Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 tubing
Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 tubing
Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 tubing JM BioConnect developed together with Renolit, a new generation of tubing especially designed for the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 tubing. The Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 tubing is made in a complete controlled cleanroom environment using the cleanest biological compatible material TPE ® which is already widely used within the industry. The Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 tubing is autoclavable, resistant for gamma radiation, weldable (by commercial sterile tube welders) and sealable. Further it is successfully tested and validated as pump tubing and is resistant upto > 3 bar. COMPOUND CODE study and extractable: study is 4502 A complete validation completed and available for our customers. Solmed Tubeflex 4502 TECHNICAL DATA PRODUCT : MAIN POLYMERS : Recommended tube sealing method: MAIN APPLICATION AREAS Solmed® Tubeflex Thermoplastic Elastomer :Biotechnology Heat sealing, impulse sealing, sterile docking fluid transfer systems, biopharmaceutical Recommended sterilization method : Gamma, ETO, UV Maximum recommended sterilization temperature : 121°C Maximum recommended sterilization dose : 50 kGy Recommended pH range : 2-13 PHYSICAL PROPERTY* DIMENSION PROCEDURE Appearance : Slightly frosted VALUE Formulation characteristics : Ultra low extractable, high purity, high flexibility and free of animal derived oils. D-638 Tensile strength at break MPa 12 ingredients and ASTM Pump performance : KrosFlo® Research II pump (0-600 rpm) Recommended continuous use : up to 60 hour at 160 rpm Elongation at break % 1800 ASTM D-638 Flow rate stability at 200 rpm : better than 93%; tested for 48h. Flow rate stability at 600 rpm : better than 87%; tested for 7h. Tensile moduluson at tubing 100%size elongation 1.2 D-638 Tests conducted 3/8” x 9/16”MPa : (9.5 x 14.3 mm); gamma radiated atASTM >50 kGy. Shore A - Tubeflex 4502 Tubing Cold brittleness Tubing Catalog # °C ID X OD (metric mm) Density JMBTF45020300S JMBTF45020300B JMBTF45020400S Water vapor transmission JMBTF45020400B rate (23°C, 100% RH) JMBTF45020401S JMBTF45020401B 3,2 x 6,4 JMBTF45020701S Haze JMBTF45020701B 15 15 6,4 x 11,1 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 7/16 6,4 x 12,7 9,5 x 14,3 JMBTF45020800S JMBTF45020800B 12,7 x 15,9 12,7 x 17,5 12,7 x 19,1 100 350 1/4 x 1/2 % 9,5 x 12,7 Water absorption (100% RH) JMBTF45020802S JMBTF45020802B 1/8 x 1/4 0.9 3/16 x 3/8 9,5 x 15,9 JMBTF45020801B 4,8 x 9,5 JMBTF45020702S JMBTF45020702B Burst Pressure (23 °C) JMBTF45020801S ASTM D-746 m/Coil 0.08 15 Steam sterilization shrinkage JMBTF45020600S 7,9 x 12,7 JMBTF45020600B 121 °C, 30 minutes JMBTF45020700S JMBTF45020700B < -40 ID X OD (fractions) 3/16 x 5/16 JMBTF45020501B CO2 permeability (23°C; 0% RH) JMBTF45020502S JMBTF45020502B ASTM D-2240 4,8 x 7,9 JMBTF45020500S O2 permeability (23°C; 0%RH) 6,4 x 9,5 JMBTF45020500B JMBTF45020501S 60 5/16 x 1/2 % MPa 3/8 x 9/16 3/8 x 5/8 1/2 x 5/8 1/2 x 11/16 15 15 �1 3/8 x 1/2 % 15 15 15 30 15 < 0.2 15 0.54 1/2 x 3/4 15 15 15 Packing Qty ASTM D-792 Single Bulk (20) Single ASTM F-1249 Bulk (20) Single Bulk (20) Single ASTM D-3985 Bulk (20) Single Bulk (20) ASTM F-2476 Single Bulk (20) AUTOCLAVE Single Bulk (20) Single Bulk (20) Single ASTM D-1003 Bulk (20) Single ASTM D-570 Bulk (20) Single Bulk (20) ASTM D-1599 Single Bulk (20) Single Bulk (20) AllJMBTF45020900S above tests: tubing size 3/8” x 9/16” (9.5 x 14.3 mm); gamma radiated at >50 kGy. Single 15,9 x 22,2 5/8 x 7/8 15 JMBTF45021000S JMBTF45021000B 19,1 x 25,4 3/4 x 1 5 Single Bulk (20) JMBTF45021001S JMBTF45021001B 19,1 x 28,6 3/4 x 1 1/8 5 Single Bulk (20) JMBTF45021002S JMBTF45021002B 19,1 x 31,8 3/4 x 1 1/4 5 Single Bulk (20) JMBTF45021100S JMBTF45021100B 25,4 x 34,9 1 x 1 3/8 5 Single Bulk (20) JMBTF45020900B Bulk (20) JM BioConnect bv Maidstone 50 • 5026 SK Tilburg • The Netherlands T +31 40 2901570 • F +31 40 2901579 • • CL2149 Datasheet EU.indd 1 22-12-2009 15:13:57 Solmed® TubeFlex 4502 validation & technical data Pharmacopoeia compliancy and biocompatibility: - USP <88> class VI; 121 °C, 1 hour - ISO 10993-4 Hemolysis - USP <85> Bacterial Endotoxins – LAL - ISO 10993-5 Cytotoxicity ® - USP <661> plastic containers - ISO 10993-6 Implantation test - European Pharmacopoeia tests 3.1.6 - ISO 10993-10 Irritation and Sensitization - Japanese Pharmacopoeia tests - ISO 10993-11 Acute Systemic Toxicity RecommendedCODE tube sealing method : Heat sealing, impulse sealing, sterile docking COMPOUND : 4502 - ISO 10993-18 Chemical Characterization Solmed Tubeflex 4502 TECHNICAL DATA Recommended sterilization method : Gamma, PRODUCT : Solmed® TubeflexSteam, ETO, UV Maximum recommended sterilization temperature : 121°C MAIN POLYMERS : Thermoplastic Elastomer Copies of the test reports are available upon request. Maximum recommended : 50 kGysystems, biopharmaceutical fluid transfer MAIN APPLICATION AREASsterilization dose : Biotechnology Recommended pH range : 3 to 11 Appearance : Slightly frosted COMPOUND CODE : 4502 ® : Formulation characteristics PRODUCT : Solmed TubeflexUltra low extractable, high purity, high flexibility. Free of animalPROCEDURE derived ingredients and oils. PHYSICAL PROPERTY* DIMENSION VALUE MAIN POLYMERS : Thermoplastic Elastomer MAIN APPLICATION AREAS : Biotechnology systems, biopharmaceutical fluid transfer Tensile strength at break MPa Pharmacopoeia compliancy and biocompatibility: Physical Property* Dimension - ISO 10993-4 Hemolysis Elongation at break % -Tensile ISO 10993-5 Cytotoxicity strength at break MPa - ISO 10993-6 test Tensile modulusImplantation at 100% elongation MPa Elongation at break % - ISO 10993-10 Irritation and Sensitization - ISO 10993-11 Acute Systemic ToxicityShore A Tensile modulus atChemical 100% elongation MPa - ISO 10993-18 Characterization - USPbrittleness <88> class VI; 121 °C, 1 hour Cold °C Shore A - - USP <85> Bacterial Endotoxins – LAL - USPbrittleness <661> plastic containers Density Cold ° - European Pharmacopoeia tests 3.1.6 - Japanese Pharmacopoeia Water vapor transmission tests Density Copies of the test RH) reports are available upon request. rate (23°C, 100% 12 Value 12 60 Procedure 1800 ASTM D-638 1.2 ASTM D-638 1800 1.2 ASTM D-638 ASTM D-638 ASTM D-638 60 ASTM D-2240 < -40 ASTM D-746 ASTM D-638 ASTM D-2240 < -400.9 ASTM D-792 ASTM D-746 0.9 0.08 ASTM F-1249 ASTM D-792 Water vapor transmission 0.08 ASTM F-1249 rate (23°C, 100% RH) O2 permeability (23°C; 0%RH) 100 ASTM D-3985 2 O permeability (23°C; 0% RH) 100 350 ASTM D-3985 Pump performance Krossflow R II (0-600 RPM) CO2 permeability (23°C; 0% RH) ASTM F-2476 Recommended continuous use up to 60 hour at 160 RPM CO2 permeability (23°C; 0% RH) 350 ASTM F-2476 Flow rate stability at 200 RPM Steam sterilization shrinkage % better than 93%; tested � 1 for 48h. AUTOCLAVE Flow rate stability at 600 RPM better than 87%; tested for 7h. 121 °C, 30 minutes Steam sterilization shrinkage % 1 AUTOCLAVE Tests conducted 121°C, 30 minuteson tubing size 3/8” x 9/16” (9.5 x 14.3 mm); gamma radiated at >50 kGy. Haze % 30 ASTM D-1003 Haze Water absorption (100% RH) Water absorption (100% RH) % % 30 % ASTM D-1003 < 0.2 < 0.2 This technical information consists of typical product data and should not be used as a specification 2009/09. Burst Pressure (23 °C) Burst Pressure (23°C) MPa MPa 0.54 0.54 ASTM D-570 ASTM D-570 ASTM D-1599 ASTM D-1599 The data contained in this document are provided in good faith for the sake of general information. It is deemed to be accurate at the time of going into press. The purchaser or user is required to verify with our technical services whether any specific application is appropriate. Freedom of possession, use or marketing under intellectual property rights or legal provisions or All above size 3/8” x 9/16” (9.5 x 14.3 gamma radiatedradiated at should >50 kGy. All abovetests: tests:tubing tubing 3/8” 9/16” (9.5 x mm); 14.3 gamma at >50 regulations, whether national or size local, must bexduly considered before; Under no circumstances any SolmedkGy. film, tubing or compound be used in any cosmetic, reconstructive or any other temporary or permanent bodily implant application. This technical information consists of typical product data and should not be used as a specification 2009/09. The data contained in this document are provided in good faith for the sake of general information. It is deemed to be accurate at the time of going into press. The purchaser or user is required to verify with our technical services whether any specific application is appropriate. Freedom of possession, use or marketing under intellectual property rights or legal provisions or regulations, whether national or local, must be duly considered before use. Under no circumstances should any Solmed film, tubing or compound be used in any cosmetic, reconstructive or any other temporary or permanent bodily implant application. JM BioConnect is a registered tradename from JM Separations BV, 21-12-2009. JM BioConnect bv JM bv HG Eindhoven • The Netherlands P.O.BioConnect Box 6286 • 5600 Maidstone 50 • 5026 Tilburg • The Netherlands T +31 40 2901570 • FSK +31 40 2901579 • • T +31 40 2901570• •BTW F +31 40 2901579 • • KvK 0987654321 12345678 • Bank 987654321 CL2149 Datasheet EU.indd 2 22-12-2009 15:13:57
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