The truth about Ceramics and other coating technologies
The truth about Ceramics and other coating technologies
,:iilii!:.1tr:ili.i!i:,ttil.i!li.,xr!111!;j1;i!tirj".tiijili'rl!lHi7'1:F;ftrw,1#ffiwww The truth about Ceramicsand other coating technologies A publication of Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. Swain developedfirst successful 2. Low friction coatings ceramic engine coatings I(nown also as dry fi1mlubricants,they are subdividedinto two categorres. In the 1970s,Swain Tech Coatingsdevelopedthe first successfulceramic enginecoatings.Sincethen, Swainis recognizedas the nation's leaderin coatingtechnology.Our researchand developmentprogram continuesto perfectnew coatingsfor new applications.'Wenow offer the widest rangeand best quality coatingsfor the high performance 'We industry. have formulated specificcoatingsto control heat, friction and wear.Our coatingsaddressthree dynamic categoriesof vehicle performance; A. Self-lubricating low friction coatings Selflubricating dry (or solid) coatingsare appliedto piston skirts;engine bearings;valve stems;valve springs;camshafts;oil and fuel pumps, etc. Thesedry coatings,while being selflubricating also hold oil on surfaces and havea very low coefficientof friction. Swainhasspecificformulations for sliding friction and for rotating friction. Poly-Mbly'" and PC-9'" are usedfor sliding friction, typicallyon piston skirts-hereit reducespistonto-cylinderfriction and bore wear. PPM'" is used for rotational friction on bearings.For example testshaveshown that uncoatedbearingscan run 30 degreeshotter than the engineoil. With PPM on bearingsthat temperatureis reduced significantly.Self-lubricatinglow friction coatingsdramaticallyincreasethe life of the valvespringsand allowsthe spring to hold its tensionlonger.AII of these Swain formulas are very helpful when engine parts are momentarily starvedof oil. These coatingsare usuallylessthan .001"thick so machining tolerancesrarelyhaveto be altered. 1. Thermal barrier coatingsreducesheattransfer 2. Low friction coatingsreducespower-robbingfriction ano wear 3. Heat emitting coatingspromotesheattransfer (dissipation) 1. Thermal barrier coatings Thesecoatingshold in heat.Controiledheat makespower.The more heat you generateand control, the more horsepoweryou make.Butl Internal combustionenginesare horrible at managingheat and only use about 25o/o of the heat energycreatedby the combustionprocess. Most heat escapesthrough the exhaustsystem.Heat not exhaustedis absorbedinto the engine ports and valve facesallow Uncoatedpistons,combustioncl-rambers, heat to migrateinto the cooling systemand raisesthe temperatureof the whole engine.This heattransferprocesscontinuesuntil the engine has reachedits maximum inelficiency,Swainthermal barrier coatings (TBC* and GoldCoat'")allow enginesto reachtheirpotential.Coatingshavesidebenefits;pistonring sealingis improved,sometimesa smallerradiator can be used and Ptl.1t-1t164' detonationis reduced. Another special-usethermal l-^ rier coatingis White Lightning'" for exhaust headers, manifolds, pipes and turCeramicon done is a bos. This thicl< insulating batier t0 heat. PC'-9 coatingcontainsheatinside alllied b skiil.lbr -fri exhaust pipes to increase ailt i ction exhaustgasvelocityand improve scavengingfor more efficient heat extraction. The resultis a significantincreasein horsepower.It also eliminatesrust and corrosion. Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. or I'C 9 'fhemu I betrier cout i trls otl tight rclbd hen. Heal trans.fe$inlo engine pffts oil leJi V B. Oil shedding low friction coatings Oil sheddingtypes of dry film coatingsare used on connecting rods and crankshaftcounter weightsto reduceparasiticoil drag. It is also used on oil pans to aid in oil drain-back.These non-stick coatings causeoil to bead up (high surfacetension) and prevent the oil from rlinoino t^ nrrts 3. Heat emitting coatings The third type of coating is for heat dissipation.Swain'sformulas contain high emissivitymaterialslike copper oxides,vanadium and ferriteswhich radiateheat away from a surface.Black Body Emitter (BBE") is appliedto the exteriorsof brake calipersand rotors, intake manifolds,heads,intercoolers,air cooled cylindersand other engine parts which tend to retain unwanted heat. BBE is semi-gloss,very functionaland very durable. Conclusion: Now you can understand that Swain'scoatings solve many problems of internal combustion piston engines and downstream power train parts. You are probably thinking this is all very expensive,not true! You could haveSwainapply dome and skirt coatings to your plston for under $40 or an entire V-8 enginefor lessthan $i500. The immediatebenefit would be a 2 to 5% increasein horsepower but thats not the only reason to use Swain'scoatings.Longterm benefitsinclude; 1. Extendingenginedurability 2. Reducingfriction 3. Increasingreliability 4. Improving power via thermal emclency Swain'scoatingsprotect the money you spendon a high performance enginewhich is now stressedand prone to a reducedlife expectancy. If you use coatingsto protect; pistons,combustion chambers,valves and springs,ports, headersand bearings-you'llget the most bang for the buck in terms of power and durability. 595:-89?:?7_16 1rl' ::.i i;,tt:!11rtri:Iltiitiiiij;1r1:)n:$:inf:tinl,!itt:r,l;;u;:r::i:i::,:r: r' I WWre r' ' ,l Internal engine coatings "Heat makespower'l Too much heat causescomponent failure. Swain applies coatings to control and manageheat for optimum performance.Enginesoperateby convertingthermal energy(heat)into kinetic movement energy.A typical engine only converts about 25 to 30%of its thermal energyinto horsepower. The unusedheat is wasted and is absorbedinto pistons, heads, ports, valves and exhaust systemswhere it has a negative effect. Swain Tech Coatingsmanagethis negative heat transfer to obtain optimal power, performance and part durability. Cylinder heads TBC."is alsorecommendedfor cylinderheadstoo as a barrier to heat loss.Coatine combustion chambers in headsraisescombustiontemperatureas it reduces overallhead temperarure.More horsepoweris obtainedand lesscoolingis required.TBC causespower gainsin all headsbut gainsaremagnifiedin aluminum heads.Aluminum is more thermallyconductiveand loosesmore heattl-rancastiron heads.RacersusingTBC coatedaluminum headsreporta crisperthrottleresponse and reduced'bogiWe alsocoatexhaustportsto keepexhaustgastemperaturesand gasvelocitieshigh asexhaustgasesarescavenged out of the engine without transferring heat to a four strokecylinder heador two '\ strol<e cylinder.Coatedheadsbenefitboth englnetypes lfhemal Iarier GOaIings Piston Domes-TBC'" ceramic coating Choose TBC'" for most normally aspiratedand mild boost engines.5th generationTBC is a proven and true ceramicthermal barrier coating.It usesour exclusive SmartCoat'" technology which allows TBC ceramic to expand at the same rate as the piston. This common expansion rateis terriblyimportant. Coatingswhich don't flexwith the host metal can fail. TBC coatedpistonsrun coolerand retain much more of their tensile strength. TBC protectsagainsthigh temperature oxidation,eliminates hot spots, and encouragesproper flame travel.Ceramic also spreadsheat evenly over the entire dome reducing detonation, pre- T'BC" ccrauic coatiug Gold- Coal'' ceram ic u rt ti ng o. ,s,$$io,' o .a ignition and allowsthe useof lower octanefuel.Lessheatis conducted through the wrist pins and rods, which keepsthe crank,bearingsand oil cooler. Mike Moran'(nuclear tunestt his drag cars with Swain coatings Mikehasbeena consistent Street Car Class winningdragracerfor years. Prior to 1996, Mike experienced enginefailureswhenhe increased hisnitrousandtiming.Partsmelted in scorching runs.His "Ghost"Camaro,atthetime,wouldconsistently run in mid 190mphbuthe couldn't addthe5 mphto breakthe200mph NMCArecord.In frustration,Mike pisturnedto Swainfor GoldCoated ton domesand PC-9coatedskirts. Thusarmedwith optimumpower andminimized worriesaboutmelting engines, Miketurned201 mph witha ETof 6.96andplacedhimself in thehistorybooks.Whatworkedin l!!6, workstoday. Mikeexplains thattodaysometrack rules placea disadvantage on his carandhemustfacemorepowerful competitors. If hetunedthemotorto live,hewouldloose.All toooften,he hasto "nucleartune"his enginet0 justlivethroughjustoneblistering passofthequartermile.Swaincoatingsallowhim to do that.Mikehas his engineinternalscoatedandthe exhaust aswell.Hesavsthatbycoar ing the exhaustvalvesin his turbo engine,he can preventthemfrom crystallizing from the intenseheat. HealsosaidthathecanrunhisEGTs up to 1650"withoutengine failure. Manytunerswouldbe fearsome of past1400', running TodavMikeis a top enginebuilder and still races.Mike regularlyhas Swaincoathis pistonsand pistons for hiscustomer's engines. If you'd like Miketo do a winningenginefor hin1n1I J4-t)47- 1234 or .vou-contact m0ran Piston Domes-GoldCoat'" ceramic coating S w a i n h a s d e v e l o p e da u n i q u e ceramic thermal barrier for piston domes in Nitrous, Turbo and Superchargedengines. GoldCoat." manages high temperature heat spikesand high temperatureoxidation common to these high performance ensines.GoldCoat offers the samebenefitsof TBC (above)but provides extra dome protection at higher temperatures. Mike Moran's award winning dragstcr Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. 2 585-889-2786 WWsffi Lower friction, higher horsepower PPM- Coated bearings and cams Friction reduction in enginesis easilyand inexpen- SwainPPM'" coatedbearingshellsare not appreciably sivelyachievedbut too often over iooked as a source altereddimensionallybut havedramaticallyimproved of power.We havedevelopeda number of low friction bearing and journal life. Oil-attracting, low-friction coatings,(Poly-Moly'",PC-9.'and PPM*) to reduce coatingsallow bearingparts to move more freely and Forover20 years,PatHauckowner friction and heat build-up. Swainsanti-friction coat- provide back-up lubrication when oil starvation ocings are self-lubricatingand hold lubrication on the curs. of HauckPowerSports-Yamaha Rice coatinglayeritself. [ake,Wisconsin haskeptYamaha on Other applications for friction the victorypodiumin WorldSeries Piston skirts-PC'9" control coatings Championships on Ice and in the coating Many frictional surfacesinside a perhigh-pressure world of grassdrags. PC-9'"is our latestgeneration formanceenginecan be coated.CoatIn 1P!8,theYamaha factolTcameto of pistonskirt coatings.PC-9 ed transmissionand rear-end sears Patseeking helpandhorsepower for has a very low coefficient of will alsoexperience improvedweir life theirsnocross sleds. Justeyeatl^ter, frictionandisextremelytough (heat) between reduced and friction in 1999,Te'am Yamaha hadthe best to withstand the abuse of high moving parts. If you have a high revyeareverIn September snocross of output engines-such as those ving engine-oil shedding coatings will that year,Pat stunned60,000Mindesignedfor high rewing and allow fasteroil drain-backand reduces nesotaHayDap spectators by winthe amount of oil adherinsto rods and ning the Manufacturers Shoot-Out short skirt pistons subjecl to heavy side loads. PC-9 is crankcounterweights. in fourincredible heatswithhis700 tough enoughto take up excess Coated diesel pistons earn two SRX, beating competitors 800's!In the clearances. 2000HayDaysrematch, Patfinished piston-to-wall month payback numberone in 700 stockproving Piston skirts-Poly-Moly'" Swainhas coateddieselpistonsand engine 1999wasno fluke.Nowmanyyears coating parts for fleet and owner/operatorsfor more than laterPatis againworkingwithYama- Poly-Moly " is a skirt coating for a quarter century.Trucl<ersreport huge ha to turn outdependable andeffec- raceengineswhereRPMsand pisadvantages:more power for heavy partsfor their tivehighperformance ton designare not as radicai.Less loadsand hills, up to a Il2 mile more newfour-cylinder, big cc four-stroke costlythan PC-9...Poly-Moly has per-gallonsavingi,and more time besleds. Swain coatings arepartof Pat's a low coefficientof friction which tween overhauls.On just fuel savings productpackage. reducesscuffingcausedby pisaloneowner/operatorswill break even Patknowsfromexperience andexton movement and provides on Swain'scoatingswithin a month or tensive dynohourswhatworks.He's back-uplubrication. two. sentovera 1000pistons t0 Swain for Valve spring PPM' Unprotecteddieselenginesexperience domeandskirt coating.Everytime fuel relatedproblems due to low sulfur coatings Poly-Moly he buildsa customer's 700ccSRX fuels and inconsistentadditives. Erratic We coat your valve with springs into an 800,he orderspistonsand heat from injector spray pattern leads to PPM'", one of low friction, our sendsthemto Swainbeforeassemheat checking and piston dome melting. "WhenI started heat reducing and oil attractblingthe engines. SwainsTBC Ceramic'' (ThermalBarrier ing coatings. PPM will keep your using Swain coatings ue were Coating)protectspiston domeswith an springs from fatiguing due to running two strokes, we found reduced heat and friction. Swain ; insulatingbarrierso damaginghigh heat tbat coatedpistons reallyfreed up can'ttouch the pistons, coated run springs cooler because tbeRPMsand speed.Now that we friction caused by spring moveSwain applies Poly-Moly'', a tungsten are using super charged4 stroke disulfide/molydisulfide,to dieselpiston ment is greatly reduced.Heat norYamahas and blowingtbestandard skirts to dramaticallyreduce piston-tomallygeneratedfrom the head,from 145horsepower enginesout to 400 wall friction (wear). For example, spring movementand exhaustports bp,wereallyneed, theprotectionof is drawn awaydue to the high conducSwain coated pistons are often Swaincoatingsotberuisewe'djust reinstalledduring a 500,000mile tivity of PPM coating. This is melt engines."ContactPat'scompanyat (www.hauckpowersporlsinc. re-build becausethey show so opposite of Teflon coated little wear, heat damage or fasprings which tend to com) ri tigue! Swain also knows how to insulate.PPM hasa high give diesel owners extra horseaffinity to oil-it draws power by treating their heads, oil into it's valves, ports, exhausts and of microscopic pours for extra lucourse,pistons. '*1@;Xli brication. Swain coated springswill havegreatlyextended coil life. Champion snowmobile drag racer Pat Harrck says Swain is ttgood wofks" 2.lowfriction c0aungs Pat Hauck, top snowmobiledrag racer & builder Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. 3 585-889-2786 l MWM ii;i:l tii:l;lllli.:l:ilii'iiihil,tii,r,,rjiilll44jd Black Body Emitter Swain Tech CoatingsdevelopedBBE" (BlackBody Emitter) coatingto improveheattransferand improvecoolingfor criticalparts.BBEis a uniquecoatingwhichhashigh heatemissivity and radiatesheatawayfrom anySwaintreatedsurface.BBE is usedon air cooledcylinders,valvecovers,oil coolers,radiators, brakeparts,intakemanifoldsand other surfaces.BBEis alsoan attractiveand durableblackfinish,which will not dissolvefrom gas,alcoholand automotive chemicals.BBE provides great corrosion protection on aluminum, cast iron, titanium and steel parts. BlackBody Emitter is vital for useon vintageracing motorcycles,cars and snowmobiles-especiallythose with castiron barrelswhichllad a renrrtation for self destructiondue to 3.Heat cmitting G0aIings excessiveheat. Brake coatings Brakesare all aboutheat.Turning kinetic energy into friction makes you stop. Friction causes heat-when it getstoo high,it cancripple the brake system. Expelling heat awayfrom brakeparts and keepingexcessiveheatawayfrom the brakefluid is a criticaltaskof developinga top-notch L-^1.;-^ rB )yDLtrrrr. urd\il Rotors. Swain developed a high wear ceramicwhich increasesfriction for better braking power.At the same time,it transferslessheat.An ideal combination for short track and road course racers.Swain'scoating helps cast rotors, prevents aluminum rotors from warping and protects titanium rotors from galling.If your rotor is a vented style,we can apply Black Body Emitter (BBE") to the vents to help draw heat away from the rotor. Calipers. Our caliper coatings arevery trick. The outsidesurfacescoatedwith BlackBody Emitter improve heat transfer away from the caliper.Becausethe interior surfacesofthe calipersare directly in line for radiant heat from the rotor,thesesurfaces are ceramic coatedto reduce heat from soaking into the caliper.The backofthe padscanalso be ceramiccoatedto l<eep heatfrom transferringthrough the pad and gettinginto the brakefluid. Soyott don't think brdkesget hot! [his photo ofred hot brqkeson Danny'scar beJbrehe stdrled using ,Swaincoatingson alLhi: brakeparts, wasshot by \Y/altThttrn on a bright sunny aJterncnnat. Laguna Seca.It graphicaLlyshowshow hot brakes on nadtacc cars can afibct winning and ktsing, Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. l.i,r:r").r:,irtlii:illf ;iri.trliai:f1jlj1,rilff | 4 DannyKellenneyu I)anny l(ellermeyer's winning Corvette teann cars uses Swain coatings DannyKellermeyer, ownerof DJRacing, wasa regionalfieldengineerfor GMbeforehe tookearlyretirement. Sincethenhe has appliedan engineer's approach to roadcourseCorvette racing. Histeamof fivecars"winsall thetime"andfrequently whipspro teams.Thereasonis his methodical engineer's approach. Every yearDannyresearches somenewproductto includein all hiscars duringtheannualteardown/rebuild. In 1999heinvestigated four brandsof ceramiccoating.Hisanalysis andextensive testingrevealed onlyonesupplierqualified withsuperiorcoatings to supply TeamDJRacing, He saidof Swain..."Swain's a stand,oat, all of tbeirproductsdo exactlyasadaertised...absolutely AI !" HistearncarsusealloyLSIblockswhichshape-change constantly underracingtemperatures. TechcoatedrodandmainbearSwain ingsarean"absolute necessity whentheengines for us" because expandin heatashighas 1380",bearingclearances canshrink to .0011", thisis beyond thelubricating abilityof oil because tolgets0 thin.Here'swhereSwain's erances coatingactsas a temporarylubricantt0 prevent gallingandenginedestruction. When engines cool800', bearingtolerances cangrowto .004","Now you'uegotparts slappingaroundand wipingoilfrom thebearpath to enginedestruction.Swain'sstuff ing surfaces-another eliminatesall that". Brakingis almostasimportantasengineperformance to a rcad racers0Dannytalkedaboutbrakes.HehasSwaincoathisbrake partsto makethemlastlongeqbrakebetterandsaves himmoney. Ile installed a thermocouple in thebrakepadmaterial.050"below thecontactsurfaceof therotor.Thisdataconvinced Dannythat productsdo reallycontrolheatin brakeparts.Uniquely, Swain's he usesstockGMrotorswhichanyone canbuyfor 70 bucks.'7 sendmy rotorsto Swainandpay about175bucksfor coatings. My )EM rotorslastlongerthanguyswith $700racerotorswho changethosetrick itemsafter eueryrace.Wl4tpay rnorethan you haueto?" Dannymovedon to thesubject of Swain's Whitelightningexhaust " Thelossof power andheadercoaling."Thisstuff is awsome. in raceheaders is staggering he says.Heatshouldbe contained power,"Coruettes in thepipefor increased are built tightyoa hnow,Withoutcontedpipesthecabinfloor temperatures actuafii bumedour driuersheek.Thatdoesn'thappenanyrnore." Onanothernotehe said"Guyswhofiberglasswrap theirpipes are insane.In the intensityofpit stops,replenished, oil is sure to spill on the wrapruaterial,I guaranteeyou witltin two laps, they'llhaueafi,re." You'dbeadvised tolistento an'ooen minded'engineeqDannyKellermeyer,who wins racesand uses theproductsthatmakehis teamof four driverssuccessful. And,oh yes "I race a DJ team Coraettetoo", Dannysays. 585-889-2786 : t:;,-i::.i€:itr:::l:'::i:+:i::inl;.'l MWffi Mike'sowns14schoolcan.Allhiscarshave$16,000, 550hpengines tuming7,000rpms.Byconffast, otherschools use$5,000cratemojustjunk hn pufring out300-400 hpat5000{100rpms.Those schools theircrateengines whenthrygrenade after1,000or solaps.Mikeon partsto$rainbefore ttreotherhand,sends hisbigbuckengine theyare getthenormalS\ilain used.Moslengines treatrnent. Mike'scoated engineswillmn30,000to40,000lapsandshownowear.Hetellshispistonandottrerpartszuppliers aboutthelapsdreirpartsaremakingand suppliers don'tbelieve him.Mikesaysif heusesgoodoil andchanges outlitrleparlslikewristpins,pistonlocks,andralves, aS\n'ain engine will pullthemoton last136,000 laps-this is unheard of.Mike'smechanics downevery5,000milesjusttomakesureallis ri$t andeachtimethry justshakefteir heads-werything look new.Mikesapa schoolcarin a thrre-day will runthelapsIhata racecarenginedoesover session "uredanl hnn engine HesapaboutSwainengnes, anentireseason. faikrcs".let's dosomemattronallthis. Finish Line car 550hpenginecost $16,000 Snaincoeingiob $ q00 Mike'sco$perengine$t6,900(withteardownsandminorparts) Result FinishLineexperience) 35,000laps(approx, School B car 300400hpcratemohr Coating School Bcostperengine Result $5,000 $ none afterit grenadeg $5,000(trashed 1,000laps(gveor ake) ';: . . :t .\. ,.1:\tt: ii)i: White Lightning'" for exhausts systems, headers and turbos Containingheatinsideexhaustpipesincreases exhaust gasvelocityand improvesscavenging(enginebreathing) for more efficientheatextraction.The resultis an increasein horsepower.\X/henused on exhaustsystemsand other enginecomponents,it reducesengine and under hood temperatureswhich improve driver comfort in the cockpit.Remedies like fiberglasswrapi and hi-temp paintsareusedbut the resultsare inadequate for controlling heat and preventing corrosion. Our list of customersfor exhaustcoatingsinclude;racecars,streetcars, G0ntinued snowmobileand motorcycleracers,tractor pullers,dieseliruckers, and others. Swain Techs' \X.&ite Lightning" is a true and permanentthree layerceramic thermal barrier coatine. This materialis not a .002"thin, hi-temp paint used bv others. Its a .015-" thick ceramiccoatins that so thorougNy insulatesthe-exhaustpipes that it provides safety protection. \X.&ite Lightning is very effective in containing heat inside cast manifolds, turbo housings,down pipes,side pipes and headers. \X/hiteLightning reactsto intenseheat by phasechanging.The headersor convergingmultitubes may start to grow spikesin the \XAiteLightningcoating!(Paintdoes ' not do thisl) This is very good. Thit reshapingis actually.build4 [, ing moreof an insulatingbarrier Thermal Iarier G0atings bemler u'ill nm thoul halIlhe exlennl lenlewtilrc 0f iln uilcoaled heiller ,llorc he(l rcktiilcl insidc lbe heoderfilx, llrc nnm scnenging and horseltou'eris inlnn,ad. '1nrc, lenntileill lhrce la.)'er cerunic lhennal htmier (\xttiu+ is.t)lS lhiLk w till is ilt't d bi-l('nll laiill lolukrized h.t \lhe\. (,ioillcl lilrhos cuteil conbusliul ptrccss iill0 borscpoil'cr (ixttel iiltukc nuuilbkls slilili:c lhe nuw coilsislcill conhusliut. quted nutni/iiltlt dso kn,er engittand tttulcr hootl tunueftilurc u,lJich ,d' s' * "ii::;:J'highest {.$' t i n f n il us I ti il' rh i il.' I i il il li il! "k\ l(i' .lhlot'c.t'cles uil snoutruthiles il ith cooted chanhets u,ill run auuty.l)un Ol|)l mat hines,et,er)'li ne- i I s dntzi n! To make35,000laps,'tost cutting" SchoolB would need 36 motors at a total expenseof $180,fiD. Evenif the facts are offby 507o-thepoint is made. MikehasusedSwain engines coated ando<hauss overttre20yean ofracingandnuuringhisraceschool. [4ikesaid,'Swainhastbe fuststuffon tlreplarwtandoflLthey tn aln donecm.tingson tltesfue sfuttle.Suain'scutings arernt tlnt sprayon stuff tlnt ur,anrightoff "Wethinkyou shouldpractice rvhatMikehas leamed. If youwantto attendMike'sschool,search"http:/fuww.". Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. r:r:::.,a:,:it ':)t!\'|t!l:ii.l.t.Nlililliilillltiittliltli triflllr I I il"it., :lri riiltljltllir-:;,: ).:t:ll Mlk kp&lpt, right, uitb Dail Snain a.tPRIsbou AnAmaztng story from Finish Line Racing Sdrool Mikeandhiswife,frrisal(alsoa racer),ownandoperale Finishline Racing School in Edgewaer Florida" It is a verysuccessfrrl shortmack/ orzl drivingschool.Whennot conducting schoolclasses, Mikeoflen hiresoutasa "coach"for experienced andup-and-coming driversall overthecountryIn hA DonnieSchat,analready accomplished sprint cardxiver,carneto Miketo leammoreaboutdriving.Ihe following yearhewontheWorldof OutlawChampionship. Mikeis tha goodof atradter. ,: temPera- \Xftite Lightning has a white texturedfinish which is not smoothor shiny.It will (by reduceradiantheatby up to 50o/o, half)! A Qpical example is a heat reduction from 800'F to below 4O0'F.Managementof heat has a direct and noticeableeflect on horsepower.A 30'F drop under your hood canadd3 hp. This advancedcoatingeliminatesrust, corrosion and maintains its appearance for years.Swain Tech Coatingsis the only providerof\'XThite Lightning Exhaust Coating. 585-889-2786 WWffi are known fcrr Swain Tech Industrial Coatir-rss u n i q u ep e r f o r m a n c iem p r o v i n gc o a t i n g si n r n a n ufacturing,processequipmentand heavyindustry. Swair-iappliesceramic,n-retal,polymer and listed carbidecoatingsby one of the techr-rologies Swain applied materials fulwrtiallist) Metal Stellite 300/400Stainless Hard steel Alurr-rir-rum Nickel Hastaloy-C Bronze Inconel lndASIf ifl Ir:r:,l;r:il:*"rffiiffi ?::1".::.:ril Coafingsri"**l*r:' r e m p e r a t u r ee, l e c t r i c a l ,h i g l r rebuildingof worn or poorly Ceramic& Carbide Aluminumoxide Zirconiumoxide Tungstencarbide Chromecarbide Titania Chromeoxide Alumina-titania PC-9 Pol)'mer Xylan Halar MolyDisulfide Poly-Moly I(F-Polyrner PFA Nylon PTFE SwainTech Coatings,Inc. 963 North Roado Scottsville,NY 14546 phoner 585-889-5218fax 585-889-2786 Swain Tech Coatings, Inc. 6 585-889-2786