6.07 Mb - Saldus novads
6.07 Mb - Saldus novads
77 el Nogales iela 32 Zie me ļu 2 Atza ru ie 1 la Vēr šād a 64 10 4 aleja 22 Vē ju 16A Cieceres dzirnavas Bērzu 4 2 2 Vēju iela5 8 3 Māras 1 69 iela 2 Priežu Draudzības iela 27 1 2 iela 16 Lau ku Kārļi Čunkas iela 13 12 iela 22 46 Grav2a 1 s 5 iela Cieceres dzirnavas V e i d e s m e ž s iela50 25A Me ža iela 70 47 Cieceres Brīv ības Ka pu 2 1 iela 24 Meža 23 22 Vara vīksn es 5 51 2 Ka4lē ju iela iela 21 9 Lie lā 31 /35 24 2 iela 1 2 iela 4 9 23 iela Veides 52 89 Papardes iela 39 Kalnieši 112 10 Ciece re 7 2 Saulstari Laukgaļi iela 1 iela ņu Pīpe 67 Str3 ēln iek 3 u 5 2 Šķēr su 14 2 1 52 iela 12 iela 17 Karogi 92 2 10 47 Lie lā iela Striķu Me9ž 16 rūpnie 1 cība s iela 48 46 2 iela Tirg otā ju 15 2 2 2E Dā rza iela1B Dār za 12 B 19 28 Dzi rna vu 39 17 18 iela 14 1 iela 1 iel a 2 4 ņu str. Švelma ņa 1 5 Rietum u iel a Ziem eļu 2 3 17 Raiņa 2 22 Ka lna 47 40 Up 4 es 5 iela 1A 19 33 Kā r 3 klu 19 iela 2 1 iela iela 16 21 Ozo lu 1 LIEPĀJA SKRUNDA Dīcma 30 3 Profesionālā vidusskola 25Peldbaseins a Dārz Veides iela51 68 37 PII «Īkstīte» Rozentāla Mērnieki 2 3 ļu e 1 Āb iela su Tal 15 Kalnmuiža 10 10 Jaņa 1 9 Parka iela 24 1 iela Oškalni 2 13 Kalnsētas 7 Saldus sākumskola Oškalnu iela 1 44 PAMPĀĻI 4 13 Cieceres internātpamatskola iela 41 12 Lazdu iela iela1 3. The Market of Saldus GPS 56.666931, 22.49375; Kuldīgas iela 1 The market square of the town (today Kalpaks Square) was located in the valley by the Ciecere River. Once all main roads led to this square and popular fairs took place there. Today Saldus market is located on the opposite side of the intersection. Pilskalna iela 32 ta s Ka lns ē s tne ko s Nā tne ko Nā iela L ī k a i s 17 142 KALNSĒTAS iela 19 Pil ska lna 16 Rozentāla akmens RĪGA 2 u iek ejn Zv istu Tūr 44 Līkā Kalnsētu parks 2. vidusskola Bērzu Sūniņas iela J. Rozentāla Saldus 25 24 iela 28 27 3 4 na kal Pils Laktiņas 2 24 42 45 1 5 iel a Kal nsē tas iela 1A iela2C P109 18 as Jelgav 25 17 1B 16 iela 2 iela iela 13 Sūnas iela eļu Āb1 1 iķu Str iela ra 9 Mie 1 EZERE Dravas MAŽEIKIAI Zaļkalni Siltupīte 4 rzu Bē1 a ab Jēk1 1 iela 2 1 šu 6 Ķir iela3 Irben ieku 1 62 La 1 pu 28 16 2 2 iela 17 u Ganīb 2 1 14 iela 46 1 Saldus pilsk. Vēr 34 Katoļu Ja bazn. iela 12 ņa Ro zen t ā Pilsētas Pareiztic. 13 la 13 bazn. kapi ību Gan Skr und as 1 65 22 Rogas Vīgrieži 14 23 11vēst. un mākslas muz. 2 2A Za ļā 1 2 Mārtiņi Krastiņi 05 Ceriņi Mežvidi P1 Līdumnieki 1A iela Plu 26 dm ales 19 a šād Sporta skola Sporta centrs PII «Zīlīte» Demians as Rīg PII «Asniņš» M. Lutera 10 lut. bazn. 2 ktu Arhite es Zvārd iel1a2 li Krasti u iek 1 dn 1 va No N ovadnieku pag. pārvalde Līk1ā 3 Sprīdīši Garozas 52 1 ņu o Var2 MEŽGAĻI 4 Galdnieki Ce 1 ltn 10 ieku iela iela zo 26 PII «Sienāzītis» Čāpātāju kapi Up e Up skras 87 esl tiņ i 6 70 e K Krū aijasjas Va 5 m ā DZIRNAVNIEKI Nora ji 82 ravīks nes s 1 Rožkalni zo 28 13 Vakara vsk. 2 Smilškalni 2 Sko las 1 iel Pamatskola a 9 1 H elmaņa parks Gāršenieki Ma Baptistu 7 iela N ovada 21 dome 8 27 Cerība Laši Saldus ezers iela 7 Jelgavas 27 iela 9 Policija 3 1 iela Ciecere us Tirg Mans Nams 2D 22 4 O. Kalpaka 7 lauk.2 6 Pel 22 3 6 du s ule Sa6 CIECERE s Mežgaļi ļģuleja Sta Pilsētas parks Sm bazn. ilšu 1 ie 24 2A la 6 7 13 1 otu Av Zvejnieku Sātiņi Str a 42 a 1 uta er a z E 49 iel 18 iela 1 c er e Ozoli Dižegles 5A Sk 1 run da s Kalnēji Lūši Gravas Krastiņi Rūpniecības ības 15 Brīv1B Cie 2A Lieparāji 2 23 iela 5 2 P105 iela Sē jas Pļa vas 2 iela 19 1 24 11 Ezera 2 5 Mākslas un 20 Luterāņu bazn. mūzikas skola 2 iela 12 Ebreju kapi 1 2 2 iela 1A 30 iela 4 la ie 35 na Ka1l9 1 nā Jau Brieži Lejiņas Saules dārzi Pelēķi Vītiņi Zīles 1 iela 2A 14 25 1.līnija 31 2A 15 2 īcas Slimn 1.vidusskola Blaumaņa iela 26 2. Oskars Kalpaks Square GPS 56.665953, 22.493149 The central square was once the central market. Today the square is a popular place for locals and visitors to come together and relax in the heart of the town. On March 10th, 1919 Saldus was the first Latvian town to be liberated by Kalpak’s forces. In this honour, a monument and the square have been named after commander Kalpaks. Alkšņi iela 15 1 a iel 4A 2 17 Slimnīcas 16 8.l īni Strautiņi iela 17 2 Kalniņi Aronija 7.līn ja Kaļķukalni a i j 5.l ņ Ezermaļi ma īn 6.līni a Blau Speciālā PII PII «Pasaciņa» ja Vidiņi Velves ija «Cerībiņa» 1 Atpūtas Ābeļkalni s Lejaskalni aciņa 4.līnija Pas iela Jaunais Varavīksnes Kultūras 3.līnija parks centrs Mālkalni 16 Plīti 2.līnija Lakstīgalas Vītoli ta Kras Augstkalni 3 Saldus 3 medicīnas centrs 24 1 Druvas7 1 2 1. Saldus St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church GPS 56.666651, 22.49265 Kuldīgas iela 2, phone: +371 29258125 The oldest building of the town and the first stone made church in Saldus built in 1615, but re-designed by Wilhelm Neumann and rebuilt at the end of 19th century. The well-known Latvian artist Janis Rozentāls has pictured the church in many of his paintings at the turn of the 20th century. Aizupji Akmentiņi Vējkalni iela 27 a4 zniek 1 ir E. B Upīša Robežu Līvas iela 13A 13 a torņ ens 16 Ūd 17 Ceplis Miezīši Norkalni Kalēju 2 1 33A 14 1 Aspazijas 17 Brenči 46 12C Jaunsudrabiņa2 19 28 Druvaskalni 13 pura iela Veidenbauma Pum 12 1 Laukaiši r. s st SIGHTSEEING IN SALDUS TOWN Saldus Laukaiši 1 1 14 1 Ausekļa 6 la ie Zīļu 1 Aspazijas iela Jaunpriedes 3 iela 2 2A Slimnīca s 4 tnu 3 Pu 14 iel1a3 a nīc Slim Zelmeņi as Liepu iela 1A 6 13 iela 33 SIA «Norplast» 6 51 3 Stūru 41 iela 4 33 Slimn īc 16 iela 13 Kļavu 34 1 zā Ma 12 iela Grantskalni iela s 28 Paleja 1 2 2 Kauguri Pakalnu11 as ldīg 68 Ku Robežu 9 2 iela 17 zdu La 1 Mārtiņi la iju ie 1 Aron 10 24 iela s Aleja 2 Lauksargi Zied2u Lej as 12 Rakstnieku LIEPĀJA SKRUNDA 69 CSDD 30 10A 6 SABILE Mārtiņi eres Ciec3 eļš Apvedc A9 Ziedonis Pīl ād žu Zie do ņa 9 23 es er s iec ra žc žno Me Me nieki RĪGA A dceļš Apve KULDĪGA nija 9.lī ieki 23 VENTSPILS 53 STRIĶI m e ž s Cīrulīši Irbenieki Strautkalni ACCOMMODATION IN SALDUS TOWN Name Hotel “Demians” Hotel “Kalnsētas” Hotel “Mans Nams” Apartment in Saldus town centre Apartment “Miuda” Address Rīgas iela 10a, Saldus hotel.demians@gmail.com, www.hotelsaldus.lv Kalnsētas iela 20, Saldus kalnsetas@saldus.lv Lielā iela 10, Saldus www.elizabetehotel.lv Rīgas iela 13 – 5, Saldus pipars99@inbox.lv Striķu iela 30 – 1, Saldus ingalina0@inbox.lv GPS Phone +371 29124422, 56.664258, 22.494312 +371 63881596 Fax: +371 63807586 +371 63823849 56.666917, 22.514407 Fax: +371 63822682 Number of bed spaces Description 19 80 Hotel “Demians” is located in the town centre and has 10 rooms with shower/WC, TV (local and international channels), Wi-Fi. Restaurant, bar and billiards. Breakfast available. The hotel is located 1 km from the town centre, near the park Kalnsētas. It offers comfortable rooms, in total 80 bed spaces. Breakfast available. Guests can also use a shared kitchen. The hotel is located in the town centre and has comfortable rooms: 4 single, 8 double/ twin and 1 triple. A small gym, sauna and a tanning studio are located in the building. Breakfast available. 56.662937, 22.491791 +371 63822057 24 +371 29497903, +371 26376325 2 Apartment in the town centre. One room with twin beds, TV, shower, fully equipped kitchen. 2 Apartment offering one room, shower/WC and a fully equipped kitchen that has a fridge, stove, washing machine, kettle, dishes etc. Bed linen, free toiletries, tea and coffee provided. The apartment has a TV and Wi-Fi. 56.664883, 22.496812 56.661363, 22.496737 +371 26563716 CAFES IN SALDUS TOWN Name Dekroe, Cafe Hesburger, Fast food restaurant Jumis, Cafe Ziemeļbeķereja, Bakery Address Tūristu iela 3 Apvedceļš 5 Kalnsētas iela 32 Kuldīgas iela 26 GPS 56.665266, 22.495835 56.683261, 22.477135 56.666687, 22.514825 56.671621, 22.485933 Magdalēna, Cafe Lielā iela 23a 56.662318, 22.490761 Miko, Bakery MX1, Cafe MX3, Cafe Oāze, Cafe Pagrabiņš, Cafe Pietura, Cafe Pavalgs, Bistro Kā mājās, Cafe Saules vārti, Cafe Stender’s Pica, Pizzeria Stikla pērlīšu spēle, Restaurant Velve, Bar Ziemelis, Cafe Arabica, Cafe Miestiņš 2, Bistro Saldus Maiznieks, Bakery/ Cafe Grila Burgers, Fast food restaurant Striķu iela 12 Rīgas iela 1 Rīgas iela 1 Rīgas-Liepājas apvedceļš nr.5 Lielā iela 3b Jelgavas iela 2 Kuldīgas iela 3. Kuldīgas iela 31 Jelgavas iela 6 Jelgavas iela 1 Rīgas iela 10a Striķu iela 7 Kuldīgas iela 21 Tūristu iela 1 Kuldīgas iela 86a Kuldīgas iela 1 Jelgavas iela 1 56.665413, 22.494559 56.663202, 22.491962 56.663202, 22.491962 56.683261, 22.477135 56.665413, 22.491941 56.667553, 22.495245 56.669487, 22.490686 56.67389, 22.483637 56.6674, 22.498872 56.666233, 22.494333 56.664293, 22.49429 56.665148, 22.49443 56.672399, 22.485772 56.666563, 22.49575 56.684729, 22.469206 56.667229, 22.493818 56.666581, 22.494602 Phone +371 29424252 + 371 63822773 +371 29498050 +371 63822335 +371 29429993, +371 20218606 +371 63881677 +371 63823736 +371 63823736 +371 63822698 +371 29285487 +371 29424252 +371 63822712 +371 29783213 +371 29112601 +371 63823768 +371 63881596 +371 29518848 +371 63822380 +371 26286117 +371 26296434 +371 20035181 Seating capacity 19 70 20 6 Opening hours Mon. – Fri.: 9.00 - 19.00; Sat.: 9.00 - 16.00 Mon. – Thur.: 9.00 - 22.30; Fri. – Sun.: 9.00 - 23.30 Mon. – Fri.: 10.00 - 17.00; Sat., Sun.: upon request Mon. – Fri.: 8.30 - 16.00; Sat.: 9.00 - 14.00 (in summer) 30 Mon. – Sat.: 11.00 - 18.00 15 80 20 42 30 13 200 28 50 36 35 30 53 25 75 4 40 Mon. – Fri.: 8.00 - 18.00; Sat.: 8.00 - 15.00 Mon. – Thur.: 8.00 – 22.00; Fri.: 8.00 – 2.00 Mon. – Fri.: 8.30 - 16.00 Mon. – Sun.: 7.00 - 20.00 Mon. – Fri.: 10.00 - 18.00 Mon. – Fri.: 8.00 - 19.00; Sat.: 8.00 - 17.00 Mon. – Fri.: 12.00 - 15.00 Mon. – Fri.: 9.00 - 15.00 Mon. – Thur.: 11.00 - 20.00; Fri. – Sat.: 11.00 -...; Sun.: 11.00 - 17.00 Mon. – Sat.: 9.00 - 22.00 Mon. – Fri.: 9.00 - 23.00; Sat.: 12.00 - 23.00; Sun.: 12.00 - 19.00 Mon. – Thur.: 11.00 - 22.00; Fri. – Sat.: 11.00 - 24.00 Mon. – Thur.: 10.00 - 20.00; Fri. – Sun.: 10.00 - 22.00; Sun.: 10.00 - 20.00 Mon. – Fri.: 8.00 - 20.00; Sat.: 8.00 - 23.00; Sun.: 12.00 - 20.00 Mon. – Fri.: 11.00 - 16.00; Sat., Sun.: upon request Tues. – Fri.: 7.30 - 15.00; Sat.: 7.30 - 14.00 Mon. – Thur.: 10.00 - 22.00; Fri. – Sat.: 10.00 - 05.00; Sun.: 11.00 - 22.00 4. The Ciecere River The Ciecere River is 51 km long, and is the river Venta right bank feeder. It starts from the Ciecere Lake and meanders through Saldus town for 6 km creating a wide green area in the centre of the town. Within town limits, several artificial waterfalls have been created in the river. 5. Ciecere Nature Trail GPS 56.667657, 22.492376 The nature and walking trail meanders along the Ciecere River from Kuldīgas Street to the Saules Street Bridge. Because of the low relief and the limited territory on the banks of the river, a part of the trail was built as a plank-way, which is also reachable for visitors with prams and in wheelchairs. Signs with information on plant species growing along the riverside are placed near the trail. The length of the walkway is 750 m. 6. Children’s Playground GPS 56.665054, 22.490735 The playground is located in Music Square (between Lielā Street and the Ciecere River) and can be reached by following Ciecere Nature Trail. The playground is suitable for children of all ages – there is a separate area with equipment for small children until 3 years old, and another play area for older children and teenagers. 7. Saldus Children and Youth Centre GPS 56.665263, 22.491936 Lielā iela 3b, phone: +371 63822105 The building was built as a Friendship Association Centre. During the period of its activity the Society had a great impact on the cultural life of Saldus. From 1946 to 1992, the Young Pioneers and pupil organizations operated in the building. Saldus Children and Youth Centre has been located there since 1992. 8. Fountain “A Drop of Honey” GPS 56.663703, 22.491802 Māris Čaklais, Saldus-born Latvian poet, has compared the town with a drop of honey in the bowl of Courland. This metaphor gave rise to the idea of the fountain-sculpture, which consists of two honeycombs connected by a drop of honey. The author of the fountain-sculpture is Kārlis Īle, Saldus-born sculptor. 9. Saldus Elementary School GPS 56.660844, 22.488653 Lielā iela 31/35, phone: +371 63821262 The building was built in the beginning of the 20th century and it was the first town school where pupils were taught in Latvian. Until the end of the 19th century there was not a public school in Saldus, only private schools. The school garden and the area surrounding the school have always been a favourite place for locals to relax. 10. Saldus Martin Luther’s Evangelical Lutheran Church GPS 56.659508, 22.489479 Skrundas iela 25/27, phone: +371 29131088, +371 29572870 The need for another Lutheran church appeared when the second Evangelical Lutheran parish was established in Saldus. The local, wealthier land owners and industrialists decided to start building a new church and donated funds, building materials, transportation and labour to the cause. The church was designed by architect P. Dreimanis and built in 1934 with the support of parish members on land donated to the parish. The altar painting “Jesus Christ Blesses the Fields” was painted by artist E. Dolmanis. 11. Saldus J. Rozentāls Museum of History and Art GPS 56.66307, 22.496571; Striķu iela 22, phone: +371 63881547 The famous Latvian painter Janis Rozentāls was born near Saldus. After graduating the high-art academy of St. Petersburg he returned to Saldus and built a house / studio. After the World War II the museum was established in the building. Today the museum consists of four buildings which house the collection of the museum, exhibition and history halls. 12. The Orthodox Church of the Lord’s Appearance GPS 56.662061, 22.497242; Striķu iela 26, phone: +371 26537911 The church was built at the end of the 19th century. The Russian Orthodox parish strengthened and enlarged during Russian government period before World War I. Interesting icons of the 19th century – “The Resurrection of Christ”, “Christ the Ruler” and “The Virgin of Kazan” – can be viewed at the church. 13. Sts. Peter and Paul`s Roman Catholic Church Saldus GPS 56.661607, 22.501769 J. Rozentāla iela 16, phone: +371 63881081 The existence of a Roman Catholic Church in Saldus was first mentioned in 1461. However, the parish was established in 1923. The parish has twice attempted to build a catholic church in Saldus. The construction of the new Sts. Peter and Paul church began in the autumn of 1999 and was completed in 2008. The church was designed by architect Aigars Andersons from Saldus. The church was built for money raised through contributions by worshippers and other well-wishers from Latvia and abroad. 14. Ciecere Elementary Boarding-School GPS 56.666486, 22.507134 Kalnsētas iela 13, phone: +371 63881517 It was built in 1939 as Ciecere Parish Elementary School near the Ciecere River. Later the school was renamed several times but serves its original purpose to this day as a boarding-school. 15. Kalnamuiža Manor GPS 56.666693, 22.514853 Kalnsētas iela 24, phone: +371 63807012 The manor house is located in Kalnsētas Park, on the banks of Ciecere River. It was built in 1872 and also includes servants’ quarters, a park and a barn. The first owner of the manor was Georg von Recke who named the property Berghof – Kalnamuiža. Today Saldus Professional School is located there. A Drop of Honey in Courland 16. Kalnsētas Park GPS 56.668175, 22.515534 Near Kalnamuiža Manor there is a landscape park planted by the owner of Kalnamuiža – baron von Recke – at the end of the 19th century. The open-air stage is located between the manor house and the river, and the bridge by it leads to the Island of Love. The park on the banks of the Ciecere has become one of the inhabitants’ favourite spots to relax. Concerts, town events and festivals take place here in the summer. 17. Rozentāls’ Stone GPS 56.667421, 22.505954 The picturesque Ciecere River has inspired many artists from Saldus, but only Janis Rozentāls has his own stone on the banks of the Ciecere. The artist often sat on the stone and painted. The stone is seen in his paintings “By the Stream” and “Winter Landscape”. 18. Saldus Castle Mound GPS 56.669932, 22.512616 Saldus Castle Mound could tell a lot about the ancient life of the Cours. It is situated near Saldus Lake. Many legends remain about the castle mound, most of them about the sweet life inside it. Saldus Castle Mound is a national archaeological monument. 19. Saldus Lake GPS 56.672334, 22.506884 The picturesque views around the lake are due to its location at the foot of several hills. The lake covers 11.9 hectares and has a swimming area. A scenic area is located by the road near the lake. 20. Saldus Music and Art School GPS 56.666383, 22.489458; Avotu iela 12a, phone: +371 29683081, +371 29458859 Saldus music and art school received the Grand Prix at Latvian Architecture Award in 2013, and it opens a new page to Latvian contemporary architecture. The architects have created highquality architecture for everyday use that offers enjoyable and pleasant environment as a self-evident value for each visitor. The authors of the project are “MADE arhitekti”. 21. Kapellers’ House GPS 56.665003, 22.494586 Striķu iela 7, phone: +371 26423595 Kapellers` family played a significant role in the history and development of Saldus. In 1857 they built a house at 7 Striķu Street and opened a pharmacy. A private hospital was installed in two rooms of the basement of the Kapellers` house. For many years, Saldus district library was located there, now Kapellers’ house is home to the arts association “Ilizanna”. It is gradually becoming a social centre, where various exhibitions, concerts, performances, creative activities and workshops take place. There is a small shop “The House of Owls”, which sells locally made handicraft items and souvenirs. Tourist Map Saldus and Surrounding Area www.saldus.lv Accommodation https://turisms.saldus.lv Sightseeing Restaurants Saldus municipal agency ”Saldus Tourist Information, Culture and Sports Centre” (Saldus TICS centre) Striķu iela 3, Saldus, Saldus novads, LV-3801. Phone: +371 63807443, +371 25479829. E-mail: tic@saldus.lv. https://turisms.saldus.lv/ (GPS N 56.665676, E 22.493733) Maps Saldus municipality 22. Milk Sweets “Gotiņa” GPS 56.663954, 22.49147 Lielā iela 9a, phone: +371 29262541, +371 63881440 At the production unit of SIA “Saldus pārtikas kombināts” you can see the production process of handmade milk sweets “Gotiņa” as well as try various kinds of sweets. After selecting the tastiest ones, it is possible to purchase them on the site. “Saldus pārtikas kombināts” produces various kinds of candy and creams. Publisher: Saldus TICS centre, 2014. Financed by Saldus municipality. Photo: Archive of Saldus TICS centre Maps: SIA “Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta”. Printed by: SIA “Talsu Tipogrāfija”. Layout: Ilze Vucēna. Information about offers for tourists provided by the tourism entrepreneurs and managers of tourist sites was used to prepare this tourist map. 23. Bread, Cakes and Pastry GPS 56.685241, 22.466406 Kuldīgas iela 88, phone: +371 63807590, +371 29375296 At the production unit of SIA “Saldus Maiznieks” you can learn about bread baking process, watch the production process of cakes and pastry, and have the possibility to try and also purchase the tasty products. Internet Access 24. Saldus Baptist church GPS 56.661481, 22.483605 Skrundas iela 12a, phone: +371 63823581 Saldus Baptist church was founded in 1870. Land of church was donated by E. Vecmanis, but construction was managed by Fricis Kronlīns. As a church it was consecrated in 1883. 25. Saldus Indoor Swimming Pool GPS 56.666079, 22.514682 Kalnsētas iela 32, Saldus, phone: +371 26358928 The swimming area includes a 25 m long 4-lanes swimming pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and a separate children’s pool. 26. Boat and Catamaran Rental “Pilskalna laivas” GPS 56.672228, 22.507059; Saldus lake beach, phone: +371 29465735 “Pilskalna laivas” offers boat and catamaran rental, and other activities (fishing, boating trips with a story about history and culture of Saldus) during spring, summer and autumn seasons. 27. Minigolf and Pedal Carts GPS 56.667264, 22.501069 Jelgavas iela 6, phone: +371 29412309 Minigolf, pedal carts, unicycles, balance trainers, and inflatable attractions. USEFUL INFORMATION Guided tours in Saldus town (reservations necessary) Saldus tourist information, culture and sports centre Striķu iela 3, phone: +371 63807443 Administration building of Saldus municipality Avotu iela 12, Saldus Saldus tourist information, culture and sports centre Striķu iela 3, Saldus Saldus town library Tūristu iela 3, Saldus Cashpoints AS ”SEB banka” Rīgas iela 9 (“SEB banka” Saldus branch), Jelgavas iela 1 (petrol station “Viada”), Brīvības iela 30 (supermarket “Maxima XX”) AS ”Swedbank” Brīvības iela 30 (supermarket “Maxima XX”), Striķu iela 2 (Swedbank Saldus branch), Rīgas iela 1 (shop “Kalnsētas”), Jelgavas iela 1 (supermarket “Rimi”) AS ”DNB banka” Jelgavas iela 1, supermarket RIMI; Apvedceļš 11, petrol station “Statoil” AS ”Citadele banka” Lielā iela 2b (customer service centre “Saldus”) Currency Exchange AS “SEB banka” Rīgas iela 9, AS “Swedbank” Striķu iela 2, AS “DNB banka” Striķu iela 10c, AS “Citadele banka” Lielā iela 2b Bus Station. Saldus bus station Jelgavas iela 2, Saldus, phone: +371 63822107 Train Station. Train station “Saldus” Saldus, phone: +371 63816203 Post Office. Saldus 1st post office Kuldīgas iela 4, phone: +371 63807171 Bicycle Rental, Gear, Repair Bicycle rental – Saldus tourist information, culture and sports centre Striķu iela 3, phone: +371 63807443 Jaunmuiža manor Jaunlutriņi parish, phone: +371 29115267 Bicycle gear, repair-shop “Vinnijs”, Striķu iela 1, Saldus, phone: +371 63822162 Shop “AB sports” Kuldīgas iela 14, Saldus, phone: +371 29 372 312 Taxi Services Phone: +371 29298053, +371 29454152, +371 26598270, +371 29725290 Car Rental SIA “JV Saldus” Apvedceļš 15, Saldus, phone: +371 27807070 Autocentrs “SVA” Apvedceļš 9, Saldus, phone: +371 63881029 Emergency Calls Fire and rescue service 01, 112. Police 02, 110, 112. Emergency medical assistance 03, 112, 113 Information service 1188, 8811, 1189 9 Vēd zele str. Lendriškiai stis V 3 2 A Avīkn e 5 Ezerkrogs 6 7 Jaunauces Čiekuri muiža Pilszemnieki Tenīši Teseles Mucenieki Galāti Vadakstes pag. Ainavas Reņģe Barystės Pakliaupis Noras 7 Burbulis Bajāri Makši Dīķi Jāņmuiža Jučiai min as 10 Bungas Kaļķu ceplis Vecvagares Avīkne Dunduri Bena Benkavas gr. 39 Vadakste Vadakstes muiža 7 Vaūdda-krksātet.s 32 e kst išu st Arāji r. Zvirgzdiņi Benkava Sīļi 6 Kivyliai a Vad 6 Priedula Priedulas lut. bazn. 11 Klykolių tv. Kivylių tv. Vītiņi 4 Putras Bileiķi 7 e Mežup is Miežup Suginčiai Klykoliai 8. Grīvaiši Lutheran Church GPS 56.423539, 22.430034; Ezere parish, Saldus municipality Grīvaiši Lutheran Church, Cemetery and Grīvaiši Tavern create a complex of buildings very typical for Latvian countryside in the 17th-19th century. The pulpit of Grīvaiši church is in Mannerist style with wooden carvings (17th century). The church and the tavern are built of adobe (a mixture of clay and straw) – a popular building material in the region. 9. Lutriņi Lutheran Church GPS 56.812156, 22.384114 Jaunlutriņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63846658 Lutriņi Lutheran church was built in 1827 and it was the fifth building of Lutriņi church. The first church was first mentioned in 1641. The altar and altar paintings from the 19th century have still remained. 10. Nīgrande Evangelical Lutheran Church GPS 56.489889, 22.08895; Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality Nīgrande Lutheran Church (1775) is the oldest building in the parish. The bells and the cockerel are from the 18th century. Vėžupis 11. Priedula Evangelical Lutheran Church GPS 56.370693, 22.84559; Vadakste parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 28758740 Priedula Lutheran Church was built at the end of the 16th century as one of the 70 churches that had been built in Courland region due to the order of Duke Gothard Kettler. Priedula church is famous for its interior details. Priedula cemetery with its original grave stone monuments from the medieval period is located next to the church. Kesiai ACCOMMODATION IN THE SURROUNING AREA OF SALDUS Name Address Phone Number of bed spaces Guest House “Sidrabi” +371 29743909 20, and 2 holiday apartments +371 26825552 In summer 146, in winter 102 Holiday Centre “Kaplūži” “Sidrabi”, Druva, Saldus parish, Saldus municipality; GPS 56.70222, 22.468037 “Juku dzirnavas”, Zutēni, Šķēde parish, Saldus municipality; juku_dzirnavas@inbox.lv; www.jukudzirnavas.lv; GPS 56.862675, 22.497754 “Kaplūži”, Novadnieki parish, Saldus municipality; Daiva-g@inbox.lv; www.kapluzi.lv; GPS 56.607815, 22.424376 +371 26294366 35 Holiday Centre “Krustkalni” “Krustkalni”, Novadnieki parish, Saldus municipality; krustkalnisaldus@inbox.lv; GPS 56.64318, 22.425277 +371 29457794 20 Vacation Cottage “Brekši” “Brekši”, Zirņi parish, Saldus municipality; GPS 56.681941, 22.336446 +371 29245117 11 Vacation Cottage “Ozolkalns” “Ģinas”, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality; ginvalda50@inbox.lv; GPS 56.468133, 22.04165 In summer 8 Country House “Bieriņi” “Bieriņi”, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality; GPS 56.439959, 22.105258 Country House “Ezerkalni” “Ezerkalni”, Zvārdes pagasts, zsezerkalni@inbox.lv, GPS 56.616293, 22.5314 +371 26415051, +371 63864275 +371 63842656, +371 29449245, +371 29488890 +371 29253676 Country House “Priedaiši” “Priedaiši”, Novadnieki parish, Saldus municipality; GPS 56.616671, 22.557149 +371 29331179, +371 29488834 Holiday Centre “Juku dzirnavas” 7. Vadakste Manor and Park GPS 56.372595, 22.753236; Vadakste parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 28758740 Vadakste manor estate has belonged to the family von Bistram since the 16th century. The first manor house (later servants’ house) was built in the late 18th century. The new manor house was built in 1911-1914 in neoclassical style. A hall with a fireplace in art nouveau style, a wide wooden staircase and tile stoves in the oval hall have been preserved. The manor is surrounded by a park created in 18th-19th century and featuring rare tree species. Dzirnavu māja Asīšu gr. Benaiši Gulbji Reņģes muiža 2 46 Ruba Mežakmeņi Robežnieki Melnupe 11 Va id 4 4 Bulduri Mončīte Rubas skola Vecauces pag. 3 Vecauce Krūmiņi AUCE Vītiņu pag. Kraukļi Bergi 6 5 Zīles 1 Vilciņi Pūtēļu gr. Bērtulaiši 3 Skare Vecauces pils 2 Avīkne 6 Tiltiņi 35 P9 Jaunauce 4 Putni Upšas Veldres Ķevele 7 4 Aizstrauti Vīkstrauti Ķeveles avoti Mellupītes Kunkuļi Mizaiši 1 2 1 Strēļi Šarlote Rubas pag. Laižuva Palaižupė Briņķu k. 100 m Meirēni Padegas Rubasmuiža Alkšņupe Ciņi Ķeturi 4 P1 04 da Ma 8 Raņķi 3 Cīruļu k. 151 m Ļūļēni NOVADS z. Lielauce Lapsēni P104 Garo zstr auts P1 0 Vada k ste Kan nen ieku str. la Amu Liesupe Amu la Buļļupe P10 9 Pormaļu gr. Imu la ne Dzīv e Vērš ā Pērējup īte e str. P11 6 Grauzd up tēn u tuž ēnu Losbergi se Vīķu purvs Kļaviņas AUCES Sodiņu pēdakmens ce Lielauces pils Stirnas 4 ste Zuši Bē rze Incēnu (Dobes) pilsk. l au P10 Su P107 Losis ze Vada k 4 Auce L ie Ražotāji 2 e Jūdupe Liekni Īles pag. Auciņi Virzas otn Rozes str. Mārti Lielauces pag. Līg Luzdukrogs Druvas ūku B ēr Lētīža ene mu str. Blīd Zaļu gr. Imala nes gr. Ezere Lapezera Lūšis a Ķīp Liek ta str. lnu Gauro a zdk Lag Lētīža str. e tupīt Lētī ža u Stra te Klagā P96 Auksūdys Urvikiai Ulmaņa k. 153 m Gaisplīsas Ģeneļi Priežkalni Asni Alkšņupe Stumbrai u str. e zer Lom Līkupēni 8 Knabikai Purpliai Varupis Zarupī r. s st Svikļi 13 Lielšauļi Pagrav Sala Irbes Pukstaiši Ašva pe Venta e Illaiši 1 U Dūņu T la Amu Pumpurai Kušlėnai pe eru ža Ruzgai Kirkai ē Vērt E Dapšių plk. Sodnieki 5 Ceplīši 6 Sarkankrogs 4 8 Kokmuiža Kalnjāņi Lakšas Eglītes 6. Šķēde Manor and Landscape Park GPS 56.852375, 22.385108; Šķēde parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63846388 In the 18th century, Šķēde manor buildings were built on the banks of the Šķēde River. In the 19th century, the manor house was rebuilt and gained its neo-gothic appearance. In the middle of the 19th century an English landscape park was created near the manor. The Šķēde Grand Oak (5.7 m) is located in the park. Kalnavillikas Lūsu dīķis Jakšpēteri Kalnēji Ķieģeļceplis Lauvas Kundziņi ve lote Šar Kuodžiai Līkupe pe Pekšas Buknaičiai Tulnikiai Druve lu Kārk Ezeres muiža 2 8 Ezere 5 22 23 Ezere Kabaldikai r. ļu st Lauksargi P105 Līkup Galauce Dru Ropmuiža Biļļi 4. Reņģe Manor GPS 56.384309, 22.597833 Ruba parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63825665; +371 29168079 Reņģe manor building (1882) is located on the bank of the river Vadakste. A manor water tower was built next to the building. The manor castle was built for the baron von Nolken in the style or French baroque. Ruba elementary school is located in the castle. A linden avenue leads to the castle. A beautiful park is situated next to the castle. 5. Striķi Manor GPS 56.598224, 22.512095; Zvārde parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63846133 Striķi manor building has formed in the beginning of the 19th century. Now, the local culture centre is located in the manor house. Several buildings of the manor including the granary, the dwelling house and the gardener's house as well as the manor park can still be viewed. Robežnieki NOVADS B Zaļkājas Ķerkliņu ez. Mazķīši . u str Grīv Ezere DOBELES Puijas Jaunzvārdes k. 135 m Ozolmuiža Šarlote (Bērzi) uts Ozoli Zebrenes pag. Modri Akmentiņi Zv ā rd e s me ž u daba s park s Bramaņi 2 Zebrene Lubenieki Ķerkliņu 12 baznīcas drupas Skujas Laukgaļi e pīt uku Sm Strautiņi 5 tstra Svētaiņu 30 ez. Jaunauces pag. Šarlote Grīvaišu lut. bazn. Grīvaiši Ķirmnieki 3 e upīt Silt ste Vadak stis Vadak Leckava Mantvydai 06 Vārpas 21 purvs Līčupe baznīcas 12Zvārdes Va drupas Zemturi Pluņķi Garozas Kaupas Dainas Žvinguļu Katrīnas dīķis Vanagi Purviņu dīķi Stūru Kurgāns 3 Lapsas Mūrnieki Rožkalni Vidusmuiža Birznieki Laugaļi Birznieki Mazdūras Pona dīķis Ozoliņi Jaunā māja Krūzas Upenieki Dāvainis Vīksnas Stūri purvs Kundziņi Priedes 7 Laukgaļi Ciedras Kalnadūras 30 tīrelis Līdumi e Brieži Grāvnieki Mazblīdene Karodznieki Stūrup Zvārdes Zvārdes pag. Reņģ enes str. Jostnieki Reņģenes dīķis Juodeikių tv. I 7 Leckavos Ferma plk. Garoziņas P1 Spa Kugiai 05 Dubulis P1 Strygalė Oliņas māja Auziņas Pļaupji Jaunandziņi a Zaņ L Garozas L Mauri ielais g r. Ezeres pag. Griezes MAŽEIKIŲ NAFTA Bučiškė pe Griezes bazn. drupas Juodeikiai Kentaučiai zile Brū e īl Pest Juodeikėliai nup is Dautarai Senmiestė Grieze 6 Griežė Griežės plk. Parakalnis Skliaustė Griezes muiža 219 Varduva Losis Strėliškiai Egly Ritinė 3 Marijas muiža Ķirmas Amberģis Pionieru iela 3 8 Malīcas Roņu k. 129 m pīte Rū Bikstu pag. Lejas Puķes A9 6 Mežu Zemgaļi Bruzilas Bruzilu muiža Josta Blīdene 7 (Ciecere) r. šu st Makēri Krūtaiņi Ķīļi 4 Namalauki Stirniņas Timrēnu str. Ķīķa k. 136 m 30 Odzēni Rieksti Jaunvīganti Birznieki tup Biks Kalnēji Tumšie īte Sabombardētie Rīteļu kapi Audziru k. 106 m Grīnberga dīķis 2 Strautmaļi Kampaiši 6 Skutulas Mazkrūtaiņi Burbas Tiltu Censoņi 11 Viesturi ts Akmeņstrau Kārklupji Roķi 5 Mazupe Cīruļi Leļi Lopvagares Dekšekuļi Upessētas Zīles Veclauki 5 Blīdenes pag. Blīdenes mežniecība Lejasrūtiņi e (C iece str. Baļķi 5 26 Būdas 6 Rumzas k. 85 m tr. Bataičiai Palūšė Giniočiai Pikelių bažn. Melupes Rīteļi Rugāji auts Zaļēnstr Dīķkalni ļu s rģe Dā Pikeliai Vidmeži Čankas Grantiņi Losis Lūšis Mazpāni dīķis Akmeņi Teikas dz. dīķis Kalni Piķeļmuiža Spiņņi Apši Jonupe Jonupis 17 51 Brasli 33 4 3 Celmu 19 29 Zaņas ā Pīp NOVADS Špandavas 2 Silaiņi Baltaiskrogs Baļķi Venta Širmeļi Spinnis Bitenieki Lielā iela Bunki Līči Bandzeri Atvari Kalnaiši 4 Kalna Grantiņi Zaņas P1 muiža Liepas 06 7 dīķis 1 P107 īte Vaiņodes pag. Loša atsegums Šalkones Zemdegas išu Kursīši Liepkalni te 44 Pūces Dziras p Noru VAIŅODES 43 Nīgrande Jurģīši 35 Zaņa Lauri 431 6 Lejas Krīcmaņi 4 10 Straumēni Kalniņi 4 Galdnieki Šķē pu Kareļi str. (Zaņa) Kursīšu pag. Brūzilas Lība Jurģi Pļaviņas 5 Smites Brīvnieki Sudmaļi Piezari Kunkuļi Plostnieki Vizbuļi Rutki īte Nīgrandes pag. Ābelnieki Nīgrandes lut. bazn. 2 ļļup 18 Brīniņi Alši 3 3 Franči Zaņas pag. Kūdras 36 Lejas Priedaiņi Rauši Jauči Salnāji Biržu str. Birži Elles kalns Pļavnieki Mētraine Josti 57 Biļļi Ezere Jūlīškalns 133 m 58 Ausmas Zauri Stuļģi re) 55 Jaunsētas Kalniņi Lielciecere zup Lapsas 5 Merāni 9 Mežvidi a Zaņ Lauklapuķi Straumes Mežvidi Vēži Me Meldzere 13Alšu kaļķu ceplis Mišeikas Dūmiķ e e Sus Lukas 5 Vīksnas Striķi Smuku Smukas muiža Ģērmaņi Namiķi (Imantas) Ma Zvejnieki Liepas Strazdi 6 3 Kolumbas Lāmas Audzes 5 Pļuras Pekšņas 41 Zvejnieki Spolēni Gobas Kārklupji Vēji Ilēni Glūdainis Glūdaiņi Spuri Kaudzītes Apšenieki Čīčas 22. Ezere Nature and History Trail “Pa sentēvu pēdām” (“In the footsteps of ancestors”) Ezeres parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63842152, +371 26222242 Excellent leisure, beautiful scenery and historical objects can be enjoyed in an entertaining and educational adventure along Ezere nature and history trail. It is possible to view Customs house where the act of surrender was signed by Germans on 8 May 1945. The trail starts at Ezere manor and is 3 km long. Brencis Jaunpils pag. Vēveri 11 Lapsas Dzirnieki 3. Jaunmuiža Manor and Park GPS 56.829207, 22.405947 Jaunlutriņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63831690 Jaunlutriņi Elementary School is located in Jaunmuiža manor house. It was built in the beginning of the 19th century. A park with foreign tree species was planted around the manor house during the time of prince Liven. Jaunlutriņi compatriot, commander of Latvian Riflemen, Jukums Vācietis was born in the servants’ house. Today, the local youth centre is located in this building. Bicycle rental, cycling routes and maps are available (phone: +371 29115267). Skaras Sviļi Blīdene Cieceres pag. A9 61 60 Radi Vītiņi 9 Rāvas Grietēni Jaundabes Liepnieki Kurši Klenči Tērpji Gudrupji Siliņi a Zaņ Zaņenieki 4 Kokles u gr. Bāliņ Medniekmāja dobumakmens Mežmaļi Upenieki Lāču Tīreļi purvs rup SALDUS NOVADS 12 īte zdup Stra Skūtiņi Bāliņi Kalnāji Ab 9 Lāvenieki Lejaspumpuri 50 36 Pampāļi Čubas Pūteļkalns Strodi Pakalni Grozila Lejiņas Sirsniņas Druvas Pampāļu 2 dz. dīķis 38 Groskopu dīķis Dadzu dīķis r. Bij. PSRS armijas raķešu bāze 13 Ēvarži Ozolu sala Braiskas 6 Gailīšu k. 149 m 3 Kūmu kaļķakmens karjers Rupeikas Kūmas Auniņi ug Ain ta Dzelmes Laumes e Embūtes pag. 28 Meldzeres 07 Pampāļu pag. n Ve up P1 43 Maļļi Plocenieku dīķis Saules 6 Cieceres ez. Baltezers 21. Farmstead “Vārpas” GPS 56.5618, 22.638087 “Vārpas”, Zvārde parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +37126557929 On the homestead “Vārpas”, visitors can see a large flock of sheep and listen to the owner’s enthusiastic story about sheep. In spring, you can visit the little lambs. There is a nice picnic spot at the farmstead. Struteles muiža NOVADS Garlauki Bergmaņi Dievkalns 116 m Stūri Vilkusargi ta Viesa Pilsblīdenes pils niek u str . JAUNPILS Lapukalni Ģērmaņu dīķis Kaz e 2. Jaunauce Manor Castle GPS 56.443138, 22.68116; Jaunauce parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63846580 Jaunauce Manor Castle is a national architectural monument of Empire style. The beautiful Pluģi castle was built for count Medem in the beginning of the 19th century. Interior complex of the late classicism has survived, as well as the only authentic dome painting of classicism Spuņņu akmens style in Latvia and the largest collection of stoves from the beginning of the 19th century (7 stoves). Struteles Struteles muiža Vītiņi Pilsblīdene 6 Leļi Liepas 3 10 Oškalni Draudzība Virteļi Kalves Gudrupji BROCĒNI 3 Emburga Mežvidi Novadnieku pag. Tuņņi 3 Cenkuri Lagzdiņas 3 Saldus ez. Burtnieki Jēriņi Brocēni 2 3 Vācu karavīru brāļu kapi 2 Kaulači 18 6 8 Aleslauki Ozolnieki r. BROCĒNU NOVADS 6 Amatnieki Kalnavēzes Strautmaļi Viesatas Tiltmaļi Klapkalnes Leiši Priedes Igauņi 3 Grostnieki Sīmaņi Viesatu pag. 2 Jaunarāji rupe Kalītes Šmīdrēni Remte 5 u str. Kazeniek Vīndedži Ābelītes Ķuņķuri Ķuņķ u Tiesneši Mežaprūši r. g nu Vār Spriguļi Bitšķēpi Ziemeļi 11 str. Brieži Āžmačas Doktorāts Remtes muiža Vikstraute Rāvi Isvintenu Puļķi Videnieki Strautiņi 62 Remtes lut. bazn. Juparas Brocēnu ez. 2 16Vecnovadnieki Īmaļi Briežkalni Mežmaļi da Leiši 8 Galiņu dīķis Saulītes k. Krūmeši 138 m Krūm 4 ešu st Amoliņi ā Vērš Rennes 1 522 48 Puķukalni 6 Rāvi Brocenmuiža 53 Ulpīši 2 5 Pauguri Pļavnieku dīķi Tālivaldi Gaiļi 9 lt Ba Veldres Striķu k. 95 m Tukums Jaunšķieri pīte Paišas Nīkrāce Kroga dmaliņas Silenieku Saukanti 12 Ķēniņi Sātiņi Silzemju dīķis 4 Tauriņi Kūgures Tāles Sīļu Liepiņas Tukuma dzirnavas Vormsātes Dūdvalki muiža Vaivariņi is str . Kraujas Jaunmājas P106 Gara Saldenieki Gobdziņu klintis DzeldaJaunsprosti rvelis Šķē Zoslēnu Vormsātes atsegumi pilsk. Šķērveļa Melderi akmens 39 a Stungurīši Lāču str. Varkaļi Planki Klūg Bračas Kurpnieku dīķis 3 56 5 Staļģi Krustkalni Upmaņi Kūpiņas Grāveri ne 6 Nīkrāces akmens Krogarāji Jaunmuiža Garāji Kalna Māļi Lauķu k. 74 m Lejas Māļi Alkšņukalni Valti Līce Priednieki Kalna Būdnieki Lēpnieki Ātrais kalns Dzērvītes Būtnāri Buku Lēnas īte Sesile Birēni Unguri Saldus Saldus stacija 2 Attekas Skudras 47 Liekna Daku upe Pak s Lapsaiši a Siliņi Gāznieki Grebūtnieku dīķis 5 4 11 Avoti Tiruļi SALDUS Plētes Līči Ķiviļi Buki Grebūtnieki Jaunsterķi 5 Ogulāji Sumat 2 Kūdras Upītes Bukupe Sustenieki Strautnieki Gāgu purvs Pumpuri 34 Ziķi Skutuļi Laukjāņi 54 Rozēni 3 Stūrīši Ozoliņi Runči Apškalni Lielisvintēni Ābeles 23 Silēji Remtes pag. 20. Vacation Cottage “Brekši” GPS 56.681941, 22.336446 “Brekši”, Zirņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29245117 This vacation cottage is located near the Pakuļi water reservoir and offers accommodation, wet sauna and a lounge for events, as well as a nice place for a picnic near the water. Tasting of several different flavours of homemade ice cream and sorbet. Strazdiņi Grantiņi 3 Dulbji Lancenes Ausekļi Gunas 1. Ezere Manor and Park GPS 56.40387, 22.362088; Ezere parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63842152 Lielezere Manor (18th – 19th century) is a national architectural monument. The park surrounding the manor (24.1 ha) features 36 foreign trees and shrubs, and it offers nice walking paths. The grand rock “Ruler of Vadakste” (4.2 m) was rolled up from the Vadakste River to its present location by manor’s servants. A grand oak (6.3 m) can be found on the bank of the Suste River. Jaņķi Medņi Druvas Lejsētas Eglaine Ciskaiņi Lazdas Grenču muiža Sprungas Mazzante Mednieki 2 Spuri Bumbieri Žīdu str. Grenču sk. Grenči Lielaizstrauti 4 SIGHTSEEING IN THE SURROUNDING AREA OF SALDUS Roja Lapsas Bārtupes Zemītes pag. Auniņi Zante Galiņi Miezāji Vecgaiķi Veczvirbuļi Druva 40 Sidrabi Cāļlauks Bukupe 7 7 Skudras Pīlādži Pakuļi Būriņas 20 Lancenieki Saulgrieži Purva Muldenieki Gobas Virši Bērze Nīkrāces pag. Venta Zirņu pag. Klūga Irbes Doņi Pikuļi Liepkalni Višķernieki Gaidupes Gaidupe Klūgas Lejas Sīpoli Lēnu kat. bazn. Aļņi Pumpuri 29 3 od S kr 7 Dižie Lāči Zirņi Mazbites Mazplāņi Lejas Ozolkalni Zantes muiža Dzeguzes Auzarāji Saldus pag. 5 Kazukalni Gaiķu lut. bazn. Gaiķi Mednieki e Lašupīt 5 trau ts Gaiķu pag. Novadnieki 45 Digiņas Smilgaiņi Tūjas Vepe rs Gaiķu muiža 2 Spundiņi Kortiņi Robežnieki Jānaiši re Ciece Brīvuļi Zantiņi Slugas Priedaiņi Lūkaiši Vēršmuiža Tālzemji A9 Ābari Dzelzsgaļi Naša oja Pļavnieki 3 Pakuļu ūd-krāt. Purviņi Kori Dunduri Ozoli Namiķi Kaplūži Ķilpjupīte A9 Stalmaņi Viduskrogs 1042 Ciecere 3 SKRUNDA Paksīte Airītes Kuplejas 9 Pakuļu HES Druvas 6 Dēnes Lutriņi Veperi Kaktiņi Dzirnieki Strautnieki 9 e gup Ga Lejas Tilgaļi Mizaiņu dobumakmens 6 Avotiņi Lašupe 27 14 37 49 2 Lejzemnieki Klētnieki Lutriņi 2 Lejas Lašupes Krimelde dz. ez. Lašupe Zaķīši Dzilnas Dadzīši Purvmalas Rožkalni Pēķi Bērziņi Lutriņu pag. Klīperi Grāvnieki Kloni Silenieki a Nab en rūd Koka Pāveliņi Ciecere Braņķi Kalnozoli Dzērves Kliņģi Rūši Kušaiņi Rūnaiši Sirsniņas Podkalni 59 Gaiķu pilsk. Ķirmeskalns 136 m Auseklīši 3 Satiķu dz. ez. Sūbri Andžas 08 P1 Marģietēni Airītes Kaulupšķi Strazdi Airīte . ēnu gr Straum Veldzes e Krimeld Pastari Smilgas Plegznas Liepkalni Veiķenieku ez. Dižais Sārmi Veiķenieku purvs Zīlnieki Skrundas pag. Rautēni e Skrunda Bebri Niedre Dižroznieki Venta P116 Ēnava Nīcenieki SKRUNDAS NOVADS Dzelda 13 Atplēsas Eglītes Merči Niedres dīķi Grīvas Jaunsmilgas Ozollejas Plāņi Lakšas Zaķi Dārzi 5 tnie ku Pagravas Mazbūņikas Dīžas Lielauši 12 2 Satiķi 2 Zābri Tabas Akmeņi Kānes Lielsatiķi 5 Žuburi Smiltiņu kalns (Ķīķerkalns) 153 m Kražas . Krūmiņi Ciemati Annas Vecmuižnieki Intas Venteri 4 3 Jaundziras tr. Mierkalni Jaunpikaiņi Imula Robalts Bierandi Muižciems Smilgu dīķis Likši Brancupīte Ūbji Skrundas dīķi P1 17 Ponakste Ošvalki Dzintari 7 Gaiķi Pluiņi K 8 Kārkli 9 Rūtes Baloži Skrundas armijas pilsētiņa Āboliņi 0 P1 e Dūr Lējējupe Kūmiņas Svites 9 Druviņas Mednieki 3 Pupiķi Bērzi Krogsētas iek us 5 Skrimbas Kundziņi 1 Rogas Krūtaiņi ežn Klāvciems Aizpuri pīt e Zantes pag. 6 Ķilpji Tupas Upmaļi Vailes Lejaskunci Lutriņu lut. bazn. Pušelnieki Kalnariežnieki Klāviņi Čakši Vilki Āboli Eglīte Durbji Ķesteri Meiri Plāņi Dūre 9 Jaunlutriņu pag. ste Rudbāržu pag. Viesdauga dīķis Jaunūpji Ošenieki Apšenieki Glūdas 5 7 Kalnakunci Ro b NOVADS Jaunvarieba Priedes Ābelītes Jaunlutriņi Rotas Jātnieki Ķiveļi Liekniņi 6 Ošenieki 25 Rūjas Rubeņi stu KANDAVAS Auriņi Zemītes lut. bazn. Laukmuiža Pekas Kazāki Au k Reines Varieba Zemītes muiža Līņi Leļi 15 Zulpji Veģi Ciesnieki Vērdiņi Buļļi Tīdas Aivari Jaunmuiža 2 3 Purmaļi Pusleiši Ķīse Druvenieki 24 5 Veclaulas Goltmaņi Ponak 6 Beņķīši Gnīdupe Ķēpšas Mazupe Dižlīguti Mežmalas 21 Pankopi Plostnieki Robežnieki Sieksāte Poru pe Valki Inkužas Lempes Ēnava Lejasjaunsētas Dūrupes Videnieki Raņķi Ābolkalni Laidu pag. udbārži Savenieki Ikaiši Krauļi va Ēna Svillas 9 Rīteļi Tīriņi 3 Upeslejas Kaķulejas Aizkalni Mazupe Ieras Laukmuiža Virsaiši 6 Dūras Diemalki Rītiņi 6 Dim žav a Aizupes pagastmāja Zemīte Zaķi Novadi Trikauļi Vānes pag. 6 Apšenieki Buļļupe Juku dz. Zutēni Šķēde Vidzeri Šķēdes muiža Palīči Bangas Spāres Businieki Aundziras Durbīši 4 8 Upenieki Velliņi Mālīši Vecziemeļi Raitnieki Mežmuiža Zaļumi Ausuļi Ķirpdīķis Āboltiņi Meža Dziras Sēļi Veckalaznieki 2 Šķēde Tauriņi Strēļi Raņķu pag. Aploki Alekši Palīce Vecvārme Kūdrāji Allažas Gulbji 3 Šilderi Vārmes lut. bazn. Mežindriķi Veiķenieki Brieži Binkas Kausiņi Šķēdes pag. Plēsumi Eda Vārme Bunas 7 Imantas Trapas Valciņi Rāznieki 8 Melnkalni 1 Māli Ķīse Robežnieki Zalkšciems Vārme Vārmes pag. Upeskalni e šup Polī Priednieki e Šķēd Klintnieki Vārpas Krāgi Kāņmuiža Grie Briežu krāču atsegums Ventas Šķēdes atsegums Salnas 5 7 Auni Brūzile Lējēji Snēpeles lut. Dravnieki bazn. Snēpeles Snēpele Snēpeles pag. Lejas Āzeri muiža Mazvistiņas Ķinguti Spīķi purvs Birznieki ējēju L Putraimi Ērgļi e Mežsētas Paipalas 7 Pormale P116 Pāze Viesalgciems Ūdrupe Aizupe Vāne Aizupes muiža Sārcene Grauzdupji Saldus novads Pūķi gr Silarāji pe Bētas Velliņi Buskas Karpen 13 Vānes lut. bazn. Strautnieki Kalnansi Kalnansu bezdibenis 2 str. 3 t Ven Zeļģi Edleri Medņi Veczeltiņi NOVADS Vārmes Celmi Mežvidi 2 mežniecība a Sprincupe Ēdas Ēda Airītes Dziedri de Šķē Ķempji Vālodzes Jaunsmiltnieki Elendnieki Tojātu Krogsētas s tu valk Krogsē Pavāri Mazdabras Mazventmaļi Kabiles pag. Ziemeļi Kūdras Rozes 1 Mazsāliju pilsk. Lejas Remeši Novadnieki Ķīkciems Dižlīķi Vāgi 13 Ingas Oši Dragūnciems Kazvalki Jaunelsti Slipiņciems KULDĪGAS Sautiņi Glāznieki Zemturi Dzeguzes me Vār 5 Dzeiši Veldze Rumbas pag. Segļi Skrundenieku ciems Pelču pag. Vizbuļi S 2 P1 Rieksātu dīķi Grīdnieku dižozols Lazdāres 8 Knaķi Vindenieki Ozoliņi Rimzātciems Stepes Mazsālijas Strēļi Upatu ozols Valki Āres Rieksāti 0 P1 cupe Sprin 4 Pelču muiža Grantskalniņi Lāčsētas Lāčplēši Stūru Pelči ze Veld s valk eren P109 Kurmāles pag. 7 7 Kaltiķi Upenieku dīķi Vilīšu Kalnēji Silarāji lut. bazn. enta 7 Gaismas 10 4 Country House “Ievas” “Ievas”, Kalni, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality; GPS 56.462502, 22.115625 +371 29341073, +371 29412804 Hostel “Druvas vidusskola” Skolas iela 2, Druva, Saldus parish, Saldus municipality; skola@druva.lv; www.druva.lv; GPS 56.694633, 22.453412 In winter 5, in summer 117 Hostel “Lose” Kalnu iela 2, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality; kalni.vsk@saldus.lv; GPS 56.444182, 22.124012 Holiday Centre “Radi” “Radi”, Lielciecere, Brocēni municipality; info@radi.lv; GPS 56.641882, 22.565696 +371 63839487, +371 29573205 +371 63842501, +371 26436947, +371 63842503 +371 29538230 Holiday Centre “Zvejnieki” “Zvejnieki”, Lielciecere, Brocēni municipality; info@zvejnieki2000.lv; www.zvejnieki2000.lv; GPS 56.646483, 22.566297 +371 29715001 25 Holiday Centre “Smuku muiža” “Smukas”, Remte parish, Brocēni municipality; smukumuiza@inbox.lv; www.smukumuiza.lv +371 28659452, +371 28659472 111, 36 additional bed spaces Country House “Kloni” “Kloni”, Gaiķi parish, Brocēni municipality; staseboltika@inbox.lv +371 29390950 10 Guest House “Krūzes” “Krūzes”, Brocēni, Brocēni municipality; maris@samaco.lv +371 29242771 16 +371 29855922 80 bed spaces in cottages Summer Camp Location “Imantas” “Imantas”, Lielciecere, Brocēni municipality 70 In summer 60, in winter 25 CAFES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA OF SALDUS Name Address Phone Seating capacity Opening hours Ābelīte, Cafe Rūpniecības iela 1b, Pampāļi parish +371 63865306 35 Mon. – Fri.: 11.00 - 18.00, Sat.: 11.00 - 22.00, Sun.: 11.00 - 15.00 Bordertauna, Cafe “Robežas”, Novadnieki parish +371 63881361 30 Open 24/ 7 Kalnu skolas kafejnīca, Cafe Kalnu iela 2, Kalni, Nīgrande parish +371 63842500, +371 29341073 30 Mon. – Fri.: 8.00 - 13.00, in summer upon request Gundega, Bakery Kalnu 3-3, Kalni, Nīgrande parish +371 63823490 Mežavējš, Cafe Zirņi parish, the 109th km of Riga-Liepāja motorway (A9) +371 63846072, +371 29450176 100 Mon. – Sun.: 10.00 - 21.00 Vārpiņa, Cafe Vienības iela 14, Druva, Saldus parish +371 25330242 45 Mon. – Fri.: 11.00 - 16.00, Sat., Sun.: upon request Mon. – Sat.: 8.00 - 22.00, Sun.: 9.00 - 22.00 12. Zvārde and Ķērkliņi Church Ruins Zvārde parish, Saldus municipality In the Soviet times, most of the territory of Zvārde parish was given to the Soviet army’s air forces to create the largest in Latvia (24 500 ha) firing ground. In Soviet times, it was a restricted area for civilians. Impressive witnesses of the past are left in this territory: Zvārde and Ķērkliņi church ruins, as well as Rīteļu cemetery – destroyed by bombing. Open air services are still held at the ruins of Zvārde church. 13. Alši Lime Kiln GPS 56.500052, 22.068611; Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality Alši Lime Kiln is an impressive history monument of technology (built in 1906 – 1908). Lime-stone was found in this place already in the 16th century, and mining continued till 1990s. 42. Memorial Site “Airītes” and Museum of Colonel Oskars Kalpaks GPS 56.67833, 22.15538 “Airītes”, Zirņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 22017465 A memorial and a museum were established at the site, where Colonel of the 1st Latvian Independent Battalion, O. Kalpaks, and three other officers fell. At the museum, there is an exposition dedicated to the events of March 1919. 43. Memorial Ensemble To The Deported People “Krusta ceļš” (“Way of the Cross”) GPS 56.445392, 22.120754; Kalni, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality The memorial ensemble was unveiled in 2009. It consists of four stylized freight wagons – each for different deportation period. The roofs of the wagons symbolize houses. In the middle of the ensemble: an altar and a cross. This ensemble differs from others, because it reminds people that the deportations took place not only on 14 June 1941 and on 25 March 1949. There have been deportations between these dates. The monument has been created in a way that the list of names engraved in it can be continued because the research is still ongoing. The author of the memorial ensemble is a local sculptor and also an expert on local history Maija Eņģele. 44. A Memorial Stone dedicated to Writer Jēkabs Janševskis GPS 56.468133, 22.04165; Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 27015073 A Memorial Stone dedicated to Jēkabs Janševskis is located not far from the Latvian writer’s native homestead “Kalna Krīcmaņi”. J. Janševskis has described the life and the characters of the local people in his novels. 23. Ezere storehouse of cultural heritage and local history materials “Muitas nams” (“Customs house”) GPS 56.405295, 22.361981; “Ezeres muitas punkts”(“Ezere customs point”), Ezere parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63842152 Ezere storehouse of cultural heritage and local history materials “Customs House” was established in a historically notable building, where towards the end of World War II, on 8 May 1945 the so-called act of surrender of German army units trapped in the Courland Cauldron was signed. Hence, it is believed that the World War II in fact ended in Ezere. The collection contains objects and materials on history of Ezere parish from the past to nowadays, including hobbies of Ezere people. 24. Lavender Farm “Lillas Lavender” GPS 56.814364, 22.273360; “Kalnjaunsētas”, Jaunlutriņi parish, Ošenieki, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 26447888 In July, there is a great opportunity to see a beautiful lavender field and purchase various lavender products. Relax, breathe in the amazing scent of lavender, and capture the magical moments in photographs. Find out about the history of lavender, the process of growing and harvesting lavender, as well as distillation of lavender oil, and the practical use. 25. Kalnziednieki Grand Oak Jaunlutriņi parish, Ošenieki, Saldus municipality Kalnziednieki Grand oak can be found not far from the road and Ošenieki village centre. This is the greatest oak in Saldus surrounding area – with perimeter 7.9 m. 45. Janis Rozentāls’ Native House “Bebri” GPS 56.718002, 22.442915; Saldus parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 26149316 The surroundings of the native house have shaped J. Rozentāls into a great artist. Now, a memorial plaque is placed on the wall of the building, but the museum of J. Rozentāls is located in Saldus – in the house and studio designed by the artist. 46. Native Place of Writer Irma Grebzde GPS 56.382741, 22.640197; Ruba parish, Saldus municipality Reņģe Railway station was built in 1935. Writer Irma Grebzde was born in this building. 25. 26. Baloži Palm Pine-Tree Kursīši Parish, Saldus municipality This pine-tree’s uniqueness stems from the fact that it is the only one in Latvia that has gained the shape of a palm-tree in a natural way. 48. Indoor Climbing Wall GPS 56.650099, 22.466653; “Mežvidi”, Novadnieki parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29163386, +371 29215457 Do you feel like conquering mountains? Start with climbing the indoor climbing wall. All the necessary equipment is provided, and an instructor is available. 49. Wild Boars on “Liepnieki” Homestead GPS 56.726809, 22.384855; Lutriņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29416298 The host Ainars Upenieks keeps wild boars and also prepares various animal trophies. 27. Līči Grand Oak Lutrini parish, Saldus municipality Līči Grand Oak (6.16 m) is located on the Ciecere River bluff. A rest area with a picnic table is located nearby. 50. Ceramics Studio “Klapatas” GPS 56.546639, 22.207096; “Klapatas”, Pampāļi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63865253, +371 26305478 At ceramics studio “Klapatas” visitors will get acquainted with potter’s work, and everyone can try their hand at creating a ceramic item. 28. Meldzere Hollow Rock and Cērpene Grand Rock Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality Two interesting nature objects are located in Nīgrande – the Meldzere Hollow Rock and the Cērpene Grand Rock (7.1 x 4 x 1.5 m). Meldzere hollow rock is an ancient cult rock. Local inhabitants have passed on the information on its meaning from generation to generation till the 20th century. 29. Zaņa Water Mill and Millpond Zaņa parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29451173, +371 29389611 The first owner of the mill was baron von Nolken, whose name is inscribed on the sluice wall. Fishing planks are set up at the pond and boat rental as well as licensed fishing is available. 47. Sātiņi Ponds Restricted Nature Area Novadnieki parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29165144 The 3780 ha large territory of Sātiņi ponds nature area with its 30 artificial ponds is located approximately 8 km to the south-west of Saldus. The ponds attract many bird species during nesting and migration season. The area has not been improved for tourist purposes, but it is still an interesting place for bird-watching. The forests around the ponds are home to many birds of prey and some rare bat species. 29. 51. Ceramicists Laima Jaunskunga and Valdis Jaunskungs GPS 56.44457, 22.12347 “Keramika”, Nīgrande parish, Kalni, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63842599 Ceramics workshop. 52. SIA MATSS “Saldus maiznīca” (“Saldus Bakery”) GPS 56.684914, 22.474829 Satiksmes iela 3, Saldus, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63881013 “MATSS” invites you to take part in baking and tasting their very special meat rolls and pastry. Find out the best recipe for baking meat rolls at home. 30. Lake Odzēni (20 ha), Lake Ķerkliņi (50 ha) and Lake Svētaiņi (30 ha) are the biggest lakes in Zvārde parish. The lakes are surrounded by forests and untouched territories – a landscape with long-term absence of human influence, which offers good possibilities for quiet recreation, fishing and bird watching. 53. Textile Studio “Austrumi” GPS 56.69405, 22.49882; Saldus parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 26470849 The textile studio “Austrumi” is located in a beautiful area near Saldus town. The textile artist Baiba Rītere’s hand woven tapestries have been acknowledged in many exhibitions in Latvia and abroad. She introduces the visitors to weaving process, its specific character and the significance of colours. Tapestries can be viewed and purchased at the studio. Custom orders are accepted. The most enthusiastic visitors can sign up for weaving classes. 31. Venta River Valley in Nīgrande parish attracts visitors with its charming scenery. It is also a popular destination for water tourists. 32. Vadakste Water Reservoir (110 ha) is situated on the Vadakste river. It has become a popular place for recreation and fishing. In “Upmaļi” there is a camping site, boat rental, also a sauna (+371 26341958). 33. Kanavišķi Water Reservoir Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality The water storage lake (19 ha) is made on the Losis river. It is the largest water storage lake in Nīgrande parish. On the left bank of the Losis river brown coal deposits and outcrops were found. The mining place of brown coal can still be seen at “Līči” today. 54. Making of Ice Cream GPS 56.691028, 22.450785; Kuldīgas šoseja 4 (Road P108), Druva, Saldus parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63839154, +371 29360577 The local ice cream producer AS “Druva Food” offers a possibility to observe the ice cream making process in their production unit, to taste freshly made ice cream and find out something new about the making of the cold treat. 34. Cinema-Photography History Collection GPS 56.668727, 22.352014 Homestead “Ziķi”, Zirņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29456334 The enthusiast of cinema and photography history Andris Bušinskis has arranged a remarkable exposition of cinematography and photography equipment. This exposition tells about the development of cinematography and photography devices from their beginning. 55. Zvārde Shooting Range GPS 56.600492, 22.539217 “Lapsas”, Zvārde parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29274565 Everyone is welcome to test his shooting skills. Experienced instructors are there to help and instruct about safe and proper use of firearms. Guns are available to rent. There are moving targets “running moose” and “running wild boar”. 35. Local History Exposition in Nīgrande Manor Granary GPS 56.485233, 22.09215 Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63864239, +371 27015073 In the collection of local history materials, there is a special place for writer Jēkabs Janševskis and his work. There is a special exposition, which tells about the traditional way of life and interior of manors. Separate exposition is about the Soviet times in Latvia. 56. Medicinal Herb Garden “Aronijas-180” GPS 56.664953, 22.471567 “Aronijas-180”, Zirņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 26425012 During a tour in the medicinal herb garden of the herb knower Rita Armulika, you can learn about the healing abilities of various herbs, and taste and purchase various types of her herbal teas. 15. Holiday Centre “Juku dzirnavas” GPS 56.862675, 22.497754 “Juku dzirnavas”, Zutēni, Šķēde parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 26825552 Fishing, boat rental, hunting, sports grounds, hosting of active recreation events, deer garden. 36. Arturs Hartmanis’ Private Antiquities Collection GPS 56.540878, 22.211326; “Dzirnavas”, Pampāļi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63865506; +371 28658911 The collection is exhibited in “Dzirnavas”, Pampāļi parish. Listening to the enthusiastic story of the collector, you can look at the antiquities found in Pampāļi rural territory. You can see the traditional household objects, hope chests, radios, gramophones (in working order), military antiquities and an impressive postage stamp collection. There is also a collection of books, photographs and many other interesting things. 57. Beekeeper Jānis Vainovskis GPS 56.641481, 22.696803 “Kāres”, Blīdene parish, Brocēni municipality, phone: +371 29497903 A visit to the apiary of beekeeper Jānis Vainovskis is a great way to learn a thing or two about beekeeping and honey, to taste various types of honey as well as bee bread and pollen. The beekeeper also familiarizes visitors with the process of making candles with beeswax and offers everyone a possibility to make a candle themselves. In summer, when bees are active, the braver visitors can spend an extreme day in apiary. 16. Holiday Centre “Krustkalni” GPS 56.64318, 22.425277 “Krustkalni”, Novadnieki parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29457794 “Krustkalni” offers boat rental, fishing, and fish soup. 37. Lutriņi School Museum GPS 56.7306, 22.396352; Lutriņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63831367 Lutriņi school museum is located in Lutriņi manor building. The museum tells about the history of the school and the parish. Near the museum there is a park, which has been included in the list of protected dendrological plantations. 14. Lašupe Mill GPS 56.708534, 22.31859; Lutriņi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 26832623 The mill is a monument of European industrial heritage, where the German made Buhler grain mill operates since 1933. 17. “Bieriņi” Homestead GPS 56.439959, 22.105258 “Bieriņi” homestead, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29449245 “Bieriņi” homestead offers commercial fishing, also a possibility to see wild ducks and learn a thing or two about these birds. Wild duck hunting during the hunting season is also possible. On “Bieriņi” homestead there is an impressive collection of animal trophies displayed to the public. 18. Farmstead “Strauti” GPS 56.483658, 21.987069 “Baltiņi”, Nīgrande parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29385079 Here the country life can be experienced in all its richness. Visitors can see various domestic birds, a sheep flock, cows, rabbits of various breeds, ponies, and other animals. At this biological farm you can buy plantlets and farm products. 19. Nature Trail “Zaņas līkloči” (“Zaņa Meanderings”) Zaņa parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29389611 The nature trail is situated in the picturesque valley of the River Zaņa. The trail is 4.5 km long, but can be walked in shorter sections if desired. At the end of the route there is a national protected area – rock deposits and outcrops of Jurassic period in territory of approximately 10 ha. There are 4 rest areas with campfire sites on the riverbanks. The trail offers rare and protected plant species, large colonies of river mussels, beaver trails and dams. Guided tours are available with advance reservations. 38. Pampāļi School Museum GPS 56.547443, 22.203748 Pampāļi parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63865271, +371 28716405 A very rich collection of history and local history materials is exhibited in Pampāļi Local History museum, which is located in Pampāļi School. Detailed information on the course of World War II in Saldus area is also displayed there. A dendrology trail near the school acquaints with uncommon species of plants. 37. 38. 59. Paintball Park “Dāre” GPS 56.790843, 22.542565 “Brūveri”, Gaiķi parish, Brocēni municipality, phone: +371 26305332 Paintball, horse rides, tasty meals served outdoors. The hosts also offer guided group tours to Gaiķi church, Gaiķi castle mound as well as to Satiķi Nature Trail (1.2 km). Advance reservations mandatory. 60. Holiday Centre “Radi” GPS 56.641953, 22.565825; Lielciecere, Brocēni municipality, phone: +371 29538230 Boat and catamaran rides on Lake Ciecere, sports activities, homemade soup cooking outdoors. 39. Local History Exhibition of Vadakste Parish GPS 56.376884, 22.745129 Vadakste manor, Vadakste parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 28758740 Collection of various historical materials, ethnographic collection. 61. Holiday Centre “Zvejnieki” GPS 56.646483, 22.566297 “Zvejnieki”, Lielciecere, Brocēni municipality, phone: +371 29715001 Fishing, boat rental, sports fields, campfire sites, 3 gazebos. 40. Local History Exhibition of Saldus Parish GPS 56.695482, 22.45034 Druva Culture Centre, Saldus parish, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 29145725. 41. Saldus German Soldiers’ Cemetery GPS 56.607531, 22.457678 “Tērpji”, Novadnieki, Saldus municipality, phone: +371 63807098 Since 1997, a search for military burial sites and the reburial of the soldiers has been carried out. Currently there are approximately 23 000 German soldiers reburied at the cemetery, but the work is carried on, because the research of the military burial sites is not completed. From May to October an informative exhibition on Courland Battles is displayed to the public in the memorial room of the cemetery. A register of the soldiers buried at the cemetery is available. 58. Recreation Centre “Smuku muiža” GPS 56.728978, 22.801123; Remte parish, Brocēni municipality, phone: +371 28659472 Tour around the manor, mini golf, sports fields and ropes course. After the sporting activities, the group can enjoy chef’s made pancakes with jam or honey. 41. 62. Farmstead “Kaijas” GPS 56.746793, 22.693198 “Kaijas”, Remte parish, Brocēni municipality, phone: +371 28868772, +371 26290710 Farmstead “Kaijas” offers horse rides, basic instruction for beginners, obstacle training, and rides in horse-drawn carriage or sledge. There is a collection of ancient saddlery. Possibility to see domestic birds and goats. The host offers workshops of crafting traditional straw ornaments puzuri. Tasting of smoked goat cheese. Special offers for weddings.
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District of Kandava
District contains 7 territories:
Town Kandava - administrative centre;