The TDACS Operator
The TDACS Operator
The TDACS Operator Märzen Group JUN 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1 The TDACS Operator — A Newsletter for TDACS Users and Operators Special points of interest: Current fielded version of TDACS.exe: v 4.5.2 .4 Current fielded version of TacMap2D.exe v4.5.2.4 Current fielded version of TacMap3D.exe v4.5.2.5 Inside this issue: Welcome, The TDACS Operator 1 New Offices at Railroad Square 1 TDACS v4.5 on 64 bit Windows 7 2 TacMap 3D v4.5 now available 2 Information Assurance (IA) Services 3 TDACS SE v4.6 3 Feature List Frozen TDACS Shipping Storage Containers 3 Welcome to the first issue of “The TDACS Operator” - A newsletter established to provide the TDACS user community with news and information on the TDACS product line. The objective of this newsletter is to keep the TDACS community informed on the status of the latest versions, patches, updates, upgrade-kits and services available. Additionally, the newsletter will be used to provide Tips, Techniques, and “best practice” information developed by Marzen Group SME’s and the TDACS user community. This information will allow TDACS users to maximize the effectiveness of the TDACS capabilities in their environment. The TDACS Operator will be published bi-monthly (every two months) or more frequently as subject material requires. The newsletter will also be used to publish the time and locations of upcoming TDACS training sessions that are held at the Märzen facilities in Nashua NH. Contact information will be provided to help meet your organization’s training needs. In the near future, an archive of the news letters will be made available from the TDACS section of the web site. Questions on the topics presented in the newsletter will be accepted from registered users via email or from the registered user’s help desk mailbox. All TDACS products are available from the Marzen Group GSA contract: GS-35F-0053L. This contract includes negotiated terms for labor rates and products that may be used by most agencies of the Federal Government. Märzen Group HQ Moves to New Location On April 2, 2013 Marzen Group relocated its HQ facilities to the center of the historic district in Nashua NH. Märzen Group’s former office facilities (since 1999) were located at the Millyard Technology Park in the same city. Our new corporate address (pictured at right) is officially: 24 Railroad Square Nashua, NH 03060-2278 The new facilities were updated with improved infrastructure of alarm, fire, and video equipment. New test labs, electronic assembly stations, and training rooms were also completed. ers and data. The effort was not for The move involved relothe faint of heart, but the new facilicating offices, staff, servties are more than worth the effort. If ers, communications, and you are in the area, give us a call and of course, security containcheck out our new facility. Page 2 The TDACS Operator TDACS v4.5 runs on both Windows XP and Windows 7 Both the TDACS IFF and SFF workstations can run TDACS v4.5 on either MS Windows XP or Windows 7 (x64) NOTE: To All Users/Operators If you are running any version of TDACS Std. Ed 4.X you are entitled to have the latest fielded version of TDACS (4.5) for free. A software Version Description Document (VDD) for TDACS SE v4.5 is now available. Contact Dan Abrams via email for details The previously fielded version of TDACS (v4.4.1) was designed to run on Microsoft Windows XP and Office 2007. The current fielded release (v4.5.2) also runs on XP and Office 2007. kit for currently fielded TDACS Workstations (serial numbers ending in 36 and higher) is available. This TDACS Win7 upgrade kit upgrade consists of: A new feature of TDACS v4.5.2 is that it is also certified to run on the Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System (64 Bit). For TDACS workstations still running on the Windows XP Operating system, a TDACS upgrade kit to Microsoft Windows 7 is available in some cases. Microsoft technical and related security support for the Windows XP Operating System will terminate in the near future. All users are strongly encouraged to consider this migration to the Windows 7 Operating System. An upgrade Microsoft Office 2010 (H&B suite), Visio Pro 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2x64 RAM upgrade (upgrade amount based on your Motherboard) and, Optional enhancements for the upgrade kit include: conversion to Solid State Hard Drives, and A higher performance video adapter All TDACS support applications and utilities are converted to 64 bit alternatives Microsoft Windows 7x64, Many users with older systems may not require all of the Win7 Upgrade Kit features and options. However, all users who migrate to Windows 7 (64 bit) can expect increased performance and stability due to improvements inherent in the 64 bit versions of Windows 7 OS and SQL Server. Others users will want to consider a complete replacement for their workstations. To help you sort out your options, Contact Dan Abrams,, to see if your Windows XP TDACS workstation can support this Win7 upgrade. Marzen will be happy to answer your questions and provide you TDACS TacMap 3D Software Plug-in now available on v4.5 Marzen Group recently completed the development of TacMap3D, a software plug-in for TDACS that provides the user with extensive 3D viewing, Situation Awareness, and track management capabilities. TacMap3d can accept Link 16 data directly from TDACS from any of the connection types that TDACS supports and plots the information using MIL-STD 2525 or NTDS symbols in real time. Boundary data of many types, such Defended Areas, safe pas- sage corridors, etc., can be read into the 3D Map from KML data files specially formatted for this purpose. TacMap 3D also accepts and plots 6DOF DIS (Distributed Interactive Simulation) data using 3D models that can be displayed as an overlay to the Link 16 data. The TacMap 3D capability is too extensive to cover in any detail in this announcement. A Software Description Document (SDD) is being prepared as this newsletter went to press. When TacMap 3D VDD is available, TDACS users can review that document and get further information from Marzen to see if the TacMap 3D capability is right for your mission. TDACS Adjudication Software Plug-ins are now available on v4.5 TDACS MIL-STD 1553 Bus Coupler for MIDS Terminals For users who operate in the Exercise/Test environment, the TDACS Adjudication Plug –ins are available for purchase. Truth producer) that assist the Adjudicator in producing detailed and comprehensive After Action Reports. This Upgrade allows operators to compare Link 16 event traffic with DIS/Truth for event adjudication purposes. Automatic reports in MS PowerPoint format are also generated (dependent upon the type of This new TDACS Adjudication capability is too extensive in detail and scope to cover in this announcement . For more information or to arrange a capability demonstration please contact Dan Abrams, Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1 TDACS Information Assurance (IA) Support Services Marzen Group develops, tests, and maintains monthly IA patches and scripts for the TDACS workstations. These services are provided for TDACS workstations for both the Microsoft Windows XP and the Windows 7 Operating System Platforms. Services that can be provided include the development, test and implementation of monthly patches for TDACS workstations. The objective here is to verify that required security updates not only meet the STIG requirements but at the same time ensure that TDACS performance capabilities are preserved to meet mission requirements. Often, no action is required to preserve TDACS functionality when updates are applied to TDACS workstations. Occasionally however, work-around must be developed and documented to keep TDACS both secure and mission capable. Normally these type of IA support services from Marzen Group are contracted at the time of purchase of the TDACS Workstation. However, contracting with Marzen to provide this support can be initiated at any time in the life cycle of a TDACS workstation. Contact: Bob Blaisdell,, for more details regarding the use of Marzen Group to provide IA support services. If you are going TDACS v4.6 Standard Edition (SE) Feature List Frozen The next minor release of TDACS SE will be version 4.6.0. Currently it is on schedule to be released in early August of 2013. Given that the current version of TDACS SE has been in the field since October of 2012 this new release is highly anticipated by TDACS users everywhere. The final feature list for v4.6 will be announced at the completion of testing in late July, when the product is released to Manufacturing. The list of improvements and bug fixes is rather large due to the fact that v4.5 has been fielded for an extended period and that it has been strenuously vetted at numerous large scale exercises and operational events. This exposure of v4.5 has allowed operators to get a very good feel of what the TDACS v4.5 software can do and what they would like to see changed. Version 4.6 will address many of those field identified requests but will also see numerous internal changes to improve perfor- to deploy a mance and stability. All current owners of TDACS SE v4.X will be notified when v4.6 is released so they can make preparations for immediate use of this free upgrade. TDACS users are reminded that the workstations are made up of carefully selected Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) equipment. On the whole the TDACS workstation hardware has held up quite well given the deployment scenarios they have experienced. Experience shows that the COTS hardware is particularly vulnerable to damage when being transported. To remedy that problem all TDACS workstation form factors are available with customized shipping and storage containers. These containers not only protect the hardware from physical damage, but are air non-lab environment, buy a shipping container, to get there safely and help keep it operational. Marzen Recommends TDACS Shipping Containers TDACS Workstations are deployed around the globe for both US and NATO customers. Often they are required to operate in very harsh environments and must be moved often. TDACS unit in a sealed when closed and limit exposure to condensation and high humidity. As testament to the utility of these containers; systems deployed for more than 6 years in the desert were operational when decommissioned. Märzen Group System Engineering Consulting Services 24 Railroad Square Nashua New Hampshire 03064-2278 Phone: 603-889-9522 Fax:603-889-9567 E-mail: Web: Märzen Group LLC is a small business that was founded in 1999 in Nashua, New Hampshire. Märzen staff provide consulting services and products to government and commercial customers around the world. Our consulting services cover a wide range of competencies in System Engineering and Integration Services, Product Development, Testing, and Deployment, that are put to use every day for our customers Märzen professional staff support commercial, non-profit, and government organizations in areas as diverse as the development of real-time, object oriented software for Tactical Military Communications, or the analysis of Network Security for Command and Control Systems, to the requirements analysis for new Windows platform applications for hospitals and small companies. CAGE Code: 1N5V9 It’s not about TDACS - but this is great way to spend an afternoon in Boston. - Views from the “Monsta…”