President`s Message... - Whiteshell Snowmobile Club


President`s Message... - Whiteshell Snowmobile Club
Winter 2015/16
President’s Message...
Last season was
probably the shortest
season that I can remember. However the
short season allowed
us to be able to widen
and improve a lot of
trails that are normally inaccessible due
to wet and swampy
between Lone Island and Brereton.
As most of this
work was done at the end
of the season I am really
looking forward to sledding
on these trails soon and
seeing how it all worked
We continue to work
closely with Manitoba Conservation. At the beginning
of each season members of
the Executive meet with
them to review the past
and upcoming season. Last
year Conservation received
3 used groomer tractors
from the Eastern Road Authority. Since then they
have outfitted 2 of them
with drags, blades and hydraulics at a cost of about
$70,000 each.
So now Falcon and Rennie
have 2 full size groomers
each. Nutimik will get
there second groomer next
The one major area
was the 774 trail that
runs from the main 66
trail at Red Rock Lake
to Beauchemin Lake.
Over 5 km of trail was
widened and a number
of very dangerous corners were improved.
Also at the end of the
trail where it goes onto
Beauchemin a new
access was cut to the
north of the swamp so
the groomer can go all
the way onto
Beauchemin and turn
Conservation also puraround.
chased a skid steer that
they equipped with a
Also of note was the
brusher. They started usrelocation of the 773
trail where it goes up a ing it before the start of
last season and will consteep and rocky hill
tinue to use it to widen
between Green Lake
trails, as long as weather
and the Meditation
Lake gravel pit. Multi- conditions allow. That beple tight sections were ing frozen ground and not
too much snow.
also widened and
straightened on the
773 trail where it runs I’d like to thank all the
club members who keep
the shelters clean and
wood supplies full, and
those who stake the
lakes, and those who
organize events, and
those who attend our
monthly meetings and
supply much needed
input. The club is only
as good as the sum of its
Looking ahead to next
season. I met with the
executive of the Ontario
Sunset Trail Riders at
Ingolf, Ontario on November 6. The purpose
of the meeting was to
determine what work
would be needed to reopen the trail from West
Hawk Lake to Long
Pine Lake and Ingolf. A
group of snowmobilers
from the Ingolf area
stepped forward to offer
their services. I have
submitted a request to
Conservation to get a
work order for this trail.
Another area that is
being discussed is improvements to the trail
at Watt Lake where it
travels over a narrow
rocky outcrop. We will
also continue to identify, and work on, areas
of trail that need improving.
And finally I encourage
everyone to support our
sponsors especially dur-
 December 11 , 2015
Club Meeting at Rennie
Hotel 7:30 pm
 January 8, 2016 Club
Meeting at Rennie Hotel 7:30 pm
 February 5, 2016 Club
Meeting at Rennie Hotel 7:30 pm
 February 6, 2016
Whiteshell Community
Club Beaver Days
Poker Derby
 February 7, 2016
Whiteshell Community
Club Beaver Days Radar Run
 March 4, 2016 Club
Meeting at Rennie Hotel 7:30
 March 5 , 2016
Whiteshell Snowmobile
Club Poker Derby
ing the winter. For a
lot of the local businesses trying to operate 12 months of the
year is an incredible
challenge. Those sponsors support us with
donations that are
used to improve our
shelters and make our
trails safer. The
names of the sponsors
are found in the newsletter, on our trails
and on our shelters.
Randy Williams
Page 2
Rider Safety
Safety First…..
The Club has several rescue
sleighs located throughout the
Whiteshell Provincial Park and
trail system. These sleighs are
provided for emergency use at
any time and can be picked up at
any of the designated locations
listed below.
Seven Sisters (North), Big
Whiteshell Lake (North),
Beauchemin Lake (Central), Red
Rock Bible Camp (Central), Rennie River Leisure gas station
(Central), Falcon Lake Ambulance Station (South)*, West
Hawk Fire Department (Soutth)*
In case of emergency call 911 for
RCMP, Ambulance and Fire.
Please contact a member of the
Club if the use of a rescue sleigh
was needed and has been removed
in order to ensure that the sleigh
is returned to its designated location in a timely manner.
As we know, we
are extremely
lucky to be snowmobiling through
some of the most
beautiful trails
the Manitoba has
to offer.
The possibility of extreme weather
**call 911 and EMT will deliver
low riders please use hand signals
to communicate with other riders.
This ensures safe
riding for everyone!
Snowmobile Safety Course
Is taking the Manitoba Snowmobile Safety Course mandatory?
In Manitoba, all snowmobile operators are encouraged to complete a snowmobile safety education course before operating on
public lands, roads or trails.
Snowmobile riders in Manitoba
who are under the age of 14 must
be under direct supervision of an
Are you prepared to brave the
“elements” in case of an emergency? Do you carry an emergency kit?
Here is a suggested list of emergency items that should be carried along when riding the trails.
A 20 foot tow rope, a headlamp or
flashlight for night vision, a multi
tool, matches or fire starter, a
first aid kit for minor injuries,
compass, whistle, blanket, hand
warmers and don’t forget a spare
snowmobile belt!
Emergencies are never planned!
Hand signals...
The Whiteshell Snowmobile Trail
system is a trail that is used by
hundreds of avid riders every
year. In fact, the trail has also
seen hundreds of riders on any
given weekend. Sections of the
trail system are narrow with
sharp curves in areas where the
trail is shared with oncoming
traffic. Other sections of the trail
are divided by trees, shrubs or
snow drifts. As a courtesy to fel-
changes should always be kept in
adult when operating.
Getting certified can be done in
three easy steps. First, register
online at and
pay a one time fee of $44.95,
study the online course, pass the
exam, print your certificate and
you’re ready for the snowmobile
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 3
Snowmobile Shelters & Recipe Corner
Warm-up shelters are located
throughout the Whiteshell Trail
system. These shelters are maintained by volunteer shelter reps.
They are equipped with wood
stoves and firewood that is harvested and supplied by the club
in conjunction with Conservation
and Water Stewardship to ensure
that riders have the opportunity
to warm up on those very cold
days of riding.
Here is a list of our shelters located throughout the Whiteshell
Park and area...
Beauchemin Lake, Betula Lake,
Edgar Lake, Eleanor Lake, Elma,
Mud Lake, Red Rock Rock, Rock
Lake, Swamp and Zubec Lake
All shelters are equipped with a
seating area, a wood stove, various cooking utensils, recycle bins
and garbage cans. All shelter
housekeeping is maintained by
our volunteer shelter reps.
Shelter Snack Recipes
Do you have a favorite family
recipe that you would like to
share with other riders? Or, do
you have a recipe that is a
healthy alternative to the standard “hotdog” lunch that can be
easily prepared in our shelters?
This following recipe can be easily prepared ahead of time!
Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe
Ingredients—1 Package Cream
Cheese *easiest to get cheese to
room temperature and whip before adding rest of ingredients.
1/2 cup—Franks red hot sauce,
1/2 cup—Ranch or Blue cheese
dressing, 2 cups—shredded precooked chicken, 1/2 cup—
shredded cheese or crumbled
blue cheese.
Combine all ingredients into a
foil pan that is easily carried on a
sled ride.
Heat dip on a woodstove until
heated through. Stir and serve
with your favorite crackers, Tostitos or veggies!
Whiteshell Snowmobile Trail Advertisers
The Whiteshell Snowmobile club
would like to thank our numerous
Trail Sponsors who advertise along
the Whiteshell Trail System and in
our various snowmobile shelters
throughout the Whiteshell Provincial
Thank-you to the following paid
Adventure Power Products
Blaney Enterprises Ltd
Blaney Contracting Ltd
Brereton Lake Resort
Enns Brothers Powersports
Falcon Beach Auto Service
Headingly Sports Shop
Imperial Steel Products
Inverness Falls Resort
Lakeside Enterprises
Larry’s Jewelers
Line Side Electric Ltd
Mackow Industries
Mariner Neptune Fish
Nutimik Lodge
Poulin Exterminators &
Pest Control
Riverview Lodge
Rond’s Marine
Sobetski Enterprises
Steeltown Ford
Wildwood Sports
Winnipeg Sport & Leisure
and Yetman’s Ltd.
The advertising signs are comprised of a luminescent white on
blue color. Each sign is 24” long
by 8” high at a cost of $50 billed
in three year increments.
If you are interested in purchasing an advertisement sign
with your company please call
Richard Bobrowski at
We’re on the web!
Ideas or Suggestions…
If you have an idea or a
suggestion for our next
newsletter please email
Page 4
Golf Tournament a hole in one!…by Bruce Prozyk
This year’s Golf Tournament was
held at Granite Hills Golf Course
on August 21st and seemed to be
enjoyed by all those that participated. For those of us that really
like to participate, the bus picked
up a group at Greggy Eggys and
returned us safely.
We had 95 so called
golfers/hackers that
participated in the
tournament with a
total of 101 staying
for dinner.
Winnipeg Mercedes
Benz was our major
hole in one sponsor
who provided a
chance to win a two
year lease on a Mercedes Benz. Unfortunately no one managed to hole
this one but a draw was held and
Gary Goodman won the use of the
Mercedes for a weekend. Congratulations Gary!
Tobac Wealth Management also
sponsored a hole in one, giving
away shooters and the opportunity to win $5,000 if you could
hole this one. For some strange
reason our members seemed to do
better with the shooters than the
golf ball as there was no hole in
one winner. A draw was held by
our hole sponsor for a "fit bit" and
Teresa Lecocq was the lucky winner. Way to go Teresa!
Congratulations to Dave Miller
who actually did get a hole in, but
as luck would have it unfortunately wasn't on one of our two
sponsors holes. Better luck next
time Dave.
Without the support of our hole
sponsors and prize donors we
would not be able to have such a
fun successful tournament and
provide all the prizes that we did.
Thank you on behalf of the Club
to all those businesses and individuals that donated! Mary Jean
Jones and Candace Watt worked
the crowd selling 50-50 and raffle tickets, they did a great job of
relieving people of their cash and
their help was very much appreciated, thank you.
Thank you to our volunteers,
Cathy Hutfluss, Kelly Masey and
Sandy Loewen who either helped
with registration, ran the putting
green or worked the Mercedes
Benz hole in one. Once again job
well done.
A personal thank you to my two
assistants Jenny Jones and Chris
Frederickson who both committed to helping me with the tournament and did a wonderful job.
The time and effort you put in
helping make this event a success
was greatly appreciated and I
never could have pulled it off
without you!
We hope you all had fun and look
forward to seeing you again next
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 5
Golf Tournament Hole Sponsors and Prize Donors
Adventure Air
Amos Plumbing
Arctic Cat
BMF Construction
Barb & Trevor Albinet
Betula Lake Resort
Bev & Wayne Kulcczycki
Blue Cross
Brad Humphreys
Brereton Lake Gas
Brereton Lake Resort
Bruce & Flo Prozyk
Candace & Stevie Prozyk
Conroy’s Collision Ltd
EBD Enterprises
Enns Brothers
Falcon Beach Auto
First General Services
Gary & Pat Bentham
Gauthier GMC
Granite Hills Golf Course
Groundstar Systems
Hi Point Restaurant
Home Hardware Whitemouth
Jackson Lodges
Jenny Jones
JKW Construction
JMS Watt Brothers
Keystone Resort
Lakeside Enterprises
Lawrence Fielberg
Lumber One
Mariner Neptune
Mark Brandt Trucking
Mercedes Benz Winnipeg
MGM Construction
N. Kupiak & Sons
Nutimik Lodge
Otter Falls Resort
Owen & Mary Jean Jones
Paul Duncan
Pete Wall Carpentry Ltd
Peterbilt Manitoba
Pine Creek Homes
Pinewood Lodge
RAG Industries
Rennie’s Septic
Rennie Hotel
Rick Twardoski
Rossmere Country Club
Star Builders
Trevor Rebek
Tobac Wealth Management
Vita Health
West Hawk Marine
White Lake Resort
Whitemouth Hotel
Whiteshell Septic
Zbig (Snappy Mobile)
These businesses support our Club please remember and support
them when you have the opportunity.
Page 6
Club Merchandise
The Club offers a multitude of
merchandise available in a variety of colors and sizes which can
make a great Christmas gift for
the snowmobile enthusiast! If
you are interested in placing an
order please contact our Merchandise representative—Jenny
Jones at
Fleece Jackets - Ladies
Fleece Jackets - Mens
Freezer Jackets - Ladies
Freezer Jackets - Mens
Hats - Flex Fit
Fleece Mits
Neck Warmers
Toque Beanie w/tassle - Ladies
Toque Mens
Toque Beanie - Mens
Shirts "Core" Wickless - Ladies
Shirts "Core" Wickless - Mens
Shirts Turtle Neck - Mens
The Club would like to extend
their appreciation to Brian and
Nancy-Jo Howie who have generously donated a new backboard to be placed at one of our
rescue shelter locations in
honor of the
Kevin Howie
Search & Rescue
Annual General Meeting is a success!
This year’s Annual General Meeting was held on November 14th, at the Rennie Community Club.
Attendance was higher than it has been in the past
years. There were approximately 40 members in attendance. The increase in attendance was possibly due to
hosting the meeting within the Whiteshell District.
Elections of the Executive Positions were held during
the meeting.
All club members in attendance were served a wonderful lunch which had been prepared by the Rennie Community Club executive members.
Thank-you to the ladies for the tasty lunch that was
enjoyed by all!!
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 7
Newsletter Sponsors
Club Volunteers
Our club has numerous volunteers who are from the
community and surrounding
areas. They ensure that our
club organization and club
events are always a big success.
We would like to thank all of
our volunteers for their commitment to the club and for
the many hours it takes to
provide our members with
our various club events that
occur throughout the year.
Thank-you for your time,
support and effort!!!
The club is committed to publishing our newsletter on a
quarterly basis...Winter,
Spring, Summer and Fall.
The newsletter will be distributed to all Whiteshell
Snowmobile Club members
by mail and will be displayed
throughout various business
locations within the
Whiteshell Provincial Park
and surrounding areas.
upcoming season. The cost of
the ad will be $100 for a
Business Card Size. **all
cheques payable to the
Whiteshell Snowmobile Club**
If you are interested in placing an add in our quarterly
newsletter, please contact our
Advertising Representative—
Richard Bobrowski at
We are currently offering
space for this
Don’t forget to mark your calendars...our
Annual Poker Derby will be held on March
5th, 2016. We will be posting details of the event
on our website! Come and join the fun!!!!
Brereton Lake Gas
Year Round Regular and Premium Gas
Winter Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday - 8 am to 7 pm
Friday & Saturday - 8 am to 8 pm
Sunday - 10 am to 6 pm
The Rennie Hotel
Ryan Kuz
"Kuz people gotta eat, drink and sleep!"
Open - Tuesday to Sunday
Closed - Monday
For daily hours phone
Club Executive Members
President—Randy Williams
1st Vice President—Bruce Procyk
2nd Vice President—Brett Haiko
Treasurer—Pat Ledingham
Secretary— Kelly Parisian
Advertising—Richard Bobrowski
Membership—Brent Woyna
Past President—Kris Mutcher
Newsletter—Mona Federspiel
Merchandise—Jenny Jones
Safety Representative—Gary Bentham
North/Central Trail Boss—Mike Adey
South Trail Boss—Brett Haiko
Website—Randy Williams
ERSA Reps—Jordan Ferguson & Randy
Whiteshell Snowmobile Club Shelter Reps
Beauchemin Lake Shelter—Randy Williams
Betula Lake Shelter—Pat and Lyall Ledingham
Edgar Lake Shelter—Trevor Iwanko
Elma Lake Shelter—Craig Arndt
Macfie Lake Shelter—Conservation and Water Stewardship
Mud Lake Shelter—Trevor Iwanko
Eleanor Lake Shelter—Jordan Vinette and Don Burnside
Red Rock Lake Shelter—Dennis Maxwell and Kris
Rock Lake Shelter—Sean Federspiel
Swamp Lake Shelter—Roger Hogue and Les Starink
Zubec Shelter—Brett Haiko, Scott Benson and
Trevor Iwanko
Why hibernate?
Every month during the riding
season (December to April) the
Whiteshell Snowmobile Club meets
at the Rennie Hotel Restaurant for
our regular monthly Club meeting.
Everyone is welcome!
Join the Club...or Renew your Membership today
Membership Application
2015/2016 Season
November 1, 2015 - October 31, 2016
Single Membership __________ $10
Family Membership __________ $20
Lake Address: __________________________________________________________________
Please mail to:
Whiteshell Snowmobile Club
Membership Chairman
Box 118, Rennie, MB R0E 1R0