Spring/Summer 2016 Offerings


Spring/Summer 2016 Offerings
Spring / Summer Offerings 2016
Renew. Inspire. Celebrate.
Project Linus
Join the fun and help hospitalized children. All you need is
the ability to stitch two squares of cloth together by hand.
Sewn strips of colorful cloth are turned into finished quilts
that are donated to Project Linus. Conversation around the
table is reminiscent of the quilting bees of old.
Mondays: April 4 and June 6, Noon to 2 pm. No charge.
No registration necessary.
Journal to the Self
Facilitator Michelle Fellman will show us how to use
journals to explore various aspects of our lives, ourselves,
and our relationships with others. Designed and developed
by Kathleen Adams, a pioneer in the use of writing as a
tool to personal growth, this course will help participants
discover the writer within.
Techniques such as character sketches, captured moments,
and unsent letters can help people manage stress and express
emotions in a safe setting. No writing experience necessary.
4 Tuesdays: April 5 to April 26, 10 am to noon. $110/$100
with early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Legacy Letters
Join Marguerite O’Connor, goodwill ambassador for
Chicago Jewish Funerals and co-author of Griefstruck: When
a Death Changes Your Life, to explore how to navigate death
and grief. Legacy letters are a powerful way to tell those
you love what they mean to you; to tell mentors, teachers or
friends what you are thankful for; to share lessons learned
and life experiences.
Tuesday, April 5, 7 to 8:30 pm. $25/$20 with early-bird
registration 5 days in advance.
Lessons Learned from Dealing with Death
Marguerite O’Connor, goodwill ambassador for Chicago
Jewish Funerals and co-author of Griefstruck: When a Death
Changes Your Life, will host a discussion about changing
trends in funeral service, meaningful rituals, celebrating life
and navigating loss.
Tuesday, April 12, 7 to 8:30 pm. $25/$20 with early-bird
registration 5 days in advance.
Mental Training For Peak Performance
Every Olympic athlete knows to realize their full potential
and perform at their highest level they must develop both
their physical strength and skills, and their mental strength.
Whether you are a parent hoping to get into the head of
your student athlete or hoping to increase your own winning
attitude, join Christie Southern, certified by The American
College of Sports Medicine who will present the most upto-date neuropsychological research on how to train the
brain; offering scientifically proven strategies related to how
to increase self-confidence, composure, focus and a more
positive winning outlook.
Wednesday evening, April 20, 7 to 8:30 pm. $25/$20
with early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Women & Transition: Reinventing
Work and Life
Guided by Linda Rossetti’s new book, Women & Transition,
Deb Guy, Women’s Exchange executive director, will facilitate
a discussion group with questions and exercises provided by
the author. Understanding transition as a process through
which we re-evaluate how we make meaning and purpose
in our lives is certain to bring a new awareness for each
participant. The author will join us by Skype during one
session to share her research and to answer questions. For the
first class, read Section 1: Understanding Transition.
4 Thursdays: April 21 to May 12, 1 to 3 pm. $125/$100
with early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Mastering the Art of Public Speaking
A recent survey found that people fear speaking in public
more than heights, financial problems, sickness and even
death. But public speaking is a skill anyone can master, with
preparation and coaching. Learn the basic principles of
delivering a powerful speech in this two-part class facilitated
by Stephanie Vlahakis, WE board member and former
president of the National Hellenic Museum.
2 Fridays: April 22 and 29, 10 to 11:30 am. $45/$40
with early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Creating Your Successful Midlife Chapter
Midlife can bring new passions, possibilities and inspiration.
Join Miriam Iwrey, MSW, as we explore 10 steps that will
inspire you to create a life filled with everything you desire.
Embrace your power and wisdom and redefine the years ahead.
Tuesday, May 17, 7 to 8:30 pm. $25/$20 with early-bird
registration 5 days in advance.
Custody Laws Have Changed!
Join Mediator and Coach, Kate van Dyke and Attorney
Amy Gertler, Grund & Leavitt, when they review the new
Illinois divorce statute taking effect January 1, 2016. It has big
changes. Learn the changes to maintenance and child support
in 2015. Come and have your questions answered.
May 19, 5:30 to 7:30 pm. $30
REGISTER FOR CLASSES ONLINE www.womens-exchange.org
No Pick-Ups or Fix-Ups: Internet Dating
at Midlife
3 Thursdays: April 7, 14 and 21, 10 to 11:30 am. $45/$40
with early-bird registration 5 days in advance. All must
register by April 4.
Divorced, widowed, or never married, more and more
midlife women are interested in dating. Learn an over-view of
strategies and techniques for meeting interesting, intelligent
men safely on the internet. In this informal workshop, Gina
Logan, PhD, will share dos and don’ts, discuss how to write
your profile, and teach you how to read between the lines on
potential dates’ profiles.
Wednesday, June 1, 6:30 to 9 pm. $45/$40 with earlybird registration 5 days in advance.
Awaken Your Intuitive Heart
Unleash the power of your intuition in this two-part
workshop with author Therese Evans. Learn to turn within
for guidance about yourself and the world around you.
Strengthen personal and family relationships, improve
business relationships, become a better listener and
communicator, and experience spiritual growth, as you
begin to see the world in a new way. Limit 14.
Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and 5, Noon to 4 pm.
$145/$140 with early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Monday Meditation at Noon
Join Linda Stremmel for a 30-minute midday break and
begin your week more thoughtful and centered.
Alternating Mondays, April 4 to June 20, Noon to 12:30
pm. $10 drop-in
Getting It Together: Financial Skill-building
for Women
This class will help you to become a more confident financial
services consumer. Learn how to tackle common financial
concerns. Learn how to find and use unbiased information
about products and services. This workshop is facilitated
by professional financial advisers Anne Wieboldt, MBA,
CFA(R), CFP(R) and Nancy Wieboldt, MBA, CTFA. No
specific products or services are promoted. Expanded
curriculum available at www.womens-exchange.org.
4 Wednesdays: April 13 and 27, May 11 and 25, 10 to
11:30 am. $110/$100 with early-bird registration 5 days
in advance. All must register by April 10.
BeMoved® Dance Fitness Experience
Each week, with step-by-step exercise, we will focus with
a different musical genre. Facilitated by Debbie Kristofek,
Certified BeMoved® Instructor. Winnetka Community House,
Room 204.
Wednesdays, unless noted on calendar, 9:30 to 10:30 am.
$15 per session
Eat, Move, Sleep
Explore the findings in Tom Rath’s book, Eat, Move, Sleep.
Stephanie Pearce, Duke-trained integrative health coach,
will focus on each of the three key areas to living well: eating,
moving or sleeping. Learn ways to improve the quality of your
life with simple suggestions and group support. Limit 12.
3 Tuesdays: April 12, 19, 26, 10 to 11:30 am. $70/$60
early-bird with paid registration 5 days in advance.
Women, Money and Spirit
Whether we are rich or poor, money tests what we truly value
in life. Join us for a day-long conversation with Dr. Kate
Levinson, author of Emotional Currency. How do we make
meaning and find purpose in our relationship with money?
How do we hold money as connection, care, nurturance,
interdependence and compassion in a world that can be so
cold-hearted about money? Can we care for ourselves, our
families and those less fortunate? What is the confluence of
money and spirit in our lives?
Monday, May 16, 10 to 4 pm. $125/$100 with early-bird
registration 5 days in advance. All must register by May 14.
Anti-aging Trends and Treatments
Learn how to be a better shopper for skincare from Dr. Amy
Forman Taub, founder of a top dermatology practice and
assistant professor of Clinical Dermatology at Northwestern
University Medical School. Dr. Taub will describe the latest
treatments in the nonsurgical anti-aging industry, the science
behind the technology, and how it works for different age
Wednesday, April 13, 7 to 8:30 pm. $20
Movies That Matter
The WE movie group will meet and discuss “Young at Heart”,
another thought-provoking movie specially selected for
memorable discussion. View in advance or at 5 pm on April
4. Discussion facilitated by T-Ann Pierce at 7 pm.
Monday April 4, 7 to 8:30 pm. $15
Aliveness to Self
Embracing and Engaging Your Intuitive Power
Learn to recognize and trust your intuition with holistic
health practitioner Nancy Creely. This three-part class
will teach you how to identify your unique intuitive
communication system (auditory, visual or kinesthetic)
and help you distinguish your intuitive voice from your
inner critic. Learn to build positive energy and release toxic
negative thoughts.
The Surrender Experiment
Join Harriet Porter, LCSW, as she shares this book by
Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul. What happens
when you just let go? The events that transpire will both
challenge your deepest assumptions about life and inspire you
to look at your own life in a radically different way.
since winning the vote in 1920. Dr. Beth Kelly of DePaul
University combines documentary film (the PBS video
“Makers: Women Who Make America”) with the historical
essays in Feminism Unfinished: A Short, Surprising History of
American Women’s Movements by Dorothy Sue Cobble. More
details at www.womens-exchange.org.
3 Wednesdays: May 18, 25 and June 1, 7 to 8:30 pm.
$75/$70 with paid registration 5 days in advance.
8 Tuesdays: April 5 to May 24. 1 to 2:30 pm. $160/$150
early-bird registration paid 5 days in advance.
Short Stories Group – Join The Series or
Attend Single Sessions
Read along with this friendly group of readers. Each week
we discuss a story from The Best American Short Stories of
the Century, edited by John Updike and Katrina Kenison.
Complete listing by week: www.womens-exchange.org.
8 Alternating Fridays: April 8 and 22, May 6 and 20, June
3 and 17, July 8 and 22, 10 to 11:30 am. $120/$110 with
paid registration 5 days in advance. Single sessions $15.
Floriculture 101 at Four Finches Flower Shop
Discover this intimate oasis in the center of Evanston…
peaceful, fragrant and full of lovely flowers, little gifts, and
yes…live finches. Owner Sarah Wright will teach us flowercare fundamentals, including conditioning tips and best
practices for product longevity, and preparation mechanics
for various containers. You will have the fun of creating
a take-home centerpiece. Directions to the shop: www.
Wednesday, April 6, 10 to 11:30 am. $55 includes all
Circles of Women Will Lead to Change
Women have gathered in circles since the beginning of
time. Urgent Message from Mother: Gather The Women, Save
The World “Bolen’s vision integrates feminism, indigenous
wisdom, ecology and spirituality” giving us examples of how
women working together can bring peace. Read, discuss and
meditate in a circle with Andy Schweitzer, MSW, as we learn
to listen more deeply to the voice of Mother Earth.
5 Mondays: April 11 to May 9, 7 to 8:30 pm. $110/$100
early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Drawing for Those Who Don’t Think They Can
New Trier Township Pondering Point
Discussion Group
Discover a new appreciation for spring foliage with artist and
teacher Marla Synder, who will lead us in an easy step-bystep drawing process. All supplies provided.
Monday, April 11, 10 am to 12:30 pm. $40/$35 early bird
registration 5 days in advance.
Join members of the New Trier community for informal
and lively conversation that focuses on social and emotional
issues that are integral to the health of our relationships.
Facilitator Linda Stremmel will offer a new topic each month.
Wednesdays: April 20, May 18, 9:30 to 11 am. No charge.
Memoir Writing
Get your family history down on paper. At the monthly
meeting, you’ll bring a family story that you have written and
share it aloud with the group. Topics are suggested, but you
are welcome to write on a different topic. Beginners welcome!
3 Mondays: April 11, May 9, June 6, 7 to 8:30 pm. $25
Lunch & Learn: My Life on the Road
Holly Marihugh of BooksLive! presents Gloria
Steinem’s latest book, My Life on the Road. Steinem, the
quintessential writer, activist, organizer, and inspiring
leader, reveals a story she has never told before: a
candid account of her life as a traveler, a listener, and
a catalyst for change. Salad and dessert included.
Centennial Room, Winnetka Congregational Church.
Friday, May 13, Noon to 1:30 pm. $30. Registration
closes May 10.
Watercolor for Those Who Don’t Believe
They Can
A-tisket, a-tasket, let’s paint a spring basket with artist and
teacher Marla Synder. Beginners will learn watercolor
techniques while painting a spring bouquet. All supplies
Monday, April 18, 10 am to 12:30 pm. $40/$35 with
early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Hosting Dr. Kate Levinson, author of
Emotional Currency
Creative Writing: Your Pen, Your Perspective
Discover your creative gifts through writing, whether short
fiction, memoir essays or blog posts. This five-week seminar
covers the mechanics of writing, gives you writing prompts,
and provides you with a supportive environment in which
to share your writing. For beginners or more experienced
writers. Led by author Holly Marihugh.
5 Thursdays: June 16, 23, July 7, 14 and 21, 1 to 2:30 pm.
$130/$120 with early-bird registration 5 days in advance.
Stay tuned for an exciting opportunity to dine with
seven others for a simple supper and conversation with
Kate around the dinner table. Details will posted at
www.womens-exchange.org by May 1.
Women Making a Movement: Into the
21st Century
Explore the multifaceted ways in which American women
have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political
power, economic opportunity and personal autonomy
sense of events. We’ll explore how politics got so polarized
today and then take a look at the front-running candidates
in a new way: analyzing their horoscopes to see who might
reach the White House. Join author, Sue Baugh for this
fascinating and unusual look at the presidential race. Friday, May 13, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
Afternoon Tea & Book Talk
wwith Susan Branch
Women’s Exchange will host author Susan Branch
for an Afternoon Tea at Westmoreland Country Club,
Wilmette. Before Susan’s talk, a wonderful buffet will
be offered of fresh fruit, sandwiches, crudités and dips,
scones, petite cookies, coffee and tea. Books will be
available for purchase and signing by Susan.
Tuesday, May 10, 3 pm. $40 advance registration
by May 6.
Life-Enriching Travel: The What, The Why
and the How
What do we mean by life-enriching travel? Why should we
pursue it? How do we achieve it? What are the barriers?
Volunteering is one option; making a spiritual pilgrimage is
another; but there are many ways to make travel meaningful.
Olivia Patterson of Lake Shore Travel will explore different
ways we can broaden our horizons and deepen our
experience with the rest of the world.
Friday, May 20, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
Confronting Fundamentalism: Christian
Humanism and the Moral Imagination
Reluctant First Ladies: Bess Truman and
Mamie Eisenhower
Dr. Cate Wallace, cultural historian, has written a series of
short books examining the moral and intellectual failures of
Christian fundamentalism. She suggests that hate-mongering
Christian fundamentalism can only be stopped from within
Christianity, just as hate-mongering Islamic fundamentalism
can only be stopped from within Islam. If we understand the
cultural, historical, and psychosocial roots of fundamentalism,
then we can confront it more effectively. We can devise
antidotes to the toxicities that fundamentalism entails. The
antidotes she offers are simple, engaging, and persuasive.
Friday, April 1, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
The decade that followed World War II brought enormous
changes to the U.S. and the world, with the rise of the Cold
War, the decline of European colonial empires, and the
emergence of the U.S. as a superpower. Yet Bess Truman and
Mamie Eisenhower, the wives of our post-war presidents,
saw their role as First Lady in very traditional ways. Indeed,
neither really enjoyed life in the White House. Dr. Beth Kelly
of DePaul University explores some of the experiences of
these reluctant First Ladies.
Friday, May 27, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
Longevity: Living Well in a Discovered Life
Discover What’s Hot for Summer Reading
We are the first generation in history likely to have an extra
20 to 30 years of healthy productive life. How will we use
this time? What are expectations and possibilities for this
time? Kate Coughlin, WE board member, will lead the
discussion. Bring your ideas and questions and engage in rich
conversation, to find inspiration for your own extra years.
Friday, April 8, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
No time like summer for reading on the beach, screened porch,
or patio. Join us at Women’s Exchange, when the librarians from
the Winnetka Public Library share their list of captivating books
for summer reads, both fiction and nonfiction.
Friday, June 3, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
Write Your Life in 8 Lines, 24 Words
How to sum up a complex, wonderful life? In this salon, you will
learn a guided process designed by writer and facilitator Susan
Roupp. Distill your life experiences concisely into a format that
will surprise and delight you: eight lines and 24 words.
Friday, April 22, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
E honors 2016
Join us when W
ar Recipients:
Communities Aw
r, President
Elizabeth Taylo
mmunity Bank
North Shore Co
ities Manager
Gina Sich, Facil
unity House
Winnetka Co
heon Speaker:
Honored Lunc
Val Haller, Valsl
Silent Auction
ble” Op
“Seat at the Ta
Saturday, April
ed at noon)
11:30 am – 2:00
Improve Life with Better Sleep
A Sleep in America poll has revealed that women are more
likely than men to have difficulty falling and staying asleep.
Neurologist Dr. Smita Patel, of North Shore University Health
System’s Center for Brain Health, is a specialist in sleep disorders
and integrative health practices. She will emphasize the
importance of sleep to good health, and provide useful tips for
improving sleep.
Friday, April 29, 4 to 5:30 pm. $20
Ball of Confusion—Presidential Race 2016
Country Club
IL 60091
ad  Wilmette,
2601 O
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary methods to make
Spring/Summer 2016 Offerings
Please note limited June listings. Complete Summer programming available May 2016.
Be certain your email is on file to receive updates & weekly emails. Email: deb@womens-exchange.org.
APRIL 2016
4 pm
MAY 2016
Confronting Fundamentalism: Christian Humanism and
the Moral Imagination
12 pm
Project Linus
12 pm
Meditation for 30 minutes
7 pm
Movies That Matter: Young at Heart – view at 5 pm
10 am
Journal to Self (4 weeks)
1 pm
7 pm
Legacy Letters
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House,
Rm. 204
10 am
Wills & Trusts
10 am
Floriculture 101 with Four Finches Flower Shop,
10 am
Embracing and Engaging your Intuitive Power (3 weeks)
1 pm
Your Pen, Your Perspective Writing begins (5 weeks)
10 am
Short Story Group - “Defender of the Faith” by Philip
4 pm
Salon: Living Well in a Discovered Life
10 am
Drawing For Those Who Don’t Think They Can
7 pm
Circles of Women Will Lead To Change (5 weeks)
7:30 pm
Memoir Writing
10 am
Sleep, Eat, Move (3 weeks)
7 pm
Lessons Learned From Dealing With Death
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House,
Rm. 204
10 am
Women & Finance (4 weeks, not consecutive)
7 pm
Anti-aging Trends and Treatments
11:30 am
Spring Luncheon Benefit, Westmoreland CC, Wilmette
10 am
Watercolor Painting For Those Who Don’t Think They
12 pm
Meditation for 30 minutes
9 am
Women’s Exchange Closes for WCC Rummage. All
classes re-located. Check with facilitators for locations.
10 am
Short Story - “The German Refugee” by Bernard
Malamud, WCC
7:30 pm
Memoir Writing
3 pm
Hosting author, Susan Branch, WCC, Wilmette
9:30 am
NO BeMoved due to Winnetka Rummage Sale
Lunch & Learn - “My Life On The Road” Centennial Rm.
4 pm
Salon: Ball of Confusion—Presidential Race 2016, WCC
10-4 pm
Women, Money and Spirit, Dr. Kate Levinson
12 pm
Meditation for 30 minutes
6:30 pm
Thought Leader Dinner: Dr. Kate Levinson
7 pm
Creating Your Successful Midlife Chapter
9:30 am
Pondering Points Discussion Group
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House,
Rm. 204
7 pm
“Women Making A Movement: Into the 21st Century”
(3 wks)
5:30 pm
Custody Laws Have Really Changed! Come & Learn
10 am
Short Story Group: “The Rotifer” by Mary Ladd Gavell
4 pm
Salon: Life Enriching Travel - The What, The Why, and
the How
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House
Salon: Reluctant First Ladies: Bess Truman and Mamie
JUNE 2016
6:30 pm
No Pick-Ups or Fix-Ups: Internet Dating at Midlife
10 am
Short Story Group - “Gold Coast” by James Alan
4 pm
Salon: Discover What’s Hot For Summer Reading
Noon - 4
Awaken Your Intuitive Heart (two-afternoons)
Project Linus
Meditation for 30 minutes (check we may be outdoors?)
7:30 pm
Memoir Writing
12 pm
Meditation for 30 minutes
9:30 am
Pondering Points Discussion Group
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House,
Rm. 204
7 pm
Mental Training For Peak Performance
1 pm
Women & Transition: Reinventing Work & Life (4 weeks)
10 am
Short Story - “Criers and Kibitzers, Kitbitzers and
Criers” by Stanley Elkin
7:30 pm
Evening Memoirs Group – Beginners welcomed!
10 am
Mastering the Art of Public Speaking (2 weeks)
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House
4 pm
Salon: Write Your Life In 8 Lines, 24 Words
1 pm
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House,
Rm. 204
Your Pen, Your Perspective Creative Writing (5 weeks
10 am
4 pm
Improve Life with Better Sleep, Dr. Patel
Short Story Group - “The Key” by Isaac Bashevis
Singer. Also meets July 8 & 22. See www.womensexchange.org
Meditation for 30 minutes (we might be outdoors?)
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House
Featuring music by: The Harmonizers
9:30 am
BeMoved Dance Fitness, Winnetka Community House
Women’s Exchange:
Partners in YOUR
vision and growth.
Lisa Klare Photography
Deb Guy, Executive Director
Sally Kelly, Business Manager
Board of Directors
Candace Tesler, President
Susan Gaud, Vice President
Connie Garner, Secretary
Cynthia Baldwin, Treasurer
Marcia Cleveland
Kate Coughlin
Terry Dason
Debbie McGowan
Stephanie Pearce
Rebecca Petrek
Cam Picchietti
T-Ann Pierce
Roberta Rubin
Stephanie Vlahakis
Carol Wootton
Vicky Young
Design & Printing: Multicopy
Editor: Pat O’Donnell
Photography: Lisa Klare Photography
You may also register and pay online at www.womens-exchange.org
Please register me in the following class(es)
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___________________________________________________________________________ $_________________
___________________________________________________________________________ $_________________
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Please charge $_____________ to my
TOTAL $_________________
Card Number_______________________________________________ Exp. Date______________ Security Code_________
Cardholder’s signature____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone_____________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________
Please mail this completed registration and payment to: Women’s Exchange 725 Pine Street, Winnetka, IL 60093
To receive weekly program updates, please be sure your email is on file at Women’s Exchange.