete Clean Max Coverage, I-86 I Lysol to Go, I-859 Mabthera, l-1230 Mac, I-930 Mach Speed, I-1010 Mack's Pillow Soft, I-1256, 1337 Mack's Ultra Safe Sound, I-1256 Macmillan, l-1940 Mac's, Il-3051 Mad Catz, I-1737 Madama Butterfly, Puccini, II-2457, II-3466 Maesca, I-1437 Mag 1, I-384 Magellan, II-2355 The Magic Flute, Mozart, II-2457 Magic Sizing Faultless, 1-2025 Magna Carta ... Holy Grail, Jay Z, II-2309 Magnilifc, I-1337 Mahatma, II-2856 Maidenfmm, I-202 Major Crimes, II-3280 Maker's Mark, I-2086 Malibu, l-2096 Malt-0-Meal, I-780-781 Mama Mary's, I-1197 Mama Rosa's, I-1464 Mamma Bella, I-664 Mamma Mia!, l-675 Man of Steel, II-2271 Manco, II-3255 M&M's, I-810-811, 815, 969 Maniform, I-209 Manischewitz, Il-2385 Mannington, I-1420, 1426 Mansfield, 11-3343 Maple Grove Farm, Il-3245 MapQuest, I-1952 Marathon, 11-2547 Marazzi (Mohawk), 11-3296 Marca!, II-2540 Marchon Eycwear, 1-1341 Mariani, I-951 Marie Callcnder's, I-450, 1523-1524, 1545 Mario, I-731 Marisfrolg, I-204 • t:i:I ii Q. "',... " ""' Q. Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition Mariya 1 11 I Mariya, I-1802 Marlboro, I-832 The Marriage of Figaro, II-2457 The Marshall Mathers LP, Emincm, II-2309 Martha While Muffin Mixes, 1-661 Martini & Rossi, Il-3547 Martins, 1-688 Maruchan, I-1453 Marukin, Il-2914 Mary B's, I-664, 1192 Mary Kitchen, I-727 Marzetti, I-1182 Matilda, I-675 Matinee, I-831 Max Formula Culler, II-2601 Maxell, I-1246 Maximuscle, II-3043 Maxwell House, I-889, 891 Maybelline Color Sensational, I-1077 Maybelline Cover Stick, 1-1065 Maybelline Define A Brow, I-1069 Maybelline Define-A-Line, I-1070 Maybelline Dream Bouncy, 1-1062 Maybelline Dream Fresh BB, 1-1074 Maybelline Expert Eyes, 1-1069 Maybelline Expert Wear, I-10681069 Maybellinc Eye Studio, I-1068 Maybcllinc Eye Studio Color, I-1068 Maybelline Eye Studio Master Drama, 1-1070 Maybellinc Eye Studio Master Shape, I- I 069 Maybelline Fit Me, I-I 062, 1064, 1071 Maybellinc Great Lash, 1-1078 Maybelline lnstantAgc Rewind, I-1065, II-2583 Maybelline SetSuperStay 10 Hour, 1-1076 Maybellinc Shine Free, 1-1071 Maybelline Shine Sensational, I-1076 Maybelline Superstay, 1-1065 Maybelline Superstay 24, I-1077 Maybelline Ultra Brow, 1-1069 Maybelline Unstoppable, I-1070 Maybelline Volume Express Colossal, 1-1078 Maybcllinc Volume Express Falsies, 1-1078 Maybclline Volume Express Mega Plush, I-1078 Mayfield Daily Farms, l-1876 Mazda, I-40 l Mazola, 1-1034 MC, I-179 McCann's, I-780 McCormick, II-3153 McCormick Gammel Collection, Il-3153 McCormick Grill Mates, II-3153 Meadow Gold TruMoo, Il-2231 Medela, I-405, 1-1942 Medine, I-1942 MegaMex,l-1460 Melitta, I-902 Memorex, I-1246 Memphis, 1-1426 Men in Black III, II-2272, I-1942 Mentos, Il-2241 Meow Mix, II-2607 Meow Mix Original Choice, II-2607 Mercedes-Benz, 1-389 Mercedes GL-Class Diesel, I-386 Mercedes M-Class Diesel, I-386 Merck, I-1220, 1479 Merkts, I-791 Men-ell, I-1483 Metamucil, I-145-147 Metersbonwc, 1-178, 187-188, 206 Method, 1-852, 854, 856 Metrix Big 100, I-1742 MEVIUS, 1-832 Meyenburg Goat Milk, II-2232 Mczzctta, I-73 1 Mezzetta Napa Valley Bistro, 1-731 Michael Angelo's, I-1523 Michael Kors, I-2120 Michelin, II-3309-3311 Michellin, II-3312 Michelob, 1-2090 Michelob Ultra Light, 1-539 Microsoft, 1-1737, 1943, 1948 Microsoft Windows, II-3107, 3122 Microsoft Xbox 360, II-3461-3462, 3468 Microsoft Xbox One, II-3461-3462, 3468 Midol, I-144 Midol PM, l-144 Midwest, II-2874 Mike's, 1-2089 984 Milani Baked, I- I 062, 1064 Mild Seven, I-832 Milk-Bone, II-2606 Milk-Bone Flavor Snacks, II-2606 Milky Way, I-810, 815 Miller Lite, I-539 Milliken, I-1415 Milos, 1-638 Milo's Kitchen, II-2606 Milwaukee's Pickles, I-733 Minecraft, II-3466 Minute, II-2856 Minute Maid Premium, I-1985, 1988 Mio Fit, II-3181 Miracle Gro, II-2492 Miracloth, I-855 Mirage/Boaa Franc, I-1426 MiraLax, 1-145 Miralax, I-146 Mission, I-1460, II-3051, 3065 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, I!-2272 Mitchell, 1-1425 Mitsubishi l, I-387 Mobil 1, II-2274 Mobogenic, 1-1941 Mocha Mix, 1-899 MocoSpacc, I-1941 Modela, I-1058 Modelo Especial, 1-561 Modelo Special, 1-539 Mohawk, I-1415, 1420, 1426 Mon Image, II-2643, 3083, 3344 Manista! I, 1-1366 Monistat I-Day, I-1366 Monistat 3, I-1366 Monistat 7, 1-1366 Monster, I-1736 Monster Energy, I-1300 Monster Mega Energy, I-1300 Monster Rehab, I-1300 Monsters University, II-2270-2271 Mop & Glo, I-851 Mophie, I-762 MorningStar Farms, 1-1536 MomingStar Farms Grillers, I-1536 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, 1-621 Morton, II-3510 Morton System Saver, II-3510 Motion Eaze, 1-149 Motions, 1-1714 Motomaster, II-3312 Motomco Tom Cat, II-2602 Volume II Motorola, I-761, 1003, 1738, ll-3036 Motown: The Musical, I-675 Motrin IB, l-131 Molts for Tots, I-1978 Mt. Olive, I-733 Mountain Dew, II-3091 Mountaineer, I-1394 Moving Comfort, I-196 Mr. Bubble, Il-3075 Mr. Clean, I-844 Mr. Clean with Febreze, I-844 Mr. Coffee, I-902 Mrs. Baird's, I-446, 656 Mrs. Butterworth's, Il-3245 Mrs. Dash, II-3153 Mrs. Freshley's, I-446 Mrs. Meyers, I-856 Mrs. Smith's, I-450 Mrs. Wages, II-2719 Mucinex, I-138, 140 Mucincx D, I-138 Mucinex DM, 1-138 Mucinex Fast Max, I-140 Mueller Sport Care, II-2198 Mueller's, II-2385, 2557 Muclolliva, I-1036 Mullican, 1-1426 Multi-Mile, II-3309 Munchies, II-3050 Munchkin, 1-407 Murine, I-1257 Murphy's Oil Soap, I-851-853 Muscle Milk, Il-2746, 3518, 1-1941 My Little Pony, Il-3362 Myconch, I-189 Myoplcx, II-2746 N Joy, II-3226 Nabi, 1-1015 Nabisco, 1-1091 Nabisco Honey Maid, 1-1091 Nabisco Honey Maid Spongebob, I-1091 Nabisco Made Angry Birds, I-1091 Nabisco Ritz, 1-1089 Nabisco Snackwells, I-951, 953 Nabisco Triscuit, I-1089 Nabisco Wheat Thins, I-1089 Nadolol, I-1219 Nads, 1-1709 Nair, I-1709 Nair Shower Power, 1-1709 Naked, ll-3042 Naked Protein Zone, II-3042 No Nonsense Naked Supe1food, II-3042 Nalgene, II-2643 Nardone's, 1-1464 Nasonex, 1-1235 National Geographic, 1-1944, II-2131 Native Eyewear, 1-1339 Natural Light, 1-539 Naturally, II-2226 Naturally Fresh, II-2880 Nature, 1-1421, 1427 Nature Made, II-3482 Nature Made Sleep, I-1240 Nature Valley, I-1629, II-3043 Nature Valley Protein, I-1740 Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Nut, I-1629 Nature's Bounty, II-3480 Nature's Harvest, II-3063 Nature's Own, 1-431, 656, 685, 688, II-3510 Nauzcnc,l-149-150 NBA 2KI4, II-3466 NBC News, 1-1945 NCIS, ll-3281 NCIS: Los Angeles, II-3281 NON, I-1946 Neato, I-1406 Nehemiah Pampers Kandoo, II-3558 Neilmed Sinus Rinse, ll-2334 Neosporin Eczema Essentials, 1-136 Nestle Coffee Mate, 1-899 Nestle Coffee Mate Natural Bliss, 1-899 Nestle Drumstick, 1-1510 Nestle Pure Life, I-647 Nestle Tollhouse, I-808, 1195 Nestle Tollhouse Ultimate, 1-1195 Neulasta, 1-1217 Ncuro Sleep, I-152 Ncutrogcna, I-130, II-2583 Neutrogena Deep Clean, 11-3026 Neutrogena Healthy Defense, Il-3027 Neutrogena Healthy Skin, I-1072 )'leutrogena Healthy Skin Blend, 1-1064 Neutrogcna Healthy Skin Brightening Eye, I-1065 Neutrogena Moisture, Il-3027 Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash, I-130 Neutrogcna Rapid Clear, I-130 985 Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair, I-I 072, II-3025 Neutrogena Skin Clear Wear, l-!071 Neutrogena Skin Clearing, 1-1065 Neulrogena TGel, I-1717 Neulrogena Triple Moisture, I-1711 Neutrogena Ultra Sheer, Il-3235 Neutrogcna Wet Skin, II-3235 New Amsterdam, I-2097 New Balance, 1-1483, 1489 New Belgium, 1-558 New England, I-891 New York, I-664 New York Post, II-2366 New York Times, 1-1945, 1947, II-2366, 2368 Newcastle Brown Ale, I-561 Newman's Own Organics, I-894 Newser, I-1945 Newsies, I-675 Newsmy, I-1255 Newtons, I-I 031 Nexen, II-3311-3312 Nexium, 1-1230, 1239 Next, 1-831 Nexxus Comb Thru, I-1715 Nexxus Humectruss, 1-1711 Nexxus Therappe, I-1717 Niagara, 1-2025 Niagara Professional Finish, 1-2025 Nicorette, 1-137 Night Visions, Imagine Dragons, Il-2309 Nike, I-161, 171, 173, 176, 186-188, 196, 199, 202, 205, 1397, 1480, 1483, 1486, 1489, 1491, II-31623163 Nikon, I-714 Nilla, I-1031 Nintendo 3DS, II-3461-3462, 3468 Nintendo DS, II-3461-3462, 3468 Nintendo Wii, II-3461-3462, 3468 Nintendo WiiU, Il-3461-3462, 3468 Nips, 1-960, 975 Nissan, I-389, 401 Nissan Altima, 1-402 Nissan Leaf, 1-387 Nissin, 1-1453 Nivca For Men, II-2590, 2595 Nix, I-148 NJOY, I-1252 No Brand, 1-951 NoNonscnsc,1-194, 197,201 • 00 Sil = "'" "'S' ""'"'" No Nonsense Great Shapes Figure Enhancement No Nonsense Great Shapes Figure Enhancement, 1-194 No Yolks, II-2385 Nokia, II-3036 Nong Shim, Il-3134 Norpaco, 1-732 Nos, J-1300 Nosefrida, Il-2333 Nothing Was the Same, Drake, II-2309 Nourison, 1-1415 Novartis Consumer Health, J-1479 Novo Nordisk, 1-1220 Number 7, 1-831 Nulclla, 1-805, IJ-2391 Nutty Bar, 1-1031 O Cedar Quick Wiring, 1-862 Oak Farms, II-2236 Oakley, 1-1338-1339, 1341 OB, II-3247 Ochirly, I-204, 206 Odoban, J-859 Odom's Tennessee Pride, I-1517, Il-2917 Odwalls Supcrfood, II-3042 OFF!, II-2601 OFF! Active, Il-2601 OFF! Clip-On, II-2602 OFF! Skintastic, II-2601 Oh Boy! Oberlo, II-3048 Olay, 1-1709, II-3026 Olay Active Hydrating, II-3027 Olay Age Defying, I- I 072, II-3025 Olay Complete, Il-3027 Olay Rcgenerist, 1-1072, II-3025 Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting, 1-1072, II-3025 Olay Total Effects 7-in-l, I-1072, II-3025 Olay Tola! Effects 7X, 1-1072 Old Crow, I-2086 Old Dominion, I-973 Old Durham Wood, I-1394 Old El Paso, 1-1460 Old English, 1-853 Old Navy, J-171, 175, 205 Old Spice, II-2590 Old Spice High Endurance, II-2586, 2590 Old Spice High Endurance Liquid, II-3076 Old Wisconsin, II-3048 Old Wisconsin Snack Bites, II-3048 Olivella, 1-1036 Olympus, I-714 Omcprazole, 1-1239 OMG! All About Me Diary (Dork Diaries), 1-620 Omron, 1-594 On The Border, II-3065 On The Go, 1-194 Once, 1-675 One-A-Day VitaCraves, II-3482 One-A-Day Women's, II-3482 O'Neill, II-3527 Only, I-178, 204, 206 Ontel Products, 1-1479 OPPO, I-1255 Optaflexx, J-757 Orabase, ll-2471 Oracea, 1-1221 Orajel, ll-2471 Orajel PM, II-2471 Oral B Advance 3D White Vivid, II-2465 Oral B Complete Advance, II-2465 Oral B Crossaction Pro Health, II-2465 Oral B Indicator Contour Clean, II-2465 Orbit, I-1692, 1696 Ore-Ida Bagel Bites, 1-1513 Orcncia, I-1216 Oreo, J-1031 Oreo Double Stuf, 1-1031 Organic Root Stimulator, 1-1714 Organic Valley, II-2235 Organix, I-1711, 1713, 1717 Oriental Weavers, 1-1415 Original Gourmet, I-960 Oroweat, 1-656 Ortega, 1-1460 Ortho-Tri-Cyclen Lo 28, I-1226 Ortho Weed B Gon Max, II-2492 Orville Redenbacher's, II-3049 Orville Redenbachcr's Natural, II-3049 Orville Redenbachcr's Pop Up Bowl, II-3049 Orville Redenbacher's Poppycock, II-3059 Orville Rcdenbacher's Smart Pop, II-3049 Oscar Mayer, I-428, 2118 Oscar Mayer Carving Board, I-2118 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh, 1-2118 Oscar Mayer Lunchables, J-2116 Osipee, I-1394 986 Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition Volume II Olis Spunkrneyer, 1-452 Otter Products, I-762, II-3246, II-3108 Owen's, II-2917 OxiClean, I-2023 OxiClean Max Force, 1-2023 OxiClean Triple Power, I-2023 Oxo Softworks, II-3018 Oxycodone/acetaminophen, 1-1223 Oxycodone HCI, 1-1223 Oxycontin, 1-1223 Oz The Great and Poweiful, II-2271 Ozarka, 1-647, 649 Pace, J-1460, II-2884 Pacifico, 1-561 Paclantic, I-176 Painted Skin: Resurrection, II-2272 Pall Mall, I-832 Palmer Candies, 1-951, 953 Palmetto Cheese, 1-791 Palmolive, 1-856, 1187 Palmolive Soft Touch, 1-1187 Pam, ll-2226 Pampered Chef, I-1855 Pampers, I-425 Pampers Baby Dry, 1-1169 Pampers Cruisers, 1-1169 Pampers Easy Ups, 1-1172 Pampers Sensitive, 1-425 Pampers Soft Care, I-425 Pampers Stages Sensitive, I-425 Pampers Swaddlcrs, 1-1169 Pamprin, 1-144 Pamprin Max, 1-144 Panasonic, I-529, 999, 1007, II-3270 Panasonic Pl us, 1-517 Pantene Pro-V Classic, I-1717 Peace Tea, I-636 Peak, 1-157, II-3000 Pearson's Salted Nut Roll, I-973 Pebble, Il-3035 Pediacare, I-133 Pcdiasure, Il-3518 Pedigree, II-2608, 2610-2611, 2615 Pedigree Choice Cuts, ll-2615 Pedigree Dentastix, ll-2606 Pedigree Jumbone, II-2606 Pedigree Little Champions, II-2615 Peel's, I-889, 891, 896 Penley, II-2644 Pennsylvania Dutch, II-2385 Pennzoil, ll-2274 Pentax, I-714 People,I-1944, 1947,II-2131 PepcidAC, 1-134 Pepito, II-3346 Pcpperidgc Fmm, 1-431, 656, 664, 685,688 Pcppcridgc Fmm Goldfish, 1-1089 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Grahams, 1-1091 Pepperidgc Fmm Mini, 1-431 Pepperidge Farm Swirl, 1-656 Pepsi-Cola, II-3091 Pepto Bismol, 1-145 Percocet, 1-1223 Perdue, 1-1546, II-3412 Perdue Perfect Portions, 1-1520 Perdue Tender & Tasty, 1-1520 Perform, 1-143 Pergo (Mohawk), 1-1420 The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I-621 Perrier, 1-646, 651 Person of Interest, II-3281 Peter Jackson, I-831 Peter Pan, II-2391, 2566 Peter Paul Almond Joy, 1-810, 815 P.F. Chang's, 1-1453, 1523 The Phantom of the Opera, 1-675 Philadelphia Weekly, II-2365 Philips, 1-999, 1004 Philips Norelco, II-2930 Phillips, 1-147 Phillips Colon Health, I-147 Philly Gourmet, I-1534 Phoenix New Times, II-2365 Pantenc Pro-V Color Preserve, 1-1717 Pantene Pro-V Fine, J-1717 Pantenc Pro-V Normal Thick, 1-1711, 1717 Paper Mate Liquid Paper, 1-1053 Paper Mate Liquid Paper Dryline, I-!053 Paramount Reserve, II-2938 Parkay, IJ-2140 Parle's, II-3054 Parrot Bay, I-2095 Paw in Paw, 1-176 Pay Day, 1-973 Payless, I-1486 PB Blaster, 1-21 07 PDP-Pelican, 1-1737 Prevail Physicians Formula Powder Naturalc, I- I 062 Physicians Fmmula Powder Palette, 1-1064 Physicians Fmmula Shimmer Strips, 1-1064, 1070 Physicians Formula Summer Eclipse, I-1064 Phytogenix Labs, II-3519 Piaggio, Il-2279 PlC, 1-635, II-2602 Pictsweet, 1-1515, 1519, 1537, 1539 Pictsweet All Natural, I-1539 Pictsweet Deluxe, 1-1518 Pictsweet Deluxe Steamables, 1-1537 Pierre Cardin, I-189, 192 Pilgrim's Pride, 1-1520 Pillsbury, 1-682, 707, 1194-1197 Pillsbmy Best, 1-1437 Pillsbury Funfetti, 1-707 Pillsbury Golden Layers, 1-1194 Pillsbury Grands, I-664, 1192, 1194, 1196 Pillsbury Moist Supreme, J-707 Pillsbury Ready to Bake, 1-1195 Pinc Mountain, 1-1391 Pine Mountain Ullraflamc, 1-1391 Pinc Sol, I-844 Pinger, 1-1941 Pinnacle, 1-2097 Pintcrcsl, I-1950 Pioneer, 1-1002, 1005, II-2355 Pirate's Booty, ll-3050 Pirelli, Il-3309, 3311 Pitch Pe1fect, 1-1247 Pizza Hut, II-2828 Plaid Apple Barrel, I-266 Plaid Folk Art, 1-266 Plainsman, II-2874 Planes, ll-2270 Planet, 1-856 Planters, 1-969, II-2398, 2566, 3063 Planters NUT-rition, 1-969, II-2398 Plantronics, 1-1738-1739 Playboy, 1-192 Player's, I-831 , Playskool, 1-1097, II-3362 Playstation 3, II-3461-3462, 3468 Playstation 4, II-3461-3462 Playslalion Portable, II-3461-3462, Physicians Formula Bronzer Booster, 3468 Playstalion PS4, II-3468 l-!064 Physicians Formula Mineral Wear, Playstation Vila, Il-3461-3462, 3468 Playtex, I-1365 1-1071 987 Playtex Diaper Genie Elite, I-407 Playtex Drop Ins, 1-405 Playtex Gentle Glide, Il-3247 Playtex Great Lengths, II-2873 Playtex Handsaver, II-2874 Playtex Living, II-2874 Playtex Sport, II-3247 Playtex Ventaire, 1-405 Pledge, 1-844, 848, 851-853 Plochman's Kosciusko, ll-2911 Plumrosc, I-428 Plymouth Pantry, 1-808 PNY Electronics, II-2203 Poise, 1-17 Pok, I-1005 Pokemon XIY, Il-3466-3467 Poland, J-2040 Poland Spring, I-647, 649, 651 Polaner, I-1963 Polancr All Fruit, J-1963 Polar, 1-157 Polident, II-2464 Polident Overnight, II-2464 Polk, I- !006 Pompeian OlivExtra, I-1034 Pond's, ll-3026-3027 Pool Essentials Shock, II-2685 Pool Time Shock Xlra Blue, II-2685 Poolbrand, Il-2685 Pop Secret, II-3049 Pop Secret Homcslylc, ll-3049 Popcomers, II-3046 Popcorn in Diana, II-3059 Popsicle, 1-15!0 Porcelanite-Lamosa, II-3296 Porsche Cayenne Diesel, J-386 Power Bar, 1-1742 Power Bar Protein Plus, 1-1740 PowerDckor, 1-1421, 1427 Power Service, 1-384 Powcradc Ion4, II-3182 Powerade Zero Ion4, Il-3182 Prada, I-1727, 2120 Prairie Farms, Il-2231, 2235-2236, 2991 Precise, Il-2193 Prego, II-2912 Premio, II-2919 Premium, 1-1092 Premsyn PMS, 1-144 President, 1-788 President Pub Cheese, 1-791 Prcvacid 24Hr, I-134, 145 Prevail, 1-17 •, I-1952 Price's, I-791 Prilosec OTC, I-134, 145 Pringlcs, ll-3053 Pristiq, I-1241 Prive, I-157 Pro Check, 11-2199 ProFool, 1-1479 Promotion in Motion Welch's, I-958 Propanolol HCI, 1-1219 Proscer, ll-3493 Protec, I-242 Psi Brands, I-150 Puffs, I-1351 Puffs Plus, I-1351 Pulmicort Flexhale, I-1234 Pulmicort Respulcs, I-1234 Puma, I-199 Pup-Peroni, 11-2606 Pur, 11-3507 Pure Brew, I-902 Pure Fishing, 11-3156 Pure Health, ll-3519 Pure N Gentle, 11-2247 Pure Protein, 1-1740 Pure Via (Merisant), 11-3231 Purex, I-2029 Purex 2, I-846 Purex Complete Crystals, I-2024 Purex Natural Elements, I-856 Purex Ultrapacks, I-2030 PurinaAlpo Prime Cuts, 11-2608, 2615 Purina Alpo Prime Slices, 11-2615 Purina Beggin' Strips, 11-2606 Purina Bencful, ll-2608 Purina Beneful Healthy Weight, JI-2608 Purina Bcneful Prepared Meals, II-2615 Purina Busy Bone, 11-2606 Purina Cat Chow Complete, 11-2607 Purina Cat Chow Complete Formula, ll-2607 Purina Cat Chow Indoor, 11-2607 Purina Dog Chow, 11-2608 Pmina Dog Chow Healthy Life Nutrition, 11-2608 Pmina Fancy Feast, 11-2614 Purina Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys, 11-2614 Purina Friskies, Il-2614 Purina Kil & Kaboodle, 11-2607 Purina Mighty Dog, ll-2615 Purina One Smartblend, 11-2608 Purity, II-2231 Q Tips, I-1086 Qnasi, I-1235 Quaker, I-780-781 Quaker Chewy, 1-1629 Quaker Chewy 90 Calories, I-1629 Quaker Chewy Dipps, I-1629 Quaker High Fiber, I-780 Quaker Lower Sugar, I-780 Quaker Real Medleys, I-780 Quaker Weight Control, I-780 Quanjude, II-2828 Quantum Oramost, 11-2472 Queen Anne, I-820 Quilted Northern Extra Strong and Soft; Il-3338 Quilted Northern Ultra Plush, 11-3338 Quinoa, I-1621 Qvar, I-1234 Ragu, ll-2912 Ragu Old World Style, II-2912 Ragu Robusto, Il-2912 Raid, ll-2600-2602 Raid Max, 11-2600 Rain X, I-854 Ralph Lauren, I-171, 186, 205, 2120 Ram, I-401-402 Ranir Dental Source, ll-3344 Rank Group Ltd., I-1470 Rarone, II-3493 Rawlings, 11-3155 Raymond Geddes, I- I 097 Rayovac, I-517, 528-529 Rayovac Platinum, I-528 Rayovac Pre Charged, I-528 Ray's New York Bagels, I-433 Razer, I-1739 Razz, Il-2582 RCA, I-1005, 1007, 1013 Reader's Digest, 11-2131 Ready Pac, 11-2875 Rebif, I-1217 Red Baron, I-1541 Red Bird, 11-2241 Red Bull, I-1300 Red Bull Total Zero, I-1300 Red Diamond, I-638 Red Door, I-1503 Red Gold, I-730 Red Vines, 1-962 Reddit, I-1950 Redd's, I-2089 988 Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition Volume II Redhook, I-558 Reebok, I-1483 Reese's, I-810-811, 815, 822 Reeses (lice), I-148 Reese's Pieces, I-965 Refresh Your Car, I-66 Remicade, I-1216, 1230 Remington, Il-2930 Renuzit, I-65 Renuzil Longlasl, I-65 Renuzit Pearl Scents Super Odor, I-65 Repel Sportsmen, 11-260 I RepHresh, I-1366 Resolve, I-2023 Resorz, 11-2335 Revlimid, I-1217 Revlon, 11-2930 Revlon Beyond Natural, I-1073 Revlon Brow Fantasy, I-1069 Revlon Colorbursl, I-1076 Revlon Colorsilk Beautiful Color, I-1719 Revlon ColorStay, I-1065, 1068, 1070-1071, 1074 Revlon ColorSlay Brow Enhancer, I-1069 Revlon ColorStay Min LipGlaz, I-1076 Revlon ColorStay Overtime, I-1077 Revlon Fantasy Lengths, I-1073 Revlon PhotoReady, I-1065, 1071, 11-2583 Revlon Powder Blush, I-1062 Revlon Super Lustrous, I-1076-1077 Rcxall, I-137, 142, 11-2335, 2594 Rexall One Step, 11-2715 Reynolds, I-1469, 11-2652, 3516 Reynolds Cut Rite, 11-3516 Reynolds Group, I-122 RhinocorlAqua, I-1235 Rhodes,I-1192, 1540 Rhodes Bake-N-Serv, I-1192 Rice-A-Roni, 11-2856 Riceland, 11-2856 Rid, I-148 Rid-A-Bug, 11-2600 Rid X, I-861 Rigoletto, Il-2457 Rimmel Fix & Perfect Pro, 11-2583 Rimmcl Natural Bronzer, I-1064 Rimmel Stay Glossy, I-1076 A Ring by Spring, ll-2268 Ring Relief, I-1257, 1337 Rips, I-962 Rise of the Guardians, I-1247 Riluxan, I-1217, 1222 Rizzali & Isles, 11-3280 Road Tech, I-157, 384, Il-2274 Roadmaster, 11-3310 Simple Sage Publications, I-1940 Sailor Jeffy, I-2096 St. Ives Liquid, 11-3076 St. Joseph, I-133 Sal de Uvas Picot, I-133 Sally Hansen, I-1709 Sally Hansen Airbrush, 11-2583 Robert's American Gourmet Smart Salon Grafix, 1-1715 Puffs, 11-3044 Salon Perfect, I-1073 Robitussin, I-140 Salon Perfect Perfect GLM, I-1073 Roboo, I-1939 Salonpas, I-143 ROC Retinol Correxion Deep WrinSamsung, I-913, 926, 999-1000, kle, II-3025 1003, 1005, 1007, 1010, II-3035Roche, I-1220 3036 Rockford Fosgate, I-1001 Samuel Adams, I-558 Rockstar, I-1300 San Diego Reader, II-2365 Rockstar Sugar Free, I-1300 San Giorgio, 11-2557 Rold Gold, I-953, 11-3057 San Jose Mercwy News, 11-2368 Romon, I-187, 192 San Pellegrio, I-651 Rondelc, I-791 SanDisk, I-1010, 11-2203 Sandwich Male, 1-792 Rongs, I-1036 Ronzoni, II-2557 Sanofi, I-1220 Rappe Flcxco, I-1425 Sanlilas, 11-3065 Sara Lee, I-431, 448, 450, 656, 688 Rose Art, I-266, 782, 906, 1097 Rossini, 11-3493 Sara Lee Soft & Smooth, I-656, 685 Round Up, II-2492 Saran Cling Plus, 11-2652 Sargento, I-789-790 Round Up Pump & Go, 11-2492 Rouse, I-189 Sargento Artisan Blends, I-789 Sargenlo Natural Blends, I-790 Rowenla, I-1856 Sato Zentrip, I-150 Royal Oak Grill Time, I-784 Rubbermaid, I-862, 1472, 1847, Sauders Eggs, I-1265 Sazon Goya, II-3153 1855, 1881, II-2540, 3018, 3378 Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids, I-1472, SB Global Foods Inc., I-964 Schick, II-2771 1847 Schick Slim Twin, ll-2770 Rubbermaid Microban, ll-3018 Rubbermaid Refill Reuse, 11-2643 Schick Xtreme3, 11-2770 Rubbermaid Roughneck, I-1472 Scope, ll-2466 Rubbermaid TakeAlongs, I-1472, Scope Outlast, I-670 Scotch, 11-3255 1847 Ruffles, II-3053, 3055 Scotch Magic, ll-3255 Rugby, I-137, 150 Scott, 11-2547, 3338 Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, Scott Extra Soft, II-3338 I-620 Scotts Naturals, II-2547, 3558 Russell Stover, I-820, 822, 975 Scotts Turf Builder, 11-2492 Russkie Samocvety, II-257 4 Scripto, I-2065 Rust-Oleum, I-857 Scripto Aim N Flame, I-2065 , Scripto Views, I-2065 Rydcrs Eyewear, I-1339 Sabra, II-2143 Scrubbing Bubbles, I-861 Saco Dolci Fmtta, 1-808 SDO, I-1255 ScaBand,I-150 Safeguard, ll-3077 Sea-Gull, II-3493 Safety !st, I-407, Il-2333 Safely Isl Clean Collection, II-2333 ScaDoo, Il-2596 Safety !st Hospital's Choice, 11-2333 Seagram's 7 Crown, I-2098 Safilo, I-1341 Seagram's Escapes, 1-2095 989 Seattle's Best, I-891 Sebastian Shaper Plus, I-1715 Secret Clinical Strength, II-2586 Secret Scent Expressions, 11-2586 Sedrin, I-540 Selsun Blue, I-1708 Semir, I-206 Sensations, I-1804 Scnsodync, 11-2475 Sensosdyne Pronamel, 11-2475 Scplwolves, I-187 Serenity, 1-17 Serenity Tena, I-17 Serenity Tena OdaSorb Plus, I-17 Seretide, I-1230 Seventh Generation, I-856 Shady Brook Farms, II-3410, 3412 Shanshan, I-189, 192 Sharwood's, 11-2913 Shatura, I-1802 Shaw, I-1415, 1420, 1426 Shea Moisture, I-1711, 1713 Sheba, 11-2610 Shcdd's Country Crock, Il-2140 Shell Rotealla T, 11-2274 Shell Zone, I-157 Sheng Long, I-192 Shiner, I-558 Shoe Gear, 11-3000 Shore Lunch, ll-3134 Shouda, 11-2914 Shout, I-2023 Shout Advanced, I-2023 Shout Color Catcher, I-2023 Sidekick, I-593 Sierra Nevada, I-558 Silk, I-899 Silk Light Soymilk, II-2232 Silk Pure Almond, II-2232 Silk Pure Coconut, II-2232 Silk Soymilk, II-2232 SilverT, I-1534 Simex, I-1465 Similac, I-421 Similac Advance, I-419-421 Similac Advance Early Shield, I-420 Similac Expert Care Alimentum, I-421 Similac Expert Care Neosure, I-421 Similac Isomil, 1-419, 421 Similac Sensitive, I-419-421 Similasan Ear Wax Relief, 1-1257 Similasan Healthy Relief, I-1257 Simple, Il-3026-3027 • Simple Green Simple Green, 1-856 Simply Apple, 1-1976 Simply Orange, I-1985 Simply Organic, U-2880 Simvastatin, I-1233 Sister Schubert's, I-664, 1192 Skechers, I-1483, 1489, 1491 Skinner, U-2557 The Skinny Cow, I-1510 Skinnygirl, I-2095 Skinlimate Signature Scents, U-2595 Skintimate Skintherapy, U-2595 Skippy, U-2391, 2566 Skippy Natural, II-2391, 2566 Skittles, I-965 Skol, I-541 Skyfall, I-1247 Skyline Chili, I-1463 Skyy, I-2091, 2097 Sleep Right, II-2335 Slim Fast 321 Plan, II-3518 Slim Jim, U-3048 SlimQuick Ultra, II-3519 Smart Balance, U-2140, 2566 Smart Balance Omega, 1-1034, II-2226 Smartfood, II-3059 Smirnoff, I-2091, 2095, 2097 Smirnoff Ice, I-2089 Smirnoff Premium Malt Mixed Drinks, 1-2089 Smith, I-1338-1339 Smithfield, 1-428 Smucker's, I-1963, II-2566 Smucker's Crustables, I-1532 Smucker's Goober, II-2566 Smucker's Simply Fruit, 1-1963 Smucker's Sugar Free, 1-1963 The SmU1fs 2, II-2270 Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, 1-953, 1089 Snak Club, I-969 Snapchat, 1-255 Snapper, 1-2040 Snapple, 1-636, 1978 Snickers, 1-810-811, 815, 1510 Snorestep, I-152 Snow, 1-540-541 Snow Seal, 1-2028 Snow's, II-3137 Snuggle, 1-2022, 2024 Snuggle Exhilerations, 1-2022, 2024 Snyder's of Hanover, I-953, ll-3057 So Delicious, 1-899, 1547, II-2232 Soft & Beautiful Just for Me, 1-1714 Soft & Precious, ll-2594 Soft Scrub, I-861 Soft Sheen Carson Dark & Lovely, I-1714 Soft Sheen Carson Magic, 1-1709 Soft Sheen Carson Optimum Care, 1-1714 Softsoap Liquid, II-3076 Sogou, I-1939 Sok, 1-1802 Solo, 1-1190, II-2644 Solo Squared, I-1190 Solodyn, I-1221 Someday by Justin Bieber, 1-1503 Somerset, I-1426 Sominex, 1-1240 Somnapure, I-1240 Sonicare E Series, U-2463 Sonicare ProResulls, II-2463 Sons of Anarchy, ll-3280 Sony, 1-714, 999-1000, 1002-1005, 1007, 1010, 1246, 1255, 17361737, ll-2203, 3035 Souhait, 1-176 Sour Patch Kids, 1-965 Southern Comfort, I-2087 Southern Motion, 1-1579 Southern Tsunami, I-1453 Southwest Airlines, 1-1952 Spalding, II-3162 SPAM, I-728 Spangler Dum Dum Pops, I-960 Sparkle, II-2547 Sparkling Ice, I-651 Sparks, I-2089 Special K, I-777, 1740 Speck Products, I-762 Spectracide, U-2492 Spectracide Bug Stop, II-2600 Spectrum Naturals, I-1034 Spice Islands, II-3153 Spice World, II-3153 Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, I-675 Spiriva, I-1230 Spitz, II-3063 Splcnda, II-3231 Sprayway, I-854 Sprite, ll-3091 Staccato, I-1490 Stacker 2 6 Hour Power, 1-1301 Stacker 2 Extra, I-1301 Stacy's Pita Chips, 1-1089 990 Market Share Reporter, 25th Edition. Volume TI Stance, ll-3083 ST&SAT, I-1490 Star, I-731 Star Trek, II-3357 Star Trek Into Darkness, ll-2271 Starbucks, I-889, 891, 894, 896, 900 Starbucks Doubleshot, I-900 Starburst, 1-965 State Fair, 1-1532 Static Guard, I-2026 Stayfree, II-2893 Steak-umm, I-1534 Steel Series, 1-1739 Stefanos, I-1540 Stclara, I-1216 StellaArtois Lager, 1-561 Stcrilite, I-862, 1472, 1847, 1881, II-3018, 3378 Sterilite Clearview, 1-1472, 1847 Sterilite Ultra, 1-862, 1472, 1847 Steve Madden, I-1491 Stiefel Labs, I-1479 Stiefel Panoxyl, 1-130 Stilwell, I-1515 Stolplit, 1-1802 Stone, 1-558 Stoner Invisible Glass, I-855 Stonyfield, II-3593 Stopain, I-143 Stouffer's, 1-1523-1524, 1545 Stouffer's Easy Express Skillets, I-1523 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Chef's Pick, I-1524 Sun Maid, 1-951 Sun Maid Mini Snacks, I-951 Sun Soft, ll-3510 Sunbeam, I-242, 656, 685, 1856 Sunbelt Bakery, I-1629 SunChips, II-3050 Suncloud, 1-1338 Sunday Night Football, II-3281 Sunmark, 1-242, 594 Sunny D, I-1988 Sunny Farms, 1-1265 Sumise Growers, I-1531 Sunshine Cheez-lt, 1-1089 Sunshine Krispy, 1-1092 Sunstar GUM Eez-Thru, II-2463 Sunstar GUM Go-Betweens, U-2463 Sunstar GUM Soft Picks, II-2463 Suntree, II-2398 Sunyard, I-1427 Super Iron Out, I-857 Superior Communications, I-761 Supreme Protein, I-1742 Sure Sell, II-2719 Sure Soft, II-3510 Sutter Home, II-3548 Suzuki, II-2278 Svedka, I-2091, 2097 Swaggerty, II-2917 Swann Communications, 1-913 Swans Down, 1-1437 Swanson, I-1545 Swedish Fish, 1-965 Sweet Baby Ray's, ll-2909 Sweet 'N Low, II-323 l Swiffcr Dust & Shine, 1-853 Swiffer Wet Jet, I-851 Swiftlock, I-1420 Swim Ear, I-1257 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Culinary Collection, I-1524 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Simple Favorites, 1-1524 Stouffer's Signature Classics, I-1545 STP, I-157, 384 Stride, I- 1696 Stride Rite, I-1486 Strongbow, 1-2090 Suave, I-1715, II-2586 Suave Naturals Liquid, II-3076 Suavilcl, 1-2024 Subaru, 1-401 Sue Bee, I-1820 SUFIX, II-3156 Sugar in the Raw, II-3226 Sugardale, I-428 Summer's Eve, I-1365 Summer's Eve Yeast, 1-1365 Sun In, 1-1716 Swiss Premium, 1-638 Swisspers, 1-1086 Swisspers Supreme, I-1086 Sylvania, I-2063 Sylvania Double Life, I-2063 Tai Pei, I-1453, 1513 Taken2, 1-1247 Talenti, II-2991 Tales from a Not-So-Happy Hear/breaker (Dork Diaries #6), I-620 Tampax, II-3247 Tampax Pearl, II-3247 Tampax Radiant, II-3247 Tampico, I-1978 Taoranju, II-2828 Targus, II-3246 11-iumph Tarkett, 1-1420 Taro, I-1479 Tastykakc, 1-443, 446 Tat, II-2600 Tata, 1-1490 TBS, II-3276 TDK, I-1246 TDL Tekstil, I-1802 Teasdale, 1-721 Tecate, I-561 Tcclast, 1-1255 Teenie Weenie, 1-204 Tcenmix, I- l 490 Tclebrands, 1-1479 Tempus, II-2456 Ten High, 1-2086 Tena, I-17 Terra Cain, I-384 Tesla Model S, I-387 Teva, I-1220, I-1941 Texwood, I-178 T.G.l. Friday's, I-1513, 1520 ThennaCare, II-2193 Thermalon, II-2193 Thermos, I-1881, II-2643 Thomas', I-431 Thomas' Bagel Thins, I-431 Thomas' Hearty Grains, 1-431 Thor: The Dark World, ll-2271 Three Musketeers, I-810 Tian Wang, II-3493 Tide, I-2023, 2029-2030 Tide Plus A Touch of Downy, 1-2029 Tide Plus Fcbreze, I-2029 Tide Pods, I-2030 Tide To Go, 1-2023 Tifosi, 1-1338-1339 TigerBalm,I-143 Tiki, ll-2600 Tilex, I-861 Tillamook, I-695, 788-790 Timberland, 1-1486, 1489 Time, II-2131 Tinactin, 1-136 Tinkertoy, II-3357 . Tinkyada, I-1621 Tiseo, I-1540 Titanic JD, II-2272 TNT, II-3276 Tobi, I-1221 Tod's, I-1727 Tofurky, 1-1536 Tofurky Grillers Prime, 1-1536 991 Tombstone, I-1541 Tomcat, II-2602 TomTom, II-2355 Tones, ll-3153 Tony's, I-154 l Too Tarts SmarLChoice, 1-975 Tootsie Roll Child's Play, I-967 Tootsie Roll Pops, I-960 Topo Chico, I-651 Topps Baby Bottle Pop, I-967 Topps Push Pop, I-967 Toprol-XL, I-1219 Topss Juicy Drop Pop, I-967 Toro, I-2040-2041 Tortilla Land, II-3346 Tosca, II-2457 Tostitos, 1-1181, 1460, II-2884, 3065 Tostitos Scoops, II-3065 Totino's Party Pizza, 1-1541 Totino's Pizza Rolls, 1-1513 Toto, II-2899, 3343 Townsend Farms, I-1531 Toyo, II-3309, 3311-3312 Toyoa Prius Plug In, I-387 Toyota Avalon Hybrid, I-388 Toyota Camry, I-402 Toyota Camry Hybrid, 1-388 Toyota Corolla, I-402 Toyota Division, I-389, 401 Toyota Prius C, 1-388 Toyota Prius Liftback, I-388 Toyota Prius V, I-388 Toyota RAV4EV,1-387 Tracker, II-3043 Tracker, I-1217 Trafficmaster, I-1420 Trans-Ocean, II-2938 Transcend, ll-2203 Transformers, II-3362 Travel by Design, Il-2643, 3083, 3344 Travel Mates, II-3083 Tresemme Tres Two, I-1715 Trevi, I-646 Triamcinolone Acetonide, I-1235 Tribe, II-2143 Trident, 1-1692, 1696 Trident Layers, 1-1696 Trident White, I-1696 Trim, ll-2930 The Trip to Bountiful, II-2268 TripAdvisor, 1-1952 Triple Paste, I-410 Triumph, II-2278 • Trojan for A Crazy Sexy Feel Trojan for A Crazy Sexy Feel, Jl-2593 Trop 50, I-1988 Tropicana, I-1976, 1988 Tropicana Pure Premium, 1-1985 Troy-Bilt, I-2040-2041 True North, I-973 TmMoo, Jl-2231 Truvia, II-3231 Tsingtao, I-540-541 Tulip, I-266 Tumble, I-1950 Tummy Calm, 1-133 Tums, I-134, 145 Tums Smoothies, I-134 1l1rbo, II-2270 Turkey Creek Snacks, II-3051 Turkey Hill, 1-638, 1509 Turkey Hill Dairy, I-1876 Turkey Hill Nature's Accent, I-638 Turner Digital, 1-1943 Turtle Beach, I-1737, I-1947 Twcezcrman Ltd., II-2930 Twilight, I-621 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2, I-1247 Twinkies, I-443 Twisted Tea Hard Ice Tea, I-2089 Twitter, I-1950 Twix, 1-815 Twix 4 To Go, I-810 Twizzlers, I-962 Twizzlers Cherry Kick, 1-962 Twizzlcrs Nibs, I-962 Twizzlcrs Pull 'N Peel, I-962 Tylenol, 1-131 Tylenol Cold, I-140 Tyson, I-1520, 1546, II-2164 Tyson Anylizers, 1-1546 Tyson Grilled & Ready, I-1546 U by Kolex Click, II-3247 U by Kotex Sleek, II-3247 Udi's, 1-431, 664, 1540, 1621 Ugg, I-1491 Ultra, I-2029 Ultra Care, II-3440 Uncle Ben's, II-2856 Uncle Ben's Converted, II-2856 Uncle Chipps, II-3054 Uncle Dan's, Il-2880 Uncle Hanys, I-1509 Uncle Wally's, I-452 Under Armour, I-196, 1480, 1483, II-3163 Under the Dome, II-3281 Unidcn, 1-913, II-3270 Unique, I-1804 Unique Premier Styles, 1-1804 Unisom SlcepGels, I-151, 1240 Unisom SlecpMelts, I-1240 Unisom SlcepTabs, I-1240 United Plastics, 1-862, 1881, Il-3018, 3378 United Solutions, 1-862, II-3378 U.S. News, I-1945 Universal Remote Control, 1-1013 Uno, 1-1464 Unorthodox Jukebox, Bruno Mars, Il-2309 UP, I-1397 Upstage, Il-2582 Upstage Body Elements, II-2582 US Weekly, 1-1944 USA channel, II-3276 USA TODAY, 1-1947, IJ-2366 Utz, 1-953, II-3044, 3051, 3053, 3057 V8 Fusion Light, I-1978 V8 Splash, 1-1978 V8 V Fusion, 1-1977 Vagisil, 1-1365 Valued Naturals, 1-951, 969 Vampire Academy, 1-621 Vancomycin HCI, 1-1221 Vanity Fair, I-202 Van's, 1-1544 Vaseline, II-2594 Vaseline Total Moisture, II-3028 Vect, 1-1709 Vela Rosita, 1-2028 VeIcade, 1- 1222 Vcnlafaxine HCI, 1-1241 Venlafaxine HCl ER, 1-1241 Veramyst, 1-1235 Verbatim, 1-1246 Vero Moda, 1-204, 206 Versace, I-2120 Vespa, 11-2280 Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, II-3547 VEVO, I-1946 VH Essentials, 1-1366 Viber, 1-255 Vicks DayQuil, 1-140 Vicks NyQuil, 1-140, 1240 Vicks NyQuil ZzzQuil, I-151-152 Victoria's Secret, 1-202 992 Market Share Reporte1; 25th Edition Volume II Victors, II-2602 Vicutu, 1-192 Village Naturals Bath Shoppe, II-3075 Village Naturals Therapy, Jl-3075 Village Voice, II-2365 Vita, II-2938 Vitromex, II-3296 Viva La Juicy, I-1503 Vivarin, I-706 Vizio, I-1005 Vlasic, 1-733 Vohringer,1-1421, 1427 Volkswagen, 1-389, 401 Volkswagen Golf Diesel, I-386 Volkswagen Jetta Diesel, 1-386 Volkswagen Passat Diesel, I-386 Vonage, 11-3270 VPI, 1-1425 VTech, II-3270 Wahl, II-2930 Wal-Mart, 1-171, 175, 180, 186, 202, 205 Walkers, II-3055 The Walking Dead, II-3280-3281 Walkman, 1-1012 Wall Street Journal, II-2366 Warren, I-784 Washington Post, 1-1947, 11-2368 Watcrpik, Il-2463 Wavy Lay's, II-3053 WaxMac, 1-1337 WaxVac, I-1256 WD 40, 1-2107 WD 40 No Mess Pen, 1-2107 WD 40 Smart Straw, 1-2107 WD 40 Special isl, I-2107 WebMD, I-1942 WcChat, I-255 Weed Eater, 1-2041 Wei Peng, I-178 Weight Watchers Smart Ones, 1-1517, 1524 Weight Watchers Smart Ones Smart Beginnings, 1-1517 Weiman, I-852 Welch's, 1-1963, 1978, 1988 Welch's Fruit N Yogurt, I-951 Welch's Natural, I-1963 Well-Piel, 1-1531 Wellemcnts Baby Move Constipation, I-419 Wells Blue Bunny, I-1547 Wells Dairy, I-1876 Wells Dairy Weight Watchers, 1-1510 Wells Dairy Yoplail, 1-1547 Wells Lamont, II-2874 Werther's Oliginal, I-960, 975 Wesson, I-1 034 Westward, II-2365 Wetn Wild, I-1069 Wet n Wild Color Icon, 1-1062, I 064, 1068 Wet n Wild Mega Slicks, 1-1076 Wet Ones, II-2247 Wet Ones Big Ones, II-2247 Wet Platinum, II-2593 WhatsApp, 1-255 The Wheels on the Bus (Pete the Cat), 1-620 Whink, 1-857 Whink Lime Buster, I-857 Whiskas, II-2610-2611 White Castle, 1-1532 White Lily, 1-1437 While Rose, Il-2594 White Wing, II-3346 White Wings, 1-1437 Whitman's, I-820, 822 WholeFruil, II-2991 Wholly Guacamole, 1-1182 Wicked, 1-675 Widmer, I-558 Wii, II-3461-3462, 3468 WiiU, Il-3462 Wikimedia Foundation sites, 1-1943 Wild Turkey, I-2086 Wilson, II-3162 Wilton, 1-1804 Windcx, I-848, 854 Windex Complete, 1-854 Windex Outdoor, 1-854 Windows, 1-930, 1941, Il-3118-3121 Winston, 1-832, II-3332 Wired, 1-1944 Wisc, II-3059 Wise Chcez Doodles, II-3044 Wish-Bone, II-2879-2880 Wolf, 1-724 Woman's Day, II-2131 Women's Health, 1-1944 Wonderful, II-2398 Wonderful Accents, II-2398 Wonderstruck Taylor Swift, I-1503 Wonka Kazoozles, I-962 Wonka Laffy Taffy, 1-965 Wonka Mix Ups, 1-967 Wonka Nerds, 1-967 Zyrtec Wonka Sweetarts, I-967 Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi, II-3548 Woodchuck, 1-2090 Woolile Complete, 1-2028 Woolite Darks, 1-2028 Woolite Everyday, I-2028 Woolite Extra Dark Care, 1-2028 Woolite Extra Delicates Care, I-2028 The Works, 1-857 World War Z, II-2271 WorxEnergy, I-1301 Wrangler, 1-179-180 Wreck-It Ralph, 1-1247 Wrigey's Big Red, I-1694 Wright, 1-428 Wrigley's 5, I-1696 Wrigley's Double Mint, 1-1694 Wrigley's Eclipse, 1-1696 Wrigley's Extra, 1-1696 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit, 1-1694 Wrigley's Spearmint, I-1694 Wrigley's Wintedi·esh, 1-1694 Wyler's Mrs. Grass, II-3134 Wyman's, I-1531 Wyman's of Maine, I-1531 Xeloda, 1-1222 Xgeva, 1-1222 Xiao Wei Yang, II-2828 Xiaobaitu, Il-2468 Yahoo!, I-1941, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1950, II-3108 Yamaha, II-2278-2280, 2596 Yamasa, II-2914 Yangzi Flooring, 1-1421 Yanjing, I-540-541 Yellow Tail, II-3548 Yibaly, 1-1036 Yicha, I-1939 Yishion, 1-206 Yokohama, Il-3309-3312 Yoplait, 11-3594 York, 1-822 Youngor, I-187, 189, 192 YouTubc, 1-1950 Yuban, 1-889 Yumeijing, II-3073 Zantac 150, 1-134, 145 Zantrex 3, ll-3519 Zatarain's, II-2856 Zebra Cakes, 1-443 Zegerid OTC, 1-134 Zenghi, 1-178 993 Zero Water, II-3507 Zest, II-3077 Zesta, 1-1092 Zewa, I-594 Zilmax, I-757 Ziploc, 1-1469, Il-2652 Ziploc Smart Snap, I-1472 Ziploc Smart Zip, 1-1469 Zippo, 1-2065 Zone Pe1fecl, 1-1740 Zolc, 1-2030 Zud, I-857 Zulka, II-3226 Zyrtec, 1-138 •
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