Fred Poordad, Michael W. Fried, Stefan Zeuzem, Peter
Fred Poordad, Michael W. Fried, Stefan Zeuzem, Peter
Fred Poordad, Michael W. Fried, Stefan Zeuzem, Peter Ferenci, Oliver Lenz, Rekha Sinha, Katleen Callewaert, Monika Peeters, Maria Beumont-Mauviel Abstract 83 PILLAR: treatment-naïve patients (including F3) 12 0 Week 24 72 48 PR Post-therapy FU 75 mg, n=78 150 mg, n=77 SMV + PR PR Post-therapy FU 75 mg, n=75 150 mg, n=79 Pbo + PR PR Post-therapy FU Control, n=77 SMV + PR Pbo + PR SMV either 75 mg QD or 150 mg QD RGT in SMV arms ASPIRE: treatment-experienced patients (prior relapsers, partial and null responders; including F3 and F4) SMV + PR Pbo + PR SMV + PR Post-therapy FU 100 mg, n=66 150 mg, n=66 100 mg, n=65 150 mg, n=68 Post-therapy FU 100 mg, n=66 150 mg, n=65 Post-therapy FU Control, n=66 Post-therapy FU Pbo + PR SMV + PR Pbo + PR SMV either 100 mg QD or 150 mg QD Poordad F, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 83. Patients achieving SVR24, % Placebo PR 100 80 Simeprevir 150 mg* PR 79 71 62 56 60 40 20 0 5/7 15/19 PILLAR treatmentnaïve: F3 4 1/23 38/68 ASPIRE treatmentexperienced: F3/F4 pooled 0/10 24/39 ASPIRE treatmentexperienced: F4 only *Treatment arms within PILLAR and ASPIRE with different durations pooled PR, pegylated interferon α-2a + ribavirin; SVR24, HCV RNA <25 IU/mL undetectable 24 weeks after planned end of treatment Poordad F, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 83. Patients achieving SVR24, % Placebo PR 100 Simeprevir 150 mg* PR 80 67 65 60 40 33 20 0 10 0/10 17/26 Relapser 1/10 14/21 Partial responder 0/3 7/21 Null responder 31% (4/13) null responders with cirrhosis (F4) achieved SVR24 *Treatment arms across ASPIRE with different durations combined PR, pegylated interferon α-2a + ribavirin ; SVR24, HCV RNA <25 IU/mL undetectable 24 weeks after planned end of treatment Poordad F, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 83. Vicente Soriano, Ed Gane, Peter Angus, Felix Stickel, Jean-Pierre Bronowicki, Stuart Roberts, Michael Manns, Stefan Zeuzem, Richard Vinisko, Ivona Herichova, Wulf Böcher, Jerry Stern, and Federico Mensa Abstract 84 No. with cirrhosis (n=9) Faldaprevir 120 mg QD + BI 207127 600 mg TID + RBV (n=7) Faldaprevir 120 mg QD + BI 207127 600 mg TID + RBV (n=5) Faldaprevir 120 mg QD + BI 207127 600 mg TID + RBV (n=9) Faldaprevir 120 mg QD + BI 207127 600 mg BID + RBV Follow-up (n=3) Faldaprevir 120 mg QD + BI 207127 600 mg TID, no RBV Follow-up Day 1 Follow-up Week 16 Follow-up Follow-up Week 28 Week 40 Phase IIb, multicenter, open-label, randomized (1:1:1:1:1) Treatment-naïve patients with chronic HCV GT-1 Compensated cirrhosis allowed, 18–75 years of age, HCV RNA >100 000 IU/mL Stopping rule: HCV RNA detectable between Weeks 6 and 8 Primary endpoint: SVR 12 weeks after treatment completion Soriano V, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 84. GT-1a GT-1b Cirrhosis 100 No cirrhosis 86 90 80 80 68 SVR (%) 70 50 60 57 60 50 43 43 40 42 33 30 20 11 10 0 BI 207127 dosing Duration (weeks) RBV 3/7 8/14 TID 16, 28, & 40 + 2/4 4/5 0/0 BID 28 + 1/3 TID 28 - 40/93 84/124 11/26 37/43 TID 16, 28, & 40 + BID 28 + 2/18 15/25 TID 28 - Soriano V, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 84. Patrick Marcellin, John M Vierling, Bruce R Bacon, Michael Manns, Christine Fandozzi, Jacqueline Gress, Luzelena Caro, Christopher Gilbert, Peggy Hwang, Janice Wahl, Michael P Cooreman, Niloufar Mobashery Abstract 766 MK-5172 is a once-daily, potent, next-generation NS3/4A protease inhibitor (PI) Potent in vitro activity against a broad enzyme panel including all major hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes (G)1 In vitro activity against resistance-associated variants (RAVs) found in patients who failed therapy with first-generation PIs (boceprevir,telaprevir, and TMC-435)2 5 log10 drop in HCV RNA levels in patients with HCV G1 following monotherapy of ≥30 mg once daily (qd) for 7 days3 Interim Analysis Week Week 4 8 Assess Primary Futility Analysis Week Week 12 16 Arm 1: MK-5172 100mg QD+ PR PR Arm 2: MK-5172 200mg QD+ PR PR Arm 3: MK-5172 400mg QD+ PR PR Arm 4: MK-5172 800mg QD+ PR PR Arm 5: PR Assess Futility Week 24 Week 28 Week 36 Week 48 Week 72 48 Weeks – follow-up 24 weeks’ follow-up 48 Weeks – follow-up 24 weeks’ follow-up 48 Weeks – follow-up 24 weeks’ follow-up 48 Weeks – follow-up 24 weeks’ follow-up 44 Weeks – follow-up Arm 5: Boceprevir 800mg TID+ PR PR 24 weeks’ follow-up Marcellin P, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 766. Figure 6. Sustained virologic response at week 4 follow-up (SVR4) according to genotype 1 subtype (G1a vs non-G1a) – combined cohort, FAS population. TD(u) TND 94.7% 96.3% 0.0 0.0 2.5 50 100% 0.0 80.0% 88.5% 100% 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 85.0 94.7 0.0 95.0% 0.0 91.7% 0.0 64.1% 0.0 100.0 96.3 92.9% 78.6% 7.2 80.0 88.5 100.0 95.0 92.9 0.0 91.7 71.4 64.1 60.0 25/39 12/20 MK-5172 100mg + PR MK-5172 400mg + PR 13/14 19/20 11/12 Non-G1a 11/14 G1a 15/15 Non-G1a 23/26 G1a G1a MK-5172 200mg + PR 14/14 Non-G1a 8/10 G1a 26/27 Non-G1a 36/38 Non-G1a 23/23 G1a 35/40 Non-G1a 25 0 MK-5172 800mg + PR BOC, boceprevir; PR, peginterferon alfa-2b + ribavirin; RGT, response-guided therapy; SC, second cohort; TD(u), HCV target detected unquantifiable; TND, HCV target not detected; VC, vanguard cohort Marcellin P, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 766. 60.0% Non-G1a 75 100% 0.0 G1a Patients, (%) 87.5% G1a 100 BOC + PR RGT J.J. Feld, I.M. Jacobson, D.M. Jensen, G.R. Foster, S. Pol, E. Tam, H. Berak, J.M. Vierling, J.A. Tavel, M.T. Navarro, S. Shahdad, R. Kulkarni, S. Le Pogam, I. Najera, C.Y. Lim, N.S. Shulman, E.S. Yetzer Abstract 81 Randomized (1:1:1), open-label, multicenter, parallel study of two cohorts Stratification: G1a/G1b and IL28B Cohort A: G1 prior partial responders n=52 IFN-free: MCB + DNVr + RBV Follow-up n=49 Triple: DNVr + P/R Follow-up n=50 QUAD: MCB + DNVr + P/R Follow-up G1a pts added P/R and are excluded from this analysis Cohort B: G1 prior null responders n=77 IFN-free: MCB + DNVr + RBV Follow-up n=77 QUAD: MCB + DNVr + P/R Follow-up n=74 QUAD: MCB + DNVr + P/R 0 12 G1a pts added P/R and are excluded from this analysis Follow-up P/R 24 36 Weeks 48 DNVr = danoprevir/ritonavir 100 mg/100 mg bid; MCB = mericitabine 1000 mg bid; P/R = peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) 180 μg/week plus ribavirin 1000 mg or 1200 mg/day Identifier: NCT01331850 G1a patients in IFN-free arms offered 24-week P/R + assigned treatment due to unacceptable relapse rates Meld J, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 81. Ongoing 72 Prior partial response Patients with a virologic response, % 100 Prior null response 88 87 80 68 55 60 44 39 40 20 n N 20 23 10 23 9 23 28 32 21 31 17 31 EOT SVR4 SVR12 EOT SVR4 SVR12 0 IFN-free*: DNVr + MCB + RBV Characteristics: partial vs. null responders Similar IL28B genotype, BMI, age Partials: higher baseline viral load (Median: 7.0 vs. 6.7 IU/mL; ≥7 log10 IU/mL: 52% vs. 34%) Meld J, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 81. Patients with an SVR12, % Genotype 1b 100 91 96 Genotype 1a 100 80 60 73 18 24 32 44 + MCB ∆ 45% 40 20 75 30 n N 19 21 25 26 30 30 8 27 0 Partial Partial Null Partial Partial Null responders responders responders responders responders responders Triple: DNVr + P/R Meld J, et al. 63rd AASLD; Boston, MA; November 9-13, 2012; Abst. 81. QUAD: DNVr + MCB + P/R
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