community - Winneshiek Medical Center


community - Winneshiek Medical Center
A newsletter from Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation
Renew the Pro
Prepared to serve, to care, to heal. Every day, every hour, every minute.
100 years of community
support building a strong inside
Your Community Heartbeat
medical center
e all have our reasons why we give
to certain organizations, charities,
or individuals. In 1913, Winneshiek County
residents gave to build a local hospital
they could be proud of. According to the
Decorah Public Opinion, June 18, 1913,
“They were called upon to give to show
their generosity, their public spirit, their
John Noel
belief in Winneshiek County, and their
gratitude that they were alive in 1913.”
Winneshiek Medical Center is celebrating
100 years of hope, health, and healing this
year. It has grown into a vital and vibrant
health care hub for our region. Why?
Because people like you, believed in and supported the medical
center from the very beginning.
The Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation Board of Directors
want to thank our past, present and future donors for believing in
the vision and mission of local health care. Thank you for moving
us into the next 100 years of service to our region.
John Noel
WMC Foundation President
WMC Foundation
Board Directors
Amy Bruening
Karla Erdman
Dan Fretheim
Arlene Houlihan
Dawn Muhlbauer
John Noel
Brad Orvis, M.D.
Jerry Samuelson
Diane Tacke
Karl Jacobsen & Steve Hildebrand WMC Board of Trustees Liaisons
Winneshiek Medical Center
Board of Trustees
Rick Burras, President
Roger Huinker, Vice-President
Ben Wyatt, Sec./Treasurer
Clark Goltz
Sherry Gribble
Steve Hildebrand
Karl Jacobsen
Making history
with Joyce Langreck
Meet our new
providers and staff
Recognizing our staff
and saluting
their dedication
Annual Fund
Pictured on the cover is Joyce
Langreck, the first laparoscopic
gallbladder patient at
Winneshiek Medical Center. Five
general surgeons who provide
care at the medical center
are pictured from left, Hamid
Kakavandi, D.O., Steven Davis,
M.D., Scott Bierman, M.D.,
Phillip Yee, M.D. and Michael
LaBelle, M.D.
The Community Heartbeat is published by Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation.
Questions and suggestions may be submitted by contacting:
Winneshiek Medical Center Community Relations
901 Montgomery St., Decorah, IA 52101
563-382-2911 or
discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender
identity, age, national origin, religion, or disability in admission to, participation in, or receipt
communication aids for impaired hearing, vision, speech, or manual skills are needed, Winneshiek
Medical Center will make reasonable accommodations.
Visit us online
History was made by trusting care,
close to home
oyce Langreck made history
“Dr. Callaghan told me I would
laparoscopic gallbladder patient
at Winneshiek Medical Center in
because I felt like I could trust
1991. Recalling her experience,
him,” says Joyce. “The day of my
Joyce says, “I knew all the people surgery I was most scared about
in the room and I knew they would being put to sleep, but my nurse,
take good care of me.” It was her
Pat Courtney, told me that was
the easiest part and they would
medical team that changed the
take good care of me. When I saw
course of general surgery in our
all those faces of people I knew,
I had faith in them and felt more
Joyce was diagnosed with
comfortable than if I was in a big
gallstones by Terry Dynes, M.D.,
hospital where I wouldn’t know
a Mayo Clinic Health System
provider at Decorah Clinic. Joyce
Dr. Callaghan’s procedure was a
says, “He told me I was a good
success. Joyce recalls, “The next
candidate for a new surgery Dr.
morning I took a shower and when
Joseph Callaghan,
I came back to my room,
the local general
Dr. Callaghan and all the
“...when I saw
surgeon, and the
staff were in the hallway
all those faces of clapping for me – it was so
surgical staff had
people I knew, I personal – I’ll never forget
been training to
had faith in them it.” Joyce was discharged
perform.” The
new procedure
from the hospital the next
and felt more
was a laparoscopic comfortable than day and returned to work in
gallbladder surgery
just a week.
if I was in a big
hospital where I procedure with Joyce,
which would
wouldn’t know
remove Joyce’s
WMC general surgeons
have performed nearly
~Joyce Langreck 2,500 laparoscopic
through small cuts
(incisions) in the
procedures including
abdomen instead of the traditional gallbladders, appendectomies,
surgery that would openly expose
colon resections, hysterectomies,
the internal organs with a large
and more.
There were a number of
surgeons, with 88 collective
advantages to this new procedure, years of experience, provide 24
such as: less scarring, less blood
hour coverage at Winneshiek
loss, shorter recovery time,
Medical Center. They are Mayo
reduced risk of exposing internal
Clinic Health System providers,
organs to contaminants, less need
Steven Davis, M.D. and Hamid
for pain medication and a quicker
Kakavandi, D.O., and Gundersen
return to normal activities/work.
Health System providers Scott
laparoscopic gallbladder
patient at Winneshiek
Medical Center in 1991.
She says, “It was a good
experience, people here took
good care of me.”
Bierman, M.D., Phillip Yee, M.D.
and Michael LaBelle, M.D. In
addition to these general surgeons,
WMC is home to local surgeons
who specialize in gynecology,
ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat),
podiatry, orthopedics and urology.
Outreach ophthalmologists from
Mayo Clinic in Rochester and
Gundersen Health System in
La Crosse also perform cataract
removal at Winneshiek Medical
Regardless of where you receive
your clinical care, or whether your
surgery is planned or unexpected,
the expert surgical team at
Winneshiek Medical Center is
prepared to serve, to care and to
heal – every day, every hour, every
minute. Visit www.winmedical.
org/surgery to learn more.
Providers & Staff
Lisa Radtke, MS, LCSW, Chief Administrative
Lisa Radtke, MS,
WMC Chief
Winneshiek Medical Center and Mayo Clinic
Health System leaders have announced Lisa
Radtke, MS, LCSW, has been appointed to
Winneshiek Medical Center.
Radtke, who has been serving as interim
CAO at the medical center since May of this
year, has been with Mayo Clinic Health System
for more than 30 years, most recently as
Regional Administrator for Human Resources
for the Southwest Wisconsin Region. She holds
a Master’s of Science degree in Community
Health and is a licensed social worker.
Mayo Clinic Health System--Franciscan
Kruse says, “During Lisa’s interim leadership,
and her appointment to permanent, full time
leadership in Decorah is a very positive
step forward for the medical center and the
“We’ve been impressed with Lisa’s leadership
and management skills over the past few months
as she served as interim CAO,” said Rick
Burras, Board Chair of Winneshiek Medical
Center. “Her experience and skills will be an
asset as we plan for the future at the medical
“I am so pleased to accept this position to
join Winneshiek Medical Center full time,” said
Radtke. “I look forward collaborating with the
local management teams, our community and
Mayo Clinic Health System to ensure that the
outstanding local health care resources patients
of the region have depended upon for more than
a century will continue and grow in the next 100
Winneshiek Medical Center is an accredited,
northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota since
1914. WMC is the third largest Critical Access
Hospital in Iowa, and provides hospital, clinic,
rehabilitation, home health and hospice services
to the region. Physician services at Winneshiek
Medical Center are provided by Mayo Clinic
Health System.
Mary Lally, BMBCh, Family Medicine
We are pleased to announce that Mary Lally,
B.M.B.Ch., has accepted our offer to join
our physician practice as a family medicine
physician. Dr. Lally received her undergraduate
degree in biochemistry from University of St.
Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland, and completed
medical school at the University Of Oxford
School Of Medicine, Oxford, England. She
will complete her residency in family medicine
October 2014 at Mayo Clinic Family Medicine
Residency Program where she has served as chief
resident from 2013 to the present time.
Dr. Lally and her family will relocate to
Decorah following completion of her residency in
fall 2014, and she will begin seeing patients early
in 2015.
Winneshiek Medical Center offers a positive and progressive work
environment, as well as competitive benefits, including health, dental, life,
IPERS and generous paid time off. To view job postings,
visit our website:
If you are interested in applying for any positions, please contact:
Human Resources
Phone 563-387-5240 e-mail:
Celebrating 100 years of
health, hope & healing
years ago, a group
of forward-thinking
Winneshiek County citizens had
a vision: to build a hospital to
support a healthy, vibrant and
lasting community for future
Today, Winneshiek Medical
Center continues the 100-year
legacy of providing quality and
compassionate care. With an
active medical staff of nearly 30
Mayo Clinic Health System and
Gundersen Lutheran physicians,
and primary and specialty clinics
in Decorah, Ossian and Mabel,
Minnesota, Winneshiek Medical
Center has grown to become
the largest and most specialized
hospital in the region.
In 1914, one surgeon oversaw
the care of injury and illness. One
hundred years after the opening
of Decorah Hospital, our services
include multi-specialty surgical
services; MRI, CT Scan, x-ray
and digital mammography led
by an on-site radiologist; and
rehabilitation and sports medicine
clinics in Decorah, Calmar,
Postville, and Spring Grove, MN,
with outreach to area schools
and nursing homes. We offer
diabetes education; home medical
equipment; home health and
hospice; a hospitalist program
for 24-hour inpatient care; a
swing-bed program for skilled
nursing care for rehabilitation and
recovery; and obstetrics services
provided by both area physician
groups. Winneshiek Medical
Center also provides urgent
care, a 24/7 emergency room
and ambulance service staffed
by Mayo Clinic Health System
physicians, specialized nursing
staff and paramedics.
Our founders were motivated
to provide health care for their
family, friends and neighbors,
while strengthening the
community they called home.
WMC furthers their vision as we
set our sights on the future. We
continue our commitment to our
community by hiring skilled,
compassionate staff, by bringing
the newest medical technology
into our region, and by providing
care in a way that maintains
the personal experience of a
community hospital, but assures
patients that they are receiving the
very best in health care.
Winneshiek Medical Center
shares the sentiments of our
founders regarding the value of
our community and the efforts
necessary to not only to better
the medical center, but to make
it thrive. We look forward to
partnering with and serving our
region for the next 100 years.
Salute to our staff
his keepsake edition of the Community Heartbeat honors the more than 430 employees who provide
outstanding, quality care to our family, friends and neighbors each day. Because of their dedication,
we have become the third largest critical access hospital in the state, accredited by The Joint Commission’s
rigorous quality standards and named a 2014 Top 100 Critical Access Hospital in the nation.
Robert Flinchbaugh,
Chief Medical
Lisa Radtke, MS,
Lynn Luloff, MBA Linda Klimesh, RN,
David Rooney,
Chief Financial
Chief Administrative
Chief Nursing
Clinic Administrator
We make a living b
what we get, but w
make a life
by what we give.
Board of Trustees
Rick Burras,
Board of Trustees
Karl Jacobsen,
Board of Trustees
Roger Huinker,
Board of Trustees
Clark Goltz,
Board of Trustees
Ben Wyatt,
Board of Trustees
Sherry Gribble,
Board of Trustees
WMC Auxiliary
WMC Auxiliary board members,
front from left: Gert Barth, Glendalu
Wuest, Bev Christen, Darlene Frana
and Jerrine Jacobsen. Back, from left:
Carolyn Boe, Mary Jane Maly, Jan
Johnson, Donna Swenson, Anna Mae
Kuhn, and Sharon Huber.
Steve Hildebrand,
Board of Trustees
~Winston Churc
WMC Foundation
Holly Kanengieter
Mayo Clinic Health System Family Medicine Physicians
Primary care at the WMC Clinics is provided by
Mayo Clinic Health System physicians, physician
assistants and advanced registered nurse practitioners
in Decorah, Ossian and Mabel. Our team of providers
has extensive training in everything from obstetrics
to ophthalmology, cardiology, sports medicine
and geriatric medicine. See more at: http://www.
Robert Flinchbaugh, Andy Goodner, M.D.
Kevin Locke, M.D.
James Ott, M.D.
Laurie Tope, D.O.
Mary Lally,
Tyler Menke, M.D.
Jo Nord, M.D.
Paul Wenner, M.D. Sarah Wymer, M.D.
Mayo Clinic Health System Specialists
Bridgette Hensley, Psy.D.
Behavioral health
Ronald Hougen, Ph.D. William Remington, M.D. Steven Davis, M.D.
Behavioral Health
ENT (Ear, Nose Thoat)
General Surgeon
Hamid Kakavandi, D.O. Randall Bremner, M.D.
General Surgeon
Ashlee Holst, D.O.
Internal Medicine
Glenn Johnson, M.D. Bruce Wulfsberg, M.D. Thomas Marquardt,
D.P.M. Podiatry
Richard Remark, M.D. Bradley Orvis, M.D.
Anna Ryan, M.D. Larry Barthel, M.D. Robert Fagerholm, M.D. Tedd Gentry, M.D. Paul Jakopin, M.D.
Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine
Kent Svestka, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Associate Providers at WMC Clinic
Emily Young Johnson, MSN, CNM
Ann Grimstad, ARNP Kathy Petersberg,
Bridget Paris, ARNP
Johanna Tweedy,
Greg Madsen, PA-C
Kirsten Wyffels,
Rebecca Gesing,
Sarah Kach, PA-C
Jesse Butler, PA-C
Anesthesia Providers
Dean Beinborn,
Christine Sims, CRNA Jessica Thesing,
Glenn White, CRNA
Kristen Heffern,
It is no the six
that four
letters in
‘heal.’ orthstrum
~Ed N
Gundersen Health System Providers
Scott Bierman, M.D. Anthony Coppola, D.O. Michael LaBelle, M.D. Drew Pellet, M.D.
Kurt Swanson, D.O. Matthew Thompson, D.O. Daniel Wientzen, D.O .
Phillip Yee, M.D.
Janet Ryan, M.D.
Kristy Schilling, M.D.
Emergency Department and Ambulance
Pictured from left: John Kelly, Nicole Smith, Kim
Hable, Carrie Riley, Karla Lechtenberg, Dee Dhly,
Mary Sender, and Vicki Thorson. Not pictured:
Diane Henning, Lori Andera, Jessica Raabe, and
Bruce Hammel. Not picture: Malissa Thomas, Kim
Kuennen, Jill Teslow, Aimee Rosenbaum, Casey
Kohls, Vanessa Thomas, Karinne Hilgerson, and
Shelby Frana.
Pictured from left: Steve Vanden
Brink, Mike Ashbacher, Dave
Reutlinger, Joshua Moore, Jordan
Massman, Dale Beckman, Ellen
Sexton, Dave Nienhaus, Michael
Wilder, and Phillip Bray. Back
row, from left: Sarah Kozelka,
Wendy Kuennen, Laure Rausch.
Not pictured: Jeff Carolan, Troy
Hageman, Carol Johnson, Jeff
Quandahl, Benjamin Shockey,
Dalton Smith, John Hird, David
Mallinger, and Kenny Monteith.
Outreach Clinics
Mabel Clinic
Ossian Clinic
From left: Mindy Osmonson, Kathy Petersburg, SueAnn
Kinneberg, and Kirsten Wyffels.
From left: Bonnie Hageman, Shana Meyer, Kathy Petersburg, and
Rebecca Gesing.
Home Health and Hospice Nursing
Seated, from left: Samantha Blake, Mandy
Kriener, Lynnette Kruse, and Nicole
Reicks. Standing, from left: Teresa Gehling, Jill Shindelar, Karen Nielsen, Mary
Wagner, Stacy Miller and Nancy Haberichter. Not pictured: Jessica Higgins, Emily
Kirkeberg, Amy McAllister, and Barb
Quality Management
Front, from left: Dawn Milligan, Mary Anderson, Diane Nichols
and Karen Humpal. Back row, from left: Deanna Dlhy, Karen
Nielsen, Trudy Belay and Brenda Schwan.
Home Medical Equipment and Materials Managment
Respiratory Therapy
Pictured from left: Kara Petersen, Carmen
Krivachek, Kevin Brandel and Jena Halverson.
ness is
he most
not only
a healthy
important the basis of
body, it is creative
dynamic a tivity.
l ac
. Ken
~John F
Same Day Services Nursing
Seated, from left: Tracie Schuring, Jackie Becker,
Marianne Stalberger, and Susan Busta.
Standing, from left: Pat Meyer, Linda Hageman,
Donna Nesvik, Joan Minear, Shirley Larsen, and Deb
Not pictured: Mary Sender.
is real
It is he
of gold
wealth and
and silver ahatma Gandhi
Surgery / Operating Room
Seated from left: Mary Sender,
Lori McConnell, Dawn Blocker,
Kristen Kelly, and Karen Klimesh.
Standing, from left: Mary Lukes,
Kim Wolfort-Hammel, Amanda
Bergen, Greg Elton, Lois Bohr,
Jacqueline Henning, Peggy
Heiden, Sharon Bruch, and
Katherine Livingood.
Pictured from left: Richard Michel,
Jeff Roney, Dean Henning, Nick
Schwartzhoff, Tony Tague, Tony Wyatt
and Todd Wyatt.
Inpatient Services Nursing
Seated from left: Megan Panos, Darlene Emery, Nerissa
Chipera, Sarah Pasker, Noelle Perry, Jane Schmitt, Kim
Johnson, Danielle Gerleman, Lori Cannon, Shelley Kuhn, and
Jennifer Holthaus.
Standing from left: Jamie Wagner, Ashley Quandahl, Carol
Voss, La Vonne Peterson, Maggie Busta, Cindy Jirak, Breanna
Johnson, Jennifer Monroe, Marie Schneberger, Rebecca
Kuhn, Elyse Schnitzler, Connie Klimesh, Dawn Sanderman,
Bev Rustad, Juli Viet, Kristin Milbrandt, Emily Kirkeberg,
Michelle Rothmeyer, Bobbi Lensing, Michele Dickson, Carly
Grangaard, and Danielle Egan.
Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Pictured from left: Kristie Rustad, Ashley Baker,
Jack Hrdlicka, Beth Kuhn and Lynette Banks.
When I think about all the patients and
their loved ones that I have worked with
over the years, I know most of them don’t
remember me nor I them. But I do
know that I gave a little piece of myself
to each of them and they to me and those
threads make up the beautiful tapestry in my
mind that is my career in nursing.
– Donna Wilk Cardillo
Front from left: Jamie Schneberger, Bridget White, Kelly Bouska, Alyssa Bullerman,
Jennessa Luzum, Shirley Hubka.
Joyce Benda, Dennis Keefe, Rebecca Moonen, Alyssa Melbostad, Kendra Kerr, Kelli
Zeimetz-Mehmert, Breanna Sovereign, Ryan Burras, Kim Wilmes, Kayla Flick, Megan
Lyon, Bridgette Mitchell, Jennifer Kuehner, LeAnn Uhlenhake, Miranda Hayak,
Kathleen Schutte, Tera Tweeten, Macey Livingston, Sarah Groux and Laura Mellick.
Not pictured: Marie Elsbernd, Alissa Roemhild, Allison Herman, Shauna Menke,
Jessica Morken, Andrew Rix, Kelli Rueckert, Heather Schellhorn.
Pictured from left: Jean Hover,
Jaime Byrnes, Kelli Gosch, Joyce
Numedahl, Jamie Brummond, Becky
Halse, Melissa Bothun, Julie Henry,
Deb Eichenberger, Kessiah Aldrich,
Jean Wiemann, Michelle Blekeberg,
Denise Schmitt and Cindy Remke.
Not pictured: Caryn Lorenz-Buckley.
Pictured from left: Brandon Brevig, Andy Bernhard,
Renee Olson, Sarah Schroyer, and Barb Cook.
Pictured from left: Kevin Mathis, Kathy Bakken, Doug
Burks, Colleen Clement, and Lori Dietzenbach.
Information Technology
Front row, from left: Leah Reihle, Erin
Plein, Beth Sims, and Nishi Arora.
Back row, from left: Zach Clarke, Brian
Lensch, Kylie Vorwald, Jim Schwan and
Dale Mayo.
Front from left: Angela Hansen, Kris
Rasmussen, Sue Meyer, Marsha Tollefsrud.
Back from left: Verna Steffen, Christina
Elton, Erica Featheringill, Tasha
Knutson, Kathy Hager, Braden Archer,
Debra Sexton, Ashley Heine, and Sara
Not pictured: Frank Riha, Katlyn Meyer,
Amanda Arnold and Richard Remark,
M.D., Mayo Clinic Health System
Radiologist at WMC.
Nutrition Services
Front row from left:
Joetta Redlin, Danielle Otteson,
Brian Schilling, Angela Kerndt,
Kimberly Aswegan.
Back row from left: Mary
Holkesvik, Joann Sharp, Jeanne
Breitsprecher, Marguerite
Barloon, Patty Frana, Jill
Samuelson, Chad Wurtzel, Adam
Ptacek, Dawn Holt.
Not pictured: Tamara Bjork,
Maureen Reinhart, and Erick
Human Resources, Volunteer Services, Education, Adminstration Assistants & Community Relations
Healthy Living Classes
Seated, from left: Joan Peter, Rachel
Barta, Jill Walton and Laurie Bulman.
Standing, from left: Dawn Milligan,
Karla Bakken, Mary Marx, Patty
Casterton, Ashley Farley, Max
Klotzbach, Janice Baumler, Elly
Lensch, and Deb Tekippe.
Environmental Services
Front from left: Daniel
Runyan, Shirryl Altmaier,
Sarah Gjere, Shirley Smith,
and Donna Hackman.
Back from left: Lynette
Banks, Dennis Zidlicky,
Steve Holkesvik, Tyler
Mittelsted, Sharry Szabo,
Diane Tieskotter, Cindy
Rosel, Janeen Jostand,
Kathryn Kuennen and
Randy Solem.
Not pictured: Rachel
Blake, Lisa Bruening,
Matthew Fischer, Linda
Miller-Laine, Katie
Hershberger, and Maureen
Front from left: Jennifer Koch, Anna Ryan, M.D.,
Mayo Clinic Health System Pathologist, Denise
Carthey, Mellissa Ott, Nikki Rissman, Becky Weiand,
Jessica Hoey, Hally Neubauer, and Cheryl Bronner.
Back from left: Lisa Holt, Julie Drtina, Sara Ollendieck,
Kendra Schmitt, Karen Balk, Brittany Rausch, Kris
Nolte, and Rona Leliefeld.
Not pictured are: Charlene Alden, Laura Chadwick,
Linda Sneller, Roselyn Teslow, Joseph Vitale.
You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been
told, forgot - it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of
that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.
~Maya Angelou
Seated, from left: Christina Pattison, Tina McIntosh, and Mandy
Standing, from left: Karen Rasmussen, Julie Shimek, Carri
Dahl, Judy Lonning and Sarah Wyatt.
Seated, from left: Sarah Wyatt, Ashley Christianson, and
Holly Olsgard.
Standing, from left: Valerie Boice, Valerie Lyons, Amber
Osmonson, Julie Brainard, and Tina Rahlf.
Not pictured: Eryn Dunlap, Paula Gustafsson, Alexa Iben,
Tara Mangrich, Kayla Massman, Kim Novak, and Lorna
Health Information Management
Pictured from left: Carrie Hovey, Sarah Timp, Tiffany Dahlberg, Mary Lou Hackman, Stacy Egan, Brianna Pitz,
Sarah Caddell, Judy Abegglen, Sarah Mitchell, Merry Hunter, Stacy Phillips, Jessica Corwin, Tiffany Sommer,
Jenny Leuenberger, Pat Ellingson, Rhonda Wyatt, Cheryl Batterson, Celine Houdek, Stacy White, and Diane
Not pictured: Jacque Dawley, Kathy Koenig, Char Schultz, Pamela Severson, Kimberly Vorwald, and Lynn
WMC Clinic Nursing
Carol Voss, Katy Swift. Seated chairs (l-r): Cindy Rima, Kathryn
Shindelar, Becky Langreck, Vicki Troendle, Ashley Jones, Janelle
Beckman, Alicia Hilgerson, and Kris Thuente.
Standing, from left: Brenda Dietiker, Jennifer Swart, Sarah
Delaney, Fay Lacey, Amy Breitsprecher, Jessica Miller, Mary
Tekippe, Julie Gibson, Laura Franzen, Deb Timmerman, Becky
Smith, Anne Meyer, Brenda Bullerman, and Marian Kuhn.
Back row, from left: Mary Meyer, Catherine Boeckenheuer, Jean
Theis, Sandy Meyer, Jeni Vobr, Linda Hooper, Amanda Crawford,
and Brenda Timp. Not pictured: Velicia Timm, Tammy Einck,
Ashley Quandahl, Karla Schutte, Leisha Bahr, Sara Nierengarten,
Jeff Barry, Joan Crawford, Nicole Blake, and Sue Busta.
Examples of donor-funded projects over the past 100 years
1913: William Smith pledged $10,000 to start
raise $15,000 more,” said William H. Smith.
opened and has remained open every hour of
every day for 100 years!
1929: The Women’s Hospital Club purchased
patients of the hospital.
1971: The new Winneshiek County Memorial
Hospital opened doors just down the street
from the original building. Area patients
1985: Norman Bradish fund provides a trust for
furnishing patient rooms at the local hospital.
1985: WMC Foundation successfully raised
mammography unit.
1995, 2001/2002: Gifts to the WMC Foundation
provide new ambulances to the medical center.
2004: Donations equipped the ambulances with
new cardiac monitors to communicate with the
medical center while en route for emergency
2008: WMC Foundation’s Capital Campaign
provides support for the $18 million project to
expand the medical center by building a wing to
provide new Emergency, Radiology, Laboratory
and Same Day Services care to regional
2011: WMC Foundation support helps purchase
a new state-of-the art Hugs and Kisses®
security system and update the OB patient
rooms during the OB Refresh project.
2012: Community gifts support the new softer,
warmer digital mammography unit in radiology.
2014: Support from area donors opens a new
Ossian Clinic to better serve the patients in
southern Winneshiek County.
Why do
you give?
Winneshiek Medical Center
Foundation launches 2014
Annual Fund campaign
As the Winneshiek Medical Center Centennial year
draws to a close, the WMC Foundation has launched
giving for the local medical center with a theme of
“Why I Give.”
WMC Foundation Coordinator Holly Kanengieter
says, “Over the past year, we have paged through
the hospital’s history and uncovered many stories
of support from the local residents. From the
original campaign to build a hospital in 1913, to the
improvements we make today, committed donors
are the backbone of quality, local health care.” She
adds, “For this year’s Annual Fund campaign, we are
health care has impacted their lives as they consider
a 2014 gift to the WMC Foundation.”
Donations are tax-deductible and donors are
recognized in the Foundation’s quarterly newsletter,
the Community Heartbeat, and gifts of $10,000+
are permanently displayed on the Founders Circle
for Health and Life wall in the main entrance of the
medical center.
To learn more about the Winneshiek Medical
Center Foundation Annual Fund campaign, or to
make a gift, visit, or
Clip and Mail
Annual Fund Pledge
†Benefactor $5,000 +
$2,500 - $4,999
†Associate $1,000 - $2,499
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$100 - $249
$25 - $99
†Other Amount (listed below)
‰ Yes, I/we want to make a ONE-TIME gift to the Annual Fund
Address:______________________________________ City: _____________________ State:____ Zip:___________
Phone: _________________ Cell Phone:_______________ E-mail: ________________________________________
‰ In HONOR of: ______________________________
‰ In MEMORY of: _____________________________
‰ Check enclosed for $_________________________
‰ Credit Card Payment
‰ MasterCard ‰ Visa Exp. Date: ___/____ Card # _______________________________________________
Security Code:____________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date:____________
Print name as it appears on credit card: ________________________________________________________________
‰ Yes, I/we want to make a MONTHLY GIFT.
Please transfer my/our monthly gift of $___________ each month.
I hereby authorize my bank or credit card company to charge my account each month beginning _____/_____/____
and ending _____/_____/____ or ‰ continuing until further notice
Signature: _______________________________________
‰ From my credit card
‰ MasterCard ‰ Visa Exp. Date: ___/____ Card # ____________________________________________
Security Code:____________ Signature: _______________________________________
Print name as it appears on credit card: __________________________________________________________
WMC Foundation Gifts
Gifts from April 1, 2014 thru August 31, 2014
Benefactor - $5,000 & above
Goggin, William .................................. Ossian Clinic
McQueen, Robert ................................ Irene McQueen - Centennial
Minerva Aaker Estate.......................... Minerva Aaker - Centennial
Investor: $2,500-$4,999
Land O’Lakes, Inc ................................ Ossian Clinic
Houlihan, Robert & Arlene ................ Winneshiek County State Bank
- Centennial Fund
Associate: $1,000-$2,499
Black Hills Iowa Gas Utility Co. LLc . Ossian Clinic
Calmar Corvette Club ......................... Diabetes Education
Carlson, David & Brenda.................... Fred Carlson - Centennial Fund
................................................................ Margaret Stortz - Hospice
Dahlen, Gretchen & Thelen, Greg ..... Rev. Paul Korean - Centennial
Depot Outlet ........................................ Education
Hospice Riders .................................... Hospice
Bruening, Duane & Eileen ................. Bonnie Huebner Birthday Hospice
Dan Huebner Birthday Hospice
Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Casey’s General Store .......................... Ossian Clinic
Family & Friends of Chuck DeWalle Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Forman, Jolyn....................................... Charles Forman - Hospice
Kleve, Shirley........................................ Melvin Kleve - Hospice Ride
Midwest Group Benefits
Syverson, Elaine ................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Sponsor: $250-$499
Bradish Family Scholarship Fund ..... Med/Surg Private Rooms
Brevig, Brandon & Nikki
Friends & Family of Shirley Johnson Centennial Fund
Forde, Arlan ......................................... Marjorie Forde - Hospice
Gemini, Inc........................................... Kevin Weselmann - Hospice
Lore, Charles & Elaine ........................ Centennial Fund
Sobolik, Sharon & Jim ......................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Mildred Pecinovsky - Hospice
Tacke, James & Diane
Alliant Energy ...................................... Diabetes Education
Andersen, Sarah ................................... Paul Andersen - Centennial
Amsbaugh, Dr. Harold ........................ Centennial Fund
Bakken, Dr. David ............................... Centennial Fund
Balik Funeral Home ............................ Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Brincks Jerry, & Pecinovsky, Jeanne .. Mildred Pecinovsky - Hospice
Bulman, Laurie & Tom ....................... Annual Fund
Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Burreson, Lorraine .............................. Tom Winger - Hospice
Callaghan, Dr. Joseph.......................... Shirley Johnson - Centennial
Ellingson, Rev. Wayne T ..................... Raymond Stoen - Hospice
Ernst, Diane
Family & Friends of Anthony Kuhn . Anthony Kuhn - Hospice
Family & Friends of Margaret Stortz Margaret Stortz - Hospice
Goggin, Jack ......................................... Ossian Clinic
Hageman, Kathy .................................. Centennial Fund
Hemesath, Wanda................................ Vernon & Lillian Johnson Centennial Fund
Heying, Patricia.................................... Paul Heying - Hospice
Holien, Daren & Kristi ........................ Arletta Holien
Hovey, Richard & Joan ........................ Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Huinker, Roger & Pat .......................... Annual Fund
Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Lafferty, Daniel & Debra ..................... Elaine Johnson - Hospice
Lowery, Elaine ...................................... Centennial Fund
Motis, C.R. & J.M................................. Cletus Pladsen - Hospice
Nelson, Doug........................................ Dolores Lynch
Mental Health
Reitan, Phillip & Ruth ......................... Centennial Fund
Steil, Kenneth & Emily Brule ............. Lori Steil - Hospice
Street, Clista Joyce ............................... Centennial Fund
Winger, Marilyn ................................... Tom Winger - Hospice
Donor: $25-$99
Adamec, Esther .................................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Albertson, Louis & Norma ................. Lois Mae Thompson - Hospice
Anderson, Richard & Elaine .............. Bob Lien - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Baker, John & Carol............................. Centennial Fund
Bakken, Karla ....................................... Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Barth, Gordon & Gertrude................. Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Baumler, Janice .................................... Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Bechtel, Cindy ...................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Bergan, Michael & Carol .................... Clifford Smorstad - Hospice
Geraldine Breghammer
Regina Shindelar
Berge, Mark & Kristi ........................... Lester Sorenson - Hospice
Bernatz, Richard & Dodi .................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Bishop, Deborah .................................. Kevin Sand, MD
Bjergum, Alice...................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Bjergum, LaVonne ............................... Ossian Clinic
Blaess, Kari ........................................... Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Blaylock, Jack & Devita ....................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Blocker, Dennis & Marlene ................ Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Blodgett, Linda ..................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Bolson, Nancy ...................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Brickley, Arlene W. .............................. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Brodericks Inc. ..................................... Mimi Aaker - Hospice
Brown, William & Karen .................... Bob Lien - Hospice
Doris Daughton - Hospice
Les Leidahl - Hospice
Lyle Rodman - Hospice
Bruvold, Lillian .................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Brynsaas, Mae ...................................... Bob Lien - Hospice
Buddenberg, Doug & Pam ................. Wally Oxley and Jeff Uhlenhake
- Ossian Clinic
Christopher, D Edward & Sharon ..... Dorothy Sampson Engen Hospice
Christopherson, John & Linda........... Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Citizen’s Savings Bank ......................... Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Clark, Doug & Susan ........................... Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Clark, Virginia...................................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Clarke, James & Patricia ..................... Shirley Johnson
Coffeen, Adrienne ............................... Barbara Butler - Hospice
Costigan, Lauren & Genevieve .......... Mildred Pecinovsky - Hospice
Courtney, Eileen & Hemesath, Jerry . Mary Goltz
Cummings, Marlene............................ Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Dahlen, Arnold & Nannette ............... Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Dawley, Daniel & Jill ........................... Jerome Sexton
Donhowe, Mark & Vicki..................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Dusheck, Aaron & Lillian ................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Ed’s Body Shop ..................................... Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Ellingson, Irmgard............................... Lester Sorenson - Hospice
English, Susan & Clifford ................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Family & Friends of Adrian Holthaus Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Family & Friends of Dorothy
Sampson Engen.................................... Dorothy Sampson Engen Hospice
Family & Friends of
Janice Woodhouse ............................... Janice Woodhouse - Hospice
Family & Friends Of Judy McIntosh . Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Family & Friends of
Roger Wheatman ................................. Roger Wheatman - Hospice
Family & Friends of Shirley Johnson Shirley Johnson - Hospice
Fausnaugh, Rosella .............................. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Fencl, Helen .......................................... Mildred Pecivosky - Hospice
Fenstermann, Marlene & Duane ....... Shirley Johnson
Fisher, Erlene ........................................ Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Bob Lien - Hospice
Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Gerry Broghammer - Hospice
Fitzgerald, Marjette ............................. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Forde, Wesley & Bette ......................... Doris Malek - Hospice
Dean Larson - Hospice
Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Janice Woodhouse - Hospice
Mert Westphal - Hospice
Frana, Rose Ellen ................................. Bill & Elsie Dessel - Hospice
Franzen, Gary & Danette.................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
French, Dawn ....................................... Eileen Courtney - Ossian Clinic
Friest, Rita............................................. Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Fripps, Inc - The Farr Side .................. Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Funke, Ruth .......................................... Dorothy Sampson Engen Hospice
Fye, Victor & Dianne .......................... Curt Spilde - Hospice
Ken Wiltgen - Hospice
Gerard, Kathy & John.......................... Kathryn Spilde - Hospice
Gilbert, Donna ..................................... Tom Winger - Hospice
Gilbertson, Jerry & Pearl .................... Dean Larson - Hospice
Gipp, John & Karen ............................. Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Hageman, Andrew & Nichole ............ Ken Wiltgen
Hagen, Dean & Larue.......................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Hall, Gary & Norma ............................ Dean Larson - Hospice
Hall, Orbell ........................................... Ethel Kroshus - Hospice
Halse, Earl & Virginia ......................... Joe Lynch - Hospice
Hansmeier, David & Cindy ................ Diabetes Education
Hanson, Arlin ...................................... Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Harland, Mylon & Carol ..................... Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Headington, Elaine .............................. Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Dean Larson - Hospice
Headington, Larry & Dianne ............. Cliff Smorstad - Hospice
Leon Hageman - Hospice
Howard Johnson - Hospice
Merton Westphal - Hospice
Arnie Fortman - Hospice
Thelma Korsness - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Heffern, Herb & Beverly ..................... Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Helgerson, James & Boynton, Lori .... Marjorie Forde - Hospice
Hemesath, Joseph & Alice .................. Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Hemesath, Kenneth & Linda.............. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Holkesvik, Dana & Quentin ............... Shirley Johnson
Holstad, Inez ........................................ Dean Larson - Hospice
Dorothy Sampson Engen Hospice
Jerry Albertson - Hospice
Lois Jean Thompson - Hospice
Lucille Weber - Hospice
Holten, Richard & Florene ................. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Holthaus, Willard & Mary Ellen ........ Charles Forman - Hospice
Dean Larson - Hospice
Hoover, Dr. Thomas & Donnelle ....... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Hovden, Terry & Charis ..................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Hove, Marjorie ..................................... Norman Larson - Cancer Fund
Hrdina, Frank....................................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Huber, Jim & Sharon ........................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Huinker, Tom & Joyce ......................... Ken Wiltgen - Ossian Clinic
Humpal, Karen
IOWA BETA Masters .......................... Hospice
Ira, Jeffrey.............................................. Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Jacobsen, Susan .................................... Samuel Wise - Centennial Fund
Jauert, Russell & Jan ............................ Bob Lien - Hospice
Johnson, Davis & Shirley .................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Johnson, Leland Mrs. .......................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Jones, Curt & Nancy............................ Shirley Johnson
Kabliska, Vernelle ................................ Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Kanengieter, Holly
Kelly, Joseph & Mary ........................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Kerian, Wayne & Kim ......................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Kiel, Loren & Sue ................................. Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Klotzbach, Ardis .................................. Adrian Holthaus - Hospice
Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Dean Larson - Hospice
Dorothy Sampson Engen Hospice
Klotzbach, Maxine
Knoke, Earl & Marian ......................... Dean Larson - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Knoke, Karl & Kimberly ..................... Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Koester, Ron & Sandra ........................ Ken Wiltgen - Ossian Clinic
Kreitzer, Ronald & Marie.................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Krivachek, Carmen
Krueger, Arleen & Jan ......................... Shirley Johnson
Kuehner, Cathy .................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Kuhn, Elizabeth
Lansing, Carroll & Anita .................... Margaret Stortz - Hospice
Larson, Dean & Caryl ......................... Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Lee, Karen ............................................. Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Lensch, Brian & Elly ............................ Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Lensch, Elly
Lensch, Muriel ..................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Lentz Financial & Insurance .............. Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Lentz, Christopher & Brenda ............. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Lien, Marlys .......................................... Bob Lien - Hospice
Lillegraven, John & Wanda ................ Dean Larson - Hospice
Howard Johnson - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Margaret Stortz - Hospice
Little, Thomas....................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Darlene Sivesind - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Losen, Alton ......................................... Ruth Allen - Hospice
Lynch, Mary ....................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Malek, John .......................................... Doris Malek
Carlson Malone, Sally ......................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Marx, Daniel & Mary .......................... Don Molitor - Hospice
Mestad, Penny ...................................... Lester Sorenson - Hospice
Meyer, Marvin & Janice ...................... Ossian Clinic
Middlebrook, Wilda ............................ Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Midthus, Michelle & Brian ................. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Miehe, Dave.......................................... Mildred Pecinovsky - Hospice
Mikkelson, Carolyn ............................. Margaret Stortz - Hospice
Marian Ness - Hospice
Tom Winger - Hospice
Moellers, Stanley & Debra .................. Ken Wiltgen - Ossian Clinic
Moore, Lori........................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Murphy, Donna & Robert .................. Mildred Pecinovsky - Hospice
Lang, Iva Nell ....................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Nelson, Milfred & Joan ....................... Ethel Stuckman - Hospice
Ohlert, David & Borseth, Vicky......... Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Olson, Helen ........................................ Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Olson, Lewis & Vickie ......................... Dean Larson - Hospice
Olson, Renee & Randy ........................ Arnold Luzum
Mildred Pecinovsky - Hospice
Orvella, Willard & Eloise .................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Bob Lien - Hospice
Howard Johnson - Hospice
Jeff Teslow - Hospice
Raymond Stoen - Hospice
Ottesen, David & Sarah ...................... Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Ottesen, Kenneth & Janet ................... Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Pagel, Ben.............................................. Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Paulson, Dr. Arlan & Linda ................ Ken Wiltgen - Ossian Clinic
R.J. & Company ................................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Ramsey, LaVerne ................................. Lyle Stegen - Hospice
Otto & Charlotte Nuehring Hospice
Susan Brynsaas - Hospice
Rasmussen, Kristine ............................ Shirley Johnson
Remmen, Gary & Anna Marie........... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Rigler, John ........................................... Anthony Kuhn - Hospice
Roman, Viola M. .................................. Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Rooney, David & Annette
Rosendahl, Leona ................................ Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Rovang, June......................................... Dean Larson - Hospice
Rovang-Rude, Marian ......................... Dean Larson - Hospice
Lois Mae Thompson - Hospice
Centennial Fund
Rucker, Verda ....................................... Doris Malek
Schnitzler, Evelyn................................. Dorothy Sampson Engen Hospice
Schroeder, Karl..................................... Adrian Holthaus
Ken Wiltgen -Ossian Clinic
Schuman, Bruce & Betty ..................... Dolores Lynch - Hospice
Schwan, Jim & Brenda
Shimek Sanitation ................................ Hospice Ride Sponsors Hospice
Sobolik, David & Robin ...................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Stensland, Floyd & Arleta Ann .......... Leroy Franzen - Hospice
Stoen, Harold & Celia ......................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Sunday, Dorothy .................................. Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Svenson, David & Donna ................... Adrian Holthaus
Charles Forman - Hospice
Syverson, Frannie ................................ Lester Sorenson - Hospice
Thompson, James & Jeanette.............. Lester Sorenson - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Ray Fadness - Hospice
Thomson, J. Scott & Stephanie ........... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Thomson, J.H. ...................................... Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Thornton, Glen & Deloris................... Howard Johnson - Hospice
Tollefsrud, Bernell & Kathy ................ Clifford Smorstad - Hospice
Lester Sorenson - Hospice
Lois Mae Thompson - Hospice
Turnmire, Dale & Mary Ellen ............ Chuck DeWalle - Hospice
Usgaard, Margaret ............................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Voltmer, JoAnn .................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Weiand, Pete ......................................... Thomas Weiand- Centennial
West Side Study Club .......................... Hospice
Westphal, James & Rebecca ................ Mert Westphal - Hospice
Wiltgen,Carol & Lisa ........................... Ken Wiltgen - Hopsice
Ossian Clinic
Winkie, Darrell & Joylene .................. Dorothy Rosendahl - Hospice
Elaine Johnson - Hospice
Doris Malek - Hospice
Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Lillian Fitzgerald - Hospice
Minerva Aake - Hospice
Shirley Johnson - Hospice
Tom Winger - Hospice
WMC Employees ................................. Ronald Raymond Oulman
Woldum, Ruth ...................................... Ardell Syverson - Hospice
Young, Donna ...................................... Judy McIntosh - Hospice
Ray Fadness - Hospice
WMC introduces Patient
Online Services
Patient Online Services is a
secure, interactive web program
that allows patients and their
families to take a more active role
in their care, and is conveniently
available through Winneshiek
Medical Center’s website at
Patient Online Services allows
you to:
• Request and track
appointments with
Winneshiek Medical Center
health care providers in the
Decorah, Ossian and Mabel
• Exchange secure messages
with your health care team.
• Obtain access to
health information,
including laboratory
results, medications,
immunizations, allergies,
personal information, visit
history, discharge/aftercare
information, and more.
• Submit updates to
personal information prior to
your visit.
“Patient Online Services
helps us meet the needs of
our patients in an increasingly
online environment,” says Tyler
Menke, M.D., Mayo Clinic
Health System family medicine
physician at Winneshiek Medical
Center. “It is a great way for busy
families to stay in touch with
their health care provider. By
sending us secure messages, we
can communicate with patients
between appointments to answer
questions or provide guidance on
a health concern.”
Patient Online Services is
available to adults age 18 and
older, and parents/guardians can
obtain access for children age 12
and under. Youth ages 13-17 are
not eligible for a Patient Online
Services account. Individuals
managing another adult’s health
care can also obtain access
to their online record after
completing the required consent
forms in person at WMC. To
create a Patient Online Services
account, visit www.winmedical.
enrollment form.
See your medical
records and
results soon after
your visit
Request an
appointment with a
Winneshiek Medical
Center provider
Update your personal
information at your
Connect with
your care team
through our secure
messaging system
Learn More ▶ Create an Account ▶ Log In
901 Montgomery St.
Like us on Facebook
Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation
901 Montgomery St.
Decorah,, IA 52101
Is It Time For
it your health
h lth
Sports physicals for teens
Reduced rate athletic sports physicals are
available year-round. Download forms
from and schedule an
appointment 563-382-2911.
Annual physicals for
3 Stay healthy!
Get your flu shot!
To make an appointment for an influenza
vaccine, call Winneshiek Medical Center
at 563-382-2911.
Prevention and
Parkinson’s Support
Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
Taking care of yourself is as important as
taking care of your family. Be sure you
schedule your annual exams and bring a
list of all your medications to your exam.
Walk-In Wellness Lab Testing
Free for patients, caregivers,
family & friends. Last
Wednesday of each month.
1:30 p.m. Conf. Room B.
Call WMC Nutrition Department for
dates & class times 563-387-3158.
Prepared Childbirth Classes
Call the OB nurse coordinator for
dates and times 563-387-5361.
Lab tests available without a physician’s
order. Must be 18 years of age or older.
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
563-382-2911. Also available at the
Mabel and Ossian clinics.
Grief Support Group
Free support group to anyone
who has experienced the loss
of a loved one. Group size
is limited; pre-registration is
required. Call 563-387-3024.
Free Car Seat Checks
Available the second Thursday everyother-month at WMC East Entrance.
For dates and more information,
call, 563-387-5361.
Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Diabetes Support Group
Second Tuesday of each
month. 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
Conf. Room B. Call for
information 563-387-3158.
Offered monthly 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Call for schedule: 563-382-2911 or visit
Healthy Living Classes
Pilates Classes
Choose from a.m. or p.m. classes
for beginners, advanced or athletes.
Call for times & registration 563-3873031.
Aqua-cise Classes
Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday
Aqua-cise for Arthritis OR
Aqua-cise Water Aerobics
For information on either program,
call 563-387-3031.
Runner’s Analysis
Assessment of strength, flexibility, and
shoe wear. $20 per person. Call for
an appointment 563-387-3031.