pre march registration.eps


pre march registration.eps
Event Details WELCOME TO A TOTALLY SCOTTIE WEEKEND! Pre‐Rally Events ........... Friday, May 16th, 2014 ~ All Friday Optional Events Require A Friday Nite Registration Friday Attendees will have the 1st opportunity to set‐up early for the entire Rally weekend, shop at the Scottie Shoppe, connect with with fellow scottie families, enjoy a home cooked hot meal and get a jump start on terrieriffic things! 3‐ 6:00pm Pet Psychic Sessions by appointment Gale Ritchey, Intuitive and Pet Psychic 3‐4:30pm Canine Behaviorist Consultation by appointment Jody Hergert‐ Andresen BA, CDBC, Pawsitive Behaviors, Oshkosh, WI 3‐ 6pm Garden Stone Workshop (must arrive by 4:00 @ the latest) 4:30‐5pm Origami Scottie Mobile Workshop 5‐6pm Making Your Own Terrier Tug Toy Workshop 5:30‐7pm VIPP (Very Important Pets & People) Dinner 7:00 pm Speedy Scottie Trials Enter your kiddo(s) in a safe & controlled course 7:45pm Snooter Snooze Time for all of us in prep for a full day on Saturday! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rally Events ........... Saturday, May 17th, 2014 ~ Activities Throughout the Day 8:30am Registration/Check‐in desk Opens and Coffee/Tea ∙ Scottie Facepainting Tattoos ∙ Agility Course (independent trial) ∙ Silent Auction Bidding & Buy It Now @ the Scottie Shoppe ∙ Participation in Donation of Blood Samples for Scottie Health Research and/or Evaluation of Knee/ACL in Extremities ∙ Optional Event Appointments through‐out the day (see registration form) o Pet Psychic o Scottie & Wannabee Massages o Micro‐Chipping o Abdominal Ultrasound Screenings provided by Fox Valley Animal Referral Center, Appleton, WI 
Dental Screening & Prevention of Oral Health Complications, Dr. Dale Kressin, DVM, FAVD, Dipl. AVDC, Fellow, Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery Specialists, LLC o Canine Behaviorist Consultation Jody Hergert‐Andresen BA, CDBC, Pawsitive Behaviors, Oshkosh, WI 10:30 Welcome & Blessing of the Wee Ones 11:00 Parade of the Scots featuring the Clan Donald Drum & Pipe Corps Read below to see how YOU can make a special contribution this year! 12:00 Home Cooked Lunch 1:00 Awards & Special Scottie Prize Winners 1:30 Silent Auction Closing ‐ Part 1 Official Closing Time determination by DCSR staff 1:35 Snooters and Tails: A Chance to Win Free 2015 DCSR Registration! 1:45 LIVE AUCTION for a FUN‐draising good time! 2:30 Canine Bladder Cancer: What the Future Holds for Our Scotties Deborah Knapp, DVM, MS, Director, Purdue Comparative Oncology Program, Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine 3:30 Silent Auction Closing ‐ Part 2 Official Closing Time determination by DCSR staff 3:35 Your Choice of Break‐Out Sessions: 1. “Get Your Groomin’ On” Workshop Amy Zelten‐Heim, Scottie Mom and Owner Poochies & Mutts Green Bay, WI 2. “Meeting the Challenge of Special Needs Dogs” Jody Hergert‐Andresen BA, CDBC Pawsitive Directions LLC,Oshkosh, WI 3. “Recognizing When Your Dog is in Pain” Ron Beatty DVM, My Pets Vet, Mequon, WI and Dale Kressin DVM, VDM Dipl. AVDC, Fellow, Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery Specialists, LLC, Oshkosh, WI 4:15 Farewell with Namebadge Turn‐In and Shuttle Rides to Your Car ?? QUESTIONS?? Email or call Tom at 920‐493‐5878 Things You Need To Know About‐‐‐‐‐ VACINATIONS For the sake of all of our furkids please make sure that your dog(s) are properly vaccinated against the following prior to attending the Door County Scottie Rally  Rabies and the Distemper series  Bordetella (prevention of kennel cough particularly when dogs are in close quarters Please discuss with your veterinarian if you have questions or concerns. SILENT AUCTION GUIDELINES The success of the Rally is very much dependent upon our attendees participation in all that we offer during the day. We ask that if you participate in the Silent Auction that you come with an open heart to serve the health and welfare of our beloved breed, the Scottish Terrier. We think that these new guidelines might make the Silent Auction a bit more enjoyable for all involved: Although auction closing time is posted, a variance may occur based on program schedule. A 5‐minute warning will be announced and an auction bell will be rung. At that time bidders are encouraged to commit to your absolute highest bid and step away from the table to allow others to do the same. Please enjoy the thrill of helping our furkids and taking home a treasure! DONATING ITEMS FOR THE SILENT AUCTION If you've been thinking of downsizing your scottie collection PLEASE think of us. You'll be able to receive tax credit as well as contribute to our mission! Donation of scottie items are welcome year‐round regardless of their size. Nothing is too small as it can always help our Scottie elves fill those unique baskets that only we offer! Think of the Rally as you do shopping year‐round or receive duplicate gift items! We'll be grateful that you did! CONTINUED OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO PITCH IN ! Most likely your friends and family members know how important your furkids are to you. We're inviting you to join us in raising additional money for Scottie Rescue by asking your friends, neighbors and family members to support your participation in the Parade of the Scots regardless of whether you & your kids ride or walk the 1.8 mile route. Recruiting pledges is not mandatory BUT wouldn't it be great if everyone could play an active role in raising funding for our furkids and their extended family? It'll give you a chance to talk about the the work we collectively do to support and celebrate our noble breed! So download a pledge form and start recruiting Scottie sponsors! You may win a fabulous prize for raising the most money! VENDOR/EXHIBITOR POLICY To ensure 100% of any proceeds support our mission, no commercial vendors or exhibitors are permitted RESTROOMS Limited to Scotte Rally Headquarters or your place of lodging only. Handicapped accessible restrooms & a handwashing station will be available. Please respect that the Baileys Grove Campground restroom facilities are restricted to registered campground guests. PARKING General parking will be available at the Baileys Grove Campground & frequent shuttle rides will be available to transport you, your Scots and travel gear. Shuttle Stop pick‐ups will be clearly marked and staffed with volunteers to assist you Priority parking for designated handicapped will be in the Park N Bark lot on Juniper Ridge Rd on Rally Day. Overflow parking will be available in the Baileys Grove Campground. Friday evening parking will be in the Park N Bark lot. EARLY ARRIVAL/SET‐UP POLICY A drop‐off for Auction items will be held at the entrance to Scottie Rally Headquarters on Friday. At that time a written receipt will be provided for donations received. Only people who are attending the Optional Friday Nite Dinner gathering will be allowed to set up their items or enter Scottie Rally Headquarters prior to Rally Day. This policy allows the volunteers to complete their work more efficiently with fewer barriers to work around. We’relookingforwardto